' . , - ' ' V " ; V'.'i '"."' :-..( : - ',' r V . . - ' . . ..", V v., - .: .-.(- ' ,:..--r-.... -. 1 OREGON DAILY JOVLUfAL, POKTLANIV SATU-It DAY EVEOTtCG, JUM '0 ; 1903. : ! if- and in lar'ily re f tine ti'l'ial palll. v l) 111 CHUmi uddi- t Alter tilt" proaosal ii:rt linn accepted and tin llllf: bus been J :i -1 1 nil her Hie dream; '''.in In b enmlng II Hi' I i : I I'Hlnes I h" prlv it" In Ihi- ! l.iti'.rr Mini Iri. I'll "'I eci.-l'T.t telllni; I'M!" nil illlimi'lilllt r, -I'll.- ttmn !:! i.l.'i' i-i'i-i- li " ' lit: ( i .ii .l nil t l'i' ; : ill'i'j; t , P::!!iv Jinn . WW i". i ; i i .- tie: t i,.. ,'n;; li-t ypni Mm. Mlntioll. Mm. Allen l.rwla, Mm. ('. 8. Ll.ithlei:in. .Mis. V. T. Mulr,, .Mis. V. .7. Hi:r::n. .Mr.. Crn. Mt'Maa tr. Mrs. VreO' rliU UnpiilriH, Mrw. Lena Hnow And Mrs. Du Mrtnd. )S i'J Mm. Adrian A!. O.iUcn' wh(.t pnrty, limn nri inent J vt.n lust H.itunl'iy nlpht Ht linr Iwtme. tlrn i pub- 'p. ,rtnc;ith Hiul Knst Taylor atrwt. In i v. !i ii h ml i honor of nor vl.-ltor, Mri. WiitklitH, wan 'ent Ih to I nninvtfwt In ll'.o fiillpwf pvlpil hv llinMl i'v if the "new" prenent. The ioouih vtore nmde lulght ma4 beautiful - with pink 'roaa, , ttid ..Ilk. t- 1 .1.1 ! The had prfSieji wr' on b Mfa, Wm, Mufflay and Mr. J. B. Tnnner. th Tonaolatlon prizes failing to Mr. A. W Cochrane and Mra. Clinw. Ilarker. Punch wa aerv'tid during tho games and later delirious refreahmenlii added a.Dleaa In feature to the evpnlnx'a entertain ment. The guentn were: , ftjrv and Mra, A.'. W. Corhrane. Mr. and" Mra. Cha, Barker, Mr. and Mt. Lou lleaa. Mr. and mi", n, j. Element, -jr. ana mm. wm. Muffley, Mr. and, Mra. J. B. Tannqr Mlaa T I it f tl.IA.linl. .. Ilia. 1.1. 1 1 Unill U Mia Vic Combs. Mr. A. W. McAfanus Mr. U. C. Kundrct. Mr. J. A. Wllaon, Mr, Flavin ami Mr. Davloa. Mrs. frank, A. Heltkemrer'a home. "tf Lincoln street; was filled wrth beau tifully gowned women, last Wednesdny afternoon, the ocuolon be In a; a clneh party. The rooms were beautifully decorated. . The reception hall was psr- 1 ir" t II! I 1 1 t. n jhvi "'I. .uiil IIiIh iiml next wrek Iv. i 'i I ' w i r. ir will rep the rul- ii i; ini'in luctly inm;ineiK. ' P'.-i.-it e ft rii-"'fi lri-.e been v.'ie' :it different lmmfH. 1 nntl frnriittMt hv th m-ottv nrrtinirfTiillt lfrlilHllv .tirmiv In itm urnnMmiil li;li' .-I) lldfi. I f I ones of rvorv lni mid vmiIpIv I of arrttnn Ivv vtnnu with nnmorniii ulllf Amerloan flugn dlNtrlbuted here and there In -Just the riirht number. The dlnl nff 'room was dtfno In pink. Roses of this hue decorated the entire room ml tlio candclnbrii liore out the ofTect r 'srin.it-, inp piirK were won by the niiot of, t Irivo bi'ftt , i.oiior mid Mr. W. I) l oin li. Kpfrovli. I hrl'lcn f niA.u wrra poi-vi.il iifftr Mil iiiw'l. ! Mrs. Onkea wn.i as.-inuv ly Mm. Illimm j und Mra. Doll. ! Those prewoi t ivrii; Mr W. (). rotieh. Mr. nn.l Mm. i Mr. it lid Mrs. V. Illitom. Mr mid Mm. i In candles and Rhadcii. The. parlor ' li n ker. w.-iJIh were bung with numerous Wall iiml Mrs. pnrltPts -orjl i till itrt different colored 1'iiiiik clrault. Mr . md M ih. W. 1 frHRiant roaen. Another exceptlotiully Waddle. Mrs. Arthur Tift. Mra. W. J. fame was then "played in much Xlle Vnlveralty. Miss Frick was a student Hawkins. Mrs.' Alfred Waarher, Mlas aame manner aa any protcresslve game there at the same time, and 1 It . was Bessie 1IIU,' Mrs, Douglas Taylor, Mrs, of cards, except there weretoo-, part- thre that th -couple became Interested.' Richard Martin.., (Jr., Mrs. H. Holden. ners. At the top of the bell eaci one In one another. .After, finishing, school Mrs. ft va Dudley, Mrs. Tom Marin, Mrs, moved to next tablr Jjut leaving their Mies Frick came to Portland to Vial t annua ora b tor r. jars. a. i cease, sirs, i worn onnina