the' Oregon . pah. y -; .-journal, Portland,-- Monday -kvekikg ju NiPoa." Jr - .at-SBFV. ' ' ' VUTI1B TOMCAgT. .) t ExocMMcLyi tr swewiher prevsile'd yesterday In ths Interior-valleys of Cal- ffornla, and tn Western Oregon and Western Washington. In' the Inter $c$g-H,a'bYs;,nrmaVw aojatt cadse-Overs hot (weather.- and . r.cTed,a M-- Bhrwerai hare oecrorres generally in Northern Arlsona, Northern New Mex ico. Colorado, Lastern Montana, the paftataa A Minnesota, t , Tbe indications are for fair weather in mis aisinci i upiaijr, n win cun- i 'tint warm eae of the Cascade- Moun-j I 1 taljJ,,but to he west, of tW rnf th teroperaiurea wiir fay afternoon. lr b lower by Tues- t,t $ vfMir 4 tin a t w a r a . The river at Portland thla morning 1 0.1 feif "gnf rlaln alowlv.A stage of to. I feet will be reached wedneaday, and preparations should be made for a stage or aDout reel Dy next Hunaay. r worst AtKITALI, Mr. U. L. Steidmaa, it. 11. 'K11U 'and wlfv. U. .w. tijm, i. io. . Himnviuwr, u. Bsuck. J. . I'r , UlM Ida M. 'riice, MIh rioreace B.' rrino. mih m. r. iudm, n Woti, Jk. . N. Admnt and wife. Mr. A. C. Judklbt, Mll L. M. Betrnea, Mini Frrd M. Beuna H. fWinsn. Mr. L. tfc Itr1irr, LB. Mtiwr,nd,wl(, Ml Awauda Htmiwtt. : .' OMUfow, "Jr.( and wife, J. iWbraue and wlte, Wr- U O toolldfe. J. W. Unwu, Uim M. r. Miqulre, UIm Ida Kuhrotd. " alln Mtnroua, a. it. jsrifnum ana wim a and P. F. Hrlaham. Ian. 8. t. Darla. Mlu Uarf Quui', Mr.. U. W. tU-man, Mr. U. A. Maromtwr, Mra. A. Jl. Kimball, , Mr. K. L. lirqdfr, Mra. A. MlaiiRb(r, t ktiriiii. 'Alter M' ora)ribe, J. W.' Uay. Jr., and wlfi-. New Enflaad; C. W. Blulta, New York; Mra. Tbda. ' L'aoprr, Bt.'l'aul; H. H. W'alah. abcrl- daa, Wro ; il. MorMin, Han .traurtaro; E. A. Bnarn, nu.; . i rlcht. Mlnneapol W. MerU, H. 11. A 7 rH lO1 1 Rice and wife. A. A. ; P. M. Mwi. M. H. Lor.r. rrti. B. 11. Knirlkf and wife. Mlaa K. i. 1 Wallape, ' Baale fi. Wallaar, New Vork; jonoapq aim wic, lanoiiiuurg, la.; t urnrll, A. Biwnr. H. D. Mainra, San Krin Wof. Lot. Vancourw. B. (.'.: Mr. and -rfra. J. . W. i-ornr. BtnitwnTUJr, O. : C. ' Robarae. Ht.' Paul: l. T. Ilanrr. J. II. Haiiu Bpokana; Mra. 1'iirtor. Oakland. Cal.i W. M 1)111, Npotanr; rrana Koaoma. Mra. (.'. E Bchwprtiixn, I'blrago; J. t. McKlltfy and wife New lira,.; y. , J. , Pudlong and wife. Aurora. Iir; Kr and' Mra. Cbaa. A. Mull. Morrlktowu ,N J.: Air. A. W. Hlanwaod, Boaloii; H. II Langllle, Waablngton, I). C. ; F. . Urrj, San fTatft-uca; currnc Ellr. 1'arla, (ranre; w. J. Blnan. aod..wtre. (dar U)ida. la.; Mra. K. B. FatUrann. rhllllMburr. Maaa; W. H. (unnlni- bam, Ht. Louis. Mo.; M. McDonald. Walla walla.; Jcrr Crary, 1. J. rrarr, Wanen, Pa. tv iw. I'cuta. inicaao; i-r a. iiort. nToiniiia: X. Howard, NaabTlll, Tenn.; A. Ick- can soprano, made her debut In grand opera as Marguerite In "Faust" at Con vent Clarden. London laat week. tur. lrijr the balance of the aeason she will appear as Juliette In "Romeo, and Juliftte" and In other famous roles. bar.' Marabnrld. O. ; Ilugb B. Kothland. Ht I Aula: W. B. .(inr: lira. W. C Imiwr Mf Paul: Roland R. IMxon, Hoaton; W. J. Malom j. 8t. Joarnb; Rowland Starr, M. V. Varluur. Ti lede:. Jolw .8. I'ajiwr. aad miU, -Mssta-n: II. B. rarlay, Columbia. Mo.; P. I. Ijrlmro, Mlaa Order or Washington, gives a 'i10' ?llnIf' ,,w7"'...I'"-: u Led'Tt dance at their hall. Second and :.iiunr f' "'r'." T",1. hi" etreets. Saturday. June 13 wlfa. McOresor. la.: Wm. J. MoalcT and wif. union mueic. Kerresnmenta rree Chicago; O. F. Barker, Bt. K'. XV Juan torn Saw xork; . rn.iaOMLnlJaV.Ni,,V.L Alfred JUtnaa.. Bui falo, S. Y.; R. F. Maaaon. Han FraucUK'o; N. "f'rekn and wife, Aatoria; llarrj Hogrrtr. Bal timore; R. a. Iltighoa, Tampa. Ha.; R. E. FranMla.' Keir Yrk;Mlaa I.laala Roberta, Hood Klrerj Frrd Uraham, Moatou; C. E. Rodan haum. Lit t la Rock; Bam Cohen. Ban Fran- rlaco; A. Mltr, New Vork; A. A. Walla and wife. Omaba: H. Burkman. England; F. C. Penman and 1 wlf,' W. 4ra. Oilcago; u ' u i- i . i . . . . . . Mil. Rao. F. Spenear, Chicago; O. F. Bpencer. New York; A. J. L. Payne, London: Mra. M. Paul: N. E. Bnrua. mission 25 rents, K T. Dennis, Kd Dnvld's Knlscopnl Church. East Twelfth strrrt. "Habits" was the sub ject of Rev. Mr. Van Waters' address. ttlxhop Morris was In attendance. Turkish baths for ladles. Finest Turkiwh baths In the city at 424 Wash ington street.' Free treatment" on vibrator with each bath. Open even ings by appointment. Phone Black 1916. Etrawbarry picking at Hood River commences this week. Two thousand pickers will bo needed to gather the crop. Nice light work and good pay. Steamers .leave foot of Alder street daily at 7a. m. prlaa Yam Good Ad A star-mall coat has been estab lished from Yeronla to" Anoka. In Co lumbia County.' a distance of six miles. Malls will be delivered twice each week. The star route between Kerns and Ccples has been .discontinued. , A man would kill bis wtfe If he would sk her to do the family washing In times 'like these thermometer roosting on the roof and pleading for a chance to ionnon: Aim. sr. i L , , . n... . . C. Isaac, fhlcaso: Mr,. F. L. Mitchell. Mabel r),mD "'Bner. in nipn vaunory cafl arrtcben,' Oil' Mitchell, Mra." B. -A. WaUlx. save ner lire, tsecona ana uoiumDia. Evlae, Wig.; Jtd.,LHore.,snd wlff, Chicago, ... . f ..... Oowan. Burn ftajwuace Jahtt.X. .Morgan. Bone; Mra. W. A. (r. ; inae. Mubleman. an. nlhal;').; 'ha. Flack and 'wife, Han Mra. J. M Wlttnle. Mra. W. U. Keynolda. Mlaa RnL lAo.a 1 n - ir.nin, nii,iin. via. rr-wneranaa,'. KlkDisiD 'rtrita natte. P. Rmi and wife. Klngalpii. Canada; W. W. ateball. MAU Point; I). W. Buab, Cheballa: F. fl. . Burnell,,.8an Francisco: J. A. Jonea and wife,' Beartle; V. H Merchant, H. Lockhart. MarahfteMA: J. B. ModlU and wife., San Fran ' claco; Mra.. Cbaa. Drniran. MarabBeld; W. H. elaMe,'1 Indians; C.' F. Mch'nlght, F. D. Oranae. Marabfleld; W. B. Mitchell, Salem: Jobn Vert and wife, Pendleton; II. T. Miller, " Aurora ; Mi U. t Tof and wife. Tillamook; Otto F. Hellborn. Aatqrla: M.. fl. Iry, B. W. Daria, I dlon; Tb. Miller and wife. Pearl Holliday. Ontarje: Tbos, McErer and wlfa, Bumpter; Beaale M.' Bprague. Cheballa; FA. Kiddle. la land City; F. W Daila and wife. Mra. Black nss. Mrs. Datla, Mlaa nnnbiha, I'nlo: Mra. f". T. Bacon, La Orandr: J. B. Cooper. Inde-peJidaas- J. J. Fins, McCoy: H. - Moaa and Wife. Ix)iilTnie; Mra. F. A. Holm, Corrallla; r. f. 'Belt and Wife, Dallaa Or.; C. E. Raker.' Ban Franclaco; A. Anderson. Seattle; J. R. reiene. rmanurg: A. H." melrar, Albany: J. F. Tboss STOffsrlna from suberfluous hair will be glad to learh that this trouble some deformity Is quickly removed without pain or scarring, at the parlors of Madame Vaughn, the specialist, 808- Open even- lags - The members of the Fourth of July Tbeworks Commltts are said to be planning a pyrotechnic display here on '.he nation'a birthday flight that-will-be far grander than any previous exhibi tion of the kind ever given in Port- innd. The following marrUffa osrtlfloatas have been returned to the office of the County Clerk: Edward Slater and Gussle Kaser, Lionel R. Webster, Couaty .Judge, officiating; George C. Graham and ' Eliaa A. iJflUyard, Rev! Jerome Rr officiating. Buy your wheel today. Don't fool round until the heat's off and Tain la rnmpant. Get there. EH. on a Wolff' j...'.. ' . - While away Superintendent Gardner boomed the, DOS Fair as hard one man can boost it. Ha aays that the Exposition needs a great deal of ad' vertlslng throughout the South. The nest Charities 'convention la to- be held in Portland, Ms., gnd Mr. Gardner thinks that It can easily be brought hre tn 1105. i Ta following have been Issued licenses to marry by the County Clerk. Harvey X Collins, aged 21, and Flo ence H. McNulty, aged 21; Vernon C. lloyt, aged 26, and Blanche Camp bell, aged 20: Charles Frederick Meyers aged 20, and Theresa Emma Jung- nickel, aged 21: W. Arley Stone, aged 24. and Alice Briscoe, aged 20, all of Multnomah County; Edward Slater, aged 2. of King County. Wash., and Oussls Kaiser, a god 24. of Multnomah County: Fred A. Newland, aged SO. of Dakar County, and Grace H, panlells. aged 31. of Multnomah county. The tTaited States Laundry pays good Wages to good people for good work. Send us your laundering aad you can reat assured that It will bs properly handled. What a difference when you send your bundle to a Chinese laundry or elsewhere, should you perchance to awake from your peaceful slumbers and think of the treatment that bundle is receiving from Inexperienced handa; It Is enough to give one the nightmare. When you send your bundle to us this Is all changed. We employ about ISO of the most experienced laundry work era in Portland and, working night and day, your clothes are actually being washed while you sleep. Your celestial lace la as safe here as If you were super intendent yourself. VISIT PORTLAND IN 1905 America Baptist Societies Will Meet la Thla City Jurlag Xwis