; . WHERE ROLLS 'ir 3 ' "" ",THE 0RE01" Tj ) j-' Tonifht ' and Wednesday, . partly f Ef O'clock VOL. XL NO. 78. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 9, 1903. TRICE FIVE CENTS. Si 75 A tlEPHREA Want Mayor Mulvlhlll Ousted 1$ RRIIT4I eMM-m re ved his LOVE EDDIE FOR HER r V -" I W-f-1 ItI I I UIIF'sTlllf WAS HIS ATTAIMIFV JFSfc ,3MBm I I fB IIIII1I i I 1 it J ' 1 . 'A ' f .-.A II IJv. . . 111 Id At I m -1 M ,!;( , ,H IliL '.I mt-ry rK.) wnw mvlvmu. j home. wgtaa ltUlVMU. A3 A jmKtKm j r ( 3 1 11 1 mr iirirr TERRORS niiinncnc I n ufuiuid Victor Walkeriz Who Murdered Old Mrs Leroy of Oakland ... and-Burled Her -Body in the Yard Is Apprehended. Found Hiding in a:Wagon by . Sheriff Who Was in Pursuit .Mulatto Did-Not Deny . His built When Arrested. 1 Vavs That He . Was Made to ' Drink by His White Paramour and While in That Condition Did the Deed. Rigid Investigation Into the" Ac counts of' Pormen County Clerk, Which Were- Short Has' Commenced. ' Numerous Witnesses Subpoe naed and Searching-Inquiry Will Be Made Into Alleged Delinquencies. (Journal Special Service.) SAN FRANCISCO. June 9. The search for Victor Walkerli, the mur derer of old Mrs. Leroy of Oakland a month ago, ended yesterday hear Hol lister, when Sheriff Croxon of San .Benito CwMy- ran - he - fujritJv down and arrested him. The wan was lying" In a wag-on by the roadside. The brutal criminal made no resistance and did not deny his "guilt In fact, he admitted killing the old woman, but declared his parainpur, Mrs. Anna .Ross, was largely responsible, as she in Total Shortage Amounts to $3,500 and the Bondsmen of the Officials Concerned Are Responsible to the County District-Attorney John Manning has inaugurated a thorough investigation of the shortages discovered In- the ac counts of former county clerks, and criminal as well as civil proceedings may follow tf he finds such action jus- tinea Dy me results or nis inquiries. Or FLOOD AnfA him tn drink hA.vtlv .nl whn In any event this action gives, strong promise ui ine recovery lor lite cuunijr of the amount of the shortages, which reached a total of $1.47.21. The shortage reported by the expert who was employed to examine the county books were, largely tn the collec tion of fees and were as follows: H. C. Smith, .w.. t 26.05 H. K. Holmes, (deceased)... S.tM.M Taking1 YeitimoAy. A number- of witnesses . have been subpoenaed . to appear . before the Dia- In liquor, he declared that Mrs. Leroy's tnunts about his having white blood In his velus angered him, and In a drunken rage be murdered her. Mrs Leroy had given shelter to the mulatto and his white paramour. Walk- erlt murdered the -old woman for 135. ' Mrs. ItosB-Mconf eased June 4 that the murder had been - committed- and on Jufw - Mrs.'-Lerojr's-body-'was 'found , buried In her yard.. ..Negroes :bf .Oak land are raising money for a fund with wh left' to", prosecute Walkerts. The details of -the brutal crime as . related to the treme.. She said that she had gone to Oakland with .Walkerlx and had visited Mrs. Leroys house. While there the .man ' had tnurdcred . the, old : woman, who was SJ years 9fage, and had bur led her body In the back yard. It was a month . before Mra Roa confessed While the Waters of the Mis sissippi Are at a Standstill at St. Louis Death and Destruc tion Continues, ' BRIDGEPORT, Conn., June 9. The official head of Mayor Mulvlhlll, Bridge port's stoker-Mayor, is In Jeopardy. Frtm common stoker, Mulvlhlll was made Mayor of the' big city. When the recent labor trouble affected the whole town, the stoker-Mayor's sympathies were naturally with the class he sprang from. His critics say that he allowed th'osV sympathies' to sway Tilm'frdm "that calm Impartiality which should g9 with his public office. Now they are clamor ing for his head and at the same time avowing that It does not do to take public officers from the laboring class. In East St. Louis Business is Abandoned and All .Hands Turn Out to Endeavor to Save Weakened Levees, frlrt Attnrnov ' who will' tftk tha nut probably continue for the next two fe HOmeieSS 1(1 IViaQISOn, "I propose to make the Investigation a rigid one,1'' ald "District : "Attorney ManrHn'g today, "and If any of these for mer county clerks were