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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1903)
8 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, PBIDAY EVEKDTG, JXTITE -12, 1903. I, .. , .. I j i lirj I .TRANSACTIONS IN "i THE 4 WORLD & sf & FINANCE AND TRADE aMw.H.Mm.M.vMMM.-. -' """" "" """ " "" . . i; BEAN PRICES A . TRIFLE HIGHER Bayous Make Another Ad t vance of Half a Cent Other Srades, With Exception of Limas, Are Quoted Strong, .Valley Wheat Makes an Addi . tional Rise Today First I, Black Figs and Green Pep , f pers Arrive from South. TODAY'S X1UIT CXA-TOES. Bayom ssaxt advance Vs-cent SIT -till higher. Tint, black firs arrive. Advance on rice -fonday Znaon market bar, alley wheat hlg-er. " In. Shnrlu UUMine: ehort wool 2223c; medlnni wool, 80c; long wool. 8oc41 $1.44 each. Tallow Prim, per lb. 3tt14c; No. 2. tod ireaea. 2412 We. Hide Dry -bide. No. 1. 18 pound and ftp, l.ltlliU-e rwr Jn: drv kin. No. I 6 to Jo IT. 12c; dry mlf. No. 1. under S Rm. -154c: dry wltpd. bulla an etaga. 13 in tban dry nini Baited hlriea .,r anunri. tin noiinda or over. 74W4e: 60 to 0 Iba. 74B' node 811 It and cow.. 7c; taga and bulla, Bound. 51 ait?: Bin. aouna. ID tn si) ma. 7e; aounu. i" 14 Iba. 7c; calf. aund. under in m. Mr; ri (nnsaireiM- lc ih !,. cnll. lp lb loss: hnrat bides, aalted. each. $1.25?1.75: dry, each, 11.00 (fli.oo; eoita nine, nm. -BO, sue: goai common, each. 106216c: Angor. with wool on, each, 25c mi 00. Buttar, Eggs and Poultrr Butter Extras. 224c; creamery, 21224c dairy. 1KM1II. . store. 18c. r Kir it Fresh Orefon. 18Waile. 1 Chrm-Full cream, twin. 164c; Tount American. 18fil84r; Eaetern. )( lie: Call Itirnia. IDc. Poultry Chlrkena. mixed. 104fi124c per lb hena 12(c: rooalcra. HUIiV nrr lb: brollera, 2HM22V lb; fryera. 15t Ittc lb; duck. 11 4 12Wc lb; geese. 8c lb; turkey, lire, Idffl I7ci dftwd lsyiBc. Oroora, Vuti. Eta. Sugar "Hack baata." rube. IA.TTU; powd errd. $5.62; dry granulated. $652ri: extra 0. $5,024; Unlden C. M.M'4. barrel. 10c. H barrel. 26e; bose. 60c adTauca on aark baala. Icaa 2fte urr cwt for caab. ID oaja; maple, 14J lac m. Honejr-inQlSc per frame. (7ee Green afocba. 21 23c; Jara fane, With the smallest stocks of bayou besna ever held In the Const market, quotations have bten advancing every few days, until today they reached 4Vi cents per. pound.. In flan Francisro, es pecially, prices have shown a constant advance, and local wholesalers were compelled to follow suit if they wanted to end the year with the quotations on the right side of the ledger. Not only Is the bean market firm on bayous, but ' there is a stranger feeling in all lines, With the possible exception, of limas, u Which are reported soma weaker . The Zit Situation. Egg receipts are; still much smaller than the demand, and today the quota tions are ruling strong from 18Vi to 19 cents, and from present indications the better grades of stock will soon be quoted higher. The receipts of egs;s this season has been about normal, but demand has been, so heavy that very few of the commission men have any large amount of stock in the cold stor age concerns. ' llrat Black rig. Levy A 8p1egl received the first ship ment of black figs this morning. The stock arrived from Tuma. Arli.. and ' was in fair condition. The first green ball pepper of the season slso srrived today. The figs are quoted at $1.76 per 15-pound box, while the peppers sre selling at 60 cents a pound. ' Japan Sloe to Ad-aae. The quotations on Japan rice In the :,lftcJLjarkU 01 JVMCBd.- ont on Monday. This move was anticipated In The Journal some time ago, and Is the direct result of shortage In the crop of last year.. Bananas Arriving. Two cars of green bananas were re ceived by Front street dealers this morn ing. -- Apricots are somewhat scarcer and are quoted higher in the California mar kets. , Too Many Oraln Bags. The shipments of Calcutta grain bags to this ' port during the coming sea son will bo very small on account of the pverstocked condition of the mar kets. The receipts of Cslcuttas last season were extra large and as the crop wss mucn smaller thr.n was expected mousanas or bsgs were carried over, which julll be nearly sufficient to sup ply the, needs of the Northwest during the coming year. Quotations are un- changed.. . Teal In Demand. The demand for fresh veal was con . IderabJy . Rtronger today,; and as re ceipts were rather light, quotations are showing a material advance. Beef Is coming In fair supply, but Is not sell ing. Large receipts of pork late yea terday afternoon wrecked what re mained of that market and quotations today are slow. Other meats are un changed. '-" - ' ' iioa-' ifjt" -tturit" t7 " ' The lemon market is bare and there wlll. be no more shipments of stocks to arrive in this city before Mondav What little stuff is still on the street is commanding the very highest quota tions, and another squeeze in the mar ket Is likely before the next shipment ' arrives. . Quotations today range from 14.50 to $5 per box. Valley Wheat Hlgbor. Valley wheat prices show an addi tional advance today on, account of the mall remaining stocks for sale and the stronger demand. Some of the millers of the valley are paying as high as 77 cents in order to get supplies, but . local quotations only show an advance Of from ft to 1 cent. Walla Walla andTOuestem are firmer, but no changes ppear today in quotations. Wrangle la Hop Market. i The hop market has settled down to a war of words between the variouR .11 J 1 , "... pun inu near interests, ana there Is V. VSHiVic: Jara. (ood. 20(8 23c; J.ra, ordinary. IS tifttc: Toata Rica, fancy. 