THE OH EG OIT DAILY, JOURNAL, POKTLAKD,.310KDAY HVENIXO, JUNE 1, . 1003. 'Tfi&ddiiiffi Is Always Reliable EDITED v "J A. MORA SEATTLE DEFEATS SCHILLER'S TEAM If INS INTERSTATE A GREAT BOXER HOME TODAY Parke Wilson's Men Hit the Ball Whenever a Hit, Was NfiftrlftH hut' thAnllon(9iiYitic Champion's Clever Exhibition n a Splendidly-Played 10-ln-ning Contest the Local Boys Defeat the Oregon City Team Yesterday, After An Unsuccessful Week in Seattle "the Local Favorites Return to Meet' the Satellites Tomorrow, With Fitzgerald. Was' Great ly ' Appreciated -By the Talent , hailed to Connect. , Last rriday Night, CANS CONSIDERED BROWNS ARRIVED PORTLAND DROWNS l-tsa... -"tt . 11 ir: i rews, Nadeau and Sch'meer Played in1 Faultless Style, Still the Hoodoo Hangs Tight ly and bame is Lost, rAcxrxo coast lxaoub. ' Steadier of tlia Ttams. T Won 'Lost. P.C. 88 Los Angeles , Sacramento . San Francisco Seattle . .... Oakland ..... Portland 32 33 2.1 24 IS 10 33 as HI 86 703 . .56 .442 .400 t.271 (Journal Special Service.) "SEATTLE. Juno 1. Seattle managed to And Georgw Engle whenever a hit waa needed yesterday. Semple was an enigma to the Browne, except In the sixtn inning-, whim Vau fluren hit safely and Nadeau followed suit. Then Jay -Ansews hit for two bases, scoring both and Andy Anderson smashed out lafe hit. scoring: the "Doc" Behmeer 'got life on Schwarts's error, but neither Sammy nor Wefis coiUu negotiate, and that ended the- run Betting, so far as .Portland was concerned. .Seattle started things In the second when Zinsser walked, stole second, scor ing on Parke Wilson's two-bagger. jrarxe iook inira wnue semple waa being retired at drat. Zeiglef hit to Fitzgerald's Manager Refused to Proceed Unless the Purse Was Split, and Al Herford Accordingly Agreed, ' Raldy, who threw wild to VJgneux, and Wilson scored. Seattle annexed another In the third on Bchwarts's safe hit. that gent taking intra wnen Hess threw badly to catch Mm stealing second. Carl Smith smHsnea oui a line drive which was gathered In by Claudti Sehmeer, who made a sensational one-handed catch Wilson lads modo It 4-0 In the next Inning,, when Jansing hit the ball out of the lot for the circuit. flrhwarlf hrniivlit In h. ...... h h.. ri. .?L;;":: .' V.' showed up a little better. 2,. 'j ItZ ' Tho third and fourth rounds and Cal Bmith again scored him with a long fly. Andrews' work at third and Andy An- aerson s batting were features, and Na acau and Bchmeer were tho stars of the day in tho outfield. The Portland Browns left for home last night and the postponed" game will be played oft next week, when they re turn to peaitie. ucore: (Journal Special Service.) SAN rRANCWCO. Juns 1.- Joe Oans la certainly the rightful holder of the world's lightweight championship tttla. The clever manner In which he polished off Willie Fltsgerald, tho gams Brooklyn lightweight, showed It. Ha fought a cool, clever battla from the start, and the result was never In doubt. It waa only a question of how long It would be before Fltsgerald would hit the car When the master of ceremonies. Billy Jordan. Introduced the pugilists the big Pavilion was well filled. The betting was greatly in favor of the champion, odda being;. 10 to 4. After a few chal lenges were read, ona being from J. Britt at 133 pounds ringside, the men were given the usual talk by the referee and the big mill waa on. Oans went slowly to the center of the ring and Immediately took, the ag gressive part of the milling. He fol lowed Wlllte around and kept fmting his way to an opening. He landed lightly, which brought a rush from the Brooklyn lad. The latter swung heav ily with hla right, but the champion blocked the blow. This forced Onns to take tfce defensive. He then waited for his opponent to come to him. It was seen that Fits was against it aa early as this, for he rushed repeatedly. with little success. Oans did not seem to let out In this round. The second proved a bit faster.. Fit adopted a Jeffries crouch from this round on, but it did not seem to help him any. He landed a good right and left on tho champion early in this round, but' 'was the recipient of many short hooks for his trouble. There was some fast Infighting In this round, and Fits ZetslefVl b 4 ward. c. f...... 4 Hannivan, l. t. . i SEATTLE. A.B. ft. 0 IB. P.O 0 9 Sohwarts, 2 b. smith, r. f., .. Zinsser, n. s. Jansing, 3 b... Wilson, c .Semjple, V t 4 3 4 3 ,4 w a. i i 0 1 1 A. 1 0 0 1 1 2 3 1 I ... E. 0 1 II 0 ...J Totals 3.1 S g PORTLAND, A.B. R. IB. Raldy. s. s .. Van Biiren. c-. f Nedeau. 1. f Andrews, 3 b. . . , Anderson, 2 b-... Schmeer, r. f . . . , Vigneux. 1 b. . . , Hess, o . I, Engle, p e 1 l -0 0 0 0 0 0 ...1... A 2 0 1 0 0 27 14 P.O. A. 1 1 .0 1 0 4 12 2 1 E. 1 ... o 0 0 I 0 1 0 Total . . - ,Zl 3 t3.4 SCORE UBY JNNINOS. . 12846788 Seattle 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 6 Portland 00000300 08 SUMMARY. Earned runs, Seattle 1. Portland 2; baaes on balls, Semple 1. Engle 2: hit by pitcher. Engle 1: struck out. Semple 1, Engle 3; stolen banes, Andrews. Van Buren. Zinssar; two-base hits, Hanni van, Wilson. Andrews. Vigneux; three base hit. Schwartz; home run, Jansing; umpire, O'Connell." Attendance. 5,000. NATIONAL LEAGUE NATIOITAI. LEAGUE. Standing of the Team. Won. Lost. P. C. Chicago . . . New York . Pittsburg . . Brooklyn . . Boston .... Cincinnati . Philadelphia St. Louis . . . , . .20 . . . 1 ti , . .17. ,. .11 .. 9 10 1 1 H) IX 1!) 21 2(1 30 At Chicago. Chicago St. Louis . Batteries Welmer and CNeil and J. O'Nell. " At Cincinnati. n. .17 . -I Klin R. IT. E Cincinnati " 2 .Pittsourg ii. t Bitterles Sudhoff and Peitz; Tell and Phelps. . LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGCE Ctandiaff of the Teaina. Won. Lost. P. C Chicago .....20 11 Boston ... 19 15 Detroit 17 15 Cleveland 17 15 Philadelphia H St. Louis ...... ....15 14 New York . .... . .15 17 Washington ........ 0 24 At Chicago. were fgit. but In favor of thev champion. The latter took the aggressiveness from this round on and made a great fight. He followed the Brooklynite all over the ring and landed good and hard timo and again, but always found his game opponent coming for more. In only ona round did the loser seem o have a chance. This -was in the ninth. He mixed matters with the champion and seemed to make the better showing in all of them. The end came early In the tenth round. Fits came up with a smile and planted right -and left on the champions body. which seemed to anger him. The latter went after his man. and during a fierce mix sent him to the floor with a right to tho Jaw for eight seconds. He arose gwly only to. gqutawn for tho count from a left to tho car. Thus ended a contest that was appre ciated by all who witnessed It.' It was not a rough-house affair, but a contest between two men who displayed great eourage" ana cisvemesa. ntgerald'a gameness brought forth cheers from the spectator several -iluvm .He mads.-6 good fight but was outclassed. Of J3nns it may be said that he Is wonder at his weight. Were it not that the Sporting world unconsciously draws 13...,.2J the color line .of prejudice he would cer talnly be tho Jdol of the men who love the game. He showed last night that he is possessed of all that is needed by a champion extreme cleverness, good punching awillty and ring generalship. Split the Honey. While the men were adjusting their fighting toga the managers of both were having it out In great style over the division of the purse. Manager Weedon insisted on having an even split, and backed up his request by saying that If