Offlcer "Forward, march! Now, If you bolt or turn to right or left before I tall you to I'll put tbs lot or you In the guard house. "Why, how do you do, Miss Sweet? So glad I met you! Nlco day, Isn't It?" Private Hawbuck "I hate to do it, boys, but if wa top or turn we'll git Jugged." Offlcer "For goodneaa' sake, Miss Rose, did yon eoe that awkward squad anywhere around here?" Elderly Alchemist "Hat At laatl I drink the elixir of life that I bar dlseoTered and I ahall become rouse again! WOULD BB OBEYED. STRANGE OCCUEBENCE. POB FRESH SIMPLICITY.' WONDER. . JUT Rastus "Ah done man beet, ma, but Ah didn't ketch nuffln'I" Aunt Mandy ''Huh! Den go feteh Hie dat Blipperl Ah tola you to ketch omepln' an' yen la GWINB to ketch omepln' too, Ah bet you!" TO GET EVEN. II. Cecll-Ma. hated rival la winning Miss Slapdasher away from me. What revenge can you suggest?" Algle "Let him marry the girl." LOGICAL. Clark "That man's a famous mathe- B ail -I , ff r..rh'rn"Tnrt.:i m.M.k. "Come la, my friends, and note the - w.i.... " successful result of my lone studies. Cl.rk--N.wt He figured up hi. ga. 'l"lr DU marAr'a ft 0-1 1 rata mnA ma 44K villi. the bill." IT WAS ALL CHARGED. Several high-school authorities bare proposed that graduating ettraratanee In the matte of dreae 1 bo don a vray with this year. Good idea. FOND HOPE. TV. STAND-OFF. Mr. McFadden "HI vins! Mary Ana hangln' on thot planny will drolve me Insane!" Mrs. McFadden "Ol'll till her to play softly." Mr. McFadden "Don't! If she plays har-rud thtre's a chance she'll break th' planny." SAME THING. Friends "See here, thia la aoma lelght-of-band trick. What monkey business la the old professor trying on, anyhow t Visitor "Your friend, the major, aaya he still loves to hear tba ringing Cry of 'Charge.' " The Kunnel "Huh! Yes? He was a autler endurln' the wah, y'know, an' I guess he didn't do much cash business, BUh!" MUSTN'T GIVE IT AWAY. Chauffeur "Aw, me poor fellah, I s'pose, now, you sevah ride In an auto?" Farmer Scrabble "Naw, but this Is "bout as good. I'm tlnkerin' it most o" the time." Chlpson "Pull you out? But, my dear maaam, now can I unless you atop try ing to pull me In? Really, you must let go Defore I can do anything." THEIR ERROR. .r .... SEASONABLE 6CENES--HAVING YOUR HOUSE PAINTED. Each-"Ugh! If I looked Ilk thai I'd quit the business!" '.- IN RETIREMENT. Slkes "Dls Is angel cake. Shall we risk takln" It?" Reddy "In she goes!" (Biff! Bang!) I uT N . ' lri MWovte ,VV Policeman "They must be novices to go an' make a noise like that." Neighbor "Who's that using such awful language in your cellar?" Mra. ficrubbs "That's the rarrot. I had to put him down thre 'cause he was upstairs while my husband was belplng me clean house." WANTED A HOUSE. LONG-FELT WANT. Tom "So she gave you a flat refusal, h?" Jim "Yes; aaid she wouldn't live In one." Josh "Let's go an' look at the big buildings." Hank "Not on yef carpet bag! Why, say. If we go rubberln' round every body'U Bee that we're from the coun try." SO REAL. The first thing la to take this neg lected child to soma auttable asylum and then we'll find the old man. and teach him a lesson." . WAlP Chorus of NelBhbor.-"I-d have had It a shade lighter." "Seems a little glaring doesn't lt 1 In'f A t m mtlflll mm -1 ltnm U' K a . , m-nm ' . ... . S ..... r-J"r'" f iu inr inair" "-mat color vrpn't wear.'! -'Why didn't yon watt ttll fallf" It look, like rain; so sorrr for yon." Etc., etc., etc. EXPENSIVE CAMPAIGNING. Jocko "What did you buy bo many campaign cigar for?" Boony (campaign manager) "Hush! a delegation of alligators is coming this way! "And each of them smokes a box of cigars at one.' Oldby "I love to prowl among the old treasures of this attic. As I look Into the relics of the revolution I seem to feel the turmoil of The Alchemist "Confound that old elixir! Here I am a kid and I'll have to wait twenty years before I can get even with those old reprobates!" VICTIM. DANGEROUS TENDENCY IN CERTAIN COLLEGES. Mr. Bankly "ScrlMets, what do you mean by assuming such a position at your work?" Mr. ScrlblsU (bookkeeper) "I've been tacking down carpets for two days, sir. and I can't get out of this shape, air." IUTURB DANGERS. 1 U-sQ AfCtORHT A1 ( i gt - - J