I. ; ', .1 r.: '. , JIIE-'OT?EGO?T 'DAILY--JOimyAL.';POIt ISmANSAGTIONS IN THE WORLD ' i . 1 . . 1 ; 1 : n. : ' . 1 , . . 1 . . 1 EGGS IN EXTRA ' HEAVY DEMAND r;uv : : Receipts Are Lighter and High ,. est Quotations Are Prevailing : t. Poultry Arrivals Insuffici ent For Trade, Coolness of Weather Causes V Backward Season For Oregon Strawberries . California's Scarcer Prices Upt' TED EGO SITUATION. "Xgg prioM mt ruling' high with the receipts not so liberal s those ' f WMk arc The egg branch of the poultry mar ' atet seems to be the only portion of . Interest today on FroiTt street. Prices re ruling: strong with the extra heavy ; demand. Shipments are becoming: light er Instead of heavier as the summer . Muon advances, and stocks through out tha districts are small. Egg prices are higher today than they have been t this period for many previous sea sons and there is a likelihood . that the present ruling ' quotations will be in force . for some time. , ' '"..-.'" Bteoh Call for Poultry. ' The heavy call for all grades of . poultry continues and with the lighter , receipts-' the local markets are able to keep entirely cleaned up of all stock at the highest ruling- prices. Receipts of poultry today were more noerai. but tne "Call was excellent. Prices are not changed, although, the best stock Is be ing sold slightly, above . those printed. Good fat hens are especially In demand. KIheretsvery little call for geese. Butter Beoeipts Increase. The better grades of creamery are lightly weaker today on account of . the larger receipts of both the local and , outside stock. The, demand is fair, but Is not quite sufficient to keep the mar ket cleaned up without the aid of the cold storage plants. Seconds are in fair demand at the same quotations as dairy grade- The call for- dairy from the : South still continues and top quota tions are being received for all arrivals In this. line. Store butter is also Arm at quotations.' ' - Steamer Columbia Arrives. The- steanfef Columbia arrived from San Francisco juit night and this mom- . lng her usual, assorted cargo of fresh California vegetables and fruits were . distributed among.' Front street com mission, men. ' Cabbage Is In larger re ceipt,' but 'there is an excellent demand for all arrivals. Weather , Keeps Berries Back. The coolness, of the weather within the past few days has had the effect of retarding the growth of strawberries and as a consequence the season In this tttate is somewhat backward. Stocks in Caliiornla are being cleaned up on account of the larger demand from outside --points and this mornnig the only ' arrivals from that State In this rity consisted of small shipments by rr, l(I(S17o It); fr.vom. H4U.V It); duck. Ho lb; T'iGfUc lb; turkey, live; lou lie; drrMi'd ISHltfc. Orocerlog. Nut, Etc. Sug-ar "Suck ImU," cuhe, fX.'Tb;' powd ered, ST'-M!; dry grantilatril, S.V471; extra (', R.oaMi; Uulilrn 4.ii; barrela, IOr. S barrel, i&H; hnxca, 50c advance on Murk baid. Um 2Tc uer owl fur caab. 15 tiara; mnulv, 14a 19c n. Honey l.tiglSr per frame. Coffee OrtH'ii Muehn. 8 U 2.1e: Javn. fanrr, 2l(fi;tte; jHra, (rw.d, ltti'((Mc; Java, ordinary, it dth-: Coata It lea. fane)'. Jllaik': (on la Kim. t(ud, ItSMI.Mc; Coata klia. or. Unary, lii'oliN imt lb: Columbia roaat. 11U.II.'(: Arhurklea $l.V2'i l.lon. tll.ai hat: Cordota. fll -Jt, lean Oolong-, dint-rent grade. XAiuune; (inn powder, tUJ.Kt.iav; mikiikii ureuaraai. en fin lit irriidea. 1 2 'i (il 6,"e ; Snider Lee. uix-ulore Japan, OUUUc; greeo Japan, Ycrjr acan-e. 'Mn IMM: Salt Ttalea, 2a, Ra, 4a, fi. 10a. 12.10; One tahle. ilulry, 3He; lima, 74v; Imported Ui erHul, :aa. 4m-; luoa. He; Z24a. iAi. Halt Woreeater aalt. bulk. bhtaTlSoa. S.'i.OO W'oreiister. H" 2a, f.').50; Wurtpater. 100 :1a. .,.:', H onvxtrr. ;ui M, fn.i; m iua, a w, linrn iocka, t0, hdc. Salt t'oarae, half frnund. KlOa. per ton Hl.Otl, fah. , ht ton, 14. SO; Liverpool, lump, roek. I2.V00 r-'''' ton; B0-I rock, l.OU; luoa, 1 1. 1 BO. Uraiu n(t Calcutta. $8 006.25 per 100 for AtiKuat delivery. Rice luiirlul Japan. No. 1, 6f, No. OVie: New Orleans head. 74c. Ilreakfajt Kood 1'remlum. .TO-2',4c; 12.00 Force. 4.5o: li lt oata. .J !.". Salmon Columbia Klver. l ib tall". (1.70: 2 lb tall, (2.40; fancy, l ib Data. 1,4-tb fancy tint", si. 20; Alaaka (una. pink, Stic; red, (1.25: 2-tb talla. 12.00. Coal Oil t'aaea, 22MiC per sal; tanka. Water White, Iron Mtila, luc, wooden lo; Mead Hltht. caeca 24ViC Iron bbla, l(tc; gnaollnc. Iron 1.1,1a 22c, caaea 2c. I.lnaeed Oil Cure raw. Id bbla. 5c; genuine kettle, boiled, 4:c: pure' raw, In caaea, D7c irentiinn kettle. Ill caaea. bUc. Turiientlne In caaea, 71c; wood bbla, 81V4C; Iron libli, 85c! 10-lb caae Iota, 70c. liealia Small -white. 44c; targe white. 4c; Pink. ar; bayou, 4c; I.lmaa. Slid Tobacco ring cut amomnc. 1, -i, .i-na paex- acea Heal or north Carolina, Tic m: afaa- tin. Bsc lb: Dixie Uueeu. 41c lb: lied Bell. :K)e lb; I'edro. COc lb; tlolden Scepter, S1.1A lb: tine cut Cameo. 41c lb; Capatan. t.M lb: Duke a Mliture. 40c id; hum iiurnam. uhc m: old r:iig lab C'urrc Cnt. 74c lb; Maryland Club. 71c lb; Mall Touch. 3So lb: Yale Mixture. $1.40 lb. Plug Tobacco--Prummond'a Natural Iaf. 5Hc Tn: riper HeldalorK. 00c m: Homeinms ond. 4oc th: Standard Nary. 3Sc lb; T. A M.. firtc lb; Spear Hear. 43c lb; Star. 41c. Fine Cut Chewing Uolden Thread, 68c lb; Fast MalU 7uc ID. ARMOUR EVENS ; MAY OPERATIONS Fruita and Tagetabla. Potatota 45(ii50c; ordinary, 80(340; new 24c lb. i)nlona Oregon. 