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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1903)
THE OHEGON- DAILY JOUBNAL. POBTI,AXD.' TUESDAY EVEOTNO. JUNE 0. 1903. Sill SOLDIERS NOW IN PIFOII mm : FrfteightttbneysWnii Be Arrestea-ancr; brought-? into , t J- Municipal Court . For ifallure 10 f. ray i ywupauon i a. , DfeDutv 'UnitedvStates ; Distric Attorneys tdwfrt - Mays - and GbuhtvvJudee' Lionel Web- ster Among Number, "''-I -IX ' ".arrant f.r the arrest of II : Port Sand attorney-at-iaw were ' Issued out of th Municipal Court today on 'com plaint' Of IeenS Inspector E. A."MC leathern, who charge that those named In th proceeding bav either refused or neglected .to .pay their occupation tax. Airiong-th number for hoin warrant war issued are toe namea or. uepuiy United 'State Dlstrlot Attorney Edwin P. Maya, County Judge Lionel Webster, District -Attorney- Manning,-' Representa tive -Banks and' Sanderson Reed and Judge OlOey, of the law firm of O'Dey 'Tarpiry,' , ' ) Following1' laWthe complete Hat of nme ,nf attorney!' for 'Whom warrant were issuea xooay: -' Deputy United State District Attorney Edwin' P. Maya,, Dlatrlct Attorney John Manning, 'County Judge Lionel Web ater.. W.-W. Banka, Barr & Greene, ge. W. Durham, . Olltner & Bewail, 111 lam Foley." 8. . S. Ollleapy, Oelaler Dm nl war.- Graham. Cleeton McNutL OVorge W. , Ha sen, Otto J. Cramer, , La Force A Jialne, Long A 8 week, C F. Lord, ; R. 17. ,' McNutt, E. Mennenhall, R, W. Montague, C. M. Idleman. C. B. Kindt, C. ,B., Petraln, C. A. Shelbrede, A. 'I. -,Van 'Time, -R. E. Moody, - H. B. Nicholas, O'Day A Tarpley. Mark C. O'Nell,-- Pgue A Jeffrey,- Sanderson Reed. Ryan A Galloway, H. K. Sargent, W.' Mlltao, 8mth.' Seneca Smith. St. Raynor A 'dark, Claud. Btran. Bwett A Watt. Wat eon, Beekman A. Watson, R. D. Wilson,'. R. ' William. B. R. Wll llama. Japes Gleaaqn, ,C C. Palmer. B. M Smith. : . sy Say Is Court. There la a neahecta with "the ".swdrnr wirwi rants, and. It kept the Municipal Court' efnoe- fore 1 busy all of the forenoon and a. portion' of the afternoon. eor THE CITY PRISON Charged : With'1 Macadam fjdad ulaim Innocence.,. . DESPERATE ; MEM KOT OVERTAKEN Witcii-Hazcl If the) Portland detect! vea are correct (n. their bellef,' the; city jU nqw hold two deapkrats .and daring highwaymen, on the leader of a band that ha terror-1 tsedi that bltlcfin of I tf)l clty for the j paat alx wfeeka. : ,Thy'r .William .Van Wagner; anVd j, William Flood, 'charged, with robberyr onthe Macadam road at Thursday, nigini., j , . Th allegedi highwaymen wars brought to the city Jail last night by4 Captain of Detectives Simmons' frsne-. j Vancouver Barrack. Bolth are private in ' tha ITnlted Sttaeat Army.- ' The detective claim" to have Aconclualve evidence that I Escaped ..Convicts From :.; the .Glasgow, Jail in Montana Be- ing unasea dv- rosso vvun ' Lime ouccess, ,t v. t George Hardee; the Condemned Murderer, Thrown From His ; Horse and is Making Perilous .Escape;; yi' -j--. ;' (Journal Special Service! HELENA. Mont., June I. Practi cally all hop of capturing, the four Macadam rdThoup7ndibV; jrh' .c.ped, from ,01a.gow JaU other. icn i now sianva scvmbw, hu nu ll Van Wagner, When geenin tha city , . ..' euuaw lawooaas. .... t. fl.can 'account! for every moment 'of my time on' the nlht bf the hold-up of which I now atanVd accused." aald wu llam Jail. wnsr wer . yow r ' wa aaaea. r , "1 v wish to j-eaerv that Information until th hearing.".' Was tha replr. . "I onlytwlah to tate totbe publlo that. I am innocent "of this), crime. .Further than that,. I do not wla to dig- euas th ' V v Flood had nothing ta ay. There are .three moire toldler, . now deserter, who are bolngT hunted by - th detective and government agenta. It is the opinion of the officer that they hay nqt gotten far from Portland, If. they have left the city at all. Their arreat la looked for . oon.' . t Saturday ha been abandoned, although a po I following their trail as beat It can. . The lateat report