lc TIIE OHEGON DAILY JOURNAL, POBTLAXD; TUESDAY EVENIXG; 3tAY 26, 19C3. X ""- XXTTt .TBABM A TTJBT. i Two Days' 0lrtrtloa ' Baltlmora ol . Anlitait' .Tnrirlaa of ,:. .' .i . '.. r Journal Special Service.) V 1 BALTIMORE ; Md., May 26. At 8C ilarv'i Seminary there waa begun today a two duy' celebration at the golden JublJ of Rev, wf1' C Uin oratna tlon to tha- priesthood..- Dr. Plsaes baa been a profeaaor at the niatorio aeml nary tor more than 10 years -and la re garded i as .one of . the moat eminent theologtana' and -euoceaaful teacher In America. Among his pupils have been audi eminent churchmen aa - Cardinal Gibbons. Archbishop Keane of Dubuque, . Bishop Chatard of Indianapolis, Bishop Foley of Detroit Bishop Donahue of . Wheeling and numerous others. (TEW TODAY. - Tbe Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. FOBTLAITD TBTIT COMPAITY OT ' Incornorsted Anrll 22. 188T. Bsnks mid trust eotnuaulee formerly watted for business to uvk tbrm, now they seek busi ness. ,'iney art upon loo tneory mat wmi is worth baring la worth asking for. THK POUTLAN0 TKL'ST COMPANT OF OKKUO.N la sixteen years old; it has become flrmly established In tbla community, and baa strong financial connections. l It baa ample, capital for the conduct of any business that mar he entrusted to Ha care. It conducts a general barrklug bualneaa with all the liberality consistent with prudence. , It Issues Interest-bearing certiScntes of de- ' posit ror an term iroin leu asys w on years, at rates of interest that are governed by to contract. Particulare arc eontaincu in our book- of -i r ... - - ILW'ETHATIONB. Conies of arhteh ahsll ha aiad ' to furnish We conduct a general truat and agency bual neaa and loan money ou mortgage and deed of triiNt. Wo shall be pleased to giro any in forma tloa desired If ou will' call .on -PORTLAND TRt'ST COMPANY OF OREGON , NO.. Vm THIKl) HTKKKT. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE inn AAnitswin fm in cultivation! all . fenced: running water; fair . house, good soiTa near railroad - station, near wwn. . FOR SALE $330020 acres, most all In cultivation; ft acres In bearing orchard; run ning water, arood house and barn and other outbuildings: one-third - mile from street car line. v. FOR SALE 6008 acresY !nlh'edg 6f Van couver; tW acres cleared, some slash and all fenced; city water. FOR SALE 9 TOO 20 acres good land on the slope or Nt, Hcott, racing roan, xnis la a snap. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 1S-KOOM 90USS, well located, on East Side. In nrst-class condition; brings net Income of 11 per cent above taxes and insurance. FOR SALE 7-BOOM HOX78B, corner lot and barn; iirst-class neighborhood; to ex change for acreage near city and car line. FOR SALE $8000 6-room modern house, full-" lot, connected with aewer, In Sunny , aide. FOR SALE $1880 Modern 5-room cottage, near Sunnyslde. FOR SALE OR EXCHANQE 10DGHTO HOUSES of aU descriptions, from 10 to 40 rooms; sell the most of them on terms suitable, or will exchange for real estate. Die. & Register 107 V, Third Street. NOTICE. A SPECIAL MKETINtt of sfcickhQUlera pf the Ecker & Jdiidlnw Kumare Company will be held "Wll Tuesday,- June V, at 11 a. m., at tba of (Ice of the company, Alnaworth tildar-. i'ortland, to consider a resolution for di minishing the capital atock of anld corpora tion. J. ERNEST LAIDLAW. Secretary. Iteferancea Ladd aV Til ton. Portland; V B. National Bank. Portland; Bank oi California. Ban Francisco; Crooker Woolworth National Bank, San Fra claco. Members Chicago Board of Tsade, Ban Francisco Produce Exchange. . 8ai Franolsco Stock and Bond Bxchang Grains, Provisions, Stocks, Bondi and Cotton. Francisco Office: 1M Third mrj 410 California St Settlers Located Under Homestead, Stone and Timber Acts. We have cruised nearly the entire Stat of Oregon. KEEGAN & McDONALD. 308 Ablntrton Bids.- Simpson & Co. . House and Sign PAINTING Paper Hanging, Kalsomining STRICTLY UNION WORK 848 H riBBT ST. ' Phoaa, Ola SS. J-J R. ALSXIT, DENTIST REMOVED TO LABBE BLDS. S. Oorne Baoond .: aad Washingom. Orsr Bsrai's Drag Store. Sooma 40 and 41, Third rieor. Every Woman tm lMtstitiit shnnld know about tbs wonderfal MARVEL Whirling Spray Tbe new Tl.l yi4jr. 7ys. (1911 ran - est aiosi uonvenieni. j- Itcissaaw lasiaaUa, M rear SeaafM "H. ' If ho cannot supply ths. othsr. hut eend stamp for II Inatrsted book glvas full DartlmiiurB and f1lrfl"tinna In. - ' - n ... inji r i'k in, . valuable to ladiea. N4BVKLCO., Room 16 K. Times Bide-.. New Tors. ' jats by yOOPA&D. CLARRR A CO. For ,Vaataral Discharges, Strietorss. Especially to old cases -where doctors -fall. BUM u .s vegetahle CUKK for ulceratioa aud IndainoMtlon s( the m.eona meuibrane of-ths uretha, all private nriaary leaaea and weakness of men and women. ZY-MO la GUARANTEED TO CURS OR MONET REFUNDED. Cures new easts In S boors without pals. Eapeclsiiy ad vised for eld, obstinate eases. Druggists, or sent lxittpstil. SI. Address Dr. Day A Co., No 103 Tracer blag.. Boston. Mass. Pre snedlcal ad vice given. Write for booli sent sesled t'REU. -KY-ilO- BBld 'iflTlMrtlsnd By "Ths Laoe-Pvis tMiAaiimjHi The Oregon p SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. VUL'NU MAN wishes uosltlon aa aaalataut book keeper! can fumlah good references,, C. Mor aruii, inn Knwtt at. BEL WANTEDMALI;. li H, HANSEN at CO. EMPLOYMENT AGENTS 1- - i North ild at. - ' OFFICES in Ban Francisco, Las Angeles, Cal. . (iftdeu, Utah; Bpokaue, wan. HKL1 FRKH TO KMPI.O YK11H. V, ' 'BK 'VBKUIKTKATION AND- BAG0A0K - 'UOOM. , - -. -if- - - Applicants for work charged only for what we eocure tor tnem, or money rerunaea. . , oTAHLIH1IKD 1876. , i Tunnelmen. laborers. Biuckem. '$2 to S3 day aim chaure for teamittera, machine drillers and helpers, outside laborers. - (lood campa, , wotk and water. In Nereda THUS k'AKM. t i B111LK1B CARPENTERS. With tools and bedding, for work on the Great Halt Lake Trestle, titan. Company - work, (3.5(1 day; board. f4.R0 week.- Long . JOB. KKKH r ARB BOTU Willi. OOHRBHI'ONDENrB Bol.iriTET). HELP WANTIP TEMALE, UIKL for light housework, at tUft 2d St., cor. rtnerman. " " L08T. LOST Kulgbta templar watch charm' leare ar i rirsr sr. iewaro. REMOVAL. OR. FRANK E. FERRIS, DR. OERTRUD8 E. Lambersoa. Dentists, remored to Maeleay Ding., tirth floor. ' - FOft REMT. THE LA HOB 8TORB. BUILDINO Na. 64 and an rront at., now occupied ny waaoama Co., will be for rent July 1. 