194120c; Coeta Rica. (ood, 1001V; Coala Rica, ordinary. 10 12c per Id; Columbia roaai, siu.sai Aroncaiea-, $11 .1.1 llat; l.lon. $11.13 Hat; CordoTa. $11. IS. Teaa Onions, different arenae. gnunse; uiin .. i. Mii'iiiai.. r .. u . I. nM.W.,1 Ait. ferent grade. 12SVoc: Hplder Leg. uncolored Japan., wtoue; erven Japan, eery acarc. ouj eoc Bait Bale, la, Sa. 4. 6. 10. $2 10: fin table, dairy, 60a, ftfte; 100. 74c; Imported LIT rpnol. 60a. 46c; 100a. 8Nr; 224. $1.W. Salt Worceeter aalt. balk bbla. 32u. $5.00; Worceater. 140 2a. $6.50; Worceeter. 100 3a, M60; Worceater, .10 6a, $6.29; 80 10. $3.00; Horn aarka. 60a, Nftc. Rait Coarae, half frronnd, 100a. per too, $14.00; 60a. per ton. $14.60; LlTerpool. lump, rock. $25.00 gat ton; 60 rb rock, $14.00; loo. $13.60. Grain Bar Calcutta. $3.7609 00 per 100 for Augnet dellrery. Rice Imperial Japan. No. 1, tfcc; No. 2. U6Je: Mew Orlean bead. se. rifreakfaat rood IVemlum. M-2He; $2.C0: rorre. t ov: n-u oata, -8lmoo Columbia Hirer. 1-Tb talla. $1.70: lb talla. $2.40; fancy. l-!b flata. $1.86; K-lb fancy oata. $1.20; Alaaka talla, pink. SOc; red. $1.2S; 2-Ib talla. $2.00. Toal Oil Caaee, 22c per sal: tank. Water Wblle, Iron bbla. 15u,r. wooden, 18c: Head llfht. caaea. 24c. Iron bbla. 17 Ha; gaeollne. Iron bbla 22c. caaea 28 He. Llnaeed (Ml I'ure raw, In bbla. 62c: genuine kttle. boiled, caaea 6c. bbla. 64c; pure raw, in caaea 67c; genuine kettle In caaea, 60c. Reniln A3 deg, caaea, caaea, 22c; Iron btila, ISHr. tlaaollne 86 deg, raeea, 284c; Iron bbla. 22c. Turpentine In caeca. 70c; wod bbla. 60 4c; Iron bbla. A4c: 10-lh raae" kita. 0c. Beana Small white, 404V; 1,r" wblte. $3.H6(4.00; pink. $3. 75 y. 1.90; bayou. 4y,e; LI una. flfSc. Tobacco Flug est smoking. 1, 2. S-o pack age Beat of North Carolina. 71c lb: Maa tllT, 68c lb; Dixie Queen. 41c 1; Red Bell. 39e lb; Pedro. 50c lb: Golden Scepter. $1.15 lb: fin rut Cameo. 41c lb: .Capatan. $1.85 lb: Ktike nurture, eoc id; huh imrnam. m; ina bng lab Curre Cut. 74c lb; Marylnnd Club. 71c lb; Mall Pouch, 38c lb; Tale Mlitnre, $1.40 lb. Plug Tobacco Drummond'e Natural lraf. 68c lb: Piper Hrldalerk, 66c lb: Siiraethlnf Good, 45c lb; Standard N". HHc lb; T B '63c lb; Spear Head. 43c lb; Star, 44C lb. Fine Cut , -4--0lai .TUr4. OK. MMr..VM tb. Fruits and Vagetablu. ; Potatoea 505c; new, $1.76 cwt. Onloua Oregon. 60ftt75c, buyers' prlcea; local. $1.001 1.26; garlic, Q7e lb, California, new reda. $1.00. Fresh Fruit Applea. fancy, Oregon. $1.50$J 2.00; cooking. n()ctl.00 box; Orange, narela. $2.603.00; Medlterrauoan aweete. $2,604)3.00; California tangerine, ' $1,0041.26 box; ba nanaa, $2.25.T.60 bunch. 6e lb; atrawberrlca. -Oregon. $l.&O(.l2.O0 crate; cberrlea. OOcyjl.OO 10 lb box; gooaeberrtea, BH4c lb; apricot, $1.25 rrate: lemona, $4.60(5.00. Vegetable! Turolp. tl.oo aack; earrota, $1.50; beet. $1.60 per lack; radlabea. 12H4(10c per dot; cabbage. California. 2c lb: lettuce, head, 16c per doa; bothonae, $1.23 box; green eppera. 40c lb; horseradish. 8e lb: celery, $1.00 per dost beana. atrlng, 4il0c lb; aaparagua. $1.15 per 26 1b box: rhu barb. 3c lb; toruatoea. $2.40u2.50 per 4-baket crate; parnlp. $1.73; plncapplea, $5.00 dux; pcaa, 4t5c: cucuiubera, $1.60 box. lirlild Ernlta Auplee,- ocn,1cd. -trW), lb; apricot. 7Va((l0e lb; Deacbes, 69c lb ua DOWN LIVERPOOL UP, PARIS IS Wheat Prices Show Range Throughout the World Chi cago Grain Markets Are Very Dull and featureless. STOCK SENTIMENT CHANGING RAPIDLY CHICAGO PIT IS Professional Traders Say a Bet ter Feeling Prevails in All Lines. MUCH DISTURBED TIME WAR INVOLVES ALL CHICAGO LINES Corn on the Continent Is Slightly Higher Weather Cool Throughout the West But Tendency Is better. (Special permlaalon of Bolton, de Rtiyter k Co.) CHICAGO, June 12. Wheat in Liver pool Is H lower to H higher; Paris. (Special permlaalon of Bolton, d Unyter A Co.) NEW YORK. June 12. Even in pro fessional circles, which have been ultra bearish, sentiment has experienced a pronounced revulsion and the views ex pressed last night on the outlook are ex tremely hopeful. It is believed that the big buying of securities since Saturday j last, especially that which appeared on the stock exchange about noon yester day, has put a new aspect on the specu lative situation. With the great capitalists and the powerful banking interests openly ar rayed on the bull side, timid people. brokers say. are getting back their cour- Traders Bewildered Over Large Scalping. Operations Supposed to. Be for Armour Cannot Divine Purpose. ! ' - r , Longer Roads Demand Differ ential or Threaten a Deep Cut in Rate. ' ! According to private advices received this morning from Chicago and St Paul, railroad circles are considerably agt tated over the time war among lines Market Looks as If Someone runn,n' rrom th Tw,a Cltl" t0 Chl Is Trying to Stir Up Things Following the Initiative of the Wis in Order to Unload Their ?!ic Large Holdings, - tttloned the Western - Passenger Asso ciation for a differential, owing to the Inability of the latter line to make the time of the shorter lines. The demand (Special permlaalon of Bolton, de Barter Co.) Is for $1, while the Wisconsin Central CHICAGO. June 12. The Record-I gave notice of a right of $1.60, Herald says: The corn Pit is much be-I Burlington has reduced its lime to 4 lower, and Antwerp unchanged ,n taking back the stocks sold In wUdered over the large scalping opera- " ..iT ti .. .nH o.tnre- .1.