The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 06, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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    Tib!; liEcidN daily
and Organs At
;', 1 - AT " ' .
the Receivers' Sale.
2UK? 1 'V'i
Eilcrs Piano House Closing Out
the Gilbert Bankrupt Stock
What One Caller Said-Sale
Will Surely finish This Coming
wee. -.'v':s-?v.
Beautifully located Vs . tha' alga,
ground only a few minutes' walk from
tha Mills. ; ,Thass lets will largely U.
ersas la valua in the twr futon, uy
bow wails thsy are chaap. .,
"If youhad added lit of even ISO to
me, one or tnese pianos. -tnev wouia
till oe very cheaD." said an enthusiastic
rawer at tne cioaing-out sale or me uu-
ber Brothers'. Bankrupt - Stock yester
day, ana this Is undoubtedly try, but
I our policy ts to let our patrons share
In any good thing that voraea to us, and
the neavr shipments
or new aoooa arriving almost daily.
have no room to spare and cannot hi
"rt V "
GIVES the most perfect illumination for either
interior or exterior of your store at a mini
mum cost. We greatest economy and the most
abundant lights are only secured by the use of
this lamp.
These lamps are now used almost exclusively
by the largest merchants in every city of the Union.
City Water on the PropertyjX
Wfl-M0T EE IM- Ttfg SWEMf
I furthermore, wit
these pianos a day longer than la apaor
uieiy neoeseary, so every inaueemem
must, be made to set rid of theae otanos
quickly.' -
in view or an the miation that nas
been conducted, many people are under
the Impression that the title to theae
Gilbert Brothers' Bankrupt Stock iof :
pirunismi la not peneci, oui , mn nin
been definitely dl noosed of by the Cir
cuit Court, and Ellera Piano House not I
onlv a-uarantaea the tltla and aualltv of
Ltha Initnimiinl ' W -mwh nn. v tie
pianos win, ir aesirea. be . sold witit a
written ststement that if the piano or
orran Is not absolutely satisfactory or
rouna se representee carter - oeiivery,
money will be refunded and contract
rescinded, or the Instrument may be ex-
onang-ea ror any in our regular stock, , '
Little Prices Simply Startling.
We offer also at correspondingly-low
price a larse number of accumulated
slla-htly used and second-hand pianos,
received Ih part payment for new Kim
ball and Weber and Chickerlne- clanoa:
alao numerous sample Instruments and
pianos that have been out on rent The
assortment embraces almost every lead
ing make of piano manufactured - In
America, and while space forblda .de
tailed mention of every Instrument In
this collection, we offer:. v
1 4 26. brand-new. oak-cased Lester.
damaged In transit, $219.
uaraeat site, fancy machine-carrea
walnut case. Royal upright, sold recently
by a prominent Arm who has gone out
of business for IJ86. now 1186.
Largest slxe, walnut-cased Marshall
upright. $17.
largest sue, walnut case rsugeni up-
TltU rarfeet.
Stay Terms :
Title Guarantee
& Trust Co.
M - T duuabes
I Oepuaeroa, a
yortlaad. Or,, ; ,?
right. $1(4
Aediura else.
Letcht Upright,
genuine mahogany ease
la-bt. has been
IS?.'" Anttthef one,"l'i,
nearly new ebony - cased
Decker- Son, original price
1480. now
Fancy English oak Colonial Jacob Doll
upright, tne lito style, Z6i.
Fancy Cabinet Grand Decker Brothers'
upright, genuine rosewood case, the $460
style, 1 2? 7.
.The beautiful Bailey, good tone, oase
considerably marred, the 1309 style, now
Lamps are installed at a very nominal cost, and are
1 kept in order by competent inspectors. No expense to
customers after installation is made, except ACTUAL
Don't delay this matter, but take advantage of the
opportunity while you have the chance.
We are pleased at all times to explain the merits of
this mode of lighting over all others.
I. f
Largest slse and very fine A. B. Chase
upright, sn Instrument that will please
the most fastidious musician. 1268.
