THE OBEGOy 'DALIY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, S ATUTID AY E VESTING, JUKE 13, lOOX il 1ft QUEEN OF CARNIVAL. How rawly we see a married couple . that seems ; to us to .be perfectly suited to each other, I mean Judging altogether .. from' looks. ' We meet a handsome healthy, well dressed man with a frail, shabbily attired wife," and we think many things, after the first "I wonder how' he . happened to marry her." We ,. 'see more often, perhaps, a richly attired , woman, brilliant and vivacious, accom , panied by her spouse who is sedate and dignified, with no apparent Interest in social life, but we do not wonder no .. much why she married him, for there is such - difference in a man's and i : woman's Idea of marriage. Many 'Women are thankful for small mercies and If a man makes a fairly good ap pearance and has good manners, she is 'Willing after a certain age. to accept him for a life Companion. A man is 'more particular and far more Is con 'eldered by him than these points, though men. as well ,, as women. ..slaves to certain conventionalities, they have more courage to do aa they like. Of course, men .consider what the pub- rllr win say and hesitate a long time befriDODDina" the Question If he -.rinks his friends might say he was not ' ""making a good" match. .-. , : He wants, first of all. it seems, a wife who has an Individuality that is pleas ing to him. ' He wants 'her to have a face that, although It may hot be con sidered beautiful-from' a classical point ! of view. Appeals to htm personally. Simplicity cuts a great figure with man.- Nearly all of them seem to hold aloof from women that are in the least bold -or mannish. They like candor and hiflncerlty, tact and grace, the latter, per Ptapa because men are so little liable acquire this accomplishment v -.Vomen do not study enough what a ' jS3ftn likes In -their! sex, ; .Ignorance In ,ljils, .causes women to faUlroavaj'-s that are : detrimental to their .. matrimonial . future. Men do not believe In the old -maxim that "imitation Is the sincerest flattery" when it comes to women adopt 1ng the costume and custom of men, . They prefer womanliness, not manliness :ln women. " :.. If a woman wishes to make a good Impression upon any certain one of the opposite sex, she Is pretty sure of be ing successful If she will use the one attractive weapon, sympathy.- If she will only listen with an Interest that jeem. to absorb' everything, else when ne speaKS or nimseix sne win nave won a point that will go a long way in cover ing; up any defect that he may have thought before that she possessed. Ordinary men, -not dreamers, want to see plenty of evidence of domesticity In a woman they are "sizing up as 7 possible life companion, for he generally :. likes a Comfortable home, even though he is not much in it. and they feel more content if they know that the wife Is there and wants so "to be. '..' Of course, what a man admires most In women depends much upon his age and development, but even though very ' young, if he has had a good mother, he ran Judge pretty well, to his satisfae tlon, at least, of the disposition of women. jg f f ..' Cinch seems to be as popular In Port land as bridge Is In New York and the , East 'There were many card parties given last week, and this was the game chosen. This week Mrs. Seachrest gave a pretty cinch party,-also Mrs. Lawrence. ;:Mrs. Hopkins and Mrs. Allen I.ewl ."entertained at luncheon for Mrs. Beebe at a' more Informal one. The meeting of St. Helens Hall alumni iras a pleasing social affair. 