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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1903)
THE OREGON DAILY JOUKKAL. rORTLAN'D. "WEDXESDAt- EVENING. .TUNE - 3'. 1003. ,10 - r- -'' MRS. MAYBRICK Ww- ; Still suffering Word has Just com -from the homo flics in London that Mr. Floiencc Maybrick 1 soon to be released from hr long- servitude of fdurleon yoars : in Aylesbury prison. England. . Fourteen years sgo beautliul Amer- lean irl of twenty-six stood In the ' prisoner's dock in a. Liverpool court on trial for her life. t The court room was packed with men and wonien. and almost as many wore U- 4er . own countrymen as Knslilynen. Few lh that room did not sympuhlze . with the woman In whom the Interest v of the trial centered. V As the twelve men. on whom her fu ture rpsted, filed slowly Int.) tne room : there was a deathlike silence. And tfrr after the fatal worvl. riuilty!" rang out, the listeners dl.l not stir. . Thev were too shocked. ' With the utterance of that conviction, which sentenced a young woman to ' death for the crime of murdering her husband by arnenlc polsonMiK. l"t;ai. a long controversy regajdmr nor gi u that, after fourteen years, W still ,-)lng he Was Pleaded Tor. Officials of the highest rank in Amer ica and Europe pleaded ror ner. i-eu- tlona for pardon by the hundreds signed by men and women who speak English In all quarters of the world poured In upon the home secretary, until finally he was compelled to yield to the pren- sure to the extent of commuting her sentence to life Imprisonment. In England life Imprisonment means twenty years. But through the untiring fforts of her friends. Mrs. Maybrick' --entenoe has been cut down to fourteen years. j Her mother, the Baroness Von Ilo . ues. believing fully In her entire Inno cence, has spent her entire fortune. In trying to effect her daughter's release. Now that her unabated efforts are about to be rewarded, she has consented for the first time to tell the story of tha long, weary struggle that so often seemed fruitless. It Is full of human " Interest It seems almost Inconceivable that, after these terrible years since my daughter's conviction and Imprisonment, the time should be so near when she Is ta be released and allowed to go Aer own way. ,' T Bsport Is True. " nat the reoort Is really true. It has I been well authenticated, for the an nouncement comes rrom tne nome onic, authorises our Washington lawyers to use the fact of my daughter's release next year as a reason iur u.- Ing the postponement of the trial of the "lw suits bearing on our interest in " land In Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia until she Is able to personally testify. - go it Is perfectly true that next year ahe-wm JbfLf ree Thls is owing to the kindness and devotion of so many thai I can scarce tell who is to be thanked. Our . family lawyers in Washington, Hayden & Tarrell. have been of the greatest assistance, as their late visit to England and to Mrs. Maybrick-, with other official steps, have undoubtedly obtained the late decision to allow Mrs. ' Maybrick' the benefit of her good con duct during her Incarceration, thus re - duclng the term of her imprisonment. When In 1889. my poor child's trial closed with the sentence, "guilty of the murder by arsenic poisoning of her hus band. James .'Maybrick." such a storm Of indignation -arose from England to America alike , that there was no doubt as to the general pplnlon. That a young woman, scarcely more than a girl, should be accused of that crime on such meagre evidence as was forthcoming was almost mcreo d e. It appeared also on the trial that Maybrick was always dosing himself with medicines for stomach trouble ' And. taking" double doses of -whatever was prescribed. L'nlmpeached witnesses testified that they had seen Maybrick buy arsenic" and take-1t. -1n powders and In solution! Proof of my daughter s guilt -van never made' public. STir was- hccuwu of murdering her husband and tried on that charge. Because traces of arsenic were ' found In "his stomach, the court assumed, ' though it was never proved, that h died of arsenic poisoning. Many great lawyers have exerted their, efforts towards her. release, and time, and again it seemed certain. The late chief Justice of England. Lord Russell, of Klllowen. was our most steadfast friend. After' certain repre- sentatlons had been effectively mude to the authorities, he wouhr assure me that my daughter would be freed. But each time, when almost grasping relief, when tlfe clouds seemed to M breaking away, we have been turned aside. And to add to our dlstrejjw, even when under the laws of England reieust ws a possibility, some unknown und untiring enemy had thrown out. through the English press. Home Invention of a scandalous nature calculated to preju dice the public and frighten away clem ency. We seemed powerless to cope ngalnst these Invisible foes, who were ho persis tent In frustrating us. Hut through all the discouraging fall- j ures, the public sympathy anil belief In my daughter's innocence remained firm. Chief Justice Russell held a ve;-y de cided opinion on the case. After my unhappy duughter's conviction, his lord ship with characteristic persltency rs- salled home secretary after home fee retary. seeking as It were, to carry his former client's freedom by storming the positions of those who kept the key of her prison house. To blr Aiatinew White Kldley, he wrote: "If called upon to iidvine in my character of head of the criminal Judicature of this coun try, I should advise you that Morenos Maybrick should go Tree. Workings of An Enemy. But all this good man's work did not avail against the secret working of our unknown enemy. Our aim soemea almost within our grasp, and suddenly, for some mysterious Teason, It faded away. Always some apparently log ical reason was given for the rejection, but we, who knew the Inside working of the case, wJre, not deceived. To the very end of his life the fate Of Mrs. Maybrick occupied Lord Kus- soll's thoughts, and he never ceased, either Drlvately or officially, as the opportunity occurred, to say that there had been a grave miscarriage of Justice. I do not think these very important opinions of the lord chief Justice or England ar at all known to the Amer ican Dunlle. I am sure tneir import ance will be recognised as proof of the Innocence of this most unhappy victim to Judicial error. Trd Russell was not a man to oo anything against his ecsisclnec 'Jfi faith and in his position he was not called upqn to follow up his client's case with appeals for release, for over ten years, as he did. Itord BnsseU's Confidence. I was honored with Lord Russell's confidence, and I know that he believed Mrs. Maybrick to be Innocent and a much injured woman; that there being no court of criminal appeal in England, was a great obstacle to her vindication, and that the desire not to admit Judic ial error was very predonilnalln Tri the legal circles. For some time, since Lord Russell's death left us with one less very good friend, our own countryman. Mr. Cho ate, the l.'nlted States ambassador to England, has been unfailing in. his as sistance. " A short time ago he made an appeal tat the British home secretary, Mr. Akers-Douglas, for the release of my daughter, so that she might appear In America In the lawsuits that are pend ing for our family estutes. And now, thanks to him and to our lawyers, the release long waited for Is assured. The Medico-Legal Society of New York did most extraordinary work a few days since. They brought out a splendid memorial with signatures of the most honored of our legal nnfl med ical men. Experts of science and abil ity, all united in this cause. But my daughter and myself have been most thankful for tne goodness of -the. American women. Ilegiwniijg with Mrs. Blaine, the wife or our then secretary -of state, and glorious Gull Fire Insurance iTOtect your property, ' both houses and furniture, with fire in surance. DON'T NEGLECT THIS- IM PORTANT MATTER. I have the agency of The Milwaukee Mechanics Insurance Co., One of the largest in the country, assets Jan. 3, '03, $2,742,380.49, and respectfully solicit your patron age. j. h. hawley; No. a, Chamber of Commerce. " '- No Race Suicide at Highland. The School Board has no Idea that people of Highland School District are linble to be implicated In anything like race suicide, etc., etc.; also the board has to hustle to provide accommoda tions for the children and puzzling to them where they all come from. It should not be, for the environments make the man. This sightly, healthful locality peak all language. The writer has the satisfaction of having had the brush cut off this favored locality be tween the rivers, and will state that In a few days Walnut Parte, neur High land, wUl be platted for sale, and then the School Board will be compelled to move lively, during the interim will an nounoe bargains In lots, blocks and acre age between the rivers from St Johns to Highland. State your wants to W. M. KH.LIKOS WORTH, 303 Chamber of Coftnmerc. WANTED, HEX BRINES". WANTED A second-hand billiard and pool I Til nip. Address.. lol TaPl.l. rare Journal. FOB BENT. FolTRKNTyirst floor ofhmHo; 4 rKiuTa7Tatn una in pantry,- flue location. J nsv at. CLOTHES CLEANED and pressed II per mourn, unique i snoring uo., mi niuaf foo at. . insurance. for sale. LARUE, .new box house and full lot. tn Boll. ea.ruua SriAll . iKil .4 kV.l.a. .. a a bargain. Whallcy. Benson bids., Fifth and J. PHILIP KENNEDY, lusnraneej , resident agent Norwich I'nloo Fire insurance Society, rnone south 1001. 44 Hamilton Din. JAR. Mel. WOOD. cmDlnTera' liability and In. . dividual accident; aurety bunds of all kinds. I'noiM T. uoncura dii. FOE BALE PIANOS. II. F. 'BARTELS COMPANY, Fir Inanranee, 443 Bberlock bldg. -Oregon phone. Clay 629. PIANOS at Boc on the II. Or gain for a aonc! Hankmpt atork of Gilbert Broa.. bankera, Ha lent, all to be rloaed out by tbe middle or next week. Anions tnem: ISAAC L. WHITB. Bra Inauranee, 329 Bberlock ninit. ureton pnone. Main flos. JEWELIBS, F"?2i.T1" n' "!Jp,l'.,!l,K tar,0,t tormtt THE O. HEITKEMPEK CO., manufacturing HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS From E to 8 Rooms $1,050 to 13,000. A. T.- MYERS 5c C0. 814 Chamber of Oo nun arc Bldf. Every Woman , numua Kna mnDm Know boat Ui wondarftd MARVEL Whirling Spray banawvaataalSyrtaf. Jnirt (ten und tfaWtoa. H fat Saf est M ou vonrenuini. I UwiaaM laauatlf, price tUH). aroea for SIMS. Hcblller, uprlghta, Jnrgeat alae, three pedals. wainiii i-aae. wortn kiuo, goea ror aimi. wbceler, larce alae. somewhat naed. ma hoiHiiv or walnut raara, wortb $225, go for I uxoo. All on eaar monthlr narmonta. And many other at correapondtngly low price, fciiera llano House, Waabingtoa at., ror. park. lewrlera, 2K0 Morrison at. JOB PBINTINO.' FINE OFriCB STATION BUY; hualiieaa forma apeclalty. Mercantile Prlutlug Company, 82H Fraut. cur. Aab. I'bona, Black 30ul, MABgAOZ, HOUSE FOR BALE. FOR RALK New hooaa and corner lot, No. B0 I Wllllama arc ; B rootua. bathroom, baaement UDMH. H. ' E. ELY, derma tnlnglat, maaaage, eirrtne ireatmenta. ihhmj nrat at, MONEY ADVANCED. n"?turr;rhT-l"b"n-Tl?I money advanced balarikd peopTeT teamatera, etc., wltjiont aecurltr, eaay pay nirnta; largMit buatneaa In 48'prlaclpal clilea. Tolman. 22: Ablnpton lililg. light and city water. Apply John Bain, 224 BturK at. F0K BALI OR EX0HAN0X. FOK BALE OK TRADE for cowa, on home. narneaa and top boggy, all O. K. F. Baurten- berg, BHlwood. MODEL MAKER. FOR FIRST-CLASS REPAIKINO go to Andy rrita. niaeniniat and monoi maker, iin inn. REMOVAL. M0RT0A0K LOANS. Dlt r. bLU Tli. X7niJ!?ntl 1 rmoTed t0 Mac,e eat current ratoa; Imlldlng loana. Inatalln.eiit loan.. Wm. Macllaater. Sll Worceater bldg. . HOTELS. MINIXO AND MINE. rROMOTEKB. tint. VKVT'Tf ATirn - 1 . orw and SBe 'a nhl; C W. .Tbe Eti BESSJONS A SIMPSON, mining aud mine pro Hottae. eor Heonnd and Parla. motera. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce. FURNISHED BOOMS. MONEY TO LOAN. LOGAN Bl.'ILDINO, 108H I nlon are. Elegant rooma ror nooaekeeplug or transient, rurnianea or nnrurnianea: rate rraaonahie. L0D0IN0 B0U8E8. THE COSMOS Fourth and Morrlaon. furnlahed housekeeping oltea, suite and alugle rooma; aJ per week and up. FBED H. BTRONO, FINANCIAL AllENT. ' Money to loan, fto rommiaaion. I am in Doaltlon to make Imim-dlatii loana on Improfed real eauta or for balldlog pur- pawi any amount; moderate luiereat. aoDrote loana from plana aud advance raoiivy aa building progreaaea when desired. Option tn repalug after one year. FilKD U. BTRONU, Fluanclal Agent. 103 Second at., near Stark. BANKS. LADD T1LTON. BANKERS. BitabMaketf In IBB. r; 'Interest allowed on time denoalts. ' .Colleetlona made at-all potnta on favors ble terms. Lettera nf credit Issued arallahU in Europe ana an -points in tne rniiea ntatee. Sight eaohang and telegraphic tranafxr sold In New York.- Washington. Chicago, Bt. Louis, ' Denver, Omaha, Saw franclaeo and variona poiuu in uregon. waaninftou. jaauo, . ti.l.l.V , ...1.. w. I u Kzcbanse sold on London. Pari. Berlin. Frankfort. Hong Kong, . Yokohama, Manila ana noueiuiu. r ,i UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Of Portland, Oregon. - Northwest corner Third and Oak eta. Transacte a aeneral banklns-buslnaaa. DRAFTS IHHl'ED avallalite In all cities of the t'nlted Bute and Europe, Hong Kong ana manna. Collections made oa farorabla terms. Frealdent ..J. C. AINBWORTH Vice-President ...W. H. AVER Assistant Cashier ........ . B. W. 8CHM EE R Aealstaut Caafaler.... ..A. M. WRIGHT THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. , Head Office Toronto. Canada. Cnpltal paid up. ...... .$8,000,00 Reserve 2.BOU.UU0 Transacts general baniing tmsitteaa, HA VINOS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounta opened for auma of 110 and Up ward, and interest auoweu on minimnm monthly balaneea. Kates on application. 244 Washington st. E. A. WYLD. Manager Portland Branch LONDON A BAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIM Chamber of Commerce Building, Third and Stark streets. Head Office BB Old Broad street. London. This bank transacts a gvneral banking busi ness, makes loana, discounts Dill ana issues letters of credit available for travelers and for the purchase of mercnandlae In any city of the world. Deala In foreign aud domestle exrnsngp. Interest paid on time deposits. W. A. MACRAE, Manager. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK-- Portland, Oresou. J. Frank Watsou President It. L. IMirham Vice-President K W. .. Uoy t. ....,....... r. ,. r, CssMee Ceo. W. lloyt... Assistant Cashktr TRANSACTS A U KIV KRAI BAKKJNO lit 8INESS. Drafts snd letters ef credit Issued arnllablo to all parts of the world. Collections a aiiecialty. Cold dust bought. ATTORNEYS. UtMie-aiHlnrk. If be cannot supply tne Other, bat send sump for Il lustrated book (Ives fall sstrtlruisrs and direoUona In- vaiuable to isaies. nsaiKLia., 4ulHlA KoemlfK. TimsaBlds.. MewxorB. tat sale wj WOOD Ait D. CLARKE A CO. References Ldd V Tllton. Portland; U 8. NaUonai Bank. Portland; Bank el California, San Franclaoo; Crocker Wool worth National Bank, San rra clsoo. Dolfon. DeRuyfer 2Co. Jtfembors Chicago Board of Trade, Ban' Franclseo Produce Exchange, Sai FTanolaco Btook and Bond Exchange, Grains, Provisions, Stocks, Bondi and Cotton. ) ioa Thin in PORTLuV.NI. twi THE CA8TLE-278 WashHgton st : rooms for I THB 8XAR c0.. 2)o M'KA Y BLDG., .u. ..-,,-,,,. ,r. ..... 102V4 ITiIrd St.. is the reeoa-niaed Dana or the wage-earner. We advance money to teamsters, trainmen. shosmeu. motormeu. conductors, etc, without mortgage, endorser or collateral. Amount. Monthly Vi Monthly. Weekly loo repav Iffl.m or 50 repay fl.l.M or 29 renav t 6.6B or Business confidential. No nnpieaaant Inquiry MORRIS BROS. A CURI8TKNBE.. tSuccesaora to Morris A . Whitehead, Baukers.) FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. PORTLAND. OR. - NOTICE. SIMONS A EMMONS, attorncya at law, 644 Worcester Plug. S. B. RIGGEN, Attorney and Connaellor-at-; tary. aoo-Hoii Amngton mag. PAXTON, REACH A SIMON BIO Chamber of Commerce. ' J. T. TAUGHER ' Room-18, Alnsworth Bnlldlng. juontnij. eeaiy S13-00 or ()tf i 6.6S or ;).: i 8.8A or ll.WV H. B. DICKINSON, Attorner-at-L4w and No tary Pnblle. BOS Commercial bide. ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES. MONEY TO LOAN on real, personal and nil lateral eecurlty; apeclal attention to coattie mortsasres; uotea bonirht. C. W Pallet. S13 Commercial blk. I'hone Grant S50 MONEY TO LOAN at reasonable rates. In amounts to suit. Graham A Claton, 2U0 Mar- quam building. ALL KINDS OF SIGNS and advertising novel ties. Nye Kern, P.O. boi 91. Phone Pink 188S. MONEY TO LOAN", small amounts, short or .long time. . H. Hawiey. 2 mam, ot lom. BATHS. MONEY TO IO AN on city lots and Improved farma. w. A. Shaw ft Co.. S4.S Stark St. GENUINE FINNISH, Itl'SSIAV HOT AIR baths, 2Bc; alcohol rubbl.g, 2Sc extra; open every day eieept Monaya 10 a. m. to it p. m. Hi East 28th st., cor. Everett. Phone. Scott 224 y NORTHWEST HOTELS BAROINO AND LIGHTERING. Hoteortnd.ArlcanjpUtt8,B prdy Bommars Hotel, La Grands j travelers' Jbome. Belvedarei European plan; 4th snd Alder ate, St. Charles, First and Morrlaon its.. Portland OREGON ROUND U MBER CO.j 181 Burn side sf. Phone Grant 1171. OVERALLS. BANJO, MANDOLIN AND GUITAR. BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS snd mechan ics clothing. Union made ,Neustsdter Bros., MfTS Portland. Or N STRUCT I ON clubs for advanced Dunlla: In struments for sale. Hal Webber, studio 173 West I'srk. ror. Yamhill. Pbone South 2X81. PERSONAL. in Francisco Office: 41 California St - Tar Unnatural Discharges, Strictures, Especially In old caaea where doctora fall, use Hth t , T k k Tor nieerarioB . if ts mJuli roeiibrane of the uretka. all private urinary ieases snd weskness Vi women. ZY-MO Is GUARANTEED her wonderful pen, the women of the tnr A ahatlnate cases. Druggists, or sent Medico-Legal Society, the women of the; mxtpald. 1. Address Dr. Dsy A Co., No 10 BUSINE88 CHANCES. CIGAR STOKE, must lie sold at once; location, rents and profits exceptionally desirable; will Itimn or Invoice about SS50, Candv store. (4B0. Columbia Ileal Estate k Trust Company, 234Vs Morrison st. CARPENTER. , i . L.i . . . nma hM HHfAS, MaSS, mnipn;...'i"n .iu ' W.ii- hk sent sealed FREH. Free medical ad others from all parts of the world, let- 'uo sold in Portland bv The Laue-Davls tera havinjr -come to me ait xnene yean ; xroM Xa..JTUld. gnaSr nfli stf. from women whose names pcrtiups . i should not mention. They have warlned our stricken hearts, and. in fact, given us the strength to live -an these terrl 1)1 o rears. We will be thankful In" return to our own dear country and will never cease, to wonder how we were ever sj ullna as to leave America. WRITER OF LOVE STORIES TO WED The announcement that Miss Jose phine Dodge Daskham. who wrote so Cleverly of love and marriage, is to . marry a middle-aged widower with two children, proved a surprise to the people here who knew her best. Belden Bacon, who has won the prize, la forty-five, and looks like a prosperous Scotchman. He is blonde, with a dash of silver in his hair and mustache and Van Dy i beard. His eyes are blue and non-committal. Twenty years ago he was a student at Yale, but did not grad- - uate with his class of '83. He returned to Minnesota, whence he came, and be came a professor In the university of his state. Fifteen years ago he married Miss Falrchlld. daughter of the Governor of Wisconsin. A son and two daughters were born. The son died. For ten years Mr. and Mrs. Bacon Jived In New York. The .ex-university professor became a successful corpora tion lawyer, with offices at No. 43 Cedar -street. For most of those ten years both husband and wife were Interested In the bright Smith college girl. A year ago Mrs. Bacon died. , Miss Paskhani .defend her cholco-.and Incidentally the title of her bnnlc: -"Mid-dle-'Aged Love Stories." In saying: Defends Her Choice. "We make a mistake when we think only of the lo'fH of the young. The "middle-aged have a right to love, and they do, and I am not sure that their love Is not the best." At the same time that ' the young New England author becomes n bride she will become a stepmother, nod, that this is not always a pleasant oflii-e. Miss Daskham proved in one of her short stories, "Her Stepmother . "I don't remember where I first met 1 not strain In her blood. .Mr. Bacon." declared the author. "It's 1 ord-Herald. unromantlc, I know, but It's true. I have known him a long time. I don't think it was at any social function. Perhaps It was at the home of some common friend of ours. I think it was. "I won't stop writing when I'm mar ried. If one has been as fortunate us I it would be a pity to give it up. Mar riage may be something of an Interrup tion. I suppose It will be. Living in a new sitting, with new duties and new companions, it Is likely that I will not write so much at first. But I must write h novel. My publishers insist upon that, although I think they are wrong. 1 am partial to the short story myself. It Is my form, and I think it Is the American form." She Is Twenty-seven. Miss Daskham is 27 years old. Five years ago she wa graduated from Smith College. Her work at once began to appear In the magazines and was after ward collected In book form. She has been her father's house keeper for three years in the old-fashioned, faded, brown frame house on Broad street. She is tall aTid slender. Her dusky crown of hair, her "black eyes set far' apart, denoting the reflective tempera ment, her olive, colorless complexion, hint that she might have been born In one of the peninsulas jutting Into the Mediterranean. "But this is only a mis leading accidental resemblance. She was born in the Nutmeg State In the town of Stamford, and she has lived there ail her life. Bhe talks as she writes -crisply,., often bltlngly; and her vivacity and dark coloring, as well as the name that . la a corruption of D'Ascam arc proof of the strong Hugue- Ch Icago Rec- ii r sp - -fr i sTsstrr V CURES Gonorrhoea AMD Gleet WITHOUT OTHEB Sold b all Druggists, treatment. J. F. LI'CY. successor to Gordon Mfg. Co. csrpenter, builder, general ooutractor, bouse remodeling, u Iterations,., etc. : cabinet worn and Jobbing a specialty; counter shelving. Ice . boxes, etc.; store, and office-' fixtures; u p-to ns te and original rarpeuter work or all kinds: nothing too' large ' or too amall for our Immediate attention; no files ou ua; we make -and put up the best fly screens in Portland. Shop. foot of Yamhill St.; phone. Hlark 2KU7; residence, 747 East Stark; residence phone. White 712. CASH HEGISTEBB. HALLWOOD CASH HKOISTERR. 2fl4 Stark st. CHIROPODY AND MANICURING. . iitt v (C.V YS, the -only scientific chiropodists in the city; parlors S01 -2 Allaky bldg.; this la tbe long-haired gentleman you want to see. Grant 16. L.. MITCHELL. Chiropodist. Knight's Shoo store, 204 ' Washington St. Phono Hood 728. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. .NOTICE. CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCK H0LDER8. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Midway Oil Company, a. corporation: You are 'hereby iiotltird to attend a meeting ot the stock holders of the Midway oil Company, to bit held at the company's office, No. 416 Cham ber of Commerce Building. In the City of I'ortlsnd, Oregon, on Monday, tbe loth dsy of June, at 3 o'clock p. m., for tbe purpose ot amending the bj-lnws or tne company, ot electing directors of said corporation, also tbe ratification of acta of the directors from the time of the stockholders' meeting of the 251 h day of September, lUOn, to date, snd to ratify tho adoption by said bottrd of tbe by-laws as amended; for tbe ratification of the execution of lenses and the Issuance of stock and tbe ratification of the purchase nf lands by said corporation rrom H. . Stratum, and for the puriHiae of transactlng sucb other general business as may be broucht before said meeting. . Ry order of the stockholders holding more than one-third X.lne stock or said compauy, H. C. STRATTON, Secretary. Dated May 12; 1(K)3. NOTICE la hereby given that the undersigned has Itecu nopliitcd administrator of tile estate of Michi-al Curtln. deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Mult nomah County. All persons having claims against said estale are hereby notllled to present them, duly verified with proper vouchers, to me at. the law office of Miller A Miller, room U12 Commercial Block, I'ort land, - Oregon. ..witbiu alx months from the . date of. too first publU-atlon of tUU.-uoUte, Which Is May 27. 1!08. JOHN TARRELL. Administrator of the Eatufo of Mlchcal Cur tin. Deceased. HOBART STATUE UNVEILED ' l """"""'( Journal Special Service.) -1 PATERSON, N. J.. June 3 A Statue of Garret A. Hqbart. the late Vlce-Fresldent of the I'nlted Slates. kVtk unveiled here today with interest Jbig ceremonies and In the presence of A large crowd. , The statue stands in front of the City Hall. It Is of bronze, life-sired, and; Is the Work of Sculptor Wartlny of New York. SIiAUOHTESiarO THEM. bubs cxrxB ro fixes. Itching plies produce moisture and cause Itching, this form, as well as Blind, Bleeding or Pnotudlnav Piles are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy. Stops itching and bleeding. Absorbs t :mOr. 05 A Jar. at rtlgglfjjS. .or sent by mall. Treatise free. ..Write me about your case. Ir. Bosanke, Phil's.. Pa. . i Pianos and Organs at Bacelver's - Sale. Pianos at 50c on' the dollar. Organs for a song. Bankrupt stock of Gilbert Brothers, bankers, Salem, all to "be closed out by the middle of next week. -Among them: Everett piano, upright, largest slxe, former price J4Q0. goes for $185. Schiller, uprights, largest size, three pedals, walnut case, worth J30O, go for $150. Wheeler, large size, nomewhat used, mahogany cr walnut case, worth 1226, go for $112.50. All on easy monthlypaytnents. And many others at correspondingly low prices, filers Piano House, Wash ington street., corner Park. Preferred Stock Canned Goods. Allen A- Lewis' Best Brand. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. IN THE COI'NTY COCIIT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the Couuty of Multnomah. In the matler orthe estate of Isuac J. Mtrattnn, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been jjuly apiiolnted by the Hluive-i-nlltlcd Court executor of the last will and testament of Isaac J. .Stratton. deceased, and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate nre hereby notified aud required to present the same with proper vouchers and duly verified to tbe undersigned executor at the office of. T. H. Ward, rooms 4i)K and 4o!i McKay Dulldlng. Cortland. Mult nomah County, Oregon., within six months from the date of thla notice. Dated l'ortluud, Oreguu. May 20. 1303. H. A. HI KKINUTON, Executor of the Last Will and Testament" of Isaac J. Stratton. Ileeeased. . , T. II. Ward. Attorney. The Oregon Daily Journal HELP WANTED itALE, C. K. HANSEN" & CO. EMPLOYMENT, AGENTS 28 North 2d st. ar OI'KICEH In 8an Francisco, Los Angeles, Cal.; Ogden, I'tah; Spofcaue, Wash. HELP FllEB TO KMI'LOx'Klttl. KKEH HEOISTUAIION AND BAGGAGE " ROOM. Applicants' for work charged only "for what we secure fur them, or money refunded. KSTAHLISI1K1) 1876. WANTED, Tutlnelmen, laborers, muckers. $2to $3 day; also chance fur teamsters, -machine drillers and .helpers, outside laborers.- ;xl cantos, work and water. In Nevada FREE' FAB . FREE FARE 110TH WAYS. ...... COHRESl'OWENCE SOLICITED. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter and builder. 307 remodeled" ; altering and repair bouses. , Phone Main 747. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS are more accurately and reasonably ailed st Etsseii s rnarnwey, "C7 Morrison St.. bet, f irst snd second sts. .H)l 8TOH1KS and novels for summer read- lag. 10 cents. Jones' Book store. 201 Aider CAPK KRATZ. 123 Sixth st. A (ne luseb served st sll nours. . PLUMBEB8. DONNEKP.ERO A It ADEM ACHKIl, plumbers, removed to 84 Fourth st. Roth phones. W. OlFFORD NASH. 103 lth at.; terms upon application. Reglnners taken. NOTICE of Stcxkholdcrs' Meeting. The an. nual meeting of the stockholders of tbe or.;-ou iron steel Company will be held at the oftlm of the company, room 33U Bber lock Building, Portland, Oregon, Juse 18, HSU, at 11 o'clock a. tn., for the purpose of electing a biard of directors for the ensuing year, and the traussetlnu of suck other burlness as may legally Cutne before the meeting. A. 8. l'ATTCLLO, Secretory. Portland. Or., May 21. 10O3. , CITT NOTICES. REAL ESTATE FOR BALE. $30U DOWN aud $12.50 monthly buya neat, - newly -papered and iwrntpit ft-ronm cottage. T block of 8 street car. West Hide; Immediate possession; only $K7ft. Columbia Real Estate & Trust CoBimny, 2,'M". Morrison st. lflo ACRES of land. 12 miles from Forest Onive, on Dairy Creek: suitable for stock ranch; few acres "cleared and fenced, small house, living water; will lie sold cheap Whalley, Benson Bldg.. Fifth and Morrison. REAL ESTATE. FOR 8 ALE FARM8 Improved farina for snle In all parts of Oregon and Washington; payments mada to salt purchasers. Fur full particulars as to various properties apply to Wm. MkcMuater, 811 Worcester bldg. AUTHORS ft MARTIN, csrpenters and build ers; repairing and jobbing; store and office fixtures built. Shop 200 Columbia. Pbone Clay 1N61. , H. F. CLARK, 453V4 Wash., phones West 782, North 1411. New and repair work, prompt attention. CAFES. YATES' PLACE, 2X5 Washington at,. Phone 8. Main 771. J. W. Talbott, prop. Pnrtland. Or. COMPRESSED TEAST. RED STAR COMPRESSED YEjfsT; It makea lightest. For sale by all grocers. cent stronger than any other. 15 per CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESBERG-GL'NST CIQAR CO. Distributers of FINE CICARS. Portland, " Oregon. COAL AND WOOD. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO.--Dealers In all kinds of coal, charcoal, i'hone 1018. coke and VULCAN COAL CO., wholesale dealers beat coals; foundry and smelter coke. CORNICE SKYLIGHTS. METAL SKYLIGHTS, galvanised Iron cor nices. J. C. Bayer, 265 Second at. CEREAL KILLS. MAXWELL A KNAPP REAL ESTATE. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce bldg. R0FE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.. cor. Fourteenth and Northrup sts., Portland. Or SrRAYINO. SPRAYING In all branches; trees, bouses, barns, etc. 007 Mllwaukle st. Pbone. Blue SAFES. BUY YOUR SAFES of J. A. Davis; your re pairs and lockouts safely done. (Ml Third st. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C. O. PICK, office HH First St.. between Stark and Oak sts.; pbone 500; pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping; com modious fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clsy sts. SPECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, 'No. 200 Wash ington st. Phones. Or.. Main 0fi2. Col.. 2(11. SLOT MACHINES. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO. Slot machines. H. E. Park aud Oak. Both Phones. Main 138. AN EXAMINATION of applicants for appoint ment In tbe police service. Division. A, classes 1 (captain, grade At; 2; (Captain, grade B); 3 (detectives); 4 (Jailer); 5 ( pa trulineu I ; ft (matron); 7 (harbor master i. and HI (patrol drivers), will he held at the rouuia of the Portland Ituslneaa College, on the northeast corner of Washington anuL Park streetjLl'utL-J. land. Oregon, on Saturday, June 20. 1003, from 8 a. m. till 3 o'clock p. ru. 'the geiu-ral ace of such cxsmluatlon will include one subject, vis. : -Getieral knowledge of duties. - A. . CO' tTKNEY, C. W. 1HODSON, P. I,. WILLIS. Civil Service Commissioners. GEO. II. WILLIAMS. Mayor. Portland, Oregon, Juno 1. 1903. PROPOSED A8SE8SktENT FOR SEWER IN EAST EVERETT STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Council of-tbe City of Portland proposes to assess tbe following described property aud owner -or own ers as being specially nd peculiarly benefited In the amounts set opposite tbo names aud descriptions thereof by the-construction, of a sewer In East Everett street, from the east line of Hawthorne's First Addition to East Portland to a connection with tbe aewur In East Twenty-eighth, aa provided by ordinance no. i j. int. Any objections to the apportionment of cost for said sewer must lie made in writing to tbe Council and filed with the Auditor with to. fifteen days Irons-the -date of -tbs-firat nub. ucation or tnia notice, and said objections will be heard and determined br the Council lie- fore the passage of the ordinance assessing the cost lor sain sewer. Hawthorne's First Addition to East Portland Blk U, lot 10. John E. Anderson .. Blk I. IntT), Elliia Cl mi. .".". . .'. .".'. Blk 0. lot S. 8. Ilavts.r Blk l. lot 7. John U$!kk .i. Blk 10. lot 12. Gustsv W. BucbuU. Klk 10, lot II, Michael Mclutyre Blk In, lot 10. Lucy A. Pterson Blk 10, lot . M. B. Smith Blk 10, lot 8, O. L. llavdshl Blk 10. lot 7. Cu!hle M. Raber HIS 1 1. Jot. J2- E. M. Hughes Blk II, lot 11. The Hawthorne Estate,. Blk II. lot 10, H. L. Powers. Trust.-e.. Blk 11. kit l, The Huwthonm Estate.. Blk II, lot H, George J. Cameron Blk 11, lot T. George J. Cameron.. Blk 12. lot 12, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 12, lot 11. Tbe Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 12. lot M, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 12. lot 0. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 12. lot H. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 12. lot 7. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk Id. lot 1. Horathy Iks hello Arlsa.. Blk 10, lot 2. Horalhy laahclle Arias.. Blk 10, lot 3, Clarage II. Himes Blk Id. lot 4, Grace H. -Mmes Blk 10. lot 5. Grace H. Illmes Blk 16. lot (1. John 8. Jewell. Blk 15, lot 1. G. A. Tarlor Blk 15. lot 2. G. A. Tsvlor l Blk 15, lot 3. John Almeter Blk 15. lot 4. John J. Scheurer Blk. 15, lot 5, H. L. Powers. Trustee.. Blk 15, lot 0, Thomas M. Anderson..., Blk 14. lot 1. David Crelghton. . Blk 14. lot 2. David Crelrhtnn . Blk 14. , lot :i. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 14. lot 4. H. L. Powers. Trustee.. Blk 14: lot 5. L1jtle K. Shult Blk 14. lot fl. Urate 8. Shutt.... Bik 13. lot I. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 13, lot 2. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 13. lot 3. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 1.1, lot 4. The Hawthorne Fistate.. Blk 13. lot 5. The Hawthorne Estate. Blk 13, lot fl, Tbe Hawthorne Estate.. crrr HOTicis. south of and parallel therewith, Isaiah Buckman ... 02.00 A tract of land lying between the oiit , Hue of East Burnslde street and a , ; . line 100 feet south of and parallel' - ", "'therewith,' and between tbe east lino , of East Twenty -eighth street and the west line of the '-Robert I'lls Traot," sretlou mi, township 1 north, range' . 1 east, Willamette Meridian, Thos. M, Anderson '. , . . . . . . . . . . .' 111.80 Manning's Addition to the City of . Portland. Oreeou . : . Blk 1. north loo feet lot L C. B. snd W .' f.unlMll . . Blk 1,' north 100 feet lot 1. C. B. and w. iwinpneu J.,,., -. Blk 1, north 100 feet; lot 8, A. Taus- Blk i, north .100, feet lot J), E. and J. A, Clemensen .....,.........,. ZS.3 Blk U north J00 feet lot B, A. snd. A... Turunuu 4. Mayor Gates' Addition to East Port- iana 2S.20 28.20 1.20 19.40 29.85 ' 11.T5 04.10 20.39 Blk T. tot 6,. II. M. Glenn..,.., Blk T, let 4. U. M. Glenn Blk 7, north 25.6 feet lot 3. II. M. Glenn Blk s, lot ft, II. L. Stephens Blk 8, north 34. ft feet hit 4. M. Coopey. Blk 8. north IM.O feet lot 7, John and Sarah J. Clint Blk ,8. south 2S.3 feet lot fl. H. C, l"rlnce 1 ..... Blk 8. north 40.3 feet lot 6, C. W. Boot Blk 0. lot S. Uarv Tomllson Blk B. north 40. S feet lot 4, Henrr Kueble . , Total .$2,381.15 THOS. P. DEVLIN. , Auditor of the City of Portland. , June S. loos. -.-''. 26.00 y 2t;w PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IXPKOTaV KENT OF, WASCO STREET. . Nolle Is hereby riven that tbe Council of tbe City of Portland proposes to assess the following described property and ewuer vr owners ss being specially aud peculiarly bene fited In tba amounts set opposite the names and descriptions thereof for the luiprovciueut ot wssco street.- from tne eaat nue er Kssl Fifteenth street to the center lino of East Twenty-fourth street, as urorldtid - by trdl- nauce No. 13.0T8. - ' "i" " Aur obluctlom to tbe snoortlonmcnt of cost for said improvruient -uiust be made In w riling to tbe ChmHI . and tiled with the Auditor within fifteen daya -from tbf date of tbe first publication ot this notice, and said objec tions will be heard and deteinliicd by the Coun cil before the passage of the ordinance as sessing tbe cost of said Improvement. Itoiiadar a Addition tu taat port- land Blk 175. lot 4. The Orerftn Real Estate Company Blk 175. lot S, Ts Oregou Real Estate Contpahy Blk 175, lot 0. Tbe Oregou Real Estale ' Comnanv t Blk 175. lot 6, The Oregon Real Estate Company Blk 178, lot 4, The Oregon Real Estate t ompany , Blk 178. lot 3, Tbe Oregon Real Estate company - Blk 178, lot 6, Tbe Oregon Real Estate Company Blk 178. lot 5. Tbe Oregon Real Eatate Company Blk 195, lot 4, Tbe Oregon Real Eatate Com nan v Blk 106.- lot 3. The Oregon Real Estste comnsny .... Blk 195. kit , The Oregon Real Estate Company , Blk 1D5, lot 5, Tbe Oregon Real Estate Company tract or laud lying between the. north lino of Waeeo street snd line 100 feet north of and parallel therewith and between the eaat Hue nf block numbered 105, Hnlladay's Addition to East Portland, and the west line of IrfockTiuhilienHrB. Tlnlladay Park Ad dition to Portland. Oregon. The Ore gon Real Estste Company Holladav Turk Addit ou to Portland. Oregon Hlk . lot 4. Charles v. overhaugB Blk S, lot X Charles F. tlverbaugh Blk It, lot t The Title Guarantee A Trust Company .' . Blk II. lot 1, Tbe Title Gusrsntee A Trust Company Blk 5. lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 5. lot f. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 5. lot 0. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 5. lot 6. 'llie Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 5. lot 4, 'the Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk (I. lot 3, The Title Guarantee ft Trust Company Blk 5, lot 2. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 5. lot i. The Title Guarantee A .10 115.30 131.23 81.80 . .31.80 81.80 81.80 31.80 31.80 81.80 81.80 :u.w 31.80 31.80 31.80 , 31.80 31.80 "31.80 31.80 31.80 31. 8l 31.80 .31.80 14.45 24.80 24.80 24.80 24.80 21,WI 24.80 24.80 24.80 21.80 24.W1 24.80 24.80 . 21.80 24.80 24.80 24.80 24.80 24.80 21.80 24 80 24.80 21.80 21.80 Total 81.284.45 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. June 2. 1003. TYPEWRITERS. THE SMITH-PREMIER TYPEWRlTERi 122 . Third at.; all nsc of typewriters fur rent; supplies ror an machines, x,. .& ai. Alexan der Co., agents WALL PAPER AND PAINTING, ACME MILLS ' Acme Cereals. CO., Manufacturers Ralston 20 and 22 North Front st. P. JOHNSON ft CO.. manufacturers Peerless Health Cereals. J22-4 Front st ELECTRICAL WORKS. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Office 853 Stark st. Western Electric Works, 806 H Waahlngton st. FINANCIAL. NOTICE SALARIED PEOPLE. Do you need money beforo pay day? Call on ua. We can advauce money ou your wagea on short notice. You pay back monthly, semi-monthly . or weekly.' Tho Star Loan Co., 210 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark eta. DYEING AND ' CLEANING. CITY STEAM DYEING ft CLEANING WORKS Herman Enke. proprietor. Telephone North 181. No. 65 6th st. Dear Pine. Portland. Or. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER Or. WASHINGTONi-Foremoat frater nal society or Horinwesi; protects inv liv ing. J. L. Mitchell, supreme secretary, 613 and 015 Marquam bldg., Portland, Or. Tel- epnonc Ham U4Z HOUSE FURNISHERS, HOME TPRNISHERS Farol tSre carpets, par lor goods, stoves, etc. Bee 1. fuevuria at Sons, 173-176 First st, 219-225 YamhilL Both HMMMHMMMSHMSMSSSMMSSaHaHM DRUGGISTS. FRANK J. 8TREIBIG. drugs, toilet articles. perfumes. '342 Wasmugstun su . - - STRIKE does not delay us, as we are able to fill all orders- Without delay. I lrt-cinss work. A. A. Church A Co., No. 274 Taylor st. Pbone Clay 1 ii . WHOLESALE HARDWARE. J. E. HASELTINH A CO.. iron, steel, coal and blacksmith's supplies. 45-51 Second st. WHERE TO DINE. STROCSE'S RESTAURANT; flrst-cliss meal, beat service. 220 Washington st. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Prael Hegele ft Co.. 100 to 106 r It. eor. Stark WHOLESALE WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 184-186 Becssd at. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Portland, dr. WHOLESALE GROCERS. WADHAM8 A CO.. wholesale grocers, menu . facturers snd commission merchants, 64 and 66 Front st. ALLEN A land. Or. LEWIS, wholesale grocers. Port- UAS0N. EHRMAN ' A C0 W wholesale grocers. Nf- W. or. Second ana Pin at. LANO A CO., First and Ankeny sts. WALL PAPER; ERNEST MILLER A -CO., -stall paper aud dee ' orators. 127 First at. - " i h .& Read The Journal PROPOSED AS8ES8MENT FOR SEWER IN EAST BUBNSIDE STREET. Notice la hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland proposes to assess the following described property aud owner or own ers as being, specially and peculiarly benefited In the amounts aet opposite tbe names aud descriptions thereof by the construction of a sewer In East Burnslde street, front the eaat Hue of Bitch tcl avenue (o a connection with the aewer- tn East Twenty-fourth street, as provided by ordlnanco No. 13.240. Any objections to the apportionment of cost for said sewer must be made 1n writing to the Council and filed with tbo Auditor with in fifteen days, from the date of the first pub lication of this notice, and said objections will bo beard and determined by tbe Council be fore tbe passage of tbe ordinance assessing tbe cost for said sewer. 6 A tract of . land lying between the north line nf Kawt Burnslde street and a line 100 feet north ot mid parallel therewith and between the east Hue of , block 8, Keystone Addition to tbe City of Portland and the west line of East Twenty-eighth street, , Isaiah Bunkmau 8 600.25 HaWthorne'a First Addition to East Portland Blk 24, lot 12. City A Suburban Rail way Company 18.75 Blk 24. lot 11, City A Suburban Ball- way Company 40.30 Blk 24, lot 10. City A Suburban Rail way Company 40.30 Blk 24, lot 0, Sella U Hewett. 40.30 Blk 24, lot 8, Mary J. Geabant. f, . , .i 40.30 Blk 24, lot 7. Mary J. Graham " 40.30 Blk 23, lot 12, Thomas W. Parrott,... 4O.S0 Blk 23. lot 11, Thomas Mtttr..., ....... '40.30 Blk 23. lot JO. -C. c. and Lulu D. Loucks Blk 23. lot 0, C, C. and Lulu D. Loucks, ...... ..-T. t. Blk 23, tot 8. Charles E. Mace...,.,... Blk 23. lot 7. II. L. Powers. Trustee... i Blk 22, lot 12, H. L-' Powers, Trustee.. Blk 22, lot 11. Tbe Hawthorne Estate., Blk 22, lot 10, The tlawttinrne Estate... Blk 22. lot 9.' Tbe Hawtborno Eatate?. A tract nf land lying between, the south, . line nx nasi fiurnsiue sirn-i nnu a line l -1 100 feet smith of gnd parallel there. , 1 with and between the. eaat line of bhick T. Keystone Addition to the City . of Portland and tbe west line of Rest - Twenty -alxb street, - lsalab Buck- fj "--trrtttt .t. . f .-,-; . '; .' : .Vi;. ; ." r' '. ' "i " i"' 28f (80 A tract of hitid lying between the. eaet- L -line of Twenty-sixth street snd the - west line of East Twenty-eighth street ' . v snd between the sooth Una of Esst Buuslde street sad a liue J00 feet .-- 40.30 40.80 40.80 40.80 40.30 40.30 40.30 27.56 180.09 192.5S So!o8 108.05 00.75 82.80 74.08 71.12 115.07 127.17 148.44 143.16 T(r.05 Trust Company Blk 4. bt 8. Tbe Title Guarantee ft Trust Company Blk I. lot 7. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 4. lot 6. The Title Guarantee A;, imsr company Blk 4. lot 5. The Title ' Guarantee A Truat Company 101.22 Blk 4. kit 4. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company 04.70 Blk 4. west 9.9 feet bit 3. The Title Guarantee & ...Trust Company. . ...... "16.73 .mk..4..L. ll..wlta. Rodney - - I,. Glissn et si 82 12 Blk 4. lot 2. Rodney L. Gttsau et al.. 113 07 Hlk. 4.-lot 1, Rodney I..- Glissn- -ex al..- 127.60 Blk 16, lot 8, Tbe Title Gusrsntee A Trust Compsny 131.50 Blk 15. sit 7. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company 121.03 Blk 15. lot 6. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company ". . 82.03 Blk, 1. lot . The Title Guarantee A - Trnst Company . i 84.21 Blk 16. lot 4. The Title Guarantee A Trust Com tuny 87.00 Blk 13. lot 8, The Title Guarantee A Trnst Company , 89.04 Blk 15. lot 2. The Tlth Guarantee A Trnst Company 128.14 Blk 15, lot I. The Title Gusrsntee A Trust Compsny , 140.0 - Iloluirtoy's Addition to East Port- Is ml Blk 174. lot 1. Tbe Oregon Real Estate Company , .10 Blk 174. lot 2, The Oregon Real Estate. Comnanv - ,io Blk 174. lot 7, Tbe Oregon Real Eatate rioiupauy .10 Blk 174, lot 8. The Oregon Real Estate I'nmmnv -10 Blk 179, kit 1, Too Oregon Real Estate Company Blk 179. lot 2. The Oregon Real Estate- t"omnanv ' ; -i . i ........ . .10 Blk 179. lot 7. The Oregon Real Estale tfenmanv , ,IU Blk 171). lot 8, Tbe Oregon Ileal Estate Company .Iff Blk 104. lot 1, The Oregon Real Estate Comnanv , .10 Blk ll4. lot 2. Tbe Oregon Real Estato I tomtianv '. .10 Blk 190. lot 7. The Oregon Real Estato tompany Blk 194. lot 8. Tho Oregon Real Estate Company .'&.. .10 A tract of laud tying between the south line or tvaseo streei ami a nne nn feet south of snd parallel therewith and between the east line of block numbered 104. Ilolladay's Addition t East Portland, and the wear line or block numbered 1. Hnlladsy Park Ad dition to Portland. Oregon. Tbe Ore gon Real Estate Compauy - .10 Holladay Park Addition to Portland. Oregon i Blk 1, lot 13. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trtttr Company 110.18 Blk 1; lot 14. The Title Guarantee A Truat Comnanv 1.81.20 Blk 1. lot 15. Tbo Title Guarantee A - ... . . . i ioj on . trait vujiiiiau.v , ... ,o,.tw Blk 1, lot 18, Tho Title Gmrantee.A Trust Coiiiuafiy ""; ;r: : :; :. : r. . ... ..... ios.ot Blk - 2. lot 9. The Title Guarantee A . Trust Company 200.1.1 Hlk 2 lot 111 The Title Guarantee A Trust Company irta.. Blk Z. lot Trnst Blk 2. lot Trust Company ..... Blk 2. lot 13. The Title Guarantee A Trnst Comnanv Blk 2. lot 14. The Title Guarantee A Trust Comnanv Blk 2. lot 15. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 2. lot 16. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 3. lot 9, . The Title Guarantee A Trnst Company Blk 8. lot 10. The Title Guarantee A Trust Compsny Blk 8. lot 11. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 3. lot 12. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Companv h ........ ; ; Blk a lot 13. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 8. west B.9 feet lot 14, The Title Guarantee ft Trust Company Blk 8. eaat 40.1 feet lot 14, Rodney L. Gllaan et al Blk 3. lot 16. 'Rodney L. Glissn et al.. V bit ttl llouney L. Gllaan et si.. Company 186.a lot. 11. The Title' Ouarantee A Componr 114.03 lot 12. The Title Gnartntee A V Pny .- V .103.4! 12. the Title .Guarantee AAL. ipany Tsy.Ot Blk 10. lot 9. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 10. lot 10, The Title Guarantee A Trust: Cmnny .A Blk 18, lot 11, The Title Guarantee A nust iJompany Blk 18. lot 12. Trnst Company I Blk 16. lot 13. The Title Guarantee A Blk 16. lot 14. The Title Ouarantee A Trust Company Blk' 16. lot 15. The Title Guarantee A 11(1-1 ,mJ.ill ,'.,,.. 1ZU.4S Blk 16. lot 16. The Title Guarantee A Truat Compsny : ,;i1),.,.a 140,48 Total ............ . . , . ; . . .'. . $6,998.38 . TH08, C. DEVLIN, i - . i Auditor of the Clt of INirUaad.' A V