aad Clark ZxpostUoa. Portland. In 1006. will be the scene of the annual gathering of. the Baptist Church Association. Thts means that between 2,000 and 4.000 delegatea from all parte of the ,1'nlted States will be preaent In the city for a fortnight dur ing the sessions. The laat time the anniversaries were held on the coast was In San Francisco in 1898. This year the sessions were held at Buffalo, N. Y.. May 18 to 2(. Assistance In securing the Baptists for Portland during the Fair was, given by Los Angeles and San Franclaco. The bodiea that make up the assem bly are the Women's Home Missionary Society, Missionary Union and the Publi cation Society and American Baptist Missionary Union. Rev. William E. Randall, pastor of the Central Baptist Cflareh xrf FwtlKmi' Sal that tn c1Sm mlttee of fifteen" haa In view the mak ing of the Portland conference one of the most prominent in the history of the assemblies, and will arrSnge the meeting of 104 so as not to Interfere wlth.the one to .be, held iiesa . CHARMED WITH : , , i - V ; ' ' PORTLAND ROSES A, B. Nye, Secretary to Gover nor Pardee of California, -Says This City's Flowers Are1 Most tfeautitui, Thinks' That the Golden State Will Give Many More. Thou sands of Dollars For the 1 905 , Exposition Here. 'A B. Nye, private secretary to Gov ernor Pardee of California, is visiting In the olty in company with his wife. Whllo here he will look over the 1 906 Fair grounds and Interview a few of the folk Interested In the Exposition. The California appropriation of 120. 00ft la in the handa of the Governor and Mr. Nye will report hla vlewe e gmrdlng the coming Fair direct to Mr. Pardee. "1 believe the Exposition here will be a fine one," said Mr. Nye. "and It Is my opinion that California will give an other large amount to make an ex hibit here. When the time corn's the people of our State will take aa much Interest In tha Portland Exposition aa they are .now taking in the one to be held In St. Louts next year. I have no doubt that many large private ex hibits will be mads at the 105 Fair by private California flrme. This is ny first visit to Portland, and I think that it is one of the pretti est cities In ths world. Being a rose crank, you know my Joy ut seeing so many of the flowers In bloom here. I believe .that the views of the moun tains that one geta from the heights here Is ths grandest sight I have ever seen." POSTOFf ICE CLERKS 'HAKE LOSSES GOOD Employes Had to Reimburse Baker City Postmaster for," Theft pf Money, (Journal Special Service ) BAKER CITY, Or.. June 8. The matter of settling the theft of $450 from registered malls of this county Iihs been settled In a rather novel manner. The Inspectors' have been working on the caae evrr since March 17. when the money was 1st. The Inspectors as certained that the letters neyor l't the Baker City postofllce and .Post master Moomaw had to reimburse the First National Bunk. In turn he made his clerical force make good the hisses pro rata. The clerk a are disgruntled but fear to resign because suspicion might fall on them. The Government has given up the Job of finding the guilty party. PERSONALS. of Forest isi .Robjnaan Helen Roblnaon Mra. B. U Boirart. American best wheel on earth and re n. ,u. ortn. (jouiae atoran; i.ioiie Moran. Resale Day. Eugene: Mra. LaForeat. Albany; .is. t. ,'per.. rftmcrion 1 nr nr. : u. u. Moen, Aatnrls: "Wft." warren. Salem; Z. L. Wright. - veaaviue,: . ; r. . tfweeiemar. wominurv; Mlaa Farnaworth, Medford: Margenrlte M, Hi ley. poatnn: Mattle Haaer. Knnkane: P. K. t. Carter, r. w. rnulaon. ,MJ1I .end .wife, K AahUnd: T. J. Ml tailed by us at Jobbers' prices. We buv for cash In carload lota, that's why. Sigel & Smith, 335 Morrison.. Marquam Building. The Bliokeosderfer Typewriter allows the operator choice of type , and choice Miller and wife! Albany: Mine of ink. des good manifolding, work. Kaa-Andrew. Lafayette. Ind. : Henry B. Thlel son. Salem: O. P. Coahow, Roseberg; John 8. Mitchell. Ran Franclaco; Mra. Claude ('apple, Hppd ..Rlycr: W. H. Macfarlean, Hen t tic; 8. Chadwlck. I'olfax: A. P. Cahlll. Fred (ailll. Dayton; Mrs. Claude (iatch. Salem; E. tV. Iletnea awl wife. Fnreat Oroya; Mra. (1. c. f-aheman and daughter. Salem; Frederic B. uno. pngene; Mra. F. D. Hawk. JefTerann: II. KStton: eo. h: Burnett an wife. Salem; Ua Roblnaon, Eugene; Ines Butt. Newberg. Fine Day I Buy Meredith's umbrellas. -Repairing, recovering. Wash, and Sixth. Dr. Amelia Zlegler has