. 1 ':' 20 E , OREGON DAILY ? JOtTKjKTAL, POItTlLAyD, SATTO PAX EVENING, JUNE 6f 1903. J, Buy a OAS RAJSGE, then read over carefully and follow out the following suggestions and you will' enjoy the coming Summer, no matter if It is a hot one. . . FUEL PERTINENT SUGGESTIONS: WEltlll warm SUGGESTiORIS it lllif GAS AN ECONOMICAL .1 ' That's right, my litttle birds, The Parrot Cigar Is best by far. Search the whole country and get all smokers to "Just try a Parrot Cigar "5c AT YOUR DEALER'S. FOR YOUR Breakfast, Dinner or Supper ! EAT THE BEST HAM THAT MONEY CAN BUY. ASK FOR HIELD RRANDj I It jcosts no mqre than any other and ft Is Absolutely the Bet. Z I Froifi, Oregon Wheat-Fed ' Hogs and Obvernraent, Inspected. 1 x A, Home Product 'and none better. ma.de. 7 T . All First-class Orocers and Butchers sell ..SHIELD BRAND GOODS.. UNION MEAT CO.! V . 1 ': i. Top burners should not be lighted until ready to use them. Oven burners lighted but a few moments before using, according to the temperature desired. Make all preparations first and then se only heat enough to accomplish the work to be done. In cooking, as soon as the water bolls, turn jjown the lire-r-you can't make the water any hotter. '; r ' 3. Matches are cheaper than gas., Extinguish and relight the burners tetween operations. Turn off the burners the instant the work is' done. Perfect results are obtained by using just so much, no more nor less gas than required. - . . ,: 3. Learn the value of simmering burner. . 4. Plan your meals so that when the oven Is in use you can do most of the cooking In the oven. Vegetables and fruits usually cooked over top burners may be transferred to oven, saving the gas and josing no flavor in this method. . 5. Follow these simple rules and with a little thinking and planning you will be able to make the gas billstexceedingly reasonable, and have a lot more coomfort besides than could possibly be -gained 1 with the use of any other fuel. PORTLAND. GAS CO. FIFTH AND YAMHILL, STS. a GOSSIP OF CITIES ABOUT THE BAY Weekly Letter to The Journal Filled With Interesting News and Current Topics of Dis cussion. - ' Hermann, Oregon's New Con gressman, Not Favorably Re called By Any Person Found in bolden bate City, 1 Si? T riT 1 1 11 1 ) " - .. J vi; iw Harness Goods of all kinds. Hundreds of styles to select from. Call and see our stock and prices before buying. SECOND AND TAYLOR STS., Portland, Or. By John J. Harrison.) BAN FRANCISCO. June 6. It may not be very 'flattering to your new Con gresfiman-elect to find that In spite of the notoriety, whether savory or other wise, he achieved m WashinKton. he is comparatively unknown outside of his district. I had occasion to talk with eral prominent- men here "regarding Hermann election, and In most cases hud to tell them who and what he Is. The new Congressmen-elect from .San Francisco LIvernash and "Wynn will doubtless be heard from In Washing ton when they cross swords with the Hon. Blnger, for these two men were elected as the champions of the com mon people and have well defined views on the power and abuse of capital. They will naturally oppose all legislation sug gested for the benefit of trusts and big corporations generally, and It Is not difficult to surmise on which side of such questions Hermann will be found. The only remark made to me that could be considered favorable to Hermann was that of a prominent Democratic poli tician. When I asked him what he thought of the result of the election in Oregon, and explained that I referred to the choice of - Blnger Hermann for Congress, he replied: "Great Scott! Binger! How that maji must be handi capped, burdened with such a name." Dlmmlok Wu Clever. Now that Dlmmlck. the Mint robber, Is putting in time, at San Quontin, prob ably counting thet'-days 1 until he shall have an opportunity to make use of his Ill-gotten fortune, people still discuss the embezzlement and speculate upon the manner- of Its accomplishment, have an explanation from a Mint em ploye, part of which has never been published, It came out during the trial that Dlmmlck had the combination of the vault door from which the coin was abstracted when he held the office of chief clerk. When . he was given an other position bis. successor opened the door In order to change the combina tion of the lock. Dlmmlck stood on the other side of the safe door and observed the new combination being made, the tumblers showing both front and back. But there was another "safeguard" to oe consiaerea, tne lime attachment. inis contrivance Deing put into opera tlon dropped a small bar of steel in such a position as to make it lmpos slble to work the combination loclt until a specified time, say 12 or 24 hours after being set, when the mechanism removed the bar and the lock could then be worked. Dlmmtck's Ingenuity was equal to the emergency. At a favorable time he simply took the screwdriver and re moved the little steel bar that stood be tween him end the coveted coin, and the man who continued to set the time lock did so all unconscious of the