- .t-1 , ., . h.nK ... 4 K - " i -""'K"-.w .i.i aiio in.. .t-i . - i nm i . k aval w, i ncn nine i. Dun i u j iwiii ...v... j .uumu v w . i an lines on the timo score. less. Speculative trade wss connnea to evidence sieaay Duyipg oy oargain i mour, ana the purpose or wnicn tne corn n ja regarded as probable that th speculative operations and to a small numers. Aitogetner tne support or talent cannot devine. ror two days I lines most affected by the reduction of commission house business. The Mod- lo,raD,a, lactors snouia preveni orer in corn have come from Mil- running time, in case an appeal to the waukee. On Wednesday they were to Passenger Association Is Ineffectual, will sell Jul- and veaterdav thev were to raxes xo xne pone. buy. It looks much like a stirring up of em Miller was bullish, but occasioned "u --P "om the present ... . ni.ik. .... .-. oniv temuorary nriniir. n The beer rllmie. however ha mail ports which came from the Northwest bl Dront, and Its followers make no through commercial channels are favor- bones of their intention to contest an able. There Is very Utile activity In advance and even to renew their aggres he cash market. Stocks of wheat In F Rive pounding, probably selecting Can ad lan Pacific and Peoples Gas on the as sumption that liquidation in these sue- claltles is not over- yet. But the best houses feel that on any weakness In the Passenger officials of the several lines the market to conceal aome blar oocra- w,u ,n ru next weea, ana mm troubles may be adjusted at that time. The orders yesterday were possibly " oonf ip vontrw. , ttoca Asian- ana lOOOOOn h.ihl. In 4h. nmrriit.J Dl- -""' rraui 11 lllll ura-CUlllll Th.r. nn.r. .1lln nf a.nt.mK.i- hi, I XJL IIOfUrUIBi; Willi rXlVCU H.IIIS1 " " " . . 1 1 B v wivvuw. " J I A In w l 1 . I h. .-m- lnt..l thrnueh lil.M. Th. -" "mr 1 """ 1. , L ii W 1 ,. 1 T..l I MJ VlWiBl-llVU yii na mo iuto -uiii 'J Th. Otnaha, rnait th. flr.t tn Inn nff speculators' hands are not. however, heavy enough to make much selling pressure. Estimated cars tomorrow, 20. Corn Market Steady I--.- ,v el a In T t'mrt i XL - I .tnnb .lAail,l K. V.A..--k ll" w, "W"'" ...t w wuuv. IHCJ H.-IU QAO AAA h...h-l. -Af.if.-t -nrn Kr. It 'r'"" w,w $. .. X. t,lU. T "K tnorV-f W-fl VAfV Awm, 11 nn i Wi ,l..ll. U -. I wvw Wu...v w.a..-v . I fgk h f t-t M t 11 It - CYt Ins. W Aim lJ j II (ft . A lixr iiibj f" -r unrn uu tll S I CO V CJ.V-Ix, ui UfJyVllllV, lilt- I i(fflniil a a .- ,, vLta 1 -...,... vtuvsgu, a v -"- steady. The weather is still cool l0w level of prices, the fact that in- I " ,.r. k.. i. T. y i...?7 VH.i - I tance being 410 miles from Minneapolla ...... w..r Kut th. fetinenrv t h..,. i tw, . .i"".i"i . " - I Moat or th Hnrtlnrt arenta tra inn. Ill i"l( il"u in" " " . - " - i uiimii, . ... . n ti.i . nvi nFliirviaui i r.l. In ikl- e,iti. -tlhnul .nl " ' - s better and the drought-stricken area creased, the sustained activity in most , K . ruture wltnout an trading for passenger business on the .1 I At I tt rTa tT ab tit ta triakll xr-tr M wt i ft r tna I t . . n the East Is having pretty general re-1 lines of business, and the large earnings j "TZl,' .. Ziv. . 7 il D"1" 01 1-nour run- III IITJ I - W . t If , Cftln I a VUitllKI IVO)l IIW III b IV VII general market, caused by these drives, 7 ' "D. ,t ... with ' , the time between the cities, still maln- They again created to make It easy. With only ;,; ,. m ZXSa, - V iThn, r. u - n.f Th. amall cn.intrv offerlnirs. how- nf railrnnrt. Such cnnniiinn. th.. crow uncerxain as xo wnax is going - n. . , 1. ..lUnv nr.aaiire I n..AnMA 1 n o i I IOT WO TU. ever, prevent mucli selling prpsmirr. Armour was supposed to be selling freely through Jtrokers. Corn Is too high for the conservative buyer, cut ntll the crop conditions change in tne West, Increased country offerings tnere may not be much money In selling tnem. Estimated cars tomorrow, 3i0. July Oata Strong. July oats are strong. There Is a Brood cash demand for all arrivals. The tend. Justify an advance of 10 to 20 points In good stocks. Early In the week It was believed the July had been pretty thoroughly llqul- AaA th... I. nil ., V, lt omin rnAlNUloUU dIUUKd t0 malte " worth whlle dl8trlbutln- auuu ninny cumrniasiun pruers ooin ways. BAN FRANCISCO, June 12. 10:30 a. m. : Bid. Asked. 65 Ml4 60 V 00 .... 73 .... 3 .... 8H .... 81H 18 ....15.11, wo Contra Coata Hprlnc Valley Han Kranrlsco Oaa St Electric Ana-lo Calldirnla Rank Hank nf I'sllfnrnlA futures are only steaay ana local specu- sariiisa Loan latlve sentiment Is more evenly divided, oiant rowder CnnHltlnna hnfh In the Rnat and the 'K"ril west are more ravoraoie iur wie ouv. Onomea but farmers sre dealing rather tenacl- I'aaubau n.i.iv .n tar k ni.elr f.r an (if eottd Alaeka Packer . . 1 . 1. 1 . . . . A ltl California Krult weamer may cnange nun. (.iifrl. wine Ml enormous crop of last year there rnudt oceanic 8 still be a good many oats In farmers ands. Estimated cars tomorrow. 