The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 01, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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i - V 1 :r . ' ' - ' '
,.' '' .f.
.' Holders of Last Year's Crop Re-
fuse to Sell at Even 23 Cents
a PoundAll Markets-Are
Quoted Higher,
. Recently Formed Poo! Secure?
- Control ot 8,000 bales
Oregon and Washington
First Apricots Arrive.
mot most boom.
Hop price are oa the boom.
Tk bear o bare Jot their
Mf Mt fvetttlou oared to
M eeat wltt 3 eeatg offered and
' ' FRONT STREET. June 1. Tho hop
jnarket ha Brain become active. iai
ere Jn H parte of the state ore In r
e1nt of order front titrtr Bantfffl eon-
- flections for stocks at price ranging
, from 21 to 23 cent. The latter ngure
Was offered yesterday at Salem for t
'"' lot. but wa refuaed, and the prospect
now are that there wiU be very few
Sate mad at avan the advanced quota
tion. Tha baara. or dealer In the
East. ! apparently loat their grip on
tha market aa they have all along con
tended that the market had reached lta
Upward limit at 21 cent. ..Today all of
tha local dealera ara vainly trying to
buy at the new top quotations and there
la now a likelihood or anotner aovance
- within the next few daya.
Bealera Oajuiol Bay.
J'-.Orowara throughout tha Valle. and
; theT ara tha onea who have complete
control of the 102 hop altuatlon. are
till further determined not to part wun
their atocka under tha -cen.t mark,
gnd It la doubtful If majority of the
remaining atocka of laat yea fa crop ran
be purchased under a so-cent raancei.
Vaol Ooatrola Stock.
The recently effected pool of Oregon
and Waahlngton hop growera whereby
the membera have, pledged their word
. not to aell their 1102'a under a certain
j flfure, la becoming atronger a the aea-
- aon progreeaea until today oneof tha
leading growers and daalera In tha atate
aaya that 1,000 balea of laat year's atock
' t now In tha pool. This amount;
though not considered very large, is a
large majority of the atock unsold on
- tha Coaat and ' there 1a no doubt that
the holders will stay with their word
until tha end.
' OeaOrrs Ara VMasy.
Hop dealers, especially tha, larger
onea, are uneasy, but they say that the
present condition was expected as soon
. S the market showed any additional
strength. : This Is qna of the chief
causes why higher prices have not been
offered for stock before, a the dealera
. say that the moment that prices began
to ascand, they oouid not buy stocks at
anj pries.' .This is one of the ways of
prices nrc coins down. Sweet
from this stnte are In larjrtr eipp
nnd It will 1 but n phort time before
the f'nllfornln stock w'.ll ccafc cumins
Into the locnl markets.
Zggs Tumble Again.
j'oo b.ravy receipts In th" cpb market
ifhl!i the i;iit few il:iy Iias causetl a
genera; lowering of quotation nnd t"
ii.iv there In not a ilerrler on the street
who will refnue i!", rents for n runply.
Tlie riifihliiK, of slock Into cold storage
lies Blackened ni and there i. not ex
pected to lie nnother movement of Unit
klin! until ihe mnrket resumes ft
st"iidler tone. It 1 not expected til t
r!Mit:itlons will ro heUnv ICVi" eeiitf!.
Oranges Ara Dull.
Ornnprs arp Jul! mtil d mtjorlty of
ilie loriil commlFflon men rue heavily
oversiocked. Shlnments from Oil-
fornla will hsve to c.iHe temporarily
intll the niarlret sets n eli.-nice to clean
ip. Two ears of bneaiinu were recurved
t'Vay from the South.
Poultry Will Drop.
Uecelpts of poultry have been large
ithln the pnst few dnyti. nnd the de
mand is not so nctlve. The etoek Is
dcccmnliitliiR on the hnnds of commls
slou men and prices are bound to drop
within the next few days if tne present
rate of arrivals cont.nurs.
rresfc Keats Weaker.
Weakness Is seen . throughout th.
fresh meat market. Arrivals today
were small, but us there was no de
mand, the loss of rtock was innotlend.
I'acked nients of nil klmht are winker
on account of tile general lowering of
ho quotations. Trices are unclinngcd
last of California Barries.
The laat berry Bhlpment from Cali
fornia ln car lots was received this
morning, and ns the atock Is not In the
very best, condition, ruling quotations
are nut considered very atrong. Ore
gon's Sre In larger receipt.
"Today s quotations, ns revised, ore as
M: VOllK. June 1 Ttau
mimed todMy aa follow:
Otx-a. JIlv'li. IUiv.
July. . . .SOO.TlMi D0.O, fXl TO'i SOd.ROiJf,
July M .M ...m .
xxw rornx 8TOCXS.
I Eire?
i.r.sctnrfio. : : ' :
A Large Shortage in Former
State's Wool Clip Would Be
a Big, Boost For Higher Lo
cal Quotations,
Am. t'niiper Oj
AU-Mttott, enui ...
de iin fem-tl . .
A in. ( .il . A: I iilMitl.,
ilu irt'fflTi(i ..
Am. NllKHl'. 'fiiUl ,
An!. - 8,111-H. einu .
Kallllliei'i- Ohio
ViiHeniiiln .Mining t'u ! Ull'il
ftvur iw'i a
I tajti v.i,i 111 tJ),
I Ulrl 114'iii IM I 0-1
vuiu.l U7 I ill I M1 m
151 T1 I Ml Clfl Til I n I
la.i 1 1 - i ' -j K'l'i
MS 47 I 4 7', j
turn, .i s7'ii si'j! t Mt.
