8 THE OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL; . PORTLAND, THURSDAY ; EVENING. JUNE 11Y, 1003. The Crack Train of the West Th Canadian Pacific's ' fast train. known the :'Imperinl Limited" will ' bo placed 4i. commission -June 13, malo ' Ing-the run across thcontlnent In four tUyg.-oCall at Mi 1 Third street for full partieulHrav - ' .. '. v r MOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, ' iihiinhlfiH wilf be rend'vrTlhc oflic of th Coninumdant of the Oregon Soldier' Home. Roseburg. -, rcgon. - aud at the office of Dclo D. Neor. srcblteet. No. 1.134 First , street. Portlsud, Oregon, until June 27. lmct, at 3 o'clock p. m.. for finishing tint Bur racks Building, Hospital, and for laying the water msms in ireorain wnn plana and pec.lltc.it Ions which an' now on die In both tbc plsccs named, bid for finishing the two buildings to In' embraced In one bid. anil luring nf the wstcr roalna In another, both to lie addressed to W. W. Elder, Cnmniaiid " ant of the Oregon Soldiers' Hump, at Hose burg. Oregon, and left with him or with Dclo l- Neer. architect. A certified check in tb amn of in per cent of the bid or bid, made payable to W. W. Klder, Commandant, must accompany each bid. aald check to be forfeited to the JSL Rdiite of Oregon In cane accented bidder - fall" to sign contraeta and furnish a bond within ten days after the award are made, to be approTcd by the (Inveriniicirt. No bid will he received after the time act. and no bid will tc considered tmleaa accouuuiiili'd by aild check, made parable na a foroild. GEO. K. CH A MItKltl. Al V. Governor. CARPENTER. J. F. LUCY, aucceaaiw to Gordon Mfg. Co.. STORAGE AJtD TBANSrEK. work r. Ic remodeling. (Iteration, etc.; cabinet and Jobbing a specialty: counter (helving, tioxe, etc.; tore and omc nxtures; np-io-date and original carpenter work of all klnda; nothing too large or ton small for our I aimed la to attention; no fllea on ua; make and put up the beat fly aereeua In Portland. Shop, foot of Yamhill a. ; phone, niack 3Stf: realdence. 747 Kaat Stark; realdence phone. White 712. CASH REGISTERS. H O. PICK,- office. 8S First at., between Stars arpenter, builder, general contractor. houseJ. , and Oak eta.; nhon 696; planoa and furul ture moved and packed 'for shipping; com modious fireproof brick warehouse. Front and liar ata. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. $500 DOWN and 812.50 monthly bnys neat newly-papered and painted o-room cottage, 1 block of 8 afreet car,. Wet Wide; Imtnedlato possession: only $875. Columbia Heal Estate ft Iruat Company, 234 u Morrison at. H.ALLWOOD CASH REGISTERS. 2(14 Stark at. CHIROPODY AND MANICT7RINO. THK DEVENYH. the only aclcntlflc cblrojiodlata In tho city: parlora 1 -2, Allsky bldg.: till! la the loiig-hnlrcd gentlpman you want to nee. Grant 1(1. 180 ACRES of land. 12 mllea from Forest Grove, on Dairy tYerk: suitable for atock ranch; ' few acre cleared and fouced. araall house, living water; will be aold cheap, bailey. Benson Bldg.. Fifth and Morrison. REAL ESTATE. L. MITCHELL. Chlropodlat, Knlghfa Shoo atore. 2114 IVaahington at. Phone HikmI 72S. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. H0TICE Or VACATION OF STREET. KOTICK la hereby given that at the regular leethig of th Common Cmincll of the City of I'ortlaud. Multnoiuali Cctnnt" -Oregon, to le held on the 2Uh day of June. llHX!. at the regular hour and place, a petition will be preaented to aald. Common Council by the underalgued praying for the vacation of all tbut portion of Wlntbrop atreet. In the City of loTtland. which Ilea hetween the anuth line of Columbia boulevard and the north line of Willla Ronlcvard and between Morka numbered X. ft. 24 and 25 and tin, 60. 97 and N, . In Peninsular Addition No. 2 to the City of Eaat Portland, now Portland. 11. M. LOMBARD, Portland. Dr.. May 31. 1003. KOTICE la hereby given that at the regular neetlng of the Common Council of the City of Portland. Unltnomah County, Oregon, to he held ou the lat day of July. IIXM, at the regular hour and place, a petition will le . preaeiited to aald Common Council by the unaeratgnea praying lor the vacation or all that portion of Gatnea atreet. In the City of Portland, which ilea between the eaat line of Flrat atreet and the weat line of Front atreet. JACOB I NGER. - Portland. Oregon. June 1. 190.1. JOHN A. MBLTON, carpenter and builder. 307 Stark at: office and atore fliturea built and remodeled;, altering and repair Bouaea. Phono Main 747. AC'HIOUS" MAIti'IN, carpentera and bull 1 era; repairing and icbhlng; atore' and oflic fliturea built. Bbop HM Columbia. Phono Clay 1X51. t H. F. CLAHK, 4834 Waah.. phonea Wcat 788, North 14J1. New and repair work, icompt attention. FOR 8AI.E KAHS1S Improved forma for aala In all Part a Oregon and Waahlngton: paymenta made to ami parcnaaera. or run particuinra aa 10 varioua propertlea apply to Win. alacuaaier, on yorceaier Ding. MAXWELL A KNAPP REAL ESTATE. Room 9. Chamber of Commerce bldg. ROPE. POBTLAND COItl)A(JE CO.. cor. Fourteenth and Nnrthrup ata.. Portland. Or. SAFES. BUY YOU It SAFES of J.-K. Davlai vour r patra and locknuta aafely done, flfl Third at SPECIAL DELITERT. CAFES. YATKS' PLACE. 26 Waablngton at.. Phone 8. Main 771. J W. Talhott, prop Portland. Or. COMPRESSED TEAST. POST SPECIAL DELiVRRY. No 2004 Waah Ington at. Phonea. Or.. Main 1X12. Col.. 2t!l, BLOT MACHIN-S. KEI STAR, COMPRESSED YEAST; It makoe Ughteat. For aale by all grocera. 15 per cent "tronger than any other. TRA.NSCONTlNfcNTAL MACHINE Ct). Slot machine. 8. K. Park aud Oak. Both Phone. Main 138. WHOLESALE HARDWARE. COAL AND WOOD. WESTKRN FEED A FUEL CO. Dealera In all kind of coal, coke and ch a rcoaT Phone 1018. ; VULCAN COAL CO.. wboleaala dealer beat I enala: foundry and amelter coke. J. E. HAHKI.T1NE A CO., Iron, ateel. coal aad niacaamitn a auppllea. 4.1-BI Second at. WHERE TO DINE. STKOISE8 RESTAURANT; flratlia BeaU, beet aervlc. 220 Waahlngton at. CORNICE SKYLIGHTS. WBW TODAT. FOX RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS to let aud one houae , keeping room. Inquire Uncle Sam Saloon, Iftif Fifth t. FARMS FOR SALE. Mr ACRES of land, few acre cleared; living water, amall houae; 12 mllea from Foreat Grove; will be aold very cheap. Whalley, Benaon Bldg., Fifth and Morrlaon ata. FURNISHED ROOMS. LOOAN BUILDlNO. I08H Union ave. Elegant roome for houcekeeplng or tranalent, furnlahed or unfurntahed: rate reaaonable. HOUSE FOR SALE. FOR SALE Nr botiaa and corner lot. No. 009 William are.; S room, bathroom, baeement with furnace and fixture waah tuba, electric light and city water. Apply John Bain, 224 Stark af. METAL SKYLIGHTS, galvaned Iron alee. J. 0. Bayer. 2W Second t. WHOLESALE WALL PAPER, MORGAN WALL PAPKR CO.. m int KCd i., net. T amnio and Taylor. Portland. Or. CEREAL KILLS. WALL PAPER AND FAINTING. ACME MILIJI . Acme Cereala. CO., Manufacturer Raliton 20 and 22 North Front at. P. JOHNSON A CO.. manufacturer Peer lea Health Cereala. 122-4 Front t. STRIKE doe not delay ua. a w are able to nil ail order without delay. Flrt-claaa work. A. A: Church A Co., No. 274 Tylor at. Phou Clay 171, ELECTRICAL WORKS. WHOLESALE GROCERS. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Office 803 Stark at. Weatern F.ectrlc Work. .10(1 Waahlngton ft. ' WADHAM8 A CO.. wholesale grocer, manu facturer and commlaalon merchauta, 04 and oo r-ront at. DRUGGISTS. FRANK J. STREnilO. drug, toilet article, perfume. .142 Waahlngaton at. ALLEN A LEW 18, wholesale grocer. Purt- lauu, rr. MASON. EHRMAN ft Co.. wioTeaiie grocer. N. W. cor. Second aud Plue at. I,ANO DYEING AND CLEANING. ft CO.. Flrat and Ankeny ata. TYPEWRITERS. ,T ..: CITY HOTICM. irr?: ciTYfKOTlcES.-' ASSESSMENT FOR 8EWXR" IS XAST OAX I ' STREET, SECOND XXTOEXSlOV. J'.- Blk IT, N50 feat lot It, Frank Bode... S.2J Blk IT, Not) feet lot 12, t'rauk Bode..' 1.40 Blk IT, WT feet of 860 foct of lot 10 I F. N. ' Ncliollaaw..... A. .30 Blk 17, BoO feet lot 11. F. N. Mcllol- . unn 1 x.a 'NoMeaM hereby given that the Cotincll of the lit af Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held or he 8d day of Juue. 3uo3. declared the !!S!!t'b'e0rdln,"r N- 'or ha Blk IT, 850 feet lot JX.F. N. Mcllol wr ytem, aecond oitenaiou. aald acwer Blk 18, lot 1, Mary A. Heitkemper. ... ai- poini in m iwmiitiinn on in, lol atarjr A. lieltkenipor..,.. Htreet. whlh ( i n , k nt ti. HMth I nib m i-k n . . , . , ' line or Vmm a ; ,.,.,.. hriv in I mi, ta u, j . , ., . ' hat Twentylghth atreet to a point In Eaat Blk 18, lot 5. Wendel K.cbelbaeher.... aireec; tneoca weaterty in Beat Everett I Hlk 18. lot 4L Wendel K.h.ihch.r. . atreet and Eaat Everett atreet If . extended eaat. I Rlk la ln T nriui. d n.xi.. erly.'to a point In Eaat Twenlr-alith itreet. If Rlk IS. lot a n'.ii.. ' n.iii. v.nUi esu-nara nortneriy; tneore aontheriy in mil nit is,, lot 9. Bertha Kuehle Twenty-alxth atreet If extended northerly to a Blk 18, lot 10, Rachel L. Hawthorne.. ixiini in Kaat couch atreet ir extended easterly; Rlk 18, lot 11, Margaretta Hernl.... thence westerlr In Eaat Couch atreet If ax. I Rlk 18. lot II Mameeo.. n.mi tended eaatarly to a connection with the sewer Blk 19, lot 1, The Hawthorne Eatat. In Kaat Twenty-fourth atreet In tb manner Blk 19.' lot H 1. hnu Tr.i.t.. ruviurn oy oruinanc o. 13,107. upon eacn lot, I nil IU. lot 8, Tba Hawthorn Eatat. part of lot and parcel of land, which are Rlk 19. lot 4. The Hawthorn Uat. pcclally and peculiarly benefited, to be aa fvl- Blk 10, lot ft, H. U Power. Trustee.. luwa, via: Hawthorne'g Flrat Addition to Eaat Portland CUTT MOTTOES. crnr MOTiciBr Blk 19, lot a. The Hawthorn Eatate.. Blk 19, lot T. W. D. Allard Blk 10. lot 8. Carrie B. Mockle.. .. . ... Rlk 1, lot 12, The Hawthorne Katate.. 18.80 Brk 19, lot 9. John Maxwell... CITY STEAM DYEING A- CLEANING WORKS. Herman Enke. proprietor. Telephone Main I THE SMITH-PREMIER TYPEWRITER. 122 iuo ; in make or typewrltera for rent; (uppllea for all machines. L. ft M. Alexan der ft Co.. renin. 171.1. No. AS th t. near Pine. Portland. Or. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. WANTED. YOUKO MAN with 11.000 and legitimate liual .neaa propoalUou Wauta . partner -wirh Sl.fiWr big protlts. .Box R. "care Journal. . FOUND. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremoat frater nal oclety of Northwest: protect the liv ing. J. L. Mitchell, aupreroe secretsry. 813 and SIR Marquam bldg., Portland, Or. Tel ephone Main 842. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Prael Hegele ft Co., too to 106 rfr. cor. Stark CITX NOTICES. HOUSE FURNISHERS. HOME FURNISHERS Furniture, carpata. par lor goona. atoves, etc. bee 1. uevurtl ft PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF BELMONT . STREET,-- Notice I hereby given that at the nitvtlng i-Ol!M .A horse. Owner call at !i7 MnrrK at The Oregon )ahy Journal HELP WANTED MALE. C. K. HANSEN ft CO.. EMPLOYMENT AGENTS 2o NORTH SECOND ST. Offices In San Frauclsco, Lo Angeles, Cal Ogden, Utah: Spokane, Waah. . HELP FREE TO. EMPLOYERS. Applicant - for work charged for what we secure for them, only or money refunded. FREE REGISTRATION and BAGGAGE ROOM. ESTABLISHED 1876. FOR NEVADA. Tunnelmen, double-hand ha mtnersmen. mucker, laborer. 2 to $.1 ' day, chances for machine runners, outalde laborer and teamster. FREE FARE, long job. good water, hoard and work. -, - - NORTH. u ' the . t'oaat. H -- R.. laborers, - f2.i oay;-aro station gangs 22 to 30 cents. ' FREE FARE. BRIDGE CAK1 KNTKH8, II. R. Vi. work on COAST. 82.711. FREE FARE. 8 millwright for lawmlll. $3.50 day; 20 mill, " and yard -laliorers. $2 day; box factory men and boys. 20 aud (30 and board; 2-horse sawmill teamsters, f.m and board; nreiuen, HO and board; rough carpenters, $40 and board; laborer around steam above!. $2.23; right of way clearera, $2.2T: teamsters and . laborer for a new Job at VANCOUVER: man and wife, cook and waitress for mining company boarding camp. $90; man and wife, private place. . country, MO. OTHER WORK IN OTHER LtlCALITIES. See ns If you want work out of town. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. C. R. HANSEN ft CO. 28 North 2d at. WANTED Partner with a few hundred dol lar to Invest In a new manufactory that will pay handsome profit: a chance to clean up $10,000 Jo $1.1.000 in two years; a chance of a life time to right party. Call or ad dress Millwright, office 63ft Flrat at., Port land. Or. BRIGHT young man wanted to handle up-to-date poposition: liberal salary to rl;;ht ruxn. Call Tuesday 6o Waihlna n M1-. WANTED A flrat-claaa barber at Electric Ho tel Barber Shop. Oreron Cltv. fir. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 100 WOMEN AND GIRLS wanted for fruit (tannery at E. Eighth and Division. Port jbtnd Cnnlna Company. " SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. WANTED By cultured. mTddie-agei) woman, position as houmikeencr In retlned home; references. W. care Journal. FWt 219 225.y'1',ll Bot" of ,he CounciT8 17 ,,'?i,V of ' WrrZ' ' " gon. held ou the 3d day of Jun, luyj, the " following resolution wsa adopted: FREE SHINES. Hesolved: That "the Council of iu,( fty of Portlsnd. Oregon, deems it exocrtlcni ' .i CLOTHES CLEANED, and pressed $1 per proposes to improve Belmont street troin the woai una or nuunysiae ihird Addition to the eaat line of Blocks 4 and ft, Bartscb Park, in the following manner, to-wit: Flrat Hy grading aald street full width with full intersections to the proper sub-grade. oecono ny graveling toe atreet full width month. Unique Tailoring Co., S47 Washing' von sr. INSURANCE. J. PHILIP KENNEDY. cent Norwich Phono Son th JA8. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability and In- nivinuai accident: aurety bond or all kind, Phone 47. Concord bldg. ENNEDY Insurance- resident ,"I."T"' graveling lue aireei lull width J i m tH.ii. ?i, with full Intersections with upland bank gravel 1ftr 44 rimZn bldg 7" . Thlrd-By constructing wlrn side &Y li mm. 4jamiitn pmjt. feet in width with six-foot covering plonk. H.' F. B ARTELS COMPANY, Flra Insurance. 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone. Clay 526. iourth By conatructlUK wooden cr,,uIL. six feet tu width. Fifth By vouatructlug box gutters accord lng to City Engineer' plans, apcclOcailoiw and estimate. Said Improvement to be made In accordance 4 M 4. HO 4.00 4.) 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4 4.50 1.50 1.50 ISAAC L. WHITE, fire Insurance, 225 Sherlock ,'" ,Jthn ,:hr','r ,'?1' tb bldg. Orenon nhone. Msln A58. of. .' 