1903. Apply to R. T. Pox. room No. 10, New Market bis rot SALE. LARGE, new box bouse and full lot, in Sell wood, tor looo: siau down, balance montniy a bargain., WhaUoyv-Ssaaua Wdg.,- FKth and Morrison. FOR SALE 12000 Grocery, store In one of the beat locatlona In city: will invoice .about f.uou; cheap rent; sue living rooma snore; 10 blocks of center of city. Call at 107 H inira at. rUHKIBHED JKOOMS, LOGAN BCILDINO, 108H Union are. Elegant rooms ror nonseseeping or transient, lurniaaea or unrurnisoea; rates reasonaDie. MONNARTERS HOl'BB. SMthWest Cor. First and Jetreraon ata.. furnlsned rooms and suites $T0EE$ FOH REMT, STORE TO RENT, corner Fourth and Colnm ins. nign Dries naaement, SsMi; also, one Mint, near salmon. ,40 aiao corner store, siuu Corner store. ' central location, Washington at., 22x50, with basement. (150; two stores wnn lo rooma anove, in ur aioina, kus sell at., a.15. Can make a rears' lease on any of these. O. C. R. Ellis, room 21, 30 iiorriiwia at. HOTELS. Vr ELL VENTILATED single rooma, 15c, 20c ami 25o a nights beds, 10c. The Everett Home, cor Second and Davis. H0V8EKEEPIXO ROOKS. TWO NICELY FL'RXISHEI) houaekeeplng rooma; everytning sew ami ail complete gas range or cook Stove.' W4 Konrth at LODOUia H0TBES. THE COSMOS Fourth and Horrlaon, furnished bouackoeplng suites, suite sad single rooms fj per wees and up. THE CASTLE 173 Washington at.: rooms for gemiemen; transient. Tel. Bouts 7(11. BATHS. GENUINE FINNISH. R (881 AN HOT AIR hatha, 25c; alcohol rubbing, 25a extra; opes every aay except Monaays 10 a. m. to ji n. in. 81 East 3sta at., cor. Everett. Phone, Hcott 2241. BAR0IK0 AND LIOHTERIHO. QREUON ROUND LIMBER CO.. 181 Bora sine si. t-none urant iiti. ATT0RVETB. EMMONS EMMONS, bldg. attorneys, at law, 544 Worcester R. RIGGEN, Attorney and Counaellor-at uw; woiary. 3(-aon Ablngtoa bldg! I'AXTON. BEACH & SIMON 510 Chamber of Commerce. J. T. TACGHER Room 18, Alnsworta Building. H. B. DICKINSON, Attorney-at-Law aad No- tarv tiiDiic. bos commercial sing. ADVERTIBINO SPECIALTIES. ALL KINDS DF SIGNS and adrrrtlslng novel, ties. Nye Kern. P.O. box l, phono I'lnk 18X6. BANJO, MANDOLIN AND GUITAR. INSTRUCTION clubs for advanced DUnlls! In atruments for sale. Hal Webber, studio 173 weal pars. cor. Vamhlll. Phone South 2HN1. .CABH REGISTERS. - II ALL WOOD CAfH REGISTERS. S4 Rtark St. CHIROPODY AND atANipURINO. L. MITCHELL, Chiropodist, Knight's Shou store, 304 Washington at. Phone Hood 728. CALUMO CARDS. 50 LADIKH' CALLING CARDS la latest style scrip type i or xa cents; par wnen delivered If satisfactory; husinesa cards, letter beads, etc., equally reasonable. Mall orders to Box 20S4, Station A. CHIROPODISTS. i. liKVENYS, the only scientific chiropodists in the city: parlors itOl-4 AUsky bldg.; thia la the long-haired gentleman you' want to ee. (Jrant Id. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter and builder, 307 Htark at; office and ators fliturea Built and remodeled; altering and repair houses, fbone Main T47. . AUTHORS MARTIN, carpenters and build ers; repairing and Jobbing; store and oUlce futures built. Shop 20U . Columbia. Phone Clay 1881. H. F. CLARK, 4B814 Wash., phones West 783. North 1411. New and repair work, icompt attention. CAPES. YATES' FLACK. 2Wi Waablngton at. l'bnne 8. Main 771. Mcll Yates, prop, Portland, Or. COMPRESSED TEAST. RED STAR Ct3irRK8SED YEAST; it makes lightest. For sale by all grocers. 15 per Cent stronger than any other. CIOARS AMD TOBACCO. ESBKRd-GUNST CIQAB CO. Distributers of FINE CIGARS. Portland. Oregon. COAL AMD WOOD, WESTERN FEED A FT EL CO. Dealer's in all kinds ef coal. coke and VI'LCAN COAL CO., wholesale dealers, best coals; foundry and smelter coke. DYEING AMD CLSAMIMO. CITY STEAM DYEING A CLEANING WORKS Herman Enke, proprietor. Telephone North 11. No. 63 6th st. near Pine. Portland. Or. CORNICE SKYLIGHTS. METAL SKYLIGHTS, . galvanised Iron cor nices. 3. O. Bayer, S8o Second st CEREAL MILLS. ACMB MILLS Acme Cereals. CO., Manufacturers Relates 20 and 23 North Front at. p. JOHNSON A CO.. manufacturers Peerless Health Cereals. 122-4 Front at DRU06ISTB. FRANK J. BTREIBin. drags, 1 toilet articles, . perfnines. 8-12 Wsshlngston at. ELECTRICAL WORKS. I'ORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Offlea S3 Stark st- . ,- .-. - i. 1 Western -glectrietJIfforka. SQ3H Washlngtowt. HOUSE FURNISHERS. vr,,.. w rn viiil-dj ... I "S-a-"otAri i phones SQi. ' FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDKR OF WASHINQTON Foremost frster. nai society or iortnweai: proiecw xoe n V lug. J. L. Mitchell, annretns socretarv. 013 and S1K Uarouaiu Wdg.. Portland, Or. Tul r ephone Main Mit FREE SHINES, f CLOTH KS CLEANED and . pressed 1 per Cutn. , unique Tailoring Co., ati rvauniu; I St.- ' - . ' JEWELERS. TUB 0. HKITKEMl'EIt CO., nsnafactarlog jewelers, Morrison St. JOB PRINTIM0. FINB OFFICII STATION KUY; business Jorins a specialty. Mercantile Printing Company, - az rront, cor. Asn. rnone, kisck wan INSURANCE. i. PHILIP KENNEDY, insurance: realdei Igent Norwich !'tion" Fire Insurance Sodety. ; I'pont poutn iwii. a, Hamilton piag. JA8. Mcl. WOOD, employera' liability and In- aiviauai accident j surety ponaa or ait auuia, ' mono eT. concord bldg. H. T. BARTELS COMPANY. Fire Insurance, . 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone, Clay 620. ISAAcTi. WH1TB, Are Insursnee, 2 Sherlock niog. Oregon pnone. statu wx. LAUNDRIES. CABINET, clean towel dally, soap, comb and orosu, f i per monin. uregon Lannnry at io lec ouppiy co., ;tn-uus mat oak. CBooe Kaat IS. CLBAN TOWELS DAILY. Comb, brnah. soau. 1 t per month. Lawrence Bros., Towel Su r .u i -w hi : At. - MONET ADVANCED. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLB, teamsters, etc., without security, eaay pay. menta; largest business in 49 principal cities lonnsn. z-zs Ainngton niiig. MACHINERY. f KENKMAN It CO., mining, sawmill, loggln machlnorr. hrdraulle nines cautlngs of sli klnda repaired. 104 N. Fourth at. MODEL MAKER. FOB FIBMT-CLASS REPAIRING go to Andy rnra, maeniniat ana SMxtei maser. nil SI MASSAOE. MDMB. H. B ELY, dermatologist, massage, electrle treat men lentMt iHau f irst at. M0RT0A0E LOANS. ON IMPROVED city and farm property, at low est current ratea; nuumug loans, installment wana. win. aiacuaster. JI1 worceater omg MIMINO AMD MIMS PROMOTERS. SESSIONS ft SIMPSON, mining and mine pro moters. Hoom z, cnamtier oc commerce. PI.UMBFBS. DONNERBERO t RADEMACHER, plumbers, reaoovea to o-t r our to si. isoto poones. M0MET TO LOAM. FRED H. STRONG, FINANCIAL AGENT. ' Monev to losn. o commission. 