anu 'lamnsj ud inai ten 1 ner nintor Mrs, Pratt.: uiier ur. itiuei. Jack. Keating, Mrs. Maud Tyler,., Ma. J by the woman preceding her. Although ler was called vWeat on business and J. M. BerrV, Mra. A. D; Charlton, Mrs. .1 but a short time was devoted to the I here the aoaualntanoe waa renewed and J. A. . Bell, Mrs. Bam Herring,- Mrs. I sewing. , much work was accomplished, 1 toon became a deeper regard, and their james I'lacic. Mrs. ie. uucnanan, Mrs. i ana ne noreuy or it was inorougniy union Is the happy culmination. . . Thomas" (Irir. Mrs. R IT Rlrdaall. Miss I enjoyed by those oreaent. Tha allk . rn, Mn,iu, i. nrnmaalv, in,l , Nttfinla .Pvlop. Mra W O. Knnn ' Jf .. I nlMAaa will h u.H In lh mnkln nt 1 ... I i-.. a..mn'.. Mrs. John Couch, of Concord, Massn palr: ef portieres; . s , '''-. s . He Is manager of the Oregon .8 melting a auDsianiiai juncn was men servea, Refining Company and member or wis . uvutua ox wmcn . were carexuiiy I tne firm or icillan. . Warner. Stewart A looked after by . Miss Pauline Slthlan (Company, - ' and .Miss ' Lens' SlmDson. ' Followlnuri - mi cvinV ! .' n,n. ne vnni hw thla, the amusing experiment oi trying I father being a - retired : clergyman of 10 maao a naiurni luumng rai xrom I mat state. . Since Coming to Portland . a stick of old-fashioned . whlte gum she 'haa nuraued tha study .of voeat Both homes have been made bowers of took their undivided attention. ' Judges I mualo under tha beat lnatruotoraT , wlm Deaiirv nv tna artiatic arraniremeni or i aecsaea inaL-Mrs. a. .u. iucus was mostiiiava. itiinnv,,, in n.i.k t.i.ni aweei .smelting nowers, . Tne luncneon succesaiui 10 inn una was awaraeo i s soprano, ;. v,;:i,'.' was served at the home of Mrs. BU, f the n,rst prise, while Miss Carrie Barnes I Dr, and Mrs Mueller are ! spending , 343 Kuat Thlrteehth street, at one took second place. ,v,' f s 7 i thele honciymoon la Portland., Thev o'clock. The guests were seated at Those prejkent Were: Mrs., Frank I will reach SumDter. their future honn . loie-e-iete, laDte.i; wnicn were aecoraieii wooo, mra. r. m. mine, mra.- J. A. I aDout June 10, Miss Gertrude Pratt. Mrs. H. E. Cole man, Mrs. Thomas Howes and Mrs. W. A. Rogers. K 1 Mrs. Y. 8. Bell and Mrs. C. R. Don- ohue are entertaining 30 guests this afternoon at a luncheon and card party. with pretty bright-faced daisies, the or-I Clock, Mrs. B. L. Lucus, Miss Margaret namentatlon being an Ideal one for I Linn, Miss Carrie Barnes, Mrs. John thia.season of the year. .The menu waa delicious and was much enjoyed. The card narty was at Mrs. Donohue's home, lit ISast Thirteenth street. Juat across the street, where the fascinating game of cinch Is at ' this hour being en' oyed. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE MANNING. " A Dutch lunch Ti a a occupied a promi nent place In the hearts oi tire Ameri can women for a long time, but each ' year she has added little Improvements to one thing or another, maybe It Is In the preparing of a certain dteh or It may dc In the use of a aperlal "kind of a dian or In the matter of using a "DutclT-looklng dolly that people of ' ' thla nationality never saw. perhapa,. but these little sort of half-Outch and half American additions have brought till .kind vnf a lunch up to such a etnndarJ -that It Is universally popular and con sequently much enjoyed. A real Dutch hostess never uaed" delly or any other -;- 4teeeu J- ij )sbti 4bl - the correct thing with her, but Amerlcsn r hostesses think It is Jutt a little more genteel io ha- some coarae-woven. bright-colored dollies scattered about. She also Insists upon uctng cundelahraa. . , not dainty silver and pink affaire, of coura but heavy-looking, wrought-lron , mndleatlcka. This Is net tn aeeord witn .. the "Dutch" Idea, but