176. ProTlsions "Show " Vtle " Ctesji:. The provision market was quiet and with but little change. Hogs Were a little higher at the yards, and there was some little local scalping on this fea ture, but In the main tne market was ex tremely dull, with small cash demand 6814 82 V. ttti 74 4 There was considerable export trade ri)cU trlbuUry t0 Bhan,k0 will '" 8t"day oyer 4.000 tierces be- u i0000oo pounds this year, ing sold by the Anglo-American. There unusually large Wool Is was some buying of lard futures on this Enormous Wool Output. E. P. Walte, contracting freight agent of the Great Northern, has returned from a several days' trip to Central Oregon. Mr. Walte went to Shantko. the terminus of the Columbia Southern. Speaking of the trip, he said: "The wool output of the country dl- aggre- whlch unusually large. Wool Is being shipped East dally, the greater part go lds 100 business, but the influence on the spec- ,ns to Massachusetts and New Jersey, ulatlve market was small. WoM .r. .r. inhiinnt nvr the sea- Borne of the Interests at Minneapolis . nntnnt Th rea.on of tha ln- whlch were bullish earlier in the spring cren.e In the ahlnmenta from Shanlko is are now Bearish and predicting 66 cents that tho great quantities of that com- xor xne oepiemoer wneat. ine isortn- modlty which formerly went to The west Is talking larger receipts for weeks Dalles are now taken to that place, the and Is now getting them. Stocks at cost of transportation being less. HOT WINDS CUT DOWN THE CROP At Least 25 Per Cent DamagB . Will Result- in the Inland Empire, -.Where, 2,750,000 Bushels Are Lost, Proper Moisture" and Beneficial Weather Conditions May Re sult, in Preventing: hurthe reduction. . ial . i be obtained re I yield, but itjs I at least 26 ftr I sustained. Vl I r-..W NSJ m th report that .. . .Baa rranciico Craln.. fi A V WD k KTIflrlrt Tnu 19 1 1 -on . -.!, Wheat December, f l..'IOk,. nariey iiecemoer. W4C DAMAGE TO GRAIN country houses are reported Increasing. In Ave days this week Minneapolis has decreased, but,50a,oao.JuslB.... ... The Northwest Is influenced both by the prospect of better receipts and by the fine spring wheat promise. The Eastern drought keeps up the bullish ness of tne seaboard oats contingent. It took about 200,000 bushels of cash MINNEAPOLIS. June 1 1. The Mmi. oats here yesterdsy. The No. 4 white and small speculation. Keceipts or nogs ern Miller says: on xracK yesiemay sola at jth cents, were 63,000. against 67.000 last year. STOCK ASTD BOTO XAJUCST. DESCRIPTION. C1..P. I NlA IT. lirilnu. Italian . 4 U , , I. .. . Krrncb, 8T4c lb; flgs. California black, i 6Jfec: do. white. 1 f due tb; pluma, pitted, 6) 6c; raUlna. aeedrd, fancy l ib cartona, 60 pack a gea to caae. 8c pkf; aeeded, 12-oi carton. 7i,e; looce Uuscatelle. 60-lb boxe, 0ViU7Hc lb; Iiondon layer. $1.7632.00. Null feanute. 6(8 7c per lb for raw, 0010c for roaatrd; cocoanuta. R6BOc per doa; wal outs, 14il6c--ier -ttj iiln Btira, 10tll per lb; hickory nuta. 16c per lb: cheetnuta. Eaaterr., 15&19c per lb: Bra ill uuta. 16c per in; nioeria, io(joc per in; uncy pecana, itaj lite per id; ainionai, leqjoc per id. Heats and Prorlalona. Freb Meata OoTernment Inapected Beef, fir I me, stusc; real, lijo; muttou, urraaed, Oo aniba. dreaaeU. 8c. Kr(b Meata Front atreet Beef. Prime. 8c twUSteS.9e, wws.Sli,ltoyw. ikjchc: didiiup, urcamnj, uaioc; lauua real dreflned. 78c. Html, Bacon. Etc Portland rack liama. 10 to 14 lbs, 14 He; 14 to 16 Itn. 14 Vic; (local) breakfaat bacon, 164t lc; picnics, 1 1 Kc; cottafe. ii c; ifliieii aiue. ixc id; moKea aide, l,HV4cj dry alted backs, lle; bacon back 12c; butts, aalted. p: smoked, lOfte m. Eaatern-nacked Ilama-L'nder 14 Ita. id'Ar nrrr 14 lbs, 14c; fancy, lftc; plciilca.ll V,i ; anouincra. iimc; ary aauea aiue. unamoked, 12c; breakfaat bacon, l&MWloc; fancy, 18Hc: butta. 11 V.frll'V.c. . Local Urd Kettle leaf, 10a, 12c; &, 12c; 60-lb tlna, 12i4c; ateam rendered, 10a, 11 c; 6a, 12c; 60, llVie; compound tierces, be; tun, sc Eastern Lard Kettle leaf, 10-lb tin. 12Hc; 6a, li"e; 60-lb tlna, 12c; a team rendered, loa. 13-)ac: 60. HVtc. A bote packlnf boua prices are net caib, 16 aay. Kleb TUv-.k cod, 7c; flounder, be: halibut. 5c, llus cod, 7c; crabs. $1.50 dot; razor claiua, 9c doa; atrlpcd baaa. 124c; eanon. 8c: aolra, 8c ! lobRtera, 15c; abrlmpa, Puset Hound, 16c; cut Huh, oc lb; l"nget Sound brrrluf, 4c lb; abad, 3e lb; allyer amelt. 6c. LARGE DRIVE OF LOGS hardly a day that passes that some CORVALLIS. June 12 A large drive dealer or grower does not call the other of logs is due to arrive at Corvallls side some very hard names. It seems nbout the 16th of July. They are the to be an assured fact, however, that the . ... mo offer nf 22 cf.n.. tn. h " ' ".L .! Property of the Corvallls Sawmill Com- Th. !..! i , , , I, . panv. and are now In the Mohawk River. The Journal last week was bona flde o. a.nd that the quotation could have been ,,aroM Strung representing the corn obtained if the grower had eared I to )",y' wnt ,to Blodgett a few days ago aoii nn nt ih. i i n to to arrange for a shipment of logs from who r?uLS frL h fr?,.hWeVev.r that point daily. He will return today lL velrllv Vh.rh lrl? "P ,he Proceed Immediately to the point valley yesterday made the Ktatement ,iT . i . ., u . th.t h. h i mairiiicni thp Mohawk from which the drive Tnat ne had purclinsed several hundred m . ,1.1 i , m hui.a ne h. . , . i ''U,'UICU will start some time this week. He will oTher h ::S.T 't. ! 'PJ w days fishing, and IU be amount nt iqu cm, nth ih i . th" Krotind to see that no time Is lost rr,m ..h n, u j consists of 3,000,000 feet of flr and rrom wnom tne stocks wpth tuirchayerl . a A . j a , T '1.000.000 feet of hardwood, and several oomo Mia jn wew Tork. , months will he required to convert it New York has received some rain ! Into lumber. lately, but It Is hard to tell at this time, : whether the water came too late or not. ' pnnri CDIIIT DDnODCPTO The hop section of that state was visited ! UUUU rnUII V tlUoi L.U I O thayar by one of the dryest stretches , u..i, nu mere is a large ASHLAND. June 1 2 According to a difference of opinion as to the damage prominent fruit man of this section the , i outlook for the fruit crop of Southern .'