1 am la a position to make Immediate loans an improved real estate or ror building pur. posest sny amount; moderate Interest. We approve loans from plana and advance money as building progresses when desired. Option in repaying alter one year. FRED Q. STRONG, Financial Agent. - 103 Second at., near Stark. THS STAR LOAN CO.. 210 M'KAY BLDG. KUft intra at., is me recogniiea Dans the wage-earner. We advance money to teamsters, trainmen. shopmen, motormeu. conductors, etc., without mortgage, endorser or collateral. Amount. Monthly y, Monthly. Weekly !iw repay fzn.ovt or filial or si AO repay flH.i or f 6.63 or $ 25 repay t 6.63 or S B.U3 or I tluslness couflrtentlsl. No unpleasant Inquiry MONEY TO LOAN on real nersonal and enl lateral security; special attention to coattle mortgages; notes bought C. W. Pallet, 213 Commercial blk. Phone Grant 8S0 MONEY TO LOAN at reasonable rates. In amounts to suit. Graham A Claton, 203 Mar quam Dunging. MONEY TO LOAN, email amounts, abort or long time. J. H. Hawley. 2 Cham, of Com MONEY TO LOAN on city lota and Improved rarms. n. a. nnaw ft to.. 34H stars at, M0RTHWE8T HOTELS. Hotel Portland, Amerioaa plaa; SS.SS par day Bommsrs Hotel, Ls Orande; travelers' horns, Belvedere; European plan; 4th and Alder tta, St. Charles, First and Morrison ata., Portland OVERALLS. BOSS 07 THE ROAD OVERALLS and mechan ics' clothing. Union made. Neuatadter Bros, MfeTK Portland. Or, PERSONAL, YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS are mors accurately ana reasooaoiy, ultra at a.rBseii s rnarmaey, ai morrison at., net. rirat ana Hecond sts. (iOD STORIES and novels for summer read ing. ,10 cents. Jones' Book Store, 201 Alrivr CAFK KRATZ. Vi Sixth St. A Ads lunch served st an sours. SAFES. Rt'Y Vflrn HAITKH nt J If Dawls- vm,. pairs sua locaouts shici.v none, twt Third at. STORAGE AMD TRANSFER. O. PICK, office 88 First at., between Stark and usk (ts. ; pnone sua; pianos and furul ture moved and packed for shipping; com modlona fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. PIANO LESSONS. W. G1FFORD NASH. 108 10th at; terma upon application. Beslnners taken. REAL ESTATE. OR 8ALB FARMS Improved farms for aale In all carta of Oregon and Waablngton; payments made to suit purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties sppiy to wm. MscMaater, 811 Worceater bldg. MAXWELL A KNAPP-i " VJ REAL ESTATE. Room S. Chamber of Commerce bldg. ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO., cor. Fourteenth and Norlhrup ate., Portland. Or. SPECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200 Wash- liigton at. rnone. nr., Maui txu. col., gni. SLOT MACHINES., LTRAN8CONT1NENTAL MACHINB CO. Slot 7 mschlnes. S. - E. Park end - Oak. Both Phones. Main 11W. TjTPEWRITERS. HE SMITH-PBltMIEB.tXPEWaiJ'KRr 122 joirct at.; ail maaes ui tpewriiers tor rent; supplies lor all machines, u. a ai. Alexan der aV Co.. agents. t WALL PAPER AMD PAINTING. 8TRIKB does not delay ns, aa we are able to nil all ordera witnoot delay, rirat-ciass work, A. A. Church A Co., No. 274 Taylor st, Phone Clay 171. WHOLESALE HARDWARE. J. E. HASELTINK A CO., Iron, ateel. coal and blacksmith's supplies. 43-51 Second at. WHERE TO DIME, STROl'SR'S RESTAURANT; flrat-elaas meals, best service. 229 Washington st. WALL PAPER. H. P. CHRISTENSEN, wall paperer and paint er. 141 Seventh St. cor. Alder. - LERNEST MILLER A CO., wall paper and dee- oratora. 121 nrsx pi- WHOLESALE CROCKERY AMD GLASSWARE; WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASSWARH. Prael Hegelo A Co., 1O0 to 108 6th. cor. Stark WHOLESALE WALL PAPER." MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 1S4-186 Second '. at, bet. Yamhill and" Taylor. Portland. Or. WHOLESALE gROCERS, ; s WADHAMS A CO., wholesale grocers, manu facturers and commission merchants, 64 and 66 Front St. " ' - ' 4LLKN A LEWIS, wholesals grocers. Fort. lana,' w, " 1 ' ' ' ji A COy wholesale grocer.. LANU, : CO.. First and Ankeny sis. Banks'? VAVD A-TILTON, BANKERS. Established in 1H39. ' Interest allowed 011 time deiKMita. Collections made st all points on fuvrtra ; ble terms.- . Letters of credit issued available ' in Europe and sll points In the Culled State, v 1 Might icbange and te'.egrapblc transfers " . sold In New York. Washington. Chleaso.. St. Louis, Deliver, Omaha. Hsu Frauclsco and various poiuis in irrgiui. naaniugtou, Idaho. . Bxehangs- sold on lAiuUnn. Paris. Berlin : Frankfort. Houg koug, Yokohsma, Mauila sua Honolulu- , , , UNITED STATES RATION AV BANK . Of Portlaml. -flrevn. Northwest corner Third tmi dak ata. . Trsnaacts a general hanking business.. - DRAFTS IHSCKD avallajil.' Ill all cltlea of fhe l'nlted States and EtiroiH', liuug Koug son naima. ' Collection Blade on favorable terma. President........ J. C. A1N8W0RTH Vice-President.,... W. B. AVER " Aaalatsnt Cashier R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Caahler... A. M. WRIGHT THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. Head Office Torontu, Canada. Capital paid up fg.OoO.OOO , Keaerve x.ouO.UUO Trsnaacts a general Daiimng Husinesa. . SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts apened (or sums of flu snd no- ward, and Interest allowed on minimum monthly balances,'i bates 011 application. 244 E. A- n uo, aiansger rornand Branch. LONDON A BAN FIlAKma) BANK, L1M. . 