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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1903)
v i J..V,' TIIE OREGON DAILY JO QnNAL, PORTLAND, TtJESDAY EVENING. JUNE 0, 1003. 1 1 f 3 i -." I-'. i 1 1'i FLOOD TIDE ON THE COLUMBIA if' 5 J Mighty River Is Four Miles ' Wide, at Vancouver and Property is Being Endangered Mills Stop Work. 'if si If. i- ; i Railway Company Has Men Constantly on the Watch to . Protect Its Slough Tracks : Farms Are Afloat, PORTAGE RAILWAY UNDER DISCUSSION The Commission Meets at Salem and Preliminary Survey is Ordered. (Journal Sperlnl Service.) VANCOUVER, WasJ June 3. The Columbia River hns reached the stag Vt 23 feet above low wmer and ronsld- (Journnl Special Service.) 8ALKM. June 9. The Portage Rail way Commission, consisting of Governor O. E. Chamberlain. Secretary of State F. I. Dunbar and State Treimurer C. 8. Moore, hold a brief session hit yester day afternoon, when Civil Engineer A. Hammond, who wan presrnt, nil engaged to mako a preliminary survey pf the proposed railway from Beufert's cannery, threo and one-half miles above the city of The Dalle, to Olllo, a point above the dalles of the Columbia River, n distance of cljrht mile. Mr. i Hammond wns authorized to make a Kurvey, employing; all needed nHRlstnnce, and this Is to bo followed by systematic LARGE SAWMILL WILL BE BUILT llwac'o is Rejoicing Over the Prospects of a Monster Plant Johanson Looking Ovehhe Field, If Suitable Site is Secured the. Institution' Will Be Construct ed at Once Owners Have Experience. W I SPELL IS BAD FOR WHEAT dairy cow giving rood flow of milk. .. senmsrg, curry county, u w. zum- waJt All vegetation making v rapid growth; crops looking wall! prospects food for fruit; stock doing nicely; taking on fat very fast . , , , , -. natoaa Segloa. . ' Lakevlew. Lake County. W. HS. Wheeler Everything1 growtng rapidly; proapect ' RK5SS!CSZZe23!S3ZZS5CSZBiiaiIIZ2SXZaZSZSKZZSX3!ZZS3Zir 1 E nvenience Weather Is Unfavorable - For tiS Late Sown Fall Gram Some way: stock poking wen. r4 A.... f iw..,. jn.j Clarno, Wheeler County, L. H. Dale i luoio uw,ui iii vvcoicni ran of State, Corn Needs More Rain, but the Crop. Looks Ouite Well- Fruits, Except Peaches, Con- in tmue-Very Promising Some local shower; cool nights; crope very backward oo upland; hay crop wtll be light; alfalfa crop good and cutting begun; all kind of fruit good; rain needed badly '- t , Deschutes, Crook County, John Atkin son Part of week warm, with thunder ehowers; grass growing nicely;' grain looking better, but still backward; stock i . V arable damage hao already been done. I k , rr.clrlnf( th rght of wav nd Tor the last 2i hours the water have been rising slowly, but every Inch now means danger and possible disaster and the last six or eluht Inches rise 1ms caused most of the trouble. Yesterday afternoon the Du Bols lum ber mill was compelled I shut down be cause of the flood that crept Into the yards and about the plant. Little damage has been done the establishment but further work wtll be suspended until the water goes below 21 feet. - The Portland Street Railway had sev eral gangs of men at work yesterday on their bridges and trestles over the Columbia Sloughs across the river. Heavy logs, huge ' Mumps and debris Of all sorts lodged against the bridge timbers and several times close work was needed to prevent the structures suffering severe damage. The chief work is in keeping the drift moving tnd every effort of the laborers has been toward this end. Somas gorroondod. -All along the river front the water has reached the yards snd home 6f the mill workers and in most places the passsges to the family gate la made on a raft or boat. Barns last night long the south front had from six i ' Inches to two feet of water In them, the I' cellars of the houses are filled with i , muddy water, the approaches to the I ' mills' are generally cut off. and little . business can be