returned from tajrlng-nost-graetaate work: Phone reaf- dence. ,Usloa Jm., Si weighs only eight pounds, and meets all the requirements of a first-class ma chine. Price $40. Call or send for cat alogue to R. L. Dunn, genera), agent, 2,6 BtarK street. By mistake it was stated, on Satur day, that the fine, new photograph gal lery opened on that morning by B. W. Moore was located at the Southeast cor ner of Eleventh and Washington streets The gallery is upstairs at the Southeast corner of Washington and Seventh streets and la a beauty. Tha Begulator Lin a popular steamer Ar n If . ..l, ... I ' ' 'r" '"miiu uaiiy 'j.,,.,,, r.Z y.. IDr lne -asoaaes oi me coiumoia, ar aruggir for Gulneana Remedy. Its frri, .v.rvKrwii . nn., cures am marvelous. 1.1Z, Th. T Zi? .:.r. ' " .aaw o ""-VUV DV ma J O.I1U I M fT, I'll B JforUaad Club, 120 Fifth street. A flood. Steamer leavea Aider-street whr pavia?oie, lunon servea every evening dally at s a. m.; Hundaya 9 a. m. Music and meals on board. Round trip fare it. bu. rnone. Main 814. An examinatloa will be held In this city on July 1 before tho United 8tate Civil ' Service Commisalon for the po sition or ueputy snipping Commis sioner at Port Townsend, Wash. The position carries with It a Salary of a i so. i nose oesiring to taKe the ex amination may obtain Information from 2: "A . Leigh, secretary of the board, at the postofflce. , Ths will of the late George C. Stout has been Pled for probate in the County Court. Lansing Stout Is named as executor and all property Is left to the mother of the deceased, Mrs. Susan M. Stout, tn case Of her dosth the prop erty will go to his brother, Lansing Lillian Blauvelt.. the famous Amfirl Stout, and to his half-sister and half brother. Susan and Plowden Stout. The will is -dated February 28. 1902. "Tha Weed of Courage" waa the. sub ject of Rev. K. A. Blmore'a address st the Cnlvary Presbyterian Church Sun day morning. Mr. Elmore IS pastor of the 'Second Presbyterian Church at Chattanooga Tenn.. .ind with his wife Is In the city en route home from Los Angeles. Cal.. where he attended the General Aasembly. Dr. Elmore took hla text from Acts, xxill:H, "Whom, when Paul saw he thanked God and took courage." "Kumaoe flash cooked done." might have been an item of yesterday's bili of fare, The world Is Invited to get out of -the heat-and on to, the deck of the steamer Leona enjoy ttvs cool breeses of thft Willamette ride to Willamette Falls and return spend half a day at theFalls, if desired pay two bits for the round trip, and enjoy life. .Start fron-MTayloT street at 8:20, 11:10. J'and 6:16 o'clock every day. ' sTmperiateneeat W. T. Gardner of the Eoja' and Girls' Aid Society returned Saturday from Atlanta, Qu .where he had been, attending the national con vention of Charities "and Correction. from 8 until l p. m SeTfral thousand Portland residents yesterday made Independent excursions into the vicinity of Oregon City. '. "fourth of' July "posters, or any kind ot pilntiRgcr-Metfopolltan Printing Co., .14.7 Erovt, , Street, near Morrison. , Xrrln Saffert .hfMi begun suit against L. L. Allen to collect the sum of : $68v71, alleged to b due as wagas. . -. Tapor Bath, scientific massage, by young-.jsjrwe mvtW8Ws' om 28 Ral eigh Building. Sixth anJ Washington. , It. Brnee. clumber, has removed 5m 226 1st at. to 29T Et. Morrison, Just across Morrison-st bridge. Phone East A. sstltloa. has ,-been filed In the ' County Coust asking that Henry W. ? Scott btf appointed guatdlan of Myrtle Maude Scott, a minor. Ths oase of Felix Fremery vs. A. B. s Mgnley. .which waa continued from last wesfc," was1" talteri Up this morning In 1 JutfKt XiettWi' Cbtrrt.'' A speciea -meeting 'of the Bast Twenty-eighth-Street Improvement As sociation will be held to,night on linst, Twthty-Sfghth and Eaat GUsan streets. "aTtraaVstlsi ret." B- Simpson of Qulncy, Mch.. 111 speak each fright of the current week at the hall of the Volun , teera of America, 29 North ' Second street. ' 'r Tor hard or soft corns, Hedgln's Corn Cure, prepared only by Albert Bernl. the druggist, corner., Second and Washing . ton. (a the only real remedy after all. 3!o S Jws.,;,, . . . , xna, vioTor a wompaay has. insti tuted suit, against Amelia Laurent to reefdrf her" to set forth claims to'nron- rty at WortU U la, alleged to be owhed ky.tha.slalnUft- . c Baw IJora;a. BiTa- Watsrsi D. ., delivercd.ha baocsJauraats sermon 16 in ajraaupiing yiaBses v ' oi.- ein s - Hair and Bishop Scott's Academy last night. Tbs service took place at rSt 8nater E. W. Haines Grove Is at the Imperial. W. 8. Hammond, Jr., of Denver stopping at the Portland. J. L. Wright, a mining ttian of Lead 'vllle, Col., is at the Imperial. A J. Splawn Is registered at the Perkins from .North T.aklma. Henry B. Tbeilson. a prominent law yer of Salem, is a guest at the Im perial. C. H Burnett, a promjnent Jeweler 6f Bralnard, Mrnn., is registered at me Belvedt-re. Fred H. Gllman. one of the best known newspaper men of Chicago, Is guest at"ttir Portland. A. J. L. Payne of London, who Is making a trip around the world. Is registered at the Portland. B. O. Brown. Grand Master of the Scottish Rite Masons of Kanaas. Is In the city to attend the reunions this week. Votrfey T7 Hoggart. a pioneer of Val- des. Alnska, Is registered, at the Port land. Mr. Hoggart spent the winter in Vsldes and says he came to Portland to "cool off." DROWNS, IN GUILD'S LAKE John X,araon Is Seised With Cramps and Sinks to Death la Right of Companions. With six companions gathered on the bank not more than 20 feet distant. John T. Larson was drowned In Guild's .Lake yesterday afternoon be- vauae none of them oould swim out and save him. Larson Is supposed to have been seised with cramps in 10 feet of water. Ills body was recovered from the lake soon after. Larson was a laborer at the North Pacific Planing MI1L He left h,Is room si "No. 810 Thurman street yesterday dfternoon for the purpose of bathing in Guild's Lake. None of his com panions could swim, and when he gave tolgnals of distress, they were unable to reaf h him, and he drowned before their eyes. John Anderson and Rd Johnarn recovered the body two hours after the drowning. Lurson hss two sisters and an uncle residing here. No Inquest will be held. Is it a burn? fee Dr. Thomss' Eleo trlc Oil. A cut? i'se Dr. Thomas' Elec tric OH. At your druggists. At tha Bterquam. One of the most attractive offerings of the present thestrlcal sesson Is prom ised st the Marquam Grand Theatre next Monday and Tuesdsy nights. June 15 and It, where Mary Mannerlng begins her engagement In "Tha Stubbornness of Geraldlne. he play, a comedy or American eoclal life, written especially for Miss Mannerlng by Clyde Fitch. was one of ths most emphatic hits of the year In the Eaat, and comes with the prestige of an endorsement, not only of the charming actress who Is the star, but of the cleverness and pure sentiment of the play and an exceptionally elabor ate and effective scenic presentation. Miss Mannerlng needs no Introduction ' to the playgoers of thla city, by whom her Janice Meredith Is well remem- ! be red. Her new character, that of a typical American girl of wealth and, social station. Is said to be admirably ' adapted to her personality and histrionic i gifts, and wins for her new admirers at each appearance of Geraldlne, whose stubbornness Is but another name for whole-hearted fidelity. The atory of the play Is simple. Ger aldlne Is an American heiress who Is re turning from a long stay In Europe. A poor Hungarian nobleman has fallen In love with her at first sight in Buda Pesth and has followed her on a steamer, traveling second-class. A white rose which he leaves on her steamer chair leada to the Introduction that he seeks, i and love on both aldea begins with a song he sings to her on the promenade deck in the moonlight. The plot turns on mistaken Identity. The Count Is so proud that he poses as a commoner in order to escape the suspicion of fortune hunting, but he has an elder brother who has an International reputation as a blackguard. Matters axe .complicated by a confusion of the two. hut in the end all Is straightened out. the stubborn ness of Geraldlne la Justified, and the curtain falls on happiness. The bare story of the play cannot do Justice to the conceded cleverness of the character drawing and dialogue jf Mr. Fitch's comedy. In theae points it haa earned the highest pralae wherever it has been presented, and Its success elsewhere will tn all likelihood be repeated In this city. ; Fifth and Washington Streets. Olds, Vort man & King - .MThc Different ; Mors" Bliiiis Second Week of tho jyjr"'iV .. . Great Reliance : - . i? . vi WHITE SALtiK to ONE FEATURE OF MANY A SENSATIONAL SALE $35.00 COWNS $8.67 ( Second Floor) Ladies' Elegant Tailored Suits Here's certainly OPPORTUNITY IN WOMEN'S SUITS; the mid-summer dresses, the linens, pongees and muslins, are clamoring for more room. Their weather is coming. But before they get out of their cases, the rest of the suits must go. About 250 are marked with new prices for tomorrow among them a great many staple things and a great many of the best styles of the season. All sizes at every price, but not in every style. The variety beggers description ; suffice to say they're mostly new Spring Suits of late and very fashionable design. Materials are cheviots, brosdcloth, Venetians, homespuns, tweeds, hopsacking, etaminee, basket weaves and fancy mixtures in blue, tan, gray and brown mixed ; Oxfords, blue, black, gray and brown ; also black and white colofings. The jsckets . arc iev blouse effects, etons, double and single-breasted reefers, all tastefully trimmed with tailor stitching, braid, or bands of same material. Only a few of last season's suits in the lot. These suits hsve sold up to now for from $15 up g f T to $35. They go now at one price your choice JaC, J Inld aside; all together they'll go nut tomorrow and until sold, but flml corners gat first clioloe, A few Come earlv they go on sale p-omptly at 8 o clock, and early comers get first choice none reserved, none Inld aside; sll together Walking Suits are Included tn the lot. Poultry Netting WKOLSBALX, JsXBTAIIi. Wire and Iron Fencing BANK AND OFFICE RAILINGS Barbed Wire, Wire aad Laws Teaclag. PORTLAND WIRE IRON WORKS Preferred Stock Caused (roods. Allen aV Lewis' Best Brand. 108 Manufacturers. JK. TKZBO VS., OOB f ZiAaTBSBI. PH. W. A. WISE. Painless Extracting! tVe dn rrowif and Rrldfe Work- without pain. Our 111 years' eiperleoire In plate work enablre ux to fit .rour mouth cmifortahly. liavx fooling well aa ron. Hr. Vt. A. Wlae, managnr. haa found a safe way to extract teeth Nhsolutnly without pain, lit. X- 1'. VVlaa la an expert at Gold filling a4 l'rmn Mnl Hrirtxo Woifc. Kttraetlng freo when platea or brldgea are ordered. vn. T. I'. WWK, . WISE BROS., Dentists 208-213 f"-ING BLOC, Cor. 3d snd Wash. Sts. Open eenlnira fill I). HnndnTi from 0 to 12. Or. Main 203). AT THE PORTLAND THEATRES Three spectres that threaten baby's Ufa rholsra Infantum, drsenterv. diarrhoea. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strewberry never falls to conquer tnem. AJg-CBZXZ-aTTS. EMPIRE THEATRE I2th and Morrisn its. NORTHWESTERN VAUDEVILLE CO. Proprietors. to CEO. L BAKER. Itsldent Manager. Only Theatre la Portland Ssrotsd Xlgh-Olass TauderUla Opens Monday, June 15. rBzoan MATINEES 20c and 10c. EVENING 80o. 20c and 10c. Boxes and Loges 60c. Sale of scat begins THURSDAY JUNE llth Watch Announcement in Thursday Papers Cordray's Theatre- . v-V&gr" rhona Main fortiana a ropslar Family Resort. guajmer Prices Matinees, 10c .. and SOc. r.Trnmea, i"c. we, aw. MATIN'RE TODAY, 2:16. Tf'NItiHT AT "A OIAMT AKOVO NOKIX8:" HF.TS'. 8EK: RKR' ISWAIQ BKXXZiSI' CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE YBXaipBITT BOOIBTBLT. In wat1vllle Th wnnAfrt.l I IMlralvtti will Bow in rreaiaeni ivaaina: ine nnui . l orl- land Biggeai crop .or uinoreiiaa mi mote. Preatdent enlorlng an Oregon rulnet rm: red- tratlng the Iwla and riark njonumnt. People you know and meet dally rrproclucvci in a irar- reioua manner. 9BTAM ACTS . Including tbe Honepede Acrobata Krnle and tionegger. The Baker Theatre George L. Baser, alanager. The blgeat lilt In j-enra. Something to think atxmt. Beautiful In the vitreme. "THI OAT 1WD THE CHEECB." See Ralph Stuart aa tVIng gliee. ' Frank Camp aa (tin 1'ang. TKI MACEXAKM." One apaam f laughter. Efenlng. ISc, 35c, 3Sc, .VK-. Matinee, 1re, COJiCEBT HALL- BLAiritHrtO. 1 CONtlBT EViTKT NIGHT. -S4S-MS rFrKsVpe. SPECIALTIES! for the LADIES of fUBTLAND. ' . All kin da. t FEATHZBI aa BOAS CLXARO ss4 OTTEID. MSB. St. OILBEBT, from Lcadoa. 1B0) first, near corner. Poena West Ma, Portland. Of. At The Baker. "The Cat and the Cherub" Is a strong Chlnexe character play, and as pre sen ted by Ralph. Stuart's cmianr at The Baker yea'terday afternoon and last night .scored one of the greatest sue cesses of the season.' The stage set tings were splendid, and the piece gives ample opportunity for good work to all members of the company. Everything in the play Is very true to life. For In stance.' there were opium dens, under neath the earth's surface; highbinders and Chinese merchants and plenty of "punk" to produce an Oriental atmos phere. Then again there are two mur ders, and the police do not arrive until too late to be of any assistance. Any police reported would be de lighted to secure a story from China town as thrilling as the kidnaping of little Hoo Chee from his father, Hoo King, by Chim Fang, renegade keeper of an opium den; the subsequent finding of the lad by Dr. Wing Hhee. and the murder of Wing Sun Luey. who is In love with Ah Yol, a beautiful girl, with whom Chlm Fang Is also Infatuated. Perhaps the strongest piece of work Is that wherein Dr. Wing Shee wreaks re venge upon the murderer of his son by striking him In the head with a hatchet, then strangling him to a slow death. There Is much comedy about the play. but so few understand the peculiarities of the Chinese that several times last nlaht strong work was rather spoiled by laughter in the most pathetic portions of the play. The cast of characters was as follows: Dr. Wing Shee Ralph Stuart Wing Sun Luey Priestly Morrison Chlm Fang Frank Camp Hoo King W illiam Harris Hoo Che Ernest Van Pelt Hwah Kwee Mary Horne Ah Tol Virginia Brlssac Opium fiends, highbinders, etc. "The Peacemaker." Tbe ' one-act comedy. "The Peace maker," written by Ralph Stuart and Dudley H. Bragdop. is a very clever farce and made a decided lilt.. The cou- trast between the happy American home nd the dark Chlnalown alleys was a pleasing one. The comedy is introaucca oy Mrs. Dorothy Dott clearing the dinner table of the good things to eat. they having become cold and chili on account of Mr. Dott's detention down town. The pretty wife grows more angry aa each dish is taken out. At last she decides to go back to mamma and papa. She writes a note to Archibald, telling of her flight While the dishes, are being tenderly carried out of the dining room 8ylves"ter Sprague. a family friend, enters the room Unobserved. Seeing more tears than tea, he hides-himself in a coxy corner and acta wise. Mr. Dott arrives home, finds nothing to eat in sight, becomes very angry at Dorothy, and decides to go East for a month's vacation. But neither of the angry ones are gone over an bout". When they return. Sylvester tries to make peace between them by urging both to obtain a divorce. The hungry couple think better of this. They take the peace-making negotia tions unto themselves: soon there Is a kiss and all the tears are o'er. The following Is the cast: Archibald Dott (husband). Frank Camp: Dorothy Dott (wife), Helen Mno Oregor; Sylvester Sprague (peacemaker), Ralph Stuart. Shields' Vaudeville, When Edward Shields roncelved the Idea of Inaugurating high-class vaude ville In Portland ..he evidently knew what the people wanted, and from the throng that crowded Cordray's yester day afternoon and last night, the. people are getting . what they desire. Each week Mr. Shields' performances are growing in popularity and In excel lence. The show last evening was by far the beat that has been presented, and in spite of the heat, tbe large audi ence sat and looked pleasant during the entire performance. Dainty Plnkey Mullally's dancing; the singing of the Pleaus. the work of Stan ley and Scanlan, the unique turn of Ernie . and Honagger, and the songs by Horace Mann and Cad Franks were well worth the applause received. Mr. Shields, whose popularity, like his show, never diminishes, was greeted with enthusi asm when he appeared to make the usual announcements. The new open-air park will be ready. for use two weeks from tonight, he said. That place of amuse ment will take the place of Cordray's during the summer months, but Mr. Shields will still retain the theatre and in case of. rain or stormy weather the house can be uaed. The features of the performance last night were the initial appearance of Pleau and Pleau, Ernie and Honagger. the one-legged acrobats: Lyndon and Wrenn, and Stanley and Scanlan, the musical eccentrics. For high-class singing and some clever dancing the Pleaus stand well toward the front. The costumes worn by Miss Pleau were very handsome. She has an excellent soprano voice. Pleau. as a tenor, Is seldom equaled on the local i boards. Ernie and Honagger are forunate In their misfortune. Both" are minus a leg, but from the way in which they handled themselves with and without the aid of; a crutch would make even the acrobat blessed with both ptidil extrtmlties envious. In a light and airy manner I the two active cripples performed feats of strength AUTOMOBILES One Haynes-Apperson, 10-horse power. , One Oldsmobile, 4 -horse power. COP CAI F? Used about oae year and IV-'V. Orta-U( fa flrgt-olass ooaditloa. WILLAMETTE TENT AND AWNING COMPANY PORTLAND. OR. The Coal Strike Was settled by arbitration. There are two sides to every .question- even Wire Fencing If you don't know the differ ence between good wire and tha doubtful grades, come in and let us tell you sbout it. Dayton Hardware Co. FIRST AND TAYLOR STREETS. At the Sign ci the Padlock. SHOES "The name will become a touaehold Word." TEETH Money can buy no better full sets of teeth $7. We nae tbe beat teeth sod tha beat rubber or tti Irani to that money ran on jr. Our rheapeat grade can be had for U.OO. Gold Crowns, 22-k, S3 Thla lorludea on rutting edge month. No rharge for treatment of kind where crowna or fillings ordered. Fillinqs ftold, "small other fllllnga aired. 75e. All operations strictly modern. 80-gnage, reinforced auy tooth la the any are 11.00. large $3.00; all of any material da- Alba Dentists Ori-r, Ellrre Piano House, oppoette Cordray'a Theatre. Pbone. Main 2TD6. 'The name will become s household word." I ;le know aood aLoo whra they U a Lard- t- Kctv l'i are It. W,- Ml!! evvri I, ,ilv t' Unoiv tip.'t' Sglllty (ind balancing, ntid ! furiory l i ' maii'ifrfturlnit Honagger endeared himself to the audi- ' -rtie line "f ii:en a i: !. :... v,i. .1.,,.. i, ..... ., ,i Tbev at nuHlc of a.;N.-i"!, tng. AS kicker bo is - alsb eapable of Tb.- ' I-ti,.i.'s from tn ut' finding ! some good work. Tho duo are direct ! grade t hd- V l't'i.T. from Keith's. New York, and are. among i '";"'" 't'Tr a fl Una of minora', ml. ... . ., w iii , rnilra una l"irf:t i-n hrj"i. Shields highest salaried people. i Tllrv ,r,. ,lt, al acf WASHINGTON ! The Mullally sisters, by their clever ; BTHSET. lv-!ar.!. Or., and v e .-a:i im.-uro Journal friends and readers when traveling on trains to and, from Port land should ask news agenta for Tho Journal and insist upon being supplied with this paper, reporting all failures In obtatning it to the office of publication, addressing The Journal, Portland, Ore. work of last week, nre lending a trc;it deal of weight to the attrjctlun at for- dray's and were honored last'nlgl t with; the opening turn on tho program. Mltis j Plnkey. MullaJly is a wonderful dancer. I and .in buck and wli'T ork In second j to none. The young lady Is but lti years; of age, pretty of face, trim of flg'jni and active. As singers the Mullallys are but ! fair, but they can surely trip the boards j in the most difficult 8tepn. I Lyndon and Wrenn, In a shart melo- j dramatic sketch, showed up well. I.yn- i don is very nlmblu in dancing ajjd :irro- batic work, but he showcl poor tjste in appearing before the audience attired In a turn-down collar ami shirt-waist that i were better suited for the man working j the flies. ! The moving pictures portraying the President while In Portland were on nr.U can bo seen each night this week. 'Vith f a few minor alterations t!u performance thla evening will be the sanio as put on Sunday. The following Is the pro gram: Stanley ar.d Scar.lon. musical come dians. . . t Ernie and Honeger, monopede acro bats. v Pleau and Pleau. comedians. Lynden and Wrenn. In burlesque. Mullaly sisters, dancers and Singers. Horace. Mann and Cad Franks,, sing ers. - Josepn Thompson, illustrated songs. Polyscope, Roosevelt pictures, tu. the iil;tl!r Ihur tlU'-p I no In I' U..lfkel. fir U.r !1101!'y. !!: hi ThcReid-Brunke Shoe Co. Portland Riding Club. r.A ..... ' "';. .Ur it? '.'.UiJfa. w. r " Cw i t a f l The beat medical atttbbrlttea are esanlnumt Is teCosuaeBdlng UoraebaMi rid. us fcr ueruua. lung and kladrrd rompulnta. rnrtiinlsrly is lilia aiotla of einfctae beatiii-U) on Wl Wtt LoaaL. where tte satlaut ran eujoy tae nir pea lr. tnusle datura a wa Sad the reals eus fragraar ef pine. Sr, redtr ssd heuUock. It le safe te say tbkt there la bo wastry es arth where '-horaebatS rtJIog is. raure ttcalUiv ful tha a In Oregon., . ; .- ..... -PORTLAND RIDINQ CLUD, "A. G. BV-ft-X. Ktnaear. Tourists'Curios Carry the Largest Stock of Japanese and Chinese CUR I O vS IN THE Cin i rONSISTINC of fine Ivory Carvings. Bronze and Clois- sortie Ware, Chineio Ebony Furniture, Silk ajid Satin Embroid- f eries, Firis Decorated Porcelain ! Ware, Matting. Ruf3, Etc., at special prices. Tourists art cor dially invited to call In and Inspect our nwsniflcent line of Oriental Curios : : : : : i : : : : i ,- AndrewKan&Co. Cor. 4th and Morrison Sts. I IM Xlswaath ' Bt-1" rheaa, Mais 123. .aad said adils haraas sad eairUsaa. Kvrsae MghJ 4. . V TODAY'S JSEh'S TODAY f