5S - r The matinee - musical given by Mrs. Walter Reed's pupils was much enjoyed. ? t' A young society man of Portland says his 'ideas of women correspond with those of the Scotchman, who said the woman he married must have three qualifications rich, handsome and n fool. He, gave s Jils reasons for this that-she must be rich and beautiful or he would jjot marry her, and a fool or the would not marry him. '. . ; ' .', ' ( " V h t X f " XZS8 ZHBB WIZ.UAH8. ' The Quaes of the Woodmen of the World Carnival at CorralMa This Week. The opening of the Woodmen of the W'orld Carnival at Corvallla Wednesday was marked by tlu largest gathering of people seen In thut city in many years. The weather was ideal and by 10 o'clock In the morning the streets were Jammed. The city was beautifully decorated In patriotic," carnival and W. O. ,W. colors. Nearly every business house it) town had Al-1 decorattd wind&wa peculiar to the Wood arLuien. The prlm-lpal feature of Wednes day wua the crowning of ' the queen and the parade. The parade was the largest and most elaborate eVer."ecn in our city. It consisted. of the queen and her auite. Mayor of the city, promi nent officials of the W. O. W., company of Uniform Rank, W. O. W. floats and iiieinliurshlp. The queen, Miss Inei Williams. Is a most charming young lady and a uni versal favorite. Her maids of honor were MISs Iva Barclay and Miss Ooldle Howard. John V. Allen Is lord high chancellor. Masters Edwin Prltchard spencer Covell her pages. At the con clusion -of the coronation ceremonies, which were witnessed by over 3.000 peo ple. Mayor 12. F. Irvine l,a most elo quent nddress, presented tWe golden key jr the city to the queen. rruiays features consisted of a balloon ascension in the morning, a baby show In the afternoon and a public wedding In the-evening. The Woodmen were showered with praise because 'of theif t-nterprlse and publlc-splrHednesa In britifcln t"his splendid show, wnich is the best ver seen In Corvnllis. Lawrence was ably slated, by Miss Marlon Stackpole. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. fit. Claire Oay, Mr." and Mrs. Herbert Holman, Mlsa Millard, Miss Jessie MlHard, Mr. and Ms. W.. C. Lawrence, Mr. J. B. Glover,,, WryTohn Lawrence, Miss Rumel, Mr. end Mrs. James Thompson, Mlsa Glllllhnd. Mlas Ma Del LAwrenee, Miss Lawifence, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Falrfawl, Mrl and Mrs. W. C. Noon. Jr., Mr. and Mr.vWlnlfred Northrop, Mr. Paul Pehouae and , Miss oeiuver. - . , , - - - -''; Mf J " One of the several ; , pleasant card parties of the week waa that given by Mrs. Oeorge Lawrence. Jr., at her home, 740 Flanders street Wednesday afternoon. ' Whist waa the game played, Mrs. Ia wren ce was assisted In the par lors by Mrs. James Thompson. Miss Lawrence and Miss Mabel Lawrence, Nothing could have been prettier than the artistic rose decorations that beaui tlfled the rooms. Roses were here, there and everywhere, not too many but In Just the right quantity and place. Miss Marlon , Stackpole secured the first prise and Mrs. Oeorge Bates the consolation. Delicious refreshments were served. The guests were Mrs. W. E. Thomas, Mrs. C. R. Templeton. Mrs. William Wallace, Mrs. Otto Rreyman, Mrs. W, C. Lew re nee, Miss von Bolton, Mrs. Blair T. Scott, Miss N. Bunnell, Mrs. Oscar Huber, Mrs. H. M. Carlock, Mr. H. E. Coleman. Miss midge. Mrs. James Thompson. Mrs. H. H. Northop, Mrs. S. D. Riley, Airs. P. I. Mann, Mrs. Edward Manning. Mrs. 8. Watklns. Mrs. William Wood, Miss "Lambert Mrs. Frederick Nitchy, Mrs, George Bates. Mrs. R. p. Prael. Mra. Herbact Hoyt, Mlsa Law rence, Miss Mabel Lawrence, Mtqs.Emma Blagen, Mrs. Thomas B. Foster, Mrs. H. Grlndstaff,. Miss Wallace, Mra. Benjamin Trenkman, Mrs. W. Harder, Mrs. Oeorge L. Schalk, Miss Stackpole and Mra. Mead.. . f Mf .ttf