..-J" a niiRUl IIlllIUe- Anaconda Mining Co .., A ma I. Copper Co Atchlann. coin Wtfr preferretJ'r.T-.-:7-.-. . Am. lar ronna., com do preferred Am. rtttgar, com Am. Hmelt., com do preferred Baltimore A Oblo, com. do nrererrea Brook 1'vn Rapid lVanalt. Canadian I'aclflc, com., Cblcago A Alton, mm. no preferred ........ Chi. It Ut. Weat.. com. ( hi., Mil. St. 1'aul. Chi. A North., com.. Chlcaito Terminal Hy . Cbraapcake -ti Ohio. . . . Canada Houtbern Colo. Fuel A Iron. com. Colo. Southern, com.... do 2d preferred do lat-jire'exred Delaware A Uudaon : . . . Del., Lat-ka. A Weat.. D. A K. O., com do preferred Erie, com do 2d preferred do 1 at preferred ,. . . .. tlllnon Central IiOUiaTllle A f.ahTllle. Metro. Traction Co Manhattan Elevated Mexican Central Uy . . Mexican Nailoual .... Minn., Ht. 1'. A Hte. M. do preferred Mlaaourl I'aclttc M., K. A T.. com do preferriiT New ork Central Norfolk A Weatern, com. do preferred North American N. Y.. Ont. A Weat... Pennaylranla Railway.. P. ., I,. A C. Co Preaed Steel Car, com. do preferred Purine Mall Steam. Co. Reading, com u 2il preferred do l"t preferred Rep. Iron A Steel, com. mi preferred Rock la land, com ..... do preferred Soil In in itv.. com .... do preferred in h i n t ..otic St. L. A San Fran., com. ilo u preferred . . do lt preferred.. St. Iioul A S. W., com. do preferred Texaa A I'aclflc Tenn. Coal A Iron T., St. I- A W., com do preferred 1'ulon I'acltlc. com... do preferred M. learner, coin . . 00 65 V4 88 56 H BO 67 70H! 70 wneat - oenveraDie on contracts with a penalty of 6 cents.. 88 035 I"?1 OnKl 'O 301 ao; I ."', I I BO , t 4W 93 851!, 91 58 88 lll7(,121 ,1)11 4Vk( 4Vi; 4V U4 I 114 I WC, UJ II, H Ml (l ' , not. 1 ,! Mlti I 58V.I 56 Further deterioration in th rnmlltlnn nd the No. 3 white as high as 38 V of winter wheat is reported from many cents. Standard oats sold as high as 89 cents, ur xwu cent! over juiy. Mil waukee Is to follow the Chicago lead in develop. Some complaints of rust are the m-tter of making hard winter heard from Soutli Dakota and the ter ritories and from south of the Ohio. The damage by floods In bottom lands has been severe and pretty heavy along the Mississippi River from the Iowa line to the Ohio Kiver. The extent of - the - Tactaal - -tow tTrrrnat tw-'ifledWhYrned as yet, but the submerged area In Kan sas and Missouri and the Mississippi River bottom lands is at least 1,600,000 acres, most of which is wheat. 12.SlVlliMil-3tt 2tl'A 271,1 2 OW ! OT 1 Wl li 18H, 16111681, 1.M 171HI173 15 I 16 :i7 awtt 7 I 68'i 67 tt 18 28 25.1 28. 32 tt 134 HOtt 1254 im 22 22 64 tt (WS, 18 2t 171 13 37 07 27(4 06 11 i6:tt 172'i H 37 67 "7! I H8tt 18 Hi 28 S1 DH J 1721,1170 L25.1 251 Mi 3(tt 4W M 33 1, 32 ll Wttl 18-, 284 .68 . 1724 252 Witt 83 ik fid 67ttl WI 0014 135 i:j,13-ai 112 IIW'A 127 H25Vt 137ttll3" 23 I 22 221.1 22 651,1 54 M, 12341126 12:ttt lltt 12H- 137 Zt 22 i 66 tt 124tt 1021,11116 jl02'mlO4' extra dividend of 2 per 1 Oregon has never been so favorable as i It is at this time. The trees are. In I nearly all rases, heavily overloaded, and the fruit Is clean and smooth, and : is growing quite rapidly. i'nless a 1 1 r u'v . 1 1 , r m unmaa alint Today's quotations, as revised, are as ! unieh is nmethliiir unknown In this! section, the crop will be a record breaker. mem since tne Beginning of the wet weather, but It Is not expected thnt this 'year's crop will reach over 75,000 bales, even when the newly-planted yards are taken Into consideration Sale. 1.O71.0O0. Chicago A Alton .J-cent. Manhattan Elevated, extra dividend of 14 per cent. rnitea mate ieainer, prererrea, extra nm dend of 1 tt per cent. follows: i0RTLAND WHOLESALE PEICES.' Grain, Flour sad Faod. ' ' v"bet Wall Walla, 75c; blueetem. 786170c 4 , Valley. T8ttr7c.- Barley Feed. $21.00: rolled, $22.00' OatsrXo. 1 white, $1.17ttG12o; gray, $1.15 , Floor Enatem Oregon: Patenta. $3,95(34. SO; runxmd W., $4.20; atralgbta. $;i..16: VaUey, 1 $.i.63.70; graham, tt. $3.15; 10s, $3.85. MIIUtufTa Itmti, 2.'i.(0 tier ton: mlddllnga. ,; abort. $28.00; chop. $18.00. .' llay-i-Ximothy, $18.001 1.(I0;- ojover. $16.00(3 4T.UU. Hep, Wool sad. Hide. , Tlnn lOCtZOtt for- choice'; 1SSJ3 contracU, V U(tl.''.' ,v -. . . ' V ' Wool Talley. 16lc. enarse: medium to ; fair. lY!6rr fine. lW617r: Eaaters Ore v f (. l'HjlSc; iaobalr, DooiUial, 3738c COTTON FUTURES ADVANCE LIVERPOOL. Juno 12 Cotton fu tures opened at 25 points advance oh June options, and from unchanged to 10 points advance on other summer op tions, and 6. to 7 advance on the next crop, from yesterday s close. CLEARING HOUSE "REPORT The report of the Portland Clearing House for yesterday shows. Exchanges Balances tttit $604,026.44 10O.984.26 r. do preferred I'. 8. Rubber, com.... V. S. Steel. Co.. ram., do preferred Wheel. A Lake Erie, com do 2d preferred . . . do lat preferred... Wlaconeln Central .. do preferred ..... Weatern I'ulon Tele Wabaali. com do preferred K-Vi, 40 127tt 831, W 88 24 tt 125 4 Witt 64 Hi 87 tt 27 tt 45 tt 04 83 154 7 34 tt 71 24 88 Ml 1 51 6741 70 "111 3tt 2341 22ttl 23-, 5141 4l 01 12!) 