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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1903)
.. . , . -5 r. PORTL!aKI, : siTUItDAY 1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,; EVENING, JUNE 13, 1903.,, 2 J IN THE PORTLAND CHURCHES BAPTIST. . Central 4 Woodmen of World HalllKast Sllth nd Eaat Aider street. Services at 7 p. m. and t : 4 5 p. m. Bible school , at li m. Rev. William E. Itandull, minister. rirst-Corner of Twelfth and Taylor streets. Prayer for the day. 10:15 a. m.; Children's Day exercises, 10:30 n. m.; evening service at 7:45 p. m. ; subject ofl sermon. niniinew, ine uunnein iia flple." Young People's meeting at 8:30 p. m. Sunday Schools: 8a vler-Street Mis sion. 9 a. m.; I'nlverslty Park. 10 a. m.: Home School. 12 M. ; Chinese School. 7 p. m. I'nlvorslty Park Sunday School at, 10 a. m., and gospel services at 7:45 p. m.. conducted by members of the First Church. Alexander Blackburn, D. V., pastor. 'Plvlrre flonshlp." Sermon. 7 :tf0 p. m., subject, "Where Is the Way Where the Light VKtUetuV Rev." J. H. Allen, nns tor, t X Men's Resort No. 66 North Sixth street. Evangelistic service at 8 p. m., conducted hy the young- men of the Christian Endeavor .Society; - subject. "Gold or God." Kev. A. D. Sopor, pastor. Xmmannel Mission No. 247 Couch street. Services at 8 and 8 p. m., and evtiry evening throughout the week at 8. Preaching by different Evangelists. MiUennlsJ Daws At Grand Hall. Services at 3 p. m. Army tnrXTSD SBSTKBZH III CHaMST. riwt Corner of . East Fifteenth and Mor rison street. Colonel Robert Cowdcrt, national lecturer of the Sunday School Association, will speak at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. m. En deavor at 7 p. m. Rev. W. Q. Fisher, pastor. CHKIBTIAir. First Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Subject. "The Rise of Knighthood, and "A New Declaration of Independence.'' Rev. J. F. Ohormly. pastor. Bodney Arenas Corner of Rodney avenue and Knott street. Morning subject, "Missions the Heart of Church Life." . Evening sub ject. "Ground of Our Justification.'' Bible school at 9:45 a. m., and Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. PLAN ENJOYABLE PROGRAM COVOBHaATZOirAX. Xaasalo Street Children's Day service at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 13 m. Christian En deavor at 6:45, and evening services at 7:45. .Charles E. Chase, pastor. Mississippi Avenue Comer of Missis sippi avenue and Fremont street Sun day Bchool at 10 a. m.; services 11 a. m. Sermon by Rev. J. P. Farmer: Young People' meeting at 6:45 p.m.; Children's Day exercises at 7:45 p. m. V CHXISTXA BCIXHCB. Second Auditorium Building, corner of Tay . Jdr, and., Salmon streets. Services at II a. m. and 8 p. m. Subject,-"Is the y Universe. Including Man. Evolved by Atomic Force?" Sunday school at the close of the morning service. XtraW Corner of Twenty-third and Irving treets. Morning services at 11 a. Subject of sermon, "Sacrament" Eve nlng services at 8 p. m. . Children's Sun day school at 13:10 p. m. - XPXSCOPA&. St. Waal's ; Woodmere. Evening' prayer and ser mon at . 1 o clock. - Sunday school at Trinity Chapel ' 1 Corner of Nineteenth and Washing ton streets. 'Holy Communion at 8 a. . jn-Jiornmgprayeri and -sermon, 1 1 m. Evening prayer, 8 p. m. Sunday school at -1:30 p. : m. Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector. St. David's i Corner of Belmont .; and Twelfth streets. . Holy Communion In the chapel at 8 a. m. Morning prayer and aer mon at 11 a, m. Evening prayer and sermon at I p. m. Rev. Lkr, George B Van Waters, rector. , - . Cnnrea of Our Sarin Woodstock.-, Will celebrate HoJy Com rnunlon at 11 a., m. Sunday school at 10:15 a. m. Rt Rev. B. W. Morris. D. D. rector, assisted by Rev W. R. Powell. i . ' - , BTASGBfclCAXi, , Tlrst English ' ' Corner of East Sixth and Market streets. 'Preaching services at 11 a.