THE OKEGON DAILY - JOUliNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, JUKJ3 .0, 1903. I I i n fed : ; it a cooler this morning along the Coast v' and, slightly ru U- Idaho aud the trvt s' ..!' t...,. Bi.ln. Ill hot WIT WMt of tl roaesoa MsriutclM "wHl irik - todir aad " .will, probably A cooler Ie ,tne, at ot thla i atae-af, and, thosaarstorms bars accarrea la Siorcnsra Ariaona, ouriuara nw mfiiw, wvu fWD-Ctak, OoWrMoi-ta Missouri' tad 'the Cviec The, indication art for fair ' waafhe In this glatrlet Wedneadajr, xept Jo Catera Oregon and Southern Idaho, where tha conditions art x 'i ''ttoifif v. ' ? The Elver, '(' ;'''! . "Th rim at Portland thla mnrnlnc la .20.1 fat and rising slowly. A stage of 111. feet oul M made for a sums ox eooui .o iw I : Bundar. ' V i .- XOTEL A1UT All. i. iBparUWUra. -A. M. Undrllle, "Kewburgj W. J. Church. La Grand ; K. McDanlol, Ulrdla McUml, Oram McDanlel. B. W, Hteb- loa, Mrs, BwYC., statiiiins,, Baser oijs win m . Hanley, Mra. William Hanley, Duma Hisorr llolinea, '(km; tv burr: M. 11. ImtU, Mra. n A. Itouglaas, Uo- M. M. Darla, Cor- allla; Mra. I. K. WeMmr, Ulaa wobber, U. Rleo,.Waaeo; B. L fttmt, B. K. Co.; V. O. Kukandall, Waahlnftun) ii. C. Kabulmaa, a lam; f. ii. Maath, Urant faaa; R. B. H-ao. ' lira. Bfn. Condon Beau, Mra. 8. 0. Dyer, alalrs; Mra. A. Venblugton, Mra. B. U. fratt, 0. JL Hall. ,JCufDl A. Hetobart, BMttlel 1. W. BMbura, Ilwaou; W. I. Jamat aud wlfo, . . Taooma; U. O. .Va Dumb, Dr. i. 8. HUckrr od. wifa, B. . t'erf uaun and -wlfo, II. : 0. -Fott and Wffo, Aalorlaj P. B. Uufdala. William Hulan, , Matt Utanlrr. WUHam Uogg, B, Me Kar, Gua Buchlo, Al Maupln, Qvti Babbitt, WllUam Hurler. .Oaorgo Bva-burt, Urarg o Tread way, 0. McMcbola, Beat t la: William Bailey, JloaalaadVfe. a; William h. Baabroack, Kanaaa CltTt, John, McConnell, Oraut a Faaa; J. . Riddle, Klddlo; J. W. B-aa and wlfo. Klem iiigtan,' 4,t H. B. Rmlta, Fraaport, 1'a.; II. . E. Ankaujr, Jackaoarllla: Thomaa riUgarald, Pandlatoa; W. T. ' Williamson, Bulem; K. T. Judd, Turner; Oaorgo mn.,8aa..,rancUco; 1. V tettalckTk Dougan, AlbanJ Mra. T. T. ortland N. C. Rlcbarda. Sumptor; 0. AS- iNand son Baker Cftr; H. Balpour, Lylo; II. V Bow land, Ht. Loula; B. Merly, Baa au IT. -LaWla.' China: B. Forbes. Ban Fran- laco;-F.I. Iaela, Baa. Fraacleoo: T. Mnford, It. ton la: C. W, Nlbler a ad family. Mra. f .-B.-Hardin and cbfldren, W. B. - Kronenbergi Ban Franclaco; U. C. Ihirham and wife, Mlaa 8-CnS)t New Ynrk; B. Whltted, Dourer; A, eonrer; F., W. Hall, Chicago; B. B. Kltteridge ana' win,' Bvaiiio, a. bum bhu mw, omm Franelaco: J. M. McCroebon and wife. Beat tic! W. I.. Thlmnaon. Rochester. N. Y. : A. Xorh.s St. Loirta;.M. P. Benton, B. T. Brett, Beattla; C- Wallace, Milwaukee; P, Celllgan, Alpine; A. Spencer,' Ban iraneiaro; w. w de!phla;'W. T. Chatter. Astoria; R. A.' MUlef, 'Vregoa- tiKy; v &. Hart, unitea ntatea Army; . J. P. Merrill, New York ; E. B. Lsulaeon, as' Francisco: 0. A. Ramsey. Chicago: M. H Dlaklnson; W, B. Boyrle, BeatUe; D. D. Gall- lard, United 8tates Army; Max Wiley, Ro fbaatar: . Mrs. B. B. Raymond. Andrew Carrt an. Sap. Franrlaco; Gwacd Gulmburg. uiz wuey. jnsepa a. Hcnnaaig, nam uannenoaum. Sr., B Block, .New York; J. Alexander. 8an Frandaco; B. 8. Glbha, New York: B. C. KlaoMrj Chicago; A. Neuman. T. Miller, New York; Mrs. T. 8. Phillips. Miss Phillips. Dr. tr.l Tucker i ant" wlfo and ' daughter. Henry Hoferand wlfo, , Chicago; Mr, and Mrs. W, O. Fradenburg, Alma Rademacber, Nw York Mn and .Mrs. Jsaie ..Normand,' Marfa, Texas Jack Carry and wife, Florence Edwards, New Orleans: H. J. Wlkison snd wife. Carrie Wll- cqxaon. Catrolltfiu.. Mo.; Benjamin Flncb and wire, superior, wis. TTnioa Xutoadry, Second and Columbia, That Ttw Say! Buy MarodltVg umbrallaa. Rspalrlnr, recovering, waim. and Slxtn, ' r. Aihalla BUaflaT haa returned from taking; post-graduate work. Phone real dene. Union' mil , . i, -r yea aflUcta4 . If aa aalr your fJrugriat . f?r . Outnean'a Kemedy. Jta cUrea are marveloua. 