guilty of de-fraudlng'the-eottnty they --will---net- be permitted to escape. My investigation Is based upon the showing made in the expert's report and no effort will be spared to get at the truth. Granite City and Venice and Fatalities ' Happen. METEOR FALLS IN CALIFORNIA FIELD ST. LOUIS. Mo.. June 9. The flood Situation remains practically unchanged I here at noon todav. Th. w.t.r 1m At a If the facts standstill since earlv this mornlnar. when ! Justify it. criminal proceedings will be) It was. reported that a fall of four Inches instituted. The Dondsmen or these had resulted, former county officials are responsible In this city there are thousands of for any shortages that may be found refugees, who are being cared for by the . f m Ala. II mil. will rv a I Mlo- .aV.nl.l a l il. V. .1 - J . I M k mm f- till I ttliU IX IICVCBOOI J VI V H OUIIO v av I MtKJ HUII1UI A1UI1K iUH Wild II 9 Bill It IS been bV ManV reODie W nO brought against them." buildings are flooded, but further from ,1ILII1I,U.UV1 J cfc). - n 1 V . h jk ,uv I . . . . .. v. wu,b iv ,ua hi; yijym HUB expert was filed In April his findings not spread, were checked up in the Interest of Mrs. Jn East 8t. Louis the conditions are H. H. Holmes and L. Q. Swetland. It appalling and abominable. Transport Gather Pieces to Save as Souvenirs. t VII (Journal Special Service.) BAKERSFIELD. June 9. A large Tneteor fell biasing from the sky, strik ing the earth near the Claudlna farm at Delano, Sunday night. The aerial visitor was seen by a large number of persons and was easily located, as it set Are to the grass where it fell. tub ames endangered a large wheat Held fore they were extinguished. Molten ava was scattered all over the ground for a considerable distance. Many per sons secured pieces as souvenirs. was stated at the time that they would publish the result of their independent i investigation, and that ir the shortages found by the expert were verified, the county would be reimbursed. Though more than two months have elapsed nothing further has been heard from them. . wetland Will Vet Talk. There is a well defined, rumor that. Swetland Intends to dispute the obliga tion and has reconsidered his professed tlon is cut off; freight traffic abandoned. Three miles of manufacturing and busi ness plants along the river are flooded with five and eight feet of water. Thou sands of cattle have been drowned and many lives sacrificed. Granite City. Madison, Venice and a few other smaller towns are devastated and 25,000 people are rendered homeless. All day yesterday and all of today res cue work Is going on along the river. The .currents are too mighty for any "v vi .e. ... "tettmer t0 8tem them alone' ""d 111 11IO WWII w a V. wuw -w GUNS NOT NEEDED; SHIPS STAY AWAY make any statement on the subject for publication and will neither admit nor deny the correctness of the experts the vessels Mark Twain and The Annie Hussell are lashed together and excel lent work Is being done- at Madison and Venice and Granite City, where hun- American Interests Safe From Molestation by the Chilean Strikers at Valparaiso. (Journal Special 8ervlce.) ;-- WASHINGTON, June 8. Upon cable Advices from Minister Wilson at Vai- T.r af also,". Chill... the strike situation is again reassuring, and the orders which were issued yesterday to Rear Admiral Sumner to take his vessels to the scene the disturbances, were this morning ountermanded. -rn i a i rr- a rri (Journal Special Service.) JACKSON, June 9. The cases of Jett nd White were not called for trial this morning,' as Attorney Elisor has not re turned , from Magoffin County. One venireman eame 4nt ft?urt and an nounced that ' he had been exposed to smallpox. He was promptly excused. MORE WAITERSSTRIKE ' . " t (Journal Special Service.) CHICAGO, June 9. The waiters' and cooks of two of the' largest down-town catering, establishments struck this morning. The Hamilton and University Clubs, (wo of the most exclusive or ganisations In the city, are slated for a tie-up this evening. ,.. , . fcODPERAGE PLANT. BURNS ' M.- v ... ... Z (Journal Special 'Service.) . i - tiOSTON, Mass., June. B.