General and Mrs. Hancock Clark and Mr. and Mrs. w. A. - Mears enjoyed a pleasant luncheon, at Vancouver Bar racks, with Mayor Evans last Wednes day. After lunch a drive was taken out j of all nations that 'had been arranged on the walla of the parlors. They were bright colored little silk flags. Very pret ty to look at and nearly all 'of them looked familiar, but to give the right names was not so easy.. Mlsa Eva Kter- nan knew more of them than anyone elae ana waa given the flrst prise and Mrs. L Ofner the second. Muslo from stringed instruments rendered soft and delightful music during the afternoon. , Refresh ments were served. .. ', ' '. The guests were Mrs. R. II. Birdsalt. Mra. Sidney Cawston, Mrs A. W. Coch rane, Mrs. Bruce Curry,' Mra. Wright, Mrs, Charles Steele, Mrs. P, J. Manni Miss Gertrude Pratt Mlas Etta Stewart Mrs. Stewart " Mrs.' H. H. Jones, Miss Kiernan, ' Mra. Frank HelW kemper. Mrs. G. Heitkemper, Mrs. Brockman. Mra. Chas. Boss, Mra. Weaver, Mra. Fleldner. . -Mrs.' Chas. Warner, Mrs. .Edward ' Werlln, Mra. . Alfred Wascher. Mrs. Frank S. Baker. Mra. Herman Bchade. Mrs. Schubaek, Mra. I. Ofner, Miss Olga, Ofner, Mra. Durham, Mra. C W. Wanier, Mrs. W. J. Hawkins, Mrs. Richards. Mrs. John Reed, Mrs. I. Goldsmith. Mrs. J. ' A. Clock. Mra. Al- laha. Miss Verda Monroe, JKra. Wandell, Mrs. C Hall . of . Seattle, Mrs. R. Hall. Mra. Frank Woods, Miss Fannie Troupe. Mrs. Schubert Mrs. Breck, Mrs. Klutche. Miss Klutche, Mrs. 8. M. Mills, Mrs. Jack Keating, of Ore gon City, Mra. T. J. Kelly, Mrs. Dannen hour. Mra.. Tom Gray, Miss Tailor, Mrs. Labarre, Mrs. Temple, Mrs. J. D, Fen- ton, Mrs. Branch, Mrs. Biyisel, Mrs. Widler and Mra. T. & Townsend. X M ' Mrs. Levy Hexter entertained a num ber of friends at lunch at the Portland cafe, yesterday noon In honor of Mrs. Bamburger and Mra. Oberdorfer, of Salt Lake. . m, , ' - - r f Mra. Julius L. Meier entertained the BoWling Club yesterday afternoonrkt her home, S2S Tenth street During the af ternoon exceptionally delicious refresh ments were served. . The prises were won by Mrs. Marcus Flelacbner and Mrs. J. Merits. f f K Mrs. Gus Simon gave a splendid din. IP I A lii .ll' if- Instruments of world-wide reputation whose musical and artistic attributes are freely recog nized wherever the Divine Art holds sway.) Steinway Pianos ''v ;.l A. B. Chase Pianos ;Este?Piahosttl Emerson: Pianos Such names are, in themselves, a guarantee .of supenonty. r . . . . , For sale only by SOULE BROS. PIANO CO. i 326 Washington strut. ; FIFTEEN DIFFERENT MAKES OF HIdH-GRADE PIANOS . TO SELECT FROM. Erpert Tuning. Repairing and Rcfinishing. . Phone Main 677. . MR AND MRS. JOHN P. LOCKWOOD. ccptlon last Wednesday afternoon at her home. Twentieth and Irving streets, complimentary to Mra. Bamberger. Mrs. Oberdorfer, Mrs. Rhelnstrom and Mra. Grenewalt. Many handsomely-gowned women called and a thoroughly enoyable afternoon was spent Delicious light refreshments were served. f A pleasant event of the week was a trolley ride on the observation car, given last Monday by Mr. Seaborg, complimen tary to General and Mrs. Hancock Clark. The merry crowd -waa composed of Gen eral and Mrs. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mears. Mr, and Mrs. N. W. Wells. Major and Mra; Walerbury. Mrs. R. S. Drake and Mrs. Seymour. The day was clear ' and bright and excellent - views were obtained of the mountains and sur rounding scenery. Misses Flora end Edna Bailey are giving a handkerchief show this after noon In honor of Mlsa Margaret Behar rell, who is to be one. of next week's brides. The house is as pretty florally aa can be. and Is made so by the pro- used 'In reception hall and parlors and Gloria' de Leondlse In the dining room pnd library. The fortunate winner of "the first prize, a fut glass bon bon dish, was Mrs. J. E. Warren, and a beautiful Havlland China plate was given to Mr3. E. G. Clarke for the second prize. Punch was nerved during the game to the happy players and later cool and palata ble refreshments. Miss Beatrice, the little daughter of Mrs. IOcke, sweetly greeted her mother's' guests at the door. Those who enjoyed the afternoon were Mrs, J. C, Olds, Mrs. G. E. Bruere, Mrs. E. L. Thompson, Mrs. Herbert Hol man, Mrs. A E. Butterfleld, Mrs. F. A. Jones.' Mrs. K. T. Williams, Mrs. H. M. Grant. Mrs. E. M. Bergen. Mrs. G. J. Walker. Mrs. W. A. Hathaway, Mrs. H. C, Hutchinson, Mrs. James Gibson, Mrs. W. P. Connaway of Vancouver, Mrs. Thomas Gray. Mrs. Rufus Holman, Mrs. John Reed, Mrs. J. E. Werlern, Mrs. E. G. Clarke, Mrs. L. H. Maxwell. Mlsi Ruth Hoyt, Mrs. E. H Parker. Mrs. L. C. Henrys, Mrs. W. D. Fenton, Mrs, I : . '-'efrr n'Miiitf .. 1 ejsso ?f i FO YOUR !: Breakfast, Dinner or Supper EAT THE BEST HAM THAT MONEY CAN BUY. ASK FOR I; SHIELD, RRANDj It costs no more than any other and it is absolutely the Best. From Oregon Wheat-Fed Hogs and Government Inspected. A Home Product and none better made. All First-class Grocers and Butchers sell -SHIELD BRAND GOODS. UNION MEAT CO. Bride was formerly 'Miss Elsie Helen Mitchell. They were married at' the First Baptist Church last Wednesday. , ; : 1 to General John M. Bacon'a country place, a beautiful spot, several miles out from Vancouver. The day was hugely enjoyed. After their return. In the even ing, an Informal reception waa given to General and Mrs. Clark at the Norton. The rooms were filled with friends who are anxious to see all that they can of this distinguished couple during their stay In Portland. K ! K Mrs. W. A. Mears gave a dinner party last Monday evening in honor of her guests, Mr. and Mra. N. W. Wells, that for excellence could not be surpassed. The dinner table waa beautifully dec- NORMAL SCHOOL CLASS. 1903. XTZITT8 OF THE WEEK. Mrs, Charles V. Beebe delightfully en tertained a number , of friendB at an In formal luncheon yesterday afternoon at her home, corner of Carter and Twen tieth streets.' Her guests were Mrs. Ver fnn-w. Mrs. L. Allen Lewis. Mrs. . J. Wlsley Lada, Mrs. E. Tucker and Mrs. W. Bayer. ' " flf Mrs. F; H. -Hopkins save a luncheon last Tuesday that was prettily- ap pointed; and the menu served was much enjoyed by the ten women present The table was ' decorated: with sweet peas, arranged In. handsome Venetian vasrts. The guests were Mrs. W. J, Burns, Mrs. Charles F. Beebe, Mrs. - Lucius Allen Iwls. Mrs. Arthur V. -Smith, Mm : Washburn. .Mrs. C. H. "Noble, Mrs. Wil liam McMsstera. Mrs. Zera Snow and .Mra. Holt Wilson - . . Mrs... It.,' Lea Barnt'S itave a luncheon t . the- Portland cafe last Monday in hwinr of Mrs. Homer King of an Fran-riscr), Vs. M. Lang gav mn enjoyable re l ) Vi Ay The Class of 1903 of the Kastern Oregon Slate Normal School -at Weston. Their names are reading from left to right; Oiarles L. Holway. Miss Kdna A. Klder, Ueorge W. Winn, Ernest E, Walden, Miss Grace V. Ray, Miss Clarissa O'Hara. Mies Ida I. Marsh. Walter E. Ely. Miss Stella E. Anderson. Miss K. Blanche Canfteld. The commencement exercises that have' Just concluded have ended a succ cms fill but eventful year in the history of tht normal school at Weston.- Robert C. .French, the present president of the institution, has been at Weston but a few .months.