; 1 ' r-7" V.1 'vr:Kv?: ' .7.'- ' .,.'.:,-..- y -'; ',.' ."v v ., TOE OREGON DAILY JOUrtNL, TO f I nwTosir. TRANSACTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD rOK KENT. FOB . RCNTwNIm Srouui Mtlin at 110: ii conveniences; . adults; Monday, a to 0. wy e onrm it., - .- LEMON coin IS N 0 V BROKEN For a Short Time Every Grade of Stock Was Sold Yesterday Afternoon at Unheard-of Quotations. Berry Prices Begin to Drop ' With Much Larger Receipts of Oregon's Valley Flour is 5 Cents Higher, X.ZMOV COHBIIB 18 BKOXElf. Tke lemon combine which p re vs Had, on rront street yesterday wu broken this morning with th arrival of car of the fruit from CaJiforala. . Lemons were the whole thing on Front 1. Street yesterday afternoon., and dealers ."' . who were fortunate 'enough to have sup plies sold them at quotations that would make them gasp to think of them at any otser time. The poorer grades of ', the fruit were sold along with the bet ter, stock at the highest quotations known to prevail in this market. Deal rs did not hesitate to ask $5 or 15.25 per box for the commonest varieties of . the " fruit, and ' before the close of the '- - markets last night all stock had been Cleaned up. leaving a handsome profit for the day's business m the hands of we lortunate joooing noiacrs. Batfeipts Brean mrket. -1 - The arrival of a car of lemons from the South this morning broke the back j of the combine, and quotations are not ' quite so stilt aa they were yesterday. The regular liner will arrive from San Francisco this evening, and tomorrow It la expected that the market will go . back to its normal level. Quotations - today range from $4 to $5 per box. Oraffoa Barrtaa Coming fast. The receipt of Oregon berries are ln ' creasing at a tremendous rate, and -. , quotations are beginning to slide down with lightning speed.. It Is expected that before , the close of the present week the arrivals will have become . ao plentiful that the market will touch 'bedrock quotations. - Quotations today ' stand at $2.25 per crate. ' : " Tuner Apples Are Sign. .-- Fancy -apples are high on account of the scarcity - during the past season of the better grades of stock In this state. - The rery choicest varieties are being . sold today as high as I? per box, while , the poorest stock is disposed of at prices Tanging from 60 cents up. Today's Ball Beoalpta. 'Today's rail receipts from the South consisted of a car of lemons, a car of bananas and a car of oranges. The mar ket la fairly- well stocked with all grades of fruit Usual quotations prevail. Potatoes ralrly Active. The market fof- 1902. Oregon Burbank potatoes la fairly active on account of a - better tone, 'now prevailing In the San Francisco market The last steamer for the South only took about 900 sacks of Oregon stock, leaving about the same amount to be carried on the next boat. ' - This shortage will cause' the markets' In the South to remain active for some time. Quotations are unchanged today. . ,TaUy Tloor la BUgner. Several of the local millers in the val ley' have advanced their quotations on flour 6 cents per barrel- on account of - the stronger grain market, valley wheat ta considered In better tone and some of -the millers are paying 7SH cents for t stocks., an advance of -cent over for ; mer quotations. Walla Walla and Blue .' stem are both quoted Arm, but quota- - tlons are unchanged today. ' .' The Batter Situation. - The creamery butter market shows a light Improvement In tone on account of the large ouylng by California firms . for shipment on the last steamer. The better grades are quoted fairly firm at 32 .cents per pound, while dairy is bringing 18 and 19 cents, and store 18 k cents. The demand for store and dairy ' grades are especially strong at these quotations.. Hew Kay Is Arriving. New hay la beginning to arrive from the vicinity of Vancouver, and it will be but a short time before operations will be general and receipts more active. This will have the effect of knocking the present high hay quotations. Eggs Ara Held Stiff. Page & Son say of the egg situation: "Stocks are light and arrivals within the past few days have been small. Quotations are ranging today from 17 H cents for ordinary orders to 18 cents for the candled stock. If the present small amount of receipts continues very long prices are -likely to show addi tional advances."1 Poultry Sells Low. Poultry receipts are much too large at present, "but as the demand is fairly active It Is not thought that quotations will show any decline during the present week. Mixed chickens are in the largest arrival and are meeting with very slow sale. The principal call today , was for young spring and fryers. Yesterday's quotations prevail. Mora Tomatoes Arrive. Tomatoes are arriving in abundance from both California and -Florida, and quotations are showing a slight decline. The stock from Florida is especially fine. Quotations today stand at $3 per crate. $ :.. Vj, Bo Demand For Meats. Th$,freh meat markets are deserted, exempt for the occasional arrival of a few beeves or veals. Prices are quoted weaker and no offers are being refused for stock. Hogs are weaker and lower. Floe and Beans Firm.' , Both the rice and bean markets are . quoted firmer, and there is now a likeli hood of another advance In both mar kets within the next few days. The rice crop of the last year has about been sojd. and what little stock is left is bringing higher quotations in the larger jobbing centers. Nearly all varieties of beans are short, in supply and ad vances are likely. Today's TroTations, as revised; are as follows: 137 00; short. $23.11; chop, flg.00. Hay Timothy. 