5'.'U.1V- 10" THE OHEGOy DAILY iJOUHKAIi, PORTLAND THURSDAY EVEKIKG HAY ,28 1903. . : ..... ..... OvTXjNX. '.aT 08S OP THX ROAD OfHRALLS and xoechso- lea' clothing. Unlo . Neuetadter Brosj Mfrm., Poetised. )r XOPE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.. cor. ( Fourteenth ana jverfhrup st.. Peruana, or. SPECIAL DELITEET. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200 Vt Wssh if' . Ingres at. Phones. Or.. Msln (Xfi. Col.'. 281. if. SLOT MACHINES.) TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINK " CO. Slot machine 8. K. Park and Oak. Both Phone. Main 1.18. TTPEWXITEXS. 1MB SMITH-PREMIER TYPEWRITER. 122 Third at,: all makea of typevarttera for rent; supplies for all machines. i. at ai. Aieisn-er- Co.. sa-ents. - WALL PAPER AND PAINTING. t TRIKE does-not dcley ui, aa we sre sbi to 4 till all ordera without -dels. Klrst-cisss f r work. A. A. Church A C.. No. 2T4 Taylor . ' " at. rtwno Clay 171. OITT NOTICES. i WHOLESALE HAKLWAKE. 1. . HASBLTINE A CO.. Iron, steel, coal and blacksmith a supplies. 4.VS1 Second at. WHERE TO DU E. BTRoTSE'S' RESTAURANT; flrst-claee meals, heat servlo. 220 Washington at. WALL PAPEX. II. P. CHRI8TEN8EN, wall psperer and pelnt - r. 141 Seventh at., cor. Alder. ERNEST MII.I.KR A CO., wall paper and .dec- . oratnra. 12T First at OITT TREASURER'S NOTICE OP SALE OP REAL PROPERTY FOX DELINQUENT AS . BES8MENT8. Notice la hereby given that the Auditor of the (Fry of Portland hss transmitted to ma a Hit of the delinquent sssessments for the construction of a sewer In Hslsey street from 200 feet eaat of the eaat line of Eaat Twenty II rat atreet to aewer In Hslsev alreet at Kant Sixteenth atreet, and that pursuant to sec tloiy 412 of the charter of the City of Port land. I Will, on Mnndav. th asth dar nf juue, jue, at ine nonr or in o clock a. m., at the went door nf tha City Hall, to the City of Portland, Oregon, offer for aale, at public auction, to the hut eat bidder for caah. subject to redeiuotlon. the followlne- described parrels of real -property, to-wlt: llolladay'a Addition to Eaat Portland Blk 108. lot . Richard Derby ... $28.30 ma ,. norm 12.83 feet of lot 6. Rich ard lterbj- 9.2S Each niece or tract of land will he aold separately and for a sum not loss than the unpaid assessment thereon, snd Interest and cost of sdvertlslng and aale; If more than one Md la offered, tha land will he sold to the bidder offering to take the aama for the least amount of Dens It r and interest: coin. petition will be; first I pon the Density for the drat nerlod: Second Upon the penalty for the succeeding periods; Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. E. WERLEIN. City Treasurer of the Cltv of Portland. Portland. Oregon, May 2D, 1903. crrr hottczs. CITT TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF XEAL PROPERTY FOX DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby siren that tha Andttnp of the -City of Portland has transmitted to me a list or ine delinquent assessments for the j 1 1 1 CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOX DELINQUENT AS BEBBMENTS. .. Notice ' Is hereby given that the Auditor of the City of Portland baa' ansmltted to me a list of the delinquent in..ut for th construction of a newer In 1-U't Thirteenth atreet from a point Iiki feet auiuh of the ontn line or Thompson atreet to a connectiou nun tna sewer In Tillamook street, und pur suant to section 412 or the charter of toe City of Portland, I will, on Mouday, the 21 u -lay of June, 1WI3. at the hour of M o'clock a. m.. at the weat door of the city Hall, In the City of Portland, Oregon, offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to redemption, the following de scribed parcels of' real property, to-wlt: Map of blocks 77, 78, 81, UX 10ft, 106 and ) 10. West Irrlugton Bill 7S. lot N. Frances A. Blaadel Sin.2,1 ttlk 77, lot 16, Doretta K- Smith 22.7A eacb piece or tract of land will he nr.lil scpsrstely and for a sum not less tbsn the uupaia assessment thereon, and Interest and coat of adrertialng and aale; If wore than one bid la offered? the land will lie aold to the bidder offering to take the aann; for the least amount of penalty and Interest; com petition will be: . Klrst t'non the penalty for the flrat period; Second I'pon tht penalty for the succeeding periods ; Tljlrd l"pon the" rate of Interest. 1. E. WEHLEIN. City Treasurer of the City of Portland. rortiana, uregoo. Slay M. 1803. CITY NOTICES. crrr jtotioes,:- CITY TAraEX'i NOTICE OF SALE OF J CITY TXEASUXIX'X NOTICE ' OF SALX Of slaaii raorfiBTT FOX DELINQUENT AS- REAL PROPEXTT FOX DELINQUIMT A8- : SESSKENTS.:.. r - BESSafENT8, . iV'.::. 'v Notice U hereby glren that be Auditor Notice le thereby' glyen that the AudlUr Of the CI tr of Portfand bas tra emitted to of the City of Portfand fcaTWoamlttXli me a Hat of the delinquent aseessnu I ita for the me a list of the delinquent aaaessnieuts for th couiruction or a aewer In ilorliwlck and I Improvement tf Chapman atreet from 'Une i .1 iivbi poiui w . wi iwi auuia ei mi center .line of KaJmon ot the weat line , of fclsslsslpjl avenue atreet to a Une S feet north of the nortbTn! (north of Preacott atreet t; theuilr easterly of Taylor atreet, i and that purauant to sec- In l'restt ' street to a ix.lnt In Borth. tlon 412 sf the .charts ..f ,,Z -i oZ?. wick street In Central AllAna; thence aooth- land, I wllL on Monday the feth tfcr of erly In Borthwlek atreet to a connection June, 1903, at Uie heiu- of JO o'clock, s. m with the aewer. In Hhsn-r street, snd that at the west door of the City Hall lnlhoCltv f , ; - "m a im v' ( v. vrraruD, oaer I or fate, at nniille ? J I'wt-nd. I will, on Monday, auction, to the highest bidder for ab. aub- the 28th dav of . June 1on:i at the hour Meet to rdemnrir,n .h. V. ' 7t - aa. IM. m fcaAT Tt rrwt. wan i graaa vassal vt pni(rCTlTj ". TO WIT. the city Hall, In the-City of Portfand. Ore. I A tract of land bout, 44 and described aa '"VJ'y city' oncE8.:-" gon. offer tnr aale, nt public auction, to the hlcbeet bidder trm raah snhtact to re- deaiptinu. the fallowing desiTlbcd parcels of real property, to-wlt: Central Alblna ' Blk K lot S. John Thorall. .. Blk H, lot 10, John Thorall .. Blk T, lot 6, N. M.. Davie.... Blk 7, lot . N. 1. Davla ... Blk 5. lot 7, Jobs .Thorall... Blk ft. lot S, John Thorall. .. Blk A. lot 9, Ernest U. Tarker Multnomah Blk 1, lot 3, Emma Bleloh Estate. Ilelra CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALX OF XEAL PXOPEKTY FOX DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby alven that thm luAltnv of the City of Portland haa transmitted to ' : WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, ? WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. f ' Preel Hegele A Co., lot) to 1M ftth. cor. Stark WHOLESALE WALL PAPER. J kOROAN WALL PAPER CO.. 184-1M Recon st, bet Yamhill and Taylor. Portland. Or 1 WHOLESALE GROCERS. .WADHAMS CO., wholesale grocers, manu facturers and commission merchanta, S4 and rront at. J ALLEN A LEW4S. wholesale grocera. 1 land. Or. Port STaSON, EHRUAN A CO.. wboleeale grocera. is.- w. ear. Beoond and fine eta. JLANO A CO., Flrat and Ankeny ata. . BANKS. IADD A TILTON. BANKERS. EststrTlsbed In 1859, . Interest allowed en time deposits. ' Collections) made at all oolnta on favora ' fela terme. Let tore of credit Issued available . In EnroDe and all Dotnta in the United EUtea. Bight exchange and telegraphic transfers .' aold In New York. Washington. Chlesgo, St. Loo la, Denver, Omaha, Kn Franclaco and variona points in Oregon, n aanington, Idaho, 'Meotana and British Columbia. Exchsnge aold en London. Paris, Berlin, . Frankfort, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila end Honolulu. . UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK .. Of Portland, Oregon. Northwest corner Third and Oak ata. i. Tranaacta a general banking bostness. : DRAFTS I.18LKD available In all cities of the Cnited States and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. .: . ' . .' Collections made on favorable terme. ' Prealdeat J. C. AJN8WORTH Vice-President..... k...W. ,B. A YER Assistant Cashier .....R. W. 8CHMEER AsalaUnt Cashier...... A. M. WRIGHT construction of a sewer In Ksst Nineteenth a 01 the delinquent assessments for th atreet 'from a point 75 feet north of Oregon lPrfit f fcsst rourtcenth street from street to a connection with the aewer In lar . no"n "ne or Heimont atreet to the Handy road, and that niirau.nt ti.. aoutn line of Eaat Davla atreet. and that 412 of the charter of the City of Portland, i P"rauant to section 412 of tha charter of 1 1 1 , I ... n. . - - I the IHlV . 