.1 fare'OAiEG 4; 1003. NT t- 1 1 1 - REPUBLICANS OF- llflSESSION Mark Hannais the Central Fz- , ''Ure'on the ' Political Stage of ' - 'U? DuAlW.rt ' Otot.-, ,J. ' All r iiic uutojro uuuc anu nil I Listen. RALPH STUART. d- v r Senator,Has Things Very Much 'His Own Way and in a Long , bpeech txtols and Lndorses 1 Roosevelt. ' COLUMBUS," Ohio, June 4.T-The Re - publican state ' convention U In full wing her today, with Hanna'a party In complete' control. At the opening yes terday It was clearly demonstrated from the 'Start that the Republican dictator controlled : nearly ' every one of the 21 Congressional districts of the state. On the State Central Committee there were IT Hanna men and the strife was eager to; get a place on the committee. On other committees it Is apparent today that .the Hanna element-Is more unanl anous. .-' '-. , Myron T. Jfendrtclt will be nominated without opposition, and supports Hanna In- the latter determination to not In- , terfere with ' the' placing of state offl Cera. .... In hit ' speech yesterday Hanna. waa very earnest In his recommendation that " Roosevelt be supported tor the full trength .of the Republicans of the state, and called forth applause when he - lauded the President for his strenuous work In the direction of reform and other- creditable acts. . ". - COLUMBUS. Ohio. June 4. Senator Hanna-caled the nomination session of the state Republican convention to order at o'clock this morning. Korsker was named as the permanent chairman. The harmony In arrangements made last night proved effective, 'and' as' Hanna and Forager appeared side by side on the platform they were , wildly applauded. Foraker. In a' speech, complimented - Hanna highly And predicted his re-elec tion to the Senate. He paid a high tribute to Roosevelt . Dick ' presented a' report from the Committee on Resolu tions unqualifiedly endorsing Roosevelt for. the Presidency In 1804, ana promis ing the support of the party for Hanna "to the 'Senate. ' The-platform concluded ' by saying that monopolies are directly amenable to the penalties - of the law provided by Republican legislation and their vigorous enforcement In the courts. That no worthy Interest should be Im periled, but whatever will work to the public harm Is restrained, and that, too, without recourse to the Democratic plan : of destroying all American Industries through tariff revision or otherwise. If Republican legislation and the party can be depended upon to enact and en force the-Jaws with equity and safety. rfyronr-Herrtck - was nominated - for Governor, and Warren Harding for Lleu- tenant-Qovernor by acclamation this afternoon. j , 0 . , ., , ; RUHLlN AND MARTIN - NEW- YORK, June 4. Billy Madden. the well-known .fistic v manager, , has matched his two .heavyweights, Ous Ruhlin and Denver Ed Martin. Ruhlin and George Gardner, the Lowell light heavyweight., will meet for 20 roundest .catch weights before the club offering the best- inducements.' The men have -posted l0 forfeit - Martin, Maddens colored heavyweight, will meet Bob Armstrong,' also colored,. before the Tam many Athletic Club of Boston- June 8 or 10 for '11 rounds. These boxers have long been rivals and should make a hard -fignt.' (Martin. Is now on his way east from Denver. ' - f - A FEW OF, THE MANY . SNAPS, OFFERED BT LEWIS & CURK REAL ESTATE CO. , ' , 883 Worcester Block V'V I $300J-Modern homel' erected less ' than a year-ago,- ( -rooms and recep , tlon hall, lot 0x100; also In cludes all carpet, stoves,' lino , leum,' window shades and Chan- dellers; Holladav's Add. . 1 9-tSOO Modern 10-room house, In South Portland: 2 lots', slahtly location, $3100 iew T-room house.' strictly mod ern:, win do sacrificed at mis ?nin 00 ' f tem' " Uk!n HALLW0OD CASH I anniA , n J j k. i . ji I 11 r I mmvv ' u-iuuin coiwg, rjuai compieieu, vwun one improved - lot; every thing strictly up-to-date; In de- ' slrable location; easy terms. We have houses front 1900 up on the installment plan) also de sirable residence lots on small monthly payments; also the fol lowing Inside property: $9000 One block, with trackage; ' good warehouse or,manufacturlng location. CAbKWTEH. J. F, LI'Cl. iiccpo- to Uiitilnii M(. Co., , rarppntor. builder, svneral cou true tor. houne pnioil llnir. altpratloni, ete.: rahlnet 1 work ; and Jobbing a clii Ur; rnimter liflln. Ice boxn, etc. ; tor and oRIc Sxtnrea; up-to datfl and ' orlgliml . carpeuter work of all kinds; nothing too Urge or' too small for . our ImmedUta tntlon; no fllei on u; w . mk and put up th. bmt fir cwu In i-oriiano.' nnnn. root or raninin at.; rtTTHBEBS. ' OONNEItllEKa HAOEMArHEtt, plutnbvra. rvnvirvit to M PourtV at. Both: phonm. PIANO LESSONS. W. OIKFOKI) KA. JOS Klta mU, UTloa upoa appllratlnn. Ri-eiiHiera tnki-ll. - . CASK BE0I8TXBB. ' REAL ESTATE TO BALE, .-.. phone. Black SHUT, reldpn. Ttf,Caat Btark; I z3L ' ' ylljr.i. " "' 1 r wsldenee Pboiie. Wblta T12.' . I WOO DOWN .and flH.M) . momblr bnja neat. ' 1 . IUWl.tu,iMul .. ....4....... K u n. . . , . block ot H atroet cur. Went Hide! imoiKllato i v poaanMlou; only S87o. tilntulila Ileal Katuts Tniat CamiMinyi aHt Morrtaan at. . l) ACKEH of land. 13 ml In from Foreat (Jrwra, ou Pnlrr Creek; aultable for aUM-k ranch; Um acre cleared and foncod, , amall .. : ; home, -.living wator; will be' aold rba, . . Whalley, Hruaon Bid., Ulth and Morrlaon. raTBn. 1 t, ;.,----y KM Btark at. CHIE0P0DT AND MANICUHINO. UalVKtiVM lha oi.lv alrntlflM chlrnluullata In lha rltr; partora- an a Uaky bld.; tala Woo DOWN and I12.iV monrfaly btira , neat la - the lone-haired gcBOemaa you want to ay. Grant 16. : . . ... . L. MITTHBI.il, Cblropodlat, Knifhfa Bhoa tor. JU4 Waablnston at. mono llooa tzs. OASPENTEBB AND BUILDEHS. nowly-pkpered and painted ft-room eottas. 1 omm-b or a atraet ear, -weat Miner immeaiate noaacaaloni only S850. Coluniliia-Real EaUte A Trnat Companr. 8.T44 Morrlatm at.' ' :' " 1 ' KEAL ESTATE. ! $7000 -Half -block, JSaSt BldS. With track JOHN A. MELTON, earoentar and bolldcr. SOT I BTOOO Half block. East Side, With I Btark at.i offlc and atore fliturea built and trackage. I reaiodeiiMi; aitoring ana repair aouaea. raoue - . I Main 111 r.mra a nr.lar uir. viawaam ma I , ' - hi t ' mVwII m.-iTTw AUTH0I18 A MABTIN," earpentara "- i rmi iwnalrlnr and lofihlne-: aton Strap auo Columbia. Phone fOH BALE FAUUB , . ImproTfd farraa for aala In all parta' of ' Oregon and Waablngton: pajments uiade to : suit purchaaara. Cor full partlculara aa to. Tarioua propcrnea apply to W m. aUCMaatar, oil w(wmnr oioa. A KmI11. eras repairing and Jobbing; atore ul ollci MUWU-t A hNiPP- Settlers flxturv built. Clay .ANSI. HK1L SIRTATa. -5 - f Room g. Chamher of Onmmerce bids.' H. F. CLARK. 48.1 Mi Waah.. phones Weat 783. Korth nil. New. sad repair work, prompt attcnfloti. . , BOPE. Located CAFES. V fORTLANTh, CORDAUR CO., cor. Kourtaenth and Northrop eta.. Portland. Or. i' . . YATES' 'LACK. iPO Waehlnatoa at, I'hona 8. Main T71. i. W. Talbott, prop, Portland. Or. BrAAYIXO. COXPBEBSED TEAST. BPBATINO In all -branches; treaa, bouaa barna, ate. . 007 Uilwaukle. at Pboae, Blue Mta.' - '' " Under Homestead. Stone and Timber Acta. We have cruised nearly the entire State of Oregon. KEtGAN & McDONAlD, 308 Ablngton Bldg. RED ST Alt COMI'llEHSKD YEAST; -It makes llghtoat. Kor aala by all grocers. 15 uor ciit atronaor tnau an? otner. - SATES. COAX AND WOOD. BUY YOUR BATES of J. M. palra am) lockouts eafoly done, DsTlaj your re- m Third at. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO.-- PEOIAX SELIVEBY. Dealer In all kind of . CoaL eoke and POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, No. 200 H Wiak 1 1 rhareoaL Phone 1018. VILCAN COAL CO., wholesale dealers beat ' eoala: rounory aofl anvlter rMa. tngton at. Pboaae. Or.. n sea. Col., sai. BLOT MACHINES. :Who has made such a tremendous hit at the linker this week In "Tho Highest Bidder.' Late Sporting. ... - RELAY RACE ' Tomorrow afternoon . on Multnomah Field at :J8 a relay race for a silver cup will be held between Columbia Uni versity, Portland High School. Portland . .Academy and Bishop Scott Academy. Junian and senior members of the olub, aa well as novloaa, will also compete 4n relay, races, so that an Interesting after noon of sport Is assured. ' Handicap tryouts -. for the Qlymplan . ' games will be neld Saturday, June 27. HEMPHILL SAYS COAST LEAGUE IS THE ONE Milwaukee's Centerfielder Says the Pacific Nationals Can't Last, second place. The Aibtmyiteu, however, expecf to add another pennant to their trophies today.' 'The "schools"" represented (h tlie' Col leglate Athletic League of. Orcson nre: McMlnnvUTe """College; " Pacific '"TOllpge (Newberg. Monmouth Normal ' School. Dallus College and Albany Colh'ge. Kut-li eeiroot-enters threw-men in- every- event, making 15 men In the start of eucli race. RACING TRACK RESULTS Frank Hemphill, the new center- flelder of the Milwaukee association jlub, feels rather bitter toward some r.f the baseball managers who, have ac- Results of the Going at the Gravesend and Haw thorne Tracks, ' Full' deacrlDt ion of all anortlna events. Kew York and Chicago races received cused him of Jumping contracts. Speak iv direct wire rrom ine tracas. New i,. .JLSIV1?' I Hemphill said: "To begin with I had part of the worldV First betting Call- nn "lptanding with Manager Burns fornla races 1:46 p. m. Memphis rsces of the Colorado Springs club last sea- eornmence-Monday. March 28. first bet- son that I was not to be held to the ting 11:4S a. m.. . PORTLAND CLUB. 130 reserve rule. Mr. Burns' refused to pay Fifth street. TO BXSVOS0 TKBBB-DAT HATES -. ' TAQvUIA AHB BBWPOBT. . 'Commencing June 6, the Southern Pa cific. Company will place on sale Saturday-to-Monday excursion tickets to Ya quina and Newport and return, at rate . of 11.00. This affords an excellent op portunity 'to spend Sunday at this pop ular seaalde resort. , ,' Season tickets to same points will be r1a-4 nn al June V t mt nf t 00. gafereneea Ladd .TJton. Portland; tt S. National Bank. Portland; Bank ol California. San Francisco; Crooker ' Wool worth National Bank. San Fra . alao. ( Dolfom DeRuyferSCo. Members Chicago Board of Trade, San' Francisco Produce Exchange. Sar Francisco Stock and Bond Ezchanga Grains, Provisions, Stocks. Bondi and Cotton. tan Francisco Office: . X03 Third Street California fit. POKTLa OK . Tar Unnatural Slaohargea, Stricture. Bapeclally In aid raaca whrra iloctor fall, naa Wi'MM aaTlaBaaimitton of thcntacna mo.ibranu of to arattaa, all prlt t urloirr cLeaar and weaknrM of Ban and wnn. ZT MO ta OUAKAJfTEED TO OVBE 0B V0VET BEFWDED, Ci nen rasa (a 4S fconra without pain. Eaprrlallr art vlaed for old. ebatlnat mara. Drunrlntn, or int . partaald. fl. Addrn Dr. Day A Co.. No 100 War -Mag .. Boatan. Mara. Free medical ad ! fives. Wrtta for boric acnt aealed FBEFj. EV-atO sold In Portia ,d -by Tba Laua-Datla 6rn Co.. .Third and 1'f-nalU ata.J ; ....iVl,- ..'.'.'. "-L '!, J y mf. IE0AL jrOTICE. KBASTL'H BABTLETT EStATE. Admlulatra ,p t' intlrc of doal aeeount. .Notli'i la :'e hereby 1. glrea Ibat the underslgmd admlo jlra tor. . with the will . annexed, of th -tate of Bratuav Barttett. dcecaard. bax filed Ja tba odlre of tae County ( Irrlc of ?Muttnomah iVaintT, . Oregon, . hl - final ar rount and report as sorb admtnlatratur and 'IbaJ thf f'oimtT Court of (lie Slate of Ore ; son. for 'the roomy of Mnltnonah.. haa apt I Monday, the S2d dayof ltut,- IWO. at thi boor of S:) a. ai., aa tho tint andytbt . tvotr Cmirt roooi of aald t'ourt. In tba tl ty oT I'ortlaHd. Orrfim. aa jthe - plare. for 4be..bearlnc of any and ah ohjcctleoa . 14 , tbe. alkiwaucer and, setuenteat of said aaK aeeonnt. - .- - , : rira pnbHcatloa May 9.1, JM; laat jrab- t Bcatlos Jusa IS. Il3. . , . WIU.IAU U. KAPI'B, 'Admnlatrstnr, wit tb f Aiwrawl. of tb Vatata.of Kraatna Bartleft Drroaaed. w. uasca, Aiioruey (or Auuuustraior. me twe weeks, salary which was com lng to me unlets I agreed to the re-J serve rule. This was after he had agreed to let me be free from it. I consulted an attorney and he advised me that It would be bext to take the money on any terms rather than fight, as the club would keep me chasing in the courts for months and I was obliged to agree to the reserve. That was the reason I signed with Joe Can tillon's association team when the chance offered. It was long before-.the peace agreement In Chicago and by rights I belonged to the Milwaukee club. However, tho Board of Control decided that I must return to Colorado Springs, but rather than no there I preferred not to play hall. Then I saw that the pallfornla league' was the only thing left and I went there to play with Seattle. The management ther treated mo, fine, but when I was notl fled that I 'would bn.''.permitted to play with Milwaukee I decided to. do so. a.s that Is where I signed first and wanted to play. I was sorry to reave the Seattle people, as they are fine fellows, but it was only living un, .to mv con tract with Cantillon. I . had offers to Jump to the Seattle club of the. Pu-c-lflc Nat'onal League -. and also .the Butte club, but I declined, as I would not throw the California league people down. The . Haclflc -National LeaKU men are. -doing everything In their power lo get ..player to Jump from the old California league, but If the men ar" wise they will keep from the' Pa cific National. ' asit.'"ls a rinch. the lat ter will ie ctittlirg oalnrlea to piccea be fori? the season enda. The Coast league is the. real one and the players who JumiH'd them' will be sorry. Col. Harris and Mr. Morely are fine fellows and have the people with them. There i no doubt In my mind that the Cali fornia league will win out in the Ajchl nd 1 hope they do. The circuit of the PaclHe National t,e"rrue Is loo lop sided to make 0 success of it." 'At Oratrcsesd Traci. tJournal Special Ser'ice.) NEW YORK. June 4, Hermiw, who was recently sold to B. R. Thomas for the reported piice of $60,000, made his dlrst appearan.-eof the year at Graves end yesterday, and. althougu beaten, ran a sond race. Dublin' equaled the record by running the distance In 1A6 flat. Results: About six furlongs Proper won, Yard Arm second. Gun Gold third; time.. 1:10. - " Greater New York steeplechase, about 2 1-2 mtjeg Adjida Aumo won. Fulminate second, Tankard third; t'.me. Five furlongs Vagarle won, Wal tprin second. Ululah third;' time, 1:01 4-5. One and one-sixteenth miles Dublin won, Waterberl second,-'. Herbert' third; time 1:46. - One mile and 70 yards, selling Highlander won, Water Tower second, Tribeshtll tlrlrd; time, 1:45. Five furlongs Vatour won, Ploroutte second'." Mordclla third; time, 1:01 1-5. Lake' "Washington. Time. 9:2. When preparing to start the Washington, boat broke a rowlock and for a while it was thought that the raceV would Be' ""post poned and the California boys were asked " to row " an" exhibition" 'course 'so as not to disappoint tho spectators. Too late to 'stop them from starting tt was- discovered that; the -injur jr could be remedied on the spot, and the South ern orosmen were bandies ped by having to rowr two courses in one day. They were given, hdwever, A rest of three hours. WASCO AND 'CH EM AW A (Journal Special Service.) SALEM. June 4. This afternoon the Wasco and Chehiawa Indian School nines play a game of baseball on the Capital Amateur Athletic field. ' ; j-j. Airs. DENTIST REMOVED TO LABBE BLDS. ST. B. Corner Second and' Washingon. uvar jaarai s Drug axore. Xooms 40 and 41. Thirl Floor. HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS From 6 to S Rooms 11,050 to $3,000. A. T. MYERS & CO. S14 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. The Oregon Daily Journal HELP WASTED MALI. C. K. HANSEN it CO. EUl'LO YMKNT AGENTS xe nortn Ml at. OFFICES In San Franclaco. Loa Angeles, CaL; vaui'ii. uiaa, Djoaan. nm, - - I1KLP FREE TO KMI'LOYEKri. FKEE HKUISTUAXION AND BAGGAGE KOOM. Appllcanta for work cbarsed only for what we aecure for tham, or money refunded. fcSl AWLISHKD 1870. WAVTF.ll. Tannelmen, laborera, muekera, $2 to $3 dy; also chance for teaoiatrra, machine drlllera and helpera,- outalde laborera. Oowl camoa, work and water, in Nevada FREE FA HE. FREE FARE BOTH WAYS. CORRESPONDENCE flOLiriTED. ' , WAKTES. CO E NICE SKTLIOHTt. METAL SKYLIGHTS, salvahliad Iron nice. J. O. Ua.rer, S6A Sreond at. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO. lot machines, a. B. ' rark sod Oak. Bota Phonoa. Main 13. TTTEWErTEBA. OEEEAt MILLS. ACME Ml 1X8 Acme Cereala. CO., Manufacturers Ralatos Z0 and 33 North Front at. P. JOHNSON k CO., manufacturers Peerless f I--Wl. a-i.ta, I'M 1 t.a..V . ' I THE SMITH-PREMIER TYPEWRITER 122 .Third at.: all aiakas of typewriters for rent; supplies for all nuchlaes. L. A M. Alcxaoj dor A Co.. aaanta. - - ELECTRICAL WORKS. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Office 863 Stark at. Woatrrn Klwtrlc Worka. Waahlnsto at. FINAVCIAL. WALL A?EK AMD TAIMTIlfO. STRIKE does not delay aa. as we sra able1 on au oraars witnout aeiar. nrst-cia work. A, A Church A Co., No. ST Taylor at. rnone -iay iti. WHOLESALE HAEDWAS.B. J. E. HASRLTINB A CO.. Iron, 'steal, coal and blaokamlth's auppilea. 