TOE OREGON DAILY. J OIXItNAL, rORTLAKD. SATURDAY EVENING, J UXE L 1 003. GOSSIP OF CITIES "I Want Dat i. Bargain in Our Rupept. PEOPLE WHO BUY - ABOUT THE BAY . ,VVe have placed on aafe a large lot of Rui whlah ) lot J; excellence In value can not b9 beaten br.'aiiy pther itoni! j ' cern In this city. They are r' y f:,. VITC3 HAZEL Strain Gets a Poor Young Man to Swear to a False Statement and the Ladl Failure of Epplnger & Co. DIs cussed, Which Shows the Now Tells of the Trick That Was Played on Him Before an Alleged "Judge" Who Was a Notary Public. ? Sweepi ng Charged of fraud Maae Against firm. (. . A CLUMSY EFFORT TO FOOL Special OEOTHES D1DID' Soap" ' ' '.""asssahs.. '" J i tSMYRNlR0QS A Cotton Jisfit Was Given the Man, from Heppner and, In Panic , Strain. Changed' the Ooods. : Had? Heard The Journal Was Apprised " of the Deception that Had? Been Practiced on P, ; W, Allison, In a clumsy effort to mitigate the ef fect ot The ; Journal's expose of hla questionable, methods, Paul Strain, pur- ever ef cotton made mlaflt clothing to the, unwary,- lias succeeded tn proving tha case aralnat himself. . P. W. Allison, on of the victims of tha Strain-Hub atoras, twice came to Tha Journal effloe, voluntarily, and com plained of hla treatment and thla paper published ihw facta In tha ease as they were related by tha young man. Tha lath j- -ttw-lr from - th wrantry ana 'unused to tns wiies or. unscrupulous merenants. After Allison voluntarily made fcom plalnt to Tha Journal tha Strain outfit ught to -appease their vletlnv Alllol was assured that tha one aim In Ufa of Mr. Strain, Was to p lease him and by a lightning Change act tha boy, was ' clvan a substitute for the cheap, hand . me-down garments ha had purchased. Strain then Jndnced tha young man from . tha country to sign a statement Which no was not given time to reaa rareiuuy. 1 This statement, previously prepared by Strain, made It appear that tha Journal i. bad toot bean appealed . to by Allison. and ' that '. th latter had wot been sold aihMsd-me-down at alt; Tha youth from Heppner had no intention of. conta4lqting ,hla statement to this paper. Ha was .merely bam boos! ed Into ' signing a document tha full purport of which ha- did not understand. THE WAY OF THE FAKER WAS CRUDE STATE OF OREGON, ) )ss. County of Multnomah. ) .Personally appeared before me, W. 3. liofmann, a Notary Public for Oregon, P. W. Allison, who says: My name la P. W. Allison. I reside near Heppner, Or, On .June I, at the suggestion of a man whom I had known for about 10 days: I went to tha Strain Tailoring Company's store, on . Washington street, and there .. bought a suit of clothes. 1 paid 11160 for tha suit. A few days after ward I discovered that the suit was not as It had been represented to me by the salesman and that the quality was not good. Of course; I was dissatisfied with this alleged "bargain." Some one told me that .The Journal was making a fight agatntt fake clothing dealers and advised me to tell my experience to that paper. This person had no connection whatever with The Journal. . I went voluntarily to the office of The Oregon Daily' Journal and related what had occurred. I hereby declare that I told two gentlemen connected with The Journal that I had been imposed upon and that I waa not satisfied with tha treatment I had received from the Strain Company. And I now declare that I waa so dissatisfied and that my statement to Tha Journal waa true. 'I Thursday afternoon last, subsequent to the publication of my state ment in The Journal, Strain sent for me to coma to his store I went to Ah Washington-afreet .store and ono of Strain's clerks, asked me if I waa dissatisfied, with tha suit I had porch seed from him. I aald that I was and he then said he would change It and give me another suit. Thla he .. did.' . ...i. ... k. ' ' -'' . " . ' i . Strain then took me to a man who he called "JudgVI supposed from this that he was a Judge sad -got me to sign a statement. I did not read the statement very carefully and was not aware at tha time that I was contilctlntanythJngLlJiaA-lold. Jha-Journat ' " P.-W. ALLISON.. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ltth day of June. If QS. (Notarial Seal) f W.'j. HOFMANN. " Notary Public for Oregon. .. 