'ortland. and the plans, siclltcatlous and JtWELtRtr mmmmmmmm estimates of the City Kngiiioor flh-il in the office . f,.the Awittrof rheM'lry of Porffand ou 'the aay oi June, nsu, innorseo: Cltv Kngl THE n Mt'iTkRUPRR cn .r.ein. nwr." P1""". "pcclncstloiis for the Improve V.i. 6ua ii..r.JT . " DM,nl or Belmont street from tbu west 'lue of - - .. . H,nt"vu ev. Hlinnviilde Third Addition tl,a u.t 1 . JOB PRINTING. FINE OFFICE STATIONERY; bualhes . forma a sprcisity. Mercantile Printing Company, 824, Front, cor. Ash. Phone. Jflack auui. blocks 4 and 5. Bartscb Park, and the ell mate of the work to be done and tu' pfolialile loiai cosi wereor. The cost of aald Improvement t lie assivsed aa provided by tho city charter upou the property benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be all the lots, parts of lots ami parcels oi janu lying netHeen a lluo 100 reet north of and parallel with the north Hun of Belmont slreef and a line iisi reet sontn or and parallel with the south line of Belmont street and between the west una oi nunnysme intra AOintion and the east line of blocks 4 and 5, Burtsch Park. Tl.. . I . . . 1. . , , nHMB. H. E. ELY. dermatoloalst masa.ee. v '"'V 1 l"T:,"JrJ l""1 ' .tMtwlK" hiviMkh4. IflO 1 4 I A I . 1 . V LOCKSMITH. A. L. Ti-BETTR. 23.1 Yamhill, near Second 12 years with J. Barber. MAB8AGE. electric- treatments. 193H First st. MONEY TO LOAN. FRED H. STRONG. FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. No commission. I am in a position to make immediate loans Priori on lmrtroved real u.t.l. n, In, hnlMIn til,.-.! pose; ny amount; moderate Interest. Wo The above Improvement I to be claused as gravel Improvement and shall he maintaiuej by the city for the period of 5 years, provided that the ownera of a majority of the property benefited tiy said Improvement or any portion thereof shall not petition for a new and differ ent improvement before tho expiration of such erioa. The Engineer' plan, speelflontlon and eatl- ikp-, any amount; moneraie inieresi. vo , - , h. .. ii " rar,,L"8M'? ?l"ndJ." ! Utr'ec" . hebym.dr,ed.nt "'d aa building progresses when desired. Option in repaying rter one year. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent. 103 Second at., near Stark. THE STAR LOAN CO., 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 102 Tllrd at.. Is the recognised bank of the wage-earner. We advance money to teamstera, trainmen. shopmen, motormeu. conductor, etc., without mortgage, endoraer or collateral. Amount. Monthly U Month!. Weekly $100 repay f2fl.M or $13.00 or $!. $ 50 repay $13. .HI or $ 8.65 or $3.85 $ 25 repay $ 6.65 or $ 8.35 or $1.65 Business confidential. No unp'.eaaant Inquiry. Resolved: That the Auditor of the Cltv of Portland be and he Is heYehy directed t.i give notice of the proposed Improvement of said street as directed by the city charter. Remonstrance against the above improve ment may be filed In writing with the under signed within 20 days from the date of the tlrat publication of this notice. By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portlind. June ft. 1IH13. REMOVAL, DR. FRANK E-. FERRIS. DR. GERTRUDE E. Lambprson. Dentists, removed to Macleay bldg.. fifth floor. V ATTORNEYS. Ei'MONS ft EMMONS. Worcester bldg. attorneys st luw, 511 B. B , R1GGEN, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law; Notary. 806 3') Alii ngton bldg. PAXTON, BEACH ft E1MON 510 Chnmlier of Commerce. 1 J. T. TAUGHEIt Room 18. Alnsworth Building. B. B. DICKINSON. Attorney-at Law and N" tarv Public Ml Cnmmrriit blda. -r HOTELS. WELL VENTILATED single rooms. 15c. 2(c. and 25c a night: beds, 10c. The Everett House, cor Second nnd Davis. JJ '. - 1 .. ... LODGING HOUSES. MONEY TO LOAN on real, personal and col lateral security; special niortgagea; note bought Commercial idk. Phone Grant 850 MONEY TO LOAN at reasonable rstos. .In amounts to suit. Graham ft Clxton, 205 Mar quam building. MONEY TO LOAN, small amounta. short or long ; tlme. J. H. Haj' lpy 2 Cham, of Com. MONEY Tf) LOAN on "cltv lota and Improved farms. v. A Shaw A Co.. .148 Stark st. Blk 1, lot 11.. The, Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 1. south 100 feet lot 10, The Haw. thorn . Katate Dlk 1. north 10.06 feet lot 10, Arthur J. Ilowltt Blk 1. Bouth .100 feet lot 9, William B. i mil ley Blk 1. north 19 feet-lot , The Haw- thorn Eatat. Blk 1, lot 8. Th Hawthorne Katnt Blk 1. lot 7, The Hawthorne Estate.... Blk 2. lot 12, Th Hawthorne Katat.. Blk 2. lot 11. Th Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 2, lot 10. Tho Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 2. lot 9. Tb Hawthorne Katate.. Blk 2, lot 8. Bernard P. Mclnnl Blk 2. lot 7. Delia A. Butler Blk 8, lot 12, Th Hawthorne Eatat.. Blk 8, lot 11. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 3, lot 10, Th Hawthorne Estata.. Blk 8, lot 0, The-Hawthorne Eatat.... Blk 3. lot 8, Th Hawthorn Estate.... Blk 3. lot T, Tb Hawthorn Katate Blk 4, lot 12, Florence Crtttenton Re fuge Horn Blk 4, lot 11, Florence Crlttenton Re fuge Horn Blk 4, lot 10, Florence Crlttcutou Re fuge Horn Blk 4. lot 9, Florence Crlttenton Re fuge horn Blk 4, lot 8, Forenc Crlttenton Re fuge iiom Blk 4, lot 7, Florence Crlttenton Re fuge Horn blk 6, tot I. The ITswtborne Estate.. Blk 5, lot 2, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 5. lot 8, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk ft, lot 4. Tb Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 6, kit ft. Tb Hawthorn Eatate.. Rlk ft, lot 8, The Hawthorn Batats.. Blk ft. lot 6, Th Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 5, lot T, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 5, lot T, The Hawthorne Katat.. Blk ft. lot 8. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 6. lot 9, The Hawthorn Katate.. Blk ft, lot 10, The Hawthorne Estate.. Ik ft, lot 11, Trip Hawthorne Katat. . Blk 5. lot 12. The Hawthorne Eatate.. Blk 6. kit 1. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk, 6, lot 2, Tb Hawthorne Katate.. Blk 6, lot 3, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 6. kit 4. The Hawthorne Estate.. I Blk A. lot 5. Th Hawthorne Estate. . Blk ft, lot 8,' The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk . lot T. The Hawthorne Katat.. Blk 6. lot 8, The Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 8. lot 0. The Hawthorne Katate.. Blk 6. lot 10, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 8. lot 11. The Hawthorne Eatate.. Blk 8. lot 1 E. M. Hughes Blk T. kit 1. Mary J. Reece Blk T. lot 2, James E. Blackburn.... Blk 7. lot 3, Rachel L. Hawthorne.... Blk T, lot 4. Rachel L. Hawthorne.,.. Rlk 7. lot ft. Stella Balllnger Blk 7. lot , Emma J. Steven Blk 7. lot 7. C. E. Spiller and Alma A. Kpiller Ijlk J. Aot, Je ,ToM . .s,,-,,,,., Blk 7. lot 9. William T. Gardner Blk T. kit 10. William T. Gardner Rlk 7. lot 11. Grant ('. Rushnell ...... Blk 7. lot 12. Nora Hamilton Blk N. kit 1, The Hawthorne Eatat.. Blk 8, kit 2. The Hawthorn Estate.. Illk S, lot 3. The Hawthorn Karate.. Blk 8. lot 4, The. Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 8. lot ft. The Hawthorn F-atate.. P.Ik 8, lot 6. Tho Hawthorne Estate.. Blk s. lot 7. Emma E. Flshhurn Blk 8. lot 8, L. D. Ewlng Blk 8. lot 9. Mary J. Graham Ulk H. lot 10, William T. Sharkey.... Blk 8. SW lot 11, Charle N. Atwood.. Blk 8, H lot 12. Charle N. Atwood.. Blk 8. N lot 11. The Hawthorne Es tate 17.50 Blk 8. NS lot 12. Tb Hawthorne Ea tate II. 80 Blk 9, NVi lot 1. Henry Wlngert.. 12.45 Blk 9. N4 lot 2. Henry Wlngert 17.50 Blk 9. 8 lot 1, Kva Ellis 12.43 Blk 9, HI lot -2. Eva Ellis. .... ., .Jt. Trnt 17, kit a. The ifawthorne Katat. . 4.50 Blk 0, lot 4. The Hawthorn Estate.. 4.50 Blk 9, lot ft. The Hawthorn Estate.. 4.50 Blk 9. lot 6. J. It. Mattle Seaver 4.50 Blk 9, lot 7, John Raybor 4.50 Blk 9, lot- Rr Raybor ; r. -,-. vy.vs-.. 4.50 lllk 9, lot 9. Elma Clapp 4.50 Blk U, lot 10, John E. Anderson 4. 50 Blk . SVj lot 11. 8. J. Thornton .. 17.50 Rlk 9. 8 lot 12. 8. J. Thornton:..". :'. " 12:85 Blk 1). N'-i lot 11, Frank T. and Adclla Smith 17.50 Blk 9. N'j lot 12. Frank T. and Adella Smith ." .- Blk 10, lot 1. Frederick Mallett Blk 10, lot 2, The Hawthorne Estate. . Blk 10. lot A. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 10, lot 4, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk JO,- kit-45, The Hawthorne Estater. Blk 10. lot 6. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 10. lot 7. Cynthia M. Rabcr Block 10. lot 8. O. L. Havdahl Blk 10. lot' 9. M. E. Smith Blk 10. lot 10, Lucy A. Plerson Blk 10. lot 11. Michael D. Mrlrrtlre. . . . Blk lo, lot 12, Guotav W. Burholz.... Blk 11. lot 1, The- Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 11, lot 2, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 11. lot 3, Tho Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 11, lot 4. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 11. lot 5, The Hawthorn Estate.. Blk II. lot 0. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 11. lt 7, Geo. J. Cameron 80.35 I Blk 19, lot 10, B. T. Deeming........ on ju. tot 11. Frank Malmqulat 4.00 Blk 19, lot 12. Frank Malmqulat...... I ins i, iot j, ti. . rower, Trustee. . Blk 20, lot 2.. The Hawthorn Eatat.. Bit 2d. lot 8. The Hiwthnrn Katate.-. $.50 J Blk 20, lot 4. II. L. Power. Trust.. Blk 20. kit 8. Th Hawthorn Katate.. S3 Blk 20. lot 8. Th Hawthorne Katate.. B.SSlBlk 20. lot T. The lwhnrne Kalals.. S35 Blk 20. lot 8, Tb Hawthorne Estate.. 8.33 Blk 20, lot . H. L. Power, Trustee.. S IM Blk 20, lot 10, Tb Hawthorn Estate. 0 35 Blk 20. lot II, Frank Gloss B 33 Blk 20. lot 12. Hattl C Kdmnnda fllnaa 5..I0 Blk 21. kit 1, Th Hawthorn Katat., 5 30 Blk 21. lot 2. H. L. Power, Truatee.. B.:M Blk 21, kit 8, Th Hawthorn Eatate.. B.2S Blk 21. lot 4. The Hawthorne F.st.t 6 23 Blk 21, kit . If. L. Power. Truste.. B.20 Blk 21. let 6. Tb Hawthorn Eatate.. 8 20 Blk 22, lot 1, John Sharkey 6.30 Blk 22. lot 2, John Sharkey Blk 22. lot 3. The Hawthorn Estate.. 6.20 Blk 22. lot 4, H. L. Powers, Trust.. Blk 22, lot 6, Tb Hawthorn Katat.. 8.20 Blk 22. kit d, H. L. Powers, Trust. . Blk 23, lot 1. Henry H. ft Minerva A. 6.20 Pierce Blk 23. lot t. Mr. Minerva A. Pierce-. 8.20 Blk 23, kit 8. John Horgrrn Rlk 23, lot 4. Tb Hawthorn Eatate.. 6.20 Blk 23. lot 6. Rachel L. Hawthorn.... Blk 2.1. lot ft, Martha R. Deveuy 4 40 Blk 24, lot 1. City ft Suburban Railway 4.30 Co 4.50 Blk 24. kit 2. City ft Suburban Railway 4.50 Co 4.50 Blk 21. lot 3, City 8uburbaa Railway 4.30 ca 4 60 Blk 24. lot 4. John Scbmurr 4 50 Blk 24, lot ft. Sara A. McGowau 4.50 Blk 24. lot ft, Sara A. McGowan 4.30 ft tract of land bounded and described 4 50 M follow: Beclunlna- at a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with tb st line of Eaat Twenty-fourth atreet. where tb asm would he Intersected by a line extending north 80 degrees 15 minute east from a point lu th eaat line nf Brnnaugh' Add. City of Portland, which I 9N7.N4 feet aouth of It Intersection with the south line of Sandy Road, thence north SO de grees 15 minutes east to a point S3.02 chains north and 8.15 rbaina east of the (outhwest corner of Section 36, T. Twp. 1 N. K. 1 E . W. M ; thence northerly tracing tb west line of Wyukoop Villa, thence north 29 de. grees 30 minutes west to a point 100 feet south of the south line of Handy Road rectangular meaau.-viueut, tbeuce south du degrees .10 minute west. long a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel with the south line of Sandy Road, rectangular measurement, to a point 100 feet east of the east line 1.48 4 50 ' 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 - 4 50 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 h 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.39 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.nq 4M 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.60 .4.50 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 46o 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.50 3.00 4.00 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.60 4 4 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 -fi 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 22.85 35.00 4.50 4 4 4 4 50 4.50 4-50 4.50 17.50 11.80 MODEL MAKER. FOR FIRST CLASS REPAIRING go to Andy Frits, machinist and model maker. 110 6th. MINING AND MINE PROMOTERS. SESSIONS ft SIMPSON, mining and mine pro moters. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce. Northwest hotels. THE COSMOS Fourth and Morrison, furnished ! . housekeeping unites, tulte aud siuglu rooms; I $.1 -r week and up. ! THE CASTLE-273 ushi-igton "t. ; rooms for gentlemen: tranalent. Tel. South 701. ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES. ALL KINDS OK SIGNS and advertising novel ties. Ny Kern. P.O. box 01. Pbone Pink lt5. BATHS -EQUINE FINNISH. RUSSIAN HOT AUl 'bs'ths, 25c; alcohol mbbliC, 25c extra; open every day ejcipt Mniid"')a 10 a. m. to II Pm HI Jian-t ithtb ut., cor. Everett, howe. Seott 2241. BARGING AND LIGHTERING. OREGON HOrND Lt'MBER CO., side at. Phone Grsnt 1171. ' 181 Burn- BANJO. MANDOLIN AND GUITAR. INSTRUCTION clubs for advanced pupils; ln : t rumen I a for !. ital Weblur. studio 173 W est I'srt cor. . Ysmblll. Phone South 2SR1. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. KSBEUU--lMiT CIUAH CO. Dlatrttiutcri of '-.v FIKB CIGARS. - Portland, Oregon. ASSESSMENT FOR 6EWR IN FACTORY k STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Council of ... en. i..K(i.. , .., "':i:ur17i tAel)U?nr,,(,C.b" held on the 3d day ot'june 100.1. declared th" -: 11 1 ouci, ,u t IHM,nn, ,r nrill nn eo vrt 11 -utT construction or a sewer In Factory street from loo feet north of the north line of Thurmsn street to a connection with the sewer in Vaughn street In the manner provided by ordi nance No. 13.24S. upon each lot, part of lot and parcel of land, which are specially and peculiarly benefited, to be ss follows, vlx: ilson s Addition to the city or Pot t land Blk 2. all that portion of lot 5, blk 2. Wilson's Addition to the City of Port lnnd lying north of a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line .of Thurman street. Peter Mntaon.$ 22 05 Blk 2, lot s. Ladd ft Tllton ;;7.40 Blk 2. lot 11. Lsdd ft Tllton 13.45 North Portland Blk 1, east 10(1 feet lot 1, Jacob Mayer.. Blk 1. east 100 feet lot 2. Jacob Mayer.. Blk 1. lot ,1. Jacob Mayer Wilson s Addition to tbc City of Port land Blk 1. all that portion of lot 0. 