;';',' '"- '.';; 1 i J-. '- ' ''" .-,' -!',';'"' .-v'?"- V"''"'"'' 1 i:1'," '-ii' ' '"'. "'' ' " ' ;" "i. ''"". ' '" :. .-.7' ;': ' V-,; ; V- , y -. V.''.r; ''.' .' ' ' .' ,1;r '-", ' i- , ,"','",:.. . . " . '..'.-..aa ..',1 W 1 v ir m as.- --'. -- anaa ea V-. . 1 .... j , V . ' 3 " '?.-'' ---'.'.! i -, ;, TOE OUEGOy DAXLV- J6lTRyAl4" rORTIPTUESDAYrEVEyrN-Gr iJUyE 2, 1903. '10 V ibiTT iroTicii. citt Notices. ,CITT "r0T:0E8.' ,': OITT JT0TX0EI. OITT MOTICEtV CITTKOTICES. - CrXT XQTIOES, - , ..--KBHT Of WASCO TEEET.' ' ' Kotlr it brhy ' fln lht- lh- tVvncll of tht'-Hr t Portland trropi, to" limw tbe lollowJnf dcrHd prupcrty Jhd owr or : nfn bring ipwUlly and peculiarly bf ne . tlr4 hi th am.Kiun ft wppiwlta toe nawca and " diw1tluna Itwrwof for lb loiproremaot of ' Witn aitwt, from the vaat itm , vt Kt Hftmittfc- atrret to tbe crnti'r line of Jtait Twrnljr-foortb atrwt, aa irortdod l wdt- Bdc Ao. J.1.07S. - Any obJiHtlon to'.tha apportionment of coat , for; Mla lmvrorement mum uv iuiop-iu wriuni to th t'oiimll and filed irltb the Auditor Wlthto flftcen Oa.va front tbe date of the Urol pabllcatlon f tbla notice, and wild pbjec- lioaa win ie sum aim onriuimm uj u wuu' rll.-feafore the paiMaite of the ordinance aa awlna thn rout of ild Improreaient. - -Holnidajr'a Addition t. ' l'rt land ' ' Mik.lTK Int i. The Oreaon Heat Eatat .Company " BUt lift, lot A, Tbe Oregon lu-al EataU " tiompany - Blk J f 5. lot 6. Tlie Oregon Ileal Catata , 'Company Blk lift.'1 i"t 6, The Oregou Real Katata l'inniir . Blk )7N, lot 4, The Or.gnn Ileal KataM tioininr lilk l'8. bit 3. The Oregon Ileal Katata ' Osmpany Blk l?8, Wt d. The Oregon Ileal Eatata ; t'ompany , Blk 1M. lot 5. The Oregon Heal Katata . fXimpany Blk 11. lot 4. Tbe Oregon Hal Km ale Company Blk 1W, lot a. Tbe Oregou Heal Katata ' Company ' Blk 1MB. lot 6, The Oregon Ileal Eatata Company ::BU JW6. lot 6. Th Oregon Real Eatata Company A, tract of land lying between tbe nortb lluuVof Waaco afreet and a line UN) : i'. I fee'f north of and parallel therewith i and ' between - the eaat line of bliN k - numbered IMS, llolladay'a Addition to . tut I'ortUnd. and tbe weat line of , Mock numbered 8. Holladay i'ark Ad dition' to Portland, Oregon, The Ore gon' Real Eatata Company f Uolladay I'ark Addition to I'ortlaud, Oregon "A Blk a, k)t 4. Char lea T. Orerbaugh . . . . ,,Blk , lot 8. Charlea T. Orerbaugh ... . Blk ,.ot 2. Tbe Title Uuarautea Ttnat Company . . . . .. r. ,; Blk , lot 1,- The Title Uuarautea ; Truat Coanpan' Blk -8. lot 8, Tha Title Guarantee k . . Traat Company ; ''Blk A, lot T, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk ft. lot tl, Tha Title Guarantee Truat Company Blk AV lot S. The Title Guarantee rf Truat Company Blk ft, lot a, Tha, Title Guarantee . . Truat Company , Bl ft. lot a. Tba Title Uuarautea A Treat. Company Blk I. lot 8.. The Title Guarantee A . ' Traat Company BHt ft. lot 1, The Title Guarantee A f' Truat Company t, " 31k 4. lot 8, Tbe Title Guarantee A Traat Company , Blk 4. lot 7. Tbe Title Guarantee A ' Traat Company Blk -4.- lot aV The Title Uuarantee A ! Treat Company Blk 4, lot 6. Tbe Title Guarantee A FBOPOBED ASSESSMENT FOB IMPEOTE ' MEHT OF EAST MAIiiriOV STHEET. Notice la fierchy glren that tbo Council of the" City of I'ortlaud propoaea ' to aaai-ea the following deacrlbed property anu owner - oi owuera aa being aiieclally aud H-culIariy bene flted In thn aiuotinta act uppnalU) tbe nawea and deacrlptlrtia thereof for tbe luiprorement of Eaat Madlaon afreet, from tbe weat line of Eaat Nltxecnth afreet to tbe center Hue of Kaat Twenty-fourth afreet, aa provided by ordinance No. l.'I.KW. Any objcctloiia to the apportionment of . at for aald IniproTemcut mint be made In writing to the'' Council and filed' with the Auditor within fifteen dava from tbe date of the tlrt' niihlli-atlciii or thla notice, and aald oblec tloni will be beard and determined by the council before the paaaage of the ordinance aaacaalng tba coat, of aald improvcmaui. Ilawthnrni, I'ark Hlk Hat. eaat 4 bit S, Itoae K. IHinlcla.l 2H.81 Hl eaat lot o, itoae r, ianicip. blk aat, weat 4 lot 6, Tbe Hawthorne Eatate Ulk a. weat W lot 8. Tha Hawtborue Eatate Kenwortby'a Addition to Eaat I'ort laud Blk , lot 4, O. I'. Hon Blk K, lot .1, O. IV Hotr... Blk. lot 8. O. P. IlolT Blk . lot ft. tl. I'. Iloflf.t Blk T, 1 4, Mra. E. V. Brown Blk T, lot a. Wra. K. I'. Brown. lilk 7, lot 6, Xamuel A. and KUIa C Brown 10 blk 7, lot ft, Hamuel A. and Elite C. Brown Blk 8, lot 4, Dan W. Reynold Blk S. lot It, lain w. Keyuoma .10 .10 .10 .10 ,10 .10 .10 23.05 23.08 301.02 T.t)7 2H2.I4 lf4 0M.I 46112 .10 .03 .10 .10 115.39 131.2A 180.00 182. 58 18S.08 ltM.tU 00. T5 82.89 71.08 71.12 11S.AT 127.17 148.44 143.18 10i.tJ0 101.22 04.7ft 18.73. 82.12 118.87 127.SU 131.60 121.03 82.05 84.21 87.89 '88.04 128.14 140.80 Traat Comnenr : Blk 4. lot-4. The Title Guarantee A ; Truat Company ........J.... Blk 4. weat 8.8 feet lot 8. The Title v V JiTUWUtf-. 1 1 . jvuymnj ....... . ttHV a aaatr an.l faet kit S. Rndnev ,. u -oilaan'et al...... V Blk .4, lot 2,. Rodney L. Ullaan et al.. nib A 'lnt 1 nlnT t.. (Jllaan e al.. - Blk llh-lo .- The- Title- uuarantee f ' Traat Company Blk 1ft. kt 7, The Title Guarantee A ' iTuat ivmpany , lk.lfl.4ot tl The Title Guarantee A Truat Company , Blk is. lot o. Tne nue uuarantee at , ' Ttuat Company - ; . . jik to. inc a. ine iiiie uueraniee ax , Traat 'Company .... Rlk 1ft. let 8. The Title Guarantee A 'Truat Company' ' Blk IS, lot it. The Title Guarantee A v. -Ttnat "Company Blk IB. lot 1. The Title Guarantee A i Traat Company Heiiaoay a Aaauion to teat van- '.-land ' - - ' ' Blk 174. lot 1', Tha Oregon Real Eatate '; Company BUr 174. lot T, The Oregon Real Eatate Company Blk 174. lot ft. The Oregon Real Eatate Company Blk 1T. lot 1. The Oregon Real Eatate Company . ,. Klk 17U In 4 Tkm omna Dual Ratata. tHmtpany - ' Blk 1T. lot 7. 'The Oregon Real Eatate ;. Company . Blk 178. lot ft, Tbe Oregon Real Eatate Company Blk 184. lot 1, Tbe Oregon Real Eatate , - -Company pa I, iin a. laa vitvvh nwi aai.w .(-.r - Canine uy "rwM'ii.. . -nr v 'Blk ion, lot 7. Tbe -Oregon Real Eatate . Company ,.....,.,., i ...... k ,.,. , . Blk 1M. -lot 8, Tbe Oregou Real Eatate Company A "tract of land lying between the aouth .. line of. Waaco afreet and a line liN) ; fcet aouth of and parallel therewith , and between the eaat line of block ' numbered 484. Holladay'a Addition to -- Eaat Portland, and tbe weat Hue of . . , , .Llock numbered 1. Holladay Park Ad dition to Portland, Oregon, Tbe Or gun Heal Eatate Company Uolladay Park Addition to Portland. Oregon ' " Blk 1. kit 13. Tbe Title Guarantee A wJ'-PrtaH fompany - .f Blk. I. lot- 14, The Title Uuarantee A , i Truat Comitany . Blk 1. lot IS. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk-,1. lot Id, The Title Guarantee A , - Truat Comitany . Blk A lot V. Tbe Title Guarantee 4 . Truat' Company , Blk X lot 10. Tbe Title Uuarautea A Truat Company Blk 2. lot 11,- The Title Uuarantee A Traat Company . Blk 2. lot 12. Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat ComtMny ...... Blk it. lot lit. 'lite Title Guarantee A it. .Truat Company Bk 2. lot 14. Tbe Title Guarantee A ' Traat Company Blk -2. lot 18, Tbt Title Uuarautea A - Tnnit Company . . Blk 2, lot 1U. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 3. lot 9. The Title Uuarautee A Truat Comitany , Blk 1. lot In. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Bfk 8. lot 11. Tbe Title Uuarantee A Traat Comitany Blk 3. lot 12. The Title? Guarantee A Truat Com pan Blk 3, lot 13, The Title Uuurantce A Treat Company Blk 8. weat . feet lot 14. The. Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 8. eaat 40.1 feet lot 14, Rodney L. Ullaan ct al Blk 8, lot 15. Rodney L. Ullaan et al . xik :i. lot Hi. Modiier 1,. (illnan et al.. Blk 18. kit 9. Tbe Title Guarantee & Truat Comitany : Blk Id. bit in. The Title Uuarantee 4c , Truat Company , Blk 10. lot 11, Tbo Title Uuarantee A Traat Company Blk 18. bit 12.. The Title Guarantee & Triat Corupanj- Blk 18. lot 1.1. The Title Uuarantee & . Truat Company . . Blk 18. lot 14. The Title Uuarantee A Truat Company Blk 18. lot 15. Tbe Title Guarantee & Trnat Compa nj riJltt 38, .litter: XtTiai3BmnfM-iM' Truat Compauy 14t.4 Blk 8, lot 8, Dan W. Reynolda II Ik tv lot 6, Han W. lleynolda Blk 9, lot 4. Bceale H. Olda Blk D. lot 3. lleaale II. Olda Blk .9. lot 6. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 9, lot ft, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk HI, lot 1, A. T. Schoepe Ulk 111. kit .I, A. T. Bchocpa Haflabury Hill. In tbe rkldon Mur ray !. L. C Blk I. lot 14, Ha rah II. Wllitame Blk 2. lot 15. Ha rah 11. Wllllama Blk 2. lot 10. Harab H.' Wllllama Blk 2. weat 24 feet lot 17. Sarah H. Wllllama Blk 2. eaat 20 feet lot 17, William M. Ladd Blk 2. weat 22 feet lot 18, William M. likdd Rlk 2. eaat 2 feet lot 18 J. E. and Bertha T. Werleln Blk 2. lot 19. William M I.add... Blk 2, lot 2i,'f. W. Kllppel ,.. Blk 2. lot 21, E. A. Kllppel Blk 2. lot 22. Ella M. Hutchlnaon Blk 2, lot 2.1. William M. Udd. ...... Blk 2. lot 24, William M. I.add Blk 2, lot 25. Ttlllam U. Ladd Blk 2. bit 28. E. A. Kllppel Pleaaant View Addition Blk 8, lot 4, Gertrude M. Ilalnea...... Blk 3, kit 3, IxMilae Hteinhauaer Blk 8, bit A, Hamuel A. alllea. FBOPOBED ABSEBBXEVt . F6B 6EWER IB ' WAS00 ITREET. Notice la' herchr riven that the Council or the City or I'ortlaud propoaea to aaeeaa-me following deaeribed prorty and owner or -own-era aa- being apeclally and ptt-ullarly beneflted in tne amounta aet oiikmi iue miwi auu deacrlptlona thereof by the eonatnictkin of a eewer In Waaco atreet, from 15 feet eaat of the weat line of 'Enat. Twenty-fourth atreet to a connection witb . tun aewer in Haai ruieuniu. aa provided by ordinance No. 1.I.0S2. - ,, Any objeetlona to tbe apportlonlnent of coat for .aald aewer ntuat lie made In i writing to-the Council and filed with tbe Auditor with in fifteen daya from tbe date -of the "rat pttii liratlon of thla notice, and aald nblectlona will be heard and determined by tbe Council be fore the paaaage of tbe ordluance aaacaalng tbe com ror aalii aewer. Holladay'a Addition to Eaat I'ort Rlk 173. lot 4. The Oreaon Real Eatate Comnany $ 38.45 Blk 175. lot 3, Tbe Oregon Heal Eatate Company Blk 17ft, lot 0, Tbe Oregon Real 8a late Company Blk 175. kit ft, Tbo Oregon Real Eatate Comitany ..... , Blk 178. lot 4, Tbe Oregon Ilea) Eatate Company Blk 17S. t lot S, The Oregon Real Eatate Company . Blk 178. lot 0. The Oregon Real Hataftt .10 110.18 130.20 184.80 188.97 2U8. 13 185.20 114.03 D4.U2 83.58 V 77.28 118.50 128.80 150.07 167.00 128.31 122.22 I 114.74 18.83 ''70.84 130.20 150. :)7 Blk 8. lot A, Hamuel A. Ml lea Hawthorne Park Blk 830, lot 8, Tbe Hawthorne Eatate.. Blk 3.DI, kit 7. The Hawthorne Eatate.. Kenworthy'a Addition to Eaat Port land Blk 15. lot 1. Winnie E. Burnett Blk 1ft. lot 2. Frank le II. Thomaa Blk 1ft. eaat lot 7. Sarah and Dofcla Walla Blk 15. eaat lot 8, Sarah and Dorcla Walla Blk 15, weatji lot. 7.. GrantPhegler . . Blk 15, weat H lot 8. Grant I'hrgley.. Blk'14, lot 1, Amanda W. Reed Blk 14, lot 2, Amanda W. Reed Blk 14, lot 7, Amanda W. Reed Blk 14. lot 8. Amanda W. Heed Blk 13, lot 1. Samuel A. anilEllla C. Brown v.rT Blk 13, lot 2. Samuel A. and Ellla C. Hnwn Blk 13. lot 7. Samuel A. And Ellla C. Brown Blk 13. lot 8. Samuel A. and Ellla C. Brown : Blk 12, lot 1. Nancy V. Glheon Blk 12. lot 2. Nance Y. Glbaon Blk 12, lot 7. Minnie B. Locke "r ivt. l-t 8 M'nnle H, Locke Blk 11. lot 1. Samuel A. and Ellla C. Mrown Bib 11. lot 2. Samuel A. and Ellla C. Frown A tract of land lying between the aotttb line or Eaat Madlaon atreet and a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel there with and between tbe eaat line of W'-k nnmhevd 11. Kenwnrthe'n Ad dlrlou, and the weat line of Htllcreat, unknown owner Htlli-reat Lot 1. Portland Truat Company of Oreron tot J. Portland .Truat Company of 'trefoil Lot 8, Portland Truat Company of itreyon Lot 4. Portland Truat Company of Oreeon Lot S. Portland Treat Company of Oregon y. Lot. ft. Portland Treat Company ' of Oregon Lot 18. Charlea M. and Kittle B. Morgan - Hallebury H1U. In- tbe- Seldon Mur rar I), L. C Blk 8. lot 4. S. K. .Toaenhl. Blk 3, kit 3. S. E. Joaephl nta H. kit t. Ktiwarn T. ttiiama Blk 3. lot 1, Edward T. Wllllama...... Blk 3; lot A. Edward T. Wllllama . .Pleaaant View - Addition - Rlk ft. lot 1. Jtillna A. Klein Blk 5. lot 2. Benton Klllln and E. A. King .' , 80.31 Blk ft. lot 9. Hamuel A. alllea IM.O Blk ft. lot 10. Hamuel A. Mllea.... 203.15 i 'nfennatt Blk 178, kit ft, Tbe Oregon Real Katato Company K 182.78 Blk 105. kit 4, The Oregon Real Eatntu 181.27 Company 48.-40 Blk 105. lot 3, The Oregon Heal r;atate 52.71 Company y 1H8.73 Blk 105, lot 0, The Oregon Real Eatoto 148.14 Company 50.08 Blk 105, lot 0. Tbe Oregon Real Katate Company : W.nol Holladay Park Addition to Portland, Oregon v 150.02 Blk 0, lot 4, Charlea F. Orerltaugb 1J5 Blk 8 lot .T Charlea V. Overhauch 23.84 BU 0, lot 2, Tbe Title Guarantee A TraaM'onipany Blk 0, kit 1. Tbe Title Guarantee A B2.74 Truat Company 79.87 Blk 6. lot 8, Tbe Title Guarantee A 82.81 Treat tkimpany Blk ft. lot .7.. The Title .Guarantee A 30.79 Truat Company Blk ft. lot 0. The Title Uuarautea A 41.110 Truat Company Blk ft, lot ft. The Title Guarantee A 83.20 Truat Company Blk ft, lot 4. Tbe Title Uuarantee A 32.80 Truat Company 84.30 Blk ft. lot 8. Tbe Title Guarantee A 64.18 T""' Company 68.40 Blk '8. lot 2. The Title Guarantee A 71.25 Traat Company ft8.97 Blk ft. lot 1. Tbe Title Guarantee A 89.84 Traat Company 80.88 Blk 4. kit 8. The Title Gnarantee A 120.30 Truat Company Blk 4. kit 7. The Title Guarantee A 23.1.29 Truat Company 04.85 Blk 4. lot 0. Tbe Title Guarantee A 87.87 Treat Company 200.03 Blk 4. lot ft. Tbe Title Guarantee A , Treat Company B7.01 Blk 4 lot 4: Tbe Title Uuarautee A 40.08 Truat Company Blk 4. weat 9.9 feet lot 8. 'Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company 423.74 Blk 4, eaat 40.1 feet kit 3, Rodney L. 97.02 Ullaan et al ... Blk 4, lot 2, Rodney L. Ullaan et al 81.98 Blk 4. lot 1. Rodney L. Ullaan et al Blk IS. lot 8. The Title Uuaantee A Treat Company P'J 15, Jot 7, The Title .Uuearntee A Truat 1 182.70 49.04 200.83 284.47 70.48 49.82 214.03 183.41 40.53 51.74 18.85 191.44 58.40 27.02 100.44 138.14 23.07 63.02 92.83 81 .73 88,79 "88.63 87.10 120.18 118.43 104.18 94.82 87.81 97.48 7. 215.31 23.48 23.43 11 88.45 38.45 23.45 23.48 38.43 38.45 23.48 23.45 38.45 20.90 30.08 30.05 30.95 80.95 , 80.95 30.85 30.95 80.95 80.95 80.95 PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOB SEWI JJf t'-vA8T EVER KIT STREET, j ',-.,. - Notice la hereby gle Mbat the Council ni tub i-iiy pi r-oruauu protoae u aaacae um ' FR0P0SAXI FOB 8TBEET WORK. - Sealed pronoaala will be recelred 8.t. the land, until Friday, June B.M003. at 4 o'clock Aillowlna described nronerty and owner or own-1 n m.. for tha liunro'ement of Salmon atreet era aa being ajieclall. and peculiarly beneflted l from the eaat line of Front atreet to tbe In the ' amounta aet oppoelt the naniea and I weat line of Sitth .atreet In the manner pro deacrlptlona thereof by tbe cotietructlon bf a I Tided by ordinance . No. 18.858;' aubject to ewer In Eaat Erervtt atreet. from tne eaat the proTlalona of the charter ana orumancea line of Hawtborne'a Flrat Addition - to Eaat of the City of rortland, ' and the, eatimate wtiann to connection witn tne aewer in 1 or rna in; engineer, on nie. Eaat TweoLr -eighth, aa prorldid bf ordinance I Blda muat . be atrlctly In accordauoeJjwith Ne. 18.F70. ' J printed blanka,- which Will be furnhthed on Any obiectlona to the aanortaonment of I application at tbe office of! the Auditor of coat ror aald aewer muat ne maoe in writing 1 ina 1 uyor i-oriiano. Ano aaia improTemrui moan to the Council and Bled wltb tne auditor wiin-De compietea on or be tore 00 Oaya from tne In fifteen daya from the date of the Brett pub date of the , algnlng of the contract by -the llcatlon of tbla notice, a ml aald objection will I partlee thereto. , be heard and dutarmined hr tbe Council be-1 No Droooaala or blda win- be eonaluered fore the paaaage of the ordlnauca aaaeaaiug ue 1 umeaa accompanied ny a certmea eneca par coat for aald newer. 