'jfortland Club. ISO Fifth atreet palatable lundh aerved every evening rem I until 11 p.'tn. Beporta from inland polnta are to the jffect that the recent hot weather haa Hone no damage to growing- aTatn. r. t"' g'gcitlflo magaagi by younr way masseuse, xtoom in tin iwiflW BHUaV Wxtlt and Wuhlngtoa. Mm Hi. Jlmoe. pltunber. haa removed from t2j lit Bt- to 19, E3. Morrison, Just across Morrlaon-it bridge, Phone East "'Oui: i ilia TaaooTivar Una are- kept trowded . ty sightseers. - who visit the Columbia -River to witnesa the effects Of the flood. . Amerloam aUetaorant, corner Third tnd CoucU atreets. A bowl of atrawber flea and cream C centa. Home-made hortcake: schooner of lemonade S eta. ' Members of the "Woman's Christian 'Temperance .Union yesterday observed the birthday ot Jennte Casseday, founder of the i Flower Mission of the Women's Christian Temperance, union. , Over one kandred asA fifty la town This applies to the Buck Typewriter, the Cheapest good machine, ' and the beat cheap machine on the market today. R. U Sunn, general aent, 168 Stark street Tbiel peteotlTe Barrloe Oo Estab ished SO years, 20 Cham. Of Commerce, ortland. N. T., Chic, St. Louis, St. Paul, JCanaas. City, Denver, City of Mexico, Montreal. , Seattle, . Spokane, : San Fran. The general X earth of July committee will meet this evening at 8 o'clock In the Commercial Club rooms. It la expected that' the chairmen of the various sub committees will be present and make full, reporta. ' ' On Tuaeday evening, June 16, the com inencement exercises of the University of Oreatin will' occur at Eugene. Mrs Fletcher Linn, the aolo soprano of the f irst f reaojneriBn tnuren oi ruruaiiu, haa consented to sing at the college ex rcises. i , i Don't wait till the horns toot, but get your .Four,tb pf July printing done now, and at. the great Natal Day Printing House, the Metropolitan. .147 Front We'll- aendi a man to 'your place-of busi ness lf you say so and -he'll quote you prices. , ,, 5?he work of preparing the steel bridge to Withstand expansion due to exces- ely h'ot weather haa been completed a ralla of .the city & Buouroan com pany have been sawed off, and it is be- lleved there 1s no further danger of the bridge WJWM! " tvlr up the draw. - Xavtha eoeptlon-room of the Portland Publtp IHtrary- there wilU .be ,hjeldi to rhorrbw' the 27th annual session of the Oregon Homeopathic Society. The gath erlng will last four days and a Jarjre number of Homebpatha frpm.,.all .ovt lh NWtHweat are,eipe6td to attend. t Br-aw Wheefer i Svhson sewing machines, as perfect machines as ever sewed k stitch, at wholesale prices. These machines are models of perfec tion? 'purahased' by 'us f orcaeh. and the euetomer la given, the Jobbers' proflta. SI gel Smith, US Morrison atreet, Mar quam Building. " ' - " WUSawf 'a atnlltoi, '? fatty ' thief, or "house tumbler." as the police'term' such men, waa arrested yeaterday- afternoon by Detectives, Kerrigan, and Snow... He ?s' aa! 'fto'BaWtuVn'ed st good many trtaka,jr Pprtlan!f ir lilso aald to bav ejtolen seyejtaAJUrearpm.rftyelt kra-at"he Union Depot. . Btate Encampment of Jthe Qrand Army of the Republic will, convene In this city: Chairman. Or .Caukin, at the liead t tn torn mt tee ' on general ar-, range me nts?-anftoxrnees that' nearly all preparMlopa iiaTe baoa aaade... and . that Mayor Williams will deliver the addreaa ' f .welcome. The Woman's Relief Corps; IRISH' ROSES HERE" wilt meet In White Temple on the even tig of June 2. V The veterans will hold heir teesions 111 the O. A. R. Hall. 0 Vhim nanhr tho mck enmmlttaa of. Mn. O. H. aVUabagSOA d Jf. T. KollaUMi the Council went on an Inspection trip to Kelly Butte, . The members or tne committee ere the guests ot the owner of the property, Joe Buchtel. The quar ries win toe lnapeeted with . a view to purchase by the city. Balsa JTew YarietUa ef the I oyal riowsr. Portland, the City of Rosea, Is known the. whole world over for Its enthustaa tto- growers of the royal flower. - The Tomorrow ts tke last day upon which I -,. Mama h. .nMii in ti. uitura appireaiions ' may on niea rer poimons o( , th . rol Bven vl-,tor, from the in the Portland. Police Department for g UMhlM BuU My that the rose gar the examlnatlona to be held June 10. N... n, .,... ln that rrk. .... - i -11 I " r ' . . .twr"z rlm . may be seen In California, Bppuoauons,D niea ai-ieasi m oayi a- ye,terday two new varletlea of this fore the date set fqr the examination. flower( iftii t0 D, the flrit of thu ,ort Owing to the fact that . contractora I on' the Paelno Coast, were brought down have- trr-thepast commeneed aldewalk town and ah6wn for the first time. Both work without notifying the City Engl' 1 of the roses were recently originated neer of the time,- the following notice by ,the famous Irish firm of Dixon at has been posted at the CUy, Hall;, ;Con4 