kl - THE OltEGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FBIDAY !EVENI!NG. - JUXE i 1903. . I. BAILX0AO TntttABlES. B010SE SEWtB IB EAST BIVZBTH MOUSED IIWEB ; tjr SAB j BATAEL BEOPOSED ASSESSMENT BOB MUOTfr r;" xmi. 4 -n"- i- ,v. iteeet.v ... v?- K or mni, -i.v' v, "Kirtlit' la' hereby arte tost "it tlx. 'meeting I Ktic 4. kmkt riM iw tha iM.ii.i . !.!? tbe Council of f the Council of th City , of Portlaed. Ore--gnn..hsld on (he 84 day of June, UK'S, tb following resolution wee aonpteu . ' Resolved. -That Ibo Council-et Ine.Clty of following resolution we adopted: Pnrtlanri rtrea-nn. . deeme It extsjdlent . end I PnriUnrf Brorjosee to construct B mtf In Kaat beventh I neonates to Ar.natrH.-a pirl from to icci norm ot inn enptn line i (treat from 120 alEBT OF WASOO BTBEET. '" 01 Cortland DrotMeea to assess the ' described Drooert . knd owner or owners being specially and peculiarly bene- Notlc to hereby given that at tba meeting! kr"'.1. 1 of Um Council of tba City tf Portland, Pf,.; X . on. held an th M day of June, lOoS, tba lilt f. a the CnnidTof W City of 2J.J" " ."E'mt "-"J ran. ; deeme It hHW a?eet rm fbr the lmpvuut of natruet a eewer tn Sen Rafael i.,?,Mh iLtS th. a... J i. f U J feet eaat-of tba eaat 11 u. of V!U!!L&.."2ZJ& f 1 !SS plla , with all tioraeearr eatcb- il.mU nbol-a, lempholci i . ami braiicbee, of te clear inalde duaxder, la accord- i, i or Tftomn-n atrwi w a oonnwiion ud ma uulon ereaua to a cminectlo wltb tha pro- 'XrijI : iFeJn Uanoocll atroet of vltiifled aeWer pip, I piwed aewar In Baat Befentb atreet of fltrl-J at prvrlded by ordl' rlth ail tha tNi-mrt eatrb-banlna. mu-TttA niiia wHh .11 iiurr Miffc.i;,',pwnpi m tna apportioanaot or . holpa. Unobolel and hrtarbM. of tba f -Mowli-I K..I-. m.h',: t.7: . .i ,,,,hi. of ? "10 !Pn7foM '?'.. wfln dlmilon; Of 10 iiK-b. clear Inalae dUmetar. I ,l(bt Inchaa clear inalde df-mMer, la aord- il'.r J.r.A"'! "''Vi . rmia a no! nt lu l.ut Herentn aireet in rintlinn.clil. h .nm,i.,. anl .n. I -"""""("' - i u tiorlb .af tba ao.b,llna of Tbomnaoa afreet B.tea therefor pparad tba CUT "kuI near I fi. inna h5 iKIiii4fS? to a aelst In Tillamook atreati tbaara ef 12 and flli in fh. o'm.- ....utne of tha "" bandetmlt-d by tba totin. InrbM clear Indde diameter to. a connertloa lite o Iwi.nrf .h. m a-, -r imm. I " ,n . P" ot tD ordlnanca aa wnn n aewer 10 mnmi aireet, id avroroanra I mooned; Xity Knclaear a ' plana aad who tea piana. apecineaiione ana eatimatea I Bratlona far a eewer. la Baa Mafael therefnr nrepare4 by the t'ltf Knylnerr. Sled from 139 feet eaat of I'Bloa arenua to in m aw n aooiiot ar tne i iiy or aewer in Kaat Hereoth afreet. araahia tba coat of aald ItaproraiDent. atreetl Hod"' Addltlou to Eaat fort oii J7ft, lot a. .Toe Oreioo BesMaUta mill mo 1 i.V. f.". T" " "y". inwTertii maire 01 10a or a to pa ocaa ana tna proDaoia aik !,, a ih. i "flty Snaloeer'a nlana and apeclncatlona for total coat thereof." , , . "XiiS. ' wrefoa Heal Kttata Vms VI tu8ntb afreet from 19 feet ,' Tha coat af . aald awer't - o aaaeaaed ai. r?j fnlt' V,'Tha'oriio Ki'i:.;;;: north of. tha aouth line vf Tbompaci. afreet to aa preelded br tlia city charter upon tha B"f ; Tha Oreon Real BaUta. aewer In Hancock afreet and tha eatimatea of property apeolally benefllea ihart and wblcB faj "Til i nLi'i'.'tiii tba work to b dona and tba. probaula , toUl U nereby declared toTie aU tba Ma. . parte "ffil'vJ0. ' Tn W0"00 .Bta4 . coat thereof' . . . 1 v . - . , .'. of Iota and parcrb) of land lying between a uT ,fJ , L' V' n.'e"oe.enn' Ui 'v'.lLil The coarf . aald aewar , to be aaaaaaed Una 100 feet north of aad parallel wltb tba iwrnanr ' lb Oregon Baal Batata . prArlded by tba city charter upoa the north Una of a a. Kafael afreet and a line ifSi'i.' 'rim m'nLLi'i'.llll property benefited thereby and which HW feet eutth af and parallel with tba eon lb fn1D.'n Oregon Baal EaUU la hereby decUred to be all tba kla. parU line of Ma a Kafael afreet, and between a Una fcnf TfJ f Vil'aT'ia'oreion' n..i'r:;.i: of lota and parcel, of land lying between a KM feet eaat of and parallel with tba aat .JUZJ, ' Tb r"on Rm1 E,Ut Una 1(10 feet eat of and parallel with tba Una of Ptiton aeemie and a line l.w feet weat Bk "J. -'ThaOreion"!''; ' a,t Una .of Eaat Herenth atreet and a line of and - nerallel- iih h. .tr- Hn. ! E.t regon eal E,Uta . w . vtwiiiaiir ..... i rut i..i - j ii.i i . v. I u ... ' . . . . nvTrniu virrvi, hbu. Dfiwm iinw i" j iiv jMiainevr a--eefimaia or . ine nrooanie i inmnah .Company Blk 15. lot 4, Tba Oregon Real Etata V feet north of and parallel wltb the north total coat yf tha cbnatrudlog at aald aener la Bih i& W a Tha 'oracoa HeaTuifata bU of Hancock atreet and the north Una af 1,21.00. ; " - 'commm - wrfot al Batata . Thomiiaofl, afreet and .a weaterly extroalon of I Tba plana, aneclflcatlona and eatimatea of Hii, nU L"" ,A:.'.li:.,'iJ"; "ill: :i aid north Una In. Ita preaent coarae. tha City Enalhrer for tba conntructloa 1 "V",.-r' " v"ruu Tha KnelnMT'a . eatlmaia, nt hj nr Aha hie I aalrf am. ... ' '." ' XI 'tot.l ecat wt lba eonatractlon Vf aald aawar la BelTed. That tha AWti of the Clty " ' B,,,t' - iJino,i. . , . :. tft. mtlaad. and ka la hereby directed li of land Wine hetM the rth ' .hi rlT. V.,i!TlP,,J 2ll!5 ''. .BO,U " th pT?p?wl:eo!?; ""'?.!?" I of Waaca Tatfaet and a Una 100 of I4 aewer . ara hereby adopted. . I Charter. j-- Beaoleed, That the Auditor of the fltyt Bemnnatranca agnlnat' the ahor aewer may f. Portland ba and ke la hereby directed be tiled In 'Writing wltb the underilgned in.-aire noiire ot tua . propoaea cenairnciinn i witnin w aara from tha data at tea Bret I oj eaia , aawar aa prou. oy ita ciiy i puniiounn or tma notice.;,- . i i ir order or tne council. , . ., , ' TIIOH. C. 't)EVLI!f. Auditor Of tba City -of rortlaud. Juae 8, lftui. ,.;J:,V. . Charter- 5 . Remonatranee eealnat' the ahoea aewep ma, I .be filed In wrltlns with tha nndnralaned IZWZB IB BOBBIflOIA .within 10 day, from tha date of tba Aral puMlcatlon ef thli notice. ' , a. By order of tba Connrtl ',., ' V I'lOfOBED - r --rr-XanuMH the City of l-ortUadV bbo p08ed gewib- ib baat euteebth :.;;,':!:' . itbezt. ' -' Nntlee fa berehr ateen that at the meetlna Of tha Pouni-ll of the Cite of Portland. Ore. t Portland. ' Or rami, deeme ion. neia on tna au aay oi juue. jvuo, ma I pwe" inm a- eewer iu Minnrema feet north of and narallel therewith . and between the cat Una of block .' numbered IM.Holladay'a Addition to Eaat Portland, and tha weat Una of ' block numbered . Holladaf Park Ad dition to Portland. Oregon, Tba Ora- unit Real Katafa Company. .......... . HolUday Park Addition to Portland, firefoa - Ilk a, lot 4, Charlea T, Oeerbangk . . , . tllk . lot S. Charlea T. OTerbaugh.... Blk . lot X Tba Title Oaarantaa rut 4jnpajiy .10 .10 .10 '.10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 I .10 lllb a W 1 TV Tll r!.,... a. onca la nereny girrn mat ar tna neeting Truet Company oT tba Council of tba City of Portland. Ore- Blk . lot . . Tha Tltta Guarantee gon, held on tba fd day of June, lbo3, tba . Truat Company following reanlntlon waa adopted: - , Blk . lot f. Tha Tltla Ouarantea ft RaltMiVaMl Thai the f 'nMrwill aaa Ylaea aTMf A rTaraaa i mw aa. a. aer . Mv wa. Mif l I 1UV V'Kl J'tlU t I I I I I I I I I I 1.1 j ii expauieni ana i Din o, lot a. Tha Tltla Ouarantea A -iTiiat ivmjiany 115.1b) lal.SO 1AO.00 10J.M 189.00 ieo.09 00.78 82.89 T4.0S 71.12 11B.07 127 17 140.44 143.10 103.06 "101. S3 04.70 an following reanlntlon waa adopted:- avenue from 26 feet north af Fremont afreet Blk 0. lot 6, tba Tltla Ouarantea A . Raaoleed, That -the Council of tba City of to a connection with tba , aewce In Beach, Troat Company Portland. Oregon.