fact that the clock might just as well-have been hanging on the wall outside for any security it was furnishing. Will Oet After I.eke. Referring to San Quentln recalls th recent announcement made by the Call that Warden-'-Agulrre Is to be rellved- In July. During the last state cam paign that paper charged, day after day, that the warden was guilty of-al most every crime in tne calendar, ana published documentary evidence to prove Its charge at least to Its own satis faction, for the courts dismissed the case when the matter , was brought up. Governor Gage was also made a target for the Call's bitterest shafts, and there are lots of Republicans today who think that the Call was responsible lor Gage's defeat for renomlnatlon. I predict that If Aguirre Is deposed and discovers 8am Leake of the Call had at last succeeded In bringing about his downfall, there win be a hot time In the old town when the two men meet. J ago Well B member d. A , pioneer of California named Jago committed suicide In Arizona on June 3 by blowing off the. top of his head with a load of buckshot. His death brings to mind the old days when San Francisco was, not mu'ef more than a village, and along through, what Is now a compactly built up portion of the city a road straggled out to the Cliff House, barred near the town end by a tollhouse, for this same man Jago for tnany years sat in front of the tollhouse and col lected money from'the travelers passing by on their way to the already famous resort on the oceanstde. Hot Reoonolled. A rumor was printed In the Eastern papers a few days ago that John Vance Cheney and his divorced wife had reconciled their differences and were about to renew marital relations. Un-t fortunately the rumor proves to be un true, for each of the talented couple deny with considerable asperity that any reconciliation Is possible. Profes sor Cheney was for a number of years librarian of the Public Library of this city and is ah author of national reputa- tlon.. Mrs, Cheney Is scarcely Jess famous.- and has been engaged In teach ing art in Chicago for several years. In the same city where her former husband Is librarian of the important Newberry Library. Baoe Suicide, Vital statistics of San .Francisco for the month of May show that the total number of deaths was 678 and births 422. A hundred and fifty more deaths than births Is a proportion calculated to have its effect on the growth of the city were it not for the fact that imml gration is exceedingly large. The great est number of deaths was caused by consumption (80) and the next greatest by heart trouble (2). Misadventure and surgical shock were responsible for 42 deaths; there were four homicides end 10 suicides. ; : Comely of Tears. It Isn't often one finds anything funny In the dally business of the Hall of Justice, for It Is ther -crime, -distress, vagrancy and all the dark sides of life come to the surface. . There happened the other day, however, a bit of comedy to relieve the . pitiable scenes one gen erally encounters. Mrs. Tamia Hester arrived In the city and engaged a hack- man at the ferry to take her to a board ing house, leaving the selection to the driver. She came to the city In search of her husbarid, Iva Dale Hester, who, It appears, had abandoned Her In Ala bama. She does hot desire to have the man live with her again; she only wants to get his signature to some legal papers drawn concerning a legacy. Leaving the boarding house she appeared at police headquarters to obtain assistance in finding her missing lord. After trans acting her business with the depart ment she started to leave the hall, only to find that she had utterly forgotten the location or even the name of her boarding house. Returning to the office of the chief she confessed that she had lost herself as well as her husband. paper men of this place have started the publication of the Pacific Police News, "Admiral" Arthur Dutton and Elmore Lefllngweli being the responsible editors and proprietors. Two numbers have been Issued, and besides giving run sporting news a department Is de voted to police Intelligence. The half tone work Is admirable, both In selection of subjects and execution, of course the young women In tights being much In evidence. Captain 'Bill ' Leale, the popular owner Lof the. steamer Caroline, and known far and wide as a club entertainer and gen erally good fellow, leaves for a trip to his native Gernsey with his wife and daughter. Miss Leale graduated from the University a few days ago and is a charming young woman of many intel lectual attainments. Captain Leale's boat has carried many an excursion party around the bay generally the captain's own guests. As a reconteur and mimic he has few, If any, superiors on the Coast. COUNT IN MARION . (Journal Special Service'.) SALEM, June 6. The official count of the vote cast for Congressman in this county last Monday, was made yesterday afternoon. County Clerk J. W. Roland and Justices of the Peace- H.