THE OREGON DALIT JOUHNAL. POHTL"AND, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 0 1903. i i; ' fHB SMIT H PBKMIKK TVPBWBlTEa. 125 . i - Third et.t Jill1 mane ai typewriter I or reeij y4V;,'; awllw W i allMnaebiajta.. M. AJexau. V'-'s.'':' - ier V Co., aerate.-.- - ! 'I J I -L - -J 1 It T Vk'HOtMA, CROCfcpRx' NI (JLASSWlRB. j : pracl Hcgcln Co.. W to 'fdjor.Jjtar, x- R Pa ? '- Ud'l 4' Til ton. 1-c.rtMd: P..S. National Bank; Portland; Bank ft California. Han r"rau 1 .clge:' f roeker-Woglwortb Rational ' -y: - .-. Bank,' Ba f'raucUeOj f vT V"' Ooltoo, DeRuyter & Co. CMi Boarvr Tr, -Nad YanrtfW Pro duca Exehuge,iHn Frncleo Stock' H r 'V-:v.',-:n4 Bowt-lCacbangfc. ... . ..... .fcij,. f -vt. -iw.'.. . a raIn; qRoy isions. r stocks, BONDS and COTTON. city votxceb. ah Trsnelso Offlra Cailftmla St. 181 TlHBB IT. PORTLAND OK dil&Tilton, Bankers EiUbllshed ia 1W0. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Oelleetlona made at all point mi favorable twm. Letter of credit Issued available to Europe and all polat, tu tia Called Slate. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers old in New Vnrk. Washington. Chicago, St. Louie, Deuver. Omaha. Han Francisco and Mon tana and Britlah Columbia. ' Exchange aobJ en Loudon, Pari. Berlin, Frankfort.. Hour Kong, - Yokohama, Maulla and Honolulu. , . ' . ' United States Nat'l Bank OF FORnAHO OBEOOB. VOXTKWXgT COR." THIRD AND OAS ITS. jit TatABIAOTB A OEVERAX BABHBO , . ' BUSINESS. . rDRAFTS issued Available ta all eKIee ef tha Baited ftatael ui Zarepa, Hong Keag and Manila. Ilectloas Made on Favorable Term resident .?. C Vi-rrildwit . . , AoalMant ( ahlir . Aaalatant Caibler . MOFOBED ' IXVEK IX , ZABT IIVEWTH Notlca la hirh ftivan baf at tha 'mwtlnf f tbe Council of tha Cltf of Portland. Or. Inn. bald on tha Sd day of June, 803. the allowing' remlutlon waa adopted: 1 Rraolred, That tbe Council of tbo Cttr of Portland, - Orofnn," doama It exnedlent and ropoaoa to eouatruct arwar In Baat Seventh irct from 10 feet north of the aouth Una of Tbompaoa etreet to a -ennneetlon - with the aewer In Hancock etreet of rltrUlert aewor pipe with ; all - the neceeeary eatch-tiaalne. man hole, lenphotea tnd branch, of the followlnf aimenaiooa; ot 10 lnchea clear I mine on meter, from a point In Eaat Seventh etreet IS feet north, .of the -entitfe tin of Tbompaoa atreet to a paint in Tillamook etreet; tbence of 13 lnchea cleae Inald diameter to connection with the aewer In Hancock etreet, In accordance with ' tha plana, apectncatlnne and aetimatr therefor prepared by the Cite Knelneer. died In tba office of tha Auditor of tbe City of fiwtiend on tbe 2d day of Jane, IWfl, Innoreea: ''City Enejlneer'e plana and apeclflcatlona for a aewer In Eaat Seventh atreet from IS' feet north of the aouth Hoe of Tbompaoa atreet to aewer In Hancock atreet and tbe eetlmate of the wnrk - to be dona and the probable total eo inereoi. .... ....... . The met of aald aewer to be aeaea aa provided by the city- charter upon the property benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lota, porta f Iota and parr la of land Irln between a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with, tbe eaat. una or Baat Heeentb etreet ana a une iwi n.'i weei orienn parallel wiin to. wr fin of Eaat Seventh atreet, and" between Una 100 feet north of and parallel with the north Una of Hancock atreet and the north line of Thnmpeon atreet and a weeterly eitentlon of aaVI north Una In Ita preaent eonree. The Emrlneer'i eetlmate of the probable rota I coat ot tha eon, true t Ion or earn aewer ll.ids.on. Tb plana, apeeldeatlona and eetlmate of ine .iiy Enaineer ror rne caaaixm.-i.iuu Of Bald aewer are herehr afVintad. .. Beeolved. That the Auditor of tbe City of Portland be and be I hereby directed re (Ire nolle of tba pmpoeed construction of aald aewer. aa provide! by tba City Charter. r Bemonatrance atalnat the above aewer mav be -II led In wrttlna with the nnderaljrned wiiTiin zn aaya rrom ma MM or in nret pnnuration or tnia notice. By order of tba Council. " TMOS. C. PFVMM Auditor of tha City of PortUnd. Jane R, Ifto.T AINSWOBTH .W. B. AY Bit R. W. H4 IIMEF.K A. M. WRVOHT LONDON & SAN- FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED. CHAXB21 OF C0KVE1CX BfTILOIefw. THIBD AND STABX STKEZTS. rlead OBce 85 Old Broad tren, London. This bank transact a (eueral iMnklnc bual neee, makee loene. dlacnunte hills end feeue letter of credit available for traveler and for the purchase of merchandise in miv ilir of the world. Praia ' fcrUu nid doonst'c eicbungi-. . Interest Paid on Time Deposits. W. A. MACit.VB. Manaytj-. Merchants National Bank fOBTZAVB; 0BSO0JT. ' J. Frank ' Watson. . . B." I.. Durham., B. W. lloyt.. Geo. W. Hoj t .-. PreBldent Vlce-Preeldeiit I aahler . . . . Anfi'tARt Caahler Trsaacta A Oanaral Skaklnf Boalaeaa. brafte and letera of credit Issued reliable to all part of tbe world. Cullerttoiia specialty. Gold dint UoiiatUt. MORRIS BROS A CHR1STENSEN 'Sacreaeor to KOERIS WH1TIHE AD, - BAKKEK8. BB0B0SEO SBWIB IV EAST EIETEEHTH I BTBEET. ' Notice la berebv aivea that at the meetlnc oi tae touncii ot the uty or rortiana. ure- on, neia on toe ua aay or June, lwt, ine ollowlnf resolution waa adopted: neaoivea, That the council or tne city or Portland. Oreaon. deems It espedlent and propuae To construct a aewer in Baat r uteentn atreet from a point DO feet eootb of Broadway to connection with tbe aewer In Hancock atreet of vitrified aewer Dim with all uecea- sary catch-baalna, manhole, lemoholea and branchee. of eight Incbea clear Inside diameter In accordance with tbe plana, apeclflcatlona and estimate thereof prepared by tbe Clt.v Engi neer and Bled In the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on tbe 2d day of June, 1003, Indoraed: "City Engineer' plan and apeclflcatlona for a aewer In Eaat Fifteenth atreet . from ,00 feet aouth or Broadway to aewer In Hancock atreet and the eetlmate of tbe work to be dona and tba probable total cost thereof. " Tbe cost of aald aewer to be aaaeaaed a provided bv the city charter npon the proiierty benefited fberehr and which la hereby declared to be all tba lota, part of lota end parcel of land lying between a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat line of East Fifteenth atreet and a line 100 feet weat of and parallel with tbe wrat line of Eaat Fifteenth atreet, end between a Une 100 teet aouth of end parallel with the aouth line of Hancock atreet and a line 100 feet south of and parallel with tbe aouth lino ( "'r!nlnWrr'ifm"te''e the' ronaute total cost of tbe construction of (aid aewer 1, .V3 00. The Plana, apeclflcatlona and estimate of tba City Engineer for the construction of aald aewer are hereby adopted. Beeolved . That the Auditor of the Clt.v of Fortland be and he 'la hereby : directed to give notice 'of tbe proftoeed construction or anld ewer aa provided by the tlty Charter. I.' r men trance agalnat the above aewer may be filed ' In writing with the undersigned within 20 dare from, the date of tbe flrtt publication of thla notice. By order of the Conned. TITOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tba City of Portland. June 8. 