indicate that th men are rapidly drawing into th Bad Land and one there, among friend, it will be 'lmpoaelblf to dla- lodg them; Jn gome manner George Hardee, .the condemned murderer, loat hi mount and Is ' procoedlng '. on oot, ' taking turn mlth Plerc and Brown on the alngle horse remaining - In their poaaeaalon. A Hardee face waa awathed in ban- -'mm; POPULAR COUPLE Beat fcr atopplng kair froat fldllag mL lot niBMg, Beat ar complexion. Beat tor bath. Beat tor" eurlnr all . BMlal klamiahaa sad mi erapuona, . nest Kiit aoap ever maoe. If yos bar chapped baadt, TBT IT. If yon hare chapped II pa, TRY IT. If you have racial Memiahea. TRY IT. If yen with fc laaprort Tour eosiplezloB, dage when, aeen by - a rancher laat night, -It is suppoaed hi horso tnrew TBY? nim. 1 i nt nn were Hi.annw vim . Amam ,hj rifle whll paaalng th. ranch near the LiC 5 U aoalp dlaaaaa. Dakota. line. It would aeem that ef-1 Ifrou want the beat toilet aoap ever sutda. I of the wedding was set for the latter forts are being made to throw the poaae I thY IT. part of June. Miss; Ermine Thompson, "i Pretty tueene Younc Ladv to ' Marry bamuel Montfort W)lson ot San Francisco, The Color Will Be Pink and the Bridesmaids All Handsome California and Oregon Girls sWho Are WeH Known. Oregon people will ahow Interest In th pretty pink wedding of one of the tate' clevereat and iweeteat-looktng daughter that will take place at Grace Eplacopal Church, San Franclaco, on the 17th of nest month. Th bride will be Mia Ermine Thompson, daughter of Mrs. Thorn peon of Eugene, and the groom Samuel Montfort Wilson, son of John Scott Wilson, a prominent and wealthy cltlien of California. Several yeara ago Mr. Thompson, her two daughter. Ermine and Ethelwynne. and her aon, left Eugene for San Fran claco that th young lad lea might be educated at a private achool of the metropolis -A little over a year ago the eldeat daughter, Ethelwynne, married Mr. Elmore Lefflngwell, a brilliant news paper writer and president of the San Franclaco Pre Club. Last winter Mrs. Thompson announced that Mlaa Ermine was engaged to Mr. Wllaon, and the date oft the track, aa member a of It were given - several false clew yesterday, which served to retard their progreaa. eld Trywhr, Prie II ecnta. rtFURNlSH-FREESEED: Tk O. B. m V. Xag Best Oat Several ' . ' Thooaaad '.'''Alfalfa BaoftfagM JUoag Thl X4e.;i ' R.' C. Judson, ' Industrial agent of the R. A N., left this morning f of, a short trip to th farming dlatrlct tithe east ern part of the 'state. For aome time past th company. ha been sending earn ci pars man of guilt I NORTHERN STATIONS KEHOKT RAPID RISE apposed Xardersr Declared to B Inao- esnt by a Bylmg Kombsnnaa ia - " Osorgla Camp. (Journal Special Service.) . MONTGOMERY.. Ala., Juos . An thony Latlmore Is serving- a life term In the penitentiary for the' murder of1 a plea' of alfalfa seed to farmers, "who. h? . . .."."f.''g?1 land are tributary. to th O. R. A N. convicted J'B7-w1tb --AIM Del- i a m. I drtds. Last Saturday Deldridge died uited for. hog-ralslng. .. Hoga ars on f th lumber camp at Dollver. whrre Snake Shows Small Gains Will Reach Danger Line at The Dalles Wednesday, Miss Ethel Baechtel and Mrs. Lemng- well are to officiate aa attendants at the wedding. Mis Helen Wilson, a sister of the groom,, will be the maid of honor. She will bs gowned in pink and wear a wreath of tiny pink roses. Miss Wil son will have several year of study before ahe Is ready to make her debut to th society world, but when the time come ahe will undoubtedly be one of our moot brilliant and accomplished young women. She la very clever now, and already ahow marked ability In nearly everything she undertakes. She I an only daughter. Helen Wilson Is a cousin to Mis Emily Wilson, who, aa one of California' debutantea last sea son, waa the moat feted of all the maid- throughout I ens who blossomed formally Into so- Tha rhinn nvmr . lah of . the tapl. product of . th valleys .h"d b?n ' mP,.oyeJ the entire Columbia River