; ) ' " sfv.'M';. i X. "r TilElOREGON .DAILYi.tfOUJjtNAltOR ISMiiWl ililililtil Items of Local; Interest for. Busy; Jour : YX:i nal Readers. . ;- 1 World's '-"i-.y i- Champlonship ' ;., Boxing. , .. Walcott' - - - V Smith.) V t Mueller ' YS. . ' O'Brien. , . ... Exposition 4 ' - X Building. Thursday, . ; May :.'. " " ' . Tickets on Sale at ' i Mikado Saloon. Sixth and Stark. Sportsman's Saloon. Fourth, bet. Stark and Weshlnarton. Bcnuiers Uifcrar store, th and Wash. Tine Ba I , Buy Meredith's umbrellas Repairing, recovering. Wash., and Sixth. . A large number of cement sidewalks re being laid in the, residence portion i AlDlna. Tancke Drag Co., Mswthorne and Orand avenues. Telephone orders eo llcltcd. Union Ml. An you affllotedr If so. nsk your arugglr' for aulneane Remedy. Its tires are marvelous i Portland 01ns, ISO Fifth street- A palatable lunch served every evening from 8 until 11 p. m. Delayed summer weather In retarding tho fruit crop In the Inland Empire and Along the Snake River Valley. ' K. Xi. Bruoe, plumber, has removed from 226 1st st. to zfl K. Morrison, just cross. Morrlson-et bridge. Fhone East 14. , Portland residents are said this year to be delaying longer than usual the electloit-of watering places and moun- A In camps, lateness of the summer tsca Con being the cause. sham battle to be given by the h-Amerlcan war veterans at the Portland baseball grounds for tho ben efit of the Riverside and Lone Fir Mon ument Associations, will be held next Friday night. Strawberry picking at Hood River Commences this week. Two thousand pickers will be needed to gather the crop. Nice light work and good pay. Steamers leave foot of Alder street dally at 7 a. m. The 14-inch water main on East First street Is being extended north from East Oak street to East Ankeny, In the vicinity of the packing houses and tho Standard Box Factory. It Is Intended eventually to extend the main to Lower Albina, T. O. Snnffln, an employe of Jones' Sawmill at Fulton,' suffered a severe injury while at work yc3trdny. His leg caught In a pulley and was badly. crushed about the ankl.i 'I ho Injured man was removed to tho Good Samar itan Hospital. Much good is expected to result to Portland tn a commercial waythroua;h the striking of artesian water In tho Walla Walla Valley. This will render Irrigation easier and considerably ; In crease the fruit and vegetable yield of that section. 7- Zn order to help secure thx next National Livestock Convention for 4hl yVIl well V Ths i ' Spanish fie;-. .JMb3 :,r 3vS mmxwm 'GMWJXJV: or 'm Iff ftOTA&TZBS WIO WOULD VISIT AKBX.TOA. The latest portraits of two young men of royal blood who have expressed their wish to vlnit yio St. Louis Exposition. The picture on the left is that of tho Grand Duke Frederick Frants IV, of Mecklenburg-Schwerln. one of the most charming young sovereigns of Europe, who lian.lust attained his 21st birthday. In the picture he Is shown In the uniform of the Mecklenburg drag oons. 1 he pjetui-e on the rlglit -shows the Csarewitch of Russia. In the dress which tie recently work, at a fancy dress ball at the "Hermitage," near St. Petersburg. CITY; OFFICIALS . mvm HARMONY j'l if. ;.(" Chief of Police and District At torney Clash Over Prisoners .... Held' for Trial Seek Legal upinion,;- ' .v '' Spencer Accuses the Police De partment of Not Working in : -larmony .With State Asks pertinent Questions. city, the Chamber of Commerce has prepared a four page article telling of Portland's glories, which will be pub lished in the-next report of the Asso ciation. At least 10.000 booklets, will also be printed and copies en to prominent livestock men throughout the United States, Mexico and Canada. At tho semi-annual meeting of the High School Alumhl Association tho following officers were elected: Pres ident, Jay H. TTpton vice-president Alias Allle Masttck; secretary. Jdlaa Verdlo Munro; treasurer, Frank Jdow?. It has been the practice of th association to give a gold. medal every ycur to Uie high school pupils for skill In oratory. The contest hls year will take place at the