1 T i ' TIIE OTtEGOJT DAltY .JOUJRKAL, "PORTLAND, , TnUXtSDAT. 35y2sTINO, JUNE 4f , 10p3. mm,, , a j3U v t-i Seeing Two - Huge Bulldogs ;. - righting on ' Her f-ront : I Porch Mrs, Leonard Attempts 0 v: I io v n ve i nem way. nod $H $imuftanebus(y They Spring at tne uisturoer or meir i-erp- cious ..Battle and Viciously Attack Her, SEATTLE, CALLS IT'" MOST INFAMOUS Another Slap at the Late Grand Jury Indictments Turned Down Regard lessly. Sick arid Helpless Coma Unto Me I Havtf discovered (he MarvelouJ Secret of Life and I Give ii free to You. 1 . . flrf. A (AO Journal Special Service.) SEATTLE. Wash.. June a. Another chapter In the infamous history of the late grand Jury was recorded late yes terday afternoon, when Superior Judge Bell granted the motion of the "Prose cuting Attorney to dismiss the Indict ments against Isaac Cooper and Louis Levy, charged with owning and renting the property known as the tiotorlouH Midway crtbhouse. Be It known that Judge Bell 1 the able and upright Judge who called the grand Jury to cleanse the city of vice and punish the violators of Jaw and decency. and Prosecuting Attorney Scott I the attorney who acted ns the legal adviser j of the grand Jury and advised that body as to the legality of its actions. Swltohed ret. The Prosecuting Attorney, having first advised the indictment of Cooper and Levy, yesterday went into court and asked that the Indictments be dismissed The motion was immediately granted on around that it could not be shown CriPM fnr Hln SpPiYI tn Flirtlw U't the property is In fact owned by y ,'v" 'r w.'K y CooDer and Levy. J My Mission on Earth i to Heal the iick and Cure the Maimed Come . Unto Me and I Will Give You Health arid life and Youth. rflllllHIrtlH illri. niuin.s Will) : 'ii Vti Would HaVe- Killed Their -Victim iri Short Time, -v -' ifr . tf .-, . ., .... :itr -iv; .,' TAnmal finnHn! Service.) V? 8VRACUSE, N. Y.. June 4, a'? iTnon K, "Leonard of No. 511 Madison -Mrs. Cooper and Levy. And thereby hangs a tale. The real estate and tax records are open to the Inspection of all who ctre to see. These records were duly In spected by members of the grand Jury, They showed that the notorious Midway was owned and assessed to Cooper and Levy. The Indictment of these two gentlomen followed. There also fol lowed a violent storm of protest, as both Mr. Conner and Mr. Levr are , street, wno a lew aays sgo was wealthy business men and their families rflti, , .anocaea aown ana omen ay iwo uuu-i are socially prominent i.J ' Jtnt wnicn were, ngnting on me rronw other Indictments followed m rapid nin Porvn oi nor nooie, ana wnicn ana inea i succession, ana Tor a lime me cooper . to keparate. rmvy not recover rrom norland Levy-case was forgotten. Then serious wanes; ucn is me report i came tne announcement mat cjugene - 1 . 1 .L . .i. 1 I 1 . t. .L. n 1 I . 1 . V I 1 a w 1 r , y- . miaa ay ' nv vuysicran ai ma uuou jjvry, a Dromer oi iuuin, iih.u urm iu IXhf pnepnera rtospiuu ioaay. I atcted, cnargea wun ine ownersnip oi .x:nB occurrence wnicruprougnt Mrs. i the Midway. ion v-.onara to ner pea oi suucring is soon I iiery inji awj. toiu. ; vvnen sn nqrarswu xno uruic i n so Happened that Mr. Kugene ijevy in7- srpang upon ner apr ins same time, i was in California at the time, ana nas net: ourywg nis leem in ner mroat anu i slnt-e been careful to stay mere. Tne n -.n wmer i-myuiug nor uj mo iei arni. i maictmeni against mm, ana tne acrom- ,,a t, iftey nora ner to in? ineps ana gasnca I penylng wsrrnnt or arrest, is still in tne i srft (vr, w.iwL win nuiiB iu m irrnuiv nanos ot trie nneriii. U.U;. . fc. 1 - . . Jt-JiL .-I i m I .' l . a . ... - a. Aiutlff' inituiicr. y yvrtia uinusturius; ur luri i ne next anu nnui aiiuuuiivcrinciii i-nuir kAt Jlfe.; .''..,!' . "'. I yesterday from the lips of the I'rose- l nv... Tne.woman a -.rnep ror neip ana tne I cuting Attorney, it was mat it naa . . ln-lit Bf hlonrt Bmi1 trt aflll further I tuvn acfra(nit that Cooner and Levv v Infuriate tha brute fcnd they continued I could not be convicted, because they tneir attacg until tneir- victim was are not tna owners or tne property in ..'.'. .rendered Insensible. !: and 'the entire I Question. ' jorch waa bespattered 'with blood. Then The question that the law-abiding peo- rmnr the d ti ta jtlragge way. i pie tvr tt are now asaing m now, -s-t, A large pieca or nesn missing rrom ana. wny, ana wnere, ana wnrn uiu ine 1(kI ,na Juwer up, pari , ii . jno rigni cnaex "uwj vi".' ..uo My Vital Ufa tluia, ta Moat Marrelons Oompouad Str OlaooTsrad, X MnUi. to Tott Tret for tna Aaiklfif . I have discovered the marvelous e-r cret of life and J can make you live, tot 1 can make you well, no matter what your sickness: I can make you strong and well, tio matter how weak or crip pled you are,. With my Vital Life Fluid, the secret of h!eh la known onlv to tne. 1 cure avery known ailment of fhe hu-i man flnah PnlnnlM tlitmv lnwn thalf crutches and walk away well and tiftppy; world bud rosa mm have . FORMED A TRUST Seattle. Areused Over the- Lax Las ExistingChief of Po-j lice's Orders Have no Stand ing in that 'City, Games of All Descriptions Run Regardless of a Closed Pol- IcyWhite. Men, Japs and Chinamen Can Play, SEATTLH. June I. A gamblers' trtfst Is tht very latest thing- In the criminal htatory of Seattle's under- srambltnir has been con ducted in Seattle) since Chief Sullivan ordered a general , close down. Some establishments have been practically open while others have been conducted on tha private plan. The gamblers themselves claim to have lost a great deal of money during the past few montha on these gnmes. but neverthe-u less are anxious to keep, them running '.'Just to get even." Chief Sullivan pro fesses to know nothing about tha gambling that is going on and main tains that tha town is closed. In a short time there will be a clique of gamblers, here who expect to defeat the new felony gambling law by open ing private .clubs where games can be conducted behind, closed doors nd only those who tire members and others who are , know h to ha "right" wtll 'be. ad mltted. 'The class of players can be selected and by some authority the gambler have, it that they will not be molested. Chief Sullivan told James Haw ley, 6na of the gamblers, last night, that he.woiild not allow tha a-amea to He Has JDlsooveirid tiei -r'iecri of iiife,"' run under any circumstances and re- ror gi OMit.au PUmiip wtu ill rnsca to auow a ciud to start at in Marvelous TlttJ. Life T"d- . second Avenue south, last night. Xn Beflaacs bt taw. I I f atv I I i i r:: .. L'jJasz mm '2 A Jim Dumps'.balf-sisteri pale and slight. Had very little appetite, v .;,;; r..f Cki r m HC,i,k Hotil.rl.lxll t. Wilt Please the most caDrtcloiia mood. .'; So crisp, eo light It takes my whim If' fitakes with ail," quoth Sunny Jlm. 'I To Beaay4o-8em Cereal , . v" '' t different food " :" '.,;:';.,,,;;'' fox indifferent appetites. Swtct, crisp flakai f htt Ud SB&It Btrertthena svrvet PredooM Fore. ' Kot having enjoyed tue best of health for the past threa Tears, i have tried reveral kinds of diet. The past six montha have ' given 'Force a very thorough trial with good res alts. It la not only very ' ' palatable, but produces beneficial results. It Is Terf strangthonlng, knd produoea jort what lt clftlmi to do ' force,"' . ' " . - "GaflgOl A. BxtIT, . - ? COON GRANTS IL OLD FRANCHISE One Hayries-Apperson,10-horse power. .,ty ivrune uiasmomie, 4-norse pown allnwnt under, the. sunj flrai sarabfinC estab?tshments "running! A 4l Tl !n AA OU Jp. IVII I A III FTTF TF hiT f A M h A VVM I Mn rVM D A M V ous Vital ,Wfe rittlU , ananc of the order of Chief of nuilUII IdlVOII III VYCOl OIUC 1 " saa-r.ua a- 1 1.11 l aill.n Tf I1II1V VUiTII mil ' qs-ji: TOdT it . ;. rrlj') "-M ' . .Jaaiif torn ftway. her ".left aTrfl . torn and of Cooper and Levy to Eugeno Levy 7 manirled and her right irm almost com- And what connection this transfer of lerel covered with the. nHhta of th I title has with Eugene Levy s sudden .dogs'- teeth, Mra. . Leonard lay under to California ana his extenaea stay the influence of opiates that night .at "" wt "" '""" ner oome, a iratnea nurse ai ner oea- Idftf'.".'. i 1,i Her twdy bore 'more than" 29 distinct marks. l.it midnight .her physlciana mid aha' would, recover,-although it is likely, she will bear.' scars the balance of her life. The or;"lt is said, were not mM,.t' r'-t - Saw- TheiE Tlghtlntf. the sick . take ' lip t.hair beds and walk. itiviv in nu iu gr which My marvel will not banish, and (I restores to I lit? perfect bloom of health-every poor and unioriunste eurrerer. I do not swk to demonstrate 'a theorv. I have n3 time for that, for I am ac complishing,, facts. I nin curing thoq- sands who had riven ud all hone of life. I am bringing Joy and happiness Into nunurea or nomes. if you suffer from Kidney ana liver disease. lung, and stom ach or heart trouble, consumption, con st I pa t ion, r h u ma t ism,-- ne u r 1 g ia, - Mood and skin diseases, catarrh, brpnchltls, paralysis, diabetes, syphilis', lost vital ity, nervous aeotiH-K insomnia, blood poison, enerala, female weakness and all- uicMip. K'lrma or sun rneum, neauaencp, backache, nervousness, fevers, coughs, Suburban Matter and the Company Can Operate for iwemy-rive Tears, GERMANS TO SING . AT WALLA WALLA ,v According to the stottes of neighbors. Mrs.' Leonard left '.'-home "after supper supper ..;, i.last -.evening tc, make t few purchases yAjt. ": t a e!fchT5oflng toe.' it was about 3' "'" 10 o'clock When Ho returned and aai ri-isi! m"9 uiong iiw Troni enirance to ' thehcmae.hfV attentfonwas attracted- i Art uie wgi ugniiug on ine porcn. ' , j he ascended the ateps and walked , ct . toward them,1 at the 'same time sbout i,jk4 In t them to go away. The animals f'j u,- ' "lld and tumbled on the porch and ap .,xarntlT.jialdnoJiee4 .ta.htxt..JJ,Jnally. 6rt : n"o ira. leoimra naq come .wunlQ Tacoma Will Strive For Sing ing Prizes in Eastern - Washington, (Journal Special Service.) TACOMA, June 4. There was an ex odus bf Germans from Tacoma today in the direction of Walla "Walla, where the second annual Saengerfest of the North raclflo. Uaengerbund . -will place June S. 6. 7 and 8. A wneolal sieeoer foW feet Of them.' theT Tdeased their attached to h nverlnnrl wfllch car. asI.x i""u" upon one anoiner ana sprang ail rled a large delegation Of TBCOhias clt- .1 f ..4"r, . ' - , . . . I isens of Teutonic blood. Un- t ' n tried-for her throat but did not An attemrt will be mad) at Wal)4 reacn. ne sprang a aecona.ume ana Walla to bring next year's meeting of bis jaws xasteneo on me ngnt side or the Saengerfest to Tacoma. The local ner necjt,ittTBti;er-caaght her rhe bund" carried on the firat :prt?te for arrl. - Mra.. Leonard screamed at the singing at Seattle last year' and, they ivR i per voior, neip ana, ajtnaugn possess unusual prestige on that afc er weia neara oisiinctiy a djock count. games are. dealt nightly. White men are not allowed In this resortr but i Chinese and Japanese gamblers fre- colds, asthma or any. disease or weak-1 nuent the Rlace in large numbers. Twice I ness or ine vital organs, coma unto ms this ultlce has been raided by, the bollce. and I will cure you and mak you wel . but since tbe Clancy fac6n has an ln K.e .wiekim.ftJLirf rkn.jy. lfkuev. terest In-It, the resdrt has not been in, i'.uvii; . tv 1 1 w 1 1 1 .a . iibvb uwiuiiru . . . . . . . . frnm h. ,. . ..r moiweo. ov- ine inoiice, wno nave rre- Ufted ut raniVven gtrenitli I'herifh' htlr BC'lforreed that games are r-olice Sullivan. On is the resort of Dell Lampman In the new tenderloin, recently moved from its old quarters nar the- corner bf Second avenue and rosier way. . Chief Sullivan forcod the former prise-fight promoter to take his shop to the lower end Of the city witnm tue past two weens. r .' r J J i n Another rwort, the only public LIIV LlliillietJI UlUtJieU 10 ne- Kamwing ouse in. ine cuy, is snuaioa fit the corner of Fourth avenue south and Main street. There faro and side POteTI-AND. OR. VISITORS ENJOYING HOOD RIVER FRUIT move 'Dirt on Sixth" Street, p.: c.i...i.rrrs j GUILTY OF MURDER IN SECOND DEGREE Prominent Civil. Engineer of Helrm-MustServe - Time For Killing Bartender th The West Side A Suburban franchise was passed by the Council yesterday I Reveling among the scented vines of afternoon by the eight members present. I the Hood River district, the German The Daeaina of the franchise vm ahtmt 1 aoiantlats. who for tha tiaat fn wneka Llurvnan. find defendant, limei ft. Kttarl. trenath and. health' U"J lnH"- Bn- II i.. . I Z' "7 .7. : I 7i iT" . .. 7: 7 . . I! are llvlug witnesses to the vrUsUn'E being aorfnucted there. Tho proprietors acuon laaen aurmg me session fiayo oeen touring me unitea states guuiy oi muraer m me eecona aegroc, power of my matchless Vlraf Life Klhid! were arrested and filled Ih the Police tnat was -Part ,rom the uua' routine of fand taking note of American methods Thla Was the verdict rendered here at To ihe an mv marvelous remedv ; all! r"nir" when thn niace .was in churce improvement ordinances and the reiegat-1 and the products these methods bring I a late hour last night by the Jury in systems and ail diseases are-alike. It' 0f 'Shorty" Shaw. -8 ot various resolutions and requests I about, are today experiencing the un- the case of James S.Keerl, who in April maiiers not now long, you nave oeen , ' . -2 tt-j i "a to tne proper committees. alloyed Joya or paiata that can , be I last shot down and killed Bartonde) L?t Ji- mtt-xsi not how-jhoalea. ,srjoiao!wa The franchise granted trt the West brought about only through the. on ting Thomas Cryatal In the Milwattkle aA you may be; It matters not .. ,Th. resortls ttlH behind Closed doors Sld & Suburban Rallwav Comnanv al-Uf OreirOn'a choicest dellcaev a Hon3 loon lh thla eltv ' The defense waa tha. operate I River strawberry. fof insanity, i The verdict created not ft Couch) The train bearing tha party of dis-1 little surprise, as the evidence showed North on I tlngulshed visitors left Portland at ;30l that Keerl's mother died In an insane . (Journal Special Service. X v iit-J-iC-xvA, oioni., june. i.- we, yiShiSS?!?, We ' WJJ 'erae- basement Under , the California fows it the right to built and " dies have Tailed to cure you; It matter tintM tu h casifa! nhservar noth. i- 1, r 8 ; I. ; not whether vou have faith mv ; Vital f Jti'r? P? . .JI 5?. n electric line from rirst and Life Fluid ts life itself irrt tkiwShe. all" ' Jr,t ?am-lln to Twelfth and Cduch, thence No uisease. From the verv edge of the wn" " i- ""- Twelfth grave, bv the atd of this mysterious; fid . -f ipA, nla.ee IH inta a Japanese Northrup to' Tenty-fifth. and thence to urapuuim, i nrvr oreu-ni mem-owc w looajng .nouae. . . however, ,trow(i oi the Cornell road. Which road will ha The' life of the aalw .ijp m f-1 icy Si" ' i , -y I VUlUCIfl tutu 11 ctrillllK llic HOUUIIU ' A "Jurea weman waa carnea into her grand concert occurs In the opera house i - f ,V U.y, ftDinasao.,dra;ged her to vWaUa Walla cjtlzpns have fnade area , ;th aUa iMrfore asalatancfr arrive . . ,1 preparationa . Ae ihVftik.-:NeM. a. coiorea man wanting past the cor- wm be a general welcoming of visitors i )m i t-v?- Tn- ?r,on -r! was from tlje Northwest tomorrow morning ".rl :6.'!afch -TM aoga were then Und lh the afternoon there will bo A. re- . cnawmg. Mrs. .Leonard's ncad, race and arnr tfer ttottrtmr waa covered with Blood and ahe Jiad lost consciousness. The man cailght the dog each by the throat and with dlfflcUlty hauleil them away. A crowd gathered and the hearsal of the combined chorda. In the evening fhe first grand concert takes place. Saturday morning the annual meelihg of' the North Pacific S.ienijer Dtlnd takes place with the election of ofllcers ' and in the evening the second 4- m', " tf'' ' 1 1 n'i ,',!!.- W .v it ' .. . 4lt . home. An ambulance from the Hos pital of the Good Shepherd was stim- tnoned, but its services were not needed. Two Physicians Called. Ir. S. -jrotaling,' the fanilly physl- At noon oh Sunday all the attending societies will parade, and at 2 o'clojk they will give an open-air concert, fdl lowed 4n the evening by a banquet. yflsltora are expected from Whatcom elan, and Dr. Kjrhardt were called and Seattle, Portland. Everett ftet wit examination they cauterized Northwestern cities. the wounds. Uprti were made to ascertain the ownership of the two bulldogs, but con flicting Stories .were told in the neigh boWiooct as to where thfy came from. ' Mrs. M. Harmon, proprietress of n drug store at Almond and Madison streets, who was ambrig the first. to ar rive in response to Mrs. Leonard's ap peals for help, said that she considered it almost a miracle that the unfortun ate. Woman had not been killed. '"I , car-hot Understand liow she scaped-," BSid Mrs. Harmon, "She was prulsed and mangled frightfully and the. wonder Is that she ever withstood the fearful ordeal sf'e.nTust have gone through. Hot , cries fur help were heard in the store When we reached her tilt bulldogs had disappeared." and other BETTXiEItS TXTBN A WAT. . ITlnfl no EnConragoment la drant Coun--fi -Whet do Biaoa- tana Is In Clnded in rorest Reserve. Ortfi.t LCo,unty has., alrt.ly corn meiiccd to see he results ot the pro posed. Blue Mountain forest rerve. ,anys the Ulue Mountain Kagle. and that. too. in a manner tliat should Clearly convince all of the m L.(Tt.tt . bf such a wholesale witjnlraw.-tl. Jt is i almost a daily occurrence th;it .settlers cam ItitO Qratit .County with view of " v: pennanontly lucatlng. On'leuring that more thfiii half of the iiuinty tied np in a xoresi reserve, mey cannot see THE 1905 FAIR SITE boxeas of iffea llegan work This Korn- ' lag Grafting the X.ewls and OIKrk Grounds. Several dozen men resumed work on the Lewis and Clark Exposition grounds this mornng, after having been laid off for hearly four Weeks. There is a great amount of grading to be done, which will require rriariy wr-eRs to finish. Road ways ure to be made and the laying oft of the sections of the grounds for ttie various building will be pushed as rap idly as Is practicable.. This is the llrst real work done on the site since the. organizing of the State Fair Commission, and it is tjie beginning of the actual preparations for work on the buildings, plans for whjc.h are rapidly .being completed. As the woHt progresses; m.'iiiy'mofa' laPofers will be WeStied, Ertginefcr-in-Char'go Oscar Hubor stating that he hoped to Have, several hundred men employed arotlnd the grounds within a few months. It. is. thought that the exposi tion grounds will be one of tH'e places visited by tourists while in Portland. WORK ON FAIR OIUH NDH life and none need perish, for I wju send, io every Buuerer some or mv, precious is my duty, and lt will, nerform lta ml rnouious cures' rjrrore rmir own ve Write and tell me what you wish to be send you the marvelous Vital Life'naM that will make you- as strong and Jieilthy; ii aaaeaae naa never touena-you. i Write me today... Never mind .the scof-1 flngs of vow frlehds. Tour life mav he. ai staae ana you not Know. it. Thev, cannot save ycra. tsm I fan save you and 1 win u yo win only let me. M.v.-prl- Vte MddreBB Is Dr. 1 ftarreni. V--rls 6045 Strawn Bulldlnax ClevelajnX. CThlA and L personally. ..assore. every person Who. .writes, me, Je. ie,, rich. , or,, poot,; ji prompt and, .jnrturleaus. .answer ,-and fnojipq (if tew oerfect health L'UJLU itnv. Cfecrhus vltal TJW P ilia NliCI BECOMES BEASt OF BURDEN Unique Prdceedlrigs lh a Mon tana .qfjtirt of JUStlCfj Erenehman Kieks, (Journal Special , Service. ) HELENA, Moht., June 4. -Not a little excitement was. created in Missoula yes terday, when Nlmicl Guireau, hrt uhso phisticated Prenehriifin; appeared before the justiea of the peac and sought a warrant for the arrest bf Jilles baMrial. a. ..well-knbwri fancier,,, on the ground that the latter had compelled" hifi to be come a beast of burden. . Oulreati as serts that he was indebted to Qabeflal knd tha,t the latieh taking advantage of his Unbrahe'e of the la'wa aria . customs pf thli coUntry, had compelled hiin to assume a position, beside 1 mule aria hclpjlrag a plow thrbugh the ground. His cotfritrrraati tola him that He Hik wititv ni't'wcu uj;uu, wiivtcufuu ne pro cured A warraHt fdf fJabrral's arrest. Gabertal will appear, tomorrow fat- pre- lminary examination. jrnpan:sjS tia cnipsa ,wno are nigntiy followed to Illllsbord, iea,vmg ana enwring. tne.. reson wouia, franchise la 25 years, arouse. suapivKfa j.v.eii iihb nifiiu ui u Seattle pullceftian that something was wror.g., E-lrectUv, In front of the atalr- way:: of. tHe. jQdjrit)gjieu8e .is. ..g!as door terfi'Iihf ' 'into h flrottll compart mehV"'Wv&tlablJ' 'birty rtoortendcr 18 ' on tho lnslai df ; this door and quickly reblicl to' rheHnglng of the (looroeu., .,Ml cprs ..mronii ine giass, and if the one who sohnds the bell Is "right." h opens the floor. Once 10' able. -the doox the prospective; gambler Kffnin iooitef over cnrerunv. ir ne TWffet ttw iecbnd-'IrtspMtion, he is al lowed to pass on. ip to the gambling hall. The owners or tne place ciain) j-tlons special police with powers fit en rorcement at tneir command. The peti tioner further aaked that the -Council pass such rules for tha , regulation of the cabmen's dally work as they might think best. Hfid that such tules be en- 4bar,Jle.inn :ftu (VpUinfi se iuidn Japajoes. Arh iHvWfl 14 pin; but often a white man with ,wa ot; money, to lose is allcwpd to- "go agaltist the bank," Fsro Is the 4 principal ' game played In the place, BlthdufH! side gnmes of crapi ami haara-aca also conducted. The dealers are white nen. This ro- gbH Is open fit .the present time, and those, conducting It have no fear from the police. - , . rare Banning Open. into tames have beert started in the old paved district; but hone bf therri hv0 paid ehoufh to those operating tnem to Keep rnem open jong. a mro game was recently Started Itt A bulld- inr pt First avenue south and wash- lngtrtn street, but for want of play it wns clostd. Several Mmall games have been started in the new tenderloin dis trict, but all died natural, deaths. . The gafhes hnd to be run quietly and the play was not large enough to keep thehi running. Chief Sullivan sent 6, detective to the rooms of tho new Incorporated club, at 11 Second avenue south Tuesday right, hut no games were found run nitig. The chief refused to allow the club to be conducted, , but . had an idea thfct an effort would be made to start up ard defy his authority. . It la prob able tlmt a test case of the new feloisv law wltr be made by one- of the clubs that will be incorpor&fi?' 6n a prlvato plnn. thftftea la-fit ti I n'l,ulr tKI mit-Vilns 9ifnnmmJI't A I fa,, f I a-vtum ..v, " . .v.w . " ,v ItlllB, V. V . -V. .AIM U t . I " . ... , . . . to Hood River, where the day will be For many years Keerl was one of spent. Tonight the rah' to Pendleton the leading civil arid mining engineers will be made and.Jn the. early hours of of the Northwest. He had been drink- tomorrow the' oartv will crisa the Bloa I in on the dav of the. ahootlndr and A petition was read from haekmeh I Mountains Into tha Walla. WailiL Vallev Oimrrelln with CrvataL Ha left tha asking that the city ordinance be amend- The day will bt passed In the Garden I place, pawned his' Watch "ir.cf bught ed thaX. -allowed. managets of depots-, I City, the annual saena-erfes: of the a revolver. Soon returniniir. he omened hotels and publie- plaeea toregulate. thanrf Narthwast 8angrtund -1vtng tiow tn I firs withouP wwrnlKg,"r ahd thif;'WSu3t " in tneir woric, ana that made Private session at Walla WaJlav and having pre-4 was five, bullets . entering the body of persons, or agents of railroad corpora-1 pared a Splendid program-for -tha'-an- j the bartender. - Keerl is wfiit onnecte4 tertainment of the scientists who are hnd a small sized fottdne was spent to be Its guests. , I trying to secure bis. acquittal. His -From .Wall Wa-ila to Spokane the trip beautiful Wife nearly collapsed when will be by special train; and at the 4 the verdict waa announced. lie win be latter place the cars bearing tha noted sentenced Friday. The penalty lt from visitors Will b transferred " to the ten tfears to life imnrfsorlmant ' forced by the regular police, not by any I Northern Pacinc, at once- tarting East The 'jury stood ten to two ior a yer private person. . . I toward the Yellowstone National Park, diet of murder in the first dogre for - -"-' . ." . v i4. f " I it- r II TV unjff. wui tnm, b wvil l J uvui . -licit, lii limju' mj f iviuni Ottmbetl on Sixth-utreet to Areseva thai T5fnh AutviWir h rmnii ruhnt thtarsn th Kwa tof-nint waa irfonii tinA: -oncreie tounaaiion oe, removea 97 ine morfiing the oermaiv lUra xprea i1? ,l?ere ws a general complain- i themselves as being wen pleased with ir? resjae,- on. me. siree regarding pprtlahd and fl81ighta With th treat me aense ciouas or oust tnat. noverea nient thev received while here. over me tnorougnrare. Mr. jiegei,ae- INGENDIARY BUSY NEW MAIL BOXES (Journal Special Service.) TACOMA. Jujif; 4. Tacoma is being ny advantage offered wlierc so much supplied with new patent mall boxes, land thai would sustain' honj.'steiMU'r. 18 withdrnwn irom Cntryl limne bUllilers are a class . of peojile that , Grant County people have alwayj en cov raged, and it is safe to fay that as many as .75 settlers have . left this coiinty already this spring iiecau.se the ' only fcinci in a large part of the county that cbuia be developed " into rl c;.rn t fortable home was inside of the pro posed forest reserve. Tlie Blue Moun tain -flagle learns from a resident of the-bunty . near Mt. Vernon, that he hai knowledge of lO'settlers that came to hla locality to focatfe this sprlng.J j,t(j - om. ecHieu in go 10 some omer part Of tna tstate wnere rorest regerves did V'-. not Include the agricultural land. f.i;k..., vii'ti'i'i.'lBiriT-'r-.i.rtai,'' i,,,u f'f Special' "fr"urioh " irates ha ve been , Tamed, bf the Northern Ijaritta Uailway Corhpaay to points Bst;4 .For detailed tnfarsMtlon: .fi; on .or address jt. p. tive Fi Chariton.iSHiHtant uenerat X'assenger r Uio G Aweiu, i Ai-riaon streex. corner oi through :; Abira. . . .v. . .: . i nne ox this being the first city on , the coast outside of San . Francisco to recuivo them. Fifty of the boxes, which Here manufactured- in San FratielHco, have been ordered and they are belhf? put into position as soon as received. A simple device causes n lever attachment to register the time' Of the jjext collec tion of mail every time the caVrler opens the door to rake oiit rnall. The hour of the next following collection is nlwa kept in plain view of the public and a close tab may thus be kept on the reg ularity of the collector on his route. The patent Is the result of the work of the superintendent of the d-ill'Pry ser vice in San. Fratwiscci and the boxes are now in such demand U't it is aid the factories cannot torn them out last enough. ThiNi'ed'Uced homeaeekers' rktes, effec. ruary 15 apply via the Denver ,nde. Have vour friends cotno fait Lake City, over the scenic aa world. ATTACKS O fcoOBBtiiit. ilomodratio Polltlofafi in sihihrton Calls Attention to Them ajid la WOndfriag WHkt hsy Hete H. 3. Snlycly, lawyer aha Dertio- cratlc politician of North TtLkima, ih discussing ifiij. visit of fresiaent RoosevftU to Washington, said to the Spokesman-Review: ''it tstrikes me there is a. tendency among tjje crowd ftf. ,Hqp,flbJlcan fip posing Governor. McMride to prepare the way for. a. like opposjtlptt to Presl- utnt Roosc.velt. J, have heard remarks maae ny -ring reader or Tm& figgrega tiin disparaging to the President, and I think they are, being Industriously circulated over. .tne. otate. "Take for lnatahee the rehash, with much added emphasis, of .ihe- story which appeared in the QregonianOne day last week, to the . effect that the Presides v.got .into a., violent tethpex affcer reading a Seattle . paper Which criticised, lira Roosevelt's .hand-writing. Take also the other,. story that the . President . had some .words . of an unpleasant T.nture, .with .the .chief , Of police vOf Walla , Walla, which .caused that official to leave the parade in high dudgeon. . . ., v . ."Ot oouroe. In tlllng..these . atorles tha relatera do. not forget, to say that the President swore oh ach; occasion, as. well aa , otiier: imagined detail. taty of thes- thlftgai -af 'f,tfsenre not true, btit thejtr are told .with the insUtUtUa pur nane of-, Woriiing up prejudice against tUe Prealdeht . ' . GftBEjT PEPPEB KAJtXST. The Ashlorid Ttdijig reports that dur jtjjf. the, past. 10 day J. M. Hicks of that, place: has sent to Seattle two or three ah1p'tn8n'" 6f ' ireen - peppers; which have brought a fancy pHcfe. These Jiot house peppers, shipped itt ordinary pesch boxes, were sold at H pet box, which is at the fate Of 40 cents a pound. A Seattle dealer Im mediately wired for more shipments ffofn Ashland bf anything In the fruit and vegetable line, indicating an un limited demand at tbp-nOtcH prices. Mr. Hicks has. since expressed aome Cucumbers to the northern city, whlcH have also yielded htm very profitable returns. sired to know why the city should take off this dirt aria 531 oh crushed rock, and then take off the rock for the renair of the street .which would se-pn.he. riiade. He thought the dirt could ,tay there un til the asphalt repair work was begun. Mr. Elliott, City, Engineer, stated that the residents were not entirely free from blame, as they had first petitioned ror on ROSTAND'S RECEPTION tha iai4ona rrirachntatt Tales His Beat - la Academy Kid. Great . Snthusiasnu, (Journal Special Service.) PARIS;' June, 4. The reception of Seta Tire to Eesidsnce . bf i. Bigmaiy After Wintering Basement Through Window. .; The firebug is evidently abroad ngaln. as this morning about I o'clock the res idence of J. tolgman; at No. 64 petty- grove street, was partially destroyed; as the result of a -blase thought to have been set by aft ' incendiary. Tb . 0ni. ,, uJ a,.a iL i muJu. I . uc ici-ciiuii ui i nave Dien aai oy an inoenuiary. j ne ceXin bCSet Rostan4 Mt the Academy today family were ileepiht, t th tinie, but certain diocms to atone, then had come I r mi. .in 1 t z. ...i..-. hank tn their fleat Inva and h.A VAa4 7" i"" vZVn . i T were awaiwneu o, M vrawuil P ?r t,kit u WMM rhKinM Accoraingto wnat acaaemicians say, ror flahias. and . when they rushed outaid. - . j- - . fr,'.w.ub..w..B, , . v , m am. ..an tt rt n r .Inn. Ha mahav. , . . - . . . . . . . , - r ihl 'Ini. - Z:l I ... Ia tn ot Pai?l Bourget, there has not been flre had been set la the, basement. Jt blame. . The engineer admitted that the -V UL "J" UIT""U 71'"' WW-m iu- ur - u. n u a. ii " wuo . wciuio a. vai-y ui wen- through an open winaow. j i. nVrr-'T: oreed ladies and literary celebrities Before It could be. .cheeked. . the lira be 1 i had been noor tnntarlrl- hul atat1 tho I u'"""" 'ttu' memi raeuim 156I0re 1,1 COUIO DB. .cneaa, . iu" nrw It as the bestSe foUnd in the rush th4t W i R6atahd made hla entry, be- spread to the residence of, N. H. Fuller; It was ine Dest to DC round m tne rush. I tavaoM hla a1f nr annnanra I j --a v. k.ir rtnn Ka . .. v. u . - , . ... i JCAL .liUUI, UnU Illy rnvik, v. .u At the prefitdent'e desk were seated houea waa allghtly damaged. .The Dlgr the Vicoriite Jdelchpi.r ii Vogue, M. Oaa- man furniture waa insured; nnd tho only ton Boissler. the secretary, and the Other I in win be on nlcturea and books, fiulte wiinng to take away the filling, and if " ..,",ri.C,i. wai a num?M wnc ,7 ".".'l'1 wi . 'I the street deteriorated to the extent ?""Vi'K"'"t'""rt mo; juoi.ii.uiv... i nw Vinci xuui ovuviuiiB, man came ocini? j,iuiu,va i.- vjio.w Which, with the Academy proper, con- was no sign of, flra about the, place, stitute the Institute of France, were hence tha presumption that "It was of incendiary origin. Mr. Rumelln stated that if the people on Sixth street did not appreciate what the Council had done for them In trying to protect their street's cbnfcrete he was of.,!lQ,ooo or so the residents alone were responsible. The Engineer was instructed to remove the filling material: V v minis Ilia lei Itt. I i . . ; Th. riiin,,na a. i,.... also wen repreoenvea, ordinances were passed, specifying the rM.,RoHtand began read hlaaddress time and manner of Improving ln."trng, well-pitched tones, and his re Mason street, from East Tenth to marHs were freaUently interrupted by East Fourteenth: Ahkeny street, from PP.- io?'ltV; p" i trt? mu r...u. in- -i i matters In general and, after a sunerb iniiu iu r uui ill . riuiii hiihvi. I I'liio . .. . Arthur to Seymour; AHrtna avenue, from u,og'um. "terary probity he took his Pam to -River- nm.A f rm ' ri.r. I seat, amid m burst of applause. , : MILWAUKIE COUNCIL Tetanus Oerm jtllled Klni. . Raymond T3f-h-lilg8, hgeji 10 .years, died frpm lockjaw, or, tetanus, at his parents' home.Jn, Ashland Friday last, reports the TJdlngs. . .,' Saturday, May J8ri he Was p'laylhg wtp at toy pistol, when the Cap ex ploded and the burning powder entered ills )eft hand. The day previous .to hit death he was taken with the disease wl)lch' very s'o'on resulted fatally. The il.ttlo fellow. wQ convalescing from a frevioue aw peripus., accident , at, tne ltte he suftered, from the second.-, X month, or. six. weeks, ago, while blaylhi With vmn .,,S!?nibnlnv W lc, be came entkngied with a moving yagdn wheel and was broken in two places. . ' If voil Have in ihiiifl A trio io4he Rnst this year, call ori or -address A. D. Chart ton, Assistant (Jeneral, Passenger Agent, Hi . MorrliHin street, (fnrnur of . Third pai tland. 0.re:,.. forr ebecial exoursinna that wlllv be run viA the Northern Pa eifte to the East, lb June. July And A.UgUSW The first meeting of the council of the new city bf Milwaukee was held rn-i w ... ilk Ari UA tviM .nf tha I linn i.m r I .tf ..i ; . . - - i iinniin mailt iii i. ,t " .1. ' I TV,., II n .,.! Kllll.t II I I - ... . . 1 . ters Additioh to the county.rbadr Wy U r v""11 -. wr WoHa Hftli. During tne sesawn ma xoi- gant atreet, from tjnioh averiife to alt seventh! East THinst-nrst itreet.. from f""""L " """',u Mavor Bhinaier: tstreeis anu, a-uouo Hancock to Halsey; River street, at Al- C0UiauDa ma? ol" W" 1,terftry per I property, " J. , EL Reed;, O. J.: Rbborts, blna avenue: Stark atreet. from Front pnaltty Of hja predecessor, M. Henri da h Kellefr Finance. J. E. Reed, .OoiJ. to Seventh; Dupoht street, from Larra-J P9r,: nd , created a. superb piece of Roberts, C. Kerr; Fire arid Water; oratorical literature. bee to Benton; Hooker .street, from Water to Second;. Sixteenth street, frdm QMSfin to Hoyt; Ash street? from third CY0I0UB XX GBAWT COTJWTT. to Fourth; East Tweirthr from Failing A whiHwlnd. bordering on A cyclone, to Presectt, and Alder street, from Front visited the locality of Hall's ranch on to sixtn. , , ttariet May Meet tfrlth Xiiay. . The Citv Market is again liable to de lay and postponement should the belief of Councilman Flegel prove to be that of hl fellows. Mr. Fiegel . has asked (He- Maydr to call a joint meeting of the Executive Board and Council to determine if the interesta of the city have been sufflclen'tly protected In the market ordinance. Other Councilihen are eaid to favor the adoption of fhe Ordinance as It atlnds and wish to see the Pavilion torn 'dowii hhd th new market started as soon as possible. The hext , meeting ' of the Council will de termine -whether the ordinance ia takeii op by the board, and CpiihcIL, Jointly, or amended and passed finally by Ihe latter Kerr C. Keller. O. Ji Roberta; Healfw knd Police, J; .B. Reed, C. Keller, c. tr.fr .!,-.,'., -i1' ' ..,,- The hext meeting of, the council and the first one In which 4h affairs of tha fcitv will' be attended to will be held hext Thursday night A banquet jn nonor or me new cuy Canyon Creek, in the interior Of fJrant county; one nay last -"weea If was nntlmrl On tha hlllHlita nuil-htr whAmt it wa? cjtrrylng leaves and chunks; bf officers will be given by the reatdenta of wood. high. In the air. .wjiefi It reached Mil wauki Saturday night ;.ia AVobd the barhvnrd it nicked ud all but 10 1 men's Hall. A program, consisting Of feet of .one .aide .of the roof iot a BO-1 literary ana musical exercises is Doing foot shed and carried it some; distance preparea lor me occaaiun. a vo v. . . f ., r Very low excurskn rates have been fclaced In 'effect by the Northern Paoino the Black Butte , mine, near Fdx, lVi',u.7',r'Si- A-:! Xt. i- i iii rt. fl wuim i, ,.i,.., .1, , uranL-vijounir. ownea Drinciraiiy ay -x. ion anri nn Ju v is ami is. nrwi aaain V. Taylor or fcnaieton, on wnicn incre i on August 4t ana xb. , i nis anoros an is a .five-stamp mm ana xotner, iro-l excellent opportunity wr .au . -to, yisu p'rovemonts.. may be sold i6i ..mining 1,?, man MmeJ Baker, who , hag recently FuJ .Kr"c?ar" .W.',L bA lrn "?A 55 visited it. Thare ae valuable blkcers I TO0,.,.n. "ltl 5f"fcS n iu cuiiutiuiiuu !j iui. un vuaiii i sengor Agent zos Morrison street, cor pfopertv. , :?1 ,1 body v?l7:';;, , "-.-v.'-f iriV' .-;--v".r- vi-;,;--';;''.i1'v.,....;.;v..r k