- deeme It expedient . and atreet of TltrlOed aewer pipe wltb all oeeeaary Blk 0. lot a. Tha Tltla Ouarantea A propoaea to ronatrurt a aewer In Eaat fifteenth catrji-baalna. manHlpa, lamnholea and branchea, Truat Company atreet from a point nO fret aouta of Broadway of eight Incbea clear Inalda diameter. In ac- Blk B. lft 8. Tha Tltla Cuaraute, A to a connection wtlh tb, evwer In Hancock cordawa wltk the plana, apeciflcattnita and . Troat Compaby 1 atreet of Tltrlfled aewer pipe with all a.-ee- eatimatea therefor prepared by tb City En- Blk 0, lot 3. Tha Tltla Uaarantee aary ratch-baelna, manbolea. lanitibolra . and gineer and Oled in the otaca or tha . Auditor Truat Company , Jwancbea. of eight Incbea clear Inalde diameter of- tba City of Portland oa tba 2d day of Blk ', lot I. The Tltla Ouarantea A , A i aochrdanca with the plana, epectflratlone and June, lOoa, Indoraed: "City Knglneer'a plana Traat (toupaoy jMaTeattmatea thereof prepared by tba City Engl- nd apecldcatlftna for aewer lu Mlnueaota Blk 4. lot 8. The TIU, Ouarantea A aAr near and Hied In the office of the Auditor of avenue from 25 feet north of rrewont atreet Truat Company ' the City of Portland on the 3d day of June, to aewer In Beech atreet. and tba eatimatea af I Blk 4v lot 7, Tba Title Ouarantea A 1008. Indoraed: "City Englueer'a plan, and tba work to , be dona and tba probable total True Company epecincBiMwe iot a eewrr in beet, riiternto v, iv o, t u aiiia uuaraniea m atreet from - 60 feet eouth of Broadway Tha mat of aald . aeaar to be aaaeaaed . Trait - Company . to lewer In Hancock atreet and tbe eatimatea taa prorlded by tha city charter upon the Blk. 4. lot 6. Tha Tltla Ouarantea A of tbe work to ba dona and tha probable total property benefited thereby and which .Truet Company , oat thereof." (a hereby declared to be all tha lota, parte Blk 4, lot 4. Tba Title Ouarantea A Tbe coat of aald aawar to ba aaaeaaed of Iota and parcel, of land lying between a Truet (Company a provided -by tba city charter upon tbe Una -100 feet aaat af and parallel wllha the Blk 4, lot a, Tha Tltla Ouarantea A property benefited thereby ' and which Una of Mlnneaota a-renoo and a Una . Tru,t .Company U hereby declared to ba all tha lota, parte 100 feet weat of and parallel wltb tbe weat Blk 4. lot 2. Tha Title Ouarantea A of, lota and parcel, of land lying between a Hn ot Mlnneenta avenue, and1 between tbe i Trnat-it'ompany Una 100 feet eaat of and narallel with tha eaat north Una of Fremont afreet and tha north Hue Blk 4.. lot 1. Tha Tltla Guarantee A line of. Eaat Fifteenth atreet add a line 100 I of lot numbered elx In block numbered Ba, Mult- ,2u Cotobt 137.60 reet weat or ana parallel "-) tna weat una of unman, aou a nn au reel norm oi ana naranei bim iu, ki o, ana iiue uoaraataa at Eaat, Flfteantli. atreet, and -botwean a ilne with tha north Una of lot numbered three la Truat Company ..'.. loo .feet aouth of and parallel with the eouth block, numbered 81 Multnomah. Blk 19, lot 7. Tha Title Guarantee A Una of Hancock atreet and line 100 feat Tba Knglneer'a eetlmata af tha probable Truat Company aouth of and parallel with tba aouth Una n( total coat of tha couatructloa of aald aener la Blk IS. lot 6. Tba Tltla Guarantee A Broadway. , 6520.00. . Truat. Company , Tha Engineer' eatlmate of the probable Tba plan,, ,pecflcatlnna and eatimatea of Blk 13, lot 6, Tba Title Guarantee A total coat of the eonatructlon of aald aewer la tba City Engineer for tba eonetructlon- tympany , IvN.OO. . of aald aewer ara hereby adopted. Blk 1ft, lot 4, The Title Guarantee A Tba plana, apeclficellon, and eetlmafee of Beaolved That the Auditor of the City Tt Company the . City Engineer for the conitrttctloa of Portland ba and ba la, hereby directed Blk 16. lot 8. Tba Title Guarantee A of a Id aewer ara hereby " adopted. to give notice of tba propnaed eonatructlon ,T,u"t '"n","-T Keanivea. , xnat tna Attaiter . or tne tiiy i eem . newer bo proviaea py ina . uir " " uuermuiea at af Portland ba aad be to hereby directed Charter. - . - 99mVkLi"U uemonairancg againat ma nnye aewer may I o line uuanntee at ba filed In writing with tha undesigned , nut Company within 20 day from tba , data Of tha flrat t . HolUday', Addition to Eaat Port- publication of , tbla notice. , , By order of tba Council. . " THOg. C. -tlBTUW. Auditor of the City of Portland. June 8.' 100S. duly authorlxed and completed. - , ; - . I PBOfOOED ABOEIBHXBT BOB KVtB WIB ,Tba validity of tbe act of the taglalattiro I , .;:' WAgrifl gTSrvf ' -Iforeaald. baa been afflrmcd br the Imu-eme I iTAEIT. Court of tha Otata of Oregen.. f Notice bl berehy given that tba Connctl Said bond, will be leaned aad dellyered of Ua City af Portland propoaea to aaaeta tha tba Common Council ahall direct. I following deacrlbed pnpertv. and owner ar own- Bidder, will be required to aubmlt a flat bill. I era aa helna aoeclallr and iuH-nllarlr henallted without candltlona. except t. the regularity I lu the ainuunta act oppualto the nauea and of each laaue of hnnila, and to fjhuilt wltb their, I dearrlptloii thereof by tbe eonatructlon of a blda a certified check an b bank In the Cy o aewer In Waaco atreet. from 16 feet eaat of tuo Portland, Oregon, enual to 5 per cent af tba weat line -of Beet- Twenty-fourth atreet to a aggregate amount of. the bid. payable to' tba connection wltb the acwef lu Eaat Ktftceutb, Mayor of the City of Portland, aa liquidated a provided by ordinance No. 1H.0M. damacea In caae aucb bidder withdrawn hta ,, ..i.i.ctinna tha .nn.in,,...na n hid or-fHlla or ii-lect, to enter Info contract to oat for aald aewer muat he made In writing take and nay for aald Hon da accordin to the I.- .. r-.n ... e,. . i. ....i.. i.k! term, nf hi, bld aod thla notice. The right In fifteen tiara from tbe date of the that pub- 0t,rrfcV"Vd ,LbM 9 ""rrAjt. Iloatlo of tbla notice, and ,ald objectlona will Bide eheiild beaddreeeed to the commltte he beard and determined by the Council beJ on wava and meana of the. lomamn Council, era f,rn tha naaaaae of the ordlnan aculua tha of Thomaa 0. DevUj. Auditor. Portland. Oregon, for w,r. Br order of tba Common Council. '. , . B. P. CAR DWELL, ' '; ' . I H. R. AI.BER. .'.'.;.' n. V gtlBHRRTT. Ommlttee on Way and Means. For liar d. Oregon May 13. 1003, Port- Holladav'a Addition to Eaat lana Blk ITS., lot 4. Tha Oregon Reel EMita - Company f 8A.45 oik lis, lot B. Tho Oregon Itenl Eatate BOF0SIB AB0E80MEMT T0B IMBB0TE. XEBT Of BABT MADiBOM ITBXET. Comnanv . Blk 178, lot 0. Tb Oregon Real Hatata Comnanv Blk 178. lot 6. Tbe Oregon Real Estate Company , Blk 171. lot 4. The Oregon heal Katate Comnanv Blk 174. lot 8. The Oregon Real Kutate . tympany Notice la berehy given tbat tba Council of the City of Portland propoaea to aaaeaa tba folio lua deecrthed property aud owner or twiHTt mm weiu, li;i,r en peculiarly upne I . JJ i . a A . .' Btad la the auiouul, act opposite tho namea B, '7S. lot 0, Tbe Oregon Real ltati and deacrlptlena thereof for Ui, Improvement I ,r i . V ' ipV ' 'A ' ; '.'