is mighty pretty. , f . .The cabriolet is yery popular ..with, .otir J women now and Is really very "Dutch," but .1 not commonly used by them, tpne dish that la thoroughly enjoyed by American women and haa been de- ciuca unanimously mat there tn no room left for Improvement, ia tne '"Kai.. oiler. It alwaya occupies - place in the center of the table, la served In a low, broad dlah nnd never falls to appear at the lunch of the Jjuten entertainer nor at the Imlta tion Dutch lunch of the American . hostena. Toe most remarUable part of tne u t is the manner In which It is put together. - It is composed of all "kinds snd colors" of bread and cheese, cut up in small pieces, the whole , stacked up in a pyramid, surmounted by mould of butter.-usually taking the nspe or some. animal. It Is. garnished with radishes or little bunches of horse rsfUfh shavings. , ' "ts decidedly Tiutcfi "dish was Herve'd omV time ago at a Dutch luncheon In Portland artd was so much aiipreclate that its merits reached the ears of many and It la now oulte to be expected when " Dutch"-hincft refteshmeitts a r served. k VI r ' " ' June Is the month of roars and love and marriage. The scent if the rose Is said to Inspire love. This may be the reason that June' is the favorite weddrng month, for at no other time of the year does roses " bloom In suc'.i quantities or with such perfect un-foldtng-of the leaves aa they do during the balmy month. 'Many an anxtoua lover has pleaded for an early wedding day. but all in vain unless It be close to this month for thla sentiment has been treasured In the hearts of fair maiden for many yeare. and to be married during any other month would be taking away much of the' happlnexa Of being married. A man doesn't understand tlrf. hot a -wtimnn' does, al though ahe could probably plve no more atlafactory reply to her urger'a re quest than "because " When a man falls In "love and he knows he has actually found the woman In h11 the' world for him. the only thing of im portance to him Is to ascertain If ehe loves hlifl in return and If so h hurry to the minister and have the knot tled Few glrla win do thin, for the wedding dresa. veil and orange IdonHoma, brides maids and all the hundred little detaHn of the ceiemony haa been an air rattle Jee,rw 1 7' , - w i ,5 & ?i'A ,!' ' ' . r . "V , ' , i V'-'.-. f!r;-' f ;' . ....... .V;'.'li4K.oiii .$ 'M-',iiiiiiiiii,iii'jt "- mv: ry-vii!.xif The bride, known sochlly. formerly Mlw Anne A. Wentx, Krmn rimtiin lij- Auiie. Is popular In Ho'clnl clrc les, 1 '; K Ay.':""' J Ui.:. ' r v . ' " e - ! f 4 ' ' " , , ' i A ' I U y , "W? , v - ' , i- t J - y ' Ay ' y v ry y7-7 tfty V-i',la'?::.':VY'-,,J.iT ; 1 11 1 11 y yil V ty 'x - ' Utoneroad, Mrs. R. H. . Birdscall. ' Mrs, W. 8, Gilbert and Mrs. Frank Flint. .The member? o? te Presbyterian church and the faculty and students of the Academy at Pendleton tendered Dr. Thehostesses are ably assisted I and Mrs. F. L. Forbes a farewell recep tion upon their departure ..from that place' this Week. Both have been inter ested in the school for a long time. f tf Mrs. L. M, Parrlsh gave a rose party yesterday that waa Just aa pretty as the name would suggest. The house was exquisitely decorated with these fragrant flowers and each woman pres ent came wearing or carrying her favor ite of these blossoms, A novel' and pretty scheme, which undoubtedly aided many of those present In their education of the names of different kinds of roses, was a pleasing, feature of Hie fternoon. Each lady was required to give at a glance or a snjell the name of each or a variety or IV roses that were exhibited, as the bride, the bridesmaid and the La France, and waa much surprised that she was not able to name others. Mrs. Frank K. Watklns