Son of Newtonards, near Belfast, and tractors must notify this office when are considered by. the company to be they will commence ' work public or I the finest specimens of rose culture to nrlvate' lb found In the world. BC. 1. WaJtaro. a Arornlnont reatrient I The first Of the tw new varieties to of San Franelaco. passed-through Port- woom was grown oy Mrs. u. m. Lamoer IinA VMlanliv on hla ta Walla I son ox irvmaiun, ana la anuwn u nuwoc Walla, where ha will attend tha aradua- lovera. as the "Mildred. Orant" The tlon oxerclana at Whitman Colleaa. Mr. flower la about 12 Inches In clrcumfor Walters will then go to Spokane, where I ence, the petals being as large as silver he will visit with his parents, returning I aouars, menaing zrom a pure wnue on to San Francisco in oho Week. the outer, edge to a rich cream In the ,i.f.n .. center, flushed with a delicate tinge or wweewwi uw ' t " KMLi WL. g lna4 On happlneas-ll la - delight oh the 5- Z?",?..-?-, cent excursions to Oregon City and WUe "' -1 h- wii d. ..em wiv h.vina w.n. r.,..e ts. TjknnA I 8unday, the hot winds seemingly having . . -... .. , I, Th hu.h ! nnlv leaves foot of Taylor street at i:so, ,"T" l,mtt .v lli0. and 6:1 o'clock every day. and " inc h gh and contains sev- naaaenaera mav anend three, hoars at e oua"- im pm wm wto a the Falls If they desire. There Is com fort in the trip. Xawthor&e Vark. at' East Twelfth street and Hawthorne avenue, has been offered to the city fof a term of three year ago. and is said to be aa easily taken care of as any of the other choloe varieties. The other new rose was grown by Frederick V. Holman, and la called the Bessie Brown." Mr. Holman, who is years by William L. Boise, trustee of 0M of thB best known rose enthusiasts vie Hawthorne estate. The park con- ( hm tynit.ii at.t.. imnnrtad tha slats of 14 acres, highly Improved. A I nrAwfi" It ii at h frnm tYtm Rmiffa special committee, consisting of Messrs. )d Ul0 jMt Bprinr ,nd re.terday morn Elllott and Hawkins, was appointed to hurst into Mini, it consider the Offer. I I. . lr. hlnaanm and la of a beautiful The Regulator SUzia popular steamer I pink tint. 1 "Bailer Oatxert" leaves Portland daily Among the other roses In Mr. Hol- for the Cascades of the Columbia, af- man's garden that are about to bloom Is fording everybody a fine opportunity to one that is most popular throughout the view the magnicent scenery and raging 8outl, the famous ''Winnie Davis." This flood.' Steamer leaves Alder-street wharf variety Is a favorite one with Mr. Hol- dally at 8 a. m. ; Sundays 9 anv Music man. and he Is trying every way to pro- and meals on board. Round trip fare tect it, and his' other plants, from being a 11.60. Phone. Main Hi, What la said to mave been one of the merriest excursions of the season was given last Sunday by the Spanish-Ameri can War Veterans, The steamer Harvest Queen took the pleasure seekers to Multnomah Falls. On both the outward and homeward trlpa a most hanpy time was spent by those who had the pleasure of attending .the excursion. ruined by the hot winds. BOTH WANT THE CHILDREN former Bt as band of Km. Winifred ley- pare Beads Xla Slate West After Sis Daughters. Armed with power of attorney from Henry Wlersum. Miss Nellie Wlersum, W. T. Yaugbn, who left Portland for of Milwaukee, Wis., is attempting to Omaha today, at the head of the Oregon gain possession of the two children of delegation to the national conventlpn of wlersum.- The children are with their Modern Woodmen of America, will make motneri Mr, WlntfMd Leppere. of this f.nd thrhoCPtirt:?r7iU t'hT. will be argued before n ?ns ii tiL c,rcu,t Jude Cleland morrow. La fiom an Nh-in ind eM M1" Wlersum Is the aunt of the chll- r. Zwm in7a l..h n?pB ?S dr"- two aflfls, snd her contention E -aSS. 1 h Oregon In that the mothtr rrmoved them from,. tn.tB, ereori. Mllwaukea, onntrarv la a rulinr of the A ergs tecttal will be given on the court. The mother waa alven the cus- evenlng of June 24 at St. David's Protes- tody of the girls at the time of her dl- Unt Episcopal Church. The organist vorce, but by rulings of the court she wlH be T. M' Lighter, who was for five waa forbidden to remove them from MU- yeara organist of Trinity Church, New waUkee without an order. Their father Tbrk. , The, organ upon which he will wa allowed to be with them on certain perform In thla City Is the aame lnstru- occasions. It Is charged tbat Mrs. ment