high school on the night of June 12. Xer-Admtra4 O." W. Parenholt, Uni ted States Xavy, retired, Is In ttie oity, where heVlll emaln about two weeks the gueM of friends. Ho was for ',iir .vears.from 189:1' to 1S96. etatloncl at Portland all Lighthouse Inspector. Aftr leaving here be- traveled extensively in both the Eastern and Western contin ents. After 40 yentn of continuous ser vice he was retired and has slnco been residing in San Francisco. His son Is stationed at Marc Island In ths ca pacity of government surgeon. ' Ths entertainment to be given next Tuesday night at the Marquam fo the beneflt of the Sacajawea monument fund promises to -be an enjoyable event A one-act comedy entitle "Frank Glynn's Wife" will be a feature. The cast includes Miss May Gove, Miss Nettle Kemp. Miss Theresa Raab. Miss Oertrude Roberts. Mrs. Mary Averill THE STORE NOTED FOR GOOD GOODS AND LOWEST PRICES. oooo iC 0000 ' i m m kA falls Before the curtain on our GREAT EXPANSION SALE Vve wish to give the housekeepers -of the city of Portfiand one Grand Benefit in Household Supplies , that will forever remain green in their memory. THIS SALE will mean . . A Saving of at Least One-Third on Table Linens, Lace Curtains, Che nille and TapestryPortieres,Ruffled Swiss Curtains, Blankets, Quilts, Comfor ters,To wels, Napkins,Table and Stand Covers, Tray, Lunch and I Breakfast Cloths, Couch Covers, etc. THE SOONER YOU COME THE BETTER McALLEN & Pot McDonnell ulatvDry Goods Store - CORNER YHIRD AMD MORRISON STREETS SpecUI Rfduced Pr3ce 6n Thompson's r snd Wsmer's Cortets. .... nsxssr Clove-Fitting Patterns Reduced to tOc. C. a. AVHkefleld and I. S. Ceraey. Sev ersl readings from Longfellow and Jules Verne will be given. The affsi vlll loss with a tablenu of the Indian maid en und a song. "Sacajawea's Lullaby,' composed by Miss Zlporah Harris, of this city. Sample prioesi Ranch ctrgs, 20 cents. ' best , creamery butter. 45c and 50c. Eastern sugar-cured, ham. 16c. Picnic liams. 12c. Best Japan tea, 30c. .Oolong tea 60c. Best Java and Mocha coffee. 30c. " rbuckle and .,on coffees. 10c. Swell mixed pickles. 5 cents a bottle. La Orande Creamery, ,264 Yamhill, near Third. J. O. Sohwabenland, aged 31. and Dorothea Miller, aged 20, have been Is sued a license to marry. Ther.e will be a special meeting nf the Laundry Drivers In their hall, at 10 o'clock Saturday morning. Powerful busy Just now. but we're get ting there with both limbs. The L'nton Laundry. Second and Columbia. Charles Weinberg has been appoint ed administrator of tho estate of Charles Bryngclson, deceased. Friday night nt the Auditorium the Portland Camera Club will give a fiterept(pon exhibition. The public is Invited. BtOOBd-haad sewing machines, good as new. at a fraction of its worth. Slgel Smith. S86 Morrison street. Marquam Building. A. B Xiawton, ex-secretary of the Federated Trades Council, t Is In the city on a short business trip from his J'olk County ranch. . The Flour and Cereal Workers' Union, one of the younges labor organ izations In the city, has made a liberal contribution to the local strike-fund. Wolff-American bicycles, bought In carload lots, direct from factory, for cash, are retailed at Jobbers' prices. Slgel Smith, 336 Morrison, Marquam Bulldipg. About to Marry? Let us print your wedding 'cards. We are designers of beauty. in printing. Metropolitan Printing Company. 147 Front street, be tween Alder and Morrison. Turkish bathe, for ladies. Finest Turkish baths In the city at 424 Wash ington street. Free treatment on vibrator with each bath. Open even ings by appointment. Phone Black 1916. Mark Hanna Is coming to Portland to nloy the excursion to Willamette Falls round. trip two bits on the handsome steamer Leona, lea via? Portland daily at 8:30 and 11:30 a. m.. arid '3 arffl 6ri5 p. m., from Taylor-street dock. Your I'ncle Marcus knows a good thlng- wnen he hears about it. J. H. Wright has filed a petition In tbe Probate Court asking that ho be paid 1 1 00 from the estate of the late Peter Coello for rnndlng .tb-1ody of ihk ueceuueij nuaiing in me Willamette. Wright contends that John ostello Offered a reward of $100 for the re covery of his father's body. Oriental goods are always In fashion. We are direct Importers.. American main office. Jfl Rector street. New York branch. 117 B. Third street, Bethlehem Pa. Portland store. 411 Washington street. We have the olv complete stock of Persian rugs ana carpets. Turk lsl draoeries and Oriental wares on the INorth Pacific Coast. ' The Pontifical high mass will bo celebrated ne'xtt Sunday at the Cathe dral, by Archbishop Alexander Christie. Muss, witl be lield In the forenoon, and at 3 ; o'clock In the afternoon a large number . of candidates will be coh flrmnd. ' As May 81 Is Whit Sunday, it Is known that large crowds will at tend the holy services of that day. Can't bake for yourself as we bake for you. Ours Is the most completely equipped bakery on tho coast, and we employ the highest-price baker that money can procure. We use only the cream of high-class human foods, and. If deelred, send provisions to jhe home ready for the table, We soil uncooked foods; too. Fred Forch, West Park and Morrison. Ths fruited States, taundry wishes to Inform its patrons not to be misled by certain unscrupulous laundry drivers, representing themselves to be employed by the United States Laundry. All par ties desiring to send their laundering to the united States Laundry are cautioned to first see the name V. S. Laundry on the wagon beforo parting with thslr bundles. We clean your .carpets free of. charge and make thetn into beautiful rugs any size wanted at a reasonabto expense. That's our specialty. We have the only factory on the Pacific Coast where rugs like a these are made. Something new, easy to kee clean, guaranteed to out wear all ottiera. , Rugs of rags, silk por tieres and slumber robes, woven. Give your order now: get work any time you wish. The Northweet ttug Works. 30 East Morrison. Phone, White 171. A. P. Piakus, formerly captain of the detective force of Vancouver, Wash., is greatly worried over the loss of. his ValJse containing some valuable papers. vropfry-'wa,steitBif trohY hl loom' in North. En lodging houso last Friday. In it were his naturalisation papers, deeds, record sv letters of "rc$" ommendatlon. letters from "-decnased friends, a flue pocket telescope, a vast The lack of harmony which has been for some time manifest . between the Chief of Police and the District Attorney In the matter or disposing of prisoners without trial ame.to a climax yester day when Chief Hun applied to City Attorney I A... HcNary for a written opinion. , . Chief Hunt wants to know -whether or not he la obliged to release a prisoner on the order of the ulxtrlrt Attorney before the case has been examined Into by the committing magistrate. Several Instances wherein prisoners held on warrants hare been discharged by order of the District - Attorn v hive oi-curred, and tn almost every instance Chief of Police Hunt has .reluctantly compiled with the order. Chief XTon-Conunlttal. In answer to the question as to the right of the District Attorney to order the release of a :pri"()n-r without trial. Chief Hunt this, morning replied: "I know what you are itfter. I havo nothing to say. furthermore than 1 shall seek legtll advice as to hi.w to proceed. The District Attorney says he has the legal right to order tin- releuse of a prisoner. I don't know whether lie has or not. That's what I am going to find out." V City Attorney's Opinion. . City Attorney L. A. iicNaiy lute this rorenoon stated mat in- had not as yet been asked to render an upinloit upon the general powers of t!v District Attorney, relating to tli case In ques tion. "Some time ago. however, In the ease oft tho stolen wire held by the Chief ot.Pollce-I advled that the prop erty not be delivered up on the order of the District Attorney. But In case where some claimant steps in and proves ownenthlp. the District Attorney would have a perfect right to mnke an order that the property be delivered up. in case of a prisoner, arrested and held for trial, but who Ik previously