score,, card showed that she had correctly named" nearly all of the 16 varieties and was awarded the prise. Mrs. Parrlsh was assisted by her daughters, Mrs. F. I. Fuller, Mrs..J. 8. Winchester and-Mrs. T. Frank Moffett, Those present were: Mrs. Oeorge K Chamberlain, Mrs. P. J. Mann, Mrs. H. N. Scott. Mrs. M. C. Oeorge, Mrs. Jessie Walrath. Mrs. Knapp, Mra. Green, Miss Kissell. Mrs. W. F. Edwards. Mrs. Frank E. Watklns. Mrs. Cox, Mrs. W. 8. Holt. Mrs. Fabian Byerley, Mrs. A. I. Rate. Mlas Rate, Mra. D. J. Durand. Mrs. C. Bradley. Mrs. Wm. Wadhama. Miss Carrie Coleman, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Jasper, Miss Abble Lamberson, Mrs. Wlsner, Mrs. Klnnear. Mrs. Walter Pres ton, Mrs. Mackay, Mra. Glbbs, Mrs. L. li. Smith, Mrs. Tllford. Miss Jones, Mrs. E. C. -Stark, Miss Nannie Taylor and Mrs. 8. Benson. 7 V5' eA 5sV- "1 U . lt A4 LI. The marriage of Miss Mae Bradford. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mra, W. H. Bradford, snd Mr. Augustus J Russel or Ban Franciaco. tools place last W nesday evaning at 8:i0 o clock at W j ....a . . V d minster : rresDyterian vumircn. rv William Elliot of Salem officiated. . .The bride wore a gown Of white or- gttndle over, taffeta. The bridal yell , waa of tulle and reached the length of the traditional . traia She 1 oarrleJ a shower bouquet of bride rosea.,- ; The matron of honor, Mrs, -L. Rus- sell .Van Xuran, looked wl fn cream organdie, and .the bridesmaids, . Mlsa Francis Bradford, sister of the bride. and Miss Grace McCowan, were pic tures in pale yellow organdie, carrying beautiful Marchanlel roses. The groom was attended by Dr. Ralph ' Walker. , The ushers were Mis loyr Wickers ham and Mr. Preston C. Smith. -After the ceremony the bridal party returned to. the home of the bride parents, 3S6 Eaat Fifteenth street, where . Some only got as far I ,h , ' . . . , , ,.w W . HI, V-.tU. .U K, thexhome were beautiful, roses In great profusion being used. Mr. ana Mrs. Russell departed the same night for San Francisco, tsvheie they will make their future home. Mr. Russell' Is connected with his father In theeRussell Lumber Company, a lac ana prosperous a. la mra rous concern. I .v X .... v I noon last Monday at the homesiJ e's mother, Mra. 8. K. Welch, Mr. Manning Is engaged In Uusfnesa in Portland' and la also well- Mrs. Charlton's card party waa an event that attracted a large number. Mrs. Heltkemperfjlso entertained In a pleas ing manner. - - ! i'f The Joint luncheon and card party given by Mrs. Donohue and Mra. Bell ia a noteworthy event. !S Mrs--Pajrriah's rose party and Mrs. 8ithian's thimble party were both unique functions. ! (if ! Mrs. W. A. Knight la entertaining thla ofternoon in honor of her guests. Hf l Mrs. Robert I.ewlH gave a delicious luncheon; also Mrs. Good, although a somewhat more Informal affair.. The -young people seem to be per fectly satisfied with being out horse back rldtna, driving or on the river. Every da,y 'this week has been fine, mak ing out-door amusements Irresistible. On Decoration Pay the weather was so warm that during tbe day the only real comfortable place was on the river and the Willamette was taxed to Its fullest capacity; every availahle craft that could be procured was but and filled with merry peoplp. BTXm OF TEE WBSK. h- The seventh annual violin reoital given by pupils of Prof. Hidden In the Marquam Grand, recently, was a re markable instance of what careful anil Intelligent teaching can accomplish. The expression and coloring In the renditions if all the advanced pupils, and even of some younger ones, were a perfect counterfeit of Mr. llidden's own superb playing. Also his peculiar, graceful and strong bowing was universally Im itated by all his pupils. The technique Belt. Miss Evelyn Hell, Mrs. P. O. Eastwick, Mr. Hn Kastwlck, Mr. A. A. Courteney, Miss Mary Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Mann, Miss Fsa Ball and Mr. Geo. Caldwell. ill , The Young Ladles' Debating Society of the High School give a splen.dld pro duction of "The Princess" last night. l lie iiign bcnooi Ulee l lub and a stringed orchestra composed of the mu sicians of the school, furnished the musical program. ; a m? Mrs. W, W. Davles and Mrs. T. J. Flavin were charming hosteasea at a whist party given last Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Davles, 349 College street. The rooms were decorated with much taste. . In the parlors red roses and ribbons of the same color were artlst fcally arranged and the dining room was pretty embellishment was the hanging of fish net at the doors connecting the parlors. In which had been thrust roses of every "variety and color. Mra. Heitkemper was assisted by Mrs. Sam Herring and during the games punch was served by Mrs. Alfred Was cher and Mra. W. J. Hawkins. A band of musicians added much to the entertainment by discoursing music from stringed Instruments and singing many or the now popular songs. A beautiful cut glass dish was given Mrs. Thomas Gray, the first prlxo win ner, and Mrs. Thomas HoWes received the consolation, a hand painted plate. Mrs. Eva Dudley merrily accepted the booby prlie. Those present were: Mrs. H. L. Plt toek. Mrs. 8. A. Mlddleton. Mrs. Fre mont Downing. Mrs. Samuel Mills, Miss Nellie Strowbrldge, Mrs. J. P. Mann, Mrs. ,V. B. Fechhelmer. Mrs. W. E. Seachrest, Mrs. E. L. Bailey. Mrs. J. P. Kennedy. Mrs. Aug. Ofner. Mrs. J. A. limn .my otlie S n-.ollir:- .': pinned one 'I head a ud l-. p. liltle ': ! Indu'i;-age. klrL nnd tlie first thing WS lief little girl bus In i' w ill t 1 vi'il ' tn her r.-tdir.g r. ami ;is e bride, 'tnit the tni't'iei' jifiih.iblv ! and purity 'of tone wore remarkably that has been fondly dreamed., of at j good In at least a dozen of hist pupils. Intervals during nearly the entire course 1 The Misses Francis . 111. Alice Hiirriil- of her ex,i:-ti nee. doll dressed as a "on, Bella Robertson. Ada WIlllnmH, bride seems ta attract a snwll- pttrl more t Wyla Krederiekson. Ijenare Gregory-and iiazel AbrnhaniMon, deserve piirtlcubir mentlon In this regard. Hep.ard'n Jler- ri'iiMi .in I'-ini'ii-ii i .ni.n r I jiii I'Ji (Jill with ii pccuKnr itwectness. und Miss Ada V.'illjams nstonlshcd and at- mosfr amused her nutjienee by the dash ! and confiijeui e . ylt Ii which ..the. play.cd.j Aiusin's 'unvei l U'alta. The be.st.-num r bcr. in the opinion of many, wan Vieu- temp s Air Mi ;e. .-ih rendered by Alice If.unlltofi. Iler pl;iyi;ig vns far above ordinary pupils' work. M.sf Hohertson's playlntt of He Der iot'H Mnlb". had a genuine touch of In! ! lhnvy. She Is evidently n very talented imisleini ni(3 !,; bound to make In r mar:: tir a violin player. a MRS. WARREN E. THOMAS. ' 4" I in when pim w.-'s the Fame The niir.oupc-" ni-r.t of I look I iinoil by ;l fi w serious tnatt-r it is. ! tnakes tin !,. ..oil i -if much ' je . Tn;: -. n , ';' . linl'versnll y. It ' : : .iis prenrion th.it !. , Were net tb'it ve : t n truly h.-ipi ih ii ;n i !' ! i.i,i!' WOndcr if !te h!riu . t ',' ' 1:1 poet w:in ii''t r 1' i m t h. It in iru'- a; imotlii. '1' pt ration thut both nnn :;:ul v.nin voted tn e:t' b vllu :. a tli'.'ii; t: hr.ve been riK't fill!;,- i"v,illini ndrnltt-d jir vioiisiy. Tl--. dotibtedly done nil in linlr deceive t.n"!r friends i - p-'i .lj ; state of affairs. ;h'.. p'li .ipv. real rear.on '.'or the ehiilhr:. tigairc tnent j "pi.- as :i . Jt; '.suallv ,l..'l t of I I" 1 1 lie i 1 'l ilil -'. I if It - ' ( ,- .: v.'e mjK.it :n- of tiic I ! 1 " "l il-c'ia- ! I' 11 fl-e (Je- i :ev ','.',, old t.i l"'ve i Fy very remarkable pinker for her tender age Is little 'Iporah 'I:;rris. Although .she !;i,i'ks the ti'cliril'i'.ie of ti'e older pupils,! adie .hs tbo exprcMi-lon. touch nnd the ! !m of a more ailvuiu-ed ntTe. She!' cmed to be all raid ',p l: h or ithlIc. I ' d 'in- I Two little lniy., Ward .Al,lei; nnd Clenr- p 'V.'.T in the true Ivin- the .We have r n a on the ij;.- rr1 rejid In navels of rirls who .h mvit y s" In-' Stantlv . aft r a::vlns rr'- ived i pro posal, lint In real !i!'o or..- r.fe in saying that no Bertie girl with fedim; ever did such o thing. Kvtn at such a in in Tme.'u i!e. i harmed the audience b, their "cute' playing. The second ' nniigsrer deserves special credit for' hi." 1ne rendition of the comparatively' difficult "Souvenir l Lubeck." The I two Mt. Antrel co'',cav boys, Frank D'.If ' bids and Albin iF.ridahl. Tero highly j gratified by the fyenei-ous appUufe re-! reived after their duet. One feature of ' the concert deserves special mention. I All the players seeded to be entirely I ' if. Trr,fc : f f . aa. i S.,.'X;'i':; XK AT" 1 A,c.i-v" a it ii?" l v & 'iLw,v -V r Z, ill ' 1 i5.i , hf jsyt.''.i i -V .! 'f . iyCyxi v ri t y .yr t Ifhhy ik uA - - A. v-'i- , '' H . . " . a ' i vii. ? s 1 7 I critical monieat her ssr.fd-nly dl;;nlty ) free from the proverbial stage fright, would keep her from jwernlng to be , On after the other they stepped out tana-lone. Although she mlttbt. love him t and pbwed their ele.tion9 mostly from -Wftu.'.ail her heart. It woniri fie easy to fttery the feUiijgs n man lolcht have at an instuuti.e.eouti nccc'ptnnsG'- rt may le evinlly "site to say that nhd would sjrrf WTtswer-trm qulcWy tn the iicga .livc. unless his. motives le mer-cttary. for .all , glrla ihould realise that the ; gfteteet roimpllmeyit has been paid bcr whew a man eeks her to bo his wife, memory Witr.ont t ii- slitfhtestt hitch and without any apparent nervousness. !'' 't Mrs Robert Lewis gr.ve a pretty and dell'douB lur.i henn last Wednouday at her hnTf!. G',1 Kveratl street. The fin ing table wok done In fieur de Us nnd ! fern. Thou were: Mra, ise who enjoyed the .repast a. S Holt Wilson, Mrs. W. O, '4 k fhcr? "yVt i v V - 1 3 yit jf C XL j ' ea M fyriAfy:j 'y ltwUy Mrs. Warren E. ThomaB. president of the Mualcen Club, has been named as one of the vice-presidents of the National Federation of MuHifcal Clubs, which met recently in Rochester. This is a neat and well-deeorvcd compliment to a woman whose musical goniue Is much appreciated In "this city. Mra. Thomas has been four yeara president of the local club, and Is regarded as' a most efficient officer.' Her rare ability as a plafilBt la conceded. - ' , " by Miss. EHa Hoberg and MIsh Ethel Htewart. Those participating In thl jointly, arranged and unique- function .i vr , t , at 2 , . . Holcomb, Mrs.. E. W, Crlohtou, Mra. G. W. Hsxen, Mrs. H. F. Glie, Mrs. A. L. Pease, Mr. J. W. Morrow, Mrs. Crang, airs. j. yv. carey, Mrs. A. Barnard Mrs. Jeff e Walrath, Mrs. m. A. Moser, Mrs. c F. Olverbaugh. Mrs. D. Mc laughlin. Mrs. J. C. Mann, Mrs. E. R Manning. Mrs. LudloW, Mrs. E. Martin, Mrs. F. Glafke, Mrs. W. Bohn, Mrs. Lucius urovn. Mrs. Edna HU, Mrs. George Green, Miss Knapp, Mrs. E. E. coovert, Mrs. Norrls R. Cox, Mrs. Geo. Kuttler. Mrs. Wlllett. Mrs. Robert Ew art, Mrs. H. R. Albee, Mrs. M. L. Bell and Mrs. C. Mlnsingcr. Uf X on Mrs. George Goode gave a pleaaanjt mrormai luncheon last Thursdsy to number of her friends. Sf X Hi An informal but delightful reception was given by the officers of the Port Jand-Aslatlc liner Indravelll and their wives last Wednesday night, aboard the ship. . E. Craven, who was formerly captain of thin liner, did not return with the ship on this trip, but re malned In the Orient, where It Is mougnt ne win tage