75cBl.oo, biiyera" prlcea; local, fl.uoni i.tw; garlic, iitfic in; -catiroruia new reda. tl.BO. Freah Fruita Applea, fancy Oregon, 7Kc(8 ft. 50; cooking. r0ti7ftc box; Orangca, narala, 2.!)0I.'I.WI; Mediterranean awneta. $2r7fi; California tangerine, 1. oofyl.it. tmx; ha nanaa, f2.25:l.KO bunch, .'m' lb; atrawherrlea. ll.ltMS I. er- K-n eratei Oreaim, 80e tb; cbiT rlea. red, $1.00 per 10-lb Ihx; black, 1.2B. Vegetablea Turnlpa. fl.00 aack; carrota, $l.ftO; fbeeta, fl.M) kt aack; radlahea, 12M,4ilBc per dot; cabbage, California, 2r tb: lettuce, head. 2Ac per dot; bothouae, fl.25 li; green peppera. 40c lb: boraeradlah. 8c lb; celery. 11.00 doa: bean, atrlng. 12Hfdir.c th; aaparagua, 8lci$1.00 per 25 lb box; rhu barb, lie lb: tomatoea. 6.00 er 30-rb box; paraiilna. $17,"; plneapplea, $5.00 doi; peaa, Sc; enenmoer. $1 RO do. Dried Fruita Applea. erapnrated. 7t7Hc lb; aprlcota, 7lU7V,e tb; )cachea. 74tnc lb; Ppara. KHc lb; pruneat Itnllan. 4mi5V4c lb: rench. :i'-a(i4Ujc rti; Aga. California black. 6 ruHKjc: do. white. 7HiHc tb: pluma. pitted. Sifi 6ci ralalna. aeeded. fancy 1-Ib cartona, BO ptck agea to caae, 8lc pkg; aoeded. 12-of cartona, 7Vic looae Miiacatcflea. HO-lb boxca, 6Vi'il7'iiC tb: txindon layera. TH.7Mf2.00. Nuta I'eanuta, 6 fa 7e per tb for raw. OCT! fu ror roaated: cocoanuta. S5ioc per dot; wal nut. I4M,1I5c ier lb; ohie nuta. 1of12ic ni-r Tb; hickory nuta. ltic ter if): chcatnuta. Kaatern. 1,'ifn Hie per lb: Hraill uuaa. 16c per wi nilM-rta. i.viiioc per m: raBcy pecan, 14! loc per ro; almond, utrtior per in. Heat and Fovlaioni. Freah Meata Beef, prime, 7WSV,e: bulla 5ffiH,c; enwa, 6frt7c; jwrk. 7'(fiKc; real. fiKj 7"jc; mutton, tnnc, groaa; areaaed, 7lSc lainba. dreaaed, TfftNiic. llama, llacon. I'.tcy Portland pack (local) nanm. 111 to Jt i. njc, n w in im, H(4c; breakfuat biicnii. IftStlllc; plcntea, lUic; cottage, 11 c; aaltcd aide, iz'4c in: aniokcd a Idea i:t(ic; dry aulted back, llc: bacon backa, butta. auitcti. h-c: Knioiteo. ii)",c m. Eaatern-iMickcd Mama L'nder 14 Iba, ISic over 14 Iba. 14c; fancy. 1594c; plcnlca.il V,c abotildcra. inic: dry aaltcd aide, unamoked. 12c; breakfiiat bacon, 15'ilHU,c; fancy. 18'ajc: imita. 1 1 v "i izic. Loch I l.irrd Nettle lear, 10a, lZffce; fia, 12-T4c; The Provision King wa a Free Seller of May. W heat YdSJ)r day Disposed of About 500,000 Bushels, The Possibility of .a Tieup by the Railroad Strike has Con siderable Influence in the Corn Pit, Southwest. Complaints of bud nppoar arjed of tho crops are Increasing and are coverln a wider an a. TI10 caali Hltuntlon in sIqw. The Prussian crop report shows tho- condition tit 08 per cent. Country ofTora of corn 0 Jrreg ular and perhaps hot v to expocta tion. Shorts wors 'toverod yesterday oti the fear of the .generul mrllco on. tho railroads. The cash position Is a mou erute one. Plantingr is delayed In pwts of Iowa and NehrasUti l.y excessive mol.Mture; otherwiso conditiunK are fair ly good. Tho condition!. In the West ure most favorable for the ffrowiiiij crop. Prices ore still supported hy dry- weather in the East, itcccipts of hogs continue large and tho quality first dasu. Stocks la Chlcag;o. PESCRIPTIO.V. V. ! ft May 2. The Record- CHICAGO, Herald says: The Armour operations in May wheat were evened up yesterday. " "We have no wheat left,' said one of the Armour people last night; "the Tnllers' have It." The delivery by Armour of about 1.000,- 1 iinadiiiu i'acltic 000 bushels of No. Anaconda Mining Co... Am. Cupper (oiupauy... Ati blaon. com do preferred ........ Am. Car It tumid., com. Am. ijUKiii-. com Am. Nuiclt., coin T.T.V. do preferred ...... , t linltlmore & tlhlo. coin, do preferred wo-;, tit 1 laia,! tH4 urooKiyn uaput Xraualt.i (M) -,, lil jn ttoval l ttt j :'! I tH1,! i-Yli UIH.. tMi-M 02 in:,. '..',, i4 Wfllj ll.;4i tlfVl 05'll ao 1 .IT 1 Mi I 37U 1,2:1 U U;ti4124V Ho I 1,4 V I WV4 May winter wheat K'lilrago ft Altou, .com.. on the contracts yesterday arternoon (.hj ut."t com' was notice to evcrylxnly that tho bull cm.'. Mil. & St. "I'aul..- operations in. May had been complete. Oil. & .vuihwe.it., cum. Armour yestordnv during the session cliicago 'J'erialual i K.,. was seller of May, get ting off probably 3alitbwn . 600,000 bushels. He has been a seller ci.. Fuel t Iron, i-oni! of May for anybody who wanted to Colorado .Southern, cooj.j.. do 2d preferred. .. lo lat nreferrcd. . . Dcliiuare. Sc lluilaon cover at about the market price. There has been the feeling for about ten nays mat ino nun fimn wuuiu uw 1, u. u., com. over before the end of the month, and prcteircii yesterday's experience made it plain that it had been all wound up. The cx 84!,,; o4 I Go , :, ft.". Si I MIS t KM I IIS I... H7IV. I ILSL. tvi un ihb ut-iivL-i 3 jcoin uaj ,w 1 iiiiiioin iciiirai I.w ,I..ii ; l.io il.k'a noon made it apparent that there had Ioilrllle Naahrllle.ll.'l',l i:;--, U:i ilW-4 trie, corn do 2d preferred. . do lat preferred.. 12?'.. 1J'4 12,I12K an 1 2 Oil 1 ...I I ti I OS an, 1 211! ivi 204 l4N'4:l.''",l.iH!i1'0 I I I ITfi 15 : 1ft Si 1ft I 1ft 4o u 1 411 si 1 :m!il UO ,TH I US'1 SK)i ") 1 Oii'ii UVa !17fti ,21) I 20 I 02 I 02 172 II73W I Nd I NO CROPS DO NOT ME PROGRESS Up to Last sTwo Days Weathe Was Too Cool and Freauen FroSts Have Occurred High Winds Also Ketard, . . Rainfall Scant Except in Wil lamette Valley Practically None Fell in Southern or EasterivectionsA 1,2 ,. 2U .. 2 .-11721, .,1 a,i , .ut . . S5 I hft li been a good many Tailers" In the May. S V. - ' :.'" ' M Commission houses as they delivered the ii.i,.,,, j-entVal Uy ..'.'.' 