1. THE OREGON PAIlAr, JOUItyAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY . EVENING, . JUNE 10, 1903. a i if ' ..... . . '.. . DISMISS CHARGES AGAINST SOLDIERS Upon motion 9t tha. District Attor ney, Municipal-Judae Hoiuo thl after noon, dlsrojssad tha charges Of fclfhway robbery aaalnst William Van Waaaer I t' , I t- I" vv.njiani nooij,. aoiaiers wnM nave sUlWW V llStwen w arreat. for. aeveral flay on r... rA,.,W ! U"PJK ' responsible for ralllUUd 4 vuiiueii VlOlllllK III tna Macadam road hold-un. , - , Ih&PiUh i . . The caaea came, up today In the Mu js MiWijWiyt'i . , v ' '! nicipai court, ana Deputy uietrici At JoseitV ffiiro o he )tClD(h1a9dONlphW of Its 0 l.W- torney Adams stated to Judge : Hogue that the police had been unable to ob tain aufllotent 'evidence to warrant the military authorities. Xotslnrar Surrendered Tolnatarlly, Ray B. Motslnaer, another soldier for whom the police had been looking tor several days In connection with the rob- uy President ; N(bley, a' lead I I lU who-t th. tflortnonV .'. Has Just Attended .the Oregon filing of Informations against the prls Conference at La urande Van Warner' and Flood will be .m Leave . For Salt Lake. To- 'xnSJ!u rra . , v ei-- MlJW 'Win vr ftit The auDreme . earthlv head of a Irella- lZuJY,lLr??"n bery. surrendered himself to Deputy ttnTnilai19'11' M Brown-last night at 7:16 SlLrJ? 1ZC 3 "olock.. . Her-waa- take - t.-lr polk. Ai..v Tv .-V ...., ........,, station by oracer John it rrice. He "f wrmon vnuren ana .wa leaaina; w. gBla hs w innocent, s well as his f I j - uocinnes, is in rortiana. companions. No eharge will be placed Ha ii accompanied by 'Anthony H. Lund, against him, but he will be taken to second councillor of the Mormon Church; vancouver,. -also, and given Into the president , Bmith's son, nd u. w. charge of the officials there, as he had leaaing Business man or Boxer deserted the service. prominently Identified with The police feci very sorry that they nnrii' l h 1 1 lr rl In fllrJlsrnn Th I 4a II tha urAn aa mam Wi b mn u mahM 9any..wi)l 'lave for Salt Lake tonight, not secure enough evidence against :jfrjde -Smith, his son. and Mr. them," said Chief Hunt, "and they were und are, returning' to their homes at turned loose; It l too ad we cannot Salt Lake", Utah, after having attended get the right parties, but. it, .Is very vcnuvn vi mo muniiuu uhuvui Church for Oregon. Mrs. Smith, jr., and eCr'ar1'. RIVER FRONT NOTES famous' JOsenh Smith who founded the Mormon rellalon. At the same time that The steamer Dispatch stilled last night th prophet and organiser of the church 'or San Franclaco with 700,000 feet of met ai death at cartnare. in., niram tumuer irom in a casiern cucrn Smith: father of the nrasent head of the Lumber Company. church, was also killed. The Joseph The German bark Alsternlzla Is haying Smith who is in rortiana tooay was at i r""ra;"" m w, that tlm.-nf a vaara of are. He has She has been loaded and lying' In the lived to bear upon" Ms shoulders the trem 'or thre days. She Is bound for mantla.uworn by Lne teaaer lor wnom -"." " ?"""" v. ,. nalnMi ' ; r i wun a general cargo xo raniraa. ' I I flnllnra ir Avtrm1ir mpnrn at tha nraa - . lx r lent tlma anrl pjntafns ara navlnff tnAat ny price for men. The Government steamer Homer Is due here this afternoon from Astoria having left there this morning. . She will take stores for the new' Scotch Cape lighthouse. Alaska. It Is expected that she will leave here the first of next week. The steamer George W. Elder arrived last night from Bah Francisco with a large cargo and a fair passenger list. The Alliance arrived this morn Ing from the Bay City with a large cargo of general merchandise, and will take on her return to California one of the very few general cargoes that this company s steamers handle. The Donna Franclsca leaves down stream wheat-laden for - Europe tomor MYSTERY f MlVDPMFlDFnilD limiULlLLrtlVLUtl ' (Journal Special Service.) ". ROCHESTER," - N. Y June 10. August Russell, who was arreated for the murder of Theresa Keating in Nov ember, 1600. made a confession last tight. The police believe Russell was In bora In, Ohio, at the time Agatha Relchlln waa murdered and think pos albly, hr committed that .murder also. The Lorafne auUioritles have .been "communicated" w IthT