done in the milling 41s j trlet until the river goes down a foot r more. The river itself Is now one vast lake 'gome five miles wide with a swift cur-i'- rent of a mile to mark the river proper. . . Tha alougha that usually are separated 1 by acrea of land are an Inland lake, the t - gelds are awaah with .the slow moving, ? dirty flood and the homes of many of i' ' the river bank farmers are tenable 'only 1 in the upper story. Herds of rattle are being driven to the main land and the "Jeae wraps ilBwuBt Anf h s i . i the final building of the Portage Rail way. Mr. Hammond Is satisfied that there are no obstacles lr the wny of a successful fruition of the plane of tho commission, and ho will begin his work nt once. ORYDOCK PONTOON READY FOR WATER Section Number Two Com pleted, but Must Wait Un til High Water Departs. (Journal Special Service.) VANOrVER, Wash., Juno 8 The launching of . the second pontoon of the Portland Dry Dock, under construction, hns been delayed by the high water, and until the flood recedes, or reaches auch a point that the pontoon la launched from ita moorings without formal cere mony, there will be no further activity with this section. The pontoons are five in number and are alt under way, though the last one will probably' not be launched before Beptember, according to the statement of the foreman on the work. No. 1 was launched some weeks ago, and it was the Intention to send the. other over the ways, last Saturday, but high water postponed the ceremony. The pontoons will be launched as finished, but will not be taken to the Port of Portland until they are completed. Work has begun on the remaining three, and other launchlngs 111 follow at intervals of a month or so. 1I.WACO, Wash., June 9. That II waco will have a sawmill In operation the coming winter Is almost a certainty now. Frits Johanson has been looking over the field. It was said a few weeks that Mr. Johanson contemplstod building a mill here but a great many thought It waa only talk and , nothing would come of tho matter. That Johanson means business Is now attested by himself. He said the only thing In the way was a water front, "if a suitable water frontage can be secured on Rakers Buy we will certainly build our mill here this winter" s.tld Mr. JohanHon. This sounds like business. Mr. Jo hanson stated further thnt tho more he looked over the field and slsed up the location the more he became Impressed with the desirability of the location. Just where he wishes to build Mr. Jo hanson has not yet decided. He will tnnb 1. - IaIJ 1 iwi lira uoiu mci cHrcjunjr a nu wnon , . . , . , . . he decides as to the best location the il.V.-'L1?! .'rf.6. -t?. J?!?.-' th next thing to do will be to get hold of the water front for this purpose snd there Is little doubt but this can be done with little difficulty and on terms to suit tho promoters. Messrs. Johanson and partner. Mr. 'Bllle, are now operating a sawmill on a small scale on the Chinook River. ' This waa burned down laat year and has not been built up to any great proportions. It is their Intentions to remove the ma chinery of this mill here and by adding to it to make an up-to-date sawmill In every respect. Just what the capacity will be remains to be decided later but It wilt be a mill for 1 1 waco to well be proud of. In addition to the sawmill a planing mill will be run In connection and all the lumber, both dressed and rough, can be obtained right at home for all the building of the future. Union,' Union County, John W. Mln nick -Qrasi growing nicely; spring grain coming up uneven; winter ' wheat good stand; fruit set heavy; berries are good crop; range stock fast regaining flesh. Rockcreek. Baker County, J. K. Fisher A few showers mode everything look better; grass is growing fine, and grain la nearly ready to Irrigate; some have (By Edward A. Reals.) In tha eastern part of the state the first ' of the week, was cool and