ascer tained to be the wrong man. the District Attorney would have the right to order his release." District Attorney Indignant. , District "Attorney John Manning ex pressed no small degree of indignation when lnfoiyied this morning that the Chief of PoUoe questioned his autVinrity and had applied to the City Attorney for fin opinion. "I am not prepared to make any criticisms upon the Chief's attitude," warmly comments 1 Mr. Man ning, "until I eee tli opinion of the City Attorney. Thentl will gladly give my side of the casev "It has alwfts been customary, though, to consult with the Chief of Police in matters of this kind. On the other band, the chief himseK has re leased prisoners In cases wherein they should have been fceiftr ' ' I I know of one' ' Instance where a prisoner hl1 for larceny wan released by the Chief of Police on condition that the money stolen, amounting to Should be returned to trie owner. The money was made good by the defendant, but yie complaining witness never saw a ceflt of It. Where It went nobody seems to know, hut certainly the man for whom It was intended never received It." Deputy Spenoer Talks. PopVty DHtrlct Attorney Spencer, who was present during the Interview in Mr. Manning's office, fully Indorsed the sentiments of his superior and em phatically declared that the Police De partment never h:is. under the present administration, worked In harmony with tho District Attorney's office. "It Is the hardest kind" of work," said he, "to get them to assist us in the state cases. Policemen witnesses are slow about offering their evidence. and half the time we are not informed of f-'tats cases by the Police Department. Take the De Fnh'o murdfer case they never detailed a man to help us and we were compelled to work at a disadvantage." JQ HECP PARIS ARTISTS Competition for 190S Pair Vymbollo Dei4rt , to Close July 1 There Are SCany UntrUe. The competition foe. the priie Kymbollo design for the LrfWls and Clark Exposi tion will close Julyl. the time having been extended to that date In order that several American artists rewldlna- in Paris might enter. A large number of artiste from all parts of the United States have already , submitted their plana for the design. Among .those mHose work has already been received by the committee is the famous Buffalo artist Raphael Beck. The $2,000 prize offered by the St.. Louis fair directors was won by Beck, as was the 11,000 given by the Pan-American Exposition managers for his design for that fair's official seal. A great deal of Interest has been taken in this competition by local artists. Not only have many designs been submitted by the painters and drawers of Oregon, but the craft all over the Pacific Coast have entered the con test and It la thought that those to whose lot falls the choosing of this offi cial symbol will have a somewhat puc- sllng time- to tell Just which one is the most suitable. A prize of $600 has been offered by the Lewis and Clark Fair directors as a re ward for the one who will help 'In no small way to advertise the 1B06 Fair. THEATRICAL OFFERINGS XKBATBE TOKIGHT. Baker Theatre "Ferncliff," Ralph Stuart. Cordray's Continuous vaudeville, Ed ward Shields. Fifth and H Washington Mrcets. BianaB3HBMHMssiBiMsijizasHsisasszasts2ss2ir r Olds, Wortman:& Kiiig y June Stands Waiting Her cue for entrance upon the stage of action. The curtain is. near ready to ring down upon Act 5 in the year's drama. Act 6 follows time the present the scene lies in Roseville the ' personnel are Brides and grooms. The first scene presents' many new homes which wait furnishings for their prospective'1 occupants. Maybe we can help you may we try ? You'll need or they'll need some pretty PORTIERES, COUCH COVERS and TABLE COVERS. We've a splen did lot on the 4th floor all 1903 styles. PORTIERES, $1.75, $2.50 and on up to $40. COUCH COVERS, $1.65, $2.25 and' on up to $12. TABLE COVERS, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and up to1 $16. Lots of between qualities and prices on all the above, , and "remember here on the 4th floor is where you buy the Whitney Co-Carts and Baby Carriages Also, this is a Toy Store ! Buooessful Vaudeville Stock. A dozen or more clever amateur ar tists will take the stare at Cordray's Friday night and do vaudeville turns, in place of the professionals now (riving the high class entertainments at that house under the direction of Edward Shields. There will be all kinds of fea tures presented under the tutelage of the" artists now on the bill. Amateur night Is always a winner at big houses In the East, and ths departure will be mado here by the management of Cor- QVcninK mm ncru nirio iimvh n i- preclatlve and large- audiences j.'esent at the continuous vaudeville attrartlon, and those who have been In attendance say thlirt the fourth week ts the best of all. Matinees will continue every day, with an evening performance. M H M M SALE OF BRASS AND WHITE ENAMELED BEtUJ: A carload received yesterday. These are the, very best bed of this class made in America. White enamel, all malleable steel, with patent lock-rail, causing bed to stand prfctiy rigid. Evry bed yuarantoed. Prices as And grades on up to $28.00, SCfLID BRASS BEDS, $85 on down to CHILDREN'S WHITE ENAMEL .T'.'::.'!2:'.9...$7.00 CAMPING OR OrTINO BLAN KETS, In grays, mottled, vicuna and scarlet colors. In all-wool blankets we ouote for grays, $3.60 to $7: vicuna or mottled. $35 $4 to $7.50: scarlet, 14.60 to $10. Between prlces'and trades on all. All-feather filled PILLOWS as' Iqw as $1.25, and running along papirtt.h.. $7.00. SEWINO MACHINE SPECIAL 8AI,E THIS WEEK: Oak frame, drop head.' ball bearing, the cel rbrntod Olds. Wortman Ktaff $27.76 machine a limited num ber onl" for a few At days at . $e5.U? The Whitney go-carts and baby carriages. $46 down M 9 !5 t3 sua to and baby $2.75 And a wonderland of TOTS, base hall goods, etc. BOT8! bur .your play goods here, and we'll not only sell you the best but i save you money. Ferocllfr. , One of the cleverest bits of character acting one would wish to see Is given by Edward Poland aa Dad Hewlns in "Ferncliff" at the Baker this wed:. William Haworth for years scored a great success' with this play, and it might be added that rightly he should. as It contains the three essential thlngb that go to make the play of the present time popularpathos, sentiment and a sprinkling of comedy throughout. The play, which la In no sense a war play, deals with the trying times of the Civil War. Many remember thu hardships and privations that were gone through during that period. Can you picture a lovtolg old . father with two sons that he loves better than life Itself and whom he Is dependent upon, be ing drafted and carried to the front to fight- for the cause they thought was right? Then bring to your mind's eye the cruel unscrupulous villlan who at tempts to win the affections of tho wife of one of these sons by reporting that they have both been killed ln-bnt-tie. Then there Is MJda. the good old Irish servant, who Is true to the h.st, and Hattie and Harry Swift, a pair of; young lovers, who are continually rer tlng themselves Into all sorts of trou ble. Picture the return of the tv;o sons whom everyone thought wero dead thcJoy of the old father on their ;e turn. the marriage of Harry Swift and Hattie, the death of the so-calied friend, and then you have the story of "Ferncliff." The play tells of and deuls with "a love story before and duri.ig the time of that awful Civil War. wits :,mxjsawt. li f ' i 0M . i. i i,iw. jOTBfSTi jtjl I Adjustable Door and Window Screens V of very superior quality, ..finished . in ' ' - ouk. or walnut -frames, green orbiaclt cloth, are now ready for your orders, s v 4 Very durable and Indispensable for city or country, guaranteed to keep out all . kinds of flies and insects, and allow for a free circulation of air during the hot test weather. . ; v ..- AVERY & CO, 62 THUU ST, FO&TLAND Billiard and Pool Tables SALOON FIXTURES BOWLING - ALLEYS Wegivtyou benefit manufacturer's prices EMOUGH SAID. Tbe Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. 1 49 THIRD STREET. PORTLMMD. OR. chancellor's Jewel In the Knights of Pythias and a shaving oiitflt. World's Championship " - 1 Boxing. Waleolt vs. Smith. " Mueller vs. O'Brien. Exposition - nullding. Thursday, ! May 28, Tickets on Salo at Mikado Ptiioon. Sixth and Stark Sportsman's Saloon, Fourth, bpt. Stark and Washington. Schiller's Cigar Store. 4th and t Wash MUCH MONEY ON HAND The Xiswls and Clark Pair Exchequer Is Bslng Rapidly rilled With Oold. Since It has becomo known that the people of thw Rt.it.- will iot ercise the referenduni power as regarding the Lewis and Clark Fair the stockholders of the Exposition hic beginning to pay their assessments in a somewhat rapid- fire fashion. The few wIioa. have been a wee bit backwanl in regard to this duty win be not tiled by Secretary Henry E. Rei'd of their fortjetfulness, and It Is thought by the Fair' directors that all of tho last uxspHKmertt will be. In the hands of the treasurer before many days. A payment of $26,000 Is now due from the railroads that enter Port land. When tills amount Is paid in, along with the payments being made by the stockholders, enough funds will be on hand for the officers of the Fair to push tho work on a far larger scale than has heretofore hen attempted. SHOES The Highest Bidder. Following the sweet domestic drama "Ferncliff," the above named comedy will he the offering by Ralph Stuart and company at Baker's Theatre. This play Mr. Stuart had some diffi culty In securing and went to much ex pense to secure, but Jt Is said to Justl fy any effort, as it is one of the most charming comedies ever produced. K. H. Sother'n enhanced his reputation and fortune by playing It exclusively for two seasons, and Mr. Stuart has suc cessfully produced It In New York. He Is said to' realize completely the part of Jack Hammerton. played by Mr. Sothern. and all who have seen ths clever star now at Baker's In light comedy anticipate a rare treat. Jack Hammerton Is a young English auctioneer, possessing a large fortune, but following his avocutlon, which was that of his father, also through an In clination to live a busy life. He Is bashful and reserved, espec ially In the presence of women, and much of the humor M the play ii the result of this characteristic. Mrr Stuart will positively appear next Sunday, his hoarseness having yielded to rest and treatment. The members of his company, nota bly Miss MacOregor, Miss Horm and Frank Camp, have good roles and do them Justice. The stage management, being undrr Mr. Priestly, Morrison, an adequate ren dition Is assured. -"! AJ4USEXZHTS. rnrrffAV'c ThoatrO Cordrsy Bnsell v v i ui u j i uvuu v Managers. Portland' Popular Family Kwurt. I'bone, Mala 902, Summer price Matinees, lOe and 20c Eten big, JOc. 20c and SOv. ... MATINEE TOjiY AT :16 TOJflGHl AT 8:16. Edward Shields' Continuous Vaudeville Moat phenomenal anccm ever attained by any loeatneai nirpriv rer esiao llaued In Portland. $ STAR A0TB S All Maw hota. Bill is beaded by the grand operatle and traveling artists. DEDtTIZ AND GRAM VILLI. Onlr operatle sketch that ever played tba Or pilot) m for seren consecutlre weeks. Ten other star performers. 2 hours nf nnisetnent for 10c, 2i)e snd 8Qc The Baker Theatre Grorfe L. Baker, Wanaesr. Tears and laughs Intermingled. A beautiful plsy, with a beautiful storj-. Not a war play, but just enough war sentiment to make you re member tbe good old Stars and Stripes. 16c. rERNCLIFF." 25c, 35e, 30o; Erenlng, 15c. le. Next, '"rhe Hlfbest Bidder. matinee, 10c, CONCERT IIALL BLAZ1KR BROS. CONCERT KVKSY NIGHT. 