- m. and 7 p. . m. Sunday school . at 8:30 a. m. Junior .Alliance meets at 3 p. m., and the Young Peoples' , Alliance meets at 7 p. m. Rev. G. W. Plumer, pastor. ' t LITTXBBAV. . St. James English Corner; of West Park and Jefferson streets. Children's day services at 11 Sk m. Walter I. Eck, student of the -.; Chicago Seminary, will deliver short ad dress. At. 8 pvm,,the Foresters will attend services In a body. Luther League meets at 7 p. m. Rev. J. A. -- Leas, pastor. I Soandinerlan Bvasgelloal Corner of East Grafit and 'Tenth streets. Services at 10:45 a. m. No evening, services. Ladles' -Aid Society at Mrs. P. Olsen's., 320 East Seventh Street Rev. Hagoes. pastor. i,;v-: ' I . FBBSBTTSBXA1T. , . Tim Corner of Twelfth and Alder ; streets. Children's Day exercises at 10:30 . a., m. Evening services at 7:45 p. m.; Rev. Dr. David Russell, Jr., of "New Torn City, will preach. Calvary . Corner of Eleventh and Clay streets. Morning services will be devoted to Children's Day -exercises. Subject of eVenlng sermon, "first Cor. 15-68." Rev. r W. B. Gilbert, pastor. Hlspah Morning sermon's subject. "The Child ren of This World as Wiser In Their ; Generation Than the Children of Light." i Subject of evening sermon, "The Ques tion of Profit and Loss In the Spiritual -.Realm." C. E. topic, "Gold or God." Children's Day service at Kenllworth at 8 p. m. Members of Tlrat M. B. Church Will Tlttlnglr Observe Children's Bay Tomorrow Morning. Services of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, at the corner of Third and Taylor streets. Dr. H. J. Talbott, the pastor, will preach at 7:46 p. m. At the morning service at 10:30 the Sunday-school children will render very Interesting program wllch has been prepared under the direction or Mrs. C. N. Rankin. The church has been elaborately decorated by a committee under the supervision of Mrs. Blaine R.' Smith. The program Is as follows: Opening exercises under the direc tion of Dr. H. J. Talbott. Recitation "This Is Children's Day," Nettle Drew Duet "Wake Vp. Darling" Raymond and Luclle Dunbar Recitation "Beautiful Flowers" Blaine Smith, Jr. Recitation "The Day of Days" Wherle Short 8ong-"8weet Flowers" Merwvn Paget. Alfred and wm. Muir. Recitation "Summer's Message" .... . Marguerite Dillon Fairies Rhoda Rumelln, Margaret Welch. Janette Melner and Vivian Bretherton. Tulip and Mignonette Vera and Alice Van Scoonhoven Dahlia. Morning Olory and Sunflower, Frances. Edith and Howard Strowbridge Sensitive Plant W. T. Lee Solo "The Lilies' Song". Marian Martin d Grass' ... Dorothy Arias Solo "The Flowers' uood-Nignt . . . orayaon unver been visiting In Forest Grove for semi time, have returned to Portland, where they will reside. In the future. Alms Grace Carter of Portland was the guest of Miss Ruth Cabrlclsotl of Sulem, this week. Miss Anna McDonald of Portland ; is the gueot of Miss Anna Roe of Forest Grove. v " Mrs. L F.T Wilson and Mrs. F. A. Holm of Corvallls . were delegates from that city to the Eastern Star conven tion this week. ' Dr.' and Mrs.' J. ' H. Rosenburg of Prlnevllle . were . Portland visitors dur ing the Week. ( " Mr, and Mrs.' Wiley Ham have moved to Eugene, where they will reside In the future. - Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gray and Miss Margaret Gray of this city were guests of Woodburn-friends last Saturday and Sunday . , Mrs. Henry' J. Altnow and children, who 'were visiting' Portland relatives this woeK, have returned to their home in Woodburn, Miss Bessie Blnford and her niece, Miss Bern ice Lee, of Portland are visit' ing friends In Hartland. Miss Rnio Clark of this city Is visit Ing Salom friends. Mrj. Archler-Mason and chlldrenwho were guests or Baiem xnenas ine.nrsi of the -week, returned to their home In Portland this week. Mrs. Ben Lurch and daughters, Llllle and Cella. of Cottage Grove were among those in attendance at the session of the Eastern Star lodge this week. .Mr. Lewis Woodard visited friends in Seattle this week. He' went to the Sound City to attend the Cheal-Cardln wedding. , , H . Mrs. W. H. Hughes of Eugene i has been the guest of Portland friends. Mrs. D. C. Alger Js In San Jose. Cal., OLD EAST PORTLAND. FENCE & WIRE WORKS fbeae Waits 