system was clety. west of th Bnake River., The land la aying ne conreea to naving ainea me very ,ijght The temperatures over the The other bridesmaids will be gowned Well adapted for raising alfalfa, and the negro, saying that Anthony waa Inno- Columbia and Snake River basins this I in pink also. They will wear wreaths company is convinced that 1 all that 1 cent ana tnea to keep mm irom anting morning range between 10 and 64 de- 0f pink rose or carry bouquets of pink needed. I to furnish th farmer with the man. grees. They will remain high during flower. The selected maids are Miss d and let them experiment In different ino paraon ooara. win do presemea the next Z 4 hours, sfter which cooler RUth Clark. Miss Ethel Baechtel, Miss action. . th fact duly. The supenntenaent at weather will prevail. The upper Co- Carrie Paine of Oregon, and Miss Char- neverar thousand Dackaare wer ent uonver writes rresiaem armicnaei as uuraDia is rising very rapiory. wormport, 1 i,t pitm or 1m innini out, and Mr. Judson receives scores of I aoove stated ana Anthony win prooaoiy the most northern station, showing a The entire decorations of the homo n immense amount of work dally telling of th. nn crop in go rree. rise or i.o reel in 24 nours. ine Mnaxe wlll be , plnlt- Ml Thompson is n n lmmenae amount or work I - , River has rained on v 04 foot at Lewis- L. ..1- j ... , r -I r. . ,..0,ai, . i.. . - . . I ' rf . , , I VnrflHI UP HIIU lUlllVVlVa )UUIIR WUIIIMll. KAsossT cziOTxrcxi rm rK MBTSrvrzsT. Toortk and Horrlsoa Streets, Trunks, Bags, Suit. Cases AND ALL THE REQUISITES , ' ' . K r''i IN L'EATHER GOODS NECESSARY ' ' ;A? For Seashore, Mountain, Steamer or Railroad Traveling. rr Our Leather Goods Depart ment has been given very .. commodious quarters in our ' spacious, well-lighted and -well-ventilated BASEMENT SALESROOM. The assortment of every requisite in Leather Goods is the most complete in the city. IF YOU ASE A SUMNER TKAVELEI IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT THIS DEPARTMENT. dr. w. A. WI8B. . Painless Extracting! We do Crown and Brldgrt Work without pain. Our 1 years' rxprrla In plat work esaulr n to lit your tboulh comfortalil. ' We bare fclnf ai well aa on. tr. W. A. WIm. manafrr. haa frnind a saf wax to ettrart totb alwolotolr without pain. Dr. T. P. Wta I an export at Ookl rilling and Crown and Bridge Work. . Extracting free wbes platea or brldgaa are orucra. DB. T. VJVTIBK. WISE BROS., Dentists Open erxnlnsa till 0. Sundays from 9 to 12. ' Or. Main XVJt. 208-213 RILING BLDC, Cor'. 3d ni Wh.'Sti. 'Ml IU VVLU LUULMU VVUIViniV rise at least one foot. ""iland Bundar nlsht to clear the track I wun me snow memng m tne upper todav 1 Icena. inaoaeTaf McFj,rherTnd Latounrtl Tall ha !turned. Th r. O. A. Xaorom WU1 Harry WM Btslla cotumoia districts oniy. mere is aosq today License Inspector McEacher,n and t . . --jfiir fnliowed th .nrlne Mnto I 1- ..Mi.a Mutely no cause for alarm, as the Co- tbo.rlvew was brought back. The track . . . 4 JT . !um?.'a '? iul to the task and can ar now clear and train atw runnlnr-Ott I .. ' ' nanoie me seawara-Douna water w in Hnva .. . Dr. - (J. "A. MSCrURI or mia City Will i"" crmcau bihro IB warn uie was- eiweted that It- wooM V&nSnmritoMrmt fhir feUtit.'f"-- "' AUTOMOBILES One Haynes-Apperson, 10-horse power. une uiasmoDiie, 4-norse power. fcla deputies, aided by the patrolmen, be ran the arduous task of serving the doc. uaaents.on the. various attorneys. It'la expected that the major portion of the UNION SPOILED MISS FULLER'S DANCE Th enrlne will not b raised until b married tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock ; Snake " and the Columbia start to rise arreat will occur before the cloe of tn waUr i ths Columbia at that place to Ml' Stella Porri of Eugene at the together, and the outpour of rushing business, and by noon -tomorrow all of th legal lights-will have been brought Into court. Attorneys, are , required by the city falfaV Th hi- muhin fen1 nvw int I home of