.- 'I' of Eaat Madison afreet, from tha weat line BIJF ,T8- The Oregon neal Lai a to of . Baat Bltxeenth atreet to the center Una of nSf,VDJ ' VVVA i' -;' Bait Twenty-fourtb atreet, as provldfd by BUF lw- l The Oregon Ileal Lawto ordinance No. 18,10a. . Company : Any objection, to tba apportionment of onat Blk 108. lot 3. The Oregon Real Eatat, for aald tniprovement- muat be made In writing .V'TXf T .' '." ii.' ' "A ':r-;'i- to th Counctl and lied with tha Auditor Blk 106, lot 0, Tba Oregon Ueal katate within Ofteen dare from the date of the A,omPBf flrat publication of thla notice, and aald objec- 'J! I9a- " Ti Oregon Real Ealtta tiona will ba beard and determined - by the on?nn" : iKiiiawif mmwm, auuiihiu iu t unlaw. nregfiu tlawthorna Park . I rilk B. lot 4. tDarlee F. Orerbaugli Rlk BOO ant la. Lit R ttnae E. flanlala " fit I Blk 6. lot A, Charlea F. Overbaiiali Blk 820. eaat U lot 0. Rose K. Oanlela. Blk . lot 3. Tba Tltlo Ouarantea A 2.1. IB C3.4S 8S.13 B4.45 23.48 23.43 S.48 IW.4B 23.48 23.45 8.1.45 BB0P0BEO . ASSESSMENT BOB" B2.WZB IB ; BAST BVBBSIDE STSEEf. "' Notice " la ' berhy iilven thot ' tha f'.mniil ef the t'lty-ef l'tlaiid propimc, to aaaeaa rhel louowiuf ncairiwu iropcrty aim owner or una ere aa being specially -aud peculiarly bciiailted in the amount, act oppoalto the nature ami deacrlplloua tbcriof by the couM nu-tioii of ewer lu East Buinaldc atreut. from tbo eaat Unit of Ruclitcl areuue to a comici-ilou with tbe aewer In Kuat Twenty-fourth aln-tt, a, provldml by ordinance No. 13.240. Any objectlona to the apportionment of oet for sold aewer muat bo mad In nrttlng to the Couni.ll and filed with the Auditor ulili In flftien (In) a from' tbe ilate of llic first iuli-llc-atlou of thla notice, and aald objectlona will be beard and determined y tbe Council be fore the paaaage of (he ordinance UHsresliijt tbo cost for aald auwrr. A tract of land lying between t!ie north line of Kaat linriit'ili- tret ami a lino MO feet north of and pnnilM inerewitn tna between t ie eiiat in: i mm: atefVSAfCV:-. of block a, Kcj alone Addition to tin- City or rorllnml aud tne tvest 11. ic f Ijnlnh Blk 829, west V lot 6, lb Uawthorua, Estate .. Blk 82. weat H lot 0. Tba Hawthorne Batata ..; Kenworthv'a Addition to East Port- laud Rlk 6. lot 4, O. P. Hoff Rlk 0. kit 8. O. P. Ho Blk , lot 0, , IV- Hog .....,, Blk 0. lot S, O. P. Hon" Blk 7. lot 4. Mrs. R. F. Brow a Rlk 7, lot I. Mrs. K. F. Brown Blk 7. lot 6, Bamoel A. and Kills 0 emu ..- Blk 7. kit 8. Samuel A. and ElUa C. " flrown a. , . Blk a. lot 4. Haw W. Reynold, Blk 0. lot 8, -Han W. Reyoolda H k 8. lot 0. Ilea W. Hernolila Rlk 0, lot 0, Dan W. Reynold, Rlk 0. lot 4, Bessie H Olds - Blk l, kit 3, Resale li. Olds Blk 0. lot o, Tba Title Uuanntee A Truat Uomoanr Blk 0, lot 4. The Title Guarautee .it... 78.83 116.07 1o give Jiotlca of tbe p rat icaod eonatructlon of aald newer- as . pruvlded by tha City charter. Remonstrance agalnat the above aewerranay I be filed In, Writlna with the nndefalgrd I within 30 daya from tha datgAt the fixst By order of tba Council tiiob. t". PEtll.l, 131.60 121.03 82.08 64.21 07.P0 88.04 128.14 140.0' Jnne S. 1903. Auditor of the Clt of Portland. . BBOrOBEB IMBBOTXMEXT 01" f ABBT . Notice la hereby given that at-f be meet ing af tba Council of BB0P0SZO BEWEB IV TTIXAMOOK BTBEZT. ' Notice la hereby siren that at tha taaetina of tbe Council of the city of Vortland. Ore- Son. neia on me sa any or June, luva, tbe ullowlng resolution waa adopted: . . . ... ' ueeoivvo, xnat toi council or the city of of UHMIty of Partland. Ore-1 r. ".'T'jr'n. a"."".. ?i son, held,n tb. ad-day-of June. 100. tb. Uronoia? to T cnatWT aewer'lTVl.mooS land Blk 174, lot 1. The Oregon Baal Batata Company ... . ,.. . Blk iU. lot 2. The Oregon Real Eatate CoroDaov Blk 174, lot 7, The Oregon Real Eatatt CoDinauv Blk 1'4, lot 8, The Oregon Real Eatate Company Blk 179, lot 1, Tbe Oregon Real Eatate ' tympany . ., Blk 170; lot 2. Tba Oregon Real Eatate-Comnany Blk 170, lot 7. Tbe Oregon Beal Eatate 10 T . . . . . I.:. i .. . , , l yrvyumvm w ivunnin a wwrr tn . Aljisnwoa I . fellowlng resolution was adopted:, .,rMt from 125. tmrt eaat nf the .est Una f Blk lf9. lot 8. The Oresoa Real Fjitate JiTni nilL'L.-. u .JLnS .-3 !-' -o to a connection wltb tbe pro- Company ...:.....' ILZZL Z reTToL V4fJi -ses-er In East Heventh atreet of vftri- Blk 104. lot 1. The Oregon Real Eatate 7Bjx7 S.'K?,p?!;k ,'T Xue'"t Pipe wltb sll necessary catch-basiua. Company r2? J llL Ri'iL ,, nJTSo ir?'.f ""oolea. "lampholea and branches, of . eight Blk 194. lot 3, Tbe Oregon Real Estate Ford atreet In the following manner, to-a It : i..kM -i... i,,.m. ,ii.i..i i. .-h.. -S.i. Comnanv First By grading , tbe atreet full wldtb with .full Intersection, to tbe. proper sub grade.,,. -. !.' - if . Kecrmd By- paving, the street full width rlth. full intersection with Warren', bitullthlc pavement. Third By eonslructlns artificial stone aide- walks In a coord, ace with the City Engineer's S' 1VC".; .'"JZm.V.i" --Btansr aiflratkns--aBd ""tttew. : . : j"WOrk to ba done and tha nrolmbla total eost The said improvement to ha made in ac-1 thereof." " cproanc mnauim cusrrer anil, oruiiisnces oi The-coat ef (aid aewer to be aaaeaaed liu'hee clear Inside illametae ls ieairdiiua m-lli I ComoBny .. the plana, apeclflcatlona and eatimatea therefor I Blk Itrt, lot 7, Tbe Oregon Real Estate' prepare a oy ina vut engineer ana niea in ."""W. the offlee of th Auditor of the City of Port- Blk 194, lot 8, The Oregon Beal Eatate land on ther-3d day of June. IWm, Indorsed: ,-i Company ..,.f.rT.-,wi,-"Clty Buglneer'a plana and apeclflcatlona for A tract of land lying between the aanth a aewer In Tillamook atreet from 126 feet line ot vtaaco aueet and a line ino. eaat- of Union . avenue to propnaed aewer In I eet amttb of and parallel therewith . ano ociween me earn line oi stoca -numbered 194. Holladay'a Addition to Eaat Portland, snd the weat line of block numbered 1. Hnlhrday Park Ad 9. Oregon, The Ore- Compsuy Addition to Portland, .10 10 .10 .10 '.10 .10 .10 .10 ,10 .08 62.74 70.HT 82.91 89.70 83.20 82.80 64.90. U.i) 71.2B M 97 69.84 H0.3N ;.7tnn. '.nd -Vianli f th. ft, - Provided by the city charter upon tb lon to Fort lan. '""O" .nd "'o of, the City; Engineer I f. wiwtrd their, and whl.h gon Real Katate ,l!iJMJ.0Wym.mlJtVi beretiy declared to be, ill m. torn, parts Holladay Psrk f..l&W fh,Vofr.' Title Guarantee A Title Ouarantea 4b Trust tompany Blk 1. lot 16. The Title Guarantee A ta at sa,..si a .1 . 11 BiLA -ml I TWmtMW I A Ptl fXl t V Tha coat of aald Improvement to be aa- "a " Tr .1. " ."T. Hit 7' C. i' k. Wi. V-n ;U' 'i e..ed s provided by the city charter upon I ZI., it...nth miwLlt . . . . " " " Tniat Xomoanv ".V. " .T: lhJSu'J 'IT. . ..."'ii,.. ,5J: The Engineer's esttmte ef the probable Blk 2. to 0. The Title Guarantee A ?Z f"' .r "a". Z c ' r r. total coat or the eonatructlon or aald aewer la I r,l .'