- succeeding T V. Martlndale, n ti died In office February" 28, .last . . . - r. ng gavej en. fuse use of marqucrltes. this decoration belng'used because It iy a favorite flower of the bride to be. The handkerchiefs were nisarly all the handiwork of the girls present and were beautiful both in texture and design. , Thowe present were: Miss 'Beharrell, Mlvs Ethel Bt-harreiL Miss Jane Owen Mis's' Edith Bfusdell, Miss Mamie Rogj, ers, aims ttia ozena, miss Annette Wagner, "Mrs. Samuel Ijockwood. Mrs. Curtis Robinson. Miss Ethel Notting ham. - x ' ;- ' Mr. and, Mrs, Oecil Kaiier were mar ried four years last Saturday, June , and the fact was rememberd by a large number of their friends who called to extend congratulations. - r - &Z ':"';:; Mrs. 3. K., Locke gave a pretty 'and muoh enjoyed cinch party last Wed nesday afternoon at her home, 649 East Madison. The rooms, were Jeqoratfcd wth roses, La " France 'variety - beiae W. O. Musters, Mrs. . Russell Sewall, Miss Bessie Sewall. Mrs. T. W. Younger and Mrs. I. D. Boyer. V HE f -in-s. J. W. Hill, entertained an In formal gathering of old friends of Mis. George C. Brooks of iBpokane last Tues dy -aWrnoon. The affair was a pleas ant one. f it? Mr. and Mrs. George Law rence, Jr,., gave, a pleasant clnc'h party last Monday evening, lq celebration or the fifth anniver sary of their wedding. The house was beautifully decorated with .roses, ar ranged in many different and -pretty ways about the several roomsr- The highest scores were made by Miss Jessie MJjler and Mr. James Thompson, who ' w're given substantial and hand some pt-esents. . , . , " J Later In the evening a supper " waa served , that was a very pleasing fea ture of the evening's enteptalnment Mrs. --rj- orated1 4n roses. ' . I nose present were Mr. and Mrs. Wells. Mr. and Mrs; S. M. Mears and sons Arthur and Maxwell, Mjsa Luclle maimer. Miss Margaret Palmer and Mr. Mears. , , .'- . '" ' une or the prettiest parties of the week was the one given yestrday after noon by Mrs. W. C. Seachrest at her pleasant home, 654 Fourth street. The rooms were a mass " at roses. Great branches, with what seemed like hun dreds . of roses cllmrtno- tn thnm warn .hung or swung gracefully here and there, producing - an effect, that waa strikingly beautiful. ' - - The early part of the afternoon was devoted ; to . the playing of cinch. The prises were won by Mrs. Frank Woods and Mrs. fldney Cawston.' -s 1 ! ; Then, followed a game whichproved a pretty ; and unique ' part of the after noon's:5 eritertatnment It consisted of telling the names of the different flags ner last Sunday evening at her home, 04 North Eighteenth street,' that was thor oughly enjoyed by Mrs. Bamburger, Mrs. UDeraorrer and Mrs. Grenewalt of Salt Lage and - Mrs. Goldman of San Francisco. ) . t I M Mrs. L. Allen Lewia gave a pleasant luncheon Thursday In honor of Mrs. Washburn and Mrs. Dumond. daughters of Mrs. Henry Jones, who are visiting tneir mother. Besides the guests of honor were Mrs. William Warren, Mrs. George Good. Mrs. W. T. Mulr, Mrs. Henry Jones and Mrs. Llnthlcum. y The annual gathering of the alumni of the SI. Helens .Hall was held yester day afternoon and while not largely at tended by the members, because of many of them being out of the city, it was a pleasant social event. Mrs. William Wood served the tea. . During the after noon the faculty of the school called and many good, hearty laughs were In dulged In by the old St. Helens Hall students and the instructors. Among tnose present were: Mrs. ,W. T. Mulr, Mrs. William MacKlnzie. Miss Kate Holman, Mrs. H. E. Coleman. Mrs. Spencer,, Miss Ethel wynne Harris. Miss Mary Goldsmith and Miss Hexter. Mrs. F. H. HopaJuisproved to be a pleasing hostess at a dinner party given by her last Friday at her residence. 