used toy him while In New Tork. Leppere came - to Portland with ,the Several soloists, w'l assist in ..the con- children without such an order from cert . . . ..... . the court. Leppere is employed In the Baptist Church of Pbrtland'has been graph Company. , - n - . unable thua far to permanently secure , the servloes of an organist Every ef-, The reduced homeseekers rates, effec tnrf ) he in it nut forth to obtain the tlve February IS apply via the Denver services of some one comDetent to fill A Rio Qrande. Have your friends como " mm iaiaiimai mm mmmm i . Impire Top-tlne . VaadavlUe. But five days more remain until Monday, June 15th, when the Empire Theatre, devoted to high-class vaude ville, will open-Its doors to the lovers of that aort of amusement In Portland.. Vaudeville has always been, and always, will be, a favorite form of amusement' during the summer months. That is, hlglt-claMs, top-line vaudeville of the right aort. Throughout the East, where the acts thst will appear at the Em pire are booked and brought from, the vaudeville shows am patronixed by the elite and the fashionable. Each and every act tbat will appear at the new palace of fun will have passed the" Inspection of Martin Beck, who The Trouble in Building Trades d?.ki!l.f-.r- t.e...0!thJwf'Lt. f 'I j. n ! ti ll I tviuu vvnni vauurjvuiD uirvuii ui.u wnu UOUnCII IS DelieVeU Uy IViany handles the bookings for the Or- v U vf Cor DAa.Ui nue pheum . ctrcult Mr. . Beck . wiy Bend -10'De OT tfir-neaCntng Xltar- nothing but the best and will endeavor acter, Reorganization Admitted to be Work and a Division is Thought to be Possible Politics May Enter. to give many of the bjg feature acts that have appeared with great success in the East. The bill for the opening week will be given to the public on Thursday. As to the theatre, it la a little beautv and 1b one of the moat - iha flnlv - .Qnlntirin. hut tha I modern vaudeville houses west of the i 7l i"u Rocky Mountains. Ita appointments LineS OT neCOnSirUCIIOn Are are correct in every detail n Atifn I1UI miVWIli Tha Oat and the Cherub. For a genuine novelty In the play I line "The Cat and the Cherub' leads Twn F"flrtlnnC flirl tn ho otU'l competitors and wins hands down. IWU raCUOllS Odia 10 D6 at rharlea Ballov Fernauld deaervea more than passing credit for his clever work In giving to the theatre-going public such a novelty. Instead of Imagining that you are attending a theatre when the curtain goea up on "The Cat and the Cherub." you are given the impression that , you are sight seeing through San Franclsoo Chinatown. To your left la a Joss house witn its queer siyie or architecture, lta many colors, its signs and lnsldo the screeching of the Chi nese horns and the beating of tha tom toms, while here and there come Ce lestials to enter the Joss house and pray to their heathen gods. Then there Is the market and the home of the beautiful Ah Vol., whom Wing Sun t.uey. son of Wing Shee, the learned doctor. Is deeply Infatuated with. There la the opium Joint or emm Fang, tne highbinder, who la also trying to win the love and hand of Ah Yo. Frank Camp In this character renders a por trayal of the true beauty or tno aceno. The eleotrlcal effects In the way of Chinese lanterns also deserve special iieritlon. Those who can And time to see Ralph Stuart and his company in this )lay will leave the theatre feeling The sudden ahrlnklne of the Portland Building 'grades Council from a total of 13 represented labor unions to a maxi mum of seven.- together with the news from New Tork and other cities that similar secessions are transpiring there. s believed by many to herald the dawn ing of a new era la the history of or ganised labor. . But as to Just what conditions have operated together to bring about this altered situation and the probable ulti mate result there Is wide divergence of Opinion. One theory of the cause is internal troubles of a seml-polltlcal nature which have engendered keen rivalry between the radical and conservative elements, or. as It is put by some, "between the Socialists and the others." The campaign that Is being carried on hr 7ni Thi hvbI V thT ViiT hftve obtained their money s worth bor union, the rival of the American . ,t,al. ,,. ki Federation of Labor, with which latter MU " . FtTth anrj Washington .Streets, . Olds. Voriman & King .'"The Different ; Store';- MONEY IN 'A queer place to put; money," you'll