THE OEEGOy DAILY JOUnyALt , PORTlAyD TUESDAY EVENING. JUXE 2; 1003. It r.ertr NOTICES. ' - ' " CUT KOTICE. , . .' CITT votioei. -: IP i .1111.1 .(il Vri ill t; I - tfa...., WN- "i iiiiw .Tffl'TT; T" T"." "J 'mI'iTTT' f i'X'T V Tlli'Wr'""" ' "".'Mll'"f' ' " Jl. 1 Li. 1-" ' ' -r" -" -r 11 1 jj 7 1 1 1 J. i .i i mu AME8RMEITT EOS THE IHEEOTEMEITT OT "ridge Mtendlng from a point 413 feet east of Rlk 1 mi that portion ef let numbered ZA8T TWITY-l0TJaTK BTaUI, h .Una Thirty-Bret ;lr.t to a point 10 !, a .lying south ef lint lou feat north " f-4i. .. 1 h.r the ir,nlii feet eaat ot tha east line of Tolrty-Sret afreet, , of and parallel wita the north Uue 1 .Wfsie,r.?t A rrun.r Oron emt ,n mnn'"' PW'Irtei by, ordinance e. la.ooy! ,' if "i" rm. "tree,. 0Jr. Uood ! IT S3 fnVniid the .tb ? da- of A 1W8 d nponMrhj lot. part of lot and parcel efjend Blk J, lot i oie IJolmJiT,.! . .TmJ I." ' i l SfneT AddttiM isT :(ha aoMtb BnTf-f ' stands- Portland . ' ' that portion of lot imMm $3" Wk Tt. lot I, Mitchell .ad Lewi. 1ft " M'"! 13.B8A L -neb lot. part of lot nd parcel Co. .. ., .Vr..T.J, 5L!? T .2? SV&J!? it laid whh-1, are eperlally tad peculiarly t 4. MltcheU and Lewie S iDt'fllDrttaSd'' X1,to''' benefited, to be ss followa. vis: .- ...? ,v y-v; "M BU Mil SSSS Good V'""'"" TWnlnrt-l-Aadltlba. Cnraf Portland.' , v 'L UUch'11 ,.a A t'taaaulaV ?S3 SfuA'uiZ'iZ Blk K Wt t'E : lot i :t larl C. Bronausb.,..i.(4.. ri v. Blk JT. IPS 81 lt 1, Wlllaaiotta Steasi UllU . lnoparlaf . Utg. I'.... ' ,! iSiB1 ; lot A, Wlllamatta Btcaa Mill Bronaufh rl C. Bronauak lot t, Earl C. Brooausb. lot l, Earl V. Hronaufb. lot 8. Earl C Brnnaugb. lot . Earl C. Broaauab. 31k X lot 4., Earl , , Bronaiifh. OfH , Hronauah lk 0, lot 1. Blk f, lot 1. Earr c. Blk . Jut , Barl C. Blk I. lot ..Ear C. Blk a 'lot 1. Earl Bronaagb . Bronausb. Bronauab. C. Bronauab... Karatona Addition to tba l ltr of Port. jano t .a....... Blk 1, lot Crapnt Land Oolnpanr.. folk 1, In 2 PrMAnt l.aiwt fnii... 1 1 10 1 V it, Sot,'l Braaaofb'a Addition to .tba , Clt sf iianu, wr. t. lot 1. Earl C. Rronana-k....... : 8.. lot i. Barl C. Broaaunh Hlk t, lot I, Earl C. Broaauab luri g, .flronaf0. Earl C. Bronaurb . Ik t, lot T, Earl.C. Bronoagb.:. ii iaiiaraa aari v. oro- w uav .... .. Blk t, lot I. Earl C. Bronaugb. ....... ,v via i, in a. ean u, Mroaauaa lot S,. Barl C. Branaagb. ......... lot 4. Earl C. Bronaagb.... t iattand B. Earl C. Bra. naogb Blk , tot 1. EarlC. BroaBrb.. ........ Blk , lot i Earl C. Bronauab Blk 6, lot 8. Earl C. Bronanghu - pi a, lot a. ari i;. uronaugD.. Bra- a 7 lattarad . C. Earl naoga ; Hlk 6, Barl O. Bronaugk A traet ef land lying batwaan. i tba caat boundary Una ef BronangVa Addition. City of Portland. Or., and a Una 100 feat aaat of and parallel wltb tba aaat Una of Baat Twenty. '" fonrtt atreat and between the sooth Una of Saady Boad and tba aoatk Una af block .BrManab a AddttUw. City of Portland, aitandad eaatarly In lta , nreaaat couraa. Lae Hoffmaa Batata.. Bela of ' 49 A v ' Tatai T..-..1f... rsinao-i , A aiatamnt of atorkid aaaMuivut baa oeea entered In tba iKx-ke t of - City Lie Da wdico la sow oue ana par a Die at tba of- lea of tba City Treasurer. In lawful moner of tba I'nlted Htatea and If not paid within tmrty oar a rrom tna data oi uia aolloe. b proceedings will ba taken for tba coi tion of tba sanM aa ara oroTlded br tba arter of tba i'lty of Portland. . The above aaaeaameitt will bear Intareat ten days after tba. Drat, publication of tbla Boura. ABdltor of the City of Portland. THUS. C. DEVL.I. Hay . -1C. 13 W I Lumherlarf Mf. To.... I Of Blk W, lot 8. Wlllamatta Steam Mills 4A.4f Blk. lis, lot S, Willamette Steam Wills '! LubaHnf A Mfg. Co....r.. a.4Q Blk IS, lot 1, Willamette Staam Mills S0.2U Luaaherlna- A Mf t'n .j 44.1a Blk 10, lot 4, Wlllamatta Bteam Ml Ha 51.03 I Lnnherlna' Sr llr 11a TS.S6 Blk 1, lot a, Willamette Steam Mllta , uimnennf Mrg. Co.. Blk la, lot 2, Willamette Steam Mills numbering A Mfg. Co Blk 3(1. let 1. Charles Alouchek. Blk . lot 4, Bridge A Beach Mfg. Cq, and Crlbbea A Seiton Co Blk 30, let a. Portland Artl&clal Ice - Co Blk 30, lot 1, Joan Sherlock..... . Blk 81, lot 1, Pertland lea Worka..., Blk ill. lot 4. Paetlaad lea Worka Blk 31. lot 8 Portland Ira Werka.... Blk 81, lot t Portlind lea Worka.... A tract of . laad lylaf between tba north llpa af Tkurmaa surest aad a Una 100 feat aortberly there frem aad parallel therewith, and net wee a tba weat II ae of Nineteenth atreat -aad a Una MO feat weatarly tram aad parallel therewith, Ona Wataea Bloaa A tract- of land lylaf betweea twa lines, saepectlrely, 2d0 feet and S10 feet weeterly from and parallel wltb tba waat Una at Nineteenth atreat aad betweea tba north line af Ibnr man atreat and a Una 100 feat northerly therefrom aad parallel therewith, Lao and Maria A. Helcken , A tract of land lying between two noes, reepeciiTeiy, aiu teat ana ow feat, weatarly from aad parallel ' with tba weat Una af Nineteenth atraat and between tba north Una of Thnrmaa strest aad a Uaa 100 feat north af and parallel therewith, EUsabeth M. Iweent A tract of land lying between two II nee, reapectleely, 40 feet aad SW feet, weat of and parallel wltb the weat line of Nineteenth atreet and betweea tba north Uaa of Xburmaa ntreet ana a una io reel north ar and parallel therewith. H. i. Ureree A tract of land lying between twa II nee, reapeetlrely. M0 feet aad 430 feet, weat of and parallel with tba weat Una af Nineteenth atreat aad between tba north Una ef Thurman street aad 'a Uaa 100 feet north of aad parallel therewith. A. t. t'leeh-man A tract af land lying betweana Uaa seei went or an 11 M mi a as &.00 IBS a. as SOU . d.Bff ... 1 T Alt - 7T.80 M.eT 4T05 ST. 78 86.84) T.M 80.M M.St 131.0 td.ed 84.84 ifli.ii .BT .o 11.08 11 M B3.P0 18.48 8 oo a No ASSESSMENT FOB BEWXB IN EAST TWENTY FOURTH STREET. Mot Ice la bereny Klein thut, tha (xnncll af the City it I'nrtktu.l, (),.oii. nt a '1n beta on tba ?ith .. of MayT'lih'S. de clared the aeaeaimeot Ity brltnitiN-a No. 18 SMI. for tba conatrnrtlon uf a Se-cr In Kaet Twenty fourth atreet frnm 2W feet north of the uorth line of Kant Ollasn atreet to s connection with the newer In Ksat Twenty-fourth utrevt st Eaat Da rla street. In the manner pturliled by ordinance No. .18,847. n each lot. part or lot and parcel of land, wblch are specially and peculiarly beneSted, fo be as follows, 's: rn'agVsia0lbn7" to tha Olty of rqnuaa, ur. Blk 1. aouth H lot 1, Earl C. Bronaugb.l Blk 1. lot X Karl C. Bronaugb Bltl, lot 8. Earl 0. Bronaugk lk 1. lot 4. Karl C. Bronaugk lk 1. kit 6. Barl C. Bronangh Blk 3. tot 1. Earl C. Bronaugb Blk 3, lot Barl C. Bronaugb Blk 3, lot 7. Esrl C. Bronaugb Blk Xr lot 4, Earl 0. Bronaugb Blk 8. lot 1. Earl C. Bronaugb ,. Blk 8. lot I. Earl C. Bronaugb Blk 8. lot S, Earl C. Bmnaugb.. Blk 8. lot 4. Earl C. Bronaugb Blk 4, lot 1, Earl ( Bronaugb Kevatone Adaltlon to the City of Portland. Or. Blk 1, lot 1, Creacont Lead Company..,, Blk 1. lot 3. Creacent Land Company.,.. Bronaugh'f-, Addition to tha City of Portland ilk S. sooth H . lot t. Earl C. Bro naugb ........ .t ,, .. . i Wk 8, lot 8, Karl 0. Bronoagb. Blk 8, lot 4, Earl C. Bronaugk.. Blk. 8. lot 6, Earl C. Rronaugh , lk 8. lot 0, JCarl C. Bronaugb lk 8. let 7. Earl C. Bronaugb t lattarad A, Earl C. Bro nangh ,. Blk 7, lot 1, Bart C. Bronangh-.-. Ilk . 7. lot 3. Barl C. Bronaugb Ilk 7, lot 8.- Barl 0. Bronaugb.. lk 7, lot 4. Barl C. Bronaugb, lot lettered B, Earl 0. Bro- naogb Plk 8. lot 1. Earl C. Bronaugk... IBIk 6. lot 3. Earl C. Bronaugb....;..... Blk 9, lot 8, Karl C, Brnnaugb Blk . lot 4. Earl Cv BMnaib I?; r IM lattarad C, Barl 0. Bra- nsngb plk S, Barl C. Bronaugb................ Kayatona Addition to tba City af 'Portland Blk 10, lot 1, Creacent Land Company,. Slk 10, lot 1. Creacent Land Company.. e. 28.80 38. 0 av.po 3900 3.0 84.88 84. at 84.86 84.81 30 80 20 90 ao.eo 2W.80 35.80 8.83 13.80 86.81) 89.80 80.80 8H.80 86.80 88 OS 3.0 4300 43.80 4280 48.76 88.80 86.80 .88.80 86.0O 48.75 38.88 traet of land lvlne hetwn.!i vMagn't -Addition; Cttjf of Portland, ' Or., and a Una extending north 80 deg. )6 xnta. aaat from a point la tha ' east Una of Brwnangh'a Addition. Cite ef Portland, Or., which la 887.84 feet aontb of tba aanth Una of Handy Road. I aad betweea tba east Uaa af Bra. augh'a Add.. City-of Portland, Or., and a Una 100 feet eaat of aad parallel . with tba aaat Una of Eaat Twenty fonrtfe atraat. Lea Hoffman Batata, . Heir of Blk 10. a traet ef land lying between Ttba atmth Una of tha "Lee Hoffman i Tract:" aactloa townablo 1 north. t range 1 aaat,' Willamette Meridian, 11.40 86.80 86.80 . aad no aouts una af lot a, block 10. V V. Kayatona Addition to tba City of fV I Port la ad aad between tba aaat Uaa of P?t I m , Bronangb'a Addition. City sf Port. j-Vf I (Uad. Or., and tba eaat -Una of block VMS I ti". Kayatona Addition to tbs City of -V' I T PortUnd. and a Una 100 feet east of and parallel with the aaat Uaa of . ainas -waaty-ionna atraat, Isaiah , aKiawa 1.80 Total A tateanent f aforeeald 81210.40 aaaeaament baa I , 9 been entered In tha Docket of t'lty Liana which la now doe and payable at tba of- ca or ma city .xreaeurer, in lawful money ef tba United Btatee and If pot paid within thirty daya from-tha date of tbla notice, och proceedlngl wiU ba takes for tha- col lection of tba aama aa are- provided by tba caarier or me uif oi rortiana. '- Tba - abora aaaeaament ' will bear Intareat tan daya after the Brst pubUeatlon of this ones. - THOfl. , a DEVLIN. Aodltop c4 tha City ef Portland". Way 88, 1908. ' AJBBESSXEDT FOB THE 1MPB0VEMEHX 0E EAST EVERETT STREET. , Notlca la hereby given that the Council of I me city or Portland, Oregon, at a meeting neia on tno win any oi May, HUM. declared tbe aaaesmaat by - ordinance No. 18.844. for tna improrcmeni or jcaat ETerett atreet from tba weat line of Eaat Twenty-fourth strost to the weat Una of . Branaugb'a Addition. In to, assnar -pre? iad rrtlhno-. No. U 840, opon each lot, part ef ', lot and parcel i tana wnica are apamaiiy ana peculiarly teniea, to oe aa ioiiowb, via: roneuVaTrdnnbirClt"of Portland Oregon- . . xiia e, iov w, even v aironaugn.. C. Blk 8. let 8. Earl An ik. ah a a, at aa a f b w m 9t aWl W OniDIUID .oseeese fi; : ?: Slk 8. kt 8. Ut 4. lot 1. Bronaugb...... nronanan Earl C. Bronaagb 81. 88 80.18 4.H8 8.80 1 47 8181 1 6. 8.28 T.84 4.14 1.81 .62 sari v. oronauga Barl C. Bronaugh. ......... VSarl rL Hmn.M.b . Blk 4, lot ft Barl C." Brooau'h!!!"! Slk 4, lot 4, Bar! 0. Bronaugh Kayataaa Addlttoh to tha City of Tortlaad- Blk 1. lot 1, Creeoent Land Company..., 595 l! f"nt Laad Company.... Ik L tot 8, Orescent Laad Company.... '.. luiuyu txul..87.6e . ' statement of aforeeald aesesaraent bat been, entered In tha Docket of Cltr Liene which la now doe and payable at the of u" viiy. xreaeurer , inuwrui money ;fs United States and If not paid within "- ur , irom xnm aate oi in is notice. Such nroceedlnea will ha l.kM n, m,. i. lection of tha same sa are - provided by tba charter of the City of Portland. Tha above ' aaeeaament arlil ha. i,tm tan days, af tor. ths first publication of tbla' . ; THOS. C DEVLIN. Abdjltf of the City f Portland. nd parallel with tae weat line of Nineteenth atreet and tha eaat Una of Twentieth atreat and betweea tba north Una of Thur man atreet and a Una 100 teat north Of aad parallel therewith, U. Kg-gerta A tract ef land lying between tha weat Una of Twentieth atreet and a line 100 feet weet of and parallel therewith and between the north Una of Thurman atreet and s llns UiO feet north of and parallel therewith. alao the aontb line of tba "Sherry Koae Tract," Section 28. Twp. 1 N., K. 1 B., W. M , 1. n. Peter son A triangular tract of 'land lying be tween a Una 100 feet north ef and parallel with tha north Hue of Thur man street, tbe aouth llns of tba "Sherrr Rosa Tract.'' Had Ion, UH. Twp. 1 N K, l E.. W. M.. and 4 Una iuv teat weet at ana parallel with the weat Una of Twentieth street, Ablo 8. Watt A tract of land lying between a Una 100 Cent north ot and parallel with tha north Una of Thurman atreat and the aouth Una of tha "Sherry Hoea Tract," Section 38, Twp. 1 N., K. 1 K.. W. M.. and between twa lines, respectively, 180 feet and 230 feat, weat of and parallel with tha weat Una of Twentieth street. Able . Wstt A tract at land lying betweea tha north Una ef Tbnrmaa atreet aad a line 100 feat' north of and parallel therewith and between two llnea, re apactlvely, 100 feet aad 100 feet, weat of and parallel wltb the weat line ef Twentieth atreet. Annie P. N. Steal A tract of land lying between tha north line of Thurman atreet and tba aouth line of the "Sherry Bona Tract,". Section 38. Twp. 1 N. R. 1 B.. W. M., and betweea two llnea. reapeetlrely, 150 feet and 200 feet, weet of and parallel with the weat line of Twentieth atreet, Roy 8. Leigh ... .,. ... . A tract- of land lying betweea tha north line of Thurman atreet and tha south llns of tbe "Sherry Roaa Tract,"' Section 28. Twp. 1 N., R. 1 B., W. If., and lta extension In a authweeterr direction la its preaent course aad bet reeu. two lines, re spectively, 200 feet and 260 feci, weat of and parallel wltb the weat Una of Twentieth atreet, B. i. Redman ., ,,.,,. A tract of land lying between a Una 100 feat north ot and parallel with the north Una of Thurman atreet aad tba aouth line of the "Sherry Roas Tract," Section 28, Twp. 1 N.. R. 1 I.. W. M., sad Its e- tension In ('Southwesterly Direction " In Its preaent course, and between two Unas, respectively. 280 feat and - 360 feat, weat at and parallel wltb . w""3, IMrw e Awenuein street. oDiiis efguera . . . , A tract of laad lying between tha north Una of Thurman atreet and a Una 48 feet north of sad parallel therewith aad alas aa eitenaloa la a aeuthwaaterly direction in Ira prea ent couraa of the eeuth line of the "Sherry Roaa Tract," Section 2e, Twp. 1 hi., S. 1 B., W. M., ana between two Unes, respectively, 260 feet aad 860 feat, weat ot and ara I lei wltb tba west Una ef wentieth street, O. T. Mnrhefd. P.. tt. kllirh.M Anal, a Uul.n A tract of land lying between a Una 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of Thurman atreet and a Una 46 feet north of and parallel with the north Une ef Tburmaa street, and alao an ettenaloa, In a southwesterly direction In lta prea ent eeuree of tha aouth line af tbS- Sherry Roaa Tract," Section 2s, Twp. 1 N R. 1 B., W. M., and between two Unae, reapeetlrely, 360 feet and 860 feet, weat af and paral lel with tba weat line ef Twentieth atreet. Samuel A. Mnrhard . A tract ot land lying between two llnea, respectively, 40 feet and 100 feet, north of and parallel with tba north line of Tbnrmaa street aad ' between a line 880 feet west of aad parallel with tha west llns of Twentieth atreet and tha eaat Une of Tweatj-trst street, Bsmnel Mar hard et al A tract of land lying between the north Una of Thurman street snd s Una 45 feet north of aad parallel -therewith," sad betweea two llnea. reapectlvely, 860 feat and 400 feet, weet of and parallel with tbe west llns .at Twentieth atreet, Chriatlaa Rose A tract of land lying between the north Una ef Thurma'a atreet and a llae- SA feat oorth ef and pareMel therewith and betweea a Uaa 400 feet weat -at abd parallel wltb tha west Une ef, Twentieth atreet and thepaet. ,Hae of Twenty-flrst atreet. J. H. Peterson Mnrhard Tract Lot 4, PsetBc' Coast Aha tract Gnsr- anty A Trust Co Let 8. Pa el 8c Coast Abstract Guar anty A Truat tfc Lot 5. Inveatora Mortgage Securltv Ce.t Ltd., of Edinburgh. Scotland Lot 8, Inveatora Mortgage Security uv., uw.j oi Btainougn. neottana.. twees the nerth linn of Thurman atreat 'and the north Uaa of block 828, Balck Addition to tha City of Portland, and tba eaat Una. of Twenty-fourth street. George Uoed. . Wllaan'a Addlllaa a raa Pit af Porttand 7i Blk 4. lot 1 .Utm Oaad Blk 4, all that portion af lot aorabered '7"n eouta ot a line iuo reet north of snoV parallel wltb tba north line ar - . . Blk 4. all that' forties ef lot irassbered 9, lylruj sooth of s line 100 feet north af anef parallel with tbe north Una Of Thurman atreet. llaum iiood.. Blk d. lot a, Oaerge Good ...,....., A tract of .land lying betweea tbe west ilea af Twenty-fourth street snd tbe east Une of lot numbered 3, In Raich's Addition to tha City of Portland, aad between, the north Una ef Thurman atreet and tba north line at hlftb MiinhMj oa a. i-u 1 11!1 I - . Addition to the City of Portland, 80 81 'Hildas C. Nona....... Ill as I lonieaa I Blk . n.i, w wi . m rviuiam . noon...... Blk fc aU that portion of tot numbered a, lying anuth of a Una 100 feet north aaa parallel wltb tba north Una Tburmaa street, Wlllism 0. m Blk 5. all that portion of lot numbered 40C.37 ,n Mu,h 11 100 sor v, .uti iwranei wnn me norm une of Tburmaa atreet. William C. Nona . Blk 8. lot 3. Wlllism C. Nood Blk 6. lot 1. Uesrea (land Truataa1. . . Blk 8. sil thst portion of lot numbered a, tying eouta ar a line iuo reet north of aad parallel with the aorta Una of Ibarman atreet, Ueerge Good Troatee Blk 6. all that portion af lot aambered 8, lylna aontb of s Una 100 feai north vi era parallel wita tae aarta nna ef Tharmaa ilrMt I.M A liltna . Blk 6, lot J. Oeorga Good Balch s Addition te the City at Cortland gist 838. lot 3. P. L. Willis Ik 828, Brfc lot 8. Eloy Willis Not- taga ; . Blk 838. WH lot 8. Cbrlatiaa A Ed- waru noaa j Wilson a Addition ta the l!1te of Portland. Blk 7, tot I, Emma J. Wakemaa.,.. Blk 7; all that portion ot lot numbered a. lying aoata or a una 100 reet north of ana parallel with tba aerth Uaa ef Thnrmaa street, Kile L. Woodard Atkinson a Addition to tha Mte af Pnrtlaad iBlk 1, lot 1, Emms I. Wakemaa Blk 1. lot 3. . W. Uoodale Rlk I. lot 8. Louie snd Km ma Dick.. Blk 1. R 3.1 ft lot 4, Karl Zlegele Blk I,' W 57 ft Vt 1. "Joseph Tsu'ppla. I Blk I. let 6. Joseph Supple norm r or llano Bib 18. lot 1. Jacob Maver Blk 18, lot a. Jacob Mayer... Blk JUL lot k. Jah Uavar ' Blk 14. und 34 lot 1. It. E. Noble.... Blk 14. und lot 2. U. E. Nohle.... Blk 14. and lot 8. H. E. Noble.,.. Blk. 14.. und i let 4. M. M. Noble Blk 14, und 1 lot 8. U. E. Noble.... Blk 14. und M lot 6, II. E. Noble.... Blk 14. und 4 lot 7. H. K. Noble.... Blk 14. and W lot 8. H. B. Noble.... Blk 14. und k lot 1. B. M. Lombard Bik 14, uu kit 2, B. M. Lombard Blk 14. und W lot 8. B. M. Lombard Blk 14, und Vi lot 4, B. M. Lombard Blk 14. und 4 lot 8, B. M. Lombard Blk 14, und W t 6. B. M. ixmlurd Blk 14, und L. lot 7. B. M. Lombard Blk 14. und W bit 8, B. M. Lombard Blk 14. und H lot 1. David W. Llch- tentbaler Bat., he ra sf Blk 14. und 4 lot 2. David W. IJch tenths ler Est., heirs of Blk 14. und V, lot 8, David W. Llch- lesthaler Eat., belts of Blk 14. und Vk lot 4. David W. Ltch- Blk 14. und H lot 8. David W. Lirh tentbaler Est., heirs sf Blk 14, nud 4 lot 6, David W. Ll.-ti-teo thaler. Eat., heirs of Blk 14. und 4 lot 7. David W. Llch tenths ler Bat.., heirs of Blk 14. und H lot 8. David W. I.irh- tentnaier cel., aeira oi Bslcb'a Addition to the Cltr af Port. laad. Oreaoh Blk 223. E 25 ft of W 100 ft lot 4. Krtd Zlegle Blk 828, K 30 ft of W 75 ft lot 4. Bertha Hlldehrandt Blk :m. K 25 ft lot 4, Louis snd Kami Dirk Blk 823. W 25 ft of B 50 ft lot 4, Karl Zlegla , Blk 828. W 25 ft lot 4. John Dsnaer-V E 80 ft hit '.' 4.1 ' Weirh ." .' Blk 828. W 38 f t lot 5. Ellam T. Man- sen 7 46 ?IN 4.87 17T.70 87.83 18.67 1378 78,28 878 88 , CTTT KOTICIt. 88.47 81.46 82.70 88.86 108.68 173.14 III 4 11 81.50 18.66 40.07 14.70 16.61 6.11 1280 44.88 881.88 103.41 67.56 16.71 8 88 18 88 II 00 548 3.38 i.s 4.81 1 28 Soil 8-21 881 I 4 1 27 ICS 1.18 .74 1.80 .Pa 8 80 1 44 1.27 '1.08 1 80 .88 6.60 2 82 151 a it 226 1.52 1 61 188 Blk ), tot T, Otis Rath Peterson.... Blk 10. lot S. John Clark Blk 10 lot 8. John CUrb...'.t....... . Blk 10. In 6. (lJohB Clark............ Blk 10, lot-t! John Clark............ Blk 8. B 60 ft lot 8. JohB Verateeg.. Blk B, fj o ft lot i, Jobs Verateeg.. Bile B. W 40 ft lot 8. Emma Dunbar.. Blk 8, W 40 ft lot 6. Emms Dunbar.. Blk B, all ef lot numbered 6 eicept tkb north 10 feet ef the east BO feet of aald lot," Emma Dunbar Blk 0, S 10 ft ot W 60 ft lot 7. Em ma Dunbar Blk 8; N 10 ft Of B 50 ft lot 6, Dirk la Store Blk B. all of let numbered T. etcent the sou t a in reet ot west ou teei ot sua lot. Olrkjo Storey Conch's Addition te tbs City of rsrtiand - Blk 811, lot 1, Garret N. Verateeg ... Blk 381, N ft lot I, Garret N. Ver- BlkaTl, S 4i'ft U't 2 birkie'atorey.'.' Blk 381, lot 6, Elisabeth K Gllaaa.. Bis SOI, lot T, Hllsabeth it. UlUan.. both B. Ullaan.. 119.03 120,06 , 80.15 81 07 110.88 18.61 1367 B.B4 7.06 7.01 .88 18.18 Ik 261, lot 10, Ellaa lk 361, lot 11, Ellaa! Ik Ml, lot 14. Ellsal both R. Glleao. bath R. Gllaaa. Blk 861. lot 16. Elisabeth R. Gllaaa. Blk 801. lot 16. Elisabeth R. Ollaao.. Blk 318. let 1, St. Vlaceut s Hospital Blk 28. lot 3, St. Vincent's Hoaplfal flk 206, lot 6. St. VInceat a Hoapltal Ik 208, let T, fit. Vincent's Hospital Blk 2H1. lot 10. t. Vlncent'a Hoaptul' Blk . lot 11. St. Vineeot'e Hoapltal Blk 303. lot 14. St. Vincent a Hoapltal Blk 8W8. lot 16, St. Vln-enfa Hoapltal Blk . lot IS, St. Vlneent'e Hoapltal via , lot 1, smaahetn K. unsan. Blk 304, lot 8. BUaabetb R. GUaan. 80.20 84.68 a. is 188.88 i 80.S6 82.67 60.20 90.56 M 14 let iaeatora Mortgage Security ""I - Co.. Ltd., of Bdlnaugb, Scotland.. SSZSSXXNT TOR THE IMPROVEKEIIX Of , THTJBJtAV STREET. " HoMce-11 hereby riven that rh.' fannMi tba Cltr Of Portland. Oreenn. at a wtaeflna ..'held on tbe SOtb day of .Mar. 1808. declared toe aaeeameni ny orninanoa No. 18.840, for the- Improvement of tiurman atreet from the west line ef Fourteenth atraat . ta tha Uas e Rngbi; : strset, says iaiyl except the W4i lot 9. R. Shackelford. BH let 13, B. Shackelford Wft lot 13. Charlea K. Tone...... Lot 13. Charlea hi. Tone A tract oi land lying between the north line ef Thurman street sad s Una 100 feet .north of end parallel therewith.' And between the aaat Una of Twenty -aecoad atreat, aad the weat Una of tha Murbsrd tract. 81- vsster Parrell '.; tract ot land tiring between the north llneV of Tbnrman atreet and a Una 100 feet aorta of and nafallel therewith, aad between tbe West line of Tsrenty-aecond atreet and the eaat Une ef block numbered I, wtl ; soa'a Addition te tha City af Port land, Sylvester Parrell Wltaon'a : Addition to tha City bf Portland ' . Blk 1, lot 1. George Good.......... Blk 1, lot 8. George Good or tot numrtered north narfl, Iw. of Tburmaa atreet, Mary K: Wll-' III A, loi a., urorge vooa Blk 1. ellabat portion of lot ntiml A lying Tkoutb of a line 10Q feeti ofr and parallel with the nerth isTV W wihVara" cV.yoaa;i!;i: c. noea 65.60 14.78 88.88 88.26 4194 48.81 48. 31 43.81 46.46 1761 806.03 88.04 42.88 Blk 828. lot 8, Ellam T. Hsnekn...... Blk 82a. K 86 ft lot 7, Solomon Hlrsch Bat-, heirs of 63.25 IB 9X9, '-W-SJ' rt to TrOhn Ur Stipe guardian for Edith 1. Stipe HI eg Blk 823, lot 8, Cora A. l'ounay Hlk 3K. tot p. Cora A. Ponnsy 6l).M Blk 828. lot 10. P. U. WilUs 60.06 Blk axil, lot it. uomiuiro. uuerlero. . . QH.Ki bis aa. tot ia, tiopbia iDarlee Anfleraon , . 38.61 iBlk 028, W4 lot 12. J. A. Jokanaen.. 46 01 Ulk 8S3, lot IX, Otto B. Blnawanger 82 97 ajiK-M., toi-n, -wren-av- tWflawanger - 98.21 Hlk 828, lot 1. Chrletlns Mclnnle ... 140.04 oik ma e ihu n at m j it lot 2, C. J. A Marie A. Edmsa... 122 21 sis STt. B iuo rt of w z ft lot 3, .Charlie A Shuns Johnson 6.80 silk sxz, s iw it sr lot s, Charlie A Sauna Jobaaon 42.92 via aa. a iuu it oi rr lot s, ixiuis Swanaon 41. OS bik aa. a iuu it lot f. J. G. stack.. HI. 94 Blk .122, 8 100 ft lot 6. J. G. Mack.: 79.49 Blk 822. 8 lOv ft Of B 9 ft lot 6. J. n. Mack i M Blk 822, 8 100 ft of W 81.7 ft lot 6, anna tiamiitou 06.66 A tract ot tana lying Between the north Una ot Thurman street and a Hue 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, Snd between tbe weat Una -ef block aambered 822. Bslcb'a Addi tion to tba City of Portland, and the eaet Une of , Twenty-eighth atreet. Louis Goldsmith 475.40 Wll lunette Heights Blk D. lot 1. Louis Goldsmith 1 64.21 BUS D. lot 3, Louie Goldsmith , .. 49.87 Blk D, lot 6, Louis Goldsmith , .. 98.18 dik v. lot t. uenta uoioemitn 92.61 Blk D, let 10. Louis Goldsmith 91.77 Blk P. lot 11, Louis Goldsmith 96 92 Blk D. lot 14. Louie Goldsmith 104 79 Blk D. let IS, Louis Goldsmitb 100.88 Blk D, lot 18. Louis Goldsmith 131. : Blk D. lot 18,i Louis Goldsmith 141.90 BIK 7. lot 8. Scottish-American In vestment Co., Ltd. 187.86 Blk 7, lot 4, Scottish American In ' vestment Co., Ltd. 132.16 Blk 7. an that pertloa or lot numbered 8. lying aouth of a Una 100 feet equi distant between tbe north snd south Uses ot block numbered 7, Scottiah .Aaserlcaa lavestment Co.. Ltd 23.4; Blk 7, SH lot 6. Scottish-American Investment Co., Ltd 103.33 Blk T, lot 6. Bjcottlab-Amerlcaa - Investment Co., Ltd 1 02. SO Big T, lot. 7, Bcottlaa American Investment Co., Ltd 6 mi Blk 29, H. too rt. let 2. Hcottisb-Amcr- lean Investment Co.. Ltd 32.84 Blk 8. lot 1. Scottish-American la- veMiueat -Co., l,u., ... 48.88 60.641 Blk 294. En lot A Addle Rlckirda. Blk 204. W14 lot 6. Victor Johnaea. Blk 204. lot 7. Elisabeth R. Giles Blk 364. lot 10, BUaabetb R. GUaan Blk &i, lot 11, BUaabetb. R. Gllaaa Blk 204. lot 14. a-lliaheth R. Gllaai Bib 294, lot Id, Elisabeth R. Gllssa.. bis ati tor m; silsahetn k. tiliaaa uia ill, lot i. Holt c, wnson Blk III. lot 9. Ho t C. W son Blk 811. lot 6. Holt C. Wilson Ik III. let 7. Holt C. Wl son Blk 811. lot 10, David Simon Eat , neira or Blk 311, lot 11. David Simon Eat., helre of Blk 611, lot 14, David Simon Eat.. belrs of Blk 811. WU tot 16. A. H. Knudsen Blk 811, Wit lot 18. A. H. Knndaen Blk 881, KM lot 16. M. Louise Limbi cs tn .. .j Blk 811, BH lot 18. M. Louise l.lpthl- cem .. Blk 813. lot 1, Charles Graham Blk 812, lot 8. Mary Bmma Mrhmldt.. Blk 812, lot 6, Mary Emma Mnhmldt.. Blk 813, lot 7, Mary Emma Schmidt.. Blk 812, lot 10, Krnat Braodes Belch I Addition to tbs City of Port land - Blk 813. B 35 ft lot 11. Christ is n Roaa Blk 818, W 96 ft lot II. Dora K. Eb lers Blk 813, lot 13, Kmills Deutsch Blk 812, lot 18, August Warhter Blk 812. lot 14, Auguat Wachter Ulk 818. NI4 let IS, Timothy J, Con cannon Blk 818. 8 lot 16. Maggie Concan-non Blk 818. B 86 ft lot 17. Maggie E. Il.nril hlk 818, W 15 ft lot 17. William Reldt Blk 818, B 18 ft lot 16. William Keldt Bis am, w 3j rt let in, a. a,, at Christina Baatlund Blk 816. B 1 ft lot 16, A. E. A Cbrlatlna Kastlund Bib le W ft t -H 84 ft Kt 1ft, harles v. A Ha alio Naeve BIsTSieTw 1T ft (o"t ft. 'George Sseve Blk 81H 17 ft lot 14. George Nseve Blk Hlo. W 88 ft lot 14, James R. A Cora Htuart Big 318 lot 18, Aleisnder Aitkea... Bik 818, lot 12. Charles Geppert Blk 81N. lot 11. Heverlno Mluoggio.... Ulk 81M. lot ID, George Zluin.j er. . . . Blk 819, lot 18, Emms Wsgner Blk 819, lot 17. H. A Howard O. Kl bam Blk 819. let 16. Malcolm McDonald.. Blk 8)9, lot 16. Severlno Mtnogglo.... Blk 819, E4 lot 14. Severlno Minogglu MIS siu. Y ft lot 14, iuiaa I. nana.. Blk 319. KV lot 13. Louisa 1. Watts.. Blk 819, W4 lot 13, Mathilda Ek Blk 319. lot 13, Severlno Minogglu Hlk 319, lot 11. Loulaanna W. ioung Blk 819, lot 10. Charlea P. Schulenburg Blk 320, lot 18. Parlab L. Willis Blk 320, lot 17, Parish L. Willie Blk 820, lot ltt, Pariah L. Willie.... Blk 320, lot 16. Emuis Dickinson Blk 320, lot 14. Km ma Dickinson Blk 82l. lot 18, Lewis W. Watts Blk 82t). und i lot 13, Agues Todd.. Blk 320, und Va lot 12, Chloe A. Lsp peus Blk ), Jot 11, Kdwln A Cells juac llncy : Blk 320, lot 10, Bdwln A Cell a Mac llncv Blk 821. lot 18, Bertha Bernhelm . . . . . Blk 331, lot J7, Bertha Bernhelm Ulk 321, lot 16, Anna Hamilton Blk 321, lot 15. Anna Hamilton ... Blk 321, lo. 14, Anna Hamilton Blk 821, lot 13, Anna Hamilton A tract of land lying between tbe south line of Thurman atreet and a line ion feet aouth of and parallel fhirewlth, and between toe weat Una of block numbered 321, Halcb'a Ad dition to the City of Portland, and the eaat line of Twenty-eighth street, Louis Goldsmith Willamette Heights Blk C. lot 4. Iouis Goldsmith Blk C, tot - 9, Lmtte -Goldemtth. vi Blk ('. lot 6, lxnils Goldsmith Blk C, lot 8. Louis Goldsmith Blk C. bit 9. Louts Goldsmith... Blk C. lot 12, I'erc- U. Blytb Blk C, lot 13, Percy H. Blytb Blk C, lot 16. William O. Kurnvll. . . . Blk C, hit 17, thsrtes Kohu Blk C, lot 20, Charlea Kohn Ulk 6. lot 1. C. H. Hmltb , - B ),' -all ffiat -poctni of let BBmhercd 2, lying north of a line 100 feeteouth uf and parallel with the aouth llns at Thurman atreet, C. 11. Smith Blk 6. X 100 ft lot 6. O. a. Bln awanger A August Goldsmith Blk 6. N 100 ft lot 7. O. A. Bln awanger A August Goldsmith Blk , N 100 ft lot 10, M. K. Hen derson Blk 19, X 100 ft lot 4, 8.-ottlb-American Investment Co.. l.lil Blk 19, N HW ft lot 5, Scottish-American Inreatmeut Co., Ltd Blk 20, N 100 ft lot L Heury M. Grant Blk 20, N 100 ft lot 2. Henry M. Grant Blk 20. lot 8. Percy H. Blyth... Blk 2", all thst portion of lot numbered 6. lrlng north of s line 100 feet south of and pnrallrl with the aouth line of Thurman atreet, Terry II. Blyth.. Blk 20. lot 4. Percy II. Ulyth Blk 2S, lot 1. Percy H. Blyth Blk 2S. lot 2. Percy H. Blyth Blk lot 6 Annie H. Betts Blk 2H. K lot 7. Annie II. Betta.... Rlk M. WVi lot 7, Prauk Rlgler.... Blk 28, lot 10, Prank Ulgler Blk 2. lot 11. Perry H. Blyth Blk SS. lot 14. Percy H. Blytb Slk 28, lot 16. Percy H. Blyth II. sQ 1, In larv.II. Rlv-fh All that portion of 'a tra'rt of land 38.65 8 24 14.77 85 91 88.07 89.90 88 89 82.97 84.04 89 94 187.65 64.64 63.48 84.56 101.86 H6.41 84.04 37.71 167.14 66 37 16.58 36.41 86.78 62 29 6194 82 66 64 29 36.96 66.88 116.19 31 . so. or, ' 83.81 100.56 84.81 63BS 82.68 19.40 84.80 44.48 149.14 8 83" 84 6 65.06 88.78 17.09 17.06 62.16 66.10 78.03 89.47 11.38 88.61 14.16 18.18 22 76 .86 CTTT SrOTIOES. thence west along such division line between PI nice faruthers snd Stephen Coffin Donation Land Claims to s point at Its luti rsectlon wita Hie westerly line at block No. 88, . fsrutbera Addition to Csruthora Addition to the City ot Portland; thence southerly along the wat tine of said block 'No, 118, to a point at its Intersection with the north line o "block No. 80, faruthers Addition to Csrutbers Addition to the City of Portland at the westerly Una of aald block . Na. . 89; thence southeasterly In a straight line to a point In toe aouth line of rinlce Centners Donation Land 'Claim where the game Is Intersected by division line between sections 9 and 10, townablp 1 north, range 1 east. Willamette Meridian; thence southerly) along tbe division Une between sections 8 and 10. 16 and 15. 21 and 22. township I- aontb, range 1 eaat.j Willamette Meridian, to tbe southern boundary line of the City of Portland; thence easterly along tba aoutbern boundary line of tbe City of PortUnd to a point at Its Intersection wltb the western bank of the Willamette River at low water mark; thence northerly along the western bank of the Willamette River at low water msrk to s polut at Its Intersection wltb tbe south Una of Harrison street e trended essterly In Its preaent course, the same being tbe place of beginning. The Enslneer e estimate of the probable total coat of aald Improvement ta 346.800.00. Tbs shove improvement ta to be classed aa a ateel bridge Improvement and ehall he main tained by the city for the period of 50 yeora. provided that a majority of the owners "of property benefited by aald improvement or any portion thereof aha!) not petition for a aew or different Improvement before the ei plratlon of such period. Tbe nlans. snerlncattona and estimates of the City Engineer for the Improvement of aald First street are hereby adopted Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be snd he Is hereby, directed to rive notice of tbe proposed Improvement of said street as provided bv the city chsi-ter. Remonstrances sgalnat the shove Improve, ment may be filed In writing with the nn deralened within 30 dare from the date of the flrat publication of tbla notice. By order of tbe Council. Tnos c. npvi.i Andltnr of the City of Portland. May 38. 1903. CITT 0TICE. P10P08ALS rOB XTXICITAL LIOHTMB. CITT OF P0BTLARD. 0BZ00V. Besled DroDosala will be received st the aflln. ot tbe Auditor of tba City of Portland until o clock p .m., .une is, 1WJ3. lot lurhtlna tbe streets, avenues, parks, public arounda snd pubUo placea of the City of Portland by elec tric ara ugnts oi a,uvu csanio power escO. and roe uauiine- ina nunne nunmnea or a.M city by Incandeaceut electric or gas lights fur term oi nvs years irom January jai, iwm. Seuarate prouoeala will be received fur Hint Ing tbe atreeta, avenura, parka public-grounds and puniic places ot tae cjiv, as above set forth. Bach pro doss I must ou based ulxju tha sneclflca tluns for eald Usbthis en die In tha office of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portland. No proposal In excess ur S3.41 tor each light nor month will be considered. Each uro poaal must be accompanied by a certlded check oa aoure responsible 1'ortlaml bank In tbe sum of Twenty five Thousand Dullare I825,iai0.uoi. payabls to tbs order of Geo. H. Wll. lama, Mayor i,f tbs City ot Portland, ss died snd Uuuldated damagee, tbat tbe auccesefui blddur will enlor Into contract In accordance wltb tbe term, of the speclflcstlons wlthlu ten days after tbs coo tract la awarded him. Tbe successful bidder 111 also be required to frrnlsb a good and iifnVl.nt l.ond 111 the sum of On. Hunilri1 TboussodDoilara ((100,000.00) to be approved hi- the Mavor of tbe Citv ef Portland, nm. dltloned that the successful bidder will fulfill the lerma uf hla contract. 8cparata proposals will be received for light 22.00 41.88 88.42 88 33 22 6H 4U.05 29.86 77.67 24 ing tbe public bulldlnre of ssld city aa above 11.38 set tvrtb. Karb pruposal must he based upon 11.74 tbe specifications for said lighting on die In the office of the Auditor of tbe City of Port 33.75 land and' must , be accompanied by a reni ns 4U Bed check on some responsible Portland Hens 87.16 In tbe sum uf Twenty -eve Hundred Dollars, 2, 81.26 500.00), psysble to tbe order of Geo. U. Williams, 70.10 Mayor ot the City uf Portland, as died and hp. 79 liquidated ' damages, that lbs aucceaaful bld- I dcr "Will euler ' iulo contract nr a , cot lnnee with tbe terms of tbe speclflcstlons within tea 110) daya after the contract la awarded blm. Tbe successful bidder will also be required to furnish a goud and safhcleat bond in tbe sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (lo,000.(iO)t to ba approved hy the Mnyor of tbe City of Portland, conditioned tbat tbs successful bidder will ful fill the terms of bis cmtrart 83.10 68.87 6.1-IK) 24.30 hi. 10 17.11 18.70 67.15 91.38 135.84 135.42 124.25 90.30 b7.67 87.99 87.67 43.37 43.36 136.04 136.46 130.89 127.38 90.(9 90.51 89.67 69.42 UN 10.1 DEPOT. north Une of Thurman street to tbe north ime . or uaicn a Addition, did oa lb day of April. Iboh, direct tba City -Engineer ' to survey the asms and to mark tha boundaries, thereof, su1 to make - a pint of eueu survey, ana a wrutcn report coutsiulug a full and perfect description of such Druuoaed street auij boundaries thereof, mill of the por tion oi cacu ioi, irsct or part oi eltller, to lie approprleted for such street, and the City Hngluuer -luring made silVh survey, pl.t aud report, aud Hied such plat snd report In tbe office of tbe Auditor on tha lltb day of April. 1B08, and ssld report hsrlng been adopted by ordinance No. 13.330. entitled. "An ordinance adopting tbe report of the City Engineer In the matter of the nropoaed opening, laying out and establishing of Twenty elsth street from the north line of Thurman atreet to the north line uf Unlcb'a Addition." Now, therefore, all persons Interested are hereby notlSed that the Council of tbe City of Portland has appointed V. K, White, G. G. Ganinmus and H. K. Bordeti. viewer, to view said proposed el tension of asld street aad dike an estimate of the heueHta aud aainnges oc casioned by the ooenlna. laving out and estab lishing the same. In accordance with section 849 uf tbe charter of the City of I'urtlsnd, mmlA Ia.m .- m..l u, ,.m. , ,h. At,HI. tor of the City of Portland ou Wedneaday. tbe ! ally conducted) weekly loth day of June, 1903. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the foreuoon of eald day. Tbe proposed opening, lnyluir out and eatab llablng of Twetit.r-slith street Is 00 feet In width and Is more particularly bound, d and described aa followa: Beginning at a point In the north line of thurman atreet where the aame wculd lie lutcr sected by a north-rlv extension In lta preaent course of the west line uf Twenty-slith street extended; running thence northerly on the west line of Twenty-slvth afreet eitended to the north line rf Belch's Addition: thence essterly along tbe north line of Balch's Addition to the City of Portland to s point where the same would be Infctaected bv an extension of tbs east line of Twenly-slith street In Its present course; thence southerly along the extension of the eaat line of Twenty slitb street to the north lino of Thurman street; tben-e westerly1 slung tbe north line of Thurman street 60 feet to the nlace of beginning. The proposed opening, laying out and estab lishing or Twenty -Uth street ss shove de scribed will include snd necessitate the an proprlation to public uae of the following de- ecrlhed parcels or tracta or land, town: All that nart of lot 7. block 32.1. Raich s Ad dltlon. lying east of the westerly side line of the proposed Twenty-Sixth street, containing 2.611 suusre feet. Also all that part of lot 6. block 823, Balch's Addition, wblcb Ilea weet of the easterly aide line of the proposed Twenty-alxtb street, con taining 1.63.1 square feet, All persona cUlnilnx damages by reason of the appropriation of the property above described, or any psrt thereof. In the prs pneed opening, laying out and eetnblHMng of ssld street, are hereby apeel.lly notified to file their claims for such damea with the Auditor of the City of Portland before the loth day of June, 19(13. the time appointed for the meeting of tbe viewers therein. Ity order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLrV , Auditor of the (Ity of lor Hand. May 21. 1903. SAtLBOAD TTkttlAbllk MIL w.,y,,,.,; v , Union Pacific 3 IRAINSto the EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard snd Toqrtst Sleep ing cars dally to Omaha, Chicago, Spokanei tourist sleeping care dally to basses Cityl through ruiimau tourist sleeping 'ears (pert ally conducted) weekly to Cblcaga . fcai City, St. Luula and Memphis; reclln.1 t vara (seats free) to the East dally. . Leaves. Arrlv CHICAGO-PORTLAND 8.20 a, as. 4 80 p. pv MPKClAlJP IDallr. iDalls. ., BPKCIALf For tbe Eaat via Hani lug toil. SPOKANE rLTER. For tssteru Washing ton. Walla Walla, Lew Iston. Coeur d'Alene and Great A'ortbera IHilnta. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. ur tbe Eaat vie Huntington. 6:00 . m. Dally. 8:18 p. ss. Dally, Dally. 7:88 a. as, Dally. 10:80 a. Ss. Dally. OCIAJf AXS B1TZB 6CHEDCLE. FOR BAN FRANCISCO. 8. S. Geo. W. Elder May 8. 12. 31 8. S. Columbia April 37; May 7, 17, 37. From Alne worth Dock. 8:01 p, SS. 6:00 9. Celturbla stiver Sletslea. FOR ASTORIA sad way AW p. points, connecting with stuir. for llwaeo aad North Beach, str. Uss aalo. Asb-at dock. Dalle. sx banday I.Satnrday 10:00 as. 6!06p. SS. - ss. BoadAJW Abeul. ..... Willamette Elver Division. FOB 8ALEM. CorvaUla fi:4d a. m. snd way points, ateamar jMooday. . Ruth. Asb-St. dock. Wedneedajr. (Water permitting.) lPrlday. Dally. Tuesday? Thuradaf. , Saturday. YsmhUl River Beat. FOR DATTON, Oregon City and Tamhlll River points, str. Elmore, Asb-St. dock. (Water permitting.) 7:00 S. m. Tuesday, Tharaday. Saturday. a oo p. as. Mosaay, WednesdSm -. c Snake River Bonta. FOR LEWIST0N, Ida., ind way points, from RlDsrla. Waah.. steam ers Spokane and Lew is ton. 4:00 S. OL Dally. -ex. Sat, About . 00 Ba 68. ex. friday -a. AU propoasls should bn Indorsed "Propossl for Lighting," snd sddressed to Tbos C. Devlin, Auditor, Portland, Oregon. Tbe right Is reserved ft reject suy or si) blda. By order of tbe Executive Bnard. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Or. April 6. 1903. Blk 18; alt that portion of lot numbered 8, lying aontb or a line W0 feet north of snd psrsliel wltb tbe nerth Uue ot Thnrmaa street, Scottish-American Investment Co., Ltd.... Blk 17. lot 1. Charlea W. Sherman... Blk 17. lot 3. Charlea W. Shnrmau . Blk 17, all tbat portion ot lot numbered 6. lying aouth or a line loo feet north of tbe north line of Tbnrman atreet. Scottish-American Investment Co., Ltd Blk 17, all tbat portion ef lot numbered 9. lying sou to or a line 100 reet north of and parallel wltb the north line of Thurman atreet, Scottish -A marl- ' can Investment Co.. Ltd Blk 17. lot 8, Scottish-American In vestment Co.. Ltd Blk 17, lot 4, Scottish-American In vestment Co., Ltd Blk 39. lot 4. Alice Berry Nana Blk 39, lot 8. Alice Berry Nunn Blk 89, lot s, Anna si. Blk 39, lot 8, L. Blk Blk 3, lot 4. "Willi 19.16 156.23 ana a n-, n iin. v. rna. . . . . v. . Blk J. o 11 tha t .swrtloB ef let numbered - 6, lying south of a line 100 feet north . " et ana parauej wita tna aorta tine - ft TkMaaa-atreet, Psder Ustsea.. ; BS.4 Crowley . . Ruasell Blk St, lot 6. L. Kussell........ Blk 81. 8ut Security Savings Blk' 81 , 8 Vi let' 'i' Scot tiah'-America a Investment Co.,? Ltd,.... Blk 81. SVe hit 8. Scottish-American investment Co., Ltd Blk 81, 84 lot 4. 8eottlsh-Amerlcsn -leveatment Co.. Ltd Blk 81, tVt af B 83 ft lot 5, Scot tish-American laveatment Co., Ltd.. Weteon'S Addition to the City ef Pertland Blk IS. lot S, J. H. Peterson....,.., Blk 18. lot 5. J. H. Peterson. . J. . ... Ulk 13, tot p, may jenas. Blk IS. lot 't. May Jenks.-...., Blk 13, tot I. Mary Roelfs.0, Blk 13, lot , Mary Roelfe.' . . . . , t . . ; . Blk 13. let 6. J. R. Rogera., Blk 12, lot 7, 3. R. Rogera....,..!,.,,.. Blk 11. lot 8, Leula P. Bet..,.J,,., Blk 11, lot 6, Louia P.. Bene. , . . . . , , . Blk II, S 40 ft kit 6. J. H. Peterson Rlk 11. N 10 ft lot. 6, On TluU Petr 5.27 71.28 58.67 3.97 32.67 61.65 54.88 93.91 86.76 84.28 88.15 89.76 80 M 44.43 41.16 45.62 18.66 607.50 202.27 59 67 91.36 91.77 92. 19 92.01 90.1)8 91.77 12S.22 134.81 226.20 43.84 89. SS -80.72 14.60 38.47 47.97 73.10 67.48 58.43. 10.43 70.43 103.78 27.21 31 71 16 DO m.2r 83.30 84 65 84.05 08 18 82.86 ASSESSMEMT FOR SEWER IN. EAST O0UCH STREET AND EAST COUCH STREET, EX TENDED. Notice Is hereby given that tho Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, st a meeting held on the 20th day of May. HN)3. declsred the nsseesment by ordinance No. 13.348. for the construction of a sewer In Kast Couch atreet Slid Eaat Couch atreet, extended, easterly from the coat Une of Hawthorne a First Ad dition to Portland to a connection with the sewer In East Twenty-elxrh street, extended nortbe!?'. In, tbe manner pewvided by ordinance No. 13,172. upon cacti lot. part uf lot and parcel uf land, which are specially ami pe culiarly benefited, to be as follows, via; A tract of land lying between the aemth ' line of Eaat Couch alreet If extended easterly lu its present course and . s line-100 feet southerly from liiid . parallel therewith and between the west Une of East Twenty-eighth atreet snd the East Twenty-sixth street, if extended northerly In lt .reaet coi-hc illli """fcnii'n. 4 204 40 Hawthorne's First Addition to East' ' ""I Portlsnd . I Blk 34. lot 1, City A Suburban Rail way Company JJJk-24, lot 8, CKy A Satjarban Rail way Company ' Blk 24, lot 8. City A Suburban Rail way Company Blk 34, lot 4, John Schmnrr... Blk 34. lot 6. Sara A. McGowan Blk 24, lot 6, Mara A. McGowan But 23, lot 1, Henry H. aad Minerva A. Pierce Blk 2. lot 2, Mrs. Minerva Pierce..,. Klk 23, lot 8. John Hogren TICKET OFFICE. Third-and Vaabieuresa. Tales - nhuu II -1 MQ " ' T 1". an.a ia . PORTLAND & ASIATIC I STEAMSHIP CO, Tor Tokobnma Snd Huag' Kong, eslllnr 'it Kobe, Nagasaki snd Shanghai, taking freight ' via connecting ateauiar fur Manila, Port Artfiut and lsdlrustock. .. IJTDRAPURA SAILS ABOUT JUBE U. i, For ratea and full information call sa or ad -dress officials or sgents of tbe O. K. A N, Ca EAST via. SOUTH 19.58 39.30 28 20 20.20 29.20 29, 2") 39.20 20.20 30 20 2U.20 29.20 20 2" 20.80 20.20 20 20 20 20 29.20 2U.2U 20.20 20.2-) 20 20 20 20 20.20 lying between the southerly line of Thurman street snd a line 100 feet southerly frnm and parallel there with, and between the west line of Rugby atreet and a line 100 feet westerly from and parallel there with. Scottish-American Investment c Ltd 60.68 Right of way. Port laud Railway Co.. 4.324.74 ...,124.437.50 ussesemcut has -103.84 14.68 49.28 168.83 88.62 n.14 35.60 11.1.89 180.82 $0.19 33.87 , is Total A atatenieut of aforesaid been entered lu the Ducket of City Liens which la now due and payable at the of flee of the CKy Treasurer, ill lawful money f the I nlted States and If uot paid within thirty days rrom the date of this notice. such proceoutniM will ho taken for the col lection uf the same ss are provided by tbe chsrter- of -trie ettv of--4'orttHn. The above asaesBiuent win hear Interest ten days after the drst publication of thla notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. May g, IMi.C PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF FIRST STREET. Notice la hereby irlven that at the meeting of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore gon, held ou thv 2uih day of May, 1903, the following resonmou naa aaopioa: Ueaolved, lhat the council or the City of Portland. Oreaou. derma it expedient and propoaea to improve Klrat street from 30 feet south uf tbe south Hue of Arthur' alreet to 350 feet uorth of the north line of Arthur atreet, by constructing i a steel bridge wltb pproacbes. Bald improvement to PC maae in accordance wltb tbe charter and ordinances of the City ot Portland and the plans. apeclScatlons and esti mates of tbo City Ikuflneer filed In tbe office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on tbe 20th day ofMar. 1003. Indursed: "City n aTineer'a plans and specifications for! tha Im- rovement of urar street rrom su teet sontn uf the south line of Arthur street to 850 feet north of the nurtb line nf Arthur- atreet and the estimates of the work to -tie doua and the nrobahle total cost thereof." " The coat' of aald Improvement to be as sessed aa provided by the City Charter upon the property specially benefited thereby and which is hereby declared to be sll tba lota, parts of lota snd parent of lond lying within Lthe district hounded anil described aa fol lows, vsoimrnciog ei... in'mi 111 id. .m hsnk' of the Willamette' River at low water mark where the same would be Intersected by the sonth. Hue of Harrison atreet extended easterly In Its preaent course: thence wvat erly along the snath Une ef Harrison atreet and aald extension to a point at lt lnter aevlton with the east line ot Seventh street anil, thence southerly along tbe eaat -line of 8eenth street to a point at Its Intersection wltb. the division Una between Ftitlce Csrutbers sad Stephen Coffin' Douatlon Land Clalnje; Blk Jffl, Ibt 4. The Hawthorne tistste.... Blk 28, lot 5, Rachel L, Hawthorne Blk 23. tot6. Martha It. Drreny Blk 22. lot 1. John P. Sharkey Blk 32. lot 2, John P. Sbarkey Blk 22. lot 9. Tbe Hawthorne Katale Blk 22. lot 4, II. L. Powers. Trustee... Blk 22. lot 6. The Hawthorne estate.... Blk 21. lot 1. The Hawthorne Katate.... Blk 21. lot 2. 11. L. Powers, Trustee Blk 21. l..t 8. The Uawthohie Kstate Blk 21. lot 4, The Hawthorne Estate Blk 21. lot 6, H. L. Powers. Trustee... Blk 21. lot 6. The Hawthorne fcatate A tract of laad lying between the north line of Eaat Couch atreet If extended easterly in its present conrae and a line 100 feet north of and parallel therewith srd between the west line of bast Twenty-eighth rtroet and the west line of tbe K. W. Low tract, section 36. township 1 nurtb. range I east Willamette Meridian. Agnes 0. Beach 247.75 A tract of laud lying between ibe north llns of Kast Couch atreet extended easterly In Its present course sod a line 100 feet nortb of and parallel therewith and between a line 1M feet eaat of aud parallel with the east line of Raat Twenty-sixth atreet eitended northerly in Its present course and the west line of the r". W. Low tract, aee tlon 3d. township I north, range 1 east Willamette Meridian, isalsh Buck- man 15.00 Hawthorne s first Addition tu Kent Portland-- Blk 17. south 50 feet lot 12 F. N. Mc- Hollaud 13.25 Blk 17, south 60 feet lot 11. I'. N. Mc- HolUnd 20.45 Blk 17. .wear 7 feet of south .60 feet p( W 10,-F. X. McHollaoo,. . . . . SS& Blk 17, north no feet lot 12, Prank Bode :l, 8 11 Blk 17, north 50 feet lot II, Prank Bode -. ;' 12 95 Blk 17. sll oi lot 10, except weat 7 feet ot south 50 feet. Frank Bode 31.95 Blk 17. lot 0, J. J. Rtrbardsun 37. UU Blk 17, lot 8, H. M. alcgldowucy 87.0U Blk 17. lot 7. H. M. McEldewaey 87.60 Blk 18, lot 12. Margarette Beml 7.tK Blk IS. lot 11, Margarette Bern 1 37. do Ulk 18. lot 10, Racbael L, Hawthorn. . . 87.00 Blk 18. lot 9 Bertha kueble 37 00 Blk 18. lot 8, Walter and Nellie Cramer. 37.00 Blk ,1H. lot 7. William P. Pedler 87 oO Blk 19. lot 12, Frank Malmqulat 37.00 Blk I ID, lot 11, Frauk Malmqulat 31 tin Blk IV, lot 10, K. T. Deeming 87i6u Klk 10, lot !t. John Maxwell Hi.Oo Hlk 10. lot S. ( arrle E. Slelklc 37. it" Blk 10, lot 7, W. D. Allard."... 37.00 Blk 2o, lot 12. Hsttle C. Edmuuds Gloss. 37 00 Blk 20. kit 11. Frank Glue 37.60 Blk 21. lot 10. The Hawthorne Estate... 87.60 Blk 2". lot , 11. L. Powers, Trustee... 37. 0U Hlk 20. lot 8. The Hawthorne Hatate... . xt.uu Bfk 80, lot 7, Th Hawthorne Estate ... 37.00 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT Ot WATER STREET AND HOOD STREET. Notice la hereby given that at the meet ing of the Council of tbe Clly uf Port land. Oregon, held on the 2tb day of May, 1003. the following resolutlun was adopted: Itesolved. Thst tbe Council of the City of Portland, Oregou, deems it expedient and proposes to improve Water street snd Hood street from tbe south line ot Clay street to 10U feet south of the oouth line of Carythers atreet in tbe following manner, to-wlt: Klrat By grading aald atreet full width with full Intersections. Hecond By paving the streets full width with full Intersections wltb atone blocks on a sand cushion -on a concrete foundation six Inches In thickness. Third Ry constructing artificial atone curbs. Held improvement to be made ln accord ance with the chaffer ind' ordinances of" the City uf Portlsnd and the plsns, specifica tions anil estimates of the City ktislneer filed In the office of the Auditor of the City of I'ortjsnd on the 4tn day or nay. iuo.1. in dorsed: "('Ity iioitlneer a plans aud specifica tions for the Improvement of Water and ' Hood atreeta from tbe south line uf Clay atreet to a lint- KM) fi-et south of the south 1 line of Caruthers street, snd the estimates ; nf the work to be dona and tbe probable totul cost thereof." The coat of aald Improvement to be assessed as provided by tho city chsrter upon the firoperty specially benefited thereby, and which Is tereliy declared to be all the lots and parts ef lots and psrcela of laud lying within the district bounded and described sa follows: Ou the west side of said . Water street and llood street, nil i)f the lota uud ports ot lots, to nlt: Iils 1, 2, 3 snd 4. block 113; lots 1, 2. U and 4. block 112. lots 1. 2. 3 aud 4. block HI: lota 1, 2. 8 and 4. block 111): lota 1, 2, 8 aud 4. block 100; lots 1. 2. 3 und 4. block KM. loin I. 2. .1 and 4. block 107; luta 1. 2, 3 and 4, block 106; lota 1, 2, 3 ahd 4. block A: lots 6, 0, 9, 111. 11 and 12. block n: lots 1, 2. 8 and 4. 5 and II. block II; raat 25 feet of Iota 1, 2, 3 and I, block ('. lots 1. 2. .'), 4. 5, 0, 7 ami K. block G. CarutliiTK Addition to Caruthers Addition to the Cltr of Portland: lots 14. 16. Id. 17. I H. 10. 2" snd 21- ami tbo hoi'tb-45- feet of Mil J 8. 0. 10. II. 12 and the north .17.2 feet uf lot 18. Itohr's suli-IMvlaloiiH hlocli 1 lu Csrntli- 1 era Addition to Portland, Oregon. On the east aa-an B ml lrf r ..1.1 Walne .,wl f1,u,i1 . leant. a 11 ,h I . " I lots and psrts uf Iota and parcela of land j Ij Ina between the south line of Jefferson atr-eel and u Une UiO. fneL south of Aud parallel a -mi with the south line of Caruthers atreet and an 1 "' "'l easterly extension In Its present course of 4:5o p. m. tald aouth Hue. ut ssld Caruthers street und ; . I between the east line of ssld Water street and Hood atreet and the wharf line nf the west bank nf the Willamette Hirer. I i tartland-Oavna-a tuharaaa laniu a.S aa.hlll : The Kngliieer a estimate of the probable total; bistilen" j eosl uf ssld Impruveiuent Is 8H.043.inI. . i . . V, e aw-la t .- Tbe alwve luiproveiiient la to be elaaseil aa ! fepo. rest ST JeaTsrsoa atreet. a ei-rnie-Mnok ,,wnetit nd h!l he maintained j- Lrave Poetised daily for toswego -7:69 A.-S1.1""'" bv the city for the period of 26 years, provided 13:50, 3.06, 3.23, 6:J, 6:28. 8:80. 10:16 p, as. ; that the owners of a majority of the iruperti Dally (except rjunday) 6:30, 6:80. 8:36. 10:26 . benefited hy said 'improvement or any mt 8. m.; 4:00. 11:30 p. m. Sunday Poly. 8;U0 lion thereof shall not iietltlon for s new or ' a. sa. v dinferent Improvement before the i-xplratlou1- Ueturnlng from Oswego. srrlv6 Portland daily of said period. 1 8:Su a. m ; 1:65. 8:05. 4:85. 8:18. 7 86, 9 63, - The plans, specifications snd estimates I1 i V D"T (exeept Sunday) 6:25. T:25, ; . of the City Kngliieer for the Improvement of 80, 10 :), 11:45 a. m. Except Monday. il.3t y said water atreet and llood atreet are hereby a. m. ounnay omy, i'i:uo a. aoopteu. Leavee. a Jo a m ! :S0 a. at. 127 5UMIT Q00PtM.SIUfTAl-l I till ROUTS S JQI I Arrlvsa. UNION DEPOT. OVERLAND EXPRESS trains, for Salem. Hose- t burg. Aahlsud. Sacra4 meuto, Ogden, Han Fran- TidS e. sa. Cisco, Mojave, Ia An-' . s, Eelea. Kl Paso, New Or-I ana Snd ths Esst. At' Woodbura dallyj '': (esccpt Sunday), morn- '"' ln train for Mt. An J gel... ..aUtMtjun. BrowaaJ J "S.- , vllle, Sprlngfleld. Weudj ' ling and Natron, .v.-- i N.---.!t I'eeeanser, con- a... I A . k. necu at. Wooburn wit'0 0 ait. Ansel aad Sllver-i ton weal. Corv silts pxiweng- rr; Sheridan passenger... S:S0 p. BT' l!8:86 a. n Dally. HDally eicept Sunday. Itesolved. That the Auditor of the Cltv of Portland be and he Is hereby Instructed to give- notice of the proposed Improvement o! sulci streets aa provided hy the city charter. ltcmoiiHtrsnira ngslnst the above Improvement may lie filed In writing with the undersigned within 20 ilsvs from the dote of the first imli-ti.-stlon of thla notice. Hy order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of (be City of Portland May 33. 1903. RAILROAD TIMETABLES. Total 62100.40 A statement uf afureaald assessment has been entered in tbe Docket of City I. lens which is now due snd payable at the of. flfle of the City Treasurer. In lawful money of the (nlted States and If uot paid within thirty days from the date or - tins nonce, such proceedings will be taken for the col leSSAon of the aame ss are provided by ths charter of tho City of Portland. The above assessment will bear Interest ten dajs sfter tbo first publication of tills notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Msjr 28, 1008. ( EXTENSION OF TWENTY-SIXTH STREET Whereas. The Couucll bf the City of Port land, deeming it expedient to open, lay out and eatabUsb an exteuaion. of Twenty-alxtb street, in lb City uf PortUnd, from the I Leave from aame depot for Dallaa and 'lateen mediate points daily (except Bandar) i.yo p. aw ' Arrive Portland 10:80 a. m. ' ? ' r Tbe Indenendenre-Monmoath ' Motor Line opera tee dally to Monmouth aad Alrli; eee acting with South era PaelOe Company a tracU 'at Dal his and Independence.". "" First-class rebate ticketa ea aale fraaa per. 1 land to Snrramento and San Fraaeisco. Net rate 617.60. berth A; aecoad-elass fare Sl6. without rebate or berth; second-class berth . 88.00. I Ticketa to Eastern points aad sjrope, v 4hs I Japan. China, Honolulu and AoatraUa. City Ticket Offce comer Third aad WsShtnjo Ian atreeta. Phone, Mala 71A ve C W. STINGER. VB.'00KAlf, City Ticket Agent. Gen, Pea. AgS. , THE BEST Of EVEHYTHIMQ ONLY HOURS PORTLAND TO OAC-Q .via the Q..R. .A.N..Cp.f Oregon Short Line, Union f acihe and Two trains a day, with through Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). an SPECIAL connects at Granger with the; famous Overland Limited, the". most luxurious train in the world, to Chicago from the Coast. , ' . 8 sure roar tickets read over lit ' ;4vChlesfo&North-We$tro. sV. 6. BARKER, Osn'l Aot, Q. 8V N-W. RV, ty'i THIRD ST., POSTLANO, OUtf WW TIME CARD. Vr TRAINS PORTLAND: I.Vpsrte. 8,80 , a Puget Swund Limited, fur Taconia. Seattle, Olympl. South Bend and Gray's Harbor points. Nortb Const Limited, for Tscoma. Seattle, Bultc St. Paul. Mln- ncuihil s. LUlcauo. new -i'orlt, BosJ-ad -BwliHsjrV-f i l.snt and boutheasu Twin-City Kipresa. for Tocuiua. Seattle, Spo kane, Helena, St. Paul. M IniieaiKills Chicago. New lork. Iloston and all KlnU East aud southeast. Puget Sound - Kansas I'tt--St. I.iiuiS- Special, for Tacmia. Seattle. siKilianc, luttte. Billings. lenrr. Omaha. Kansar City. St. Louia aad sll points Knst and South east. 3 00 p. m. It :43p. m S;30 a. nf. Arrives 6:80 P., 8s. T:00.a. 7:00 P- 84. a. fa- All trains daily eicept en South Bead branch. A. 0. CHARLTON. Assistant General Psaaenger Agent. i . 325 Morrison 8t.. corner Third. Portlaml, Or. Astoria 1:& Columbia River Railroad Co, Leaves. T. VS108 iiEPOTfl. , "T't i$.'i '' nk 11 ' " " iiui ptnjs nniHirr.f iCIatikanie. Westport.1 l , n...... t . . -1 - n -- b ''""" -.'.'""ii tna as -rroioa r isvvl. iisib- --- . w nioud Fort atevena. . , Rarhart pakV aiiie.l " s Astoria snd '".eefl press, Iisjlr. j . , j , - Astoria "t press, ' j a tli - m- Arrives, 8.00 s, nt. "A T OO p. m. - C. F. ami T B. I.T'f.FWIS, .' Phone Mulu tr-O. - " .1 . . - M Vf -i