1 able to the order of tbe Mayor of tbe City Hawtborue a Flrat Addition to Eaat or I'ortUnd, eertlfletl by a reaponalble Dank cortiand I ror an amount equal to ten per cent 01 we Blk 9. lot 10, John E. Andcraon $ 81.80 I aggregate proposal. . Dt.wt 1 inn ngnt 10 reject any : ana an dim ii Bl.KO nereDy reserrea. 81.80 By order of tha Execntlre Board. Blk 9. lot 9. Elma Clano Blk 9. bit 8. S. Kaynor Blk a kit 7. John Harbor. Blk 10, lot J 2, Guatae W. Buehola Blk 10, lot II, Mlebael Mclntyre Blk 10, kit 10, Lucy A. 1'leraon Blk 10. lot, 9. M. E. Kiulth Blk 10, lot 8, O. L. llardabl.'. Blk 10, lot 7, Cynthia M. Under. ....... Ulk 11, lot 12, K. M. Hughe Blk 11, lot 11,- The Hawthorne Eatato.. Blk 11. kit. 10. H. L. Powera. Trnatee.. Blk 11. kit 0, The Hawthorne Eatate.. Blk It, lot H, 'George J. Cameron.:.... Blk 1, lot 7. George J. Cameron Blk 12. lot 12. The Hawthorne Eatate.. BHt 12. lot.-ll, The Hawthorne Eatate.. Blk 12. lot 10, The Hawthorne Eatate. 81.80 81.80 81.80 81.80 81.80 81.80 31.80 TWOS. C. DEVLIN. . . Auditor of the City of Portland. May SO, 1908,, - , , FX0F0IAXI FOB STREET WORK. 30.98 . 30.98 80.08 80.05 80.85 82.95 0.15 24.80 3O.05 30.95 30.95 30.95 lUmlmA nnralih wilt lu. at tha S!'? I office of " the Auditor of the City of Port-ol-fO I land, until Friday. June ft, 1908, at 4 o'clock 01.80 In m tn tha lnti.Mife..i..ne nt Una. la u r P.., .. .. Itrom tne weac line of cornett atreet to tne 81.80 I araat llaa- " Bu.... alM.M In th. m.nn.. 81.80 I nnwU.rf k na.llHan. V.. Ta 'IF.0 aktt tn !! "5? the proTlalona of the charter and ordinance Ol. PW nl tha I 'I I v nt U.ll.nH mnA tlta ullin.la niu to i v. it ia .V - . - " . wfc 1 ur inwiuiiinc "i.ewiQr mi i:ity Bngineer, ou nle, Blk 12. lot 8, Tbe Hawthorne Eatate.. SLftO muat be atrlctlr in accordance with ?!.. Printed blauka, which will be furnlahcd on 14.45 I annlln.llnn at tKa ,.e Awlli ,.t 21'2S ne t'ltyof Portland. And aald ImproTeuient muat SI'Sa compietea on or oetore no day from tne oI ba d' ,ne ",n'n tha contract by the Blk 12. lot T. The Hawthonne Eatate. Blk 10, .lot 1, Dorathy laabelle Aria.. Blk 18, lot 2, lorathy laabelle Arise.. Blk 10, lot'6, Clerage H. Hlmea Blk 10. lot 4, Grace H. Illmxa '. Blk 10, hit ft. Grace II. Hlmea Blk 10, lot 0, Jobn S. Jewell Blk 18, kit 1, U. A. Taylor Blk IB. kit 2. 0. A. Taylor Blk 18, lot 8.' Jobn Almeter Blk 18. kit 4. John J. Schetircr Blk 1ft. lot ft. H. L. Powera, Truatee.. Blk IS, kit 0, Thomaa M. Anderaon.... Blk 14. lot 1. Darld Crelghton Blk 14, lot 2. Darld Crelghton Blk 14. lot 8. Tbe Tlawthorne Estate.. Blk 14, kit 4 H. L. Power. Truatee.. Blk 14. lot ft. Mettle S. Shit ft Blk 14. lot 0. Uaale S. ghutt... Blk 13, kit 1. Tbe Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 13, lot 2, The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk lax kit 3, The Hawthorne Eatate.. Blk 1.1. lot 4,. The Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 13. lot ft. Tbe Hawthorne Estate.. Blk 13, lot S. Tbe Hawthorne Eatata.. 24.80 prtlea thereto. 24.80 No proposal or bid will be considered V nniesa accompanied by a certlnea ebeok pay 24.80 ,Dle to the order of .the Mayor of tbe City S4-80 0f Portland, certified by a reaponalble bank 24.80 for an a moan t etiual to tea per cent of tbe 24.80 aggregate proposal. 24.80 the right to reject any and aU bid la ai.wi oereny reaereed. 24.80 24.80 24.80 24.80 24.80 24.80 24.80 24.80 By order of tbe Executlr Board. , THOS. C. DEVLIN. - Auditor of the rtty of PortUud. , May ' 80, 1903. PR0P0SAXS FOX STREET WORK. ttaala,! nronnaa la will tha raMalvarf at tha 24.80 ofljp. of u,,, Auditor of - the City of Port 24.80 1 1 .....11 L. .. i..nA a iftaiq -. . .1 u - i 1 wuui uuiii 111U.J1 a uc vi l"'u. V . v.a-ia 24.80 n. m.. for tbe ItnnroTement of Kellr atreet from the south line of- Hamilton arenue to COKFLETIOH .Notice : la Rtllntt Cite it the undori Dions,, eontractur A5D ACCEPTANCE OF IEWX I PROPOSED UtTPROVr HEi'T' Of ' 0KAJT3 EVERETT STREET. .V'-r ,-,- AVZBWJ.,. . y t " .,, --' ; hnrahe , vlven ' that ' .Wtlltani- f! I " ""C la - lirreity given upl -m m iwruuj , iZuLJ ha! C i'nWi rrnS: of- the Council J ...41m City . or.H'ortlai.d,.,0Ja. , liSed. wtiei tiiat SI timil H? ?! J,"JJW J" for tbo eonatrucUon' of a L"Ar"Z ik." ... tliM -Maaa 1 . awTiOja, lust Ul vmrnui. v . sewer In Kaat Everett alreet from the -natet ',,.,r(i. , LT - , , line of Hawthorne Ftm Addition to the 'J1' .t"'!: , ltaiL. fli.m in Proposed aewer In ttet Twenty-eighth atreet, fP?l,ht!T1f?J Li of Kaat HUrk Said aPcc.t.";a wur be efV by the uWr'rl Eiecutl-e Board at 4 o'clock on the.fttb day 1,0,l iJut... ti ".'nf"?n? 4tJ of June, 1003. and objectiona to the e- S'YhF 2d ceptam-e thereof may . be Ultd In the offlce.of ilJii 'i'J'.1 VT-i 'ied In tlie tbe unUer.lgned at any time nrlor theeeto. . , SESa,?' f h "'a fi' uL ?TniLtl.,M .THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. . ; Yv'..w. ."."'" -i'.v''" I'll tUO Jirin' IIBW , fA AlMT.i Sin fit. Iliag-ail w Br THOS C. DEVLIN. ..' ' Auditor of .tbe City of Portland. ; May S0.-1903, n. ' ,. .. .-'?-, ..; "City -Engineers plana and aiteclncatliiii 'tor rne impr 00MPLETI0M AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER. ... X WASCO STREET. , . " Vnllna la haaali- -laan, ih.t U'lllt.tr. ' f Elliott, city rjiaineer, or- tne nnaerugnedi aoiuiu. couiraciora .ior- iuv conairuviiuu ui ai..a - . ewer In Wa.eo atreet from 16 feet eaat of tha " ?D7, "5 A"V." . liJ "ITZ weat lino of Kaat Twenty-fourth - atreet to I roremenfc of Grand areuuo. from-10 feet ottth of tba north Hi) of Kaat: Sfark atreet to tbe aotttb line 'of Eaat Oak street , and the . estimate of the 'work to , be dan and the 'probalile total coat 1 thereof.': .' . " i Tne coat of aald ImproTcinrnt to be assessed npon in wnicn parr t -(toil- that William C ' co-i 01 saia ImproTcinrnt 10 ne n teer hat Jl led 1 In the office M "', hr fhaw city cb.rt.r , npo, not'cV that tJleMack , - A Prty apeclally benefited 41icrV nd. V lb? extraction of t k AZL" J? ,!'. .ftS JPt tbe aouth line of Eaat Oak . atra-t and tha wei 11110 01 r. J weniy-rourm - airoei ik Ii. .1 t-aii i..i .ir..J ii . tb ewer la Hit Klfteenth etreet . under - M?"?".-!?' ?'.8trkl 'r ""A w.n. roH.Pt.V,ld,,4e,wTir b. .eonaldered bV the '. P""? W , ..' t "7,1 W. Vml obleoh'." fK-121 S'"r;4i '"-imi.-if-th; ot.nT'thf m hL 'SlU Yn t?. .X. af M"1"1 W"1 of aald improrement le S2. ptauce tneroor may be Bled In tne otnc oil Tha atwi-. inn..r..i .1. i.k.i Exec of ceptauce thereof -may tbe uuderslgned at any time prior thereto. . mill Bvlif l-iripp tifil u 1 , Ann uaevi Attn u-ij, in-. By THOS C. DEVLIN.-' Auditor of tbe City of I'ortlaud. iy bo, ivoa. d;mi.oo. - The-Bbore Improvement .la to be- elaaaeii aa elera ted roadway and aball lie'-malntalnetVI tne city ror a period or tire- Tear, lirormed that the awnera of a majority of the property hepeflted by aald ItnnroTemetof'oT. any portion thereof aball not netltton foe a- new ne dtf. i i " 1 1 " " '" ' "' I ferent ImproTenent before the . 'expire tlon ot C0MFLETI0H ART) ACCEPTANCE OF tlWU nch perl-J. - . ... . , . I IS EAST BURNSIDE STREET. . . .l'JTi ns. , pecmcetiia - ana , e.timate .or Nolle- 1 Is hnrehv e-leen that William fl. I 1"Tm .V.'ifJa"""" tTiJ ! k " Ellott. City Engineer.- baa Bled lu th. Tof fl rffaiXHT aSa' JCT;r.Vi.' -'. a.J..i..l T.J U- t- la-t I WW- , nivn.n ira a lu a. I 'nmnallf nm, at of f.ui tlta avlkl ial nr lai atr I . 1 ai . . . a lewtr In Eat Bui-Mlde atrt from tha I ..nM waa k! -tv. Aiai,..' . .. aat line of Uucbtel arenue to the ewwer Id L R-nbmwtrantfiMi aaalnat the ahori- imnrnr. ip... n .....!. ....... . .. ., .. . i. r . . - r. ... ... ... - T" iwrpw-.uu.... . " ' nient may be nteo in-writing -witn tn nnder- vlulnna .if .ir.t I n ,i-i Nil 4 'JAU h.v. ' a.im. I i a . . i . .w. . . . . j . . . . . . Tliilon of ordinance No. 13,249. have ' com pleted laid sewer. - Ha id acceptance- win be considered by the Executive Hoard at 4 o'clock ou tbe 6th day of June. 1903. and objection to tbe ac ceptance thereof may be tiled In the office vf tbe uudcralf ned at anytime tfrlor thereto. ',., I J I1C S.ACV I 1 1 Hi UUAttll, By THOS 0. DEVLIN. '- Auditor of tha City of Portland. May 30, 1V08. algncd within 20 dy - from . the data, ot th- att oraer 01 loe: iiniiwii,- . t - ' . . . THOS. fl. DEVLIN. . , Andltor of th,a,CU of , Portland.-, rMy 23, 1003. . j. f. " ASBESSMENT FOX' THE rMPBOVEMElfT OF " EAST C0U0H STEEET. ' ; -polce -'-I -.leceoy giren - " uisc . ine " voancii -Of the City of Portland, Oregon, v at' a meet ing held on' the lth day-of -May. 1903, ide- clared the assesanient by ordinance No. IS.- - 342. far the Improvement of Eaat Concb (treat 30.05 30.95 30J5 30.95 Total 88 277.81 DEVLIN. TMOS Andltor of tbe city of Portland. 41 - n, ....... : uii a. Jini.i. NOTICE OF VACATION OF STREET.- NOTICE 1 hereby given that at the regular meeting or tne rommon council of tbe city ot Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, to be held on the lat day of July, 1903, at tbe regular hour and place, a petition will be present -d to said -Common Council by the undersigned praying for tbe vacation of all that portion of Gaines street. In tbe City of Portland, which lies fietween the Eaat line of Ftrat frect aud the weat line of Front atreet. r-JACOB CNOBEN. Portland. Oregon. May 1, 1903. ' PROPOSALS FOX CONCESSIONS IN PARK. SEALED I'KOPOSALH will be received at the office of the Auditor of the City of Port land, Oregon, until 4 o clock p. m. on Thursday, June 4. 1803. for the ribt and Itilvllege of aelllng refreshment other than ntoxlcatlng drlnka, from booth in the City 'ark during tbe month ,tt June. July August aud September. For' full particular relative thereto, apply to Mr. J. Ii. Merer member of tbe Park Board. No. 04 Third 102 90 1 49.05 102.48 90.00 07. NO 04.08 12MS Total ftf).n:ri.:pj THUS. C. DEVLIN', Auditor of the City nf Portland. June 2. HI"". DOIN'T BUY A GASOLINE ENGINE UNT1L.Y0U HAVE SEEN OUR ENGINES AND OPT OUk PRICES WegUe a written guarantee with very engine for, one ear, and we re tight here to back it up. Patron ize home Industry by buying from the manufacturer. A. J. GILL CO. a.toanda.3 Oak St. Portland, Or, "treet. The person or peraons to whom auoh eiiicesalona may lie sold will be required to tnr witn the vitr a good aud aumctent bond In the sum of Sl.ixXi.00, to be approved by the Mayor. a' guarantee to comply atrlctly with the rttlca and regulations of the Park Hoard. The right la reserved ty reject any and all proposale. By order of the I'ark Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbo City of Portland. Dated June l.J903. PROPOSALS FOR ERECTI0H OF BAND STAND. , SEALED l'ltOI'OSALS will tie received? at the office of the Auditor of the City of Purtland. Oregon, until 4 o'clock on Thursday. June 4. 1"3. for the erection of e. music atahd lu the City I'ark. Kor plans, apeclflcatlnn and full particu lars In relation to said stand, apply to .Mr. Ion Lewla. mtmlMr of tbe Park Board, at tbe office of Wbldden & Ia-wIb, In the Concord, Building. The tioraon to whom the contract Is aword- Miinrlent. Ootid to lie nnproved ny- tne Mayor In a sum etial to the amount of said hid. J for the faithful execution of said contract. The rlpht is reserved to reject any and OH blda. By order ol tbe I'ark Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Dated .Tune 1. 10(. Simp son & Co. House and Sign PAINTING Taper Hanging, Kalsomining STRICTLY UNION WORK COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF SEVENTH STREET. .' Notice la hereby gWcn that Wflllam ' C. Elliott. City Knglnecr. ha bled In the office of the undcrnlgni'd, notice that Kralm-y A Kenting. contractors fur the Improvement of Mni-litli slrci't. under the provision of ordf natice No. 12.Wt:f, have cumpleted aald Street, from the center Hue of Davis atreet to tbe center Hue of Everett street. Sold acceptance will be considered by tbe Executive Hoard at 4 o'clock on tbe Stti, day of June. 1903. and objectiona to tue acc'liHtice of aald tttreet or any part thereof, may tu- filed In tbe office of the underalgued at any time prior thereto. THE EX Et'l'TI VE BOABD. ' By THOH. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Cortland. -May 30. lwi.1. , T Comiiauy Blk IS, lot 6, Tbe Title Uuaantee A Truat tympany Blk 1ft, lot 6. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk IB, lot 4. Tbe Title Guarantee A - Trust Company r - Blk 15, lot 3, The Title Uuarautee, A Trut Company Blk IB. lot 2. Tbe 'Title Uuarantee A Trut Company : . . . Blk IB, lot 1, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company Holladay Addition to Eaat Port land Blk 174. 1 lot 1. The Oregon ReaUEatate Company : . Blk 174, lot 2, The Oregon Real Etate Company . . Blk 174. lot f, ,the Oregon Real Estate Company Blk 174. lot 8. Tbe Oregon Heal Eatate Company k Blk 179, kit 1, Tbe Oregon Real Estate Company Blk 179. lot 2, Tbe Oregon -Real Estate Company Blk 178, lot 7. Tbe Oregon Reel Eatate Company Blk 179, Ibt 8,' Tbe Oregon Real Eatate Company Ik MH.'Rit 1. The Oregon Real Eatate Company ' Blk 194, lot 2, . The .Oregon Real Eatate Company Blk 194, kit 7, The Oregon Real Eatate Company Blk 104 lot 8. The Oregon Real Eatate Company" 88.45 Holladay I ara Addition io i-oriianu. Oregon i Blk 1- lot 1S. The Title Guarantee A Trual Company PX .t The-Tltle fluarantee A Truat Ceinuany . Bk 1. lot IB, The Title Uuarantee A Trust Company Blk 1, lot Id, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 2, lot 9. 'Tbe Title Uuarantee A Traat Cornea ny . .-. . v Blk 2. lot 0, The Title Uuarantee A Trust Company Blk 2. lot II, The Title Uuarantee A Trust Company Blk 9, lot 12, The Title Uuarantee A Tiuat Company ' ' Blk 2. lot 13, Tbe Title Uuarantee A Truat 'ompany Blk 2. lot 14. Tbe. Title Uuarautee A Trnar Cotniiany 30.95 30.93 38.45 23.45 23f45 38.45 38.45 23.45 23.45 38.45 38.45 23.45 23.45 25.95 30.95 30.05 30.05 30.95 30.95 30.05 30.95 30.95 Blk 2. lot 15, The Title Guarantee Jruat Company Blk 2. lot 10. The Title Uuarantee A Truat Company Blk 3. lot 9, The Title Uuarantee A Trust Company Blk H. lot 10, The Title Uuarantee A Trust Company Blk H, lot 11. Tbe Title Uuarantee A Trust Company Blk 3. lot 12. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 3. kit 1.1. Tbe Title Uuarantee A Trust Company . Blk 3. weat 9.9 feet lot 14. The Title Guarantee A Truat Comtuiliy Blk 3. eaat 40.1 feet lot 14, Rodney L. Ullaan et al Blk 3, lot 15. Rodney L. Gliaau et al.. Rlk 3. lot 16. Rodney L. Ullaan etal.. Blk Id. lot. 9. Tbe .Title Guarantee A Trust Company . A Blk 18, lof 10. Tbe Title Uuarantee A Trnat Comnanr '- Blk 18. lot, 11. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 1. lof 12. The Title Gnarantee A Trust Company ...' Blk 1. lot 13. The Title Guarantee A Trust ( ompany Blk 1, lot 14. Th Title Guarantee A 'Truat Company , Blk 18. lot 15. The Title Guarantee A Trnat ( ompany Blk 1. lot 16. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company .t - Total 30.95 30.95 30.93 30.05 30.95 30.95 30.93 33.70 6.15 24.80 30.9B 30.95" 30.95 80.05 80.95 30.05 30.95 30.05 30.95 80.95 Total .' fl, 284.48 the northwesterly line -of Macadam road lu THOH. C. DEVLIN. the manner provided by ordinance No. 13,351, Andltor of the City if Portland. anhlect to the provialona ef the charter and June 2. 