11 r.i'. Chamber ef Commerce Building, Third snd ntara streets. Hoed Offlcs 86 Old Broad street. London, " This bank trsnsseta a general hanklns bus! aeaa, makes loans, dismuuts bills and Issues letters of credit available for travelers aud for the purchase of merchandise In any city of the world. Deals In foreign snd domestic cxrnsnge. Interest psld on time drnoslta. ' . W.'A. MAI'HAB. Manager, MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Portland, Onsou. J. Frank .Watson President U., L. lhirbam Vice-President B. W. Hoyt Caahlef Geo. W. Hoyt Assistant Caehlor TRANSACTS A UENKUAL BANKING ' BUSINESS. Drafts and letters of Credit Issued available to su psrts or tne worm. 1 collections a specialty, t.oid dust bought, MORRIS BROS, A CHKIHTKNHEN, (successors to Morris Whitehead, Bankers.) FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. PORTLAND. (IK, I JELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that ou Motidsv. the lat aay or June, luw. in me city or Port land. In the County of Mullimmah. Mute of Oregon, a special election nill be! held for the aoceotanee or releetlnn bv the leiral electors of said City of Portland of the folios' lug entitled acUof' the Legislative Aaaemhly of the State of Oregon aud of the people of the State of Oregon: ' FIrat "An act to authorise the City of Portland to build a brlilav aernss the Wil lamette River at Portlaml. Oregon, connecting Morrison street on the nest aide of aald river with East Morrison stn-ef uu the east aide thereof; and to suthorlie said City or Port land to purchase-6r aruitlre. by condemnation. any property that may tr neceaaary tberefor, and to laaua snq sell bonds to ohtalti funds to construct said bridge and par fur aucb prop erty; and to authorise asld City of Portland to remove the bridge now a emus said river con necting said at reels; and to autborlse said city to surrender said bridge to the County Court of Multnomah County, and requiring aald County Court to assume the control, manage ment aud supervision thereof; and to authorize tne Executive Hoard or the city or Cortland tu carry out this set, and to submit this act to the legal voters of the City of I'ortliinil for approval or rejection at a ancelal election, to be held In the City of I'm Hand ju the first Monday of June, 1003." Filed in the. office of the HcrrctaSV of State February 24. 1808. neeona "An set to authorise the city or Portland, Multnomah County. Oregon, to pro vide and eajghllsh a ferry across the Wil lamette River, st soma suitable iolnt. in what waa formerly known as Kclltvuod. but now a part of the City of Portland, on the east bank of said river to a point opposite thereto on the weat bank of said river, and to au thorise aald City of Portland to purchase or ac quire by condemnation, any property that may lies necessary therefor, and to lanue bonds In pay ment thereof, and to authorize said city to surrender Held ferry to the onuty Court tit Multnomah County, and reouirtng said County Court to assume the control, management and supervision thereof." Approved KebrusrT 24. 111(1,1. Third "Au act to authorize the Cltv of Port land. Multnomah CVtuity. Oregon, to con struct an additional ferry to operate across the Willamette River, snd to provide for the Issuing of bouda for the construction of aald ferry." Approvea Fetintsry 21, luoa. Said e'ectlon will be hel4 at 1 o'clock In the afternoon nod will continue until 7 o'clock In the afternoon of aald dy. Tlios. c. iiEvi.m. Auditor of the Cltv of Portland. May 1H. 1903. CALL FOR 8PECIAL MEETING OF STOCK HOLDERS. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Midway Oil Company, a corporation: xoa are nrretiy notified to-attend a meeting of the stock holders of the Midway Oil t'ompaiiy. to be held at the company's office, No. 41d Cham ber of Commerce Building, in the City wf Portland, Oregon, on Monday, tbe 13th day ofsJunc, at 3 o'clock p. tu., for tbe purpose of amending the by-lawa of the company, of electing directors of said corporation, also tbe ratification of nets of the directors from the time of the stockholders' meeting of tba 23th day ot September, 1IXK). to date, and to ratify tbe adoption by said hoard nf the by-laws us amended; for. the ratification of the execution of leuaea and the Issuance ot atock and the ratification of the ptirckase of lands by said corporation from H. C. Stratton. and for the. purpose of transacting such other general businesa as muy be brought before aald meeting. By order of the stockholders holding more than one-third of the stuck nf said company. H. c. STRATTON. .Secretary. Dated May 12. 1003. PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT BONDS, CITY OF PORTLAND, OREGON, Sealed pruixamla Mill be received by tbe undersigned ut the office of the Auditor ef the City of I'ortland. Oregon, untH Monday. June 1, 1U03, at 2 o 1 lock p. m., for tbo aale. not leas Ibau par ralus Slid accrued Interest, ot improvement bomla of tbo City of Portland, Oregon, aa tbo tamo shall be authorised to be Issued for tbe whole or any part of seventy-live thousand dollars. Maid bonds will be laaurd In denominations of five hundred dollars each, to be dated when authorised, payable lo years from date, bearing Interest at tue rate of 6 per cent per auuuuT payable semi-annually, in terest and principal payable in l'nlted States fold coin, at the office of the City Treasurer, ortland, Oregon. Provided that the City of or t laud reservea the right to take up and ncel aucb bond, upon the payment of the' face value then-of. with accrued Interest to the date of payment, at any semi-annual cou pon period nt or after one year from tba date of aucb bonds. Said bonds are Isaurd under antbortty of an ct of tbe V'lflslatnie of the State of Oreaon. passed February ltl. 1803, entitled, "An act to provine ror tne ixauuuce ot ramus ror me improvement of streets and the luring of sewers in incorporated eitlea. and fur the payment of Coat of such linproti uieuta aud laying of sewers by installment, w umenuea by an- act 01 the Leslalature or the Btate of Oregou. an proved February 2K. llMil, entitled: "An uct to menu aeetlona 1, i. ., , a, o ana 1. or an entitled' 'An ait to provide for tbe iasu- nee of bonds for the Improvement of streets and laying of sewera in incorporated cities, aud for tbe payment of the cost ot such lm provuieiits and In lux of sewers by Install Sunrtr,' filed In the iftVe of the Secretary of State February 22. 18(13," and the liroceede thereof are to be uaed fur the payment In part fae-the improvement of streets or" construction of sewers aa tbe aald Improvements shall bo duly authorised and completed. The validity of the sit or tne legislature aforesaid, has been affirmed by the Supreme Court of this Slate of Oregon. Said bonds will be Issued and delivered as the Common Council, shall direct. Bidders will be required to submit a Hat bid. Without conditions, except aa V- the regularity of each Issue of launls. aud to f ibmlt with their bids s certified check on s bank in the City of Portland. Oregon., eoual to 0 per cent of. tne ggregate amount or we cm. payable to tne Mayor of the City of Portland, as liquidated damages iu ease aucb bidder withdraws his bid or falls or neglects to enter Into contract to take and pay for said honas scconjltig to tne terms of bis bid and this notice. The right to reject any snd all bids Is hereby reserved. Bids should be snilressed to the committee ways and means of tbe Common Conn! I. care I of Thomas C. Devlin. Auditor. I'ortland, Oregon, By order of the comiunn touiicii. itrpr. nmntiu., HYR. ALREH, ' 111 T. Ml EH RETT, Committee Jon Ways and Means. Portland. Oregon, yay 13. 