1008. CITT BOTIOEI. VBOroiED' IEWE1 IB IAB BATAEL wv-'rjrhv' STREET. ' . . "Notice la hereby given that tt the meeting ot the Council of tha City of Portland. Oro- on. held on. tbe 14 day of June, 1803. the allowing resolution waa adopted: Reatilved, That tha Council of tne City ef Portland, Oregon, , deema it expedient and propiaee -to eonairnct a aewer in Ben naiaei atreet from 12S feet east of tb eaat lin of I'nlon .avenue I a connect In with tha pri noeed aewer In Eaat Seventh atreet of vltr o- trl fled aewer nine with all necessary retch basrne, maabelee. lamnholee and branchee, ef eight inrhe near Inside diameter, in accord ance with tha Diane, aneclflcatlona and eetl in a tea therefor prenered by tbe City Engineer and Sled In tha office of tbe Auditor ot tba iity or r-ortmnd on tb 2d fley ot June, iw indoraed: "City Enalneer'a nlana and aped flc Hen for aewer In Ban Rafael atreet fram i'2il feet .eaat. ef ITnlnn evAnue to nronoaed aewer, In Eaat Seventh atreet, and tbe esti mate' ef tbe work to be don ad tne pronahie total coat thereof." Tb coat of aald . aewer to be aeaeaaed aa provided by the city charter upon tha property specially nenente. thereby ana wairn a hereby declared to be all lb lots, carta of lot and- pereele of land tying tntwen - a line 10ft feet north of and parallel with tha north llae of Hen Rafael atreet and a Una 40 feet aouth of and parallel with tba aouth une ot oaa narani atreet, ana between a nne 100 . feet east of and parallel with tbe eaat Una of I'nlon arenne and a line 100 feet weet of and parallel with tba weat Una of Eaat Seventh atreet. Tb " Engineer' estimate of tbe probable total coat or tba conatructlon of aald aewer la 1,21.00. . . lb plant, apeclflcatlona and estimate ot tha CItv Knelneer for the construction of aald aewer are herebr adoDted aeaoivea, Tnat tna Auditor ot tn uty of Portland be and he la hereby directed to give notice of the nronoaed construction of aald aewer aa provided by tha City I barter. . Remonstrance agalnat the etwee eewer may be . filed In writing with tbe undersigned wimin mi aay rrom tb tute or tna - nret publication of tbla notice. y oroer of tbe council. THOS. C. fETLI!f. Auditor ef tbe City of Portland. Jan t, 1003. PROPOSED XIXBESOTA FIRST AND AI.IlfiR STREETS. PORtLAXD, 0R. - AlORTGAOE LOANS ' tm Portland el aetata at loweet r'ats. Title Ineured. AbeU'trts furnUUed.X Tit e Guarantee & Trust Cfi. t'if r ,J Chamber of Coinmerce. . arnTicn baaxxex, hofi-b Do yiii' need money before pay day! Call On ti. We ran advance money on your wagea on abort notice. Yow pay back monthly, aenit numthly or wefkl.t, TKB STAB 1.0AJT CO 810 .McKay. Bldg.. Third and Stark t. EWZB IB ATEBUZ. Notice la hereby given that at tha meeting of tbe Council of tbe City of Portland. Ore gon, held on the 8d day of June, lOoS, tba following resolution waa adopted! ' ueeoivea, inat toe uwncii oi tne my ot Portland. Oregon, deema It eipedlent and propoeea tn conatrnct a aewer In Mlnneeota areso front 23 feet north of Fremont atreet to connection with the. eewer In Beech atreet of vitrified aewer pipe with all neceeiary catch-baalna. nianbolea, lempholee end branchee. of eight Inch clear inside diameter, In ac cordance with tbe plan. Dedication and eetlmate therefor prepared by tbe City En gineer and filed In tbe office of the Auditor of tb City of Portland en the 2d day of una, luoft, indoraed: "City Engineer a plana nd eDeclflcatlona for a aewer In Minnesota aveou from 25 feet north of Fremont atreet to aewer In Beech atreet, and the estimates of the work to be done and tha probable total Tba cost of aald eewer to be aaaeaaed a provided by the city charter upon the iroperty benefited thereby and which a hereby declared to be all the lot, parte of lota and parcela of land lying between a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with tba eaat line of Mlnneeota avenue end line 100 feet weet of and narallel with the west line of Minnesota avenue, end between the north line of Fremont atreet and the north line of lot numbered all In block numbered 88. Mult nomah, and a line 50 feet north of end parallel Ith tne north line of kit nmnliered tbree In block numbered 82. Multnomah. Tha Engineer a eetlmate of the probable total coat of the construction of ald aewer la ids piane, anecincaiiona ann eaiimaiee ot the City Engineer for the conatructlon of ald aewer are hereby adopted. Reeofved That the Auditor of tbe City of Portland be and ha la hereby directed to give notice of tbe prnpoaed construction of aald aewer aa provided by tbe City Charter. - - - Remonstrance against IK above aewer mav be filed In writing with the undersigned within 20 day from the date of tbe first publication of tbla notice.. By order of the Council. THOS. r. DEVLIN. - Auditor of tbe City ot Portland. Jnn B. 1808. CITT KOTIOES. ' PROPOSED - ASSESSMENT K TOR IMPROVE MENT OF WASCO STREET. Notice l hereby fife) that tha Council ef mo city ok roriMnu propoeea to aaaea tn following dcacriDea property, ana owner oi owner a being apeclally and pecullarln bene flted In tbe am, mute et opposite tbe namca and description thereof for tbe Improvement of Wasco street, frea tbe eaet -Uae .of Eaat fifteenth atreet to tae center Una or Ksat Twenty-fourth atreet, aa irovuied by ordi nance NO. 18.0T8. Apy olilectloua to tha apportionment of cost for eeld Improvement rouat be made In writing tu tb Council and filed with the Auditor within fifteen day from tba date of tbe first fiubllcatlon of thla notice, and aald nbjoc iona will be heard and detemtt4 by the Coun cil before the passage of tb ordinance a, easing the coat of aald Improvement. Holladay'a .Addltloa tu Et Port land Blk 178, lot 4, Tb Oregon Real Estate Company ( .10 Blk 1TB. lot 8, The Oregon Real Estate Comnanr .10 Bid 170. lot 0, The Oregon Heal Estate Oompaoy Blk ifB. lot S, Tba Oregon Real Katate Coinpepy , t,,., ... Blk 178. lot 4. Tb Oregon Real Estate Company Blk ITS, lot 8, Tbe Oregon Real Estate UIWVIH, Blk ITS. let . Tba Oregon Real Eatate .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .05 '.10 Comuanr . Blk iff), tot 6, Tbe Oregon Real Estate Comnanv Blk Ilia, lot 4, Tb Oregon Real Estate company Blk IBS. lot 8, The Oregon Heal Eatate Company Blk 105, lot 6, The Oregon Real Estate Company Blk 1U5, lot 6, Tbe Oregon Real Eatate Compeuy A tract of land lying between the north line ot Wasco atreet end a line 100 feet north of and parallel therewith and between tbe eaat Une of block numbered IBS, Holladay'a Addition to Eaat Portland, and the weet line of block numbered S, Holladay Park Ad dition to Portland, Oregon. The Ore gon Heal Eatate Company .10 Holladay Fark Addition to Portland. Oregon Blk . lot 4, Cbarlea F. Overbaugh. ... 116 SB Hlk 0. lot 8. Cbarlea F. Overbaugh 181.28 Blk 8. lot t. Tha Title Guarantee A Truat Company , 180.80 Blk 8. 'lot 1. Tb Title Guarantee Trust Company . 102.68 Blk 6. lot 8. The Title Guarantee Trust Company 188.06 Blk 6. lot T. Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Company 188.86 Blk 0. lot 8. Tha Title Guarantee m Truat Company 09.78 Blk 6. lot 6. Tb Title Guarantee Truat Company 82.80 B Title uuarantee at T4.0S crrr botioeb. with, and between lb north line of Morrison atreet anil Une 100 feet northerly from and parallel with ' tba north Unit of -Irving atreet. ' The Engineer' estimate ' of the probable total coat of aald Improvement 1 $17.450.00.. ; Tha above improvement I to lie classed aa a asphalt impruvemeut and ahall be main tained by tbe city for the period Of two year.' provided that the nwnera of a majority of the property heoented by said Improve ment of any portion thereof shall jiot n-JlUon for a new or different Improvement before the expiration of such period. Tbe plane, specification and estimate t.f the City Engineer for the Improvement of said Slitb street are hereby adopted. . Beeolved: , That he Auditor of the City ot Portland " be atd be I ' hereby directed to give notice ot the proposed Impruvemeut of. said atreet aa provided by the city char ter. Jtemonatranre agalnat the above Improve ment may be filed in writing with tba under signed within 2" day from tbe dote of the first publication of this notice. By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. June ft. iwo.t. Blk S, Jot 4. Tbe Title Guarantee tat Company PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT Or PARK ... A VERVE. Notice I hereby given -ehet at the meet ing of the Council of tbe City of PortUnd, Ore. gon. held on the 3d day of June, lift '3, the following resolution waa aoopiea: Resolved: Tnt the Council of tbe City of Portland. Oregon, deem it eipedlent and nrnpoeee to lmorove rrk avenue rrom the east line of the City f'erk to tho west line .of .1,... -.'; . ,........ --" ,hu iirf. rfi.,.ta. in A r irst By grading tne treei ruu wioio4 r' " r ... ; . " PROPOSED SEWER IB TILLAMOOK 8TBZZT. Notice la hereby given that at tba meeting of tbe Council of the City of Portland. Ore- fon, beld on tbe 3d day of June, 1003. tha olloWIng resolution waa adopted: Resolved, That tb Council ef the City of Portland, Oregon, deema It eipedlent rnd propoeea to construct a sewer in Tillamook street from 125 feet esst of tbe eaat Una of I'nlon avenue to a connection with tbe pro- pneeu sewer in r.asi nevenrn street or vitri fied aewer pipe with all neceeSary catcb-baaln, manholes, lampholes and branchee, of eight Truet Blk 6. lot S. Tbe Title Guarantee Trust torn pa ny T1.I2 Blk 6. lot 2, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Company 116.87 Blk 6. lot 1. Tb Title Guarantee A Trust Company 127.17 Blk 4. lot 8, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Company 146.44 Blk 4, lot T, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company . I4S.JS Blk 4. lot 6. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company 108.05 Blk 4. lot 6, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company 101.22 Blk 4. lot 4, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 04.76 Blk 4. lot i, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 78.85 Blk 4. lot 2, Tha Title Guarantee A Truat Company 116.67 Blk 4. lot 1, The Title Guarantee, A Truat Company 127.80 Blk 16. lot 8, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company 121.50 Blk IB. lot 7. Tbe Title Guarantee A, - Truet Company 121.03 Blk IS. lot 6. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company 82.05 Truat Company 84.21 Hlk IS lot a Tha Tltla G.inatM . Truat Company 87.00 Blk 16. lot 8. Tha Title Guarantee A Truat Company 80.04 Blk 15. lot t, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Company 128,14 Blk 1A, lot 1, Ta Title Guarantee A Truet Company , 140.08 Holladay'a Addition to Eaat Port land Blk 174. lot 1, Tb Oregon Real Estat Company .10 Blk 174. lot 2. Tba Oregon Beal Batata Company .10 Blk 1T4. lot 7. Tbe Oregon Real Estate Company .10 Blk 174. lot 8, The Oregon Real Estate Company .10 Blk 1T0, lot 1. Tbe Oregon Real Estate I'ouioany .10 Blk 170. lot 2. Tba Oregon Real Eatate- Company .10 Blk 170. lot 7. The Oregon Real Eatate Company .10 Blk 170. lot 8, The Oregon Real Estate noroiAti roi mtbicibal iias-nRo. CITT OF PORTLAND, 0BE00B. Sealed DroDoeale will be received at tb I tha Auditor of tha City of Portland until S o'clock p ,m June 18, 1U08, for lighting tb atreet. avenue, parka, public greusJa a ad pubUo piece of tha City of Portland by lee- am llvhta of fi IMM) ai1U ...K apd. for Ugbtlng tha publlo building of aald1 city by incaaaeeceBi eiecirio or gaa iigbta for teres ok bv yeare iroui .aouary lat, iwue. Separata propose la will be received for light log the etreet, avenuee, parka publlcgrounda and pablle place of the cltv, aa above aet forth. Each proposal muat oe baaed upon tbe speciocauoua tor aaia iignunc on oie in the oalc ef the Auditor ef the City ot IVsrtland. N proposal In aaeeaa of 85.41 for each light per moat win oe eoDsiocrea. pro posal must be accompanied by a certified ebeck aa aome responsioie roriiaoa pidi id ine sun of Twente-flv Tbotuand Dollars lia.uiO.uoi peyabla to the order of Geo. II. Wil'lama, Mayor k.( the City of Portland, aa fixed end llaaldated damage, that the auccessful bidder will enter lots contract In accordance with the term of tbe apeclflcatlona witaio ten uaye arter the coa tract h awarded him. Tba auccesafal bidder will ale be reanlred t frrnlsh a good and euttcleat bond In the aum ef One Hundred Theuaajtd Dollara (81O0,0oo.u0) to be approved by tbe Mayor or tna my ei rortiana, con ditioned that tbe eucceeeful bidder will fulfill the term uf bis contract. - Seoarate oreooeala will be received foe llaht. ing tbe public buildlnya of aald city as above aet forth. Each proposal muat be based upoa tba apeclleatlona for aald lighting on Me In the etflce ef tb Auditor of the City ef Port land aad must De accompanied oy a fled check on soma reeponalbl Portland Bank in tbe auia of Twentv-Bve uunarea lMiuar. iia.- OO.0O), payable t the erder ef Uee. U. Wllllame, Mayor oi tna vny oi t-oruaa. a niea ana Uauldated damage, that the aacceaaful bid der Will enter Into contract In accordance with tha terms or IB (pecmcatiooa withla tea no) daya arter tba contract la awarded blm. The eaeeeaeful bidder will alee be reaulred to furnish good ana aumcieai nona in mi u V. AW MWW.HU ...... W . . ,V.v,uvw.w, w. aoDreved br the Mayor of tbe City of Portland. conditioned that tb aacceaaful bidder will ful fill tbe terma of hi contract. All nropoaala abould be Indorsed "proposal for Llehtlng." and addresaed to Tfcos C Devlin. Auditor. Portland. Oregoaj. Tha right ll reserved reject any or all bias. By order of tha Executive Board. THOS. V. DEVLIN, Auditor ot tt City ef Portland, Or. April 8, 1008. CITT NOTICES. portion thereof, shall not ' petition for a new and different improvement before tbe' expire tien of such period. ! Tbe plana, apeclflcatlona and estlmatea of the City Engineer for the Improvement of aald Eaat Thirty-fourth atreet are hereby adopted, Resolved: .That the Auditor of tbe City of Portland be and he t hereby directed to give notice of the, proposed Improvement of Mid atreet provided by the city charter. Bemonatrance ngalnst the above Improve ment may he filed In writing with the under algned within 2i day from the date of tbe nret publication of thla notice. By order of the Council. , THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of we City of Portland. June 6, 1803. ' PROPOSALS EOS CONSTRUCTING BOAT. riRE- BIOinBT ADYASfOZB. Salaried people, teamster, etc. without eecur tt r. easy payment largest busline tn 4!) principal cltlea. TO Xi MA IT, 993 Ablaftoa Bids. XOBT0A0B Z.OABB. trn Improved city end farm property, at low eat current rates; building loans, Installment loene. " Win. XacMaater, BOTICE of Stockholders' Meeting The an nual meetlug of the stockuoiacr or the Oregon Iron A' Steel Compeuy will be held et ' te office of the company, room 330 Sher lock Building. Portland. Oregon. June 18. 