a few small showers occurred, after which dry and moderately warm weather pre vailed. In the weatern section the week commenced this week' on their fall grain has been dry: durlna the first few days vegetables doing well. the nlahts were eool. and in some places light frosts occurred: during the latter Southern Oregon. psrt the . temperature rose decldodly, Applegate, Jackson County. J. W. and Sunday the warmest day of tho sea- Pennoll Very dry; barley heading; grain son occurred, witn the thermometer very poor; considerable alfalfa cut, with registering peiwecn yu ana luo degrees, fair yield; irrigated gardens doing well; This warm weather has Injuriously hops looking fine; corn growing slowly; affected late sown spring wheat and no prospect for that crop unless it rains roruge crops, wnicn now Daaiy neea soon; grass drying on range, rain. In all porta of the state, except Dryden. Josephine County, H. 8. Mas In the coast counties, fall .wheat, barley tin Weather dry; daytime warm; nights ana rye are beginning to head; in the cool; frost Wednesday morning did some case or wneai tne straw is unusually damage: early grass mostly dried ud: short, and the crop ns a whole promises feed on range scarce; grain still looking io do consiaeraDiy peiow tne average un- well. Oakland. Doueiaa Count v.. C. W. Vail condition of that sown in the spring. Warm and dry all week; rain badly corn atso needs ram. out tne not needed; fruit and hopa looking well, but wen mi-1 naa causea n io grow rapiaiy grain ana garaeos are, in tid condition. auring ma wft. uaraena are - aoing fairly well, but complaints are increas ing of damage to aquashes, beans and UU SITATX TBUtTEM. pumpkins by insert pests. Hops that I AlexV Strong to Jas. Walton. W. came up are doing nicely, but quite a I V lot I. block 101, Aiken's sdd.. 2800 number oi yards have been abandoned i. ana i. u Kenwortny to m. J. owing to the great number of missing HilL lot 1, block 1, lots 1, . hills. Some alfalfa and early clover ft1,.7,?.1?1? i "kock has hppn nit i Tabordale; lota 1, i, block 7, has been cut Menlo Park subdlv. The fruit prospects, except peaches. C. and J. Wohlfarth to John Ken continue very promising, although In worthy, lot 1. block 1. lots 1. 1, the Willamette Vslley a few correspond- block , Tabordale enta report cherries and some vsrietles O. Bremen -to Victor Laild Co of apples as only fair. Strawberries are 2, u- block a- Orchard abundant and of excellent quality. r wVnrt 'n'n Tvwr'.V V m k Wood rum, lot i, block I. Tlb- nett a add. Troutdale. Multnomah County. Fred Ellmath KckeraCon "and Wusband Thus does Ilwacoa future continue to H. Frulht Dry and warm; crops grow- brlghten. I i 1 thoussnds. ; Brill Ctaravda Vadar Water. , , Since Saturday the artillery drill grounds at the Fort have been under . water and by last evening only a har .Tow.. strip of sword, waa available for 'maneuvers. That the river has done some dam- age farther up was evident last evening - for hsy stacks, pig pens, chicken coops and other farm attachments were seen mid stream. If the heat of the last two daya continues local rivermen ex- ct the waters to rise still higher from . the melting snows of the mountains. but .unless the hill streams augment tha force of the flood It is thought that . , the high mark for the present has been reached, as the latest readings Of the gauge show a falling rtver rather than a rising one, though the fall Is very alow as yet. Zakt for ot eWather. VANCOUVER, vWas.i.. June 8 Orders were Issued at the fort this morning for the Seventeenth Infantry to appear lit field uniform .after the 10th. ?he artillery received, this order Sun day and-have been rejoicing in cool garmente thla week while their brothers in" WU ' have" been sweltering in the heavy ergulition uniform. The kakl for the Infantry will be entirely naw and after the 10th the regiment will "turn out for dress parade and drills kt shin- Ifig-rainment fresir-from the shop.