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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1903)
'-jrr? J-.-rfv".. . '". t ..",'....., ', . V... It,-, .11 .' -r-i ' '.I f. , i. -.I . ' . , . ,', - ,. 1 1 , " ',',.;.......'. '. ..'.);..'. .1 ' . .V.- , - . 3,. '. I ABOR TROUBLE CROWS RAPIDLY All the Sheet Metal Workers in the City Locked Out This Mornmg Making yO More ,.Out ot Employment, J)es Moines Bottom is an h , land Sea Surrounding Peo- pie Who Took to the Roofs of o -Their Houses for Safety, Six Hundred Homes in the Citv eports Show Association Explains That Men Must Work Any Place They Are Sent Regardless of-Advice of-Council, Are Submerged and Reports from all Over State ' Immense Damage. New Steel 'bridge Under Con struction :G3es' Out and. Other Tf Structurer'Not : Expected.- to Stand the Strain, ft 'M4 i (-' fJournsl Qp1al Brv!c.) tiVEU MOINES, Ja.. May S-S. TU bot- "Thin shop will b closed at 5 p. m. It reopen 10 men who will .work on Any work without discrimination." Thv ttbove notice was posted On every tliiKliop 1n thr city yesterday af ttnioon, and ui a result the sheet metal workers wera all locked out this morn In. All told there are about It mo:i thrown out f employment. I hire la on association or shop pro. pnMors formed for mutual protection, and In explanation -of the stand taken by the employers the J. C. Bayne firm jivAs the foUrwlns; statement: "On account of the men refusing to work on building 1 have contracted for. nnd which the Building Trade Council has rieclnred unfair, it has leMi;p'si.iry to stop business for tht time belns. Man War iafisSsd. A representative of this firm said that It employed 29 men Hlon and they "i ' Ralph JTWB4MI1IS TOWXOHT. Dakar . Tnsatrs "Fenicllft," Stuart. ' " Cordrss- Continuous vaudevllla, Edward Shield; ; Police Chief Asks District At torney to Explain Charges - AgawtAdralidaration..ot the Department. li ton ismUslon ths I Jt ilnea River P'" the rate of IJ.GO and IJ.7. J. , , . "They were perfectly satisfied and J , " h ! KaJ no grievance whatever. Buttba jut In. the peurlnj rain rntnuvliK? their (ack and portable holtlliiK to h Ichor graunl the e vent of the -flood reach t ft Unf foiat.- Thli precftiilin wfir' taken none too - fftoa. tli ffver .feent riHlnr;all nlht. 4cid this miuiiff but is 'for mllea fjont tha, river ir Itatndatei iMany'"wf t.'te places of hnsir.s rIook tk water froijt wer tftmpeTlea to itiova tkelr stocks oil tenuis to pluc of safety. M the water kejjt gaining: at iht rate wt an inch an luxir,: ' :Many of the Idnts nlotit; ha bot tarn were c-.upelld to take to the roofs f their hou;ft) for eafety, owlna; slo tka rapid rU') of ttie river durlna; the alht Many f t'hm have been without food for S hiur., bn-l y the time all report ar in iUi feared the llat of fatalltlea ,-VX Va trfttljr rnereaaod. i ' V1 . ""irtda-a dot Ouf j tnerhbera of the association were forced to nke the stand they have on account if the arbitrary action of the Building 'fratie Council. Jobs were being tied tip all ovr the city by agents of the Council declaring buildings unfair and railing, the aheet metal workers off. Many a time they would no more than get started on a Job until they wore naked .to walk out. leaving our ma terial scattered all over the premise. Thla kind of work finally became und m ruble. No df f ntience could be placed upon them when " contract could b completed. It was exasperating in the extreme, and there remained only one thing to do and that was to close down vitt'U we can arrive at some satis- ractory undemanding arith our em ployes." Against OomnoU. r Union men look upon the lockout as ' step being taken by. the association to break up the Building Trades Coun- All About ' That $22 One is Openly Angry,' the Other is Silently Fierce Some Irop ical Correspondence. 