say, but if you'll v put your money In our shoes you'll put, more to your ' gaVlng;! account than you would by buying; shoes in some. other stores. There's a BIO ',. Summer Sale of Shoes On tbe First Floor (rear) of our store, this week. Thousands of people are equipping themselves and family for the summer and this "is the time when it is safe to follow the crowd. The news of the sale remains pretty much the same. t But the break will come soon and then disappointment to the laggards! MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S STRAP SLIPPERS AND COLONIALS Sizes 8 to 10 H, usual $1.25 price, marks changed to The leathers are patent or kid. AO ! Sizes 11 to 2, usual $1.50 .7UC price, marks changed to.. $1.23 organisation the Portland Building Trades Council Is affiliated. Is also al leged as a cauee for the disruption. Continuous Tanderllle. Great Interest has been the result of But the fact that other Important Mr. Shields' moving pictures of the building trade organisations In various "President in Portland. Big houses sections of America are having their are congrepatlng at Cordray's afternoon the plaoe left vacant by the resignation of Prof. Wilder, -who for fourteen years presided over the Baptist organ loft In Portland. Frank Uborfl, aged If years, was ar rented lata yesterday" afternoon by Pa-s trolman uuinton. Tne boy la a run away from 8eattle, from which place he throuch Salt Lake City, over the scento line or tne worm. ranks decimated' by withdrawals Is con sidered as a peculiar coincidence, al though officials of the Portland body positively deny there being any connec tion between local labor troubles and outside disturbances. Portland OooacU Is Alone. . News reached Portland today of the United Board of Building Trades of New Tork City had suffered a. loss of It out of the 39 unions affiliated, press dispatches positively declaring the rup and evening to enjoy the bill which has been prepared, for the patrons of that popular house. There are eight distinct features to tho show besides the moving pictures, and a better and more diversified program has not been arranged so far by the manager of the vaudeville attractions. It Is snnounceu that on June 11 Mr. Shields will move out to his summer garden, where-a full vaudevlllo bill will bo presented. The garden has been remodeled so that old BOYS' AND YOUTHS" BOX CALF SHOES 98c Sizes 11 to 13, the usual priced $1.50, now instead... Sizes 13 H to 2, the usual priced $1.50, now instead. $1.23 Sizes 2 H to 5 , the usual r AQ priced $2.00, now instead-IeHPO Solid leather, new styles, broad toes and heavy soles. Street Oxfords, Oibson Ties; one, two , and three-strap low ties, in patent leather, vici kid and combination pat ent seal, velour and kid,. shoes just like "dad's" or mamma's, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. Misses' one, two or three-strap slippers, . with turn sole and bow, $1.50 values ...... Boys' shoes, 11 to 13, $1.50 values, at Box calf double-sole shoes, in boys' sizes 8 to 11, $1.25 vaL. r i -i 98c 98c 83c t Shoe Repairing Done Right! MSBT'8 11WID BOLES , .7Bo X.ADIXS' SEWED SOLES 600 California oak-tanned sole leather used. All stitohing done on the celebrated Groodyea Machine. Goodyear Shoe Repair Co., ALDEat, B1TWXEH TXZXS AITS TOVBTK. L Phone, Main 8031. Pree Delivery. ture to be due to differences between"noi''' 1 n price uiu nmuo o a jao vt,, ' " ' the radicals and conservatives regard' ing methods to be pursued. The officials of the local Building Trades Council say the action of the New Tork body could have no effect here,, as the Portland organization was ptffeiy local and owe allegiance to noth lrtg but the American Federation of La bor, be the order. Poultry Netting WHOX.BRAX.3B, XETAXXh Wire and Iron Fencing BANK AND OFFICE RAILINGS Barbed Wire, Wire and Lairs Psnolng. PORTLAND! WIRt! IRON WORKS ISaaafaetnrers. 108 Jt, TXXB9 ST., COB. PXJLBTSEBt. AXTSBMXITTB. EMPIRE THEATRE 12th and Mgrrlsoi Sis. hh' f?doma from! NORTHWESTERN1 VAt'DEVlLUS CO. Proprietors. friends for whom he- says he has no particular .liking. Hla mother tele graphed the local police to pick him up and send him home. The latter request fcrHV bei - ernnnllad with. TftT hail nawned a $0 dlampnd ring belonging1 to his Only Theatre I orUand Devoted to mother, but It haa been recovered. GEO. L BAKU, Resident Manajtr. PERSONALS. E. P. McDanlel, a flourlng-mlll man o: Baker City, ta at the imperial. D. D. OaUard. a United States Army officer from Vancouver, is at the Port land. J. A. byerly, a lumber -mill contractor of Ostrander, wash.. Is at the Belve dere. Sam Schmidt, head of one of the large Astoria canneries, Is spending the day, In Portland. M. H. Dickinson of Seattle, a promi nent business man' of that city, ts guest at the Portland. H. f. Meyer' Of Salem, a member of Xlgh-Class Tanderllle. Opens Monday, June 15. BICSSi MATINEES 20o and 10c. EVENING SOo. 20c and 10c. Boxes and Loges SOc. Sale of geat begins THURSDAY JUNE lltli Watch Announcement in Thursday Papers Cordray's Theatre Stifj?" room uaia vra. rariiana s i-opuiar t'amlly Raaort. the State Board Of Barber Examiners, Summer Prices Matinees. 10c snd 90c. Is registered at the Belvedere. Carl - Stebbins. one of the -owners of the Commercial Dock Company of Ta- coma, accompanied by hla wife, Is visit- Ing in the city. R. A. Marshall, the well-knffwh con tractor,' returned this morning from a two-weeks' sojourn In San -Francisco 1 and the other bay cities. r . j. tiara is expeciea nome nexi r ri-1 raldant enlorlna an Oreso day from Boston, where he has been Ira tint the Lewis and nark monument. People since last January-'interesting Eastern D0W.""'i "P""0 capitalists In Oregon mines. 9 STAB AOTS g. ix-oounty Commissioner Fhilo Hoi- Including tbe Monopede Acrobats Krnla and brook, who haa been very Hi . with nonesger. pleurisy for the past few weeks, Is again able to be up ness. Ermines, Inc. ane, arte lATIMCIt TUiiai, x:io. TONKiHT AT S:lli. "A GIAKT AM0XO HOMIXg!" RER! HRE1 BEE! SSWABS 8KXXLX4S' CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE WBBartDZBT BOOSXYXX.T. In vaudeTllI. The wonderful lt)lraeoDe will Show tha President elna tha llot.-l '.in land Biggest crop of umiirulMs on inmi,. n ruinai'jrm. ITU' past lew weexs, is again , n . ta . and to attend to bust- Tne d&mt ineatre A. B.; Nye, private- secretary to Gov ernor -aroee of . California, left this morning for Seattle, where he win spend several days sight seeing. He Is as companied by Mrs: Nye. - .Edward Buchanan, a fruit importer nf New nrlnnna. la at til rArV:ns. Mr. Buchanan recently returned from a trip lSc jPf-, to the banana- belt of Central America: CONCERT BALL He will leave tonight for California. ' ; T. J. Oelsler returned .yesterday from a' several weeks' trip in . Eastern cities. He spent a greater part of' his time In Washington City, - where he argued George L. Baker, Uanaser. Tbe blceat lilt In renra. Snmathliis tit think about. Beantlfuf In tha vitreme. THE OAT AUD ZKC 0HXXVB." 8ca Ualph Stuart as Ing Slice. Frank Camp aa (Hn l'.in. "THE HACIMAKEl." On anaam l lanjUter. Krrnlnr, 15c, 25c, 36c, le. Ma tine, 10c, Byron as Hangar laa Count. The brilliant success achieved thl season by Arthur Byron as fhe Hun garian count, who woos and wins the stubborn Geraldliia in the Clydentch It was also denied that conditions comedy which Mary Mannerlng Is to prevailing here were similar to , those present at the Marquam urana ineatre ullegcd aa the cause of the New York next Monday and Tuesday nights, under disintegration. the management of Frank, However, tbe fact remains that the arouses pleasant memories or anouicr Portland Building Trades Council has, H.vron in thw-mmd or veteran piar- In his handsome bearing- 'and from a total membership of IS unions richness, of voice,' Arthur Byron ts a to seven. Tha bricklayers led In this double of his father as Oliver Doud tecea!tfa"n'd': the'.-:3aborrar: Froiectfvi- Ityron twenty years ago. His hit this Association has thus fur been the last season is not his flrat. although he is to go. Reorganization of the Building cne of tho youngest nctors on the stage Trades-CourtcH la admitted -bv -U to be todny who has reached a position of a necessity, and It Is probable that steps such prominenoe. His work In support have already been taken to bring this of John Drew for several seasons was about, Hut tha exact results that will or tne nigneai oraer. aim m follow cannot be, forecasted. Union of the dimcult oie mat naa iaien members ara reticent on thla riolnf. to his share in Miss Mannering s com- saying they much prefer t6 await de- pnny has determined Manager McKee velopments and Intimating that the sub- to place hint In the ranks of "tars lect is one too delicate to admit of ad-I neatt season. His stellar debut will oe vance discussion. ALT. Agent Working. Meanwhile the agents of the American Labor Union are hard at work, and It Is claimed the efforts they are putting forth to undermine the peace, and pros perlty of the Federation lot- Labor has had much Influence in bringing about the present looaened condition of labor affairs. In Fortland at least. If not in all sections of the country. xnax-atsintegraiion win oe roiiowea Dy reorganisation Is believed to be assured, but the lines which will be followed out In reconstruction are still nowhere more until Thursday and rriaay re spectively because Judge Hogue thinks the weather Is too not at present to permit of two Jury trials In one day. wells and Brown were arreaiea jasi 6und&.y, and have been In jail ever since. when arraigned oerore juage Hoaue In the municipal court, Attor ney Watts demanded Immediate sepa: r.ite 1urv trials ror nis enema, urpuij District Attorney Adams seemed op posed to this plan, but Mr. Watts finally won the day. - Attorney Watts also requested an arlv trial, but Judge Hogue siaiea BLAZIEB BB0S. COXCI5BT IvEBX MG0T. several Important legal cases before the SPECIALTIES for tha LADIES ot roBTLAND. All klnda rZATEEK ana BOAS 0LIAXEO and CUBED. Mas. X. QU.BHT. (rem loaaon, ISU4 First. Dear corner, (bone West U90. United States Supreme Court. H. O. VanDusen. State Fish Commis sioner, : is registered ' at the Imperial from Astoria. Mr. vanuusen states that the salmon catch la better now than at any time thla season, Chtnooks are more plentiful ana , sx better adapted, for, canning., Edward Kiddle of Island City, one of tbe pioneers of Eastern Oregon, is a guest at the imperial. Mr. Kiaoie inn firilAn f IT IT fill A IJI hut -brother own and operate the largest IlllHI lit If. r I IOCN tairni m ttmr eiK.viwii inu rmisw wwi 1 ... hour " mini m island city, La, orande Formerly of fliUn, Italy, ana uniun. aa.w iviuuib a vtai.f. ATTENTION! Art and Science made in the title role of "Major Andre.- a romantic colonial drama which Clyde Pitch has based upon the career or tne Ill-fated but heroic young British om cer, who, like Nathan Hale, gladly gave bis life for his country s service TOO HOT FOR TRIALS, Municipal Judge Hogue Beruses to Oraa Immediate Searing on Ae oonat of Weather. James Wells and H. Brown, charged t . v. icAnv Af punivr w I T9 from the tnan aimiy oiscerniDie. and m many a- - gh -ot j Leve, will remain In rectlons ate entirely Invisible. J" hi Th,.ran-v and Friday re- There are those who forecast the coming in of politics and the division of organised labor into two entirely separate classes, one of which will carry its wishes to the polls and per haps adopt radical measures and make active political campaigns In connection with Its'' efforts to better labor condi tions. The other will remain conserva tive, operating along the lines laid down by the American Federation In the past It is claimed by members of the Fort- land Building Trades Council that for months there have been two factions at variance. These partlaans are (styled fro the bench that on ,Ccount of "the . . .. .,. , ''""-""- " warm weather he wuld set tne cases lor OOUlHllHia, il is hiu, navo uccii iur some time on the verge of gaining con trol of the organization, much to the chagrin of the other element. Both sides exchanged criticisms and the feel ing; was so strong that when the1 brick layers withdrew, nine weeks ago, there were several other unions ready to fol low in their pathway. It Is claimed that dlsbandment or reorganization of the Building Trades Council became Inevitable from that moment. The "Conservatives are the ones said tn ha hrenlclna- ft WAV from their affilia tion with the central body, and there Is strong rumor that of the seven unions still in the fold a number are preparing to adopt the same course taken by the other (jissenters. Although tne Bociausis: are claimed to be In the minority now, they are ad mitted by all to be sufficiently strong to make it exceedingly interesting for their alleged opponents In the event of reorganisation, or to entirely prevent that step should their wishes not re ceive the desired consideration. And so, while great significance Is at tached to the present somewhat strained condition and important results are ex pected, just what will be the outcome is a mystery a mystery to the solu tion of which thousands are anxiously looking forward. KEELEY BNST1TUTE FIRST and