-"'"i"1.' 7l-,i V. , i i ,hi taS,.SS V..i -Ino of Tlllsmook atreet and between . line I..t Thaeaof v"""- )00 feet eaat of and parallel .with the eaat 110.18 130.20 and' pareela ef land lying between a Hue 100 feet north of and parallel wltb tbe north line of Park avenue and a line 100 feet aouth SL"? UtL,r V -Toi US 5 of"...d V-e .oopted? IM.1 00. I Blk 2. lot 10. Tbe Title ouarantea A Tbe plana. ' apeclflcatlona and eatimatea of -.T"'" fnB,!,l"r- the fkty Engineer for tne construction Bl av ""tl Title Guarantee A avenue, and between the west line of Ford Street and a Hue 100 feet west of and par. gnei wim tna eaat nue or ine city ram. Resolved, That tba Auditor ef tha Cite of Portland te and he I, heroUy llrected 'xt V Vb. .E,.rTle;VTf ViS DroUl. 12 LJ&2i total xoat of. Improving said avenue Is .- " " " vn, 688.00. iMnMnMMi m . Jl . . Remonatranc agalnat the above aewen may WtTiVthlc nd .h.ii blc1rT,!J be filed In writing with the nnderalgned Dltulltqlc pavement and. ahall be maintained within an riava from the dst nf tha Aaat he tha F it for th nerlod of K .aara an.laul WI.,n.W aJ'. .."'0 OBIS Of IU OMt thal th. owner., of J m.lor-l,yTh. JropeTty eJSes of 2 cK benefited by aald Improvement shall not pet! tion for -a. new and different Improvement before -the expiration of aucb period. The plana, apeclflcatlona and estimate of tbe City Engineer for the Improvement of said psrk svenus sre Hereby adopted. THOB. e. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe Cltv of Portland. June 8, 1903. ' EXTEBBIOB OB BEEP STREET. tVhercae, The Council -of the City of Port- Uu.la.rf. Tha. tha aHlf,,a riW. .I.J. . a.... .... .... ,to mi i t nereis, turn uiumu m im ui; oi , tw Portland b .,-snd be la hereby directed to land, deeming it expedient to open. Uy out and . r" ,u..tcuii-iiv ui i eataonan Keea atreet. in tna tity or ixnt. aald avenue aa provided by tbe cltv charter. I 1.,. fmm h a-aaturi Una ..f Hi,ui.k,a a.i . Bemonalrance sgslnat ths shove Improve- dltlon to the eaaterly llna ot Twenty-fourth i ijni S, 7 .if Z, a"," .r" I street, aid on tne 10m aay or April, inua, oiioct "JST' ,, . ,li I! " "si i tne city Kiigmeer to aurvcy- tne aaxoe ana buhllcatlon of thla notice. i By order of tbe Council. V ;? ' . THOM. C. DEVLIN, ' . Auditor ot tbe City of Portland, ' June 8. 1903. , i to mark tbe aeawaarlea tbereor, and to make a plat of aucb aurvey, and a written report contain ing a full and perfect description of such proposed street and boundaries thereof, snd of tne portion or eacn tor, tract or part or either, BBOBOBED SEWER IB EAST YAMHILL I?,, be approprlatod for aucb atreet, and the STBEET. , , , I Pliu TaiH i aiiu tttu, "um tiai, auii tt'uri til Notice la hereby given tbat aV-tbe nioetlng I the ofllce of the Auditor on the 21st day -of f tbe Council of the City of I'ortland. Ore-1 Aiirll, 1003V- and aald report bavins; been Son. neiq on inn u uay oi June, iuu, tbe adopted tr ordinance-no. 13,300, on tit led: "An pltowlug resolution waa adopted: ordinance adopting tbe report of the City Engl- , Beaolved, Tbat tbe Council, of the City of neer In the matter of the proposed opening, Portland, . Oregon, deem - It exne llent and laying out and establishing of Reed street from propoaea . to eouatruct a aewer In Kaat Yam- the weaterly line of Huerlock 'a Addition to niu eireei , iron) . ne center line or Mat 1 the eaaterly line or Twenty-mnrth atreet. - 'jnirty-ninta street to a connection wiib the - ow, tuererore, ail prraoa, interented. are f ropoaed sewer at East Yamhill aud Krat hereby notified that the Council of tbo City Thirty -seventh; afreets ofvttrified aewer pipe of Portland baa appointed- W: . "W'btte.: George t with all necessary astch-baalna, manholes, lump- Ifuesuer and John Kelly viewer, to view. aid boles snd liranclii'a, of tbe following dlmeuslon,: proposed eatehaton of aald -atreet and make VI ji incnca ciear insiue uiuiueter iroui , Hilnt I III eatlmate oi toe oenents ana - ilomagos oc In Eaat (Yamhill atrect at the center line of I cantoned br the obenlns. larlna out anil eatati. t- 'inirty-niutn srrvet to a point IB l;at Itahlng the aame, in acruruaiica witll section lunui purei - ii mi. Antrim yikuiu atreet, i oeir ov tne coerirx ot. toe v ivy m rwfianu kill . -- t - .v - - .... ij v., ui ,. .iin-i. thence of 14 Inches clear Inaldo diameter couiutctlon wltb. tho newer In East Yam atreet at Eaat Tblrtr-eeveiith atreet. In f - . accoraance witn tue -piaua, apecincationa ana V"iitiita uirmii jnrMint M mo .11 E.U gineer and filed In the office of the Auditor of th City of Portland on the 2d day-of June. 1908. Indoraed: "City Englneer'a plana ,nd apeclflcatlona for. a aewer In Eaat Yamhill ttntet from the'weenter line of Eaat Tblrtv aeventh r street to ' f rotloaed aewer at .Eaat 1 ammu ana- seat Tolrty-aeytntb atrecta, and the eatlmate, nf tlie work to be done' and . tbe probable total cost thereof." .. Tha cost. of satd aewer to be aaaeaaed ts provided lv tbe city -charter upon th property benefited-: I hereby and -which u nereoy neciaren to no all tbe lota, part, . , of lot, and pareela of land lying between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north' line-' pf- Kaat Vunihlll atreet aud a line 100 feet' south of. mil parallel with ine soutn una ot r.a jHruniM sirfct, and be tween the , eat line of Kaat Thli ty-nlnth rireet lira a una on rear eaat or Bud parallel with tbe Hue- of. East Thirty-seventh treef. ' p-- . , The Bnglneeys eatlmate of the prohabi " Toisirwi oj me construction or aaiq aewer is . 81.125.00. " h The PlaM. -apeeiOcgtlona 1 and ctlmatea- ef ine t ny engineer - ror the eonatructlon of aald sewer -ara hereby adopted.. . Resolved. 'That the Auditor of tho' Cltv of Portland be and be la- hereby directed In give notice ef tne proposed -eonatructlon yf aald aewer a provided i by . the City ' Remonktrn agalnat the shove sewer mar be filed In Writing -with ths undersigned within 30 days-from the date of tbe first piililiratlon of this notice,!- - . ., , t py ordve.-et' lh OMitietl. thus. r. ' rtrvi.Tjr. June S, 1903. Awdltor of tbe1ty of Porttasd.- aald viewers to meet at the office of tbe Auditor or toe i try or rortiaau on Friday, tbe 19th day of June. 1903, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock In the ferenoon of aald day. ,' The proposed opening, laying out sad estab lishing ef Heed street 4a 00 feet In width snd Is more particularly bounded and described aa follows: : , , T , Beginning at the , Bonfhweatorly' corner of block 21, Sherlock's Addition, , running thence westerly aimi, tne westerir extension on tn north line-or need street jo.b rest to tho eaat erly line of Twenty-fourth atreet, thence aouth. erl-along the easterly lino--nf Twvmty-fonrtb atreet to the point where the easterly line of Twenty-fourtb atreet would, be Intersected try-w- weeieriyPTtenaion .in jia present course or tn eontn una oi ttoen nueet, tnence. east erly an the w est erl v extension of tho south line of Reed street 18.T et to th northwest eofner of block :, Hheriocx a Addition, thence northwesterly 60.49 (eet to tb, place ' of- be ginning. ,- -.:..' ' j 1 f r - The proposed opening, taring nut and estab lishing of Reed atreet will Include and neeeaal tate the appropriation to .public use of the fol lowing described parcel or tract of land: All that parcel or tract af bind lying be tween northerly and Bout her ly Hue of tbe proposed Reed street and between the east erly line of.