1 1 P.iFllan I will am k I A - "in. mi jnuuuay. ine zsiu oay oi June, iMl. :r- . . - juvnua, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the west 28 d)r of Jun' 83- the bour of door of the City Hall, in the City of Port '" 0 ? ,B w"t r of the land, Oregon, offer for aale at public auction. 1 Lr ,u ,ne c"' of ''ortland, Orrgun, to the highest bidder for caah. eubject to re- ffkr ,or Public auction, to the uempiion. ids roiiowing osscrloed parcela of "" u, ""jn-i io rsuemp- real property, to-wlt: "on- the following described parcel of real nninvan'e Addition to East Portland T vT '"a . 'J-. . Blk Jlo, weat V, lot S, Charles W. Engle- ti , v . iTin h"wwn the aouth man nniaie, xteira or 20 od ' " mw aurri auu s iiue Blk 2, lot1 It, rred W. Utbam. Blk 2, lot IS. T. M. Jarnott Blk A. lot 6, rreal Y. Utham ... Amended plat of Ollfferd Blk 20. lot 1. B. A. Hmlth , Blk 20. lot 3. B..A. itmlth Blk 20, lot fl. E. A. Smith Blk 2i. lot 4, R. A. .Smith follows: Beainnlna- n a flwiint In tlu westerly Une of Chapman atreet where the asms la Intersected by the west erly Une extended south In fta preaent couree of block MO, Portland; thence northerly on aald. laat described line to the southwest corner of aald block S3U thence easterly to the northwest cor' ef -the Chapman Donation Land Claim: thence eoutborly along the' weat line of the J. Kamm tract of land and the weaterly line of Chapman atreet to the place of beg inning, unknown owner . . 7,'i, ... aao o 24 (W I Portland "- '2 0? ? J J!2' J0' 5- "oWlth AXowenberg. .. 21.84 12.05 lk 880, let 2, Goldsmith It Lowenbcrg... 44.80 (12.0o Blk 880. lot 1. Goldsmith Lowenberg... 83.22 Piece or tract ef land will be wold 12.08 separately, and for a eum not leaa than the 12.00 unpaid esseesment thereon, and Intereat and 12.00 coat of the adrertialng and aale; If more than j.wo one Dia la oneren, ui land will be aold .151.80 . 01.80 . 44.30 I . 44.80 . 51.H0I . 01.80 . 1.80 ASSESSMENT FOX SXWXX IKXAST FLAND- Notice la ' herehv' elvan k ' 4h. :c.u. it . . . . ornaiiu, vrrgon, at meet' tag held on the 20th day, of May , 190JL de. cured the aaaeeament br nedlnana v i 847, for the construction of aewer In Eaat ;"' airre irora jnp .eeai. une or Haw. thorna a Flrat -Addition io . aat Pnrtlaiui t a connection with tha uvr in Vmmi r aHuft vimM in inv wanner proviaea oy ordi nance No. 18.168, upon each lot, part of lot tf i V "ana, wnicn are anerlally and otmouteo, io oe as roiiows, vis; ""IfawlhorneV Flrat 1 Addition ' M Ksst rortutud . . BIK 8, lot 10, William T. Sharkey.,,,.. $ 84 65 2 ? i'ot h, Mary j. orsbam. ., ,....- 84. S S S-Wfi h "lng 84.65 pis. a, ios 7. I S T4loi 10, Wlldam T. OardneK I!" 1 wimam T, Uarduer. Ik , lorf. Emma E. Flshburn. 84.65 Ik T. lot 12, Nora Hamilton..,.,..',;.. 84.05 Je-lot 11. Grant C. Bushnell...... ' 84.SJ Blk T, lot 8, John Todd..... 84.85 84.65 84.65 60 feet southerly from snd parallel therewith and between the east Una Blk 80, west hi lot 4. Chsrles W. Engle man rafnta, Uaiu evn at I Each niece or tract of land will ha a,M E Fourteenth street end a line separately and for a ram not less than tha 'M feet essterly from and parallel unpaid assessment thereon, and Intereat and therewith, O. F. Gray $85.00 cost of advertising snd ssle: If more then E,cn Jlece or tract of land will he sold one hid la offered, the land will he aold to "Perately and for a eum not leaa than the the bidder offering to take the aame for the unn,la assessment thereon, and Intereat and least amount of penalty and Intereat; com- co,t J! Jrertlaing and aale; If more than petition will be: Md la offered, fhe land will be aold to Klrat Cpon the penalty for the flrat nerlod: , Dlnu''r onenng to take the aame for the necona l Don tne Density for the sueeeedlns """'" vrumuj ana intereat com nerloda: " petition will he: 'intra i;nnn th rat nf intrt i r irai inm ins nenaitr ror tne nest nerion J. E. WERLEIN, I ""-""iiu i iwu ine pensiiy tor me sueceeuing ity Treasurer or th city of Portland. .. ,v . ... l' i. wm ma rate oi inieresi. J. E. WKRI.lr.iy City Treasurer of the City of Portland. i or i land. Oregon. Msy a, 1BCK1. Tortland, Oregon. May 29, 1908. 1 av CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF XEAL PROPERTY FOX DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby - given that tha Auditor of the City of Portland haa transmitted to me a list of the delinquent assessments for th Improvement of J- street from -1 ae- east -11b I oi THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. ' Head Office Toronto, Canada. . Capital paid up... 18,000.000 . Keeerve , 2.600,UU0 Tranaacta a general banking bnatneaa. . SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. ,' Accounts opened for sums of 10 and up ward, and intereat allowed on minimum - monthly bale aces. Bate on application. 244 '.Waahlagtnn St. ; B . It'VI f. ' . n ., - . . 1 p. v. n inu, siapagex I prmnq Drsncn LONDON SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIM - ' '. ' "..::.:- ITED. Chamber Jf . Commerce Building, Third and :. ,' - . niarx Btreets. Head Offlce-05 Old Broad street, London Thla bank tranaacta a general banklnr luel nese, makes leans, discounts bills and Issues letters ef credit avsliahle for travelers snd for the purchase ef merchandise In sny city ef the world. Deala in foreign and domestic xennnge. . ' Intereat paid on time deposits. - W. A. MACRAE. Manager. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Portland, Oregon. i.-. yrs ..WsUea., , ,.,. .President - R.:; U Durhsm.,1.. Vice-President ; H. w. Hoyt , Caabler '.Geo.- W. Hoyt.. Asslstsnt Csabiur '1KAASACTS A (iBNKRAL BANKING BI'SINKSS. Dra fta ami letter ef credit Isaued available so at parts or tne world. - -Collectiona a -specialty. - Cold doef bonght. MORRIS BROS. A CHRISTKNNEN . tBucceaaora to Morria A Whitehead, Sankera.) - FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. PORTLAND. OR. ELECTION NOTICE. -T-- Notice -ir hereby" given that on Monday, the let day of June, 1803. in the City of Port- land, in the County of Multnomah, Bute, of Oregon. special election will be held for xoe acceptance or rejection hy the legal electors of aald City of Portland of the follow ing entitiea acta or the Legislative Aaaembly ana oi toe peopio oi the - ef A State of Oregon : SWlne of Oregon: 'l- irst "An act te anthorla th ntw Mf .rniiaos u out ia a onoge acroa the Wll lamette River at Portland. Oregon, connecting Morrison atreet on the weat aide of ssld river vim a,aac Morrison atreet on the east side land to purchase or acquire, by condemnation, , ; any property tst may be necessary therefor, and to Issue and Sell bonds to obtain funds to eonatmct said bridge and pay for such prop erty; and to authorise aald City of Portland to : remove the bridge now across ssld river con necting aald streets: and to suthorlxe said Ity to surrender said bridge to the County Cenrt ef Multnomah County, and requiring aald .County Court to asaume th control, manage anen: and supervision thereof; snd to authorise the -Executive Board of the City of Portland ,; to carrv out thla act. and to submit this act - - to the legal voters of the City of t'ortlsnd for : approval or rejection at a speclsl election, to : .... be held In the city of Portland jn the first Monday of June. 1903." Filed in the oftlce of the Secretsry of State . February 24, 1808. Second "An act to uthorlxe the City of Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, to pro- i Vide and establlali a friv n-r.a thu n.n lamette River, at some suitable point, in what wee. formerly known as He 11 wood, but now a Crt of the City of Portland, on the east nk of aald river to a point opposite thereto . en the weat bank of said river, and to au thorise aald City of Portland to purchase or ac quire by condemnation, any propertv that may be ,. neceeaary therefor, and to Issue bonds In pay i. xaent thereof, snd' to authorize said city to surrender said ferry ta the County Court of : jsminomau i ounty, and requiring said County eurt to semi mt the control, management and supervision thereof." - Approved Fehrusry 24. J003. t Third "An set to suthorlxe the City of Port land. Multnomah flnunty. Oregon. To con tmet an arflttAnl - . . -u. WillameM Kl,. sod to provide fo- the- lsaulag of bonds for the construction of said ferry." Approved Februsry 21, 1003. Bald eVetlon will be held at 1 o'clock In the afternoon ihd will continue until 7 o'clock In the afternoon of said dny. - TITOS. C. DEVLIN. :. . Auditor of the Citv of Portland. Mav 18. 