--Overton of Woodbum, and D. A. MagnesB of Champoeg, the latter a Democrat, can vassing the several precincts with the ronowlng result: Hermann, 1,764; Reames, 1.E97; Ingle, 209; Elmore, 183. Hermann's plurality, 167. An Interesting condlnon or affairs Is noticed in that the precinct in. which Hermann's personal representative in this county lives Salem, No. 4, where Captain S. B. Ormsby resides gave Hermann 74, and Reames 86. This Is usually one of the strongest Republi can precincts In the county. Butte vllle precinct gave Reames 68 to Her mann's 21. ROANOKE CELEBRATION (Journal Special Service.) ROANOKE. Va.. June 6. The next four of five days will be a gala time for the students, faculty and friends of Roanoke College, the occasion being a celebration of the semi-centennial of the Institution held in conjunction with the annual commencement exercises. An elaborate program has been arranged for the festivities. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached tomorrow by Rev. Luther A. Mann of LIUIestown, Pa. The evening addresses will be delivered by Rev. Anthony T. Orayblll of Linares, Moxico, and Rev. Rufus Benton Peerym of Saga, Japan. The senior class exer cises will be held Monday. The next three days will be devoted to exercises in connection with the semi-centennial celebration. . Governor. Montague of Virginia, and a number of well-known fraduates of Roanoke College will make ddresses. As their offering in com memoratlon of the semi-centennial, the graduates and former students are rais ing a fund of $26,000 to enlarge, con nect and remodel the three old college buildings. The big Eastern cities no longer have a monopoly In furnishing illustrated sporting papers. Two well-known news- HABERLEY NOT GUILTY SALEM, June 6,-The preliminary hearing of the charges against J. M. Haberley and Clarence Beauchamp, the two young arugglsts of this city charged with larceny of goods and money, re spectively, from the store of F. J. Haas, recently, was held in' the City Record er's Court yesterday, and after hearing the testimony the court dismissed the cases against both defendants. SALEM TO. INDEPENDENCE ' (Journal Special Service.) SALEM. June 9. The Greater Salem Commercial Club met last night and ap pointed' a committee consisting of C. 8. Hamilton, J. L. Stockton and J. O. Gra ham, to interview the business men of Salem with a', view to raising the re quired funds to operate a steamer, be tween this city and Independence. The club has a proposition from a former steamboat man, asking .for a loan of $1,200 to enable him to build and oper ate the steamer needed on the route, and the plan now is to see if the Salem mer chants are Interested in securing this; new transportation line. Fref erred Stock Canned Qoods. Allen Lewis' Best Brand. WEDS ITALIAN PRINCE (Journal Special Service.) ROME, June 6. The wedding of Miss Ethel Bronson, an American girl, to Prince Cammlllo Rosplgllosl took place here- today. The bride has resided la Rome, occupying a magnificent apart ment In the Palasso Borghese, since the death of her mother several years ago. Prince Cammlllo is a nephew of Prince Gulseppo Rosplgllosl. whose wedding to the divorced Mrs. Parkhurst of Wash Ington excited great Interest two or three years ago. "THE NAME WILL BECOME A HOUSEHOLD WORD." SEE 1 OIVE PRICE TO ALL One Hundred and Eighty-Four Offices in North America The Pinnacle of High Class Dentistry Is Reached ! " ' . " " v . ... iTHE ALBA DENTI X T S Known from Sea Coast to Sea Coast, have established a branch of theii: elaborate system in Portland, in parlors over Eilers Piano House, opposite Cordrays, where the PERFECTION OF DENTISTRY Will be demonstrated to all who mayYavor the gentlemen with their presence. What is termed "CHEAP .DENTISJRY," the work of the amateur and those only interested in profits and not reputation, NEED NOT BE LOOKED FOR HERE. Our work' shall be the BEST THAT HUMAN SKILL HAS YET PRODUCED, including the Celebrated L. L. White Crowns and Bridges Than which the wisdom of : the world has produced no equal, and probably will never originate a superior. Many citizens of Portland from ; the East are wearing these Crowns and Bridges jiow, and these will testify to their . MARKED SUPERIORITY OVER ALL OTHER SIMILAR INVENTIONS OF THIS AGE OF PROGRESS Prices quoted here are for the best to be had on earth, and none will be slighted - who J entrust themselves and their work to. us. TI Gold Crowns, 22k, $3.00 This includes 30-gauge, reinforced on catting edge any tooth in the mouth. . No charge for treatment of any kind where crowns or fillings are ordered. Full Set of Best Teeth $7.00 We use the best teeth and the best rubber or vulcanite that money can buy.' 7 Full Set Cheapest Grade $4.00 AND THEY ARE GOOD, SERVICEABLE TEETH. - .. .... v--. ' . Gold Fillings, small, $1.00 Gold Fillings, large, $3-00 All other fillings, of any material desired, 75c, and ail othtr operations are strictly modern. One Price To AH. ALBA "THE NAME WltL BECQME A HOUSEHOLp WORD. DEN ... -1- ... - JF '. ' Phone Main, 2796. OVER EILERS PIANO HOUSE, OPPOSITE CORDRAfS THEATER. .1