18.(J 10.00; cloner, $18.00 P7.U0. Hepi, Wool and Hide. Hop 204jtil for choice; 1003 coutracts, WoolValley, IBQlftc. coarse; nirdlnm to fair. Iflieic.- tint. 16M, St.IT 'r ; F.aatcrn Ore ton. KlUil.V: Molialr. nominal. 3 7 (ii Mr. Sheepskins Shearing. 14Hl9o: short wool. 2241 2:tc; medium wool. 30c; long wool, OUvO $1 U each. Tallow Prime. per Id. 3Vii4t4c; No. 2. and Hide Dry hide. No. J. 18 pound" ""d "! t'1lfi'4c per IT: drr kip. No. 1. 5 to 15 tna. 12c; Jr.r ralf. No. 1. under B IN. ISHc; dry aaltc1. hull and staga. 1-3 in) than dry (lint; salted hldea. steer, round. CO pounda or over. 7V,tlfti4c: M 80 n1- fm"tc- under 8(1 It and cow. 7c: stags and bulla, sound. 81 ftUrt: kin. aotind. in tn 'JO. the. 7r: aound. 10 ta 14 IT. Tc: cnir. sound, under W ro. c: nrrrm (nnaaltrd) lr th Una- cnlla 1r IT) : hor( hld. aalted. Mrh, $).2Bi3l 78: dr. each. I.10 WITiO; colta' hldi. ach. ccai ain, connuon. M(-h. lOloc; Angora, with wool on. caci. 3cr(fi.oo. Butter, Zen and Poultrv. rsitter Kxtraa. 22r: rcamfr.T, CI Q 22 4c; dalrr. J N 4; 11). , atnrv. IML.c. Era- Krmh Oreson. 17'iWlSc. f pcone Kill I cream. twin. Jft'Ae: Tonn American. 18lSVir; Kaatcrn. 10'tl!c; Call fornla. 15c. I'oultrv Tblrkrna. mixed. 10Lifl!V;C per lb: hen ll'.jC: r.Kiatcra. OitWc per In: Droller CHICAGO WHEAT NOT SO ACTIVE Market Closes Firm With Very Little Cash Business Reported Anywhere Stocks Are Very Light, WdSlir Th: frrer. I.V-ilOc ff: ducka. 13HW 14c m: secae. TKOtKc R; turkr?. lire, juttf ITe; drmed IXMIOe. Orooeriaa, Huts. Xte. Riiear "Siick baala." enhc SA.TTH: now,!. ered. $.1.fl2(..: dtr franiilntrd. $o.n2'i: extra C. Unlilrn i'. t 2u,: iiarrela. inc. u harrcR 2.V; boiea. rOc adranc on aack baala. Icaa.vAc per cut for caan. 16 daja; maple. Mil 10c lb. Honcr l.liif 10c per frm. foftVo Green Morha. 2l(U2.1c: a. fancr. 3nt2e: Jura. rood. a23-: Jara. nrdlnarr. IS 6V: rta Ulca.. faHe. 1l)(3c; 'ot Hie. ood. 1(H1V; t'oat Itlca. ordinary. 10M2e per lb: rolnmlila roaaL $10.(11: Arbnckle'. $11.13 Mat: I.lon. $11. 13 Hat: Cordora. $11.13. Teaa Oojons. dltrerrnt rradea. aftWmc; Con. powder. ZxotS'JUlMr: Knrliah Break fnat. dlf ?crrnt rradea. 12U(tl63c: Hrldcr iincoloretl Japan. 206 00c; (reeu Japan, rary crce. 30(J OOc , I Kalt-nalea. 2a. a. 4. 8a. 10a. $2.10: fine table, flalrr, Wc; IdOa, 74c; Imported LIt- erpool, Nai. 4Sc; 100: 8Se: 224: $l.f. Salt Worceater . aa-tt hnlk. bbla. 330. $.1.00; Worceater. 140 2a. $R.IS0: Worceater. 100 sa, SVftO; Worceater. 30 l, $5.25; 30 10a, $5.00; lln-n aacka. B0. Sic. Salt foarae. half rronnd. Jnoa. per ton. $14.00: Ww. per ton. $14.50; Mrerpool. lump, rock. $25.00 it ton: CO-to rock. $14.00; 100. $180. Oraln Kara Calcutta, $3.76a.00 per 100 for Aucuat dellrerr. Hlce Imperial Japan. Sn. 1, Bc! No. t, Bie; New Orliana head. Sc. Prrakfaat Food Premium. 30-SUc; $J.fO: Fore. $4.50: 11-0 oata. $3.15. Salmon 'olumhla Hirer. 1-th tail. S1.T0: I R talla. $2,40; faner. Rat. ll.M: H-fb fane flata. $1 20: Alaaki talla. rink. 80c: rd. $1.25: 2-m talla. $2.00. oi tin laac. Z2c per sal: tanka. Water White. Iron hhla. IftUc. wooden. 18c: Head- lleht. caaea. 24c. Iron bbla. 17Uc: caaollne. Iron bbla 22e. raae 2NHc. l.lnaeed (HI rare raw. In bbla. B2c; genuine kettle, boiled, caaea 50c, bbla, 54c; pnre raw, In raae 57c; senulne kettle In caaes, 60c. Bantine 63 dec. caac. caaea. 22c: Iron bbla. 15V,r. (iaaollne 80 deg, caaea. 28ijc: Iron bbla. 22c. Turpentine In caae 7.V. wood bbla 71 Uc. Iron bbla. 60c. 10-lh caae Iota. 74c. Beana Small, .white.. 4SdU .v.. Ur .rhlt $3.S6f4 00; pink, $3.7563.90; bayou, 4Hefcc; Tobacco Plug cut imokln. 1, 2. 3-o nack-aeea-Seal of North Carolina. Tie Ih; Maa. tiff. lb: Dlxlo Queen. 41e lb: Red Bell. SOc lb: Pedro. 50c lb; Golden Scepter, $U1B lb: line eut Cameo. 41c lb: Capatan. $1.RB lb: Duke's Mliturc. 40c Ih; Bull Durham. ORu- lb: OM Kn. fh i-orre it. T4e It); Maryland Club. 7le Ih: Mall Pouch. 3Sc Ih: Tale Mixture. $1.40 Tb. Plui Tobaeeo Pmmmond'a Natural Iaf. Bc lb: Piper Heldaleck. 90c lb: Something Oood. 4V lb: Standard N. SSc lb: T. . Mc Tb: Spear Head. 48e tb: Star. 44c Tb. Fine Cut Chewing Oolaen Thread. 68. lb; Fait Mall. 70c lb. Frnlts and Vaa-atablaa. rotatoea 46(Uftoc; new. l4c !h. Onlona Orecnn. BOq75c. buret' prleea; local, $1.ooii.25; garlic, 0(370 tb; California. new' reda. $1.00. Freah Frulti Anplea. fancy, Orea-on. .Btitf 2JHi rooking. BOc1.00 hoi; Orana-e. narela, $2 5OH3.00; Mediterranean awaeta. $2.75; California tanferlne. $1.0001.25 box: ba- nanaa. $2 2ft (ci 8 50 bnncb. nc Tb: atrawben-lea. Oregon. $2.50 crate; cherrlea, B03l.o0 10-lb bnx ; gooaenerrle. 4'anr ID; apricots, $1.25 crate;, lemona, $4,504(5.00. Vegetable Turnip. $1.00 ackj carrot. $1.50: beeU. $1.50 per aack; rkdtabe. 12M.$1.V per dot; cabbage. California. 2c lb; lettuce, head. 26c per do; hothouae, -$1.2 boa; green pepper. 40c rb: horaeradlah. c lb; celery. $1.00 doa: beans, atrtng. ir4B15c in; 'wparaa-ua. al io pw - 'ID oof ; rhu barb. 3c lb: tomntoe. $2.75 per 4 baaket crate: paranlp. $1.75; pineapple, $5.00 do; peas. Oc; cuenmber, $1.50 do. - Dried Frulta Apple. eTaporated. 687e m; aprimu, iatiiic m; neacoe. nrrae m; Oats Showed Some Weakness Early on Liquidation Sales. but Market , Turns Quite Strong at the Close. LOGGING CONTRACT IS MADE ! Kl'KtWMHKD ROOMS to let and one houoe eepinir room, latiulr Uncle Sam Bakxn. 1BH Klfth -st.