-.The entire plant- of -the- Brooklyn Cooperage Com pany at Bouth Hoston was destroyed by flr this morning, entailing a. loss of -.' ' ' ", V ' ; .. , " . : ? V; -f4'- "J findings. He declared some time ago mat II any snonage eainicu ii was in. fault of his subordinates. . Swetland was County Clerk for a lit tie less than eight months, succeeding to the office when It was made vacant by the death of H. H. Holmes. He had previously been chief deputy under his predecessor, who was 11) and absent from his office for much of the time during tfie last few months of his life, PATROLMAN SLOAN MAY BE RETAINED and on housetops. " It Is believed that many more women and children have lost their lives than have so far been reported. At . any rate. - the privations and sufferings of these poor people have been fearful to contemplate. At East St. Louis business has been suspended by order 'of the Mayor, and men In all stations of life, aided In many Instances by sturdy women, are work ing along the weakened levees that their destruction from the waters may not occur. .-... CORSET WEAPON FULL OF or The Wife of Young Millionaire Edgar Sutro, Returns From a Long Visit Home and Dis covers 3 ENDED She Finds Some Very Silly Love Letters Written By Her Recreant Spouse to Another Whom He Loved, Epistles, Were so Gushing in Sentiment That No Other Way Was Left Open But to Seek a Divorce. Birdie McCarty's Eloquent Ap--. peal to Man Who She Claims ' " ' Wrought Her Ruin, to Save - .: Her From Disgrace. Breach of Promise Suit : For" $70,000 on Trial in Federal Court and Morbidly Curious" Crowd Room, "Would You Want Any One to Treat Your Daughter So?" Says the Plaintiff in Letter to Jim Heryford, After Being Divorced Standifer Marries Sister of the Woman Who Could No Longer live With Him, Visits Home of Former Wife and Abuses Her Fearfully She Says She Will Have Him Arrested For Act, While Journeying to Town For Purpose of betting Warrant Meets -Former Husband and Deed Occurs. Deflected Knife Blow Alleged to Have- Been Aimed at the Heart of Miss Delia. Ostbye at Mount labor, Frank B, Ridney, Charged With Assault With a Dangerous Weapon, is Before the Court as the Result, Young Woman Alleged to Have Been Assailed By Jealous 'Suitor While. Walking. With Another Man", Commissioners Will Probably Uverlook urticer's Alleged Political Shortcomings, Millard F. Sloan may yet become permanent member of; the Portland Po lice Department, tie was discharged, he alleges, because he has been and still Is affiliated with the Simon faction 4r Ore gon Republican politics. This morning Sloan stated that he had been told by Commissioner Slg Slchel that In all probability he would be ap pointed to the force within a few days. TOPEKA. Kas.."June 9. It Is believed that the Governor of the state will call a pec!Weeirrur" of the? Legislature to sit within the next two weeks, that means may be provided for caring for the many who have been rendered abso lutely penniless by the disasters of the recent floods. A large appropriation will be necessary for. this purpose, and also to provide suitable care for the hundreds or sick women and children made so by their exposures to the rav ages of the elements during the days of the floods. KANSAS CITY. June 9. The Mis souri and also the Kaw are falling ac tively Since yesterday at noon nearly two feet depression In the flood has been recorded. The care for the destitute and the sick is the great burden of the relief committees today. Hundreds of persons, men. women and children, are "I am. waiting to see what action is enraared in cleaning streets and vards taken by tne commissioners, said sioan. m districts where the wafers have re 'The matter rests with them now. If ceded. . . y The I am not reinstated I will carry the case into court. I do not. propose to stand for being .ousted ' from the department because of-my politics." Chief of Police Hunt maintains that Sloan was not discharged, but that he failed to report at roll call yesterday morning, and when sent for said that he desired to hand over .his star. "No police officer is discharged from this de partment until he is so Instructed by me." said the Chief, "and Sloan ..never received such notification. Had be re- Reports have been received from refugees this afternoon which say that woman, baby and seven men were drowned by the .capsizing of a boat In which they were trying to. escape from the railway depot at Madison this morn ing. Their names are unknown. The current at that point is very swift and the bodies were all washed away . TOPEKA. Jane . In response to' the Mayor's-r-BrOolamatlon stating- that not ported" for duty yesterday mornrng , as I enoughr day laborers are obtainable 600 he should have done he. would have gone I business men and clerks from-Tooekn out as usual with thev day patrol. ... He I today are shoveling mud In North : To- nerer was-discharged," - . I peka. ... A corset worn by Miss Delia Ostbye for the sake of form acted as a shlrt-of-mall to turn aside the point of a knife alleged to have been aimed at her heart, and as a result the young woman who thus miraculously escaped Injury Is ap pearing this afternoon In Justice Gra ham's Mount Tabor Court, as a witness against Frank B. Ridney, charged with assault with a dangerous weapon. The trouble which Is being aired In court occurred at an early hour Sunday morning In Center Addition, near Mount Tabor. It Is 'claimed that Miss Ostbye was walking out in the company of a young man. named Eltce, when-Ridney suddenly appeared and struck at her with a knife. The blade. It is said, penetrated . the thin shirtwaist worn by the young wo man, but struck the padding and steel rlbe of her corset and was - deflected from her body, liot even drawing blood. Her clothing was badly cut, but beyond a rather severe nervous stock the girl escaped entirely without Injury. Ellce, Miss Ostbye's escort, advanced upon the midnight assailant, wrenched the knife from his grasp and adminis tered .such a severe beating that Ridney was unable to appear in court until to day. : On Monday a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon was lodged against Ridney and he was taken Into custody. Should the evidence be found sufficiently strong, he may be held to answer before the District Court and final conviction might mean a term in state prison. , Ridney, who Is a. married man,' lives near the home of Miss Ostbye, In Cen ter Addition, and It Is charged that he has been attentive to the girl, who Is said to have spurned his advances. (Journal Special Service.) - HELENA.- Mont.;-June Mrs.- L. Brown of Powdervlllo has given herself into the hands of Sheriff Savage of Cus ter county, saying that it was . she who killed Richard Standifer, formerly, her husband, and who afterwards mar ried her sister. Mrs. Brown told the sheriff that Standifer and his wife were at . her ranch visiting about a week ago, and Standifer, her former husband, asked j her why she never came over to visit them and she said she replied she did not want to. Upon this Standifer struck her violently in the face and knocked her down. When she arose he knocked her . down again. The third time she got up she started for . the house to get a gun but Standifer pre vented, her from so doing. Later Standifer and his wife met her enroute to town. Standifer asked her where she was going, and she said "To town to have you arrested." Standifer replied: "If you do I'll kill you. I guess I'd better kill you right now." f ., Then he reached toward his boot after his gun, and Mrs. Brown says she knew him well enough to take no chances and shot him- as he stooped over, the bullet hitting him In the back and he fell out of the buggy. She went to Miles City where she sur rendered and was released on $5,000 bail. The poor woman's action Is ap proved by citizens generally who regard Standifer as a bad character. , CAVE MONEY AWAY DYING PENNILESS '"' (Journal' Special Service.) BAKER CITY, Or., June' 9.'WHllam L. Burnham. a California argunaut and Eastern Oregon pioneer, died last even ing at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. He was aged 69 years and death resulted from pneumonia. He made three fortunes and died wihout a penny, having literally given hi money away. In the olden days of placer mining he found a band of stranded and hungry miners at Tho Dalles and chartered a boat and took them to Portland. He was connected with Bonta In a plan to build an electric road from Baker City to Burns. - -( J&emal Spuria! Ssrstee.V -SAN FRANCISCO. June 9. Mrs. Ed gar Sutro, who