Fancy genuine rosewood case stem-
way upright, could not be told from new,
Another beautiful - mahoranv Dteckar
Brothers upright, the isoo style, now
Verv fine, senulne rosewood case Hal-
let & Davis upright, tne regular $600
Style. 1286. -
A altarhtly used mahorany-caaed Kim
ball Cottage upright, the 1365. style,
Beautiful rosewood Newby & Evans
upright, $1(2.
Fancy, large size ebony case ivers &
Pond upright. $196.
Verv elaborate, larreat size Mathti-
rLttdwIg upright, the $260 style, $165.
Largest size Colonial Jacob Doll up
right, the $426 style. $218
Largest size,' very" elaborate' oak case
Ludwig upright, the $260 syle. $1(6.
Lars-eat size, fancy mahoaranv. carved
case Laffargtte-uprlghtr.tbe $276 style.
ror 167. ,
For the Country Home.
- Fhw-aqiatr piano are" every blf ls de-
siraDie as any meaium pncea new up
right, excepting that they are more dif
ficult to transport. But where people
own their own homes, a fine square pi
ano Is undoubtedly a most artistic and
very desirable style of musical instru
ment. Tou can secure now a
Weber, fancy rosewood case, the kind
that "costs a little more,' but lasts a
lifetime," - well worth $300 of any. one's
money; at leas than half price.
very nne Bteinway & Hon s grand
square piano, genuine rosewood case.
beautiful in every way, now $106.
Another Stelnway. also In excellent
condition, $8S.
Fancy, renuine rosewood case Knaoe
square piano, fancy corners, carved legs
ina lyre, ror now.
rour choice or zs other arood souare
pianos at za, xz, 134, xtz, 4, ite
etc' .
Terms of Payment
It Is not necessary . In buvlna; one of
these pianos or the Gilbert Brothers
Bankrupt BtocK. or in buying one or
tours, to pay all cash, for arrangemnts
have been made to sell to responsible
buyers at cash prices, provided one-
tenth of the amount is paid in cash.
and the balance, will be arranged to ex
tend over a period rf two years. On this
basis & square piarnVcan be purchased
now ror it down and xi.zs a montn
Such makes as the Schaeffer, Wheeler,
etc.. $l to $16 down and $4.60 to $6 a
motnh.'etc. etc .
No home In Orecon need now be with
out a piano, store onen dav and even
ing till Sale closes. Remember the place.
I Ellera Piano Mouse, 361 Washington
street, corner i-arit. f ortiana.; ur. ..
cxoiox mzsasairos xktbw- .--
" On - Irving, Worth ru p. Overton and
Fettygrova streets, northwestern part
- pt ths c4ty -at vary low prices, -j-t; y"'"'
10 acres, near Oanby Station,
acrea orcnara, prunes, apples a
mixea -rruits; -room nouse; a-o
r barn, chicken-house and well; a ds-
airaoi noma place; (l.too, terms t
suit purchaser, , , , . ;.
1' acres, near Clackamas Station,
1 Vi acres orchard, hk acre strawber
ries, balance In potatoes 1 good (-room
. house, barn. : and chicken-house: two
' large cisterns: $1,000, part cash. This
Is good and cheap.
BAsoAnrs nr tabic lajtoi. .
- oxra urn a qxxa. . - i
(Formerly af UuMuiSt Blntn.). ? .- '
Real Estate, Qcneral Insurance
and Financial Agency
ttinn House and lot' on. Mississippi
I1W ave., with barn. ..
tl CAH New 8-room house and full
'7W.. lot, at North Albina,
$ 325 Choice corner lot,' Multnomah.
$ 500 Two .good TblaT MaeglyHighi
$7C Each, for. a number ol'Kne.i
lots In the 'Patton tract and ! 1
at North Afbina. ,
$"3Cl 8 lots on car line,' at Fenln-
"W aula Station.
tI7A New. modern, 10-room house,'
Williams-ave. n
4J 3W New modern 10-room dwelling
f OWV house. Williams ave,
18 lots left in Williams Avenue Addi
tion. Call at once.
Will give 90 days' time to responsible
parties to build on Jots in WUllams Ave
nue Addition. ,
If you have coast property you desire
to sell or rent, place It with us. Beavfew
property a specialty.
:.. .864 . STAJUC imiET. . .'. .
We - write flre ' Insurance and hava
money to Joan. ' . t: .