974. A. Carlson, rrov. Manufacturer of . WOOD, IRON AND STEEL FENCING ud the ValTsrssi Oaaablaatlea Teace mm mm n ARE. HEV -17ELP':' Unlooo thoy oro, good health la Impooolblo. ' r. ; Erery drop pf blood in the body passes through and is filtered by healthy kidneys eyery three minutes Sound V - kwneys strain out the impurities from the blood, diseased kidneys do not, hence you are sick. FOLEY'S KIDNEY r. CURE makes the kidneys well so they will eliminate the poisons from the blood. It removes the ; cause of the many diseases resulting: from disordered kidneys which have allowed your whole system to become poisoned. Rheumatism, Bad Blood, Gout, Gravel, Dropsy, Inflammation of the Bladder, Diabetes and t Bright I Disease,' -' and many others, are all due to disordered Kidneys. A simple test for Kidney'disease is to set aside your - urine In a bottle or glass for1 twenty-four hours. If there is a sediment or a cloudy appearance, it Indicates that your kidneys are diseased, and unless something Is done they become more and more affected until Brlght's Disease' -or Diabetes develops. . .... ' :y-. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE Is the only preparation which will positively cure all - forms of Kidney. ndVi Bladder troubles, and cure you permanently. It Is a safe remedy and certain In results. v If Tou ara a sufferer1, take FOLEY'S KID7IEY CURE at onoe. It will make yen; well. Sons Prcnounoid Incurable Had Lurnbijo and Kidney Treuble " Mf. G. A. SttHson. merchant of Ttmrico. in., writes: "FOLEY'S Edward Hubs, a well known hualneaa man of Sllhitr M wIm KIDNEY CURE Is meeting with wonderful success, i It has cured' "I wish to sty for the benefit of others, thst I was a sufferer from -some cases here that physicians pronounced incurable.: I myself sm lumbago snd kidney trouble, and all the remedies I took rave me no - "b!?wr2S5t.tSLSSi,i.?Z fac todT picture of health relief. I began to take FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE, and after the use el and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has made It such.';, . three bottles I am cured." - - Borta; "Ouess" Edith Strowbrldsr. Henrietta Hpp ner. Dorothy Arlss. Luclls Dudley, Julia Harrison and Ruth Connell. R-ltatlon "The Violet". Harriet Leach Solo "Forget Me Not" Edith Olds Reeltatlon "Spray of Green"SI boys Solo "Lilies". . .Vers, Van Schoonhoven Bona "Bearing Fruit for Jesus" Howard. Frances and Edith Strownrldg-e Recitation "Daisies" Lowell Paget Song "Quarrel of the Buttercups"... Jean Jacobs. Vera Van 8rtiopnhoven, Trenton Johnson and John Ditch burn. Jr. Recitation "Morning Glorlea" Arlean Johnson Solo 'The Little Vine" . Ancs van scnoonnove.n Recitation "Tho Blossom Band" . Plx girls Solo 'The Promise Wreath of Roses" D'lnerte Stuart Recitation "Jack In the Pulnit" .' . - Howard fltrowbrldire Solo "Sweet Pens" Jean Jacobs Recitation "Dandelions" ; Eina HinNriann Polo "Beautiful Roef" Melaaacs Recitation "A Rose Bouquet" ..... migni gins Solo "Summer Roses" ....; John lmcnDurn. jr. Recitation "Summer" Roof Creating, Window Guards, BTBBTTSZirO) XX WZBB. I8S B. XorrUOB UU Portland. Or. Portland Riding Club. 17--" :' "-W. - ' y'ftfi 111 lilfllWiiWiliAir.tMlif'fl.lV.ii'Mifci Cknron Dedication at Shsrwood. Account of reduced rates to Sherwood and', return for a church dedication, ne cessitating the running of trains through to that point, trains Nos. 25 and 87 will be forty minutes late on that da. Passengers for Sherwood will leave Portland at 9:00 a. m.. and return ing leave Sherwood at 7:25 p. m. SOCIETY The BOSt BBaSImI nShnritlM mrm nalmnnA la rcomnMBdlB( borwbtck rldlsg for ncrrous, long and klndrrd cvBipUlnts.' Fartlenlarbr ia Ibis mode of omtcIm bmrflplal am thim WmI C4t, where tb patloat ca eajor toe pure pea air. lnbal Nature's oaoua and tha raal ua iracraota or pint, Br, cedar sod beaalack. It la aafa to say- that torre la ao esaauy oa aarta whara 'karaeback rldlnf Is mora kaalU (si than In Oragoa. w PORTLAND RIDINO CLUB,' W. 0." IXOWV. Xanajar. SM Zlavaata St. Phona. Mala IM. Saddls