THEf OIIEGON JOAITT JOUBKAL, POUTLAHTD,' THURSDAY, - EVENING, JUNE 4U 1903. 't. Mr ji 4 i i, DON'T PAY $65 For aSewinl Machine Vb IrwHtT-t for rlj tw thii tM price , Free! Free! Free! Tsirty dy' trial la your ewa Boms W are eelllnf onl.r the latent ImprnTed high a-lni matlnp at the loweat lwlcw w itltmpii'it no tho Parlfic (Vwat. nrt ehlp- pins ttie machine fin thirty rtajra' freo trial th iwr ' nfTo ever made HiH V V a ' til '?Bu'", thu 8-diwer, oak-cabinet tew. , $l4UdD machine, aa Illustrated, complete ' .with all acreeenrlee, attachment and lnatrur- tlon honk, etc. Offered under our binding guarantee, and the equal of aewlng machlnea ' aolrt for fis to Ir no me aeaicra. inn u ' luatratlon g-Irc a Terr oor Idea of thla ele ' (ant eewlng maiblty. Mend lor our - Bnaaial lUa-inr Machine Catalorue .J. ' ft explaliw In full our liberal free trial offer. : Rend for it today. 1A fiC Bun our Imorored "Popular" drop. , 1VUU hMd gewing Machine. freight rbargea orenald to any railroad uolnt or boat landing la Waaolngtoa or Oregon. Oar epecUl offer la four explained la oor Ire sewing uaenine Catalogs. i CHEERFUL-TIDINGS GOME FROM VALLEY OF MISSOURI f WHERE RAGED THE FLOODS At St Louis and Other Points Along the Mis- - sissippi There is Fear of Destruction of Property but Not of Life In the and 5? fcataVrtBar. BWaall front 4wilUT IBaffllllM. ' , U 4S to by agent and department tore, i tz n maae oj one pi we larjnni eewioi ' tetnujLerurert In Ue United State. : eewing machlce eutes. it la a -atrloiJT - hla-B-arada.-" hlrh-arm.' Olckel-Dlated fcaedrheel, and TuH UU-betrlsc OolnmbU ; aW-tnf JJachlo.T... . . ,W tend with etch tneetlne our written, bind ' lflg guerante. Tb offer we aake in our trea ' K eawtac MaobloeL Catalcgne. will MtonUlt 70a, Today bilnga cheerful report from the flood-atrlcken diatrlcta Missouri Valley, and all danger at Ka nsaa City, Topeka, Dea Molnaa several other smaller place that suffered from the horror of the torrent In practically paased. The Missouri Klver And It trlbutorie are rapidly receding-, and at Kansas City there are today 2.000 men working In cleaning yard and street in the bottom which, were overflooded. Militiamen and police are guarding property a best they can, but there still exist hundreds of scoundrels who ere enriching themlvea by plun dcrtng. Strict orders have been given to shoot the first man seen engaged in robbery, but when night, come the city 1 overrun with thieve who seek place where good are stored, and enter house abandoned by their In habitants, who left all their possession behind them. - Oa tb KUMlppt At St. Louis and point on the Mississippi, where the crest of the Mis souri flood Is expected to reach tomorrow and Saturday, there 1 not the feeling of anxiety that waa apparent yeaterday. It I not expected that great damage will be done In St. Louis except In the bottom at East St. Louis, where the people have been preparing for the worst ever since Monday. In North Bt. Louis hundreds of men are engaged In transporting lumber, piled alonK the levee, to places of safety. Those persons who will suffer moat from the expected flood will be the small truck farmer who cultivate low land for miles below and above the city of St. Louis. These will lose their crop Intended for this summer' trade. i This afternoon the waters are fast encroaching upon the shipping dis trict and railroad yards in East St. Louis. From warehouses along the levoe etores are being hurriedly removed. At Venloe, on the Illinois aide of the river, hundreds have 'left their homes and have sought place of security. Household effects were left behind. It is believed the town will be sub merged and probably many houses swept away. At Topeka. At Topeka, the principal work 1 that of caring for the destitute, but a the relief is reaching the 125.000 mark, It 1 not believed that more suffer ing will be occasioned. The greatest fear 1 from disease. . Already much sickness is prevalent among women and children, who were subjected to the most severe exposure. The loss of life has been exaggerated all alone the line of the flood, but the loss of property will reach a, figure much larger than at first named. At Kansas City alone the loss will reach fSO.000,000, and at Topeka and Des Moines a proportionate loss will be recorded. At Kansas City there are nearly 30.000 destitute persona being cared for by the relief