unto himself a wife. Urst Officer Porter succeeded Captain Craven, and at the reception Captain Porter and bis charming wife received many sincere compliments from their numerous friends on his advancement Sti JK 3W A high-five party of unusual sire and brilliancy Was given yesterday after noon by Mrs. A. D. Charlton tit her home. 706 Johnson street. The rooms were tastily docorated with a profus ion of roses, marguerites nnd maiden hair fertj. The fortunate winner of the first prize, n handsome "Kiser Zln" candlestick, was Mrs. E. W. Chlehteh. The second prize, a Vcneclan vase," was won by Mrs. John COuch. and the con solation prize was secured by Mrs. Frank Striebig. ," This card party will be remembered by those who ottended as one of the most pleasant of the season. Those present were: Mrs. Geo. T. Willott. Mrs. E. L. Thompson,- Mrs. A. E. -Beckey, Mrs. A: L. Pease. Mrs. J. W. Tkllnto, Miss Mlchcl- son, Airs. urn. c. Kntgnton, Mra. Frank A. HiMtkemper. Mrs. H. W. Thlelson, Mrs. H. M. Grnnt, Mrs. A. M. Cronln, Mrs. H. E. Coleman, Mrs. Thomas II. Crang, Mrs. Wm. N. Boot, . Mrs. Sol. Baum, Mrs. H. C. Eckenberger, Mrs. W. B. Holllngsworth. Mj-s, I. D. Teters, Mts. T, Bi Howes, Mm. Von Bolton, Mrs. a. c. tsiieidon, Mrs. Frank RIgler, Mrs. A. C. Pantnn. Mrs. B. Neustadter, Mrs. Fletcher Linn, Mrs. J. W. Hill, Mrs, R. R. Hofce. Mrs. A. J. Q-iesy, Mrs. C. M. Dewey, Mrs. J. A. Clock, Mrs. John Cotjch, Vermont; Mrs. Maude Com stoxk, Mrs. Francis J. Bntley, Hllls boro; Miss Bartruff, Mrs. H. W. Holden, Mrs, R. E. Moody. Mrs. J. M. Berry. Mrs. M. J. Comstock, Mlas. Von Bolton, Mrs. Frank Strelblg. Mrs. H. R. Roe, Mrs. R. F. Prael. Mrs. E. A. Noys, Mrs. W. C. Noon, Jr., Mrs. John Keat ing, Mrs. Ralph Hoyt, Mrs. R. H. Bird sail. Mrs. L. A. Freeman, Mrs. Walter M. :Cook. Mrs. A. L. Craig, Mrs. E W. Crlchton, Mrs. Geo. W. Bates, Mrs. Geo. 8. Brooke, Spokane; Mrs, E. 8. Edwards, Mrs. Walter McKay, Mrs. L. H. Pon tieus, Mrs. 8am Herring. ' ' A p!retty(ldea called a thimble party was successfully carried out by Mrs. O. H. Slthlan last Wednesday after noon At her home on Columbia street After the guests had assembled, a neat package,1 containing silk pieces, cut in narrow stripe, of ,all lengths, and the necessary articles with which to sew theee pieces, Were . handed them. The wrssxvos. At the home of Rev. Jerome R. Mc- Glade. pastor ' of Mlzpah Presbyterian Church, there was celebrated Sunday afternoon a quiet but happy wedding, when Lance Inglefleld and Miss Lissle Byers were made one. The contracting parties are well known In Portland, and were the recipients of many hearty con gratulatkins. For the next few months Mr. and Mrs. Inglefleld will make their home In Tacoraa, returning to Portland In the fall. SK I I A plain but pretty and lyippy wedding was solemnised last Wednesday morning at the home of Father O'Reilly, Williams avenue, and Stanton street. Tbe bride was Miss Anna Antonio Wentx, the pretty and accomplished daughter of Mrs. Henrietta Wenta. and the groom was Mr. William George Manning, the only son of Mx. and Mrs. G. F. Man ning, old and -well-known Portland resi dents. Only the parents and the sister and brother of the bride. Mrs. R. L. Summons and Mr. H. F. Wentz. and the groom's sister. Miss Hattle Manning. attended the ceremony. The bride was becomingly attired In a handsome blue- cloth gown that seemed to bring out ihe best points of her clear brunette; beauty. -1 Mr. Manning la a Spanish-American war veteran, having belonged to Com pany H. Second Oregon Infantry. While- tn the Philippines with his company . he was assigned " to special duty tn the custom house. Mr. and Mrs. Manning will be at home after June Is, at 224 East Second street, north. Rev. Harry H. Pratt read the marriage service last Sunday evening that made Miss May Carline Frick Of Portland the wife of Dr. E. W. Mueller of Sumpter. The bride Is the -sister of Mrs. Pratt. Ith whom she makes her home, and the ceremony waa performed at Mrs. Pratt's residence at Sellwood and Klrby street, directly after the evening church services. Only the Immediate relatives and friends were present. The bride wore a pretty cream gown of crepe de chine and a bouquet of bride "roses. This union is tne nappy result or a little romance that dates back to college. days. Dr. Mueller was, several years ago! president of the Kansas Wesleyan At high noon of the brlde'i 694 Jefferson street. Mlsa Nellie Welch and Mr. Dayton G. Ryman were unite In marriage. Rev. W. 8. Gilbert official ing. The young couple left Immedi ately for a trip to Puget Sound pointa. On their return they will reside at IT East Ninth street. f . On June 3 at 411 Everett street Cap tain Frederick Hagstrom and Miss Hat tle E. Webster were united In marriage, Rev. J. Bowersox officiating. The young couple will realde with the bride's mother Mrs. Rebecca Webster. -"--""' g Hp', " Frank A. Ford, the popular repre sentative of Rlchet A Co., waa recently married at Canyon City to Mrs. Min nie M. Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. Ford returned to Portland Thursday after a abort honeymoon spent -at Blue Moun tain Hot Springs.- - f Uf Wednesday, June 8, Mr.. William F. Grupow and Miss Florence L. Dean were united In marriage at Vancouver, Wash., Judge Haines officiating. Mf Mf Hf Mr. E. D. Cramer, an employe of the O. R. & N. Company, was quietly mar ried at Walla Walla last week to Gladys Duncan of Umatilla. Mr. and Mrs, Cramer are spending their honeymoon at Spokane and Kallspell. Their future home will be at Btarbuck. Vf Vt TJf " Mrs. Eliza Follette, a former realdent of Portland, was recently married to J. Casebeer, at Junction City. coatnro jjtjsjtts. ( - A silver medal contest will be held at the Cumbert and Presbyterian church tonight at. t o'clock. The con testants are: Pearl Walt. Franklin StaigervMarian Itombel, Thos. Lighter; Nora Lane and Paul Heslop. Tha musical numbers include guitar duets by Miss Sophie Gray and Mr. Bert Finn, vocal solo, "O! Happy Day," Mrs. W. D. Devers; vocal duet; "Holy! Holy!" 'Mr. W. D. Devers. Mr. C. A. Walker. Mr. Amos will present the medal. Hi fi XI A progressive whist party that promises to be much enjoyed will be given this evening by Miss V. Combs at her suite of rooms, 236 Eleventh street. She will be assisted by Mrs. O. M. Rtsser. Ferns, palms and spring flowers have been artistically arranged through the rooms, and the dining room where the. lunch will be served la fra grant and bright with an abudance of roses. Those who will attend are: Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hoeg, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Davles, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Flaven.'Mr and Mrs. Al Cochran, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tanner. Mr. and' Mrs G. SV. Ilulks, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C; Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. . Man- digo, Mr. and Mrs. . K. Sargent, Mrs. (Continued on Page 19.V 9 SS Instruments of world-wide reputation whose musical and artistic attributes are freely recog nized wherever the Divine Art holds sway. Steinway Pianos A. B. Chase Pianos Estey Pianos Emerson Pianos Such name's are, in, themselves, a guarantee of superiority. For .sale only by . ' SOULE BROS. PIANO CO. . ; ' 326 WASHINGTON ' STERLET. "7. y ' FIFTEEN DIFFERENT MAKES OF HIGH-GRAtE PIANOS ; 7, j'.; -TO SELECT FROM. ' . . J: " lxprt Toning, Repairing and RefinUWng. . : Phong Jlain 677. i -1 i i :' A', iy.y;: S-': - '"C v