1908. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF XEAL PROPERTY FOX DELINQUENT AS. BEBBMENTS. Notice la herebav. elven that . th xuAitn last Twentv-elahth streat tn th . I of the City of Portland haa rranamltiaii t line of blocks 12 and 13, Hawthorne's First Ine 11,f or the delinquent assessments for the Addition to East Port land and that .a,,. Improvement of D street from th Pn.t susnt to section 412 of the charter of the "n of K"t Twenty-eighth street, to the City vf I'ortlsnd, I will, on Monday, the "t blocks 20 and 13, Hawtborne'a 28tb day of June, 1903, at the bour of 10 Flr,t Addition, and that pursuant to sec o'clock a. m., at the weat door of the tlon 413 of the charter of the City 'of Port City Hall, In the City of Portland, Oregon, nd 1 wl"- 0,1 Monday, the 28th day of offer for aale. at nnhlle auction tn ik. June, 1808. at the hour nf Id o'clot-k a m highest bidder for caah. subject to rcdenip-l the wear door nf the City Hall, In the tlon, the following described parcel of real I ( ltT of Portland, Oregon, offer for aale. at property, te-wlt: public auction, to the hlgheat bidder for cash Hawthorne's First Addition to Eaat subject to redemption, the following described Portland parcela of real property, to-wlt: Blk 10, lot 9, M. E. Smith 844.09 . Hawtborne'a Flrat Addition to East Ech piece or tract of land will he sold Portland separately and for a eum not leaa than the Bl" 18.. aouth H lot 12. Security Sav unpald assessment thereon, sad Interest . and '" A Trust Company tin SO east of advertialnc snd kslef if more than Blk 16, south V, lot 11. Securltr Sav. one bid la offered, ' the land will be sold to I ,n" Trust Company 29.15 tne Dldtier offering to take the same for the S1 101 aiaoel Imogens Doty ..,., 29.15 least .amount of Density and Intereat: mm. Blk 17, lot 1,-P. H. MarUy 2H ni petition will be: Each piece or tract of land will ha aold rirat Lnon the penalty for the first period; "epsraieiy ana ror a sum not less tbsn the necona t Don tne Density Tor the succeedlnr uausiu aesessmem tnereon. snd Interest anil periods; I cost of advertising and aale; If more than ihlrd upon the rats of interest. one oin is oirerea. the land will be sold to .. E.i WERLEIN, maaer offering to take the aame for the City Treasurer of the City of Portland. lesst amount of penalty and Intereat: com. Portland. Orreon. Mar 29. 19u. petition will be: r rirst i pon tne penalty for the Srst period; Second Upon the nensltv for th anoeriin periods; 'J bird Upon the rate of Interest. J- E. WERLEIN, Cltv Treasurer of the Cltv .r iwil.i Portland. Oregon. May 29, 1903. Each piece or tract of land will he aold the bidder nfferlna- tn tk tk t -iai iibi; ana ror n eum not less man me teaai amount oi penalty and Interest: com unpaid assessment -thereon, snd Intereat and petition will be: cost nf advertising ami aale: if more than I Flrat Coon the nenaltv tnr th one hid 1a 'offered, the land will be aold to J Second Upon the penalty for the succeeding - "...nr. vwniua i r m Bnujr i i ij v r-nuwi least amount of penalty and Intereat; com-j Third Upon the rate of Interest. petition wilt be; First l.'pon the penalty for the flcst period; Second I'pon the. penalty for the aucceedlng iwrious: Third Vpon the rate of Interest. J. F. WRRLEIN. City Tree rarer of the city of Porttsnd. Portland. Oregon. May 20. 1003. J. R. wpsi.riv City Tressnrer of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, May2P. 1903. CITY TXEASUXEX'S NOTICE OF SALE OF XEAL PROPERTY FOX DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice Is hereby given that the Audrtor of the City of Portland fass transmitted to n't ui ui delinquent aaaeesments ror the Improvement of Kelly street from the north CITY TXEASUXEX'S NOTICE OF BALE OF XEAL PROPERTY FOX DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS. Notice la hereby-- riven Hit flu Amlltiir fcf F'": JSt,,lll, J of the City of Portfand has transmitted to S'n,0V, .VT' .."1 .Pur"u.ot ! me a Hat of tbe delinquent assessments for the i", "'." ' Improvement of East Lln.-oln street from M"d' Monday, the. 28th day of thu eaat line of I'nion avenue to the west JUBV 1803- ." hour of 10a clock a. m line of Eaat Twelfth atreet. and that purau- VVti. i?r Ue Si,r'iu11 ' ant lo section 41J ef the charter of the City S ,wie ..n . ThIOI1,fc.0er. k.!"- at of Portland, I will, on Monday, the 28tb M?.u.bll Sn to je Mfhest bidder for wrin i,v IWUIVIIUII. I Url I (1 1 ill w 1 II BT 84.6 84.65 84.65 84.65 84.65 84.65 84.66 84.65 34.65 84.63 84.65 25.05 25.65 25.00 35.00 25.05 20.05 25.08 36.05 20.09 25.05 23.00 2.1.00 28.09 25.05 25.05 '25.00 25.05 25.50 2505 20.00 dsy of June. 1908, at the honr of 10 o'clock 5tlZltirL. i "motion, the followln s. m.. at tbe weat doer of tbe City Hall. In (vj?i.i"WeU. ?' 7,,LpoptlJ"rL !o wU: the City of Portland. Oregon, offer for aale. PJubA'Ttol0 of, lo" 1 n1 2- blHk 3- r"' Blk 8, aubdlvlalon 4 of lot 1. J. Schmidt. I , Caruthera' Addition totte City of Port- described parcel of real property, to-wlt: Htrnhrn'a Addition to Eaat Portland Blk 108, lot 8. Rebert Nelson 826.27 ffS ",ff MAS at public auction, to tbe highest bidder for in.1? ...hi.r 5. t , v v . cash, subject to redemption the following ""L.',0.? 4 S' I0 8""nllt. M.M land, aa laid out by the SoUIh Portland neai tstatn Association Each niece or tract of land will he aold 5 " i?V ol ? nna C. Stewart sepsrstely snd for a sura not less thsn the "5. ".. JOff.jo . - m. a i.. a I Esch niece or tract of land will h ,i unmiu n-niurui innlll. auil imnmi iuu I . . ..... " win coat of advertialnc and asle; If more than "viii . "f i ,ula "ot leaa than Unr nne bid Is offered, the land will be aold to . Tr ana intereat and the bidder offering to take the same for the uvrrsing ana sate; ir more than least amount of penalty and Intereat; com- ??? " u Jered. the land will be aold to "petition win ne: I i aiii! mr ine nrt I pon tbe--penalty for the Bret period: t M,Tfi. win h "uu mieresi ; - eom- m-cona upon tne penalty ror tne succeeding ...... 1.. . - I rirsi unon ine nensltv rnr tn fl... ai..a I a luv pr-uiL ior ine succeeding Sif I' I"! Ti and Alma A. Bplller.. . 84.60 via o. lot 1-4 The Hawthorn Estate.... 84.68 Bui n,Ki 11, ine Hawthorne Estate.,.. Blk 8. lot 10. The Hawthorn rutat . Vlk . let f, Tha Hswthorne Estate. .., Blk 6. lot K. Til ftswthr P.t.t . Ti I ir l. , r , , " . r ! L- A nswwMirne bstaTe,.,,. V k 0. Jot II, Tbe Hawthorne Katate.. SB A ot.u. The Hawthorne Estate.... k 6. lot 10, The Hawthorne Estste.... U 0. lot 9, The Hswthorne Eatata k 0, lot 8. The Hawthorne EaUle.... k S. lot r. The Hawthorne Estate. i.. Ik 9. lot 8. Th Hawthorn Ctt Blk 0, Jot 4, Th Hawthorne Eetate..... a v. ini 0, jne tiewtnorne restate k 9.vIot 6. J. R. Mattl a,.ver tBlk 10, lot 1. Frederick Maliett S J2- 1 flewthorne Batata.... Ik III W X Tk. ff.tl.... 1 ..... - - 2!J JJJ. Jo 4, the Hawthorne Eetete!..,' 05 J k 10, lot 5, The Hawthorne Estate.,,. 