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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1903)
THE OREGON DAILY JO URNAL, , rORTLAXD; T EVENING, J CJiNE 1 2, , 1003. EXPELLED FROM RECEIVER'SUMI is iiuiaiiiiiiiiaaaEiKziiaasaKiiacKxii3S!isBKt3ii;az2san 1 ; NOW EXPECTED i ISe Conyenience LABOR COUNCIL SALE i,- Laundry - Drivers Not Wanted Weather Observer Says Will amette: Will Peach 20-Foot 'S' in federated Irades Counci PIANOS, PIANO PLAYERS, and Their Delegates lave CHURCH AND PARLOR ORGANS. Mark by Sunday and Lower 7 Hooded, ,1 J .1 . . . M 1 J, J- q. J jl U J. II I .1 ..', 1 I T M- M M . it. Men Are Deserting More Rapid , ly From the Laundry Work ers' Union Than the Girls Markers Return, - . The Federated Trades Counc'l held o .special meeting last night a:id expelled '- the representatives from tin laundry '' Drivers' Union from the 01 ftanlzatlon. f ( ' A resolution was sluo adopted asking that the drivers' charter which -was re ealved from the Tears" Drivers' Intrr j . . national Union be revoked. The r so lution wss forwarded to international ' ' headquarters, and member of the Ooun .' ell think there Is no doubt thot the i recommendation will be carried out ".rT "'" Sixteen of the drivers voted to re main true to organised labor and not .Cto return to work for the Laundrymon's ; i Association until It should arrive ut . -! some agreement with the union. A t - majority of these. It Is stated, have ' announced It as their Intention of not , olng back to work, regardless of the vote which was taken on the subject. and arrangements are being; made to re- organise them and get them a new char ' .ler. A few of these have secured em " ; ployment with the United States Laun " " dry. Made Speeches. " At a meeting of the Laundry Workers' - x: union last nigni tne lowowing commit tea from the Federated Trades Council r Jwai In attendance: C. 3, Gram, presl f ent of the Team Drivers' Union; H. P. r, . Welch, of the Carpenters' Union, and "y Grant McDonald, secretary of the Coun-ell- Each of them made a short spoech and prophesied that the union would win If Its members remain Arm. Outside of the speechmaking there was very little else which transpired at tho gather 't Jn. , ' . , Mtm Desert Inf. Several, experienced workers deserted !. the union this -mornlnr returnlnir to l their old positions at the Troy Laundry. These are about the only experienced y'1 hands Trho have thus far been reported as desertlnir. A tally sheet at lieadquur- ters reveals he fact that moro men than airls. In proportion to their mem- i x - bershlp. have riven up the fiitht and .'"returned to work. In fact, about twice ' as many men have shown the white I feather, and the assertion made &t the V V;-'7 v' r i f. The Stock of Gilbert Brothers Turned over to Eilers Piano House-All to le Closed Out At Practically 50c on the Dollar. A has been announced, tlio stock of pianos and orBon. u large part or me assets of tho firm of Gilbert firon.. bank- era, who recently wont Into bankruptcy. nas neen turned over to uuers riano The Columbia has Risen Four Feet in 36 Hours and Warm i Weather Still Melts Snow in i the Mountains, House, and will bo closed out without ro to cost or proiit. verythlng muat be sold within bzszssvt nrrxwaow vrass. Mr. Myers, vbw at the head of the State Lewis snd Clark Fair Com mission, is a resident of Pclem mid u native of the Btate of Oregon. He Is to years of age. and was born In Linn County. A Democrat In politics. Mr. Myers has served In both branches of tho Oregon Legislature, and served for eight years ns a member of the State Hoard of Agriculture. Ho was a delegate from Oregon ta the National Democratic Convention at Kansas City In P0O. nnd oppowod the late Thomas H. Tongue as a candidate for Congrcns from the First Oregon District In 1902. ST. JOHNS WANTS RECONSIDERATION time the laundries resumed operation f: nk u inn wuuiu trun weaacn ana v1. return to work does not seem to be y borne out by the facts In the case. , - With the exception of experienced ' 'Workers the members of the association jiow have about all the hejn they re '7 quire.. The only hope that' the union ; . has Is that the public will not patronize ' the laundries until the trouble Is settled. "' .The barbers mn1 unu nf h -'"ante and hotels have withdrawn their "patronage, and It la said that many of '-'the private families have done likewise. r7."It now rest with the public as to who City Fathers Are Now in of Vacating Many ' Streets, Favor REST OF FIREMEN EXAMINED SUNDAY "CHICK" 'HOUGHTON AGAIN ' j Xrrtttf Touth and Companion are fined . " 1 Knalelpal C6urt Tor Bis. 1 1 ' - orderly Conduct. "Chick" Houghton and Kred Love, the ' ""former a youthful mmmtig inir ana , the- latter hardened ex-convlcL were . ' fined $15 1n the Municipal tourt this ' morning on charges of drunfiTand dlsor derly conduct. Attorney Wilson T. . , Hume, their, counsel, objected .Jitrenur ously to the sentence, but Judge Hogue rerused to alter the fine to figure suf- Detent, to-allow of an appeal to Oie-eir- eult Court The men were arrested last Sunday ariernoon in the Favorite Saloon, until A recently operated by "Bob" Patterson. --,but .now by -John - Frits.- Patterson's .. '(. .conduct of the saloon became -'so gross t .that the City Council refused him a II- ense. , . . . , Last Sunday afternoon Patrolman - Carpenter , was called Upon to arrest t' .Houghton and Love on complaint of Frits, who suted that they had been act ing in a Very suspicious manner In the saloon. "He satd they had been crowd ing In between strangers, and he feared .ther were bent upon robbery. They 'Were sent to the police station, and brought up for trial this morning. I Tlts somehow disliked to give hla . t testimony against the two men. and It - was only after Judge Hogue threatened him with confinement In the city Jail that he told of the HCtlona of tho men In his saloon. At the conclUHlon of the testimony Judge Hogue remarked that Inasmuch as both defendants had very r unsavory reputations, he thought" their t conduct In the aaloon, coupled with the f 'fact that they were Intoxiciib-d. v.ur :, ranted him In fining each tin. Love'p '"father paid his son's fine, hut Houghton went to Jail. The li;tter la now out on ' bail, pending hs trial In the Circuit Court on the charge of highway robhrry. He waa once sentenced to the i nltf r t in ? y for the crime, hut secured n new '.rlfl. The St. Johns city council at Its re& lar monthly meeting last night decided to reconsider its action taken some time ago in refusing to vacate several streets along the water front of the city which had been asked for by sev eral manufacturing Institutions. In a communication received from the Doernbecker Manufacturing Com pany, the company said that unless the desired permission for the vacation of the atreets asked for was granted at an early date they would give up the saw mill project us far as locating It at St. Johns was concerned. A communication from tho management of the new Elec tric Sawmill to the same effect- was also read. . j Speeches were made by various coun cllmen in favor of reconsidering the matter, but finally the queatlon was given over to the street committee. City's rirst Arrest. Thft first arrest made by the marshal of the new city was told of In' a report of Recorder Miner, who said that a 15 fine had been Imposed on a drunk. Four boys were arrested for bathing in the river without the proper wearing ap parel and were fined t' each. The lads were, however, allowed to depart until such -ilme.ijis they could . raise the money to pay their fines. Only one bid was received for the con struction of the water works, owing to the fact that the call for bids had been Improperly advertised. Home of the councllmen were In favor of Inserting the ad In more- than one paper. Remaining Candidates Will Then Take Athletic Tests With Police, The secretary of the Civil Service Commission today notified all applicants for positions In the fire department, who had not yet taken the athletic test, that their last opportunlly would be Sunday, June 7. at Multnomah Field. There have been. 115 firemen pass the ordeal, and there remain 30 candidates. Men who desire places on the police force as pa trolmen will also be allowed to run next Sunday with the firemen, but It Is not necehsary that they take their 80 yard dash on that day If they do not de sire, us other opportunities will be glvtm tnem before the examinations on June 20th. Applicants for police classes 1 (cap tain, 3 (detectives), 4 (Jailor). 6 (patrol men), (matron), 7 (harbor master), na iu ipairoi arivers) win be ex amined at the Portland Business Col lege June 20, from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. The scope or the examination will In clude a general knowledge of duties upon this subject, requiring a total per centage of 10. ten days, and In order to accomplish this end every one of these instruments Is offered for sale at Co cents on tho dol lar, or one-half their. uctual value, to say nothing of freight and druyage charges. Every Instrument will be fully war ranted by Eilers Pin no House money will be refunded to the purchaser If the instrument l not perfectly sausrnc tory and found as represented after de livery, thus making a customer abpo lutelv secure in his purchnso. Tho sale has been duly confirmed by the Circuit Court, thus making the title perfect in every wav. Space prevents our enumerating In de tail tne many bargains to re rouna nere. Lut among tnem- we name A beautiful Everett upright, fancy qunrtrr-sawed oak cjise, largest size, which hss never been offered for less than I40U will iro now for I1S5. A largest size walnut -rased unright 8chlller. with three pedal and nil the latest improvements, will go for J117.&U. A larro-slEcd Schatffer upright In beautiful rnahoiiany case, also equipped with all modern Improvements, and worth 3300 will co for 1100. A somewhat used Inrge-sliod Wlirfler upright, worth 3225- will v-o for 3112.50 Payments rnuut be cash, or where time Is desired, one-tenth of the amount must bo paid down, and the balance can be arranged In ?4 equal payments but deferred payments are to bear In terest at 5 per cent per annum. Piano PJayers, Too Here Is a chance to get a good one very cheap. Two piano-players, stand ard make, have come In to us with this stock. They will alno be sacrificed, one going for 3120 and the other for 3162. If you want one or these, come early. Numerous Others as Well Bear In mind that In addition to these Instruments we want to clean out a large variety of second-hand pianos. some but very slightly used, that have come to us as part payments for new Chlckerlng, Weber, Kimball and other fine pianos that we sell regularly. In this lot you will find Ivers Pond, Mathushek. Emerson. Knabe. Harvard. Fischer. Kingsbury. A. B. Chase. Vic toria, Packard. Ludwig. Royal. Steck. Newby ft Evans and many others too numerous to mention. These also must be sold in order to make room for the enormous stocks of new pianos which are now en route and due to arrive with in the next two weeks. If water will work damage to them, immediate wtepe should be taken to movo nil 'tooda from the lower to the Such was the notice given along the water front this morning by Forocast Official Bcales, of the Weather Buroau. He predicts that the river will rise to IB. 6 foot by Thursday and vwlll reach the 20 foot mark on Sunday. Tho Columbia river along Its entire length has .begun to rise at a rapid pace and much alarm la felt at the present time of the contlnuod warm weather. The temperatures ihla morning at 6 a. m. over the Columbia and Snake River Basins ranged between 4 and 70 degrees, and It had an upward tendency. The outlook is said to be critical, and that the river at Portland will exceed the Average yearly height of about 24 feet la thought to be as urcd. Reports from the headwaters of the Columbia and Snake rivers show the amount of snow on the level to be greater than at this time last year or for many seasons In the past- The snow fall was extremely heavy during Ite- cember and January with an ordinary fall during the preceding months. This was followed during April and May by heavier snows than ever before known