Russell. Is s Belgian, with a mania for assaulting women.' His wife told tha .police of the Keating murder. ELEGANT . One of the i v Most Solendid Hostelrles'ln the World Burns to Ground in a Disastrous The Best Investments To clay Are: ' r $ 480 I lota.' 60x100 each, with a neat, new 3 -room cottage; 4 block , olectrlo cars, in Oak Grove. $ BOO Neat, new 6-rom cottage, fins tot, -near Mt. iaoor. , 1300 Cosy B-room cottar, modern conveniences; fine barn: 60x200 feet Of ground; 30 bearing fruit - trees: all kinds of smull fruit . and,,ahrubbery;-3 blocks Monta I ' villa car line. faaSO-i-Magniflcent new strictly modern -room cottage; nenutirul ter mucu iot; in it swrii neignoor nooa on jsast icverett. 9500 For a maanlflcent rottaae home, 5 rooms, all modern convenl eacea; beautiful landscape and : terraced lawn; 2 lot n conveni ently situated on East Morrison street. 93800 'For an elegant (-room cottage, with nice barn; beautiful lawn and garden, on East Morrison atreet. near 32(1. Remember this Is mora than a full lot of around. JACKSONVILE, Fla. June 10. The $8800 For 20x100 feet of ground on a it -i a a tire tnis Morning. The Breakers Accommodated Six Hundred Guests and to It Flocked People rqrri All farts of the ulobe, . (Journal Special Service.) Breakers, Flagler's elegant hotel, and several other buildings at that place were burned al Palm Beach this morn ing. Tha Breakers Is one of the most ele gantly appointed hotels In the world, and In many ways follows the scheme of entertainment Of the celebrated Ponce de ijton Hotel. From all over" tha civi lised world It has been tho custom for winter tourists to gather at the Break- era. It is estimated that it cost li.ooo,- 000 to furnish ti.e burned structure. The fire started In the kitchen of the Breakers and In a short time the famous' hotel was in flames. Sparks were carried to the Casino. Florida's Monto Carlo, which wos also turned. The Breakers accommodated 600 guests. CASE SUBMITTED . After the fore part of the day had been spent In submitting argumenta the case of Berdle McCarty versus Jamea Heryford. the breach of promise suit for 170.000. went to the lury at 1:56 o'clock this afternoon. Miss McCarty claims Uhduo advantage was taken of her promise to wed Heryford. who Is a cattle king, and that he then refused to marry her at all. The matter has been before the United States Court for some time and much sensational testimony has been given. BILLED BY SAVAGES VICTORIA, B. C. June 10. News was brought by the steamer Moana from Australia of the murder of two members of the crew of the Marie Henry, the labor recruiting schooner of New Hebrides. The murder took place at the Istend of Mall Ice. where Bishop Belwyn was attacked ana naa narrow escape In 1861. and wnere many murders have since taken place. French and British cruisers nave gone Fourth atreet. not more thnn blocks from Chnmber of Com meree, with buildings bringing In a rental of IiOO ner month. f 100 Each for desirable lots conveni ent to Woodstock fltntion. f 800 Bach for beautiful building lots convenient to Woodlawn cars. i p ner Albina. V ooo Facn ror fine builrtln lots on East Yamhill, near 20th 9 850 For a very desirable building lot on Hast mtn and Everett. V BBO For a beautiful 5-uere country home, neat and eor.v bulldlnas: choice fruit and living- water; S miles Vancouver. too r or a very desirable 11 - acre Msee, with oholeent variety of fruit, " overlooking Vancouver iake. near Vancouver. 81800 For a very desirable S-nere fruit and-garden ranch, fronting on Willamette River. 3 miles from Newbera; comfortable buildings; 400 bearing fruit trees: all kinds of berries; team of horses, har ness, waaon. plow. 2 cows, nil stock and crop; big buy for the money. $7800 For one of Multnomah County's most Deautirul no-acre farms; soil and Improvements magnifi cent; 1H miles from Pleasant Home, convenient to Gresham electric railway. This Is a farm that will meet your most e travagant dreams. The Dunn-Lawrence Company. 