Iiiooklyii UhiiIU 'X'raniilt.l IK, I 9U i &((,! W-4
l .iMll(llM t'uvlUc, ivm. .iia.l'iXiilil!lSl,i
1 lilt-ago & Alli.u, etlu.. if,l 'is I V7 H
tin pri-n-rii'il iw in : 07! tl? 4
till. A "it. Nrt.. tnui.,1 JilUI lil iMVai IW
(hi . Mil. ft St. laul...iWUtl4!l,, !).,
I hi. A NoitlKtrat., niui.ilTn i 1 TO lUllVITS
liilt-AMo 'Jfriulnnl Hjr ..! 14'i,! i4T4l Hl 14
I li.ii nke It ulll.i : !lu ;i:i M'f,i as--,
Culo. l'iu-1 4k Ion, roui.. IIU I 1)7 'Lm trtMil 07 U
lolorado loiuni-ru. rtlu.. in !." I u I is1
Pendleton .Growers" Are On the
.Anxious Seat, Som8 of Them
Selling Stocks at the Last
Minute.of Sale.
. Orala, Flour aad FmiI.
War! Walla Wall. 2r; ulueatrm. 77n
rmiey. T4He.
Urkr Kpi1, f21.uo: rolli-0, 1.00"
0hi Ke. 1 White. ll.17HUl.2u. arar. ft IS
Flour Eastern Oreaon: I'alnta. 1.1.0504.30:
l.lamnnd W.. 14.30 atralahta. .'lift; Valley.
a.lWi.l.TO; irabim. V.a. :i.lfi; 10. 11.5.1.
MUlainira Hran. S33.n0 ner torn mldtlllim.
$27.00: ahorta. 12.1. o(l; rhop. fl8.00.
IiarTimotnr,; riqrer. fiT.oo.
Haps, Woel aad Hldaa.
KoD 3omic fur rbulcr: 1W0.1 contracta.
Woel Valley. lofilSc. eoarae: fln to med
ium, 16it7c; Eaateru Oreion. lOtilik-; Mohair
somlnal, I)7utc
Hheeuaklna Hhrarlna. 14UU1Bo: abort wool.
2Jti;lc: medium wool. SUr: tuns wool. SOrU
fl.44 each.
Tallow lrl me. per lb, JS4-; No. 2, and
(reaae. 24t2u,c.
Hiaea IJrjr Bldea. Ao. 1. 10 pounds and op,
1 1 M I K I. J IK. .1 - bin Vn K A K
'"11171 "l 1 Ul I Rip, 11V. M. W 11' III lINi,
dry calf. No. 1. unilrr 0 IDa. l4c; dry
aalted, bulla and ataca. 1-3 .ft than dry flint;
aalted hi dee, ateer, aotind, SO pounds or oyer,
TitIVe; 50 to SO rtia. TMUse- under SU
lha and cowl, ft-: aiaa-s and nnlla. amind. h(A
BHei kin. sound. IS tn So Iba, 7c; aoand. 10 t
14 lbs, 7c; calf, aouort. under 10 Tha, He; irwi
(nnssltedl. 1c lb lass: mils, le lb loss: Bora
hides, aalted. eseb. $1. 2331.75: dry, eat-b. II. 00
Ul.&O; colts' bides, eaeb. SfKJBOe: soat "kins,
romnion. eaek. toQlOe; Anfora, with wool on.
raco, ic(at-W.
Buttar, Zrts aad Paultrr.
Buttef Kitraa. 224e; eresim-ry, 20Q22V4c;
dairy. 17&1o; atnre, ISHftitSe.
I.IKI r ri-iii wriaiiu. jwihi' .
beese Kull cream, twin,, 10'.
tin M nrften-rd.
dn 1st iirefivred . .
1.. ft U. ti.. cum...
do preterrttl
Erie, turn
do 2d preferred . .
do 1st preferred..
Illiutiis tfiiuai
U2 UISI til' -j
HI f 30 I 801
K4H: Kl"
,' XI W I 'IV 3HS
..J ftH, IMil of , H4
. . (W XI 07 '4 1 1111! 07
. !iMu:Ki.i.iu,j;u
Inilavlllii Ji N'ahvlll illt. MX 1 1 112 lllgli
Metro. Trai tlon I'o ia? I27',il2i 4 11274
Manhattan Klt-yatfil ,...17 i:i7Vil.'Mtll7
M.-xIcaii Central lty I 24'. J4m 2! 2,'t
Mmlinn National ...... 2:ii 2:1 2:1
Minn., Kt. 1'. ft m. M.I (HI I IW i I 001
tin (rcfi-rrid
Missouri I'ucltlr
M . K. ft T., com
do preferrrd
Ntw York Ontral
.Norfolk ft Wrat., turn.
do preferred
North American
X V.. tint, ft Wrat....
I'ounaylvanta lty
I. i.. I., ft t Co
Pi-sacd Rtrel Car, com.
110 1117 HIS IllAH
104Hi loais fl"5i Tilioatt,
I mi
1 at
I tin
I uim' Kull erram, twin, 10'4r; Tonnx
Amrrli-an, lt18Vc; Eastern, 10MUc; Call
fornla. lfic.