at that season of the year, and contln ued cool weather prevented melting and allowed water sources to accumulate. The river at Portland Is now more than eight feet below the mark attained at this time last year. The river has gone up over four feet in two days at Wenatchee and"the rush of water, like the flow from a mill- dam. Is traveling seaward. It la ex pected this will reach Portland by Thursday, when a most noticeable rise will occur. The water overflows Front street at 24 feet and merchants have been warned to remove their goods be fore it Is too late. The river will reach and pass the 24- foot mark, with present weather condi tions existing, by June 23. A cold wave may arise from the rcean and check the river rise-, but as the season grows older the prospects for such condition are rare. The river gauge read as follows at the different stations this morning: Poryand. Or., 13.6; The Dalles. Or, 25.9; Umatilla. Or.. 17.0; Northport, Wash.. . wenatchee. wash., 30.1; Rlparla, Wash., 13.0; Lewlston, Idaho, 13.8. a 71 Of Electric Appliances should recommend, them t everyons for use in business cr la the heme. So handy for so many' pses, first ccst so small they are economical as well as convenient. YvVf can show you a great variety of goods that yotf will find it to your, advantage to use.' PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY v - mm Seventh ti . Alder Streets Portland, Oregon B ' ' ' as I gtTWIIltyaiggBBSgBgBSggggBggraWBBBglHrECBBlBBMKSlgBl ig 4 f T FOR YOUR Breakfast, Dinner or Supper I EAT THB BEST' JjAM THAT MONEY CAN BUY. ASK FOR HI ELD RR'ANDi IL : It costs no more than any other and It Is absolutely the Best. I .From Oregon Wheat-Fed Hogs and Government Inspected. A Home Product and none better made. All First-class Grocers and Butchers sell ..SHIELD BRAND GOODS- s UNION MEAT CO, i l i 4 HAS-FLED TO MEXICO BOARD OF TRADE MEET TO PROTECT FORESTS Societies to Prevent the Wanton De struction of American rpimtoor Mar Organize in Oregon. . Secretary Mux M. Shllloclt. of the Boactl of Trade, received CLERKS UNDER ARREST Said to Hare Crfd on a Systeianjic Bobbery of Contents of a Local Clothing1 fttoret Charles' J. Tlvi-rsky ami .'.I'. r:t Hlclcox, both young In ni'P' mI'mim . i tfare -arrcwid t IU. mrniK hy it y w teetires. -a'ninjr under tin- tust i n.-t im.s of Capt. ftlnimoup. Tli pr--..i,f, .-,r., charged with .lan-eiiy from u -lo'iii; store nt the corner or Thlnl lliini. Side strpeta. Caut. -Simnionx stutv. ih;u tiv tv.-u men were milny-r In tin- &u' ;in clerks, and tlmt -for Ney-r;l vvk it In alleged they linvc ln-cn In th haldt "!' carrying pieces or clothlnR. iiiinpri;U lng the SBime to .their ivi uk.-. They were watched by cinjiloyi s nf the ea tabllHhmint and their titteM followed., The , police arc lnveKiiKiii mg tlieli ' 'psst records, helievltig It i possible that they huve Ix-un In ( (nwin srttoiiS lH-fort . tLJ 1. '.'. i" . j . 1 Mr. Hhitlook 1 Wl'il III- M '! Vf,!ld i- ? if M it m mm i VT0 THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE In comparing Grain-0 anl cofTcc remember that while the taste Is tbesam Grai n-OiVi ves health anu strength while cottee shatters tho nervou cyatem and bieetjrf" diacas of tfc digestive organs. Tliinkin.c; people prefer Orain-0 and its ben . try it to-oay; . v: ! elrker erecywbere ; lit. and lie. pet pecksg u letter tnis morning from the American Forestry Association regarding the organizing of clubs la Oregon. The rapid destruction of the largo timbers throughout the I'nlteil fftates has caused much alarm upfiti the part of those who have stud ied the Necessity of forests to u coun try from a selentilie rl.indpolnt. One f the principal tl lnfrw jiotieed by Ku ropcan travelers on loi'i:-- through Amer ica Is the :;i i-l! dlsnppearlng of the great for'-.'l.-. In all .octlons of the I'l.liei': ft:;ie)s. The American l-'ojvslry As:;orla!lou. of T.iiieh linn. J:iitiWi Wil son !; president, was formed to take some Mifpv to pro;. t tlie grei: timber Intel t. of I he nation. Tin :.i M le .,,id:v:scd v.'os a 1'olio n : - N'l.v.' I In; n. V..-. May f?'-'i-r-ti.r.v i!ojvri of Trade, Portland, (,'it'pon: in e.rl. joii to . u?;;e't the Ccnllemeii wiioro von . think Pkelv to lake an interest In th work 'Tf-tritF rrssnrlsitnm. - What wish, of oi,i-fo, is t i o,it:im mc:i who .-irt m-i;-. ely ii-tvi-efii people in becom ing nn'Ktb' ' .- of the a.sKoeiHtinn. po sildy .Mart :tis ' stat. blanch of . the Kiini'. niid from time linw hold meet ings for the p ;rpo-i of arousing In teied and i,i.t : r '-t iiii; I he public. This i: a foP!d.ito. tor oinainlii,: nroper legml.-'t ion to ii-...i - i Mil) roiisei'v e the niHMiiitlei iit forest- of your Male. We think th'- roop have at luet f:iit'i to nailery land -that f-uv;;try mean's ra tional ;u e or' tli rf.r-sts. and not Irra tWd'al p'-ofctlor. for pntl. purpoKcs. At rat", m the recent Lumbermen' f'onM'irtion lold in Washington. U. ".. v.'ere pleased to note that this i'lcn h. s c.l last taken hold with them. Voury vi't v trulv, kdvat'.d a. nownns TIai! -lames of those Interested" I' tins work hero will lie forwarded t ! Mr l.oYV..ra nrwl t. k fhrtoti '.,. within a short time Oregon will 3 : t V several iiTK" Forestry Ays.vlatlon;:. ATTACK CHAMBERLAJ? Business Men rasa Zmportaot Besola tlons on Various Subjects and Elects 91 Vrw Members. At last night's meeting of the Board or 'I rnde two reaolulions passed which are expected to iuak this city a wee hit better place in which to live. One was that the Lewis find Clark commit tee of the board tiso Hs Influence In having the docks whitewashed and the bridges and ferries painted white in the spring of 1905. The other resolution usks for later street car service. The committee on advertising was in structed to see thnt hereafter Port land's commerce was recognised In Oov- ermrtent ttiibllcstions. - Major A. P. Senrs and B. 8. Pague were appointed a com mittee to collect data rcanrdlns: this city's trade with Mtxlco, Central and South America. The following nrc the nnmoa of 21 new members fleeted: Philip S. Bates. Thorn MeXamee, A. V. McQueen. Walter Nash, Lnbee & rtebe. It. M.. Hall, E. Mcndenhall. Zan Uros., II. j. Hayes, nosenfeld-Smlth Company, F. Zimmer man, Pacific Paper Company, F. C. Stet tlcr, Olto Itoenlcke. James Hlelop, Krause & Prince, J. E. Bennett, Hazel wood Creamery Company, Oilman Auc tion & CommlasHon Comnoy, Vienna Cafe anO F. I. McKenna. Square Deals in Squares ye must also get out of the way at once some 18 square pianos, among them a Btetnway. for $87; another for 196; A Weber, in excellent condition, for )135: another Weber for $125; Hardman for 72, Haines for 73. Peter Lynch for 105. ana various otners ranging as low as 128. All on psyments of 13 to 4 per month, if so desired. Why Not This Baby? TROUBLE FOR SALOON MAN Warrant .Issued for Arrest of Pfleldner, Charring Him With Selling ' -j Liquor to Minors. A warrant for the arrest of B. H. Pfleldner. proprietor of a ssloon at the In corenr of Twenty-fourth and Thurman j Yr T'sf rcets. Ron th T'ortland,"" was Issued by Municipal Judge Hoguo this morning. Tho complaint charges Plieidner with selling liquor to minors. Patrolman Kuy signed the complaint, which churgos that on May 24 Pfleldner Hold beer to Malconi McBrlde and Edgar lUildwIn, both said to be under legal age. Many complaints against tho sa loon In question have been received at police headquarter and It is" Raid the officers ha.v lunplu .evidence against tho 1'i'oprleUir. ......... I Tin- pivllmluary bearing will probably ' occ.f l j-.-ow. , , - A very choice-little baby grand,' Just the thing for a rozy corner, will go to day for $525. This little beauty Is slightly damaged In case work, owing to careless handling by the railroad company. It Is absolutely perfect, how ever, with theisexeeptlort of these slight bruises.' Fanciest mahogany case, and could. not ordinarily be. obtained for less than $750r ' Here is a clenn 'saviner of $226. Pay $75 down snd $20 a month. A ouarter-sawed English oak-oased Kimball, used two years, but exactly lik new. now $285. A fine Knabe up right for $265. jso matter who you want In a piano. you will find it here, snd arrangements for time pavments will bo made to suit anv reasonable buyer. We have the choicest production of the famous KIMBALL factorv. the larg est and most resnonsibln in the world. The old. time-honored CHICKKRINO. "the oldest in America and the best In tho world," which for purltv Of tone and auraointy stands uneouaied. The artistic WEBER, "the pet of the s-rantl opera starsr and the. very finest or jsew inrk s makes. Beside? these, we have some 2R other makes of pianos, all mam by respon sible rnanufacturors. We ! more pianos stid orrans than nnv other establishment in the entire West. We are in a position to buy our instruments right, and for this and other reasons , can and do name better prices than can be obtained elsewhere. Thp dHys for exorbitant prices . for pianos are past. Investigate our methods, our plchos snd our prices, and you will bo con vinced that we have a rightful claim to our assertions. - Marco rielshman Leaves Saa Tranolsoo to Avoid Charf e of Bmbessle ment of Jewelry. (Journal Special Service.) SAN FRANCISCO. June 2. Marco Fleishman, known about town as "My Lord." has fled the city to avoid serv ice in a complaint charging him with felonious embezslement. He is believed to be on his way to Mexico. Two years ago' W. J. Fleishman ab sconded with funds of the Farmers" & PBXb MJBTSCHAK, Frea. O. W rWOWI.II, Mgr. The IMPEIUAL HOTEL PORTLAND, OREGON Bates fiom 8t to $2.50 per day. Seventh and Washington Sts. S $x g AUTOMOBILES Merchants National Bank of Los An- une navnes-Apperson, 10-horse power. geles, and was never taught Marco Is rtj ,, . . - unc wiusmoDiie, -norse power. POP CAI p?Usd about one year and 1 -"V - In flrst-oUea condition. VyiLLAMETTE TENT AND AWNING COMPANY PORTLAND- OR. his brother. He was employed several years selling jewelry on commission. Nathan Strauss, Ralph Friedman. Cur- ran & Green are the sufferers Of his peculations, which will aggregate over $1,000. Eilers Piano House, Washington Street, Corner Park. Other large stores st San Francisco, Spokane and Sacramento. HOLD ENCAMPMENT SOON Mothers! . Mothers!! " Mothers!!! ftirs. WinslOfV's Soothing Syrup Orders May Be Issued Within Snort Time for Mobollsation of Betm- It is reported "in iocal National Guard circles that orders will soon be iasued by the War Office nt Washington. P. C, for the next annual cncSlmpment of the Department of tho Columbia. At this year's encampment the National Guard regiments of Oregon, Washing ton and Idaho will go into camp with tho regulars and live on army beans and hard tncli. It Is thought that tho moboliseatlon of the troops will take place In September at American Lake, neari-aconia.. . .'' Many of the. local guardsmen do not favor the holding of the encampment during the above named month, ns it Is the beginning of the fall business rush, and many of tho citizen-soldiers vwould bo unable to attend. It is said that the officers of the Washington nnd l,.1aho regiments wllLH5otest to Secre tary Root and Gen. FumAon against tho propoHud date, ..they5emilig to Want It lielj during July. . ' FIRE IN GRAIN FIELDS (Journal Special Service.) WILLOWS. June 2.A big" grain fire started yesterday in a hay field belong ing to Fred Quint. A strong south I wind was blowing and In a short time 1,000 acres of grain and three miles of fenco were burned. The loss Is about $12,000. Quint lost $12,000 by a fire two years ago on the same ground. There is no insurance. Many other farmers suffered. ' The total loss Is $25,000. The wind was so strong that men who were lighting the fire were un able to accomplish anything. Some had to ruri for their lives to Bet away from tho flames. It Is not known how the lire originated. WILL GO TO DRAIN (Journal Special Service.) SALEM. June 2. Governor Chamber lain, Secretary of State Dunbar and Superintendent Ackerman will go to Drain tomorrow to attend a meeting of the Board of Regents of the State Normal, to elect the faculty for next year. FOX'S BRIGHT RETORT "Mr. Fox." said an indignant lady, "why do you continue to throw your I jeweled belt in the prize rlng-for-bruta! j pugilists to f ght overt It is a cart of i 'pearls before thai swine.' surely." And why not? questioned the popu lar publisher, "may I not east pearls be-I fore swine wiin the rest of the ntitlon ' Ts"'enjn'ged In" throwing' dowh"c6infbi pork chops?" At her home in England Mary Ander son Nuvarro has become a successful raiser of chickens. She does not sell h-r chickens or her eggs, but after her own table has been supplied and her -friends have been generously remem bered sho distributes the remainder mnopg th poor. c V PLEADED NOT GUILTY Jim McQuade ' was arraigned in the Circuit Court this morning on a charge of robbery and entered a plea of not guilty. The date of trial has not been set. McQuade Is accused of holding up and robbing H. F. Copeland oj a watch. The alleged crime . was committed on the night of December-2 V1902. JHctt-EcccU and Lord Salisbury Aro doing; After iije Secretary's ! , Hcneme . i u been used for reBlXX IT VICARS by MIX, .Juuni!!' Ppwlal fc. rvk e j J0N3 of MOTHERS tor their CHILDREN l.l -.IU'oor ,tu, -.The 1'ost to- while THSTVINO. with PERFECT S0CCX8& ' -k.vb- it has the beat r.Htlioflty for t, BOOTH' Ike cmtn. ftmfritmi tk. rvmra ' the statement thnt Hicks-Ceuoh, a- VT , CHII.D, 80FT8K3 the OCM3, er.nM.-vll.-ir of the ..x-eherruer. till AI-LA Mill E.X; CURES WIJfD COUC. and ru dlm. ly lead an ;H(;,ck h Chamber- I ' the bcst remedy for WAR F IKEA. Sold by uroggiU in every art of the world. Be sure nbcr- Iwln's Vm Verein - sfhemc. while L'tih Ballsliury will also attack him in the House of Lords. tadsk for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," tad take no otacr kia4. TweaU'-firc ct. bottle) MUNICIPAL. COURT FINES' The flries and forfeitures in tho ilunl clpal Court for tho month of Mny reached $2,962.50, beintr ?ne t tl'o urs est month In the history of the court. Gamblers contributed . the 1 major por tion of the coin, there, being a laree number of them- Sicf re arrested regu-i lnrly and who always forfeit their bail mono'. People who could not resist the temptation to dr!vJ 'wasons over the various bicycle pathu donated quite a large amount, and drunka rounded out the sun). .' - . "I I - I'M 9 " : f ' mm "mm A ITU The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 cars. has borne the slgtiatnro of " ' " and has been made under his pcr CutXvyt sonal supervision since its infancy. hV, '4CCUK, Allow no one to deceive yon iu this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" nro hut Experiments that trifle with anil endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. C. GEE WO THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR Is called . great be cause his wonderful' cures are so well .known throughout the United States, and because ao mny ..people are thankful I . tb. -liim - for saving tfyelr Uvea from ! O PERATIONS I He treats any and all diseases wits . powerful Chinese herbs, roots, buds, barks and vegetables that are entirely tin Known to medical ' science In thia coun try,, and through the use of these, harm less remedies. This famous doctor knows the. action of over 6U0 different remedies that ho has successfully used In different diseases. He guarantets to eur cata'rrh, asthma, lung treublos. rheutestlsm, ner vousness! stomafih, liver. Kidneys, female, trouble nnd ail private ouae. tun (l reds of testimonial. Charges moderate, Cull and e him. -. 1 v.":- COVRV&TATXOX rSXB. c Patient1 out of the City write for blank 1 and circular. Inclose smrvp, Addresjl - THE C. GEE VOr , CHINESE MEDICINE CO. v lfi Aidi-i street. Wrtland. Or.Jfcu- E3I Uon tbla paper. ,-.t. :-. is'CASTORIW Casteria. is a harmless substitute foi Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic v substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Pcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind , Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend,-' GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of NJ The Kind You Mm JUrays BougM In, Use For Over 30 Years.. 'KtC CENTAUR toMMiTT. tT MUSSAV tlKR, fcCW TOKK ClV. mm . -4 : "