40-81 Second at. aV. I alLa. NOTICE SALARIED PEOPLE. Do you need money before pay day? Call oa us. We can I - advance money on your wages on short notice. itS'. (...rffi lE 210 McKav TROUSE-8 EE9TAIJRANT; Srat-elsss . aeala4 weekly. Tha Btar Loan Co., 210 McKay 1 t ..i, 20 Waahinstoa at . biUt.. Third and Stark ats. WHERE TO BINE. STEIKO AHD CLEAJflHO. ' CITY STEAM nVEINO A rr.KANIN'G WORKS Herman Enka, proprietor. Talrpbone Hortk 1S1. no. so sth at. near nm. ronuao. or. WHOLESALE CEOCKEET AMD OLAS8WAEE. WHOLESALE CROCKERT AND OLASSWARB? Prael Harele t5o.,' 100 to 106 rax cor. stark rRATEESAL IV8USAXCZ. WHOLESALE WALL FAFEB. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 1M-1M at. Oat. xamhiu ana uayior. rortusa, or. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremast frster- n.l mrif nf VivthvM.' RKitwtl th II. log. J. L. Mltcbeh, aupreme secretary, 61J and 61 n Marquam bldg.i 1'ortiano, vt. 'A el-1 phone Main M2- WHOLES ALB 0E0CER8. house ryE WISHERS. BOMB Ftf RN ISH ERS Furniture, earpoU. par lor goods, . atorea, etc. See 1. Gevitrta A Bona. 17a-17& Firat at, 210-225 Yamhill. Both WADHAMS A CO., wholesale groeers, mano factorera and eommlaalon merchants, 64 and M Front it. r ' -"" ALLEN A LEWIS, wbolesaU frooara. Pert- land, Or. . I . MASON. EHRMAN A CO.. wboleaale grocers, N. W. cor. Second and Pine ats. LANG A CO.. First and Ankeny ats. ERtTQOISTB, WANTED A aecond-haud billiard and pool lame. Aonroaa, i-ool Taoi.. care Journal. WALL FAPER. FRANK J. STREIBIO. drun. tollit arttetoa. Irruini!i. S4J Waahlncatnn at.- TOR SALE. ERNEST MILLER A CO., wall paper sod dee orators. 127 First at. LARGE, new box houae and full lot, In Sell- wooa. ror iwk; fiou down, Daiance monthly: a bargain. Wballoy, Benson bldg., Fifth and Morrison. FREE SHINES. -CLOTHES CLEANED and preaaed ft per moots, unique .Tailoring CO., 91 rraaoing. ton at. BAFK8. FOB SALE PIANOS. INSURANCE. PIANOS at 00c oa the SI. Organa for a aongl Bankrupt atock of Gilbert Broa.. bankera, Salem, all to be closed out by the middle of neit wwk. Among tbem: - - Everett piano, uprlpbt. largest alie. former .prtce 4()0, irope for 4 118; flcblllar. uprtebU, laraaat alae, three oedaU, walnut caae, worth $3u0, Roea for I IV). neeier, urge also, aomewnat uaed, ma bosanr or walnut cases, worth $225, go for . $112.30. ! All on easy monthly payments. And many others at corrwipnndlngly low prices. EUers Piano House, Washington St., cor. Park. J. PHILIP KENNEDY, inauranee; resident asent Norwich I'ulon Fira Insurance Society. Phono South 1561. 44 Hamilton bldsT. J AS. Mcl WOOlV tnployera' -liability and in. oiriauai accident; surety oonoa 01 au smoa. r-nono 7. concera plag. . H. K. B ARTELS COMPANY, Fire Inauranee, - 443 Sherlock bldg, Oregon pbona, .lsy aio. ISAAC U WHITE,. Are Inaprapee, 229 8berl:k oinjr. n-.'iroo pnone. Main ooa. JEWELERS. HOUSE FOR 8AL. THE G. HEITKEMPEK CO. . manufacturing joweiers. asu uorriaon St. FOR SALE Ner bouse and corner lot. No. SOS I I0S FRXXTQrQ, Wllliama are.; 5 rooma. bathroom, basement 1 wrvr ncvira aTiTioNaavii ind with furnace and flzture waah tubs, electric nSSilS" iL?,ii. pViHna n,h, .nrf 4t-r i nni i.i.. Ti.i. via I specialty. . Ucrcanttls Prlonog LADD TILTON, BANKERS. Eaubllafaed In 18M. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on fa rota ble tar ma. Letters of credit laaued available ta Europe and all' points la tha Unltad States. Sight exchange and talegraphle tranafers aold Is New York. Washington. Chicago, -St. Loo la, Denver, Omaha, - San Frandaco and - various points In Oregon. Washington, Idaho, ' Montana and British Columbia. . Exchange, .sold . en London, .Paris,... Berlin... Frankfort. Hong . Kong, Yokohama, . Manila and Honolulu. UNITED-STATES NATIONAL- BANK -Of Portland, Oregon. - Northwest corner Third and Oak ats. ' . Traaaaets a general banking bualneaa. '-" DRAFTS ISSUED available In all cities of the United States sad Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. -Coll actions mads oa favorable terme. ' President.. J. O. AIN8W0RTH . w. light and city water. Btark at. Apply Joba Bain. 224 32 H Front, cor. 'ess forms f - Aaslstant , Caab1er.........B. ' BCHMEER ntlns Comoanr. I - Pbona, Black ol. V loo-President. Aaslstant Cash Aaslsunt Caahlar. ......... .A. M. WBIGHX Columbia Wow in Xitad. Columbia University defeated the Hill Military Academy yesterday ajjd thereby took the lead In 'the interscnoiastic League. Tlie final score w'asS to 3, and diplte Us one-sided appearance, tb.3 game waa .Cast and snappy.' The line-up follows: Position. ' Hill. P..VanH'ten, Martin C Whiting ...lB.;Van H'ten,Martln . .2B.... Alexander COLLEGE MEET TODAY Journal Special Service.) ALBANY. Jun? 4. The Albany College track team will eompe'te In the annual field meet of the Collegiate Ath letic League Of Oregon at McMlnnvllle today. The Albany team -won' the first meet of the league, which was held In McMfnnville Irr the Sprlfig of 1902. That year McMlnnvllle College was a close second. Last year the .victory and ,pei narit went to Pacific .CbTJyge Newberg') by half a point." The Albany College team -waa the one that held the close At Hawthorne Traok. CHICAGO, June 4. Hawthorne re milts: Five ' fwlongsrFakland woifcv Premia second, Auditor third; time, 1:04 4-5. One mile Safeguard won. Lord Mel bourne second, Canyon third; time. 1 :4--J. One. and ono-sixteenth miles Vavon iiia won. Airlight second. Hod Coroyn third; time, 1:52 5-5. Five furlongs Lossie stake Sha wana vpiu. Ida Davis second. Wreath of Cuy trifrd: timet '1:03 35. One and one-slxteentfi miles Aline Abbott won. Lnoni second, Wing Dance third; time. 2:05 3-5. Six furlongs Mimo won, Glassful second, Epicure third; time, 1:23 3-5. Columbia. Gleason Miller Jennings . . . 3 A Carmody Mangold . . . D. Carmody. Kedmond . . . Fox Cullcn ,.3B.. ..S.S.. ..L.F..... ... ..CF.i. . .R.F Hoi man . Boyd Brown . Mann Brown FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE. KA88AOS, FOR SALE OR TRADE for cows, one horse, narneaa ana top buggy, an o, K. r. naurten-' MDME. H. B. ELY, dermatologist, massage, electric treatments. 1B.H4 First at. berr, Sellwood FOR RENT. MONET ADVANCED, 3 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, llsrh't housekeeping, 4 and ?Sv.a Call pbone Blue o.-l. REMOVAL. DR. FRANK E, FERRIS, DR. GERTRUDE E. Lamlvraon. Dentists, removed to Macleay nine, nrtn noor. HOTELS. WELL VENTILATED alngle rooma, 15c. 20c ana ac s nisnt; oeaa, iuc.. lit urerett Hnuae. cor Second and Davla.. BUSINESS CHANCES. SCORE BJ INNINGS. InninKs 12 S 466789 Columbia 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 0 18 H. M. A 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 03 Hits Columbia 9: Hill 5. Errors Co lumbia 6; Hill 8, Three-base hits Glea son, Dan Carmody, Mangold. Umpire Fisher. ATHENA GUN CLUB l' its Tlie Ativena uun ciuo win Hold its open tournament at Athena Friday and Saturday of this week. l - Pendleton, will send . a delegation to compete for tile ' honors and prizes of fered and among those going a,re J. M. 8pence. F. W. Walte, S.iB, Thompson, W. J. Sewell, D. C Clark, Otto Bocttcher and H. J. Tallman"; Messrs. Ayres and Tallman and Boettcher and Clark Will perhaps go one day each, as they cannot both leave their business at the same time. ' ' WASHINOTbN.WINS FIELD AND TRACK , 'i,-;f'i Journal SDeclal Service.) TACOMA, June 4. Saturday of this week the seventh lnterschola.stlc field tind track meet, In which teams from Tacoma, Seattle, Everett Port Town send and Whatcom are entered, will takei place at Seattle. The Tacoma High School, which has won four out of tlie six previous contests,, has a strong truck team again this year and hopes to carry off the victory once more. Seat tle's team will be the chief opposition About 20 local athletes have entered In tho meet and the team will be ac companied over to Seattle on-a special boat by a crowd of several hundred en thusiastic supporters, . It is expected that tieveral Northwestern lnterscholas- tic records will be broken. 1 . Hew Interstate Schedule. A new schedule was 'adopted by the Interstate -Leaguo at their regular tilig held last evening. A. T. Short was selected as umpire to succeed Fred Hodges, resigned. . Jnns 7 Monograms va. Schlllers. at Vancouver; Vancouver. vs. Oregon City, at Oregon City. . . . , , ' June H- 'Monograms vs, . Oregon City, at Oregqh City: Schlllers vs. Van., couver. at Varlcouvcr. - June 21 Monograms, vs., Schlllers, at Portland; pregtTn. Clty,- vs, Vancouver, at yancouver. ' '"' . t - - June 28 Monograms va. Vancouver, at Portland : Schlllers vs. Oregon City, at Oregon.. City, - - -: Jnly 4 Monograma- vs. Oregon City, st Oregon City. r " . . . . ; July 5 Moifojrrams ,vs. .Oregon City, ut Oregon Cltt; . Schlllers vs? Van couver, at Vancduvir. 1 l , '- ' July. 1 2 MonokrAroa vs. Sch il lers. a t Orgott- eitrt-Oregon - City Vs; Van i (Journal Special Service;) , SEATTLE. June 4, Tha Washington Tnlverslty four yesterdaydefeatcd'-thBl t arifornla University -. four by . three lengths In a miletind-a-half contest on, c-uuvcr, at Vancouver, CIOAR STORE, must be aold at once: location, renta and proflta exceptionally desirable; will lump or Invoice about Shoo, candy atore. 4&0. Columbia Real Estate A Trust Company, 234 Morrison st. CIGAB STORE, must be sold at once: location. renta and proflta exceptionally desirable; will lump or invoice about c:o. candy atore. 4.w. Columbia Real Estate A Trust Company, 234 Morrison at. J.0D0INU HOUSES. THE COSMOS Fourth ,jnd Morrlaon, furnished housekeeping suites, suite ana single rooma; fa per week ana up. . THE CASTLE 278 Washington at.: rooms for gentlemen: tranalent. Tel. South 781. ATTORNEYS, EMMONS A EMMONS, Sttorneya at law, 644 Worcester Diag. . 8. B. RIQOEN,. ' Attorney and Counaallorat- Lw; wotarj;.' oo-auq amngton oiag. PAZTON, BEACH A EIMON B10 Chamber of Commerce. T. TAUGHER - Room 18.. Alnawortn Building. H. B DICKINSON. Attornev-at-Law and No. tary rublic. oos Commercial Dia. rTJRNISHED ROOKS. LOGAN BUILDING, 108 Union are. Elegant rooms ror nooaefeeping or transient, xurniaaea or unrurnlshed; ratea reasonable. AOVERTISINO SPECIALTIES. ALL KINDS OF SIGNS and advertising 'jsovel- tlea. Nye Kern, f.y. pox hi. fhone lynk 1880. BATES ' GENUINE FINNISH. 3U8SIAN HOT AIR bathaf 28ej alcohol rubbl.g, 2Bc extra;- open every -day except Mondays .10 a. ni. to . 11 p. in.. 81 East 28th ut., cor. Everett. Phone. Hootta 2241. BAROIHO AHD LIGHTERING. OREGON , BOUND LUMBER CO., 181 Burn- aiae at. r"nona urant nn, . , - I BANJO, MANDOLIN AND GUITAR. INSTRUCTION clubs for advance1 pupils; ln- atrnmenta tor aai. iiaa tveooer, siuaio 173 Weat Park. cor. Yamhill, fbona S.mth 2A8I. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. - liSBEHG-GL'NST CIGAB vCO. ,Dtstribaten t ' . ;' ' UNE 'CIOARB. Portland, ' Oregon. , MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE. teamatera, etc.,' without security, eaay pay- flienta: largut bualneaa In 49 principal cities. MODEL MAKER. I LONDON A BAN . FRANCISCO BANK. UM- 11 SiU. Chamber of Commerce Building, Third and 1 ' Stark Streeta. , Head Offlce U Old Broad street, London. This bank tranaaets a general basking bus!- neaa, makes loans, discounts bills and lasuoa letters of credit available for travelers and for. the purchase of merchandlae Is any city of the world. Deals la foreign and domeatlo exchange. Intereat paid oa time deposits.- . W. A. MACRAE, Manager. -' FOR FIR3T-CLAS8 REPAIRING go-to Andy f rits, marblnlat and model maker. 110 6th. MONEY TO LOAN. FEED R. STRONG, FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. No commission. r I am la a poaltlon to maka Immediate loans on lmproted real estate or tot building pur poeea; any amouat; moderate Intereat. Wo approve loans from plans and adrance money as building progress, when desired. Option lu rupayluK after one year.' ' tUKD U. STKONU, Financial Agent. 108 Second at., near Stark. uii UAna uuan vvr. , aAW au as a a uuiai,;. 102M Third at., la the recognised bank of . the wage-earner. We advauce money to teamatera, , trainmen. abonmen. motormeii. conductors, etc., without mortgage, endorser ' or collateral. - . r Amount. Monthly Monthly, Weekly siuu repay "fzu.ert ., or sia.uo or o..v f B0 repay l. or i 6.05 or S.'i.S5 ' 8 28 repay 6.65 or $ 8 85 V 1.65 Business confldemlaL ' No unpleasant Inquiry. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Portland. Oresone J. Frank Watson .President R. L. Durham Vlce-Presldeut K. W. Hoyt Cashier, Geo. W. Hoyt.. ..Assistant Osahlei , TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. . , Drafts and letters of credit Issued available to all parta of the world. . Collections s specialty. Cold dust bought MORRIS BROS. A CHBISTENSEK. (Succeaaors to Morris A Whitehead, Bankers.)! FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. , PORTLAND. OB. - NOTICE. NOTICE of Stockholders' nual meeting of tbo stockholdera of the Meeting. The an- MONEY 0 LOAN on ' real, personal and col lateral security: apeciai attention to chattlo mortgagee; uotea bought. C. W. Pallet, 213 commercial dik. rnono urant boo MONEY TO LOAN at rcaacnabla rates. In I smoante to suit.- Graham A Claton, 205 Mar-1 quam ounaing.. . MONEY TO LOAN, small amounta, short or long time. J. H. Maw ley, 2 Cham, of Com. MONEY TO LOAN on city lota and Improved larma. tv. a. bdsw at to., sin mars at. MORTGAGE LOANS. ON IMPROVED city, and farm property, at tow- eat current rates; building loans. Installment loans. Wm. MacM.ster, Sll Worcester bldg. MINING AND MINE PROMOTERS. SESSIONS. A SIMPSON, mining and mine pro- motera. Koom.2, Chamber of Commerce. N0RTHWE8T HOTELS. Hotel Portland. American plan; 8,88 par day Sommara Hotel, La Grande; tra valors'" home. Belvaderei European plan; 4th and Aider- ate. St. Cbaeles, First aad Morrlaon sts., Portland OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE KOAU OVERALLS and mechan ics' clothing-. Union BiaHe. Neuatadter Bros., Mfarra.. Mortlnnil. Or '- , , PERSONAL. ' YOl'R. PRESCRIPTIONS ar more accurately ana reasonably niled at Kvawirs I'narmacy, 17 llorrtson at., bet Meat and Second at. rtu STOKlK'tt snd novels for aummet read- mr. 10 j!entw'- Jonew' Book Store, ZU Alder CAFE KUATZ. 122 fcvixta ' st. . A flnu Juut-h served at all nimra. ,- STORAGE AND TRANSFER, . O. PICK, oSce 88 First sfcf betweesr Stark and Oslr sts. : nhoue Sfltl: Dlanoa aud furBl- ture BMTed - and packed for shipping; coiu-I moaioua imprpoi Dries warvueuae. icwi sag tay sts, -, i -Je--'-!, .. -4r.-V i-'' Oregon Iron A Steel Company will be held at the offlce of. tha company, room 838. Sher lock Building, Portland, Oregon, June 16. llKia, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year, and the tranaactlon of such other bualneaa aa may legally, coma . before the meeting. ' . - A. S. PATTULLO, Secretary. Portland. Or May 21, 1008, .. . . ... .." . . - LEGAL NOTICES. - -V ;- NOTICE OF VACATION OF STREET. I NOTICE Is hereby given that at the regular meeting or the uommon council or the vii 01 Portland, Aiuitnomah uounty, uregon, to ' held on the 1st dav of July. 1003. at f re rular hour and Diace. a Detltion will lw - presented to aald Common Council by tho ' undersigned praying for the vacation of all that portion of Gaines street, in "the City of Fortiasa, wntcn ilea between tne ' eaat line . of, First street and the weat line of Front street JACOB UNGEK. Portland. Oregon. June 1. 1003. , NOTICE OF VACATI0B OF STREET. NOTICE Is hereby gives .that at the regular meeting of the Common Council of the City . of Portland, Multnomah Count Oregon, to be. held on the 24th day, of June, IU03, at tha regular hour and place, a petition .will be presented to aald Common Council by the undersigned praying, fori the .vacation nf - sll that portion of WintUrop street, -la tha -City of Portland.- which lies lietweeu -ifco south- line of Columbia boulersrd sort tho .. . north line of Willis Boulevard and between i, ' .............. u ... ... m-w nuu t, nuu VI, 67 and 68, In Pentnaulnr Addition No. 2 to the City of East Portland, now Portland. . B. rM. LOMBARD, , , Portland, Or., , May 21, 1003. - - - '" '";' ' "';' ' LEGAL NOTICES . : , '.''' NOTICE Is hereby given that the Undersigned have bees . appointed kexecutrlceaVof the . laat '"Will and tnatamcnt of llorh kffRrldc. .deceased, by the. County Uonrt-of thtato or iH-egon,, ror Multuoinnh 1'ouat.r. 411 iirrwjn. -oHTiiia; ejaisns agninai tnei estate 1 i aald deeeaaed are require -to preaeiit , tbcu" - 1 vain firuper Ton, ners, lu us M . the law office of Miller A Miller, room 61 -: t'omtuerclsl Block, Portland, tlmnm. within six months from the date, of the first puli llcstlou 4t thU .notice, whtchxls May 21. 1803. :---.- -j i - : t ADljLLA M'BRIDS and irARt.E. M'BRIDE. . Executrlcra of the Lant Will aud Tostcuuiut V. ef Hugh McBrlde, . Deccaoad. , . ' 7-