u7 j 2 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAJO?, FRIDAY EYKNTOCr. MAY. 29, 1903. TP KILLED BY KENTUCKY f EDD : feHHEXKXXSXZXSIXSXZSSSXaBXSZSSZSZRZZS:: I; Mai! Orders Filled Promptly. 144-146 Third Street If You Have Any Doubt an STILL SERIOUS J An East-bogiij Train.-Takes Open Switch' and Crashes Into Cars on ;Which Wreck ing Crew, Are at Work, Jetl and White Vili?bTrieci for the Marcum Murder-on Monday Brought Into Court I As to the correctness of the glasses Ah ft you are wearing It will pay you, to let our optician look over your eyes andcot rect any dgfect If therebe one. OUR STORE WILL CLOSE AT NOON TOMORROW ...BIG SALE OF... by Soldier Guard. ; dren's Dresses Engineer and Fireman Pinned Believed .at; Jackson v That Mountaineers Will Endeavor . Under . Locomotive While WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OP. FILLING OCUUSTStfPRB SCRIPTI0N5 FOR GLASSES. Workmen Release Laborer by to Release Prisoners City Chopping'.-Oft Arm Wrth Ax, run ot strangers, - 1-r 4 FREIGHT WRECK cm 1.7 ! , Half the charm of buying is in having large as sortments to choose from, and there's a world of satisfaction, too, in being quite sure that everything being shown you is thoroughly good in quality. These are two of the strongest points about this children's wear store big assortment and the en tire absence of unreliable makes; We print below a few of our special offers. You will see how good the values are when you come. 35c Dresses 18c Fancy Ginghams, with yoke and revers, nicely trimmed, sizes up to 4, eacfy 18c 50c Dresses 37c Handsome Percales, Moth er Hubbard style, sizes up to 4, each 37c 75c Dresses 57c Fancy Percales,nicely trim med, well made sizes up to 4, each ... 57c $1 Dresses 78c Sailor Suits of Percale, trimmed with pique and braid, sizes 4 to 14, ea 78c L Dresses $1.1 9 Sailor Suits of natural crash, with colored trimming, sizes 4 to 14, ea $1.19 SHANAHAN'S Third UU bat- XorrUon and Aider. SHANAHAN'S Third 'St. bet. Morrison and Aldsr. SHANAHAN'S Third St., bet. Morrison and Aldsr. (Journal Special Service.) NEWARK. N. J.. Ma v 29 An East- bound freight train, struck an open switch In the yards,1 here this morning and crashed Into a .freight train that had been derailed earlier in the morning and upon which a wrecking crew wit at work. Two laborers of the wreck train were killed and five others were Injured. The .engineer and fireman of the In coming freight-were both pinned under their locomotive, which turned over, and were badly scalded." One of the laborers working on the derailed train was caught under the wreckage In such a manner that steam from the locomotive pluyed on htm as from a hose. -In order to release him from the terrible suffering, his fellow workmen chopped his arm oft with an axe. He will very likely die. I BUND SCHOOL'VACATION . ( . JourtiaI Special Service.) ' SAEEM, May 2. The Oregon Insti tute for the Blind held Its closing ex ercises last night, a, small party of vis itors being present. A musical and lit erary program -was 'rendered by the blind pupils of the school, and every number was a gem. The school closes with an attendance of thlrty-one.'Xhree tit Whom , were graduated last night. "'They are: N James Lane, of Harrlsburg; Ida Colby, of Independence, and. Anna Radmaker. ! of Portland. The work of the school Is equivalent to the tenth grade work in the public - schools.-? The pwpilsrof -the school leave . today for their several homes, to spend the summer vacation. The year's work has been very satisfactory, and Supt. Q. W, Jones Is 'highly pleased andvery much encouraged - with the progress .'made, - ' f i ' Monarch over pain. Burns, cuts, sprains, stings. Instant relief. Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. At any drug SAILORS .FIGHT AT SEA " (Journal Special Service.) SAN FRANCISCO. May "Si. The City of Para arrived from the Isthmus to day. On her way up two sailors, named Garcia and Stephens, fought with raxors with the result that Oarcla's arm was amputated and Stephen's neck slashed so badly that they were both taken to the hospital. A passenger, named Wagner, died of sunstroke and James Thompson jumped overboard. The lsst case ws one of suicide. FOUND CAN OF COIN . GRASS VALLEY, May 29. Walter. Cannon and Robert Evans while en- 'gaged In ' tearing down the old stone foundations of;., a house recently de stroyed by fire on the outskirts of this city came upon a can hidden In a niche of the foundation. It was covt ered with verdigris and had evidently lain there many years. It contained 1600 In coin CRUELTY CHiRCES , NOT SUSTAINED Secretary of War Root Makes Public the Papers Relative to the Hovyse Case of Philippine j 'Notoriety, JUNE 1 SELECTED Commissioner of Labor Will Be Named ' By State Officials rrom Armory Applicants. (Journal Special Service.)' SALEM, May 29. The Governor, Sec retary of State and State Treasurer have decided to elect a Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics on next Mon day, June 1. The law prescribes that he election