12,,,.. rr.vT. "m. V r; ne,rt mm u being made by th ihis rorepoou. DiMr. briagea eem v doomed. , l v-, V , : ; .Only 1 wo peoptq fvv ben drowned so Tar, although.. mnnyfamiltpa are being rescued from th upper ?to,rls of their hemes 'tit rowlxmtj. - -A break. In the, 1W, at ll-'rlock 1hla ' forenwn n-flfd SO Tesurfctie "tn Korth ! iloln. moving approTi-. mately. 156 hoinea submersed' lu the eltjr,- ''y .. " Report from the west and aoutbwest ero portion' of Iowa ay the flood ex ed all ptcMous Heeraa. . crveral associations to accomplish that result. ' The employers of the aheet metal workerre carrying ouf th Idea ' which lia . been expounded ail along by the master painters and Hu11dm' associations, with ' the only V-KpectaUon that they are going them jftie better by locking out their men. While th master painters and build ers did not go to this extreme, they have contended f Bern the beginning of the Kbor troubles .this spring that the union men refusing to work where non-unionist - ar employed is the worst feature - about the entire diffi cult yv thst'tftey would never ub mit to jluoh action,' , Rcprcenta tires of the Oregon Elec trical Association also say that their I men wili have to work on all buildings f . f k-w-Hlv-rrn-rtlsa-jx " (Journal fipotlal Service.) - Uh. r. r.o.i.inn man CEDAR . FA.LL5. In.. May 21. Bev-1 pmDi,ved at the same place or not. If nty.rflv families ero. forced to feo.i tJl,lr. employe - refuae to do o they -CEDAR RIVER IS ALSO -DOING GREAT DAMAGE t from .their homes 'last night and reefc . 'higher gr08:i,1. owing to the rapid rise of Oedar River. - .'Th tower portion : ofthe dty. la all Under water, Hid many building along th rlvar bank have been wept away. Wreckage paaslng-"ffdwa 4 the-1' river 'give a moving pletirr f th damage wlilch must b ccurriog; above here, for whol banding and Vroken structure i art being earried .by on the rapid-moving stream every few minutes, Dead stock is floating In the eddiea along the banks of the 'river, showing that tha vw to th farmer will run Into th tbouiandi, , r v WOMEN CARRIED ARMS ; , (Joirril Special Service.) . VIJENN'A. May . Die Zeelt today rlnu a dlspatoh from Uakub. Mace don la, which reports fierce fighting be tween Turkish troop and insurgent near Batah.' Both ldes lost heavily, A notable feature of the fighting was th large number of women -who car- -vied arm for th insurgents. Oulag to St. XouisT ' If ko, learn about th new tourist erv lc Inaugurated by th O. R. ft N., via peavti' and Kansas City. City ticket of tm. flrd and WashlTifton. 'r will be declared unfair, and it will be Impossible for them to (jet work from ;.n member of the- association. These statements are. pointed to. bjf the union men. and they say there can be no doubt that the association are combining for the purpose of breaking up the Building Trade Council and incidentally forcing union and non union men to work together. Harmony can never be established on these line, they say, and the Indications seem to be that the labor trouble are becom ing more and more complicated and further from adjustment as the day pas Ty. ' " ' BOY BRAINED BY AX BAKER CITV. Or.. May 2. Tdmmy Sherred. son of Sam W. Sherred of Wingvllle. was hit in th head with an ox yesterday. The boy' brother was working on the roof of a barn with an ax and threw the tool to the grsund. accidentally striking his little brother. The -boy Is horribly wounded but will probably recover, ' It is believed now that the Hart found dead Sunday in the St. Lawrence Hotel was the Frod Hart wanted by Seattle police as the absconding Valdes agent of .' the Washington L.ife. Telegrams fro'm Seattle verify hls. Chief of Police Hunt Is openly angry District Attorney Manning 1 calmly. Uently fierce. i Around th two official 1 an atmo pber of such torrid temperature that those who vnturwlthln