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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1903)
, . Tins ohegon , DAiiY joubitax Portland thttbsdaT evening. : iufE 4, 1D03. ' cur uoticeb. ' t CITT VOTIOEI. CUT 1I0M0ER. CITT NOTICES. . CITT M0TICB. ... ' Aa,al e14tfalay ., "1 PROPOSED A86JEKBMEBX 70S IMPROVE-I PROPOSED AB8I68ME1CT ?0B 1 IMPROVE-1 PROPOSED , A8SZ8SKEXT ' TOft BKWW I ! WlOrOMW F0 WW WO. ' '.Mill Of ItUtI, ' I Kill Or ZABT MAluUOM ITRKET. I . ' I a..,. lll ij. 1-- I .4 it.. -j " . . , . . !.'.,- ' y ,. - . , I , Tf MOW B a ' " 1 7.. . V mviivv . Kotioe-u serewr given mat mo council oil Notice M hereby given tbt tb Council off v..i ' i. u..... ..n "' of the Auditor of tn tr.ty or Fort itti city of Portland granaci im inni thai the. Cltv of Portland bronuae .. to iwu . the I r"v. "i""f. '- ".. "-"'I tanil. until Friday. June B. luos. at 4 'cloe ifoiiowh., MMjwru described ,mmr - &iSVJiM7.,ryUr. i nirnrn a imiui wk mmiiw assail wi'unorir wum a uwDMn a naini iiMuno n nil unrnniriT rwnit f --- r r - - - - - . - - - fited In th amounts set oposlt the nauios and I filed in cb amount t oppoll the mm K'I i,'IiP"Kr iTJ!ll!!!" -13 1 Une of Slutn itretft In the manner pro. Description increoi wr m improvement of ana aeecriptiona thereof for tae improvement I v -"-" -"."?;-' i video uy oraiiuine o. la.aon, (unject to Wao atreet. from'th eaet Una of ful nl Kaat ifaitiann itnat. Imn tha wear n,., deaerlptlone thereof by tho construction of I k, nrnviatona of the charter and ordlnancea Fifteenth lreet to tha cantor Una of Eaet of Eaat Sltxeeuth atreet to tba cantor Una of ,I1B v ?.m A'J.T?.! ! !' "y of Portland, and tbe ostlmatt UirfntT-fouetli auaei. aa prowoa by ordl.IEait Twntjf-fourth atreat. a Drorlded brl" V"" . tlia tltr ninrar. on ma. Banra No. 18.078. . . - t , ordinanaa No. 18.101). I?""",n?7.r,i: 5, i" 'fJVi w ' Bl,, "Wl ta atrlrtlr In- accordance with .' Any ouircuone v mr apporuonmani or foal I Aar obwctiona to tne apportMnment or an w,r,7,l r,' 'w;r"V u I Pnta bianaa. wmcn win o rurnwnen on for aald fuuroTeinnt inuat W made in wrltlna for . ild lniroraiant uat S at the offlce of the Auditor 'of tu tha Council and Bled with tha JtuAltnr tn . 1'r.nnnll and with th Andltr e0t toT e'r mut oa Uilde In wmlnf tha fltrnf Portland. And laid ImnroTamant moat within Bftaeo dara from the date of the Brat I within flftean dara from the dato f tba ; h Coanoll and fllod w th ,thj Andltnr wltb. complotad on dr bafOTi' 80 dare from the publication of mie notice, ana" eaid johjec- Brat publication of thle notice, and aald odjihs-I " l"Z''',r:z. '. or tba aiffnlbf of tne contract br tbe tlnna will be beard and -datemtned hi tha floun. Nona lll ha hoard and d.rarmload l the 4 Haiti of thle mtlca, and aald objrctlona Will I nartlaa tharatn. ell before tbe paaaaira of the ordinance aa- J Oouncil before' tbe paaaatre of tb ordinance 1 5' 8nd - .h No pronoaala or bldi will bn ronitderod aaapaainc tbe coat 01 aald lmproramtrni. , t J t"- r--- v. -v- . nnlsM accompaniea ny cortinra eneci pay. Uithn Pirk.. . x 1 coat for aald aewer. , labia tn tha nrriar of tha Uaror of tha Ht Blk , eaat V, tot 8. Roa B. Danleli.f 28 M , , Addition Mtt. Tort- Portland, certified by a raaponalble bank Bik $JV, eaat H lot C. Hoae B. Panlal. . !ie.81 1 n,nja71( . " ftr an . amount aqual to ton prr cent of the ,10 B1K BiilV weat V Jot B, The Uawtborn I "S.'"' '-? i-irrato propoaal. . v, va- v-- 1 nrraoy reaerwa. . " - Aiw, w, in wisva mi bww i M.0 I aaaalne tbe awet of aald Iniproeement. j HolTaday'i Addition te bat fort- , Hand t. Blk 1TB, lot C tbe Oraf oa Baal Ute ' Company .,,., I plk 1T6, loH, Tba Oregon Seal Katate Company felk its, lot 8, Tbe Oregon Seal atat Company Blk 17S,' lot 8, Tbe Oregon Ual Batata Company .............(.. Blk 178, lot 4, Th Oregon Heal Katate 'com i I' Oregon Beat.EaUt tVloi "rii Oregon Real EaUta ujiupauv ,t.,,.,a,,..,., ti Ik 1TH, lot 8, The Oregon Real Batata Company , k lttQ, lot , Th Oregon Beat Batata uipany , 1W. lot 8. Tha Brecon Real Eatata tympany Blk lfcs. lot , The, Oregon Beat EaUte Company Blk 196. lot 8, The Oregon Beat Eatata Company tract of land lying between tha north Hue of Waaco atreet and a Una 100 , feat north of and parallel therewith and between the eaat line of block numbered 100. Hulladay'i Addition to , Kaat Portland, and the weat line t block numbered 8, Holladay Park Ad , dltton to Portland, Oregou, The Ore- fo Real KaUt Oinpeny. . . , lollada Park Addltlrin fa Pnrfland. vregi ConiMnr goj os Blk 178. lot B, The Oregon Beal Batata Katata ,.10 I Blk Ha, weat U lot 8, The Hawthorne I. wauie .i ' Kenwortby'a Addition to Seat -Portland - .10 Hlk fl . lot 4. O. P. Hrtff.. ...... I lltb a .1. O f Tl ,. .. M VO l-J 1 .10 Blk lot O. P. HolT. .. aM wwi BWI I tin. A a.Aaa Aiwa, aaa "'i, BkiaA til I Ittl Ital H V ' J1., l.. ... . . . . . i . . .10 El: t: t?. Thrown:::::::: sua T-tix w.t. NBik t, lot , aire. k. f. rown. ...... ., oa.i -i"a"pf.v'iV'A::"--'i'ii::;: 48.B2 "P"jaf ., " " Blk 17H. lot 8, Tbe Oregon Beal letate id tt Company.. 181 T Blk 1M. lot a, Th Oregon Real Katate ed'efl Company Si!?! Blk i"6- 0t 8, Tfa Oregon Real Eatata ' 148:" BlkTp'sl'iot' ft' The'origaV Beil Eatat iui m Company .......... Blk 11. lot 6, Tb Oregon Real EaUt an Comn ..t... 1. ....... "lVvl li. .ii. .a. ti..i. ... u..ia iiu.iBuc aj a auuiviuu tv riHWini TMOS. C. DKVT.IN. Andltor of the City of Portland. May 80, 1808. Blk 8; lot 4, Cbarkti Fi. Orerbaugh. . . . Blk 8. lot j. Cbarlea F. Orerbaunb. , . . Blk 8 lot- I. Tbf Title Guarantee- Trnat (Vitnnan "Blk a. lot 1. The. Title Guarantee. ' I A j. gv Rail, MM. m a8 t ..a a a e Blk T. lot.B, Hamuel A., and BUIa 0 i omwn . . .,....,., .10 Blk 7. lot 8, Samuel A, and ElUa C. I Brown .10 I Blk 8, lot 4, Dan W. Reynolda IVik I. lot 8, lan w. Heynolda .10 Blk 8, lot 8, Dan W. Reynolda........ uik a, tot o, Dan w. Kevnuitie.. ...... .06 Blk 8. lot 4. Beaale H. Qlde Blk B. lot 8. Beaale H Olda. ....... . ,-tlO I Blk B. lot B, The Title Ouarante U xruat uomoany Blk B, lot 6, The TJtle Guarantee Truat DomnanT Blk 10, lot 4, A. T. Bchoepa.,....'.... Blk 10. lot 8, A.T. Scboep..r.- .- r Hallaburr Hlllt U tb Heldon Mur ray D. L. 0. - Blk a. lot 14. Marab H. WIIIInM....i. 10 Blk 8, lot IB, Barak H. Wllllama...... itik a. lot m, ttarah H. wnuama. . , . . . Blk J. weat 34 feet lot IT. Barak It. HB.Sfl- Wllllama , J31.23 Blk 8, eaat 88 feet lot JT, William M. Ladd i 180.08 Blk 3, weat 33. feet lot 18, William M. uiua xoro8AU ro street work. Sealed - pronoaala will be reeelred at tbe office of ibe Auditor of the City of Port clock IBB 83 - J I' u1 f UTIIMUUi I v. joi n, i i 5a B'J SUA Blk TB.ttT 83.81 J Truat Cnanoan .-...i, 1M.IM I Blk 1. eaat 20 fnat Int li I. B. and Blk 0. lot ft. The Title Guarantee A I Bertha T. Werleln Tenet Company ...- 188.08 Blk 3, lot .19, J. B. and Bertha TWer- Blk ft. lot- T, Th Title Guarantee A I n j Truat Company " 188.85 Blk 3. lot 30, C. W. Kllppel I ma a, mi i, n. a. nnppei. ....... i. . 