committees. Des Moines has 6.000 and Topeka 1 caring for at least 10.000. It Is riven out today that the refugees wUl be well cared for and Uiat no further suffering- will reult , Weed no Kelp. Mayor Reed of Kansas City has caused to be published the following: "Inquiries are being made respecting the effect of the flood upon the business ,ot Kansas City,. Mo. There Is absolutely no ground for any anxiety concerning the business or financial condition of Kansas City, Mo., in which city the large business establishments are located. The wholesale houses situated on the low lands have resumed business through' branches already established up town. The waters, are rapidly subsiding, and complete re sumption of' business In the Institutions located on the lower lands 1 only a matter or nour. we w " i wier worn system in opera tion in 21 ftour. . ' 1 "nnr slater city. Kansas uty. iuui., ine piaco or residence -or tninr neonU ntployed by our large establishments here, has suffered a very great loss and we re Informed will appreciate aid from other cities. "Canua ritv. mo., has nact many generous oners or assistance) frnm nut. ati sources, but she is taking care of her own people and giving mil nossibla aid to these needing help elsewhere." guarded, and only those bearing .lnv)ta tlons signed ur Sheriff Storey will admitted. About 280 tf those, passes have been Issued. ' ' Sheriff Storey has Issued orders that ail visiting cease at noon today ana be ginning at o'clock this evenlct and continuing t& the time Smith 1 removed from the JalL two guards will be on duty at the "cage," During the night they will be locked up with the con demned man, so that there la hardly a possible chance of escape. Smith 1 IS years of age and has Ived In Portland for the past 14 year. He la 5 ftet 7 inches in height and weighs about 152 pounas. He Is light brown In color, and of pleasing appear ance. The Crime. The crime for which the negro is to be hanged waa committed over the Bos ton saloon August 22, 1902. Smith and hi white wife lived above the saloon and It la said that one Ed. Pattella, a negro' known as ."Kansas," won the woman's affections. Roused to fury by the actions of the two. Smith returned home one evening and found the door Ipcked. He called to his wife to open it and when she appeared he shot her through, the. breast Only the one shot waa nrea and the woman uvea out a few minute. Smith was caught soon after. He was tried, District Attorney Oeorge Chamberlain, now Governor of the state, prosecuting the case, and convicted of murder In the first decree. The exeoution was set for December II, 101, but an appeal was taken. The Su preme Court affirmed the decision of the lower court and the execution waa set for Friday, June 5, 1901. Only the action of the Governor can save the doomed man. Attorney Charles F. Petratn la with the Governor today in regard to the matter, but little hope of reprieve 1 looked for. when he mounts the scaffold Smith will be attired In black with a white shirt,-turn-down collar and a black necktie. A black cap or hood will, be pulled over his face Just before the trap la sprung. A GUESS He Casts the Insinuation That His Former Partner May Be the Strange "John uoe" Now Wanted. . Lloyd Has Nothing to' Say and .District Attorney Hall. Will Neither Confirm Nor .Deny This Charge. Miss Marie Ware Is Still In Portland but Will Return to Her Home at Eugene This Evening. ATTEMPT IS MADE TO SAVE LIFE OF SMITH terrier1 r fflS "What I have dona 'Clyde Lloyd done also, and If anything can be proven against me It can also be proven against him. Wouldn't It be a huge joke If the mysterious John Doe shotfld turn out to be Lloyd T Horace O. McKlnley, under bonds to IS BEATEN BY -. .SFATTI F TFIIIfiS James Montgomery ' Killed for the Purpose of Robbery No Clue to ythe Perpetrators of me uime. . The Body Was Placed In Front of a Tram but' Was Only rl 1.1I.. II I.J rl.. diignuy - Mangiea oiung Shot the Weapon, (Journal Special Service.) SEATTLE, Wash.,. June' .Jamas Montgomery, aged 16, was beaten with a slungshot and killed for the purpose of robbery near Auburn last nifht The body waa then placed ' on ' the inter-1 urban track and was struck by a train and slightly mangled. The authorities are investigating, but have no clue. READ NEWS, THEN "The am will Weome a sauaebold word. T TEETfl " v J " A (,-. Money can buy no better 1: full sets of teeth $7. ; We as tie beat teeth and the beet rubber or . vulcanite that mdoer , can buy. Our cbeapeet grade can be bad for I4.00;,, ; : Gold Crowns. 22-k; $3 ' Tbls Includes v SO-guage, reinforced , cutting edes any . tooth in tb for treatment of - any crown . or "filling .are. on month. No . charge kind wbere Oold, email other filling eireo, 70c. - All operation strictly nodera. Fillings, 11.00. lira 1.1.00: of any matsrlal aU 4e- AlIiiDentisy Oewr Ellera Piano 4 Hooee.'' oppoeit Cordray' Theatre. Phone,, Main 2786. ' IThejaamejslUW C. GEE WO WENT RAYING MAD e qreat chinesb doctor (Journal Special Service.) SALEM, Or.. June 4. When Governor Chamberlain returns thl evening from hi trip to Drain he will be waited upon by Attorney Sweek and a delega tlon of colored men from-Portland who will plead for the life of Murderer Smith, who, unless executive clemency deals with me, and I know I am entirely land fraud, laughed In genuine en Joyment as he spoke the above words in hla suite at the Hotel imperial today. Of course, Lloyd would not have any great trouble In proving- himself Innocent of the charge, Mr. McKlnley continued, "for be has been In the same is extended. Is doomed to die tomorrow. In addition to being a prominent at torney, Alexander Sweek, who has charge of the case. Is a leading Demo cratic politician and a State senator. It Is understood everything possible Innocent of having- done anything wrong, but It would be a joke on Lloyd and a deserving punisnment ne should be arrested and placed on trial as the result of what I am convinced is his efforts to Injure my business will be done to save Smith from the sn(J p-ac m, j wrong light before hangman's noose. THE ML OF GOP, HE SAYS (Continued From First Page.) the governor to act In his behalf, and he replied: Prepared for the Worst. 'i have never lived in hopes since 7? 15 The. rery latest creecent-ebape sewing It have been Jn here. I have kept my MaeBin. -inia u ry " a- ,,,. fOP th, : " Big. aara, quarwsraw?u vaa, crescent -euaue, 1 -- . jlrJn-head Cabinet Benin Machlne-t better comes, SO muh In my favor. . one 01 ui ueat. ueniei anu liKuieei-runuin . ' . nacbloea erer. offered to the public at aucb. J price. Many dealers sell a similar machine, jV, '. . out not JU equal, tot $50. TbU machine 1 , made expreaau- lor ua aud many makera hare ' ' tried to make lta,. ejual, bat o far hare not i : been auccenaful. To nroTe that thla la . tha p' ' genuine Columbia ball-bearlna: machine, we will self prepared for the worst' and If the ties, so muon in my xavor. used to know TJoverrtor" cnambenain, but I think he has rorgotten me. u is the will of Ood that I have nO power "to change." If Mr. Chamberlain sees fit to alter wnai appears 10 do my fate It will be but the carrying out genuine uoiuumia nau-ueanng loacuine, we wuti . ... ,,, mA I. n anv mAArtm mm tttUv tn Ol HIS Will. rnceuarnout ine inierview ma top demned man was cheerful Only once a machine that you will be proud of all your day' free trial In your own borne, and If yoa i and the machine la not aa we repreeent It, It 1 don't coat rnu one cent to tend it bark. . t . Send lor BeaOng Manhine Catftlagiia.BTa. J. 70 75 Buya thla blgbeat grade Columbia ball tt7mlJ bearlna. droo-bead. deik-cablnvt 8cw- bearlng. g Machine. I ltWlM,,tfi,,,!, -r . .. , ... - -'"i ftrT did a note of sadness come into his voe, ..... .... '1 am sorry that 1 ever naa trouDie with anyone.' he said, and dropping Into his chair, he bowed his head. "I have 111 will toward none. There is one who gave me the worst of It, ut I know that the Old Man will take care of him when the time comes, thejtame as he will for me." v Ed Pattella "Kansas' the negro who aroused Smith to the jealous fury and cauaed him to take the life of his white wife, was the one referred to. Not again during the interview did tne colored man refer to the murder and no word of love or hate did he speak of the woman. "What Is yeor religious belief? ' was asked. Bmlth-replled with a laugh: "I'm a Tarheel Baptist from the word go." Rev. Mr. Moore, of the Zlon African Methodist Episcopal church or Portland, has been calling upon the ' condemned man and will perhaps attend Smith upon the scaffold. The negro said that he waa .not fully decided just who he would ask to be present with htm. ' That he held In contempt Oeorge Beldlng, who