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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1903)
V , 1 v '.'.," 1 " 1 i TITE OREGON DAILY JOtTff NAL, PORTLAND, MQNDA.Y EVENING, JUNE 1, 3903 COMMEMCWG TODAY JiLL PARCELS WILL BE DELW ERED BY THBJCITY MESSENGER AND DELIVERY CO. June .White CARNIVAL: OPENED WITH Ridiculous Statements Made to Buyers -Who Are Suckers Enough to Purchase "Tailor Made" MisfitS:from Strain's, :mEaBBS8EEa ti ii a n P ? 9 The .' (T) v J . 144& 146 I nfj c: 1 1 : . 1 I PAIflRS But we were able to handle the crowd who attended, the opening of v J lie : White - . W The people will go where REAL GENUINE BARGAINS are offered, and our store is full of attractions in Lvi values, and the deeo cuts made in our regular fierures are seldom eaualed. Out m I e 3 White Sale Items for Housekeepers 3 BLEACHED TURKISH TOWEL. aii - towell which would sell readily, at lie; June White Sale price . . . 10c 9-4 BLEACHED SHEETING A good quality and well worth 20c a yard, J 86-INCH BLEACHED MUSLIN A sale price, 16 yards for , food grade; $1.00 WHITE TABLE DAMASK, from 68 to i wide: a larce choice patterns; usual 3 White Sale Bargains.for Restaurateurs 3 71 Inches on sale ride; a large selection of price, I1.Z6; 98c WHITE DAMASK NAPKINS A fine lot. which retailed for $1.50 to a dowm; cut down for the White Sale to in; 1121.39 18-IN. WHITE ROLLER TOWELING An elegant quality and a durable grade; June White Sale price 9c T 3 White Sale Opportunities for Mothers 3 35 I I t WHITE LAWN SHIRTWAIST, the regular $1 and 11.25 grade; all new, and well assorted patterns; In June , White Sale for only 87c WHITE MUSLIN GOWN Best mate- rlal, embroidery - trimmed; good value at $1.25; June Sale price 98c WHITE LISLE VESTS, with sleeves or sleeveless, all alaes;-an excellent 60c garment; , June White Sale price 3?c 3 White Sale Attractions for Men 3 Goods That Are Made of the Cheapest Cotton Sold . to Customers Who Are Attract ed By Window Signs, I a' A I igures mat Are raise on Their Face Published For Purpose of Drawing In Pur chasers, :: WHITE UNLA UNDERED SHIRTS, made of an excellent grade of mus-. Iln. re-enforced back and front; worth SOc, for .' ; 29c WHITE MADRAS SHIRT. In numer ous patterns; a 75c garment in every sense; well made and dressy; June Sale price 48c WHITE CANVAS BELT. In all sizes, leather straps and harness buckle; June Sale price . , ; 10c ' v 3 White Sale Reductions for Hotelkeepers 3 WHITE HtTCk TOWEL.' le lxj, 1 A 1 WHITE BEDSPREADS, full slse, ex- 19 WHITE PILLOW CASES, torn and fcC L cellent quality, and sold , regularly C hemmed, size 42x36, made of good . ' . I for $1.25 on' sale at quality muslin; price linen, and sale at . . a good 25o article. sy4c 3 White Sale Offerings for Graduating Misses 3 WHITE SYIS8 AND ORGANDY, In . f 0 various widths; sold at 25c else- 1 ft QQ where. cut down for June White g ifC WHITE INDIA LINEN. 80 Inches 1 wide! i food 1 Bo grade, line value, at sale price . WHITE VALENCIENNES LACE AND INSERTION, at all prices, as low as, per yard I 'Ac 3 White Sale Specials for Dressmakers 3 WHITE IRIDESCENT OR SPUN SILK LINING, 3 inches wide; a -'414ie-4ut)ltyr ft ale at r. -r I WHITE MOIRE SILK, 22 inches wide; On I a good value at 75c per yard; a bar- gain at v WHITE UHRRRN fnr arke nr aVIrt- making. 27 inohes wide; worth 60c JOCI Jf one's oneour sale t f "pYtc 39c 3 White Sale Cuts in Lace Curtains 3 -WHITENOTTINClf AM LACE ?UR- - TAINS. hi yards long. .with patent , stitched edges; were 60c a pair;, on .. sale- for - . 39c WHITE LACE NOTTINOHA M CUR . TAIN, 3 yards long, with patent - stitched edges; were 86c; now on ' sale at . . r.-. -.1 1 ..... 65c WHITE NOTTINGHAM LACE CUR- v ' TAINS, 3 yards long, patent stitched CI if edge; a regular 1.6ft .curtain,., . f LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS, with edges embroidered or hemstitched; an assortment of 16c and 20c kind; on sale for one week at 3 White Sale Snaps in Handkerchiefs 3 fEmbroiJered and lace-trlmmed nr plain ft .Hemstitched HANDKERCHIEFS; lft fC usually sold for 25c, 30c und 35c JVC T MEN'S PLAIN HEMSTITCHED AND P,?PJLD WHITE HANDKER CHIEFS A - 10c and 12Hc value; on sale at , 7c 3 White Sale in Seasonable White Goods 3 WHITE PIQUE. 28 Inches wide, good standard wale, and worth1 25c J yard, for . . ...................... 17c Si WHITE DIMITY, In a large assort ment of latest designs, 32 Inches wide; 16c and 17Hc values; 'June Sale price . . WHITE CORDED AND LACE STRIPE TAFFETA SILK, 19 Inches wide; a good 76c value; on sale for , , , . , , , r 38c The above is only a small fraction of the many gigantic cuts made in our numerous stocks. surprise you with many others if you will .call in and give us the chance. WE ARE FOR. THE PEOPLE AND WITH THE PEOPLE ALL THE TJME. We can SHANAHANS Third St., bet. Xorrlsoa and Aider. SHANAHAN'S Third St., bet. Morrison and Alder. 7 Ml i en 1 M The local tailors, who are the suffer ers by misrepresentations made by a Washington street clothing concern operated by a man- named Paul Strain, who came here from Chicago and al leges to represent certain big tailoring establishments there, are thoroughly aroused to the necessity of taking some action toward putting a stop to the fake goods offered by this house. Today The Journal received several communications from tailors, and among these is a letter from ,a well- nown house that gives some figures that cannot be disputed. The. letter says: : Portland, June 1, 103. Editor Journal Sir: Noticing your item. "Gold Bricks and Misfits," let me add a- few facts and some, figures to this gold brick swindle now being con ducted by a' man named Strain en Washington street: -- This man advertises a $40 misfit, un called for tailor-made suit for $7.60. HI' argument Is that a deposit has been paid dn the suit. Now for some figures: Go to any woolen .house in this city and see if you can buy suit pattern suitable for a $40 suit for less tnan $4.50 per yard. At Is- re quires S 1-4 yards, the coat of the roods would be $14.60. The lining, trimmings, silk, etc. will cost $5. This man Strain says all his cjothes are strictly tailor-made. The cheapest union-made coat for a $40 suit is $7, the vest $1.75, and the pants $1.75. No cutter can measure and cut a suit for less than $2; his time will amount to that or more. Now, I can prove by several agents for large Eastern tailoring establish ments, such as Wanamaker A Brown, who are doing business- here, that they never ask over $10 deposit on any suit. Now, the express charges both ways must be taken into cohsldera lion, which will, average $1 each way. So here we have the cold figures for the suckers of America to gaze on: 3t of - goods .$14.60 Making coat ., 7.09 Making vest 1. 75 Making pants 1.75 Lining, trlmniing. etc 6.00 Cutting,,,, measuring and try-on... , . 2.00 Express charges both ways..... 2.00 Total- -."'.-. $34.00 Deposit 10.00 SHANAHAN'S Third St., bat, Morrison ul Aldsr. SHANAHAN'S Third St., bet. Morrison and Aldsr. 83 VNIIIIIIIIIBIllllSai n -m.. 5 S s Sr M s Smoked Glasses 1 i . When you go to the Coast you should have smoked glasses to shade your eyes against that bright reflection that is so hard on the eyes. We have a very fine line of these goods, at all prices. Call in and get a pair. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF FILLING OCULISTS' PRE SCRIPTIONS FOR GLASSES. n 8 MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS AND JEWELERS Third and Washington .-. - - - - - - Portland, 0.-. t : r-. 1 - 1 : . 1 . . - 1 Ualance .... $24.00 The 'agent receives 15 per cent of this amountj-bttt -we- wiH'-ay 4he asonV-is working for his health. By these figures, which cannot be successfully contradicted, it costs the merchant tailor $24 for this $40 suit Good profit indeed. Now, Strain sells this suit In his Portland misfit establishment for what? God knows, but they must love to lose money in order to sell 'a suit for less than $7.60 that cost them 1 cold cash, over $24. In conclusion I will say . the rankest sucker on earth should see through this scheme. A TAILOR. UNIVERSITY FUNDS .JM SALEM, June 1. The, subscriptions to the $35,000 fund required by the Willamette University for. the purpose of paying the debt on that institution, have been secured, and the old pioneer school 'will now be freed of its burden of indebtedness, and $13,000 will be added to the endowment fund, the latter being subscribed on the condition that the fund, for the payment of the debt was subscribed by June 1. Efforts will now be made to increase ine endow ment fund, now aggregating 453,000, nd active work will be commenced in he Methodist churches, especially in the East, to secure large subscriptions for this purpose. Dr. J. H. Coleman. Pres ident of the University, Is highly pleased with the splendid work already accom plished, and he predicts a glorious fu ture for the old School. His Intimate ac quaintance in New York State, where Methodism is strong,' it is hoped will re suirin grmS tar this-school, -which -was planted here by the early missionaries 60 years ago. vWaroilegesoHening NEVVPftlilC R?- ; ! June: I. W The omcers ef the Nary appointed to take -the oursQ thi year at tha Naval War College reported today. .to Capfc French U Chad wick, j?reidnt of the callI. The session will be formal opened tomorrow by Secretary Moody ni bus Navy. .i i : . , i CanU be perfect health without pui blood. ' Burdock's Blood Bitters malt . ie SENATORS VISIT ALASKA f V (Journal Special Service.) INDIANAPOLIS, " Ind., June . 1, Bcna'td1rUeverldg' announces- that the mernlier'-of the subcommittee of . the Senate Committee !on ' Territories ap pointed to :. jnvestljate ; aad report ". on the best method of electing delegate to Congresli from Alaska , will start, tills week, Oh their trip to the ' far northwestern territory. The members"! or the committee who will make th,e trip are Senators Patterson - of Colo rado, kelson of Minnesota,- Burnham, of New Hampshire and ; Dillingham of Vermont, , - , ' '.. FLORIDA'S ORANGE CROP (Journal Special Service.) , WASHINGTON. V. C, June 1.- Ad vices from Florida are to the effect that the results of tho big freeze' of a few days ago, in which a very large proportion of the orange ' tree of-the state were killed,' are rapidly passing away, and that Florida. -will shortly M prepared to furnish even greater number -of Drange than before the dis aster. It is said that this year's crop will be worth about $2,700,000, and will exceed the crop of last year-by about 1.000,000 boxes; The Reports are also favorable to the growth of pineapples, many square miles of territory having been placed under cultivation .The shipments of pineapples this Season have reached 2,000,000 boxes, which are valued at $3 per box. . A DoUghtfnl Bay's Outing-. t Effective June"l, the Southern Pacific Company, in, connection with the Cor vallls & Eastern Railroad; will make rates of $3 for a day's ride up the Wil lamette Valley on one side or the Wil lamette Btver, returning through Albany ana uorvanis on me otner stae. can leave Portland-at 8:10 a. at Albany, You and return via CoVvallis, and the West Side line at 1:40 n. m.. nr can leave" Portland at 7:30 a. m going up -the west Side, have three hours In the charming little city of AlbanV. and return on the East Side through Salem. arriving at!7 p. m. A day's ride along the Danks or tne eautlful .winamette River, through the Valley is a pleasn'- Commenced this morning with an overflowing abundance of rare bar gains in Muslin Underwear, Linens, White Dress and Wash Fabrics of all descriptions, White Waists,Laces, Embroideries, and White Articles and White Keady-to-Wear Goods of Bnnin54- . - r - " jG? j& 10,000 Remnants of best quality Ribbon will be closed out at " a sacrifices j& jS? j& $20, $22.50 and $25 5ilK Shirt waist Suits are on q 1 j qc , sale today at P j? J& J& Our Annual June Sale of Men's Underwear ; - . ' Commenced today and affords an opportunity that should not be missed for securing re t markable values in MEN'S UNDERWEAR Wash Suit Cont i nues One More Week This Sale In cludes THE 75-cent Wash Suits in the city They will be week at 39c WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO MOVER CLOTHING CO THIRD AND OAK STS. rv V V M