10 ' - TI1E OltEGON DAfLV JOTJlNAL, POTCTIiAXD. : FRIDAY . EVENTS' G JUINE 5, 1003. SPORTINQ WXW TODAY. .WANTED. AMERICAN.' LEAGUE -.-v. , : am EsunAW wan. ;. v., ' Btandlng of the Clubs. , . .... 4, ,von. Lost." r.c Pofton ........ J3 ,16 ? .605 Chicago . .........SI'; 1 ..5J- Pt Loula ......... J i, j ' Philadelphia . ...,tl 17 .551 Cleveland. .......1 1 ' .5 Petrolt . ... 18 17 - .614 New i York .. . 16 21 , .417 Wsahlngton J- I ' S8 .243 At S ostoa. - Boston .", . t. 10 1J 2, Chlc i 7 I ; . Bstteries- winter and Criger; Dunkle ana Mcrarland. L'-.. ...... At Philadelphia. . R. H.B. ' Tetrolt . 1 .Philadelphia. 4 8 1 ' Batteries Muliins ana Mcuuire; nen ley, ,waddell and Schreck. ' .At atew York. R.H.E. Cleveland,....,..... ( 9 0 ..New York 7 6 I Batteries Moor and Abbott; Ches lro and O'Connor. NATIONAL LEAGUE YATXOjrAXi XSACrTJS. Btandlng of -the Olnba. Chicago . ...... New York tin. , . x 1 1 v. ir u I si . Brooklyn . ...... Cincinnati , ..... Boston Philadelphia . . .. 6t Louis At CaloaaTOj1 R.H.H. 1 4 4 . 11 0 -Lundgren and Kllng; Mat- A Profitable Farm I Containing- SIT acres. 'la Marlon County. within miles of railroad, with 160 aoraer under cultivation I SHOWED - A I vet .ruom jabt teas or $3. soot can be h4 bow, while under contract, at 38.59, per aor. rut your tains ing cap oa u 7 on want so vet a gooo. isrm. WANTED A secondhand M'lUrd and pool I (hi. itiMrm. Pool Tabl.t. rare Journal, pound. 2 FOCND A red heifer with lield face, brsndrd I. J.' nn right bin; Owner ran -have earns by calling on D. J. "hotter. Wondlawn. AYr FOB BALE PIANOS. Won. Lost. PC. ...30 11 .783 ,..27 13 .476 ..3 17 .823 ..it 20 ,612 ..IS 23 .43 ,.17 21 .447 ..11 23 .203 ..11 31 .263 lOAcrcs Chicago . . New York Batteries rhewson O'Day. and liowerman. L'mpl nXAJI KOUJTT BOOTT OA U1TB FOB $ l.iooi you cannot bny any adjoining1 grouM at near this pnoe. Henry's Fifth Addition Xemember tola la located thle aid of I "Woodstock,'' and the ar passes right throttgh It. Ton eaa buy these tightly lots at vrloes 'BOM $140 to 8350 FIB FOR RAI.B New bouse aid corner lot. No. poo lot, ruu bibb, soaioo. boob uye PIANOS at fiftdon ),. at firs-ana for a anna Bankrupt ' atock of Gilbert ' Broa.. Bankers, 1 Baleni, . all to be rlaaaxl out by the middle of nxt wvk. Amnna thrmt Ererrtt piano, uprljrht, tergeat alae, for roar prim run, ra Tor 9 IKa. ' Rrhlller. uprlshta, larat-et else, three pedals. wainui raae. worth aauo, sora ror iou. ' . ' Wheeler, larea alaa. aomrwliat naed. ma. hoannr or Wilput raara. worth I22S, fo fur All AH MaV (Mailt. "' And manr others at corrpuDordlnilr In prlrea. Kllers Mane Howe, Waabiuf Um et ror. mri, H0U8J T0 lAXE. At mttaburf. " R. Pittsbura- 6 Uonton 0 Batteries Wllhelro and Phelps; Piatt and . Kittredge. Umpire Johnstone. will pay you wall. If you nave amy money o invest, ror part lonlars call at my offlca. 11 J. KRAEMER Wl I llama ave.; 6 room, bathroom, baaemrnt with furnar and Aiture waah tube, etectrle nimt ana city water. Apply Jobs saia. niara az. F0 JUI OB IXCHAW0I. COmCZKOXAZ. BXAC3C FOtt 8ALH OR XKADK t cove, on bone, narnaea ana top buff, all o. K. r. navitea.- nrra. nrnwwMj. St. Loula . , Brooklyn . . .. Hattenes m. ONell; Srhmldt pi re Emslle. At St. loula. R. H. E. m n m . .. . i m ....6 0 Currla and J. O'Neil. and Jack! I tech. . L'm- At Wasbinirtoa, K. tt. K. i v aa.ai atiea &uia . ana at a - -w m Sflt Loula . 12 1 The I Batteries Patten and Clark; Sudhoft I postponed on account of rain. At ClaelanUtL Cincinnati Philadelphia' game INLAND EMPIRE LEAGUE .At Saytoa, tl rr. e. 6 7 31 .0 3'3I K alia Walla . ivton . . Batteries Leach and Elsdon; Carter Lnu .veiey. JPAOmO 3f ATXOlfAXi UBA0VS. Tsatarday's . iooraa. . ... . l)A.4laiil A Qa Wat rtmft K A VI t.aiUU w , ajea, is a, i biivisvv, va Butte. 16; Helena, t. Tacorna, 4; Seattle, 3. Spokane, 16; Los Anfeles, 9, taadlar of the Olnba. ..At Colfax. . , ' ... , R.H.E. tColfex . . t 11 1 Pendleton .S 5 Si Batteries Taylor and Brown; Druhotl (una Aiuia. - - ;-- I 1 : , f 'v.-,. aoramauto Woo. -' - - 1 SACRAMENTO, June 6. Sacramento I defeated Ban Francisco yesterday by a ncore or 8 to 4. Fitsmrald pitched a brilliant came, while Hodson was hit hard at ' times. Lynch'a running; one- Lhanded catch of Casey's hard drive was lone of the feat area of the game. At tendance 2,100. Score: r . jl e ' rftaeramento - fl A 0 0 0 1 0 1 08 11 6 IBan Fran ..1 1 8 0 1 0 0 0 04 6 2 i Batteries Fltzgerald . and Graham; Hodson nd Kelley. Umpire Levy. . Won. Lot PC. Loa Angelea .30 13 .618 Seattle . . ........28 It .638 Spokane . . ,... ,.-.2 .16 .619 Butte 2? 20 .636 San Francisco ....23 23 .611 Tacoma, , ; .16 27 .373 Helena . . 13 28 .310 Portland . 13 29 ,310 A FEW OF THE MANY SNAPS OFFERED BY LEWIS & CLARK REAL ESTATE CO. 653 Worcester Block. 3800 Modern home, erected lesa than a Xear ago, 6 rooms ana recep tion hall, lot 60x100: alao In cludes all caroeta. stoves, lino leum, window shades and chan deliers: Holladay a Add. 4000 Modern 10-room house. In South t'ortiana: 2 lots, sunny location. 13100 New 7-room house, strictly mod ern; will be sacrificed nt thla price tin easy terms If taken , .., ... ......... Bo,m. .v : Saso 6-room cottaae. Just completed. with Qne . Improved Jot; . every; thing strictly up-to-date; In de- siraoie location; easy terms. We have houses from oo up on the installment Dlan: alao de- alrable residence lots on small monthly payments: also the fol- . . . . i lowinir insiae property) SOOOt One block, with trackage: good warehouse or manufacturing 10- cation. FOB BIXT. Kl HMS1IED ROOM 8 to Irt and one hooae- krrplnjr mom. Inquire Uncle Bam Baloon, io firm at. . . , nnfiirnlRhrd, lien I H'KIMH. fnrnlabad or DmiMkeeplng, . 