25.05 Si iv, rot o, ine nawTooraa r-atate..,, Ik II, lot 1, lhe Hawthorne Eatata..., 11. lot i The Hswthorne Estate.... B k li, lit S, The Hawthorne Emate.,. . IT- Jot T"" Hawtherne Estate.... B k 11. lot B. The Hawtherne Katate.... S t Ik- ' f- U1 "awthorne Katgte.... S S li- ?" 1- Hawthorne Katat f H- t 5. Tbe Hswthorne Estate.... ! l- i f T Hewthorne Estate. ... Blk 12. lot i Tha U.th.. IT.,... Blk 12. lot 0; The Hawthorne Karate!!!! Blk 12, lot S. The Hawthorne Eatate ' aow uj.a..u..uAXitl324.40 a sistemenr. or srnrraain .... . 6fin.h 'Vtrn4 ln. tb Docket of City Liens f.K0' .,.h. Treaaurer. In Uwful money the Cnited States and If not paid within ....... .-... I,,, ,00 aaie ot rnia notice. atich proceedlnga will be uken for the col- ih 'j;'" Zl ".Pr2'"l b the " u v-"' leniana. The above asaeaament will bear Intereat ten daya after tbe flrat publication of this HVUVVt - city; noticzs. t,'.;"W':'r. ASSESSMENT FOX SEWEX IN EAAT COUCH v STREET AND EAST COUCH STXEXT, EX- 'TENDED; .-: i"" '- u.wi' Vetlce 1 Is ' hereby""grvenr'uat 7 the "Council " of the City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting , held on the 20th day of May, 1803, declared the aaseasmeut by ordinance No. 18,848. . for the construction - of a sewer in Eaat Couch ' atreet and Eaat Couch atreet, extended, east.vly from the east line bf Hawthorns's First Ad dition to - P.,rttanrf t. muikh Ml.k . k.. aewer In Eaat Twenty-efxtn afreet.' extended Si1 r.,y..J ! aaanner provided by ordinance NO 13.172. UDAB. a,-h In n..t nf 1. anil parcel of land, which r n.in rf n. , rullsrly benefited, to be ss follows, via: .tr,ct .a,LUno ,!",n between the south V una or svaa( touch ' Street If extended ' eaaterly in Ita present conrse and 5 line 100 feet aoutbrrty from. and . i ," parallel therewith and between tbe -t'-. west line or ; Esst Twenty-eighth ' - 5 f. lrrl '.I ,h ' Kt,t Tweuty-alxfh - - 1 atreet. If extended northerly In Ita ' -' ees. isslsh- B.ickmsn...w.i 4.40 Mas WthdYBanai'a. Max. A 4 Ji .1 . . - w.n ' atF..ubnrbas, Ball- wae'rJl1' CU' ""bnrban tUII. " li!1, a- CiV',SuVurba.'nli: ' ..rv. ww..... .......... ...r.J. m n k Si- i'V .'r,BB murr 29.20 21' ,.ot. h o" A. McOowsn. I...; -99.20 si; a z t a,Mc" r y .A, Plercei " T.7'. nit xa. iar s mm- ui.as.. wt , Bik ,iet s7jrt.io;. :."r::::: lit ?J' ' . 1 Hawthorne...., 99 .20 Blk 92 fcj t YVS f"F-....'.. 80 . mil sv ! lotm !harkey.........i 2920 5 S & " 3aka Iherkey. . I Jo S S Si- ttj 'tt-wthor.7E.ut.;;.;2:! . i. . Vmn c- VLIN. Auditor of tbe City of - I'ortlsnd. May 28, 1003, Third I'pon the rate of Interest. J. E WERLEIN. City Treasurer of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. May 29. 1903. perloda ; 'mird Upon the rate of Interest. J- K- WERLEIN. City Treaaurer of tha City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, May 29, 1803. . - CITY TXEASUXEX'S NOTICE -OF SALX OF REAL PROPERTY TOR DELINQUENT AS. BEBBMENTS. CITT TEASTEEX'S NOTICE OF BALE OF Notice la hereby given that the Auditor KEAL 0PEXTY FOX DELINQUENT AS- of the City of I'ortlsnd bss transmitted to I BEBBMENTS. me a list of the delinquent sssessments for the Notice Is hereby e-tveii that th 1.11. Improvement of Fifth street from 12 feet Lf the City of Portfimd haa transmit J""" f?f .." !.',1U" ?'ut .7 the' deUnquent ...emS'V .'" 10 point 11 im soum 01 me norm une improvement of Falling Street from the eaat rvf .fAfTrtraaon mtrmmt inrt that mi run a tif tn I 11 at i.s. . " "' ei"i v .-. ...... a- mnr 1 ii lis n 1 1 ; 11 inn CITY TXEASUXEX'S NOTICE OF BALE OF XEAL PX0PEXTY FOX DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice Is hereby given thst the Auditor of the' City of I'ortlsnd fass tranamltted to me a list of the dellnauent aeeeaamenta for tb improvement or Blxtb street from 12 feet CITY TXEASUXEX'S NOTICE OT HIT nr "i "". "ul" irviug aireei io a XEAL PROPERTY TOR DET.IMQiarKT an. BESSMENT8. or tne charter of the city of Portland. I will. Notice la hereby-, given that the Auditor on Monday, the 28th day of June, 1903, at of the City of Portland baa tranamltted to .iT 71. "1,,, . ;Ev-7f M. uVttWAlv.MaeaWiii,,4r toe door of the City Hall, ln the City of Port- construction of a aewer In I ihur street land, Oregon, offer for ssle, at public auc-J from a point 125 feet east of tbe east 1 iuu, .10 me uigursi uiuurr ior cssn, suojert una 01 iweniy-nrsi street to a connection to redemption, the following described uarcela with the aewer ln Ilnahur street nd th.t of real property, to-wlt: pursuant to section 412 of the charter of th Conch a Addition to tha Cltr of Port. Cltv of Portland. 1 mill u,,h.. .i... auu 1 oiu u . Vi juoe, iwa, st tne Bour of 10 ma v, 101 1, 11. ni. nuns ana r. &J. 1 o cioca a. m.. at ine west floor of tti citr Roberts 8 82.87 Hsll. in the Cltv of Portland ()re. n Blk V. lot 6. Hi M. Rude and F. M. for aale. at public auction, to the hlrhest 75.25 bidder for essb, - subject to- fedemttrimif' he ai, 1 lunuwisg . uescriuea parcel or reel property. 19. iv Roberts Blk V. lot 3, H. M, Rude and F Roberta . Blk V. lot 2. II. M. Rude and F Roberts no. Tn BIX 88. lot 3. Union Trust & Invest ment Comnsnv ' 05 on Blk 38, lot" 2, Union Trust A Investment Company i 93.89 Couch's Addition to the Cltv of Port. lsnd Blk 48. lot 4. Thomas Gibbons 7 n Blk 48. lot 1, Thomss Gibbons 79.97 Portland Blk 83, lot 1. J. H. Peterson 111.98 A trlangnlsr tract of lsnd . bounded on tne south side by the north line nf I'psbur street, on the eaat by- a line 100 feet weaterly from and parallel with tbe weat' line of" X1iHtnth street and on the north by the south erly line of block 2. Rlacklstnnn'a Addition to the City of Portland ex tended aouthvreaterly ln a strslght line to Its Jntersectlon with I'nahnr street, J. H. Peterson 123.00 been piece or tract of laud will be aold ills- Bd, lot i, j. H. Peterson 105.65 aeparately and for a aum not leaa than the Each piece or tract of land will be aold unpaid aasessment thereon, and Intereat and aeparately and for a anm not less thsn th cost of advertising snd ssle: If . mnr. th.n unpaid aasessment thereon, snd Interest and 0"e hid in offered, the land will be aold to coat of the adrertialng .and sale: If more than the bidder offerlnc to take the asm tor th. one. bid la offered, the -land -will be aold to I least amount of penalty and Interest; coin the bidder offering to take the ssme fof the petition will be: lesst amount or penalty and Intereat; com- nrat Loon the penalty for the first period; petition will be: unit-tnon tne penslty for the first period; Second I'pon the penalty for the ancceedlne periods : Third I pon. the rate of Interest. . J. E. WERLEIN. City Treasurer of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Msy 29. 190.1. CALL FOX 'SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCK HOLDERS. TO THE HTOCKJIOLDKKH of the MldVsy' Oil -Company, a ' corporation: You are hereby not I fled to attend a meeting of the stock 'holders of the Midway till .Company, to ta held at the cuuipany's office. No. 41C t'bani- her of Commerce Building, ln the tlty of , , Portland, Oregon, on Monday; tbe 15th dsy of June, at 3 o'cloch p. m., for the purpose ef emending the by-laws of the company, of 1 eleetlug directors of ssld corporation, also the rat ltcat Ion of acta of the dlrectora from -. the time of the stockholders' meeting of the 25th day of September. 1900, to dale, and to ratify tbe adoption by aald board of the by-lswa ss amended; for the ratlflcatlon of the execution of leases snd the Issuance of x stock , ana ts,e ratification of the purchase . . of lands by - aald cnrporstlon from H. C . Stratton. eiyi for xb. purpose ef transacting s-: "- I'w... ui.-i pa U'a ps brought-before aald meeting. By order -of the stockholders holding more thsn one-third ef th stock of ssld compsny. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF BALE, OF XEAL PXOPEKTY FOX DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice Is hereby given that the Auditor of the City of Portlabd has transmitted tn me- a list or tne delinquent assessments for the Improvement of Garfield avenue from the aouth line of Shaver street to the north line of Beech street, snd thst pursuant to sec tion ti or ine ensrier ot ines ltv of Port land. I will, on the 28th dsy of June. 1803. st tbe bour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at tbe west door of the City Hall, In .tha City of Port laud. Oreaon. . offer for sale, at public suc tion, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to redemption, the following described parcela of real property, to-wlt: Alblna Homestead Blk 4. lot 11. Robert Craig $52.16 Eaih piece or tract of land will be sold separately and foy a sum not less thsn the unnald sKessnient thereon, and Interest and cost of the advertising and sale; If more thsn one bid is offered, the land will be sold to the bidder offering to tske the ssme for the least snionnt of penalty snd Interest; com petition will he: Flrst-Cpon th peniltr for the flrat period: I Kccond-l'pon the penalty for the succeeding perloda; Third I'ppn the rste of Interest. .1. E. WF.m.KIN. Clly Tressnrer of the city ef Portland. Portlsnd, Oregon, May. 20. 1903. Second I Don the Density for th succdin periods; Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. E. WERLEIN. City Treasurer of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, May 29, 1803. Dated May . O. STKATTON. Secretary. NOTICE. OTHit' fol Stockholders' Meeting. The an. uuai sneeiiiuj 01 ine aiecxnoiaers or the .' Oregnn Iran A .Steel fmpae- wilt . be held at lite oteeff the company, room t Stier- Jtuiwiug. Cortland. Oregon, June 16. .ll at 11 o'clock a. m tor the -purpose af electing board of directors for the ewsotiig yer,- end the transaction of such . other anstneae aa saay legally come before l (ne eneetiMeV-- ' -- - ' - r - - - -- - ' r A.- PATiTT4.0. tkcretary' CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF BALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOX DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice Is hereby given that the Auditor of the City of Portland has transmitted to me a list of the delinquent ussessments for the Improvement ' of Bast Sixteenth street- from tbe suiuh line of Belmont street to the north - line of Enst Taylor street, and that pursuant to section 412 of the charter of the. City of Portland. I will, on Mondav. .the 2Sth day of June. 1003, at the hour or 10 o clock a. m., at the west door of the City Hall, in the (ity of Portland. Oregon, offer for sale, st public suction, to the highest bidder for cssh, subject to re demption, the following described parcels of real propert- to-wlt:... ..., Hswthorne I'srk V Blk .12(1. Cast u, lot 6. Mnttle Miller $52.73 Blk 826. east Mi lot 5. Msttie Miller 60.80 A tract of la fid lying between the north side line of F.,ist Tsy lor .street and the south -side, line of block I. Darieke. snd between the esst side line of Esst Sixteenth street and a Hoe lot) feet easterly therefrom and parallel . therewith. Mary Robertson 00.03 rsen piece or tract of land will he sold sepsrstely snd for s sum not less than the unnald assessment thereon, snd Interest and cor of adrertlstna- end snle: If morn f n une hid Is offered, the lsnd wljj he sold to the bidder offering to take. Ihe same for the iusst snimmt of penalty end Interest; . com petition wljl lie . First I'non the pensltr for tue first period: Second"-!' pon the penalty for the 4mcceedlng periods: , . Third I'pon the-rate of Interest . ' ' " 1. E. WKflLEIN. 1 Cltv Tressnrer of the 1tv of Portland Portland. Oregon, May 29, 1 . CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF XEAL PR0PEXTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice . la hereby given that the Auditor of the City of Portland bas transmitted to me a list or tne delliifjuent ssaessments for the construction of a sewer ln Sellwood street from 120 feet esst of the east Hue of Kerb? street to a connection with the aewer In Sell wood atreet 60 feet west of tbe west line of Kerby street, and that pursuant to section 412 of the charter of tbe City of Portland, I will, on Monday, tho 28th dav of June, 1903, at the west door of the City Hall, In the City of Portland, Oregon, offer for sale, at pub lic auction, to the hlgheat bidder for cash, subject to redemption, the following described psrcels of resl property, to-wlt: Abend's Addition to Alblns Blk 1. south 10 feet lot 8. T'lsrs Harris .12 no Blk 1. south 10 feet lot 4. Clara Hsrrla.. 4.00 tiix 1, soutn 10 feet of a atrip of land 8 feet wide, east of and adjoining lots 8 and 0, Clara Harris no Each piece or tract of land will he sold sepsrately and for a aum not less than th unpaid assessment thereon, and Intereat and eosi 01 snveriismg ana sate: ir more than one bid la offered, the land will be sold to tne nmncr ottering to take the same for tbe lesst s mount of penalty and interest; eoni- peiiuon win n: First I'pon the penalty for the first period; Second I'pon the penalty for the succeeding periods; ' Third Ppon the rate of Interest. J. E. WERLEIN. City Treasurer of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, May 20. 1903. section 412 ot the charter of the City of Portland, I will, on Monday, the 28th day of June. 1908, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. ml. at tbe west door of the City Hsll, In tbe City of Portland, Oregon, offer for aale, at public auction, to the highest bid der for caah, eubject to redemption, the following described paxcel of real property, to-wlt: City of Portland Blk 169, lot 3, Richard Williams ..$6800 Blk 109. lot 4. Richard Willlama 71.86 Couch'a Addition to the (ity of Port- land Blk 40, west H lot 1, Mary Jane Keehan. 6.94 City of Potland r Blk 63. weat V. lot 8. Xarlfa 3. Fall Ing 214.10 Blk 63. weat V. lot 7. Xarlfa J. Fall Ing 261.T7 Couch a Addition to the City of Port land Bik 88. east lot 2. Catherine Brown.. S.ll Each piece or tract of land will be aold sepsrstely and for a sum not less than the unpaid assessment thereon, and Intereat and cost of advertising snd sale: if more than one bid la offered, the land will "be sold to' tbe bidder offering to tske the same for the least amount or penalty and interest; com ntltlhn will h' r'lrst Upon tbe nenslty for the first period: Second Upon the penalty or the succeeding periods; Third Upon: the-rate of- inteeest. J. E. WERLEIN. City Treasurer of the City of Portland. '-nw nria-ifr:iT -wajr ss. nasf -------- CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF BALK OF XEAL PK0PERIY FOX DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby given that the Auditor of ' the City of Portland haa tranamltted to me a list of tbe delinquent assessments for tbe Improvement of East Fifteenth atreet from the aouth line of Clinton atreet to the north line of Ellsworth street, and that pursuant to aectlon 412 of the charter of the City of Portland, I will, on Monday, the 28th day of June, 1803. at tbe hour ef 10 o'clock a. m.. at the west door of the City Hall, ln the City of Portland, Oregon, offer for aale. at public auction, to, the highest bidder for cash, subject to redemption, tbe following deeiTthed parcela of real property, to-wlt; Corrected map showing- loewtkm' of Tib-, hett's Addition to East Portland ' Blk 18. lot 4. Msry Morgan .$98.70 Blk IN. lot 3. Marv Morsan.. 80.84 Kach niece or tract of land will be Bold' separately and for a aum ' not leas than tbe uniiald assessment thereon, and interest and cost of sdvertlslng snd sale; If more than one bid la offered, the land will be aold to the bidder offering to take the ssme for the lesst smount or penalty and interest; com petition will be: First Upon tbe penalty for the first period: ftecond Upon the penalty for the succeeding periods: Third Upon the rate of Intereat. 3. B. WERLEIN. City Treaaurer of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, May 29, 1908. avenue to th at tin A Eaat Fourteenth atreet. and that nurstiant tn aectlon 412 of tbe charter of the City of Portland, I will, on Monday, the 2Sth day of June, 1003. at the hour of 10 o'clock a m.. at the west door of the Cltv HalL In the City of Portland. Oregon, offer for aale at -public auction, to the highest bidder for caan, subject to redemption. the folliwlng riasFltu.l nao-ula . . 1 . . . . . . Lincoln Park Blk 8, north 30.90 feet lot 14. Lewis Rus- i iv, uoria ov.vo ieet 101 is, L. ray. 10 76 -. Each piece or tract of lsnd will 'be- aold aeparately and for a anm not less than the unpaid assessment thereon, and Intereat and cost or aaverusmg ana. aale; If more than one bid la offered, the land will be sold to the bidder offering to take the aame for the ieasi smouni ot penalty and Interest; eom peuuon win ne: Flrat Upon the nenaltv for th e n.,1 . Beoond Upon the penalty for the aucceedlng Third Upon the rate of Interest: J. E. WBItLBIN. .,,fU.j .Twuuwer.jif theCUv. ot ..feorUao.,, Portland, Oregon, May 28. 1903. CITY TXEASUXEX'S NOTICE OF BALE OF XEAL PXOPEKTY FOX DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS. Notice la .hereby given that" the' Auditor or me uiiy or rortiana Das transmitted to me a list of the delinuuent assessments for th inrprTjVettleftt ot alley through 'Mock jw,-- $ and 4. Rivervlew Addition to Alblna. from tbe west line of- Commercial atreet to the eaat line of Alblna avenue, and that pursu ant te aectlon 412 of the charter of tbo City of Portland. I will, on Monday, ''the 24ih dajr of June, 1903, at thebmir of .10. .o'clock g. m., at the weat door of the Cltv Hall,' In' tbe City Of Portland, Oregon, offer for sale, at public auction, to tbo highest bid der for cssh. subject to redemption,' the fol lowing described parcels of real property, to-wlt: Subdivision of Rivervlew Addition to AI. blna Blk $. south 60 feet lot 2, John Hill. .. .$23.16 Rlk 4. north li. lot 14 J 9 Chunk a an Blk 4. north lot 13. J. S. Church 0.20 Each piece or tract of land will be sold sepsrately and for a sum not less than the unpaid assessment thereon, and lntsrest and coat of adrertialng and sale; if more than one bid' la offered, the land will be aold to PROPOSALS TON IMPROVEMENT BONDS, v Wl vailAll. UIL JLlttl M 8ealed proposals will be received by the Hnrisni ...H . . ik. ........ . . ... . . J ' m , ,uv vuin ui m AUdltOr Of V" -lT.i ,or,1nd. Oregon, until Monday June 1. 1908. at 2 o'clock p. in,, for the aale at not leaa than par value and accrued Intereat' et mprwement bolide ef the- t'tty- of- rortlaud u?MAUr ".ihe I1?1 h,M " "thorised to be Issued for the whole or any part of aeventr.flv thousand dollars. Maid bonds will be issued In dcnomluatloua of Ave hundred doljsrs each, to be dated when autborlxed. payable 10 years from date, bearing Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per auuum. payable seml-aiinuallv, in terest and prluclpal payable In United States gold coin, at the offlce of the City Treasur. Port snd. Oregon. Provided that the City of Portland reserves the rleht t .k. esncal such bonds, upon tho payment of tho fwJ'.,lM. """"'' '"h "ecrued interest to the date of payment, at anr a.mi.....i pon period at or after i.ii vr .... .i... .,.. of such bonds. Said bonds are Issued under authority ef an act of the Legislature of the State of Oregon, passed rebrusry lfl, 1883. entitled. "An set to provide for the Issuan,. r k..... ... Improvement of streets and the laying of sewers ln Incorporated cities, snd for ih. .m. ... cost of such Improvements snd laving of sewers by Installment,," aa amended by an act of the Legislature of the Htate of Oregon, an proved rebrusry 28. 1901. entitled: "An act to amend section I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 and 1. of a" -v. v...n7. ao mvK io provide ror the Issu S i 1bon1' 'o' the Improvement of streets snd laying of sewers In Incorporated clUea, and for the payment of the cost of such tin. provements and laying of aewere by Install nents, tiled in the office uf the Secretary of Htate February 22. 1803 and the proceed thereof are to be used for tbe payment ln part for the Improvement nf atrt. . . ...... of aewera as the aald Improvements shall be umuriu snu completed. .t'l.iAHii7 f rhe ''t ot tbe Leglslsture aforesaid, haa been afBrmed by tbe Supreme Court of tbe State of Oregon. Said bonda will be Issued snd delivered as the Common Council shsll direct. Bidders will be roauired tn .nhmit . ki.i without conditions, except ss tr tbe regularity' bias a certflM cheek on a hank In tbe City of Portland, Oregoih eoual to 5 nr ni ..e n.. aggregate umount of tbe bid. payabl tn the Major of the City of Portland, as liquidated datiiaeres ln caae am-h hM,i., -.i,.i.... li. ... , . , , . ... . ini, u IB i.iu or iuu or neglects to enter into contract to tske and pay for aald bonds according to the terme of -tils bid -and thla nntliw- i k. ....,. np-i mat anu an ni as is hereby reserved. Bids should be - addreaaad tn th omlu a "r1 ' common Council, cere of Ihomaa C. Devlin. Auditor. Portland. Oregon. v oiui-i oi me common council. B. P. CARI1WELL, H. R. ALBEK. , D. T. SHEIIRETT. Committee on Ways and Means.1 Portland, "Oregon;- May " 1J" 1903.- E r ." V owers. iruatee. 38.20 S I if1 & Ji "wtberne Estate... 20.20 nlk 21, lot 1. The llawthra iett. . ou 5!!! 2!' ? Powera, Trustee.::. 29.20 au I aa, 1 . Mil m I Hs ea sar Mas, ska.e e 29.80 211 u 20 n f V,' 'i.4' ""Jtherne Estate... , 29,a S k vh&Jr Ji- t P". Truaue... 2i lot . The Hawthorne Estate.. . . ao.a A tract of land lying between tbe north line of Eaat Couch atreet If atnrf easterly lu Its present course and Iiue 100, feet north of a;id parallel '"'.'' therewith and between tbe neat line ef Kaat Twenty-eighth atreet and the ' weat line of Ike K. IV. ton trect, Section 86. township 1 north, rsuge 1 Jast Willamette Meridian, Agnes 0. uracil 247 7 A tract of land lying between the north une or r-st uweb street extended essterly In Ita present ceurett and a line 100 it o,,, cf ina psrsllel therewith snd between a line loo feet esst of and parallel with the east. line . of .Esst Twenty-sixth street extended northerly In lu preaeot course and the , ' "eel una or the r. .W. Lew tract, sec- n no. township 1 north, range 1 eaat Willamette Meridian, Jsatau lluek- mmu ........ ,- 1,06 Hawtborne'a first dHtti,,n v.a Portlsnd- ' . Blk 17. south 00 feet lot 11 F. V. Me. Holland is 25 Blk 17, aoutb 60 feet lot 11. F. N. Mc- Blk 17. west 7 feet of aouth feet of n,. IV, HciioiianaiaH' S.oo Blk 17, exth 50 feet lot 12. frank Bode in -Blk IT-north 'Oo feettot .1, Frank "1- we 12.05 Blk 17, all e. lot 10. except west 7 feet i of seuth 60 f.t, Krsuk Bode.' ;.. 31 0J Blk 17. lot 9. i. J. tih-bardsou iii.mi big II. lul h. 11. hi. il.-i.lil., i.r :i. Ulk If. 1. 1 1. U. U. alr.l.lowner -At iwi blk Is. kit 12. Manrsrrim ll,.r.,l a,- ,u, Blk li. kit 11. Uargaivtte Henil at'.tsi lllk 1. lot 1(1, nacbai't t.. Ilswiuorue... Ji.uo Blk 18. lot 8 ilrllia Kucblr a, wi BIX 18. lot 8. alter sua .Sell! I n,r a! iu. Blk 18. Jot 7. William f. punier uj'w Mlk 1. lot 12. rrauk l.liiiiiist. ....... a;.j Blk 1 lot 11. trans Vtaim imat ' ui Blk 10, lot lu, K. i. iH-raaii.ig..... Ui.uo HU 18. lit 0. John Maxwell 87 Blk 18. lot a. c.rrle E. Mlkle Bik io, lot r, v. d. Air.i :;.eo Blk 2u. lot 12. liatlic C. l-amuiiii. i.i.im, ;.i,.i Blk 20. Kit 1 1, I-rank (.!-.. ;. i.oo Bik 2i. lot lu, ihe ilsiviUo.ue a,state... ui.uO Blk on, lot li. L. 1'uwsr., Jru.i.'u... (..i Blk ao, lot s, ihe Hantiiurur imitate.... a.tw Blk SJ, lt 7, 'Ihe Hawtuorue tstatii -a7.i Total ..$21u0.eu a stat-uieut ei af-iri-aald asscesuieut ha been entered In fhe Docket of City Mens which Is now dne ami payable at liie of flce of the city Treasurer. In lswful money . of the United Stcbfs and If not paid wltMn thirty days from the date of 4hls notice, siu-h proceedings will be Uken for the i-il-lection of the ssme as are provided by the Charter of the City of Portlsnd. The aboy assessment will bear Intereat ten dsjs sftcr the first publication of this notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City cf Portland. ' May 2S. 191S. . . CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF 8 ALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOX DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice Is hereby given that tbe Auditor of the City of Portland haa transmitted to me s list of the delinquent assessments for the Improvement of Twentieth street from the north line ef Ssvler st-eet to the soutb- wesieriy line or soeriocx svenue. snd that purtusnt to section 412 of the chsrter of me dry ot rortiana, I will, on Monday, the 2Rtb day of June, 1903. at the hour of 10 o'clock.', m., at fhe west door of the City Hall, In the City of Portland.' Ore gon, offer for sale, at pifbllc auction, to the hlgheat bidder for fash, subject to re demption, the following described parcel of real property, to-wlt: A tract of land lying between two lines -respectively , 80 feet snd lrto feet esst erly from and parallel . with the east line of Twentieth street snd between the north line of Thu rca sn street and a line 100 feet northerly therefrom and psrsllel therewith. H. T. droves. $4.07 Each piece or tract of land will he sold sepsrstely snd 1 for a sum not less than the nnpatd sssessment thereon, and Interest and cost of advertising snd sale; If mot than one nin is orrereti, tne lsnd -arm ha sold to the bidder offering to take. Ihe ssme for the least smount of penalty and intereat; com petwrnn will be: rFlrst Unon the- pens It v for Ihe first period; Second Upon the penalty for the succeeding periods; . - . Third Upon the rate of Intereat : '. . J, K. WRKTKIN. City Treoeurer of the Ifr -t Portland." Portland, Oregon, May 59. Jr33. CITY TXEASUXEX'S NOTICE OF SALX OF XEAL PROPERTY FOX DELINQUENT AS SEBSMENTS. . ' Notice la hereby given that tb Auditor of the Cltv of I'ortlsnd bss ffanamlttsd to me a list of the delinquent aeseeameuta far tbe Improvement of East Taylor atreet from the west line of East Sixteenth street to tbe west tins of East Thirty-fourth street, and that pursuant to section 412 of tbe charter of the City of Portland. I will, on Monday, tbe 28th day of June, 1808, at the hour ot io o clock a. m.. at the west door or the city Hnii, in tne city or Portland, Oregon, oirer. ror ssle, at public auction, to tbe highest bid ner ror casn. suoieci to reaemniion. ine ioi lowing described parcela of real property, to- wit: Sunnysldc " Blk 8. lot 13, M. A. M. Ashley $300.04 Each, piece or tract of laird will be aold aeparately and for a sum not lee than tbe unpaid assessment thereon, end Interest sod cost or tne advertising and (ale; it more thin one bid la offered, tbe land will be sold to the bidder offering to take the eame for the least amount nr penalty and interest; com pennon win oe: First Upon the nensltv for the first nerlod Second Upon tbe penalty for tbe succeeding perioas ; Third Upon the rate of Intereat. J. B: WERLEIN. City Treasurer of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. May 29, 1908. the bidder offering to take tbe same for the least amount of penalty and Interest: com. petition will be: , Flrat Upon the penalty for the flrat period: Second Upon the penalty for the aucceedlng perloda; Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. B. WERLEIN. City Treasurer of the City of Portlsnd. Portland, Oregon, May 29, 1903. CITY TXEASUXEX'S NOTICE OF SALX OF REAL PROPERTY FOX DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice la hereby elven that the Auditor or tne iny or i'ortlsnd naa transmitted te me a list of tbe delinquent assessments for the Improvement trf-Easjt Twenty-eighth atreet from the north", tine of Esat Stark street to the north line of lork street, and thst pur suant to section 412 of tbe charter bf the City of Portlapd. I will, tm Monday, the 28th aay on june. iao, at the bour or io o clock a. m...at the west door of tbe City Hsll, offer for ssle, at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, subject to redemption, the following described parcel of real property, to-wy : Hawthorne's First Addition 'to East Portlsnd t Blk 17, lot 1, P. H. MarUf.. $158.82 Each piece or tract of land wlU be aold separately, and for a sum not lees than th unpaid assessment thereon, and Intereat and coat of the advertising and aale; If more thanj nnl hid la nnVitAit . I, . ,41t K. uj . jne oiaaey nnTrnng' to fake tbe-ro for the iwimnn win oe least amount of penalty and intereat; . com Flrat Upon, the -nenaitr for the first nerlod: Second Upon tbe penalty for tbe succeeding periods; M Third Upon the, rate of Interest.- " '' ' - ' J. . WERLEIN. Clly Treasurer of the Cltr of Portland.. ... Porttond, Oregon, May 28, 1908.- CITT TXEASUXEX'S NOTICE OF BALE OF XXAL PROPERTY FOX DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. v Notice Is hereby given that th Auditor of the City of Portland has tranamltted to me a Hat or the delinquent assessments for tbe Improvement of Bast Osk street from th alt line of East Twelfth atreet to the treat line or cast tirteenth street, snd that nor. atiant to section 412 of the charter of th uiiy or rortiana. i win. on Monday, tbe 28th aay or jane, iwa; at tna. nonr of 10 o clock a. m.. at the west door of the Cltv Hall ln tbe Cltr of Portland. Oreaon. offer for sale. , at nubile auction, to tha hlirhat mh.' aer ror casn. suDjeci to redemption, the fol lowing described parcela of real pronertv. to. wn: Bast Portland Blk 282, west V lot 7, J. C. Smith...... $ 19.80 Blk 202, west lot 8. 3. C. Smith 270.11 Each piece or - tract of land will be aold aeparately and for sum not leaa than tbe unpaid aaaeaament thereon, end interest and cost ot sdvertlslng and aale; if more than ene bid is -offered, the land will be sold to tbe bidder offering to take tbe aame for the least amount 'of penalty and Interest; com petition will be: First Upon tbe nenaltv for tha flrat ner!. Second Upoh the penalty for tbe succeeding inrrioua; Third Upon the rate of interest. J. E. WERLEIN. City Treasurer of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, May 20, 1908. CITY TXEASUXEX'S NOTICE .OF BALE OF XEAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice Ik berebr riven that th i(ii of the City of Portland haa transmitted tn me a list of the delinquent assessments for the improvomem oi Aiaaroua street from the oumweai line or unrnsm svenue tn th north line of Farrell street, and thst nur. atiant , to aectlon- 412 of tho charter of tha tlty Of Portland. I will. on Alnndar th. 2hth day ef June, 190;i, at the hour of 10 o ciock a. m., at tne weat door of the City Hall,. In the City of Portland. Oregon, of Ter for sale,. at public auction, to the hlgheat bidder for cash, subject to redemption, tb following described parcel of re property, Woodlawn Th northerly y, of the triangular block bounded by Msdrona atreet. llekum ve- ; nu and Durham avenue, Oeorge B. Markle $22.84 Eech piece or tract of land will be aold separately ana ror a aum not lesa' tban tbe unpaid aasessment thereon, and intereat and coat of advertising and sale: If mnr than one bid is offered, the land will be sold te the bidder- offering to take tbe same for th jeaai,, amount ni penalty, and Intereat; com jieiinou win oe; First Unon th nenaltv fnr th S..I m.ia Second Upon th penalty for the lueceedlng impious; Third Upon the rate of Interest. J. E. WBRLEIN. City Treaaurer f the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, May 29. 1908. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF BALI OF XEAL FX0PEXXY FOX DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS, Notice la hereby given that the Auditor of.the City of' Portland ha tranamltted to m a list or tne aeiinquent sssessments for the Improvement of First street from 100. feet norm or ine norm une or umns street tn the .north line of Whltaker atreet, and that pursuant to section 412 of the charter., of the City of Portland, I will, on Monday, the 28th dar of June. .1903. at the hour nf io o ciocx a. m., at th weat door of the City HalL ln the City of Portland, Ore- 7'on, offer for aale, at public auction, to h hlgheat bidder for cash, subject to re demption, the following described narcel of real property, to-wit: CarutheiV Addition to the City of Portland a laid out br the Sonth Port. land Real Estate Association - Blk lis, lot 6, John Sweek Estate, ietrs or ...i..... $83.74 finch niece or tract of land will he sold separately and for a anm not less than the unpaid aaaeeament thereon, and interest and cost of advertising snd Sile: if more than one bid 1 offend, th tknd will : be. Sold to the bidder offering to take -the eame for the least amount of penalty "tnd Intereat; eom petltlwi will be: ' . r irai i son ue penalty for the flrat period; Second Unon the nenaltv for the Sllecdlna periods; . v Third Upon the fat of InterestT T" Wflt I FTX, . City Treasurer of the citf nf ToftUnd. ' Portland, Oregon, May 29, 190. CITY TXEASUXEX'S N0TI0X OF BALK OF XEAL PROPERTY FOB DELINQUENT AS BE8SHENT8. . -t-W Notice is hereby given that the Auditor or , tne tity or rortiana naa transmitted to me a-)tat ef tbe delinquent assessments for. th Improvement of East Main atreet from tbe eaat line of East Thirty-third street to tbe west line of Eaat Thirty-fourth street, and that puneuant -to eectkm 442 of tbe-cherter -of me my or rortiana, i win, on Monday, the 28th day of June, 1903, at the hour o( 10 o ciucs iu., sp me weai aoor or- tne city Hall, in the City of Portland.- Oregon, goffer for aale. at nubile auction, to th hlaht bidder for casb. eubject to redemption, rthe louowmg uescrioea parcel or real property, w- .11 . - . .. . . Sunnyslde Second Addition " Blk 00, lot 1, Mrs. M. J. Brook... $18.72 Each piece or tract Of land -will be sold separately and for sum not lees than tb unpaid aaaeaament tnereon. and intereat and cost of adrertialng and ssle; If mor than on bid 1 offered, the land will be sold to tbe bidder offsrlqg to take th aame for tbe leasi amount oi penalty ana interest; com petition will be: - First TTnnn th .nensltv -Cne th KhI umImI, Second Upon the pepsity for the succeeding Third Upon the rati of: Interest. , -..-J.. WERLEIN, City TrettreT4of the'Clty of Portlsnd. Portland, Oregon; May 89, 1903. . POUNDMASTZX'S NOTICE. " KOTICBV la hereby given that en the 37th day ' of Mav. 1808. I took up and emponnded at the ' City", ound, nt Xo. S61 , Sixteenth street. In the . City ; of , Portland, Oregon, th following described animal: . ' .... One brown Ally, with white spot on fore head, white atrip od'noae and. left 'hind foot white. - .' .--." ... And, "uuless the owner, or other person or person nsving sn inrrt therein, (ball claim possession of the same, snd,psv all mat . and .charge of the keening and ad--vertling eame, - together', with -,.th pound ji-eo on earn animal, -as wroviaeo nv-ernl-. nance No. 0,925, as amended,' of aald City of Portland, I will on the' 4th Jay of June, 1008. t tbe 'hour . nf 10 , ta.l-. mi the CJtr Pound,' at ' No. 261 Sixteenth, in aeld eltyj, sell . tb ebove-desc1bed animal at pobllo iiictlon te the hlgheat' bidder, ,4 nay the coete and charge for taking; ap, kn4ng and advertising ench animal. -Jhited this nih dav vf Mav. 1903." ' ? : .' -F. W. . BEEO, Poaudaavter.' ASSESSMENT I0X THE IJJPROVIMrNT OF .AbT UOUOal bIRkiET. SlU0 h'reb' lT'n tbst the Council hT-Yite City r Pnrrisud. ' OrrgiiiC t"a'" meet': Ing held , on the 20th day of May. 1903. de clared th asaeanneiit by or din nice No. 13.. 812. for the Improvement of Eaat Conch street from Mie east line of Esst Twenty -eighth street to tho esst line of blocks 2D and- 21 Hawthorne's First Addition to Uast Port.-' isna. - in the manner provided br ordinance No. 13.106. upon ech lot, port of lot snd parcel of lsnd which sre sprclsllr snd pe cullsrly -beneBtsd, to be as folloivs. vl. - nswthorne s First Iddltlou to the Clly of Kaat Portland .'.''. "H'ln 50 'crt I't 12. F. N. Mi-Holland I Blk IT, aoutb 60 feet U t it.' ''. N. Mc- Hnlland Bik -IT; nerth Wt'-'w-rixrHW- Bode ......, .... Blk 17, north 00 feet lof li,'' Frank Bode v. f Blk 17. all of lot 10, except west 7 feet ef south 00 feet of lot 10. I rank Bode , Blk 17. west 7 feet of south' 00 ' feet of let 10, K. N. McHolland Blk 17. lot 9. J. J. IMcharriann Blk 17, lot 8, H. M. McEldowney........ Blk 17. lot 7. H. M. MeKlriuvnev . : Blk 1$, lot 12. Margaretta Bernl. . lk 18. lot 11, Margartta Bernl.'. Blk 18. lot 10, HaeheJ L. Hawthorne. . . Bik 18. lot 9. Bertha Kuehle. .YW. Blk 18. let 8. Walter and Nellie Cramer. ?ik.8'. ,ot 7- Wm- fedler.... Blk 19, lot 12, Frank Hslmmilst. Blk 19, lot 11, Frank Maimqulat.. B k 19. lot 10, K. T. Deeming B k 19, lot , John Maxwell.. B k 19. lot 8. Carrie K. Melkle Blk 1?. lot 7. W. D. Allsrd. . . g k 20, lot 12, llattle V. Edmund Gloss. 5 S ? ,ot u- '"rank Ciloss...;. - 2 2?' " 10- Th Hxwthorn Esute... 2 J S.' J0! H- L- Trustee.... 1 5 iK' !ot 5' Th Hawthorne Estate.... 14.74 - 23.42., 2.10 3.20 28.08 Rib On I. f -r-. . tr . 1 . T.1 ". 1, auw oawknorne caiare . . . . Blk 24. let 8. City A 8ubrbsn Hallway Company Blk 24, lot 4, John Schmurr. ' . Blk 24. lot 5. Sarah A. facOowan. Blk 24. lot fl. Sarah A. MeOewan Blk 23. lot 1. Henry H. and Mlnerv A. Pierce , ' Blk 28, lot 2. Mrs, Minerva A. Pierce.-. Blk 28, lot 8. Frank J. Victor Blk 28. lot 4. The Hawthorne Estate. . . . BUt 28, lot 0, Rachel L. Hawthorn..... Blk 23, lot , Martha R. Deveny ....... . Blk 22, lot 1, John P. Sharkey Blk 22, lot 2, John P. Sharkey Blk 22, lot 8. Tbe Hawthorne Katate.... Blk 22. lot 4. H. t, ' nr.ra Trt. Blk 22. lor 6, The Hswthorne JCstat.... B k 22, lot . H. L. Powers, Truat. . . . B k 21, lot J; Th Hawthorne Eatate.... Blk 21, lot 2, H: L. Pwra. Truatee.... Blk 21. lot 3. The Hawthorn tatat Slk 21. lot 4, The Hawtherne EsUte.... Ik 21. lot 0. H. Ij. Pnwra Trust. Blk 21, lot , The Hawthorne Eatate. . . . 4.07 34.62 4042 Oo.Oo 81.92 73.18 49.43 43.07 49.42 47.17 47.17 40.05 27.18 30.61 . 48.78 62.73 88.71 30.18 84.92 82.18 23.49 19.07 8.40 290 60.88 87.03 7.21 80.44 68.45 49.05 ' 62.00 44.96 39.18 847 23 47 30.07 :ifl.97 84.80 48.48 41.41 80.68 22.71 18.2J 19.2$ Total . ,.. aal ..ti.ua JiwSlfv A statement of aforeeald assessment MSL. been entered in the Docket of City LlsnsV.. which if Bow due and payable f th of- lie ef tbe City Treaaureri In lawl money . Of the United States and If not nald tariahi. , ' - thirty day from tk date of thla nnti... uch proceeding will b taken for the eol. lection of the aam ss srs provided by tb charter of th City of Portland. . . ' The abOT assessment r wilt .bear Interest ten days, sftar tha flrat nuhllcatJo nf thi. notice. THOS. ODXTUN, ' '" t th Lltjaiff Portland. , . May 28. 1908. ' CITY TXEASUXEX'S NOTICE OF BALE 01 XXAL PROPERTY FOX DELINQUENT ASSESSMENTS.-- - ,t Nstlce Is hereby riven that ' th laiiJ. ef the Cltr of Portland haa tranamitts . ' tne a -list of the delinquent ements for the nuiwQTrnicni 01 - vosBimrciai street; rrom th north Une of Shaver street to th ,,th un of Albert atreet, and that pursuant to aec. nun via 01 uie cnarier or tn city of Port land. I . will, en Msndav. tha SAth aw t June. '1908. at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the .west -door of th . Cltr Halt In -tb Oitr ef 'Portland, Oregan, offer for sal, si publie auctloo," to v th hlgheat bidder for Cash, sublect to redemntlnn th en.i. " descrlbsd parcel- of real property," ttrtt:- Central Alblna Addition v vn"' - - - Blk 3. lot 7. Harriet J. Lee. .V, .. $88.83 V Each nlec or. trset of- land -.in k separately and for-, a sum . not lea than tb hnnsld I assessment thereon, snd interest and Coat pf the , advertising and ssle; if more than ff iJi ?. thr Und will be hold to " ' the bidder offering to take the aame for the leaat , amonnt ot penalty and intereat; com. petition will, be: .. First Coon the penalty for tb flrat period: ' iL - -T2M!rtpon the penalty fog tn ecceedlnf ' period! . .... l .. t . .. . ; Third Upon - th' rat of lntetwet' ':-' t- .,.taT,"M', Cltyef, I'ortlana. rr .ortland.' Oregon,'. May , 1903j