1003. at 11 o'clock a. m., for tba purpose of electing a board of directors for tbs ensuing year, end tbe trsnsaetlon uf such ether butlnes aa may legally come before the meeting. A. 8. PATTCLLO, Secretary. Portland: Or.. May 21. 1008. crrr botioes. . TTT . ' T BBOPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF BELMONT STREET Vniie. l hereby given that at the aieetine of thti Council of the City of Cortland, Ore- . T. ... .w.. O.l A- ... l,aK. lib,-, k. gon. new ou low w v.. j u. .vw, Mir tullcwlnc resolution was adopted: Resolved: That tho Couucil of tinv fty of Portland, Oregon, deem it cxneoivDi ami uropcaee to Birove Beluiont street renin tho west line ot Sunnyslde Third Addition to the eaat Une ot Block 4 and 6, Barttch Park, in tbe following manner, to-n: First By grsdlng said street full width with full Intersections to the proper sub-grade. Hecond Iiy grsveUng tbe street full width with full Intersectlone with upland bank gravel. Third By constructing wooden sidewalk 12 feet In width who six-foot covering pianx. ' 4 Foitfthr-Bi' coiMriitbui' WWWeft roawilka alx feot la, width. Fifth By, conatructlng box gutter accord ing to City' Engineer's plana, peciat-a;!i ud estimates. -Said Improvement to ae maae in eccoruanc ith the charter and ordlnancee of tbo Cltv ri.t iwtlmid. and tbe nlaus. sued Acs tlous 4 ml eetlniatea of the Clt.v Engineer filed In tbe office of tbe Auditor or tac city -or rortianu on tne 2d day of- June, 1903. indorsed: "City Engl ner' end aeecldrattona for the Improve ment -of Belmont street from the weet 'Ine of Suunyslde Third Addition to tb east Hue of block 4 and 6, ' Bartseh Park, and the esti mate of tb i-ork to be done and tna probartie Utel cost ...ereof." ,- ' Tba coat of aald Improvement to be laeoeaed aa provided -tiy :, the city ' charter upon the property benefited .tUeseby and which la hereby declared . t-'-bc all the kits, parts of lota and iierctjl - of - .laud lying between a line 100 feet north a! and parallel with the north -Uxe of Belaaoet atreet and a Una 100 feet south of eud parallel wltb the aouth line ef Belmont street and between the west line vt Bunnyoide Third Addition and rue Une of blocks 4 and 5. Bartsc-b Park. The Eiiflneer'a' estimate of the probable coat or aia iinpco-ernieiii m eo.oM.ier. . Tbe above improvement I to be elsssed as n gratel Improvement -and alia II be malutaiufed bv thi city for the period of 6 year, provided titmt the owners of a malnrltv oe the urooertv beneSled"bf" aalcT nhbrovemetil 'or' ady portion thereor amir nor wuho tori a new ana inner ent improvemeut before- the expiration uf Such iierledi ' .e ' t .- --' . Ith full Intersection to the proper ub- graue. Second By paving tbe etreet full width with tntr intersection with Warren" Mtulltbic pavement. , Third By conatructlng artificial atone lde walka in accordance with the City Engineer plana, jipeclflcatloii and cellmate. , Tb aald Impravement to be made In ac cordance with tbe charter and ordlnancee of the City of Portlaad and tha plana, epecifl catlons and estlmatea of the City Engineer filed In tbe office ot tbe Auditor of tbe city ot Portland on the 2d day of June. 1008. In dorsed: VClty: Engineer plan and epectflc. tions for the Improvement of Park avenue from tbe east line of tbe City Park to the west line of Ford street end the estimates of the work to be dona and tbe probable total cost thereof." Tbe coat of aald improvement to he aa eeseed aa (irovlded by the city charter ape the property benefited thereby and wblch la hereby declared to be all the lota, parta of lots and parcel of land lying between a Une ino feet north of and. parallel with 'tbe north line of Park avenue and a line luo feet aouth of and parallel with the aouth Une of Park avenue, and between the weat Una of Ford atreet and a une i'" teet west or and par allel with tbe east Une of tbe City Park. Tb Engineer's eetlmate of the probable total coat oi improving said aveuue la as, B38.00. Tbe above Improvement is to be elsssed ss a bitullthlc psvement and ahall lie maintained by tne city lor tne period or a years, provided that tbe owners of a majority of the property benefited by aald Improvement ahall not peti tion for a new and different improvement uerore tne expiration or sues period. The plana, apeclflcatlona an. I eetlmatea ef tne tity rugineer tor tne improvement or aald Park avenue are hereby adopted. Resolved: Thst tbe Auditor ot the City ot roruenu oe ana ae is nereoy directed to give notice of the proposed improvement of Mid avenue a proviuea oy tne city charter. Remonstrance agalnt- the above Improve ment may u oteu in writing wAxn tne under lined within 20 day from tbe date of the first purification vi mis nvuee. By order uf the Council. TH08. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. ' June 8. 1903. mate for the Improvement- of ld . Belmont atreet are .hereby adopted, . " v Beul re "'hss-nr Anditor f : ttiw-Ktr of Portland b ,-anl e.U Js hereby direct ed to aclve notice of the -proposed Improremeut of aald ..-directed hi the cltv charter. Renamnrtrance ; against the 'above improve men may be filed, hr writing .with the under signed within 2r daya from the date of the Art publleaGe of. till aottc. s;. . vracr of tb CclL -rc:lt mro t . v.i i.f -v JUM 1 y-Aflilor i tb Clyr of roraatKL PROPOSED SEWER UK EAST T AM HILL 3 STREET, . Notice is hereby given that at tbe meeting of the Council of the City of Portland, Ore gon, held on the 3d day of June, lima, tha following resolution wee adopted: Resolved, That tbe Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deema it exponent and propoeea to construct a eewer in east Tarn hill atreet from the center lin of Eaat Thirty-ninth street to a connection with the proposed sewer, at East Vambli; and Fat Tbicty-aeveiitb tretr of twaed- wr - nini with all necessary catch-baalna, manholes, lamp holes and branchee. of the following dininnainn.. Of 12 Inches clear Inaide diameter from a point in neat jaaiaiti atrwwt c ui center line or Eaat Thirty-ninth atreet to a point In Eaat Yamhill atreot at Eaat Thlrtr-elehth !,.) and thence of 14 lnchea clear Inside diameter to a connection with tbe aewer in Eaat Vam bill atreet at Eat Tblrty-aeventh atreet. In accordance with tb nlana. aoecli1ctlan .nj eetlmatea therefor prepared by tbe city En gineer and filed la tbe office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland on the 2d day of