88.78 Blk 3, lot . Ella M. Hutcblnaon I Blk 3. lot J3. William af. Ladd........ 83.88 Blk 3, lot 34. William M. Udd.?:..., Nik 3. lot 39, Mra. Jennie . Budemer.. I A4P1 Blk 8. lot 8, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company- .,. Blk 8. lot 8. Tb Title Guarantee A Truat Company ' Blk B. lot 4, Tbe Title Guarantee A ' Truet Company Blk B, lot 8, The Title Guarantee A Tmit Oomoaar i. Blk a, lot a. The Title Guarantee A net Company , .......... B. lot 1. The Title Guarantee A Truat Com nanr- v.. ' Blk 4. lot 8, The Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk a In, 7 Tha Tltla atnarant-a A Truat Oampany Blk 4. lot i. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 4. lot B. Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Company .-. Blk 4. kit 4. Th Title fiaarante A Truat Company Blk 4. weat 8 feet lot 8. The Till Guarantee A Truat Company - Blk 4. eaat 40.1 .feet lot '3. Rodney I,. Gllaan et al ,... -Blk 4, lot 3.'-Rodney L, Ollaan et al.. Blk 4. lot 1. fledney I,. Ollaan et al.. Blk 15, lot ft. The Title Guarantee A . Truat Company . . .' 'Blk IB. lot 7. Tb Title Guarantee A Trnet Company Blk 1ft. lot (J. The Title Guarantee A - - Trnet Company .-. Blk 1A. Jot ft, Tbe Title Guarantee Truat Company Blk lft. kt 4, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truet Company Blk 1ft. lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Traat Company . Blk IB. lot 8. The Title Guarantee A - Truat Company Blk 1ft. tot 1. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Holladay'a Addition to Eaat Port- land" a , Blk 1T4. lot 1, The Oregon Real Eetite Company i. Blk 174, lot 1. The th-ego Heal tSatit company Tin lot yo, e, a. Kiippei... rieaaaei view Addition Ti ll I Blk 8. lot 4. Gertrude U. Halnea I Blk 8. lot 8. Loulae Btalnhanaar.'. . . . . 118.87 Blk ft, lot 8, Samuel A, Mllea.., Blk 8. lot 8. Samuel A. Ullea 137,17 Hawthorne Park Blk 880. lot ft. Th Hawthorn Eatata., 146.44 Blk 8A0, lot T. Tbe Uawtborn Retete.. . Kenwortby'a JLddltlon te Eaat fort 143.16 land Blk IS, lot 1, Wtnnl H. Burnett 103.86 Blk IB, lot 3. frankle D. Tbomaa ..... Blk 1ft, eaat V, lot T, Sarah and Dorcla 101,23 Walla uie in. eaat jot a, naran ana Dorcla 84.T6 Wall , s Hlk 1ft. weat H lot T. Grant Phegley.. Cbarlea F. Oyerhanah.'. . . Blk 6. lot 3. Tb Title Guarantee A Blk 6, .lot l-JTbe Till Guarantee A Blk 6, lot ftTh Title Guarantee A Truet Comnanv m to I Blk B, lot T. The Title Guarantee A I Truat Comcanr t .' 41 B6 8IK 8, 'lot B. Th Tltla Guarantee A Truet Company , a en Blk 8, lot 6. Tbe Title Guarantee A -Truat Company . m Blk B. lot 4. Tb Tltla Guafatitfta A Truat Company , . . 54 hq Blk ft, lot 8,. Tb Title Guarantee A fta'ia Treat Company 54 40 Blk 8. Jot 8. Tb TU1 Guarantee A Tl'iM Trnet Company m'bt Blk ft. lot 1, Tb Title Guarantee A BBial Tru" Company . , m h BHt'4. lot 8. Tbe Title Guarantee A 120 fto Truat Company wav Blk 4. lot T. The Title Ouarantee A s8 9P,Bfj"ii-.:;-v;':::::::--i 04 8B '' uuarauw mi! I Treat fNimnaay SOgloS I Blk 4, lot 5, Tb lltl Guarantee A i nmfc tiiupaa . . Blk 4. lot 4. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 4, weat ft.B feet lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 4. eaat 40.1 feet lot 8, Rodney t. 88.48 88.48 ' S3.48 I 3 4 I land, until Friday, June 8, 1808, at 4 o'clocl I . m.,'-for the improvement of Meade aoree 88.48 4ron th Vs line of Corbett atreet to tbe weat Una of Second atreet. tn the manner 88 48 provided by ordinance No. 13.863. aublect to I tb prorlalon of tbe charter and ordlnancea eg 45 f the City of Portland, and the eetlmate l of tb city engineer, oa rue. 38 48 1 ' n,u muat be atrletly In accordance with I printed blank; Wbic-b will be f orulehod on aa in I application at tha office of the Auditor of do compietea on or neiere vu aarn-irom ina 24 po I date of tbe algnlng at th contract by th ae8 Partle thereto. no iivpiaaiB or uiua will Ufs ruuaiuervu nnieea arromDaniea or n certinea cneci nay. able te the order of the mayor of tbe City Of Portland, eertlflea by reenonetble benk or an amount equal to ten per cent of tbe 80.98 80.98 80.98 I 80.96 80.06 90.98 80.98 80!8 80.66 80.66 airreaale nroooaal. The rla-ht io relect any and all bid la hereby nwerved. uy order of ta sseentive Board. TII0B. C. DICVLIV. Andltof- of the City of Portland. May 80, 1603. . NOf 0IAI.S TOR ITRXXT W0RX. Sealed proDoaile will be reeelred at tbe olllce J tbe Auditor of the City of Port lend, until Friday. June 6. 1003. at 4 o'clock p. m., tor tbe . improvement of Kelly atreet rrooi BT.61 I 40.09 428.74 87.63 Ullea n et al. Blk 4. lot 2, Rodney L. Ollaan et al. a, a Blk 4. lot 1. Rodney L. Ollaan et al. Blk 16. lot- ft; - Tb Title Guaantee A 14 n I Truat Company 16.73 Blk 15. weat VS lot ti. Grant Phegley j. 308.88 ,,,Trui c?tiVtr, j tin j. tot i. Amanna rr. eea.. 62.121 Blk 14, lot 8. Amanda W. Reed.. lift AT I Blk 14. lot I.J I Amanda, W. Head 127.60 Blk 14. Int'8. Amanda W. Reed Blk 18. lot 1, Samuel A. and Kill a 131.60 Brown ..: Blk 18. lot 3, Samuel A. and EU1 O. 121,08 Brown Blk 13. lot T, Samuel A. and Elll a S3.B9 Brown 84.21 Blk 18, lot 8, Samuel A. and Elite 0. rirown . . . , Blk 13. lot 1. Nancy T. Glheon 87.80 Blk 13. lot 3. Nancy T. Glheon Blk 12. lot T. Minnie B. Locke 88.04 Blk 13. lot 8. Minnie B. Locke. Hlk u. lot i. Mamuel A, and Elll G. 128.14 Brown V Blk 11, lot 8, Samuel A. and El la C. 140.88 Brown . A tract or laiui lying between the jouth line or Beet Madiaon atreet and a Una urn rcet aoutn or and parallel tbere- Blk 174. lot 7. The Ch-eigm Real Eatat Company- i . ......... ..T, Blk 174. lot 8. The Oregon Bl EaUte company ,0ft .10 omnany ............ . . . Blk 170. lot I. Tbe Oregon Real EaUte Company ,. Blk 178. lot 3. Tba Oregon Real Eatate- Company ; Blk 178. lot T, The Oregon Real Katate Company Blk 178.tlot 8, Tbe Oregon Real Eatate Company Blk 184, lot 1, The Oregon Real Eatate Company , Blk 184. 'lot 3. The Oregon Reel Eatate Company Blk 180. Int. T, -The Oregon Real Katate Company : Blk 184, 'lot 8, The Oregon Real Eatate, Cempan A tract of land lying between tbe aouth ' line of Waaco atreet and a Una loft, feet aouth of and parallel therewith and between" tbe eaat line- of block numbered 184, Holladay'a Addition to Eaat, Portland, and the weat line nf block numbered 1. Hnlladay Park Ad-, dltlon to Portland. Oregon, Tbe Ore gon Heal Eatate Company Hnlladay Park Addition to Portland, flreeoej . - ...... Rlk 1. lot-IS, The Title Guarantee A 'Trnet Company , Hlk 1: : lot 14. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 1. lot 15. The Title Guarantee A Truat Comnanv Blk 1. lot IS. The Title Cuarantee A Trnat Company Blk 3. Int 0. The Title Ouarantee A Trnet Company- Blk 2. Int 10. The Title .Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 2. lot 11, The Title Guarantee A . Truat Company Blk 2, lot 12. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company . . . . Blk . 