14 Va rZSST BTB-SBT. row TODAY. SEATTLE HAS A SUNSTROKE CASE , (Journal Special Service.) SEATTLE June 10j N., M, Hamlet 8led In the hospital here yesterday , as the resulf of a sunstroke. The case Is the first of its kind ever, known In Western Washington. IVW. i The- achoonar-Vtrffifilft '-made retrod i 4- punish , the natu-.es, . trip from Portland to San Francisco in 23 days. She' arrived yesterday and goes to the North Pacific Lumber Mill for lumber. On account of the high water, the barkentfne Quickstep will probably nave one of the quickest dispatches ever re celved by any lumber-laden Vessel leav Ling thla port She arrived last Sunday and is loading lumber at the Columbia Mill. Vancouver, for Redondo, Cal. It Is expected that aha will get away this week. The river at this place la within 12' inches of the top dock, and the mill was compelled to close down. WILL EXPLORE THE ARCTIC PIL FIELDS ' (Journal ' Special Service,) HEA.TTLE. Jdne 10: J. R. Tread well, representing B. H. Harrlman of the Southern Pacific Railroad, haa pur chased the steamer 'Albion for 216,000. The steamer Is to be ufeed for a big erulalng and. exploring trip. In search of the oil fields of the Kayak District, gnd other portions of Alaska and to carry supplies and machinery for de velopmept .la the new fields to be ac quired b' Harrlman. .FIREWORKS FOR FOURTH i c i ., . Committee This Morning Awards Con tract to JCos Angsles rtrm to Tar- . . Bish Pyrotechnic Display. At a special meeting c4 the Fourth of Jjlly CorbmittetJ oh I Fireworks held this morning it was decided that the con tract' for'-the local pyrotechnic display Wguld bq. let to a,' Los Angeles firm. The nreworas are to cost in inn neignoor ood of $1,000. Andrew Kan of this city also bid for the display, offering some 43 or 44 aet pieces, while the California com pany is said to have offered 60 different scenes. 'The nreworKs or tnis years locaj. celebration promises to be the fin at of the fine. '" Julius Meier, who-Is a member of the OommfUee, stated this morning that the pyrotechnic dteplay would be given In a place wnere tne tnousanas oi visitors who will be In this city on the Fourth could view the exhibit without having to stand in a crowded space. The place for holding the-dlsplay Has not been given out as yet, lut lr. Meier sajw It will be a glad$yaurprJse; to tho people when it is announcan' - GRAIN GROWS HIGH . George H. Lamberson, secretary of the State Board of Horticulture, this morning received a sample of rye that was grown on the farm of W. K. New eft. nar-DlHey. "Tiwrye-ti-vaf -vaa went to Secretary Lamberson measures over nine feet high, and is said to be from large field that averaged the same height. Accompanying the .rye., waa a amall bunch of vetch, a grass food that is said to be becoming popular 'among the farmers of this state for cattle feed. The vetch had grown to a height of Ave feet, and was also grown an Mr. New ell's farm. Mr. Newell is State Horticulture Com missioner for the First District, which is composed of Multnomah. Clackamas, Yamhill. " Washington, Columbia; XTlat sop and Tillamook Counties. TWELVE "HUNDRED STRIKE 1 1 f 1 " " Employes of. tn: 0fa.esav.taka . (k Ohio .. Quit Because of Refusal to Dis charge One Kan. (Jourtutl's'Spectal Service.) UNTIN6TJN!,..".W.'. Vn June "10. welve hundred employes of the Chesa peake & Ohio shops struck today in support of Mayor Buck v, who ,l a blacksmith In the 'shops. A .Tjflfipehter employed In the shops Is aJ' a -member of the City Council anj ' 6'p.posed Buck in tlys Cpuncil Chamber, ajr; a,e which the .unions constrde"td be an tagonistic to their- interests. There fore hy.nemftded 4 hV , carpantar s dischaf When the tfohlpaii refused theyvg )0DGE- NOIRELEASED - - trrfti 't.",iit,v V 'i ' ' '" ry(aurr.l' Special Serx-lces) -BAN- JOSE. .Cal.. j June. 10. Tha po lice ha.ving; J, R.Dodge iu custody were day that, he lias K wife all vo.n . Napa ' and also that he had not married" Mat tie Berme it wlthf jpflior' m ftbjkOd, "as both elM8fW ber-fish xHttf1" MlLkMA'N'ED'$25-' READY TO, OPEN FIFTH The first notice of the assessment of the property owners of Fifth street, from Pine to Burnside streets, for the Improvement of the first-named thor oughfare, is published today In The Journal. The street Is to be opened, widened and layed out and work is to begin at once. . Residents and property owners In that part of the city have been striving for a long time to secure the opening of the street, and . its improvement will tend- to relieve the. dearth In business Inter. CSts. and create a new business district The .assessments. If not paid by June 21, will become delinquent. GRAM A FEW OF THE MANY Snaps in City Real Estate Offered by Lewis & Clark Real Estate Co. SS3 Worcester Block. $3700 S-'rbora house, with full lot. close In. Holladay's Add. 1300 8-room house, with 4 block: ev erything modern and new; Hol ladav'a. Add. .... $3600 6 rooma and reception hall, car pets ana so on. go with place; one lot; splendid location. $3250 For 6-room cottage, on two car lines; fine grounds, new build . lngs. We have .lots and houses ,on monthl payments, prices and terms that are right. Also choice lots in all parts of tne city on gooa terms, Exceptionally nne- resiaence property in Mouaaay Addition. LEWIS ft OX.ASK BBAXi ESTATE OO 663 Worcester Block. row TOBAY. $75 a Lot CHOICE LOTS AT Si o J ohns Beautifully located on the high ground only a few minutes' walk from tha Kills. These lota will largely In crease la value la tha sear future. Bny sow while they ara cheap. City Water on the Property. Improved Car Service. , - Title Perfect. Easy Terms. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. XW TODAY. Yellow Pine Timber For Homestead and Timber Claims, in Southern Oregon. Cruise from 2J4 to 3 million feet to the quarter-section. Timber lands bought and sold. D. C. ROGERS, Room 1. Sixth St. tXXCVT01'$ K0TICS. IN TUB COtrSfTt rOtBT or TUB STAT It of Orngnn.,tr tho County, t Multnomah. Itt "tha mutter of tha entato of laaau I, him turn. . inviiia. Xfttice, U feenby sln-n lint tda ' niulcriilgneil hmi hmtvi duly aiKlteU ,hy. the ubow-entUled t'rmrt eswuti t tUu I'.at WiH ! nr f-ntiimrnt tt IMae J. atpatt. dw-aw ana m iioausea nicn. All Iwwiui bavliic I'Ulin nsnlirat hIi ett urr kKrrhy iMIttri) and rcqujffd in nrenrnt t1t miiw ItM nMfx-f Toucncnt una umy veruiea te in rxi'i-ntnr t the oltlpc. of T. It. . Wtrrt. main 4i is mid 400 McKnr BirllOtii. I'nrtlauil. Mull- 1 ii'.ub Conntj, Orasua. wtlbla six qiuutUa -from th'r ildta of tbl natlce, Uitcd I'ortldud, on-irpn. Mux, So: ijwn, ';'" II. I.WTKINUTOX,- .. Exerntor of the Laif VII1 uud Tptnwut el Iamc 1. Strntton. Doreoaed; T. If. Ward. Atlnrncr. NOTICE. Great Snap ifi a v Tivo nice cottages and i II I liil'Ke lot, ono 6 rooms and VJmljjJ ne fi rooms, on Huss.'ll I street, near I'nlon nvrnue. Almost new. Cull early and procure this great snap. Income 2f per month. Gold smith & Co., corner Third and C):ik sts. Urrtlnc. The7 an. ni.t tins ii f the atoekUolilvri nf the and 7 Ohamoar of "Portland, Or. Commerce, t 60Q 3 -room cottage and lot 25x100. on ueecn st.: terms to suit. 9 00 4 -room cottage, lot 60x100; nice garden; 1200 cash and 15 per month; a bargain. If this house is not sold this week, will be rented. tllOO 5 -room house and 10x100; a good Duy; easy terms. $1800 4 -room house. In fine condition; run lot. with fruit and shrub bery; good stable and chicken house; a bargain. $1600 Modern 6-room house, one block rrom wiiuams ave. ; only 1400 cash, balance $15 per month. $1800 6-room modern house, full brick basement, in Piedmont Park, Woodlawn car line; $460 cash, balance to suit. TUBS S-BOOK modern houses on wiiuams ave.; rented at 144 per month; a bargain at $4,400. In vestors look this up. For SaIe-4-Room Cottage I Mock fro Sunday or o $650.00 Lot 60x100. I Mock from Peninsula Station. Call Sunday or evenings. Z. X. WAX.SK.OW. BRONAUGH'S ADDITION NOTICE of 8tjkhl,l.r llHHl Ori-g.m Iron A Start Ciiuioaur will I arid at U.o nftlra of thi ri.njiirnv. riicn 3 Kbr lixk Bulltllug.. IVrtlaii'l. onidn. Junv 10. IIHi.j. at 11 o'rlix-k ii. in . . tne tha imrpaa uf vlcetlnc a hoard of dlrvrtnra for tha fiiKiilnu yar. and the tranauullon of tarb other bunlnvaa a uii-y li-gully coma bafur tho iflftClue. A. 8. I'ATTt Ll.O. S.-eraUrj. rrtlnd. -Or.. Mm 21. IX3. ... .. . !. .. 1 jfOTicr or MEBTINO OF XOLOEXS. 8T00X A SPKCIAL LlUln iXa of thu stoekhold er of the Poorman's Prospecting ft Mining Company 1m hereby called to nipet on June I'n. 1903, nt the hour of 7: Jrt p. m , at Uoom 105. Commercial Hlock. Portland.' Oregon, for the pur poH of decreasing tho capital stock if nail corporation. W. V. JAi'KSnV. PraaMent. Ladd & Tilton, Bankers EatablialwU In. 100. rtOFOIALS FOR BUPPHES. Farms We have a full list of Washington County farms, the best farm lands In the state. Call In and see our exhibit of grain and fruits. Sahlstrom & Patterson " 838 BTAJaST tmuntv. " " ...AND... STOCK III Who Wants to Buy an Exceedingly Cheap Home? 4 lots, 50x100 each, with a stit-d comfortable 4-room cottage ; very excellent garden and nice chicken park; place fronting on splendid car line, and is an absolute bargain PRICE $55Q. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO. 149 H rirst Street. from liarrisburg ATTORNEYS PAY LICENSES As published yesterday, Warrants wre Issued for the arrest of 68 prominent Portland attorneys. Thla morning, they all went to the city hall and paid their occupation tax. failure to pay the same promptly having been the cause of their arrest. Some of them appeared In the municipal court tills morning, and' wtteu arraigned bofore Judge Hogue "were warned never again to let their tax go unpaid.' J . '".',"' BICj REQ,J UNDER ARREST Greeft JohliBon. alins "Dig Rad,-' wanted for shooting a Chinese named 3. So.ln 4.hrpugh the arm, was arrested last, ntgat,' ey Patrolmen Bailey and Gibson-In the North End. Lastweejf row pfceyrred In , rta opium' Joint: on North Third street In which a gun was fired. The negro tinder arrest is Said to have discharged the weapon at an other negro,. -whose- name the-police do not know. The Chinese has been in St. Vincent's Hospital for -a week, but is rapidly recovering. - FIRST. TEA SHIPMENT. (Journal Special Service.) TACOMA, June lO.-r-The steamer Hyitdes received permission from the health . officers this morning to land. She brings tha first consignment of the new Crop of tea to' arrive. yThere were 1,7.'S package. - 4 . 2,400 on S. P."R.t,R. and 1 mile i.f... a a- rrom wooaourn Drancn S. P. R. R. About 1.500 a. aa acres nas oeen unaer plow. 800 acres meadow and. Well watered and timbered. . A great specu lation to divide into smaller farms. Only $12.50 per acre. The best bargain in farm lands in Oregon. mr Something" Nice A very pretty suburban home on good car line and not far out; 6-room, up-to-date cottage, large grounds, choice fruits, ornamen tal trees, shrubs, flowers, lawn, too varieties of roses; if you want something about right, see this. HENKLE & BAKER Rooms 210-221 Ablngton Building, 106 Third St , Portland Or. J. D. Wilcox & Go. 202K Stark St Suburban Home ITBAT-S-XOOU COTTAGE, Choice fruits and borrles. on Upper Albina ear line; cheap at 81.100. - , HENKLE & BAKER, 819 Ahlagtoa Bnlldlaff. A Bargain AnP A A For a comer lot", with 7 L 1 kl II I room, good cottage, near tlJalajUU Exposition building. King T ' Addition. Go and sec It. Room for three more houses. Goldsmith & Co.. corner Third and Oak streets. BARGAINS If sold at once, we will sell 320 acrea of fir and pine timber. In Lane County, for $2.50 an acre, part cash. Only two miles from large stream. This Is a bar gain. XOO ACJUBS Well - improved bottom land farm near Eugene, with two thirds of this year's crop. ' TIWB BABOAINS In lodging-houses, from 1300 to J10.000. TXB TlaTEST located lots In Morita villa at much less than real value. Must be sold. King & Creitser 31S auskt BtrttDiiro. A Few Special Offerings of Rea Estate for a Few Days. Desirable for people of smal means who want a home. 4 acres on Base Line Road, only two miles from Mt. Tabor, $500, 5plendid for chicken ranch. In stallments If desired." ' 5mall cottage with lot 50x135 ft. on East 21st St., $1,300. In stallments if desired. 100x100 ft. In Block 8, Irvington Park, $150.00 , The above are offered at these extremely favorable prices and terms to close out an estate. J.H. HAWLEY, Real Estate Broker. . No. 2 Chamber of Commerce BIdg. REAL, ESTATE JOHN E. DAY 834 XAXX BTSXST. XuTJHZi In country town, all full, new rurnlture; ground lease e years; 13, 600 cash; $4,000 on time,, or will trado for Portland property. Z.OTS on car line; $400. on installments. 