went to visit her home In South Africa, returned yesterday to San Francisco and found letters writ ten by her husband to Mrs. Merrill, who had lived with Sutro at thp Lap ham Hotel during his wife's absence. A sample of the letters Is the follow ing: "ARCADIA, July 17, 1896 Oh, partly mine Eddie Is very, very sorry be cause he wrote his poor, sick, little, suf fering, lonely Minnie such a mean let ter. Yes, he Is very sorry. You will forgive your Eddie, won,t you, partly mine. He will not do so again. "Your lonesome - babyr? EDDIE." Many other of the letters are written In the same lovesick style, and Some of them are so silly that they are disgust ing. Young Sutro is the son of the late Adnlph-Sutro, multl-mlllionatre. He . Is past SO and enjoys the inoome from many thousands per year. The present Mrs. Sutro Is a handsome young woman and. very sensible. Sho has filed' papers for divorce. .The Mrs. Merrill .In the case Is not as prepossessing as the man's wife she wronged by her actions with the hus band. i. .i ii FAVORS TAFT OF THE PHILIPPINES Man High In Authority and Close to President Roosevelt Says Mark Hanna Will be Next Chairman, Also in Case Mr, Roosevelt is Nominated For Presidency He Will Choose Taft For the Second Place in Line, (Journal Special Service.) WASHINGTON. June 9. An author ity prominent in high administration circles and close to President Roose velt said In the event of the - letter's nomination for die next Presidency, there will be no doubt that the Presi dent will personally urge Senator Ilanna to retain the chairmanship of the Republican national committee. From the same authority comes the statement that William A. Taft. the present governor of the Philippines, will bo more acceptable to Mr. Roose velt than any other man now mentioned for vice-president. " Saer Jim: Tonr letter of the lOtk received thja evening1 as Z Just earns home front Detroit, aad words eansoli express my feelings whta 2 read those words from yon, that yon had cbangad your mind, wfcea it is mot two months until we were 6 be rttarVleJlmTiT" you had stabbed me to the heart It could not have beea worse. Only think of it, man, what It means to me. You, wae promised to lore and marry me, have now at the last moment almost told mm you didat intend Jo, I hope heaven may spars you the pais you have caused me, and so sure as then is a Just Ood you will have this sin to answer for. Think of me, a woman who guve all her love to you and trusted you. jlm, no words uttered by a minister could bind us closer than we are. Still, that legal form you now object to. Ton know I am a poor girl working fo say livelihood, and do you think you are treating me Justly t Would you want any one to treat your daughter sor-Bx-traot from Birdie sfoOarty's appeal t Jim Heryford not t pass her by after his alleged promises of leva and mar ring's and working' her ruin. SAN FRANCISCO STOCKS THREE MEN KILLED . AND SEVEN INJURED (Journal Special1 Service.) - CHARLESTON. SL C. June . While repairing a trestle on the- - Seaboard Air Line over Broad River - yesterday afternoon a locomotive and ! plledrlver went ' dowit precipitating .the ; engineer and crew ;of ten men- into , the, water. Three weret killed and t the .others' ln Jored.- BAER TESTIFIED (Journal Special Service.) HOLYOKE.-Mass., June 9. As a re sult of the strike declared -by the em ployes yesterday 11 coarse-grade pa per mills are closed' down this morning There is likely to be a long drawn fight as both the operators and' mill owners, are determined to win. He admlted lit testifying that rates pjr ton for" merchandise to the Atlantic seaboard were lowed -than those on -coal. He gave as ,a reason th expense of building spurs, to the mines. He fur ther admitted. that the financial state ment given to the stockholders-differed from, that glTen.tfceInter-State ,Oom meree 'Commission and explained, that by 'saying- that the : statement, given the latter as only-sucluas is 'required by law. .T ... '-'-s-' i . - SAN FRANCISCO, June 9.-10:30 a. m. Hawaiian Commercial, 5 per cent, asked 100; L,os Angeles Electric, 5 per cent, 104 bid; Los Angeles Railway, 6 per cent, asked 117; Los . Angeles Lighting, 6 per cent, 106 bid; Northern California Power Company, 6 per cent, 99 uld; Oakland Transit, 6 per cent, 112H bid. 113 asked; San Francisco & San Joaquin Valley, 6 per cent, asked 123; Southern Pacific Railroad of Ari sona, 1910. 