was, executed March 27 last, was shown In hla reference tb his former cell-mate. "What is vour welarhtr , This question brought forth the put- iling statement that "I'll bet I'll weigh more than 15 pounds." Then seeing that his answer - was misunderstood. Smith smilingly cleared things up by saying that ' Beldlng weighed - but 81 pounds when taken to the scaffold. "There Is a man that will have to answer for a great deal. He was con tlnually starting stories about me. On the day before he waa hanged Beldlng came out of his cell and without the slightest provocation began to abuse me and bis cursing waa something terrible to hear." ' After a tender reference to his aged mother," Mr. -E.-winiam of this city, and his sister, the Interview closed. Preparations for thm Hanging. An Inch rope Is to be used In the ex ecution. It has been thoroughly tested with a bag of sand, the weight of the murderer, and found to be without flaws. Smith has waived the reading of th death warrant and a few minutes be fore half past six tomorrow morning the prisoner, in charge of Jailer Jack son and three Deputy Sheriffs, will march from his cell to the scaffold. The instrument of death Is situated in an lnclosure just back of the jail In the court yard. The place will be closely NEARLY A MURDER IN MARCUM FEUD 9 (Journal Special 8ervice.) JACK80N, June 4. An open clash between one of Marcum's brothers and ex-Senator Hargls was averted this morning by two militiamen, who sep arated the men just as Hargls made a motion to reach for a gun. Marcum was very unexclted and looked deadly. Hargls has announced that he would spend his last dollar to free White and Jett whose trials will continue. A TOWEL QUESTION THAT IS UNSOLVED Barbers Quit Using Unfair Linen Today In Search ; of New Supply. r" After today the Barbers' Union will permit none of the shops to - have washing done In any of the ffine emlId b- made. Mr. McKlnley doss not the public." Miss Marie Ware, also under bonds charged with the same crime alleged against McKlnley, Is still in Portland, but expects to leave this evening for her home in Eugene. "I have no fear of the outcome of the trial;' she said. "When they want me all they will have to do Is to drop me a line. I will be-at Eugene." To The Journal Mr. McKlnley said he had not as yet outlined his defense. "I cannot tell what sort of evidence they will bring against me," he said. 'I do not see how they can furnish any at all, but I -certainly am net In position to plan a defense until I know the ground of the prosecution. Miss Ware," he continued, "does not feel badly about the case at all and Is very willing to face the court as the best and surest means or clear ing her character of charges and in sinuations that have been made for months. She Is a very good friend or mine, and of course I shall assist her all Lean. "Personally the 6nly thing I feel badly about is that cloud under which I have, been temporarily cast. Of course, it will hurt my business and it hurt my personal pride. I have no fear for j the outcome. -It may take time and money, but the end will be the- same no matter how long the case may drag out I will be cleared. I know I have done no wrong and "that "is" sufficient." Although he cannot give an Instance Where truthful ; complaint against him (Journal Special Service.) LOS ANGELES, June 4. Oeorge Maddon, of Topeka, a passenger on the Santa Fe train, became a raving man- iao at Barstow yesterday after read ing th flood news from Kansas. The erased man attacked the pasaengers and was finally locked In a separate car. He waa taken from the train at Needles. HEARING THE DEMURRER Port of Portlamd Oommlssloa, right Oa ta the circuit Court This Afternoon. .-' - -' - I called great be cans hla wonderful cures are a well known throughout the United Slate, and because so many people are thankful ' t him for saving their Uvea from , . OPERATIONS He. treats any and all diseases . wit owerful Chinee erbs. roots, buds- barks and vegetables that are entirely un known to medical aolsnce Jn this coun try, and through the use of these harm- lmSLm m,mAm. Thla famous oooior aavowa - tha action of over 100 different rnVle that ha hn auRnaaafully used In differ itiaMiu Ka a-uarantaas to cure catarf a.hma lun trsublea. rheumatlam. ner Sitting in joint session, State Circuit vousness, stomach, liver, kidneys, female Judges