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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1903)
' THE ORtfeoy vftALIY JOtmKAl FORTljAyiX : SAT ETTtn ATt ETEX ITG, HAY 30 1903. a; : Young Girl of Eleven' Attempts ' to Ti 1 1 ' Be n ef acto rs by Putting Arsenic and Powdered Glass c: . ;tn rooa. I2hvsician WhefT First Called Attributed Poisoning to Oth- er;,L.auses ana uniu ivinue Other Attempts, i v u - Tfnalfy a Policeman was Called but Little Girl Still Denied ,NCrime Handcuffs Compell "; ed a Confession. - LOS ANGELES. May 29. Gladys Wallari a 11-year-old girl, has been detected In making ytematlc attempt to poison F. F. Ward and wtf6 and five Visitors of the Ward's by arsenic, and glass. The child was adopted by Mrai Ward. Last Monday Mrs. Ward entertained visitors. All were taken 111 after eating strawberries. A physician hn tymtt hn r-allixl thou if lit uarls ereen ' had been used on the plants. The child igffQ not suspected, hub ttien resumea f- '.nl.nnlnir Tllnt Thn next llHV RhB v ' t n - 'put poison In the asparagus and tea. and on this occasion Mrs. Ward nearly lost her life. Suspicion was aroused and Gladys was questioned. She protested that she knew nothing until an officer was called and had put handcuffs on her. Then he broke down and confessed. She aid ahe wanted to see how poison acted on, human beings as she used to kill wild cats that way. The child Is very pretty and was adopted by the Ward's In 8an Diego. FREIGHT HANDLERS STRIKE IN CHICAGO (Journal Special Service.) CHICAGO, May 29. Secretary Easley. Of the National. Civic Federation, today had a conference with President Curran, of the Frelghthandlers' Union, and list ened to all grievances. He leaves to night for St. Louis, where he will get the railway men's side of the dispute and endeavor to secure an agreement ,by arbitration, which wouhj obviate a great labor struggle. It is believed that Easley Is acting under Hanna s orders. PRESBYTERIANS DOWN ON SMOOT (Journal Special Service.) EOS' ANGELES. May 29 The res fjyterlan ""Assembly" his " morning form ally denounced Mormonism and Reed jBmoot. A resolution was passed call ing on every member of Congress to secure Smoot's expulsion. XBaulteft Kis c. , Because. Mrs. Mary Hlrsch upbraided her little elster for associating with .the sister of Albert Anderson.- of Petty jrrove and Eighteenth streets, the indig inant brother retaliated by using abus ive language and threatening to do bod lily harm. Fearing that the threat would S nn into execution Mrs. Hlrsch to day called at the city Jail apd swore ito a warrant for the arrest of Anderson. lThe accused Is said to have pugilistic tprocllvltles. ' Baseball! Sunday, May 31. Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets. SchlUers vs. Oregon City. Game called 3 p. m. I 25 per cent of proceeds are to be de moted to Benjamin E. Thompson, the plina leuer-carrier. MlCKeis i or Biuo i SchlUers' Cigar Store. Third and Morrison. Fourth and Washington, Sixth and Washington. Preferred stock Canned Ooode. Allen & Lewis' Best Brand. He Has Started Investigations of Frequent Accidents on Southern Pacific Systeim- . Heads Dropping. V SAN FRANCISCOil.May 29. Ao nording to information, given out here Mr. Harrlman Is determined to take advantnge of his -visit and make a personal- Investigation of the causes for many of the wrecks on the Sotfthern Pacific during the preceding 12 months," and If he finds them to have Deen autj to an almost criminal want of care and watchfulnoBB on the part of oper ating employes he . will take 'action. JIo decided some time ago that there was room for improvement "ln the efficiency of the company'srftraln and engineinon. and issued - Instructions to General Manager Kruttschnltt and Manager Alger that has since' brought to light a surprising condition of af fairs. During the past few, weeks. It Is learned, the co'mpuny has been con ducting a careful and. systematic' test to determine to what, extent engineers obey company's rules concerning danger signals, with the result that one eng)ne,er has been discharged and a number suspended. PASSENGERS TO Rate-War is Now in Full Swing China:; Commercial i Re- duces Steerage' Rates' Over "Two-Thirds to Orient. MISS STICKLER IS INJURED FOR LIRE CHICAGO, May , 29. Laura Stickler, the young woman who Jumped from a hotel window in this city to protect her honor from H. Mills several weeks, ago, is still in the hospital. , When the case against Mills-was called "tu the , Police Court this morning it was ascertalnd that she Is Injured for life. Attorneys Interested In the crusade against "mushing" represented her this morning. The case went over until June 8. If you hnve in mind a trip to the East this year, call on or address A. D. Churl ton. Assistant General Passenger Agent. 255 Morrison street, corner of Third. Portland. Ore., for speoliil excursions that will be runvla..thc Northern Pa cific to the East in June, July and August. GAIN FORTUNE WITHIN A WEEK SAN BERNARDINO. May 29 Wil liam Smith, Isaac Reynolds and Sey mour AlfT last week were drivers of desert wagons on the Mojave. working for $50 a month. Yesterday they divided $15 000 between them, and within six months will have S250.000 additional if luck continues. A few days ago they discovered a rich rVk. a few miles north of Bagdad and located 30 splendid claims. Captain, Reed Suspended for Sixty Days for Carelessness in the Lpss of the Steamer Ruth. HOLD SALARIES . WITHIN THE LAW j i i A - - ' - ' . , . '"'..""'." Postmaster-General Payne ls . sues ah Order That Compen " sation Irregularities Must be Corrected. THESTRIUMPHS OF PE-RU-IM INCREASE! Many Clerks Come Under the Instructions Which Will Go Into EffectJuly 1 in Offices on the List. Thousands of Chronic Ailments of Women. Cured Every Month -Disguised Internal C& '. tarrh the Enemy of Woman Pe-rana the Only Internal Systemic Catarrh . . ' Remedy Yet Devised Prominent Cases in Illustration.' READ ALL THIS You Never Know the Moment When This Information May Prove of Infinite Value. iris" worth etrnsracrSBIe" fo"fiy citi zen of Portland to know how to be cured of oalnful. annoying and itching piles. Know, then, that Doan'S Ointment signals Is a positive remedy for all itchiness or the skin, for piles, eczema, etc. One application relieves and soothes. Read this testimony of tts merit; - M. Sullivan, employed in the street department of the city, who resides. on Weter street, at t36, sayst "Down's Ointment is, without any exception. th& best preparation on earth for the purposes for which Its use Is Indicated, and from my own experience I know that it does all that is claimed for It. i'or two years I was troubled with the worst kind of itchlnff and bleeding henir orrholds. I tried one remedy after an other, and even sent Kast for a well known medicine and was treated by physicians, but got no relief until I learned about Doan's Ointment. I pro cured a box at the Laue-Davis Drug Co.'s store and the first application gave me relief, such as I had not experienced for two years. I continued the. treat ment for two or three weeks. when I was completely cured, and since then I have been free 'from the tormenting affliction. Whenever I hear any one complaining of being annoyed with plies I never fail to tell them what to do to get cured. I would willingly give $20 for a box rather than to suffer one night like I dld before I used Doan's Oint ment." Kor sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agenta for the T'nlted States- Remember the name Doan's and take no-ubstltiite. ' (Journal Special Service.) SAN' FRANCISCO. May ??. jr- With 1500 tons of freight and 100 Chinese passengers, the first one of the invasion steamers of the China Commercial Com pany, the Atholl, sailed for Hong Kong and way ports and Ja.pan yesterday. She Is the first one of the stenmers running between here and the Orient to carry freight at the new reduced rate. She took , freight at $1.00 per ton. This conjpany went the Pacific Mall Company one better by reducing the rate for carrying steerage passengers to 115 per head, which Is a little less than one third the price charged by regular stesmshlp linen. The reduction of the steerage rate enme as a thunderbolt to t he Pacific Mall Company, because the carrying of steerage passengers had been their main standby for a num ber of1 years, and little they expected that the China Commercial' : Company would cut the steerage rate. This action has considerable effect upon the fight now on. because for the price charged for freight and the steerage rate com bined will only amount to $3,000. It Is safe to say that the steamship compan ies cannot stand such pressure for any length of time. It takes from 17 to 20 days to mnke the passage from the Pa cific ('oast to the Orient, and when the cost of conl, tho feeding of passengers mid the salaries of crews is taken into consideration, together wllh the many other expenditures. $3,000 will not come any where-near making both ends meet. The outlook at the present time points to a bitter fight. Susponded for Sixty Days. For unskillful navigation Captain Reed of the steamer Kuth has had his license as, a master and pilot suspended for CO days. After n thorough Investi gation the local I'nlted States inspec tors of boilers and hulls, Holies and Lhe Nort Bulger, submitted their report tu Su-, filed 4n ' per isliig Iiispp("tor Itermingham and the order for suspension was issued. They claim that it was gross careless- , ness on Captain Heed's part to fun th' Ruth onto n submerged rock off the j mouth of the Cotiullle river on May J i 1. Captain Heed was on the bridge, and. i in full charge at the time of the uccl I dent, the weather was clear and a light 1 j wind was blowing. He was entirely oft : lils course, and Instead of taking the navigable channel he started to find one ; of his own and tried to pass between , two large rocks, which "naturally were surrounded by many submerged rocks. ( Besponiibllity Flaoed. On the night of May IS. 1S98. the j I'nlted States cruiser Columbia. In a , dense fog. rammed the l'.rltish steamer Foscolla and sunk her? Judge Adams, of the I'nlted Slates District ''ourt. has decided that the t'nited Flutes Gov ernment must pas for her. It whs dur- 1 Ing the war- and whilo the Columbia i whs doing patrol duty off Fire Island, looking out for t'ei vera's fli-et. Accord ing to the testimony given, the officers , on bp ',tmbl- forgot slwtit ive "prut- t slbllity of merchant vessels being In the neighborhood, and did not display ! if any kind, which by law must be displayed dining a heavy fog. but i on the contrary steamed around in darkness awaiting the arrival of Cer- j vera. The Foscolla came along at about ; a ten-knot clip and the Columbia struck ; her amtdshTps and she sank fmm.vTI-" ately. Her owners claim $ iS.S 39. S6 ; damages, and. as the responsibility has ' been placed, the settlement will now go to a referee. S Steady Biio From Sow On. The Willamette river at Portland rose .04 feet during the past twenty-four hours and is now 11' feet. S Inches below danger line. It Is expected that by next week the river will be at such a height as to cause the water to enter the i cellars on Front street and to cover j the lower docks. There-, was very little rainfall or changes in temperature over j the entire Columbia river system la! the' last twenty-four hours. There will j be a sjeudy rise from now on. The : guage reads as follows at lhe different stations this morning: I Portland. Oregon, 12.0: The Dalles, Oregon, 21.7: Fmattlln, Oregon, 14.4; Northport. Wash.. 11. f: Wenn tehee, j Wash., I.VT; Rlparia. Wash.. 9.; Lewis-i ton, Idaho, 9.0; Welser. Idaho, 6.f. (Journal Special 8ervlce.) WASHINGTON. May 29 Postmaster General Payne this afternoon made pub lic a letter addressed to First Assistant Wynne directing that the compensation of assistant postmasters and clerks in certain first and second-class postofflce be reduced to conform to the law. The compensation' of assistants is fixed by law d that they receive GO per cent of the amount of tho postmaster's salary. This amount has been exceeded In 14 offices. Twenty-two clerks In 11 offices have been paid In excess of the basis and In 17 offlcea persons have been found who have been employed, but im properly designated. All of these Ir regularities were ordered to be corrected at once. The salary reductions take place July 1. Among the Improperly designated officials lire several In the I .os ADgcles postofflce. sailed from Port Townsend last night for St. Michaels, where tho Alaska fleet will meet fot; .their annual pa trol. She will make a thorough Inves tigation and survy of the new seal rockery discovered last year She will remain In the north until October. Nervous Depression. Summer months are peculiarly the mdhtha of nervous diseases, especially nervous prostration and other depressed States of the nervous system. People who are sot at all inclined to be nervous or suiter from weak nerves find this time especially trying Sultry heat and electrical disturbances of the at mosphere are probably the cause of this. Invalids need to be particularly Care ful to fortify the nervous system by the use of Pe'runa. Miss Helen Bolof, Kaukauna, Wis,, writes" Beveral times during the past two years or more my system has been greatly lu &eed of a touki, and ut those times Peru n a baa been of great help in building up the system, restoring my appetite and securing restful sleep. I know a great number of women who aro using It. for the troubles peculiar to the sex, and with the bent result" i-Helen Rolof. MISS HELEN BOLOF. F fifes time. The medicine only 1 obtained bj. each patient at her own drag store. Those desiring - to become regular , Satients have only to send address, uration of disease and treatment previously received,, anu dironois for the first month's treatment Trill be sent at once." - Over half the -women have catarrh la some form or another. And yet, prob HIm Jennie FInley, 7n Madlaoa Street Memphis, lenn,, a popular young society lady of that place, writes: " Three years ago I had very poor health, ni while I wss onlytlokabvd occasionally, I was unable to enjoy life, and lacked vitality and strengtlw I was an easy subject to cold and malaria. Four bottles of Pornna changed my entire physical condition. My band stopped aching, my strength returned, and thu poison was driven out of my blood till I felt Ilka a new and well woman once mors. It la a truly great medicine and well worthy the good things Its friends say about t, and It will al ways have my Indorsement." Jennie FInley, MINNESOTA'S CASE BEGINS TOMORROW Large Amount of Testimony Filed in Suit Against f Northern Securities Co, St. Paul. May 29. Testimony In the case of the State of Minnesota agiilusl hern Securities Compnny wum he Fnited Stab's Circuit Court toduv bv Kxamlner Ingcisoll. Four ' large printed volumes are necessary to , carry the matter. The raw will !' ' argued June 4. rOUND DAKOEBOUS WEAPON. A red bandana handk -i , hlef and h slung shot were found this morning In the road near the spot wlu'iv the Sell wood car was heWt 'up hihI robbed on Wednesday night. They are said to l" the property of Charles West, formerly employed as a blacksmith in the shops of the Oregon Water Power & Itnllw.iy Company. Detective. 'npt,-iln Simmons does not believe West to have been con cerned in the robbery, although he Is at present absent from the city. WE CURB MEN ! Louise Bertsel, 10' Second street, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: " My health was excellent until about six months ago, when I seemed to have a collnpse from overdoing socially, and the doctor ordered an entlro change of scene and climate. As this was an absolute Impossibility nt the time, I bad to try and regain my health In another way and was Induced by a friend, who gave I 'em nit such a good recommend, totry Pernnai- i can not tell you theconditlon of my nerves when 1 began to use It. The least noise Irritated me, and I felt that life was not worth living, but Peruna soon changed me Into a well woman, and now I do not know 1 have nervea." Louise Bertsel, A newspaper contributor was lately admitted Into tho extensive suito of of lloes which constitute the headquarters of Dr. llartman, who treat catarrh patients bv the thousand. Araon? tho fitisy swarm of assistant doctors, clerks, stenographers and bookkeepers, Dr, llartman stopped long enough to say a low words. "A large number of female patients Visit me every year, but the number who are entered oil my books as regular patients and are treated by correspond ence is very much JarRcr. Hundreds of letters are received and answered free every day. A yet grenter multitude take my catarrh remedy, reruns, and are cured, of whom I never licnr. Komo of this latter class write me years after their cure. r I never allow a name published ex cept by wlhe. written consent of the njticnt. We make no charge at anv Miss Lucy M. Riley. S3 Davenport street. Cleveland, Ohio, writeet "I wish to add I my Indorsement to tbonsands of other, -women who have been cured through the use of Peruna. I suffered for nvs years with severs backache, and when weary or worried I In the least I had prolonged headache. This, fall I caught a bad cold and was advised te take Peruna for it. Imagine mr astonish ; ment and pleasure to find that after taking two bottles not only was my cough gone, bat' I had no more backache or bead sob. I am now In perfect health, enjoy lire and havs neither an ache or pain, thanks to Peruna.". Lucy M. Riley. ' ' i ' miss trcT m. Ritirr. ably not a tenth of the women know that their disease is catarrh. To dis tinguish catarrh of various organs it has been named very differently. One woman has dyspepsia, another bronchitis, another jSrlgnt's disease, another liver complaint, another con sumption, another female complaint. These women would be very much sur prised to hear that they are all suffer ing with chronic catarrh. But It Is so, r nevertheless. , Each one of these troubles and a great many more are simply catarrh that ia, chronlo inflammation of the mucous lining, of which organ is affected. Any internal remedy that will cure catarrh: In one location will cure it in any other location. This is why Peruna nas be come so Justly famous in the cure of fe male diseases. It cures catarrh wher ever located. Its cures remain. Peruna Idoes not palliate it cures. "Health and Beauty," sent free by Thei Peruna Medicine Co.. Columbu". 'Ohio.' Cutter Manning1 (Joes to Alaska. r. L. TALqpTT, M. D. ..CpNTKACTED DISORDERS, ETery mil tract p1 illsoase is attended hy grave dinKT. that nntblni! less than n thorough and Khsulute ctirp ran remove. To take even the sllchtPHt ctianee In aueh ca is to InTlo life long misery. Men io not rrnllCT' life a tbev nhmilrt. A partial nrr Is fol lowed by a dironli' ft.i-r. with all It? horrors, the SMmc hp though the ills ease hail not been treated at all. We positively will net. illsmlss a (uitlent until every possibility of relapse Is re moved, fly eiir K.rsteni of treat ment every patient Is somirtly cured, and made as free from disease tslnt US' he was before the aliment was contracted. DR. TALCOTT & CO., SbO", Alder St. The I'nlted States stenmer Manning ! C GEE WO THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR , Is culled great be cause his wonderful cures are so well known throughout the I'nlted States, and because so many people aro thankful to him for saving their lives from j OPERATIONS He treats any and j all ' diseases wttlM powerful Chines nei bs, roots, buds, ; barks and vegetables thai nr. enMrelv un- known to medical science In , in is coun try and through the use of these harm- i less remedies This famous-doctor knows InVartTon of over 500 different remedies thStM has successfully used in different diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma lung troubles, rheumatism, ner vousness , stlmach. liver, kidneys, female, trouble and all private diseases. Hun dreds of testimonials. Charges moderate Call and see him. CONSULTATION TB.XH. Patients out of the city write for blank and circular. Inclose stamp. Address THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. ! :.S;i Afe'l.-r street, Portland. Or. Men tion this paper. 1 ' l. J "Drink the Old and Renowned Gamhrinu& Lager Beer t Send orders for Bottled Beer to OFFICE. 793 WASHINGTON STREET t Telephone No. Main 49 Both Phones F.W.BALTES&CO. Printers Second and Oak Streets BOTH PHONES DOIS'T BUY A 0A80L1NE ENGINE UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN OUR EN0INE5 AND OPT OUR PRICES We give a written guarantee with every engine for one year, and we ! are right here to back It. up.- Patron ize home Industry by baying from the manufacturers. A. J. GILL & CO. 330 and 333 Oak St-. Portland, Or 5S9ESE51 -the Name will, become a household word.'? n ONE PRICE TO -ALL One Hundred and Eighty-Four Offices in North AmericaThe Pinnacle of High Class Dentistry Is Reached! THE ALBA DENTI5TS i.'- ' Known from Sea Coast to Sea Coast, have Established a branch of their elaborate - system in Portland, in parlors over Eilers Piano House, opposite Cordrays, where the Perfection of Dentistry Will-be demonstrated, to all who may favor the gentlemen with their presence. What is termed "CHEAP DENTISTRY," the work of the amateur and those only interested ia profits arid not reputation, NEED NOT BE LOOKED FOR HERE. Our work shall be the BEST THAT HUMAN SKILL HAS YET PRODUCED, including the ; j Celebrated L. L. White Crowns and Bridges Than which the wisdom of the world has produced no equal, and probably will never originate a superior. Many citizens of Portland from from the East are wearing these Crowns and Bridges now, and these will testify to their - marked superiority over all other similar inventions of this age of progress Prices quoted here are for the best to be had on earth, and none will be slighted who entrust themselves and their work tb us. Gold Crowns, 22k, $3.00 This includes 30-gauge, reinforced on cutting edge any tooth in the mouth. - - - No charge for treatment Of any kind where crowns or fillings are ordered. Full Set of Best Teeth $7.00 We. use the best teeth and the best rubber or vulcanite that money can buy. Full Set Cheapest Grade $4.00 AND THEY ARE OOOp,. SERVICEABLE TEETH. Gold Fillings, small, $1.00 Gold Fillings, large, $3 00 All other fillings, of any material "desired, 75c. and all other operations are strictly modern. ' One Price To All. "THE NAME WItL BECOME A HOUSEHOLD WORD." DEN Phone Jain, ,2796. OVER EJLERS PIANO HOUSE OPPOSITE CORDrXV.'S THEATRE.