The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 10, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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r ti ' - ...i . , ' 'i' V i. "
:"5 f 'T.s' ',
Items of Local' interest for. Busy
uaUdi-'Dolli Folkenber. C. B. oaUf,
Ma Power, B. EL. Re. Jessie L. Boo-
vill, .Mn. W. 8. Larkin. Aldwin V,
Oliver and Tana O. Klamenson, ', ; ,
Baak & foun-If Ml' Lorin
River will call at Th Journal offloa, til
Tamhtll street, and Drove her property.
walled yesterday eat of th Cascade ' may have aame by paying cot,of
Mountain, out w in wi or trvis rang I aavercisemenu
Moderately men temperature pre-
' Mountain, but to
. was rrom is to is deereaa cooler.
Bhowera and thunderstorm hava
eurred generally In Nevada.-Southwest-ern
Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Ns
, braska. North Dakota and Northern Min
nesota,,! .1.-4 r. . , 'i, .. , .
. i n weatner ia unsettled In the North
Foifla States, and'ihowera and thunder
etorme are probable Thursday,., It will
b cooler east of the Cascade Mountains.
:;v., reQat vmeiaj. .
The Blvr.
in; river at r-oruana tni morning la
f TV1 I feet and rlalng alowly. A ataaa of
I mil. 7 feet will be-reached Thurutiv. and
I M ration, ahouid be made for itogi 2h"" rS L ih' -her.
I on about sir hv an. I of Schenectady, w. asking the Where
Btiok Stick your patrona with poor
ork. Thla la not tha . motto of . tha
United State Laundry. If our work
don't auit you w will gladly do It over
again. The main thing witn ua ia pieaa
lng our customer. , . . . ' , '
' Beeldeata la Altotaa end Holladar ad
dltlon are expreeelng great pleaaur over
tha decision to give public conoerta In
Holladay Park. The park la one of the
moat beautiful In Portland, but com
plaint la mad that It haa never been
given proper attention. '
Bostaaaetar Baaoroft la In receipt of a
communication from Jamea W. Veedtr
$t2,50 Fora-Cotton Sultr
. Tortla4 D; 8. Kerrh-k and wife, Tarkrllle,
N. V.; Mir 0. W. Wood, Ulae A. Wood,
Aatorla; C. H. t'olllua, tblcifo; 1, Johaawun,
Colorado Bprlnn; 1. K. Murpbr, Tacoua; H.
C. BelllniBr, Victoria,- .B. C.i 0. H. Xtaule,
Vmitoai A, P. Hhiilt.o, Wnry Htll, J. B.
iirtwatrr, 8ao Franclaco; U. Winter. cltjt
W. 1. Rail. Taroma: K. Oaaa and arlf. Van
eeoiwr, B. C; 4. A. McAlllacrr, baWBuort, la.i
C. A. C'oncdoa, Uuhitlu I)r. Rodlncton, Oak-
UmI MIU i'AMAM. I T7. 1 . . h. . in.. ...I 1
I . . vi vi' I'uiyiH) wiwi Bvwvri I
rranciaco; Mine orrahv, Uakiandi ailaa I wngnf.
abaent from hla home for many yeara,
and Vaeder aaya he I wanted in order
that an estate may be aettled.
The atory f Saeajawea, printed In an
attractive booklet, will be distributed
through, the secretary of the Statu As
sociation, Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, of Os
wego. This waa decided upon at a meet
ing of the aoclety held yesterday after
noon at the home of Mra.'C. M. Cart-
HOW Pi Wi AlllSOn WaS new playhouae. The management
"Steered" Into a Store Called patrona of th public, who like that
At II I. I II. I t" I ajtvlit sivniieaaimjftrif an1 4 the Unm
wer nuDana iviaae 10 ray ,c piu la tnit B. of ts;
thatrtPar-bTjameea;-tm-fa handaomek
well-appointed, house, built especially
for vaudeville and containing every up-
to-date convenience will stimulate the
Cflue Mft Will Hsn a Fovju I public then aucces will crown their
wujo iiu mil nu w W" I -rr. Mr. P H Rrnwn Pinlflo rn.
Things to Say to His People repr.puuve for , Paciflc North.
taL ti n i ti i alT. x western Vaudeville Circuit, has been in
vvnen ne ueis nome aduui
Fake Stores In Portland.
al of geata for Bmplre Opening.
Tha ' aale of aeata . for the opening
week of the Empire commences tomor
row at the theatre, and thoae desiring
sure to bear the same in mind, aa It is nnmhhlnts! Still talntr MaHa
almost ah assured fact that the de- r " & ...u
mand, especially for the opening per
formance, Monday night, June 16, will
be enormous.: .Several of the actors
that are to appear, on the opening bill
arrived - from New York last evening
and more are expected In dally. High-
class vaudeville will reign supreme at
Concerning Conduct of the
City Engineer's Office in
Sidewalk Matter.