- S ROOMS, furnlnhed or unfurnlahM. llskt bouaekecpiss, $4 -aud $3.' (JU phone Bl roa sali. . It George L, Colwell Secures Or der to M.ove 1,000,000 Feet of Timber. rOB BALK Small tract ot. Nehalem timber una. 4 a area II, . rare Journal, TAKatt yo IAXE. 4 100 ACHES of land, few acre cleared: llrlnc "it., ainau soune; iz mile rrom oret will be aold very cheap. Whalk'jr, iwiwon rtina-., nrtn no Mornaon ata. (Locan A Bryan' Dally letter tq Bolton, de Buyter A Co.) CHICAGO, June 9. The wheat market .here was only moderately active and cloaed firm; very little cosh business reported anywhere, but with light stocks there Is not much selling; presr sure, except when the bears are pulling out shorts. There la no great change In the current crop reports and the trade Is waiting for the Government report tomorrow with Interest. Some decline In the condition of winter wheat lse;- pected probably 6 to 7 points. It Is thought the condition of the spring wheat will be very high. Broomhall cables there Is a good deal of pressure from' offerings of India wheat, and that there are more complaints of irregu larity of the crop of the United King dom. Otherwise European crop condi tions are about as heretofore. We still feel that with the small stocks and a probable late movement, that materially lower prices ara not likely, in the near future. Estimated cars tomorrow 15. Oata Turn Strong. There was some weakness early on liquidation sales, but the market turned strong . before the close on predictions of showery weather in the West. . The country offerings are Increasing, and with good weather a liberal movement should take place. The bulls are figur ing on a bullish Government report to morrow. It is. of course, a weather market to a considerable extent, but the price Is high and any moderately un favorable conditions are pretty well discounted. Estimated cars tomorrow P. IS Corn Closes Tlrm. The corn market was fairly steady here and closed fairly firm. There Is ectlJ a- good -eai of- teilish...atijBet. on the poor start of the crop and dry weather In the East. Country offerings are Increasing, however, and the Eastern drouth seems likely to have more relief. The demand Is moderate. "With favor able weather conditions, we think prices are high enough", and liberal movement from first hands is likely. Estimated cars tomorrow 477. Provision Dull and Higher. The provision market is dull and a shade higher. Receipts Of hogs were 43,000. against 77.000 last year. There Is a little higher price at the yards. ThlB made a little better speculative buying, but on the whole the market is extremely dull, and the general outBlde Interest Is small. There Is little, if any, Improvement in the cash demand. I L WACO, Wash.. June . George L. Colwell passed through town from Bear I too AN BUILDI niver mo oiner aay wnere, na naa peeo i room foe bom to complete arrangements for an ex tensive logging deal. He has just closed a contract for 1.000.000 feet of timber which will be logged this sum mer by Henry Etnbree. In addition to this Mr. Colwell has 2,000,000 feet near where the first lies which will "be' ban died aa soon aa the first 1,000.000 Is J removed and following this 6,000,000 "set on Bhoalwater Bay will be logged as faat as It can he cut off. Thla will make 9,000,000 feet of tlm ber which Mr. Colwell will log from the banks of Bear River and ' Bhoalwater Bay thla summer, and this timber will rUHMIBHED XOOMa. M t'nlon are. Elegant or unfurnlahed; rote reasonable. H0U8I TOti iAIE. FOR SALE Ne houa and corner lot. No., 900 vriuiam are.; a room. . iMthroom. basement with furnace and fixture waah tuba, electric mini ana city water. Apply John Bain, 224 DENTIST REMOVED TO LABBG BLDS. V. M. Corner 1 Seoond and WaaniafOofc - over Barni's vrog mora.-- -BooaM 40 and 41, TlIr rioota Hit WAXTZD KAXB. TO EXCHAX0E. I WIMIt to exchange' a few vacant lota In Bpnkane for something In or nr l"ort- wnn. Aonrcn box t, care Journal. WAVTE9. poaltlon as houaekeeper in reflm-d borne; reference. W. ear Journal. CITY NOTICES. come through Ilwaco to be taken to I WANTEI By eultnred. nilddle-afed woman tho mills along the Columbia and Wil lamette Rivera. "The first 1.000.000 feet la one of tho finest bodies of timber I ever saw," said Mr. Colwell. "Many trees will cut seven feet through 24 feet from the butt. All of thla Is very easily logged as 1,000 feet 1s tho fur- Chicago Markets. (Special permlaalon of Bolton, de Rurter A Co.) CHICAGO. June 0. The market, ranged loon J a rouowa : llign rtorosALi roa xjutaovememt bovm, CUT OF ' rOXTLAHO, 0HEOOM. Sealed proDoials will bo received i.w k. . V. . - I k. -1 I 1 , ... . I J 1 J . .W- . Ul M . . . ' meal any ui n win imvo iu ua Qrawa Nniin m n uuicw ok u Auultor of before reaching water." , J" , Jio?i iJi ,on" mt" slona3, Mr rnlwell liat rusn r railing .' " " v 'r . "r. in aaio, - - -- - - . . i nf,. inin wmv hiii. and .w. .. .. , u . from the Bound and while In 'iacomalot lUDrorenient bonda of the i-w r p.., ...., purchased a large road engine to be .0r'n', n1Un1l authorled to b used for the logging. This will be on ?&S& KKnr'bT Win the ground by the 15th Inst., and Mr. danomlnatlona of tn hundred dolla each? to r.mDree win pui eignt or ten men 10 o aaira worn sutnoriowi. payable In year work getting the timber into the water. r"m..,?t?