4 -business Is ijood." J Farms "sSnff "garden
li::rt arc BPlllng and bringing good
p:iies, which Ih taken as a proof ' that
there Is both money anil inclination to
sill, abroad. But Inside the elty those
who have coin prefer to libld to it until
they see what Is going to happen in the
labor worlil and those who have prop
erty for sale play the conservative game
iif refusing to jpentl money In advertis-
D,l . r . I r n i , I ins?' ami pursue ui; unproductive policy
?- Ileal LtlalC UCC.ieii) Ul rui UUIIU-1 r waltlns:.
liAre - Hopeful !y Waiting For
tne .PjCKing Up of I heir Bus
'Although, accordiii'j to
I SPV .the season of t'ie yen:
t'u.rt' filioit 1 te'rT--l crl.-it-rvtry
c-orftr, rlcals in Ui.
"ita'Ui and the huIltUnt; ccdtjsh.fd t!:
oh -were few en-l 'ar hj twenj lust
Slid th'.-ie .ipc: is -no lmmt'Ciat? jn,.
iiin "that transact io:iF will i;alcken.
port history
. lo;i"i'r sav
lmrln'ss fit
(ij.'t of the
Buainess Comes Zater.
J. A. llcnklp. one of the brtst'known
I re:il rotate men In Portland, today said
j l' The Journal that there wero many
I Inquiries being made about property and
i that indications were- strong for good
business at a la-ter (Ttvte.
j "I believe the real estate market Is
; showing Indications of getting out of
.tiie rut into which It has been cas by
i .-trlkes ami other similar disturbances."
lie said. "I lo not mean by this state
' mint to oppose the:- striking workmen.
; I can only speak of their business as It
1 ling affected mine Transactions in city
property have , been very light during
J r- r;The tusinef s Is .tthftro," those who
:.-.-.,'Wsten-l!r.a 4iu)pittons sny. ":t:t the I the week enO$jg today, but there have
3M.VJe ;is liii.t nobody wants to buy j itpen a number of good sales in the
H Wt.ftt are Jn their present unset-I country districts."
; tltd- ttouuition. Wl).-n (tie tttrikes .-ire! While Iw Is forced to admit that busl
..V. awr-anahc mnis change their taettes ness U dullt th,e present time, CJeorge
, : of mfwiflng 1-JimbcT- tp thorn, who want H Iflll. who handles real estate for the
j. t lHUM.ihera.-KlU b(jjfoiogs doing -along 'I'itle Guarantee V Trust Company, is
I ... nuu . iriuiw iuv in jfi t.uiiu, out mill! , must noperui.
Fntare of Portland.
"Pnrtland has the greatest future Qf
any city on the Pacific Coast," he Bald.
teal estate lines lit -PtirtJend. but until
i.ltsvt . timo! cmes ; iBii-tigiiatlon will
; ctnii.U'S.t.":;'"T'
,putalu f Foi-'lsiMl H is claimed that
''I ftni a Statistician in a small way and
have for years given great a'ttehtlon to
figures and estimates. ' Without hesita
tion, I will 6ay that the population of
Portland, If present indications are car
ried out, will double dnd 'we will have
more than 200,000 people residing here
within five years. . Does that statement
look as though I had no raltf? in the re
vival of the real estate mefkett"
One of the most important'biislness
transactions in property Recorded in
me my 01 j oriianu ounng tne weeK
ending today was the purchase of the
Spalding House, by Walter McKay from
W. W. Spalding and wlfei. The prop
erty is lOOxloO reet, and In located at
the northeast corner of Park avenue and
St. Claire streets. Although the con
sideratlon In the deal "was nominal; the
actual valuation of the property is
placed at $36,000. Roundtree & Dia
mond were the agents.
There were other transactions, but the
grand total, dealers 'say,, falls fa.r short
of what Jt should be for this 'season of
the vear. and ttrdarina from nrnnncHlv
plOng other'linea. .
uut wun toe altering, qi tnose tnmgs
which tend to withdraw confidence, it
is expected that "good times" will come
again to those, who are buying,, selling
and negotiating for real paoperty in the
City of Portland.
"And when it does con,"' said Sfr.
Diamond, of Roundtree & Diamond, "it
will make up for lost trme, never doubt
that- . - .-' r
A Few Special Offerings of Real
Estale for a Few Days.
besirable for people of small
means who want a home.
4 acres on Base Line Road, only
two miles from Mt. Tabor, $500.
5plendid for chicken ranch. In
stallments if desired.
Small cottage with lot 50x125
ft. on East aist St., $1,300. In
stallments If desired.
100x100 ft. in Block 8, Irvington
Park, $150.00 "
. The above are offered at these
extremely favorable prices arid
terms to close out an estate.
raw TODAY.
j. H. HAWLEY, Real Estate Broker;
No. 2 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
I nav'e'for. a few daya'-avcornfr lot
facing ther block " at Seavle. adjoining
ihe COrbett cottage, with one room
and one 2-room furnished cottage,' all
for 1650-cash. Must be sold at .once.
k. s. Txoaoraov, "
"' ' ' g Start, toast. V
A Profitable farm
Containing 317 acres, la Marios. County
within 3 miles of railroad, with 160
aores nnder cultivation; SHOWED A
can be had bow. while under sontraot, at
$33.00 per acre. Put your thinking .cap
on ii yon wui 10 get a gooa larnv,.
: 1ft Acres
srsAm novum Scott cam nam Ton
Si.ioq; , you , cannot buy any adjoining
grouna at near wis price.
Henry's Fifth Addition
xsmeinber this is located this side of
"wooastoea," ana tie car vasses right
through It You can buy these sightly
una i prioos rsusi iJ to 8S0 rsm
X.OT, TVItlt SIZE, 60x100. Suoh buys
will pay you wall, If you bars any money
w niTflt. i,-. .i
ror particulars call at my offlea. ' i ,
c . sums omsa rom pixss. .
.Itching plies produce . molaturo . and
causa itching, this fornv as well., as
Blind, Bleeding or Protudlng liios ar
cured 'by Pr. B-san-ko's File. Remedy.
20 ,
Jfodarn Daiigm
.VALtTEi rxOX 11100 to 13000. '
Ob eaay iimtl)mint ouc flftb down'
' We can - rait you. . Call. Klue lotn on .
lustalliuenu, ... .
' Columbia Real Estate 4 Trust Company '
. - JSi4 Morrioa at., , &oom t. - "
New Residence:
Of aix rooms on the East side,
close, in, with all modern con
veniences,: city .water, sewer, por
celain plumbing, mantel, piped
for furnace, gas and electricity, i
For sale for $3,750 $500 cash,
balance in installments. - ' .
3 Chamber of Commerce. '
Located directly south of (the Ladd
tract on East Clinton street between
16th and 1 rth streets. On ,'
Waveriy, Woodstock, Richmond and
Ivanhoe car lines and 4 Mocks
I from the Oregon City line.
These' Choice Lots, 50 1 1 00,
. $25 Down, - .
Balance In inttallmeota of (
$ 1 0 per month.
Thompson & Powers
i Chamber of Commerce.
Who Wants to Buy an
dingly C
4 lots, 50x100 each, with a neat and'
comfortable 4-room cottage very
excellent garden and nice chicken
park; place fronting on splendid
car line, and is an absolute bargain.
PRICE $550.
. ' 149H rirst Street.
A-verv'orettv suburban home
on srood car line and not. far out:
10-room, up-to-date cottage, large
irrounds. choice fruits, ornamen
tal ."trees, shrubs,, flowers, v lawn.
10b varieties of roses; If you want
something about right, see this.
ftoom aio-ali Ablnston Building,
1 , . ssra. baa. a a I A
Stops Itching and. bleeding. 'Absorbs tu
mors," 800 a Jar, at druggists, or sent
by mait . Treatise free. - Write me about
your case. Dr, Bosanke, Phll'a, Pa.
5 Room Cottages
' X hare serarkl vary dealrabla places
for sale, oa and asar Williams arena,
new ana modera in avery partloular.
Paymeata to suit purchasers.
I - .. (Formerly ,6f MacMaster t Rirrtfl) " , '
Real 1 Estate, , General Insurance
- and financial Aijency. 1
303-4 McKay Building, Third and, Stark.
,'.-;-;, '..JPaoaa Xaia S3a. .