2i2 248 Bl IINSIDR. PERSONALS. t'w people know a good shoe . when they ee it. , We wish ewrbojlj- to - know. tfcr is a fartory Is Portland manufacturing a hard wearing Una f men's and bora' shoes. They are made of asbestos leather, tops sewed with silk, and will not rip. : Tbe hittoms" ar from ths . best j ending radii of sole leather. - tVe also inannfaetare a flu, line jjf miners', J erasers' sna luggers, snoen. . Thetare for sale at B07 VAfBCstOTOM TRXET, Portland. Or., and we eB amirs tbe public that there is no better line to the market for tbe money -M. . ...; , : . . The Reid-Brunke Shoe Co. J. V. ftupennnt. mayor of Astoria, is at the Imperial. F. E. Hutchinson, of Liverpool, in registered at" the Portland. Howard Russell, of the Baker Theatre of Seattle, la the guest of Portland friends. Kx-Governor Goer Is at tiie Imperial, having como from Salem last night, lie will remain a few days Mr and Mrs. W. Henry Adkins, of Pony, Mont., are among tho out of town guests at the Imperial. J. C. Donnelly, of Tacoma, proprietor of the Donnelly and Tacoma hotels of that city. Is registered at the Portland. Mayor Lord, of Olymp'a, passed through the city this morning e.nroute on a short business trip to .Soutnern Oregon. A. B. Seybolt and M. W. Wlard, busi ness men of San Diego, arrived at the Belvedere this morning to spend a few days in the city. John W. Llnck, erf Tacoma, connected with, the custom serviga. of. the PUget Bound district and a prominent Wash ington politician. Is at the Imperial Frank 'W. Smith, edlto.- of the Fra ternal Eagle, the official organ of tho F. O. E. In Washington, is here from Seattle, .stopping at the Perkins. ' Frank " weisenhorn. a merchant of Qulncy, 111., and .Frank Weisenhorn, a membat-ef Denver, Colo:, ar visiting the . city -as guests of W. C Dodsou, Jha Messrs. Wlsnhorn ero-cotiritts. - Ewlng Herbert,' editor of the Brown County World? fcf Hiawatha, Kas., and ex-president of the National Editorial Assoc ration, arrived lit the city this morning an4 is registered M th Per Kins, SPECIALTIES for the LAWKS of RORTLAljD. All kinds rEATHERB and B0A8 CLEANED and CURLED MRS. M. GILBERT, .from London. 150't First, near corner. Phone West &D0. Pnrtlsml Or. Tourists'Curios ' : ' We carr tbe largest stock of Japanese and Chinese Curios In the city, consisting; of f in Ivory Carvings, Bronze and Cloissonie Ware, Chinese Eb ony Furniture, Silk and Satin Embroideries, fine Decorated Porcelain Ware, Matting Rags, . Etc., at special prices. Tour ists are cordially Invited to call in and inspect our mag nificent line of Oriental' Curios. AndrewKan&Co. Cor. 4th and Morrison Sts. Lloyd's Veterinary Hospital. The Coal Strike Was settled by arbitration. There are two sides to every question- even Wire Fencing If you don't know the differ ence between good wife and the doubtful grades, come in and let us tell you about it. Dayton Hardware Co. FIRST AND TAYLOR STBEETS. At the Sign of the padlock. II s . . Ill I "'"I . i0VL '1' J IL0YP l - i , . s KMi North Rl.n.h sr.. betweea Flandrra ae' GliHin. tvrtlaud. Or. ' . Heetnr T. J. Lloyd, Veterinary giirgeno anta SietallHt, treats all din nones and ailments tok! horses, dtgtaud other duuestle autiuakl heir to. I hart full and complete set of reterlnsry surKli al sikI dental Instruments and ant able t' perform any irrtlou knowq to tit etrlaar sHenee. I operate niwler the latest ImpmTed methods, attention to Horse Dentistrr, . KiUflag Horse Csstrattou and 8p.vlnf. Alt enlls phomstly attended, dsy or nitht. " Oregon phone," No., Main 1(380. . .. CITIZENS' NOMINEE- ;:.;. JCUwaukle Voters 4Ueth Ticks v: ta the X1eldWIUiam ahiatUer- - At a largIyftttenrted meeting of the, voterj of Mllwaukle last nlntit In the Woodmen f the World ;HaIJ. npmlna tions were tnado for the , election to be held I-Ylday. The meeting opened trlth 0. K. Ballard beinr selected- s chair man and W. J. Cederson as ' Seortary. The officers nominated' were; r- Mayor, AVilliam Shlndler; oounollman, C Kerf. 0, J. Roberts. J. H. Reed and O. Kellf recorder and ...judge, F. H. Lachler' treasurer, Charles McCann; , marshal, Jasee Kcck.C'" ' " ' - ''i' ' The tiokr was named CltIens, sti4 has. a 4aitf.foHowlnf.j.fi fe ..4$.t; - - ' . . A Truly Portfand Son. -' - 1. Sfme day' you'TI ternember , " "Whu this little ad. you se, . ... 4 Then with yooe cash- you'll, fly ' 'HvesHMh-4H!r Mr tey, . Hut to Clemenson's you'll hi.., .'When Bis cornor ninn you t.y, Kr you kn w the body bra , -, , Whose rl. W in tliftt fun-e. Glvea every wom.i ri. " Puts sriilna upon fr t.f - . n(t Mists f vo d '":" U At 5oa4 and lau.... .. - ' '