June 1913. indoraed: "City Engineer plan and apeclflcatlona for a aewer la Eaat Yamhill street from tha center line of Eaat Tblrty- atfremn 1 1 rrr w proiww. ewer at iceat Yamhill and ' East Thirty-seventh streeta. .mi tbe estlmatea of the work to be done and tbe probable total cost thereof." The coat of anld aewer to ho ......., a provided by tb city charter upon the property benefited thereby and which la herehr declared to be all the lot. n... of lota and parcels of land lying between a line nn reel norm ox ana parallel wltb tn norm une ox x,aei lamnm atreet and a Une 100 feet aouth of and parallel with the aouth Una of Eaat Vemhtll street, aad be tween the weet Une of Eaat Thirty-ninth atreet and a line 68 2-1 feet east of aod parallel wltb the east Une of Eaat Thirty-seventh atreet. : . The Engineer' eetlmate of the probable total cost ot tba construction of aald aewer la tl.i2S.00. Tba plans, apeclflcatlona and eetlmate -of the City Engineer, for the construction of aald aewer ere hereby adopted. Beeolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be. and be I herebr directed to give notice of the prnpoaed eonetractlon of aald aewer a provided by tb City Charter. , I Remetistranc. against' the ahoy aewer may ne nieo. in . wr-uin wnoi tn nnermnaii within 20 dys. from the; dkt at the first publication ef thla notice. By order of tba Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN; . . : ; ' . Auditor ot tt at? t Portlaad. ' Juaa 8, 1803. ..- the plana, spec! Acs lions snd eetlmatea therefor prepared oy tne Lity luiglneer ana filed in the office of the Auditor of tbe City of Port lend oa the 2d day of Jane. 1003. Indorsed: "City Enalneer'a plana and specifications for a aewer In Tillamook street from 125 feet east of I'nlon avenne to proposed aewer In Kaat Beventtt-street end tne estlmatea or tba work to be done and the probabl total coat thereor. ' The cost of aald . aewer to be aaaeaaed aa provided by tbe city charter upon the Proper ty benefited thereby . and , wblch i hereby declared to be all the mta, parta ot lota and. .paxcela of land lying between a line 100 teet north of and parallel with tbe north line of Tillamook street end a line 100 feet aouth' or ana parallel with the aouth line of Tillamook atreet aad between a Une 100. feet at of and parallel with tbe east Une of I'nloa avenue and a Une loo feet west of snd psrsllel with tha weat Una of Eaat Seventh atreet. Tha Engineer estimate of the probable total cost ot tne construction or aald aewer 1 1,83.00. Tha plans, apeclflcatlona and eetlmatea of the City Engineer for tbe construction of aald aewer are hereby adopted. Resolved, That tha Auditor of the City of Portland be and be la hereby directed to give n ties of tbe profoeed conatructlon ot ald aewer aa provided by tba City Charter. Rernontrnc agaloit the above aewer may be filed In writing wltb the underalgned within 20 daya from tbe date of tba flrat publication of . thla notice. By order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe Cltv of Portland. Jane 5, 1003. a EXTENSION Or REED STREET. Whereas, Tb Council of tbe City pf Port land, deeming It expedient to open, lay out and establish Reed street, In the City of Port Und. from the westerly line of Sherlock ' Ad dition to tbe essterly Hue of Twenty-fourth street, did on the 16th day of April, 1003, direct the City EnglaVer to survey tbe same and to mark tba boundaries thereof, and to make a plat of auch survey, and a written report contain ing a full and perfect description of auch proposed etreet'and bound ries thereof, and of the portion ot each lot. tract or part of either, to be appropriated for auch treet. and tbe City Engineer having made auch aurvey, plat and report, and filed auch plat and report In tbe office ef the Auditor on the 21at day of April, 1008, and ' said report having been ordinance adopting tbe report oi the City Engi neer In the matter of the proposed opening, laying out and establishing of Reed atreet from the westerly line of Sherlock' Addition to the-eeeterly line of Twenty-fourth atreet. Now, therefore, all person Interested are nrfc nrtftfliMt that the f'nxtnMI nl , H. -'It. of Portland ha appointed W. F. White. George Huesner ana jonn iveuy viewer, to view aald nronoaed extension of said atreet and make an estimate ot the benefits and damage oc casioned by tbe opening, laying out and estab lishing tbe game. In accordance with aectloo 840 of the charter of the City of Portland. aald viewers to meet at the office of the Auditor of tbe city of ponianf on Friday, tbe 10th dav ot June- 1003. at the hour of 10 o'clock lu tbe forenoon ot eald day. The proponed opening, laying out and catah Hatting of Reed street I S feet in width and ie more particularly bounded and deacrlbed aa follows: -Beginning at the aonttiweaterly corner of block 21, Sherlock Addition, running thence westerly aloug the westerly extension on the Company - .10 Blk 104. lot 1, The Oregon Real Estate Company .10 Blk 104, lot 2, The Oregon Beat Estate Company .10 Blk 100. lot 7. The Oregon Real Eatate Company 05 Blk 1W, lot S, The Oregon Real Estate Company .JO A tract of land lying between the eonth line of Wasco street snd a Une ino feet south of snd parallel therewith snd between the esat Une of block emnbered 194.- HoUaday's Addition to Eaat Portland, and tne west line or block numbered I. Holladay Park Ad dition to Portland. Oregon, Tbe Ore- , gon Real Estate Company .10 Holladay Park Addition to Portland, Oregon Blk 1. lot 13. Tb .Title Guarantee A Truat Company j 110.18 Blk 1. lot 14. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company ISO.tO Blk 1. lot 15. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 184.80 Blk 1. lot 1, Tbe Title ( uarantee A Trust Company 108.97 Blk 2. lot 9. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company 208.13 Blk 2. lot 10. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 185.20 Blk 2. lot 11. - The Title, Guarantee A Trust Company 114.03 Blk 2. lot ll Tlie Title Guarantee A Truat Company , 04.92 Blk 2. lot 13. The Title Guarantee Trut Company 83.58 Blk 2. lot 14. The Title Guarantee A Trut Company 77.28 Blk 2. lot lh. The Title Guarantee A TririU Company 118.60 Blk 2. lot 1A. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company 128.90 Blk 3. lot 9. Tbe Title Guarante A Trnat Company 160.07 Blk 3. lot 10. The Title Guarantee A Trnt Company 167.88 Blk 8. lot 11. Tbe Title Guarante A: Truat Comnanr 128.81 Blk 3. lot 2. The Title Guarantee A Trust Companv 122.22 Blk 8. lot 13. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company 114.74 Blk 3. lot 14. The Title Guarantee A Trut Company 89.87 Blk 3. lot 15. Tbe Tit In Guarantee A Trust Company 130.29 Blk 3. lot Id. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company 160.87 Blk 1. lot 9. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trnt Company 182.00 Blk 18. lot in. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company 149.03 Blk 16. lot 11. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company 102.48 Blk 10. lot 12. The Title Guarantee A Trait Compny 00. pg Blk 18. lot 18. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company 07.88 Blk 16. lot 14. The Title, Guarantee A Trust Company 04.08 Blk T8, lot 15. TJie Title Guarantee A ' Trust Compeny 129.48 Blk 1. lot 16. The Title Guarantee A -Truet Company 140.48 Sealed oroposaB) will be received at the office of tbe Auditor ot tbe City ef Portland, Oregon, until 2 o clock p. m., on rriday, Julv IT. 1003. for tba conatructlon of a flreboat in IMNhmAH.' fe-;fr?l'r1W- ffn Jifo" '.utifiit tWVnt " Flrat For. tb conatructlon of a flreboat with steel hull and twin screw propellers ac cordlnc to plana and apeclflcatlona prepared by Mr, Fred Ballln and filed luthe office et tbe Auditor of the City or Portland. Copies ot aald plana and apeclflcatlona will be fur nished upon application being made . there for. Second For the conatructlon of a flreboat with either a ateel bull or a wood hull and with either alugle screw or twla screw ' pro pellers according to plans aud specifications, to be submitted by tbe bidder wltb hie bid. General conditions which apply to all bids: First No bid will be entertained by wblch the coat of a flreboat, ready for use, sball exceed $60,000.00. Second The maximum draft of a flreboat for tbe City ot Portland must not exceed all feet under propeller when fully equipped. Third No bid will be considered for a flreboat with leaa capacity than 6,000 gallons per minute. Fourth Separate blda will be received for pnmpa and In any award for tbe construction of a flrebost tbe Executive Board reserves to the City ot Portland tbe right to furnleh tha pump, aald pnmpa to be placed In poeltlon lu tbe boat by tbe party conatructlng. the. boat and a a part of such construction. Fifth Each bid must be sccomnsnled by a certified cheque on a responsible bank In the City of Portland. Oregon, for tbe aum of Three Thousand Dollars, or by a bond for a Uke amount, to be approved bv the Mayor of the city, aa a guarantee, tn tbe effect that If the contract" for the conatructlon of ssld flrebost be awarded to such bidder, be will enter Into contract therefor and . furnish . to tbe City of "Portland Oregon, a good and suffi cient bond, to be approved by the Mayor. In tbe aum or, ror tn raitniui execn tlon of aald contract. Tb right la reaerved to reject any and all blda. Blda ahould be addreesed to the Executive Board, ear of Tho. 0. Devlin-, Auditw.- Port laad, Oregon. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Dated June 1. , 1908. EXTENSION Or WHITAXER STREET. ' Where, The Council of the City uf l?ort land, deeming 11 expedient to opeu, iuy out and establish an extension of Whltaker Mr.i-t. In the City of Portlnnd, from the vest lluu of Second .struct to the west Hue of block 1.1". In Cariither' Addition, to Caruthera' A'ldltlnu aa laid out by the H. V. K. K. A.. did on the 2d day of April. lOo.'l, direct the t'lly Enalnerr to survey the same and to mark tbe boundaries thereof, and to make a plat of eucn aurvey, ana a written report containing a full aud perfect description of auch proposed treet and boundaries thereof, and of tho por tion of each lot. tract or part of either, lo be appropriated for auch .treet. and the ( tty Engineer having made auch aurvey, plat and report, aud tiled auch plat and report In the of tbe Auditor ou the 20lti day of April. 10HH. and said report having been adopted by ordinance No. 1M.:UII, entitled: "An ordinance adopting the rrport of the City Engineer in tbe matter of the proposed opening, laying out and eatabllshlng of whit aker street from tlie east line of Second atreet to tbe west line of block 1:10, t'sruthers' Addi tion to Csranhers' Addition, laid out by the M. I. H. K. As " Now, therefore, all person Interested re herehy notified that the Council of tho City of Portland ha appointed C. G. Sutherland. H. I. Cobrn aud J. P. M rne fee viewer, to view nald proposed extension of said atreet and make an estimate of tbe benefit and damages oc caslom'd by tbe opening, laying out and estab lishing of tbe ssme, lu sccordance with aection (49 of tb charter uf the City of Portland. aald vlewera to meet at the office of the Audi tor ef the City of Portland on Friday, tb ltitb day of June. llHiH. at the hour of . 10 o clock In tbe forenoon uf said day. Tbe prnpoaed opening, laying out and estab lishing of Wblttsker street Is AO feet In width and la more particularly bounded aud described ae follow, tu-wlt: Beginning at the aoutbweat corner of block 129, Cariither' Addition to druthers' Addi tion, a laid out by the South Portland Real Estate Association, running thenc- westerly on s westerly prolongation of the north line of Whltaker street as laid out In Caruthera' Addition to Carulbers' Addition ss kid out by tha South Portland Real Estate Association U tbe west Hue of block l.'IO, tbence south erly at right angle to the .above mentioned Une 60 feet, tbence easterly on a line 80 feet southerly from snd parallel wltb tba proposed north line of Whlttaker (treet as shoes described to the northwest corner of block 1.11 In Cariithers' Addition to Caruthers' Ad dition a laid nut by the South Portland Real Eatate Association, thence northerly 00 feet to the place of beginning. The proposed onenlng. laying out and estab lishing of Whltaker atreet from tbe eaat line of Hecond atreet to the writ Une of block ISOInCx rntbers' Addition to Caruthera' Addition aa laid out by the Month Portland Real Eatate Aa. sorlatlon will Include and necessitate tbe ap propriation to public use or the following de scribed psreel or lrct of nd, to-wlt: All that parrel or tract of land lying be- tweeo the northerly and aoutherlv line of the proposed Wbltakrr atreet apd the easterly line or Necond atreet and a line 260 feet westerly from and parallel therewith, contain ing 16,000 aquare feet. All pereone claim Ins damaaea hr reason of the appropriation of bc property above described, or any prt thereof. In the pro nned mtsnlns lvtti, nut mA'till.hln file (heir clalma for ucb damage with the Anaitor ot tne city or Portland before the 10th day of June. 1903. the time appointed for the meeting of tbe vlewera (berelu. vj oraer or tbe council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Juli 8. 1903.' RAILROAD TIMETABLES, ar ar v . ar - , r- a a a l"A b jrr r sbLV sttT 1. JT I V , elllUtt ' VAlaarw V. L . 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Through Pullmaa standard and roarfet leap ing car dally to Omaha. Chicago, gpoks lourlat sleeping car uany to asi tbruugb Pullman tourist sleeping eel ally conducted) weekly to- ttiirag. City, et. Louis and Memphis; reel! cars (seat frea) to the Eaat dally. UMO.1 DEPOT. ansae City; Leaves. CHICAGO PORTLAND 9 20 . SPECIAL. vauy. For tha East via Hunt ing tou. SPOKANE FLIER. For Eastern Washing ton, Walla Walla, Lew laton, Coeur u'Alene and Great A'oftbera points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. Fur tba East via Huntington. A 00 a. I Dally. 8 .18 p, Dell. Arrives. VtO p. ra. Daily, 7:86 v m. Daily 10:80 a. aa. Dally. 0CEAB ABB RIVER aCHXSVLE. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. 8. S.- Geo. W. Elder May 2. 12. 