Fraser. Oeorge and Sr.thto afternoon began hearing the demurrer call and see him. of the defendants . In the case, of the COSItT&TATXOlT rUS, State ad rel. vs. M. C. Banfleld et al. patients out of the city write for blank The plaintiffs are the members of the and circular. Inclose stamp. Addres new Port of Portland Commiwlon, and TPi-irj C ncn MTt - they are attempting to oust the old - I altl U VJCC V V J J2i Jh b,d' ',r -b very ,n CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 2B2. AlUtr- streets Por Uand.. Or Men-- DON'T BUY A. GASOLINE BNOIINS UNTIL YOU HAVE 5EEN OUR ENGINE5 AND OPT OUR PRICES - We elv written euarantee with every engine for one year, and we are nuit Here to Dack it up. Patron lze home industry by buyloz from! the manufacturer. ! A. J. GILL & CO. 330 and 33a Oak St, Portland, Or tlon this psper. Portland Riding Club t Simpson & Co. House and Sign PAINTING laundries owned by the association un less It Is some extreme case that cannot ds ayoiueu. unper,ina present reguia tlons either the drivers or laundry companies Own ' towels and furnish them to the shops at so much per 100. For this reason the shops are without hesitate to declare that his arrest is due to the machinations of his former partner, Clyde Lloyd, troubles which they had. and litigation, which had re sulted forming the foundation for this belief. "I most positively decline to oe ln- Paper Hanging, Kalsomining STRICTLY UNION WORK 4H rXBST ST. Phome. Clay 549. 8..M"1Hn ,itjB"e? The beat medical authorlrlee are nnaalmena la recommending boraeback riding for nerroua. lung a ad kindred complaints. Particularly IS thla node of exerctee benetclal on tola weal Coaat, where the paUant caa eaju - the bum I open air. inhale ivature a oson ana ino rin ' dub fracrance of nine. nr. cedar and bemWck. i It fe ear to ear that there 1a no country . oa i earth where boraeback riding la nor bealLV ful tha a la Orel on. i PORTLAND RIDIN(!i CLUB, W. 0. BROWX. JUaer. -IM eleventh . St. Phone, Main M. addle keraea - aa4- oeJTiaree. - Heraea boug hi ana tei. . toweis. ana tne oniy tning remaining tervlewed," said Mr. Lloyd when seen tor uiem to 00 is to purcnase a supply. , hia office In the. Sherlock bulldlnr. A few of the proprietors claim they ..Mr McKlnley may say anything he cannot stand this expense, and if their I . mm t nn totmnt 'statejsfnt is ascertained to be true, t0 make." oa.e rrneuini wui u muo bj mat tinited States District Attorney Hall It will not be necessary for them to r,fued to confirm or deny McKlnlev's continue to patronise the association. BUBpicion that Eioyd might be the John The United States and the independent Doe referred to in the blank warrant launanes will do asaea 10 solve mil i,uii in ih. nuu nt allaa-eA awlnrt. problem. In Glasgow last year for using obscene language. The eboTe cut lllustratea out of the hsnd-oni'-t and moat clatxiratelr nulibed drop head. desltH'ablhctA eTer lunipd uut of. an laciory. It 1 ntted wltli our uncnillod, hlgli- 1 arm Columbia hea.lH, full ball-bcarlnn. nickel- I flflted. band-wb'fl.. plrnnut hu1 trwdlc bar. t riuia aa t-uay us ' any other pnttcrn. All that 1 n(M.'-i!Hry to eet umcbliic reufb for aew- 1 Ihk Ik to i'hIm, tiiblc leaf and betnl In rained nutoui.itb nllv to lta proper pbiee. If you want i a mtiebliH- titnt you will Ih prtrtiu tt all ywur lifetime, oriler thin in a rb Ine. Kee our H"'Ul tree trial offer In Sewing Ma- enme uatalogue Ho. J, Kemi for It torti'.y. K r bf Meet lniiroTed Jlbrorj-t.'ubl- et, hnll-bearlng Machine. 28.95 -at aa. ":.-'J I f Jt it .. it ihla nj;-.iuh'e em i-):lMiit is u perfeet rcp cearntatioii of a miiic cabinet ami rcri orna mental in tile j.iirlor, witting r,tom library. It la fitted witU our hl&rb-Krle. latest Improred, liigh arm. Columbia head. K.i II bearli n tbrouch out. , The cabinet la made of tbe litient .juarter aawed oak. with a rery bltrh p.'ano ixiliali Bnlah. Fur full rtef -rlption of attachment and other detail about ftii ntaehine, ae ir Catiiloque J. Fmi't wnd F.aat f ir a machine and pay IS or S6 freight h-n ru can buy a better u,a "chine at home and fan always-get extraa and ttarbniMita for if when wanttd. - DOIVT PAY $63.00 . ttinae llliutratcd abore for one third the price, at the Pacific Mail Order Co. ,. tO 131 BAIMOK ST.. COB SECOND it. OREGON CITT, June i. After months of. wrangling and opposition by some of Its members the