3. Int lit. Th Tltla Guarantee A Truat Company I Blk 2. lot 14. Th Title Guarantee A Truat company Rlk 2, lot 15. Th Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 8. lot 18. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk 8. Int It. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company i. . Blk it, lot 10. the Title Guarantee A Truat company Blk R. lot 11. The Title Guarantee A Truet Company ; . Blk 8. lot 12. The Title Guarantee A Trnat Conipanv Blk H, lot 14x14, went 8.9 feet, The Title Guarantee A' Truat Company. ... Rlli S. eaat 40.1 feet hit 14. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trnat Company , 70.84 Blk 8. lot 15. The Title Guarantee A Truet Company 130.20 Blk ft. lot 111. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company - 150.37 Blk 16. lot 8. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company 103.80 B1K ia lot lit. jne jitie uuaraniee Truat Cnmoany 149.08 Blk 19, lot 11. Tne Title uuaramee at Truat Company Blk 16,. lot 13. The Title Guarapte A Trunt Company Blk 16. lot 13, Tb Title Guarantee A Trnat Company . Blk 16. lot. 14. The Title Guarantee A Trout Company . Blk 16. lot 16. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company ejtk tff, lot 16, The Title- -Guarantee-- A Truet Company .10 .10 .10 ,10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 110.18 130.30 184.80 188.07 306.18 185.20 114.03 84.82 88.ft8 77.28 118.30 128.80 .150.07 .167.66 138.81 128.22 183.S7 102.48 80.06 07.86 04.08 120.4S 140.46 Total ' fifti nne 2. ism. $6,009.38 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of rortlauA fat COMPLETION AMD ACCEPTANCE OF IJf- - rBOTIMENT OT BEVEKTH STREET. Notice 1 xiereby given that William C. Elliott, City Engineer, haa filed In tbe office Jf the uuderalgned, notice that Fralney & Seating,- contractore for the Improvement of ' Seventh atreet, under tbe provlalona of ordi nance No. la.RO.I, bare completed aald atreet, from - the center ' line of Davla atreet to tbe center line of Everett atreet. Bald acceptance will be coneldered by tbe Executive. Hoard at 4 o'clock on the. Bth day of June, 186:4. and objection to the acceptance of aald atreet or any part thereof, may be. Bled In tbe office of tb uuderalgned .at ny time prior thereto. ' THE ESECI T1VE BOARD, " By TH09. C. DEVLIN. ' Auditor of tbe City of Portland. May 80. 1903. ' . -n. i COMPLETION AND A0CIFTAHCX Or Ut PR0VJMENT OF TURMAK STREET. , Notice in herety given that William C. Elliott, City Kngli ecr, haa Bled In the office of tbe Bnderalgiied, . notice that Fralney 4k Keating: contracture tor th Improvement of Th urate n-atreet. under the provision of ordl- natfea Np- 13.007. have completed aald atreet, fpdm tbi center Un. of Tweuty-thlrd atreet to . lae e"mcr line or -iirenty-rourta atreet. Said aoceptanca will be ceualdered by - the ' Rvecutlve Board at 4 o'clock un '. the ftth -f day of June, 1808. - and objection' to the -acceptance of aald atreet or any part thereof, may be filed In the office of tbe undcralgned at any time Inrinr thereto. - - tAiE'EXECUTITB BOARD.-- By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor t the City of Portland. -May 80, 1803. wltb. and between the eaat Tine n Mock numbered 11. Kenworthy'e Ad dltlou. and tbe weat line of Hlllcreat. unknown ewuer Hlllcreat Lot 1, Portland Trnat Company of Oregon Lot 3. Portland Trnat Company of OrcKoa Lot ft. Portland Truat Company of Oregon Lot 4, Portland Truat Company of Oregon Lot 0, Portland Trnat Company of Oreroa Lot 6, Portland Truat Company of Oregon .'. .- j Iyt 13. Cbarlea M. and Kittle E. Morgan Ballaburr Hill, in the Seldon Mur ray D. L. C. Blk 8, lot 4, 8, E, Joaephl.,.,.. ,,.,, Blk 8, lot, 8- E. Joeephl ",..!..,' Blk 8, lot 3. Edward T. Wllllama '. Blk 8, lot 1, Edward T. Wllllama Blk 8. lot A. Edward T. William Pleaamt View Addition . - - Blk 6, lot 1, Jullue A. Klein. , Blk ft. lot 3. Benton KllUa and E. A. King- ....... , Blk 5. lot 8. Samuel A. Ml lea Blk 5, lot 10, Samuel A. MUee M4.47 I JO, .lot o, ioe Jiue uuaaniao m 7fl 4n I iruai Lvuifjau - 48 82 Blk ,8- ,ot B- n Tltl Guarantee A 914 o Truet company " Blk IB,' lot 4, The Title Guarantee A 18841 Truet Company .. ... v .- 1 Blk 16. lot 8,- The Tttl Guarantee A aa m Truat Ompeny 1 Blk 16. tot 2. The Title Guarantee A MT4 I Trnat Company oik au, iul i. in, una uuiiauin m 181 44 Houaaay a Aanitioa to uaet t-ori-ftS 40 land J, Blk 174. lot 1, Tbe Oregon Real EaUte 100 44 tympany ,,,, rl'.. Bm 174, tot 3, The Oregon Real Batata 138 14 Company , Blk 174. lot 7, the Oregon Reel Eatate T ..WJW. - JDIK lia, wi I,. iu, urvaun nnai i.i,iw Company a Blk ITU, lot 1,-Tbe Oregon Real Eatate Company Blk 1T8. lot 2, Tbe Oregon Real Eatab;. company 53.02 Blk 1TB, lot 7, Th Oregon Real Eatata company - Blk 178, lot 8, The Oregon Real Eatate 92.88 Company Blk 104. lot 1, Tbe Oregon Real EaUte 91.T8 Company , Blk 184, lot 3. Tbe Oregon Real Eatate- gB.79 Company , Rlk 184. lot T. The Oregon Real EaUte, 83.53 Company , Blk 184. lot 8. Tbe Oregon Real EaUte 8T.10 Company '. Holladay Park Addition to Portland. 136.18 Oregon UIK 1. tot la, ine line uuarnntee 118.431 Truet Company tilt 1, hit ie,--'ine- line uuaraniee at -Truat Company 104.16 Rlk 1. tot 18, The Title Guarantee A 84 fta TTnai mpany ; . 8T.61 Blk 1. lot 10. The Title Guarantee A 8T.48 Truet Company . . . ;V T.88 Blk 8. lot 0, The Title Guarantee A Truat fioftjpa ny .... r i 215.31 Blk 2, lot 10, Tb Titl Guarantee A Truat Company - . 58 81 Blk 2, riot-11." Tb- Title Guarantee A ftd.01 Trnat Company Id, the outb' Horn of Hamilton avenue to tb northweatertr . Una of Macadam road In an on I the manner provided by ordinance No. 18.851. I aublect to tn provlalona of th charter and 80.99 I ordinance ef tb City of Portland, and tba l eetlmate of tne city Engineer, on file. 80.95 I Blda anuat b atrletly In accordance with priniea mania, wpjen win ne turnienea on 80.06 I application at the one of tbe Auditor of I tbe City of Portlaud. And aald Improvement mutt 82.05 ne compietea on or oerore vu aaye rrom tue naie oc in aigning oi toe conireci oy tne 6 16 Partlee thereto. No pronoaala or blda ' will be coneldered 94 an nnieea accompanie oy a certineo cneoa pay an mi able to the order Of the Mayor of the Cltv 80 8ft I ot Portland, cerHBed by a reaponalble bank 1 Tor aa amount eouai to tea per- cent of tbe 80.06 aregaio proprwai. Tbe right to reject an an hereby reaerved. tiy uroer ot tne executive Boaro. anon THOU. C, DEVLIN auniior oi me Cliy ox roriiaua. 