22. S. 8. Columbia April 2T; May 7, IT. SI. From Aloa worth Dock. ( Ot a. O. 6.00 a, as. Celuarbla Kim Division. FOR ASTORIA and way points, connecting wit simr. for llwsco snd North Besrb. str. Ha aalo. Asb-et dock. 18:00 a. a. (Daily. ix Hunday Saturday iu:vu p. m. WlUametU Blew IMvtaieeh 6 . 00 p. ss. ex. aaajoji Aboat FOR SALEM. CorvaUla 6 48 a. ax. snd wsy poluta. ateamet Monday. Ruth. Ash-St. dock. Wednesday J (Water perraltUag. moay. Tay!?-. Thureday( Satarday. TamhUl River Beat. FOR DAYTON. Oregon City aad Yamhill River point. str. Elmor. Aih-Ht. dock. j Water permitting ) 7:00 a. am. Tneaday, Thursday, Satarday. 8 :00 p. m. aaoaaay, WedneedaJI Frldv. tnake Elver Reuta. FOR LBWIST0N, Ida., ind way point, from Rlparla, waab., ateam ere Spoken and Lew Is ton. 4:05 a. at. Dally, x. Sat. Aboat 6:00 p. m. uaiiy ex. Friday TICKET OrriCE. Third and Washiagtoa. Tk phone Mala 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Toknbana and Bong Koag, calling at Robe, Nagaaakl aad Shanghai, uklng freight ..V. asaawMtiag Mtwases 4cx4tosilat - krtSa and Vladlvoetock. INDRAPyjRA SAILS ABOUT JTTBI 88. " For rate (nd full In ror ma no call aa et aeV dree efflclala or agaata at the O. R, A N, C PROPOSED EAST EIGHTH Leave. "tlflO BJ Total Jnne Jfl.090.38 THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. 1003. north line f Reed etreet 15.0 feet to th? east- P' to-wlt: erlv line of Twenty-fourth atreet. thence south erly along the easterly Une of Twenty-fourth afreet to th point where tbe easterly line of Twenty-fourth etreet would be Intersected bv a weeterly extension In Ita present course ef the aouth line of Reed Street, tbence east erly on tbe westerly extension of the south lin of Beed street 18.7 fee to the northwest corner of block 88. Sherlock's Addition, thence northwesterly 80.20 feet to tb piece of be ginning. The prnpoaed opening, laying out and estab lishing of Reed street will Include and necessi tate the appropriation to public use of the fol lowing deecrihed parcel or tract of lend: At! that parcel or tract of bind lying be tween northerly -aad anntherly line of the prnpoaed Reed atreet and between the east erly line of Twenty-fourth street end tha westerly lin of Sherlock'a Addition, contain ing 048 square feet. All Hereon claiming aamagea nv reaaoa of the apfn-onriation of the property above deacrlbed. or rjy pert thereof, i In the proposed opening, isving -oni ann estanusning -or ssia street, are hereby specially notified to file tbtr claim .for each dsltiage with :tbe Auditor of the City ef ' Portland before the 10th day of June, inns, the time appointed for the meet Inr ef the vlewera therein. By order at tha Council. , , THOS. C. DEVLIN. - . Andltor et th City ot Portland. una 8, 19Q3, . . . , ..: ' - '.-:-:" ' PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT Or SIXTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that a the meeting of tbe Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, beld on tbe 3d day of June, 1003, the fol lowing resolution was adopted: Resolved, Thst tbe Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient and propoeea to Improve Hlxth street from the north line of Morrison atreet to the north line of Irving street In tbe following mau- Flrst By removing all worn-out asphalt and debris of all kind. Second By bringing the street full width with full Intersection to the proper sub- ajiauv win, luireiTir. Third Uyi repairing snd bringing the street full width with full Intersection to-the ? roper grade with asphalt, aa followa : . from be north line of Morrison street to tbe aonth line of Gtln street, and from tbe north line of Gltssn street to the south line of Hoyt street snd from tbe center line of Irving atreet to the north, line of Irving street. Said Improvement to be made In accord ance with the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland and the plans, specifications and estlmstes or tne dry engineer nieu ia tbe office of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Port! snd on tbe 2d day of Jane, 1003, In dorsed: "CItT Engineer's plan and apeeld eatlona for the improvement of "Sixth atreet from tbe north line of -Morrison street to the north line of Irving street snd the estimate of tbe work to be done and tb probable, total cost thereof." . The coat of said Improvement to be aaaeaaed aa .provided by the city charter upon tbe property benefited thereby aud whlcfe Is hereby declared to he all the lots, part of lots Snd parcela of land lying between, the weet ne of Sixth etreet end. a line 100 feet weeterly from snd 'psrsllel therewith, and between th eaat line of Sixth street and a Ho 100 test easterly Ui ere from aad parallel ttr PROPOSED CHANGE OF 0RASE OP MADISON BTBEET. Notice I berebv given that at the meet ing of the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, held on the 3d day of June, 1903, tbe following resolution was sdopted: Wbereas, It Is deemed expedient to change the grades of Msdlson tteet In the City of Portland at If Intersection with Ford street. Be It Resolved. Thst the Council hereby declsre It Intention to change the grade of . Madison atreet aa now established, to wlt: . It ..n.r lin. nf'rnrA and cnt,,r 111.. Mif Madison street st 247 60 feet. At center line of Ford street snd south llae of Msdlson street at 248 60 feet. At the center line of Ford etreet snd north Une of Msdlson street at 248.50 feet. To the following, to-wlt: At center line ot Msdlson street and esst line ot Ford street at 251.0 feet. At center line of Msdlson atreet snd center line of Kord street t 251.0 feet. At center line of Msdlson street and writ line of Ford treet at 251.0 feet. At north line of Madison street and center line of Ford street t 251..0 feet. At outh line of Madlsoti etreet nd center line of Ford street at 281.0 feet, Above the baae of city grade. Resolved, that the Auditor he and he la hereby directed to give notice of the proposed change of grade of aald atreet a provided by tbe city chrter. Remonstrance against the above change of grade may be filed in writing vtith the under signed within 20 days from the date ot the first publication or thla notice. By order of tho Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. June 6. Itos. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST THIRTY-FOURTH STREET. Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting of the Council of tho City of Portland. Ore' gon, held on the :d day of June, iuu.'l, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved: That the Council of the City of PortUnd. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro poses to improve East Thirty-fourth street from the south line of Hawthorne sveiiue to the north line of Division atreet in tbe following maimer, to-wlt: First By grdlng said street full width with full- Intersections to the proper sub-grsde. Second By graveling the street full width with full lnterectliis with upland bank grav.-l. Third By constructing wooilcn sltlrvcalks ten feet wine with six-foot covering plunks. Fourth By constructing gutters In accord ance with City Engineer's plans and specifica tions and estimate. Fifth By constructing box culverts In accord nce with the-Clty Engineer' plun, specifica tion nnd estimates. Sixth By constructing wooden crosswalk six feet In width. , Said improvement to be mad In accordance with the charter and ordinance of tbe City : of.PortlAnd and the plana, specifications and estimate of the City EliRlneerJlled lu the offioe of the Auditor on the 1st day-of June. 1003. Indorsed: "City Englneer'a plan and specification for the Improvement of East Thirty-fourth treet from the south line of Hawthorne avenue tn tbe north line of Di vision atreet, and tbe estlinetee of the work to be done and tbe probuble total cost thereof." The coet of said Improvement tn be aa aesaed aa provided by tbe cltv charter uion toe . property nenenteu tneretiy ana wijicn ia hereby .declared to be all lot, parta of kt and Darcela of land lying between a Hue 100 feet eaat of and parallel with the east llne-i of Eaat Thirty-fourth street and a line 100 reet west or and parallel wltb tne west line of East Thirty-fourth street, and between the aouth line of Hawthorne avenue and the uorth Une of Division atreet. Th Englneer'a estimate of the probable total east of eald Improvement la tl0.827'.on. The above Improvement i t be claased aa ''graveL improvement and, shall: be .main tained by th city for tbe period of B. years, provided -that the owners of majority of the property benefited by aald linprevsmeat at gay SEWER IB STREET. Notice ia hereby given that at tbe meeting of tbe Council of the City of Portland, Ore- on. beld on tbe 3d day of June. 19U3. the 'ollowlng resolution was adopted: Heeolved, mat tne council of the city of Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and proposes to conetruct a sewer In East Eighth atreet from 100 feet ooutli uf th south Hue; of Thompson treet to connection with the. sewer In TUlsmook atreet of Vitrified erwtr j pipe with all neceaaary catch -basins,1 ,unnhle. lampbolee and branches, of eight Inch clear laalde diameter la accordance with the pluns. ' apeeldeatlona and estimates therefor prepared , by the City Engineer aud filed In the office of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland n the 2d day of June, 19;i, Indoraed: ' City Engineer's plana and specincatlons for a. sewer, in Ksat Eighth street from 1H0 feet smith of Thomp- j ..... .--.. ,.. Baa-.,r 1,, Vlllamn..!, mt -mat .. . I tlie eetlmate of the work to be done and 1 -w Be. the probable total coot thereof." Tbe cost or ssia sewer to tie eesessed aa - - nrovided -lie tbn cltv . T.hrreTvtmnw'",fh. t property benefited thereby snd which p. ax. is hereby declsred to be all tbe lots, uarta of lota and parcels of land lying between a i llne '100 feet east or arid' parallel wltV tlie' " esst Una of Esst Eighth street and a line I T:80 a. a. lint rent wear or ami psranei wnn tne west line of East Eighth atreet and between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of Tillamook etreet and -a line 60- feet south of and parallel with the aouth Una of Thmpwc t - The Engineer's estlmste of the probable total coat of tha construction of said VV" la $383.00. t Tbe plans, specification and eetlmate "of the City Engineer for the coaatrucUon of aald aewer are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of "Portland be and he I hereby directed to give notice of the proposed . construction of ssld eewer provided by tbe City i Charter. Remonstrance glnst the above sewer be filed In writing with the under within 20 days from the date of the first publication of tbla notice. By 'order of the Council. fJIOS. C. DEVLIN, tbe City of Portland. June S. lfrti.1. EAST via. SOUTH llaiflO p. Mm th 0j- Oj TBT0K DEPOT, IBflj" OVERLAND EI PRI train, for Salem, Roee-I ourg, Asniaea, Bnera( ' mento, Ogden, Baa Fraa- "frag a. ctsco, Moiave, Los Aa- Celee, Bl Pes, New -Organs and th Baat At Woodbara dally V (except Sunday). "Daora- J gel. Sllvertosv, Browns-j0 B vine, Springfield, Wead-4 uag ana isatron. . Albany passenger, co-, necta at Wooburo with Mt. Angel aad SUverJ wb- loeet.- CorvaUla paaaenger..... Sharldaa paaaenger. , , M:lo a. a) S:p. as. !t:tS a. at RAILROAD TIMETABLES. THE BUT OF tVEBYTHIWQ ONLY 70 Dally. IIDally axcest Boeder. Hlad 0aveg tulmrWa Bcrtia aa TaaaAO" llyisloa. ... - Depot Boat ef JsaTerssa Street. - -LeiV Portland dally for Oswego 7:80 a. a. 1 11:60, 205. 8:25. bM, 6:25, 8:60, 10.10 p, as. Lally (except Snaday) 6:80, 8:80. t:8S. M a. m. 4:00. ll: p. m. Suaday aaly, M . a. m. - Ko farming from 0weg. arriv Partlaad daltr ' 1:80 a. m.: 1:56. 8:06. 4:85. 8:16. 7:86. t-.luL : ? D'1' (aPl Sunday) 8:24, t:S, .fR:S0, 10:20, 11:45 a. m. Except Moaday, KM .1 IrTiein ro 8"lay only, 10:00 a. m. Igneu I I.,.-, fxnm ..M. en. D.H.. a., ttmm. mediate points dally (except Sunday) 4,00 p.. ak Arrlv PortUnd 10:20 1. aa. Tha Independence-Monmouth Motor Lhsa operate daUy to Monaaoath and AlrH. aoa aecttog with Southern Pacific Oompaay'a tnenva at Dallaa and Independence. tirat-claaa rebate ticket oa aal tram Prt lend to Sacramento ' and Sen Fraaeisoe. , NB rate 817.60, berth 86; aeooad-elaaa fara US. without rebate or berth; Mooad-claaa kattB 1X60. Ticket to EaaterB polata aad Barcpa, ajga) Japan, China, Honomhi and Australia. City Ticket Offc comer Third and WtaatSB . arraet. Pkooe, Mala TU. C W. STINGER. W. B. OOMAN, C4ty Ticket Agaat. flea. Fa. Agt, HOURS PORTLAND TO CIS! SAG via the 0. R. R. & N. Co., Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific and Two trains a day, with through Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). CHlCAggRTlANi) - anp Especial connects at Granger with thet famous Overland Limited, the most luxurious train in the world.! to Chicago from the Coast. B aura your tickets read over ha Chicago & North-Wcstarn. A. O. BARKER, Qgsru AoT. 0. A N-W. RV, log TM1SO T., POMTkANO, OrttV TIME CARD OP TRAINS PORTLAND: Puget Sound Limited. Departs, for Taeoma, Seattle, I uiympia. souui oenu . n:30 a. m nd Gray Harbor points. North Coast Limited. for Taeoma." Seettle, Butte; st: prut, tiro-f 3 00 p: m. neiipolls. Chicago. Sew! VorU. Ho. ton and poluts Kast aid Southeast. i TivlnCtty h'xpre, 4for! Tacouia. Seattle, 8po-i Sum-. Helena. St. Paul, i Minncapolla Chicago. 11 :43 p. m. New nrk, Boston andi all ik, inn East aud Southeast. j I'nget Sound - Kansas i CI ( St. Ixiuis Special I for Tacoma, Seattle Spokane. Butte. Billing. 8:30a. 01. Denver. Omsk. Kansas city. St. Louis and sill liolntM Kist and South east. ' : Arrlv. 6:30 p. aa 7po g. ta; 7:00 p. 7:00 a. All trjMna dally except on South Beat branch. A. D. CHARLTON. sel.tent General Passenger Ageat. 225 Morrison St., corner Third. Portlsod. Or. , Astoria &, Columbia River. Railroad Co. Leevcs, UNION DEPOT. Arrive. 8 00 a, Read The Journal 7:00 p. m, Tor. ifaygera, R.lnler.t . .....".....v.. ( istskaqle, ..Wastporl ! ' Clifton, Astoria, U.r-i( ,A renlon 1 level, Hsl.H"'a. BV , Blond Fort Steven, i , Heerhart- Park, besslde,! Astoria and Seeshee -' . . - . Kxpreaa, Dally. S 40 f, Aatoria - Bxnraaa. I Dally. i . J. C. MAVft tf. T. aad tV A., asImsi. Or. B. L. IJtm rs. Comaurrclal Agtet. Slul A4 U, Plraaa Mala 8u. . -