11 Lovejoy street. Those who enjoyed her hospitality were: Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Morrison. Mrs. Martin of Manila. Mrs. David Schindler, Mr. Galvannl, Mr. Aug ust Berg, Mrs. Hopkins sister. Mrs; Noble, and Admiral O. W. Farenholt. The annual ay of the Tuesday Afternoon Clnb waa observed laat Satur day afternoon at the home of Mra. Muckle, No. 62 Ella street at which about 65 invited guests were enter tained. The house was lavishly decor ated with, roses, ferns and clematis, red roses being used. a the reception -hall and back parlor and the club colors.-v I-i oiet and white, being; pleasingly carried out in the dinlngroom by using purple clematis and baskets of fragrant white rosea. . i The feature of the afternoon was the presentation of a dramatised cutting of Tennyson s "Princess" by II of the club members, who have been studying the princess under the direction of Mis Ethel Webb. It waa altogether one of tne prettiest entertainments' riven In club circles Jlhls year. ; - y. The cast was: Princess Ida . i . . Painless Extracting ! We do Crows and Bridge Work without pa hi. Our IS yean' experience In piste work enables us to fit jronr .aiouth comfortably. We bar feeling aa well aa you. Dr. W. A. Wle, manager, baa found a aafe way to extract teeth absolutely without pals. Dr. T. P. Wine la anxpert at Gold rilling aod Crown and Bridge Work. Extracting fro when nlataa ar hrlrtVra a r DR. W. A. WISE. . ordered. . DH. T. ,1". WlStJ. WISE BROS.,' Dentists 208-213 failiivg blpc, cor, u and wh. stv Opea evenings till . Sunday a from 0 to 33. Or. Main 5020. Seaside House c,aeC?ch WILL OPEN fKl DAY, JULY 10, 1903 The finest summer hotel on the Northwest Coast with the most beautiful of natural aurroundlngs. Boating and golf. For further Information, addreaa . . MANAGER SEASIDE HOUSE. SEASIDE, OREGON. The Prince Lady Psyche Lady Blanche Florlan Cyril , Melissa Violet r Mra. Merwln Pugh Mrs, L. M. Gllnes ... Mrs. E. K. Miller . ..iMrs. Wm. Kneeland ..... miss L,iiiian Fay r. H. L. Clark ss -Cora .Maatlok Mrs. Jas. Muckle uHma, tne iving .airs. j. u. Young Ipse a nobleman ..... Mrs. Ella Steel Pupils , ... i. ..... . Eight club members At the close of the program dainty refreshments Were served. Mlsa Nmiin Kennedy was the accompanist and Mrs. Jamison drilled the interludee for the chorua. .... r . v The Kind Too, Hare Always Bought, and which has been. , me "a borne the slgnatnre of fr i wm and has been made under his per bHyfarifa sonal supervision since Its infancy All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health.of -Infants and Children Experience against . Experiment What is CASTORIA Caatorla "is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, i It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic) substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and aUays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It jrelleves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation i and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the i Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, , The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of, WS9DXTOS., The marriage of Mies Mlllv HlllnrA to Mr. George Graham laat Filday week at the home of Judge and Mrs. George J. Cameron was the culmination of' a pretty romance that saw . its beginning many years ago in Scotland., when both were children in the pretty city of Kilt j manocn. xne , cniidiah attraction later ripened into affection ' that was dees enough to cause Miss Hlllsard to make HUMiiji Muw irum ecoiianq (y ortlan1, leitod You Haye Always Bought i; In Use Por Over 30 Years. t i. t ,-,.r . A,a eewraata aeaisaaist awaiMT evsaav. wswwaasem'-?---Vfi--V? ike't (Continued on Page 17.), IS 'M:i' ,.' ) . r . . 11 1 1 (' 'J