40 AOBEB of h.eavy fir timber; $800. IB AOBB8, 6-room house, 10 miles from Portland; 6B0. ZiOT, Brooklyn. $600. BOOMIBO XOUSB and restaurant, $!,- DUO. 400-ACBB farm. $1,000. BABOACT House and two lots on Powell street; $1,300. part cash. Homesteads Iiocatad. Bellnqnlshments Cheap. Small Aoreage Bear Car Xilne. JOHN E. DAY. 234 Main, Money to loan to parties of small means to help bay or balld homes. Ho bonus. Look Here... ttwli -Oliilfc . BtA..1sUt ...0kl..C8i) sell your property. If you desire to sell, place it in their hands at once. We handle farm, ranch and timber lands, and make a specialty of city real estate. Sec us before buying or selling. LjJwiS ft CLARK BEAZi ESTATB CO., SG3 Worcester Block. We are offering some NICE RESIDENCES AND BUSINESS PROPERTY WELL LOCATED at Reasonable Figures. FARMS for sale in Oregon and Washington. SAI.KM. Or.. Junr G. 11K13. Tha Iwari of trunti'i'. uf th Oregon Stale lnaane A) lum ht-rpby iuTllea avaltJ proivaal for furnlah Ing tha following mimillen to tho luatltu tl'in, for (liu elx niouma eudlnc Decriubor 81. IWUi: OnverlM, mill f.-d anil flour, meat and fluh. dry Kooda. drusa, atatlouerT. laathar and nnillna. iHmta anil afaoca, plumblns, hardwire, tlnarar. and tliinlug, ormkiTy and flaaawarp. Llala of aald atipnllca will lie furnlahrd by tba clerk of the ixwrd uiii application. Baiuplra ran le aeen at the aajiuai and (ooda mint bo In arrardanre therewith. All fooda muat be In atrlct accordance with aanipte In original package when poa alble. rand delivered at the State Insane Aajrlum within taenty daya after the con tract la awarded, and blda mint be on blank forma which will be fiirnlabed together with Inatructlona to blddera, by tha clerk, upon application. F.ach bid on flour or meat muat he ac companied by a certified check of I.WO.liO and each bid on flab hr a certified check of (Tn.no, and all other hid br certified check, equal to 111 per cent of the amount bid, checka of iinancceaafnl bidders to be returned Im mediately and thoae of accepted blddera when the contract la completed. Blda muat be encloaed In aealed enrelopaa 'd dm1 t-Mw -bowrth- ears- J-ttn rtert". and plainly marked. "Blda for A.yltim Bup pllea." and the claaa of (rood, bid on abouid be lncrlled on tne euTelooe. Price. . litneaa . and uuallty belns equal, preference will be flren to artlclea mana factnred. grown or produced In thla atate. Wheor-a particular article la apectftcally called for, blda for other kind: 'or manu facture, or brand, equally- good, will be en tertained, but to Inaure recognition of anch blda aainplea ot the artlclea It la propoaed to supply must accompany them. The board reaerres the right to reject any or all blda or to accept or reject ny part " of a Mrt. ' 'Bids wtll tve opened at wie Capitol, at Baleni, St lf a. m., Wednesday: July 8. llVw. By order of the board of truateea of the Oregon State Inaane Asylum. W. N. C.ATKNS. Clerk. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collectlnna made st all point oa fatnrahle terms. Letters of credit lasaed arallahla Is Europo and all points in tl I nlted Btatea. Sight exchange and telegraphic tranafers aold In New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Inla, IVnrer. Omaha. Han Franclaco a ad Mon tana and British Columbia. Exchange aold Frankfort. Hong and Honolulu. on London. Paris. Kong, Yokohama, Berlin, Manila United States Nat'l Bank "Nor PORTLAND OKEOOW. NORTHWEST COB. THIKD AND OAK ITi. TKANSACTB A GENERAL BANKINO I BUBIN8i. DRAFTS ISSUED Arallabl in all eHiat of tha Taitad (tatas and Zuropa, Hong Kong sad Manila. i Collections Made oa Favorable Terms Prealdent J. C. AIXBWORTH VIce-ITesldent W. B. tB Asslstsnt Cashier It. W. 8CHMEER Aaalatant Caahler A. M. WRIOHT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED BIPH will be recelred at the office of the Comtuandant of the Oregon .Soldiers' Home, Koaeburg. Oregon, and at the office of Delos D. Neer, architect. No. tH.1'4 First street, Portland. Oregon, until June 'if. !:. t 9 ')Hi- . .. .. ftr iotty--tt Hr rarka Building. Moapftal, end flr laying the water mania in accordance with plans and apeclllcatlona which "are now on file In both the places named, bids for finishing tha two miiiqinga ro, pe eroDraceu m. cue mo. and laying or the water mains In another, both to be addressed to W. W. Kldcr, Command ant or the Oregon Soldiers' Home, at Rose. burg. Oregon, and left nitbhlm or with Delua I. .Viter. . architect. A certified check In the sum of 10 per cent of the bid or blda. made payable to W. W. Elder. Commandant, must accompany each bid. aald check to be forfeited to the State of Oregon In eaae accented bidder falls to sign contract and furnish a bond within ten daya after the awards are made. - hr he- appro-red" tiytfte ttnTcnrtn entr - Kb- bid will be recelTed after the time aet. and no bid will be considered unlesa accompanied by aald check, made payable aa aforesaid. GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN. t.overoor. LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK. trMITED. CHAMBER Of COMMER0E BTTTLDINO, THIRD AND HARK STREETS. Head Office KS Old Broad street. London. Thla bank transacta a general banking hnsl neaa. mskes loana, discount hill and issue' letters of credit arailable for trsrelces -and for the purcbaae of merchandise In hut clijr of the world. Deal 'n ftr-Uu and donnst'a eichange. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. W. A.' MACU.VK. ManagiT. Merchants National Bank PORTLAND, OiEOON. J. Frank' Watson. R. I. Durham...'. R. W. Hoyt...... Geo. W. Hoyt t. .Prealitent .....riea-tnreablxut ,. .Cashier .Assistant Caablet LEOAL NOTICE. I.N THE CIRCtIT COI RT of the State of Oregon., for Multnomah County. Victor I j nil Company (a corporation), plaintiff, ra. Amelia Laurent, defendant. To Amelia Laurent, the almve-umued (U'fendant: In the name of the State, of Oregon you are hereby required to apiicar anil answer the fnmplalnt died sgainst you In the aborc ntltlcd court anu cause on or bfore the 24th day of July. Ii3. "and if roil fall so to anawer or appear therein the plulntlff will apply to the court for the relief prayed fou In the complaint, which la aa follows: For a decree of saltl iwirt that uilntlff Victor Land Company Is the owpcr n fee simple- nf the following-described real property, to-wlt: All -of lots three and four, In Mix'k twenty-four. Ill Mount Tabor Villa, situated In tnwnshln one north of rana-e two east. Willamette Meridian. In Multnomah County, State of Oregon: and that you hare w. right, title. Interest or estate In said renl property whafsocrer. and that you be fnreyer barred and pre cluded from asserting rny clnjm to said real property, and for snch other relief fla to the court may seem equitable. Thla suminantr is serreil upon roil by publication by ordfr of the Hon. John B. ('Inland, udgc of the ahore-entltled court, dated he 10th day of June, lftirt iind- the date of the first publication of thla summons la the Irtth day of June. iflrtS. j FRANK SCm.EOEL. Attorney for Plnlntltf. l,.TraiiaBsJ;aa QaaiawJL walna. . Drafts and leters of credit Issued artllabl to all parta of the world. Collection a specialty. (Sold dint bought. MORRIS BROS & CHRISTENSEN SticreMor to MORRIS ft WHITEHEAD. BANKERS. FIRST AND AI.DEB 8TRCETS. PORTLAND. OR. xsrsxsHOxs. Ladd A Tilton. Portland; I'. S. National Bank. Portland; Bank ef California. Mao Fran cisco; Crocker-Woolwortn National J 1 Bank, Sau Francisco, Bolton, deRuyter & Co. Chlca MXSCBXSS. go Board of Trade, Ban Francisco tra duce Exchange, San Franclaco Stock ' ' and Bond Eichange. . , - - t-jr.'- Fire Insurance W. A. Shaw & Co. 243 STARK ST., NEAR SECOND ii dairyman who ' vr ielllng mllhy pleaded runty to tha M TsnfUen, ilia' dairrroan who aWeateJ.JaatMfiyiay', by. State. CommlWlttner' J1. ' W,v BaJle Tdr watered milh pleaded runty to cBarYeJh traorBiBaTyand. was flneij J25, GRAT. LOSS OF FRUIT (journal Special Service.) , LOS' ANOELES. June 10. Estimate ihutiv that 10(1 ca.rs 1 of orang-ea and lmpH were Iwt- in tho Kansaa City und MUaowri flOoJa. , , :. v. r... 1 m hi i I'm i .i ' ' " Crack Train of the West Tho . Canadfan Paeinc"! fast train, knowri as he "Imperial Limited." wilj be placed in -oommlaaion Juna 13. mak ing the run aeroaa the continent in four day. Call at 142. Third street for full particulars, Wanted, Cheap Lands Protect your property, both houses and furniture, with fire in surance. If ; you state before prices i sell at a fair profit. have any land, bought from fore prices were raised, and will come ana see us. KINO & CRITESER, .sis avxisirr Btraszwo. 4 Lots DON'T NEGLECT THIS PORTANT MATTER. IM. I have the agency of The Milwaukee Mechanics - On corner Rodney ave. and - ihm v.ws nan Hafaei ats, tstreets ail , , , ' . . improved, etc. An for $3.- One of the largest nn"the country, 600; worth 15.000. If you, ...... t a ai itiw MAin want to dbuble your money buy this. scl J" J " v,irvi, ooi'iwmith ft Co.. Third and oaK atreet. ' nnd respectfully solicit your patron age. J. H. HAWLEY. No. a. Chamber of Commerca. GOOD BUSINESS CHANCE i A small genera: store, with nice reel j dence and ample grounds, In good local- ity- ; If desired, about 100 acres of good land near by will be Included in the deal. For prlcea anft terms see DAViDSON, WARD & CO,, 408 Cbambtr of Conuuerca. NOTICE Is hcrphy Elton that the annual uiectlnp of tin" taxpuj't'i-s of SWiooI )l. trlot N". 1. Multniuu.ill 1'nunt.v. Ori'iton, he hi'lil in tlii- School (li-rk'a olllce. Oty Hall, llt.v of I'urtlaiul. county aforcaalii. on Mnnrtay. Jiiup 15. 1003. nt 7:30 p. m. Thft bulnca of the mcctlnif will bo to con alder the report of till" iltrcctora ami clerk, anil (o lory a tnK for the aupimrt ami huiIii tiMiitiice .uf the sch'Hjla .ej rhc v.nlct tur tli matting year, and to illoc of anch other liulni' a may legally conic licfurc It. C)' order of the board of tllrcctor. It. WILLIAMS, rhal-nifln Ronril of lUrcct rs. Allcat II. 8. AI.I.KX. School clerk. rortlaml. Orcpou. June II. 10:i. NOTICE la hereby given thut the annual elec tion of School Mstrlct .No. 1, Multnomah County, I'reiroti, will I held on Mondifv. June l.. VJV.i, The polls ulll be open at 2 o'clock p. in., and rtoe ut (J o'clock p. m. on ld day. The election I for the pur pose of elwtlug one director for the term of Hii' ycara. A lint of Judge nud 1 rks. ulso lHjlltui; placca, ulll bu nunounced later. It. WILLIAMS. . Chairman Bonrd of Iilrectora. AtttII. 8. AI.LE!lv ft.-bot.l' Clerk. ! rortlaiid. Oregou. June X 1!X:1. JSUTH K la hereby glvivi Hist the umlcralgni il liaa been auoplnted udmluiatrator of the catate of Mlchcal t'miln, dvreuatd. by the t'oiiniy Coiu-t of the State of iircgun. iar Villi: uouiah County. All icrn.ii bayliiK clallic, nitaliut mxiil caHtc are hi reby iiollflil (i prtuent Ihiin. duly rcrillcd vith proir muchcra. to mo ut the lmv oflicu of Jllliic Miller, room H12 Couiluercial Block. !' r;- ' land. Oregon. within aix moutlw from ill" datt of the first iitthllcatttHi t,t thla uotii'f. Which la Mny 27, , i JOII.V PARRELU ! Admlnttrtor of tbo catato vt illchcul Cur tin. Ueeflcd. Q RAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS and COTTON. San Franclaco 00 t0 California It. lOt THimD MOXTOAOB X.OUT8 at towast Sates, iHsvatAiroz nr jjuei xajTsa. UZAX, EITATS. A. H. BIRRELL . Tormarly of MacMastar k SlmlL REAL ESTATE. GENERAL IXSt BANC! AND FINANCIAL AGENCY. SC-4 KcKa; BuUdinc. Third aad itaik. Phon. Kaln 138. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland real eatata at loweat rates. -Tttlea insured. Auatrieta furnlabad. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 1 Chamber of Comraerc. NOTICE SAItAJtlXD HOFLII- Io you need money berore pay day 7 call on uk. We can advance money on your nagea on short notice. You pay back monthly, aeuit monthly or weekly. THE STAB LOAN CO.. 210 McKay lildg . Third ,and . mark t." ;, MONEY ADTAMC1I0. Salaried oconle. teamster., etc.. without seeaf" f Ity. easy puj liicutui Lirgeat bisaliiaaa In 9 principal cltic. . - , . --- - - n TOLjMAK, 233 Abingtoa Blda. MOSTQAOB I.0AN8. On linprored city and farm property, at low em cm-rent rates; bull'llutf Kmua, luatallmelit kau. Wm. MacMaster, Wicet.r' hbl. For Tfnna rural Dischart, Strlotnr. Eaperially 111 eld r:ite phcrti iWlura fall. Sta k . .-.ju.ikut refciaine nun kit iu and Indammatlon of the iiu.i ) mt.tba at ta wrctba. all rf url'Tf i.Ui "t"inen .nil won-n. ZV MO i OUARASMIB to cvns o jtourr nwirHDis, v eaaea la hour, wlthottt pain. Mpaelally 4 vid tut oW. obtlni Prufg lata, o nt ica fWaa. nfltr for Iax nt aaaWd FfllA f.v.afo oM in Portland by Xha LBa-Ct brae Co.. Tatoq aad Xt va --. $25001- For ' a lovely 6-room ct tago. brand new. ovarlrxjk- river. wun eexioo loot cnoicr. ooidsmith ft Co.. corner Third aud Oak streets. HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS From S to S Rooms f 1.050 to $3,000. A. T. MYERS & CO. 81 Cluman of Conusant Bldf . NOTICE TO BTOCKHOLDEES. . TUB ANNCAL MKETIXl. of the stuekawMcTS nt the Mexican Itubber Culture t'umuauy W IJI be hchl oil Tnesday. ' iuly 14. at II '-' n'tiork. In the fun-noon.' at 'ttM vlftee- ot aald tiiiuiuuy. nyiina SIS-SI tTiamber of Corn merep I'atliliix. 1'nrtlauJL Oregoa, f the , e lift ton of director and tvr t trans action of wh orltw bntdnwia . a ay properly come before the Inrctln; tor action. tt V. tOWEK. aecrtW. Jr-c::--.- ami , VoM t nil PruK&lsts. i I A