190S. 5 NOTICE. . FINAL Arc! INT.-NeAlce la hereby gWen that Llaale Wobward. administratrix of the estate of Albs L. Woodward, deceased, has filed her final account of the administration of said estate iH the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Multnomah tunty, snd tbst said Couuty Court has apiioiiitcd Monday, the at h day of June, 11W3. at :: o'ckck a. m. of said day. at the Court House in said county snd stste, as the time and place tor hearing objeetkma to said sceouut mid for the settling of said estate. 'Tbla notice la publifhed by order of Lionel Webster.-Judge of tnV County Court of the Stats of Oregon, for Multnomah County, duly made and en tered May 2. 1803. . LIZZIE WOODWARD, "AdinlnfHtrAtHxof the Estata. of .Albs L. . Grab Af'ti, AtfWaeyr for AdmlnhP , trsirlx, - , 4 v. -. : . v CITY NOTICES, PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF FIRST ... y.'' STREET. Notk la hereby. given that at the meetlog of the Council of tne City of I'ertiand. Ore gon, held au, the 2oih day of May, 1003, ths following resoluttou waa adopted: Resolved, That the Council ot the City of PnrtUud, Oregon,- deenia It expedient and proposes to improve First street from 30 feet south of the south Hue of Arthur street to 330 feet north of the north II uo ot Arthur street ' by constructing a steel bridge with approaches. Aald Improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and urdlnaucea of the City of -Portland Snd the plana, siierllicatlona aud inti mates of the City Engineer Died In the office of the Auditor of the City of Portlgnd on the 20th day of Muy, 11(03. Indorsed: "City En gluvua'a plana and specltlcutlona for the Im provement of First street from .10 feet smith of' the, south line of Arthur street to 3CO feet north of the north Hue of Arthur atreet and the estimates of tbo work to be done snd the probable total coat thereof." , The coat of said Improvement to bo aa sessed aa provided hy the City' Charter upon the proierty Specially benefited thereby and which la hereby .declared to he all the lota, parte of lots and parcla of land lying within tho district hounded and described aa fol lows: Commencing at a point in the. west hank of the Willamette River at low water mark where the same would be Intersected by the aouth Hue of Harrison atreet extended easterly In Ita present course; thence west erly along tbo south line of Harrison street snd said extension to a point at lta lnter seetten with the east line of Seventh atreet snd thence southerly along the east line of Seventh street to a point at Ita Intersection with the division Una between Flnlce Caruthera and Stephen Coffin Donation Land Claims; thence weat along such division line between Flnlce Caruthera and Stephen Cnrtlii Donation Land Claims to a point at lta tntirsectlon with the westerly line at blink No. 38. Caruthera Addition to Caruthera Addition to the City of Portland; thence southerly along the west tine or as Id block No. .in. to a point at jta Intersection with 'the north line of block t. 8R. Caruthera Addition to Caruthera Addition to the City ef Portland at the westerly line of said block No. 30; thence southeasterly In a straight line to a point in toe south Hue of Flnlce Carutners Donation Land Claim where the aame Is Intersected by division line between sections p and 10. townhf 1 north. range 1 east. Willamette Meridian: thence souther!, along the division line between- aeetlona 9 and 10, 16 and 13. 21 and 22. township 1 avntb, range 1 east. Willamette Meridian, to the southern boundary line of the City of Portland; thence easterly along the southern boundary line of the City of Portland to a nolnt at Its Intersection with the weatern hank of the Willamette River at low water mark; thence northerly along the weatern bank of the Willamette River at low water mark to a point at Its Intersection with the south line of Harrison street eitenoen eaaterly In Its present course, the same being the plsee of beginning. The Engineer s estimate of the probable total coat of said Improvement ls gl6.WKi.lHi. The above Improvement ls to be classed as a ateel bridge Improvement and shall lie main- talnea ny tne city Tor the perloil or 0(1 years, provided that a majority of the owners of property benefited By aald Improvement or any portion thereof shall not petition for s new or different Improvement before the ei plrMlon of such period. 1 ine plans.' specincatinns and estimates nr he Cltv Engineer for the Improvement of aald First street are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Aud tor nf the Cltv nf Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of aald atreet as provided bv the city charter. Henionsrraneea against the Above Improve ment may be filed In writing with the un dersigned within 20 dare from the date of the first Publication of this notice. By order of the Council. THOS C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tlu! City of Portland. May 23. 