City Council at a regu lar meeting held last evening ordered that a warrant for $1,000 be drawn from the Treasury to be used in the con struction of the South-End wagon road. Those fighting the road fought to the last, but they were beaten by one vote. This sum, with the $1,600 raised by pri vate subscription, makes a total of $2, 60O now available for the new road. The county has started worlt on its part of the road and the Southern Pacific Com pany will rjjb,ably pay for the construc tion" of an underground road under its tracks, leaving the whole sum on hand to be used on the road between the tracks und the city limits. The oposltlon has stated that if the committee of citizens will guarantee that the road will be finished at a cost not to exceed $3, COO another $1,000 will be given by the Coun cil. With this additional expenditure this roadway will be an Inexpensive one, aa compared with other roadways built by thfi city. The money was appropriat ed a long time since, but a warrant was riovpr ordered drawn. Last evening, after Mr. Kelly had- made his motion providing that the-money be drawn and that It be put with the money raised by private subscription for the use of the joint subscription for the use of. the joitiT commlHeea front the Coifhcil! and citizens In the construction of the South-End road, a vote -was tsken refmlt iiiK as rollowir: Ayes: Kelly, Koerner. Mason. Pow'ell. Noes: Huntley.. Shee lian and f'flester. Story and Scott" wer j absent. Tin- two committees -now have the money to start construction on this long t.ilked i.r' and hard-fought-for roadway. It Is probable that some good road builder wjll be given charge of the work, he to begin operations within a few weeks. , ' J. E. Hedpes was electe&as a member of the water commission to succeed T. L. Charinnn, whoso term had explredgv The. Ryan elevator arid street car francliise came up, but action was postponed- until a epcclal meeting to be held June 23. A brick -house will be constructed around the city pumps. Insurance com panies were so informed last evening. The Chief of Police waa instructed to notify all parties living In sewer dis tricts Nos. 1 and 2 to immediately fill all cess pools and to connect all water closets with the sewers. If they do not do so In five days the chief was instruct ed to arrest such persons. Chief Burns, was also Instructed to procure bleycle notices and post them over the city. The police were instructed to enforce ordinances against picture and portrait peddlers representing Eastern nouses, The meeting then adjourned! At a meeting of the school directors held last evening Miss Addle Clark was elected City Superintendent for the en suing year and Mrs. Godfreyosas elected assistant principal. Other1 teachers elected were Misses Taylor, Foster, Walden, Cochrane, M. Williams, Boring, Gleason, Prentlc, Meldrum, Shonkwller, Cauneld and Myers. An election will be held June 22 at the City Hall for the purpose of electing a new director. Charles H. Caufleld Is the retiring officer, but it is probable that he may be pre vailed upon to run for another term. John BIttner andC. Babcock were select ed to act as judges and Elmer l5lxn will serve as clerk. The City Hall wllr be the only polling place. ', County Judge Byan convened the regu lar, session of the County Court yester day morning at the Court House. A volume of business .was transacted dur ing the day, but most- important was the opening of the bids received for the remodeling of" the Court House. Three bids were received, as follows: Krom Johnson & Andrews, $3,294: from J. Zenello, $4,741; from E. B. White, $4. 832. The first bid was taken under ad visement and the clerk was ordered to return the certified checks of the other two. The firms offered their bids to cover the cost of building a vault and several partitions in the Court House rooms. 