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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1903)
X TIIE OREG OK - DALIT JOURNAL, PORTLAND; , WEDNESDAY EVENING, JTJNJS 3, 1003. BOLD METHOD SWINDLING PEOPLE y 1 Stores Known as The Hub and "StraIns" Adopted yj: ' the notorious "P. Af System tor Fleecing Innocent People Who Fell Prey, X 1 l.v' 1 I 1W TJ, maintenance of two notoriously falflng institutions, operated under ths guise of "clothing stores," on a main . street and a north end thoroughfare, hae aroused purchasers, who have no money to weate' on fake goods, that it ia blessing that .the. establishments have been exposed.' It Is Indeed unfortunate that, while the offenders are practical lawbreakers, that they resort to tricky ways to technically keep out of Jail Two of the rawest of the fak clothing concerns on. roruano,. run oy t man naroea oirain, seem 10 aeaire to Haunt their crookedness to the public guse. oweyer, as, the system under, which rtese- concerns have been operated Is estlgated, every well thinking man will know that the Innocent people who visit the city and the poor working cusses who .buy clothes must be pro tected from such frauds as have boldly operated on. the main street of the city under. the very nose of the police. . . ., The .Journal has discovered that In store, known aa "The Hub," as veil as In-the. little store on Washington ftreet. what is known as the ' "P. M." sys tern Is in vogue, or has been until this expose., Clerks at "The Hub." which . Is in a district where the unau.ipeztlng , farmer and the working classes ean be roped in, are pntu small wages. They ; a however, allowed .. to make : money l5ifi systematto graft that Is explained iouqws;, t j--.-- ' i 'A BegulAV Banco Gam. A certain price is set on a piece of clothing. '-I'he price is usually three hundred per 'cent more than the value of the goods. The clerk tries to go oven the - set price as far' as he can, or, In other words, governs his sale ac cording . to the susceptibility of the sucker" with whom he is dealing. If e clerk can get $20 for an article that as a set price or. $10 be gets Ij per cent of the Illegitimate, raise, and the proprietors get the rest. , When one of these fake concerns op erates in a city It feels its way carefuliy among the newspapers and finds nut which paper can be bough -with cheap display advertising. In the case of The Journal the fakirs cannot buy a- line ,of spaced but a publication with a more easy conscience. In Its regular Issues, sets forth, alluring , notices of "Knox and 'Stetson Hats," woolen ' vests and various articles of apparel at price that attract buyers. An ex-employe of i the store' told The 'Journal today that on one occasion when Stetson hats were advertised the Arm had only one Stetson hat-In the building. This waa a tech nlcal protection against arrest for ob talning money on false pretenses. Stetson will not sell hats wholesale for less than 124 per dosen, and persons getting them at - that price4 roust buy a large stock. The istandard price is 13.50 to $5. -. " The Hub has. one Knox hat in the store, and has not got a Dunlup nor a Klngshur hat in the house. j To deceive the poor working man "the house has marked "Knox styles" printed and Inserted In the hat In the store. 3.00 Wool Tests - w. - .. 00- These vests were "given to him by Eastern firms from whom he buys his cheap clothing. They, are Job lots and come from broken suits. Five dollars would buy the whole suit. Clothing sold at the Hub Is Clothing made on the specialist plan throughout the East, and first-class tailors are never heard of. They do not hire men. but hire, girls and pay them $1.50 and IZ.60 per week. The specialist system is run on this plan, ench girl doing a certain kind of work such as: one Is a sleeve maker, another a button hole maker, and others make different nor tions. " Under this plan a suit can toe maae lit lour hours. . . - - Man Order Oraffc-r r - when a mail order Is received the bushelman takes 9 ready-made suit and fits it to measure. .All these suits are made out of the cheapest goods that can possibly be found, and when com pleted cost the manufacturer about 3.00. The Hub. buys these suits after they, have been in stock for about