MONTGOMERY STS. - - - - PORTLAND, OR. .' Cures Liquor, Opium and Tobacco IJabits Hie only authorized Keeley Institute in Oregon. Elegant quarters and grerj :onvenlencs. Correspondence strictlv k Thnradnv and Friday, J. Leve. upon whosa complaint Wells and Brown were -arrested, ts the Junk dealer who waa arrested upon complaint of Deputy .District Attorney Arthur Spencer six weeks ago for willfully and knowingly buying stolen property irum thre bovs. He was bound over to await trial in the State Circuit Cfturt and his case is to be heard at an early date. AFTER UNSANITARY SHOPS State Board of Barber Examiners Kaa Taken Drastlo Action Against Sev eral Local Places. The State Board of Barber Examiners Is out after the scalps or the proprie tors of unsanitary barber shops. At a meeting held last night in Allsky Hall the licenses of several such places were revoked. Those against whom drastic action was taken were Jack Ennls. J4 North Second street; C. A. Smith. First and Clay streets, and Jack Matoon. Tbe charges against Ennls .and Smith were preferred by Dr. Mae Card well of the City Health Board, who testified that the shops were lit an un usually unhealthful condition. Other testimony of like character was given by various city officials who had inves tigated the cases. The examiners are considerjng a num ber of charges preferred against other shops which it Is alleged are Violating the law. On July 6. when the board meets. In Portland to examine candi dates a rigid Inspection of every shop In the city will be made. -preferred Bttook Canned (roods. Allen Lewis' Best Brand. XAYB TOU SBBH THB SBBPBsTTT SZA Watch for the unlou and catchy ...v... 1 , . ...fc v. DamDhlet issued by tne uenerai t-as M..nn a nrt win ivmiin nRro innjUKnmn I i.ui i,ii,iiu uu aihiiw viuiv.j vi - . . . m . i . . i '"-"" '"- "V . ' " . ..... ". . .. . u. ..iki i i.iinn . i senser iwranraeiivmi u the-week to attend we aeaaions "t. ne grand lodge. trttat Tas William T. Pants, who has been p- itudlo. pointed, postmaster at Weatgrove. Pa., was once an old hunting comrade of the President. ' v ' 1 ;rh4 Tj rvole? "auliure '"""' fiwT Department ot the Astoria & ta Columbia J-Jj-lJ-; Company. ram op to inspection at W jfSrJSST SKT "we'lr MULKEY BUILDINQ, BOB. SBOOire ABB KOBBISOB ! told and handsomely illustrated, and will make Its nrst appearance a pout June iv. Copies mailed free upon application to J. C. Mayo, G. F. & P. A.. Astoria. Or. Just Think How much warmer Old Sol is than you are. Then think of those summer fixings you were told to order at Dayton's. leave your list on the way home and we'll send them to you on first morning delivery. . Ice Cream Freezers, 2 qts. $1.50 Ice Chisle$25c Scr". Doors, com.$lAd.Win. kreens,3o ln.3Sc Rub. Bose.wir't, SO ft. 4-Sprink(ers.revlv'g $1 Lawn Mower$.l4 in.2.600il Stoves, 2 br.JS.SO DAYTON HARDWARE CO. Cor. First and Taylor Sts. SIOB OF TBE BIO PADLOCJC. .DON'T BUY A aASouiiNE ErsaiivE UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN . OUR ENGINES JH AND QO r OUR PRICES We give a written guarantee with every engine for one year, and we are right here to back it up. Patron ize home Industry by buying from the manufacturers. A. J. GILL & GO. 330 and 232 Oak St.. Portland, Or "Tha same will became a facoaahold wars." TEETH Money can buy no better full sets of teeth $7.. We use tha beat teeth and tha bast rubber or vulcanite that neoay eaa buy. Our cheapest grade eaa be bad for S4.Q0. Gold Crowns, 22-k, $3 This Includes '80-guafe, reinforces on cutting lg any tooth ta tbe month. No eharge for treatment ' of say kind wber crowns or fillings axe ordered. Fillings Gold, small other flIILpga alreil. Toe. All operations strletly modern. 11.00. large MOO: sH ot any material da- Alba Dentists Orer Ellera Piano Bouse, opposite Cordray's Theatre. Phone. Main 2T06. 'Tha name will become a household ward." OLD EAST PORTLAND FENCE & WIRE WORKS Phone White 974. A. Carlson, Brof, Manufacturer of WOOD, IRON AND STEEL FENCING tad the Universal Combination l"aae I Roof Cresting, Window Guards, BTXBTTXZBO UK WZBB, 189 E. Morrison y ortland. !. - ' 1 1 f lealWlWTsi S SSasalSssmsiSSSaSssT 93 SECOND STREtT Bet. STARK and OAK The largest and most complete . n -r rf dertaking establishment on theCoai JV, M lv Jl JtV. O F. S. Dunning, mc , 414 mst Aiuer, corner East Sixth. Both phones. Calls promptly answered to any part of the city. . ' TELEPHONE -444