1lk 1. Wilson's Addition to the City of Port loud lying north of u line 100 feet north of nnd parallel with the north line of Thurman street, -(Mary K. Wil son Blk 1. lot 7. Mnrv K. Wilson Blk 1. lot 10. William Reldt North Portland Blk 2. lot 1. William Reldt Blk 2. lot 2, H. P. Ellason Blk 2. lontb 40 feet let 3. Nick Jacob son Blk 2. north 10 feet, lot .1. William Reldt . A-tract of land lying between a lino loo feet south of and parallel with the south line of Vauirliii street and the north line of Unahur street and lie tween tho east line of block 2. North Portland and a Une 100 feet east of nnd parallel with the cast lino of Factory street. Amanda W. Reed A tract of land lyln between a line Kio feet north of nnd parallel with the north line of Thurman street and the south line of Upshur street west -of Twentv-seeond street and between the east line of block 2. North Po-tland. f and the east line of bl'ick 1. Wilson's Addition to the City of Portland, Syl vester Farrell ., Hotel Portland, American plan; $3, $5 per day Sommers Hotel, La Grande; travelers' home, BeWederejEuropea? planj4thand Alder its. St. Charles, First and Morrison st., Portland OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE H(IAI OVKUALLS slid mechatf. Ice' clothlnr. Union made. Neustadter Bros., Mfrri IVirrliind. (Ir PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. MlfiS AGNES LANE, public atenogrrpher nnd typewriter, 41tl Chamber of CohimOTce. I'honu Clay 8.10. -1L PERBONAL. YOUIl PRESCRIPTIONS re more" accurately and reasonably filled at Evssell's Pharmacy, Ut Morrison St.. Iiet. Mrst and Secuud st. '! KTORIK8 snd novels for summer read Ing 10 cent. Jonea' Book Store. 291 Alder CAFE KltATZ. 122 Sltth at, served at sll hours. 4.1.. 10 .15.0,1 35.00 7.95 1(1.50 8.20 21.55 : 20.55 16.85 4.20 1,55 A floe lunch PLUMBB8 r DQNNERI'ERG ft RaDEMACHEK. plumbwr. removed to 84 Fourth st. Both phones. PIANO LESSONS, W. OIFFOBD NASH, lOSOth t. application. Beclnner taken. term upon brAAYINO. SPRAYING in all branches; trees, house, hri, to. - 907 Milwaukle st. Phone. Blue 664. ' ' . 3.05 Total .". $291.90 A statement of' aforesaid assessment bus been entered In the Docket oX. Cltv Liens, and Is now due and payable at flie office, of the City Treasurer. In lawful moneT of the United States and If not fcld within thirty days from the de.t of this notice, such proceedings will be taken for the collection of th "wie as ere provided by the Charter of the CHy of Portland. The- above asesamf)t will bear Interest ten day alter tba flcst. publication of this notlo. . i " T. -THOS. P. PFVLIN. ( Auditor mf the Cltv of Portland. Portland, Oregon, June 10, 1003. . Blk 11. lot 8, Ceo. . Cameron Blk 11, lot 9. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 11. lot 10, H. U, Powers. Tr Blk 11. kit 11. Tho Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 11. lot 12. E. M. Hugh Blk 12. lot 1. Th Hawtborno Katat.. Blk 12. lot 2. The Hawthorn Estate. Ulk 12. lot 3. The Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 12. lot 4, The. Hawthorne Katate.. Blk 12. lot 5. The Hawthorne Katate.. Blk 12. lot R. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 12, lot 7, The Hawthorne Estate,'. Blk 12. lot x. ine iiawtnorne rotate. . Blk 12, lot 9, The Hawthorne Estate. . Blk 12. lot 10. The Hawthorne Eatat.-. Blk 12, lot 11. The' Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 12. lot 12, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 13, lot 1, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 1.1. lot 2. The Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 13. lot 3. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 1.1, lot 4, Th Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 13, lot 5. The- Hawthorn Estate. . Blk 13.-lot 6, The Hawthorne Estate., lllk 1.1, lot 7, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 18, lat 8. A. T. Myera Blk 13. lot 0, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 1.1. lot 10, The Hawthorne Estate.. Bit 1.1. lot 11, II. L. Powers, Tr Blk 1.1, lot 12i The Hawthorne Estate. Blk 14, lot 1, David Crelghton ........ Blk 14, lot 2. David Crelghton , Blk 14, lot 3, The Hawthorne Eatat.. Blk 14, lot 4, The Hawthorne Eatat.. Blk 14. lot S. Llzxle 8. 8huU.,,.....,v Blk' 14. lot 6, Link' S. Shutt.. ........ Blk 14, lot 7, The Hawthorne Eatat. . Blk 14, lot 8, H. L, Powers, Trustee.. Blk 14, lot 9, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 14. lot 10, H. L. Power. Trute. . Blk 14. kit It, Tb Hawthorne Katat.-; Blk 14. lot 12, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 15. lot 1, G. A. Taylor Blk 15, lot 2, G. A. Taylor, Blk 15, lofn, John Almeter Blk 15. lot 4. John J. Hchuerer ........ Blk 15, lot 5. H. L. Power, Trustee.. Blk 10, lot 6, Thomas M, Anderson.. Blk 15, lot 7, Frank A. Heitkemper.... Brk 15, lot 8. Frank A. Heitkemper.... Blk 15, lot 9, O. II. Heitkemper...... Blk 15, lot 10, O. H. Heitkemper- Blk 15. lot 11, Henry Swlnt Blk 15, lot 12. Mrs. 0. A. Taylor Blk IK, lot I. Dorothy Isabelle Arl.. Blk 16, lot 2. Dorothy Isabelle Arts.. Blk 1(1, lot 3, Clarsge H- l.Ilmes Blk 16, lot 4, Grace H. HI me Blk 18. lot 5, Grace H. Hlraes Blk 16, lot ft, John S. Jewell . Blk 10. lot 7. J. M. Hodson Blk 16, lot 8, Grace II. HI Dies Blk 16, kit 9. John, P. Sharkey ...... Blk 16. kit 10, R. ('., Brook ;. Blk 16. NH lot 11. Mary i Eleanor Tresham ,.,,., , ....... Blk 10. N'Vi lot 12, Mary Eleanor Tresham '; Blk 18, H", lot 11, A. J. ft D. L. Ktrker 12.83 4.50 4.50 . 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 450 4.50 4.5o 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4. Ml 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.5)1 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4,50 4.50 4.30 4.50 4.50 4.50 "4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.5(1 4.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.5(1 4.00 4.50 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.50 4.60 4.50 4.50 I 4.50 I 4.50 2.60 4.50 4.60 4.50 of East Twentr fimrtll, street.. tfjm:e along a Tine 100 feet eaat of 37S.90 . 4,001 pik 4. lot T. Charles T. Wynkoop.. - .V'i S!!1 t' 4.30 4.00 4.50 2.23 1.33 225 Blk 1ft. 8H lot 12. A. J. . L. Ktrker . 1.85 Blk 17, lot 1, Th Hawthorn Batata.. 2.80 Blk 17, lot 2. Mlko ft Rose Henriekson 4.5o Blk 17, lot 3, Bertha Jensen... 4.50 Blk 17, kit 4. Susan 8. Samuels...... 4.60 Rlk 17, lot 5, Ernest Hasenmsyer. . . . . . ' 4. 60 Blk IT. lot ft, E. . Hand " 4.30 Blk IT. lot 7, H, M McEIdowny,. 4.60 lllk 1L lot 8. It. M. McEldowney... . 4.50 Blk 17. lot 9, 1. 1. Rlcbardaon . . . . 4.60 Blk IT. aH-of kit 10 except WT feet . - ..of S50 feet, Frank Bode . ........ 4.20 south and parallel with the east line of East Twenty-fourth street to the place of beginning. Lee Hoffman Estate, heirs of , , A tract of land bounded aud described as follows: Beginning at a point 100 feet east of the east lib of East Twenty-fourth street and 100 feet south of the south lins of East Couch treet. If extended easterly In Its preaent course, thence easterly along a straight line 100 feet snath of and parallel with the aouth line -of East Couch street. If extended easterly In Its present course, to Its Intersection with the west line of Esst Twerify. eighth street, tbenee north slung the ast line of East Twenty -eighth street . to a point 23.91 chains north of the southeast corner of Sullivan Donation land Claim, thence weat 0.46 chains, thence north to a point In lot num bered 5. block nnmliered 3, Wyn.