84 and 88. Call pboue Blue EEMOTAL. DR. FRANK B. FKRK18. DR. OEBTKI1DK R. Lamhrraoo, Deallata, removed to Viae lea hid . nrtn noor. BVBIHEB8 0HAMCZ8. CIGAR STORE, inuat be sold at once: location. ,. rent and profit eirrntlonally dralrabls; will lump or inToii-e aoout saoii. i anny atore, iwi. Columbia Real Eatata Troat Oompanjr, 234 Morriiuin at. . . ATT0XBZYB, Ei'MONS EMM0.N8, attorneys at law, 844 worceeier Diug . . 8. B. RldtiEN, Attorney and Coanaelkir-at- Law: Notary. 8O0-808 Ablngtos bldg. PAXTON. BEACH 8IMON DIO Cbamber or commerce. I $7000 Half-block. East Side, with track T. TAUGHER BOXING NOTES Kid" Broad of Ohio and Aurello Her- rera of California, featherweights, meet In a 20-round bout In Butte, June 13 (Miners' Union Day). On the same date a( the Baseball Park Jack O'Keefe of Chicago meeta Jimmy Britt of San Francisco In a return matdi. Broad and Mowatt recently boxed a 10-round draw at New Orleani. Britt'a recent victory over Fitager ald in San Francisco will probably make him a favorite In the betting, but not 17000-a.Half block. East Side, with trackage. UWII a OXAKX XBAZ. ESTATE 0O. 653 Worcester Block. Room IS. Alnawortb Balldlng. H. B. PICKINSON. Attoroey-at-Law sod No. tary Puhlle. KOI cnmmrrrlal bias. HOTELS, i f-. ' Three Btralffnts rot Oakland. BAN FRANCISCO. June 6. Pete Loh '. man's pets took the Loo Loos Into camp . for the third consecutive time this wearta .Cooper pitched a brilliant game, having lar n nioutit of mone will the Angels shut out-up to the eighth ' limine Attendance 1.700.' Score: ' R. II. R I f the population of Butte is apparently lxs Angeles 00009002 0 2 6 8 twilling to "take a oyer' on Herrera, Oakland . ..1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 4 6 and if the Broad people bring sufficient n-TT 7 1 y ?. p TT' A-Pcr aim backing for thetr man,-thwenrwtn 20 New Houses Modem Daairu .VAxurs FXOX 6U00 to ssooo. On eaay Inatallmentii onr-flftb down.' We ran anlt you. Call. Klue iota on Inatallmenta. Colamhii Real Estate 4 Trust Company 834 Xorrlaon at.. Boom 8. . .a. WELL VENTILATED alnale rooma. Inc. 30c ana BBo a nifbt: orda. inr. T&a crerett Houar. ror Heron il aire Darla. LODO1JC0H0O8E8. THE COSMOS fourth and Morrison, fornlahed hodackeeniu saitaa. aulta and alncle rooma: 88 prr wrek and op. THE CA8TLE 378 Waihlifton at.: rooma tor Vrntlrmrn: tranalrnt. Tel. nontn TOl. IURNI8HED BOOMS. LOO AN BUILDING, 10 Inlou are. Elesant rooma ror Bouaekrepinf or tranaient, lurniaaaa or nnnirnuhrd: ratrn rraaonalilr. ADVERTISIlfO SPECIAL TIES. ALL KINDS OP SIGNS and adrertlalnff norel- tlea. Ny Kern, I'.O. boi Bl. mono rink 188a. 4 Oorton, ; l'mpre McDonald. - gWHESTlING MATCHES i (Journal Special Service.i 8POKANK. Wash, June S. On the , 11th Inst two championship wrestling matches "will be pulled off at the Y. M." C. A. . V. M. 81monson,' who won the welterweight champlonehp of the Inland Empire at the recent meet given by the association will contest with Louis Mlllgard, the , former holder of the title, , i The two 'men .are about evenly matched and both are clever men. Mlll gard is probably; .the cleverer of the two, whllei Blmonson "is ' the stronger. The championship medal will be- given the winner of the match, best two out . of three falls, catch as catch can. , , The second event of Interest wilt be a go between Lamont Barnes and Courtly Donaldson of this city. probably break all records fn this respect. -;- FAOmO COABT tEAOUB. Testerday'a Boores. . Portland, 16; Seattle, 8. Sacramento. : Ban Francisco. Oakland, 3; Los Angeles, 2. Btandlng of the Clubs. Won. Lost ...88 Los Angeles . Sacramento . San Francisco Oakland , . . . . Seattle ; . . . .. Portland .. . . . ..34 ..84 ..27 ..23 ..16 19 23 27 36 33 36 P.C. .667 .696 .667 .429 ,418 .314 KRAMER WON RACE1 IN-THREE-ROUNDS (Journal Special Service.) 4 Journal Special Service.) : PROVIDENCE. R. I., une 6 Frank Cramer captured, Joth of .the, tntermed-! 3-pke;9.A.c9rB, Matciset- late finishes which came at the close J can Aiasxa saimon of the afternoon and evening riding 0 lb"- ,ard- compound . . . . .v.. i j. .,. rn.... 4 cans peas A. J. FARMER Wholesale and Retail Grocer Third and Jefferson. You can save 20 per cent by dealing with me. 2 cans Blue Ribbon peaches 26c 3 lbs. soft-shelled walnuts 26c 1 lb. soft-shelLod almonds .15c 1 package Scotch Outs ............ 1 Oc 2 pkgs. Grape Nuts 26c 1 pkg. Shred Wheat Biscuit 10c 2 pkgs. Malta Vita 25c 2 pkgs. Cero Fruito 26c 1 pkg. Force : 10c 1 Pkg. Postum or Fig Prime 20c 1 box macaroni 36c 1 lb. Royal Baking Powder -r, .v, .40o 1 lb) Arm & Hammer Soda 6c 1 bar 'Naphtha Soap , ... 6c 6 bars Santa Claus 6op .;.'.3Bc 12 bars Royal Savon Soap 25c 3-plnt bottle blueing ... '. 10c 2 cans Carnation Cream 25c 2 Jikgaroold DUHt "lVashIhgTowdDiT.35c 1-lb. can pork and beans 6c 6c BATHS, OENCINK FINNISH, SISSIAN HOT AIR bstba. 25c r alcohol rnbbl, s. 2Se extra: open every day eiecpt Mondya 10 a. m. to II p. m. hi tt zsio ic. cor. Kreratt. Phone. Rrott $341. . , FREE SHINES. WHOLESALE GROCERS. CLOTHES CLEANED and prraand 81 Prr I muniu. . unique iouonue io., r naaojug. ton at.-." . ..n . a - . ' ' WADIIAMS -CO., -wholesale arorore, mano mcturrra ana auuimiaaiuu wrrcuauie.. o Fmnt at, .. ' , CITY yOTICEB. IBSUBAH0E. AIXKN h. Li;WlM,-wlioKUi rra. lann, nr. r . .Part. J. PHILIP KENNEDY, tuauranee; rraldrnt aaant Nnawlcb Colon Firo Inauranra Society. Phone South 1681. 44 . Hum! luia bids.- . ' ; JAR Mrl. WOOD, employara' Ilnlilllty and In- aiTiauai acriiirni; a.urriy poooa oi all Kiooa, MASON. JiHKMAN. A CO.,- wbolaaala groeSra. -i?L- SLvJwi?T'0n9LJ!ni.-",i,lf " ' . LA No A CO... Klmt and Ank.ny ata. ..... . barks. . '' ' ' H. F. B ARTELS COMPANY, Fire Inaurane,., 448 Sherlock bldf. Orrf on phone. Clay 628, ISAAO L. WHITR. Sre Inauranre, 82B Bberlock nine. irrson pnnnr. Main rN. ' JEWELERS. THE) O. HKITKEMPER CO.. maaufacturlu jaweiara, vut aiorriaon at. . JOB PRINTING. FINE OFF1CB 0TATIONRBY; bnalneaa forms a apeclalty. Mercantile Printing Company, 83H Front, cor. . Aab. Pbone, Black U00L , MA88A6E. MDMB. U. B. ELY, i drrmatologlat maaaage, alrrtrle twaHnenU. IMVt Flmt at. V0BEY TO LOAM. FRED H. 8TRONO. FINANCIAL AGENT. ' Moner to loan. No eominlaalon. . - 1 am in a position to make imnuMllate loans ea improved real eatata or tot building put poeve; any amoont; moderate Intorest. Wo approve Inane from plana and advance money aa building progreaaaa wbm dealrad. OptloS In rrpayinja after one yrar. FRED H. STltONH. Financial Arnt 108 Second at, sear Stark. lIDD A TILTON. BANKERS, .'r'-,':.'! '., . ' . Kutnnllibed In 10. 1 ; . ' ... Inierrkt alluwrd on tlmo deposits. ' ' . Collections made at all points on fa ror a- ' Me tortus. Letters nf credit tunnl avsllahla In Europe and all points In tbe Culled States. ' ; Sight ccbiinai and tr'.rsrapblr transfrra - bold In' New York. Wasblnf ton. Cblrnito, Ht. Loula. : Denver, Oinsbs, Sao Franrlsco and . varlona points In Oregon. Washington, Idabo, Uontana and British Columbia. , Exrhange sold on London. Paris, Berlin, ' Frankfort. Houg Kong, Xokobsma, Manila and Honolulu. 1 .- . . UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK y , Of Portland, Oregon. r . . 1 Northwest corner Third and Oak ats." -v '" Tranaarta a general banking buatneaa. ' ' DRAFTS 1881 ED - available; In all clttea of -me I'niten situs sua siuropo, uong tumg .and Manila. .. Collectlone made oa favorable terms. - -President. ..s. .J. C. AINSWORTH ' Vlce-Praoldent..... i....,W. B. AVER . Aaalataat Cashier...,. ...,R. W. BCIIMEEH . Aaaiataut Cashier.. .A. M. WRIGHT full Intersections fn the proper aub-lfrado. HecoiMi Hy graveling th etnwt full wliltS with full liiterMN'tlona nlth upland bank gran l. ' Third Uv eoii.tmi.lii0 wooili-n slilewslUa ton fwt wiila with alx-l'ont (ifverlnc planks. Fourth By coiwlrnctlng iruttera In arn,. a nca with City Kngluet-r's pinna and apocldca-; tloiia and estimates. , - ' V . . . Fifth By roustrurtlng box eurverta In errwrd. tirn with tho City Euglnecr's plana, ,iprcl8c tluns apd tlBiutea. ' ' . . Nlith Ily cliimtructlng ; wdodes ' erosawalkf Six feet lu width. , . ' ' HslO luiprovouivtit ro be made In acmrdanre With the charter and ordinance nf the Cllv of ' Portland and the pinna, eprclnvatione and estlmab of the City Engineer bled in the ottti-e of the Auditor on -the lat day of June. : 1U0M. Indnraed : "City Khgluoer'a plans and aperlflcatlons , for' the - Improvement of East Tblrly -fourth street from the soil lb line -of riswtnoriw aveouo to the, north line ot II. vision street, and tbe estimates of the work to he done and , the. probable ' total . cost thereof, ' - , ' , . Tbe coat of aald Improvement to be as aeaaod aa proviiled by. tbe cltr charter upon, the property benefited , tbrrclcr and whlrh ia hereby duels red to be all lota, parte of lots and parcels of land lying between S line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with tbe eaat Hue of Eaat Thirty-fourth atreet and a line HIO feet waat of and parallel with tbe weat lino of East Thirty-fourth atreet, and between the sooth line f Hawthorne avenue and tbe north line of Division street .......,-, The Eualneer'e mH mate of ihe ' nrnh.tita total eoat of aald Improvement Is lfl.87.(H. -- Tbe above Improvement la to he classed a s gravel Improvement and ahall be main, tained by' tho rlty for tbe period of 6 years Provided that the owners of . iu.lorltv nf tlwAw property benefited by aald Improvement or any " portion thereof aball not petition fur a new THE STAR LOAN CO.. 310 M'KAY BLDO.. loaH T'Jird at., is tbe recognised Dang, or tbe wage-earner. We . advance . money to teamsters, trainmen. - ehoDmen. motor meu. eondurtora, "etc., wlthoot orta. endorBr I iiSRCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Amount . Monthly Monthly. Weekly 10 repay S20.ra or SI8.0U or .-v 8 60 repay 618.8 or . S O AS t U..KI f 8S repay 6 3 or $ 8.86 or 31.06 j BnalcMa confidential. , No nnp:eaaant inquiry. LONDON BAN KHANt'ISCO BANK, L1M- , .. I TED. ',,. . - . Chamber ,of Commrrre Building, Tbtrd aad . ...... -. Head Offlca 88 Old Broad street, London, , different Improvement before the expire Thla bank tranaacU e general banking basl-1 tkj"' of aorh period - . , neaa. makes Inane. dlacounU bills and Uauee Tn v1"n'. apeclflrattens and-estimates 'of letters ef credit available for travelers and ,tinre' ? improvement oc aam mdlae in any city 1 J ""'r, .V"" Z " . .7 "'2!,,ltM,i tat the purchase of merchandise of the world. Deals la foreign .sod domeatle exchange. - - .. - : - Jf . lutsrest paid on time depoalta.' " ' . W. A. MACRAE, Manager.' MONEY TO LOAN on tekl, jieraimat and Col lateral securttyi apeciai attention to cnattie mortgageat ootes. bought 0. W. Pallet, 313 1 vuuiiuvrci.i uia. iflUM unpi ouv MONEY TO LOAN at reasonable rates. In a moan t a to ault Graham Claton. 3U6 Mar- qnani building. - MONEY TO LOAN, email amounta, abort or long time. J. tl. nswiey. t nam, or im MONEY TO LOAN on rlty lots and improved rsrma. - w. a. Knave- 'o.. H4 nrara at. lortland. Oroaon. I. Frank Watson. .................Prealdent R. I Durham Vlce-Presideut R. W. Hort. ...... ,,..,.,..,...,.,..Cashliw Geo. W. liot............. Assistant Casblur TRANSACTS A OENERAb BANKING . Drafts and letters of credit Issued , available to all parte ef tbe world., lOiiecTiona a apeciauy. qoiq oast pougnt. MORRISBROS. A CHRISTENSBK. ' (Succeeaora to Morris A Wbltobead, Bankers.) FIRST AND ALDER STREETaC- , - PORTLAND. OR. - KOTICE. MODEL MAKER. FOR FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING go to Andy Frits, machinist and model maker. 110 u. M0JCET ADTAHCID. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE. teamsters, etc.. without aerarlty, eaay pay nenta: largeat baslneas In 4 principal cities. Tolmsn. 22.') Ahsnrtnn hldg. ' MORTGAGE LOANS. ON IMPROVED city and farm property, at low. eat current ratre; minding loans, installment I loans, wax. Macuaater, sit Worcester Ding. NOTICE of Stockboldera' Meeting. The as- nual meeting Sf the atorkboioere 4 - the 'Oregon Iron A Steel Company -will be, held at tbe Office ef the company, room 33U Sher lock Building, Portland, Oregon, June 10, 1103, ' at 11 o'clock a. in., fur tbe purtioae of electing s board of directors for tbe ensuing year, aad the transition of eiua other bnalneaa aa may legally come, before the meeting. 1 - A.' S. PATTCLLO, Secretary. . Portland. Or.. May 81. 1008. CITY H0TICES. PROPOSED UfPROVEMERT 0T SIXTH STREET. XIVIBO ABB MIKE PROMOTERS. Resolved: That the Auditor of the Cltr of Portland bo and bo Is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of aald atreet aa provided by tbe city charter. Re motia trance agalnat tbe alio re improve. . ment may be filed In writing with the voder. ; signed within So daya from tbe date of the first pulillcstlon of thla notice. ,.- v By order of tbs swnrt!.;-' -,,. . ---rf THOH.-C. DEVLIN; :y-'iz' Andltor of ue City of Portland. V June B. 1PQ3. . -. XXTXN8I09 OP WB3TARJBx$TBJ;iT. Wbervaa, 'Ibe Council ut tne City of "ort- ' land,- dwuilug It eapetileBfr-to-epm.lsyout- and establish an extension of Wbitaker atrevt, ' la the City of Portland. Iroui tbe oast 11 ua vf becoad etreet to the west line ef block 1JO, - Is Ceruiaera' Adtlltlou to. Carutbore' . Addition as laid out by the . P. k. K. Ass., did ou tbe M day .of April. 1904. direct tbe City Engineer to survey the same and "to mark too boundaries thereof, and, to make a plat of such aurver, and a written report containing s full and perfect description vf aucb proposed atreet and boundaries Uiereof, end of Ibe por tion of each lot, tract or part of either, to be -appropriated for ancb atreet. aud tbe C!t Knglueet having-made' sack eurvey. plat en rrwirt" and Died , such plat and resort li tbe oiflce of tbe Andltor ua the 80th day of April, XVDiS, and amid . report baring beea aoooted - bjr ordinance No. 13.301. entitled: "Alt ordinance ' adopting tbe report of tbe City Engineer la the matter pf the proposed opening, laying oat and establishing of Wblt axer aoreet from tbe east Hue ef tkwoud atraet to the weat lino of block lw, Camtuera' Addi tion to Cam there' Adtlltlou, aa laid qut by the S, ,. Jt, su Asa." ' - Now, tbmifore, all persons Interested are hereby notlSed that tbe Council or the City ec rvruand nas appointee c. u. nnuirriaun. it. l, .4 ' . Iki NORTHWEST HOTELS. Hotel Portland, Americas plaaiJ,4 per day Notice la hereby given that at tbe meeting I rj,rrJLT ".V: Li." . .' T-.-l" . of tbe Council of the City of IMa-tlaud, ttregon, JZZZ? t it: bdta aidmeT Jc. aaufb-.- Resolved. That tbe Council of tbe Cltr ef .- "S. -.'-T proiHws to improve Mlxth atreet from II; w of the City of Portland oa kTlday, tne north line of Morrison itrwt to tbi aortk Sk't.rV.V iZ T ti. ,kIT'rf i! SESSIONS A SIMPSON, mining and mine pro-I held on the 8d dur of June. laV3. tte fol-1." tXTiS"?." .Si .VM'?". Y'TTI' motrra. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce. J towing .reatluilna.' was siiopted,: . JuSST Ui m7 mUSeSSSWki Sommars Hotel, La Orasde I trsvelera' borne. Belvedere j Enrepaan plan: 4th aad Alder ata. St. Charles, Pint and Morrison eta., Portland OVERALLS. BARGING ABB LIGHTERIBG. OREOON ROUND LL'MBER aide at. Phone Orant 1171. CO.. 181 Born. BANJO, MANDOLIN AND GUITAR. INSTRUCTION cluba for advanced pupils; in strnmenta for aale. Hal Webber, studio 173 West Park. ror. Yamhill. Pbone south 2881. CIGARS AITS TOBACCO HftBTrtM j,,r,. sHt..r. n'rvr..ii 7. . 8jlbs. broken Java coffee aVM a wvasw w - w s,v v w . V vviiiivii. I a-a m nOB IfiBIT . naBa Vn T nilf nTftX sl - .si . i. m . f A...tr.lt. esl.hr.tMi h. t " "rl-lA la- ooa i!.ngiisn oreaarasi tea . " J ' i " , 'L - jsinxo . ins ,m-B.DB(!n.. ..uw jugni. aai Heet e u gar-cured ham Si 10. fisticuffs here ; by ' knocking out "one Jim Kennedy, of ; Boston,,. In three rounds the other sight , O'Donnell is a skillful boxer, but he has not ; for many moons given much punishment to an opponent. There lis talk now of matching him against j two hours' riding. -. a draw with Gus Ruhlin. And then you ' may; look for Steve's, retirement .again. attempt waa seemingly made to pocket 4-gal. Jacket' table svrup the champion, but be extricated himself, io loa. no. i Heart Rice and won in an exciting finish with Mc- ' uunpowner lea Farland. The riders to date have cov- 14.50 ..25c .e26c . .16c .....14V9C 31.50 50c 1 sack beat D. G. sugar ered 298 miles. 43 of which were ac bSi crackera ' ....... . complished tonight at the close of the n sack good Valley Hour . I Little Lciy Broom ...2Se . .35.25 ...85c . . .60c ...90c . . .35c LSHERU-Gil'NST CIGAR CO. Dlatrlbutera of FINE CIGARS. Portland, CARPENTER. Oregon J, F,-- L'H;Y, -anevasor- t . Wwdon Mfg. -Co., carpenter, builder, general contractor, hooae remodeling, alterations, etc.i cabinet work and jobbing a specialty; counter shelving; Ice . -bAxesr eWvj- atee--and -onW- flxtureaj up-to-date and original carpenter - work nf all kinds: nothing too large or too email for -oor-'tmiurtftrtK' sttesftonrno flies -: w-f make and put up tbe beat fly srreena In Portland - Khon. font of Yamhill at.: pbone. Black 2807; residence. T47 Eaat Stark; residence phone, - White T1Z. BOSS OF THE ROAD OVKUALLS and mechan ics' clothing. Union made. Neuatadter Bros., Mfrr... Portland. ar . PERSONAL. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS are more accurately and reasonably filled at KrseeU'e Pharmacy, 'tin Morrison St., bet. Hr.t and Second ata. u-iol) STORIES and novels for enmmsr read. Ing, 10 eenta. Jones' Book Store. 891 Alder CAFE KRATZ. 122 Sixth at served at all boors. - A tine lunch STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C. O. PICK, office 88 First at., between Stark and Oak ata. ; phone BOO; planoa -and furni ture moved and packed for shipping; com modloua fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay ata. . PLUMBEB8.' line of Irving street In the following man ncr, io-wii; First Jly removing al) worn-out asphalt and debris nf all klnda. - - Hrcond By bringing tbe street - full width with full Intersections to the proper aub grade with concrete. Third lly repairing and bringing tbe street full wldlb with -full Intersections' to the proper grade with asphalt, . aa follows: from tbe north line of Morrison street to the south line - of Ollsan atreet, aud from tbe north Hue of Gltson atreet to the aoutb Hoe of Hoyt atreet and from the center line of Irving atreet to tbe north line of Irving atreet Bald improvement to be , made In accord ance with tbe charter and ordinances of tbe City of Portland and tbe plana, specifications and estimates of the City Engineer tiled In tbe ofnee of the Andltor of tbe City of Portland on tbe 3d day of June, 10u3. In dorsed: Cltr Engineer's plana and aiieclll cations for the Improvement of Sixth street ffom tho north line of Morrison atreet to tbe north line of Irving atreet and tbe ret turn tea of tbe work to be done aud tbe probable- totul cost thereof," , ' Tbe cone of aald Improvement to be aaaeaaed aa provided by the rity charter npon tbe property benefited thereby and which ia hereby declared to be all tbe lota,' parts of lota and parcels of land lying between the weat Ifue 6f htxtff atreet and a Hue 1U0 feet westerly from and parallel therewith. between, tbe east line oc Mixtn street ana and line TONNERr.ERO A HAPEMACHKR, promberS, I liW fret eaalerly tbrrefroiu and parallel tbere- wltb, and between tne north line of Morrison I atreet and a line. 100 feet northerly from and removed to 84 Fourth st. Both phones PIANO JLE8S0NS. o'clock in tbe loreuoon vf said dar, Tbe propuavd opening, laying out aud celeb llablug of Wblttaaer atreet la do foet lu width aad la more particularly uwuudcd and described , aa follows, Iw-wlt: Beginning - st tbe southwest corner of block 12V, . Carulbera' Addition to Caruthers' Addi tion, aa laid out by, tbelnwtb Portland Meal fcstate Association, ruuulug thence w eater Ijf va a westerly prolongation of tbe north line of Wbitaker atreet aa mid out la Caruthere' Addition to Caruinere' Addition aa laid out by tbe Mouth Puruand Real Estate Association to 'tbe weat Hue , of block 13U, thence south erly at right angina to tbe shore mentioned Hue ut) fuut, theuce' easterly ou a Hue tto feet . southerly from aud parallel with tue proposed north line vf Whlttaacr atreet aa above described to tbe northwest corner of blurs; 131 4u Carotuera' Addition to Carutbera Ad dltlou aa laid out by tbe Bouth Cortland Real Eatate Association, thence northerly Ou feet to Ibe place of beginning. " "' The proposed epeulug, laying out and eatsb llahlng of Wbitaker street from tbe eaat Hue of Second atreet to tbe weat line of block lJofnCa ruthers' Addition to Carutbrrs'' Addition aa laid out by the South Portland Krai estate Aa. eoctatlon will hiclude aud necessitate the au pruprlatlon to public use of tbe following de scribed parcel or tract of land, to-wit: . wAlWtbaV'Bstre.1 e tract ut laud lying be tween the uortberly and southerly lluea of tbe proposed Wbitaker atreet and the easterly line ef . oerond . street aad - ilae ..3 i. westerly from and parallel therewith, coutalu ing 14.600 auuare feet. . - au persona claiming damages ny W. GIFFORD NASH. 103 10th at; terms upon -application.; ricnnncre -raaen. paraUel with the. mirth line of Irving atreet ofZiBs.nrootttea tbewoeMr -ebove " The. Engineer's 'estimate r Ihe probable deswlbVauart tberrl tot. I roat f uM tmornvement la air iArwui I oescriDea, or ,sujr- part tuereor. 'in the pro. posea - opening, laying out aua eetaDiianiug REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. CASH REGISTERS. HALLWOOD CAR1T REOIBTERS, Zd4 Stark at. AT THE CONFERENCE i '.(Journal Special Service.) 'Ut,An"i, ur., june p. At tne x. SALEM, June 6. The Chemawa In- dl$n School baseball team defeated the Wasco, team yesterday by a score of, 12 to 6. . ' Tt IS TP M. C. A--students' conference two games I rhm.wa '. . 12'n' s ! of baseball were played with the fol- Whsco . . 5 8 8 flowing results: Eastern Washington I Batteries Morris and Teabo; Calif I defeated Western Washington by a score and Martin. Umpires Catron and Ir- 1 or 4 10 1. Katteries (Irihnm and wiu. 1 Snyder, Sampson and Hoover' The I faculty team also defeated the Ore gon students by a score of 4 to 0. . BALL CLUBS FORMED f Journal Special Service.) CHEHALIS, Wash., June 5-e-A base- j ball club, haa been organized here with . C. O. .Oingrlch as manager. Harry Quick will do the pitching and 'Her-' , man Siegrlst the catching. -Amateur - nines are invtted to correspond with ' manager Gingrich as te dates. TO MEET DEVANNEY , . (Journal -Special Service.) 'DENVER, Colo..- Jtrrre. 6 .Jirnmr Britt .Tof San Franclscdr after n:s return date j with Jack O'Keefe of Chicago at Butte, j June 13, is to journey to this city and I meet Mart Devanney. t;ie Denver boxer, .'r In a 20-round contest at 133 pounds .' ringside. : STILL A FIGHTER i (Journal Special Service.) . DETROIT, June 6. Tommy Ryan, middleweight champion, knocked out James Walker in Ave rounds at Battle Creek before a large attendance. . TO PLAY SUNDAY ' , The Commission Men team will play the Wells-Farge nine at Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets Sunday morning,. . Full description of all sporting events. New York and Chicago races received , by -direct wire from the tracks. New ork telegraph tips posted. Commissions received for all stiortlng events in any r art .of the world. First betting Call ornla races 1:48 p. m. Memphis races . ooramence Monday, Mnrch 28. first, bet ting 11:46 a. m. PORTLAND OLUlf. 130 1 Iftb. atreet VERY LOW EXCIRSIOOATET , Have been placed in effect by the Cana-l'-dian Pacific. ' Uatea of sale, June 4, 8. i SC 26, 2 37. 28. 29 and 30. And on July H and O. sind again on Auruat 26 and t 2n. For full uarliculars inuuire at 143 Third street CHEMAWA BEATS WASCO FOR SUNDAY DINNER TRY A NICE CUT of Spring Lamb, a Roast of Veal, a tender Chick en or a Columbia River J Salmon.- We have everything in meats, flab, and poultry. Market always neat and clean. Kindorf Bros 130 Grand Ave., bet. Alder aad Morrison. BOXED A -DRAW.-y, (Journal Special Service.) PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. June 6. Joe TIpman of Baltimore and'Bellfleld Wal cott (brother of Joe- Walcott) boxed six fast . rounds to. a draw before -the Ariel Athletic CJub, CHIROPODY AMD MAKICURINO. ... niCV K.NVK. tbe onlr scientific chlropodl.ts in the rltv: narlorB Wl-I AUaky Dldg.: tnis ia the long-haired gentleman yon want to see. lirant IB. L. MITCHELIj, Chiropodist, Knight's Shoe store. 204 Washington at Phone Hood 728. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter and builder, 807 Stark at: office and store fli tares built and remodeled; altering and repair bouses. Phone Main 747. . AUTHORS A MARTIN, carpenters snd bull 1 rrs; repairing and jobbing; store and office fixtures built 8nop 200 . Columbia, Pbone Clay 1881. HAVE PLANNED RECEPTION A meeting of the Central School AJumr.l Association was held last night in - the assembly hail or the school. drred K. McCarver, presidents of the association, addressed the meeting and appointed the following committees for the. Biurpttce. of preparing, a., proper re; eepiion- to--tho-June class: Program, Albert Newsom, Mr. Van Hnuf-en. Olive Hallingby; reception, Misft Ray Pillsbury, Miss Hattle Van Ilouten, Miss Charlotte Ballln; refresh ments. Miss Maude Magness, Miss Lillian Hicks. Miss Rachel Hallingby; invitation, Merle Magness, 'Miss Jennie Winsor. Miss Effie .. Shame, Harry Rafferty, Craig McMlcken. The reduced homeseckers' rates, effec tive- February. 15. apply via the Denver it. Rio tiranae. nave your rrienaa come through Suit lke City, over the scenic line of the world. "Strength and vigor come of good food, dulv digested. Force, a ready-to- serve wheat and barley food, adds no Duraen, out .sustains, nounsnes, invigor ates." References Ladd Tilton, Portland; tl . 8. National Bank, Portland; Bank oj California, San Francisco; Crooker H Wool worth National. Bank, San Fraa ' euMo. ..... Dolton, DeRuyfcr 5 Co. Members Chicago Board of Trade, San. Francisco Produee Bxchange, Sat Francisco Stock and Bond fixchanga Cfaias Provisions, Stocks, Bondi . and Cottoa Ian Francisco Office: M C-Ufornia St 1OT Thlrt aTtree PORTLAND. OA HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS From 6 to 8 Rooms $1,080 to $3,000. A. T.MYERS & CO. 814 Chamber of Commeroe Bldg. H. F. CLARK, ,4S3HWaab., phones Weat 782, North 1411. "New ind repair work, prompt attention. - - , CAFES. YATES' PLACE. 288 Washington at, Phone B. Mnln 771, J. W. Talbot, prop. : Portland. Or. COMPRESSED YEAST. RED STAB COMPRESSED tEASTs it makes lightest. For sale by- all grocers. J5 per rent stronger than ant other ' $500 DOWN and $12.50 monthly buya neat, newly-papered and painted 6-room-cottage. 1 ...block, of 8 atreet car, Weat Side: immediate possession; only 8875. Columbia Real Eatate A Trust Comny, 234 u Morrison at. 160 ACRES of land. 13 miles from Foreat Grove, on Dairy Creek; eultable for stock ranch; few acres cleared and fenced, email nonse, . living wster; win tie sold cheap. tv nailer, rienaon Bldg.. rirtn and Aiorriaon. REAL ESTATE. total cost of said Improvement Is 817.460.00, .1 he above Improvement la to be classed as an asphalt' lmiimvcmeut and aball be main tained by the city fur the period of two yea,, provided that tbe owners of a majority of the .property benefited by aald Improve ment or any portion thereof ahall not petition for a new or different Imncovemeut before Tbe plana, apeciflcatlotia and . estimates of tbe City Engineer for tbe improvement of said Sixth atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved: That tbe Auditor of tbe Cltr of Portland be and. be la hereby directed to give notice of -the proposed Improvement of said street aa provided by tbe city char ter. Remonstrance agalnat the- above improve ment may be Died In writing with the under of -aald atreet - are hereby epecleHy notified- to me tnetr claims for snco damages with tbe Auditor of tbe City of - Portland before tbe lUtb day of Juae. IO03, tbe -time appointed for tbe meeting of tbe viewers therein. , By order of tbe Council. - THOS. C. DEVLIN, 1 " Auditor of the City of Portland. ' June 6, I80S. PROPOSED ZABT ZirjHTH FOR SALE FARMS Improved farms for sale In all pans of Oregon and Waabington; payments made to 'ault purchasers. For full particulars aa to various properties apply to mm. aiacaiaater. 811 worceater bldg. 8EWZR nf' STREET. . Notice la hereby given tbat at' the meeting of, tbe Council of the City of Portland, Ore gon, held en tbe-Bd day of. June, 1V03, the following resolution waa adopted: algned within 20 day. from tbe date of the first p'oL " i t MoTSlent 7.?5 publication of thla notice, NTST-1, .-fi?:.. J II .".'ft. .t OTder ot LounSJa - nVTtv Jtreerfrom WM Mtt T of m.soath Him ' VU. J ' k V SIS 4 . I A, . . . . . . . . . Auditor of tbe City of Portland. " .i?nn.,"r" June 5, 1903. MAXWELL A KNAPP REAL ESTATE. Room 2k Chamber of Commerce bldg. ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.. cor. Fourteenth and Northrop sta.. Portland, Or. Br RAYING. SPRAYING lu all branches; trees, honsee. barns, ete. 007 Milwaukee at Pbone, Blue MM. SAFES. BUY YOUR SAFES of J. . Davis; your re- palra and; lockouts safely done., m Third st. SPECIAL DELIVERY. COAL AND WOOD. WESTERN FEED ac FUEL CO. Dealers in all kinds of coal,, coke Snd cuarcom. i none luin. - Prtf erred Stock Canned Goods. Allen & Lewis' Best Brand. The Oigon DliLfJoram HELP WANTED MALE. C. It. HANSEN A CO.. EMPLOYMF.X.TAOENTS m MIH'lIt SKI OSO ST. Offlcea In ijau Krandsro, Loa Augelra, Cal; llgden, I tan: Kpokane. Hash. HELP I'ltDK TO EMI'UIYERS. Applicants ror work charged tor what we secure for them, only or money refunded. . FREE REGISTRATION aud HAGOAGK ROOM, ESTABLISHED 1870. WANTED. , FOR NEVADA. Tunuelmen, donble-hana hainmerameu, muckws, laborera, 32 to a:t day, chancea fr machine runners, outside laborers and teamsters. FREE FARE, lung jon, rooo water, uonra ana work, NORTH. On the Coast. K. R. laborera. 82.25 day; also atation gangs 22 to Mo cents. - FREE FARE. . BHIlKiB CARPENTERS, U. R. Co. wwk on COAST. $2.75. FREE FAIta 8 millwrights for sawmill, 8.H.50 day; 20 mill and yard . lahorers, i nay; box factorr men and boya. ' 2i)-aud $30 and board r 2'borae sawmill teamsters. $:W and 1oard; firemen. $30 a lid board; rough carpenters. $10 nnifl liosrd; laborers around steam shovel. $2.23: right of way clrarera,' 82.25; teamsters and laborers for a new Job at VANt'OUVER; man and wife, cook and waitress for milling company hoartllug camp. $uo; man and wife, private place, country. $ OTHER . WORK IN OTHER LOCALITIES. See na If yoi. want work out of town.. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. C. tt. HANSEN A CO. $8 North 2d at, FOB SALE. LARGE, near box house and full lot In Sell- wood, for $000; ll&O down, balance monthly: a bargain. Whalley, Benson bldg.. Fifth and Morrison. " 1 SMALL-PRINTING OFFICE: for list -material call 105 '-First st. J,. R. Zaue. . . : , . VULCAN COAL CO., wboleaale dealers beat coals; foundry and smelter coke. CORNICE SKYLIGHTS. METAL SKYLIGHTS, galvanised Iron cor nices. ' J. C. Bayer, 205 Second at. CEREAL MILLS. ACME . MILIA Acme Ceres la. CO., Manufacturers Ralston 20. and 22 North Front at. P. JOHNSON ft Health Cereals. CO.. manufacturers Peerless 122-4 Front at. ELECTRICAL WORKS. PORTLAND ELECT IrfCAL WORKS Ofllce 853 Stark at. Western Electric CTfCJ Works, Q5H Waabington ut. FINANCIAL. NOTICE SALARIED PEOPLE, Do you need money before pay day? Call on ua. We can advance money oa your wagea on abort notice. Yon pay back monthly, semi-monthly or weekly. Tho Star Ixiau Co., 210 McKay bldg.. Third and Btark ata. DYEING AND CLEANING. X CITY STEAM DY.EIN0 A CLEANING WORKS Herman Enke. proprietor. Telephone north 131. No. 5 0th at. near Pine. Portland. Or. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremoat frater nal society of Northwests- protects tbe II v Ing. J. L. Mitchell, supreme secretary, 813 and 618 Marijuana bldg.,' Portland, Or. Tel ephone Main 2. - . . HOTBE FBRNIBHERB. HOMR rCRNiaHKItS--Funilture, csrpeta. par lor goods, stoves, . etc. see 1. uevurts Sons., 178-175 First at, 218-225 Yamhill Both JjJjJIJl s 1 a m DRUGGISTS. FRANK J. BTREIBIU. drugs, toilet articles, perfumes. 842 Waabingsios St. . POST 8PECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200U Wash ington at. Phones. Or.. Main 062. Col., 201. BLOT MACHINES. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO.Slot machines. 8. E. Park and Oak.. Both Phones, Main IAS. TYPEWRITERS. THh SMITH-PREMIER TYPEWRITER, 122 Third at.: ail makea -of typewriters for rent: supplier for all- machines; Lr M. Alexan der A Co.. agents. WHOLESALE CR0CXERT AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Prael Hegele A Co.. UK) t 100 T cor. Stark WHOLESALE HARDWARE. J. E. HASELT1NE A CO., Iron, steel, coal and blacksmith a supplies. 4n-hl necond at.- PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OP BELMONT STREET. Notice la hereby given tbat at the nivetlns of tbe Council of the City of Portland, Ore gon, held en the 3d day ef June, 10o3, tbe following resolution was adopted: Resolved: That the Council of tuo Cltr of Po.rtl.rul Orpirnn. . deem. It AVfM.,ll.i,t kl proposes 'to Improve Belmont street from tbo west line of Stinnyald Third Addition to tbe east line of Blocks 4 and 6, Bartach- Park, lu the following manner, torwit; r irst uy grading aam etreet run width with full intersections to the proper aub-grade. Second Bv graveling tho atreet full width with full Intersections with upland bank gravel. Tblrd- -By coimtructlng wooden aidewalka 12 feet In width with six-foot covering plonks. Fourth uy constructing 1 woodeu , crosswalks six feet in- width. - Fifth Br -constructing box gutters accord ing to City Engineers plana, specifications and estimates.'- - " ' -v Said Improvement to be made in accordance with the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland, and tbe plans, specl8catlona and estimates. of the City Engineer filed in the ofllce of the. Auditor of the City of Portland on the 2d day of June, IWo.l. Indorsed: "City Eflgl neer's plans and Speclflcationa for the Improve ment of Belmont atreet from the weat lne of Sunnyalde Third Addition to -the east Una of blocks 4 and 0. Bartsrb 1'ark. and the eatl- mates of tbe work to be dtura and tbo probable total coaf 'ereof." , .' ." .''?.: ' i" The' cost "of aald Improvement to be assessed as urovided by tbo- city charter noon tbe property benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be all the lota, parts of lota and parcels of land lying between 4 line 100 feet nortb of and parallel with the north line of Belmont atreet snn a line 100 feet south of and parallel with the south line of Belmont street -and between the west line of Bunnyside Third -Addition and the eivat line ot moras a anti o, ' Danscn rara. r sewer In Tillamook . street of vitrified sewer Elpe with all neceaaary catcb-baalua, manholra, impholes and branehee, of eight Inches cleat Inside diameter In accordance with the plana, apeclflcationa and estimates - therefor prepared by tbe City Engineer and filed In the office oj tbe Auditor of the City of Portland on the 3d day of June, 1008. Indorsed: plan's Snd specifications for Elahth atreet from 100 feet eon street to sewer In Tillamook street and tbe estimates of the work to ' be done aud the probable. total coat thereof." The coat of aald sewer to he assessed as provided by the city charter upon the firoperty benefited ' thereby snd which a berebyT declared to be all the lota, parti ot lots and parcels of .land lying . between s line 100 feet eaat of and , parallel with the east line of East Eighth street and a ling , 100 feet West of and parallel with the weat line of Eaat Eighth street and between a line loo feet nortb of snd parallel with tbe nortb line of Tillamook atreet and a line 00 feet smith of and parallel " with the south line of Thompson street' , ' - " : . The Engineer's estimate of the probabla total coat of the construction of said sewer Is 1838.00. The plans, speclflcstldha snd estimates ol the City Engineer for v the constructiol of said sewer are hereby atdopted. Resolved. That-, tbo Auditor of the Clt of Portland be ' and ' be. is hereby directed to ' give notice of t the imposed construction of said sewer 'as provided by the- City Charter. - , - Kroonetrance against -the above sewer Tna be filed In wrltlns with, the 1 underslsned ... . within 20 days from the dats ot the Ural puoucation or tnia nonce. , - By order of the Coipicll. - - XtiUD, y:. iiisviiin; - - Auditor of tbe City June o, loos. PROPOSED CHANGE OP BADX wATtTanw iTlftT. Vnrtm- ntf Vierehv' riven that Tbe Engineer's estimate of tbe probable coat Ing of tbe Conncil of the Cltyof Portland, of Portland. -Jk I BAD OP I , at - the meet- WHERE TO DINE. STROUBE'S , RESTAl'RANT; flrst-cliss meals. beat service. 22U Waabington at. of said Improvement Is 83.377.00, Tbe above improvement la to be classed as gravel Improvement and shall be . maintained by tbe city for the period of S years, provided tbat the owners of a - majority of the DroDertv benefited by said improvement or '- any portion 1003, WHOLESALE WALL PAPER, MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 184-188 Becoad st.. net. Yamnni and Taylor. Portland, or. WALL PAPER AND PAINTING. Oregon, held on, the Sd day of Jane, the rollowing resolution was suopwtu; Whereas, It 1 deemed expedlont to change tbe grades of Madison street In the City o Portland at Its Intersection with Ford street, - Be It Resolved. - That tbe . Council herelil thM( riull tint uiiiin. 1., u. .ni iT. 1 declares Its Intention to cbango .the si-sdet eut. liroVetoeut before tbe expiration of such of Madison street- s now established, to rrcP. ,-''.. I W 1 '.'.. H r-.l .tH, mnA ... i im engineer a- plans, mprv lociuont btiq r-1 .' .-. -- 7 . ... .-' matea foe Abe improvement of said Belmont I Of Madleoo-street at 247.50 fcot. atreet sre hereby adopted." .1 At center---line- of rord street, and soutg n .1 a . ' m a. il . a ISA. - M ISa . a i Una aay USdUMI a Tagir T- 7811 Ml AJB STRIKE doea Dot delft naf b we are able to nil- an oraera wubout oeia. nrat-ciaM work A. A. Church Co., No, 274 'i7loc m. rnone viaj Ail . HAY FEVER. CATARRH - 0pprt$sSon, Suffocation, Neuralgia . PROMPTLY CURED BY ,' Espic's Cf&arenes, or Powtfe L roVCCRA CO- New Yeri. asd all Dragglata Portland be and he la - hereby ' directed" t give notice of the proposed Improvement of said atreet aa airecteo oy tne cur rnarter. , Remonstrance against , tbe above lmnrovw I ment may be filed In writing with; the under- j signeo witDin vi oaya irom toe uate oa inv nrvi publication of thla notice. . -orucr or in. t.onncii.. .';; THUS, V. DBVldSi ' . ' Auditor of tbe City . of - Portland.. ''June B,' 10(13.' .'....--V' PROPOSED TJtPROTEJfEVT OF IA8T THIRTY-FOURTH $TEEIT, I H At the center , line of Ford etreet and nortt line of Madison atreet at 248.00, fect . To the following, . to-wlt: '' At center line of Madison street and eaa( line of Ford street at 231.0 feet. , - At center -Una of Madison ofrort. and ecntel line of Ford atreet at -251.0 feet.. ' At center line of Madison street end Wpl line of Ford street st 251.0 feet . .. . At north line of Madison street, and ceotel line of Ford atreet 'at 251.0 feet . - At aonth line of Maillaon strr4 and- eentol line of Ford atreet-at a&l.fl .feet,' - , , Above tha base of cltr stradra. A A " Resolved, that '-the Andltor be and h Kntlce la - hereh riven that at . the meeting I hereby directed to Siva notlcau ef lha iirnimae4 of the Council of the City of Portland, Ore- change of grade of aald street aa provide gop. held Ton the 8d 'day of Jnne, :1803, tb by the eltychnrte. ' i . ;v:.; . , - following resolution was adopted: - - . 'Retnohatrance agalnat the shorn rbnhgt ol 7 Resolved: " That the Council of the City of grade may be filed In writing with the under, Portland,'. Oregon, deema it,expeaieni anu pro-iMgneti wicnin ao eays irom uia date of tu poses to Improve East Tblrty-fourtir atreet from Jurat publlcatlnn Ot this notice. , : the stMith line of Hawthorne avenue to the north line of Division street in the (following manner, . to-wlt: - - Fast By grading said street full width wita Br order of tha Conncil t - f ' THOS. .Pi DEVLIN. . Auditor of tbs City of Portland. Jab S, 1908. V as t ' - '&:: T'