shall be held on or before that date, and the state officers charged with that duty have fixed the last day given them for the election. The suc cessful candidate will serve untli the year 1906, when,, at the general election, his successor will be chosen by the elec tors of the state. He will receive a salary of f 1,800. per annum, and. al lowed 00 for expenses. There are ten candidates for the position, and from among these the aucerssful candidate will doubtless be chosen. , The appli cants are: E. H. Flags. Ross E. Moores and James E. Godfrey, of Salem; Walter H. Prennan, O. P. Hoff. C Bombarger and Henry Q. Kument.of Portland; David RobertayRoseburg; J. E. Howard, Oregon City, and Peter Hulmes, Grants Pass. , (Journal Special Service.) JACKSON, Ky.. May l9.--Judge Red wine convened court this morning and Jett and White were brought Into It by a large ruara or soldier and were turned over to the acting Sheriff. Judge Redwlne announced that he would appoint a man to take Sheriff Little's place Monday, on which day he would call the trial or the two prisoners. At torneys are now consulting . regarding the county from which the jury 'will. be sected. It is' persistently rumored that the mountaineers will' make a de termined effort to release the prisoners. Within 24 hours the number of strangers . In the city ha largely In creased, notwithstanding all Ismail mountain passes leading Into the . city were guarded last night and no one was permitted to pass. People show1 a hos tile disposition toward the troops. ' i FBBSBTTJBKXASf OSjnBBJLX. ASSBM. BLT AT LOS ABOS&EfJ. Only 138.00 from Portland to, Los Angeles and return via Southern Pacific Company, to attend the Presbyterian feneral assembly. Tickets on sale May 5, 16 and IS st city office, corner Third and Washington streets, Portland,' also at Union Ipot. . As trstns will be crowded, passengers should secure sleeping accommodations MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS ANDaJBWELERSi Third and Washington - ' Portland! pr ' ExxsssxiKziiHnnssiia8i strzsszzsszsssK TZBT LOW ATXS BAST. Says That Charges Are Backed Up Only by Native Filipinos Who Are. Hostile to Amen can Troops, . DUNKARDS IN SESSION (Journal Special Service.) BELLEFONTArNK, Ohio, May 29. The annual conference of the German Baptist Brethren, familiarly known as Dunkards. opened today. By . Sunday there will be 50,000. visitors here. The question of the next meeting place Is already under discussion. Iowa. Mis souri and California are all working to secure the session. . j- without delay. The most delightful trip across ' the continent Is via the Denver .4 Rio Grande, the scenic line of the worla. Apply at 124 Third si. Portland. ' for rates. ' B. ft BV Offers Biff Inducement tQ Travel Zioag Time Xilmlt and Stop-Tar.. Many Portland and. Oregon people no doubt will take advantage of the- very low round trip, excursion ratea to the East offered by the Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, "the-following be ing the figures from Portland: Chicago, $71.50; St. Louis. M7.50; Peoria, 1(9.25: Cairo (111.). $72.15: Memphis (Tenn.), $73.50; New Orleans, $86.85; Kansas City. St. Joseph, Atchison, Leaven worth. Omaha, Council Bluffs, Sioux City, St Paul, Minneapolis, all $60. Dates of sale: June . 5, $4, 25, IS, 27, 28, 29, 10; July 15, 16; August 26. 28. Limit: uolng. ten days from-date of sale; return, ninety days from date of sale. Stop-over privileges will be al lowed within limit In either direction west of Missouri River or St.' Paul. For particulars, ask at O. R. A N. ticket office, . Third and Washington streets, Portland. ' BATTLE? IN NICARAGUA ) - (Journal Special .Service.) . SAN FRANCISCO, Mar' I v Report received ' rrom : Nicaragua, T by ," tha CItyl' of Para, which arrived today from the , Isthmus, say that a battle wag fought, May S between government 'troops and; a party of revolutionists, in. which fifty two, i of the former, and twelve of 'the latter were killed. . H General Ortea estimates ,theetrengt? of the revolutionists at 1,000? men. COMMITTED -FOR TRIAL (JournaUSpaclal Service.) LONDON, May 29. Stephen Douraf was today committed for trial, charged. with murdering Miss Hollandoand bury-i lng the 'body, and also on a second' charge of forging her name to eeour: Ities. ' - CLARY'S "The Fair" We will close Saturday i from 12:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m., Decoration Day Trimmed Hats M off Ladies' 50c Canvas Hats 25c Big Line, of Notions The prices are alright and the quali ties good.. Puritan Hose Ladies' Dropstitch :. 