five years, price $4.00, and calls them mis fit garments or uncalled for garments, sella, themfor 110, making a profit of about H, . As an example of the character of the man who is conducting the brace game at the Hub and elsewhere, there la still pending a charge against him at police headquarters. The same has been postponed from time to time. A year ago last month Strain attempted to break the city's laws by evading a li cense, and he was arrested and held In jail for several days. At one time he conducted a notorious house that was constantly under the eyes of. the police. Silverfield , FURS, CLOAKS and' suits 1 s 3A3.3A5 MORRISON ST. Sensational Selling .or Soriimo A WAN nny side Lots ftillSTERi Santiam Revival Meeting Fails to. Meet the Approval of a Sturdy female who Uses Her hsts. AT- On JANITORS STRIKE IN WINDY CITY Attempt to -Start Laundries With Non-Union Help Proves' Failure. CHICAOO. June 3. The Janltora of fifty, large apartment buildinga in this city Struck this morning, their grievance being an alleged discrimination against their, union, . ,'. Attempts were made to start the laun dries? here, this morning with non-union help., '.The effort failed because the teamsters all over the city threatened to walk out, WHEN HICKS CAME BACK INJURED IN A RUNAWAY O. I. Idleman of . Sandy Postofflce it -;-i--iaMW From Wagoa mA-- Sustains Injuries. Idleman.. brother of Attorney C. M. Idle- man of Portland, was thrown, from his wagon, receiving a Bpralned back afid other painful, though not serious, in juries. The accident occurred on East Water street shortly aftei;j..ojcl.ock,.and the police were Immediately notified. The patrol wagon was dispatched to the scene and the Injured man removed to St. Vincent's HospitSljHe Is now rest ing well, and it Is thought he will be able to be out In a few days. Idleman resides at Sandy Postofflce, and this morning came to the city on matters of business. While driving along Water-street his team became frightened at a passing train and were soon beyond his control. They dashed down the street, and at Morrison he was thtown out. The horses were stopped further on. Wanted Cash Ha Xft. at Police Station Before Be Escaped, aai Vow He . Must Serve Term. When Fred Hicks came back to the police station for 1.76 which he left 1 U - u . ( ' : . i. J A. l . . . . . mere iwu jitunLiiD aao, n maae mo mistake of his life. He escaped after serving five days of a sentence of fyO aays in ins city jail, ana ttua not been oenn by the officers until he walked in this morning and asked ' Capt. Crltz macher for the coin he left so long ago. '. No .he is serving: out his jin finished term in prison. It had been so long since the escape that the t a km omc,ers Jbad almost for gotten- the event.-.-:ut - wheti-' Uloks s'ountefed irt this, mdming' and asked for his money it all came back 'to them with great force. 'Where have you been, sir?" asked the Captain. . -. "Gut having a good time. ' came the reply : . "Ho are you feellngf" "Not so very well." ."Well., you ..certainly do not need any nerve tonic, sal" dthe Captain' sar castically. "So you want your money. In a runaway" this " moping, Cr U H- y?- Well; fr, yo wllf -just about get It at the expiration of our term. Jailer, take him to his cell And away Hicks went, sorry that he came osck lor nis i.&. DECREASE IN EXPENSES County Clerk's Onto Sunning on Xtss Monsy Than This Tim a t Tear Afk C6unty Clerk F. S. Fields, in his monthly comparative statement of the receipts and expenses of his office, re ports that over May of last year there has been a decrease of $1,954.30. The report shows: Receipts County department for May, 1902. $466.60; for 1908. 1745.15. Circuit Court department for 1902. 1704.90: for 1904, $901.90. Recording denartment for 1902, 11,052.25; for 1903 11.036.90. Total for 1902. $2,223.65; for 1903, $2,682.95;; eicess for May, 1903 $459.30. Pay roll-Regular deputies for May. 1902. $2,864.98: May. 1903. $2,008.33. Registrar, May, 1902. $570.35. Tax roll. May, 1902, $78. Total, May, 1902, is. stasia: Ma.. 1903. Decrease in expenses, $1,495; added excess of receipts, $459.30. Total de rease, $1,96.4.30. TROUBLE OVER LICENSE" City Inspectors Cans Arrtst of K. 8. Butterfteld and H. S. Edwards for Xefnsal to Fay. The license Inspectors of the city are having a great -deal of trouble to se cure payments of the various sums due the municipal government for the privilege of conducting business, and quite a number of areata have been made recently. This .morning the names of H. S. Butterfteld and H. E. Edwards appeared on the Police Court locket. Butterfteld Is a manufacturing Jew eler, and Edwards a furniture dealer. According to evidence submitted, both i men refused to pay their license, and I when seen by License Inspector Mc Eachern, at first treated him with con. tempt. He finally competed respect by threatening to ring for the patrol wagon and give them a ride to police Headquarters. Foth men appeared in court this morning and paid - their licenses. Suits Our New York representa tive bought this handsome line of Tailor-made Suits from an overstocked manufacturer at a great reduction. The garments are all made in this season's best styles of the. most favored fabrics. Our buyer says: "They're crack ajacks." This is one of the best Suit values we have ever offered; an oppurtunity that prudent buyers have longed and waited for. The regular values of these garments are $25 and $27.50, but as we purchased them at a low figure, the public benefits. AS LONG AS THEY LAST, TOMORROW S!8'65 Sec Our Shirtwaists SALEM, Juno 3. A story comes from the aoutnern part or the county, on the Santiam river, of a sensational ter mination of a revival meeting held there this week. , The revival had been run ning for several evenings when, on Monday ntgHt. a German, llvlnr in that neighborhood was brought to the "mourner's bench.' while there, sur rounded by the brethren and sisters, led by the preacher, who waa fervently praying for tha "mourner," his wife suddenly burst into the room. Thli goodly German dame has muscle and knows something of the' manly art, and she straight away made for tha group surrounding bar husband. ' Whips tha Minister. Brushing aside the people opposing her progress, she planted a sturdy right on the most prominent feature of the preachors face his nose and she drew blood. Before the eloquent divine re covered his breath the woman was rain ing blow upon blow on the surprised and startled minister, until the latter, believing discretion to be the better part of valor, made for the door, followed by the rest of the worshippers, and the woman and her husband were left In the house of worship. After administering a thorough chas tisement on' her humble and tearful spouse, the woman took that gentleman by the ear and led him home, vowing that hereafter ha would only attend ser vices when she was present to pAtect ilm, and declaring that the preacher would get a second and worse chas tisement If he ever dared to speak to her husband again. Bedrock Prices You will never be able to buy choice property in Sunnyside cheaper than youcan today. We are offer ing ' fine lots at $350 to $400 Each Sewers, city water, electric lights. New street improvements. Splendid car service. Within five-minutes' walk of one of the finest school houses on the East Side. Only ten-minutes' ride from the center of the city. We have an office at .Sunnyside, corner of E. 37th and Belmont streets. An agent will be there to-give -you full information? and to show you the property. An Acre of Land corner; one block from car line, at St Johns CITY WATER SMALL CASH PAYMENT ...and... MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. PERSONALS. BATTLESHIP BIDS (Journal' Special Service.)' WASHINGTON, June 3. BWs were ODened today, for the construction . of .three 16,000-ton battleships, authorized by the last aDDt-onriatton. The three lowest bidders were: Newport News Co.. $4,110,000; the New York Ship building Co. of Camden. M.965.O00: Fore River Company of Qulncy, Mass.. 4.. 179.000. All the bids call for 42 months' time to finish. . NEW, LINER COMING ' 'COPENHAGEN, June 3. The hew 70.000-ton twin screw steamship l'nited States of,' the Scandinavian-American line started On her 'maiden, trip across ,the. Atlantic today. Th United States is the third new ' steamship of the Scandinavian-American line put ' Into commission during the last T2 months. KEPT FROM CREDITORS Ibonis Robinson is Charged With Mak ing Falsa Statements Vnder . Bankruptcy aw. The trial of Louis Robinson, charged with making false statements under the bankruptcy law, is on In. the "United State District Court. Robinson is a North Third-street clothing dealer. . It is alleged Robinson represented that he owed II. Benjamin, J75 and drew a check in the hitter's favor. The complaint "cliargen that 'the'" defendant owed Benjamin nothing and the money was returned. The defendant Is further charged with placing 11.200 out of the reach of legitimate creditors by repre senting he owea that sum to one Lazarus Robinson. William T. Cox, of Washington, D. C. Is at the Imperial. B. P. Clarke,. of Lexington, TCyv la- a guest at the Imperial. . State Fish Commissioner fl- Q. Van Dusen. of Astoria, is registered at the Imperial. Itfiss Mildred MeCullough, of Frank fort. Ky.. Is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. P. L. Cartwrlght. in East Portland. Harvey W. Scott, Jr.. and wife are registered .at the Belvedere. Mr. Scott Is a well known ""limber dealer of South ern Oregon. Chester Hamilton is now In the em ploy of the Pacific Express Company as express messenger. His run will be from Portland to Huntington. John D. McGowan. a canneryman, Is registered at the Perkins. Mr. Mc Gowan has been Interested in Columbia river canneries for nany years. W. B. Coffee, president of the Ts- coma school board, accompanied by his wife, Js at the Portland. They were members of the Tacoma party which went to San Francisco to attend the launching of the new cruiser Tacoma. Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Tower, of Minne apolis, arrived in the city from the East this morning. Mrs. Tower Is her self an admitted physician, being the first woman graduate of the medical department of the University of Wis consin. They are touring the West for recreation. Mrs.. Bay Welsh and two children, of Seattle, are at the Perkins. Mrs. Welsn's husband. Captain Luther Welsh, is one of the best known miners of Dawson, Alaska. He is principal owner of a line of Yukon packet boats and was one of the plannef s of the famous Brackett trail. MERRILL AFTER STARR Declare tha Kan Is Wholly iTnreliabla siid WU1 Bear Close Watching. A reporter from The Journal called upon Fred T. Merrill this morning in reference to the article appearing in the dally papers, some of them mention ing his name among others In the suit of divorce by W. L. Starr In Spokane a day or two ago. . "There Is nothing In ft," said Mr. Merrill. "Although Mrs. Starr has been a time clerk In one of the departments of our store for the past two years, I have never talked to her on the subject of her property or her husband or any other parties, in fact I have had very little conversation with her and did not know or employ her until her trouble was practically over" in the courts. "This man Starr Is surely not lust right mentally, "lie fried to get us to discharge his wife from our employ, but without success, and went away threat ening vengeance. His mother was in sane and the authorities had a hard time with her. and if I am not mistaken they Will have the same hard time with her son. e will bear watching from now on. He has written insulting let ters to different parties in Portland threatening, vengeance- and blackguard-? In them In a. shameful manner. Man of these people ere hardly known by him' but he had some fancied grievance, and that was enough for him. He is so well known- ia Portland Jiat his CAe would be thrown out of court, so he went to Washington. He Is a lis- and I will have the pleasure of telling him so to hi fao in a few da vs. when l will man one of my regular trips to Spokane., am charitahuf enough to believe the fel low Insane, and that Is all I have to say In reference to Billy Starr. " " " iu LEAPED FROM WINDOW Oirl Becomes Paulo Itrioken and Drops rive Stories From Bumlnf" Building. PITTSBURG, Pa., June S. A panic amona" the employes of Gllmore & Co. chemists, occurred here this morning when an explosion started a fire In the building.. One girl leaped from a fifth- story window and was fatally . Injured. Seven workmen were badly burned. ibnnih nnn of them fatally. The explosion occurred in the mixing room and did consideraDte damage even before the fire started. B"B W TOD AT. OLD TWINS ARE HEARTY w ia.htjSD. conn., June 3. Joel and Jonas Hungerfofd of Watertown. ' who are the oldest twins llvtng in New England and perhaps in the United Statcs,--eelebrate their eighty-seventh birthday - today and tomorrow. Joel having been born June 3 and Jonas June 4,1S16. t Both are farmers, hale and' hearty; apd their neighbors often are puzsfed tojtell which is which., they too so mucni alike. -Many persons called on the aged twins today and ex tended congratulations utaf named by the Northern Pacino Railway Company to points East. Far detailed information can on or address A.'-D. Charlton. Assistant General Passenger . A .1 - .... i . . a murnivn aireei, corner or Third. . , Kdt XLS OHEMIAN fttr,PaIai MM 4 SporUfnx. BottJe4 Only at the Brewery fa SirLoab. rder rraa menesteim .nsrer vvmpaay VERY Law EXCURSION RATES tin,, twutn nlaced in effect by the Cana dian Pacific. Dates of sale, June 4, 6, 24 25. 2. 27. 28, 29 and 30, and on July IS' and 16, and again on-August 25 and 20. For full particulars inquire at 142 Third street ........,', ',', . The most delightful trip across the continent , Is via the Denver & Rio Grande, the scenic .line of the world. Apply at 124 Third at. Portland, for ratfs. - FOR REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Call at 9J4 First Street 300080 acres of fine land, 16 acres under cultivation; good house and barn; 160 fruit trees; 15 acres of beaverdam land. This place Is located only two miles ' from matn line of S. P. R. R., in Marlon County. 11450 45 acres, 12 acres In cultivation. 5 acres In hops; good, little house and barn; some fine tlm '.ber on this place. - This will make a fine little home. It is within 3 miles of S. P. R. It., in Marlon County. lg.OOOOne of the finest farms in -Ma-. rlon County. 2 miles from S. P. R. R.. in Willamette valley, con sisting of 400 acres, 300 acres under cultivation; fine improve-ments. BBXXlIXIXXSaXZZXZSHXSZZEaXXSXHSlIIIZEXXSXXXXXaXI BEST. INVESTMENTS -. Ml 1,1 VULLnKV., it IVID, shrubbery; 3 lots; M n it M M X5he Dunn-Lawrence Co. Successors to L B. SUNN Real Estate and Financial Agent U9 1-2 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OB. Portland. June S. 190J. The Oregon Daily Journal, Portland. Oregon: - Gentlemen: We thought that .H might interest you to. know that through an advertisement In your paper we made a vefcy quick sale of a farm. ' Phillip Scherllet. who recently came to Portland from Idaho, welked into our cfllce last Thursday with, a Wednesday .copy of The Journal and ' asked information concerning a farm owned by Col. Moody at Mt. Pleasant, Clark County. Wash., which we advertised In The. Journal. He saw the farm and bought it, .per sonal property and all. made 'many sale through Jour nal advertising and thfolf you are publishing a bright, up-to-date newspaper, such as this community needs. Tours -truly, -y -, H H 8 a s E 860 Neat choice fruit and shrubbery; : -blocks Bt Johns car line,- Ports mouth. f 900 Coxy, new, 6-room cottage; fine lot, near Mt, Tabor car line, - $1200 For a splendid new 6-room house, 60x100 feet of ground, on Tnfon "ive.,' o'bposlfe Woodiawn School. $ 450 Four lots. 60x145 feet each, with a neat new 3-room cottage, beau tifully situated, one block eiec- trie cars. In Oak orove. f asrso-Fof a magnificent;" ttew, strictly modern 6-room cottage; an up-to-date . home; full lot, beauti fully terraced; a great bargain East Everett street, one blocl electric cars. 1 18860 For n handsome '4 block, with abundance of bearing rrtilt. roses and shrubbery; an eleaant mod ern 7-room cottage, that cost over 12.000 to build; Just an ele gant home, situated one block from East Ankeny cars. 98500 For 30xint feet of ground on Fourth street, not more than 4 blocks from Chamber of Com merce, with buildings bringing In a rental or iiuo,per month. 9 350 For a desirable 5-acre lot. beau tifully situated on a splendid public highway. mile from Clackamas Station. t 650 For a cozv B-acre home, situated 3 miles from Vancouver; neat and comfortable hulldln: choice, fruit and berries; splendid well and a very strona spring of wa ter. This Is an nlmnlnte bnrfftiln. $ 700 For a nice 11 -acre place, beautl- rullv situated: ncn son asm choice fruit; overlooking Vlfn couver Iake, 3 miles from Vancouver. 91300 For a splendid 36-acre garden and rruit ranch, rrontlrig on the Willamette River. 3 miles up from Newbcrg; 410 bearing apple tree)", and abundance of every other variety of fruit; very com fortable buildings and a place thnt will earn the price every year. $3000 For a handsome TS-aore improved xarden anil dairv ranch; abund ance of cheloa berlnr fruit; 6 miles Vancouver. Wash. 93500 For a 115-ncre farm, with hond- some winnings. ;? mwn rmm Orefron Citv: a beautiful situa tion: best character of soil; 1.500 full bearing fruit trees, and n fruft evaporating plant that cost over S1.O00. Tf vou don't come to us. j-ou will siot get the bargains. THE DUirW-iAWBEWCE CO., 14V Ttrst Street. WILLIAM G. BECK & CO. REAL ESTATE AND LOANS City and Surburban Property, Farms, Timber Lands, Acreage. $350 $400 $800 $700 $800 $1000paVk I,ots East Twenty-first and Clinton. 60x100. i Lots In Sunnyside. 100x87. East Thirty-ninth and Madison streets; fenced. 60x100 and 4 -room house, Montavilla. 60x100 and 7-room house, Kln- sel Park. 6-room house. Lincoln rlth CJ 1 OflA 50x100. 6-room cottsge. PIZ.vUbuth. concrete foundation. tlflfiflS lots. East Twenty-ninth and iuwu fine streets. Hartman, Thompson & Powers 3 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. . A FEW OF THE MANY SNAPS OFFERED IT LEWIS & CLARK REAL ESTATE CO, 663 Wore eater Block. 93500 Modern home, erected less than a year ago, rooms and recep tion hall, lot 60x100; also In' eludes all carpets, stoves, lino ' leum, window shades and chaut dellers; Holladay'a Add. 94500 Modern 10-room house. In South Portland; 2 lots, sightly location 99100-nNew 7-room house, strictly mod. .. ern; will be sacrificed at this ' price on easy terms If taken seen - -i - 99950 6-room cottage. Just completed... with one improved lotj every thing strictly up-to-date; In de si ruble location; easy terms. 1 ' We have houses from 1900 up on the installment ninn: also oe slrable residence tots on small . mommy payments; aiso tna ioi lowing Inside property: '. 99000 One block, with trackage; good warehouse or manufacturing lo ration. 97000 Half-block, East Side, with track 97000 Half block. East Side, with trackage. ,. , UWII OXJtmz BXAX, BfTATB 004 663 Woroester Block. DON'T FORGET We are In the , 1 Timber Business to Stay. We have quit dealing In "aecoad hand roods." We can deliver what we offer. No real estate firm In Port land ha cheaper and better timber Thirteenth. OMr Pfe on Stock Rsocn anq QfinfiModern 7-room house, bath. "ul We can gnow VOU 30 4? OUUVJ furnure, ground looxioo; fur- per cent on an Investment In city nished complete; East side, on property. This Is not "hot air," our car line. I J.. j ' C7finn lp-rfm modern house. HSxlOO Pf vJVUfeet; fruit trees and flowers. AlAfiOn Modern 10-room house on vfrrUVU Irving street, between Twenty- first and Twenty-second. $460010010. on Irving streetf . pumps are out of order. JOHN LAMONT & CO. Ohamhes ef Oonuntirae. FARMS. 17 ACRES, two blocks from electric car 1 94600 For 60 acres, I miles east of line; suitable to cut up In small tract 331 Morrison C treat. Corner Sixth. 93100 14 block. In fine location, 6 blocks from east end vt steel bridge" 936.76 71 14 acres, H under cultivation. wn locutea. In Willamette Val- lev. . :. ... . . 96490 1 0 acres, adjoining : city limits of one of the thriftiest towns In the Willamette Valley; good buildings, fine orchard; all culti vated. 9 600 10 eres at sowed to grain; one third of grain goes with land; easy terms. ft 600 40 acres near river. 20 miles from Portland; good cord wood timber, enough to pay for land. 9 860 fmtse nd Vi acre of land; fine location. 91600 Klne 8-room residence. East Side, finely finished, plenty of fruits, lot 60x100, near car line; no bet ter buy In the city. We make a sneclnltv of K 1ft 9A in 00 and KO-ncre tract, near Portland, and In all parts of Willamette Valley. Re member. 9 Klrst street. Valley Real Estate Exchange 9 First Street. Portland, Or. Phone Portland: 40 acres In cultivation: fine orchard, 1 acres strawber- . rles. ' . 18 per acre for 1.886 acres. Southern Oregon. 400 In cultivation, sown , to wheat and oats; fine orchard.- plenty of running water. large house And bam. It Is a fine stock or dairy ranch. CHARLESON & STAtn, ; 845H Morrlaon it. Fheae, BeU 9971. Yellow Pine Timber For Homestead and ..Timber Claims, in Southern Oregon. CrulM from a to j million feet to the quarter-section. ; v . Timber lands bought and fold. D. C. ROGERS, Room I. Sixth St. . Great Snap $2500; Two nice cottages and large lot. one ( rooms and one rooms, on Kusseii street, near Union avenue. Almost new. Call early and procure thla great snap. Income $29 per month. Gold- 1 smith A Co.. corner 'Third and Oak sts. REAL ESTATE. 40 ACBS8 20 In cultivation; house and barn and other buildings, or chard, etc.; 19 head of cattle and 2 horses, harness and wagon, plows, harrow and farmlnir imnlemen- near station and steamboat. Price I 93400 ery nice, new. modern C-room. Jl.00. house and Broadway St., Alblna. SO AOBES 8 or in cultivation; or-1 91860 Fine modern S-rooni cottags, on chard, etc: hnnu mi. .,. ',..! car line. Sunnvalde. other hulldlnas: Al land inv 1 91700 Very ood. modern 6-room house, 91100 Fine, improved corner lot HoV laday Add. 93700 Klne. -room modern residence. - - with large corner lot, Sunnyside..: nicely; 6 miles from tNe nitv at mile to store and R. R. Price H.'SOO. 163 A0BB8 26 In cultivation; 600 fruit trees, bearing, and small fruit: house and barn; ftne for "' stock chickens or milk ranch; close to creamery. 10 miles to station. For sale or trade. Price 12.000. ISO ACBEB t'nlmproved land; Al land, lays well; 24 miles from city. Price 1700. After , ilays prW 'will b $10 per acre. CHARLESON & STAID, a464 Morrison t. rhoae, Bed SsTt. THE V tTJf N-I.A WREXC E CO. 10 ACBES In a high state of cultiva tion, on West Side, 6 miles from the court house;' splendid .build ' Ings. fine supply of water, choice fruit. Price less than ctst of improvements. 91500 Buys a choice 8-nere tract In the edge of Mllwatikle. 9 600 Takes 200xjy0 right on the rrr lino, between Kenllworth and Ivanhoe; all In cultivation; near by propertv Is selling at JI00 to JS0O per block. ' ! 9 36075x100. corner 'on . Going street. Highland; choice location; terms. 91800 New4 modern d-room house, ce ment ' basement, full ;lot. East Tenth; easy terms. 91000 Oood 5-room house and 3 lots. . ., on Oregon uuy car line. 91160T-iew. modern 5-room house, ce ment foundation, front and back . porch; $250 down. smaII.,month,ly pavments. - C0MPT0N & GIBSON, 909 Washington atrtct. 4Lots On corner Rodney ave. and San Rafael sts, Streets all Improved. t. All-for $, 00; worth IS. 800. If vou want to double your money buy . this. Ooldamith & Cov. Third ajnd Oek streets. w. w. efrv: HAKILTOW BUILDIMO. $3.00 per Acre 5,000 ACBES t'nlmproved hinds in Lake, Klamath. Morrow and I'mjt tllla Comities, $12750 per Acre-""- 880 ACBE raneh. 500 ucven und r plow; house and barn: weil witered: i miles rrom wtatloh, in Klickitat , Valley, 7 miles from Columbia ! Itiver. This Is a good bargain. Hher ranches in different parts of 1 Oregon. HomesteadsGood Ones." Timber Claims Good Ones. GILLESPIE & OSCAR, 430 Oommerelal Block. THE BEST LEFT some nn tlmbsr elsiats in Whasler County aad Klickitat, 9 to 3 million ft of yeUow r pe- claim. Oood aoU aad wU watered. Xooatloa t low. If yott have any Idea f taktaa- claim 1 will pay yen to Investigate. - King & Criteser, ail AxiSKT BtritDiiro. , A Bargain $3500; $I600 orner lot rn -foom- ct-.f frtl-fM T f) A.Y tags, corner Obrltt street, f 'V' " f1' For a. corner lot, with t room, good cottage, near Exposition building. King 1 f v v T Addition, tlo ami saa ft. Room for three more houses. Goldsmith St Co.. corner Third and Oak streets. 1 REAL, ESTATE JOHN E. DAY 334 XATir IfXUT. . ,. HOTBlJn country town, all full, aW fumltiSre; ground lease I years; H, 900 rash; $4,000 on time, of wiU trsa" :. for Portland prerperty. . 9 on ."car line; ,t 100, on install ments. 5 : 40 ACBB8 of heavy fir timber: $J0. 19 AOKXB, -room hou, U miles from Portland; $&&0. ' Homesteads toeau. , ' BeHaqulalinieata Cheap. 1 ' SmaAl Aerssge Beat CH Lis Reomins' House on firit Strest, 15 rooms, aJ tu h A gooi any. , rarm ef 36 aeres seat KcMiaavilj. .V,-i".?; . "v.. sera. JL' BABQAXSWiouse and .twv hl tt Puwell street; in f near W'ulttnker. !,romc Itfl . Moaer-f 5 11 t Co. Third aiid Ouk stretta. - jbuu 1.