Its confines are apt to believe this is really spring. "Lack. of harmony" doeant deacrlb th situation. In th matter of th release or non release of prisoner in th custody 'if th Chief of Folio, Mr. Manning, as District Attorney, has made charges, as published exclusively In Th Jour nal, which th Chief don t like. He ay so; and from oertain outwara ana visible sign it 1 flutt evident that Indignation Is th dominant feeling with Mr. Hunt at this time. Yesterday th Chief asked the City Attorney for a written opinion as to his authority to release prisoner, and the proportion of authority j ested by law in. th District Attorney. Tbi greatly displeased Mr. Manning, who at tb tlm was not slow to say so. Hs went further and - declared that tb Chief had released prisoner who should has been held for triaU Tbat Twaty-tw psUan. But what apparently moat aroused tb ir of th Chief of Police was th state ment by th District Attorney that th latter knew of an instance wherein a prisoner held for larceny was permitted toifo on repaying Hi, th sum sa'd to bar been toln. Th Dlatrict Attorney added, that th III had mysteriously disappeared, or, at : lat, had never reached It rightful ownr. , This It wa that cauaed Mr. Hunt to call strenuously for th telephone num ber of th District Attorney this morn ing, and, later, send Mr. Manning a let ter which, presumably, demanded an ex planation of that official's statement.. Gossip has It that Instaad of on of Uncle Sam's mall carriers, a uniformed policeman was chosen as th bearer of this mtlve. Mr. Manning tbi afternoon declined to discuss th matter, further intimat ing, however, that any explanation that Mr. Hunt might desire would be forthcoming.- The District Attorney made no attempt whatever to qualify the statement made to- The Journal ,y-1 terday. He merely smiled, coldly, grim ly, and hastened to his stenographer. From which It may be Inferred that another letter, of non-refrigerating oual ltla.-wUL traverse -th- dlstanca .f rora th District Attorney's office to th of ficial apartment of the Chief of Police. OOKXKOr ATTSAOTZOM. Baker Thes'tr "Th Highest. Bid der." Ralph, Stuart. ' Ccrdray' 'Continuous vaudeville, Edward Shields. - Amatenr Klgrbt at Oordray's, ' Amateur night J announced for Cor dray tomorrow night and Mr. Shield, who I giving , Vaudeville entertain ments st the house, ays that an -extremely Interesting program has ' been arranged. Amateur nights ar th prober thing In the Kast and In San J,rajicJseoJX-pcojrs of clever acts will 1 presented "by ioplo who know their business and their friends In the city back them up wltli the same expres sion. Th vaudeville program being presented . this . week I a hlgh-clas one, ahd meets with great favor. Next week Mr- Shields announce a complete chang of bill and promise that lie will have people on the stage who are -not excelled In their clays of work. Mati nees will be given every day, as usual Vlolla KeoltaX Th pupils of E- O. flpltsener delight od a Urge house ai the Marquam last evening In Violin recital. The enter tainment was benefit for Mr. Charles foebergalt, a young blind musician, and th event wa patronized by scores of the muslo, lovsr of Portland. Mr. Spitsener, 'well as hi young pupil, deserves ..great, credit for the success that attended the recital. The violin chorus of 44 nieces palylng th ' "Holy City" was not only one of th most pleasing features of an untiring pro gram, but was unique In Itself. The work of Miss Cornelia Baker. Mr. Max Smith and little Philip, Kamm, and petite Luclle Coiiette. .was especi ally noteworthy., Miss Baker shows her playing the touch of the srtlst and: Mr. Smith has th bearing oton who Instrument is. part of htm. Mr., Spltsener was assisted by Mr. F. Konrad and Miss Huggtna. both finished musicians. The pupils who took part In the recital