- Twenty-fourth , afreet and tb weaterly line of Rhcrlock'a Addition, contain lug 948 aqiwre feet, . , All persons claiming ' damages - by reason iff the appropriation of sthe. iwonerty above deacrlbed, or any part thereof. In the proposed opening, larlng nnt and eatahllehlng f aaJd atreet ara hereby aneclally notified to Ale their rlalma for aueh daniagaa wltb the Auditor of the Cltv of .PortUnd before tKe 19th day of June, 1903, -the time appointed for tha neet ing of the viewer therein, . . '. -. .ii . Oj order or tna lonm-ii. ' j I mm. tv iiKfLi.. UD 8i 1903. , Afrdlhf -otbeH?Kf of Portland, r 184.80 198.07 208.18 183.20 Truet Comnanv 114.08 Blk H, lot 12, Th Title Guarantee A Trust Company 04.92 Blk 2. lot 13. The. Title Ouarantee A Cmtanv OT Ko . .T....,.... .................... DI1.W Blk 2, lot 14, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company a T7.88 Blk 8. lot 16, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 11830 Blk 1 lot 16. Tb Title Guarantee A Truat , Company 138.80 Blk . lot 9. The Title Guarantee A Truat Cbmpany 160.07 Rlk 8. lot 10, Tbe Title Guarantee A Tririt Company : 167.86 Blk 8. lot 11. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company 128.81 Blk 8, lot 12. The Title Guarsntee A . Truat Cnmnanv 122.22 Blk 8. lot 18. The Title Ouarantee A '.Trust Company , 114.74 Blk a, - lot 14. Tbe Title Guarautee A Trust Company 80.87 Blk 8. lot 16. The Title Guarantee A Trust Compsny 180.20 Blk 3, lot 10. ine Title Ouarantee Truat company 160,87 Big 18, mt B. aMao Tltlo Guarantee- A Trust. Company 102.00 Blk 10, lot HI. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 149.06 Blk 16, lot 11, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company 102.48 Blk id. kit 12. The Title Guarantee A - Truat,, Company .... 00.96 Blk 16, tot 13. Tba litis Guarantee A Truat Company .j 07.88 Blk 18. lot 14. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat'- Company 94.08 Blk JO. nit in. Tbe Title ouarantee A Trust Comnanv 120. a Blk 10. lot al6, The -Title Guarantee A -Trust--mpsny-- .-.t ..... .. . . ...... 140.40 Trust Comosnr Rlk 10. lot 4. A. T. di bocna Blk 10, lot 8, A. T. Bcboeps HallsDury Hill, in tbe Beldon Mur ray D. L. ;. Blk 2. tot 14, "arah H. Wllllama. . . ... Blk 3. lot 10. Harsh H. Williams Rlk 2. lot 10, Harsh H. Wllllama Blk 2. west 24 feet lot 17. Barah H. William, . Blk 2. east 28 feet- lot IT. William U Ladd : 4196 Bis z. west 22 feet lot IS. William M. I-Sdd Blk 3. esst 28 feet lot 18 J. E. and Rertbs T. Werleln Blk 2, lot 19, J. E. aod Bertha T. Wer leln ; Blk 3, lot 20. C. W. Kllppel... Blk 2. lot VI R. A. k linnet Blk 2. lot 22. Ella M. Hutchinson Blk 2, lot 23, William M. Ladd , Rlk 2. lot 24. William M. Ladd Hlk 2, lot 36, Mrs. Jennie . Budemnr.. Blk 2. lot 2a. E. A. Kllppel Plesssnt View Addition Blk 3. tot 4. Gertrude M. Haines Blk 8. lot 8, Lonlse fltelnhauser Blk a, lot 0, Samuel A. Allies Blk 3. lot 8, Samuel A. Miles Hswthorn Park Blk 830, lot 8. The Hawthorns Eatate.. Blk 830, lot T, Tbe Hawthorne Estate.. Ken worthy's Addition to Kaat Port land , Blk 15. tot 1. Winnie E. Burnett Rlk 13, lot 3, Frankie D. Tbomaa Blk 16. eaat H tot 7, Sarah aod DerHa Walla Blk 16. eaat H lot 8. Barsb sad Dorcls eWalls , Blk 16. weat U tot T. Grant Phegley.. Blk 15. west H lot , Grsnt Phegley.. Blk 14. tot 1, Amends W. Reed Blk 14. tot -2. Amanda W. Reed...... Rlk 14, lot 7, Amanda W. Reed...... Blk 14. tot a, Amanda W. Reed...... Blk 18. tot 1. Samuel ' A. and Ellis C. Brown , Blk 13. lot 2. Samuel A. and Ellis C. Brown Blk 18. lot 7. Samuel A. and Elll, C. Brown Blk 13. lot 8. Samuel A. and -Ellis C. llrown Blk 12. lot 1. Nancv Y. Gibson Rlk 12. toT Wy r. Olhaon......... Bin 12. tot 7, Minnie B. Ixick Rlk 12. lot 8. Minnie R. Locke .101 Blk 11. lot 1, Samuel A.- and ElUa 0. frown , Blk 11. lot 3, Samuel A. and Elite C. Brown . , A tract of land lying between -ibe muth Hn of Eaat Madison street and s Una 100 feet aooth of and- parallel there with and between the east line nf block uumbered 11, Kenworthv'a Ad dition, and the weat line of Hillcreat, unknown owner ........ Irrllcrest Lot 1, Portland. Trust Company of Oregon s . . . i , Lot 3. Portland. Truat Company of uregon i rust tompany 23.08 Blk 0. lot 1. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 23.03 1 Blk 6. lot 8. Tha Title Guarantee A roil i vmpinT Blk 6. tot 7. The Title Guarantee A 301.02 JruJt VomP,B?..' .' 70.83 om a. lot .,1a lino uuarantee ii ati tra,( t omnaar . r . r .......... . 202.14 1 Blk 8. lot 6. The Title Guarantee A aaul Trust company 6ft. 18 r bib o. mt ine line uuaraniee i imst tomnanr 48.62 Blk 6. lot H. Tbe Title' Guarantee A . Truat Comnanv 182.73 1 Blk 8. lot 2. The Title Ouarantee A 181.27 T""1 rmC!L' : . 40.40 I a1" ' ,m Ae 'me uusrsntee at 62.7T 1 ru"i ompsny SH 78 Blk . lot n. qua Title uuanntee 4k laa'oa Trnat Company : AU.08 1 "i" en i, ine iiiie uusrsntee m I Trust Comoaa: 2T 00 Blk 4. tot 0. Tba Title Guarantee A I Trust Company 159.62 ' lot 6- rB 'r'"' Guarantee A 142.08 imi mnpinj 23.64 26.00 SO 03 80.03 80.93 90.95 30.05 80.95 80 95 80.03 80.09 30.95 80.93 30.06 30.93 4 30.93 80.96 Blk 4. tot 4. The Title Guarantee Trust t ompany gz.Bo Blk 4. lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Trust tompany 30.96 Blk 4. lot 2. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company 30.95 Blk 4, lot 1. The Title Guarantee A Treat Company 80.96 Blk 15. lot 8. The Title Guaantee A Truat Comnanv 30.96 Blk 16, tot 7. The Title Ouaarnfee A Truat company 30.96 Blk 15, tot 0. Tbe Title Cuaanteu. A Truat Company 30.96 Blk 16. tot 6. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company ...... 80.05 Blk T6, tot 4. Tbe Jltls Ouarantee A Trust Company 30.96 Blk 16, lot 8, ' Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Company 30.95 Blk 15, lot 2, Tha Title Ouaranteo A Trust Company .......... .