1903. otdlnanree of the City of rortland. and the PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN eatimate of tbe city engineer, on me. eaht attiR iT&TTiK street. Bids must De strictly in accordance witn Notice I hereby given that tbe Council printed blank., which will lie furnished on of the City of Portland propoaea to aaaeas the "nP"r"""", ,n? ?mS .ir. ,ne Auditor oi -.a. X ... I 4Kak f'llAf IaaAlai eaat A tA mml A ltnMnmant mtiit roiiowing aescrioed property and owner or own- ' . . ...... ....... ...-k;...... era a being apeclally and peculiarly benefited he comnleted on or before 80 daya from the in tne amount aet oppoalt tne names ana a -a deacrlptlona thereof , by tbe conatructlon of a P"" 'hereto. sewer In Eaat Burnalda street, from tbe eaat i propoaala or blda will be eonaldered line o Bticbtel avenue to a connection with uo'" aceomnanieo ty a cert i ned eneek pay tba sew provided Any m.1 tnm mmlA ,., .1.. I .Hn. to th. I'lmnnii and flia.i with tha Auditor with. Tbe right to reject any and all bid : la PROPOSALS FOB SEWER WORK. ftaala.1 nrnnnaala will ha ralaal .1 , Ik. Ior 'U" taipnorarm m I.at ou- 1UWI oow of fhauditar i,f tb. Mt?4- "tw, ' the eaat llne of Eaat Tentylghth bf.ii. '?.'. ,tU. f'-.rJ rtreet to the eat Une of block 2t and 21. j ""iV Hawthoniea First -Addition . to Kat Port rm .hJ a-iSf. "!rCI..l". oind. In the . manner . provided by ordinance lork atreet from the weat Hue of Twenty- vn llltat no aa.h lot nart of lot -and fourth .treet to tbe aewer lu Twenty-drat atreet rf UnT .A it?' .Jecl.liy ttd Ja in the manner provided by ordinance No. 13.. ri0Vl:a?,Bi -a?K2i2 -i.. OK. -... a a... " . . " , a ' 1 ITU 1 1 air IT utfiiru I IU, IU IffJ 1UIIW1 at, V la and ordinance of the City of Portland, and f i7.t h. ..tin,.,. i.. iMt- si. . I o aiaai .1 ortiano ii "! .",-"". ... I Blk 17 aouth no fwt lot 12. T. S. riioa muat ne atrietiv in aeenroanea, witn t o Bticbtel avenue to a connection with nnJ" accompanied by a cert 1 (led check pav- sewer in Eaat Twenty-fourth atreet. aa J,,.,th. ordT,0. Mror of.J,nc,(l,I 'lded by ordinance No. 13,240. of Portland, certified by a reaponalble bank ny objectiona, to be apportionment of an amount eoual to ten per cent of the for aald aewer muat be made In writing aggregate propoeal. in fifteen dava from tbe date of the drat nub llcatlon of thla notice, and said objection will be beard and determined by tbe Council-before the paaaage of the ordinance aaaeaalug tb cost ror said aewer. A tract of land lying between the - tiortb Hwrof Eaat Burnslde street and a line HM) feet north of and-parallel therewith and between the eaat line of block 8, Keystone Addition to tbe City of Portland and tbe west line of East Twenty-elgbtH street, last an Htickman hereby reserved. By order of tbe Executive Board. THOH. C. IIKVI.IN. Auditor of the City of Portland. May 30. 1903. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Hawthorne' Flrat Addition to Eaat Portland Blk 24. lot 12. City A Suburban Rail way Company Blk 24. lot 11. City A Suburban Rail way Company . . t Blk 24. lot 10, City, A Suburban Hall, way Company Blk 24, lot 8, Sella L. Hewett Blk 24, lot 8, Mary J. Graham Blk 24. lot 1; Mary J. Graham Rlk 2't. lot 12. Thomaa W. . Parrott. . . . Blk 23. lot 11. Thomaa Mulr Blk 23. lot 10, C. C. and Lulu D. Loucka Blk 23. lot 9, C. C. and Lulu D. Louck Blk 23, lot 8, Charles E. Mace Blk 23. lot 7. II. L. Powera. Trustee.... Ulk 22, lot 12, H. L. Powera. Trustee.. Rlk 22. lot 11. The llawthorne.Eatate. . Blk 22. lot 10, The Hawthorne Estate.. Dik 22. lot 0. The Hawthorne Estate.. A tract of land lying between tbe aouth line of Eaat Rurnalde street and a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel there with and between the eaat line of block 7. Keyatope Addition to tbe City of Portland and the west line of East Twenty-sixth street, Isaiah Buck man ;7;v. . . . . ." .'" A traat of. land lying between tbe eaat line of Twenty-slxtn atreet and tne west line of Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet and between the south line of East Burnable atreet and a line 100 feet south of and parallel therewith, laalah ttnekman . . . . . rv.-.-.-".'. rrr:;':"'.':-. .v. . A tract of bind lying between tbe aouth Mtio or Eaat minutiae atreet anil a line loo feet aouth of, and parallel therewith, and between- tbe eaat line of East Twenty-eighth street and the west line of tbe "Robert Pll Tract." ecctlou 36, township 1 north, range 1 cast. Willamette Meridian, Tbos. M. Anderson ..,, ... xt. Manning's Addition to tbe City of I'ortlaud, Oregon Blk 1. north 100 feet lot 1, C. B. and W. Camphel Blk 1. north 100 feet lot 1,-C. B. tud W. Campbell I . Blk 1. north 100 feet lot 3, A. Tim ber '.... Blk 1. north 100 feet lot 4. E. and. J. A. Clemenaen '. . . Blk 1, north loo feet lot 8, A. and A. Turnbull ." Mayor Gate' Addition to East Port land Blk T. lot"5, II. M.OIenn Blk 7, lot 4. 11. M. Glenn Blk 7. north 25.5 feet lot 8, U. M. Glenn ." Rlk 8. lot B, II. L. Stephens Blk 8. nortb 34.88 feet lot 4, M. Coopey. Blk 8. nortb 34.5 feet lot 7, John and Sarah J. ( Hut Blk 8. aouth 25.2 feet lot 6. R. C. l'rlnce -. Blk N. north 40.3 feet lot 6. C. W. Root Rlk 9. lot A. Mary Tomilaon Blk 9. north 45.8 feet ,lot 4, Henry Kueble Sealed propoaala will be received at the office of the Auditor of the Cltv of Port land, until Friday. June 5. 1003. at 4 o'clock D. m.. for tbe Improrement of Hawthorne S 669 25 avenue from tbe weat line or Eaat Water atreet ....... w vw.av . ... u u. .k- II I.- -. 40.31) 40.80 40.30 40.80 1-7.55 to 14 feet eaat of tbe west line of Eaat First atreet in Hie manner provided by ordi nance No. 12.890. subject to the Drovlaion IS 75 1 ot tbe charter and ordinances of the City I of Portland, and tbe eatimate of tbe City 40.30 Engineer, on file. ' Bid rauat be atrlcNy In accordance with 40.30 printed blank, which will be furnlahcd on 40 80 application at - tbe office of the Auditor of 4(l!ao the City of Portland. Aud said Improvement muat 4o!so he completed on or before 90 daya from the 4o!30 date of tbe aigulng of tbe contract by the 40 30 parties thereto. IIio injjiaa la or uius win im f-unaiurrru unless accompanied by a certified check pay able to tbe order of tbe Mayor of the Cltv 40 30 it Portland, certified by a reaponslbleVbank 40.30 for an amount equal to ten per cent oHtve agaregaxe proposal. The right to reject any and all blda 1 hereby reerved. , By order of the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. May 30. 1003. COafPLETIOK AMD ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF FAIXIKQ STREET. Notice 1 hereby given -that ' William C. Elliott. City Engineer, bee filed In the office of tbe underalgued notice that Bauer A W la contractor for the Iroprortrment of Falling street, undo the provision of ordinance Xo. 18.012. hss completed said street, from tbe center line of Minnesota avenue to the cen ter line of Missouri avenue. Said acceptance, will be considered . hv the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tbe 5th day of June, 1903. and objectiona to the acceptance of aald atreet or ny part thereof. may be filed In the office of the underalgued at any time prior thereto. THIS fcAEt I IIVE BOARD, i By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor; of tbe City of Portland. May SO. 1903. , aWf.BO 202.00 printed blank, which will be furnhthed on tilk 17 aoutb aVi 'ii 'uiNV"i'' N ' Mel application at tbe office- of tbe Auditor ot Holland " '. the City of Portland. And aald aewer muat 1 mi. SLA r A I l.A IO tPmmtnXr be comnleted on or before AO day from tb Bod, " - ' - - - ' r, "S""1 ot the contract by tne Blk 17.' north ' 60 ' feet' lot 'ii,'. Fra'ali :t. -14.T4 22.43 1 partlea thereto. Bode No propoaala or bid will he considered Blk 17 ,Yl' of'-' lot 'ii' "except' 'wea't' f ilaaai eaAaitnnainlatfl ar al nakoAl laaaJ atkaulr aa,Aa 1 . . . . . . . ' n . unless accompanied by a certified check pay- a me to tne order or tbe Mayor of tbe City of Portland, certified by a reaponalble bank for an- amount eimil to ten per cent, of tbo agXTPgare propoeal. feet of aouth 60 feet ef lot 10, Frank nod Blk 17, weat T feet of aouth - 60 feet of lot IO- F. .N. McRollnd.. Blk 17. lot 8, J. 1. Richardson.:....... The right to reject any and all bid la Blk IT.' lot 8,' '. M. McKld.wney .. hereby reaerved. By order ot thd Executive Board.' THOS. C. DEVLIN, Clerk. May 30. J 003. . Ik 17, lot T, H. M. 'McEldowney... .s... Rlk IS. lot 12. Margaretta uerni.. Blk 18. lot 11. Margaretta Bernl. ...... . Blk 18. lot JO, Rachel L. Hawthorne.... Blk 19,'lot r, Bertha kncblr. ....!... Rlk IS. let S. Walter and Nellie Cramer. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Blk IS. lot 7. Wra. P. Pedlex. . , . Ralwt lironoaala will ha raalwad .1- ih. I Blk 19. lot 12. Frank Malmlllat office of tbe Auditor of the City of Port- glk 18. lot 11. Frank Malmqulat. ...... . land, until Friday. June 5. 1903. at 4 o'clock !" 10, K. Tf-Deemlnf p. m., for the Improvement of Madlaon atreet S f ?? .W ' ,obn I".1!; from tb eaat line of , Front atreet to h !t f, trrle E. Mejkl weat lino of Fifth etreet dn, th manner pro- g J Y Ji D. Allard vlded by .ordinance -No. 18.849,. aubject to f ' SV, Edmnndi Closa. tbe provision of tbe charter and ordinances ? f " ! I i''.lz,. of the City of Portland, aud tbe estimate 8 0U..?h Hawthorne E ate... or tne city Engineer, on file. . Blda must be atrlctly In accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished' on nnllfl.tlnn a, 41,. aMm .f ,1,. 1 .. .1, .... a I the City of Portland. And aald Improvement muat ,r)?aP,rr. 1' 'ik'a' U,'.:: ' " " ' ' -' " " be completed on or before Jo daya from tbe I ' .'"i'.4."11? """"T''-' 'V ' ' ' ' ' date of tne ignln( -or tne contract by tbe parties tnereto. Ulk 5l, lot .9, II. L. Faarer. ,Trut..., I Blk i, lot S. Th Hawthorne Eatate.... Blk 20. lot 7, The Hawthorne Eatat.... Blk 24, lot 8, City A Suburban Railway Blk 24. lot B. Sarah A. MfUowtnA. Blk 24, lot . Sarah A. UcGowao. No proposals or blda will be eonaldered M". m J. enry n. ana mnerva . .rto'.moo.bT.tyoflr'ofrtrb. ss & tjV & '.'Slra t'te'n p7rPc:ntleofb,th. "5-H.' -R 4' TaithV'tai.:;:: ,rMt, Z to ten per cant oi the B,k m M R Rachel L. Hawthorn agaregate propoani. i , nik m l.e u..t, . ii.n . Tbe right to reject any and all . blda 1 hereby reserved. By order of tbe Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of the City of Portland. May 30. 1903. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. -Sealed propoaala will be received at tha office of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Port land,- until Frideyy June 6;- 1908,- at 4 o'clock Blk 23. lot 6. Martha R. Deveny . . Blk 22, lot 1, Jobn P. Sharkey.......... Blk 22. lot 2, John P. Sharkey. Blk 22. lot S. Tbe Hawthorne Eatate. . . . Blk 22. lot 4. H. L. Fowera. Truatee.... Blk 22. kit 8. The Hawthorne Eatata.... Blk 22. lot , H. t. Power. Traat. ,i. Blk 21. lot 1. Tbe Hawthorne Eatate Blk 21, lot 2. H. L. Pewer. Trustee..., Blk 21. lot 8.. The Hawthorn Eatate.... Blk 21. lot 4, Tbe Hawthorne Estate.... Blk-21, -let 6, H. L. Powers, Trustee: .- 110 . j.ao 26 08 : -.4.07 84.52 46.4a biM 81.81 7S.13 49.43 43.87 49.42 47.17 47.17 40.55 27.18 3l I.. VI .48. to B2.73 JPJ.U 85.18 84.92 82.1a 23.49 18.B7 . 8.40 29 65 oO.M 67.03 97.21 90.44 B0.4a 49.05 62.00 48.0A 88.18 34.0f 23.47 25.67 86.97 84. 00 4 45 42.41 So. 06 22.71 . lV iM i 18 la 121.80 28.00 21.00 42.50 34.20 10.20 ,. ' $2,381.16 THOS. C. DEVLIN. - Auditor of the City of Portland. June 2. 190S. . COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF MARTXANp ATEWTE. Notice 1 hereby given thai William C. 28.20 Elliott, City Engineer, haa filed lu tbe office of. the underaigneu notice mat Bauer A Wla- 28.20 mer, contractors for the Improvement of Maryland avenue, under the provialona of ordl- 28.20 nance No. 13.036, have completed aald atreet, from tne center line or weoster atreet to the center line of Killing aworth srnue. Said acceptance will be eonaldered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 5th day of - June, 1903, and objections to thn acceptance of said atreet or any part thereof, may be filed In the office of the underalgued at any time prior thereto. THE EXECKTIVB BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of- Portland. May 80. 1903. 28.20 28.20 19.40 20.85 11.75 64.10 26.30 a no,- uoiil pnmj, auiic o, tinra, al 1 V CIOCB r,, i'L .' k- ifii.Ki. IT.... a i. m.. for the Improvement at Main atreet lk J1' ,ot Tn Uawthetne EaUte ToUl . . 11808 St by ordluance Ho. 13.350, subject to the pro- A atatetpeut of aforeaald .aaaeaament ; h-J vision of tbe charter and ordinance of th been entered - in the' Uockt of City Ltotie City of Portland, and tbe eatimate . of tbe which la now due and. payable at the of- City Engineer. . file.. -. Oce of the City TreOTerv-In 'lawfel--BKiney ' Bid must be strictly in accordance with, of 0,0 t'blted Btatee and If not paid within printed blanka, which will he furnished on thirty daya from the date of thla notice, application at the. office ' of tb . Auditor - ef euch proceedings will be taken . for the col- tbo City of Portland. And said Improvement must lection of the same as are provided by the be .completed ou or before 60 daya from the chsrter of tbe City of Portland. ' date , of tbe aigulng ,of the contract by tbe Th above aaaeaament will bear Interest partlea thereto. r . ten day after the . first , publication of - tbla No propoaala or bid will be considered notice. . ' , . unlaw accompanied by a certified check pay- . - - THOH.- C. DEI,IN. ' Total $2,471.70 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tba, City of Portland. June 2. 1903. PR0P0SAXS FOR STREET WORK, nnlwd nrotmaala will Se recelred at the office of . the Auditor (it the City of Port- laud, until Friday, June 0,' IJMKl, at 4 o'clock p. m., for the Improvement of Water treet from the south Hue of Arthur atreet to the north Hue of Hooker street in tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 13,356. aubject to tha nroelaioiia of 'the charters and ordlnancea oi : ihe..-eltof l&tlaaaV-Aiid lh.iaatuate AS the city engineer, on nie. Blda muat. be atrlctly In accordance with printed blanka, which .will be furnished on application at the office of tbe Andltor .of the Clt v of rortland. And aald improrement muat be completed on or before 90 days from the date of the nlgnlng.tif the contract by tbe parties thereto. " No oronosala or bids will bo considered unless accompanied by a certified check pay able to tbe order of the Mayor of the Cltv of Portland, certified by a reponaible bank fur an amount equal to ten per cent of the aggregate proposal. ..... , The right to reject any and all blda I hereby reaerved. By order or tne Executive uoara. THOS. C. DEVLIN. i Andltor of tbe City of I'ortlaud. May 30, 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF THVRMAN STREET.! Notice la herety giveu that William C. Elliott, City Ktigli.eer. haa filed in the ofHce of tbe undersigned, notice that FrKlnev- se Keating, contractors for tbe improvement ot Thuruian atreet, under the provisions of ordl nance o. la. (tor. bsve completed said street, from the center line of Twenty-third atreet to tbe center llnp of Twenty-fourth street, i Said acceptance will be eonaldered -by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the Btb day Lof June. 19al. and. ubjectlona to .the acceptance f aald Itreej or any part tbereofV may be tiled iu Ibe office of tbe undersigned at any time prior thereto. i ..'-- TlHij EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS f- DEVLIN. Auditor o$- tbe City of Portland. May 30, 19W I- PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Healed urobosal - will be received at the office of tbe Auditor of the City of Port land, nntll Friday, June 5. 10.1. at 4 o'clock ?. m.. for the improvement ot Hllaworth atreet rom the center line of Eaat Sixth atreet to tbe east' line of East Tenth street In tbe manner provided ' by ordinance No. 13,359. aubject to tbe provisions of tbe cbater and ordlnancea of the City of Portland, and the estimate . of the City Engineer,, on file. Blda must lie strictly iu1 accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished on application at the office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland. And aald improvement muat be completed on or before 90 daya, from t-bW date of the algning of the .contract by the partlea thereto. r ' . No propoaala or bids will tw eonaldered nnles accompanied ' by a- certified check payable- to tbe order of the Mayer of the City ef. Portland, certified by a reaponalble bank far au amount eoual to ten per . cent of the aggregate propoaak' t .The-eight to 'reject any and all -bid la hereby -reserved. ' , j- By 'order -of the Executive Board.' . ", . ! THOS. C. DEVLIN. ; . Auditor of th City of Portland.' kay SO, 1904 ' ' - i i, ;- , ' ' PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT BONDS, CITY OF FORTLANSOSEOON. Sealed proposal will be received bv tha undersigned at the office oti the Auditor of the City of i'ortland. Oregon, until Monday. June 1, 1903, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the sale, at not lea than par value and accrued Interest, ot improvement bonds of tbe City of Portland, Oregou, aa tbe same shall be authorised to be Isaued for the whole or any part of seventy-five thousand dollars.. Said bonda will be Isaued In denomluattona of five hundred dollars each, to be dated when authorised, payable 10 jreara frrttu date, bearing interest at tbe rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. In terest and prlnciiml payable in L'ulted State gold coin, at the office of tbe City Treasurer. I'ortland. Oregon. Provided that the City of ;Pprt land . TWrB.: aba , right . ld .ta.km tip . ad caned sucb bonds, upon tbe payment of the face value thereof, with accrued Interest to tbe date of payment-, at any aeml-anoual. cou pon period at or after one year from tbe date of euch bonds. Said bonds are issued under authority of an act oi tne Legislature, or tne mate or Oregon, passed February 16, 1893, entitled, "An act to provide for the lssuauce of bonda for the improvement of street and the laying of aewer in Incorporated cities, aud for tb payment of cost of such iuiprovcmente and laying of aewer by tnatallmeuta." a amended by an act of tne legislature or tne (state or Oregon, ap proved February 28, 1901, entitled: "An act to amend sections 1. 2, 8, 4, 6, 6 and 7.- of an act entitled: 'An act to provide for the laau a nee of bunds for the Improvement of streets and laying of sewers In Incorporated cities, ind - for the payment of tbe coat ot auch Im provements and Isylng of sewers by Install ment,' tiled In the office of the Secretary of State February 22, 1893." and tbe proceed thereof are to be used for the payment In part for the Improvement of street or conatructlon ef bowers a th aald improvement BhaU be duly authorised and completed. w The validity ot tbe act oi tbe Legislature aforeaald, baa been affirmed by the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon. . Said bond will be issued and delivered . aa the Common Council .shall direct. Blddera will be required to submit a Oat bid. without conditions, except as f" the regularity ot each Inane of bonds, and to rabniit with their blda a certified check on a bauk In the City of Portland. Oregou. equal . to S per cent of the aggregate amount of the bid. payable to the Mayor of the "City of Portland, aa liquidated damage In-case such bidder withdraws bta bid or full or neglect to enter Into contract to take "and pay for aald bonds according to the terms of his. bid and Ibis notice. Tbe right to reject any and all blda t hereby reaerved. Blda ehould be addressed to the committee on waya and meana of the Common Council, care of Thomaa C. Devlin. Auditor. Portland, Oregon. By order ef the Common Council. ' . , - j . R. I CAR D WELLe- '-.-, H. R. ALBEE. x , - D. T. SHEBRKTT. Committee on Weys aud Means. . rortland. Oregou, Ma 12, -1803. ' - J PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTING BOAT. FIRE- able to the order of the Mayor or fhe'nty; of Portland, certified by a responsible bank I ror an amount equal to ten per cent of tbe aggregate proposal. -, The right to reject any and all blda Is neretiy reserved. By order of tbe Executive Board. ' THOH. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. May 80, 1903. - "May . 1903.' ,- - ' ASSESSMENT' FOR SEWER t EAST FLAMO- ' -f ' . ER STREET. ' f ; , Notice la hereby, given that the Council of the City Portland, " Oregon, at a meet ing held on the- 2oth day of May, 1908, . de clared the assessment -by ordinance No. 13. 347, for the conat miction of a aewer lu Eaat Flanders atreet from, tbe eaat line of Haw thorne'a Flrat' Addition tb Eaat Portland to a connection wltb the aewer In Eaat .Twenty eighth atreet,. In the, manner provided by ordi nance jvo. iB.iofl. upon eacn jot, part ai-js PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposal will be received at the office of the Auditor of the City of Port- "oV K1'1 ..m?-'jS?y ind -paVce'l X TandTich mA f'rm"'tl,'ev et line" of atreet ' to" the '"".7 v V X'S west line of Hlxth atreet in the manner pro-1 - JIa wthortw'a Flrat Addition ; to Eaat , , the provision of the charter and ordlnancea I? K 5 !' I0' .William T. Sharkey..., $ 34.68 ,k. i. vn.iu. .i. ulk a. lots: L. i). Ewina m." mt tha Cltv of Portland, and . the estimate I !" 8, lot 9, Msry J. Uranam.i 6f the City Engineer, on file. J wt 8; ; R awing Bid muat be strictly In accordance with P ? . X- nabbttrn. ....... printed blanka. which will be furnished on .-t A ra Hamilton. Healed propoaala will be recelred at the office of tbe Auditor or tbe City of Portland, Oregon, until 2 o'clock p. m., on Friday, Julv 17, 1003, for tbe construction of a fireboat- in accordance wltb. tbe following conditions: First For the construction of a fli-eboat with steel hull and twin screw propeller ac cording to plans aud specification prepared by Mr. Fred Balltn and tiled iu the office of tbe Auditor of the City- of I'ortland. Cople bf said plan and speciflcatlona will be fur nlabed upon application being mad there for. Second For the construction of a fireboat with either a ateel hull or a wood hull and with either single c.-ew or twin screw pro pellers according to plana and specifications, to dc, sutimmeu oy me muuer witn nia bid. General condition which apply to all blda Flrat No bid will be entertained by which the cost of a flreboaLiady for u, shall exceed $60,000.00. Second The maximum draft of a fireboat for tbe city or t'ortiand must not exceed six feet under propellers wben fully equipped. Third No bid will be considered for fireboat with -leaa capacity than- 6.-000 esilmi per m'lntite.' " ' rourtn separate dios win ne received for numpa ana in any award lor the conatructlon of a fireboat the Executive Board reaervea to the City of Portland tbe. right to furnish the pumps, said pumps to tie placed In position in tbe boat by tbe party constructing the boat and aa a part or aucn conatructlon. Fifth Each bid must . be accompanied by a certified cheque on a reaponalble bank in the City of Portland. Oregon, for tbe sum of Three Thousand Dollars, or by a bond for a like amount, to be approved by the Mayor of the city, aa a guarantee, to tbe effect -that if tbe contract ' for tbe construction of aald fireboat be awarded to mieh bidder, be will enter Into contract therefor and furnlah to the City of Portland, Oregon, a good and suffi cient bond, to be approved by the Mayor, in the um or 40.ooo.oo, ior the raitnrul execu tion of said contract. f The right la reserved to .reject any and all bids. ' 1 .. - Bid should lie addressed to the Executive Board, rare of Tbo. C. Devlin, Auditor, Port land, Oregon.' THOS. C DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. ' Dated June 1. 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF He. MOVEMENT OF EAST MADISON STREET. Notice la hereby gtveif that William C. Elliott. City finglntter, baa filed In the office' of the underalgued, ' notice that -Smyth A Howard Compauv contractor for tbo im provement of Eaat Madlaon atreet, nnder the provialona of ordinance Js'o. 13.103, have com pleted aald - atreet, trona th center- line ot Bait Twenty-third atreet to -the center, line of Eaat Twenty-fourth . street.; ', Said acceptance will be considered by th Execatire Board at 4 o'clock on the fith day ot Jane, 1903, and -objections tu the acceptance of aald atreet or any prt thereof, may: be filed in the office, or tbe .undersigned at any time prior thereto." THE RXECITfVB BOARD, ' Rr TIIOM C IlKVf.lX. ' ' - ' Andltor of tha CU bf - Portland,"' ft,., en inn, .. , . aa w, ayve application at tne otnee or the -Auditor or ; it w i? wrn. t Ztl. the City of Portland. And aald Improvement muat K i W. I0' AVi1 ' J' i?.- be completed on or before 60- day. from tbe i H 2- K1 .' ,WJ:J' rdMr-' P"si"v"o:il or bid. will be , considered !? ft .ffi'S!KK StK-" unless accompanied by a certified check nay- ! !! 2 "!&T!?? JSIff5' able to tbo order .of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a reaponalble bank for an amonnt equal to ten per ' cent of the aggregate proposal. . Tbe right to reject any and all bid Is hereby reserved. . e By order of. the Executive Board. THOS. Cf DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City ot Portland. May 30, 19(3. . PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Healed , proposals will be recetved at tbe office of me Auditor ot tne city of - Pott- land, until lTiduy. June o, I903,,,at 4 o'clock Si. id... for the improvement of Twentv-tlfth atreet from tbe north line of 'Raleigh street to tbe north Hue of North Portland In the manner provided by ordinance- No. 13.354. aub ject to the provision ' of the charter - and ordinances :xit:.;Xhn City .of ; Portland.' add -the eatimate of the City Engineer, on file.-- ---- Blda must be atrlctly in accordance wltb printed blanks, which will be furnished en application at the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland. And said Improvement must bo completed on or before 60 day from tte date of the elgntuf tit tbe contract by the partlea tnereto. - - . . ' No propoaala or ' bids ; will be eonaldered unless accompanied by a certified cheek pav able to tbe order of the Mayor ef the Cltv of Portland, certified by -a- responsible bank for an amount equal to ten per Cent et the fltregate proposal. The right to -reject any and all bid la nereny reserved. . By order of the Executive Board. TH08. C. DEVLIN, n Andltor of the City of Portland. May 30, 1003. , May SO. 1903,; PR0P0SAXS FOR STREET WORK. ' Sealed propoaala will - be received at V tJia office of the Auditor of the City . of Port- laud, until rnuay, June o, iua. at 4 o clock n. m.. for tbe Improvement of - Eaat Main treet from tbe eaat line ot East Thirty-fourth street to ine wmi line or bast xuirty-nlotn treet In tbe manner provided bv ordinance No. 13,357jf aubject to the provialona of the charter ana ordlnancea ot tbe . CMy of Port land, the eatimate of tba CI t. Euaiueer. on file. ... - . . . . r .Bids ninat be atrlctly In accordance ' with printed blank.' which will be -furnished on application at ine omce ot tne Auditor ' ot the City of Portland. And aald improvement must lie completed ' on or. before .90 daya, from ihe date of. tbe algnlng of the contract by the partlea thereto. : 7r ' " v -rv ' No propoeal or bid . will be ' eonaldered unless accompanied by a certified check pay able to the order of the Mayor of the City of Portlaud. certified by a reaponalble' bank tor an amount equal to , tet per cent of .the agrregate iiroposal. " . . ' j , . i The fight to reject ' any "and all blda' la hereby - reserved. ' ' -.. ; , .By order ot the .Executive Board. " j.-'tw ; . . 1 . n-iiAii r nvvttv ?.i-f. a Mo, v. V" Ilk 6. lot 10. The Hawthorn Eatat.. I' Ik 0. lot 9. Tha' Hawthorn 'Eatat .... P-lk 0,.lot S, Th Hawthorne Ette...... Illk .'6, lot 7, Tbe Hawthorne Estate;.,.. Dlk 5. lot 12, The Hawthorne Eatat.... nitS. let 11, Tbe Hawtborue Eett.... Ilk 5, lot 10. Tha Hawthorne Estate i.. Ilk 5. lot 9. Tb Hawtborue Eatat.... Blk 8, let 8, Th Hawthorne Ratate.... Blk i, lot 7. ThHa-rtbtne Eata-.... Blk 0, lot. 8, The Hawthorn Estate.':... Blk 0, lot 4, The Hawthorn Ratate,.,,. c Illk 9. lofTr. Th Hawthorne Fatete..,.. Illk 9, Jot , J. It. Mattl flei-.yer. .;,.. Jllk 10,- lot 1. Frederick Mallett. Blk 10, lot 2. The Hawthorne Estate...; Blk 10, lot 3, Th Hawthorn Estate...; Blk 10 lot 4, Th Hawtborue Eatate.'.... Blk 10. lot 5. The Hawthorne Katata..,.. Blk 10, lot 6, Tbe Hawthorn Estate;.. Blk 11, lot 1, The Hawthorne Estate... , Blk 11, loti The Hawthorne Estate.,.,,,. tt'Tdt rtawttKsrn) KSTarein. Blk 11, lot 4. The Hawthorn Eatat.... Blk 11. lot 5. Tbe Hawthorn Kate!.... BlK 11, lot 6, The Hawthorne Katata.... Bis- tt. lot K. The. Hawthorne Katata... 4 Ulk H, lot 2, The Hawtbofne Fjitate.,ii Hlk II lot 8. The Hawthorne Estate... Blk 12,'lot 4. Tba Hawthoine' Estate. ... ; 2.f Illk 11 l. n Tha Tlairthoma Estate..:. 2B.65 Blk 12. let 6. Th Hawthorne, Eatat.... JUt.ii ' Total 2 . ...... 1 uUi ii -j ixmM J24-44) A 1 atatement " of . aiorcd ' tuiiesaiueut "ha been- entered in . 'the . 'Docket ,ef iClty .Lieu which la now - due. and ' payable- at (ha- - of fice of the City Treasurer - in, . lawful money of the l otted States-and if not paid within thirty, daya ' from the date of this ' notlee. such proceeding will t taken1 for tlie (col lection of the'jaame .e are provided by ,th charter r of tha.'Oity of Portland. ,."', . - The i above aaaeaament, . will' bear Interest ten day after the Drat publication - of tlil notice.- - r' '','. -v' - ."t - ; ; : I'-V.i,-' - ' -,'jnvB. , u,tki . Auditor ot tue city ot cortianu. My 28, 1003. ... '- 8 84.05 84.6.1 84.6.-. 84.63 81(W 84.63 84.65 84.65 84.415 84.65 84.63 34.65 84-65 84.08 84.65 84.63 84.65 84.65 25.55 25.55 28 25. SB. 25.55 28.65 25 65 25A.1 26.55 2S.55 mi '-28.85 - 28. &8 . 24 25. W 26.5; 5 Ha , . i, POTNDXASTER'S N0TI0E. '.'- " NOTICE la' hereby fivenl'that on tb 27th 'day ; of May. 1003, I -took up and empounded tt the Cltv fr. Potind. - At No. JiOl , Hlsteenth . ..'.atreet, -In . the iCfty of Portland, Oveuou, V - . I. k ntlnvtv ttM,-lfLlt animal. i ' " One brown filly, wlth white spot on fore- . -head, white- tripv ou! uie "d left bind '.foot v white,-- -" ;5l--4. . .. ,'. ,;.. ,- v. ' And unle the. ownerr or btherVpero n? persona navitig-. an- v interest Ktherelti. snail j; claim, poeaesalon' of the: sme, ' ad7pT' -- oti inn ennrge or iue Keeping oud , no vertiaing same, together f wltb . the : (totind fees on aald animal, as provided bv arty' . .nancjjNo. 8,03V ss amended, : of 'aald -Clr of Portland. I- will n tha ath .la - nit. , June. 1903.. at .'the hour nf 10 a.--nif. : lit V ff the City. Pound, -nt, No.; 201 PHteonth.'. In 1 . . said city, rell the 'shove-lecribed animal .1 - mtiiii, . anaai.a .... h ai,u i. , T " - iun- Niyiin.. mini,',, v , My the enat. .and , ehiurea tcr tnkliig up, j ft kcypltig end advcrtlaing.mrh, animal, -i .-VlMtetL thU 29th, day of My, limS. i - , '.j.;,;j;-;fy iJJ'liJW,-. REED Pouudmaatof. v .