1254c, 22c, 43c LADIES' SUMMER VESTS 6c each CLARY'S - - "THE FAIR " 339 WASHINdTON STREET, IMPERIAL HOTEL BUILDINQ, Bet. Sixth and Seventh. A " (Journal Special Service.) WASHINGTrrr. May 2. Secretary Root has made public the papers In con nection with the charges against Major Howse, accused .with having . authorised the brutal and fatal wlilpplifg of several natives 'who were held as prisoners at I Lsoag, Luzon. In the spring of 1900. The secretary says In part: "Howse's character and past conduct afford a very " strong presumption against Uie probability of his having done the things attributed to him. .The charges are sustained solely by e parte affidavits made by a large number of. native Filipinos, hostile to' American troops, who unite In telling the story which, If it is, to. be believed, exhibits the most revolting cruelty." This report is taken as a slap at Gen. Mllrs.who recommended the jChargea. GREAT ACTIVITY IN CALIFORNIA OILS (saAutfBViBBM&sSBku4il.MfetwuBdSkSBMaAK m SssSl V ITT i'i Tgn"PTlSsr"Bf rtffllJ Bpsy Oays at Jennir , It's gratifying to note the daily increase in business at this store. To see the stock and learn the price insures another customer to the list. Things that just now are making us busy are : v ' -PORCH FURNITURE, MATTING, UACE CURTAINS, REFRIQERATORS, STEEL RANOES, DINING ROOM FURNITURE, GO-OARTS. Fifty New Wells to be Drilled in Kern niver hield-De-mand Greater than Supply. (Journal Special Service.) BAKER8F1ELD, May 29. Commenci lna- June, the Associated Oil Com pany will drill fifty new wells In the Kern River field. There Is no special reason given out for the activity, but the demand for oil Is greater than the supply. The Revenue Oil Company's well No, 4. In the Kern River Held; has broken forth as a gusher The well was drilled three years ago and oil has been pumped steadily ever since. It Is sup posed the gas pocket burst through the oil. sands and 'caused the oil to gush forth a steady stream at the rate of $00 barrels per da'. New Dining-Room Furniture You will how find our assortment of Dlnlng-Room Furni ture complete to the least detail. In many way's the dining room is the most important one In the house, and careful consideration should be given to its furnishing Our long line of Sideboards and Buffets embraces pleasing patterns at all prices the best of the newdesignst China Closets, Ex tension Tables, Side Tables and Chairs offer an equally good choice. We have a Sideboard for $12.50, and it is a good value. From $1x50 the prices go up to $175. . Lace Curtain Bargains This week we put on sale about 200 PAIR OF ODD LACE CURTAINS. Many of the de signs are exclusivefrom the lovest priced tip. Some are with solid color groundwork and cross stripes of cream and snowflake. Some of cream ground and cross stripes. Others' have the silk stripes. There is vaoiety enough for any one, and they are bargains. Steel Raoe Store Closes Saturday at 1 P. M. and will remain closed All Day. Wash Suit Sale .Cloaes at the snme Time. Better take acl vantage of the opportunity. " 39 cents for 75c Suits WHEN YOU SUB IT IIS OUR AD, IT'S SO. MO Y El CLOTHING CO. Third end Oak Streets. NEARLY MET DEATH (Journal Special Service.) SAN FRANCISCO. ..May J9.-r-W. fl. Cooley. an engineer. : who latejy cams from Fort Bragg, and Is stopping at the Enterprise Hotel on Folsom street, nar rowly escaped death by asphyxiation .yesterday mornings- When he went to bed he was evidently careless In turning out the gas. He was found unconscious. with one gas Jet partially turned on. An open window prevented fatal results. He was taken to the Central Emergency Hospital, where he recoversd. We are particular about the Ranges we sell.' There are cheaper ones made, but they are expensive in the end to both dealer. and customer. They won't stand the test-of time and wear, and you become dissatisfied. Not so with the CLEVELAND .COOPERATIVE STEEL RANGE. It's built to save fuel, and it has other advantages not found in any other range. You won't; gt: wrong if you. purchase 3 r- Steel Range here. V JTXW OVXZUbAITD SBBTZOB. Fast time to Chicago and the East, via the Union Pacific and Chicago, Milwau kee & St. Paul Railway. That is the route of the new overland service. Splendid route and splendid service. if a Rnwv a-nnprnl nrent. ChliTaa'O. Mil waukee & St. Paul Railway, 134 Third street. Portland, Ore. BasabaUl ' Sunday, May 81. . ,-. Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets. Sohlllers vs. Oregon City. , .. Gamp called S p. m. 26 p.r cnt f procssds ar. to b de voted to Benjamin E. Thompson, the blind letter-carrier. Tickets for sale at . Schillers" Cigar Stores, Third and Morrison. , Fourth and Washington, Sixth and Washington. If you have in mind a"trip to the East this year, call on or address A. D. Chaii- tonAsslstant General Passenger Agent. 255 Morrison Street, corner of Third. Portland,' Ore., for Special' excursions Office Purriiture In most Roll Top Desks th roll or drawers stick and cause annoy ances. We are happy to say that we found a make of desk in which there Is no such complaint. Each drawer fits snug, slides in and but easy, and the roll pulls up or 'down as smooth as can be. If you are thlnkingjof getting a new desk you will find it to your advantage to ' " ' ; see pur line. V Henry Jeririing, & Sons 172-174 FIRST ST. TH E . 4-STORY RED BLOCK1-. PORTLAND. OR. 1 tnat win De run via 'the isortnern Fa r.lfic to the East in Jims. July -and August ," i : . '1r