Herford did not accede to hla demands that there would be no fight. After much talk Herford agreed to the split. The latter stated this morning that ha had been after Weedon repeatedly In regard to tho purse, but that he had al ways been put off and could do nothing. He was willing to let his fighter go on at a 60 and 40 basis'. It has also leaked out that tho men did not fight at 13S pounds at S o'clock, aa was advertise,, but that they had agreed to meet at catchwelghts,- which greatly favored the colored man. In the dressing rooms after the fight Oans did not display a mark from the encounter. In fnct, ha looked as If he was going Into the ring. "I had him from tho start," said the champion. "That's wtiy I did not rush him o hard. I knew that all I had to do was j to block hi punches and put the fin isher over. I watched him closely and after blocking a few in the final round put it over. I ara thinking about taking a rest now until about September and win tnon turn my attention to sir. Britt. I am after him, because I know he. i jeaaier .tbaa.Eitagerald-" A Fitzgerald merely auld that he waS Ub against a better man. but thought that ho had "an BVen break until the wallop eamo over. The gate receipts amounted to $7,633. Of this the fighter split 80 per cent, the club pocketing the remainder. Herford is reported to have won about 4,000 on hla protege's win. Most of tho money went up that hia man would win before the 1 5tli round was reached. Benny Yanger sent word yesterday-k that he would leave for this city next : Tuesday to begin work for hia contest ! with EdJie Hanlon. The latter's ppralned anklo is not as bad as was at first thougltt it iiu : i.n iiir, Ttiii'tV, ; a.i'ii m&TtwH jc.jvb i mbx rr itfxwrM 11 m is , ,h i i ..0mmmmm mm warn fmm iavsu . v G&r . l Rankin, Hart, Stutt and Mc Burney Play Fine Baseball and Assist Greatly in Win ning Championship, Published by arrangement with T. A. Dnrgan. "T. A. D.' THE SNAG ON THE ROAD. GREEN PRUNES DEFEAT THE TACOMA TIGERS McKibbinites Lost the Game by a Closer Score Than on Saturday, 73 .084 .10 .62(1 .457 .447 .297 .231 E. 2 B M. 5 Si .!31 .531 .62! .517 .460 .273 It. . 1 4 11 4 1(1 53. Chicago Cleveland Batteries Patterson, Dunkle and Mc Farland; Walker, Ddirnef an A.bbolt. " TQ try Jumpers ' President Lucaa went to Bproknne to- fnvestigate the cases of HuJaemau. . Taylor and Durrett, now playing with the Spokane team, who ara claimed by ithe Southern National Association club, i Last .week Secretary' J. ft. Far fell, of the National, Association; wired President Lucas, tatlng that the clubs to - which these player belonged. , pro- ' tested ; against . tigtf .WJjksao.wd;'vto play In the Pacific Naf i6al' teaguej and etatlng that it waa alleged that they Jumped to the, "outlaws" with the sole intention., of Joining Spokane. Presi dent Lucaa .was asked to investigate- the, case from ' this end and : take action thereon as soon as possible .... Orlm's "green prunes" attacked the Tacoma Tigers yesterday and through tho star work of "Tacks" Parrott and various other wallopers, destroyed tho McKlbbtftttes- by the good-looking score of 4 to 3. The score looked a great deal better than the figuring on Sat urday afternoon, when Tacoma gracious ly presented the Orlm . players with neven runs and the game in th eighth Inning. The crowd, while excoedlnirlv Jjimall for. a'holiday was .thoroughly dlsi gusted with, the exhibition, raw and na grant as it was. Yesterday a fair sised orowd saw the game, most of the baseball fans preferring to witness the Schiller-Oregon City game at Twen ty-fourth and Vaughn streets."" The score yesterday was; PORTLAND. A.B. R. IB. P.O. A. E. Dertsel, 3 b 3 0 0 1 2 0 Painter, s. s .... 4 0 0 1 1 2 Davis, lb 4 0 0 10 1 0 Parrott, 1. f.... 4 8 8 6 0 0 A nderson, c .... 