Alleged Discrimination Without
Uuse May be Basis tor Suit
Marshall Brothers Defend
the Department.
Auntln, Han Rafael: B. A. Btaart, BaattUs
. . wrainertora, BnO MAbrr.-Albany; Mra
aiarr n. how nan. Niaa Uary Held. Mlaa B.
trail. Mlaa Ellaahetb Uoodloa, U. U. Allen.
U. Hawsey. panrllle. Kjr.; K. K. Inaeraoll,
peaiua; v. a. nay, nan rranciaeo i. v. Nor
key aad danicbter, Brooklyn: U. W. King,
Albena. O.; K. T. I-lttle, Naw Tork a C.
Palmer, St. Louts; K. R. Worrell, V. & Mc-
intrra, Buttler: M. Hermann, Nw York:
. M. Wheeler and wife, B. D Treadwell and
wife, Warren, Ark.: 1. C. Reed and. wife, r.
D. Long and wife. New "Castle. Ura. Park
1 1 if ton, Mlaa Hnaaey,- Ban Franrlaeo; Mra. H.
B. I.lod and diifhterr Bonlb Dakota; W. T,
Wllllamann. Halrm; W. Mainland and wife. Wla
eonaln; I. H. Oroot and' wlta. Denver: H. B.
Brooke, C W. Murphy and party, Chlraro;
0. . Berk man, Ban rranclaeo: M. A. War
ren, Llneoln; W, T. Barry, Maaaahoaetta; J,
l iiucrina, nan rranriaeo; . v. wanniaton.
r. Moff and wife. Seattle: B. A. Hnw-
(1 and- wife New York: B. Melneke. Mll-
aukee: M. Hambnrcer. Baa Pranrlaro: T. O.
Illlhourn. Cblraro; J. H. I'llman. Jr.; rhlewa-n;
T. t. Olbha. Bpokane: J. C. Wallaee and wife:
Robert Wa llaee and wife. J. L. Wallare, Lydia
Wallace, Llnrlaay Wallace. R. Uray. CleTe
land: M. L. Btern. Chloaao; C. V. Bloeura and
daiirhter. IMttahara; R. R. Haalewond and wife,
frherman. Teaaa: Robert Morrla, Chleafo; Mra.
W. U. Taylor, Milwaukee; Mrs. A. M. Caudee
and children. Denver: H. C. Beanian. A. B.
Taylor. Eeerett: E. A. Heard and wife. Rome.
Oa.; Martin Blerdenhaeh. Idaho: Mra. J. A.
Rwaaell, child and maid. Vancouver; A. B.
farter. ettle;.R. 8. Koapp, Yuka. Cel.; R.
W. OirlaUon. fiold Hill: J. H. Tucker. Ta
enma; C. A. Hucker, Atlanta, Oa. ,
Imperial William Maaon, Carom City: fl. h.
McKemle, IxMtlne: Mra. W. Madlaon. Aatnrla;
T. Hnhhard. - Iixlepeiidence: II. C. t'lalr. Hag
Inaw: i. Thnmaa. Fern Hill: MIm Irne Jamea.
j-CUttrte Oat.- fc WJlaoo,. .Un,..VUm,
Balero; Mrv Mar Nperspr. Mra. I. J. Sulli
van and daughter. Kalama: I). M. Stuart. Aa
torla: MUlan Tettlt. Fannie Pettlt. Bait Ike;
I.. J. Caaurle and wife, Dakland City: C. F.
McKenney. Brattle: II. P. Alfert and wife.
Wataontown. Pa.; TI A. Mncre; Salem: f. W.
Brown. Ncedh-a. Oal.: Vlrall Cona. Paraler.
Of . r Oaorife TTall, rjeore ' Hardwif . J. .
' Vonnr. Cnttaae (,roe: (i. C. Murrla. Aahland:
C. B. Beckea. Chlraro ; Alei Martin and wife,
Klamath Falla; A. P. Hndawa, Ban Franclaeo;
Dr. F. A. Bailey. HHhboro.
rine Bay I Iiur Meredith's umbrellas.
Repairing, recovering. Wash, and Sixth.
whalebone, found on the beach near
Oyatervtlle. has been added to the col
lection of curloa In tho free muaeum at
the City Hall. Rev. Father Hadley
found the bone, which la shaped like a
canoe. It la aupposed to have come
from the roof of the great aea mammal'a
mouth. i
&Ugnifal miver Excursion The
ateamer Leona leaves foot of "Taylor
atreet tomorrow, and every day. at MO,
11:86, and e'eloek for- Oregon
City and Willamette Falla. Fare for
round trip. 25 cent. Passengers may
take a layover at the Falla and return
on any boat of the day.
The smailpo patients at the Florence
Crlttenton Rescue Home are all con
valescent, and City Physician Zan atates
that the contagion ha ran Its course
there. Five women were 111 with it, and
but for the fact that All of the Inmate
were vaccinated promptly when the flrst
rases broke out, many other would have
followed. It 1 claimed.
The jaVegulato Ma popular steamer
"Bailey Oatsert" leavea Portland dally
for the Cascades of the Columbia, af
fording everybody a fine opportunity to
view the magnlcent scenery and raging
flood. Steamer leaves Alder-street wharf
dally at t a. m.; Sundays 9 a. m. Music
and meals on board. Round trip fare
$1.60. Phone. Main H.
. TI .ridy, 19 &4b
Children's fast color Sun Bonnets. Spe
clal for Friday only, lZVtc each. Her
cules that's the name of our children's
and misses' stockings. It denotes
strength. 11 and 26 cents a pair. A new
lot of belts just arrived. And they are
the latest (It's a fact.) At the big
East 81de Department Store. Kennard
ft Adams, hit Williams avenue.
It Is a pleasure and satisfaction to
know, when you go to a drug store, that
you can depend on getting exactly what
you want. That Is the reaaon that Albert
The latiat victim of the notorious
Hull clothing store at Third and Burn
tide streets, an adjunct of Sfraln'a
cotton-mlstlt place on a mora promt
sent thoroughfare, is P. W. Allison, a
resident of Eastern Oregon. ' Allison
waa slopping at the St Paul House In
this city and waa approached last Fri
day by A stearer for the Hub game.
who asked htm If h wa not going to
buy some clothing.
"Ye," replied Allison. "I am."
. Allison, accompanied by another
young man from the cattle country,
went to the Hub and paid 112.60 for a
suit of cotton clothing and were told
that the outfit was a "misfit" made for
an 3a tern house. The purchasers
brought" the suit to The Journal office
Saturday and an examination of It was
The suit wa a plain, shoddy affair,
the sleeve of which had been length
ened out by the Hub's non-union tailor
in such a way as to suggest the work
of a novice. The cloth wa th poor
est quality of good, miserably put to
gether. Three dollars would have been
a big price for It.
"Did you not see th expose of the
Hub and Strain's in The Journal 7' wa
asked of Allison.
"I did not see It In time." said the
young man. "You see I am not well
acquainted In Portland. My home la
In lieppner -and I have been in the
habit of buying goods here, but If the
Portland people are going to allow such
bunco games to be run on those who
patronise this city I will, for one, take
my-business away from this place.
"I consider it a shame that such
establishments as strain's should be
I. nlr noonla oa thaw Ar. a nt
M ly ;-.. i1 1 tcxtve rt 1 s tr "th e! f 1 Pa href - in newspaper
that are supposed to be respectable.
When 1 get back to Heppner I will
have something to say to our people
on thla subject."
town for the past four days arranging
things so that the opening bill will
run juat as. smoothly as If the house
had been open for year.
Ulghlr lleaed Audience.
Many people attended The Baker last
night and many were delighted at the
performance given by the Stuart Com-
pany of "Th Cat and the Cherub." It
1 In a class of It own, and like unto
no other play that has been seen in
Portland In year. Tho play shows the
way the heathen, especially of the lower
class, known as th highbinder, plots
and carrlea out his wrongdoings.
'The Cat and the Cherub" is followed
by "The Peacemaker," a, comedy in one
act, from- the pen of Ralph Stuart and
Arthur Bragdon, who wrote it intend
ing it for laughing purpose only, and
It mad good their every wish.
A City & Suburban car crushed little
HaxwU Week.
Ralph Stuart and hla excellent .com
pany will begin their final week of thla
engagement next Sunday afternoon, June
Th bill for the closing week 1 'Th
Virginian," a domestic drama in five
acta, by Bartley Campbell. It is a play
that appeals to people of the present
day much the same class aa "In Mis
souri." The time of the play Is 1891
and 1866. A young man, "Vandyke Ver
non, called "Van," Is the principal char
The entire company will be well cast
the full strength of the member used.
There are some fine character parte and
the comedy 1 particularly good.
It is safe to predict that crowded
houses will greet Mr. Stuart and hla
company In this, the closing bill of the
present engagement. Matinee Saturday.
Xded Air, Vot Hot Air.
Although the weather was a bit sultry
last night, the patrons .of The Baker
were as cooTWlf they We're: at' the em-
shore, Instead of attending a theatre.
Reason Mr. Baker, with his usual en
terprise, has Installed in his popular trimmed
playhouse an Ice cool-air t plant. This
system Is used very extensively through
out thu Eaat during tha heated term,
and has met with great favor.
Complaints are still being made con.
coming the conduct of the City En
gineer's office, particularly concerning
what IS alleged to be the discrimina
tion in th matter of selecting ma
terial for sidewalks. The charge mad
by soma leading cement dealer of th
city through Th Journal Friday last
have been reiterated and it la still
probable that th Incident will not ter
minate, before legal action ha been
taken by thoae who declare they have a
grievance against 1 this department of
th oity government
The principal allegation la to the
e.Tect that th City Engineer's office
mad a practice of recommending on
particular kind of cement to the dis
advantage of other kinds, equally good,
without officially stating any cause for
the discrimination;
At present there Is an unusually large
amount of sidewalk Improvement being
dene throughout the elty and the gen
tlemen who mad the charges referred
to ballev that, any on firm favored
by the engineer or hi deputies can reap
a commercial harvest out of proportion
to the business It could otherwise ex
pect to obtain.
Defend Xngiaeer' Offloe.
Marshall Brothers, contractors, who
were mentioned In a Journal article of
Friday last, said this morning:
"We ar not in th cement selling
business, but oonflne ourselves strictly
to concrete work. We know nothing
of any discrimination of any character
that has been made In favor or any
particular brand of cement, but on the
contrary we have been given a Hat by
th engineer' office, which comprises
about a dosen brand of cement which
had been tested by th engineer's office
and found to be above the standard
tensile strength and which were accept
able to that office. We were Instructed
that we might use, to the satisfaction
of the engineer's office, any one or all
of these brand of cement sold on
this market, and whenever th test haa
i'sth?rT btrtow tire viami5Td turtav wvtiavr
not used that brand of cement."
5r OIds,Vortman&I(in
Opens Here Tomorrow Morning at 8 a. ra
, You know when we say "SALE" it means a crowd, and If -
you want to see a crowd tHat is a crowd, just drop in at
opening time tomorrow ..morning,, for at 8 o'clock when the gong
rings for "attention" to our army of helpers, we 6hall place on sale-
on 2d floor all the ends of our wrapper stock all the season's
oddments hundreds of them, values up to
$2.50, and all of a uniform price each of
These wrappers are all of the good house
wrapper materials lawns, percales, dimities and
outing flannels, the colors are the wrapper colors
of this season light and dark, the patterns very
pretty. You can't make it too hot for us we'll
cut the pace even hotter than the weathef every
day. We're out for business B-U-S-I-N-E-S-S
business, and-this is going to be the
this City of Portland ever knew.
Make your plans today to be here tomorrowr
EARLY in the morning, $2.50 Q ft
Wrappers M OVC
"Th Stubbornness of 0raldln.n
If "The Stubbornness of Oeraldlne"
was manifested towards ner moaiste,
that charming, young creature held out
ry th American Restaurant, corner Berni. the drugglat, corner Second and , CLfr at.hi , JLh i.i ln a 00d . 8oft an1 c,,nin ar
Third and Couch. The best of every- Washington, enjoy, the confidence and d"r 't'V0 "''""J the gown that cVmely Mary Mannerlng
thing. generous patronage of the public a he SifL'll i .a5..- o?I wears when portraying the willful
Br, Amelia Siegler ha returned from
taking pnat-gmduate work. Phone' resi
dence. ITnloft i!i ..
Ar yos afflicted f If so, ask your
drugglr -for Qulnean's Remedy. It
cure or marvelous.
lrtla OlaV-HO Fifth street A
palatable lunch served every evening
from I until 11 p. m.
'Building im going ahead rapidly In th
residence districts, a large number of
new homes being under construction.
apor Bath, scientific massage, by
. young Jady . masseuse. Boom .2 8 ..Ral
eigh Building. Sixth and Washington.
X. X. Brno, plumber, ha removed
from 22 1st at to 291 EL Morrison. Just
serosa Morrison-st bridge. Phone East
Th Portland Crtcltat CluH "will meet
- tomomiw in - room 222. Chamber -of
Commerce. A full attendance Is de
sired. From th 7th to th Mth of July the
Evangelical anniversaries will be cele
brated In Sellwood Parks at the foot of
Spokane avenue.
Baport rclvd in this city Indicate
that rain Is needed to Insure the grow
ing crops In the Walla Walla Valley and
ln Southern Washington.
Th work of repairing the asphalt
. pavement along Washington street, from
doe. His drug store is one pf the old
landmarks of the city, having been es-.
tablished for many years, and has al
ways enoyed the reputation for fair and
honest dealing.
Aa open-air mtlng of the Mult
nomah Alliance No. 4 wa held Tues
day evening last at the' home of J. E.
Burke, corner of Elghtheenth and East
Pine. Chinese lantern were scattered
about under the trees, producing a
charming effect Stirring addresses
were made by I. H. Amoa, Rev. J. F.
Ghormley -and B. Lee Paget, predicting-
the final- overthrow of tho- liquor
traffic. Recitations and music fol
lowed, completing a very pleasant
evening's entertainment.
Th t-sro special Southern ' Paciflc
trains which left Southern California
at-nrtdnlght Sunday," arrived tir- Port
land yesterday... There were, including
delegate to the Presbyterian Assembly,
reoently held ln Los Angeles, and their
wlvea and families, exactly 2t0 persons
on the two sections. One train left
yesterday afternoon for Puget Sound;
the other was side-tracked and the vis
itors used It for a hotel last night. The
day was spent in sightseeing. A party I
of 70 left this morning for a trip up
the river.
for the visitors
Th following officer have been
elected by the State Homeopathic So-
Front and Arthur street. South Port
land. The lad was 7 year of ago and
the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Satter
white of No. 8 Third street. No in
quest will be held, aa Coroner Finley
Is convinced the rataiity was purely
-The: -lad hadbewiTrtaylng- on the side
walk under a store awning at the cor
ner of Front and Arthur streets, and
the far was ln charge of Motorman J.
According to all who witnessed the
accident, no bis me can attach to the
motorman. He was running his car at
slow rate of speed, and as soon as he
discovered the boy on the track, re
versed thfl power ' with remarkable
Coroner Finley arrived soon after the
accident and took the remains to his
morgue. - -The body will - be taken to
the home of the parent today.
heroine, whose etubnornn won her
happlnes. Aa dainty In coloring' a
Mias Mannerlnar herself ' are the frock
that he wears, and. what' la more, they tiering and her excellent company
seem to take on a part of her own soft,
gentle nature.
Beaut),fuJ, indeed. Is the !, purg wiyte.
toilette mat uerajaine wears. iron
the crown of her pretty head to the em
broldered hem of her bewitching frock.
she is arrayed In white. Tha many
gore of the white crepe skirt are hem
tltced together with heavy silken
thread, and the bottom of the skirt is
with embroidered Insertion.
The bodice Is light and delicate from the
filmy Valenciennes upon it, and the full
flowing sleeves end in frills of the same
rare lace.
Superb 'la the evening cloak that en
folds Miss Mannerlng's graceful figure.
It touches the hem of her dinner gown
and is rich ln heavily wrought embroid
ery, a deep lace flounce and full ruches
of pleated chiffon.
The cloak Is of rich brocade, the flow
ers being done ln natural colors, and a
flnunc of . rich lace foot th garment
About the neck, down th front and on
the sleeves In fluffy chiffon. Mary Man-
present "The Stubbornness of Oeraldlne"
at the Marquam Orand Theatre next
Monday and Tuesday nights, June ' IS
and 16." The advance safe of seat will
open next Friday morning at 10 o'clock,
Tou may set it down if told tht there'
ny better place in the country than
here to buy all good kind of fishing
tackle, lawn swings and sprinkler, lc
cream freesera, or anything else you re
quire for summer comfort and pleasurs
which ought to be found ln a flrst-clas
hardware store.
i 1 ' ' ' ...... M-M-M
I Billiard and Pool Tables
Wa glvyou btntflt manufacturer's pHetiEMOUCH SAID.
Evening Star Orange, Patrons of
Husbandry, observed Floral Day by
holding an interesting session yester
day. During the day a literary and
mimical nroaram waa rendered under
Local ministers are caring tne direction of Miss Emma Larsen. A
I2th and Morrisoa Sts.
during their stay ln
Third to Sixteenth street. Is coins: on.
The Trinidad Asphalt Company has the j.,., BO . tn Bepron in this city, to
i-wmrni-i. serve durlnr the comlns' years- Ilerner
On th evening of June IS, the Broth- s. Nichols, president; O. C. Eshelman.
first vice-president; George Wlgg. oo
ond vice-president; Ella K. Dearborn,
recordlnsr secretary: P. L. McKenxle. cor
responding secretary; Emma J. Welty,
pxhood of St. Paul of Grace Methodist
Iscopal .Church will give a free so
clal and entertainment in the parlors
of that church.
An aJritno- machina Is belnir "tried out"
y County Treasurer Lewis, in his of-
ce at the county courthouse. If pur
chased the machine will cost the county
Jn the neighborhood or 5300.
; A postofflc of the' fourth class has
been established at Biggs. Or., in Sher
man County. Postal authorities say
the offloe has long been needed. It Is
about 20 miles west of The Dalles.
Th postofflc. at Harrison. Or., has
been discontinued, and hfereafter resi
dents of that neighborhood will receive
their mail at Centerville. Bly will take
the place of the Ganer postofflce here
after. Th Columbian flood is like our busi
ness culte swell. Our steam-heated
collar and cuff polisher la also swell. It
linen. Union Laundry. Second and .Columbia.
Grant Oonaland. a wealthy farmer and
ominent Republican politician of the
alia ' Walla country, who has been in
Portland for several days, reports the
wheat .yield this season will be above
the nvftrnffA in KoiithenKtern WAftmriflr-
ton. ' '" ' ' '"
Turkish bath for ladis. Finest
Turkish baths .In the city at 424 Wash
ington street. ' Free treatment on
vibrator' with "each bath: ' Open' even
ings by appointment Phone. Black
im. , ......
' A bashful traveling man and one who
doea not profit by his opportunities are
both in the same , class. A commercial
man wfio doe pot carry a Bllck is only
half i traveler. Ak your friends, then
call on ' the Bllck agent, at 2C6 Stark
street ' ,-v' ..
Th high water: has prevented black
bass fishing , on Columbia Sough, be
cause So much fleh food Is washed, down
the river that the fish refuse to bite.
Fishermen "are' Waiting until th 'water
hall subaide. , .;. ... :s ....-.-.
Tar -of rih -At lota, f needed-' for
ground for the Brooklyn 8choo, jm
Mil waukl avenue, . have been . secured
by the Board of Education, the purchase
ttrlo helna StaRO. Jnafhfcfalia , . a -.,
pending, for tne other two lots needed
' Zn th"ehapl of th Mount Tabor San
itarium, at 1 ittt ;. o'clock thla evening,
will occur ..the third annual commence
ment of the Training School for Nurses,
undercharge of the Seventh' Day Adven
tlsts. Th following class will b grad-
banquet was given at noon. John F.
Caples, late United State Minister to
Chill, acted as waiter. Tna question
as to the advisability of building the
proposed new hall was discussed and a
committee, composes or 'A. . Miner.
H. L. Vail and Mr. Gates, wa selected
to prepare circular to aend out to the
responding secretary; Emma J. Welty, rTUCDOI YM I ID Tf MCCT
treasurer; H. C. Jefferds. Byron E. Mil- MU I ULnO -vLUB I U mLt I
ler. u. v. dsneiman. r. u. Aicnensie ana
Nellie Smith-Vernon, board of censors.
The meeting will conclude thl evening.
There are many Homeopath'and other
Interested in homeopathic work attend
ing the session and much valuable work
Is being done.
8. L.
H. P.
McKencle of Lostine, Wallowa
Is In Portland.
McDanlel. a prominent citizen
of Baker City, for many years a resi
dent of Cove, Union County, is in the
E. L. Smith of Hood River, president
of the State Board of Horticulture, Is
in trre",city"'uttndinif - ttrei vesslons --of"
the Orand Lodge of Masons.
Mra I. E. Baling of Weston. Or., ac
companied by her daughters, Mrs. C. F.
Bulflnch of Weston, and Mrs. L. M.
Funk of Spokane, Is in the city, the
guest of her daughters, Mrs. P. A.
Worthlngton and Mrs. F. H. Coffin.
The last meeting of the year of the
Mothers' Club wUl be held at the Har
rison-Street School tomorrow after
noon at 2 o'clock, at which time officers
will be elected.
Miss Hasslerv assistant oity librarian,
will read a paper on "Mothera' Lltera
ttlre." Mrs. M. A. Triggs will have an
article on "Hygiene for Children, antl
afterward conduct a question box
answering such queries as may be pro
pounded by the members of the club.
Music will be added to the charms of
the City I'ark on Sunday next BanTi
waatee, C I Brown pa, completed Ahe
arrangements for the public concert
season. Liberal donations to the music
fund have been made by many cittxens
and . corporations, th total being
16,501.80. Of thl sum 11,000 was
given by the Park Commission. The
street railways donated good-sized
amounts and the business men gener
ally contributed freely to th-fund.
Mr. E. Ii. E. White, for the- past 18
years editor of the Portland Chronicle,
and stockholder in the White A Durham
Co.. recently sold his interest to J. H.
Zame- Although Mr. White haa been doubt will - take advantage of the very
continuously In th printing and news- Iffw round trip excursion rates to tne
n.nar knainaaa nn tha Nnrth TaMfl East offered by the Orecon Railroad &
rvt.. h. na.f vaara ha aa .hi. I Navigation Company, th following be-
r X.. Vm nM.i(,M r.nH to th figure from Portland: Chicago,
to cut looa from old associations, and 17I.50; St Louis, 167.60; Peoria, $69.26
immediately purchased a complete new ?air0 m.. $72.16; Memphis (Tenn.).
plant of up-to-date material, locating at $73.60; New Orleans, $86.86; Kanea
10214- First Street In less than one City. St. Joseph. Atchison, Leaven-
..i,'a im. from tha tav ha mnA worth. Omaha. Council Bluffs.. Sioux
dotnsrne:.0" X.P P'' Wll
? k' .h- -aii-.1 dec,are1 J. 28. 0; July 16. 1$: August 26. 21
GEO. L BAKE!. Resident Manager.
Only Thatr la Portland Devoted
High-Class Vaudeville,
Opens Monday, June IS
MATINEES 20c and 10c.
KVENINO 30c. 20c and lOo,
Boxes and Loges 60a.
Sale of seats begins
Watch Announcement in Thursday Papers
Cordray's Theatre cordiVnrr
Phone Main 002. Portland's Popular Family
Summer Prlcea MaMneea, lOe and 20c.
Krenlnra, hit. isiie, aoe.
8KB! HKK! 8KB!
In vaudeTllle. The wonderful Poljacopa will
abow the ITfsinem iisinn ine Motel Port
land Blggeat erop or uuiureiMa on leioitf
PrealdeiH enlorlng an Oregon ruinatorm. Ded
(rating the Lewla apd Hark monument. People
yrm know ana meet uanj repniuuma lu a irdr
Teloaa tnaimer." r -
9 8TA ADT 9,
Including the llonnnede Acrobata Ernie and
The BaRer Theatre
The hlgeat lilt In yenr.
George L. Baker,
U ft IT. Offers Big ZBdaomnt
Tryl -long Tim Xilmlt and
Many Portland and Oregon people no
Commencing June t. the Southern' Pa
cific Company trill place on. sale Sattir-
day-to-Monaajr excursion- ttcxet to ia
qulna and Newport and return, at rat
or i nis anoras an excellent op
portunity to spend Sunday at thla pop
ular seaalda resort ,
Season tickets to lima point will be
piacea on at jun i. at rat ox
BTf rrd Btoek Caaad Oooda.
. AUen A Lwl' Best Bran4. -
Limit: trolng, ten day from date of
sale; return, ninety day frwm date of
al. Stop-over privileges- will b al
lowed within limit la either direction
weat of Missouri Jliver or St. Paul. For
particular, aa. at O. R. A N. ticket
Offlc. Third and Washington streets,
Portland. ; ' ,
4 Days Across Continent.
Commencing Jun it. th "Canadian
Pacific will inaugurate fast train serv
ice, placing in commission th "imperial
invited," tut ewe. train or the West
Mniethlng to think about
Beautiful in the extreme.
Bee .
Ralph Stuart aa Ing Shee.
Frank Cumti' a CMn l usa.
One anflHm -f laughter. 1$
Erenlng. 15c. Zc, 35c, We. Matinee, tPe,
142-24 FVRNStfm
Few people know a good abo when . they
see It.
Wa wlah everybody to know there ia a
factory In Portland manufacturing a hard
wearing line of men'a and boya' ahoea. .
Tbei are mad of aabeatoa leather, tons
sewed with allk. and wtU not rip.
Tha bottom are from tha beat Hading
grade of ante leather.
We alao manofaetnre a floe line Of mlnera',
cmlaera' and kiggera' ahoea. .
They are for aale at 07 WA1HIVGT0V
ITBXET. Portland. Or., and we eaa aaaura
tha uutille that there la no betNl Ilea ln
the market for tha money. r
The Reid-Brunke Shoe Co.
lgh-Olaa TaadTtU.
.Vaudeville in. ail lta best features ia
being shown at Cordray's this' week.
Not alone 1 President Roosvelt a cen
tral figure in th attraction, but eight
other especial high-class act ar as
sembled that are aald to be aa clever
entertainer a have happened. It
seems that crowd tnat attend Mr.
Shields' Attraction come away from the
nous and criticise favorably on the
worm or me people wno are engagea to
do the turns. There will be one big
week at Cordray's before Mr. Shields
takes his attraction out to hi park at
Thirteenth and Washington streets, but
on Jun 21 a matinee will open the pop
ular resort and a splendid program Is
promised. There have been many im
provement made at the park. People
who visited It last summer will hardly
recognise the place. A new stage; dtr
ferent seating arrangements, and up
to-date scenery, painted for the occa
ion this season, have been prepared
by Mr. Shields. Until June 21 there
will be the very best shows given at
Cordray'a every afternoon and evening.
The Brunswick-Dalke-Collender Co.
II ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II IHIUtt III 1 1 1 H j Hi 1 1 MM
Carnival VaradM.
The parade committee la arranging
several very attractive features for the
W. O. W. carnival. The Queen pa
rade will be a very pretentloua affair.
The committee 1 now trying to arrange.
ror a parade or norseiesa carriage ana
bicycles, which will be quite a unique
affair, as each , vehicle will represent
something different. On woodmen Day
there will be one of the largest crowds
In Portland , that the city haa ever had,
The different camps throughout th
state have accepted an invitation from
the local camps of Woodmen, and. with
them, will come quite a following, which
will swell the crowd to immense propor
tions. A parade of Woodmen will take
place in the afternoon to the carnival
grounds, and then the W. O. W. will
give the visitor an entertainment the
kind for which they are famous. The
general committee of the W. O. W.'a big
carnival will be ln a position to giv to
the public the full program of the dif
ferent day -very soon. - -
Dlrector J. J. Jennihg is a very busy
man these days, and he assures the pub
lic that, although Portland has had two
carnivals, neither of them will compare
witfi the W. O. W.'s big carnival. The
public has confidence In Director J. J.
and can expect a grand affair and an
immense crowd. Remember the dates,
July 14 to 25, Inclusive.
Evening wlta David Hartun.
Augustus P. Howell will appear under
the auspices of the Portland Seamen's
Institute at Y. M. C. A. Hall Juno 23,
ln an Impersonation of David Harum.
Mr. Howell will be assisted by Mrs.
Rose Bloch-Bauer, prominent a a local
vocalist. Mr. Howell is a resident of
Boston and ha demonstrated his abil
ity as an elocutionist and aa imperson
ator. His work has received high praise
throughout the country and his portrayal
of the quaint old character of West-
cott's famous book is drawing large audi
ences everywhere.
t BR. W. A. WISH.
W 4 -
te Painless Extracting!
We do Crown and Rrldce Work without rain.
One 18 yeara' experience in plate work enable!
ua to At your mouth comfortably.
We hare feeling aa well aa yon. ''
Ht. W. A. Wlae, maaarer, baa'Toena r kaf
way to extrart teeth absolutely without pain.
Dr. T, P. Wlae la an expert at Sold Filling and
Crown and Bridge Work.
Extracting free when plates or bridges ar
bROS., Dentists
Open evenings till 9. Sunday a from to-13. Or. Main 3029.
DR. T. F. WIBB. .
Cor. Jd and WuK Sts,
Just Think
How much warmer Old Sol Is
than you are. Then think of
those summer fixings you were
told to order at Dayton's.
Leave your list on the way
home and we'll send them to
you on first morning delivery.
Ice Crttra Freezers, 2 qts. $1.50 Ice Chislei25c
Scr'n Doors,com.f l-Ad. Win. Scrteni.W in.35c
Liwo Mowerj.M in.S2.60 Oil Stoves, 2 br.$5.S0
.... Cor. First and-TayJor St..
Watch for the' unique and catchv
pamphlet issued by the Oeneral Pas
senger Department of the Astoria
Columbia River Railroad Company,
which tell a little tale about the Sum
mer Girls, Sea Serpent and Sunsets'at
Seaside. The story I short, bat well
told and handsomelytllustrated. and will
make it first appearance about June 10.
Copies mailed yree upon application to
u. Atayo, u. r. ec c a.. Astoria, on
Preferred Stock Cams ad aood.
Alls Lewis' Best Brand,
"Th asm will become a hMaahold war a."
Money can buy no better
full sets of teeth $7.
W-nae -tte-beat iteeth -and the beat
buy. Our
for M.0O.
Tulranlte thati. mom
cbaapeat gradal can b
Gold Crowns, 22-k, $3
30-gnage, reinforced
any tooth la the
Thla Include
on rutting edge
No charge
kind where
(Mid, small
other fllltnga
aired.'' T8c.
All operation strictly modern.
for treatment of
crowne or finings
$1.00. large 13.00:
of any material
Alba Dentists
' Orur Ellers Piano Houae. opposite
Cordray'a Theatre. Thone. Main 3706.
"Tha name will besom a hoaaahoU ward."
Second Annual Session Begins Jane 29
Prepares teachers for county August ex
aminations; also city and state.
OBAIOIAB O&AOBS Pupils taken for
review from the 5th to 9th grades. -Inclusive.
ing. Physical Training, Manual Train
ing, PenmanBhlp plain or ornamental.
Book-Keeping and Shorthand. For
further information address
Holmes Business College
Eleventh and Yamhill Streets. '
' All klmia
MBS. M. eiLBE&T, from Leaden. J
100V t'lrat. near corner. Ituoa Weat fMO. I
tortlaad. Or. .
l-v'v We Carry the Largest Stock of.
Japanese and Chinese
C U R I O 5
CONSISTING of fin Ivory
Carving. Bronx and dob
soni Ware. Chlneta IbonV
Furniture, Salt and Satin embroid
eries. Fine Decorata ' Porcelain
Ware, Matting. RnxsV Etc, at
special prices. Touri.U are cor
dially invited to call ia and inspect
our magnificent line of Oriental
Curio t. t i, t i 1 1 1, t ia
Cor. 4th and Morrbon S.