80 9ft May n, wo. 80.86 80.86 any and all blda la PROPOSALS TOR STREET WORK. ooxrxzTion and acceptance or txwr - IN EAST ITERRTX STREET- " Kotlci' ' I -hereby . alven that tl'llltam C. Elliott, City Knulneer. baa Bled In the office or in unneraiguea, none u, i, li, bicui none, , eontractor for the conatructluii of aawer In Bait Everett atreet from tbe eaat line or Hawthorne Flrat Addition to tb propnaed fewer In Kaat Twenty-eighth atreet, under tbe provlatomr of ordlnanc No. 1J.170, baa completed aald aewer. Bald acceptance will be cobaldered. by .' th Eiecutlve Board at 4, o'clock on tbe ftth day: of June, 1803,-, and objection to tbe ac ceptance thereof may be tiled In the omc o th underalgued at any time rrlor thrveto. , ; THBEXECl'TIVH ROAltD. l '-; By THUS C. DEVLIN. Andltor of tbe City ef Portland. May 80, 1003. . COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE 0T SEWER JM WAS00 STREET, Notice I hereby given that William C Elliott, ' City Engineer, haa Bled In , the office cf tb undaralguttd. notice that Glehlacb A Jnplln, contractore for tha cenatructlon ef a aewer In Waaco atreet from 16 feet eaat of the' weat line of Kaat Twenty-rourth atreet to tb aewer In Kaat Fifteenth atreet. under the provtalone of ordinance No. 13.082, have completed aald aewer. Bald acceptance IU he considered by the Knacutlv Jioard at 4 o'clock u tho Bth day of June. 1008. and oblectlona to the ac ceptance thereof may be filed In the office of th underalgued at any time prior thereto. 1-XJ t VtfI'TVB- 1l A , nn By TH0H C. DRVLIN. Andltor of the City ef Portlaud. May 80, 1803. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OP SEWER - ZV EAST BVRM8ISE STREET. Notice te hereby niven that William 0. Elliott. City Knclueer. baa filed la tbe office of the underalgued, nutlc that Jacobeea Bad Company, cootracrora ror tbe conatnictlou ef a aawer In Kaat Hurnalde atreet from tb eaat, Una of Buchtel ayenue t tbe aewer lu watt iwenty-rmirtu etreel, under tne pre vialona of ordlnanc No. 13.248. have com pleted aald aewer. Said acceptance will be coneldered by tbe Executive Board at 4 o'clock ou tbe ftth da of June, 1803, and objrotlone to the ac ceptance thereof may be Bled In tbe onto of th underalgued it any time prior thereto. Xtta) KAfcCl. TI VK BOA KU. By THUS C. DEVLIN. , Auditor ef the City of Portlaud. May 80, 1808. . PROPOSALS rOR SEWER WORK. Healed M-oDoeala - will be received at tbe office of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Port land, until Friday, June 8, 1003, at 4 o'clock m., ror the conatructlon of a aewer id ork atreet from tbe weat line of Twenty- fourth atreet to the eewer In Twenty-Brat atreet In the manner provided by ordinance No. IB,- SOft, aubject to the provlalona of tbe charter ana ordinance or tne city of foment, and the eetlmate of the City klnalneer. on file. Bid muat ' be atrletly tn accordance wltb printed blanka, which will be furniabed on application at tha office of tbe Auditor of tbe Cltr of Portland. And aald aewer muat be completed on or before 60 daya from the date of tb algnlng of th contract ny th partle thereto. k No cropoeala or blda will he considered unleaa accompanied hy a certified check nay able to tbe order of tbe Mayor of the (Jtt? ef Portland, certified by a reaponalble bank for aa amount equal to ten per cent of tbe aggregate propoaai. The right to reject any and all blda I hereby reaerved, By order of the Eiecutlve Board. THOS. C, DEVLIN, Clerk. May 80, 1808. 13.73 40.30 40, SO 40,80 40.30 4.,'I0 40.0 40.30 propoaala will be received at tha tne Auditor or tne citv of port Sealed office oT an ok land, until Friday. June o. 1808. at 4 o'clock p. m., i or tne improvement or iiawtnorna 80.86 I avenue rrom the weat line or Eaat Water atreet to i leec -.eaat ot tne weet line oi eiaat Flrat etreet In tbe manner provided by ordi nance No. 12.880, aubject to the provlalona 88.46 I of tb charter and ordlnancea of the City I of Portland, and tb eetlmete of tbe City 38.46 engineer, on Die. , Blda muat. he atrletly In accordance with 38.46 printed blanka, which will be furnlehnd on application at the olllce of th Andltor ' of 58,45 the City of Portland. And aald Improvement muat be completed on or. before 80 daya from the 55.45 date of the algnlng ot the contract by tbe panic inereco. 23.45 " propoaala or bids will be coneldered unieea accompanied oy a rertinea cneca pay- 38.45 1 ble the order of tbe Mayor of tb City ot I'oriiana, eerunea ny a, reepouaioi nans 88.45 1 tor an amount equal to ten per cent of tbe aBre-aia nroooaai. 88.45 1 rKht to reject any and all eld la nereny reaerveo. 9. an By, order of tbe Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. 23.45 I Auditor of tbe City of Portland. nay &v, two. 88.45 Total' THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. June 3. H03. Blk 3. tot 12. Tha Title Guarantee A ITiuat Company Blk t, lot is, -The Title Guarantee A Trust company Blk 2, lot 14.. The Tltl Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 2. tot, 15, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 2. lot 16. The Title Guarantee, A Truat company PROPOSES ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IM EAST EVERETT STREET. ' VMIm la haeahv elvert tha, ,h CAimdl of the City of PoftlarW propoec to aa tbe Blk 8, lot 9, Tbe Title Guarantee A following described property and owner or own- Trust Company - era aa being specially and peculiarly benefited Blk 8. lot 10. The Title Guarantee A In tbe amount act eppoalte tha namea and TrMf f!n,P?n'L.- " U.V.' 'A. '. .' descrlptloua thereof by the conatructlon of a Blk 8, tot H. The Title Guarantee A aewer In Beat Everett atreet, from tb eaat .T1?' YomfinTi" ''A line of Hawthorne Flrat Addition to Eaat Blk 8, lot 12. The Title Guarantee A Portland to a connection ' ewr In Truat Company ......... iy. Eaat Twenty -eighth, a provided by ordinance Blk 8, lot 13. The Title Guarantee A No. 13.170. I Truat Company Any obtectlona to the I annorttonmeht of Blk 8, weet 8 9, eaat 40.1 feet lot 14. coat for aald aewer must Ire made In writing The Tltl Guarantee A Truat Corn to the Council and filed wlrfi tbe Auditor wltb- ,n" ' . In fifteen days from the difte of tbe flrat pub- Blk 8, lot 18. Rodney h. Gl aan et a .. llcatlon ot tht notlceTaudiaald objectlona will Blk 8. lot 16. Rodney-L. Gllean et al.. be beard and determlnedAy the 'Council be- Blk 16, lot 8, Th Tltl Ouarantee A foro the. paaaage of tb ordinance aakeeslng tb ,1"'' WV1',,;' f- I nia 1U, 11.1 IV, ill, ,nw uwnuin Truet company . . . Blk 16. lot 11. Tbe Title Guarantee A i an I Tnuat Comnany 81.80 B1M1A. lit 12. Tbe Title" Guarantee A 81.K0 I Trust Company , . . , 81.80 Blk IB, Int 18. The Tltlo Guarantee A 81.80 irnsi company 81. HO Blk 16. tot 14. Th.e Title Ouarantee A 81.80 I iTuei enmpeny . 81.80 81.80 81.80 coat for aald aewer. Hawthorne' Flrat Addition to East Portland I Blk 8, lot 10, tfobn B. Anderson ....... j Blk 0. lot. 9. Elma Clapp.J. Blk 8, lot 8. 8. Kaybor. Dll (a L,A T Tnl,H Uankn. V lUi (. UIU AVaiJ VLB y , , ,,,,. Blk 10. lot 12. GUsUr W. )Buchola. . . . . . Bllf 10. lot 11. Michael JoYIntyre. , . .. Blk 10, lot 10, Lucy A, J'leraoa. ....... Blk 10, tot 8, M. E. Sojltii. ........... . Blk 10, tot , O. L. Havdehl...... Hlk 10. tn, l-.nlhU U f Hahet .1 . . . . Blk 11, tot 13. E. M. Hughes 31.80 in ii, mi ll, in uawtoorne r.niaio.. oi.ou Bit 11, lot 10, H. L. Powers, Trustee. Blk 11. lot 8. The Hawthorne Katate. Blk It, lot 8, tienrge J t'giiwv,,. Blk 11, lot T. tieorca il lameroa Blk 13, lot 18. The Hawthorne bitate. Blk 12. tot jl, Tbe HiOptnorn latate. Blk 12. lot JO, Th lur-tuorne Ktate. Blk 13. lot 9, The Haw thorne J-Vitate. Blk 12, tot 8, The Hawthorae Eetate. Blk 12. lot t. The Uawtborn i.tate. Blk 16. lot 1, SXtrathy Isahelln Arlsa. Blk 16, lot 2. 