2 1 1 2 1 0 Donohue, 2 b... 4 0 2 4 3 0 Hanley, r. f . . . . 4 0 3 1 0 0 Dalrymple, c. f . . 8 0 0 2 0 0 Wallace, p..... 3 0 1 0 .4'0 Totals 81 4 10 ' 27 12 2 TACOMA. A.B. R. IB. P.O. A. E. Lawler, of 4 0 1 3 0 0 Lynch, 3 b 4 0 1 1 3 0 Rockenfleld. 1. f.S 1 1 3 0 0 Byers. c 4 0 1 6 2 0 Hutchinson, lb. 2 1 0 9 1 0 Hoiiana, r. r.... a o l l u o Kelly s. s 4 1 0 0 1 0 Fisher, 2b 4 0 1 0 2 0 Loucks, p 4 0 0 1 1 0 Totals .32 8 6 24 10 0 RUNS AND HITS BY INNINGS. ' Innlncs 12346678 0 Tacoma 10020000 0 6 Hits 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 06 Portland 010-10101 4 Hits 01180203 '10 , SUMMARY. Bases on balls, off Loucks. 2. off Wal lace 8; struck out, by Loucks 6; threeT baae hit, Parrott; left on bases, Portland 7. Tacoma 8; saennce nits, Deisei, An rieraon, Holland; stolen bases, Hanley, Rockenfleld; double play. Painter to Davis, to Deisel; passed ball, Anderson; umpire, warner, THE TIGER'S AVERAGES ARTHUR DUFFY WON IN LIGHTNING TIME Georgetown's Clever Sprinter Displays Marvelous Speed 1 in the Finals, (Journal Special, Service. ) NEW YORK, June 1. Disagreeable weather prevailed during, the running of the finals on Saturday in the twenty eighth Inrereo-riegriatB' cha'triprohshtps at Berkeley Oval. Summary: 100 yard First heat, semi-finals Won by F. R. Moulton. Yale; time, 10 J -6;... second heat, .won, by .A.D, Duffy, Oeorgetown; time, 10. 120-yard hurdles, semi-finals First heat, won by J. If Con verse, Harvard; time, 16 seconds; second heat, won by E. J. Clapp, Yale; time, 16 4-5 sec onds. Shot putting Won by F. J. Beck, Yale, with 46 feetr Beck again broke" the" intercollegiate shot putting record by one foot and half an Inch better than the previous record. One mile run Won by Colwell. Har vard; time. 4:30. 440 yards run Won by J. E. Tighe, Harvard, time, 49 5-8. 120 yards hurdles, final heat Won by E. J. Clapp. Yale; time. 15 8-5 seconds. Clapp wns set back for a false start, but ran splendidly. 100 yards, final heat Won by Duffy, of Georgetown; time, 9 4-5 seconds. Two miles run Won by W. E. Schutt, Cornell; time, 9:40. This broke the rec ord of 9;6S, made In 1900 by A. Orant, of Pennsylvania, INLAND EMPIRT LEAGUE THE SALEM RAGLANS DOWN ALBANY NINE Fine Contest Yesterday Wit nessed by a Large Gath ering of Spectators, INTERSTATE LEAGUE Standing of the Teams. Won. Lost. P. C. Vancouver 2 1 .666 Monograms 1 1 .500 Oregon City 1 1 .500 Sehillers 1 2 .333 INFANTRY VSjBATTERY The secondplHiirie of baseball between the Battery- ya- Infantry teams was play'ad Saturday at Vancouver Park, re sulting in. vlctory-for the. Infantry by a score of seven to four.' Score: Infantry ........ 1 '3 1 0 0 0 0 6 27 Battery ... .... .1 0 0 0 a 1 0 0 04 Batteries Pclky and Shaddeauj Pick ett and Sulss.j M'G0VERI)i FORFEITED, '(Journal Special .Service.) - .NEW YORK. June l.Tt) Terry rTMcOovern-Abe Attelt contest, which was scheduled to take plaeo .before the Fart Erie Athletlo Club Jane 25, Jiaa bn declared off. and McQvern's for feit paid over to the club. He has" been suffering with a severe attack of nialurla. - - "fhe following Is a correct statement of the fielding and batting averages of the Tacoma Tigers up until May 29 Tieldlng. Games. P.O. A. E. McKlbben, c. f. . .14 10 0 0 Kelly, s. a 1 2 4 0 Loucks. n. . 3 1 10 0 JByers. c. 35 175 43 . 2 Jjuwicr, i, r.(. ti a z Hutchinson. lb. ..34 343 IS 1Z Rockenfleld. .f. f . . . 8 4 66 19 4 fisher, 2b. ."fr. ..36 98 107 11 Holland, r. f 30 47 6 3 Harmon, p tl 8 27 2 juoin. d a 17 2 Lynch, 3b. 36 60 82 13 McCarthy, p 10 3 .31 .4 Fay, s. B. . . 12 Baker, p. . , 10 Hutchinson, 1b. Rockenfk'ld. r. f, Ivuwler. o. f. Byers, c. . Lynch. 3b. . . . Kelly, s. s. 60 3 24 4 Battla Giimes. A.B. 34 124 34 ..,.32 ....35 40 9 14 P.C. 1.000 1.000 1.000 .990 .968 '.967 .949 .94R .946 .946 .918 .910 .894 .876 "".856 rvMiy. n. a. ............ McKibben, o. f 14 Fisher. 2b. Holland, r? f. Harmon, p. . Loucks. p. . FaV. a, s. . .. Baker, p.-. McCarthy, p. Maupin, p. . .36 30 .11 3 .i, 12 10 , .10 ....,,10 117 136 3 3 146 4 42 138 111 44 11 44 24 26 36 H. 40 37 43 89 39 1 9 59 22 8 2 7 3 S 4 P.C. .322 .316 .Sit .280 .267 .sea .214 .210 .198 .181 .11 .169 .125 .116 .114 At Walls walla, tt II E Walla Walla 8 4 A Colfax ...'. ..10 14 3 Battries Roche. Berry. Edwarda and Fisher; Druhot and Mills; . (Journal Special Service.) SALEM, June 1. The Sulem Raglans, the baseball team entered In the Willam ette Valley Leugua for this season, is giving a good account or IHlelf, and In two hard-foiight games, played here Sat urday and yesterday afternoon, defeated the Albany nine. Saturday's game re sulted in a score of 7 -to 6 In favor of the Salenv -team, and- a crowd- of 1,500 people at the C. A. A. C. Baseball Park yelled itself hoarse over the result. Yesterday another large crowd gath ered at the park to witness the second game, and an Interesting exhibition of the national game' amused and enter tained the gathering for an hour and a half. Albany-ireoTed in the third inntngr While the Salem team waa unable to get a run until the fourth, when 81 Davis, the phenomenal Indian batter of tho Salem team, sent a ball over the fence and made a home run. In the Sixth Inning the Salem boys scored three runs, while Albany succeeded In getting one run In tho eighth. The line-up: Salem. Position. . Albany. Teabo C. Keil Morris P Bllyeu Sanders IB Dorcy Downle ...2B Whitney Davis 3B Porter Hamilton S.S Lee Dreger R.F. . . .-. .Weatherford German C.F Rupert Summer L.F Ashby SCORE BY INNINGS. Innings 123456789 Salem 00010300 04 Albany 001 00010 0 2 SUMMARY. Stolon bases Sulem 1 ; Albany 2. Struck out By Morris 9; by Bilyeif 10. Two-base hits Morris, Bilyeu. Passed ball Teabo 1. Bases on balls Off Mor ris 2; off Bllyeu 1. Hit by pitched ball Sumner. Double play Teabo to San ders. Homo run Davis. Time of game-f One Hour ana 3U minutes, umpire Jay MeCormick. The Sehillers of Portland defeated the Oregon City nine yesterday afternoon at the Coast League grounds In a hard fought 10-lnning game. The Sehillers came to the bat In the ninth two runs behind, and. with two men out. tied the ore, and won the game In the tenth on hits by McBlrney, Gaines and Ran kin, which brought the first named gent over the rubber with the winning run with nobody out. McBlrney relieved Buchle In the fourth Inning after the Or, gon City boya had pounded In five runs. ' The Falls City lads secured three runs lf the sixth after two men were out on two outfield muffs of easy files and an Infield error. Slebal's pitching was gilt edged, and had he received proper support would have held the score down. McBlrney and Slebals struck out eight men each, and their work was brilliant all through the game, In spite of the poor fielding. The work of George Hart. and Jack Rankin at short and second was especially brilliant, and Joe Stutt, who covered first for the Bohlllers. played a fast, snappy game, and his butting was a feature. The at tendance was about 260. Following is the line-up:' Sehillers. Positoln. Oregon City. Gaines C Kriets Buchle, McBlrney .P Stebels Stutt ...IB McFarland Rankin 211 Rhodes Miller SB : . Case Hart...'. 8.8 Patterson Keller L.F Lee Case, Buchle R.F Callff Zander C.F Lettow Score by innings: 1 2.3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sehillers 040020002 19 Oregon City 023003000 08 . Struck oui By McBlrney 8, by Buchle 1, by Siebels 8. Time of game, 2:30. Hard Luck of the Browns Is Not Witrtout Precedent - and Management Hopes to Have Winning Team Soon. - At Pandleton. , .11 4 K, 12 5 Pendleton Davton Batteries Marquis and Brown; Car tor, Lougheed and Veley, MILL TEAM WINS A game of baseball ployed yesterday on the Infantry grounds between the Columbia Mill team and the Dry Dock team resulted in a score of 27 to 17 in favor of the Mill team. FRISCO TAKES TWO CROWD WAS TOO SMALL - (Journal Special Service.) 1 TACOMA, Wash., June 1. The Ben Trwmble-Curlfey ' Carr 20-round contest scheduled to take place here last Sat urday night failed to maierialiie on ac count of slim attendance, - SAN FRANCISCO. June 1. San Francisco defeated Oakland in both games yesterday. Lohman Is sadly In need of a shortstop. , Morning' Gam. R. H. E. San Fran. .0 7 0 o o o 4 1 012 18 2 Oakfand . . . 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 10 2 Batteries llodson ami Keuy; Herr, Graham and Gorton. I.mpire McDon ald. Attendance Afternoon Game. R H E Oakland . . .00010000 0 l' 2' 4 San Fran ..1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 6 2 Batteries--Co5Jcr and Gorton; Lind say and Kelly. Umpire McDonald. At tendance 7.00Q.. ft, HILL MILITARY WINS (Journnl Special Service.) THE DALLES. Or.. June 1. Hill Mili tary Academy pf Portland defeated the Boys' Baseball nino of this city Satur day afternoon at the old Fair grounds, the score being 4 to 9. Tlw-day-"wsa hot- with n wind,- and the game opened with the Portlands at the. bat. It soon showed that they were far superior In weight and playing of the home team. It looked, up to the sixth Inning, as if the home team would not score at all, but In the sixth, by some good playing. The Dalles team scored three runs, and for a time ex citement ran high among The Dajles people. In the seventh the home team failed to score, and it was soon seen that the Portlands had the best of the game. The line-up was bb follows: "MYSTERIOUS" SMITH RETIRES FROM RING Hard Hitting Popular Fighter Steps Down and Off of Fistic Stage, . "Mysterious" Billy Smith visited The Journal office today and signified his In tention of retiring permanently from ac tive, fisticuffs. - ....... .. Billy, whose forced retirement Is oc casioned by Injuries to his hands during his phenomenal, creditable and 'lengthy career as a ring performer, retires with the regrets and unlvenia! good wishes of the sporting community of , the entire .country, "Not a flaw or blemish on his record as "' ixer; ' who- always ma best to wtii." is the concensus of opin ion of all unprejudiced ring followers. The reduced homeseekers' rates, effec tive February 16 apply via the Denver " Rlo Grande: Have your friehd coma through Salt Lake City, over the scenio line of the world. The Portland Browns returned horns this .morning after a week's star in Seattle where Parke Wilson and Ms crew appropriated four of the local boys' scalps. It Is strange that the hoodoo still clings to the Browns. Game after game Portland out bats, and outplays their opponents, yet the games slip away from us. There are some who will fell you that there is no such a thing as hard luck, but thota peopio never played baseball. It Is that gives baseball that delicious llavor. if we were sure, as soma papers are In making their predictions regarding the outcome of games, of the1 results before the contests are played, then how will the interest be main tained? rt is a fine thing " to ; hvr' things coming your way. Los AngsleS -won games solely by taking chance that a losing team would be severely criticised for If it made the attempt A winning team may well afford to take a tihsnce. where an unfortunate ' tejim would not dare the feat. v The Browns have certainly bean un fortuntte In many Instances. This IS not said bv way of apology, as ths ' Browns , will need no apologies in thelf r behalf after things get going right, ths men. In good physical condition, new players In the vacant positions and the entire team backed up by that strong unity of feeling which means so much to a successful team. s Since the ball season opened the Browns have had bad luck. Chiles dis graced himself, Anderson spent a month in the hospital. Sc'imeer suffered from ii snrnlned .ankle. Virneuz had a apltt finger and sprained wrist. Carlos Smith wa unable to run on aocount of stiffness. Rally was too sore to play..'. his regular gam. Harlow suffered from Injuries' and defective eyesight and the whole team seemed to suffer the pangs ', of outrageous fortune. ' Hulseman, ths bunco man, played a contemptible trick on the management and Jumped - to Spokane, as did alao Slagle, Just at critical times, leaving the Browns" alone and crippled to weep over their sad lot. The Journal has been assured by th' management of the Portland Browns that before this week shall havs gone, down In history the team will bs well' supplied with the new men they haVe so long waited for, and that tha public i will have an apportonlty to witness baseball as it should be played. rne attraction in nun uujr uuim thlfj week .will be games between local support being with tha Coast , . league the people will naturally turn . ; their attention to the Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets grounds, where real' i.KniT win Ha ninvorf At this enrk no games will be throwti to the horns team in the eighth inning, nor will ths nomw team rwsiuqj uh days for the sake of effect and coin of the realm. . i u rtniv una nniiiiv In the world that . wul at ones sxop ncmness vi mv mw in any part or tne ooay; uosns vini- ment. ai any urug iur, wmi. . MIIBBHBHIIB1CIIB11BI1I BBBBBBBBBIBBSBBBBBBlSSMf! I "SOMEONE SAYS 'AN OUNCE OT SATISFACTION IS YVORTrf A TON OF TALK. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION." Boys Club. Mclncry Sexton Rice . . : White Bolton Obarr Beck McCoy Taylor v Position. .2B.. . . .C .R.F.. . .L.F.. . . .8B . . . .S.S.. . . . P C.F.. . . .IB.. Full description of all sporting events. New York and Chicago races received by direct wire from the tracks. New York telegraph tips posted. Commissions received for1 all sporting events in any part of the world. First betting Cali fornia races 1:46 p. m.- Memphis races commence Monday, March 28, first bet ting M;45 a. m. PORTLAND CLUB, 130 Fliftr " SCORE BY INNINOS. Innings 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 Dalles 0 0 00030 Portland 3030201 Umpire Murry. H. M. A. . . Alexander Van Houten . . Roundtree . . Whitelng .... Holman .... . . Boyd. . . Brown Mann Martin ..This is the... COAT So much sought after by wearers of "smart clothes." We have it in all the newest effects in home spuns, tweeds and worj steds. So much goodness of material and workman ship is seldom found in ready-to-wear garments as is contained in our clothes for this Season. Our prices, as usual, are moderate in compari son with the high charac ter of workmanship displayed in the making. 1 8 9 1 0 4 1 0 9 NEWTON WAS WILD SACRAMENTO. June 1. Mique Fish er's cohorts walloped Morley's pets yes terday and' won the by a sob re of "to 1. Newton was as. wild as a Match hare, and -the- Fishermen had their bat ting clothes on, while Billy Thomas was invincible. .Attendance, 3,000. Score: R: II. E, Sacramento 5,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 6 1 Los Angeles 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 10 1 Batteries Thomas and Graham; Newton and Spies, Umpire -Lsvy. 115.01) and $16 Urn S ?;.-.! ttmtmn, sw . U :'I avmmmtiaM Mt "We are content to sell Good Clothes at Modest Prices." "MOST POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE STATE,, g 86-87 Third St. bet; Stork & Oak. tlzzzxzTnmmzizzzzzzzzzizzzzzzzz-zzzzzzzzizzzz:':-