12tt 05 4J 'ltt 80 80 80 I 88 2(1 I 24 12(I41254 181 Mtt 88 27 4 444 H3 83 I04 75 tt 34 71 74 1(14 38 4 28 62 244 454 81 88 tt 8 4 14 81 22 tt 34 68 4 20 18 60 V, 884 28 48 (Ml 84 16 74 36 4 724 l 4 4 80 I 88 44 67 4 61 74 1H4 38 2S 62 24 44 R14 88 tt 88 15 74 17 SOU, 2i 54 tt 244 451.1 83 tt 88 00 14 31 4 81 22 35 584 311 8ll 81V, 128 44 80 88 28 V, 1204 08 55 88 28 4f 65 8.14 l-'Vn 7(1 4 35 72t, 26-, 8N 60 70; 02 V, 74 17 30 2 54 24 ,4 4 82 88 0 884 J4 4JJ "1 HOG PRICES CHANGE CHICAGO. June 12. Receipts of live stock at the principal packing centers of the country today were: Hogs Cattle Sheep Chicago 20,000 4,600 6,000 Kansas City. 60,000 800 Omaha 11,500 4,600 4,600 Hogs opened 6 to 10 cents lower and closed steady VI kKrf.WS(Fl(M-wr:trim yesterday. Ruling quotations are: Mixed and butchers', $6.76.16; good, heavy. $6.166.26; rough, heavy, $5.80 4.60; light, $6.6606.06. . Cattle and sheep, steady. RECEIVER ASKED FOR "So far this season there-have been eight trains, of about 20 cars each, of saep - shipped io K1rn stock- buvers In Kansas City. Omaha and the Twin Cities. The shearing Is practically over. "One thing that especially struck me Is the way settlers are filling In the country south of Shanlko. They are ar riving from all parts of the East and their ranches are to be seen every where. The majority of them are men without practical experience In sheep raising, but In a country where that 'Is the main industry It will not take them long to learn." Mr. Walte said that he heard nothing at Shanlko of the proposed extension to Bend. Bailroad Promoter Hers. L. M. Mulvaney. one of the promoters of the Council City & Solomon River road In Alaska, passed through Port land this morning. He has been in the aa'rT ' m aim-I2. PTOSt lS TS- ported In the spring wheat belt. A re ceiver has been asked for the I'nlted States Shipbuilding Company. The St Louis flood crisis has passed. The Servian revolution la nnt a ffn H m th European markets. Eighty-two roads b delivered at. once. iMPt the for Anm ihnw an .vro a .t (,.,.. first consignment will leave Seattle next ln""' -.From a condition that looked favor able for the average crop throughout the Inland Empire . hoi weather -and burning-dry north winds within three day reduced the possible yield by one fourth and cheated tha farmers of at least 2,7(0,000 bushels of grain. Reports reaching; Portland now Indl- - cats that unless, weather conditions are particularly favorable during the re mainder of the present month and tha early weeks of July, much greater lose will result. Between 10,000,000 and 12. 000,000 bushels of wheat -and barley la an average crop for Walla Walla and Columbia counties. Wash., and Umatilla county, Ore., and two weeka ago every thing pointed to this figure being re alised. Then came hot weather and dry winds and hopes were blasted. ' Private advices received from tha headquarters of the Washington A Co lumbia River Railway it Walla Walla, are to the effect that nothing like def inite figures can as yet be obtained re garding the probable yield. known that a loss of cent has already been an Hot Worth atu-TssUng. From Pendleton comes In Umatilla county alone there are 16,' 000 acres of standing grain from which the aap of Ufa has been licked by tha dry winds, leaving it a total loss. It Is not probable that any attempt will be made to harvest this grain at all, the dwarfed and roasted remnants of what were once promising grain fields being burned with the stubble In the fall. There are many farms on the Washing ton side of the line which have been similarly served, but estimates' cannot be made with accuracy as to the per centage that can be saved. . After a loss of 25 per cent grain ex perts claim the farmers of trie In land Empire districts could realise profit w-thelr year's wrtlny; -bt prices would have to be -right and harvesting ex penses light. What the future has In . store In this regard remains to be seen. ' The wonderful recuperative powers of the Northwest soil and vegetation nourished by It sre well known and It Is - hoped that exactly beneficial weather conditions during the next few weeks will change the complexion of affairs and build up the yield rather than further reduce It San. Seeded. Rain Is needed, and needed bsdly Jn every Inland district. Should this rain come In the proper measure and be In terspersed with bright sunshine of the kind that Invigorates but does not burn, and should the winds, remain away-It. Is admitted there is still a possibility T.' , a . I. .. . an ..... V. a nAnlr.Kl rT e'" " rL. , that the wheat and crops may not end h! a h?..ih equlpment 0r so badly as It now looks. But to pre r Li.-C.iJ ? i'..,i fir vent further loss everything must work innr.n . .vT . . ,hih (. together in exactly the proper propor- '"' v iriiu.y.i.c.iv. ,i...v... . . .lm.t l.,..,1n... I J taTaa v a a. w fc t a Biiiiuii miifivuivusj SHEEP ARE LOWER PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS, June 12. Today's receipts of livestock at the local yards consisted of 65 cattle and 100 sheep. Demand for all stock Is small. Sheep are H-cent lower. Rul ing quotations are: Cattle Best, $4 4.60; medium, 13.75 4. Hogs Weak. 5 5 He. Sheep Weak. 2H3c. " Lambs Weak, 33fcc. FLOUR INCLINED TO RAISE CHICAGO, June 12. Minneapolis wires: The Northwest Miller says the flour markets are generally firm, with prices Inclined to be higher In sympathy with the advance In wheat, but buyers, however, did not seem to be anxious to pay advanced values. Trade in Kan sas City is still disorganized owing to I the floods, and business In St. Louis is practically at a standstill. xor Apru snow an average net Increase 1 " : nt tha i!nnonon h iahi. nf wheat a . . A. . . . 