1orath laabelle Arlea. Blk 16, lot 8, Clarag H. lUmel Blk 16. lor 4, Grace If. HI'nre.v Rlk 14. tot 6. (trace 11. Hint.,, isik id, mt . John K 3eeli 25.85 80.05 80.06 80.85 80.85 80.86 80.05 80.96 30.96 80.06 30.96 80.95 80.95 80.95 30.95 80.95 83.70 80.95 80.8ft. 80.85 80.96 80.98 80.85 80.85 30.85 80.95 Ttlk 1(1. lot 15. The Tills- Guarantee A trnat Company , 80.96 Blk 16, Int 16. The Title Ouarantee A Trust Company 80.93 81.80 81.60 81.60 31. SO 81.80 81.80 81.80 81.80 81.80 81.80 14.45 Total r 32.471.70 a irmn. , . urji.iif. Auditor of the City of Portland. June 2. 1003. i PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Blk 15, tot 1. , raytot.,.-., Hill ft. lot 2. G A. 3tor. J... Brk 16. tot 8, Joun ' Almeter. Blk 1ft. tor 4. John J, Scheurnr...,. Blk 15. tot 8. ft. L.'; Pnwera. Trustee. . Blk 16, lot O. Themaa M. Anderaon. . . . Blk 14, tot 1. David frelchton Blk 14. tot 8. David rrelrkton. i . Blk 14, tot 8, The Hawthorn Estate.. Blk 14. lot 4. H..JM Poneia, Truatee. . Blk 14. tot 6. Ltaul- n. afautt Blk 14. Jt , iJaale' 6. SliiitU : 13. lot 1, The flawthoro Estate.. Blk 18. lot J. The flawthorne Estate-. nut n: , im etawinorne riaro.. Blk 1.1. tot 4. Tba Hawthorn Katate.. Blk 18. tot ft. Tb flaarthorne F.etate,. Blk 13, t 6, Th iiawtlorn Katate,'. -TotaK , i inns. i. ir. Aiidltoe ef tbe City of Portland June 2" Ifto-l.i t - Scaled propoaala will bo received at the once or , me auuiuh ot mo .iiy oi rori land. until rrldar, Juno 5. 1803, at 4 o'clock Si en I P- " ur tbo improvement ot water atreet T'in I rrom the South line of Arthur atreet to tbe a. cTi our lu jiur, v, mwm iu im whiiuu 9i'ai Provided Hy ardlnauco No. 13,&6, aubject to USa tlie provlalona of tbo charter and ordluancva S?'2i of the -City et Portland, and toe estimate ot ol'uo the City Hnglneer, on file. iian Bide must be strictly Iff accordance wltb eian prlutod blanka, which will be furnuihcd on iVSl application, at tbe office of the Auditor of oi an the City of Portlaud. And aald Improvement must SjSn be completed ou or oerore vu ear iroin. tno oi an date of the signing ot tbe coouact by tbe ol'Sn parties thereto. el an tia propoaala or blda will he coneldered ian unless accompanied by a certified . check pay- nl an i able to too oruer ot toe mayor oi rne citv oi'an I ot Portland, certified by a reaponalble bank I .... ao .mnllR, iwiiiil in Ian ne nan,' nf thM sl Sn hereby reaerved. al'Sn - By order of the Executive, Board. 24.80 . , . thus n me.rr.iN. Auditor ot the City of Portland. May SO, 1908. ..81.284.46 1 ,'' -5ncE. -' -i nil I. ' tl' I Hi i, ,n m .. ii.i i,nff,in I) I n CALL TOR SPECIAt MEET13I0 OF STOCK- PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed propoaala w(il be received at the effice ot the Auditor of the City of Port land, until Friday, June 8, 1003. at 4 o'clock p. m., for tbe Improvement or kjliaworth atreet VntDIRL TO TH8: STOCSBQM.IKHJI of the Midway Oil from the center lino ot Beat Sixth atreet to company, a corpora uom in . irt nerrnr "j , J: ,,'."" -nntittui te etteim a meetian or m atocx-1 niaunw. ifi,o, ... ...uhmto bolder of 0 Widway Oil Company, to be J "Meet t( ...the provision of tbo chatr and held at the. enninr' onto, No. 418 Chami ( ordinance of ;th City of Portland, and tbe ber of Comnietii lUiikliftg. in the-City ofcl estimate Of tb City Engineer,-- file. pnrtwnev 4rgan4 Monday, tne lath day niaa-nnist ricy in aeeorusnoe witn of June, at 8 o'ioc p. m for th purpo printed blank, which will be furolahed ou of emendlrg the by-law of the eompaay. nl application t the office of Wie Auditor of elcctlrg dlrectuia et said corporation, also the City of Portland. And said Improvement mast the rutltlcation !t acta or tb director from be completed on or before 80 daya froia:he the time of tht, etwk bolder' meeting of the 6at ef the algnlng ef the contract b the aa.l. Amw nf fiaiweenhee. . lblA. tn data. nd fa I Bartlea ' thereto. ratify the adaption by - ssld board of th I ' No , propoaai : or' bid, will , he coneldered ho.uara aa anndedt for tha rati flea ttnn of I nn less aceomnanted br a certified t-heck nav- the execution of lea and the Issuance Of I able to tbe order of the Mayor ot tbe tllv Stock and, th ratlftcatlon of tba purchase j of Portland, .certified by a reaponalble bank nf laniia hr Mld eurnoralloa from tl. O. I ftir an ameunt euual t ton per cent of the ng I agrvea-eie propoaai. heranv rea erred. . By order of jthe Excr-utlv Board COMPLETION AND AObEPTABCE OF IM PROVEMENT OP FAILUra STREET. Notice la hereby given that William C. Elliott, City Engineer, baa Bled In the office of the undersigned notice that Bauer A Wla contractor for the Improvement of Falling street, . uDde . the provision ot ordlnanc No. 13.013, ha completed said street, from the center line of Minnesota avenu to , the cen ter line of Mlaaourt avenue. Said acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the ftth day of June, 1803. and objection to tbe acceptance ot aald tre,t or any part, thereof, may be filed In tbe office of tbe undersigned t any time prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOH. C. DEVLIN, ' Auditor of tbe City ef Portland. . May 80. 1803. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE Of IM PROVEMENT OF MARYLAND AVENUE. Notice I hereby given that William C. Elliott, City Englueer, baa filed In tbe office of tbe nnderelgneu notice that Bauer A Wl mer, coutraetora for tbe Improvement of Maryland avenue, under tbe provlalona of ordi nance No. 13.030, have completed aald atreet, from tbe center line of Webster atreet to tb renter line of Kllllngaworth avnue. Said acceptance will be considered by tb Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the Bth dav of June. 1003. and objectlona to tbe acceptance of aald street or any part thereof. may oe mea in ine orace oi ine undersigned ec any lime prior luerwio. By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor ot the City ot Portland May 80. 1808. PR0P0BAL8 rOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor of tbe City of Port land, until Friday, June S, 1803. at 4 o'clock ?. m., for the Improvement of Madiaon atreet rom th eaat line of Front' etreet to the west line of Fifth street In tho manner pro vided by -ordinance No. 18.848. aubject to tbe provlalona' of the charter and ordlnancea of the City of Portland, and tbe eetlmate of th City Engineer, on, file. Blda must be strictly In accordance with printed blanka, which will . be furnished on application at the office nf tne Auditor of th City of Portland. And said Improvement muat be completed on or before 60 daya from the date of -the algnlng of Ibe contrac,t by the parties thereto. No propoaai or blda will he ennatdered unleaa accompanied by a certified check pay able to the order of tha Mayor of tho City of Portland, certified by e reaponalble bank for an amount equal to teu per cent of the aggregate propoaai. The right . to reject any and all bid Is hereby reserved. By order of the Execntlve Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portlund. May 30. 00.t. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposal will be received at tho olllce of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Port land, until r riaay, june o, iixia, at 4 o clock p. m., for the Improvement of Malu atreet from tbe east line of Front atreet to tbe west line of Fifth street In the manner urovlded by ordinance No, 13.350," subject to tbe pro vlslous of tbe charter and ordlnauces of tbe City of Portland, and tbe eetlmate of the City Engineer, on file. bids mint be atrletly in accordance with printed blank, which will be furnished ou application at tbe office of tbe Auditor pf the City of Portland. 4n&'aia improvement must oe comuietea on or oerore ou aaye from the date of tbe alguing ot tbe coutract by tbe partle thereto. - . No propoaala or bids will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check pay able to the order of the Mavor of the Cltv of Portland, certified by a reaponalble bank for an amount equal to ten per cent of the aggregate proposal. The right to . reject any and. all bida Is hereby reaerved. By order of the Executive Board THOS. C. DEVLIN, Andltor of tbe City of Portisnd. Msy 80, 1808. . PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN . ' EAST BURKSIBZ STREET, ' r -Notice la hereby given that the Council or tue city oi rortiauu prupuece to assess the folloniujg described property and owner ir own er a being Specially aud ipucullarly benefited lu tbe amounts aet optmalte the minice aud ifeBerlptluiM luereof by tbe coustrui.-lton of a aewer lu Kaet llurnsldo sweet, from tha east Una of Buchtel avenue to a couuectluu with thai tewer lu Eaat 'i'weuty-fourlb utrvct, aa provided by ordinance No. li.H'J. Any objectlona to - Uic apportionment of cost for aald sewer must be umUo in willing to tbe Couucll and filed, with tho Auditor with in, fifteen daya from tbo dato of tlio Hint ouli llcatlon of thla notice, and aald objectlona will be heard and determined by tlio funnel! la fort th passsgo of the orilluaniu aaacxaliiK the coat for aald sewer. A tract of land, lrlng between , tki. north Hue of East Uuruslde strrot and a line lnO feel north of uuil laimllrl ' therewith and Ix'twccu the enat linn of block 8, keystone Addition re Uic city of Portland and tne nest lluo c East Tweuty-clL'btu street, Ixula Btickman Hawthorne's First Addition to l.iiiit Portisnd Blk 24, lot 12. City A Suburban Hall way Company Blk 34, tot 11, City A Kiibmlinu Hall way Company . Blk 24. lot 10, City A Suburban llnll wsy Company Blk 34. kit 8, Sella L. Hewett Hlk 24, lot 8, Mary J. (irulmui Hlk 24. tot 7. Mary J. (irahiim Hlk 2,'t, tot 12, Thomas W. 1'arrott Hlk 28, tot 11. '1'bumks Mulr DIM 23, lot 10, C. C. and l ulu I). Lour I Blk 2!l, lot p, C. ('. and I.nlu II. Loncks Blk 23, tot 8, Cbarlea K. Mace Blk 28, lot 7. II. L. Powrm. Trusli'O Blk XI, lot 12, II. L. Powers. Trustee.. Blk 22, lot 11. Tbe llnwthuiuo Katate . Blk 22, tot 10, The Hawthorne Katetc Blk 22, tot 8. The Huwthorno Katutn.. A tract or land lylAg between tbe huiiIIi line of Eaat Burnalde street and n line 100 feet south of and parallel therewith- and between the eaat line of block 7. Keyatoue Addition to the Cltv of Portland aud the weat Hue of bust TWeuty-alxth etreet, laulah Buck man A tract of land lying between tbe eaat line or Twruty-slxlh street aud the west Una of Esat Twenty-eighth etreet " and -between the south line of Kaat Burosld street end' a 11m. 100 .feet aouth of and parallel therewith, laaiota Buckman '. . . A tract of lead lrlng between -the' south line of taat 'Burnalde street add- a line 100 feet south' -nf and parallel therewith, and between the eaat, rljm of Kaat Twenty-eighth atre'et and the west line nf the "Robert I'll Tract,-" section ' M. township' 1 north, irange 1 east. WllUmatte Meridian, Tho," M. Anderson , . .. . Manning's- Addition to XSJ City of Portland. Oregou " ' .?'"' ', Blk 1, .north 100 fqet torl C, B. and W. Campbell . . . i Blk 1. north 100 feet lot 1, C. B. and W. Campbell Blk 1, north 100 feet lot 3. A. Taua- chsr . . , Blk 1. north 100 feet tot 4. E. snd J. A.-. Clemensen Blk 1, north 100 feet lot 5. A. snd A. Tiirnbnll Msyor Gates' Addition to East Port isnd Blk 7. tot ft. H. M. Glenn Blk 7. lot 4. H. M. Glenn Blk 7. north 2.VS tot 3. IT. M. Olenn .' . Blk K. tot ft. H. L. Stephen. Blk S. north 84. KM feet lot 4. M. Coopey Blk 8. north S4.5 feet lot T.. John and Marsh J. Clint :.): Blk ft. soulh 2A.2 feet VU 6, It. C. Prince ,.. .v Blk H. north 40.8' feet Jflt' 8. C. W. Boot Blk 0. tot ft. Msrv Tnmltao Blk 0. north 45.8 feet lot 4. Henry i Kuehle , 16 20 JW ( I ' 1 1 1 . "fftk i pREfldj;' ,fm w Union Paoifjic 3 TRAINS to the, EAST: OAllYi Threuga iiiiimnn'siirnuaru ,m jurin eieee- . "i lug ,. dally, lu. oipaha, . fhlcago. pokanei a A,-n ..- Morlt. sleiwtuiT' ra-' dally "to kupsaa .-Cltyi .. ooy.j , turuuKh I'uilmuu tourist shieplug care (peraue- ... 40 AO 40. '10 40. Sil 40, 'Hi 40. SO 411.110 27.53 2 j 1.60 2112 00 ally conducted) weekly to Cklifii, , Kaiwt Lily, Mt. Loula and Memiibla-, - recllu.1'4 akr cuia laeat rreot-to-TO--r,aat uaur. ' ,' UNIO.H DEP01. - . I.tajreap Arrive. CHICAtJO-I'OftTLATiD l'2u J.' as. 4 SO y i'i.:t'iAL. For the Cast vl Iluut Ingtox ' '- Sl'olKANk; i'LX'ElU For Kalrn Washing ton . Walla WfcUa. LuW 40. HO kiston, .Cocua ,- -Ala4 aud Grant Ayr.Uwv fkduta. . 1 . . ATLANTIC EXPRESS, kur tne Kaat via iluut-lugton. OiUljr,,, 8.15 BM. - Uaily. A l T;3ft a. V nil'. -4JU io:ao a..m. Dally. ,lU OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. roit San kuanCtsco. 8. S. Gee. VV. Elders MiUT 2. 12, 23. " a. a. Columbia--AptH 27; Uuy 7, 17. 27. Prom ' AiMmoftk Duvhr W, m. Coluirbia XiverJDIvIeisn. 3:00 M m--"t 1 n eiJ.t rrt JiI2 FOR ASTORIA and w .8109 pi m. ft-.OOVW V pnlute, conueotlug . wiUtfDelly; ex.shwalay.. Sunday lAbouaVa t 121.60 2S.20 28.20 28.20 28.20 2S.20 in. 40 20.85 II. Til 04 Ml 26.80 26.00 21.80 42 ho 34.20 atiur. for . Ilmcn aau North Beach, atr. M aalo. Aah-st dock. r wi tamatte lver, fliyieien. M; i FOlt SALEM. Corva Ilia 41:46 a. m. Dallv and way piduta, steamer rMonday, , , H:vpp; m. Uuii. AU-ht. dock.. . . Wedueeday, -iiif adeit, 1 Water permitting.) jFrday. ..v 'imirsday, 1 ... .r ,1 .... j. - HAurdar. rzrr:a-jrl- v . ' IUU DAYTON; t)ego City aud VaJWhUl River points. atr, , Umora, Aib-8t. dock. , (Wuter permlttrrig.f rnoota. n. Tltaeday, Jkiiraday.-Saturday. FOR LEWISTON.- Ida. ind way pviuu, from Hlparla. vaab. ateaav ere Spokaue- Hit U'- bnoa. . Saak River Route. f B4f Bfin. - KOllftSg. 1 Wednaeaer, tYidy... Kan)'; " 4:0ft a. 1 Dally. Sat Afebur '; a. ex. Friday. Itt BID" Totsl '.. 82i881 -tfi THOfl. C. DEVLIN. Auditor or the City of Portland. June 2. 190.1. - , TlOkET OFFICE. Third and Wasfcligtoa, Tele Vhoae Mala 713. . , . PORTLAND & ASIATIC: K .. . -steamship. co,;?rr:: ' For ' Yokohama ahff Mnng tConr. WklIlnr at Keb,- Nagasaki and Shanghai, .taking ifralgkl via connecting a teamera ior -Manila. Part ,ArUs ' and Vladivoatoc-k. " . " . , . k " ' ; ?. i4 . ' ' 'IWDRAPJJR'A SlTLS ABOTJtJirj;,!!.. Fcrrafes and full In format!' celt tfi er a. drea offlclaW or kgkiht of th 0,! K.' A N. C. PROPOSALS TOR C0NBTRTOTINO BOAT. FIRE Sealed proposnls will be received at tha office of toe Auditor 01 ine city 01 fort land, (Irearon. until i o cloca p. m.. on rrlaav. Julv ir. imiA. for tbe conatructlon of a flreboet in accordance wltb the following condition: First--For tbe construction of a fireboat wltb steel bull ana iwiu screw propellcra ac enrdlnir to plana and soeclUcatlona Drenared bv Mr. trra iiauin anu nieu iu ioe omce 01 th Auditor of the city of Portland. Conies of aald plana and speclficatlona will be fur nished upon application neiug made mere- tor. Second For tho conatructlon ot a flreboet with either a steel hull or a wood bull and with either alngle screw or twin screw pro pellera according to plans and specifics t Ions to ha submitted l.v the bidder with, his bid. Kenernl conditions wnicn enpiy to all bids: k'irat 'o bid will be entertained h which the coat of a llreboat: ready fr uae. shall exceed 800,000.00. Second-The maximum draft of a flrebont for the City of Portland must not exceed six feet under propellers wnen ruiiy equipped. Third No hid will be considered for fifeboat with capacity than 5,000 gallons per luibute. rourin oeparaie ouin mm ikj receircd ror duuids and iu any award for the construction of a flreboaf tbe F.xeeutlv Board reserve to the City of Portland tn right to furnish the rumps, said pumpa to be placed In position In he boat by tho party constructing the boat and as a part or aucn construction. Firth icacn diu muat ne accompanied nv a certified rbrmie on a reaponalble bank In the City of Portland. Oregon, for the atiiu of 'three Tuonan na iraiiara. or oy a iwnu ror a like amount, to be approved by tbe Mayor the city, aa a guarantee, ro tne effect that If the contract for the construction of aald fire boat be awarded to such bidder, be will enter Into contrsct therefor and furnish to in. in, nr t-nniariii .frvnn. a rnni mnn aum . clent bond, tn be approved by the Mayor. In the aum of 140.000.00, for the faithful execu tion of "aid contract. , .e- The right is reserved to reject any. and all UUI". I Bid should be addressed to the Executive Board, care of Tboa. C. Devlin, Auditor, Port lend. Oregon. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor nf the City of Portland. Dated June 1. 1008. stntiM. annV. fnr tha nurnnaa of tranaaetlna i BBSTeatafe sroDoea kii' h ether Igenersl bualneaa aa - may be j tho right to reject ny and all bid I hresa-ht befoie a aid BMetinft, , Ry order.? the nock holders holding moe . tb ou-ic;ra 01 ine etoer or aii company Dated 1 a. C "X RATION, Hecretary. May 13, 13. . , . .- toad r ns.tri tv COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE- OF IM PROVEMENT OF EAST MADISON STREET. N'nttea Is hereby alven that William C Elliott, City Engineer, ha filed In thai offlcu of tbe undersigned! notice that Bmytli A Howard Compauv.1 contractors' for the Im provement of East Madison street, under tbe provisions of ordinance No. 18.103, bave com pleted eald street, from the center line of Eaat Twenty-third street to th, center line of Eaat Twenty-fourth street. , - Said acceptance will be coasldered by the Executive Board at 4. o'clock on tbe ftth day of - June. 1803; ind objection to the aocapUocw et said street or any part thereof, may be filed In tn office of the undersigned at any time prior Thereto. - THE EXECI'TtVE : ftoAftP. V Bv THOS. Cr' DEVLIN. i n'.,..... v . uia . , 1 . u. . wt iiauu, May .30, lu3. 1 AUg 30, 1903, PROPOSALS rOR STREET WORK. Sealed propoaala will be received at the office of tbe Auditor of the City of Port land, until Friday, Juno 6, 1003, at 4 o'clock p. m., for tbe Improvement of Taylor atreet from tbe east line of Front atreet to the weat line of Sixth atreet In tbe manner pro vided by ordinance No. 13.353, subject to tb prorlslous of tbe charter .and ordlnancea of tbe City of Portland, and the eetlmate of tbe City Englueer, on file. Bids must be strictly In accordance with printed 'blanks, which will bo furnished on application at tha office of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland. And sstd improvement must be completed on or before 60 days from tbe date of tbe signing of tbo contract by the partiea thereto. no proposals or uiun nui ua c-uuaiuereu unless accompanied by a certified check pay able to the order nf the Mayor of tbe City of Portland, certified by a responsible bsnk for an amount to ten per cent .of tbe aggregate proposal- The right to reject any and all blda Is hereby reserved. . By order of the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portisnd. Msy 30. IDOH. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will be received at. tho office cf the Auditor of the City, of Port land, until Friday, Jund 5, .1808. at 4 o'clock p in., for tbe Improvement of Twenty-fifth etreet from the north line of Raleigh a trnet to the north line of North Portland In tho manner provided by ordinance No, 1J.KS4. aub ject to tbe provlalona of the charter and ordinances of the city of Portland.. Hudruia Bat-linuto of the City Knglneer. on -tile. Blda muat be strictly In accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished on application at tbo office of the Auditor of the Cityof Portlaud. Aud said Improvement must bo completed on or before 00 days from tbe date of tbe signing ot tbe contract by the nartle thereto. No proposnls cr bijs will bo considered I tin ess aecomuaniea ny ccriiueii cnei-K .v- eble to the order of the Mayor of the city of Portisnd. certined ny a responsible hunk for sn amount eunal to ten per cent of' the aggregate proposal. The right to reject any and all bid Is hereby reserved. uy order oc tne executive oarn, THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City ef Portland. May .10, W3. 1 PROPOSALS . P0R. MUNICIPAL LIGHTING. 0ITT Or PORTLAND, OREGON. Healed nrnuosal will b received at tha offlea of the Auditor of; tb City of Portlaud until 8 e clock p .m., June 18, 1803, for lighting tbe street, arenuee; parka, punnc grounds and public placea of the. City ef Portland t-y elec tric aro ligbta of 3,000 candle power each, and fur lighting the public buildings of said city by incauueaceni electric or gas ngnta lor i term of nve yeara irom January iat, ivue. He Da rate proposals will be received for llerta t Ing the- streets, avenues, parka publlrgruunda aud public placea of the cltv, as above aet forth. Each propoaai must 00 bassd upon tbe snrcincstions lor aaiu iiauiinc 00 nie in toe office of tbe Auditor of the city of Portlaud. No propoaai In exceaa Of 86,41 fur each Ugh! per month will be considered. Each pro poaai muat be accompanied ny a eeruotd cnecx on aome reaponalble Portland bank in tbe auui of Twenty-five Tbouaaud Dollars .