- "'ng lutereat at tn rat of a j I -. v rUJA-ai uiiumii r , id 1 I lerrac ana DrinciDii divb dim in Kt.t- r or nana rwrrfi int rignt to Uke up and I ralnfSal alltrh rVanrla tltanti lia nawana.it . . CHICAGO. June 9. Receipts of live- face value thereof, with accrued m.. . siot-K in the principal packing centers ln" aml' ' PJnenr. ai any ami-unual con- of the country todav were: frS" .Pv'?" V or lwr irom tha dato , Burn Donm. Chlcogo Hogs. 15,000; cattle, 3.000; Said bond ara taaucd under authority ,,t .n sheep, h.000. Kansas City Hogs, 4,- act of the Lea-lalatur of tbo State vt Orefun. 000: cattle, 800. OmahaHogs, 11.- ,Vv" '.w10-. "" "t,t'l- linn- ratrlo t on- hoen 9Rn . uu-e ui oonaa lor I lie UIMI. cailie. 3,e0, Sneep, il. Imnnwement of afra nrt Ik. I..I... Hogs opened and closed 5 Cents tin Incorporated eltlea. and for the latrment of nigner witn 3 terday. Receipt 000. Ruling quot Mixed and butchers'. $5.70 and $8.05; smend aecthina 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6 and 7. of an euiiiieu: An aci 10 proriae (or the laau ance of bonds for the Improvement of afreets led and closed 5 Cents in Incorporated eltlea. and for the ajment of J. 000 left over from yes- t04,0' ufn Improvements and larliuj of aewer lots a vear aero were !S - ?I "'eeta. a amended by an act of pis a year ago were z,- tD, Lfuture of th State of Oregon, ap- quotatlons are: proved February 23. lol, entitled: "An act to good heavy. $6.00 and SS.10; rough "V'Hi. 'tl Vh. '."S'. 0, B. HANSEN A CO.. KMI'LOYUENT AGENTS .a nun in sauiv i. ' Office In San KrancUca. Los Angtles, Cat Orden. Utah: Hnokane. Wash. HELP VHKB TO KMPLOVERS. " Applicant for work charged for what w secure for them, only ur money refunded. FBEI BEUISTKATiON ' and BAOOAWB BOOM. ESTABLISHED 187. ...... ..; WAKTED.'"'. , ''. '.' ., ' FOR NEVADA. Tunnalmen, double-hand hammerameu, muckers, laborar. fi to $ da v. . chancea for machine runnera. outaldi laborer and temter. KB KB FARE, long lob. sond water, board sua work. .. .SOUTH. On the Coat U. B. laborers, $2.25 day; also station nana 23 to so rent KUKK FARE. BKIIKiB CABI'ENTKRS, K, B Co work on I'DART. $2.7n. FREE FARR 6 millwright for sawmill. $.1.00 day; 30 mill and yard laborer,- $2 alay; box factory men and bora. $20 nd $.10 and board: 1-horse awmlll teamatera. $.'10 and board; firemen. $.10 and Nard; roua-n carpenter. u ana rlbt of way clearer. $XH.1i tea mater and lalairera for s new Job at VANCOUVER: man and wife, cook and waltrea for mining company boarding camp. oo; man ua wire, private place, country, mi. oTnrn work in other ixwalitieb, See ua If rou -nnt work out of town. f'OHRKRPnxnRXCK SOLICITED. C. R. 1IAXSE5 A CO. 28 North 3d St. WANTED Partner with t few hundred dot ktra to Inreat In s new manufactory that will pay handaom proflt; a chance to clean up $W.p tn $13,000 In two year;-a chance of a life time to right parly, ran or an drea Millwright, office 03ft Flrtt St., Port land. Or. - BRIGHT young man wanted to handle np-to- date popoaitlon: liberal salary to riant ui Call Tueaday 00 Waahingtn blU. WANTED A flrat-ciaa barber at Electric Ho tel Darlier Shop. Oregon f'lty. Or. SITUATION WANTED KMALE. A RKRI'ECTABLR lady dealre a poaltlon with a family: can do all kind of general hou- worit, Addreaa P. l. jay, rieaaanr w. SITUATION WANTED MALI. WANTEDSltuatlon by young man of bual- neoa ahl tr. In wholele houe. with pro- liect of going on road. 613 5th t., phone Front 40H. FOB SALE PIANOS. c n. ac an. .-.. .:, """ ' ins imuroTemeui i nr-nvy, uim o.u, iiBiu, ao.ou ana and laying of ewer In Incorporated cltle. fo. , ui iw iue payment or tne coat or (uch Ira- Cattle Ptrong. provemenr and laying of aewer by Inatall- Rhof-n fltendv m'nUJ 1led ,n ,ne ofl1r of ",e Secretary of nnecp aieaay. I Stale' Februarr 22. isoa." and th. ,.r.i. thereof are. to be used for the payment In part Chicago Primary Keoelpts. I , ,De improvement of atreeta or conatractlon celpts today were: Wheat. 201.000 Tbe ralldlty of the act of the Leglalature bushels against 265.000 bushel) last aYn? . wtra D' ,no year: corn. B45.000 bushels against Bald bond will be laaued nd dellrered ss oun.uuu Dusneis last year; wneat snip- me common louncii anall direct. mnli 171 nnn Imahola ariilna 9iinon Bidder will be reoulred to an bin It a flat hid bushels last voar - ' J without condition, except aa tc ii regularity m,,n" wet yr. in -, i-,,.. i,mi. .-h ,n ,.,h,if .im ,.! Beeeipts of Wneat Can. g :ertX?ed cltwk V o" 'n th city of v-. . .w w. w v. ''K" i aareaie amount or tne nin. naraoii in the wheat today were: Minneapolis, 46; Mayor, of the city of Portland, a liquidated Duluth, 2; Chicago, 45. damage In cane aucb bidder withdraw a hi Corn-Minneapolis. 44 cars; Duluth. ...".iS"? Z5,mA :,"l"t.lZ 12 curs; Chicago, 450 cars. term of hi bid and thla notice. Th right Receipts of wheat a year ago were: 10 J?ctnl nl hereby reaerred. Minneapolis. 75 cars; Duluth. 10 cars; U, -T ..h ri? Ji ?om,,,,,"f i e i "-nw uS ii- Aiiuunin vviiiitrii. irnrtj Chicago, 17 pare. j 0f Thorn C. Deriln, Auditor. PortUnd. Oregon. d oruer 01 me uimmon iuncll. B. P. CARD WELL. H. R. AI.BEK. " Committee on Way and Mean. . i-oriiara. viregou, oiay 13. lwu. PIANOS at OOc on the $1. Organ for aong! Bnnkrupt atncK or lilinerr roa.. oanaeri. Salem, all. to be cloaed ont by the middle of -next s-eeli. Among them: Ererett piano, aiiright. largest slse, former price $400. goe for $t)Ul. Schiller, upright, larreet le. three nedala, walnut caae.. worth $:t0i. goea for $1B0. Wheel"T. Urge aloe. oraewht need, Ba hoganr or walnut caaea, worth $220. ge for $112.50. All on eaay monthly payment. And maiir other at correaimndlngly low prleea. Kiler Piano House, Washington at., eor. Park. REMOVAL, DR. FRANK E. FERRIS. DR. OERTRTTDB B. Lamheraon. Dentist, removed to klacleay bids., flfth floor. m: nea near. SV,e m: prune. Italian. tUiiniir m- French, 34r4Hc tb: Bg. California blacks. 