karaaa and oarriaaaa. . Soraaa MfU us aaiB. ... Tivo SIzos,'50 Cents 'and $1.00. Z " SOLD AND REC0ISI1ENDED BY Z LAUE-DAVIS DRUG COMPANY, THIRD A1ND YAMHILL, STREETS attending the annual reunion of the Cal ifornia State Normal School Alumni As sociation. IS. .. R. Sklpworth of Eugene visited here a few days this week. Mrs. J. E. Bronaugh visited relatives at Lugene this week. - Attorney - B. B. , Beekman has been pendln(f the week In Jacksonville, visiting his. parents. Mr. and' Mrs. Louis Stone of Jack sonville spent their honeymoon In this city during- the past few days. Mrs. Stofie wa formerly Mi Diana Wulf of the Southern Oregon city. Mrs. B. A. MUlsap of Lebanon spent several days of this week In Portland. Mrs. Llgito' Oliver visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Donaca, at Lebanon this week. Mrs. J. B. Harris of Portland was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George OOss of Eugene during the 'week, returning home Wednesday. Dr. A. E. Wrlghtman of Sllverton'was in attendance at the annual convention of .the State Medical 8oclety -this week. Dr. Wrlghtman was honored with the ofllce of president of the society! Mrs. C. T. Bacon and Mrs. VT. It. Bohnenkamp of La Grande were In Port land this week aa delegatea to the East ern Star session. ' Mrs. Solomon Hart and daughter,' Elmo, are visiting friends In Eugene this week. Simpson & Co. tonse and Sign FAMILY ROOMS GENTLEMEN'S RESORT LOUIS DAMMASCH COODNOUCH BUILDING, 168-170 IFTH STREET. w 4 Opposite Postoffice Cold Lnncbes - - - Schlitx Beer on Draught PAINTING Paper Hanging, Kalsominlng STRICTLY UNION WORK B4SH ITBiT T. .. . ; heav Ola S48. fill ; n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Drink the Old and Renowned (Continued from Page 17.) : a Second Corner of East Ankeny and Seventh streets. Services at 10:30 a. m.. ana v:f 6 p. m. Rev. A. M. Petty, of Dixon, Colo., will preach at both services. Young People's I'nlon at 6:45 p. m. Mr. J"ctty will speak every day through out the week at 3 and 8 p. m. Rev. S. C. Laphatn, pastor. "'',- SPtaiTUALIST. JMrst -Artisan Hall, Abington Building, corner of Third and Washington treets. F. W. Blohm will d&llvcr an address atr, 11 a. m., and at 8 p. . m. Charles T. Good will, lecture on "Tho Orthodox Half TOXVZSSAX2ST. : Jrirst ; .Corner of East Eighth snd Couch ' Streets. .Services at 11 a. m. Subject, ' of sermon. "The Law ot Meekness." 1 Sunday school at 12:16. I,'V:-f - .-r-r . UjrrTAJtlAW. . . , '.Comer f Tamhlll and Seventh jstreets. j Services at 11 a, m. Subject of sermon, 5 "Education Out of School." Rev. Q. C ! Cressr. pastor. v-v i guest, Mrs. Cheely of Butte, will leave shortly for , San Francisco, where they will spend the summer. Mrs. Jacob Morlti of Salt Lake Is vis iting her sister, Mrs. Que Simon. Mrs. Oeorge C. Brooks of Spokane arrived in Portland last Sunday and is the guest of Dr. 'and Mrs. J. W. Hill at the Hill Military Academy. Miss Edythe Marron of San Francisco arriyed In Portland this week and will spend a month with Mrs. Walter Honey man. ' ; Miss Sallie Bladen of Spokane Is en- Joying a visit with her friend, Mrs. Dom Zan. She will remain for two-months. Mrs. C. 13. De Lashmutt was 'the guest of the family of the Rev. Howard of Gervals this week. Miss Ada Sproat of Arlington was among the Portland visitors this week. Miss Amelia Brltt and Mrs. T. Cam eron were delegates to the Eastern Star session this week from Med ford. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Purdy of Port land are guests of relatives at Athena this week. Mrs. H. O. Worthlngton returned to her home In Athena. after a brief stay among her Portland friends.' Col. W. F. Butcher of Baker City was in attendance this week at the ses sion of the Masonic lodge. Mrs.. J. A. Douthit and Uttle daughter of The Dalles are visiting with Port land relatives and friends this week. MIsp Helen Ooss of Portland paid a brief visit to Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Will- lams of The Dalles this week. Mrs. ,W. r. Myers or The Dalles was In Portland this week In attendance upon the session of the order of the Eastern Star, of which she Is grand secretary, Mrs. Ira Small and Miss Etta Cham- btrlaln of this city are visiting friends In Walla Walla, Wash. Miss Henrietta Laue of Portland was the guenfc of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Friendly of Eneene this week. Mr. and Mrs. WIch and famlfy of Portland are In Salem, the guests of Mrs. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kenworthy of this city spent Sunday with relatives In Forest drove: Mrs. "C. J. Winnek represented Carna tion Chapter, No. 44. of Prlnevllle, at the Eastern Star session hero this week. Mr. nnil Mr. Arthur Caples. who hav Gambrihus Lager Beer ; Send orders for Bottled Beer to OFFICE. 793 WASHINGTON STREET Telephone No. Main 49 Both Phone '"'l "ttimiiiiiitminiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii t. L. IALOOTT, kt. S. OOWTaACTEO DXSOftDXlB. Every contracted disease ia attesdad by gran sansara that nothing leas than thorough and absolute car caa remove; To uk ena the allgatast chanca in auch caaea li to invite Ufa long mlavry. Man dp not raallse Ufa a they abould. .A partial cur -is fol lowed by chronlo, atas, with all Its horrora, tha, aama a a though thaJUa aaa hud not been treated at alL W'a poaltlTely will not dlamlas a patiant until every poaalblUty of relapee la re moved. By our syatem of treatment every patiant is soundly eared; and made aa free from dlaeaae taint as he was befora tha allmant was eontrsaied.. SB. TAiOOTT CO., W0 Alder St. C. GEE W THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTO Is called great be cause hla wonderful cures ara so -well known threughout the - UnlU4 - Statea. and fceesstss se many . people are thankful to kirn far saving their lives frem OPERATIONS I Q - He treaU anr and all - diseases wltk ewerfal cninese arbe. - rets. birds. barks and vegetables that as entirely un known te medical selanoe la ttsUs aauit. try. and threush the) vse of. the) fcarca lesa remedies. This f aaa sue aeoter knowe the action of ever Set different remedise that he has snoeessfully used la dUTerent aiuuM. Ha aruaMSiteM rare oeUasrh. asthma, long trvobles, rhetwaatlaaa. ner vousness, atosaaeh. liver, kidneys, feenal treuble and all private diseases. Hua dreds ( teaUsMalala, Charges nederata Call aad see him. . COITITZTA.TZOJT nu Patlsau eut ef the city write for blank aad circuit. laelaas staaap. Address THE C. QBE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 1(1 Alder street. Portland. Or. lien tlon this paper. ' . s . DONT BUY A UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN' OUR ENCHNE5 AND OPT OUR ' PRICES , We rlv a written fnaraatc with every enrhie for one year, and we are right here to back it ap. Patron Ize home Industry . by , buying ' from the manufacturers. . . ,' A. J. GILL & CO. 330 and 33a Oak St, PortUhd, Or, A NEW CANDIDATE FOR POPULAR FAVOR. AND A GOOD ONE O -SPICES, a COFFEE4TEA BAKING POWDER, FLC0!?uiG EXTRACTS IWuhflrlhr.'' fliwsfflivon ' OtntlStm$li.ituoraUtPrk(i CLOSSET&DEVERS PORTLAND, OREGON. : T. at. Civ ! George A. tan ford of New Tork will ! arll at the wen's meeting at. 8:1 p. m. relztlva to the work among tue aold iera and sailors. t ' Serea Xlssloa - tvrner of -Second " and ; Jefferaon strata. Sermon at 19:10 a. n. , Bubject, J m-Q ohbiim - r MMng of el Bottled Beers. I Brewed froaa Bohemian Hoes. I --7 - . ---T- - Order Una :." I flewksastela Mayor, Conspaay I Henry Weiniiard , Proprietor of The ' , City Brewery ' Largest and MostCompIete Brewery In the Northwest BOTTLED BEER A SPECIALTY Telephone No. 72. OFFICE j8 and BarnsMe Streets. rvaiuuu, UJS. The largest and most complete un- dertaklrig establishment on theCoast. F. 5. Dunning, lac, 414 East Alder. corner East Sixth. Both phones. Calls promptly answered to .any part of the city. " ; . " " ' . F;VV.BALTES&CO. Printers Second and Oak Streets . ' , BOTH PHONES ' 00000 wlear mmmm Cigar 00000 99 RIGHT Ask for "Banker" - Size, 2 for 25c IiEWIS. Distributers I Af SJLA S. A