1 we ah- if win nt rn k en nirecr in council "l " " w.we.B-K weex in - - - -r --- - and barley visually grown in Columbia, June snow nn average gross increase, of "'"-" '" " '", T ., Walla Walla and Umatilla counties. 4.40 per Cent. me volume Of COmmla- '.""a." .V." i-a. ahnnt 7 OOO OOft hnahelaflnH. nutlet at slon hualne.a la Imnrcvln, Ta,,-e 10 guarantee me compieu m " - "-'--- 7 " " " -- aaw n ... 1 a . . a al Til.... b. .. I KIIVHI IM 111 II II IIHII1 1, . ,1 I III 1 Ifinm llVPr Wall Iraal (a Tnnr. Knlll.h nr. .., a UI inB mall BB lar BB OU1UII1UI1 IUVCI WJ - " 7 T, . .. r.rmrt. tha traVT. mA i. ,, August 1. a distance of 50 miles. me wasnington coiumoia Kiver kbii reports the trade OUtlOOM IS good. II- ,. . i-i 1.1 . .v.- rnarl anrl tha Knrtharn Pacific The re ii ,, -..... , , . . 1 . VI . ln rnnvi 1 1, iuvbiucih wi uic - l!r ? th .tc? thi .. , rh h Is already there, having left the malnlng 6.000,000 bushels comes by way tA th. ..Tk .... . i w i 7 .. States about three weeks ago. We will or i-oriiana. to the sub treasury since Friday $1.- L.11. ..... n th. u. 1. i .,.11 The hn wlnHa thnt wrnnhr such 4,oo, in gold -goes to Ar- ( w. wUi " hv two locomotives and a considerable damage to the wheat fields. seuiniB luiuunun. 1 weivo inausiriaiS tnt.l nf It .... fraUhl .nl niiunnr hlnwa frnm tha nnrtheaat anrl arrnia show an advance of 1.60: 20 active rails ..Jt not the'lntentlon of the owners the Canadian plains, losing their mohxt- ShOW an advance Of 2.75. I nt tha rnarl tn aton at Hnlnmnn River ura In tronalt Tha laat VPtla-a nf Leavine there, the 1 line-will be DUShed rain remalnlna? in the atmosnhere thev PHIPAfin PAQU RIIQIMFQQ on In a northwesterly direction as far carry la deposited on the eastern sldo v..iv,.wv, uyuint.uw gm Tork, north of Nonid, When of the Rocky Mountains and when they 1 I this is completed, probably some time aive downward upon the Paelflo slopo viiivnuu, uiio u. vobii uusinesB next vear. travel to ana rrom name will 1 their a, ih rat n tnr avarvthinar that- here yesterday was 200,000 bushels of be open throughout the year. . . comes within their path. These winds corn ana joo.vou misneis or oats. Hea- 'The nrooosed roadbed hss been rone irraa.,iari hut nanaiiv avarv at cione reporxea zo canoaas over and a preliminary survey made. flve or geven years. Their temperature of wheat were taken for export, but Before returning next fall I -will make a I )a very hlgh Bna they evaporate molst- 11110 wao uibicijt bii exviiuiiKB m i u lures personal inp over me route in company ur wherever it la to be found. They for cash property, the trade haying with a party of railroad engineers, who kju rowing grain by robbing It or Its Kdnn MBrXA niUMliAilalii aa-.a4 -u.. a I !. Waa ax awM iAl ABB tA . nntka' -AB1 I a-jii iiiouTj j-'t v-i ivuniy nuu iryuiieu. I uve isrvru -iio.0cru iwi i. v iiivh.iib nwi n. laaastlri-r nn v thA mmmrA anil Tka. 1. a.- ? A ft AAA 1 M I 4 41 $ nra.A,n . v . . ...- ,.-w w..- a 113 oattrp wcio ouv,vvu UUBlieiB U UUra 111 nidi Brv iivn. cnin ir ninnaa, hub ydlOW St&llk aiJU 1VU,VUV UUBI1C1S Ul UUIS. I piU(irBncu tu outn ail rAvtriii im? l' r v V, ba. -r-. vi Via fa 1 fra A m vtnmv 1m. perauv'eT- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Balls Tor Southern Paeltto. aCi . 7 4 f PARIS GRAIN CLOSE The steamship Ocklen, which arrived victor Lnd Company to Jas. H. Hoved- saard. lot 8, block 8, tbuaeensen Add. PARIS. June 12. The market closed .......... with wheat and flour and spot wheat 10 tnna of SO-nound steel rails, consigned Tsbor ' 1 centimes lower; futures, 16 centimes to the Southern Pacific. This Is suffl- J' jA'nj;J ? . toualni bM luwer, opoi iioui, oo cennmes lower, ana clent, to lay 40 miles of track. Troutdale $75 rutureB, o centimes lower tnan yes- The rails will be used on the moun- German Baring A Loan Socletr to J. H. terdav's close. The decline on wheat 'ii.inn. whara tha travel la haaw. I Brlatow. weat 43 feet lot 7 and 8. eauals U-cent on SDOt and .-eent on Tt 1. tha enmnnnv'a intention to lav btoclL.ia6' fru.ther' Add 2,800 . "a " . . r r. T .. a . iin uiaen to A. futures per bushel. 22 34 55 tt li.l-1, 22 34 57 21i 43ttl 43 4241 43 84 4 1 84 I 84 I 84 22 24 1 22 1 2ti 4241 4441 4241 44 PARIS WHEAT DOWN PARIS. June 12. Wheat was quiet, jitJhjpot.-6 ntlmeSvlaer and futures, 5 centimes lower. '.The flour market is quiet, spot at 10 centimes lower. Futures are unchanged from yesterday's close. The decline on wheat Is equal to '4 centime on spot and V4 -centime on fu tures per bushel. xbutge of Chicago Markets. (Koecliit ncrmlfwlon of Rolton. de Kurter A Co.l CHICAGO. June 12. The markets ranged to day a follon-e: Open. High. Low. Cloae. Wheat July.... $00,754 $0O.T6 $00.75 $'75B Sept 75 .73 .i2 .72 Corn July 484 -8tt .484A Sept 47 4 -47 .47 .47B data July R6Ti .38 .30 .38A Sept 334 .33 .33 .33 Pork July.... 17.12B 17.15 17.10 17.15A Sept 10.80 16.92 1(1.80 16.00A Urd Jnlr.... 8.87 8.87 8 82 8.87 Sept.... 8.07 9.00 8.07 8.07A Rlba July 0.82 0.37 S 32 9.32 Sept 9.25 9..K) ' 9.25- 9.27A "Strength and vigor come of good food, duly digested. 'Force.' a ready-Uo-serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden, but sustains, nourishes, invigor ates." ARGENTINE SHIPMENTS NEW YORK. June 12. Argentine snipments or wneat tms-. week were 2.008.000 bushels, against 17H2.000 bush els last week and 804,000 for the same period last year. Corn shipments this week were 1,492,000 bushels, against 2.698.000 bushels last week, and 1,686, Inisliels for the same period last year. LIVERPOOL UP AND DOWN LrVERPOOL, June . 