0 (-; ao. wnit. mttM ni: n uma. nltted. nn oc; raiaina. aeeoeo. tanry l-ra cartona, DO pack age to caw. 8Wc pkg: aeeded. I2-os carton TViej looae Muacatellea. RO-lb boxe. SHitTHe 10; ijonaon lajer. ai. foinix.iai. Nut Peanut. OijjiTe per lb for raw. 0(3 10c for roaated: cocoanut. SSOOOc per dos; wal nuts, 14V4lftc per lb; pine nut. 10a)12Hc per to; niranrj nuta. inc per id: CDeatnuta. Eaatern. lSfilSc per Tb; Bra all nut. 16c per lb: Slhert. 15flSc per lb: fney pecan. 149 lSe per lb; almonda. 14l5o per lb. Meat sad Forlslons. Freab Meuta Beef, prime. Sc. for onln apected. 1ua)cted 8Vje: bulla, unlnapected. 5 i0c, Inapccted ttc; cow, unlnapected fliSOHc, lnaperted 7c; pork, unlnapected 7M7ic. in apccted 74c; ,el, IHTAr; mutton. 238Uc groas: drcaaed. 6HB0c: lamb, dreaaed f(8c. Hma. Bacon. Etc Portland rack ho ma. 10 to 14 lbs. MVic; 14 to 16 lb. 14Hc; (local) brcakfaat bacon, IRgjlHc; picnic. 11 e; cottage, HVic; aalted aide. 12e lb; amoked aide. I3ur; dry aalted hacka, 1e; bacon hacka, 12Tc; butta. aalted. BVc: amoked. lOVic lb. Etern-pcked Hama Under 14 Iha. lSUe-. orer 14 lb. lic; fancy. 154c: plcnlc.nvc;-J anouioera. iic; arj aauea aiaea. unamoked, 12Uc; breaklaat bacon. IDMitlttL&c; fancy. lS'jc; butts. HV,Hi2'He. Local Lard Kettle leaf. 10a. 12Htc: ft. l!Me-. BO-lb tin, 12'.4c; at?am rendered, 10. llttc; 6a, 12c; 00. 1114c; compound tierce, 8c: tub. 8 Vie. Eaatern Lard Kettle leaf. 10-tb tlna. 12je: 6. 12Hc; AO-lb tins, 12c; ateam rendered, 10a,:lB4c: 60s. HVic. Abor packing houae prleea are nt cash. IS day. Hah Rok cod. 7c: floun.1era. 6c: halibut. 6c, ling cod. 7ir; craba. $1.50 dot: raeor clams. 0c dm; atrlped baa. 12'jc; salmon. 8c; aolea, 8c; lobatera. 15e: shrimps, Puget Sound, 15e; catftali. Oc lb: I'nget Mound herring, 4c lb; shad, 3c lb; sllrcr amelt. nc. LIGHT SHOWERS IN EASTERN SECTION Open. Wheat July!.... $00.76 4 Sept 72H Corn- July...'. Sept.... Oata July...! Sept Pork JubA.;-. 1007 Sept 16.80 Ijird Low. Cloe. -46T4 . ,37T .32 July.. Sept.... ftlba July.... Sept.... 8.85 8.02 0.37 0.20 $00.75i . -72'i "V48A .4714 .oA4 ' .83t I7.no 16.87 8.85 8.07 0.42 0.26 $0O.75H $00.7Ti .721t, ' .47 .40, .364 .32 16.06 16.80 8.82 8.92 9.37 9.20 -72T4 .48 A I -47HB . , .3fll,A .3314 16.06 10.82A t'.85A 8.B5 0 .40 . 0.26 Ban franclsco Oraln. SAN KRANCISCO. June 9 11:30 ses sion Wheat. December. 131; barley, December, 901,. RAIN BADLY NEEDED, Unless Zt Oomea There Will Be a short Crop Throughout the Wheat Bolt. PENDLETON, Ore.. June 9. It Is the opinion of farmers that Immediate and profuse rains are needed to develop even a 50 per cent crop of wheat In this and adjoining counties. There are some who place the percentage even below this figure, going so far aa to declare there cannot be more than a one-fourth crop without rain. A sim ilar condition prevails in the Grande Ronde Valley, east of here, rain In the valley being needed worse than here abouts. In some places in the Grande Ronde fields of grain' are entirely dead for the need of rain. LONDON RAIL STOCKS LONDON, June 9. 2 p. . m. Ana- conda, declined 2: Atchison, de dined . U ; . preferred.- declined H : Bait! more St Ohio, declined ; preferred, unchanged; Great western, declined 4 Chicago & -Alton,, unchanged;- Missouri, Kansas & Texas, declined 14; preferred, unchanged; Louisville & Nashville, un changed; Mexican Central, declined ; Mexican National, declined 14; New York Central, unchanged; Northern, de cllned '4. : . Pennsylvania, . declined Vi ; Ontario Western, unchanged; Read ing, firsts, declined Hi San Joaqutn, unchanged; Southern Pacific, un changed; St. Paul, declined 14; Union Pacific, declined ; preferred, declined i; i'nitcd States Steel, declined U preferred, unchanged; Wabash, de clined 14 ; preferred, declined H ; Con sols, 91'4. declined H- MOTICE TO COlf TEACTOBg. SEALED BIDS will be recidreiTat the otBc of the Commandant of the Oregon Soldier1 Country Between the Rocky Mountains :and .the Atlantic Coast Gets Some "Rain. fOITLAXD WHOLESALE PHICZS. Orala, Fleur and Fd. Wbeat Vslla Walla, T3t74c; bluesUm. T7e; T.lley. n- , Barley feed. $21.00: rolled. $22 00 ' Oata No. 1 Whit. $1.17M$1.20; gray, $1.15 riotir Kaatars Oregoa: Patent. $x.9694.S0 tMimniid W.. 4.20; stralfhta. $3.36; VaUey, j(Wa.T0; graham. 3.15r 10a. $.56. iiU.t(U-rB, m.u per too; atlddllpgt, (Spei-lal permission of Ilollun. de Buyter ft Co.) CHICAGO, June 9. Liverpool wheat is lower; corn is to lower. The weathr-r map shows light showers from tlie Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic, but there is nothing important, how ever. W'hejit cables are steady. There was a moctcrate export business yester day. The government report tomorrow Is In doubt, but the general expectation Ih for rive to seven points lower. This would not be considered important. Stocks are lightmovement on the new crop late and the market has had three or four days break. Country offerings of corn and oats yesterday were, larger. The drought in the east is only par tially broken, but conditions are favor able for more rain. The cash demand is hardly so good. Much depends on the weather in the East. Provisions are dull In every way. . " ' NEW YORK SUMMARY NEW YORK. June 9. The flood con tinues to rise at St. Louis. The