1 ii i i 1 ii m 1 1 "jes gimme dt , munyon's Witches Haxel Soap, so I . kla ' b white as you lx. Munron'a Witch Hitfel Soan is a bless. Ins in tha nursery. Nothing is heard but praise from mothers. It cures all the akin torments of babyhood. Is lust the soap for delict te,. tender .skina.. Cures run,- teeming spots, cnaang, nives .ana eruptions. Gives comfort, ease and peace to the little ones: soothes and calmi; pre duces sleen: its delicious fratrance makes baby sweet-arrow:-It is jut as good for Alamroa and Papa as for Bab jr. ' FOR SALB BVERYWnERB Bubonic ' Plague" Again Re ported In City Other Mat ters of News of General In terest to Everybodyn- r 'N' ' M Eastern Outfitting Co. BRIGHT IDEAS OF THE WOM EN .This mornfng "Allison made a full I A Mumhpr nf . AriCWPrc Rp. .... . .1.. .1 ik. ' 1 1 wi 1 iuvi vf rmvifviw mv ceivea Trom uregon Lames : Strain store and after, carefully con aiderlng each' Hem, swore to tha state ment published elsewhere.' Another Strain dodge was prevented .last evening when The Journal, through - tha words of Strain himself, laid bar hla scheme. Saothae Cheap Flay. ' Btralri. In hla writhing to escape tha search-light of .publicity turned by The Journal upon hla methods. hit upon a plan. He would: pose, not only as an . honest man. but as a publio benefactor. ' Te this end he advertised In an evening paper that he would donate "IS00 to any charity named if any man could prove that at any period of existence of either of his stores he has not got a lair, -square deal.1 Who Strive to Win Journal Premium, The A Very Clever Bit of Sugges- non Trom oanyonvme wax. with Others,' Can Be Made ot Value to a Newspaper, The women of Oregon have good Ideas, They have furnished The Journal with a number of bright Ideas and among those who have written really, valuable suggestions The Journal has forwarded the 1 that It has promised women for each practical auggestlon of "what Is ITT-"'- v -.r t- When this proposition came to tha at tention; of The, journal, this paper at . once saw a way to secure several thous and dollars for-worthy Causes, but Teal' - tttnv thar mrm nrln.iul ititAmpnt tn ' pay money was worthless, It invited ot Interest most to women tn a news fitrala ta nut hla arreement into wrltlnc 1 Paperf ' His total failure to do this branded him ; The Journal xITers f tapleCe for as Insincere. . i women's Ideas that can be put to use In - ' 1 departments of the paper. , ,-w. . "Women like - te read of events In strain was snown a cupping irom nis all classes of society," writes one lady. advertisement and asked If he would "Interest ; the school children and you put the 60fr agreement In writing. . I will Indirectly Interest all women." Is a - inere u is in me paper, won more very good suggestion and one that every dv ' you wantr he returned. He was woman should follow out But the moat uining ..shiiduwuis- aisionin -ru, interesting suggestionOf the batoh Is had begun to fade and a sterner, but contained In this letter from Canyon- mvra uFconiini wprmiov w. vrwpiiia I vllle! ; over nm cnemicsj-appeanng compeaion. CANTONVILLB, Ore,; , June 10. To Would Make ate Agreement '' ' the Edltor In a recent tseue of your "Strain was then told that It would be valuable paper you aay that The Jour- Imnoasibls to force collection upon an I nai wants -women's Ideas" In the mak unt.ianed statement nublished In a news- Ing of a more interesting paper. paper. Again was he asked to put his 1 In this morning's paper appears an agreement In writing. article under the heading. "Advice to "You and everyone else will have lo be Olrla." Now. it seems to me, "Women satisfied with that" he said, striking the I and Olrls" are getting the lion's share MET IN MEMORY OF ' : GEORGE C. STOUT RAINS DO MUCH TO HELP THE FARMER! Mr oh X TatTteoB - :'v-' SAN FRANCISCO. June ll Finan cial circles ware badly shaken up by the recent disastrous failure ot the old and supposedly wealthy grain firm of Ep pinger A Co. Not since the days whon the "big four" cornered the wheat mar ket end made and ruined se many men h there been auch e tearing up on the street as the past few days has wlt nsssed. At this writing every phase of the failure has a bad look. Money was borrowed on warehouse certificates "rep resent Ins: sweeolnaa . and emntvness Large hortflngs of wheat were made tel certainty, until we hare looked over the do duty several times as security fori ground, but we will , probably have loans, with the consequence that some I rreigm ana passenger aepois at fernery of the biggest financial Inatltutions In vUJs and Berkeley, . 1 , , tha rlfv ti&ati Miirtit with worth. I . Faolflo aasArea. - -' less paper on their hands, and the erst-1 "Officers of the Faolflo Squadron now while mlUtonalra. grain men.Aj;a-.nowl in thia port epreaa the belief that it Is tterly ruined, unable te show even a the purpose or the department to In- small percentage of, assets to' cover j crease the number of vessels in thig nearly two millions of Indebtedness. 1 squadron. . The recent actions ef Hussls The firm has been regarded for yeara asl toward the affalra-Of-Corea- and-the above aueatlon In matters of financial continual trouble In the Central Amerf honor and their glgantio operations on lean 8tgtes makes the strengthening of wind ' has taken the town by surprise. 1 tne racino squadron desirable, if not No less surprising is the fact that neroasary. wne of Admiral Glass' oft) bankers whose business it Is to care-leers aald. In commenting on recent tele iuiij- investigate secunues oerore jenq-1 grams rrom nssningron: . lnr .money should have been so com-1 'The situation In Manchuria and Co pletely hoodwinked. Speculation with rea Is such as to convince the . naval other people's money Is the explanation officers who keep watch on these things of the collapse. Suddenly called upon "that there Is likely to be need of more to make good, the firm waa unable to I American ships on the Aslatio station produce tha sola and tumbled the whole before many months. It would be good ... . 1. 11. . 50x60 In size, reversible, aoe of very pretty color-effects, FRINGED. j - Ths regular price of fhese .Ruft Is $3.50, : ; Our Unitiatchablc Price, $1.30 And w will sell only two to a customer. ' m ' 388.390 WASHINGTON .ST. .7;-' -.4'.t r-.vt- -: V.''" rotten structure. Bnbosio Flaerme A gala. policy for the department te movff. Sum ner's ships to the Chilean Coast ' This Multnomah Bar ' Passes Reso lutions of Respect and Eulogize Dead Brother, (Journal Special Service.) PENDLETON. June 11. The heavy rains of Thursday were continued 'yes terday and today at Intervals and the reports coming In- would In dicate the deluge to be gen- h. v..i. .h,ui-. can be done without exciting the alarm congratulating themselves that every fn'" povernjnent. but not on trace of bubonic plague had bean exter minated tn Chinatown, along comes tha unwelcome Intelligence that one more the pretext that American interests; In Chile demand protection, for that Is e reflection on the competency of the Chll This morning the members of the Multnomah County Bar met In Depart ment No. 1, of Jhe State Circuit Court I would otherwlae have done. reported waa found' In March, since era! all over the country. Plenty of I which time the most thorough search water haa fallen, but the trouble Is that failed to bring to light the least us it has fallen so fast thst ths large part upicion of ths presence, of the dread j of It has run off the ground, and has disease. There Is hardly a probability therefore not done the rood that It that the discovery of this new case will create anytnmg mora man annoyance case haa been dlaeovered. The last case " t0 maintain order within their own clipping dramatically and rolling his fishy eyes toward the celling where long lines ef cast-off garments hung sus pended. By this time the smile was gone altogether. AS though In response to a signal Strain's clerks began to gather about their employer. - It seemed like a com mon custom for the boss of the Hub to of advice, all of it good I suppose. Nearly every book, paper and maga- sine one picks up has the familiar head line: "Advice to Women:;. "Advice Xa Olrls." Now, will you not please to di vide this up more equally. Olve the "Man And Boys'' their siare. We girls and women do not Want It all, I am not caring particularly on what lines boys summon his workmen to his aid when and men are given advice, but would some one upon whom- h was to prac- have all the effort In that direction fit tics hia art had penetrated his de- and to the point, for it is badly needed. If you have not an editor that makes a specialty of "Advice to Men." please get one. It will make your already popu lar paper more so with the "Women and Olrls" and others as well A WESTERN WOMAN. There Is so much pith and point to I the above communication that Tha mg to a man like you!" shoated the Irate Journal considers it a most excellent "train, as ne aancea out rrom behind Idea and .will aend Its check for 11 in his counter and made a dash for lm- conformance with the offer made bv thla w niuniiy ana me rear ena or tne store, paper to pay that sum for each woman's Anotner one or strain's rake schemes Idea received and used bv thla turner. : ia ore u exponco. Signs. "We only ask that you put that agree ment in writing," Strain waa told, "I've already talked enough about It" 1 he retorted. "But do you refuse to sign that agree ment?" was again aaked. I ain't got no tlm to waste talk- and paid respect to the memory of the late George C. Stout Judge John Ii. Cleland presided at the meeting. The committee appointed at a recent sea slon of the Association to draft resolu tions . submitted Us report . Touching tributes were paid to the young attor ney, that of Dan J. Malarkey, hla school mate and lifelong friend, being of excep tional beauty and filled with the pathos of one who had lost much. . Others who eulogised the deceased - were Whitney L. Boise, who submitted the resolutions, N. H. Bloomfleld, Arthur C. 'Bpencer, J. T. McKee and Martin U Pipes. ,. Judge Alfred F, Bears, Jr., spoke In be half of the court and praised the ster ling qualities and exceptional ability- of Mr. Stout .The meeting extended over an hour, ,7ThO resolutions as Adopted iouow; . , ,. Mr. Chairman Tour committee appointed at former Beettnc of this bar to draft moln. ttotts spot h antlmrly death of mir decraavd brother, George C. Stout bf Ware to report the following,, and recommend, that the same be adopted: Georf C. Stoat wis a aterHn character, a young man irbo hid endeared blmaeir not only to the -nembera of the bar but to a boat of friends, who. with keen iutereat and iratlAva- tfcra saw bis efforts eonatantly reauTtloa Id worthy achievement a ad merited Mcrem- He wa kind hearted to a fault and of a-entle and cheerful dlanoaltlon. but at the- aame time rrao- lute ana determined in lorein to a anccemful laau bl undertaking. He mwt the menace Of death with quiet couraa- and realated the enrroaenments ot tn invincible emmy with determination and fortitude until th unequal eonteet cloaed with hi life. He wa cut down In the full visor of hia youth and in sljrbt of the rewards due him by bl induatry and amnition; ana we, to wnom the future 1 a ealed book, bow to tb Inarm table decree ft Providence as bos of a wladom beyond ear utmost ken. it oa and brother, so ward ef our raa mequateiy expreaa too qualities that en deared bins tn th loved ones of his bom and neann; tnereror, oe it Resolved. TBt we hereby exprea our dee or out VI,. .l.MuKK. . A..t I In thai tAltfi Atfla, fnf uruA th, ii,m of the vicinity of the city has been dam- tinlxlng: care of ths Federal authoritiea " -uv aged to some extent and for that reason I and the excellent work done on the llnea details of the storm are not yet fully of disinfection and cleansing generally obtainable. ' I no oontagton is to be feared, nspectors Reports brought In this evening from make dally tours in Chinatown and It southeast of Pendleton tell ot . two would seem to be Impossible that a case waterspouts In the vicinity-of Comb's of .any contagious .disease should es canon, one Thursday and one jester- detection... Dr.. Blue of the Marine day. The first one which occurred ere- Hospital Service, who has succeeded pr. ated a sreat ' rush of water down the Ulennon in charge of the plague" in gulch and 60 head of mutton sheep were I veatlgatlon and work of extermination. territory. But a friendly visit by the fleet or another nation is. always in order. Such a visit the North Atlantic fleet is now making at Montevideo. . "It may be only speculation, but put guess Is .that the Administration at Washington expects soon to have reason for more ships close to the Chinese end STAMP PHOTOGRAPH CAUSE OFJROUBIE 5 'liA'jKI e e r- vt icians (Formerly wtta Wrlxbl. Jwlrj Expert Opt SPECTACLES EVE GLASSES! test :Jippew( loiesl 'Prki- ' It took three hours In the Municipal Court - this- morning to. patch tip the drowned on the McCracken place near expresses no alarm whatever over the 1 trouble that stamp photograph caused AlaklL One report has It that ths sheep were killed by lightning end that the herder was struck and had his arm badly burned, but was not seriously in jured otherwise. This afternoon-' the new case. He talks as If hs would have) when Mrs. & K. Whitehead brought It been surprised if occasional cases did I to ths office fft the Oriental Portrait So not pop up every now and, then. I clety's office In the Sherlock Building, Sost xee Diamond Tooth. , Friday afternoon, to have it enlarged to Over tha ha V In-Oakland there waa a I " j-. . w... ..... v i - uver ins Day in-Ajaaiaira mere u ". . , - - - second cloud-burst esme, this time on family row the other day "which bad one L . O. Cuthblth. proprietor, of the por- Phillips Bros; -COR..6hjVND, Office wltlVhlttSwIiii fiacjilhl fej iamny row me uiner nay wninn uma on . ' , 'i T A . . - i. w. . t . I trait aAclatv. m-n hernra Juda-n. Hoauel ' or-two unique zeaiurss. a nasningioni - . - r . . . " ' . j ; , .1 street dentist named Cosn some years "n r'l ot "S? MAniJIt ' ago married and during his courtship preferred by, 'M''-" VJf. the Other side, between Nye and the head of the, canon, Th men bringing tn- the renorta sa that -the water ran three feet deep dowe th canon and the j conceived the Idea of having a diamond ,on arguments, ana uon . tesumosy 1L MEN iT SUITED gulches, . 'Xsia Xelpe Crops. (Journal Special Service.) ADAM 8, Or., June, . J. -The . heavy rains of last -night and. today have done much to Improve the crop outlook and It is now expected that much of the wheat given up as beyond chance of be- rearet at th untimely death of our decease. toolbar, eeorre fi. Ptnt nod pnr plticer sorrew at the Inaa Thla Fiar. hita thnrahv narMlnH' - BmiWd, That w trader to the members of nia airirsen xamiiy our neartreit sympatny IS iu.-a, ,,iu, Mr,vw -,, u-rn,uiniii Eeaolved. That thraa resolutions be spread tarvas aw ua va. wi sw .ui V . Wm SI S ri (roaaed copy thereof be aent to hi family nd a copr turnmnfq loo oaiir prea OI 101 City tor puoucauon. WHITUBT h. BOI8B, AKTHI B C. 8PENCEB, PAN. J. MALARKEy, JOHK F. LOGAN. JOHN T. M'KEE. -. Commltt IT IS ANOTHER , STRAIN STORY Thrown in Jail and with the state s prison staring him in the face was the fate of Charles J. Twersky in a civil ised country and among enlightened people because ho refused to do that v which he considered dishonest. , , "I feel that I have been the victim of the revenue of- an unecrupulous man," said Tweraky. "I ca,m' to this town a r stranger and almost penniless. In less - than a week after my arrival J was thrown Into the. municipal Jail without knowing what I was charged with and for more than a Wren I laid in the , county Jail without a hearing or a chance to speak. - "Is that the way -to treat one? I have never been in Jail fWore'ln my life. I come Of a good family and I can easily secure references as to my previously .. , good character. I desire vindication. I ... do not know whether I shall remain in Portland, but whether 1 go or stay I -do not care to have auch a cloud as this hanging over me. "Is seed of work Z went to Paul , Strain's "store on Washington street and secured employment at gia per week and a commission of SO per cent v oa all over-charges. The first week X snaAe gao. But I did not desire to eon etaes te such a way as that and I told Strata I would like to make a legitimate - salary. " T will Start a new system.' said my 'employer, so be took- a number of suits . marked 110 and raised the prices on , them to $11.95. "Now." he said. 'I will give-you boys s' dollar extra on every ; one of these suits you sell." On the suits marked tie he aid he would give i us IS cents. This Is what la known as the P. hi. system- --;" 1 , "8uch ' wsy f doing business dld 'ot suit me la the least and when two of us. went, to him on " Monday - and asked that we be paid a straight salary wa were handed our tl end told to go. strain followed us to the door and struck my companion, Wilson, who is an old man, in the face with his fist. it was because I advised Wilson to bring suit against the clothier that led to my arrest. He was angry because of my refusing to work under the. P. M. aystem and because of my stand in re gard to his assault on Wilson. The next day I was arrested and hurried to Jail on the trumped-up charge of steal ing a suU of Paul Strain's shoddy cloth ing, and It has tnken me 10 days to re gain my liberty." SUPREME COURT CASES (Journal Special Service.) SALISM. June 13. The Supreme Court has set six chucr for hearing for thts week beginning Monday, June 22. They are: Monday, June 22 Kon 1.. Earle. np'- peuunt, vs. tsyivester z.. rcarle. respond ent; appeal from Coos County; 12 m. t . O. Bergman, respondent, vs. lnman Poulsen & Co. and 'Ala I tie Makarinen. ap pellants; appeal from Multnomah County; 12 m. Tuesday, June 28 Van B, Cears, 4 executor, respondent, vs. John t. Daly I et a)., appellants; appeal from Marlon .County; 12 m. U. Ii. Colbath. appellant. vs. Hoefer 5orn. respondents; appeal from Marion County; 12 m. Thursday, June 25 J. Adrian Epping. executor, respondent, vs. Washington National Building. Loan u Investment Association, appellants: appeal from Multnomah County; 12 m. Leo. J. Pat terson, by J. P. Finley, guardian', ' re spondent, vs.jl'nlted Artisan, a corpora tion, appellant; appeal from Multnomah County; 12m.' Prof. Sheldon Th World's Oreat Palmist, Vow locate! at "COSMOS," COX. rOUHTH AKD MOHRI80M I'M am M M - . ma t cm,vjw bi, mm, mm MB ev. Prof 8hfldon Is graduate of tb University of Pari---pipil of the greatest Hvlnff nutburity on poj-rooiojj rrorpaaur v.narcot 01 raria. He (Prof. Sheldon) la, beyond tbe ahadow oi a aoiiot. ine most eintinc practlclnf med lum and nalmlat ln-he world tortar. Prof. Kbeldon ha In his posaealon hundred of testimonials coming from .people of all eiaaaew. II of. Hlirldon aatlxSe where other fall, heuee his trade mark. "Hatlsfurtliin or No Charife." THI8 NOT HONEST? COULO ANYTHING BE KAIRKK? AUvK given on all niattcro of life. ASHORE AT ST. JOHNS; BT JOHNS. N. B-. June IS. The Al lan. Uner. Norwegian, is ashore at Cape flay today and Is likely to be A total wreck. Her cargo and cattle are being thrown overboardv net In on. of hla affilancad wife's tooth, fom DOtn siaes, mo aeienanm was nrnh.MV n hntt. .hn. hia .w.tinn charged. The court considered - tljat bear witness to his skill. Matters have ?th,b!tM .hlL M.Ll fill hot bee altogether satisfactory In the ?rhJteeaidw'r0J?J1h" ,!w",!bJ5I2!l-!1l5 tnatrlmnrHal lira tit (ha dentlt In anlta "iu vn m viu iv of the diamdhd-set tooth Mrs. Conn had ,0TC,:i Wo- It. ' Hence the aeTehdaf hi." office : ""T sfternoot,, .. published ye.tef- On the occasion In question she came to MV tbe bfflce and soon after her arrival the fe of l.Jl Mum bnuma en.rsred .in a fast and I the Sherlock Building, having .with hr ing saved will give 4 fair yield. Re- "US n,r.hJ,,nUrUnd,n, rt furious wordy warflre, terminating In PhotoiPh. most encouraging. ( : r tha in., of th. diamond tooth caused bv f enlarged to life slse. She held destrsd coupon, ELECTRICIANS ARE IN CONSULTATION a stlnglpg blow In th mouth delivered w wmcn . P' hv h.V-i man Th.t hi not ce.nta, this entitling her to the work she only cowardly but rather an expensive wanted.- 8he was Informed that the one for the dentist. The wife took a Photograph could not hand In the physical argument at that m""'l 'k,0 r'l: A ?J point and In a remarkably short time ,u8d- Trouble ensued, snd n officer wak k. ,.i,.j -t,.,,-!. .,...1... k.j iiinnionta, r intuy sirs, wniwnwn bp- struck it Bh. tor. down the draper,. Pne t cmdiuUsL r i inn 1 . ' ; r v -. BAN rriANCISCO June 13.-The Ini "rlT -V'.L "r""1!,,"' T. she alleaW. assaulted her : violently ternatlonal Brotherhood, of Electrician the arrival out cf th door f his es- would doubtless soon have turned beir Lt,- is this afternoon meeting representa tives of the Pacific States Telephone "v"r?".r "aJnT-imZT-J hnu.i whlnh a r-M tint nnlfnrm rnr Ih, 1 1 - same clans of '.work In cities on the Coast The result will affect the whole body on this Coast; . BRITT-O'KEEFE FIGHT A DRAW HELENA, Moht, SJune 1-After 20 rounds of fierce fighting. ' with' tbe hon ors about evenly omaea, tne unit OlCeefe fight was declared a draw.: Xdna Wallae 1 Oourt. Edna Wallace Hopper la In the city on business connected with her suit to set aside the will, of her step-father,. Alex ander. Dunsmulr. The suit of the pretty young1' actress, was filed sortie months ago In the British Columbia court, the grounds being the incompetency of Dunsmulr at the time he signed it and An' th. rrnnnil that itnriuA In. n ...''. -. -. "."-- I uaiismenics .a fluence was exercised by his brother, I Cadet Lieutenant Elliot .TamAa Dunsmulr. In aacurlnar hta'rel-1 Mitchell Commanding, stive's elrnature. It is sllesed bv the Company drill. .Company-, A w I . m-m ai w ww If. Kim. aVV. 4,Ss it, vwu' The commencement exercises of the Hill Military Academy and, the 'annual military exhlbltloa and drill will be held on Wednesday -evening, June 17 at S o'clock. The following Is the program Address. . . ........ .Judge J. B. Cleland Presentation of -Jiplomas.' , . ? Dress parade. .. .Companies A. B and C Cadet Major H. H. tnmstead. .Cora mannirisT. v compstny v ,0 Second Dav of Sale Comes' tn . a PIe arA f nf DU','A viuoo ohwv 1.CII UCIII1IU rr Some Money and Also Plenty oi-Dinerness. '' Ranged from. 12 - to" .14 Cents But the Aver age Hovers Around the.tV. Cent Marki -yf. 1 Max fair contestant that for at leaat 40 days Cadet Cantaln J. manaing. before his death Alexander-JDunsmulr company drill TEXT tOW BATE! XA1T. to He has stood the t.i vt. 1H yeara' tin, aod today lB(l a tne only Psychic Falnilnt and AatrologaM- who tella you tbe innermost saorrt of your. life ir It boot Baking yoa a quratliis HI work la entirely different from other ino-t-illrdi Pilmlats and Clairvoyants, and bo matter how many yon hsv eonaulted and failed to art relief from yonr troubles and nitfortiinHi, d not despair, but call at once. Ii adrlaaa on love., marrlace. dlvurre, fpeenlstlon. lawauits, ebansea, hushanda, . wive. - strrethearta, and. In fact, anything pertaining to banian wel. fara. Ha tells yoa bow to ehaiut yoWr II f of misfortune to one of happlowaa and ala five yu power to secretly attract or Influ. enoa the. ene on love or admire, no matter wnere wealed. , m ao sot dapair aatll you have coosulted bua. SHELDON, "COSKOt" FOUkTH :AK vosimo ITS. B. a V. Offers lg Xndaoement Travel long iism ium aaa Stop-over. ; llunv Prirllnn jattd OrAimn nennfit doubt will take advantage ' of! the very low round trip excursion ra tea to. the Kast offered by tne uregon Kanroaa & Navigation Company, the. following ba ng the ngures rrom foruana: . unicago, 171.60: St.- Louis. S67.50;' Peoria, 189.261 Calrb (111.). $72.16: Memphis (Tenn.). 173.50; New Orleans. J85.36; Kansas Cltyi St. Joseph. Atchison, Leaven worth. Omaha, Council Bluffs. - Sioux City, St. Paul, Minneapolis, all $80. Da tea of sale: June- 4, 6, 24, 28, ft, IT, 28. 23. 30; July IS, 1 i August tS.'ZS. Limit: o-olnc. ten davs from date of sale; return, ninety days from date of sale. Stop-over nrlvtleaes will be al lowed within limit in either direction west of Missouri River or St. Paul. For particulars, ask at O. R. A N. ticket office, Third and - Washington streets, . Portland. , , . Preferred Stock Canned Goods. ' Allen Si Lewis' Best Brand. Mothers! ;;t Mothers!! lotherslli was not-in a right frame of mind, ss a result of his excessive use of intox-icantSj.and-that while in this condition, whlcnwas frequently attended with de lirium, James Dunsmulr came here from the north end Induced , his brother to sign a .will which had been prepared in Victoria by an attorney of that city. Democrats fjrui right. - There are beginning to be premoni tions of quite a lively fight tn the lo cal Democratic camp In the August pre mariea. There are two strong factions 1n the party, one headed by Gavin Mc Nab and the other by James H, O'Brien. O'Brien has the county organisation and has announced his committeemen In ths various legislative districts, but McNab if organizing the opposition and unless some sort of truce can be patched up there will be war to ths knife at the polls. , ' -v ' ' . Bants re omoiais, A' party Of Santa Fe officials ai rjved In the city from the South about the middle of the week on a tour of Inspec tion. In the party are General Man ager "Wells. Chief - Engineer Burns, Gen. era! Superintendent Shepherd and J. R. Hltthoock, assistant to the general man ager, v T.:.-, ..'.":'-..,-, ,,.'.. "We are here on an Inspection trip,' said General Manager Wells In an in ..ComDany Captain ' Malcolm A. Mac- Ewan Commanding. - These boys are from to 12 years of are ana are commanded by officers of their own ace. ' Individual competitive drill Sot gold ana silver meaais. , RING BATTLE" ISDN ft! "- ii ." -:.; - fjcurnat Special Service.) ? . HELENA, Mont, June 13,-Maurro Herrers, the brother of AUrello, knocked out Ode In ths sixth round of tne pre Jlminary to the Britt-O'Keefe flght. ThS principals entered the ring at 3 ociock. There Is a big attendance and the fight is being pulled off in ths opert and in a drizzling rain.--'- ; BUTTE. June U. Brltt and O'Keefe weighed in at 133 pounds, McDonald acting as referee and betting at the ringside stood 10 to 7 on Brltt, with few taxers, . 1 -:.- ,!':'( : ::":f-r ::-,,- - CHARGES DESERTION Winslow's Soothing Synip has been tued for over grxTT TEAKS by MTL UONS ef MOTffESg tor their -CHILDKEI4 while TEKTUTNO, whtv PERFECT 80CC8S It SOOTHES tVe CHItD, SOFTENS ths OTJMS, AtXAYS ail PAJN : CURES WIND COUC aad Is the best remedy for DIAItllHCEA. Sold by H. B. Morrison has instituted divorce. proceedings against , oracs Morrison, charging her with desertion. ; The Mr. rtsons were married in this city, May S, inn . thin m vur aflarcirdi. the saia Vfffnerai .manager wens in an jn I ;.;if JiZ tervlew. ;-and Incidentally to look; Into p,,ni '!??"' hV9l&& rum ouostton or Aatartiiatiinar simnia terminals at Oakland and Berkeley, pre paratory to the opening of our Oakland Richmond line as soon ss ths track ia laid. . We -expect to be running, trains into Oakland this fall. nd in order to have the fine completed ss expeditiously as possible we win soon be working on NEW STREET-SERVICE A temporary messenger service be 'tween' ths cars of the. Oregon? Water Power A Railroad Co.v and -the Mount th construction of th line from both! Tabor Station of ths Portland Fostomce, end. The -proposed line runs from I has been established, v Th distance is Richmond,'; two miles esst of ' Point r.icnmona, soutnward to ; Emeryville, The disUnee is eight miles, We have two V miles of roadway graded from Richmond southward, and construction work on the Emeryville end of the line M bs undertaken within a, few days. about a quarter of a mile. iWRECKfOLAKEvERI Vi.f WsasjaaasalaaaassjaiaitBaa! r: , - -l r J '' . , o - ' f Journal Special 8ervlc. s.",:;' etffvrt.iwn ia is rW atunu Pruggisu is every part pt the world.. Be sore l -.t whst will be done in the way of Davis was sunk half a mile oat In the utd ask for "Mrs. Wmstow. Soothing Syrap, VstjOdhrhing depots snd termtnal facili- harbor this afternoon. Th Captain badukaaeotbarkiad. Twet-4vcta,abotUa ties esnnot be said' with any degree of was drowned but all others were saved. PENDLETOtf. Jun t).-The . second ; oa.y of th ( Pendleton .wool sales hs come and gone and left "behind Ifcsoma money and slso some bitterness." 'The growers were unable to force th erics n euii iTism ana tney came . to Ui con clusion that ths buyers wsre In a -ring'; ror ns purpose or cheating them . out . or ine value or their product. Aiim suit, or this feeling the sales lagged. Xi waro tne cioset or the day and were as neavy as sras emected vesterM when the matttr .was 'trnder the discus-" slon of .the men- Interested n the trns4 actions of th,rday to come.' ,,, The ' prices ranged from II to -1 4 cents but the average hovered about' the . It-cent mark, floating a little abevs-and little below. The sales started out all right and during the forenoon, all of ths ' lots put up for sale with one exception were sold at th figures offered, but. rur ' Ing th afternoon the spirt of the meet ing charged and the sheep men refused . to put up their wool for the figures--of -ferred and the time passed with but , fit mm 4aa M tttA Sa1iaSa4 fSftraAftl aa- 1 A "TKaKA ss-a usss t-aaa . vs. vitw atvivu w vva i livi J :' waa in the several warehouses pf. the, city close to one million pounds -stored- A for the sales today and at the close of thsday's work there had been, only about one quarter of that, amount Alsit posed 4t' :'. r ' ;PR0SECpTE:BUSHRELD:.- -,';- vi-ji..,.",. &,-Ztf.$r;-wlfa " SEATTLE, WashJun aS.-irteutnf ant m. ax. uusnueia, now at .vanooi awaiting court-martial for mlnanp orlatton of government funds .while sta tloned .at Fort Lawton, will be subjected' to criminal prosecution oa well, . Juror- matlon charging him with passing,, at check to which hs had forged tbonamet of S, A. Campbell of this city, was Sled In th Superior Court today. Tha war-4 rant will not be served until afterr the military trlsl is concluded. - r, ,tti FUNERAL OF. GEN. M'COOK I CINCINNATI. , June 11. Ganrl Al exander McCook will be our lad Monday With great .military honors. j . The Xdwsrd Kolman Vnaertaklas Co fnneral directors' and embalmsrs. fisa YamhilL Jheae' B07, . Jr. 9. flnlsr aad Bon. -fnmaral Sirto4 : and smbalmers, have removed to th: new establlshmeat. raar Third- audi Madison streets. Both phones Se, 9. ? OrsmssoHnm, on ' Oregon Oitveai line, near Sell wood I modsra, eolentiflo, v complete. Charges Adults. 935 ( chll Aran, S25. Tisitors S te p. m. Portland Crematio Assooiatloa. Portland, Or. Stasis graves. S10. ramllv lota from i t75 to iiooo. The onlyt eemeterr la Portland waioh persetnany malntaiaa aad for lots. Por full Uformatiea StiPlr to W. X. Kaokeasi. Woreaatav Block, ci W. M. Z.add, prtsldsal' - Clark Bros.; for flowers. ISt Morrison Streett .. .. :. ; , . ; ... j-i. y tsse, , I 73f