12. Opening: Wheat July, 6-3, H up. Corn July, 4-7, H up. Close: Wheat-rrfuly, 6-3, tt lower. uorn July, 4-771, tt higher. heavy rails on all lines. The great In crease in travel during the past year or two has made a quicker service be tween Portland and 8an-Francisco im perative, A number ,of sharp curves will be eliminated and 80-pound rails C. Wlhlon. eaat U outheaat section 20, towneblp I aoutb. ranee 6 eaat C. and E. Buabong to J. ii. Houiton, lot o. block 17. rorta mouth villa A. 8. and E. Foster to Frank Lecg, weat .12 feet lot 3, block 2, Pleaaant View Add 800 75 225 10 FRUIT-OUTLOOK SPLENDID laid in place of old tracks now consld- B- Staub and wife to J. D. Harm, lot 1.1.. t. . ihn,,.hi thi. .,111 I 2. diock 38, Hunnyaide , .h. -'.ail ciiVa.Hnn hatwaan 7ii. E" l-ldsy to Mcrrltt Llnd.y. lot 9 solve the speed question between the , j4i Highland 280 two cities. u. w. Tblelsen and wife to it. w. Iloyt. I trustee, lota 1 and 4, block 8, Doscher Second Add , 'I 1 . a t. tK. tf. nt Tiaanh IaA...J r'TTnXi'MTJ',-14 Th. I . " w " r"-e- uuuuni, a.. n n uuuuva. lll I nllaniej. irun in xnis vicinixy is spienaia at tnis time, although ic IS not thought that the cherry crop- will be very large. acre southeast corner of nortbeaat tt i 2 eat section 79, township 1 sotttb, range CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Oraln Primary iCoTemeats. NEW YORK. June 12. The primary movement of wheat was 302,000 bushels, against 327.000 bushels last year; corn, 367.000 bushels, against 360,000 bushels last year. There are no shipments yet JTew Tork Olearanoes. NEW YORK, June 12. Today's clear ances were: Wheat, 91,000 bushels; flour, 29,000 barrels; corn, 1,000 bush els; oats, 10,000 bushels; wheat and flour. ill, ouu ousneiB. , Ohiosgo Oaah Wneat. CHICAGO. June 12. 13;S0 p. m. No. 2 red. 76; No. 3 red, 72 tt; No. 2' httrd winter, 76; No. 3 hard winter, 7274; No. 1 northern spring, 80; No. 2 north- LIVERPOOL COTTON UP LIVERPOOL, June 12. The cotton market closed feverish, 19 points Up on near months and 9 points up on late months. . i Roy Barksdale, 308 Eugene atreet; PS.- Hum ncotc, w oouiawn ; measles. chicken- DEATHS, June 11. Adelbert Hopkins, aged 53. at Good Samaritan Hospital; pneumonia. June 10. Fare L. Marl'hersou. aged 15 rears. Lewi Bulldlnc: tuberculoma'. June 9. Johnnie eugar riatterwnite. aged 7 year. 086 intra street: internal Hemorrhage Sims OTxu tom pixis. Itching piles produce moisture and cause Itching," this form, as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protudlng Piles are eaued from treetcar accident! cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko s Pile Remedy. Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tu mors. . 60c a Jar, at druggists, or sent by mall. Treatise free. Write me about your case. Dr. Bosanke. Phil's.. Pa. B. J. ftellwood to Robert Welch and wife, lot 2. block 69. Sellwood I J. K. Wood to Theresa Wood, lot 1 and 20. block 61 to 66, and lot 1 to 7 and 14 to 20. block 50 to 87 J. C. and M. Stuart to J. 0. Botkln, lots 60 to 60. Verdant 1 I A. C. Wlhlon and wife to E. H. Kelly. undivided 1-3 east 4 of nnntbeaat tt section 20, southwest section 20 and southeast section 10, township 1 south, range 5 east. 400 acres 1.024 Multnomah Real Estate Association tn t r. xr.rv.linM. l irt hlnak- o ' u-m im. .J. .n.uilu , av, uiv. . u, ,1 111- amette M. R Morgan et al to M. K. McColloch, lot 15. block 3. "Willamette M. Llnsday and wife to W. J, Cheney, tot- b, ume n. mgniana 7.10 1 125 1 250 Th Edward Kolman TJndertsklmr Oo. ftuteral directors and exnbalmers, 880 Tsmhlll. none 507. TOM OTJAXAaTTEXD TXTX.BS See Pacific Coast Abstract. Guaranty oV Trust Co.. 204-6-6-7 Falling Building. Get your title Insurance and abstracts X. 9. Tinier and Bon. fnneral directors to real estate from the T tie Guarantee axta emimunera, nave rimovia to ueir t irust to., unamDer or uommerce. l ne ivortnern fnc.tnc will a train nines i w inHiwianiii vin i very low excursion rates In effect on Maotaoa street, -tottt piloses o. 9. June 24. 26. 26. 27. 28. 29 and 80. Julv , is and 16. and on Aus-ust 25 and 26 Crematorium, on Oregon City cat BUILDING PERMITS. There are very low rate round trip tick- . Beiiwoodj modern, soientino, ets and will enable all to make a triD to complete. Charges Adults, 3S; chll- the East at a great deal less than regu- J. Tlaitora 9 to aPvjn- Fortiana lar rates, ror iuu information, call on I - -ibbwb, rvmaau. or write A. D. ' Charlton, assistant sren- eral passenger agent, at 255 Morrison f BVXTXB TZZW OEktSTIiST. street, corner Tnird. .Portland, or. Single graves, 810, June 11, to Or Jones, on Division street he tween . Fast Fourteenth and K.aet Flftannth. treets, two-etor.v dwelling; $1,000. jnne ii. ro i 4. (.ainn. iieiay atreet. netweea, Buaaell and Kuott dtreet. repairs; $230. , ' Jane 11. to Mr. Buckatin, Front street be- - aTamily lota from I tween Harrtaon and Montgomery, - two-story ittt to $l,0O0. The only cemetery m dwelUng; $3,500. Dyspepsia bane Of human existence. I nrtla.nt, .wklek.- xwnHMrnallv mainCBln Burdock Blood Bitters cures It I aaul eavrea for lota. Var f nil 1nf nrmatinn promptly, permanently. Regulates and apply to W. K. Kaekenaie, Worcester tones the stomach, Block, city. W. X. XaSdd, president. Is It a burn?- Use Dr. Thomas' Elec tric Oil. A cut? Use Dr. Thomas' Elec tric Oil. At your druggists. i 1 4- A 4