2ft'-' 2ft. 25 "2 1 itft-C red winter by the Armour people were Mexican Nut tonal 2:1 21 1 22!l 22'v scurrying around to the borrow places piimi.. nt. 1: 4 te. u. a i ..s'jl &s I bVji do prefeired Mistourl I'ai'lUc M., K. A T.. com ilo preferred New York Central .... .Not-folk ' Vt'eat., coui.. 1I1. preferred N. V., (Int. & Weat.j,, fciliwyTVuhrn Iluliway . . r. 1.. & c. co I'reaaed Kteel Car. com. I'mlrlc Mull Steum. Co. ltCHlllllK. IM1U do IM preferred do lt tueferred Kep. Iron A Steel, com. do irelerri-u KiH-k Inland, com tlo preferre,! ioutherM Hallway, com. 00 pre r ttci acitic express. . Writh the smaller supply Un-tb Una. 12v4e: ateam rendered, 10. nc; prices on the Callfornias are higher ! f. 12c; ooa, HVjc; couiouud tierce, be; .ana now range irom i.iw 10 5120 a . crate. Very few Oregon berries are in the market and the stock .Is cutting very little figgrtt in-quotation making at present. ; - Mors Bananas Arrive. With the arrival of more . cars of bananas. the famine that has existed in .the local markets during the past few .months is ended. - A majority of the commission men on the street have larger supplies on hand and as the . fruit is of the best quality, demand Is heavy. Quotations still remain at 5 cents a pound. Mors Bed Onions. California red onions are arrlvjng In large)- supplies, the steamer Columbia . bringing a fair sized cargo of the new stock last night The demand is 11b- cral, the quotations now being Jl. 50 a - , acjfc ... Business Quiet Again." Taken altogether, business was quiet er on Front street today than it has been for some time! 4 It was thought . that the revival of activity yesterday was a permanent one, but even the ar rival of the California steamer failed - to bring out the usual long string of delivery- wagons. Today's quotations, as revised, are as ? follows: tlllM. N'-iC. Kantern Lard Kettle leaf. 101b tlna. 12Sc; oa. izr; fai-in Tina, im; ateam rendered 10a. i:tr: !Wa. llUc. Abore packlug bouau priced are net caah, 15 Ua., . I-'lah Hock cod. 7c; flotindera. Be; hnllbnt, 4a, line eod, 7c: craba. Xl.ftO doi; raanr clama. Bo do; atrlped has. - 12tyc; aalmon. Kc: aolea. Sc; lnhater. Lie: abrluiw, I'nifet Kwind, lftc; catfish, (k- Mi; I'tiget SotuuT herring. 4c lb. SENTIMENT IS DAMPENED 01TLAND WHOLESALE PRICES. . Grain, Flour and Feed. Wheat tVallu Walla, 7.; blueatem. 77c; Tiller. 74 Sc Barley feed. ?21.&it: rolled. S2.X0O. Oata .No. 1 white, 1. !7 V. 1.1 1.20, uray. 11 lr, 1.J7?4. Klour Eaatern Oregon: I'ateaita. S:i 05f4 .Ml Plamond W.. 4.2o; Btralifhta. f.i.M; Vallcv. (, fiMiiM.7o; (truham. 14. f.i.u,: jo, r;.rr. Mlllataffa Uran. fZi.m iii ion; mhuliluga : 37. ou; aliorta. $2.').ln.: chop, lK.tai. ': Hay Timothy. 2o.0o; clover, J17.00. ytP Hop, Wool and Hidei. ' 1 Hop 204(2iic tor choice; l!,o.i coniraits, lftc Wool Kotalual. VaL?jr, l.VJIlio; "Kaatern Orejtou, lmi3i-; Mohnlr taimliiiil. !!7:Skv. rUii-epkli riuenrine. M'j'tti'.ic l.ort wool 22t2c: mediuui wool. :;'ii' , I..1.1; wool, i,ii 01 -fl.44 each. -e Tallow Prtnie, per .-4b',' -lft4c; No. t: mtii fW-aae. '2fi(2i.j.-. Uldi-a Dry hide. o. 1. 16 pounda p nil up. l&atlft'jf per lb: ilrv kip. No. 1. o in l." Pis. 1; dry calf. .So. 1. iindet Pis. 1 .j -,-. dry aaltcd. bulla and atiH.-. L;t mi than di y tlhit; salted bidea. ateer, 'wund, 0i poiinds or 01-, -r. 7S'K1'i)C; 0O to (Hi Ib.i. 7';'iSi- under Mi - Iba anil cow: 7c: Rtai; and bull, loinnd, ffli bhi", kip. sound. 1.1 to :io iba. 7r; annml. 10 to 14 Iba, 7c; calf, aound, under ID Pw h-; t'l'eili (unaalted). 1c Hi Ius: cull, lr ITi Iiw: horse' . nld'-a. aalted. each. $1.2rifll 7.V ilr a I.SO; eolta. bide, each. 2ri.10c: ot ekliia, i eommoti. eaeh. inr; lrMJi.-.Ajie.-rii. UU ivool jn. each,. sSetisi.iMt. Butter, Ecca and Poultry. Butter Oregm creamery. 22'.e; Jtte; atore. 17Vjc Kirca Freeh t)rei;iui. i 'it . Cbeeae Full criruiu. lln. 1U..V American. lb4ilVj: I'.nati rn, lOf.'i 1 toriUu 15c. I'oultry Chlckena. mixed, VHu. i:ie ben t8U,4M4e: naMter. W'l.ll Lie tb Jd BL-UI,. L .' ; Sank and rile of Professional Traders Are reeling1 Bine Shrinkage in Values. NEW YORK, May 26. The Chronicle says: It ia natural, following uch a weak market as prevailed today, that sentiment should be seriously dampened. especially among the r.mk and tile of professional traders. Yet in influential financial circles there Is a strong feel ing that, barilng accidents, the market will get no serious decline from Its present level. It is a well-known fact that experi ence teaches that stocks go lower than they ought to, and vice versa. In the present instance the decline has ex ceeded th expectations of the most sanguine bears.. By both bulls and bears, with l'ej exceptions, prices are admitted' to He very low. It is also agreed that there has never been such a decrease in intrinsic values the last thrf-e or four months ns has taken place in prices. The falling represents a shrinkage of over 2.000.000,000. The in ference that powerful manipulation has been at work, and that some great coupe Is in progress,, the nutui of which will tmt he revealed till the financial ' at mosphere i cleared up. Then It is be lieved it will be found the contract . of or more important railroad svs-. terns lias passed and that the Kocke ' ("tilers and Gould will ' havo become, 'hiougli enormous purchases of stocks, notably New York Central and the Cries, one of the dominant Influences in he Kastern trunk line situation. Whc her this consummation will mark the icginniTip of a bull market is for the future to determine. for the cash wheat which they had not been expecting to get. 'There has been a very poor export demand for wheat of late, said A. I Valentine last night, "although there has been a fair "Western demand. .The continent has' been re-srtllng." "When asked if the May speculation had been all evened up, he replied: "It looks very much that way." As Mr. Armour has evened up his May wheat deal, he will have no more interest in tho amount of contract wheat which the private houses have been making for his bene fit. Tnere were 130 cars of No. 1 North ern out of the mixing houses yesterday. he largest contribution in any one day soothe so far. But the Elevator people have ml L. a San Fran been turning out the contract for a I do 2d i-referrcd month at the rate of -about 400,000 ushels a week, and it has cost some hing to pay for It. The Armour people do not like to pay out good money any more than anyone else. The Elevator people have manufactured and delivered since the deal was begun about 2.000,000 bushels of No. 1 Northern and No. 2 Rod.. The story coous from St. Louis that Cleagre, who made, an unsuccessful ef fort at bulling corn hero last winter, now has his. followers in the July wheat. St. Louis was the strong wheat market yesterday and the St. Louis house was the best buyer of- July here. , The possibility of a great railroad strike had some influence in tho corn pit yesterday. Anything that prom ises to tie up the railroads for a few weeks would demoralize July corn shorts. "The wheat has looked thiu and yel low through parts of Ohio and Indl com. F.t. L. & X. W . pref Tela A Pacific Tenn. Coal k Iron...... I'lilon Pacific, com do preferred I": S. l-lhur. com .... do preferred 1". S. Kiil.hcr, com . 8. Steel (.'o., com.... do preferred Wheel & Luke Erie, com. do 2d preferred . '. . do 1st tircf erred WIhcoiikIh Central, com. do preferred Western t'nluii Tel Wnbiiah. com do preferred Kale. non.wio. Money, 3 pcf cost. 104 1 1 1 m; v im 1 km 2M 21',! 2:114,1 24i 6:1. fii 1 ft;i'.j M liWV127-1i,liW',,il37 07 0:1 i 117 - ' Wi K!) I SNI4I SS'i , 30! 27,1 ai!4 .2714 12irt,12;V127Il27'., 00 OO'AlUKli w .vti rfi(i so I 27V 2SUJ 27 I 2S 4.S'-, ' 4141 4N no 1 it'. I Ik') I (ift S2 ! S2 I MMil NU, 1514. l.'.Vil IfiV,! IS 7ft I To 7ft 75 MX ::7Vi JWI..I :i7H 7:1 : ::i 1 70 72', 4V 27 V 20 27 K, O-iV w'il IX' wis ftllV .". 1 :l. I fto ftl'a 72 t 7:i Ms I 72 721.4 0ft i oil 41 04 (IftH, 40 4; 4(1 i 40 4Vj .MH...I :ilV .K114 IlUa R4 r.o 1 r.4 ftr K4: S.".T4I H4,j SKS, S!) I xn H!) 12 Li I 12"M 12 ! I !,.- - l)4( lt!V 14I-, 1 .-. u, 1 iu, 1.-1 14 M :; :mi his Sll SIUI Ml 1 14 Sl 5K I 2:;', I 2-t 22 82'" .'Hl' i I :ir. ON i .ri:H4 IW ftU' 20 I 20 I 20 20 42 I 42l, 41 V 424 H2l S2H H'i S2 ST) I 2.-. I 2Ti 2,114 44 ! M 44 4.Hj Chicago Mavrksts. (Theae quotHttoua are furidahed by Bolton dc Ituyter & (Jo., uieinbcra Cbicaifo Board of Trade. ) CHICAGO. May 20. The market r a need aa follows: High. Low. Close. Wheat- Open. -4.1H .4,1 .3.1 ana," says Mllden Clurrcblll, "btit a dry ""V ...tai.74ii May makes a big crop of everything. ,?ori;i: 'liri Tlie plant necomes ueep rooiea wnne May the ton looks unpromising. The rains July whli.li no imvp hurt clhwn In the. Ohio Oat irnna Ihic. nnalr u' 11 1 pm-fii- nr nil dip ..... J .'.-' ' " ..... r t July thin places. These dry spring weeks pit start up the crop complaint, but they May w,..1sn l-.ior rpnna r f tirnrvlhinir " I July Itrtiuj uiiinv . ft " . " - . - - j - ' ee I . ... . - . ( . . ....,! ...... ' ' lilt? I UI II lilt Hftiivit A.ni.hu tjp- I n V terday that l'atten covered his short July line. The buying was by Bartlett Fra- Itlba Zier. Private advices from Winnipeg yes- Muy July 1S.S7 17.60 8.05 0.S.1 8.50 00.7tl il'a .40 .4j'i .".II is.n.i 17.MI 0.::7 9,fi2 $00.74 00.7S .735 .45 .43 - 1S.M 17.40 8.82 0.35 9.40 .4A .4.1 B 35 .3ii.i 18.08A 17.40 8.7.1 8.H2 .S6 4J.)B " after having suffered slightly from dry LARGER THAN LAST YEAR weather, had been relieved ay rain ana was considered in perfect condition. JULY CORN IS HIGHER Wool Arrivals at Th Dalles Bxostdi That of Former Years Qual ity Not So Good. (.InurriHl Snecij,! Sprvirft. Liverpool Opens and Closes at a Quar- THE DALLES. Ore., May 26. The tr Advance September an Eighth wool clip received here, this month far Hio-her exceeas mat. (ir luai year aurtng me " ' same month. The clip is earlier along LIVERPOOL. May 26. The grain the Columbia River and over In Wash- market today ranged as follows:. iugton. wJiile out at Shaniko it is later. Opening Wheat July, t-3!4, un- and has-4iardly started. to come in at changed; sepiemoer, u-j 14. uncnangea. tliat point. Corn July. 4-5. up, beptcmber, 4-314. up. 1:30 P. M. Wheat July. 6-38, H up; September, K-1, up. Corn- July, 4-5 T. up; September. 4-3, up. Close Wheat July. .6-3 U" unchang ed; September. 6, unchanged; Coin, July, 4-5, 'A up; September, 4-4 V, V up- London Bail Stocks. LONDON. May 26.r-2 P. M. Ana- The quality is poorer than last season, as the grass has not been sufficient dur ing the past winter. In quantity it is thought here the clip will be about the same as tho previous season. The wouring mill started up about two weeks ago, and is running during the days only until the wool starts to come in livelier. Wheat Futures Higher. PARIS, May 26. Wheat opened conda, advanced ; Atchison, advanced steady, with spot 10 centimes higher, Vt; preferred, advanced ; Haltlmore r utures are unchanged. Flour is steady ei Ohio, advanced ; Chicago & Alton, with spot & centimes . lower. Futures Sags Not a Pessimist. Ni:V YORK, May 26 Russell Sags hays: "' do not nha.re In the view that tlrisf is a liquidating market, as some of 'the pessimists declare. I be lieve that the professionals Have been "'!' Vi "" : largely responsible for the" declines. As for the future of the market. I look .to see it Incline to dullness for several weeks, after which 1 believe we shall have a hiRlier range of values, because the erAinlry is wonderfully prosperous and earnings arc good, and In. the end it is earnings that count." advanced ; St. Paul, unchanged; Den ver preferred, advanced Mr; TCrie, de clined M ; firsts," advanced ; Illinois Central, advanced , ; Louisville & Nashville, advanced V4 ; Mexican Cen tral, advanced : Mexican National, advanced : Missouri, KariRas & Pa cific, declined ",i ; New York Central, advanced -Vs'. Northern,- -declined -; Pennsylvania, declined ; Southern Pa are uncrmnged from yesterday's. COTTON SEED MEW. MEMPHIS. Tenn.. May 26. The an nual convention of the Interstate Cot ton Seed Crushers- Association, In ses sion here today, has attracted a host of mill men, machinery men, oil men and others interest ed-1-n-ttier cottotlotr -pro ducts from .all parts of . the countrv. cific, advanced j San Joaquin, ad- Nunj)ous matters of importance are dairy. vanced "4; Union Pacific, advanced H ; preferred, advanced V : United States Steel, advanced ; preferred, advanced V-i ; Wabash, advanced ; preferred, de clined ; Consols, 91, declined . nklm 1 min ; ' Call- I per, ITi; : ))r..',l- HOG PRICES STEADIER THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE A If you. use Graln-0 in place of co-Te yfitt will enjoy it js,it as rinu t it tAstte'&iniei yet, it , U like a food t the eystlm.dis tributittgtlifull substance of the IpxaititKUXevsry drop. . , .w' 1 . TRY IT TO-DAY. At rrocar ererTbete j 1 Jc sad tSt. par packic CHICAGO. May 26. The receipts of live stock In the principal packing cen ters of the country today Were: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago. 17. UU0 3.0U0 H.UOO Kansas City 1 2.000 lu.oOO"- 600 Omaha ....14.01)0 5,000 760 Hogs" opened steady to strong, with S.Ooii left over from yesterday. Re ceipts a year agu'wer.? 19.000. Ruling prices are. Mixed and butchers, $5.75 r6.'25; good heavy. ?.16&6.35; roujh hfvy." $5.75. u 6.00; light, iS.U5$i 5.95. Cattle and Sheep Steady, v. Special excursion rates have "been named by .the Northern Pacific' Railway ('iHniwM, In points KaK. -Kor detailed information call on or address A. D. Cliarlton. Assistant General lJansQnger Airent. -255 Morrison street, Corpe of Third. . " , Grain Clearances. NEW YORK, May 26 The grain clearances are: Wheat, 216,000 vbush cls; flouh 31,000 bushels; corn, 108,000 bushels; oats, 9.S00 bushels; wheat and Hour, 359,000 bushels. , Paris Wheat Closes Lower. PARIS, May 26. Wheat closed quiet w.lth the market unchanged to G cen times lower. Klour is 0 to 2,0 centimes lower. Close of Liverpool Cotton. LIVERPOOL, May 26. Cotton closed 1 to 2 points up from 12:30 P. M. "The market js steady.- Chicago Gossip. -CHICAGO, May 26. The Liverpool market is V higher for whea corn is higher. The weather map shows showery conditions in the West and scheduled for consideration. J. B. Alli son of Texas is the president of the as sociation and the presiding officer of the convention. FVHX IS KATUKAZ.IZED. SALEM. May 26. J. P. Funk, a na live of Germany, yesterday completed his proofs and secured his naturalization papers in the county court, forswearing all allegiance to Emperor William. His purpose was the securing of a home stead in the "land of the free." ' " ..I'.JJ-, Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup ' been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MTX, UONS of MOTHERS foti tbeUr CHILDREN hZZl rJjinlLn.IOWa,AKa!n: 7Ue, 1flbIe ! TEBTUWO, wltllBRFHCT BUCCESa "w.iiM iKvaimavrtiuiauKUVHD, ALLAYS all PAiN j CORES WIND CQWC, sntj ii the best remedy for DIAXRHCEA. Sold by Druggists in every part of the worfd. VBe stjre indsk Yor"Mrg. Winalow's Soothina; Syrap, tad ukenootber kind. Twcaty-ovccU. abotUti snows steadiness only. Armour let go ef the May wheat deal yesterday and dejjyered l.OOV.ooo bushels on .May, .coji-i tracts in the afternoon. This majt hav a local effect, bu't nothing, more. The tone of yesterday was fairly strong. TheUtiuylng -comes mainly from ' the (By Edward A. Seals.) The past week has been unfavorable for crops: Up to the last Hwo days It was too' oool and frequent frosts occurred. High winds were also prev alent, and the rainfall, except In the Coast counties, and In the Willamette Valley, has been scanty. Practically none fell in the southern and extreme eastern sections of -the State, and the ranges are fast drying up. In this dis trict there is no green grass to . be found, -except near the melting snow, high up in the mountains. In the Coast counties and In the Willamette Valley pasturage is excellent, and the flow of milk In the dairy sections Is the pest In several years. ' The frosts have done some Injury to fruit, but it Is too early to determine the extent of the damage. Apples havo undoubtedly 'suffered to quite an ex tent, and complaints of cherries drop ping are increasing. Prunes and pears promise well and strawberries nnd other small fruit will 1 1 k piy- give full crops. Spring sown grain is unusually back ward, and the fall sown is becoming Quite weedy In the Columbia river val ley, where the cold drying winds have retarded growth. More rain is needed in this section, and also In Southern Oregon, where the corn crop is turn ing yellow and making a slow growth. In the Willamette Valley Brain Is thrifty and promising. No improvement has been noted in the condition of hops; some yards are promising, while others present a podr appearance. Rain Is badly needed In the Grande Ronde Valley, and the crops there are unus ually backward, but may yet show up well with favorable weather conditions. Coast District. Warrenton, Clatsop County, R. A. Abbott. Past week has been showery; crops of all kinds are growing finely tJ warmer weather would be beneficial for corn and beans; large flow of milk Tte- zported by dairymen; there will be fine crop of pears, plums and tcrrfen; blooms falling from apple trees; 'islukep shearing commenced; fleeces average. Nehalem, Tillamook County, E. K. Scovell. Past week was very cold and wet; gardens and pastures have stop ped growing; meadows where well started are doing well; fruit has set better than formerly. Seal Rock, Lincoln County, O. D, Clark. Week was warm and wei; gar dens and grass growing fast; stock do ing well; the flow of milk is larger than usual; grain looks tine; planting mostly done; shearing about over; prospects for fruit not good. Point Terrace, Lane County, S. J. Al lison. Past week very wet and cool crops doing well, but ground too wet to work; grass good; fruit looks well and promises heavy crop; stock In good condition. , Remote. Coos County, G. A. Hansen, Showery all the week; hay, grain, peas and garden crops are sure as far as moisture is concerned; ground well soaked; weather too cold for corn. . Eckley, Curry County, Jos. Haines. All farm crops making rapid growth the rain of past week has been very beneficial; reed on the ranges is fine stock of .alL: kinds "doing, finely; applo, prune, plum and cherry trees v&ry full of fruit. - Southern Oregon. Williams, Josephine County, IL H Sparlin. Past week unfavorable for growing crops; too cold and windy light showers on the 17th and 22d, with snow low down on foothills; north winds have given grain and grass bad color; and they are not growing; warm rains needed; gardens and potatoes growing siowiy. Beagle, Jackson County, A. D. Hous ton. Past week was very unfavorable for growing crops, owing to cold north winds and lack of rain; about .one-half of the corn planted is up and the bal ance will not germinate until it rains spring sown grain Is very poor; outside range Is failing. Wilbur, Douglas County, W. B.'Lamb. Vgetation of all kinds has made a good growth, but more rain is needed; week closed windy, with bright sun, drying the ground; fruit of all kinds made a good growth; no frost, but quite cool. Willamette Valley. Gobel, Columbia County, Frank Wel ter. Week very showery; last two days fine and warm; crops look well, except that pears awe dropping, with black spots on them; stock getting fat and sheep doing well; plenty of greens and garden stuff; early peas in bloom. Terry, Multnomah County, Wm. Sales. Cold weather, with rain and hall, has checked growth of vegeta tion, and injured early cherries. Gales Creek, R. F. D. No. 1, Washing ton County, W. A. Clnpshaw. Weather cool and showery; drops not growlne very f acstrmir swaing- ts finished on thel lowlands; early potatoes are growing fast; strawberries indicate good crop, aJso other fruit; hops are to the tops of poles and some are beginning to run on strings. Sandy, Clackamas Connty, P. R. Mel nlg. Crops lookihg well and fair pros pects for prunes, but not as good as at first expected, on account of the cold rains and hails for the last' two weeks; prospect for hay good. Carlton, . Yamhill County, Wm. Mer chant. Light frost one or two nights; no damage; too cold for crops; light showers, but not enough to do much good; crops are needing rain badjy; 24 hours' warm rain would do immense good; "gardens coming up; quite a lot of complaint about vacant hills of hops; crop Very backward; sheep shearing j progresses slowly. McCby, Polk County, Jas. K. Sears. Much needed showers, followed by sun shine, have improved the -condition of grain, which is making satisfactory growth; too coqI for gardens and corn; hops unsatisfactory; slow growth, mlns- Ing Mils and decayed roots are the causes; clover good growth; fruit late, but promises a full -crop. Marlon, Marlon County, B.- F. Hin shaw. Weather cool;, crops and fruit making good growth: cherries are only a partial: crop; prunes in flnr condition, and a good amouuton trees; late apples at present in good shape; crops in fine ounditlonj. ome complain t ,.aJiaut,,iaU wheat turning yellow at the ground. . LAComb, Linn County, A. L. Richard son. Cool, rainy weather; good for small grain, potatoes, etc., which are doing woll; corn Is not growing much and is rather yellow, but is being cultl- vated; fruit prospects good; catuo do me well. ; 1 Light .showers all weo' and wormi crops growing finely; gai'd"oir ."planting about uor.o, ColnmbU JttiTer VsUer. Tliet Dalles, Wasco County, O. D. 8aylor, Jr. Light rain Wednesday: more needed; continued cool; cherries dropping; only about half a crop left; strawberry shipments heavy; pear crop will be light: other fruits full crop, Wasco, Sherman County,-.W. C. More.. house. Heavy winds from west; grain prospects arc not fluttering; . weather too cold for wheat to make any pro-, gress; most farmers) through or almost through summer fallowing. ' ' Anlington, Gilliam County, R. H. Rob inson. All crops growing finely; weeds are smothering a small portion of the wheat, but good rain in Juno will bring it out all 'right; all grains back ward, out neaitny. Douglas, Morrow County, H. W. Ora- ble.--Cold, with high winds) crops back ward; fruit all right; gardens slow in growing; Btock looks .well. Adams, Umatilla County, C. 8. Fer- gUson. Heavy frost Wednesday; dry wind all the week; all tender yegeta. tion badly killed; what harm it has done to growing grain cannot say; all fruit of tender nature killed; some . apples, cherries, plums and prunes badly hurt; potatoes, beans and young corn frosted; need a good warm rain. Plateau Begion CHICAGO WHEAT IS RREGULAR Market Shows no Decided Ten , dencv for Either Strength or Weakness-Continued Show ers in theWest,: Corn Is .Reported 'Quiet Though Rather' Firm Receipts are Liberal, but Demand is . not -fff ... J" ' f ; Urgent. Logan & Bryan's dally grain letter t Bolton, de Ruyter A Co.; CHICAGO, May 26.-,X.iverpool wheat is unchanged to ft highen; Paris un changed to H lower; Antwerp no com parison. The market here was irregular but without any decided tendency either way. The, market, opened weak on thd Armour deliveries of.wheat on May con tracts, but no selling pressure appeared and it rallied. There vai enotiih in Joseph, Wallowa -County, R. A. Shlnn.-j the news of a decided character to move Rain needed; spring grains looking! the price. The continued showery well; late sown grain has suffered some I weather throughout the West with the from high winds; alfalfa badly damaged Illinois weekly crop report showing by cold weather in winter; some Bo'.ds some improvement In the gennral Ton- will have to be re-seeded; prospects dltlon. Uroomhall cabled rather a bet- for fruit good; apples and pears ready ter outlook generally for tlie continental to bloom; gardens planted; lambing aea- crops. No rains yet in California. son about over; where sheep were I There Is not much activity In the cash lambed "on top" the increase seems tc end of tho business. There Is still be somewhat larger than where lambing enough uncertainty in th crop condl- was aone- earner. . tion to prevent a tendency towards a Baker City, Bgker County, W. C Mc- decided chansre in nrice. Armour was Gulnesa Weather cold, windy and supposed to bo buvlne Julv wheat, but frosty; apples and pears have suffered, whether covering shorts or not. hi and it is doubtful if there will be half I movement Is in doubt. Estimated cars ne usual yield; grass scarcely grow- tomorrow, 30. Provisions Again Lower. The provision market was again lower. The receipts of hegs wero 78, 000, against S3, 01)0 last year and the average weight is higher than two yeara ago. and very much higher than a year ago. The cash demand is slow and the FORBID STOCK TRANSFER Armour Is supposed to have a large Un or rios, out ne is likely to nave a hard time to market them, except at a loss. There Is a lg profit in cutting hogs and the small packers are marketing their stuff as they make It. Liverpool Corn Is Up. Corn In Liverpool Is to i higher. ng. La Grande, Union County, W. F. Go- keler. Weather cold, dry and windy; rain badly needed; slight frost on. Wed nesday night; summer fallowing well along; crops making slow growth; pas- ure still short. Texas Railroad Committee Za After the Southern Pacific Financial Legislation to Come. NEW YORK, May 26. London mar kets are steady, with quotations rather The market was quiet and rather firm, above parity. The Texas railroad com- Receipts are liberal and the demand is ," u,u" l"c, pansier vi ouuuir 11 1 not urgent, but some of the corn coun rai'inc norm ana oouin roaas 10 me . w, i ( ,.,, Rock Island. Washington advices ay and on thls there wa a ghtTTt uuwwun. iur iiimiicmi gwiawuu " covering of local shorts. Patten was a large buyer. The continued dry weather improving. President Schwab says ev erything in the steel business is in the best passible shape. Seventeen roads for April show a net- increase of 19.80 per-cent. Eleven roads for the' third week in May show a gross increase of 19.44 per cent. President Ripley denies any intention of Atchison to issue bonds. The banks lost, to the Sub-Treasury since Friday $374,000. The gold ex ports to date, since April 29, are $10,- 419,100. Twelve industrials show a de throughout the East, diminishing the hay and oats crop are also bullish in fluences. Country offerings are' fair. Estimated cars tomorrow, 806. The oat market here was active and In the main was strong, although tb extreme advance was not maintained. The continued dry weather throughout the East is also a bullish influence rn oats ai!d caused further " covering . cllne of .73 per cent Twenty active today- There was a good deal of railroads show a decline of 1.35 per cent:. v.nicago ran roaas nave aectueo to refuse the demands of the freight- handlers. profit taking at the advance. The cash situation Is slow and is not much of n factor. Estimated cars tomorrow, ISO. Buyers Bednee Corn Bide. (-MiCAiiu, May ze. country pur chasers yesterday of corn were about 1 600,000. bushels. Most of the large buy ers reduced their bids sent out Sat- urday night, and did not want to take I on any large xranntlty. They said they wero offered corn freely at 14 V4 cent above their bids. WELCH. LOOKS -FOR SON Liverpool Cotton Opening. Asks Seattle Polio to Assist In Tindlng Portland Tonne Mu Bo Clue There. (Journal Special Service;)-"" f SEATTLE. Wash., May 26. 'Dr. John Welch of Portland haa asked the Seattle police to assist him in locating his son Reuben. 2ft vpnrS nf flare, who dlaiftn- LIVERPOOL May 26. ?otton opened pea red from home some time ago. The to 10 points higher for the near nn la a. ennflrmnrl imer of druarx. "Vn months, and 10 on the far spots. The clue to the. young man's whereabouts iwiib . nwreet is -steadier. has been found here. Cotton Futures Advance. LIVERPOOL, May 26-Cotton fu- PHMPAMY I NIPHR PHR ATFH tures are now nulfit.pt SU nlt With mil iiiuuni wild 1 uu vance on tne old crop and 7 points on early fall and winter .options. TJiese cables are fully ns strong as were ex-1 pected, and caused a stronger market this morning. A. O. U. W. DELEGATES ELECTED, (Journal Special Service) SALEM, May 26. Valley Lodes. No, 10 A TT iif . i . . , . I ft M i vauciiuia V V V v a. UIQ 4H V. Ua.Ub4BII S, A. O. U. W., at Its meeting last Lv .nn,u.i,.i .a i. . 1 ....... (Journal Special Service.) BAKER CITY, May 26 The Baker City Implement Company was incorpor ated yesterday with a capital of $26,000. with Jos. Eustace, C. M. Whitehead, Judge W. W. Travilllon and A. C. Mc Clelland ns the incorporators. Title Is a broadening out of the firm of EuftMa night, elected its delegates to the ii rl., T .l - L. I U . . ,.. . . .... , ,,,ir, , v.,11 , .., -juui.t,,. vji .in, uwro, witiii luccia 111 uruana In July. The election resulted in the selection of E. G. Marsh and d. P. Litchfield as delegates, and E. C. Seeley and j. I'J. Murphy an alternated. Viola Lodge, No. 88, .Degree of Hon or, also elected a delegate, Mrs. J2. V, Mason, and an alternate, Mrs. M. L. PISH LICEBSS TVWDg. (Journal Special Service.) SALEM. May 26. Fish Warder. X. G. Van Duseu has placed in the 8tst Treasury the sums collected from li censes and fines during the month of Hamilton, to attend the session of thn April, aggregating M.71J.S4. TUa tram Grand Lodge, Degree of Honor, at the come fronl th0 soveral districts as fol- same time and place. 300 BEAL ESTATE TBABSPEBS. Thos. Darling and wife to Lizzie nnoaaes, lot 3, block 15, Kinzel Park 1 1 189 C. 11. and F. E. King to Geo. W. naynes. lot Vi, block 16, North Irvington . . 1160 Susan Reynolds to Maude Rowley, lots 7. 8. block 2. Oresham BOO Jas. V. Byers and wife to Edward UlllesDle. lots 18. 19. block 152. University Park . . .- Henry L. Iavenport and wife to rrea v..ooper ana wire, vv. lot 10. block 7. King's 2d add... P. If. Marlay and. wife to Eugene Rrock, lot 3, block 208. Couch add. . ; Calla Kinney and husband to Mary A. Gray,' parcel land, sec. 10, twp. I s., r. S e i . . W. H. Lundgren et al.. to A. R. Anderson, lot 6, block 8, Irving ton Heights add. ....... Thos. H. Smith to Fred S. Morris, undiv. H int. lots 7, 8, block 16, P. J. Martin's Tract ... Jas. W. Fleming and wife to Jas. Mackenzie, 'lot 9. subdlv. No. 2, DeLashmutt & Oatman's Little Homes , U. S. Fidelity & Guarantee Co. to William Reld, lots 8, 8, block 96, -Sell wood . . ,t Security Savings & Trust Co. to Anna C. Gruber, E. A lots, "4, 6. 6, block 25. Sunnyside D. C. Burns ' ct al., to Elizabeth Walker. lots 15, 16, block 88, Lone Fir Cemetery G. Z. and F. S. Harris to F. P. Mays, undiv. lot 18, block 5, Wilson's add-. . . ; . R. Sassur to ll. Wittenberg, block 46, HaUadayVadd 16,000 Wm. M. Ladd. vexecutor to O. A. . i,aaa, ri. ft lot z, sec. s, Rhrer- view Cemetery . J; C, Magee to Geo. Kampp, W. V lot 18. block 17, Albina ...... Percy H. Biyth and wife to M. mtzer, pari aoume Dioctc "Y, city . . . lows: District No. 1, licenses., Fines District No. 2, licenses... Total ...IM59.60 ... 186.84 ' 88.00 ...$S,713.8 600 EO 35 400 60 187 1000 12,600 POB arABASTEES TITLES. See. Pacific Coast Abstraot. Guaranty & Trust Co., 804-5-8-7 Falling Buildings ; Get your title insurance and abstracts t Teat estate fi-om the- T tie. Guarantee & Tpust Co.. Chamber of Commerce. Preferred Stock Canned Ooods. Allen tt Lewis' Best Brand. CXBCOXT COUBT AT TBB DALLES. (Journal Special Service.) THE DALLES, Ore., May 26 The May term of the Circuit Court opened here yesterday. There aro a number of civil cases to be tried at this term of. court - On the criminal docket, to be tried this term, is State of Oregon vs. Hugh Hagan; State of Oregon vs. Frank Heater; State of Oregon-vs. Frank Al len, and State of Oregon vs. David Up ton and William Upton. ME IT PAIL TO OBIT. (Journal Special Service, BARBOURSVILLE, W. Vs.. Mar Mine operators from the Loup Hirer district say that: none of their miners obeyed the strike' order, as all are well satisfied. Tho. operators denounced the idea that the stockades are obnoxious to the men, or that they deprive them of their liberty. ", OP WEAK 1JTTEBEST TO THIK, . . PEOPLE. . It Is perfectly understood by everv sick man or woman that if they can get some remedy that will stop the gradual loss of flesh and ' strength, their recovery is assured. People that are nervous and unsteady, have dizzy spells, with weak ened memory, and loss of ambition, their blood is thin and watery. It shows iir their sallow complexion and tired man ner, iSoon. ns they -. commence to gain flesh they , look better and sleen hettr: " To gain from 1 to 3 lbs. of good, solid flesh per week, the blood must be .made . rich and' pure. .Dr.- Gunn's Blood -and Nerve Tonic puts in the bodv the varv pith of what" makes pure, rich blood In the most direct way, and cures disease ',. by making strength.,. This Topic is in tablet form, to be : taken right -after " ' meals. It enriches the blood, maklnar force where there was falntness. For -women's Weaknesses better remedv wi " . never-raaae. bout nTmi"vTVKitttr&-nr 76c per box, or three boxes- for- 32. or sent by mall. " Write us about your ease. ' Address, Dr. Bosanko Co..' Philadelphia. ra. - - ,v a. . ... N. 1 E .5