the -bride's oa rents. Tha wed- water rrom me Hnake loins the coium- ii It reached tha water'a edse. Every dine la to be private, only a few Intimate Tne Snake River la the important ffori waa mida vtatardav to relnova it. friends belns Invited. Miss Dorrts is factor of the Columbia Klver system, riBina; 111 n nuwai-ovri cuuniry anu Attorneys, are , required Dy the city but durin( the jay thfJ w.t(!,r ro,e about thft daughter of Mr. and Mr. George B. rl'ln ,n snow-covered country and charter to pay from. II to 115 per quar- a foot and u wa thought beat to make Dorr Is. MrADorrla being on of the running through the Rocky Mountains aw a, am a... natlnn , a w tha, . , a k,ln I ... I. Ir ItiMta tha, PAliimKIa A Ar ana tnVta, with ... vv.k...v... .... ... I no rurinir eixoris until tn water re- best known lawyer in me state. based Bpon;th-.amouht of .business of cedes. " ' Dr. Macruirfi will b accompan arnnfnnainlni tn acn maiviouai. 11 im me amy 01 ma An 7 Invatle?atron 'bv exnerta ihon Rumui hv Mr. .ut Mrs. J. 10 nrnnmnh License Inspector to see to it that all that, th enslne I uninjured. Home of I rninni Tiirk.r t'nWi States A rm v nav. of them pay upf Warning Is given the the machinery will be practically ruined master, and Attorneys. B. Beekman, all delinquents, after which arrests are by water if allowed to remain there made. longer. The baggage, car. which stand It. Is th intention of License Inspector a few feet from the track, will be hauled McEachern to 'begin operations on the physicians, surgeons and veterinary sur- ' geon next. NANCE 01IL .IS TURNED DOWN onto th rail today and brought to this city. Wa vortksfa offlolal Jter' 3. W. Blabon, ' fourth vle-presldent of tne ureat northern, ana on or Fresi- dent.. .Hill onfldntlai. .buine. o ciates. Is registered at th Portland. He Is accompanied by several ofllclal of the Great Northern and other lines. Mr. uiaoon state mat nis visit is one of conference with other railroad men i of the West. , He spent soma" time yes terday with President Mohler, of th 0: R. ft N.. and with General Asent Harder or. th Great Northern, tw . oniciais nave just completed . a trip of Inspection of the Great North- of this city.. Mr. Beekman is to act as best man, and Miss Friendly - will be bridesmaid. It meets the Columbia at Wenatchee wtth a rush too vast for the letter's capacity! The predicted height of 23.06 feet for next Sunday at Portland may possibly have to be modified, owing to the small rise in Bnake- River, during the past 24 hours. The snow water may come Would Not Permit Her to Use ii a r-i ." i ner uwn tiecincian ana Hysteria Results. NEW TORK, Jun 9. There was great hooting and hullaboo In St. Nicho las Garden last night when the hour 10:110 had passed and Loto Fuller did down with such rapidity that the rise not annear to do her dance. It was during the present 24 hoursmlght make ho:60 before he appeared. Then she - IT IS DANGEROUS .. Oamnrrer la Case of Bast ld ml i - dents a,. Standard Oil. Oompaay , . Betas; Beard, Three judge of the State Circuit I following stations thta morning was up for the small Increase of yesterday The river at The Dalles will reach the danger line of 40 feet by Wednesday night. The cherry and berry crop will be damaged considerably, but all mov able, goods have ben placed In a safe place, and the people are ready for the mad rush of the water. The river at the Court "are sitting 'in ' joint session to day hearing the demurrer in the case ! Stations nf tha fltudhA.kel Rrothera Cnmnnnv vA.t.w.., a ,1 .a ik, c,,nin- mi I Portland. Or. i.vuunm . fc a . a. lira uianuai u vil I mi . a-. ., (Journal Special Service.) SAN FRANCISCO, June ..Theatre managers nave iraneu me .Ainampra i - .y.. ,,,, ,. . . ... f i r " " " -" " ;"'r.--Vl' 'W"u' a i1 nalrf th rent an aa tn IceAn It rloasd I " ' w i maintenance or tana on m luasi Dioe. wmun, lumiu ana paia .tne rent, so as to aeep it ciosea h hi nmmntiAn th. ninn. t'l, . . a wir Huhn Company and the City . of Portland. Th Tt!L"a.!,I'-sxP: suit was brought to restrain the City I North port. Washi'i of Portland from- granting a franchise Wenatchee. Wash. to the oil company for the erection and Rlparla, wash. in order to. prevent the. appearance of counter attractions. They even refused Nunce O'Neill the uae of 'the theatre ex- cept for two night. That would not pay, o.-'h- closed ;her engagement In Ban Franclaco. s8heays she. feel Ilka a stranger in her own home. bon, as before hi promotion to the office of fourth vice-president he was Western manager of ' the same road at Seattle. He will leave today for the East. . V . . aUiroad Bots. Fred 8. 8tocker of San Francisco, Pa- Clflo oCast agent of the Traders' Dls- The argument are not likely to be fln lshed until Ute thi afternoon. Administrator Appolatsd. In the matter of the estate of Will lam W. Brook, Charles Kopf haa been appointed administrator. StAe of Change river in last 24 today. . 20.7 . 37.8 . 22.7 , - 80.8 , 40.9 14.8 , 15 4 9.9 hours. - -0.1 - -0.7 -0.6 - -1.6 --1.4 - -0.8 - -0.4 --0.J danced upon the fellngs of the audience In the following spech: Ladies and Gentlemen: The union refused to allow me to enjploy my own electrician, who is familiar with thi working of the light for - ray -dancea. They recommended a union man to me and I Instructed-him. Now he has dis appeared- sob) and-1 am left without. any electrlclsn at all (sob) who knows the business of working the lights prop erly. I think It 1 a shame and an outrage." At thi point Mlas Fuller Durst out crying and wrung her hands. She nevertheless attempted to give dances, but the lights would not work and the specialty waa a failure. Mlsa Fuller was heartily applauded by the specta tors, by way of expression of sympathy, WILLAMETTE TENT AND AWNING COMPANY PORTLAND. OR. PKZXi METSCBAB, Pre. 0. nowus, jtgr. The IMPERIAL HOTEL PORTLAND, OREGON , Bate from $1 to 2.60 per day. Seventh and Washington Sts. An Inspection of the ruins of the Re- I patch Fast Freight line, Is In the city. Journal friend and reader May Delay B olid Inf. The rise In the Willamette threatens to cause some delay In building opera- Afterward Miss Fuller said that after tions. At the weinhard Building, at the ne had told the union electrician all corner of Fourth and Oak streets, the about working the lights he sat around water In the basement waa within six the theatre a long while, waiting for inches of the uncompleted concrete floor I it. an n'rinck and the dance to arrive. when last night. This morning the condition -nd finally went to sleep up In the flies and waa not to be found. Miss Fuller public Theatre has brought out clothing, I Percy Sinclair, freight and, passenger traveling on tralna to and from Port- was about the same. This presence of trtmcets, etc., wnicn were not greatly agent or tne xenign vauey. witn neaa- land ahould ask news agent for The water under the foundations of the damaged.; J. B. '.Lankoshlm, the owner quarter in Seattle, was in Portland this I journal and Insist upon being supplied building la caused by seepage from the of 'the . property is in Paris. If ; there morning. . v I wtyi this paper, reporting all failures In I river and, not from any subterranean has 'not' loen more -than 40 per cent A Burlington bulletin anonunces that I obtaining It to the office of publication, atream or well. The river, not yet hav- ayior, uaor ana aseiaiani ireas- B() The Journal. Portland. Or. ing risen to me maximum anticipated by was fairly hysterical as she told how she had been betrayed. damage,. request for 'a permit to re tore .the theatre by a wooden truc tur 'will be made. '.. AN AUTOMOEIILE ; . COMES TO A STOP '; (Journal -Special Service.) urer of that line, haa resigned. W. P. Purkee Ha been' promoted to the office of auditor and C. J. Ernst will act as as sistant-treasurer. A' party of about .ISO Woodmen left this morning over the Burlington for th annual convention ;of the order in In dianapolis. , . J. WjJasey. traveling passenger agent of the Milwaukeeleft last night for Astoria. TROOPS ORDERED OUT Tk Oat Oovernor , of Txa - Calls Soldier to QueU rrohlbl tloa Blot. FORT WORTH,' Tx,, June 9. The Governor ha ordered troop to Hemp stead to assist in maintaining order. the Weather Bureau. It Is probable that water under the Welnbard Building will rise to or. above the basement flooring. If this should occur it will be necessary to suspend the work of completing the concrete noor. WANTS THE FORTUNE Will M. P. Benton, stent of the Burlington Uk. . K1a las AM aa AOIll n (k nwkl 8N'J08B,'June 9. The dally stage at Seattle,, and A. 8. Japkaon. . agent of I Dltlon Hots at that place. me same roau m opuiuna, ar in jrorc land todky -to confer, with Qeneral Agent Sheldon. . ' ' ., ; W. H. Olln,. agent of th -Oreat West- thls at thi- place. . .when tolling up the ateep grade of Mt. Hamilton, was ap proaphed by an . automobile which a went; round a. 'curve and came at tha tag .loaded . with passengers, puffing e" t Spokana, -" "In Portland ana . ioonng, , wnicn soarea . me norses, i w-v"; rlw.a .lijpnalail tli A . 'a ii tAavtnlkll A f A T " T' '." A .. W .T, , WIMW.W , uu,aara, , f I j . . . top, but ntattUon-was paid.; ..A ARRA fiNFF) FOR 1 ARPFNY tourist then Jumped Into the, road and nnnrtlUlit-L' i ull -: LnnULIX I 'covered, the chauffeur with a . revolver and-' repeated .'the order ,,to stop. , Th tw . rorr Olsrks of .Fanl train. "Mlsflt Clothier," Batsr rieas - ot Bot ouiut. Charle J. TwerSky and A. Hlckox, EVERY WALK-IN LIFE Wealtby Widow leek to Break ahrln; Bhar to Mothar-in-ZAW. (Journal Special Service.) POUOHKEEPSIB. N. Y.. June 9 The mother and wife of Samuel B. Sexton, of Hyde Park, who died a few weeks ago, leaving sn estate of half a million dol- (Journal Special Service.) lars. have begun a legal battle in the MILWAUKEE. .Wis.;'. June 9. The Surrogate's Court here. American Foiindrymen'a Association be- Sexton -left 1200.000 to his mother. aan Its annual meettnar in Milwaukee Caroline rama oaxion, ana me uaiance todav and will remain In aesalnn until to his wire, jane it. v. oexion Friday. Prominent men engaged in the F0UNDRYMEN '.MEET Portland Citizens Appreciate The Little Conqueror." machine, .then .came to a .standstill. a v a- s-"-v -' a na r FRlIM RFINf, WFII ir . .' a iivui vwativ 11 aa.u l -'-.' ;tJ t.A;ri!iW1n.X4 the prisoner, ar hi former clerks -in ?. iAJaa The accused. Every class of clt lien has sick kid neys. The business man rushing through life on the run falls-to rall the oon- stant strain he dally put upon the kld- The mechanic forced to- assume Industry are present from various parts of the country, the , total . attendance reaching nearly 600. Business sessions for tne .discussion of trade matters will be interspersed with visits to the large foundries and' machine shops of Mil waukee and with various features of entertainment. ithL-JS Unnatural positions, stooping and strain Paul Strain with larceny from a store, lng Rt hlg work does not know that this were arraigned- In the Circuit Court backache is simply kldneyache. The this morning and entered pleas of not clerk on his feet. . continually leaning gtillty. Both cases-were ' set for trial over a counter or desk; railroaders, icon- RUSSIA IS ACTIVE, Juan 19. , Strain, lhe comnlnlnant la tha ductors. enalneers, street car men. Sub- I I . M A. 1 - 1 r. . . I . . . . ... a. 1 (aa, , n ana,a nt IophIhA , a 1 1 Kai.a hanlf. i -.i.."" "VV"'h . miH.' RtnnJ nnMV.ikinnn .t.t ichi! from the Kidneys, 'lion't neglect been respite toe ...reports ;v" "-.:"' bad back. A lame, weak or aching her i 'Journal Special SeVvlce.) VIENNA. June 9. According to'dls- patchea received here this morning Russia Is displaying great activity with her troops In the Far East. There has a marked ' Increase in the slxe of ing her fleet at Port Arthur during the past men claim they are victims well; ? HI recenrihdlsposltlori weakened ??2rJZrJ? kl. .. .1.. L , w J a.t VI- uvi ncuuuuii. ifcV '? "T' " ' Oreenwald was arraigned this pbrtlBri.M,tRe;day. . . morning on a charge of .teallng from '?. ' T . 1 - ' s Meier A Frank' department store. The oner-, .was aiiowea untu tomorrow in jo pieaa.. .... . .. . - ,1 Wests Fay for Oood. ; The-PlerHardware Company filed a complaint.-In: Justice 'Reld'B court .thi morning, against . Samuel f Still well for f JO.VO. swlth intereirt at pel cent from PROTECT BRITISH J back, if negrected.- means future trouble, kidney trouble, urinary trouble, txmn't Kidney Pills cure every form of kidney ill. i (Jure a bad- back and make sick kid neys well. ' Ioan s Kidney PHI are In dorsed by people you know. Read what , B, I-UI limit. viui" ja. - I . i j l-J a... a. T ' W. Shankland. who is a etreet car .mm murmm un me mouon week and the garrison at that point has been almost doubled. Motion for Bw Trial SanUd. Judge George In . the State Circuit ' VICTORIA, B. C. June it j rti- akfti.,in naval selrcleaf her that th I Amphion has been ordered from Comox toy proceed at dnce to Yalparalso to. take ' lrt.1riaMtllln'.'thA 4ij.Mm imui.. Ika wreclnagef resulting 'from ,the late dls . astew- to; the shipping' there. .. The Brit- tab , shipping . Is"; represented to .a ,con Iderabi extent, and the Amphion will . protect , f wctt ,lptret.-.,;., y.,.;ls:- v . GIBRALfARrEXPLOSION1 'r (Journal'. Special 'Servtce. ) ' ':' ,- MA. I U W I .T aa M ' I line - ' i BV t Daai- 7 a-k wref wioualy -injured by xplotlon , "wvw-wi m -.a - "" . i wa ; vi Ulicr lTLAif KnA4 siACi- ViAf-k teA mm' . ,.y . ww uwvv m-v-, uviv WMnj.-tii..h-- conductor on the Woodstock street osr of the plalntifT for new trial in the case line, residing at 71 Els worth street, of Eliza Schlelger vs. the Northern Pa say. Some tlroe last fall. I began hav- c(ic Terminal Company. The plalntifT ir? . 3ii naV; i Vh- iV "oh Wiled while croasln the de- ..anatant hM- n .i. . ant ted in - f avor of the defendant. No- October- 20,4 186J, -The plalntifT alleges I car. j thought at first It . would dl'sap- tlce of an . appeal from Judge George's tnat tne oerenaant purcnasoa gooas xrom I pear ng cfulckly as it came, but this was J decision waa given. the Arm on October 13. nd -that he haa failed to nay for them, i" ". l botxob . or -. KBBTtBQ) OT HOUXM. ' , TOOX- not the case. .Learning of Doan's Kid ney Pllle: I procured a box at th Iaue Davl Drug Co.'; store, cornpr of Yam hill and Third streets, and tool them ac cording, to directions. ..The result waa entirely satisfactory. The s backache grew les and lea and soon' disappeared, and aa far a I can tell It has gone for good, for .there nave been no symptom A: SPBCI At, MEETING of the stocVhold er .of - the Pporman' . Prospecting aV . Mining Company is hereby called to I of a recurrence , meet ori. Jun 20,03, at the hour of l( For sale bv all - dealers. Price ,. SO ;'. 7:J0 p., ra-, at, -Room 406; Commercial I cent. - Malted J'by Foster-Mtlburn Co.. '. Block. Portland. Oregon, for the nur-1 nufralo. N. Yl sole aeenta for the ITnltad l - -A -'J- ...J.J. I II ...J..I ..i..t. T' f .'- a.-------- pwao. ui umi uibi iim . ciiw noes i Mtstes, . ' . :- ol; Mid fto&mtton,,' i Remember th lie namef-- Uoaa a take no-aubstltuta," - - . and VBB OTJBB TOB rzxOBS. Itching plies produce moisture iand cu itchlmg. thi form, as wejj s UWija, uieeuins ur rrvimmi jrua era cured by Cjr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy. Stop Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tu mors. 80c ja Jr, at druggists, or ent by mall. Treatise free. Writ m about your casa Dr. Bosank. Phll'a.. P. - referred Btook Caaaed Ooods, ;;4' - Allen aV Lewis' Beat Brand. ,- - D. Sexton. Ills mother and her brother. H. V. V. Bra- man, a wealthy resident bf Poughkeep sle, were named as executors. The wife says her husband was under Improper Influence when he made his will, and will seek to have It broken. Her coun sel made application yesterday for the appointment of a temporary administra tor, alleging that Mr. Braman is not a competent executor. Braman s attorney opposed the motion and denied, on. be half -of his client, that he bad. any in fluence over Sexton in the making of the will. " It Is understood Mr. Sexton's family were opposed to his marriage. Surro gate Hoysrade reserved his decision, and another hearing was set for a week from today. MARTIN AND ARMSTRONG (Journal Special Servlce.1 BOSTON. June 9. "Denver Ed" Mar tin and Bob Armstrong, the two big colored heavyweights, are to clash to night In a 10-round bout before the Tammany Athletic Club. Followers of ring sports, basing their calculations on tne showing made by the two big fight ers in tneir previous encounters, are looking forward to a hammer-and-tongs affair from gong to gong. The last time Martin and Armstrong came together wa In a six-round' bout in Philadelphia, . The tight "was ope of the moat vicious ever .witnessed between big men. Knockdowns were scored by both men and when the bout terminated they could hardly wane . to tneir .corners, I 1.' '.'.' r" . r- ' Journal r friend : and readers when Q SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA, DAKin POWDER. IMvhMf. Am- flavor. Otalcst Srnh,fea$onlt fricei CLOSSETaDEftlK PORTLAND, OtC0N.V Henry Weinhard Proprietor of TK City Brewery Largest ana Most Complst. Brewery in th Northwest Bottled Beer a Specialty rphons No. 73. Offlc I3thu4 Burasld. Street. Portland, Or. C. GEE WO THE QREAT CHINESE DOCTOR iHtralled great Muse hi wonderful ' cures ar ' so well known throughout tha IInltad-State.. nd because se many - people are thankful . to lilm for saving their lives from operations: H treats any and all diseases wltfe powerful Chinese hsros, . reels, bud. , L.. .AA H.aa.aWI.A 4lr' x Va' awiw a w "A.waj Jwia that are entirely un known to medical aclenc In this coun- , try. and through the u of the barm lea remedies. Thi fmu dootor know the action of ovr 60 dlflerent remedle that he haa euocefully usd tn different diseases. He guarantees t cure catarrh, asthma, lung, trouble, rheumatism, nefv ' vousncss. stomach, liver, kidneys, female trouble and all private diseases. Hun dreds ef testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and sae him, COHSDXTATXOB FBBB. Patients out of th city writ for blank and circular. Inclose stamp. Address '; THE C. GEE WO ; CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 263 Alder stVeet. Portland. Or. Men-, tlon thi paper. , traveling ' on. trains to and . from ' Port land should ask news agent for The Journal and Insist upon being supplied with "this paper, reporting all failures In obtaining It to the office of publication, addressing The Journal. Portland, Or. WE CURE MEN I ill ' V' ' J i F.W.BALTES&C0. Printers Second and Oak Streets BOTH PHONES 1 Portland Riding Club. F, L. TALCOTT. X. D. COKTkACTED DI80HDEE8. 'vJETeryyieotitracteU dlwaae la attended ojr ffrare Oansera tbat . nothlnf leu , thad a thorough .and abaoluta cura can reinore. To take erea tha alt(bt-at chance In auch raaea la to- Inrlte llfcit, Ions miter T- Men do Sot realise Ufa. aa they ahould. A partial ear Is fol lowed by a hroBlc ta-e, with all It-." horror, tha aanw aa though the slfc" eaae bad not been treated at all. W poaltlrely will not dlauilaa f patient antll erery poallbilitr of ralapSa la r Biored. By our aratam of trutnwnt every patient la aotuidly cam), and made as treo from diaeaaa taint aa ha Waa before tha ailment was contracted, . DH. TAXCOTT ft CO,, W Aider It. , -aaM-aaiAMaaHt, aMMAai,4MaMt... I The beat SMdlcal aataorltlM are saaaliaoa ta raeoBawadlnV karsehaek riding for arrrew. lane ana Sinare aOasapiauits. rarweuiariT i this sioOa of xcrelaa baselat this Waal Coast, where th Mtleat eaa my-t tha aore air, inaaw natures aawaa aaa mm raaian ana frarraaea af Din, lr. eedar as hamlavh. It I safe ta ear that thora la aa aaiiatrr ' arts wkara horMhacS rldlafl I . aaare I la ta! thaa In Orefoaw. .-, -., f t; s PORTLAND RIDINO CLUO, W..-0. ItOWIT, Kaaaaar. ' ' IM Elawaih St. rha, ( ' !. lailia kana aal em-a. ) - a4 '. ri - m w XT