- -80.96 120.30. Blk 1S- 101 TO Tltl Guarantee A jrusi lumpen ou.lio 233.20 Hoiiaaay a Aauittoo to east I'ort- 64 06 '" r? or Blk 174. lot 1. Tbe Oregon Beel Katate - , iib nil iut a. tue trrgou neai ritaie 23.46 23.46 38.46 88.46 last Twenty-eighth atreet Muck nun f &J9.23 Hawtliorne'a First Aililltlon to Knat Portland Blk 21, lit 12. Cllr A Sil.irbin TIM1 wv (nuipauy Blk 21. lot II. City A Kubmnim ltr.ll v my Cmnpa ny ......... i B'.k 24. lot 10, City A Kiibr.rbnn Hall way Company Blk i'4. lot 0. Hells I llewett lllk 24. I-t 8. Mary J..Orahnni Blk 21, lot 7. Mnry J. (Jrahnm MIU 2;t, lot 12. Thomaa W. I'orrott Blk iM. lot tl. Hiomaa tltilr Bllt lot lo. C. C. and, Lulu D. Iiucka Blk 23. lot 9. C. C. and I.nln I. l.cncka Blk 23. lot 8, Charles E. Mare. Rlk VI. lit 7. H. I.. Powers. Trustee.... lllk 2L', lot 12, II. L. Powers. Truatee.. Blk 22, hit 11. The Hawthorne Katate.. Blk lot Jo. The Hawthorne Etale.. Rlk 22. lot 9. The llawthorno Katate . A tract of land lying between tbe south line nf Kaat Rurnalde atreet ami a Hue 100 feet aouth of and parallel there with and between the east line of block 7. Keystone Addition to the city of Portland and the neat line of East Twenty-sixth atreet, laalah Ruck nan A tract of land tying between the case line of Twenty-altth street aud the went line of East Twenty-eighth atreet and between the amilu Hue of Kaat Burnalde atreet and a line loo feet ; south of and parallel therewith, laulah Ilm-kinnn r- A tract nf land l'lhg between the aouth line of Eaat Uiirnalde atreet and a line liMI feet aouth of and parallel therewith, and between the eaat lln of Kaat Twenty-eighth atreet and the west lloe of the "Robert PI Is Tract." section :iA township I north, range 1 eaat. Willamette Meridian, Thos. M. Anderson Manning's Addition to the city of Portland. Oregon Blk I. north loo feet lot I. ('. B. and W. Campbell Blk 1. north 100 feet lot 1, C. li. and, W. Campbell Blk I, north 100 feet lot 3. A. Tans- cher i.. Blk 1 north 100 feet lot 4, E. and J. A. Clenienaen .Blk I. north liiO feet lot 8, A. and A. Tsrnbull Mayor Galea' Addition to, Eaat I'ort land Blk 7. lot 6. H. M. filenn Blk 7. lot 4. H. M. filenn Blk 7. north 25.6 feet lot S. H. -M. Olenn Blk . lot 6. II. I.. Stephens Blk K. north 34.l"t-feet lot 4. M. Cii(iie.r. Blk N. li'-rth X4.5 feet lot 7. John and Sarah J. Clint pik K south 2". 2 -feet lot 6. R. C. lrlnce Blk K. north 4n.3 feet lot 6. C. W. Root Blk 0. lot 5. Sli't Tnmllaon Blk 9. north 45.8 tret lot 4. Henry Kueble .' 11 73 40.!XJ 40.30 4o.:ui -to.rio 40..10 4i :io 4i.. 'Id 40.30 40.30 411.30 4ii.Hn 411.30 4O.30 4H.30 27.53 l'A.60 292.00, snlJftlONPACiBC 3 IRAlNSto the EAST, DAILY Through I'uliman standard and rntirlH sleep. . tnj cais dally lu UciSi. Chleagn, gpoBanAy , tuurlat aleeulug cars Csliy to Kanass City ' 1 through Pulluiau tourist aieailng vers tpersoa- City, ht. Loula and Memuhla; reciluurf a-kalt cars IseaU l to tao Kaat dally. ; r t ! l.MU.i DEPOT. Iarea. I Arrlrss. CUICA'IO I'OKTLAND 9 20 a. ax. 14:80 p, ati'KclAt lOallr. lisllr. . L-. ,1... !'... .1.. Hunt. I ' I .4 ' . lligtou. ' . ..i f. TS',. 8P0KA.NL FLYBR. ,6:00 a. a,. Fur Ksntcrn Washiug-.1 Itally. tou, Walla Walla, Lsw, Inlou, Coeur u'Aleo I ami Great urtura liuluta. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 's: 15 p. m. Fur lbs Kaat vis Huut-IDslly. lug too. T:2 4W Daily. lo w a. a ' Dally, a 0CEAB AND RIVEB SCHEDTLS. FOR BAN FRANCISCO. t. n. Ueo. W. Elder May 2. 13. 22. 8. S. Columbia April 27; May T. 17. 27. From 8:00 B, Ainaworin Doth. 8:01 p. m. , '. -- f ." 'If- -'j 121.80 2S.20 28.20 2. 20 28 20 2S.20 10.4" 20.85 1,1.73 84.10 28.30 28.00 21.00 42 60 SI 20 10.20 67 fit Company ! annul Blk 174. lot 7, tbe Oregon Real Eatate company Blk 174, lot 8. The Oregon Real Katate itfl Ta wm2 Blk 179. Company Ik 179. lot 1. Company The Oregon Real Katate ,10 of Truat Company Trust Company Truat Company ot M. and Kittle E. Total ...80.000.38 ' i THOR. C. DEVLIN. ' Auditor of tbe. City ot Portlaud. June 2, 1903. BtpBOlALI BOB IltPBOVEKEHT BONDS, ' 0ITT OF PORTLAND. OREGON. slcd iirotxaata wltf be . rpcelve.1 h, - nnoeraiKDeu at too vince er toe Audittu too VHJ ot loruann. uregun. until Monday June 1, 1D03, at" 2 o'clock p. in., for tbo sale. l box less tuau usr raiua auu Hecrueo ititara.. or amnruvemunt bonds of tha Cltv Pti..!1 vregon. a tne same sunn m autnorixeu to be laauau xor toe wouw or but uart ui seants.n,a Uiouasnd dnllara. MaiA bond, will be Imued In deuoinluatlone-ef five hundred dollars each, to oe usteq wnra aumot-ixeu, payauie 10 yeara front date, bearing Interest at the rate ..f it r cnt per s nnuijfr-pay iblc keml-anuiiallr. n. (crest and principal payaUa 4n Cnited- Mtatea Kid coin, at tba ofltoe of tho City Xreaanrrr rtland. Oregon. Provided tbat the City of i-uriisuu rwrrTr, uie ritcot to ihii un stif vnttvvti am. wvi.ua, upvii t HIV uitfni OK fBO fca stalue tberegf. wltb accrued " Inter eat to me sate oi payment, at airy aemi-aauual oou, n period, n or, gimr poe .. troai the date aucb bonds. Bald bonus are Issued ander suthorltr nf aa Oct ot tbo Legislators nf tho 8t ate. of Oregon, passed February IB. 1H03. entitled. "An act rn nt-nvltlt. frtr th laaltaiu t R. ....!. .... a... Improvement of atreet hod. tbe laying of sewers In tnaorporktnd o-itles, hbd'Yof the pao-inent of cost vf such.luprbvemenis and laying of aewars ay uisis uuieq v, as emenueq ny aa act of the Legmlaturu of the hlate af Ore eon a.. pioved February 28.1001, entitled: "An act te amend aectloua 1, J. 3. 4. 3. 0 and 7. of an tct entitled: -.i 'An act to provide for-ibe laau Bnce of bond tor the iluj.rorrujent of atrcota and laying of aewera In luaorporated cities, Snd for the payment of tbe cost of aucb to- S?1 breeeiuvnta and toying oX jewers by install tnentSk' Aleg tn tbe tilnce or. the Rtw-entarv a.f Btote February S3. ISO;!." and the proceed thereof are to ba' used for tha nsvment la naW for the Improvement of streets oir ennstrnctlna Af wer as tba ald - ImprovemeBU' baU b Lot J. Portland Oregon hot 4. Portland Oregon s . . Lot 6. Port land Oregon Lot 6. Portland Oregon Lot 13. Charlea Morgan Sallabury Hill. In tbe Beldon Mur ray D. L. C Blk 8. lot 4. H. E. Joseph I , Blk 8. tot 3. B. E. Joseph! Blk 3, lot B. Edward T. Wllllama Blk 3, lot 1. Edward T. Wllllama Blk 8. lot A. Edward T. Williams Pleasant View Addition Blk 6. lot 1, Jullua A. Klein Blk 6. lot 2. Benton Klllln snd E. A. King Blk 6. tot 9. Samuel A. Mile , Blk 6, lot 10. Samuel A. Miles 100.44. 138.14 23.07 03.02 92.88 01.73 Tot si June 3. f 1.177.01 IN. Auditor of the City of Portland. 1003. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB SEWER IX EAST EVERETT STBEET. Notice la hereby given that, th Council of the City of I'ortlauii proposes to atseaa the following deacrlbed property sud owner or own er a being specially and Pocullarly benefited In the amount, art opposite tbe name, and deeorlptione thereof by the construction of a gewer In Kaal Everett atreet, from tbe eaat line of Hawtuurne'e First Addition to Eaat Portland to a connection with the aewer in Eaat Twenty -eighth, as provided -by ordinance No. 13.170. Any objectlona to the apportionment of coat for aald aewer must be made In writing to the Council snd Died witli tbe Auditor with in fifteen days from the date of tbe first pub lication of tbla notice, aud said abjections will be heard and determined by tbe Council be fore tbe paaaage of tbe ordinance assessing tbe coat for said sewer Hawthorne's Flrat Addition to East Portlaud Blk 0. lot 10. John E. Anderson $ 31. Su Blk 9. lot 9. E ma Claim Blk I), tot 8, ti. Knybor Blk 9, tot 7, John Uaybor Blk 10, lot 12. (tuatav W. Burbots Blk 10. lot 11. Mlcbsel Mclntyre Rlk 1, lot 10, Lucy A. l'k-raou Blk 10. lot 9, M. K. rimtth Blk 10, lot 8, O. L. Havdabl Hlk lo, tot 7. Cynthia M. Haber Blk It, tot 12, K. M. Hugbea. Blk 11, lot II, 'Cue Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 11. tot 10, II. L. Powera, Trustee.. Blk It,- lot 9, The Hawthorne Eatate.. lllk 11 lot -R. George J. Cameron...... Blk II, lot 7. George J. Caiaerou Rlk 12, tot 12, The Hawthorne Katats.. Blk 12, lot 11. The Hawthorne Katate.. Blk 12. lot lo, 'I he Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 12. lot 9, 'the Hawthorne Estate,. Bttr2, -fcrt, Tri-Iiawfhorae fcetate. . Rlk 12. top 7. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 111. lot 1. Dnrathy laa belle Arts,.. Blk 10. lot 2. Horathy Isabella Arise. . Blk 10,. lot 3, Clange It. Inmea Blk 10. lot 4. Orace It. HimcS Blk 10. tot 8. Grace II Himes. . Blk 18, lot ft. John 8. Jewell Blk 16, lot 1. ). A. Taylor.... Blk 15, tot 2. O. A. Taylor., ...... Rlk 15. tot 3. John AlmetT. .', Blk 15. tot 4. John J. richei.rcr., 34.80 Blk 16. tot 6. H. I.. Powera. Trustee.. 24SO Blk 16, tot 6. Thomas M. Anderson.... 24.80 Blk 14. tot 1. David Crelghlou. ........ . 24 NO Blk 14, tot 2. David Crelghtnn 24.80 Blk 14. tot 8. Tbe Hawtltorno Estate. . 24 HO Blk 14. tot 4. H. h. Poweva. Truatee.. 340 Blk 14. tot 6. Mule . Mwtt...,.,.., ,; . S-tao Blk 14, tot. M,le S. KSutt. ...... .,, 34.80 Blk 13. tefil. The Hawthorne Estate.. 34.80 Blk 13, lot 3, The Hawthorne Estate.. 24.M Blk 18. tot 8. The Hawthorne Ktat 24.80 Blk 13. tot 4- Tbe Hawthorne Estate,. , 24 80 Bib 13. tot 6, Tbe Hiwthorne Katate..- 4.80 Blk 13. tot 0. Tha Hawthcrue Jatala.. . 34.80 Total A... 31.284.46 THOB. T. DKJXIN. Anditor of tba atj of roftland. ssns a, leva Kt sit Blk 179. lot 2. Tbe Oregon Real Eatate lomi'suy 2.).4a 182 70 Blk 179. lot 7, Tbe Oregon Ileal Estate 49 64 Company 23.46 2i,o M Blk 179, lot 8. The Oregon Ueal Estate 284:47 ...(.'om.rfnr . v. a- : : 38 70.46 1 sua it's, mt i, ine vregon neat K.state - 40.32 .'onipany . -s-i.- w w 214.03 I Dlm 1 "t ine ttregon nesi Miaie vomiiany zo.tj 183.41 Blk 194. lot 7. The Oregon Real Eatata I ompsny i.i.fa 46 K3 Rlk 104. lot 8. The Oregon Real Estate t ompany , . 38.40 81.74 Holladay I 'ara Addition to roftland. uregon no Bin . tot vi. ine Title Mearantee it 101.44 Trust company , ....... ., ZBJw 113 4tt Bis i, mt 14. ine iiuie ttuaratiiee at 27.82 Truat Company 80.95 niK l. lot in, ine tine uuaraniee sc Trnat fmptty . ... . . .'. r.-.v . . . . . . .. 80.1)9 Blk 1. tot 18. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company . .v. 30.96 Rlk 2. tot 9. Tbe Title Ouarantee A Tnist kimpany 80.93 Rlk 2. tot 10. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company . 80.06 Rlk 2. tot 11, Tfca- Xltle Guarantee-A Trnat Company '. - 80.95 Blk 3, tot 13, Tbe Title Guarantee A. Tiuet Company 30.05 Blk 2. tot 18. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trnat Company' 30.08 Blk 3, tot 14, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trnat Company .' ;.'. ....... 30.98 Rlk 2. tot 16. Til a Title Guarantee A Truat Company 30.95 Blk 2. tot 16. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company 80.93 Blk 8., lot 9. Tbe Tltlo Guarantee A Truat Company 30.96 Blk 8. lot 10, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 30.93 Blk 8. tot 11. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 30.93 Blk 8. tot 12. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company i 80.05 Blk K. lot 18. The Title Ouarantee A Trust Company 83.70 Blk 8. .tot 14. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company , 80.95 Blk 3.. tot 16. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Comnanv 30.95 Blk 8, tot 16, The. Title Guarantee A Truat Comnanv 30.95 Blk 18. tot 0. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company ,30.93 Blk 18. lot 10. Tbe Title Guarantee A "' Truat Company 30.93 Blk 18. lot 11. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company 30.93 Blk 18. tot 13. The Till Guarantee A 'J Trust Company , - 80.05 Blk 18. tot 18. The Title Guarantee A Troat Company .; 30.93 Blk 16. tot 14. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 30.95 Blk 18. lot 15. The Title Guarantee A Trnt Company 30.93 Blk 10, lot 18. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company 30.03 Total June ., ;. .33.381.18 THOH. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of thn.Clty of Portland, ifaift. Col.ttn-hie Bivar Division FOR ASTORIA and way 8 00 p. at. pctuta, couuectlog with Dally, atnir. f'r llwacv aud 'X Hunday North Beach, atr. Uis- Saturday sslo. Aab-et dock. 10:00 p. m. 3:00 p. ta. et. ouaaay, . , About , .., .; Willamette River Division. FOR SALEM. Corvalll, 0:46 s. m. and way points, steamer jMundsy.' Itutt. Ash-kit. dock. Wednesday, pft'ater permitting.) jFriday... Dally ' . 'J. I.oo p. nv Tuesdav. Thursday, -e ' saiuroay.' YamhUI Bivsr Rants. I OK DAYTON. Oregoa City aad Yamhill River poluta, atr. Elmore. Aab-St. duck. (Water permitting. 1 7:00 a. m. Tuesday, Thursday, -.Saturday. 8:00 p. as, Monday, ' neaneaau . Lv Baaka Bivar Beuts. FOR LEW18T0S. Id., lud way uoluta, from Rlpaiia. Waab.. steam era Hpoltans and Lew-latou. 4:rT3 a. Iniily. ex. Mat. A host ; i ; 6:00 p. am I Dally .1 ex. Friday. , TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington. Take.' phone Mslu 712. - - 1 PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Tokohsms and Hong Kong, calling at Robe. Nagasaki and Bbaugbal. taking freight via connecting ateamcrs lor Uanila. furt Arthae aud Vladlvostock. IBDBAPUBA BAILS ABOUT JOB! St. ' i Fir ratea aad full Information call a ee aaV ' dress officials or agents ef tbe O. U. A N. Ce. PROPOSALS BOB MtTWICTPAL LIOHTIVO 1 cirr or pobtlabd. obeoob. Sealed propossls will be received et tbe oOVt ef tbe Auditor ot tbe City nf Portlaud until 8 o'clock p .m.. Juue 18, 1903, for lighting tbe streets, aveuurs. parks, public grounds auij public places of tbe City of Portlaud ty elec tric are lights of 2,ooe candle power each, nd for lighting, the public building, of aald city by Incaudesceuh rk-elrto tit gns light, for term bt five years from January lat, 1904. Separate prupusala will be received for light ing the a tree! a, avenues, parks publlcgrouuili and public places of the citr, as above set tor lb. Each proposal uiuel ot- baaed upon ths apeclflcatlona fur aald lighting ou file, la the office of the Audljtor-.afv tbe city of Portland. No proposal in execea ot 83.41 fur each light per month will be considered. Eucb ' pru uneal muat be accomiianled by a certified check -siun wawnsible. I'ortland bank, iu the sum or Twenty-ova iuuuaauu uoiiara a,ouii.uii. na Table to tha order of Geo. 11. Williams, llaiur t,f the City of Portlaud. aa fixed and liquidated oamagoa. mat ma aucceaaiui oiuuer win enter tutu cuntraet lo accordance with the Brrnia at tbe auecltications within ten days after tbe rsu-- trsct Is swarded fclm. Tbe auccesaful bidder wilt also be rcinrtred to frrniab a good and eufiirieot tiond lu the sum of One Hundred thousand Dollars (IIOO.OOO.OO) to be approved b: d via. EASTvi SOUTH laSfl UNT. I W OGOCM. SHASTAl I Itftl WOWTta.. OI Leaves. VBIOV DEPOT. jaaafrtMSt- 88.70 83.63 87.10 126.18 118.43 104.18 94.82 87.61 97.48 7.99 213.81 69.31 60.01 203.15 if tba .uayor . oi., 4.M -4.uy - us a;oeuioar cos lltloued that the auccesaful bidder will fulUII the te-wa of bis contract. HeDarate prouoaala will ba received for light ing the public bulldlnrs ot aald city aa above et form, uacn proposal muat oe ttaaeti tipou the specifications lor said lighting on file lu the ofllce of the Auditor of the City ot Port land and muat be accompanied by a certi fied check en some rrspoualble Portlnnd Ban In tbe sum of Tweuty-l!ve Hundred Dnllnra. (... 