t-k" " i t i ft. 18- ro HEWT. - lVlt""RL'!T-Hnuw of T " roeme. completely , v fiimlbcd; 'close In; large, yard; reference '" . ' f-i.. . require!, um aisiu V TH LABOR STORK Bl II.IUNU No. M and - . 66 Frniit at., now occupied by WMlhanw A "--! -will l for riit -July I. It"?. Apply fO Jlt 1. 4T0X. room .Mi. JU. rtPW -Minci via. I WISH to rent the nri Moor 'and basement f hit Ixiw Hi 127'-, Fourth t.; Inquire at 1th. home or at Blauwauer Fran drug (ure. . l..v;j.Brigiia. iV, " . ' ' HOL'SRK EFPINif rodhn of rent. 13H Fifth f at., rnr. Burnalde. IlfSTJEANCE. tos ' sale: ' LA ROB. ew box house and full. Jot, In Sell. ' . wand,, for 1000;. 1150 (Intra. "balance monthly: a bargain Wballey, Uean bldg., Fifth and v' Morrleori; 7 AND II BOOM Hot'SES. moderni new. fnll ' let: 1 It-room rottagea. amall payment down. .;'., ha laar to ault. Huv.. owner. Phone iRuaa 111 v' .'160 ACRES good-graelnc land. Klamath lYiunty, . 12 per act, or will trade. A. 8. XlrhoL .' JSt' Second at. ' J. rim. IP KENNEDY.- Insurance: resident agent Norwich I'nlon Fire Insurance Society I'bdne South 1501. 44 1 ami Hon bid. JAR. Mel. WOOD. employers' llahlUtr and In dividual accident: etirety bonds of all kind. Phone 47. Concord hblg. II. r. BARTCI.8 COMPANY, Fire Insurance, 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone. Clay 326. ISAAC L. WHITE, fire Insurance. 225 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phono. Main 6.V. LAUNDRIES. CABINET. U"lean towel daily. oap. comb and bruan. I per montb. Oregon launnry it ioi Irt Bnpply Co., '.'4-3(Mi Eaat Oak. I'bonr, Eaat 13. CLE A N "Yt W E L8 DAILY." Comb, hrnak. aoap, $1 par month. Lawnra Brna., fTowH 8p ply Co.. Eourtb and Ouch at. I'honr 410. mAbsage. MDUR. H. E. ELY, drrmatologlat. mamfr, irrtr)c trratmanta. Flrt at. BAKES. LA I'D TILTON. BANKKiUt. rtabllabed In I WO. Intaraat allowrd vn tlma drMalta. C'ollartioBa mail at all poliita n fnrora W trrma. Lttr of credit laanrd arallabla In Europe and all polnta In the I nlted Statea. Slfht ?xcban(e and teVgraphlr tranafrra aold Id New York. Washington. Cbtcafo, 8t. Ijula. Ienrer, Omaha, Han Franriaco anil varloua pulnta In Oregon. Waablugtun, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange aold on IondoD. I'arla, Berlin. Frankforb Hoiif Kong, Yokohama, Manila anu Honolulu. MACHIKEIY. HOUSE FOR SALE. FOR HALE New bonao and iwner lot. No. 00B Wllllama ave.; 5 rooms, bathroom, basement with furnace and fixture waah tuba, electric ' Urtt and city water. Anjly John Bain. 224 ' Stark at. iMMHSaMHSaMHawKBBBSBIBi rOB SALE MISCELLANE0U8. TKENKMAN A-CO.. mining. Ban mill, lodging machinery, hrdraullc pipes, rantlnga of all Unas repaired. 104 . Fourth at. MODEL MAKER. FOR FIR8TCLA88 REPAIRING go to Andy rrtrs machinist and model mker. tin nth M0BT0AOX L0A5S. CHICACO Cash Register, for bar. at a aarrl ' pea, zn mars at. HATIONAL Cash Register. fr cigar stand or raataarant. cheap. w tar at. NATIONAL Cash Realatrr. total adder, for atorekeefer; bargain. Vi4 Htark at. TIMPSON Computing Scale, perfect order. 264 a mar at rVBVISKEO BOOMS. L04A BUILDING. T nlon are. Elegant -.noma ror ouaeteeping or transient, rurnianea f ar ajarBrpMBca: rate reasonable. -JfONNARTRRS HOl'811. armtkwaat cor. rlrat ana Jefferaon sis., fnrnlahed rooms and anlta tODOLVO HOUSES. TH1 COSMOS Tonrtk ind Morrlao. fnrnlahed l" booaakaaplna; tnltea, aulta and alngla rooma; jipwwni ana up. TBI CASTLI 2T Waabligton at.; rooms for gentleman: transient. Tel. Routh itju BATHS. ORNCINB FINNISH, RUSSIAN HOT AIR -hatha. Site; alcohol rnbMiaT. 2dc axtra; open , Try ajar except Mondya 10 a. m. to 11 . P. an. 81 Eaat 28th at, cor, .Rrarett. Phone. Ilrott 224t. BABOIKO AJTD LIOHTEBUTO. ,ORE(10N. BOUND LUMBER CO., 181 Burn aid at. Phone Grant 1)71. ON IMPROVED city and farm property, at low eat current rates: building loam, Installment loans. m. MacMaater. 811 Worcester bldg. .MININO AND MIME PROMOTERS. SESSIONS A SIMPSON, mining and mine pro moters. Room 2. Chamber or Commerce. MONET TO LOAN. FRED H. STRONG, FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. No commission. I am in a position to make Immediate loans on iDiprored real estate or for building pur oaea; any amount; modersfe Interest. Wn - approre loans from plana and adranc money aa building pregreaaea when desired. Option lo repaying after one year. FRED II. STRONG. Financial Agent. loa Heeono: su, near Htark UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANIv - Of Portland. -Oregon. Northwest corner Third and Oak ata. Transacta a general banking business. DRAFTS ISSUED arallahle In all cities of the United Statea and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. Collections made on farorable terms. Prealdent J. C. AINSWORTH Vloe-Prealdont W. B. AYEil Aaalatatnt Cashier R. W. Sl'HMEER Assistant ( ashler A. M. WRIGHT THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. Head Office Toronto. Canada. Capital paid up AS.noo.ooo Reaerre 2,600,000 Tranaacta a general banking buslnraa. HAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for euros of (10 and up ward, and lntereat allowed on minimum monthly balances. Ratea on application. 244 H assington at. E. A. WYLD. Manager Portland Branch. cm H0TICES. crrr voticzs. CLXOTIOM NOTICE. r&OPOSALS FOB STREET WORK. LVt 2t,cf J ,llwrt'-iTO that tho following Healed . propoaala will tw receTird at tha dealguated place bar a been aelected aa the office of the Auditor of Ihe City of Irt- .iLtl ikd5 0r.'?- fur.."!: p"1 f- m ! Improrement of Ralmon atreet t aZ$ ?J.k ld ,B ",u l"y ""P"1. Ju" roiw the east line f Front atreet to tlw kAitJZL '5? epl'tl' "5 rejection by Ibe weafllne of Hlxtb itreet In the manner pro- iJF.iS ."'d .'.,tJr -of twUln ;","' r ordinanoe vVo, 13.3ftH, aul.Ject to i5n r?' J;4l AW?''J: ' titmt ot r- prorlalona of the charter aud rainanci f2LJ T .?f.lh' JF"' of ,h ' ,of ' "f b City of PortUnd. and the estimate passed at the '1 wenty-awond Uegular Hcaalon of the -City Engineer, on Sic. " lu Sut Aaaembly: I Bldflinat b atrlctly In accordance nitb CITT K0TICZS. Polllnf place,- So. 775 Sarler atreet : IWIiikI Vo 7 PoIllmr . pla.ee,. No. 675 Nurth Front atreeL . Pfoclnct So. ;i. Polling place, n. 5234 fn-entleth atreet. Precinct No. 4. printed blanks, which win be furnished on application at the office of th. Auditor of tne t itror fortland. And aald Improrement must be completed on or beore 00 days from the uate or the signing of the contract by tbo parses inereto. No propoaala or blda . will he oonaldered nnieae accompanied by a certified check pay- LONDON at BAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIM ITED. Chamber of Commerce Building, Third and mam streets. Head Office 05 Old Broad Itreet. London. Thlaubank tranaacta a general banking boa! neaa, make loan, dlacouot bills and laauea letters ni creun aTaiiauie 1 or iraTeiera ana for the purchase of merchandise In any city of the world. Deal la foreign and domestic exenange. lntereat paid on time deposits. W. A. MACRAE, Manager. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Portland, Oregon. J. Frank Wstaon Prealdent R. L. Durham Vice-President R. W. Hoyt Cashier Geo. W. Hoyt Aaalstant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Drafts and letters of credit issued available to all parte of tba world. collection a specialty. Gold dnat bought. THB STAR LOAN CO.. "210 M'KAY BLDG. lozto Ttilrd at.. Is to recognised bank Pf the wsga-earner. W adrance money 'to teamsters, trainmen, ahopmen, motormeu, conductors, etc.; wlthont mortgage, endoraer or collateral. Aroonnt. Monthly H Monthly. Weekly 100 repay 2fl.l " or 113.00 or I BO repay I1S..13 or I 6 95 or f3.S5 I 25 repay $ 8$ or 4 1.85 or $1.85 rluslceaa confidential. No nnpleaaant Inquiry MONET TO LOAN on real, personal and col lateral security: special attention to chattla mortgages; ix.tea bought. C. W. Pallet, 213 commercial oil. mono lirsnt sno ATTORNEYS. EifMONS at EMMONS, attorney a at Uw, 544 Woroaeter bldg. ' ; )'.'' RIGGEN, Attorney and Connsellor-t- xaiw; aotary. atia-auB Abington wag. PAITON. BEACH A SIMON-- 510 Chamber of Cornmerce. i. T. TAUGHER ; " " Room 18. A Ins worth Building. H. B. DICKINSON, Attorney-at-Law and No JtarPnblbjOjtVm , , . ADTiBTISrMO SPECIALTIES. MONEY TO LOAN at reasonable rate, lo amounts re ault. Graham A Claton, 206 Mar quam building. MONEY TO LOAN, amall amounte. abort or long tlma. J. H. Hawley. 2 Cham, of Com. MONEY TO LOAN on city lota and Improved rarma. w. a. naw at Co.. 84H Htark at. NORTHWEST HOTELS. Hotel Ponlaiid, Ajierioanplaa; J, par day Bommara Hotel, La Qrandaj traveler' home. BajTerEnrepoaii pJlMj4th JinAlder ata. St. Charlea, First and Morriaon ate., Portland PLUMBEBS. ALL KINDS OF SIGNS and advertising novel . tie. Ny Kern. P.O. box 1, Phone Pink 1885. BANJO, MANDOLIN AND OUITAR. INSTRICT10N -clubs, for advanced puplla; In struments tor aale. Hal Webber, atudlo 173 W'eat Park, cor. Yamhill. Phone Sonth 2881. CASH BXOIBTEBS. HALL WOOD CASH ' REOI8TRRS. 54 Stark at. -CHIROPODY AND MANICURINO. lm MrrCHKLL: Chlropodlat, Knlghf Shoo tor. 294 Washington at. Phone Hood 728; CHIROPODISTS. , S IHtVM.vya, the only aclentlflo cblropodlxts . i roe city; psriora wi-i nsxy oiag. 1 una la tba long-haired gentleman yon want to .see. urant JO.. DONKERBERG A RADEMACHER. plumbera, removed to 84 Fourth at. Both phones. PERSONAL. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS are more accurately and reasonably fljled at Kraeell a Pharmacy, t2f Morrison at., bet. First and Second ata. ., !! STORIES and novels for summer read ing. 10 centa. Jonea' Book Store. 281 Alder CAFE KRATZ. 122 Sixth at. aerreil at all hours. A flue lunch MORRIS BROS. A CHRISTENSEN, (Suecesaor to Morris A Whitehead, Banker.) FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. PORTLAND. OR. .ELECTION NOTICE. Polling place, No. mv, Hevontb street. North, able to the order of the Ma ror of the Cltv pnm. , r?.lacl ,t . . 5f Porl"l- eertlfied by a reeponalhh) bank v th PUc4- P-. Flflcentn atreet, for an amount enual to ten per cent of the r , I propoaai. ,. PMSlDCt- . .t . LTI!" rl"bt reJ ,ny bid 1 North . . By order of tb Executive Board. D.in ... rrcinei M. J- . . TH08. C """ p", in atreet, norma est corner .-Mneieeum ana Hoyt (tree: Preclnet No tt North. . ' 'T""" PROPOSALS FOB 8TBEIT WORK, Precinct No. 0. Seslei propoaala will be received at the foiling place. No. 43 14 North Third atreeL I 9ce , or tne Auditor of the City of Port Precinct No. K ''"1. until Friday. June 5, 1808, at 4 o'clock foiling puce. No. 810 Pine atreet. DEVLIN. Auditor of tha Cltv of Portland. May 80. 1608. Notice la hereby given that on Monday, the lat day of June. 1M03. in the City of Port land. In the County of Multnomah, State of Oregon, ' special election will be held for me acceptance or rejection by the legal electors of aald City of Portland of tba follow ing entitled acts of the Legislative Assembly of tba State of Oregon and of the peoplo of the State of Oregon: Flrat "An act to authorise the City of Portland to bnlld a bridge across the Wil lamette Blver at Portland, Oregon, connecting Morriaon atreet op the weat aide of aald rlyer with Eaat Morriaon atreet on the eaat side thereof; and to authorise aald City of Port land to purchase or acquire, by condemnation. any property that may be necessary therefor, and to issue and sell bonds to obtain fund to conatruct aald bridge and oar for auch nron- erty; and to authorise aald City of Portland to remove the bridge now across aold , river con necting aald streets; and to authorise aald city to surrender aald brldaa to the Countr Court of Multnomah County, and requiring aald County Court to assume tha control, manage ment and auperrlslcn thereof; and to authorise the Executive Beard of the City of Portland to carry out thla act. and to aubmlt this art to the legal voters of the City of PortUnd for approval or rejection at a special election, to be held In the City of Portland jn tba first Monday of June, 1808." Filed In the office of the Secretary of State February 24. 1903. Second "An act to kntborlae th City of atreei. i-ortiana, Aiititnnman county, Oregon, to pro wl 1. Prelfwf Vn 1 1 Polling place. No. 824 Stark atreet. Precinct No. 12 Polling place. No. 22 Fifteenth street. Precinct No. I S Polling place, No. or 033 sireec. , , Precinct No. 14 Polling place. No. 140 U Fourth atreet. Precinct No 15 Polling place, No. 427 Morriaon atreet. ... . Precinct No. 16 Polling place, No. 210 Yamhill atreet. . Precinct No. 17. Polling place. No. 847 Yamhill atreet. Precinct No. 1H. Polling place. No. 214 Fourth street. Precinct No. 1H. Polling place. No. 515 JcftVraon atreet. Precinct No. 20. Polling Place. Xxnoeltinn door and veatl bale. . ... ... : Precinct No. 21 . Polling place, No. 268 Fourth atreet Precinct No. a. Polling place, No. 224 Columbia atreeL Precinct No. 23. Polling place, No. 850 First atreet. Precinct No. 24. Polling place, No. 34T Fifth atreet. Precinct No. 25. Polling place, No. . 425 Jefferaon street. Precinct No. 2. Polling Dlace. aouthwaat corner Sixteenth and Jefferson atreet. Precinct No. 27. Polling place. No. 428 First atreet. Precinct No, 2 ?. m.. for the Improvement ot Water atreet rom the aoutb line of Arthur atreet to the north I line of Hooker atreet In the manner provided by ordinance. No. 18,808. subject to the provision Of the charter and nrillnnnnee of the City of Portland, and the eatlniatn nf Washington.! Me City Engineer, on Die. oiua niuei o . ecrirriv in accordance wiin printed blanka, which will be furnished 00 application at the office of the Auditor of tne itynr Portland. And aald Improvement must be completed on or before BO daya from the date of the signing of the contract by the partir tnereio. No propoaala or blda will lie considered nnieae accompanied br a certified cheek nav- ahle to the order of tbe Mayor of the Cltv of Portland, certified, by a responsible bank for an amount equal to ten per cent of the COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE Of SEWER - IN EAST ZTEBETT STREET. -, Notice, la hereby given that ' William 0; Elliott. City .Engineer, bs filed In the office of the, ' undersigned, hot Ic that J B. Blent, mona, contractor, for tbe construction of a sewer In Kaat . Everety atreet from th eaat line of Hawthorne a First Addition to - tbe proposed efwer In East'' Twenty-eighth atreet. under th provtelqne of ordinance fia. 18.170, baa completed aald eewer. . 1 ' Said acceptance will he considered by th Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 6th day 01 dune, moo, ann tiojeciiooa to uie o ceptance thereof may be filed In the office of tbe undersigned at any time Tier thereto. , THE EXECUTIVB BOARD. ' By THOS C. DEVLIN,' Auditor vf the" City of Portland. ' May 30. 1803. ' .- 1 11 1 , CTJT NOTICES. COMPLETION AUD ACCEPTANCE 07 SEWER IV WASCO STSEET. Notice 1 hereby given tbat William C. Elliott. Cltr Engineer, baa filed In tha office of the uudoralgned, notice tbat Gieblacb A Joplin, contractors for tbe construction of sewer In Wasco atreet from 18 feet eaat of tbe west line of East Twenty-fourth atreet to tbe Sewer In Eaat ' Fifteenth atreet. under the provisions of ordinance No. 13,082, have completed aald aewer, - Hald acceptance will he considered by th Executive lioaru at 4 0 clock mi ' tbe 5th day or June. 11103. and objections to the ac ceptauce thereof may be Hied In the olflc of tbe undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE. EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City ot Portland. May 80. 1U03. flfregate propoaai. ioe ngnt to reject any and (11 hid nereoy reaervea. . - ny order or tbe Executive Board. ... THOS. C. . DEVLIN. "Auditor "of tbe City of Portland. May 90. 1903. la PROPOSALS FOB STREET WORK. Sealed propoaala will be received at tha office of the Auditor of the City of Port- is no. until rnaar. June 0. iuo3. at 4 o'clock p. m.. for the Improvement ' of Meade street 1 rom me weat line or Corbett street to tbe west Una of Second atreet. in the manner provided by ordinance No. 18.852. subject to the Drovlatona of the charter and nnllnancee or the City of Portland, and the estimate COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER IN EAST BVRNBIDE STREET. Notice la bci'i-by given that William C. Elliott, city . Engineer, baa filed la the of do of the uuilerslgutKl, notice tiiat Jacobavn Bade Company, contractors (or tne construction of a sewer In Kaat Bunwlde atreet iroui tbe east line' of ltuclitel avenue to the aewer In East 'iwenty. fourth atreet, under tbe pro visions of ordinance .No. 13,24m, have com pleted aald eewen w Said acceptance will be" considered by the Executive hoard at 4 o'clock on tu Bin day of June, UK i.l. and ohjectlona to . th ac ceptance thereof may be Hied In th ndlc of the undersigned at' any time prior thereto. THE EXBCI'J'IVE BOARD, By THOS t DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland, May 30, 1803. . of th Cltv Eiurlneer. on file Polling place, tent at Park add "College ?". "J!1. be .? accordance wlth treats - - pnmea nmnas, wnia win De lurnisnen on PeActn Vrt 90 i.yiM-winFn at toe Oram 01 me Auditor 01 place, Fntn House PnrtUnit I la 1 " oriiano. aoo ssia improvemeiu must tsnglne liouae, Portland ra.Dl,tll, i,.,,ir. 0.1 Vi.. th. Polling Heigh ta. Precinct No. an. Polling place, No. 591 First street. Precinct No. 31. Polling place No. 647 First street. Precinct No. 32. Polling place. No, 754 First street. Precinct No. 33. Polling place. No. S16 Front street. Precinct No. 34 Polling place, No, 1003 Corbett atreet. Precinct No. .".v Polling place, No. 1481 M.cadain atreet. Precinct No. ."6 Polling place, Fireman' lull. Sellwood. Precinct No. 87. Polling place, No. .548 Mllwsukle avenue. Precinct No. 3. Polling place;' No. 805 Grnr.d avenue. Prednct No. no. Polling place. No. 872- East Eleventh atreet, date of tbe signing of the contract by the parties thereto. No propoaala or hide will he considered unleaa accompanied by a certified check pay able to the order of tbe Mayor of the (itv or Portland, certified by a res pons I hie bunk for an amount eon si to ten per cent of the aggregate proposal. The right to reject any and all blda Is hereby reserved. By order of the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. 'May 80, 1003. SAFES. BUY YOUR SAFES of J. E. Davla; your re palra and lockonta aafely done. 88 Third at. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter and builder. 807 Stark at. : office and atore fliture built and remodeled; altering and repair bouaes. Phone . atain mi. AUTHORS V MARTIN, carpenters and build. era; repairing and Jobbing; 'store and office fixture built. Shop 208 Columbia. Phone .yiay eai B. T. CLARK. 45314 Waah.. nhonea West 7K1 ' North 1411. New and repair wdrx, prompt ii.noxn. cirEs. TATES' PLACE. 2S5 Washington at., Phon S. Ma la .771. J...W.- Tslhott. prop- -Portland, r. COMPRESSED TEAST. BED STAR COMPRESSED YEAST; It make lightest. For aale by all grocers. 15 per cent stronger than any other. CIOABS AND TOBACCO. ESBKEG-GUN8T CIGAR CO.- ' Distributers of flNE CIGARS. ' Portland. t)regon. COAX AND WOOD. ' WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. . ' , , Dealer In all klnda of coal." coke and V charcoal. -Phone 1018. 0. O. PICK, office 88 First at., between Stark ' and Oak ata. ; phone 600; planoa and furni ture moved and packed for shipping; com modious fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay ata. aai PIANO LESSONS. w. uirruKU imabh, ius intn at.; terms upon application. Beglnnera taken. VI SEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE FARMS Improved farms for aale In (11 parta of urrgon ana waemngton: paymenta made to I ault purchasers. For full particulars aa to various properties apply to win. afaealaater. . an orcjeawr tiog.- . ... . MAXWELL A K N A PP REAL ESTATE. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce bldg. vide aud eetahlihh a ferrv arroaa tho lamette River, at seme suitable point, in what was formerly known aa Sellwood. but now a part of the City of Portlaud, on the eaat bank of aald river to a point opposite thereto on tne west pang or said river, ana to au thorise aald City of Portland to purchase or ac quire by condemnation, any property tbat maybe necesaary therefor, and to Issue bonds in pay ment thereof, and to authorise aald city to surrender aald ferry to the County Court of Maltnoinah County, and requiring aald County Court to assume the control, management and super vision thereof." Approved February 24. 1003. Third "An act to authorize the City of Port land, Multnomah County. Oregon, to eon struct an additional ferry to operate across the Willamette Hirer, and to provide for tbe Issuing of bonda for tho (construction of said ferry." Approved February "24, 1003. Said auction will be held at 1 o'clock In the afternoon and will continue until 7 o'clock in the arternooo of aald day. THOS. C. DEVLIN, -Auditor of the Cltv of Portland. May IS. 1003. LE0AL NlljESl IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore gon, ..lor Multnomah County. Victor Land Company (a corporation), plaintiff, vs. Mult nomah County, State of "Oregon: J. L. Hart- man, aa receiver of the Northwest Loan ft iruat Company, and Bather Lyons, defend ant. Tu Esther Lvona. the v above-named defendant: In tha name of tha State of near Harrison atreet Precinct No. 40. . Polling place, corner Twenty-sixth and Powell, knov.-n aa Kerns store. Precinct No. 41. Polling place, No. 407 H East Morriaon Precinct No. 42. Polling plac. No. 14d East Twentieth street Precinct No. 43. Polling ploce, No. 1015 Yamhill atreet. noya Brigade nan, suDuvf n'.e. Precinct No. 44. Polling place, No. 47 I'nlon avenue. Precinct No. 45. Polling place, No. 383 East Burnslde street. Precinct No. 40. Polling place, No: 780 Buet Ankeny atreet. Precinct No. 47. Polling place, No. -375 Ilollmlay itreet. Precinct No. 48. Polling place, No. 842 Williams avenue. Precinct No. 49. Polling place, No. 115 Russell street. Precinct No. 50. Polling place. No. 182 Russell street Precinct No. 51. Polling place. No. 273 Russell street. Precinct No. 52. Polling place. No. 432 I'nlon avenue. Precinct No. 53. Polling place, No. 8.19 Mississippi avenue. Precinct No. 64. Polling place, corner WUUama avenue and Bbaver atreet. Precinct No. 55. Pulling place, corner Eaat Eighth and Dekum street. Precinct No. 58. Polling place. Peninsular H1L Precinct No. 67. Polling place, Portsmouth and Dawson atreeta. THOS. C. BRVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Dated May 80, 1903. OVERALLS. StlVStntt AND OF I the above-entitled court and cause on or before BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS and median. in clothing. Union luade. Neuatadter Bros., Mfgra . Portland. Or tbe 8th day of June. 1903... and you are hereby notified that in esse you fall to so appear or answer tbe plaintiff will apply to tho court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, wnicn la aa follows: 'jnat plaintiff be de PROVEMENT OF SEVENTH STREET. Notice ia, hereby given that William C. Elliott. City Engineer, baa filed In the office of the uoderaijjned, notice that Fralney A Keating, contractors for the improvement of Seventh atreet, under the provisiona of ordl- ROFE. PORTLAND roitDAOB CO., cor. Fourteenth and Northrup ats.. Portland. Or. SPECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, No. 200H Wash ington at. t-nones. or.. Main mz. (!.. an I. SLOT MACHINfcS. VCLCAN COAL Co., wholesale dealers best coal; foundry and smelter coke. DYEING AND CLEANING. CIT J STEAM DYEINO A CLEANING WORKS i. t Herman Enke, proprietor. Telephone North :' J 181. No. 5 th at. near Pine. Portlsnd. -Or. CORNICE SKYLIGHTS. METAL SKYLIGHTS, galvanised Iron cor ! nlcoe. J.- C. Bayer. 285 Second at. CEREAL MILLS. I ACME , MILLS CO.. Manufacturers Ralston Acme Cereala. 20 and 22 North Front at. T. JOHNSON A CO.. manufacturer Peerless Health Cereala. 122-4 Front at TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO. Slot machines. 8. B. . Park and Oak. Both Phones. Main 138. creed to be the owner In fee simple of the I nunc No. 12 K03 have comnleted aald atreei following described real property, to-wit: from the center Hue of Davla itreet to the The eolith half of the weet half of the west I -L . n. t-.,...... ...... unit oi toe soutnwesc quarter ox me norm eaat quarter of aectlon twenty. In township one aoutb, of range one eaat of the Willamette Meridian in Multnomah County, State of Ore gon, and that plaintiff's title thereto be for ever .quieted, and that It be decreed that yon bare no right,, title, lntereat or estate In aald real property whatever, and that yon be forever barred and precluded from assert ing any claim to said real whatsoever, and for such other and further relief a to the court may seem equitable. This summons Said acceptance will be considered by tbe Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 6th day of June, fTHi.'t. and objections to the acceptance of said street or ny part thereof, may be filed; In tbe office of the undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD, By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor uf tbe City of Portland. May 30, 1903. PROPOSALS FOB. STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of tbe Auditor of the City of Port land, until rl(lat. June 5, 1003, at 4 o'clock p. ru., for the lciprovrtoeut of Kelly street from the aotith Hue of Hamilton avenue to th northwesterly line of Macadam road In the manner provided by ordlnancu No. 13,351, subject to the provisions of the charter and oidiiiancea of the Cltv of Portland, aud the estimate of tbo City Engineer, on file. Bids must be strictly In accordance with printed blanks, which will bo furnished on application at the office of the Audltuf of the City of Portlaud. And aald improvement must be completed on or before 90 days from the date of the signing of the contract by the parties thereto. No proposals or blda will be considered unless accompanied by a" certified check par able to the order of the Mnyor of the Cltv of Tortland. certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to ten per cent of tbe aggregate propoaai. The right to reject any and all bids la hereby reserved. By order of the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. May 30. 1903. PR0P08AL8 FOR SEWER WORK. Sealed propoaala will be received It th office of tbe Auditor or the city of Port land, until Friday. June 6, 1903. at 4 o'clock p. m.. for tbe constrnctlon ef a aewer in inrk street Irnm the west line of Twenty fourth street to the eewer In Twenty-flrat atreet In tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 13 3o5, subject to the provisions of the charter and ordinances of tbe City of Portland, and the estimate of tbe City Engineer, on file. Blda must be atrlctly In accordance with printed blanks, which will bo furnished on application ut the office nf the Auditor of tbe t It.r or rortland. And aald sewer must be couinlfted on or liefore 60 days from tbe date of the signing uf the contract by tbe partlca thereto. No proposals or bids will bo considered unless accompanied by a certified check par able to the order of the Mayor of the City of .Portland. . certified AT a responsible, bank for an amount equal to ten per cent of tho aggregate proposal. The right to reject any and all blda la hereby reserved. By order of the Eiechtlre Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Clerk. May 30, 1903. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor of the Cltv ef Port land, until rrliluj, June 5. 1903. at 4 o clock P. m.. for the Improvement of Hawthorne avenue from the west line of Eaat Walter atreet to 14 feet east of the weat line of Ksf First atreet In the manner provided by ordi nance No. 12.8fKi, subject to the provision ui mo ennner nnq oroinnncee or tne Cltv of Portland, and the eatlmate of the City engineer, on nie. Bids must he atrlctly In accordance wltW printea niants, which will be furnished on application at the office of the Auditor of the Cltyof Portland. And aald Improvement must PROPOSALS FOR STREET WOBK. Scaled rrponls will be received at the on;co t.f tb! Auditor of tbe City of Tort biud, until lrkiiv, June 5. 1903. at 4 o'clock p. iu.for the improvement of Madison street frr.ru Wie eest line of Front atreet to the weat line of Fifth street In the manner pro vldid by ordinance No. 13.3if. anlijert to tbo provisions of the charter and ordlnnncee of the City of Portland, and i the estimate of the Cltv Engineer, ou file. Bids must be strictly In accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished nil application at the office of the Auditor of the I (t.vof Portland. And ssid Improvement must be completed on cr before 00 dnvs from the date of tbe signing of the contract by tbe parties thereto. Mi proposals or hid will tie considered unless accompanied by a certified check pay able to the order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount eciual to ten per cent of the aggregate propoaai. Tho right to reject any arid all bid la hereby reserved. By order of the Executive C0(irA. THOS. T DEVLIN. Auditor of tho City of Portlond. May 30. 'lOttf. - "' n PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT ' OFT GRAND AVENUE, " . y 'Notice 1 hereby, given that it the meeting -of the Council of the City of Portland, Or-. f on, held cn the 2vth day of .May, 1903, th allowing resolution wa adopted: . - Ree?!ved, Tbat th Council of th City, ef Portland, Oregon, deema it expedient end propoeee to . improv Orand svenue from JO feet south ef th north line of East Stark treat to th outh Hue of Eaat Oak. itreet, by constanctlng an elevated roadway. - r Said Improvement to be made In accordance With th charter, and ordinances, nf tha Cltv ' ot Portland and the plana, aneclficatlon and estimate of tha City Engineer filed In th efflce of th Auditor of th City of Portland ' on the loth day of May, 1903. Indorsed: "City Engineer' plan and apeclfiratlona for th Improvement of Orand avenue from 10 feet oath ot th north Jin of Eaat Stark Itreet to the -south line of Eaat' Oak itreet . and tb eatlmate of th work tn be don and th probable total coat thereof." - The coat of aald Improvement to be assessed' provided bv the city charter upon th bropertjr ipectally-.beneflurd thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lot, part kuij pM-rem oi una lying netween the eoiith line of Eaat Oak itreet and tb north line of Eaat .Stark itreet and between line 100 feet weat ef and parallel with th west Una of Grand avenue and a Htu inn e eaat of and parallel with .tb eaat Hue of Grand avenue. - t- . . The Engineer'! eaUmate of th nrohabl vMni i (tt eain imprfwement sz.93n.nfl, f Tb above Improvement Is to be classed as Ml elevated roadway and shall be matniatfwui ht the city for a period of five year, provided that the owners of a majority of th property benefited by aald Improvement or any portion thereof shall not petition for new or dif ferent .Improvement before th extilrailoa r ueh period. . .in puna. anedOcatlone and estimate ' cf the City Engineer for the liDnroement r aid Orand avenue ar hereby adopted. neaniven jnar ine Auditor or the City nf Portland -lie ad he tir hereby directed to eHr. notice of the nropmsed Imowivement "of aald avenue e Provided bv the city charter. Remonstrsneea against the above Improve, ment mar lie filed In writing with the nnriee. signed within 20 dvs frotn tba date of th -flrat publication of thla notice. . , , By order of the Connctl. THOS. r. PFVXIX, --- ..iSM i .ib.r.nt7ef . Portland Mar 8.1. irifKI. ASSESSMENT FOB THE IMPROVEMENT 07 EAST COUCH bllUT," Notice la hereby given that tha Council fof the City of Portland, Oregon, at a meet ing neia on tn ziitn nay of May, 1003, d. clared the assessment . by ordinance No. 13. 842. for the Improvement of Eaat Conch atreet from the eaat line vf Kest Twenty-eighth etreet to the east line of blocka 20 and 21, Hawthorne's Flrat Addition to Eaat . Port, land, In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13.100. noon each lot. part of lot and parcel or land wnicn are apecially and pe culiarly benefited, tn be aa- follows via: Hawthorne's Flrat Addition tethe-Clty of Eaat Portland iV'm ou"' 00 " lot la' r' -v W:I1U1IIUU ..4 , 1.TJ H"5. l7i ou,h 50 fwt lot )l, F. N. Mc Holland 22.43 Blk 17, north 60 fet lo 12, Frnk Bode i in Blk 17, north 50 feet lot 11, Frank Bode j A an Blk 17, ill of lot 10 except weat T , reet of aoutb 50 feet of lot 10, Frank ui ii, west 7 iter or outn oi reet oi jot in, r. .if. MrHolland. Blk 17. lot 9. J. J. Rlehsrdson Blk 17. lot 8. H. M. McKliiotrnev Blk 17, lot 7, H. M. McEldowney kik is, lot 12. Alargaretta Bern!.. Blk 18. lot 11, Msrgsrutt Bernl Blk 18, lot 10,Rachel L. Hawthorne.... Blk 18. lot 9 Bertha Kuchle Blk 18, lot 8, Walter and Nellie Cramer. Hi 18. lot 7. Win. P. Pedler Blk 19, lot 12. Frank Malmqulst ... Blk 10. lot 11, Frank Malmqulat Blk 19. lot 10. E. T. Deenilnar Blk 10. lot 9, John Maxwell Blk 19. lot 8. Carrie E. Melkle Blk 19. lot 7. W. I). Allan! Blk. 3il, lot 12. Haiti. C. Edmunds Oloee. Blk 20, lot 11, Frank Oloaa lllk 20, lot 10, The Hawthorne Estate... Blk 20. lot 0. II. L. Powera. Trustee.... Blk 20, lot 8, The Hawthorne Kstate ... Blk 20. lot 7, 'Hie Hawthorne Estate..., Blk 24. lot 3. City A Suburban Rsllwny Company Blk 24, lot 4. John Srhmiirr Blk 24, lot 5, Ssrah A. Mciiowan Blk 24. lot . Ssrah A. Mi Uwnn Blk 23. lot 1. Henry H. and Minerva A. rierce : Blk' 2.1, lot 2. Mrs. Minerva A. Pierce... Blk 23. lot 3, Frank J. Victor Elk 23, lot 4, The Hawthorne Estate.... Ik 113, lot 3. Rachel L. Hawthorne Blk 23. lot di Martha R. Deveuy Blk 22. lot 1, John P. Sharkey Blk ill, lot 2, John P. Sharkey... Blk 22. lot 8. The Hawthorne Estate.... Blk 22. lot 4. H. L. Powera, Truetee.... Blk 22. lot 6. The Hawthorne Estate.... Blk 22. lot d. H. L.' Power, Trustee.... Blk. 21, lot I, The Hawthorne Eatat.... Blk 21, lot 2, H. L. Powers, Trustee....' Blk 21, lot 8, The Hawthorne Estate.... Blk 21, lot 4. The Hawthorne Estate.... PROPOSALS FOE STREET WOBK. Sealed proposals will bo received at the ofbee of the Auditor of h Cltv of tVirr. land, until Friday, June, 5, 1003.' at 4 o'clock I Blk 21, lot 5, H. L. Powera. Trustee, p. m., for the improvement of Main atreet I lk 21, lot 8, Th Hawthorn Eatate. iioin tne eaat nue or rrout street to the west Un of Fifth street 1 the manner provided by ordinance No. 13.350, subject to the pro visions of the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland, and the eatlmate of tbe City Engineer, ou file. Bids must be atrlctly lu accordance with print, d blanks, which wllL. he furnished on Mppllcutlon at the office of the Auditor of ne completed on or berore 90 iaya from tbe ,.. rir.w ' rw i ii..i i-... ' date of tbe signing of the contract bv the ltJl P' rt emI- dtPH Improvement must i - - - Mt; cuuiuieteu on or oiwore mi nun Trrt h.. parlies tnereio. No propoaala or blda will unleaa acccmpanled by a cer hie to the order of the -Mayor M the. . City of Portland, certified by a responsible bank ror an amount equal to ten per. cent of th aggregate propoaai. Tbe right to relect anv and all hlda la nereny reservea. By order of tbe Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. May SO. 1903. TYPEWRITERS. THE SMITH-PREMIER TYPEWRITER, 122 Third at; all makeeSof typewriters for rent; supplies for all macblnea. L. A M. Alexan der A Co.. agents. WALL PAPER AND PAINTING. STRIKE does not delay ua, as we are able to nil all ordera without delay, rlrat-clasa work. A. A. Church A Co., No. 274 Taylor er. rnone cinv 171. r la aerved upon you by iibllcatj.n by order of COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE Or IM PROVEMENT OF EAST MADISON STREET. Notice la hereby given tbat William C. Elliott. City Engineer, baa filed In the office of tbe undersigned, notice tbat Smyth ft Howard Companr, contractors for the liu provement of East Madison atreet, under the provUlona of ordinance No. 13.103, have com pleted aald street. from tbe center line of East twenty-third street to tne center line of Eaat Twenty-fourth atreet Said acceptance will be conaldered by the Executive Board at 4 o clock on tne otB day of June, 1903. and objections tu the acceptance or aald street or any part thereof, the Hon. John B. Cleland, Judge of the above- entitiea court, dated tbe 25th day or April, 1903. The date of the first publication of tbta summons is the 25th day of April. 1903. and tbe laat publication the 30th dar of May, 1003. FRANK SCHLEGEL. Attorney for Plaintiff. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed propoaala will be received at the ptnee of the Auditor of the City of Port land, until Friday, June 6. 1903. at 4 o'clock be completed on or "bafore 8o dnvs from th.. ....... . v. . , i ... . i - . . 1 k. considered . "l . '"" " lne contract oy tne ua-? .J! ! . parties thereto. J.Ji I'.l: proposals or bids will be considered unless accompanied by a' certified check pay able to the order of the Mayor of tbe City of Portland, certified by a responsible bauk for an amount equal to ten per cent of tha aggregate proposal. The right to relect anv and all hM l. hereby referred. By order of the Executive Board. tfju. ' vi THOS. C. DEVLIN. vw Amlltor of the City of Portland. Mny 30. 1U03. 4.07 S4.52 45.42 55 50 81.91 75.18 49.48 43.6V 49 42 47.17 47.17 40.65 27.13 30.61 48.70 - 62.78 88.71 35.19 84 92 82.1$ 2:1.49 10 57 3 40 20 66 60.63 S7.03 97.31 90 44 69.45 49.05 62.00 48.95 39 IS 846T 23.4T 25.0T 38.971 84.80 46.48 42.41 30.88 .7l 19.23 19.28 Total PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCK HOLDERS. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Midway Oil company, a corporation: xou are bereby notified to attend a meeflna of the stock holders of the Midway Oil Company, to be WHOLESALE HARDWARE. J. E. HASELTINB ft CO., iron, steel, conl and blacksmith a supplies. 45-61 - Second St. DRUGGISTS. s rANK J. STREIB10 drugs, toilet articles, ' perfume. 842 Waablngston at. - i- ELECTRICAL WORKS. ; PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Office 853 . i.'trk- at,. . , - Wet em Electric Works. 806 H Washington at. FINANCIAL. ? NOTICE SALARIED PEOPLE. Do you need i v money before pay day? Call on us. We can " advance money on your wages on short notice. , aim pay oars montnty. semi montiilv or wewiy, -in mar loan Co., 210 McKay Mdg,, Third and Stsrk sts. WHERE TO DINE. STROISE'S RESTAURANT; flrst-elaee meala. heat service. 220 Washington at. WALL PAPER. H. P. CHRI8TENSEN, wall paperer and paint er, in seventn at., cor. Aider. ERNE8T MILLER ft CO., wall paper and dec- nraTora. . jzi . jnrax .at, WHOLESALE CROCKER YAND JJLASSWARE. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND (iLASSWAKE. Prael Hegeln ft Co.. 1ia3 to 108 r 8. cor. Stark held at the rompany a office. No. 416 Cham- may be tiled In the offlc of th underalgned Pi.nLOn,"'l'e BullSln' JD,ibe,(lty"' t ny time prior thereto. i ,.. .' Si i"X r Z 'i . . it. ililS ESKCCTIVB BOARD, of June, at 3 o clock p. m., for the purpose I p.- THOS C DEVLIN SfJS - -Auditor of the Cltv "of PortUnd. ;h. . i .r." xr; miuum. hx. the time of tbe stockholders' meeting of the 25tb day of September. 1900. to date, and to ratify tbe adoption by said board of tbe by-lawa a amended; for the ratification of the execution of leases snd the himnM ,.f stock and the notification of the purchaae oi lanaa ny said corporation irom a. V. ntratton such brought berore aald meeting By order of the stockholders boldlnr more . than one-third of. the stock -of-44 -eotnaaay - -O v-" I " I ' r. V r . , . v. pi i.ai ju.v oecretary. -Dated May 12. 1903. ' ' COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IX PROVEMENT OF THURMAN STREET Notice Is bereby given that William Elliott. City Engineer, has filed In the office or tne undersigned, notice tbat Fralney i seating, contractors for tbe improvement o in and for the nnrrWuta At tran.fln. ciMiirscuir lor toe iniproTemeill oi other general tineas as ma. ?i Thurman atreet, under tbe provisions of ordl NOTICE. HOUSE FURNISHERS. HOME FURNISHERS Furniture, carpets, par , lne jimIs ilnTM Mte K... i n.. c i ' Bon. 173-176 Flrat at 219-225 i ambllL Both FREE SHINES. '-(CLOTHES CLEANED and pressed fl per . month. Cnique Tailoring Co., 47 Waiolng- WHOLESALE WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 1S4-1K6 Beaqad st. bet. Yamhill slid Taylor. Portland. Or. from the center line of Twenty-third atreet to tbe center line of Twenty-fourth street -SaW'.oelMane"" will be -considered - by -the Executive Board at 4 o'clock -on the 6th day of June, 1903. and objecfloua to the acceptance ot said street or any part tnereor, mny be filed lu tbe office of tbe underalgned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. May 30, 1903. WHOLESALE GROCERS. viAiiMAJia at in., wnoiesaie grocers, manu facturers and commlsaion merchants, 64 and aa rront at. ALLEN A LEWIS, wholesale grocera. - Port land.Jir. J MASON. EHKMAN ft CO., wholeaale grocera. r. vi . cor, second ana fine ats. LANG ft CO., Flrat and Ankeny ata! NOTICE of Stockholders' Meeting. Tho an nual meeting or the stockholders of the Oregon Iron ft Steel Company will be held at the office of the eoiipanr, room 339 Sher lock Building, Portlaud. Oregon. June 18. 1903. at 11 o'clock a. in., for the nunma wa . . . ... of ..ltln. . t..rA ..t .n. f.:. rzr- waruiiua anu avyua.rxa.aiv. ua ua- ensuing year, and the transaction of auch inner business as may legally come before the meeting. A. S. FATTUI.LO. Secretarv. Portland. Or.. May 21. 1903. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost frgter ; nar-society of Northwest: protects aHteM--i ;tng. i. L. Mitchell, -suprtme secretary, W . ana Bin Birqapm oiag., j-ortisna, or. Tel- paon Mala 42. JEWELERS. THE 0. REITKEMPER CO.. manufacturing Jeweler. 2S Morrison at. JOB PRINTING. TIKE OFFICE STATIONERY:) baatea form a v"ty. Merc nt II rintln( ' Company, 21 Frotit tar. Aah. ' Iton. Black Strtt. MONET ADVANCED.- MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED .PEOPLE. tesaaatsra. etc., wlthoat. aerorlty. pay. et: larreat hasloea la 49 prlactpal elUe. leiaaaa, S28 Abiagloa-bldg. 8 UMMO V S IN THE riRCUlT COURT of the State of Oregon, for the County of Multnomah. Min nie" Rainier, plaintiff, vs. Uevrge Baliuer. de fendant. To George Balmer, the -ii Ho ve na mod defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are bereby required to appVar . euu Mnn tut: i-iuiiiiumi nun againat you bi the above-entitled action and 'court. On or before six weeks after the first publica tion of tbta summon, to w It: ou or before tbe 13th day of July, 19I3. and if you fall to appear or answer within aald time, the f laintiff will apply to the court for tbe re let prayed for1 In aald complaint, to-wlt: that a be may be, divorced from kald defendant and that tbe marriage between herself and yon. the said defendant, be dissolved. Thla summons la, published pursuant to aa order made and entered by the Honorable John B. Cleland. Judge of tbe alio re -entitled court, oa the 2Ith day of May',r1903. and the date of tbe first publication of this summons Is May 30.. 1903. and tbe date of tbe laat publication la July 11. 1903. " ' ' J. L. TAUGHBB-. w- . . .. - - . Attorney, for Plaintiff. Boom 18, Ainsworth Bldg. r- PROVEMENT OF FAILING STREET. Notice is hereby given that William C, Elliott. City Engineer, has filed In tbe office of the undersigned notice that Bauer ft Wla rontractor for tbe Improvement of Falling atreet. undo tne provisions or ordinance Io. 13.012. has completed aaid atreet. from the v.,i, . i,.... k- ,. , , . , , . i irnifi uur in jiinaewiia avenue lo lue cen- ABro'Tce:.0 " h t. A. Brown, deceased. All persons havlna I tr ...i ..i j .. to'SrvaK? "the -mednWn.MK T of Jn7 loV., , and" objection. To The to present the same, duly verified, and with acceptance of said afreet or anv nart thereof 7h'.r r,7,lrs,!., 'h vUn'KrTlr,n'dtht '"'."S8 W be Vd' In the of tneTnde'L?ed ?I.,!5,lu ?',".L? Ml. 1 the PMtolHce ,t anytime prior theretoT tmllrllnv pltr n-ithln th. nu. .1. ... n ... Dated at Cortland. Oregon. Moy 15, 1903. I A. WOKTHINGTON. Executor. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINIS TRATOR-WITH-WILL-ANNEXEr. IN THE MATTER of the estate of Rosa p. Bur- ren, aeceasea. notice- la bereby given tbat the undersigned baa been, by order of the THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. ' By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. May 30. :UIP3. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF MARYLAND AVEXTZ. Notice la hereby given tha. William C. Elliott. City , Engineer, baa filed In the office Honorable, the County Court of the Stat of of the nnderatgneu notice that. Bauer ft Wla Oregdn. for Multnomah Conntv. rinlv an. 1 mer. contractors for the Imnrovement of pointeo aqministrator-wittr-wlll-tunessd or tb aiaryiano avenue, under tbe prbvlslons or ordl- estate of Rosa F. Hurrell. deceased, and ha nance Ne. 13.038. have completed, aald atreet duly qualified aa such administrator. All per- from the center line of Webster street to aone having claim sgalnsr tbe estate of tb tbe center line of KUllngsworth avrrue. aid Rosa F. Burrell, deceased, are hereby Said acceptance will be conaldered by th notified and required to present tho am. Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 5th with proper voucher, to tb underalgned at day of June. 1908, ,nd objections to the bl office In tb Nw Market Block. No. 7 acceptance of .Said atreet or any part thereof. First street. Portland, Oregon, within aix 6) may be filed 'In the offlc of the underalgned months from thla dar. . at any time prior thereto. ' Portland. Oregon, May 2. 1903. 1 - THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. irtiaiiua vouuMita, Administrator-With-Will-Annexed f- Eatate of ) w" t . uurreii, jjeecasea. . Bv THOS. C. DEVLIN. . - "ABdltor. of th. City of Portland. May 80, J903. ' . Rell proposals will - be received at the omee or tun .viuiiroi or tii nt. nf t. p. ui., Kir me improvement ot r.uswonn street land, until Friday, June 6, 1903, at 4 o'clock from the center Hue of East Sixth atreet to p. ni., for the improvement of Taylor street the east line of East Tenth' atreet in the from the east II in rtf r-Vnnr atritar t, that mnnnpr provided' by ordinance No. 13.350. WeHt title Of MtTtll M t rn. t in Ih. ,nunnH n. . aunieci to ine provisions or tne rnater aud vlded l.v nrd l,.o.o Vn is .ki . m.HI...rtu '.I .1. , U. . f 1 1 .. l .. .) - i . I , - . ' . ' ...... j. ll l" ....,..,.. ... .i,, iUt , mu provisiona or tne rnarter ajin ordinances i,Tr . i. I t ,''"'""' ' ot ine ny oi I'ortiaiKi, ana the estimate oiuei. ue wm:u hi t.x-oruance wiin i or tne cujr Knglneer, on file, printed blanks, wblch will be furnished ou Rlla must i.u .tri.-tu- in ..nr..H... .1.1. application at the office of the Auditor of printed blanks, hlch will be furnlhed on the tlty of Portland. And said Improvement moat application at the office of the Auditor of be completed on or before 90 daya from the I the Cltrof P nrtlnnrl AtiH unM tmttfavaatii.sst date of the signing of tbe contract by the !. cofniilcted on or before 60 days from flic -- - mie oi me nigning oi tne contract uy tne No proposals or blda will be considered o.nl,,. thre.. unleas accompanied by a, certified check imv- N'r, nronossls ne hi.i. win k. -.;.i.i i .kin .a . I. 1 n . . U .. .. . . I . I . ' ... ...... 1 . 11 , 1, . ., . ' i lilt Liinirai accompanied ny a certified eheck pay- of Portland, certified by a responsible bank Phle to the order of tho Mayor of the Cltv .... w ii-u ir nm ui tuc i oi 1'ortund. ceftincd ny a responallile bank l T , ror an nmount equal to ten per cent of th AUTJ I IMUl r IDJITL MIIJ Slill 1111 .111(1. IH I ,,,.,,,1 nrillWM,! hereby reserved. ' The right to reicct anv and all Irld. lar osl ,va .,' k Fwmm4Im. Ta.-I I i . . - - xj uiut-i v. tuvT gr-t mt-fj iiuiini. i oprpnv rpBprvoti, ... 2HCm-v- "KIIX. 1 By order of the Expctitlrn Board .lumior oi ioe 1.117 or i'oruaua. 81908 A atatement of aforesaid asseaament has been entered In the Docket of City Llene wblch la now due and payable at tba of. flee of tbe City Treasurer, In lawful money of the United Statea and If not paid withl thirty daya from- the date of this notice, 1114U1 proceedings will be taken for the col. lection of the same aa are provided by th charter of the City of Portland. The above sanest me nt will bear lntereat ten day after tb flrat publication ot this BPtlce. THOS. C. DEVLIN. A Auditor of thu City tf Portland. May28. 1B03. ASSESSMENT FOR SEWXS IN EAST ELAND. ERS STREET. .. Notice Is' bereby glron that tbe Council of the City Portland, Oregon", at a meet tug held on tbe 20th day of May, 1003, de- cir.reu ine assessment ny ordinance a. 13,. n-n. ror tne construction or la May 30, 1903. PROPOSALS FOB CONSTRUCTING FIRE- BOAT. Sealed propoaala will be received at the office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland, Oregon, until o clock p. m., on Friday. July 17, J903. for the construction of a nreboan in accordance wiin the following conditions: rlrat ror the construction of a THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the Cltl- of Portland May 30, 19( 3. PROPOSALS FOB STREET WORX. Sealed . proposal will be received at th omce oi ine Auditor or the city of Port land, until Friday, June 5,' 1903, at 4 o'clock p. in., for the Improvement of Twenty-fifth street from the north line of Raleigh atroet tirehootJ to the north- -line nf 'North Portland In th.. With ateel hull and twin screw nronellera so-I manner nrovlricd bv ordinance' No 13 :x .,i.. cording -to plana and specifications prepared bv I Ject to--ta prevision -f the rharter- iiTid ., . i iru U.IIIII an., mru in mi. ouice oi I oruinu iicea 01 iue oi 1 ortianu. ana XOV mo winuiior oi me kixj ui i on in nil. Lomea eainnaie or tne t n.v fennineec on nie. of aald plans and specifics tlons win be fur- Blda must be atrlctly in accordance with nisned upon application being made there- printed blanks, wblcb will be furnished un for. application at the office of tbe Auditor of Second -For the construction of a flreboat I the Cltyof Portland.' And aald Imnrnvement must witn eitner a eteei nun or a wood hull and be completed. on or berore 00 dare from the With either single acrew or twin screw pro- date of the signing of the contract by the pellers according to plana and speclflcatlnne, to ocwuimiitteo ny the bidder with blx bid. ocnerat conditions wblch apply to all bids: nartlea thereto. No proposals or bids will he conaldered unless accompanied, ny a certified " check pay First No bid will lie Cntertalned bv which able to the order, of tha Mnvr r of the cltv The coat of a flreboat, ready for uao. sball I of Portland. certified by a responallile bank exceed 860,000.00. Second Tbe maximum draft of for tbe City of Portland must not exceed six reet under propellers when fully equipped. Third No .hid Will be considered for a flreboat with leaa capacity tban 5,000 gallons per minute. Fourth separate bid will be received for pnmp and lu any award for the construction of a flreboat tbe Executive Board reserves to the City of Portland the right to furnish the for an amount enual to ten tier cent of the Oreboat I aggregate, propoaai Tbe right to reject any and all blda la bereby reeervod.' By order ot the Executive Botird. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the Cltv of Portland May 30. 1903. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. CaV.liwi ttaiuWLaala will. I M. I X i. n . n.un,Pf. M pumps to l placed In position In office of the Auditor of . the Cltr of Port tbe boat by tbe party constructing the boat Urnd. until Friday. June 5, 1903. at 4 o'clock and a a nart of such construction. , , ,. 'imnro., , i... M.ii Fifth Each bid must be accompanied bv a I li . . k. . u 1-... V certified cheone on a responsible bank In Z?JZl V W "JZV . tV. "i V..1. i"'.'"? Jh City of Portland Oregon .for the aum of ,trce , tbe m.nner provided ' hr oVdlMnca Three Thoiwand Dollars, or by a bond for v m kkv ...m. ,K i" "i -J" a ilk. mini- to he saaMves'l.. th. I tV' .f"' 'i ""i'." .. ,J '"' -otae 7.t ,h. ei7. ..' . ..VL: ,V- rn"er.. att" "r.i.q.ucea m tne. vny or IMrt- ir tbe contract ror tbe ronatmrtlon of aald flreboat be awarded to anch bidder, he will enter Into contract- therefor aad furnish to tne city or Cortland. Oregon, a good and auffl cieni oono. to oe approved oy tne Mayor. In tne sum or wmmki.oo. . for tbe faithful eveou. tlon of aald contract. Tbe right la reserved to relect anv and all blda. Blda should t addressed to the Executive Board, care of Tho. C. Devlin, Auditor. Port land, Oregon. - THOS. C. DEVLIN. -Atidl.tor. of th ary"5f Portland. Dated Jnn 1. 1903. Read The Journal land, the estimate of tbe City Engineer, on flle. Bids innst be trlctly . In accordance With printed blanks, which will be furnished on application at tbe office of the Auditor of the Cltyof Portland-And aald Improvement must be completed on or before 80 days from tbe date of. the signing of the contract by the parties thereto. .. No propoaai or bid will he eonaldered unless accompanied by- a certified check nar. jhJ-to thorder' of -the Mtivor of tba "City, of Portland, certified by a." responsible bank, ror an amount equal to ten per cent f tne aggregaje rropoaal. :.? Tb. right to -Ject any -and all blda Is hereby reserved. ' . By order M tbe Execntlv Board.' .. . ' . - ' " , TU08. -C- DEVLIN. 7v - ' '- -r-;"-.; - Clerk- - Max-SO.-1903. '"'. , - r. .' .-.. ' ' ' sewer In Eaat riai'.uera street rrom tbo east line of Haw. tborne'a Flrat Addition to Eaat Portland to a connect Inn with the aewer In Eaat Twenty eiguiu Biriet, in me manner provided ny ordl. nnc No. lams, apon each lot, part of lot and parcel of land, which are specially and peculiarly benefited, to be aa followa, rla: " Hawthorne1! First Addition to East Port hi ml Blk N. lot 10, William T. Sharkey S 34 IW BU C, let 0, Mary J. Graham 84. Blk 3, lot S. L. 1. Ewlug 34.65 1IIU , lot'7. i:innra I.'. Fishhurn. 84.65 Bik 7, lot 12. Ncm Hamilton 84:'65 BIK 7, lot Jl. C.rsnt C. Bnshnell 84.65 u k I. lot hi, wn.lcm T. (irdner S4.S8 tk 7, Lft ft. Wllllera T. Uarduer. ., .. 34.95 lllk T, lot 8. John Tofld 84. OS lllk 7, lot 7. I'. E. inid Almn A. Splller.. 84.6S Blk tf. lot Vj, The Hawthorn. Estate..'.. 84.65 Jli.k 0, lot 11, The Hawthorne Estate.... 84.61 B k fl. lot 10. The lluwthorue Eatate.,.. 84.64 I-Ik 0. lot 9. Tht Hawthorne Estat 84.69 Blk 0. lot 8, The Hawthorne Estsfe 84.HS Blk 0. lot 7, Tho Hawthorne Estate...., 84.65 Blk 5. lot 12, Tho Howthorne Estate.... 84.65 Blk 5, lot 11, Tb Hawthorne Estate.,.. 84.65' Blk 5. lot 10, The Hawthorne-Batata,.. 84.05 t!lk 6, lot 9, The? Havthornu Batata..... 84.85 Llk 5, lot Th Hawthorn KHate.... 84.85 Blk A. lot 7. Th Hawthorne Estate.... 84.05 lllk 0. lot 3, The Hawthorne Estate 25.55 Blk 0. lot 4, The Hawthorne Kstat 25.55 J! k 0. lpt 5. Th HwtborneFtate 25.55 Jlik 9. iot 6, J. R. MHtt'over 25.6 lllk 10. lot 1. Frederick Mal'.ett.. 26.5 Blk 10. lot 2. The Hawthorne Estate.... 25.5 Blk 10. lot 3. The TTawtlioen. Vat.t. Oil KA 2!,k JH- Th 'lorne Katate..,. B k 10. ior$rh Hawthorne ... Blk 10. lot 6 li. Tt.hn... t'.tu..u UUS-J.A,. lot j. Ilia HsM-tfuw-Ti tymtr.fvr- ' 25.5 " tot:, '-rnn TTawtbortle Tstate. , ., 25.5J Blk li. ;-,r 3. The Hawthorn E-fate. ... 25.5 5 S J' J01 ' 'n' Hawthorn Kstste....- 3:V5 25.59 25.69 25.59 25.59 25.5 25.5 25.5S 25.5 Blk II. lot ft ti,. ti..w t.-..-' B W 11. lot 0, Th Hawthorn Estate.... S , 2?' M i- 'h Hawthorn Estate..,. X k H- of 2- The' H,wthorn Estate.... So U- !ot Tu Hawtho-no Estate.... 11- ot i- 'N'" Hawthoiae F.tat.." B k 12. lot 6. The Hawthorne Estate..., Blk J2, lftt 6, The Hawthorne EataU.,.. Total . ;. . ;. ,AKK1M. . J . -rtlJM. A atatement of ' afnreai.1.1 aaaa.mA.,. t..d been entered In" the .Ihw.L-i nf cio, r t which la now due and narahl. a. . flr.t' ,,h?. f.:ltS Tr'"r,f- lawful money of the I nlted Statea and If not paid wlthli thirty days from the date of thi. n,..itr urh proceedings will be taken for the. eofc lection of the asme ns are provided by tha charter of the City of Portland. The above assessment will bear lntereat ten dyi after tbe first publication of thla notice. thos. c. dkvlin; May AnT,0t the.CltT ' Prt,"a . POUND JCASTEB'S NOTICE. NOTICE la hereby given that ou the 27th daa .i 7-',: , ' , " uP-.o enj pounded at the City Pound, at No. 201 Slxteentk atreet. In the City of Portland, Oregoau the following deacrTlied animal: " . One brown flllv. with whit., an . ''head, white stripe on noe and left hlaat fnat -hlt. And unlK the owner, or other person oe persons bavin an interest h...i- claim possession of the same, and nv aaartafr aa alia a0eaaa . a-1. l I coat and charge of the. keeping and art. rertUlng aame, together f with the pound fees oo laid, anlmah as Wvlded, by rdl. nance fo. 6,B25, aa amended, of laid nt or Fort land- J wlllWn 3un,1903Tgt the hou? of 10 m' it. the ntr Pound, it . oav ai. u i. ;ald city, eell the, above-described animal . at nnhlle .auction Vn' h. ki.ii wii. ' ..' . ' pay tha mU and charges for taking on, , keying aid advertising audi animal. ' V -r f v, Dated this 20tt dov of Mav, . 1908. - " ' t I I r t- i is ' . F. W, MEJ), Pouhdmaster, . .1 . V ' i ! ' I I