0 ' -' ' 'After having prepared, for-the event for several months the Vcuool districts from all parts of tho county have sent their bent work o be .placed on view in the . exhibition at the Armoryr which. opened this morning at 10 o'clock. Last fall Superintendent Zlnser devised tha plan of having the school children from all over the county make something to be entered In the contest for prizes. The idea is to stimulate the interest of the pupils and the public In public school work, and it appears from tho many beautiful exhibits that have been viewed mat tne plan has been Highly success ful. The town was canvassed and al most every merchant gave from one to three articles to be used as prizes. This is probably the first contest of Its kind to be held In the Northwest The handi work will be open to the public every urday evening. Mrs. Emma Galloway, Miss Mary 8. Barlow, Mrs. Sarah Evans, Mrs. s. J. Vaughan and H. G. Stark weather will act as judges. The Vancouver baseball teant of the Interstate League" will play the home team at Canetnah . Park Sunday after noon. Lettow, the pitcher who won the Memorial Day game, will be in the box for the locals and a pew man will play third. J he team Is now well strength ened and should give a good account of Itself Sunday. If the locals win they win De some higher in the percentage column of the league. The Barclay High School team will go to Canby Friday to cross bats with that town's nine. The boys have been practicing regularly for the game. ling. "That John Do warrant Is a bou quet which may be handed out to most anyone," he said. "It might even mean a newspaper reporter. Tou may depend upon the fact that it will be used against some one." when asked whether it might possibly be Lloyd, Attorney Hall refused to make direct reply. "It might be any one," was an tne answer ne wouia give. - B. A. D. puter, against wnom mere are charges similar to those filed against Miss Ware and Mr. McKlnley, will be arrested when he reaches Portland. "There Is nothing doing today," said Deputy United States Marshal Pres Worthingtpn. "It Is all off for the pres. ent." ' i F.W.BALTES&Ca Printers Second and Oak Streets BOTH PHONES Henry Weinhard Proprietor of Tike City Brewery LargMt an Host Complete , Brewery In th Northwetl Bottled Beer Specialty rtJephoBM No. 72. Office 1 3th ant ButmM Streets, FortUni. Or. 5' Since a semi-monthly ty day has been granted the employes of the paper mills the men have expressed - them selves as being well satisfied with the change. They are paid on the 8th and 22dof each month. A new time clock' has been placed In Mill A, of the Willamette Paper Com pany, Another has been Installed in Mill B.. and a third will soon be In place in Mill C. These - clocks are an im provement over the old ones formerly in use, being more accurate. George O'Brien and Oeorge Wilson, pickpockets, djd not appear before the justice of the peace yesterday. Whether or not the $206 cash, ball is for felted at once rests with Deputy Prose cuting Attorney. Campbell, who has the matter under advisement until, he can u?a,r fn a? the prisoners' lawyers. 1 -. S-ri--it'-s--;.V'A "si'iJ uiiaBnacxasssKSiuBina BiESEzsszxziziXKSXzai lEe -Convenience tr- O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA DAI HH0 POWDER, FL0R.KG EXTOACTSI ttioluhfifily. flneflivor, I urnrijrirrTn,wcnlfTieij PORTLAND, OBCC ON. 71 I sn j 9 B Of Electric Appliances Bhouid recommend them to everyons for use in Dullness or In the home So handy tor so many uses, ntav. cost 6 smallthey are economical as veil as 'Convenient.. We can show you a great variety of goods that you will find it to your advantage to use. , ' . - PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Seventh And Alder Streets " . ' Portland, Oregon rzx:z:zzz2zszzzrzr:zzEssx:::zzs:3i WE CURE 'MEN I r. I. TAIOOTT, If. D. COKTftACTED DI80KDEKS. Eeery contracted dlaeaae la attended by griTe danger that notblnjr lea - than thorouch and abaolut cure ran remove. To take eren the allghtcat chance In such caere la to InTlte life long Dilaery. Men do not realize Ufa. they ahoulrt. A partial cure la folw lowed by a chronic ataga, with all lta horror, tbe. earns a though the dla eaae bad not been treated at all. We poaltiTely ' will not dlamtaa patient until, every poaatbllltr. of relapae la ra morf I. By ot'.r eyatem of trratneiit eTryvptient 1 aotiudly rtired, and , made aa free from dlaeaae taint aa he aa before tho ailment waa contracted. -SB.' TAIOOTT CO., ibO Alder Bt, Every Woman IS uneteiieu na anoiuo anew - about the wonderful MARVEL Whfrlin Spray The new Vardal Sjchaj. nJrc IMMiat iiirrtoa. lie laf. fit ,M OH J0liT""- a ISHaai, lit Mreertneirlatt Be cannot anpniy th AHt'KI,. sceentBo ptbec, buteend auinn for II luatrated book ai. full partleuiaraand illre-iiona In- valuaolet ladle. 14ltKLt.. ke U H, Time !!.. Nw Twrk. . r sal WOODAaD, tjLASKJ CO.. 4 X.