I'oultrt Cblckna. mixed, 12i 11c ner ITi:
hens. 13Hl4c; rnoater. lOUtjlSe tb; Broil-
Roadtnc, ram
il l Uil . prpfi-rred
do lat prpfcrrfd
Hrp. iron ft Slwl. com.
tto urrfn-rcd
Rock Ialand. com
do pri-firri'd
Hniilhcrn Hy.. com
tin pri-fernitl
aoiilhcrn Parlflc
HI. L. Han Fran., com.
tlo 2i nrefprred
do lat nrefprred
St. h. ft B. W.. mm. . .
do preferred
Texas A Pacific
Tiiin. Coal ft Iron
T t. L. A W., eom..
do preferred
I'nlou l'aclflc, com ......
do proferrt-d
V. S. leather, com
do preferred
I'. S. RutilM-r. com
do preferred
t H. Hteel Ct com...
do preferred
WheeJ. A Ijtke (trie, com
do 2d preferred
do lat preferred
Wlat-onaln (Vntral. com.
do preferred
Weatern I'lilon Tele . . .
Watiaah. com J
do preferred . . , . ... J
iBt 23 23'!,
&ilul r.l Rim.
07SI OT I U7'
Mil I KKVji HH
1)2 ! vl i Ul
IMMil 2.H4I 2SH
127 12ttv126ii
liaiVil HH-V tltlV
SDK M'til U IM
I'aclMc Mall (t lea in '..( WH K7' mm 2(t4
41'' 4S ! 47V4I 47U
04 I 04 I (14 I 64
1U 1.1 1 1.1
74H 7S I 74H
;t4 1 hi til .taw
2HU( 2rt' 'AS
no 1 Hov. 1 Ki
4H 4I ,
' .
22 Vi
20 v
44 H
22 4
20 14
21 H
40 1A
80tl SOT
22V4I K H
as 1 S8
6T I 67
iOii 1W
41 l 41 -
wil aa'il av' a v,
2S2 2SUI 21 I 2
44JI 4.1l 4:H
Total salen, 4I2.(100.
Money. 24 per cent.
the hop businesswhen prices sre on
the upward Jump holders of stocks will
-f not. sell at any figure but when tha
market begins to decline, offers for the
sale of stocks ars made in plenty.
IVoadtra SUrkst Adyaiiclns;.
The London hop market i advancing
. r with steady ctrldes on account of the
. shortness of supplies and the extra
heavy demand that has been created by
thelarger eonaumptlon of beer within
the past season, Stocks in the-hands of
i-'x the. larter brewsrajrftsmsilsr. than
ever in their history, althouRh they
- have been very careful to- fceet thle fact
from the growers as long as possible.
What Mitchell Says.
- McKlnley Mltfhell, a well known local-
buyer and a hop-rataer at Oervalu, was
Wall pleased this morning when he re
oeled information of the strengthening
of the market and the advancing of
prioea. "I knew alt along that it would
be but ahort time," ha said, "before
th market would make some material
ftdvancea. fitocki are light and accord
ing to the largeat dealers In the coun
try the situation Is In our own hands.
T It looks now ss If the market will easily
reach 26 cents within the next 30 days,
and If we can hold out a short time
longer, even better prlcea will be ob
tained." Mr. Mitchell la onn of the lenders. In
the newly effected combine of Oregon
and Washington growers.
Too Kttoli Potatoes.
The farmers of the West Side of the
river have held onto their stockn of po
tatoes for too long a time nntl It Is
doubtful If they will lie able to dispone
of even one quarter of tholr holdings.
A majority tit the Mock is in first-cla;
ondltion, but the largeness of supplies
Of new California' has kllleil tho de
. anand for old stock. Price today for
the old atOCk is lleM at it, cent a
sack and there in no call at f-vn these
Onion Season Ends.
era. IHttlTc lb; fryers. 14(Blftc lt: ducks, lit HA(
J4CID; aeeaa, 7HiH: n; turseya, ure, jodf
17c; dressed ISiKlOc.
Orooeriai, Vuta, Eto.
Biiasr "Sack basis." cube. fl.77M; powj
ered. e."a2S: dry aramilated, S.S2: extra
C, I3.U2M,: Uoltlen C. 4.1)2!; barrrla. 10c, H
liorrela. vvy boxes. 60e adntnee tm -i -wT!t.
leaa 25c per ca t for cask, IS days; maple, 14J
luc It).
Honey -lB8 16c per frame.
Coffee (Irccu Mocba, 21t2,V-, Jaa, fsncr,
"fllflaZc: Jaa. cood. 2oi25c; Java, ordinary, if)
(l2or; t'osts Rlcs, fsncy, lwi20c; t'oau Rica,
food, 18a lHc; Costa Rica, ordinary, 10il2c
Iter Ib( Columbia mast. S10.A3; Arbucklea',
$11. IS Hat; Lion. $11.1.4 list; Cordora. fit. 13.
Teas Oolong, different (trades. 2SMffic;
Hrtirder, tl'a25t;iSc: Bnsilab Breakfast, dif
ferent arsdes. 12Vaa7oSc; Mulder Lc, uncotored
Japan, JHitf ttoc; rven Japan, rery scarce, 8o
Bait Rales. 2s. Ha. . Sa. 10s. 12 10: flna
table, dairy, Boa, SRr; 100a, 74c; Imported M-
erpooL Dt. ir; loos. 8Sc; 224a. 11.85.
Holt Wbrceater sslt. hulk, tin la. .ran. sa.oo;
Worcester. 140 2a. SA.60; Worcester. 100 as.
SA.6U; Worcester, .10 Sa, 5.25; ito 10a, SS.OO;
Uucn knrkK, SO, (roc.
Salt (irae, bait around, inoa, per ton,
I4.0ti; noa. ier ton. 1 14.60: Liverpool, lump,
rock. 123.00 r ton: 00-Ib rock. 114.00: 100a.
(train Baits Calcutta, I3.7SQ0.OO per 100 for
August delivery.
Hire imperial Japan. No. 1. Sttc: AO. X
Sc; New Orlesns head. Sc.
llrcatfnat Kood I'renilum. 30-2c; 12.80;
Korce. 14.60: H-O oaU. la. 16.