re: M. Raa, Ed. Neubert. R. Keith. Sharp. I Kvana, M. Marx. M. Hatflald. H. Mix. E. FlShr. Mr. Brltt. V. Jor genaon. A. Diamond. Mr. Patten. L. Vaughn, O.i Evans. E. Sharp, M. Nor tenson, H. Kiclas. S. Fahrbacher, ; C. Barker. K . Marahnll. F. Norrls, Mr. Banberllng, F. Rlchby. Mtsa Mott. J. Woodcock, M. Smith. Mr. Frltseh, Harry Coats, . H. Barehstacher. Ph. Kamm. M. Hgusmann. E.' Reed. L. Werner, 8. Fennell. E. Chlpmann. B. Jacoba, Mr. Simonson. T. B. Wilson. A. Rice, T. Lincoln. Van Northwlck Evangeline .Brick, Charles Nebergall. :.,Jj-sKSr bumps; first borrn a bright .'-vVv f; ) LC: ': ?f'i ' Desired to.boxJlks SuJIlvan. 7- lCvi v.vr,-'-'i' :i v ' Vi-vv; ; -;SPrv;;'" .-. ( Taka-flrst, myx son ls .wisdom's. J.-V 'X;Y I " v' tffff I lfiirmXm Hla father ald, "a box of 'Tore!' Af . w' ' r ffS&fn H I : There's no box Ilk It for the vim : r : V , It glves,,r asserted v IMt crli-s fates af wheat ahd saAlt. JSll' .. I ' VV - v Km. A. aUtlafaolarv. J&Wi jr- 1 ".'' .v J ' ' ' '--'VV . "After bsviag tried ahnost rry jfS . A'V ' mr. . ' t-Ci-. . '- '.XjV' V j r.-i.Ta-aews- ItraaMasT feed, H ISa - --'V-- ; "-1 1 - -.-..- . ' aoae f them bat beea u uUsfaetory I I g a M labl conspiracy to sav Th Larches. "As Ton Like Xt," "As Tou Like It." presented by the young ladle of St. Helen's Hall last evening, was on of the moat, pleaalng amateur entertainments of the season. Th costumes of the characters were very pretty and the liner were ren dered In an acceptable manner. The performance waa given at the hall. The following made up the caat .... A Pameua Bamsdy for Sick aTeaaaohe. The cause of this complaint Is not In tne neaa at an, it comes rrom tn atom ath. .. A atomach that . has become cloc ged by overeating, drinking or abuse In any manner, wilt warn you by bringing on sick headache. . Cur ,ihe pains and distress in ine siomacn, ana ine neaq ache stop of itself. All bilious at tacks, dyspepsia, belching, bad taste in the mouth, muddy complexion and yel low eye, ar cured by thl remedy. It is called Jr. uunni improved Liver Pills, and Is old by druggist all over the United State for 2to per box. One pill for a dose, or ent by mall on re ceipt of price. Sample free. Address Dr. Bosanko Co- Philadelphia, Pa. Saaaballt Sunday, May SI. Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets. Schiller v. Oregon City. Game called t p. m. 26 per cent of proceed ar to b da voted to- Benjamin E. Thompson, the blind letter-carrier. Tickets f'igssale at ScnUlers' Cigar Stores, Third and Morrison, Fourth and Washington, Sixth and Washington. The most delightful trip across th continent I via the Denver & Rio Grande, the scenic line of the worla. Apply at 124 Third st.t Portland, for rntes. Rosalind Colla ...... Touchstone Audrey . . Phebe ... Sllvlus ,, Jacques ......... Orlando ......... Jacques du Bois. Adam ' ; . , Duke Beau -i-. ;-. .r.v. . . .- Oliver Hymen Ina Ray Helen Chandler Myrtl Wilson ........Lily' Banfleld .......Juliet Dennis . . . .Frances Feblger ..Gusaie Humphrey .Ida Jackel j... Harriet Ankeny ..Sarah Browberger ........Ruby Wagg vrvi i .-.Carrie -Short . . . . Clara MacEwan .....Bella Morrison abl conspiracy to sav Ths Larches, her father's magnificent estates, which have been forced Into 1 th market by hid Insolvency. - Possessed of lara means. Hammer- ton follow the avocation ' of auc tioneer through a desire to employ his tlm and talent Inherited from his father. He loves the young lady re ferred to, but his Innate" baahfulness prevent his making his' . attachment known, but whsn at tha end of th first act ho has knocked down Th Larches to a man known- to bs- an un deslrable owner and I questioned by Rose, he calmly tate '1 bought It myself to ve It for you." Sh real ise the alneerlty of his admiration and one her eyes ara . opened soon learns to ; reel pr oca t his' love. , DUAL