--For tha past two days the troops have been forming for retreat, drill and guard mount in the shady nooks of the grounds and even this ameloriation of their hot condition did not satisfy. " . ORDERS ISSUED BY" THE SUPREME COURT Jury Drawn for July. VANCOUVER, Wash. June . The following names were drawn this morn ing for the July jury of the Superior Court: A. J. Campbell. John B. H la-don, J. W. Haverbush. F. J. Woods. P. J. Carlson, H. R. Helsen, J. E. King, S. T. Boayfelt. Ira E. Spencer, A. D. Wright, D. B. Wood. WliHnm Strong. W. J. ampbell. E. Harris, R. Kels, . P. 8. Adams. A. Hossack. F. A. Boutelle, A. C. Chumasero, F. W. Allen. Court -will convene July 7 There is a heavy Civil docket and several criminal cases are to be tried. SUNDAY WEDDING AT HOME (Journal Special Service.) SAT. KM. June 9. The suprerrie court has granted the application of the nt torney for" Pleasant Armstrong, appel lant In the noted murder case from Baker county, for an extension of time to serve and file his brief. 20 days ad ditional time being granted the defend ant. Other orders made by the court In cases pending are: . .. Oijo. "A. LaVle, appellant, vs. W. L. Tooie, respondent; ordered on motion that appellant have 30 days' additional time to serve snd file his brief. Oeo. A. I-aV'to. appellant, vs. A. B. Crosby, respondent; ordered on motion that appellant have 30 days' additional time. to serve and file his brief.' C i. M. Hilts, appellant, vs. Rachel Hilts, respondent; appeal dismissed. In the matter of the estate of H. O. Straight, deceased,. Allen ft. Lewis, ap pellants. vs. Henry E. Stevens, admin istrator, respondent; dismissed on stip ulation. Geo. "P. Furman' hi. at., respondents, vs. Oeo. St. John, appellant; affirmed on motlpn; appeal abandoned. ing, but a few showers would be of great help. Bethany, Washington County, N. Johnson Wheat looking bad; oats In flne condition; potato planting prog ressing rapidly; haying begun; hops running on wires; pasturage at Its best; fntit tookimr -wrtr -- Liberal. Clackamas County, 8llss Wrlrht Fall wheat hnriln: rv Vienrieri Clarke County Now Has Four ' " looktng well; prunes falling badty; strawberries getting ripe; squash bugs! doing a great deal of damage to beans, cucumbers and squashes. ' Willamlna, Yamhill County, A. H. Lelghton Weather favorable; prunes, apples and cherries doing finely; pas- SMALLPOX EPIDEMIC BEING CONTROLLED Deputies in the Field and Five Hospitals. VANCOUVlR.. Wash.. June 9 Dse P. L. West has been for some time In charge of the sanitation of the lumber camps of the Weyerhaeurser Company to Martin Bock, lot I, block , Maegley Highland J. A. Hlggtna to Louis Rotermund, lot IS, block S. KInsel Park Port Trust Co. to Fnnnle C. Beebe, lots 18. 14, block 13. Tremont Place . Ernest A. Graf to Theresa Graf, W. ft. W. tt sec. -4, twp. 1 s.. r. S e Henry 3auer and wife M E. t. Dewey, lots 12, 16. block J. Al bino Homestead Jay Beach and wife to Axel F. Erlckson. block "B," snd E. 10 feet lot 12, block 12. Taborside. Portland Trust Co. to Wnt. H. Hoffman and wife, lot 4, block 1. Alblna Homestead Mulfnomah Real Estate Ass'n to Annie . Brunlck, lot 4, block 20, Willamette A. E. Erlckson et al.. to F. H. Blencoe et ' al., lota t. A, block 7. Mansfield 800 125 120 1600 SO " ' .' ' B;'"' rfeB aaa ' . i 1 M fi 8 - j i il 7 n :!-,;. Bt I s Of Electric Afpllarices should recommeal. them t? ereryonsv for g use in business tr in the heme. So handv for so roanv uses, nrst m . ccst so small thrfy are economical as well as convenient. We "can show Vou a great variety of goods that you will find it to your advantage to use. ' PORTLAND GENERAL EliECTRIC COMPANY Seventh and Alder Streets Portland, Oregon - I aeBaiBnCZZEOSCCRBEKOBEIEaiBIBIlBIBBIBBSEKUIIBI Breakfast, Dinner or Supper FOR YOUR EAT THE BEST HAM THAT MONEY CAN BUY. ASK FOR hi ci rv n n a in If Jr i l ml II i Z- 14 Actt fiA mnrA iUmn mnv f hr ani If Is a ticnliit. v Ha Ref X From Oregon Wheat-Fed Hogs and Government Inspected. 'a ii - . r a ... A A t-A A f iiunic rrvuuvi anu iiviic uciicr umuc. , All First-class drocers and Butchers sell .SHIELD BRAND GOODS. t I tures and grain need rain. Monmouth, foik county. A. a. Ad- Louise. Repbein snd husband to In Clarke County and reports that Kln" vvathr warm, gram growing Kuby m Hhafer. lots , 4,olocK ihnnirn ih. Dra si'rni miu in last: ran and winter sown sraln iook- auu. io min the several camns thn Quarantine ruin '"K well; some late sown are belns pnforced and conHitlona ore needs rain badly; fruit prospects raplu.y becoming better. Dr. West is wun tne exception or apples, wnicn will Portland Lone Fir Cemetery Co, one of the deputies recently appointed b9 short crop; some hop yards look- to E. D. Dewey, lot C, block 88, to look after a specific part of the 'ng nne ana otners win yieia a snort ione ir cemetery nrlna- rmin Alexander Strong to SopWIa G. .spelts 'Jood! XTidd'1 .l0t ' bCk ,06' s. which will Portland Lone Fir Cemetery Co, yards look- to E. D. Dewey, lot . block 88, Jpld a short I.nn irtr Cemetrv w j.fwn our, n. njj.-v 1 1 1 v (oi l w ill. " I - - - . . ' , county when the contagion became gen- crop; clover looks good, and haying will Annie Collins to D. J. Buckley, lot ersl. Other deputies now st work are: commence by the ISth. I ....P.VV..;' "?2 .'' ;''d' FRESHETS AT- THE- DALLES Water Bo Sigh That Stiver Steamers Are Unable to Beach tha jiocks. (Journal Special Service.) THE DALLES, Or., Juno 9. ' The steamer P.egulator on Saturday tried, eleven times to reach the Locks with out success. ' During this time the steamer Bailey Gatzert arrived and tried to reach the Locks, but did not do any better than the Regulator. They returned to Bonneville, where the pas sengers and irelght were transferred by the O. R & N. Company to the fppcr Cascades. This means will be used afc Ions as the frf shot is so high that the boats ore uemble to reach the Locks. r Hunirod at Tho Dalles. Yer.tcrday ' was the hottest June diiy In thirty-nine years, the thermometer Dr. Wright. In charge of the southwest Wells. Benton County. V. A. Carter- county district; Dr. Black, in Vancouver Latter part of week warm and favor- nd Felida: Dr. Snider, in La Center. All owe ror ail crops; tne previous cold the deputies state that finally they have weather lessened the cherry snd pear secured the co-operstlon of the best crops; meadows snort; tne hay crop, it families in the' various districts and Is thought, .will be light; range Is lnv that quarantine rules are being enforced, -provlrigr rain-needed" for late grain. At first great trouble was experienced Sllverton. Marlon County, J. F. Davis In getting anyone to observe these rules. Spring grain exceedingly promising; 660- 200 ISO 2000 8100 1100 UNION MEAT CO. I A A A A AAAAAAAA A AAAAAAA AdVaf gtt A fr afc A A gtl stl sti stl stl A A A A a4 AsBi Aath Banfield-Veysey Fuel Co. I SLAB WOOD 25 100 Gustav Kutsschen and wife to R. J. Linden, blocks 26, 28, Port- " land .Park sj4d- . . ... R. Welch and wife to John J. Cole. lot 2. Work 78. Sell wood Victor Land Co. to Leander Lewis, ' lot 7, block 23. Mt. Tabor Villa. fjB QUABAVTBBD TITLES Bee. 'Pacific Coast Abstract. Guaranty A i iiimo ruin, i'"B Fivui.iiiS, oaiijj ihiu.. ii,, llll-- but when several were arrested Tor their ITair f r-OTrt ldOkriig -better, but the efTects IT ' ' . ' violations the sentiment of opposition of the hard winter are plainly visible; ,n t tlf . d htu materially changed. All the homos of meadows, hops, gardens, potatoes, corn 1 10 real estate from the 1-tie Guarantee the arnicted nave oeen fumigated, rour onq rruii ooing wen. .1 Trust Co., Chamber of Commerce. pesthouses nave been built In various Jyons, Linn county, J. B. Trask-r- ports of tne county and the officers be-. Fore part of week cloudy and cool, with I BtJIZJJIJi'GI FXBICXT8. lleve that all danger of a general epl- some rain; latter part clear and warm; , y0r Woodward ltellen A Wakefleld demlc has passed. DECISIONS AND FILINGS crops growing finely; fruit pretty well To alter a two-story building on Second lormeu, bu noi a ncavy crop; some 8treet, between Davis and Everett, to varieties killed by late frosts and cold I Pf,.t i.s rrlends. refrlstering 100 degrees. Sunday It was Sgr. Xomar and Mlft Taylor Wsddsd at! !7 deicrces. Keportn from the Interior Vancouver Before a Tew arp l"at u 'nls wenincr continues the wncai crop win ne entirely uesiroyea, nnd the formers nrc pravlnar for rain - "VANCOUVER.. Wash.. June 9. John I t. c:r.c to thc-lr relief. Homar and Miss Ida Taylor of thin j . . ,- City were married at the home of trie i A DDHIN'TQ PfXWl l IQQIHM TDC bride's parents Sunday noon by Jiims;rri Uli.lO UUlVI IVI lOOlUIN LnO Bteffan, Justice of the Peace. i . The couple were married beneath an , Governor C'-.ombeiiaia Nanus tho Men arch of cedar sprigs and scarlet roses, , the' wedding march played by Mss ! To A"i-t Dltric Agriculturaa Oengean serving as an obligato to the I Society. Ceremony. The bride was dressed in a! ijnurnal Special Service I eoat of dove-colored cloth. trimmed j S.;l.Ii.M. Ju;i 'J. Governor .!enn;e E. irlth lace. She was attended by her j Cl::iuil-M-lal;i t .lay .tppolnteil tlie mem exrusln. Miss Tsylor of Felida, Hiid the be"n of !;ie Sec on I Southern Ore gon groom by Mr. Randolph of-Felida. Only i I I l ; a t j.rfcultunil Society to serve the close friends .and relative." o." the 4 l"r tvc-yfu!.'. .uid t ai-i In (niiiivtllon Couple witnessed the wddltig. - A bridal' iTr.'tth l'oiir . Ulerts to be nam. d. one luncheon followed the marriage The fruM ach of th" 1 mnti's of (.'.ioh, contra rtlng parties have known each ; u r-. Douci.. :,nd i,am th. .- to he Other since early yoatl,. a:id hotft of! '! sen by liie romnilf.sliiin'iv. of liieir Judge Benders Verdict la Harlan Di vorce and Bnrska Creamery Oases. VANCOUVER. Wash.. June 9. The fol lowing cases and decisions have been filed and handed down In the Superior Court of Clarke County: The Eureka Co-operotlvs Creamery Compnny against W. Prutxman and A. Halne. Justice of the Peace. The plain tiff asks that the action of the lower court be reviewed. The coso was one In whlcn the company Biied Prutzman for 90 and received a Judgment for $20. Judge Jjlller today ordered the parties to appear within 10 days and show cause why the writ of review should not be granted. In the case of T. Harlan agnlnst Mari etta Harlan the Superior Court has -do-creed that tlj bonds uniting the parties In marriage shall be dissolved. The plaintiff In the- case of Sarah H. Parker against E. li. Cochran has been granted a demurrer and the defendant is allowed 10 days to answer the peti tion of the plaintiff. The suit Is over the title to land In Clarke County. rains. Junction City, Lane County, O. C. WI1 lett Hot and dry; all cropa need rain badly; late sown grain in spots wither Ing for want of moisture; crop condi tions growing less promising each day, with ground dry and hard; fruit doing fairly well. friends wish them mhvih. Those Il.' ,y DEATH OF AGED MAN (Journal Special S r l'-e. 1 I SALEM. June 9. Audi w Ilium-j haugh. a htgehly respectei farm' r re- I Iding north of thlt city, dle.l at 2 i 'clock yesterday afternoon, as th re- gulf of paralysis, aged SS year.". He! was born in Dayton. O. m". mi;, and : Wis married in Indiana to Sarah lier- 1 Inger, who died in this state. "0 years! OgO. The ,familv tame to Oregon In 16. settling near this cltv. Deceased i leaves four daughter, one son.. 15 grand- children and tight great-grandchildren tif mourn his demise. The funeral will held" 'tomorrow at 10 u. m., from the horrtV of his daughter. Mra. Ellen Vah?Clee. north of this city. I!. '. i nt;; A. A. He-rmar.n. 01-1 Oi'forJ Smith. .M'vitle V. A. I I . jeet ' . Ol'l'it I- ! he ( iov nvir nr' I .1. .Mice::. !;, I Ual.lail.l; Seliiller I P'.lnt: W. T. Ker I U:ii,!;ia, i'injrene. j 'i":ie Eeeond . fiuthcr't Or icnlioral Dtstrl't i;; 'comjio I Tour counties wmi-.l. ::ml tvnivi") an eppr-prlatlon of $.K0o p : :,rnum t !.e u I h: iii" payment of premiums for r.iiih!ti at the ::ur.ual f;:ir lirld In the ili'Oriet. OScer From Infected Camps. VANCOlVEU, Wash, June 9. County commissioner A. A. Comberg returned this morning from the Northern part of the county, .where he has been aiding the deputy physician in controling the ivniallpox epidemic in lUmbercamps. He r portK conditions. mtich "better, -the case? being now of ihe mildest typo :i mi cuui'.intlne rules being strictly enforced. Colombia Blver Valley. BldgeWay, Wasco County, Miss M. U'Ren Very warm, .with heavy thunder showers last Tuesday; vegetation doing well, . but about two weeks later than .last year. -' Wasco, Sherman County, W. C. More house Quite warm; wheat Improved very much; rain would be very bene ncial. N Olex. Gilliam County, George D. Marod Warm and dry; wheat heading, very short; unless a chango for the fetter comes soon a large part of the crop will not pay for harvesting; fruit In good condition; pasture getting short; alfalfa good crop, but lntc. Lexington, Morrow County, Edwin R. Beach Weather favorable, except a de ficiency' of rainfall; good showers hove occurred In somo ports of the county, while In other parts crops are suffering and will be light unless more rain falls soon. Duncan, ftUmat Ilia County, E. S. Wil bur Range unusually short; rain badly needed. Milton. Umatilla County. F. A. Bikes Recent rains have greatly revived wheat and barley; stra-w -will ue -short,- but -is well headed, arid one more good 'rath will insuro an average crop of fall sown grain; strawberries a large crop; alfalfa harvest Just begun. For John Morgan To erect aapne- story dwelling , on Twenty-first street, between Reed and York, to cost II. 000. For t3eorge Hayner To erect a one story dwelling on Oregon street, be tween East Twenty-eighth and East Twenty-Ninth to cost ll.OOO. For C. J. Jones To 'erect a one and one, holf-story dwelling on Fargo street. between Koaney ana union avenues, to cost 81,260. For Charles E. Runyon To erect four two-story flats, on the northeast corner of 8lxth and Madison street, to cost 8U.000. Get your orders In early and give your wood change to dry. Office; No. 80 THIRD STREET ' Ore. Phone. Main 333; Columbia 373. ' PORTLAND. OREGON Drink the Old and Renowns d Gambrinus Lager Beer i Send orders for Bottled Beer to OFFICE. 793 WASHIIIGTON STREET t Telephone No. Main 49- -Botb Phones I BXBTKS. May 31 To the wife of Louie Klock zeln. a son. May 30 To the wife of Clarence D. Gill, a son. . , , X m. .- Personal. VANCOUVER. Wash.. June !). Judge of the Superior Court A. L. Jlifier left last evening for Kiattle. to attend ri i Alaf-'nnle conclave. He expects to return in A;;rl- ! m 11 days. I of the ! J. R. West, a rrradunte of the dental college at, Iloulder. Colo . is visiting his h'-other. Dr. r.. W. "Vest. GOVERNOR AT ASHLAND , (Journal Speclol Service.) SALEM, June 9i-3'hc Governor. Sec . rotary of State mi Superintendent of ,1 Public Instruction left last night for Ashland, where they will today attend a meeting of the Board of Regents of ( the Southern Oregon State Normal ' School, held for the purpose of electing . AufU tat tha next year. 1 t ' - . THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE " Even, children drink Grain-O brcaa- they, lilto it and the do tors ray it is ;;,ouJ for them. Why ,. not ? It cootai an nil of tlio notiris. " fnent of the pure fraia aud noiso . cf Ihe poisons of coffee. TRY IT TO-DAY. At grooam eroaoezof lie, sod ISc per pocks( Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ftas beea used for orfT 61XTY YBARSby Mil, I.ION3 of MOTHERS for their tHILDSKN while TEETVINO, wlttt PERFECT 8UCCE8A It SOpTOES fke CilUU, SOFTS SS the OCM3, ALIAVS all IAJM CCRES WJND COLIC, aad Is th best renody for PIABRHCEA. Sold by Druggists ia every part of th world. B amra ad ask for "Mrs. WinsloWs Boathiag Syrup, had toko aootkor kiad. TwoatSv ct. a bgttl District. ' Svensen, Clatsop County, J. T. Coffey First of week cold and cloudy; last three days very warm, with strong northeast winds, which caused somo damage to fruit. Nestoctrfn. Tillamook County, ff It Phillips Weather very favorable for all crops; everything Is growing fast; all factories have more milk than usual; there will be a good crop of strawber ries, pears and apples. Harlan, Lincoln County, A. L. Hatha way Weather past week flno; fruit prospects still continue good; groin and grass growing fast. Point Terrace. Lane County, Sarah X. Allison Weather favorable; gardens doing well; some early strawberries ' be ginning to ripen; fruit prospects good; grass doing well. Gardiner, Douglas County. O. Bv Hins dale -Weather favorable; gardens late; strawberries plentiful, and other fruit prospects continue good; cattle doing nicely, end the outfook Is favorable for a large crop of hay. Qravolford. Coos County. O. O. Swan Warmer weather prevails; corn and beans turning a better color; grain mak ing rapid growth; fruit bids fair to be a good ' crop, especially Bartlott pears and Baldwin applea; sheep shearing in progress, with light clip; pastures flne; COOTAQIOUS DISEASES. June 8 Pearl McCroskey, at 342 Fargo street, diphtheria. Juno 8 Blanche Justice, at 89 Stanton street, measles. . June 8 Klslo Schwencs, at 347 Hall street, diphtheria. " June 6 Marlon Weiss, nt 0 East Thirteenth street, measles,. June S Grade Lichey, ot 90 Grand avenue, .measles. June 6 Sophie "Gents, nt 191 Gibbs street, measles. June 2 James M. Nails, at 362 Stanton street, scarlet fever. . -yJuno .2-itesslo Mason, t 426 Kast Ash Street, scarlet fever. Juno J Daughter of iirs. Silver, at 167 W. Park Street, diphtheria. , DEATHS. June 8-r-Clarence Adams, ot St Vin cent's Hospital, age 37; appendicitis. June J John T.- Larson, at Guild's Lake, age 23 ; accidental drowning. Juno 7 Sheusokn Nomimela, at 05 Fourth street, age 31; suicide. Juno Unknown mah, found WH lamette River; drowning. Th Zdward Xolman tTadertakimr Co maoral directors aad -OmbaJratrs, 880 xanxoxu. ntu dot. J. 9. Tinier aad Son. funeral directors and aiahalmors, have removed to their now . MtefeUshmoiit, corner Third and acaaisom streets, jsotn phones Mo. 9, Crematorium, oa Oregon 'City oat lino, near Sellwood; moaern, sclantinc, complete. Oharges Adults, $35; "oaU drea, 835. Tisttors 9 to S p. m. Portland Cremation Assoolation. Portland, Or. - Clark JBrow, Sot towers, 389 Morrison stmt. ' SfTXBBBAZb STOTXCB. COURT SCANDIA, No. 7, J1. of A., at tention! Tho funeral of our Into brother. John T. Larson, will take fdace from Finlcy'o undertaking par ors next Wednesday, June 10, at t p. m. All members aro requested to meet at Grand Army Hall at 1 p. m., . to attend th eerereonles. - AXEL E. SCHWARTZ, Beo'.t. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been m use lor over 30 years, has borno the sigfnatnre of and has been made under his pcix sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good"aro bub Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants itnd Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR1A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Flcasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morpiiino uor other Narcotio substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diafrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and flatulency. Itt assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's ranacca Tho Mother's Friend. . GENUINE CASTORIA AUWAY3 Bears the Signature of The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years.', '".r.; " ' " " tmoeimws oostsoaw n atooaav rrasrr. atw voaa errs.": , , ....,.., .tt. . . 3