Salmon columnia Hirer. 1-IT1 fails. ai.TO: 2-
Ib Ulla. (2.40: fancy. 1-m (lata. 11. M: V4-lb
fsnrv flats. $1.30; Alaska talis, pink, Hoc; iwd,
$1.2Ti: 2 ft) tails. $2.00.
1 (ml on cases, 22c per sal; tanks. Water
(Journal Special fierv'ce )
8T. PAUL, June 1. The Konantt
Saddlery Company, of St. Paul, hsa en
tered the latest combine, that of the
saddlery .interest of the United Staten,
and Ktlward A. Konants has been elected
a director of the combination.
Thirty of the largeat firms in the
country have entered the combination,
and artlclea of Incorporation have been
filed at Trenton, N. J. The c-apltallza
tlon. is-J33.000.000.
John tildleman, vice president of the
Konantt Saddlery Company, said today
that the combination would be known
aa the American 8nddlery and Harness
Whether there' would bp a pooling of
interests or a mere combination to sus
tain prices, he said, was a question
which ' would' 6s' "settled at the Chicago
PENDLETON, June 1. Tho wool
sales scheduled to have taken place
Saturday were called off for the reason
that msny of the sellers were absent
snd ths buyers, a great many of them,
left the city. on that day.
Before ths close of the sales Friday,
the spirit of the mr.rket changed a lit
tle and ths reluctance of the sciiore was,
to a certalrt extent, dissipated. Some of
those who had held bnck all day, put
their wool up at the last minute and
a ifl, but on the other hand some of
those Who offered their clips refused the
bids riven and held their wool for the
next sole.
The prices Friday ranged from 10H
to IS, cijnts er iou:id. the clips of
Dornld rtnag and Jtuat Bros, going at
that figure. nm3
Growers Xops for Advance.
' It seems to be the hope of the-growers
that wool will raise before the next
sale, and they hsve generally held. The
buyers, of course, arc of the oppoalte
faith, but conservstlve men who are in
touch with ths situation, are Inclined to
think that the growers hold ths win
ning eards. -The
losses in Montana, may affect the
wool market, but there Is no reaaon why
it should be the case. Of course the
losses in comparison with the 'sheep
holdings In the state foot up to a large
per cent, but in the consideration of the
general market the whole Montana
yield would not make or break the ex
change. It is thought that the losses
will have more to do with the sheep
market Itself.' If the Montana men
have range for 800,000.000, and lose 1
larse ner cent, the losa will naturally
Is Believed That Hanna and
would be a boon to Oregon, where the Foraker MiXUDi AlthOUgh
. Praeticay Settedi Wil Ap.
The Oregon sheepmen are coming to pear 3S 3 UflOSti
aAA Ih.l aa, I , fe k. nMlw nanaaa.ln I '
d. ' inn. I? 1111 1,1,. IDIIUIJ UCVI Clll
range capacity and the as rapidly ln-
clAMlnr stork aurnlua. It ta n neoeasltv
to unload aome nlnee If a sultahle I (Journal Special Service.)
market can be found. 80 what is Mon- COLUMBUS, O.. June 1. The Repub-
tanas loss Is Oregon's gain, for the ,,cn 8t"te convention to be held here
shortage then will create a market Wednesday la the talk of the hour. The
where the Oregon ahetma.n can. take controversy between the Hanna. and
his surplus herds at a 'profit to him- ForakT factions over the proposed In-
trf. dorsement of President Roosevelt for
a second term has made tne convention
final nf mnra than nntlnapv Inl nrnsl
I 1 1 ""' 'I 1 11 ' " ," 1 '
it j iw'Vv-:tt"!le.;. ..''ltV.?,. -- VX.?i ' 1'
flplip i:
of 17 years expert
encs, 4 years of
which havo been
. devoted to optltal
work In Portland, 1
with A. N. Wright,
" the' Jeweler. ';
Now located at
mi ra MR
In office with .
. White Sewing
Machine Co.,
S. W. Cor. 61 h t Alder -
Republican State Conventiori
to be Held Wednesday Prom
ises to Develop Matters of
National Interest,
The Convenience
crartary Bssd BscsItm letter rrom
Oorsntor Tools, With Copy of Stats
Appropriation Bill.
Henry E. Reed, secretary of the Lewis
and Clurk Exposition, this morning re
ceived a letter from Governor J. K.
Toole, relative to th State of Montana's
exhibit at the 1S05 Fair. The Oover
always ripples along merrily. Pre
quently it develops Into a roaring and
seething torrent, and at no times does
It approach anything like stagnation.
Until quite recently all Indications
pointed to a quiet convention this year.
and the old wheel-horsea of the party
were exchanging congratulations on the
outlook. One after another the'asplr-
g Of Electric Appliances should recommend them to everyone for
use in business er in the heme. So handy for so many uses, first
cost sq small-r-they are economical as well as convenient. We
JJ cin show you a great vafiety of goods that you will find it to ycJur
g advantage to use.
g Seventh and Alder Streets
Portland, Oregon
White. Iron libla. 10c. wooden IHUo: Head.
light eases 2414.P. Iron tibls, ISo; gasoline. Iron
I.lnaced oil rure raw. In htl. Be; rename
kettle, tmiletl. 45r; pure raw, lu casei. oTv:
eenuliie krttlt-. In cases, fifte.
Tiirnentjni" In enaea. Ttlc: wnotl lihls, 754c;
In.n hlila. !)-: 10-lTi t-jiae lots, Tti-.
Ht-ana -Small white. 4c; lante white, 4c;
I it il h . nr; luit-iio. 4V,r: l.lniBK, r.c.
Tobaero 1'ltif cut amoklna, 1, 2, 3-n pack
8Be Seal f North 1'nrolliui. 7)r lb: Mas-
I 1 1 IT. a.He Hi: Dlste Queen, 41e Hi; Iter! lli-U, lo
TT: retlro. doe ITi; Nolili-n N.-r.ili'r. 11.10 in; linn
tit Cnmeo. 41o tt: t'awln. (ll.S. lt: Duke a
UMiii"e, 41k- lb; Hull Ilnrhnui. (Jllr Iti: Old Rnc
lab tVi-n- 'tit. 7lr lb; Mnrjlnml t'lub. "le lb;
Mull fundi. :iKc Iti: Viil.- Mixture, 11.40 tn.
I'lug Tuii.'.i-i'ii Iirnnunonira Xaliirnl Leaf. .Vp
It): I'lper ll'lrlalerk. Otic IT.; Smiii-thlng 5n.)il.
4T,c lb; Stnnikinl Xai-. Sr Iti: T. Ic M . IWe IM-Siir-ar
Ilinil. 4''- H): St.n. Mf ITi. rineCiit
lVir!4-aK Colot-n litre. ,!. li' i' lb; Fust Moll. 7Uc
June 1. Today's receipt of livestock in
the local yards consisted of 150 hogs,
150 cattle and 800 sheep. Hog demand
Is off nearly altogether and sheep are a
drug on the market. Ruling quotationa
today are:
Cattle Best. 18,80; medium, $5.
Hogs Weak. 6c.
Sheep Weak, Sc.
liambs Poor t.emand; 4o.
Fruits and Vsfcctjblii.
I'l.tiit. e!! -;t;,.; ntiv, 't. il,.; -Wri'irmi. ."itlfii 7." biiroia' pi Ires
li..i, Sl.iaiiii 1 2i1; cnlllr. tli Ii- fb; 'it 1 jornla,
iii-tv ri-ils
I'rr.-ib I'nif ta Api'l t. f;ne.T tln-pon, 7.i-4 j
yi.rwi; emklpg. ' 5otir7rn- box; Ormigt-a, nnrala. i
2.r-ii'.;i.(Hi; Medltt-ri'.iueati . an-eeta. t'i.'U; ',
t alifiirulii tnugerlitra .... ?l ""4Ll.l...tK: . bn-tMiiiam-
lt.utit-UtO -Immb, e Hi: Mratvliei b-a, i
The onion season hnr hcen broiiKiit to
close with, the shipment of the IhM
Jot to Southern points to'lnv. New
fed's are "to larger ren-lpt n ti-l the limi
tations on' lust year's stock will ri-ncli
bottom within the next few i.t.-!.
Warm Wtatfcer Brings Salmon.
.-A-Tew dayj f .warmr - wat-he-r
. . ...... , iieiieiH- eai..
utiicietii io orinn ntrRer receipts of I'o- : t.m.i M. i r t.Vft i-raie; (irecmi. S Mr
lumbla River salmmi and wholt'sclerF fin rrl.n. n-.i. nn- jn-ift box: biaci. $i.uu;
ire todav able to Kiitmlv ntl rl.-r fnr .""-'.H-rrl.. t'li ii- in; atirn-.ita. fr.Wi.
flah at current itiot;itiiii.s.
rirst Apricote Arrive.
The flryt aprh'titf; of the r"?r,nn wrr"
received in thlc city toil.ij by l.,'-vy &
Spiegel, Krom tn-et coinmisnion m.-ii.
The fruit Is of bittr-i- thnu le
Usual with tli liiltlnl shipment of
tock. and received (in nyci liint demand
tt 1 1.50 per lxx.
Weakness in Butter.
The butter market show consider.
The railroad excursion given to Sea
altie yesterday by the Barbers' Union of
this city was patronised by nearly 1,000
people, and was a success In every way.
The weather at the Coast waa all but
perfect. The sky was not so clouded but
that the sun's rays reached the earth
occasionally, and no rain fell during the
tiny. A stiff ocean breeze was blowing j
from tho northwest nil day, nnd served
nc an excellent bracer. Only one or two
ventured to take a dip In the breakers,
as tlu- water is yet too cold for that
kind of sport. Over three hours were
spent tit tho beach, the train starting on
the return at 4:45 p. m.. and reaching
Portland ut 8:45 p. m. Two uniformed
policemen from Portland accompanied
the excursion and there wns perfect or
der going and coming.
The most delightful trip across' the
continent Is via the Denver & Rio
Grande, the scenic line f the world.
Applv at 124 Tlilrtl st, Portland, for
rates. .
nor .nei.. o nn. th. io. Pv..n. hts for the gubernatorial nomination
passed by the Legislature of his state wJtMraw" "S1, ,eayln
making appropriations . for eihibita at C?l yJ l f clpve'n"'1
the great 1904 and H05tFalrs to be , "'
Rimiuni u uraicii iiio iimii i ma w it n on
and la asfiurd and there appeured noth-
held In St. Louis and Portland. The
pnmmlillAn t hft t hai hAAn a rtr.rlntar1 t
look after the exhibits is composed of Jn ' consequence to disturb the seren
15 of the most prominent men of that "-' " """","":,r'
state, namely: W. J. Conrad, J. H. Rice, -U o luddan.
Conrad Kohrs, D. R. Peeler; C. J. Mc- But all of a audden there appensadjn
Namara. T. L. Greenougb.. P.-McXk)nald, 1 the press an-Interview -with ftt-nator
Iee Mantle. H. li. Frank, Paul McCor- Hanna in which he was represented a
mlck, Martin Maglnnls. B. F. White, strongly opposed to the convention pass
F. A. Helnze, William Bcallon and C. W. ing resolutions Indorsing Mr. Roosevelt
Hoffman. The same commissioners will for President In 1304. Immediately the
serve for both exhibitions. political po.t began to boll and bubble
The section or tne Montana law that and the old-time reud broke out in
brings Joy to the hearts of those Inter- most virulent form. Senator Foraker
ested in the local 1905 Fair is as fol- lost no time in jumping into tho Roose
lows: velt Wagon. He promptly issued an In
"At the close of the Louisiana Pur- terview advocating the proposed reiolu
chase exposition the Commission shall tlon Indorsing Mr. Roosevelt and an
cause all exhibits which It may be per- nounced his Intention to use all his po
mltted to control to be transferred to lltical strength to secure Its, adoption
the City of Portland, Oregon, for the I As Senator Hanna Is likewise disposed
purpose of having the came exhibited at to combat the resolution with equal
the Lewis and Clark .Centennial and vigor there la every prospect of a battle
American Exhibition and. Oriental Fair, royal on the convention floor. What-
to be held In that city In 1906. and for ever the result of the contest may be
that purpose the sum of f 10.000 of the It will afford an Interesting test of the
appropriation hereinbefore made shall Roosevelt strength and ascertain if it
be available. The exhibits thua trans- is genuine or fictitious.
f erred shah be installed and remain un- am,,, nmi..tini,.
" V t t L I. . As previously stated the nominations
w...... .nC ,.T.uru i.-T, . sttraetlnar a irrent rtenl of ntfnn-
The Montana exhibit at the St. Louis' . k. o..
r i ul . r . in a . . . , i iiuii. r a, a i unit i tii't" v n t v.u an. 1 1 tui
rmr win cu-u vdu.uuv ana wiu do .one m.--. anA on..." rn r rtetnni .
of the finest shown by any northern Biate waa practicallagreed upon for the
mining and grazing state. When the important places on the ticket. State
f air occurs In thla city the next year senator W. G, Harding of Marlon, who
after the old Missouri town closes
waa an early aspirant for the head of
.lack ;
rjrriita, !
rjiriislies, '
Vi Et-liilib-a'l'nfiUiia
i f, .".(!' blV'tH. fl.lU)
i i:",.(i;i per nns: niirornla,
I 2'i,i- lb; leltm-e. heml. i!"w per line; hntbiiuae.
Ht.i b ': cri't-n peppi'in. -10c TTi ; liiiireraillnh. ha
tli: i-lerj . l.yn il": lieoim: strlnc. I:!(i15cl
Pi; iispnn!:u..i. OOpffil no pi-r li.-TT ida; rhu
limli. .'! lb: Mt(iiiltii-. $2 7.1 ner '4-baaliPt ernte:
pnianllm. $1.7.: plni'Hiipli'K. $.ri.() ilwr.; peaa, lie;
cueinnlM-n. $t.fl0 tlor.
Drli-rt Frulta Aii1ih. i t xirn N-il C.ff;-;
t: iipflrotr. 7i-.il0f- tti; twarhca. iMaitr lb:
I iieara, Sit,r tb; prime. Italian. ikjvMtr lh; I
i I n iii-h. tit 4 u.e lb: dim. California hlaeka. 6 I
itnl'w; Ji. white. 71'i''tiSr lb: nhima. nltteil. fr I
Urt anlllni nmifti.H r-),.l' 1 . tl nn linn, IU)
ncnuiirrr tuuir j . i Hpcfiniiy in me : ntri-n tn cae. 140 puc: necucii. iz-o eartona.
best creameries. Stock ine arriving In -. l Mum-hIi-Ui a. ."in-lh bo-a. 6!i(i"t,e
. rl TT? ""'I .' I for V,w.
III the past few days have been large. . for rn.nnuta s54iflOr ner tlor: wifl.
A drop in creamery quotations '.: , tuna. 1 4 1 l t: . per Ih; iiliie nuts, inwiji. r
pected to be tho Oiilv sohitio::. With Uor- rtl- I,,1"'rr "t. 1f per Jb: ebeatntit'a.
,.,i ,' , ,, , ! rBte-.. l.imiilr err tb: lira 7. 1 nuts. le ner
Cheaper UoUtlontv stot ,: will lu t ,: siheria. lWIIV per m: fancy MJ.
rushed, into fold tu.g find it will not j I5e per lb; ulmnml. I4SM.V per a
take ver- lttlig to clean the innrkei ut ' ' Mta aoi Poviaiona. . -
Of all surplus. Prices today range from
S2H cents foe the ."choicer-- brands to
tO it 12 for the ordinary, creameries.
Store, and dairy, til though in heavy re
ceipt, are In excellent dcrnarid nnd to- '. utmis. io to 14 n. UUtr:: 14 to 10 lb. 141,
- taV OUOtatlons nrc stromr . breitk.faat bai- m. Killti-; iib iili t. j Hie; eottnifn,
OaJlfottO Tdinatoes Ara In.
freKli M-dta Iteef. irlrae, 7jHtji.: bidla.
rifffrii'jt': row. diHf7e; pork. 7ti(tSe: veol. 514
fitj'.e; mutton. 4H4e, groaj;'(l, -"IhSe;
fcte-i'tirtlnii(l imek (loenl)
lallllm. iln-aaetl.
Hani". Bm-on
II '.',(: aalteil- allies. 12V. e ID; annked 16 H.
l.i'.i-I ih-.v aalliul biu-ka, bacoii bai-ka.
lltJSe: butt, aalted. Blie; anwki'd. Vif tb.
t-iitfti.i.rarLef! tin nuu.1 ni1n- 1J ltm 1H1.,.
tm the street today, the stocks from fever u.lto. !4,ei fsney,' 13 cs ilenle.UHe;
' Tomatoes from California ore seen
on tne street today, the stocks from
Florida having disappeared from the
market. , -
CTh-rgular 4iner' arrived --from an
Franclaco laat evening and this morn
Ing.,thi usualr'Vargo of assorted fresh
greena waa- dlatrlbuted Among the
; tartou '4 tximmlMtioif hmisea. There
v-ta tioi Jdentj of -California ew
- ablg on - Lb ..' market . . and
The ri'' monthly meeting of the
Portland Board of .Trade will -be lield
in the iiHuentbly linll "ut the Chamber
of Commerce nt 7:3ft o'clock tonight.
Bevetjil Important matter?) will come
up 4'or ttlsctiHsion. amoiiB them being
the !uir-mliii(i cf the by-laws, ,tlie elec
tion t. f new members, the ways and
means for securing the next annual
convention of the American-J.Ivc Stock
Ar.socintion. nntl some net ion may bo
taken recording the running of addi
tional steamers between this city ond
Coot Bay nnd a regular Portland liner
to N'dinlem and Tillamook. The names
ot J(l new- candidate!! i'or -membership
will be voted oil.
v. . .. i , v. .. wa. - -. - a . " " - " ' ' J npKi""'"
'"" " """"f""1 lne the ticket, has gone down under the
.Z Z B , , a 11 18 flood of Herrlck sentiment and prob
thought by many folk that a large num- ki .ih k. ..hbAoa m t. ,.mi
ber of new th nga wi I be forwarded to nRtlon for Lieutenant-Governor, which
this city direct from the mines prairies ne may have ,or the a8kln(r. Tlle nonil.
and orchard, of Senator Clark a atate. natlon of Wade Em f Cincinnati for
C. H. - Mclsaac. who acted aa special Attorney-General is Assured, and the
,.i ,1 e ,u ... - .k t , naming of Walter D. Guilbert for a third
state. I of the opinion that the Legis- term fitate AU(,Uor alBI, appear, to be
lature of that commonwealth will ap- . rnPn. ,,n.i.inn ur m. minr
foregone conclusion. For the minor
places within the gift bf the delegates
there are a number of candidates, with
the single exception of Member of the
loard of Public Works, for which place
George Watklna of Pike County will In
Ul pyoWb4ty.-b- named
Senator Hahtfa 'wm "can ttie gathering
to order and as temporary chairman will
He will
then surrender the gavel to Senator For-
olaK wHi will T ram Aa f' y n ( 1 Ko r-
1 lv?y atlona of the convention as. permanent
mc iniiuiuM it-uiittn laiiwuys. x-.'igiu m i chQirma n,
wis the first European country to In
troduce the practice of Issuing com
bined tmir tickets, and the system
which enables the travoler to arrange
Ida own itinerary and to effect a sav
ing of more than 80 per cent upon the
price of ordinary single tickets' has
1 become ro popular that It has since
propriate 125.000 or 150,000 more for
the 1905 Exhibition.
1 ,
Journal Special Service.)
LONDON. June 1. -American travel-
trs will be pleased to learn that the Jlellver the keynote address.
combined excursion and season ticket
atinoUtera. 11 He: dry aalted alrira.
V2-'4r; breakfuat hin. WMiWei fnney,
lh'e; Imttk. ItMaHa.. ' .
- lraHi!jtraettle leaf.-liHi. W!He; (Ja, i'2c;
So n I ln, 12Vjc: atonr reiiderwl, 10a, ll fie;
fia. lie; 60, ilie; eonipountl tierces, lie;
tv.t. HHf. ' -r- . .. - .v-'
aatern Tiiril-Kettle lent. JOift tlnK. tUHe;
(k. 12ar; !Hi-mriia, ijc; akaip HSUon-.l.
io.-is4o: Ro,-nv. T ,
Abota aackiaf Jiou ptlen aa net cah, 16
What Shall We
Have for Dessert?
This question arrscs in tho family
every day. Let us answer it to-day. Try
a delicious and healthful dessert.. Pre
pared itt two minutes.: No boiling t no
bakHigi sdd boiling water -'and set to
cool. Flavors: -Lemon, Orange. Jiasp
hcrry and Strawberry. Get a package
t'j'our grocers to-day. xo cu. :
.... - '.-' ....'::' ':
been applied to tho railway systems of
Holland. Germany, Austria, Sweden,
Denmark. Norway, -Turkey, the
Dutiubiiin provinces, and in France
under certain conditions.
, Ooinf to St. -Ciouisf
If so. learn about the new tourist serv
ice inaugurated by the O. It. & N.. via
pnver and ICansas City. City ticket of
fice, Third and Washington.
Jefferson Myers, president of' tho
State I,ewla and Clark Fair Coniinis
slon, and John Daley, the newj'.smr
vey( r Ptneral, pairei their votes today
in the First Diatrlci, election. Th
former's voting point iir Saleni while
tho latter's .home la at Corvgllls..
TtlotKors lose thelf drd for "that ter
rible second ummei") when they have
Dr; Fowler's Extract of Wild 8 1 raw
berry tn tha house. Nature's speclflo for
bowel complaint of every gort.
Decfaf-ea Hi's Political "Enemies
Are Plotting His Downfall
but Says "He. Will, Not Resign
-Will Fight 1t Out;
Sullivan Says He is not Guilty
of Graft and Will Stand
Trial if Need Be Many
' Want His Place.
fflTtrf aft P.
Second and Oak Streets
SKATTLE, June I. In an Interview
with The Journal correspondent today
Chief Sullivan of this City said he would
fight his enemies to the last ditch. . He
aald that under no -circumstance would
he resign. V
"To whom do you refer, Chief, when
you say .enemies?" was asked.
"My political enemies, who had me
indicted on the same charge with Other
officials. All -the Indictment have been
quashed but mine."
It i said that If you resign the
Charges will be dropped and you will be
permitted to go unsmirched. What 1
your position? was the next question.
I'll stand trial and will never be
convicted," was the answer.
It is said that a1 new Chief is want
ed, Mr. Sullivan, !and by whom?"
By the gamblers, of course, and cer
tain politicians who have a graft among
the gamblers, Wilson, of the Post-Intelligencer
Is after my scalp and hia
paper roasts me dally."'
Mayor Humes, of Seattle, who . was
niieered" for the Federal Judgeship by
the" Indictment -whicli the, grand Jury
Henry Weinhard
Proprietor of Tke
City Brewery
Largest an4 Moit Complete
Brewery In th NorUiweat
Bottled Beer a Specialty
relephonei No. T2. Office I3tha
BunuM Street. Portlanc. Or.
stand by Sullivan. The Mayor said that
Sullivan had been offered a life , cap
taincy of Seattle police if ho would resign.'
Detectives Phllllpps and v appenstein
are active aspirants for Sullivan's Job
and it is likely the former will secure
it in case Sullivan is relieved,
clothing, developed .very little beyond
what was related in Saturday's Journal.
The coroner Jury brought in a verdict
of suicide, and exonerated the manage
ment of the asylum from any blame in
the premises.
It now, develop that the woman, who
was strong and healthy physically, via
lted the room of on of the attendant"
on the ward, Mrs. Mary Thomas, assist
ing the latter on Saturday morning, and
It 1 thought that while there she in
some ' manner secretly secured - the
matches used later with such fatal
The deceased patient has on a num
ber of occasions attempted suicide, eacjl
time being prevented by,the attendant.
Once ahe- attempted to throw herself
under a passing street car. while out
found aga-inst Wmi-dea fee" thai-he wift
WOODBl'RX. June 1, 'About 800
people attended memorial services at
Belle Pasl Cemetery Saturday after
noon. Among those present wore vet
erans of the Civil.' Spanish-American
and Indian Wars, ladles of the W. R.
C. and members of the Q. A. JR., with
Company D. Fourth Regiment. O. N, (3.,
Captain VP. E. Ffnster commanding.
There were appropriate exercises, and
among tho features was the read-.
iiSg of "Grant's Last Review." by Mrs.
R. E.VWard of Salem. In the morning
exercises were held in Armory Hall,
where an original poem was recited by
Mr. C. T. Bonney, and an address deliv
ered by Mrs. Ward. Lincoln's Gettys
burg address was recited by Mrs. O. J3.
Thompson. ;
Tor Infstati and Children.
Ths Kind You Kars Always Bought
Bears tho
O. B. ft 2T. Offers Biff Inducement to
Travel iong Time Limit aad
. Stop-over.
Many-Portland nnd Oregon people no
doiibt will tako advantage ot the very
low round trip excursion rate to the
East offered by tho Oregon Railroad &
Navigation Company, the following b-
Insr thn flffiires from! fMileacn
l.i.Go; St. U.vrtsi I6J.R0; Peoria, $.?&; r
Cairo- (III.). tfra.lU Memphis (Tenn.).
178.50; New i Orleans. 185.35; ' Kansas
city, t. josepn, Atcaisoti. ; lie.aven
worth, Oinaha., Council . Bluffs, t Sfous
City, St. Paul, . Minneapolis, all 80.
Dates of sale: June 4. S, .24, 26. ifl, 27,
38. 2. 30 u July IS, 16; August 25, 2C.
Limit: troing, ten days, from date or
sale; return, ninety days from date tit
sale. Stop-over privileges al
lowed within limit In -either direction
west of Missouri River or St. Paul. For
particulars, on St at O. U. & N. ticket
office, Third and Washington . streets,
Portland. , , ,,
vented her awful death. At another
time, she attempted to Jump from a
tnira-story window; once she tried
hang herself, and later tried strangu
tlon; but in every case slid waa -saved
by the watchfulness of the attendants.
She was a native of Marlon CoutitV
and her mother, Mrs. Greenwood, who
resides near the asylum, le ther4)tily
near relative left by the unfortunate
woman. The remains were given burial
yesterday in the Odd Fellows' cemetery;
Rev.. John Parsons, of the First M. 15,
church, conducting the ftineral, nnd,
large number of friends of the family;
including a half score of the attendant's,
and officer of the asylum, followed the
remains tri thels Inst resting place. ' '
. (Journal Spec In 1 Service.) . , 1-'
. SAI-EM. June 1 Tlie Coroner in
4uest held over -the;, remains of' Mrs. F.
Q. .Tone, . who 'committed . aulcidp,' on
Saturday morning by ettlug fire to her
JaWinslow's Soothing Synip
Aaf beta tted forever SUtTIf VUAR9 hy Mill
U0N3 of MOTHERS for their CHUCKS
M1 TSBTMINO. wltli EaBM nrevm
-AitAVS all j CCRE3 C0UC tajj
11 the best remedjr for DIARRHOEA. . 60M by
Dwggisu la every part of tlie world.: Be gura'
tadaakfor''Mra. Window Soothing tri t
wsMa-wiyiin iweatr-avecteabOtU
A - I
Ik R
1 1