FIELD MEET ON MEMORIAL DAY FOR YOUR f jj Breakfast, Dinner or 8upper j; ' OAT THE BEST HAM THAT v "Ferncllff" 1 enjoying the usual run of business at the Baker tb present week. .', The play, picturing a beautiful love story, -ha for. the place of action a country home In the state of Rhode Island which glvea and makes room for somsrpretty things In the war of ex terior paintings, and as Jhls seems tq be Alta Tischbauers forte, the Baker patrons,' after seeing the first act scene last season, when the play was produced, were expecting aa good If not a better setting this season, and they wore not disappointed, as the first act showing the home of the Hewlns, is a clever piece of artistic work. The play aeems to hava .'caught the fancy of the lovers of the drama and It is most certain that It will receive it full share of business, Manager V. D. Earl and Trainer Wil liam, Ray,' of th University track team, left this morning fpr Forest urove wher the young athletea are listed to meet Paciflo Unlveralty In a dual field day this. aftrnoon. Arter tnir mei this afternoon, the Eugene man will return to this city for their annual meet with' the' Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club. This contest will be held on Dec oration Day,- And will be In charge of the following omciais;.. , ,, , Rfre .Reno Hutchinson. T. M. u. A. ' ;- ' .' '' Judges at finish -Dr. H. J. Rosenburg, M. A. A:.C; B. S. Fisher. Stanford. 0?; B. C. Jakway, Oregon, 01. StarterF. 'J." fteley, M. X. A. C; - Field Judgee-r-F. E. Watklns, M. A. A. C: C. E. Wagner, U.-f O., '01; C. O. Murphy. M. A. A. C. 0 Ttmers-Peter Grant. Jack King, H. F. Allen. Inspectors H. J. Boyd, H. M. A.; W. O. Rudy, B. S. A.; Charles -Mackle, M. A. A. C. ' i-n,.June 1 the 'Varsity team will com pete with the athlete df" th Albany College on the latter' campus. SPIERINC QUARTET WILL GIVE CONCERT "The Xirbest Bidder." Ralph Stuart certainly merits com mendation for the judgment ' he dis plays lu the selection of plays for his engagement at Baker's Theatre. One of the most successful and valuable comedies ever produced will . be hi offering next week. E. H. Sothern, it will be remembered, made one of the greatest hits of his carer In the part of Jcs Hammerton, the bashful- young auctioneer, who loves the heroine. Rose Thornhiil? and, enter Into a commend- The music lovers' of Portland ar looking forward with Interest to the aDoearanco fn' 4hTs cltv next Thursday of the. Splerlng Quartet, one of the noted musical organisations of Chi cago. It ranks with the best , in the country and Chicago has long con sidered it on a par with the famous Thomas Orchestra of that city. The program' to be rendered at the Marquam Grand June 4 will be most Interesting, embracing classloal num bers as well ss msny of she - popular compositions of the day. The many appreciative patrons of musical events of merit will be pleased to learn of the coming of the Splerlng Quartet. MONEY CAN BUY. ASK FOR f QHI ELD RRANB W n jj i It costs no more than any other and it is absolutely the Best. , Z From Oregon Wheat-Fed Ho and Government Inspected. J A Home Product and none better made. AM First-class Orocers and Butchers sell ..SHIELD BRAND GOODS.. UNION MEAT CO. BLIND POSTMAN TO , RECEIVE BENEFIT Many " Unsolicited .Subscrip tions Have Been Received for His Relief. , After a postal employe's. days of use fulness are over -and ho is retired from further, duty he must shift for. himself. Uncle Sam pensions his soldiers and re tires Hhose of long and continuous serv ice on reduced pay, but If, as In the esse of Benjamin P. Thompson, a Port land letter carrier, who must lools to other than his employer for aid. The story of his affliction was told by The Journal last weak '.- . On next Wednesday evening. June 3, there will be given a concert at the Mar quam Theatre, the proceed from which will be devoted to the mortgage-raising fund. The entertainment to be pro vided will be excellent, the best talent of Portland having offered Its services to help in making the concert a suc cess. Webber's Mandolin Club and the Letter Carriers' Band will furnish music of tTie instrumental kind, and the following soloists will be heard: Mrs, Rose Bloch-Bauer,' Mrs. WaJter Reed, Mrs. Ti J. Flavin, Miss Carey Johrmton. Dom Zan and Paul Wesslnger. Unso licited contributions for the tnail-carrler have been received from the following": First National Bank, $50; Sam Simon. HO; J. A. Strowbrldge, 110: Lang & Cb'm- pany. $10; W, T. Branch. .1 5; Httrjr Hwr ett. IS; Ladd Metal .yVorki iiM; Ciiaa. J. Sfchhabel. 12.60; J. N.' Teal, !; Rirph Btuart. $5; Jacob Kamm.-HO. ' ' Ticket for the bncflt are oh. sals '-wt the following places: Rowe1 aV Martln' drug store. Sixth and Washington y treet; I-aue-Pa vis Drug ,i Company, 1 Fourth and Washington atreeta; fOo4 ard. Clark & Company, drug store. Third and Yamhill streets, and at B. B. Rich's cigar stands. 1 OBJECT TO PAYING FOR IMPROVEMENTS Suit to"treatraln the city of .Port-... lsnd from creating a reassessment dis trict on East Uurnslde street wss b guft before the Judge of the Circuit Court in Joint session this morning. The plaintiffs In the action are A: A. KAderly and other residents- of East Burnside. The contention is that ' last fall an assessment district wa crat1 Ttrrd-the Btret graded. A -majorltv of th resldc'rits along the Improved high way refused to py for th -work Tm the grounds that the notice tf thii in- ' tentlon of the city to create ri niesS ment district was irregular. Th emirta sustnlntd the contention of the pebple ond now the city would reassess th. Btier-t and compel payment. ' Dsmnrrer Sustained. N Judge George this morning 8titi)nd the demurrer to the complaint iiv'the action -of Joshua Robert Mead et al. omer resiaents Morrison str near Front are asking that the city restrained fro'm vloslng an opening In the street .near .'the Morrison- - Street bridge, - - r "THE NAME WIUL BECOME A HOUSEHOLD WORD.". ' ONE PRICE TO ALL, One Hundred and Eighty-Four Offices in North Ameirca"-Thc Pinnacle of High Class Dentistry Is Reached! I THE ALBA DENTI5TS... . . ........ . Known from Sea Co&st to Sea Coast have established . a branch of their- elaborate system in Portland, in parlors over Eilers Piano; House, opposite Gordrays, where the Perfection of Dentistry . Will be demonstrated to all who may favor the gentlemen with their presence. What is termed "CHEAP DENTISTRY," the work of the amateur and those only interested in profits and not reputation, NEED NOT BE LOOKED Ft)R HERE; Our work shall be the BEST THAT HUMAN SKILL HAS , YET PRODUCED; including the V Celebrated L. L. White G Than which the wisdom of the world has produced no equal, and probably jiU never originate a superior. Many citizens of PortlanM from from East are wearing these Crowns and Et . V- ' ' . MARKED SUPERIORITY OVER ALL OTHfiR SIMILAR INyENribNlS OF THIS A(jE OF PROQRESS Prtces quoted here are for the best to be had on earth, and none will be slighted who entrust themselves and their work t6 us. J One Price To All. Gold Crowns, 22k, $3.00 In the moutii. No charge for treatment of any kind whre crown or fillings re ordered. Full Set of Best Teeth $7.00 We use th; beit teeth and the best rubber or vulcanite that money can buy. . 0 . ' " ' ' ' .. Full Set Cheapest Grade V AND THEY ARE GOOD, SERVIIAli- Hi i y -, . w - ;"- '' Gold fillings, sma!!, $1.00 Gold Fillings, large$3 00 AH Other filling i. of any mater .at deVlred, 75 c, and all other -' ope ration Sj. are it.lctlymodern. . .v . T . 1 I Phone'Main, 2796.; ! THE NAME WiUL, BECOME A, HOUSEHOLD WORD.' 1 OVER ElLERivJMANO HOUSE; OPPOSITE CODRAY'S THBAtRfi LLLl