gov ernment crop report is expected tomor row night. Seventy-seven roads for April show a net increase of 14.36 per cent. Forty-three roads for the fourth week In May show a gross increase of 9.75 per cent. Atchison reports that the movement of freight is retarded by the floods. St. Paul road escapes with trifling Inconveniences. Bankers believe firm money will continue, as easier con ditions would mean renewed gold ex ports. It to -ofAe-tally tated that Atch ison will continue the present dividend of, 4 per cent on common, witn the next "semi-annual declaration In October. Twelve Industrials - show a decline of .63 per cent; 20 active railroads have de clined 1.03 per cent. MONEY IN BERRIES HOOI) RIVER, June 9. This Is the season when Hood River berry growers are harvesting their crop of gold, or rather their crop of red berries which they readily convert Into the yellow metal with X'ncle Sam's flat thereon. They are sending out. dally- three or four carloads of strawberries that net them from $3.75 to $4 a crate. HOGS ARE LOWER, PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS, June . Hog are lower and weaker with the poor demand. Cattle are also lower- BTid weaker. Receipts of live stock In the local yards today con sisted of 25 cattle, 800 sheep and 25 horses. Ruling quotations are: Cattle Best, $4.76; medium, $4.50. llogs 5y;c. - Sheep Weak: 3c. Lambs Weak; 3e. COTTON A$MN HIGHER LIVERPOOL. June ?. Cotton closed firm, 15 points higher on summer and six points up on lute options from yes terday's closing. LIVERPOOL GRAIN RANGE LIVERPOOL. June 9. Opening Wheat, July, 6-2. lower. Corn, July. 4-7T4. lower. 1:30 p. m. Wheat. July, 6-3. U lower;. September, 6-14. i lower. Corn, July. 4-74, lower; September, i lower. Close Wheat. July,6-3 "4, higher; September, 6-24, . up. Corn, July, 4." lower: September. 4-5. 4 lower. Home, Roaehnrg, Oreron, and at the office or jeio y. ier. aretiitrct, no. 138U K street, Portland, Oregon, until June 27. 1!mK; . PTEHtO t ASP CttaJlilfg, fllTV MTRAM DVD-IVIJ Me CLEANING- WORK Herman Euke. . proprietor. Telephone.- Mailt 1TM. Kn. nil th t. aeae-l'HW. -orianiK nr. rxATUYAL .WfcAJICi. ORDER Or WASHINOTOliForetnoot Xrster . asl society of Northwest; JirotecU W ll Inc. J. L. Mitchell, supreme ertry, 1J , nd 1K Maruin bld.. Portland. Or. Tel- ephone taln 012, M0USI rURMMHERS. BOMB Fl'RMHHERS Karnlttir. carpet, par lor good. toM, ete. Bee 1. 0vrts Bon. 173-1TS lrt,st. Sl YtmhllL Both ' phone JW4. rXEX-tKIVSt. CLOTHES CLEANED and pee1 11,1 monm, uniqu xaiioring to.,, mi "" ton t.. . "' - - ' IMSURAMCE. . I, PHILIP KENNEDY. tBaurase; r1dnt . sent ..Norwich. I'sloa- giro Inwtrane. CJocKty. Phon South 1661. 44 Hamilton bids.' JAS. MelTwOOD.- employers' HahHTty end In dividual accident; atvety bono el au Kino. rnone 41. concord uldg. R. r.- B ARTELS COMPANY, fire Inrarane, s snerioci Ding. Oregon phone, t lay ISAAC L. WHITE. Ire Inauranee. 225 Bherl nino-. iirecnn pnone. nam ens. JEWELERS, - THB O. HEITKEMPEH CO., manufacturing Jeweler. IS8 Morrlioa St ' ' , job rxDrTiva. riNB omcg STATIONERY: hmlne forms s specialty, alarcantll Printing Company. 82 H Front, eor. Aah. Pbou. Black SOSl. LOCKSMITH. A. L. TioBETTS, 23.1 Yamhill, near Second; la year wiin J. nrney. of ASSAOE, MDMB. H. R. ELY. derma totoglat, aaaosage. electric . treatment. 10SH Flrat at. ' K0VXT TO L0A. FREO H. STttONQ, FINANCIAL AQENT. . .. Money to loan. Mo eoaimlaalnn. , I in id poaltlon to make Immediate loans on Improved real estate or for building par. poses; any amount; moderate-Interest. TV spproT loans from plan and advance money ss building program when dealrtd. Opttoa in reparins arter one year. rusiU U. .... p BlKomi, rinanclal Agent. ' 108 Second at., near Stark. CO.. S0 M'KAT BLt . f t.. . 1 the recognised bank WkS . . We advance money ttf V . THB STAR LOAN 10SV4 Third th wage-earner, tr in-t.n m, itriuuipii, tuupwra, iufFcurini.il, Stk conduct ora. ate, without mortgage, endoraer X wr vutifjiccsi. mount Hnnthl ,tt " Monthly.. Weekly 100 repay IMffi or $1,100 or m.s $ 00 repay $1.1. or $ fl.6n or il.M t 28 repay $ 63 or I S.35 or $I.U Baalcs eoondentlal. No unp.eaaant Inquiry. MONEY TO LOAN on real, pertwnal and col lateral aeeunty; aneriai attention to enittie mortgage; notes bought. C. W. Pallet. 213 Commerdat blk. Phone Grant 850 MONEY TO LOAN at reanonabl rate, la amount to nlt . Graham t Clatoa, 200 Mar- quam nunoing. MONEY TO LOAN, email amounts, abort oe long rime, j. H. Hawiey. 2 iham. or Com. ATT0RHIYB. EMMONS EMMONSi sttorueys at law, 644 Worceater blilg. 8. B, RIOOEN, Attorney and CounUor-t-Law; Notary. BOO-stMl Ablngtoa bldg. PAXTON. BEACH ft t?IMON - S10 Chamber of Commerce. J. T. TACGHER Room IS. A tna worth Bntlrtlng. H. B. DICKINSON. Attornev-at-Law and No tarr Public. KOI Onmmerelal bldg. jf HOTELS. WELL VENTILATED 1ngle room. Iftc. 20c and 25c a night;, bflda, 10c. Th -EYerett Honae. eor Second and Davla. LODQINft HOUSES. THE COSMOS Fourth and Moniaon. furnlabed bouaekeeplng suite, suit and ilngl room; (3 per wees ana up. , .. MONEY TO ..IflAS; r,,eV- lot- ed . iafrnm. inrma. w. a. nnaw a r., .w ntarx at. MODEL MAKER. FOR FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING go t Andy . Frits, machinist and model maker. 110 6th. MnmTQ AHD MIV1 PROMOTERS. SESSIONS SIMPSON, mining and mine pro moter. Room t. Chamber of Commerce. NORTHWEST HOTELS. Hotl PrtUnd, Aarioa plai $$,$ prila Sommars Hotel, La Ormad; trsvalers' home. BlTdri European plasi 4thnd Aider ata. St. Charlaa. Firtt and Morriaon at.. Portland OYERAIXS,- THE CASTLE 273. Waahlngtoo at; rooms for gentlemen: tranalent. Tel. South 71. ADVERTISING .SPECIALTIES. Klrat at 2 o'clock t. m.. for anlahlne the hir. racka Building. Hoapltnl, and for laying the water main in accoraance with plana and apeclRcatlona which are now on file In both the place named,- Wtnr for -flnlablng the two building to be embraced In one hid, und laying of the water malna in another, both to be sddreed to W. W. Elder. Command ant of the Oregon Soldlera' Home, at Roae burg. Oregon, and left with him or with Ix-loa I). Neer. architect. A certified check In the aum of 10 per cent of the bid or bid, made payahlo to .. in. r.iuer, i onimannani. muar aocompuny each bid. said check to be forfeited to the State of Oregon In re accented .Sildder falla to algn contracts and furnish a liond within ten daya after th a war da are made, to be approved by the Government. No bid will be received after the time set. snd no bid will be conaidered nnlaaa accompanied by aald check, made payable aa aforinnld. GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN. fiorernor. ALL KINDS OF 8IONS and advertlalng novel tlea. Nye Kern. P.O. box 01. Phone Pluk 18SS. BATHS. GENUINE FINNISH. - Xl'881 A N - HOT --Al R hatha. 25c; alcohol robhfcs), 26e extra; open every day except Mono.") to a. ni. to ji p. m. 81 Baat 88th at., eor, Everett Phone. Scott 2241. BARGING AND LIGHTERING. LEGAL NOTICE. FINAL ACCOUNT. Notice 1 hereby given that LiHie vioowarn. annniiratrix or the eatata of Allw L. Woodward, deeeaaed, haa tiled ber final account of the admlulatratlon of aald eatate In the County Court of the. State of Oregon, for .Multnomah County, and that aald County Court haa appointed Monday, the 8th day of June, 100.'i, at 0:30 o'clock a. tn. of aald day, at the Court Houae In aald county and state, a the time and place for hearing objection to said account, and for the aettllng of aald eatate. Till notice Is published by order of Lionel Webster. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah County, duly made and en tered May 2, 100S. LIZZIE WOODWARD. Administratrix of the Eatate ot Alba L. Woodward, Deceased. Ornham A' Cleeton, Attorney for Admlnla--tratrlx. NOTICE la hereby given that tho annual meeting of the taxpayer ot School Ilia. trlct No. 1, Multnomah County, Oregon, will be held In the School Clerk ofllce, t'ity Hall. City of Portland, county aforesaid, on Monday, June 15, 1003, nt 7:30 p. ta. The business of the meeting will be to con alder the report of the director and clerk, and to levy a tax for the aupport and main tenance of tbo school ot the wiatrtct for tlie mailing year, snd to rilapoae of auch other bualnesa s may legally com before It. By order of tho board of director. R. WILLIAMS. Chairman Board of Director. , Attestn. S. ALLEN, School Clerk. Portland, Oregon, June 3, 1003. OREGON, ROUND LUMBER CO., 1S1 Burn aide at. Phone Grant 1171. BAN0, , MANDOLIN AND OglTAR. INSTRUCTION clubs for advanced puplla; in trument for . sale. Hal Webber. -Studio 173 Weat Park. eor. Yamhill. Phone South 2881. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. EBBEKU-UU.NdT CIGAR CO. Distributers of. .' FINE CIGARS. . 1'ortland, Oregon. CARPENTER. J. F. LUCY, aneccmnr to Gordon Mfg. Co.. carpenter, builder, general contractor, house remodeling, alterations, etc.; cabinet work and lobbing a pecllty counter (helving. Ice boxes, etc. : atore and ofllce Oxturea; up-to-date end original carpenter work of all kinds; nothing too large or too small for . our Immediate sttcmMou; no file on us; we mnke and put up the .beet fly screen In Portland. Shop. foot of Yamhill at.; phone. Black 2807; realdence. 747 East Stark; residence phone. White 712. BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS and mechan ics' clothing. Union 'made. Neustadter Bro.,' Mfrra.. Portland. Or PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. MISS AGNES LANE, public atenogrrpber and typewriter, 416 Chamber -of Comm.-fce. l'hon Clay MO. PERSONAL. YOUK PRESCRIPTIONS ar more accurately nd reasonably filled at RtmcII's Pharmacy, . . x27 Morrison tn- M.' Hut and Seeesd t. ixiol STORIES and novel far lummrr tetil. Ing. 10 cent.. , Jones'- Book Store. 2B1, A ljlef CAFE KRATZ. 123 Sltth st served at all hours. A fin lunch STORAGE AND TRANSFER, C. O. PICK, office 88 Flrat St., between Star!: nd Oak .ata,; phone B06; piano and furni ture moved and ackd for shipping; com, . mndlou fireproof brick wsrehou. Front sad Cly t. PLUMBERS. DONNERHERO A RADEMACHER, plumbers, removed to 84 Fourth t. Both phone. PIANO LESBONS: W. GIFFORD NASH. 103 10th at; tsrm opus application. Beginners taken. REAL ESTATE FOR BALE, $500 DOWN and f 12.50 monthly buy newi7-paperea anq paincea O-room block of S treet car. Weat Side: poeaeaslon: only $875. Columbia Real a xruat uompany, 234 Morriaon j5 hya neat. WU eottage. 1 I Immedlate I fal Eatatsf I 160 ACRE8 of land. 12 miles from Forest urove, on uairy t'rcea; aultahle for stork ranch; few acres cleared and fenced, small houae, living water; will be aold cheap. Whalley, Benson Bldg.. Fifth and Morrison. CASH REGISTERS. UALLWOOD CASH REGISTER8. 264 Stark at. Hew York Clearances. NEW YORK. June 9. The grain clearances were: Wheat, -69,000 bushels; flour. 14.000 bushels; corn 242.000 bushels; oats, 8.000 bushels;' wheat, and flour, 153,000 bushels. Weather Is Better. CHICAGO, June 9. The weather in Omaha and Des Moines la clear and fine. Ml&pegpolU anCPuluth are part cloudy. CHICAGO CASH WHEAT v" CHICAGO. June 9.-11:30 a. m. Cash Wheat prices toaay are: No. 2 red, 76c: No. 3 red, 7276c; No. 2 hard winter, 7677c; "No. 3 hard winter, TO 74c; No. 1 Northern spring. 7879c; No. 2 northern spring, 7879c; No. 3 spring, i476c. Simpson & Co. House and Sign PAINTING Paper Hanging, Kalsomining STRICTLY UNION WORK B48V4 riXSX ST. rhons. Clay B4S. NOTICE- I hereby -'tr!'ven'--tlili(t'1IW"ti1ltrKr-e1M- tton ot ncnooi inatrict jvo. 1, Multnnmnh County. Oreiron, will be held on Monday. June 15. 1903. The polls will be open at 2 o'clock p. m., and cloao at 6 o'clock p. ni. on aald day. The1 election I for tbe pur poe of electing one director for th term of five year. A Uat of judge and dirks, alao polling place, nill be announced later.. R. WILLIAMS. Chairman Board of Director. Atteat H. 8. ALLEN. School Clerk. Portland, Oregon. June 3. 1008. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Every Woman U lflsvorcsicu am snoora innw , . boot ih wondetfoj MARVEL Whlrnng Spray Th.nswalsrHj. ysiea. (feasao ci-(io.nev!i. cu-mok convenient u tuaatss lost!!. ALBANY PACKING HOUSE Work, has been begun at Albany on the new fruit packing house of Fort miller & Lasselle Brothers, the leading fruit buyers of the valley, says the Dem ocrat, me main uunuing will iAnwinHU 36x60 feet, two and a half, practlcallV j If bieannotaupiiiyt , . . , . . . .. . - . M1RVEI.. Lrc-cntr inree o to 1 1 r n man. i n- nzst floor win . " ; . ,, . . .A . - otnrr, rnnrvnu ewonii lor ii- be devoted- to packing prunes and other lutnud bookmM.n rive fruits, the second to the bins and lop , 5 KlSW-fi-JLlltlnSJ floor to grading fruit. There will .1.0 TohTti. Z tZZZk. uv eeveraA amau puuamga, Mmr ..i, apap nn fir any; pa. POUTLAND. Or., June 0. 1003. To th tock holdera of tbe Portland Coal A Development Company, a corporation Pleaae take notice that tbo annual meeting of tbe (tockholder of the Portland Coal A Development Cciuprnr will be held at Dal Hall, corner East Taylor and Thirty-fourth street, Portland. Oregon, on Thursday, July 10, 1003. at 1 aclock p. m., for tbe purpose f electing - offlcera and for the transaction of ueb other bualne aa may ' pronerly come before the meeting. J. T. ItODWRLL. Secretary. CHIROPODY AND XANI0UXINO. THK DEVENYS, the only scientific chlropodlata iu tbe city: parlors 801-2,. Alisky bldg.; thla 1 the long-baircd gentleman jou want to ee. urant lu. L. MITCHELL. Chiropodist, ' Knlgbfa ' Shoe . store, 204 Waablngtoa at. l'hon uooa izs. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter and builder, SOT Stark at.; ofllce and store flit urea built and ' remodeled; altering and repair house. I'houa -Mala 747. - . A-WHOUS A MARTIN, carpenters and build ers: repairing and Johblnf, (tore and offlc flrture bailt. Shop 20 Columbia. Phon Clay 1H0U - . - - --. , - H. V. CLARK. 453 U Wash., phones West 782. North 1411. New audi repair work, prompt attention. J ' CAFES. YATES' PLACE. 296 Washington t.. Phon S. Main 771, i. W. Tlbott. prop, rortiana, or. COMPRESSED YEAST. RED STAB COMPRESSED YEAST; It makes lightest. For sale by au grocer, is per cent stronger man any oiner. For SaIc-4-Room Cottage Lot 60x100, 3 blocks from Peninsula Station. . Call Sunday or everfingSt ' $650.00 S. VL -7AZ9KOir. . HOMES ' ON EASY PAYMENTS From Mo I Room f 1,090-to $3,000. A. T. MYERS & CO. Hi C&junber cr Commas ttUg, - COAL AND . WOOD. WESTERN KEED A FUEL CO. Dealers In all kind of eoaU eoks and charcoal. Phone 1018.. VULCAN .COAL CO., wholesale dealers .pMt coals; foundry and amelter coke. - . CORNICE SKYLIGHTS. METAL SKYLIGHTS, galvanised lroa cor nice. J. C. Bayer. 205 Second t. CEREAL MILLS. ACM hi MILL?" Acme Cereal. CO.. Manufaeturer - Ralaton 30 and la North rront at. P. JOHNSON A VO,, manufacturer . Peerl Health Cereal. Vlt-i Kront t. ELECTRICAL WORKS. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Offlce S53 Urk t. -. ... . Western Eleetrle Work. 803H Waahlngton ft. SSVOOI8T8. I BANK 1. ' 8TRKIBIO, drug., tolUt srtttlee, peiUaiosf-SUW'siSliitoa.st,, SEAL ESTATE. FOR 8ALK KARMS Improved farm for ' aal-t la all parte of Oregon and Waahlngton; payments made t suit purcher. For full partlculsra a . to various properties apply to Wm. MacMaater. 811 Worceater bldg, ' MAXWELL A KNAPP REAL K8TATB. floom 1. Chamber of Commerce bldg. ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAOB CO.. cor. Fourteenth and Northrop ata., Portland, Or. SfatAYINO. SPRAYINO In all branches; tree, house. - barns, etc. 007 . Milwukle t ,. Phone, Blue 864. L .- SAFES. BUY YOUR SAFES of J. B. Davl; your r. mir nnu locaont sareiy none, bo Third SPECIAL DELIVERY, POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. S0OV4 Wash Ington at. Phones. Dr.. Main 062. Col . 21 BLOT MACHINES, TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINU 01-8 lot u. ... - ... h win VII. . BQin Phon. Main 138.. ,i ., , WHOLESALE HARDWARE. 3. V. HASKI.T1NE A CO.j Iron, teoI. coal and piicwnmn wuppnr. o-oi second at. WHERE TO .SINE. STROUSE'S RESTAURANT; flrst-cla meals. bet crrlc. 829 Washington st"v ' ,. WHOLESALE WALL PAPER. MORGAN, WALL( PAPER CO.. -1S4-186 UKi WALL PAPER AND PAINTING. STRIKB does Bot delay ua. abU lo mi v.wufirs mioout neiay. nrst-claas ' -WHOLESALE OSOCERt. ; WADHAVIS A CO., wboleMl grocers, manu facturers anu. commisaluB merchant. 64 snd 66 Frrmt St. ALLEN A , LEWIS, whobwal amraw - rx. MASON. EHRMAN A CO, vboleul grocermT r. w. eor. Second snd Tine st. UNO A CO., First and Aokeoy U. I 1 '