(!, OO0.00). payable to the order of Geo. II. William. Msyor ..1 tha Cltv of Portland, aa fixed aud linuldated damage, that tu uwaaful bidder; will auter Into contract In accordance wltb. the. terms, ex the epeclncatlona within ten aays alter tne con tract 1 awarded him. lb ucceaaful bidder will -jUao-. be required to Xnnbui a. good and sufficient tond lu tbe aum ef One Hundred rtumeanii Dollars i iuu.uuu.uui to Be auurovao fc- the Mayo of tb City of Pwtlauii, ..-. dltlonea mat tne succeaaiui uiuuer win luioil tbe lerma of bis contract. Separate propoaala will be. received for llgbt h th puMte bulMtnr ef eald cite e above aet forth. Kach proposal muat be based upon tbe epeclflcatloua for said . lighting on file In (be- edtce ef th Auditor, of the City of Port land and must be accompauled by, a certi fied check on aome reaponalble Portland Bank In tbe aum of Tweoty-Dve Hundred Dollars, (I, 600.00), payable to th order of Geo. H. Williams. Msyor of the City of Portland, aa fixed and liquidated damage, tbat the successful bid der will enter iuto contrsct In accordance witn the terma of the apeclflcatlon within ten (10) daya after the contract 1 awarded him. Tbo successful bidder will also be required to furnish good and sufficient bond lu the sum . -riT .. a T.. 1 1 .. . .tin iui nn . ,rt V& IB, ,UUU.U .w,wv,w, iu .1 approved by the Mayor of the City of Portland, conaiuonea inai ie euccesaiui wiuuvr win iui 011 the terms of hi contract. All propoaala ahould be Indorsed "Proposal for Lighting," and addresaed to Thoa C. ueviin, auui tor, aroriianu, urecoD. The right b reaerved to reject any or all bid. By order ot the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of th City of Portland, Or. April 6. 1808. r ACT . SOUTH ISffUHilT. I I W lOOBCN. SSA "5 I ltjl 0UTr I f I tear. a jo ml 8:80 . m. 4:00 p. m. T:80 a. m. ((4:66 p. in. tnrroif bepot.'"; .Arrlv OVERLAND EXPRESS1' trains-ior Saleav Ro4 ..! bnrg. v Aehlaed, Jaora-' -mente, Ogden, HatfFrsn- Tt48 a. a else. Molav eies, hi pao. New OtH ge lean, and tha. Eaat At Woedhurn. dallr (except Sunday), morn-l Ing train for Mt. Aa-I gel. Hiivertoss, arewiia.; villa. KnrlnaflaM i wad, ling and Natron ..r. Albany nassennr. eon. necta at WoobuVn with Mt. Aacel and SlltwrJ ton lcL ..... , -: CarrauJa 'paaeBgr. I, Sheridan passenger.... e l'''j fT-09 ,.' A.T MA f1010 at m 8:89 p. av 3:8B a. ' ' - Daily.' JIDety, except Bnsdk.i '& ;V. aVUaaA-Oiwag tutmrbaa 8rrW-al TaKkill pet(raet Jaffsriop,. Btrest--'. LeatePortlatiH; da II Vj f or Qswego- Zir a t -IS'60. 3 05. 8'25, 6 S.BO; .o;IOTm. Daily- tncept Sunday) 6:8r; 'ism;":H JO 3 " a. m.i 4.00, '11:80 9' m. 1 Sunday onl, 8.w RAILROAD TIMETABLES. PROPOSALS FOR 6TREET WORK. Reelel oromiMala will be received at the office of th Auditor of the City of Port land, until Friday. June o. luoa, at 4 o clock n. m.. tor tno improvement oc r.ast Mniu street from the esst Hue of East Thirty-fourth street to the wvst line ot r.ast Thlrtr-nlnih street In. the manner provided bv ordinance No. 1S..1AT. auhlsct to tne tiroviaion of t ie charter1 and ordinances of tho City of Port land, tho estimate of the City ICuglneer, on file. " nida must be strictly in accordance wltb printed blanks, which will be Yuruisbed on soullcation at the olllce of the Auditor of the Cityof Portland. And aald Improvement muat be completed on or before 90 daya from the date ef th aignlug of the coutract by - the partiea thereto. Vn nrnnnaala nr htda wilt he cnnntdAreif unless accompanied by a1 certified check par able te the order of tbe Mayor of the City or Portland, certinrq ny a reepoiuuoie Dank for an amount equal to ten per cent of the aggregate propoaai. The rlaht to reject any and all bids la hereby reserved. ; tsy orucr ot toe Bxeriitive noarn. - i jttun,- vifvtis, Clerk. THE BEST OF EVE MYTH I NO ONLY 70 HOURS PORTLAND TO H.CAQ via the 0. R. R. & N. Co., Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific and Two trains a day, with through Pullman drawing-room sleeping Uars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). and "special connects at Granger with tho famous Overland Limited, tha niost luxurious train in the world, to Chicago from the Coast. j - , B gurej your ticket read over U9' , . Chieafo St Noxth-VV'wtaro.' eVQ. BARKER, cWt Aot. OL It N-W. Rf 1 04 THliO POnriJiMd, 0H6, - " . ... iivi. vnaw, I viiisnn W1I, . :$9 a. m.; 1:06, 8.06, 4:88. 6:16. T:8ft, 9 54, Jl:10 p. m. Dally leicept Sunosl 8:36, 1S. ' :80, 10:20. 11:46 a. m. Except ilonasv. Rl .38 a. m. Sunday only, 10:00 a. m.1 Leav iron earn 'depot ror Pallas and inter mediate points dally (except Sunday) .pQ p. m, Airlv Portland 10.80 a. aa. , . The Indeoendence-Monmontli -llotoe . Lin operate -dally 4o Monmouth and Alrlle. ene ectlng with. Southern Paetflc Comyaay'a, trtM at Dallaa and Independence. .'.J. .; sirsc-cissa reoaie ticaate ra .Hiv miarw, land to Sacra man te and San Franeiaeo. f ' Net rat 317.60. berth 95; saccnd-cUs far lift, without rebate or berth; second-clsss feertA 83.60. , ,- i Tlckeu to Eastern pelnt and Ala Japan, China. Honolulu aud Australia.' City Ticket 0tc corner Third and WMklng tes streeu. Phone, .Main TlS. C W. 8TINQEB. City Ticket Agent W. B. COMAS!, - 71aas 0. 'l TIME CARD s- TRAINS PORTLAND: f Puget Sound Limited, for Tacouin. Seattle. Olympla. South Bund and Uray a Harbor points. North Count,., Limited, for Taioinu. Seattle, Butte. St. Paul. Min neapolis. Chicago, New i Ym-.k, Doetiiu and points; t.asl ami Southeast. Twln-Cjty Kxpreas, for Is coma. Scuttle, Spo kaue. llelena, tt. Paul. Minneapolis Chicago. NeW' )ork, Boston and al) points , m&il - nU( svRtfieaa:. Puget hound VKanaaa CltrSt. laniia UpoeUi., fa.., Tacomit 1 Seattle. Spokane. Hutte1, Billings. Denver. OmiillA. Kanans City. St, Ijiila and ell points Kaat aud South east. " ' Departs. 8:30 a.'m 3.00 p. Di ll : p. m. Arrive. 0.3O p, ou 7-00 t, 1 T OO p. ai. 8 30 a. w . T OO . (' All trains . dully except on Soutk 88 branch. , a. f. CHAULTtlN, . AslfttDnt RvramI 4i,,a.ii, Aaeat: . tm Mo-rloa tit., corner Third. Portland. O.. i . . u i ' n K,.i;P1fr n i' '"aiV ii i nan i ii i i) ' Tr r ii jn t -wrWHfT'eT AstorFa '& Columbia - River Railroad Co; : Leave. 6:90, Bk.. T:00 p. . I'MOX DEPOT. Ariiraa. For Mergers, Halnler.) Clatskaiile, - Wasttmrt.i Clifton,",,, Astoria Var retito. . level. Ilaux U 10 . 84. mond .' Fort B'ere,j Ui-arhart I'ark,,ie. , Astoria, end Reaa,)")i hiet. T ' ' AsUrl EtpreM. Dally. 9l p. . ' - - J ('. t t u ' fi. P. anil P. A. i" B, T-. IT'TVtS, niUircll Aj'sit St t st , 'boil ilttin 9"i. ' - - - : - Andltor f th lltyf PerUsnd. May 80, -11)03. , ' - 1 ', t ' "i i . t . . -. - j. , ' . . -.- ,i -. V , , - ,