6 per cent, 112 U bid; Ha waiian Sugar, 42 bid. 46 asked; Honokaa, 14'i bid. 15i asked; Makewell, asked 26; California Fruit Canners. 91 bid; California Wine Association, 1004 bid; Pacific Auxiliary, asked 3. For toying with the heartstrings at Birdie N. McCarty, Jamea D. Heryford Is facing a danlae. suit in the . United States Circuit Court in the sum Of $70,000. The case , was called ioc.trlal jrester? . day afternoon and its principals are James Heryford, cattleman and banker , of Lakevlew, and Miss Birdie N. Mc Carty, a school teacher, from Michigan.' According to the plaintiff .Heryi!or.d i worth In the neighborhood of a quarter . of a million, but the defendant declares he has only $70,000, the amount of dam ages asked by the woman.. . Protestations of love, broken promises of marriage and her ruin are tho charges : brought by Miss McCarty against; the big stockman. Heryford, on the other hand, declares that the woman has not been compromised, and that he has at all times been willing to take her as. his wife. t According to the story of the plaintiff Miss McCarty came to Lakevlew In Sep- tember, 1900, to teach school. Sh boarded at the home of Heryford, s widower of 45. with four children. Miss McCarty, fit the time, was 29 years of age. A strong friendship sprang up between the man and woman and this finally ripened Into love. Miss McCarty declares Heryford promised to marry her and she consented on condition she be nllowed to spend half her time after - the marriage in Michigan. It was shortly after this, that Heryford; the woman al leges, wronged her, and their relations) , continued until the summer of 1901. when she returned to Wayne, Mich., to prepare for the wedding. , . The two corresponded during the sum mer until finally the stockman wrote . that he no longer loved Miss McCarty, and asked that he be released from his - promise to marry her. She wrote beg ging him to marry her. . To this en treaty she received no response, and finally, after several months, upon the advice of attorneys, sho threatened suit for breach of promise. Then Heryford ' . agreed to take hf. provided" she would ' come to Renpr'fieY,, butslle refused. ' and last fall suit was filed In. the United States Court. . , . . r , --Miss- McCarty- occupied the ' wl'litesa""" stand during a greater portion of the trial today. The courtroom was crowded with the morbidly curious, and several women were present listening to the story related by Miss McCarty. f CALLED THE RACE OFF (Journal Special Service.) ' . HIGHLANDS, June 9. The Constitu tion, Reliance and Columbia had nearly reached .the starting point at 2:30 when the regattn committee signaled the race Is off. . Light-winds was the cause. All the forenoon a heavy fog overhung the water. A considerable number of spec tators were disappointed. ' , :' ,,..- para for hamrock. - t , GLASGOW. June A duplicate set Of spars snd masts'" for 8harnrock" III will be shipped to New. York this-week. It is expected that the challenger will reach New York about Monday next,'. FRAUD IS CHARGED (Journal Special Service.) SALEM, Or., June 9. James F. Smith, formerly a street car employe, has been . arrested here by Deputy United States, Marshal Roberts on a charge of receiv- ' Ing mall belonging to another. Smith . last year worked In Seattle. He ' re- . :t celved, It Is said, a letter addressed to . v F. J. Smith, containing a drart for $100. He endorsed, and cashed the same. When -. ,' arrested he waived examination before the United States Onmmlssioner and ,' was taken, to Seattle for trial. - , Smith; recently fell frpm a light vnlsV? breaklngt his foot, and Ja an-i"tttoha, . He stani.jBltherr, -Where he has lived many years, and his friends are shocked at the charge. ' ' . JHE'KOREA IS FAST . : ' (Journal Bpeolat Service.) i -' . BANc : FRANCISCO. June . I. The steamship Empress -of Japan, for some years. .holding "the spe.ed r orl In om ental .waters, ..has bn be:f.'-n t)y I Korea In a race from NaiMwikt F t -: The Columbia arrived In t cU'it if -ft. Portlan I f