11)03. PROPOSALS FOR MUNICIPAL LI0HTIM0. CITY OF PORTLAND, 0REQ0M. Sealed DroDoaaia will be received at th nffle of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portland until 0 clocg p .m., June is, luos, for lighting the streets, svenues, psrka, public grounds and public places of tbe City of Portland Ly elec tric arc Ugbta of 2,000 candlo power each. and fur lighting the public buildings of aald elty by incandescent electric or gas Ugbta fot a term of live yeara from January lat, 1104. Separate proposaie will be received for light ing tbe streets, avenuea, parks publlegrouuda ud pjpllc places 01 tue cltv, as above set forth. Each proposal must on based upon tht sncclflcationa for aald liahtlui: on file in th office of the Auditor of tbe City ot Portland. No proposal In excess 01 ror each light per month will be considered. Each pro posal must be accompanied by a cer lined check on some responsible I'ortland bank in the aum of Twenty-five Tbouaand Dollars (gA.uvO.OO). psyabla to tbe order of Geo. H. Williams, Mayor cf tbe City of Portland, aa fixed and lluuldated damages, that tbe successful bidder will enter Into contract in accordance with tbe terms of the specifics Uons wltum ten dsys after the cou tract is swarded him. The successful bidder will also be required to frnlab a giad and sufficient bond in the auui of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ( to be apprured by the Mayor or tne city or t'ortiaud, con dirloned tbat the successful bidder will fulfill the le'ms of bis contact. Separate proposaie will be received for llorbt Ing the public buildlura of aaid city aa aborts! aet rortfi. uacn proposal must De oasua upon tbs specifications for said lltbtlng on file iu tbe orfice 01 tne Auditor 01 tne city or I'ort land and must be accompanied by a codi fied check on aome responsible I'ortland Uana lift tbe sum of Twenty-rve Hundrevi Dollars. i(2. S00.0O). payable to the order of Geo. II. WUllama, Mayor or tne city or i-ortutua. aa nxea anu liquidated damages, that the aucceseful bid der will enter lulo contract In according with lbs terms ef ths apeclaatlims . within lea mil dava after tbo contract la awarded blni. The successful bidder will alao be required to furnish a good aud suuVlunt bond In the aum of Ten Thousand Dollars 1IIO.00O.00). to lie" approved by tbe Mayor 'if the City of Portland. coudltionea lost toe eucceasiui uiauer wui xui fill the terms of bla coutract. All proposals should be indorsed proposal Tor Lighting, and addressed to inos C Devlin. Auditor. Portland. Oregon. The right ii reserved to reject sny or all bids. By order of tbo Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of ths City of Portland. Or, April 8. 1003. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF GRAND AVENUE. Notice is hereby given tbat at tbe meeting of the Council or tne city or i'ortland, lire ion. beld 1 11 the 20th day of May, 1U03, the follow iiur resolution was adopted: Rer-.:ved, That tbe Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deems It ete(llent and nroDoses to improve Grand avenue from1 10 feet south of tbe north line of East Stark atreet to the south line of Eaul Oak street by conatrnctlng an elevated roadway. Said Improvement to lie uiude In accordance with the charter and ordinances of the ( Ity of I'ortland and the pluna. specifications and estimate of tbe City Engineer filed in the office of the Auditor of the C.V of Portland on the Itirh day of May. IftoR, indorsed: "City Englneer'a pinna nud specifications for the Improvement of Grand avenue from lo feet aouth of the north line of East Mark atreet 10 the south line of East Oak street and the estimates of the work to he done and 'the probable total cost thereof. Th 1st of aald Improvement to be assessed aa provided by the elty ehsrtcr upon the property specially benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be all the lots, parta of lots and parcels of laud lying lietweeu the south line of East Oak atreet and tbe north line of East Stark street and between a line 100 feet west of and parallel with the west line of Grand avenue and a line usi reet east of aud parallel with the east line of Grand avenue. The Engineer's estimate of the probable total cost of aald Improvement is g'J.D.tluH. The above . Improvement la tn lie classed aa an elevated roadway and shall he maintained by the city for a period of five years, provided Ihst the owners of a majority of the property benefited hy said Improvement or any portion thereof shall not petition for a new or dif ferent Improvement before the expiration of Such period. , The plans, speclfleallons and, estimates of the City Engineer for the Improvement of aald Grand avenue are hereby adopted. Resolved That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of snld avenue as provided by the city charter. Remonstrances against the above ImnmTe pwiit mav he filed In writing with the under signed within 20 dsrs fmm tbe date of the first publication of this notice. By order of the (Council. ' THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor" of the City of Portland. Mav 23. 1Q03. ... V POUND MASTER'S MOTICE. NOYlCK Ia hereby given thai ou the 21st day of May. ll3, T took up ami empouuded at the City Pound, at No. 201 Slweenth street. In the City of Portland, Oregon, the follow ing described animals: 'i Yellow Jersey heifer, crop out both ears; Biindle heifer, crop out -of bolh ears; Yellow and white Jersey, crop out of both ears: Brlndle and white heifer, crop out of both eara ; And unless-tbe owner, of other iieraon or peraous baring an Intrreat therein aball claim uoasisalou of the same, and pay aU coats and charges of the keeping and ad vertising them, together with tho pound fees on asld animal, as provided by ordinance No.' &,925. sa amended, ot aald City of Portland, I will on the 2th day of May. 1H03, at ths hour nf 10 a. m.-i st the City Pound, at No. 2T Sixteenth, In said city, sell the- above described animals at public auction to the highest bidder, to pay tbe cost a and charges ' for taking up,, keeping snd advertialng suck aim w." -a-- - Dsted thta 23d r pt V?. ITKW. " ' , . W." F.TREED, Poundnjaster. : - .. v ' . . ... CITT K0TICE8. EXTENSION OF TWENTY-SIXTH, STREET . Wberess, Ths Couucil ot the City of Port' land, deeming It cxpvdlupt to Open, lay out snd estnbllxu an extension of Twenty-sixth eti'eet, in tho City of I'ortland,- from the north line of Tburnun street tu tbe north lino of Belch's Addition, did ou tbe 2d day of April, IM03, direct the City Engl, neer to aurvey tbe same and to mark tbe bonndurlea thereof, and to make a pint of aucb aurvey. and a written report .containing a full snd perfect- description of auch propaed atreet aud boundaries thereof, and of the Por tion of each lot. tract or part of gltber, to be appropriated tor such street, and the City Engineer having made am ji survey, plat and report, and filed auch plat aud report in tbg office of tbe Auditor on the 11th day of April, JTJ03, and said report having been adopted by Ordinance No. 13.336. entitled "Au ordinance adopting the report of the City Engineer Iu the matter of tbe (imposed opening, laying ,011 1 aud, establishing of Twenty sixth atreet from the north line of Thurmat street to the north line. of Unlcli's Addition." Now, therefore, all persons intoreHtiil are hereby notified that ,thc - Council of tbe City of Portland has appointed W. K, White. O. Gammaua and H. F. iforileu. viewers, to view aald proiMiaed extension of said atreet and make an estimate nf the benefits and damages oc casioned by the liivlug out and eMail llshing tbo aame. In accordance with section 3411 of the charter of the City of Portland. aaid vlewera to meet at the office of the Audi tor of tbe Cltv of I'ortland on Wednesday, tin loth day of June. IiHi.1, at the hour of 10 o'clock fit the forenoon of aald day. Tho proposed opening, laving out snd estah llshing of Twenty-sixth street is fill feet iu width -and la more particularly bounded and described aa follows: Beginning at a point lu the north line of Thurniau atreet where tbe some would be Inter sected by a northerly extension In Its present course of the west line of Twenty-sixth street extended; running thence northerly on the neat line of Twentv-slxth street extended to the north line rf HaU-b's Addition; lhence esatcrly along the north line of Balch'a Addition to the City of Portland to a point where the same would be Intersected by an extension of Iho east lino of Twenty-sixth atreet in its present course: thence southerly along the evtennlon of the east - line of Twenty-sixth street to the north line of Thiirman atreet; thence weaterly along tbe north line of Thiirman street 80 feet to the piece of beginning. Tho proposed opening, laving out snd estab lishing of Twenty -sixth street sa above de scribed will Include anil necessitate the ap propriation to public use of tbe following de-scrlla-d parcels or tracts of land, to-wit: All that part of lot T. block 323, Balch'a Ad dition, lying east of the westerly side line of the - proposed Twenty-sixth atreet, containing 2.51 1 aipiare feet. Also all that part of lot IJ, block 323. Raich's Addltliui. which , lies weat of the easterly side line of the proposed Twenty-sixth atreet. con taining' 1.835 empire feet. All persona claiming damages by reason of the appropriation of the property ubove described, or any part thereof, lu the pro posed opening, laving out and establishing of said street, are hereby aMclul1y notlrti-d to file their claims for such dainagea with the Auditor of the City of Portland liefore the loth day of June. HX13, the time appointed for tho meeting nf the viewers therein. Hy order of the Council. THOS. C. DEVL.'N. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Msy 23. 1003 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF WATER' STREET AND HOOD STREET. Notice is hereby given that at the meet ing of the Council of tbe City of Port land. Oregon, beld on the 2m h day of May, 1003, the following resolution waa edonted: Resolved, That the Council of Ihe City of Portland, Oregon, ' deema It expedient and proiHises to Improve Water street aud Hood atreet from the south line of Clny street to li h 1 feet south of the .south line of Caruthera street 111 the following manlier, to-wit: First By grading aald atreet full width with full Intersections. Second By paving the strccte full width with full Intersections with stone blocks 011 a sand cushion on u concrete foundatlnu six Inches In thickness. Third Hy construetlng artificial stone curbs. . Said Improvement to be, made In accord ance with the charter und ordlnancea of tbe City of Portland and the plans, specifica tions snd cstimatca of the City Engineer filed In tho office of tbe Auditor of Ihe City of Portland on the 4th day of May. 11X13. In dorsed: "City Engineer s plans and specifica tions for the Improvement of Water nud llood streets from the south lino of Clay .rrn.1 t,i u line UIO feel south nf the south line of (Vrutbers street, and the estimates of tbe work to be done and the probable total cost thereof." Tbe coat of said Improvement to lie assessed ss provided by the city charter upon the firnperty specially benefited thereby, and which la lereby declnrcd to he nil the lota and parts of bits and parcels of In ml lying within the dlatiici lioundeil and described us rollows: On the west side of wild Water street und Hood atreet, all of the lots and parts of lots, to-wit: Lota 1, 2. 3 and 4, block 113: lots 1..2. 3 and I. Mock 112: lota 1. 2. 3 and I. block Ml; lots 1, 2. 3 und I. Work 1 10: lota 1, 2. 3 anil 4. block HHI: lotH 1, 2. 3 and 4. him k 108. lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. block 10?: lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. Mock 111; lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. block A; lota II. 8; II, 10. 11 and 12. block B: lota t. 2. 3 and 4. r and H. block II; east 2.1 feet of lots I. 2. 3 and 4. block C. lota 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. rt. 7 and 8. block G, I'aruthers Addition to CaruHier Addition to the Cltv of Portland; lots 14. 15. HI. 17, 18. 10, 20 and 21 and the north 45 feet of lots 8; 11. lo. II. 12 and the north 17,2 fwt ' of lot 13. Rolir'a Bub !dviione block F In Cnriith ers Addition to Portland, Oregon. On the east aide of snld Water und llood streets, all the lots and parts of lots und puree Is of laud lying between the suiilh line of Jefferson street and a Hue 1(l feet aouth of and parallel j with the south Hue of Caruthera street und an easterly extension In Its present course of ' aald south llnu. of aald Caruthera street and between the east line nf said Water street and llood street and the wharf line of the weat bank of the Willamette River. Tbe Englneer'a estimate of the prohnh$ total coat of sold Improvement Is g1l.ll43.0O. Tbo aliove Improvement is to be ilaaaed as a atone block pavement and shall be maintained by the city for the period of UIY years, pr willed j" that the owners of a majority of1 the property henented bv said Imprnvement or anv .Tor- ' tlon tnereor snsii nor petiiion ror a now iirTk. wai, n:.-) a. m. dlfferi'nt Improvement beforo tin expiration 1 of said fierlod. The plans. specifications and of the City Engineer for the Improvement of i aald water atreet and lloou street are nereiiy adopted. Ilesoiven, mat rne Atniuor or rue i lry or: Portland lie and he la hereby instructed to give notice of the proponed Improvement ol said streets as provided by the city charter. ' Remonstrances against the above Improvement may he filed In writing with Ihe undersigned '. Ithln 20 davs from the date of the first puh- i licatlon of this notice. Hy order of the Council. , I nil.', i . ir. i,i . Auditor of the City of Portland. Mav 23 Itai.'i THS BEST OF EVERYTHING; ONLY KCURS PORTLAND TO Via the 0R. R. & N7 Co. "Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific and " Two trains a day, with through Pullman drawing-room eleephig cars, free reclining chair cara and dining cars (a la carte). connects at Granger with tha iamous Overland ' Limited, tha most luxurious train in the world, to Chicago from the Coast - Ba aura yeur tkksts read over ths - Chlcaga & NortH-WeAtera. i ' v 4V 0 BABKERj Qsn't Acrr. fi. A M-W. BY, i'," "r"16 TMHID ST.. POtuiN8. OHf. s a I I RAILROAD TIMETABLES. SnoiTLiriG TaXrwasksas Tt a mwssbsi aSk, 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILV Through Pullman standard and Tourist sleep. lug cars dally tu Omaha. Chicago, Spokaaat tourist sleeping cars daily . to Kansas Cltyl through Pullman tuurlat sleeping cars (peraosr 1 kUy conducted) weekly to Chicago. Asset CiAy, SL Louis snd Memphis; rscllni4 saalf cara I seats rreei to tue , asst aaiv. IP 'aft 1 , ;' UN 10.1 DEPOT. Leavts. Anflvssv . ISlICAOO-PORTLAND 0 10 a) nx. 4:SO p. at it SPECIAL. Daily. iDslly. , For the East vis Hunt- , ., lngtou. SPOKANE FLYER. 8:00 a. as. T:38 a. Sg, For Eastern Washing- Dally. Daily. , .. " ton, Walla Walla, Lew is fou, CoeuY d'Aiene ; v and Urat Aiurtheru points. - ' ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 1:15 p.m. 10l0. Fur the East via Uuut JaUy, Dally. lug ton. ' r s OCEAN AMD RIVER SCHEDULE. j FOR SAN FRANCISCO, Fresa 9:00 a. xa, , S. 8. Geo. W. Elder Ainawortb ' ; May 2, 12. 22. loch- ",v 8. ts. Columbia April s . p. m. 27; May 1, 17, 27. . HMaMaMaM4 ir : Colunr tie River Division. t FOR A8TORIA snd way 00 a. sa. 5:00 s, sa. poiuU, connecting with Dally. ex. Sundays - stmr. for llnaco aud ix Sunday Abeat , North Beach, air. Uxa- Saturday ealo. Ash st dock. 10:00 p. a. " WnUmsttRTvst Piyislen." FOR SALEM. Corvallls 8:40 a. as. Dally . -and way puluta, ateaaier Monday. 8:00 a. ra, 5 Rulb. Asb-St. dock. Wednesday, Tuesday, ,, (Water permitting.) Friday. Thursday,' : Aaturdsy. , YamhUl River Rsdta. . FOR DAYTON, Oregos 7:00 a. m. 3:09 p. ml City snd Yamhill River Tuesday. - Monday. - ' points, str. Elowre, iburaday. Wadneaday) Asb-St. dock. Saturday. Friday. ' I W'ster permitting 1 . t Snake River Reuta. ' FOR LEW1STON, Ida., 4:00 a. ra. About ' ind way points, from Daily. 6:00 p. ggi ' Ulparia. Wash., steam- tx. Sat. Dally era Spokane and Law- ex. Friday. C lston. TICKET OFFICE. Third asnd Waablngton, Tela phona Main 712. ,. POITUND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Yokohama snd Hong' Keag. calling at. Kobe. Nagasaki and Sbanxhal. taklna freight'' via connecting steamers for Msnlla, Pert Artaut t and Vladivostock. . i INDRAVELU SAIL'J ABOUT MAT II.. i For ratea and full Information call ea at at. t dress officials or agenu of the O. R. A N. Caw EAST via. SOUTH flri utiT iil I O mdcn. snAStal I IsjfjV SOUTXS. lOI Leaves. UHIOaT DEPOT. , Arrtvaav ...Z. OVERLAND EXPRESS ' trains, for Salem. Rosa-I ' i ... burg, Ashland. Sacra- ':- ao p. m mento, Ogden. San Fran- I'M a. ss. . claco, Mo lave, Los Aa- .".' Ireiea, El Paso,. Nsw Or- ,f i-sns snd ths Esst ' At Woodbura daily , ft ' (except Sunday), mora. -"' ns-m lng train fur. lit, Aa- H,M BTSO a. a. Hllrertom browns. M m vllle, Springfield, Wend- I ling and Natron. ': 4:00 n. n. Albany paasenger, eon- i0-io s, ss"' " -w.w p. n. attU mt WooburB witk '10.10 a. ; Ut. Aagel and Stiver- r ton locaL ' . t,, 7:80 a. m. Corvallls passenger.,... HMp. ss. H:50 p. m. Sheridan passenger..... S:SS a. as Daily. jIaily except Sunday. . rortlaad-Oswsgo Snbnrsaa Barries aa TsakUl Diviaioa. 1 Depot Feet of Jsffsrsoa Strsai, 1 Leave Portland dally for Oswego 7:30 s. SLI 12:60. 2.06. 8:23. 5:30. 8:25. 8:30, 10:10 p. as. DsJiy (except Sunday) 6:30, 6:80, 8:36, 10:26 . a. m.', 4:00, .11:30 p. m. Sunday only, :' s. m. -' Keturthig from Oswego, arrive Portland SatlF 8:30 a, m.; l:oo, 8:05, 4:36, 8:15. T:K0,. :63, 11 :10 0. m Dally (except Sunday) 6:26, 7:25, . 1:45 a. ni. Exeent Monday. tl.UA s. to. Sunday only. 10:00 a. m. I iexve rroiu aame oepoc ror uaiiaa ana inter. -esOmates 1 mediate points dally 'tvaceDt Suadark 4:06 D. aw . Arrive Portland 10:20 a. m. o i nueimuueiice-aiunmoii ta asowr upsj operates daily to Monmouth and Alrlle. - necttng with Southern Pacific Company's tragkaj st Dallas and Independence. Plrat-claae rebate tickets on ssla (rasa Per land to Sacramento snd Ban Francisco, Net ) rate $17. WK berth IS; sscond-elsss fars 116, without rebate or berth; second-class berth 12.50. ' ' Tickets to Eastern points snd Europe, sjna) Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia. city i lexer urice corner xnira ana uassinge , sn'streeU. Phone Moin 712. ton'streeU. Phone Main 712. C W. STINGER. City Ticket Agent B. COM AN, Gen. Pas. Aft, rT - - - TRAINS 1 I PORTLAND: Puget Sound Limited, for Tacoina. tn-attlo, Departs. 8:90 a. m. Arrlvsak Uhmpia. South Bend und Grays Uarbor 6:80 p. aa. IHilnta. North Const Limited, fur Tacciua, Seattle, Hutte. St. Pirul. Min ucDpcils. Chicago. New Vork. lloston and points Kast and Southeast. Twin-City Express, for Tai'tima. Seattle. Spo kane. Hcb'ua, St. l'uul. Minueaiolls Chicago. New '. ork. Biwtou and all points Kiut and Southeast. Puget- Sound - Kansas' Clt--tit. Louis Seclal. for Tacmna, Si'attre. Spokane . Butte. Billings. Denver. (Jmabu, Kauaar City. St. Louis and all points Kaat aud South east. 3 :00 p. m. 7:00 i 11:49 p. a. 7:00 p. as. (,.- 8:30 a. tn. 7:00 a. -All trains dally sxeept Smith Befat oraHdl. A D. CHAKLTON, Assistant General Paasenger Agent. - 22T. Morrison St.. corner Third, i'ortland, Of, i ' Astoria Columbia . " River Railroad Co. tsWwssv rJ?IQN: PfirfiTyJ i rArrlves, For" Maygers, Italnler.l CUtakaule, . WStif t,f . 1 l llftna, Asfojrlg. War-, . IWitea . llsvel, Hss41i: 6. 1 tnotid J I'ort - Stevens.) Bearhart Park. Seasnp-.i Astoria ' and fceaoii. !.. -,,: expresa, -fiaiu. ;0aa. as.. T:00 p. aa. Aatorta Eti'i' Pally. . : S 1 f sa. M.tTM, A.f.-n. i r. -i (i 1. 1 st,. '' - .-G.-'.-sn.l V: A.i E. L LEWIS. Contniereint Ag"t, Phone Main iku. -7-