THE QnEGOK DAILrOimyAL; roitTfcAyp; SATO I? DAY J U U! i 1 1 m "I COMMENCEMENT ATI Sermon by Rev. Dr, Stephen 5. Wse fca Open tre Annual Ceremonies" Alumni Gathering at , v Eugene from AH Paris Jt State; ; . I (Journal Special Barrio. ET70ENE. Or, June IS. Commence mnt befin tomorrow at the University of Oregon with tha annual baccalaureate eermea-by -lhe-.Bv. ir,Uphaa Wise of Portland, with tha uaual. feetlri tie and ceremonleJe that appertain to t eolyg functions. .' xcolleg1ans V ead alumni have been gathering la thla .Vs alty tor aevaral flay a and Eugene takea .a tha dallf htf ul aapect that mark tha I . ' alltf town whoa tha and ft the school ( ; fnu com. ... , .With tha graduation of .the class of '01, 17 in number, with two receiving jnaetera degrees In addition, 'the uni varsity enda its tlat roar of existence, anir the ITU sine laatruotton began. Tha totaf ht enrallmant fov tbe peat was 4la,)Uvlded.tnuar Onajluaie eeal ,.,.,..,,,,.4..... II a bcqi Aeademia rollagea and pen oat leMivoi ChOl Total ttoale, "J of Medicine i in , 1 4 , , . , t ' ll'lllltlMIIIIMK 44 11 1 li Jftta ' entered twie ' Net total a . . fie srr.. Ella. ror.Tra via. i . i. J wrenee, nna "f7 At "L I IIMMIflMttMUMI ' " The ottleera and lnatructora number 7. ' ; e : ril CXU.M 07 113. Degree will b onf erred aa -fallow: ervha I stater. A, R. La Grande, , - "iwllle-Ann Ankeay, , Bugene,. , Lulu Maude- Craig, jk, H , North Ya i. kiiia . Wuh. -'.. v." , - mee tk. Ullbert, A, a, WaUenvUle. cai , r -.a JU Hendrlrka, A, H Eugene, ' Huby Ylllard Hendricks, A. . B Zu one. ; ' a telle ;ViolA Armttate, ; A. Ba- L:narie v. nei, A. a., ieuanan, Harvey Bruce Denemore, A. B., lu Portland. Jludaun. A, B., -lTin- Frank Edwin SlUiftoa. . -A,,- Eu- ';: gene. .- ..(. . . v- Maria Merrimen Bradley,-A. B.; Med . ford. ' .r iAUee ilea Smith. A. B.i Monmouth, ?: Alice-' McKtnley, ' A, BH CentrvUla, , Cal. -'. : . - V i Fred h Thayer, Toledo, ' One Crawford. A P.. Portland, ?.Wbel fo. MUrf, A, ., WuBno, . Homer I, Wetta, A, D., Athena. Georfe W.' Eyre. A, B..'D.-yton, JVeeh. , ' . Ti ra cut, a. h.. fiwaeant Hill. ..Tfjwal XiM-hJa,WlteiPBwAB,tl,,La - " iHyi tltella KuykendalV A. B. BUr ttn4. i- i hi Milla Plummrf. A, B-, Pertland. -tma t), Murphv, A,-ttnmutlu .Harry Stanley hamb, A. B., Mon mouth. :' - , v , . .'..'Conda Ro- Been, B. S . Salem -A-alTln Caateel. B.- Slglnaw. i . JCrn CherleaMMlrr li. Eugene. ....WaitaftT.iCerrelV, B. 8..ugne. , ,,Frl Rar Xorria, B. 8 ."itea'da-Clty. rri toKton. B. ., BRHaton,-., a. . V RO't dtockton. B. S.Ballaton. , . - Oradnate Begxeea, , -t", ' Rnamer Rex Renehaw, M. H.. Eugene. 1 !hert A. Cleveland, Jr. M. A Aa-torta.- ; ..?.) " , Contemplated Zmprerementa. r Bcme potable' Improvrroenta are to be Ci.--.. ; .i.ik.a ,4ml tiU.iMmMU jth rx , peaae (jflwhlcij provided for by tha regular annual apropriatioa of 147.169, under theJUf illative act . which aeta aaldo that aunt yfarly "fpr aupport and . laaln tana nee" , and K , "conelruotion. of bulldlnga, and adaitlona to the "library -.z and laboratory facllitlea." and .the- epe clai . appropriation of $25,000 made at the 10 aeaalon of the Leglalatlve Aa Bemhl The apeclal appropriation la being, expended aa.followa: for repair and improvement! on the dormitory, tlt.tOO; for .reptplng the campus, f 1,200; far new -equipment, $10,100. to which will be added about $1,200 from the gen era I fund. The new equipment money Will be aa follow: for tha electrical engineering, department, ,4.000) for the civil engineering department. $2,000; for the library. $4,000; the balance for the department of phyalca and probably ome additional for the electrical equipment. - i Klncald Field. . the new athletic grounda, located on 'leased land acroia Thirteenth street from the cainpua. haa been put into proper condition by the expenditure of about 11,000 ana win give Vntvereity or Oregon atmetice an -im aet ua forward. r The If ew BonaltoiT' "The $11,000 that la to be apent In im proving the dormitory .will make that building attractive and comfortable. It la h three-story atructure. facing the Center of the campu on the eaat aide, and contains, besides roome'for, student, also tha llbraryt One feature of the hew J'orm" 1 to be a large drawingroom in sfhich the atudenta. may assemble, or alumni or faculty give reception. The dormitory will accommodate 70 atudenta when all Improvements have' been' made. i In connection with thla dormitory naturally follow the comment that the University should have a library build Jng. ' The41braxy.naw.,U..ojiJLhe.flrt and aecond floor In the north end. And the facilities are not what, they ahould be. lolloy of the ZaaUtafiaai And when one run if from mir tatement of fact Into the realm of aug geatton and; opinion Immediately opens out endless opportunity, for contention, f The- server Is . Impressed with one central truth," which la that thero muet be a radical alteration In policy If, the university is to take its proper place as the center of educational influences for the State of Oregon. This is said not In hoatlltty to, but In close sympathy with, the School. It is charmingly, lo cated In the beat town In the Willamette Valley, provided with a beautiful alte, : toad buildings and in all respect la de : lightful and attractive to the ambitious younar peraona who matriculate. 1 Ten years from today the Univeraity f Oregon muet have 1.000 atudenta. a rate of, growth leas than that will not have realised the reasonable expeota . tlona of the people who pay t orts main tenance. :;;.-r -..j.,-- , J ; ' :,V: 7 r f: ''Jy:j President Kast 8 aprenia. - ! If these larger experiences come' to the univeraity they will have to-scome because the preaident 1 placed at 'the ' head with absolute authority to direct the. governance of the t atudenta and election of lnatructora, - X Anyone acquainted with the conditions existent fere will Indoi-ae that proposition heart Jly. It admit of 60 disputation, One cannot fail to be impressed with the fact that the president of the unll vereltyts not Invested with authority ouch as he should exercise. He Is hot . In the sense he ahould be the manager of the Inetitutlon. He is not 'given : freedom auch as tha regents. Should al low, him. i- He haa not tha authority war the faculty he should wield. : His word la not jso final with; the atudenta s it ahould be, Iri'iort. the PrsMnnt i- rt r,-iiVly he i tet! 'hin-l of V" rr ). bv.t e i!!Mtr?tt n ! 1 - ' I :;h lu- tfrfo- t-i-c n:l t 'T r, ; t f ! . t . the membera of the faculty and their relatione to the atudent body.'" 'r: He WbmM Oaf pdaMin' :' I ' There is but on proper j course to be pursued by the Board of Kteeats, These gentlemen would act' ; wisely," if they came to Eugene, , summoned i (h presi dent before them, and said; Trealdent Campbell, we are going to alter our policy radically, for the future. Hereafter, you are to be the very head of tha Univeraity of Oregon, ' We - are going to look to you- for result. You are going to be responsible for all de- would transform tha inetitutlon. - They I would leather students who now go else- aome of the featurea of atudent gover ance" that now are rather more appro priate to schools in which much younger pereons are matriculated." "", ' t ' frofeesot Condon to. Have Aaslstaat Announcement has '.been madei that Professor Thomas Condon, the eminent geologian, la to h&v an assistant! heat year. This aaelstant la to be appointed in rewse to a request by Dr. Cbndon himself who wishes to be relieved ol some of the detatla of class work ami to devote Ms -time more especially to enjoying the fruitage o his magnificent llfework and to giving -the world aome further garnerlngs in his chosen field of Investigation.; Dr. Condon haa been 2& yeare t. the head of the department of geology., and haa a name above that of any other geologian in the Weat.r- 't' , Modernising the Onrrloalaaa. . . .'One commendable trend is nottceablH the attention given to -the study -of the aelences. The Unlreraitv la. well! equipped-, now and -will f b better equipped 4 when the new-; apparatus cornea,' for' the - scientific work that iMuiJimi w :xssssaSss2asiat1gssaTO ;:.f-.,v vvs-' ' "V.-vV:.;i..';'-.: .;'. ,.. '.Jc-Jz-0' "' i . :. . ": .'; : jY'v I 1: "i v X I ' ?', v '' 'M '-V- . ;--,. v'rN,; '. . 'A .'',,; ... . ,.. . .... ) v r-' . . ' y. !, . . , .' .. .- ;.,'. '"..v' . ...-..- ' (SKiCEK!1PIR ATE 3e . . : V'if.V."''-s V'.' -'"-. ;. ' ' . .. " . -r .- - '' ' m ' ' " :. .-; r':::'"vr t ;t '7"-' ' . -- ' i Concentrated Power is the strong point of the Electric Motor, and its power applied instantly and shut off . - The Motor offers many ad- can mstan vantages along More Efficient the line of Economy, Production and Better Health of Opierators. We have connected to our circuit hun dreds of motors,; running " all classes of machines from theismallsewnig machine to immense traveling cranes Formerly Miss Ruth Hanna, young st daughter 'of Senator and Mrs. Marcua H. Hanna. who was married laat Wedneaday, at Cleveland. O. 1 , " i tails. We are not going to atep beyond you " in any particular. You are to be to the University what. Charles Schwab la to the Steel Trust, an actual head, with abadluta-authority.l .Xhwu. If re aulta are not socurrd. we wiU find an other roan wluv will aeeure them." i Then to the faculty, those Regehta should say; ; . s ' 'Prealdeht Campbell la hereafter to be the head of the University, You will report to hlr as the absolute fountain' of authority, '-t'reced'enta will have na binding force. If precedents and progt resa do not comport together, q-ult the precedents." . , : . ... Thea Woald Besults Be Beoured. There is not a shadow tat doubt that thla policy would placa the Univeraity upon the proper baels. and enable the reoraT$lzatlon necessary to Its deserved future. The plant of the University is form a large part of the curriculum. Qooxl men are at the head of the depart ment, and earneat work I done by th atudenta. '. A system of electlvea by groups is In force.- recognising the Individual quantity as irv all institutions of stand ing: throughout the country. ; in fact, the conditions are prime for bounds forward auch aa would surprise apd please nil friends of the Univer aity, and thla proKreas is being accom plished in spite of aome hampering by renson, of things herein stated. Perhaps there, la yet a lack of college aplrlt. One observes too. many students golfig to , the trains ao Boon aa they hmc passed i their final "exams," ; and not waiting1 for the festivities of com-, mencenvent week. Aa one of the mem-, bers ofi the faculty remarked to the writer; . V "It would not be bud If there It Y ft ' jJEi- nil : k,r 1 "l'rr '" -' ... ' , ill;? l lV , oooEto V.. ii- v ';.7..;,s,.:..l', . i V . :r ' : MdtoiFSooo;; It In Portland are operating Printing Presses, 'Feed Grinders and Mixers, ! Coffee Grinders Planers and Blowers, Meat Choppers, Cash i Carrying Systems, anti are Sawing Wood, Cutting Pipe, RunnirigBlowers for Ventilating School Build ings, Etc; Etc. THESE MOTORS ARE RUN IN SIZES FROM ONE-QUARTER HORSE-POWER TO ANY SE -REQUIRED. LET US SEND A SOLICITOR TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT. " ' ' KISS rBAJTOES XSW13 ' VariiSi. WAtifldttiV mnflmiv irlrl vhit ' WttS nnft nf ' the ht-trtAiimalHfl mt. , th Hanna-McCrmlck weddtng, solemnized at Clevelahd. O., laat Wednesday at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. - ' i : f excelleht. The ago is sulTlcIent to give considerable backing of alumni aup port. and to throw about It that atmos phere of tradition and reminiscence ao essential to the life of college and uni versity, , However, not only new, but In the past, and to quota the last incum bent of the preeWency, Vr. Prank I Strong, who precded President F. U Campbell; "Tha President of tha Uni. VoraUy- of Oregoj is too muoh .of a flg- urehead. vile hne not, enough power. re ; is responsible without potency to meet responsibility. , ," ... 'X; Presiflcnt, Campbell Is tha "Tlsht man In the place', find his etrons corps Of In , v. !-r a rre rational regime. were more of the ebullitions of college ap'lrit, even' though they 7 were 'Occasion ally accompanied W a few Comanche Indian yella" But that will coma witb time and prOaresa, and Is hy jio meana now entirely lacking. .It Is a; charming college. It Is situated In . a ,charmlnr town, aet fis a gem between Circling green-: hills ' threaded- by tha many streams that 'make Into the Willamette near by It la Oregon' . State 1 Univer-altyrAndteoauser-tt iSi perhapai' the Board of Kejrente will paroa tha pre sumptlonof one "who horewlth makes some anggestlons and passes sorae opin ions for Wllit they are worth. ' - i lOllX E. LAfURQP. , , . -. . - -; ,', ,-,-,-7i,- 'Ki', i.i r, PRXLAMD --""'j '' ')'--y-i'"...f. - 7v.7i:':'"':K; '";:-7f' : -Ltt ': '. - ).'-U.?.7i'7Cv.:7'- 'r.-fa.V;.-; K ' . Seventh and Alder Streets