-. Soop TitTa. which Is' 19.8 feet north of tb south line of said lot and . 79.36 feet west of the eaat line of said block, tbenee south 8i degrees IS niln ntes west. In a straight line to tta - intersection with line 100 feet st of and parallel with the east .line of East Twnty-fourth street, thence south along a line 100 feet east of and - parallel with --fh-. eaat tlmr of East Twenty-fourth street, to the .place of beginning, Isaiah Buck man 1,112.40 A tract of land hounded, and described as follows: Beginning 23.91 chalna north of th southeast ' corner of Sullivan "Donation Land Claim, thenc north 3.70 rbaina. tbonee west 5.40 chain, thenc south 3.70 chain, thenc east 6.46 chains, to th place of beginning. Agnes O. Beach...-....; Wynkoop Vllls Blk 1. lot 1. Trustees of Third .Pres byterian Church of Portland. Oregon.. Blk 1. lot 2. M. G. Hughes Blk 1, lot 3, Charles M. Steven Blk 1, lot 4, Airs. Minna Stepp Blk 1, lot 5. Mr. Minns Stepp Blk 1. lot 6, Annie Henriekson Blk i, lot 7. Jennie II. Psrellus Blk 1. lot 8. Jennie H. Parellu Blk 1. lot 9, Ferdinand Hosier Blk 1. lot 10. Irving Hoffman ft An nie Bell . Blk 1. lot 11. M. K. Poulsen Blk 1, lot 12, M. K. Poulsen Blk 1. lot 1.1. M. K. Poulsen ., Blk 2. lot 1, Elizabeth wynkoop Blk 2, lot 2. Elisabeth Wy nkoop . . . . '. . Blk 2. lot 3, Elisabeth Wynkoop Blk 2, lot 4, Mr. K. K. Wynkoop Blk 2. lot 5. Mrs. E. K. Wynkoop Blk 2. lot 6. Mrs. E. K. Wynkoop Blk .1. lot 1. Elma Clapp Blk 3, lot 2, Met Lystrup, Trustee Blk 3. lot 3, Meta Lystrup. Trustee.... Blk 3, lot 4, Elma Clapp..., Blk .1, lot 6, Edward Hollow ay Blk 4, lot 1. Samuel Bahler Blk 4. lot 2. Samuel Babler Blk 4; lot 3, Gustaf Frederick Lund- gren Blk 4, lot 4, Gustaf Frederick Lund- siren , Bit 4. lot ft, A. Pauti Blk 4, lot 6, M. K. Poulsen Blk 4. lot 7, Justlna Emilia Rlslakens Blk 4, lot 8, Mrs. Kate Slnnott Blk 6, lot 1, Elizabeth K. Wynkoop.... Blk 8. lot 2, Elisabeth K. Wynkoop.... - Blk 5, lot 3, Elisabeth K. Wynkoop.... Blk 5. lot 4. Elizabeth K. Wynkoop..., Blk 6. lot 5. Elizabeth K. Wynkoop.... Blk 5. lot 6. Elisabeth K. Wynkoop.... Blk 6, lot 7. Ellxabeth K. Wynkoop.... Blk 6, lots, Elizabeth K. Wynkoop.... Blk ft. lot -1, M. K. Poulsen Blk' fl."kt-2. M. -R.- rooisen . .7,7. . . .... Blk . lot -.1, Mary O. Martin..' Blk 6, lot 4, Mary G. Martin Logon's Addition to East Portland Blk 1, lot 9, H. A. Hazelton Blk 1, lot 8, Ratio L. Watson Rlk 1. lot T. Ludwlg IVegfler Blk 1, lot ft. Maria ElRngsworth Blk 1. lot 0. P. H. Marlay ,. Blk 2, lot S, Mrs. M. J. Lyon. Blk 2, lot T, Mr. M. J. Lyon A Blk 2. lot ft, Mrs. M. J.' Lyon Blk 2, lot 5, Frederick Hllker Blk 3, lot 8, Wlnuona Becker Blk 3, lot 7, Wlnnona Becker Blk 3. lot 6, Thomas Darling Blk 3. lot 6, Thomas Darling.., Blk 4. lot 1, Jennie A. Oake Blk 4, lot 2, Jennie A. Oake Blk 4. lot 3, Jessie, May, Ethel and : Myrtle Gee..' Blk 4, lot 4, .Richard Becker Blk 4, lot 6, Michael Tlerney.. Blk . lot ft, Michael Tlerney Blk 8, lot 1, Allan B, Slsuson....i.(... Blk 8, lot 9, Allen B. Klaueon. ......... Blk N, lot S. Allen B. SUiisob1. .......... . Blk. 8, tot 4, Allen B. 8Iaupn.....,.V Blk S, lot 6. Allen B. Slauson, .7, ,,.;, .: : Blk 87 lot-, A.Ua B. 81auou. ..,..... -York ' ' '-' . -' ' "... Blk 4, all of lot 2. lying aonth of a line 100 feet southerly from and parallel with th aouth Una of Sandy Road, rectangular measurement, Tha Haw thorne Estate Blk ft. all that portion of lot 8, 1lk ft. , York, lying aouth at tin ia xeex . aoutherly from and parallel with th ' south line of Randr Road, rectangular ,,; ' measurement, Th Hawthorn Eatat,. York . ' '-I'..'-''" Blk ft, lot 4, Th Hawthorn Eatat.. Blk ft, lot 6, Tb Hawthorn BaUte.. Blk 6, lot ft, Th Hawthorn Eatate., Kllr ft. lot 7.' Th Hawthorn Katat:. Blk ft, lot S, The ; Hawthorn Eatate.. v Blk 7. all that portion of lot 4. blk 7, xorg, lying nvuin ong. o w feet aouth of and parallel with th south lln of Sandy Road, rectangular measurement," Mag M. Smith ........ York Blk 7, lot 8, Jam Lugg...... Blk 7, lot ft, Jam Lugg.. ... Blk 7, lot 7, James Lugg.,.., Blk 7. lot 8. James Lugg Blk 7. lot 9. Jam Lugg....- Ulk T all that nor 1 1 on of lot 10. blk 7, York, lying aouth of a lln 100 fet aouth of and parallel with th aouth lln of Sandy Road, rectangular meas urement, Mai M. Smith ....- Blk T. all that portion of lot numbered 13, blk numbered 7. York, lying aouth of a line 100 feet south of and paral lel with th south lln of Sandy Road, rectangular measurement, . Martin Handberg .; i York- , ' - Blk 8, lot 1, The Hawthorn Estate., Blk 8. lot 2. Th Hawthorn' Eatat . . Blk 8, kit 3. J. W. Lognn . Blk 8, lot 4, Tb Hawthorn Katat.. Big 8, lot 6, H. L, Power, Trust., Blk 8, lot ft, H. L. Power, Truste. . Blk 8, lot 7, O. Welbel Blk 8, lot 8, Security Savings .ft Truat Blk 8, "lot 9f Tb Hawthorn Katat.. Blk 8, lot 10. H. L. Power. Trusts. Blk 8. lot 11. H. U Power. Truste. " Blk 8, lot 12, H. L. Powers, Trustee. Blk 9, lot 1, The Hawthorn Katate.. Blk V, lot 2, H. L. Powers, Trust.. Blk 9, lot 3, H. L. Power, Truste.. Blk 9, lot 4. H. I PoweraTrust.. Blk 9, lot 5. H. L. Power, Trnatea.. Blk 9, lot 6, H. L. Powers, Trusts. . Blk 9. lot 7. Albert Phllpott Blk 9, kit 8, Security Savings ft Trust Blk9,"l'ot "bTjobn ElVla Blk V, lot 10. O. Hollowell Blk 9, lot 11, Sara Claudia Gratton.. biL i, I . in ,, ..J 1 1 1. la ' AM Sn. (IIS W, Rll je, vjm a., w .v w clety Blk 10. kit 1, The Hawthorn Estate A Blk 10. lot 2, Th Hawthorn Estate. Blk 11 lot 1. Th Hawthorn Eatat.. Blk 11, lot 2. The Hawthorn Eatat.. Blk 11, lot S, Tb Hawthorne Eatate. Blk II. lot 4, Arthur J. Howltt " Blk 11, lot 6, Frederick H. RIttenour.. Blk 11. lot 6, The Hawthorne Estate.. A tract of land boumled and dcacrlbedl a follow: .Beginning at a point in th west line of tb Terrene Qultus Donation Land Claim, In Section No. 3ft. Twp. 1 N.. R- 1 E.. W. M., where the north lln of East Hoyt street. In tb City of Portland.. If ex tended eastward, would intersect th am, and running thenc north along the aald west llua of said Donation Claim 460 feet to a point where th same would be Intersected 1 by tb south Une of Oregon street. In said city. If the nue wa extended' eaat ward, thence west along the aouth line -of Oregon treet eitavded eastward, aa aforeswlrtr-WO ft. -Whence' UMtlf'" on a lln parallel with the west line of aald douatlou claim 460 feet to th north line of ssld East Hoyt street, when so extended, a aforesaid, thence In a direct line 130 fuet to the point if begluulng. Boy' and Girls' Aid 4.60 : 4.60 I 4.00 4.60 4.80 I arsenwnu bclnf followg, to-wlt: ' ' ' Kastlaud . .--. .. .' ' Blk 4, lot 8, Josephine Chsney., $ 9.77 Blk 4. lot T. B. H.-BoWnisa... M.INI Blk 4, .lot 'ft, Breynian . Urotbsrs...... h.vo till. A . I... ft ' b.uun..n Uu.kH . . . "fltlk 4, lot 4, Brcymsn ft umrvlll. 8 VI HIK 4, lot , itrayman Bumuierviu., '.oi Blk. 4. lot ii. Msr ft Frank Company., h.ui Blk 4. lot 1, Meier ft Frank Company.. 10. $9 - Bartscb Park, Addition M'aat Port laud - - ... , -. .85 1 Blk 6, lot 12, Henry Rodgra:,..7..... BJ.DO Big ft, lot 11, ilenry iioagors.,.. , 27.90 Blk ft, lot 10. Melvln 4J. . uorg. ....... ; 27.90 Blk 6. lot 8. Hsrtnan Boris Estate. v - Heirs of 27.90 Blk ft, lot S, Herman - Borle Eaut. Heirs of ....i 117 on Blk 6, lot T. - Herman Bortea Esut. IT i ";,.,;.';'",,,''," .ST.80 Blk 8. aouUi t3 ft lot ' J. : WllUam . ; ; I Btynon - .. b.ts Blk) 8. north T ft'lot,.: Jan i. i 1.80 1 Luck ......' Blk 8. lot 2. Jan M. Lucke......... '" una Blk 8, lot S, If. V. and Loula Strau. lo'.-M Hunnvdds t Blk 83. 'lot 0. Gkmrgi. M. Carter.'....' A Ml Blk 83, lot 8. Ball L. Undsey-..-. v.. ft 92 Blk 22. cast U lot 1. A. B. Llndssv. ... i u , I sin. 4 . t sr. . . 1.50 " o, west n , n.. I Eastland tM 5S ,t J F.Toby... ).2o 1.10 1.89 1.33 1 1.33 1 1 851 u1, r7iuaai as Bumrvill. . Jf.ai) i Ti Blk 1, lot 10 Brtyman ft SumrvUl. H 5i l i0 Blk I, lot 11, B. H. Bowman t iU 1 Blk L. Jot 12. B. H. Bowman.. v.. .1 ' 14? Blk 1. lot 14, F. W. W3hg., : Sunnvald AddlHon ' JO I Blk 7. lot ft, Wellington 0. Bsrns. ... i-t, lot o, Wellington.' Barn.... Blk 7. lot 4. Xatella L Lyl. , Suanysld . . .... Blk 4. kit 10, Hiram Campbell........ BICamb'u't 18 f,t M 1' Hiram Blk 3f wet "80.bi" ft'lot"T.' John Banmgartnr '. a a Blk 84, lot ft, 0ort X. afrrlll..s.... - i.M .80 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.10 1.10 1.10 Total 8477.80 TH08. 0. DEVLIN. ' Andltor af tiis Cltv of .twtlt. ' Jnn 10, 1908.- 1.10 1 ASSESSMENT TO tXTEKSIOlf OF TZTTK 1-60 , TREZT. 1 B0I ' Notle I hereby gvn .tbst U nient 1mn I wauv vj oriunaiKV iiss- ao,oo, SSUUN ' AM OO .n.MM .jA.,u. ih. . w- .AT , ! 1 . '" . v, IB, TlVWflll rU ,n tb matter f th proposod opening, wldek- J.OU I I nr lavln mil anil ifaKfl.hlM - n.k . 1.60 from Pin street to Burnald treet, making an 1.60 assessment of tb bnflta and damage t forth 1.10 In aald report," approved May 8, 1908, haa 1.10 been -ntcrd agalnat th averal ownera ' 1.10 and persons Interested In the land herein scribed aa being severally liable therefor 410 1 the Docket of City Lkatr which ld asse - s sn i nirnis are rnsne au ana nsraoi ax in om, 160 f tb a,l' Treasurer , In United Stste gola i nn ni 1rr coin, and unle paid be for Juki . . auch proceeding win b taken for th 1 i , lon of th ssm aa ar provided by th J lJ charter of tb City of Portland, aald assess- 1 menta helns1 as folLows J.zo couch s Addition to tb City of Port 1.26 land ins Blk 42. north 23 feet lot 8. Appollonl Society . . . Goodsell'a i Blk 1. lot 1, Blk 1. lot 2. Blk 1. kit U, Blk 1, lot 4, Blk 1, lot 6, Blk 1. lot ft, Blk 1, lot 7, Blk 1. lot 8, Blk 2. lot 1. Blk 2. lot 2, Blk 2. lot 3. Blk 2. lot 4. Blk 2. lot 6. Blk 2, lot ft, Blk 2, lot 7. Blk 2. lot S, Blk 3, lot 1. JUk-3v -lot X- Davld (ioodsell... David Goodsell... 68.50 2.40 4.50 25.40 .10.40 30.4O 30.40 38.75 22.03 4.00 4 -50 2.65 8.35 7.60 6.85 6.70 ft. 60 6.13 8.00 3.(13 4.50 3.00 .1.(13 42.70 .12.00 30.40 30.40 80.40 47.10 48.20 81 20 4.50 4.50 38.30 18.(15 4.00 6.25 0.00 4.60 22.80 37.80 2T.80 17.83 3.50 350 1.95 4 45 , 4.00 4.50 4.00 ' 4 .50 4.60 4.50 . 4.50 i 4.00 4.60 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.30 Blk 3. lot 3. David Goodsell. i Bth 3, lot 4. David Goodsell Blk ,1. lot 5, David Goodsell Rlk .T. kit 6. David Goodsell Blk 3. lot 7, David Goodsell Blk. 3, - lot , David Goodsell. .. . . . r A trsct of-land bounded and dekcrTlied ss followsv Beginning at a point where the west line of Blu miner ave nue. . In Goodsell'a Addition- to Port laud. Intersects-the south line of Ore gon street, If extended westerly In Its present course, thenc northerly along be west line of Blurnaner avenue to a 1T.40 1 50 1 50 1.50 1..-I0 1.23 1.40 1.40 1.60 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1 50 -l.ftO 1.50 1.35 1 .15 1.00 l.KI 1.4J0 83.75 point 100 feet south of th aouth lln of Sandy Road, rectangular meaaure raent. thenc outhwesterly along a line liK) feet anuth of shd parallel with the aonth line of Sandy Road. . rrdangulsr mesirerueotv-to a point at Its Intersection with tb eaat lln of lot numbered 8. Terrac Quinn Donation Land Claim, thenc south tracing the esst line of lot numbered 3 of said Terrace Quinn Donation Land Claim to tbe southeast corner of ssld lot, thenc. east to plsc of beginning, Simon Blurnaner ,... A tract of laud bounded and described aa follow: Beginning at point in the esst line of block numbered 21 In ' Hawthorna'a (First Addition to East Portland, which Is 100 feet south oft the aouth Hue of Esst Couch atreet ., thenc essterly 39ft feet to a point, thence north 59 degrees 41 minutes , east 667 feet to a point, thence north 76 dgrees 03 minutes cast 486 feet to a point, thenc north 17 .degree 23 minute eaat 1.107 feet to a point, thence north BT degree 38 minute east ft60 feet to a point, thenc north 37 minutes west 648 feet to a point, tbenee mirth 75 degree 02 minute west 1.0.12 feet to a point, thenc westerly 795.2 feet, more or less, to a point In the esst line of kit numbered ft. block numbered 4, Goodsell' Ad dition to Portland, thenre south along the east line of said Goodsell' Ad dition to Portland to Its Intersection with tbe south line of Oregon atreet, , thence westerly along the south Una of Oregon atreet to It Intersection with tbe west Ho of tbe Solomon Blurnaner 9 -acre tract, Sec. 36. Twp. 1 N., R. 1. E.. W. M., thenc northerly along Raid west line of said 9i-acre trsct to a point 100 feet south of the south lino of Sandy Road, rec tangular measurement, thence south westerly along a line 100 feet south of and parallel with the south line of Sandy Road, rectangular measurement, to Its Intersection with the east line of York, tbenee aouth along the -east line of York and the east line of tbe Boys' and Girls' Aid Society Tract. Sec. 38. Twp. 1 N., R. 1. E.. W. M., to a point In the north line of block numbered 2. Hawthorne' 'lrst ..Addition to Eaat Portland. ; thence east .along, th north line- of - said Hawthorne's First Addition to Its Intersection with the east lln of aald Hawthorne' First Addition, tbenee south tracing tb esst Hue of aald Hawthorne's First Addition to the place of beginning, W. 8. Ladd Ea tate, heir of t.. 1,609.60 1 m Phi lltnnl 1.10 I Blk 42, lot 8, Appollonl Phllllppl . . . . ju nil 41, kit l, Mary II. Jon nis si, iot , nary ii. jone Blk 41. kit 0. Ann E. BUI Blk 41. lot 8, Percy H. Blyth Blk 40. eaat ti lot 1. Honora Howe.. Blk 40, weat Vi lot ll Mary Jan Keenan ...j Blk 40, lot 4. Aaa K. Richardson Blk 40, kit 6. California Title Insur ance ft Trnat Comnanv Blk 40, lot 8, California Title Inaur- a nee ft Truat Company ..; Blk 39. kit 1. John A. Brown Blk .19. kit 4. John A. Brown Rlk 89, kit 5. Charles A. Allskr Blk 39. lot 8, Charl A. Allsky Blk 38, lot 1, Edward Campion. Heirs of JMk. 3&lot 4, Eawsri'-Campiyn,- KWrs or . . i . . , Blk 38, lot 6, Michael Tracy Blk 38, kit 8, Michael Tracy.,.., Blk 87, lot I. Oregon Casket Company. Blk 87. kit 4. J. O. Olsen Blk 87, lot 0, Clementina F. Lewis..,. Blk 87, lot 8, Clementln F. Lewi.... Rlk Q, lot 1, Oregon -nsfer Company. Blk , lot 4. Oregon Transfer Comnany. Blk Q. lot 6, Oregon Transfer Company. Blk U. kit 8. Oregon Transfer Companr Blk V. lot 1, H. M. Rude and F. M. Roberts Blk V, lot 4. H. M. Rude and F. M. Roberta Blk V. kit 8. II. M. Rude and F. M. Roberts Blk V. lot 8. H. M. Rude and F. M. Roberta j'gg I A tract of land lying between th north" 1.36 ,rT,"g sireei a no a line luu in-i uuriiirro irum auu parsuei (Here with and between the east and west line of Fifth street extended north In It prsent course.' Northern Pacific .Terminal Conunr Blk 31. fraction lot 8. W. M. Ladd... Blk 31, aouth 20 feet lot 6, W. M. Ladd Blk 31. north 30 feet let ft, Lawrence iv. inraeien Blk 21, .lot T. Lawrence W. Thcrkeleen, Blk tV kit 2,-faroiln E7 Wllnon. V". . . Blk 82, lot 8. Caroline R. Wilson Blk 82. lot ft, Carolina E. Wilson. Blk 32, kit 7, IVolto E. Wilson . Blk .1.1. lot 2, Rodney Ollsan. Heir of.' Blk 88, kit 8, Rodney Gllsan, Heirs of. Blk .13, lot ft, Rodney Gllsan, Heir of. : Blk 33, lot 7. Rodney Gllsan, Heirs of. Blk 84, kit 2. Clementina F. Lewie.... Blk 84, lot 3, Clementina F. Lewis Blk 34, lot ft. Clementina F. Lewis,... Blk .14, kit 7. Clementln F. Lewis.... Blk 35, lot 2, Chsrles HsrtneSs Blk 8A, kit 3. .Chrlfg Hartneaa. Blk 85, lot ft, Geerg Harm Blk 35, lot 7. George Hartness Blk 3ft, lot 2, O. F. Vedder Blk 36, lot 8, German Savings ft Loan Society , Blk 3ft, lot ft, Ellxabeth R. Gllsan.... Blk 3ft, lot 7, Elisabeth B. Gllsan,.., Blk P, lot 2, John McCrakro. . . , .T. . . . Blk P. lot 8, John AicCrnrkeu. Blk P. lot ft, Ueorg H. Flander Estate. Heirs of , Blk P. lot 7, George H. Flander Eatate, Helra of Blk W, lot 2. W. F. Whlttler Blk W, lot 3, W. F. Whlttler Blk W, lot ft. Northern " 1'scidc Terml- l Company Blk W, lot T, Northern Pacific Termi nal company Portland . East 60 feet of east 100 feet of block 68, German Barings ft Loan So ciety IT.. West 60 ff of eaat 100 feet of block 61. Michael and Honora afcNsmars. Blk ' 60, eaat 80 feet lot i, Mose Fried, Heir of Blk 69, west 20 feet lot 1, E. K. Hasel- tlne. Heir of and, and J. A. Hasel- tine Blk 09. west 20 feet lot 2. E. K. Hasel- tlne, Heir of. and J. A, Haael- tlne M Blk 69, east 80 feet lot 2. Leo Fried and Delia F. Durkhelmer. Blk 69, lot 3, Trinity Parish Church... Blk B0, lot 4, Trinity Parish Church... Blk 82, lot 1, Justus M. Strow bridge . . Blk 82, lot 2. Mary P. Logan Blk 82. lot 8. Mathew Brsdy Blk 82. lot, 4, Mathew Brady... Blk 176, lot 1, H. W. Corbett Blk 175. lot X H. W. Corbett Blk 175, lot 8, Stephen Mead, Helra of. Blk 170. lot 4. Stephen Mead. Helra of., Blk 174, lot 1, W. S. Ladd. Heir ofc . Blk 174, lot 2, w. b. dd. Heirs or.. Blk 174, lot 3. H. W. Corbett , Blk 174. lot 4. H. W. Corbett........ Blk 173, lot 1, "'Meier ft Frank Blk 17.1, lot 2, Meier ft Frank........ Blk 173.. lot 3, Meier ft Frank....... lot 8. Charles T. Wynkoop. 4.56 Blk 6, lot 1. Lars G. Ltden Blk 0, NV lot 2, Lara U. l.ldon. Blk 6, SVu lot 1. William S. Lautbers. Blk 0, 84 lot 2. William 8. Lautbers. Blk 6, lot 3, Henry L. Froggatt Blk 8, lot 4. Henry L. Froggatt. i, .... . Blk 6, lot 6. John Sharp. Blk 6, lot 6, John Sharp. Blk 0. lot 7, Franklin P. Mays Blk 5, lot 8,. John G. Francts Blk ft, lot 1. Thomas Popham Blk 67 lot 2, Thomas Popham........ Blk 8, lot 3. Thomas Popbanr. . . Blk X lot 4. Thomas Popham... tllK v, j,j luuiuna i ,,u. uj , Blk ft, kit 6, Thomaa Popbam. ,. Blk 7, lot 4 , Emerson B. J 'lark ........ Rlk 7. It 2. Emerson B. "Clark Blk 7, lot S, Teres Shannon...;...... Blk 7, lot 4, Teres Shannon.......... Blk 7. lot 5, J F. Burn...; -IK I, wt o, unerson viars. 4.50 - 4.50 4.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.23 4.50 - 4 50 4.00 4.60 4.50 4.50 2.60 . 4 .50 4.80 4.4.1 . . 1.98 '4.00 ; 50 4.30 4.50 1 4.60 Tutal : ...85,684.80 A statement or aforesaid assessment has bee if entered In the Docket of City Liens, and la now due and. payable at tbe office of tb City Treasurer, in lawful money of the United States, and If not paid within thirty days from tbe date of tbla notice, such proceeding will be taken for too collection of the ssm as are' provided by tbe Charter of th City of Portland. The above aasesament Will bear Interest ten days after the flrat publication of tbla notlc. ' THOMAS C. DEVLIN, , Auditor of tb City of Portland. ; Portland, Oregon, June 10, 1903. ASSESSMENT FOB EXTENSION Of XASX TAYLOR STREET, Notice I hereby given that the assessment made bjr ordinance No. 13.834, entitled;. "An ordinance adopting the report of, tba view er In the matter of h proposed opening, widening, laying out snd establishing of Boat Taylor atreet from the west lln(if -East .Tblrty-tlgbUi atreet to -the went lln of block 1 and ' 4, Eaat land. - making an assessment of the benedta and damage' set forth in said report." approved May 8, 1908, baa been entered against tba seversl owner of and person interested lu the land herein described being everlly liable therefor la tb Docket , of City Liens, .- which aald aa raiment are luade due and payable st" tbe office of the City Tressurer, In United State Jold and silver coin, and unless , paid before une 21, 1903,' the asm will become de linquent and ncb proceedings will be taken for tb eolleetton of -the- same ie-ar provided by Ui charter of the -City of Portland, aald 39.28 68.60 04.60 68.60 64.50 ftO.BO 8T.8T II 83 ' 80.60 48.60 62 60 48.60 42.60 88.50 44.60 40.86 1 84.00 80.60 36.60 82 60 -24.60 22.00 28.60 24.60 18.60 14. 50 20.60 18.50 10.0V ft 50 12.00 - ft.M 64.89 25.00 S7.60 -8.6l -64.00 68.00 64.40 . 60.00 06.60 60.60 4ft.60 6250 460 42.60 88.60 44.60 40.60 4.5l 30.60 86.60 82.60 28.60 2200 28.00 24.60 18.60 14.60 20.00 I8 60 10.00 6.50 12.60 8T.33 43.87 05.90 8.60 7.80 60.TO 04.60 60.50 66.50 00.60 48.50 62.50 48.0(1 42.00 88.60 44.60 40.80 34.50 30.00 86.60 82.60 28.50 22.50 28.50 mm Blk 173, Wt 4.. Meter ft Frank Blk 67, lot" 5. Savlnga ft Loan Society.. Blk 67, south 14 lot ft, Savings oan Society ........ Blk 87, north H lot 6, M. 8. Burrell, Helra of . . . . . . . . . Rlk 87. fraction lot 8. M. 8. Burrell. Helra or 13.47' Blk 66, lot 8, Henry Welnhard 64.00 Blk 66, kit 7, Henry Welnhard 68.6(1 Blk 661 kit 8. Henry Welnhard........ 64.60 Blk 66, lot 6, Henry Welnhard..... . 60.5d Blk 65, lot S, M. W. (!orbtt 86.50 nit niv kit T H;- W. Corbett 60.50 Blk 65. lot 6. William R. Ellis........ 49.5(1 Blk 65, kit 6. Eliza Leeb 62.60- Blk 64, lot 8. The King Estate......... " 4H.ft0 Blk 64, kit T. The King Estate 42.BQ nib M lot 6. Zenhaniah H. Spalding.. 88.60 Blk 64, lot 8, Zephaniab S. 8paldlng( . 44.S0 Blk 63, east, ft ioc s, sniot . jtu- hansn 13.60 Blk 63, west Vi lot 8, Xarlfa J. Fail ing ........ .1.,. 27)0 Blk 83. eaat V lot 7, Daniel E. Bu- - cbanan 11.00 Blk 63, west H lot 7. Xarlfa 3. Fall ing .......... . '23.00 Blk 6.1. north V, lot ft, William M. - " Aver and Marr L, Sanve 18.2.1 Blk 6.1, south H lot 0. Mary L. Sauve. 18.25 . Blk 68, tot o. namei k. nucnanan ao.ou Blk 62. kit 8. Henrietta E. and Mary F. Falling and Emily (-bell........ 82.60 Blk 62. lot T, Henrietta E. and Mary .. F, Falling and Emllv Cabell... 1:26.80 Blk 82. kit 4. Herman Borlei. Heir of. 22 50 Blk 62. lot 5. Peter W. Severson.. ... 28.00 Total . . ;r. ........;... 4.208j(i2 THOR. ' C DFVLIN. ' Auditor of tb City of Portland. Jun 10, 1003. . Read The Jotoial j ;' .1 ' - 3 1