600.00), payable to tbe order of Geo. U. Williams, Mayor of tba City of I'ortland. sa bxed sud liquidated damages, tbat tb successful bid der will enter luto contract In accordniv-e with the terms of the specifications within ts tio) daya after me contract is twarueti Dim. The auccesaful bidder will alao be required to furnlah good aud auuVlent botid In tbe auu of Ten Thousand Dollars (llo.uou.ou). tu ba aonroved br tue Mayor of tbe Citr of Portland. Moudltloned that the auccesaful bidder will tub fill tbe terms of bis coutruet. AU proposals should ha . indorsed I'roposal for Lighting." and addreaaed to Thus C. DevUo. Auditor, Portland. Oregon. Tbe right it reserved f reject any or aU blda. By order of the Executive Board. I THOS. 0. DEVLIN. Anditor of the' City ot Portlaud. Or. April 8. 1903. 1:80 a. m. HM p. m. 7:80 a. a. Tl4:'M pTiiJ OVERLAND EXPRESS trains, for Salem, Rose-; burg, Aabland. 8acr,-' meuto, Ogdea, San Fraa-lf-'aS B. Cisco, Mo la vs. Lea Aa-j telea, E Paso. New Or- ' :ana aad the Eaat I- ' At WoetSbura dally) I a ce pi--osjwisy , ss&zi Ing train for Jit. An.! gel. Klirertd. Browna-I vlUe, Uprlugaeid, , WendJ ung aau r,troa. -. I A lbs ay paaseoger. con-' ects st Wooburn with lit Angel aad SIB-eH -r -ton loci I. . i, I Sberltiaa' passenger.. ,..SJB i. kg 70 p. at 10:10 a. RAILROAD TIMETABLES. Total 82.471.70 THOS. C. DEVLIN. . Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Sune 2. 1003. PROPOSALS BOB- C0VSTBVCT1BO BOAT, FIRE- Healed nroiMisala will be received st the ofllce of tue Auditor ot the City of Portland. Oregon, uutll 2 o docX p. ni., ou Friday, July 17. luo3. for .the construction -of a liretwat lu aceordauce with the following condition: First For the cuiietructlou of a Are boat B-lth steel hull -and twlu screw oruoellers ar. eordlna- to uiniis aud speclficatioii, prepared by Mr. rre.l Uallln and Aled lu tbe olllce ot the Auditor of the -City of Portlaud. Copies of said plana and speclficatlone will bo fur nished upon application being made, there for. Second For the eonatructlon of a fireftoat with either a ateel hull or a wood hall and with either a Ingle screw or twin arrow pro pellera according to plana and apeclncatlona, to be ubinltted by the bidder with bla bid. General conditions which apply to all blda: Flrat No bid will be entertained by which tbe - coat of a fireboat, ready fur use, ahall exceed OW.taXUX). Second Tbe maximum draft of a flrebuat for the City of I'ortland muat not exceed alx foet under propellers when fully equipped. Third No bid will be considered for a flrebost with Itss capacity tbau 6,000 gallons per inlmire. a our lo separate eiti. win m- leeeiteu tot" 24.80 24.8) pum and in any award for tbe eonatructlon of a fireboat the Executive Board reserves to tire City ot Portlsnd tho right to furnish the pumps, said pumps to be pieced In position lu the. boat by the party constructing tbe boat aud a, a uart of aucb construction. .Fifth Each bid must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a responsible bank , In the City of Portland.. Oregon, for the sum of Three Thnuaand Dollars, or by a bond for a ,like amount, to oc spproveo ny tne Mayor of the city, sa a guarantee, tn the effect that If the contract for tbe eonatructlon of eaid fireboat lie awarded to aucb . bidder, he will enter Into contract therefor and furnish to the Cltv of Port bind. Oregon, a good- a nd auffl elcat lamd. "to be approved by tbe , Mayor, in tbo sum of 840.000.00. for tbe faithful execu tion of said contract. . . ' Tint right la reserved to reject any and all bids.:. ,'. ' ', 'V. ul "j Bid, should lie addressed to' th ISsecuHve Board, rare of Thos. C. Devlin. Auditor. Port- land, ' Oregon. . ' - .- y i--vMTHOS.' C-' DEVLIN. As " -''' Autlllor of tba City of Portland: V Dated Jnne 1. 1903. - - , . ReadTThoJournhl I .p two, ... - ,.( i . - ,(.:.. .. i . a mm sue sun luyninaKaia auau . i s bus s, sev- -.... .-.--k .- I T - ' ' . ' - THK Bf t OF EVERYTHINQ ONLY 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO GO CHICA via the 0. R. R. Si N. Co., Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific and Two trains &A&yr with- throngh Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). GHKSglrW .ANDSPECIAt connects at 'Granger rrith th famous Overland. Limited, the) most luturioup train in the world, to Chicago from the Coaat.-' .... r v . . v.: 3;.--- ,.. --:.' --6g ur youf tickets read over tOA -- ' Chicago & Horth-Weitera. J : i i v -:-,. . -. ., s . ' -' t 141 A. Q. BARKEft, OtH'W ACT, 0. & N-VV. ltY "'----''-'488 TrHRO St., PCXTTLKO, ct, ' V'r- Dally. IIDally, xpt Sunday. ' a(rUaa4-0wge Susurbaa Sarvi aad TtAUiUI '. Olvlaian.;,.,.,- -j,. r Depot Foot ef Jaffsrsoa Btrsst. Leave Portland daily for Oaw,ao T 30 a. M.t U:60, 2.05, 8:29. Sikl, 11:2.1, g:807 10:10 p. m, bally (except Hundoy) f:30, 8:30. B:85.- 10 4 . a. m-i 4:00, 11:30 p. m. Sunday only. S.ta ' a. m. i, " 1 Ke turning frar) Oswego, arrive Portland dally -8:30 a. m.: 1:56. 1:03. 4:33. .:! T:M. B PVt 11:10 n. at. Pally (except Suadavl :23, T:i' :80. 10:20. 11:43 . ni. Kxcept Monday. BB-lii a. m. Bunday only. 10:00 a. as. i Leave from same depot for Pallas sad lntery mediate polnta dally (except Sunday) 4:00 p. aa . Arrive Portland 10:20 s. m. Th, Independence-Monmouth llotor Lraa -operate, daily to ilonmoutb and Alril. eoe .;. neeting with Southern Pacific Company tradka at Pallaa and Independence, First-class rebate tlckele on aale from Porte , land to Sacramento and San Frandaco. Net rate flT.50. berth S5t aaeend-eUaa fare lid. - without rebate ar berth; aecond-claaa bertk 13.60. Ticket, to Eastern points and Europe. hs Japan, China, Honolulu add Australia. " : City Ticket Ogee corner Third and Washing ton atreet. Phon, Main T1A C W. 8TINGER. W. B. C0MAN, Olty Ticket Agent , Oea. Pas. Ar. v TIME CARDj TRAINS PORTLAND i I'uget Sound Limited Imparts. for Tacoma. Seattle. Olympla. South Bend 8 30 a. tn. and oray s itarour poluta. North Coast Limited. ie- Taeoms . f -MeatYh. Butte, St. Paul. Mill- 0:00 p. tu. ueapoiiM. v uicflgo. iiew Vrk. Ilnatou and poluta Kaat unil Soutboaat. Twin-City Kxpress. for lacouia. Heattle. Sim. kaue. Helena. St. I'sul. I MlnneajMilia Chicago. 11:43 p. m. .yfw tors, itosioa uuui all iHilnts East sud Southeast. i'uget Sound - Kansas i t it - St. Louis Special, for Tacnma. Seattle. Spokane, Butte, lilllinsa. Ilenver, Om.aba, KanearJ city, t. UfUls and all polnta Eaat and South eust. Arrt'S. 8: JO p. m T.IHJ a. T OO p. u g:30 a. tn. ! T OO a. m. 7 All trsiBs da 1 ly creep r -nit flotmi - fit ,4 branch. A. D. CHAKLTON. Aaalataut General Passenger Ageat. .: 225 Morrison St.. corner Third. Portland. Or. . Astoria & Columbia i River Railroad Co. . Leaves' S:00a(nv 7:00 p. at. tffI0.V PEP0TV Arrtrvtv' For Vtarrers. - KsinleV I lUitaVauiu. 'vVsetHort1 ' Clltou, Aetorla, War. k t ' rentou. -FlataL Hann ll l Oh moud ' Fort Afeveus,! " Hearliart Fufk, Sesstde 1 Aatoria,. and " niv4t , ''"..,;--!-"t- , , .-, Kxpresa, B4llr. 1 :. Atmt 'K press. Dally. 1 II l) f. m. ":-1. ' , . J. 4. ! y ' O. f. a! P. .1.. ti.ji,. -. $. I lJfWtS. c-inuiwruiat atheist, in . f ti-, I Lobs iialu W-O. I: