.''tV.'.'.' The Journal Has tiie CdtifidM&M; People, 's Why It Succeeds 1 mwm 7: That I :; .f rrtt Win rm . ;;W W PART ONE & PAGES 1 TO 10t ' y v ' i i if w r - x i a i jji i t w ri w nuii m. . YOU. XI. KO. 70. PORTLAK D, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, MAY :J0, 1903. PRICE FIVE CENTS. REAME i s OPtE No Answer to Demand For the Green. Report .or. Reply to harge of Double-Shuffle orest Reserve Policy of Hermann, SUPPORTERS CLOSE'1 CAMPAIGN People's Candidate Resents the Insult Offered. President Roosevelt Ba Hermanite Timberite Newspaper of Medford.' Hermann Says He Didn't Favor --Cascade Reserve Tfce-Jour nal Has the Letter in Which He Says "Dear Friend, I Did," (Journal Special 8erylce.) MEDFORD, Or., May 10. Roundly applauded by an audience that filled a large hall here. Hon. A. E. Reamea last night closed hla campaign for Con gress in an - addresa In which he re- . viewed the Issues that have, been be fore the people since the present fight began, Mr. Reams has campaigned Just .one 'month, having begun In thla. hla home county, in an addresa at Ash land. He spoke last-night before people from all the surrounding country, in cluding thoaa who came from hla home town, Jacksonville In a special train, Hla meetings through the lower end of the. district during the past few dais nave been veritable triumphs. The peo ple said they were the most success ful political meetings ever held there. At Gold Hill on Thursday night It was '.remarked that no such political ; gathering had ever been- witnessed, not even during the presidential years, Here at Medford, the loyalty towards their home county candidate In- tin bounded. His people cheered him to the echo, and aDDlauded his sentiments. at numerous times during the course of an address that consumed an hour and a -half. - The most sensational pass-' age In his speech was when he read an article from a Hermann paper, the Med ford Enquirer, edited by Horace Mann, ,whlch compared President Roosevelt to a "bullet-headed tough or Dutch bar tender." Long, loud cheers greeted the speaker when he said: "I desire to say to you, my home people, that, as a cltlsen, as one who respects the personality of "Theodore Roosevelt, I repudiate for you, as I .know you repudiate for yourselves, thl atrocious attack upon the President, of the United States; this Insult to the .hospitality of the. people of the State f Oeon."' Air. Reames followed the same' line tariff and trust discussion that he lias pursued during the entire cam paign, advocating a rational tariff re vision aimed at trusts that sell abroad more cheaply than they aell at home; counselling that there should be no leg islation that destroyed any legitimate Industry. He quoted. from various na tional ,, statesmen, among them the late Mr. Tongue, who have held for revision on trust made goods, and extended his economlo theories to setting ''forth of the relationship sustained by Pacific Coast manufacturers and producers to wards the Orient. Mr. Reames urged that Coast people were Interested In seeing all trade bar riers between this country and Its far Eastern possessions removed and that the traffic be free and the same as between staffs and territories. Taking up the question of Improvement of riv ers and . harbors, which he believes In firmly, ha , asked, "Of what . use Is it to improve rivers and harbors,, and then, "by absur1l7reislrlctl6hs lit the form of Philippine tariffs, throttle the very trarjlrthe Coast desires and must have grows to Its destined , greatness T' 11 mador almost a positive . knowledge, wnen--"-th candidate's- supporters' refuse to. divulge the contents of Mr. Green's report " on the workings of the land office under Mr. Hermann. The Republican majority In ' this Lane) county-is generany "about-" 700'. but from present Indications this ma jority will fall below the 200 mark. and possibly dwindle away altogether. Hermann Managers MAKE MANY-BREAKS BIG SLUMP OF HERMANN VOTES JUNCTION CITT. Or., May 80.-Durlng- the closing days of tho Con gresslonal campaign It Is becoming more xnan ever apparent that a grand stump or votes is about to occur, and it doesn't take a close Inspection, to .find that. Hlnger will not thereby be the gainer. Here in Northern Lane Coun ty many voters who, until recently . supported . Republican nominees , are disgusted with their party's actions In the i present- campaign and will cast their ballots -for Mr. Reames qn Mon- aay next, it 'is not a matter of un loyalty to tha old party, but a chance to clesn the skirts of Republicanism from one of its deposed knights! has arisen and the rank and file, of the loyal are equal to the oocaston. -When tho Gregonlan's plcturo repre senting the smiling faces .of Btnger md Teddy oil that famous rear plat form was received here, local Republi can leadgrs were Jubilant, but when the truth concerning that ehuiM ihnt $ was known, this Joy turned to chttgrlnf j ana in jiiro cases---xnagrrn -;-aoa-' n0t: . half express thementaX. condltlofl of . Hermann's erstwhile admirers. , ( ' , The i positive i conviction that some thing la rotten In Hermannlsm, Is (Journal ' Special Service.) EUGENE. Or., May 10. Reports con tinue to pour, into Eugene favorable to Reames. The organisation has been got ten into good, fighting trim, and Monday will witness activity in every county for the Jacksonville man. It is conceded that Reames will poll his strongest vote In Jackson County. Practically the only opposition his can didacy has met. there has been that of Horace Mann, -who edits the Medford Enquirer, and who wrote the editorial screed which uttered atrocious things concerning President S Roosevelt The Enquirer has . been a strong Hermann supporter, and -its remarkable outburst against the President, upon the occasion of the tatter's visit to Oregon, has so enraged the,, people of . Southern Oregon counties that- they have hastened to repudiate Mann,' and the article with unanimous excoriation. - Comlsf rrom a Xemuuia Papsr. Coming, as It did, from a newspaper that has attempted to stem the Reames tide In Jackson County, and that has stood In an Isolated position on that account, and that has been the main stay of the Hermann , people in that county, it -not only- enraged ths people against . Mann and wis- Enquirer;-- tmt Instantly chopped off large bunches of votes from the number that rould have gone to nermann. In fact, according to advloes from Jackson County,, the Mann abuse of Roosevelt and i coincident support of Hermann have' operated to- strengthen the already strong opposition of Reames in his home county, su tnat while was theretofore merely a question at how much more ,: than . 600,: majority he would receiver It-Is now only s, matter of debate as to how much less than 1,000 he will receive. . . . Speakers Complain. Several speakers .who have been dragged onto the - stump - for - Hermann, under threats to. blacklist them if they do not "stana in,'; eompjainsor tns coia ness with which the people , have re ceived their nominee. ; Colonel J3, Hofer of Baiem registerea -such s complaint while here, and Walter Tooie,- postmas ter of Woodburn, who has been brought to the notice , of -the. Federal authori ties as an offensive 'partisan, and Who has been campaigning for Hermann, stated here the other day that audiences were small and. Interest flagging. a . Of course, .the mdst brilliant example of these complaints -was that .filed with a Grants Pass audience by the popular and brilliant - Charley, 'Fulton, United States Senator, . aa . has , been described in The Journal." J :" " i'-K' y- -. Mprfl9.it : Spsaksn. executive; that "These resolutions be handed to the Medford Mall and South ern OreRonlan. with a request that they be published." w SB -sl mil . " 1 m,1 aiar w 1 ' ' V'.- 7 ill. 1.- -A jX Decoration Day Observed? Holiday By All Cfasse of Men Military Salutes thd the Flag and Missis Dnesg Memorial Day Waa; Observed in Portland by Veterans, Clth zens and Loving Friends of Deceased unes( m Flowers Strewn Upon the' Graves Monument Dedi- cated at Lone Fir Cemetery Many People in Parade FOREST RESERVE HIS HARDEST NUT TO CRACK (Journal Special Service.) ROSEBURG. Ore.. May 30. During the earlier weeks of the campaign, the Reames people were claiming merely" that they would keep down Hermann's plurality to a comparatively small fig ure. Now they are expecting to dupli cate the vote on Governor of 1902, which was: Chamberlain ..1.635 Furnish 1.523 MEMORIAL DAY FOR PRESIDENT LARAMIE. Wyo., May S0. President Roosevelt, with his party, arrived here this morning at 8 o'clock and spoke , to a large crow'd from a stand .erected at the State University. At 9 o'clock the Presldenfstart ed over the mountains horseback to Cheyenne, a distance of 60 miles. He was accompanied, by United States Senator Warren of Wyoming. Dr. Rlxey and his body guard of secret service men, who will be guided by Sheriff .Cook. Five relays of horses will be used on .the trip. Mr. Roosevelt will In thle way celebrate Memorial Day. fta alarmed i have been th mitunn of Hermann's campaign, that they have called Into action! men. who cannot hon esty ' aeciars tneir aes"-e mann elected, and who are compelled to qualify all utterances from the stump and In newspaper interviews by saying that, purely .for party .reasons. Her mann ought to be elected, usually add ing something to virtually concede that they are fighting for a losing candidate. Men who were but a few weeks ago walking .the corridors of the - Smeede Hotel here, during the Republican con vention, and charging Hermann with divers and sundry irregularities as a publlo : official, now discover that verbal chickens come home to roost, and the voters place little confidence In their later statements that.' are diametrically opposed to what. those same men said when they were striving to defeat Her mann for the nomination. HERMANN SENDS COIN WHICH: IS GAMBLED OFF (Journal Special Service.) GOLD HILL, May SO. Money Is be ing poured . Into Jackson County, from Hermann sources. In 1600 lots It has been brought to Medford and Jackson- and ths trusted agent took the "neces sary for legitimate; expenses" and gambled: andUrank It away with the re- snlt,that a violent protest; was made by a local Hermann sympathiser who learned how , ths k campaign funds were being dissipated. The facts wera re ported to headquarter! alderabls excitement used con Ner local workers have cr.lled for funds they have Been forthcoming In almost every county. It Is understood the cflmpalgn hns cost Mr. Hermann nn Immense sum of' money. hl wealth making him 'an easy mark for grafters. CONDEMN HERMANN'S MEDFORD SUPPORTER (Journal Special Service.) MEDFORD, May SO. At a meeting of Chester A. Arthur Post No. 4. Depart ment of Oregon, G. Av R., the following resolutions were unanimously passed: "Whereas, the Medford Enquirer, a paper published In this city by H. Mann, dl.J publish In Its Issue of May 23 last: an- article, . the trend and substance of which was evidently Intended to belittle. vllllfy and degrade, so far as In the power of the"wrlten to do so. the char acter and standing of the chief exec utive of the nation, Hon. Theodore Roosevelt; and, "Whereas. Said slanderous article ap peared, not In the heat of political cam paign, but while the President was on a friendly visit to our county and state. snd without any provocation whatever; therefore, be it . - j "Resolved. iThat we, while we are not a-partisan or political body, but soldiers and old sailors, who helped defend the nation against Its armed assailants, we do most emphatically denounce this and all tttdi language being applied through the press or . otherwise, to our chief Chamberlain's plurality 102 It Is believed now that the Monday vote will show the plurality to be: Reames 103 And this, too. In Hermann's own county. Hermann's Forest Xeserve Beoord. The facts brought out by The Journal relative to Hermann's forest reserve pol icy, his double-dealing with tho people having been for their setting aside and now alleging that he is agatnst them have created a tide of opposition that runs through Douglas. Coos, Curry and Josephine Counties, Here In Douglas County the effect has been to rklse pro tests such as seem likely to show them selves in the prnbRble. Reames plurality on Monday next. It Is known that he gave out advance Information regarding the proposed set ting aside of the reserves, pigeon-holing the petitions for them, until certain per sons and corporations could send men to locate desirable lands, and that he was aided also in the plans by his brother-ln-lav.-, fc,dward Bender, who. as a special agent nppolnted by Hermann to examine into conditions and report thereon, recommended the creation of the reserves, which are now so bitterly opposed by the people of the four coun ties. T.amed. NERMANN SHUFFLING ' HAS DISGUSTED MANY (Journal Special Service.) MEDFORD. May 30. The attitude of Blnger Hermann on thecvestton of forest reserves has cost hfm'more votes In Jackson County than the fact that his opponent Is a popular native son. Hormann had considerable following here up to the last few days. Old-line Republicans have left him without the least hesitation of expressing their feel ings since his crusade In the Wiuametto Valley brought out his utterances res gardlng'the forest reserve In Southern Oregon. ( It must be remembered that the ex- Commissioner ofthe General Land Of fice IS on the assessment roll of Jack son County as the ownep of 1,900 -acres of timber 3nd In the Butte Creek and Upper Rogur River country. It is the best timbered section In Southern Ore gon ' and was secured by the .would-be representative In Congress," while he held his position in the General-Land Office. . - Boner ' fide, settlers have complained for some time oVerthe .Injustice of the (Continued on Second Page.) Sweet peace, out of the fullness of her heart, today strewed " tokens' of -honor, remembrance and regret on the graves of thpse who fought and died In a war to make possible that peace which now prevails. With flowers in their hands and lows within their, hearts, with thoughts of dear ones gone before and with hope and firm belief that the future will be a worthy emulation of 4the glorious past, members of the Grand Army of the Republic. Woman's Relief Corpse Sons of Veterans, Indian Fighter. ' Spanish War Veterans and private oltl, sns of Portland observed Memorial Day. Men who had taken ' up arms In - deadly conflict against their fellow men and who. In the heat of battle had' killed and offered themselves to be killed, today bore only choice garlands for comrades who are tenting on an other field and whose earthly fights ars over for all time. "Scatter their graves with roses," was the slogan to "which' their hearts responded today 3S then marched and spoke ' and cheered and dropped their tears. Decorated the Graves. At 9 o'clock this morning details from the various Grand Army posts of' Portland and from other military and) civic organizations visited the, eonie terles and decorated the graves of ths) dead. Private clt liens had been astln much earlier. Portland cemeteries, decked out In the green of perfect spring and enhanced In beauty by tua prettiest flowers that nature could pro vide, never presented a more sublime appearance.- Flags and bunting wars , everywhere, but flowers were in pro fusion. At 1:30 o'clock this afternoon menv bers of hf various orders and organ izations assembled in their halls and at 2 o'clock the parade' was formed at First and Taylor streetr. --Tha- marehr was taken up to Lone Fir Cemetery, wtieiiv the soldiers' monument was dedicated. The following carefully pre pared program wns carried out at tha dedication: " Dirge -The Wayside Chapel" Letter-Carriers' Band. , Ritual OV A. R Selection "Let the Dead, and ths Beau tiful Rest" .... Veteran Male Double Quartet. Ritual W. R. C. v."- Puet "They Sleep In Their Country's Blue" v Mr. and Mrs. S. Hamilton. Lincoln's Address at Gettysburg . ... . Comrade M. L Pratf, 8olo-TJevond the Gates of Paradise Mrs. J. 8. Hamilton. Praver Rev. Alexander BlackbursJ Address, dedicatory of monument .... D. Soils Cohen. Solo "Star-Spangled Banner" t. Miss Metta C. Brown. Silent salute to the dead ........... Song "America". . . .Band and sudlenss) . Benediction ... .Chaplain H. A. Bards ' Taps ,.- Parade Details Psrfeot. Procession srrangements and details) were In the hands of Col. James Jack-. son, grand mrnni, uu w w- ,, a Mtch., To assist him In tha work ot directing the exercises , Col. Jsckso , had the following: ' Commander M. "Up , Pratt, Senior Vice-Commander J," Foss. Junior Vics-Commander - P A. Wohlforth. Chaplain Rev. H..A. Harden, t Officer of the DayF. R.y Neala, Officer of ths-Quard X Coleman. Adit J. E. Mayo and O. E. Caukin, who atet as chairman ths cemetery, .-v 1 , , For osS by" aged and Infirm yeraa .. (Continued oa Second Tag. , V: