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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1903)
TIIE ' OREGf ON' DAILY -; JoUnNAJD,l roitTXiAKD, . MOXDAY EVEKING, MAY 25, 1903. 0 .Grand 'Army and Spanish War : veterans Aiiena uivme vvor- ' : Prarse of ..Dead Comrades, The 'f lag and the Cross'.' Dis coursecf by Chaplain Gilbert . - of the becond Ucegon volun teers in the Philippines; ' The living honored the dead In the ..churches yesterday by holdlrig memo- Jal services to the sleeping heroes of a -war.. Saturday, May 10, is Decc raWMn Day,- and as is the custom, the . Babtath preceding Is so observed. . The Grand Army of the Republic and the Women's Relief Corps and the Sptinlsh Amerlcan War Veterans turned out In force and listened to addresses.- The aged heroes of the great rebel- - Ifon marched to the First Baptist Church, where Dn Alexander Blackburji, a member of the O. A. R.. preached.' In the evening Rev. W. & Gilbert, chaplain of the Second Oregon volunteers, ad dressed' Ms .comrades at Calvary Pres byterian Church. At the First Unlversellst Churchi in the morning. Rev. W. P. Small addressed the member of the Sumner Post, o. A. R,.. and the Relief Corps. ' The. "Flag and the Cross" -was the subject of Chaplain Gilbert's discourse. It, seemed naural, he said, that as one worshiped' tlVughts should grasp two distinct thcrx, his country and his Christianity, Ws patriotism and his re llftlon. his flan and his cross. "Whll these two re always to be ' ' . . . . . . .. .. . . . - so separate tnat mere snau pe no or ganised union of the one with the other tl-rfj are also to be recognised to be ml friendly to each other, for where " nt th rmai most nrevsll (hero, the flag ) most secure, and where the principles of the flag are In the as cendant, there the crosa is most glori fied. "Kelp out those who help to trample the. flag In the dust," said the speaker. '"Poverty we may bear. If Industry and spbriety come with It; Ignorance we may ejiaure. ft a wunngncss '" .tfiarn comes also; but disloyalty" with riches and learning we cannot and must not ad mit." Jdr'. Gilbert sanctioned the words of the President, when he appealed for a larger army and a larger and better equipped navy. Not for war, but for peace.. rftESBYTC&XAjr OSaHBAXi A.B8EM BX,T AT X.OB AVOEX.l!al. Only S8.00 from Portland to Los Angeles and return vlaJBouthern Pacific general anncujuiy. i K-nr un saie May 16. 16 and 18 at city office, corner Thirfl ana wasmngion streets, roriiana. also at Union Dt-pot as trains win De crowaea, passengers shouW'-secure sleeping accommodations wunout aeiay. - "Strength and vigor come of good rood, duly digested, "f orce,- a ready-to- serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden, but sustains, nourishes, invigor- jTSW TODAT. -I FORD'S Auction Sale Thursday, next, May 26th, at Mr. Brown s residence, No. 541 Mississippi Ave. Take L car. While W Brown did not bur the MOST COSTLY FURNITURE, yet he seoired the CHOICEST of Its cIssh has been In Use but a short time, sud must be SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE. Tbe bedroom suits, brasa-trlmmed METAL BED. SErAUATE DRESSERS. mantel bed. wardrobe, lace curtains, atsir and Ingrain CARPETS, chiffonier, couch, bedding, DISHES, other crockery and granltrware. wringer, center tables and stands, cobbler-seat and other rockers, NEW HOME HEWING MA CHINK in good order, tine COOK STOVE and beaters, kitchen treasure, etc., etc. Coasn at 1M a. m. sharp to N-il Mississippi avenue. Take ixtwer Ainins car 4 H. FORD, Auctioneer. FORD'S Auction Sale V" Wednesday, at 182 first St. Partiea having FURNITURE to sell have kady secured every foot of our door apace tnis sate, ami mere certainly win do uimt of FLRMTCRE and CARPETS, as well as ether household goods of all kinds, sWfi two : good VIOLINS, good tone, very OLD INSTRUMENTS.. Come and examine them and the other goods at 182 First at. Sale begins 10 a. m. sharp. H. FORD, Auctioneer. FORD'S Auction Sale Thursday, at 182 First St. We are going to a fine stock of CANDIES and CIGARS, cigar and tobacco SHOWCASES, candv BMtiw(i.B. wait bhowi'abkh, counters. CANDY SCALES, etc.. etc. Re member this is a full stock of TOBACCOS. CIGARS and CANDY. A good chance for the dealer as well ai the consumer... Sale at 10 a. m. BbarpV i.ii H. FORD,vA4ieOoneer. rMiction Sale Ur - Friday, at 182 First St. - W In thla sale we sre nhlla-ed to msko a hne. elslty-of BEAUTIFUL IRON BEDS, BRASS TRIMMED, richly enameled In colors, etc. i there will also be good FURNITURE for every - part of the Bonse, as well as Doors sua snoes, notions, etc.- aaic at tu a. m. snarp. ' H. FORD. Aactloner, HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS From S to I Rooms $1,080 to $3,000. A. T. MYERS & CO. 814 Chamber ot Commerce Bids'. XefereneeswLAdd at Tllton, Portland; n ' a NatloruU Bstlr, Portland; Bank of!" L-Miiomu, can Tncisco; Crocker- Wool worth National Bank, Baa Fran- UM '- -r- i Members Chicago Board of Trade, Ban r FraMcIsed Produce) Exchange, . Bat rranolsco Stock and Bond Exchange. Orains, Froyisions, Stpcfj: Bt)nd and Cottoa sn.iTrs.'neisco Office: - los Third. tre A ;. Jourhnl Special Service.)' " H t . SIOUX CiTY, la., Mar 5 CoHm circle are much Interested In thevrJe bate here tonight between reprea(hta tlves of Mornlngald Colleg-e of this city and Baker Utflverslty of Baldwin, Kan, The contest Is to , decide the year's championship of the Debating League, composed - of four schools: Mornlngslda College, Baker University, Nebraska X??n Unlv'"'ty : '"Banp'0" lHE UREGON DAILY jOURNAt ;.:,' SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. YOCNtf MAN' wishes position asslstsnt book- awperi cau iHrnun -goou reiexences. , v,..a"- 4Kt Kverett at. HELP WANTED MALE. C. R. HANSEN J. CO. EMPLOYMENT AGENT8 . no jvortu st. OFFICES In Sun Francisco, Los Angeles, CiLj Ogden, I'tshj Spoksne. Wash. HELP FHEH TO EMPLOYERS. FREE . BEUISTBAriON AND BAGOAOB BOOM. ,- Applicants for work charred on It for what .we secure (or tnrni, or money refunded. CtoTAnLInttr.n JiJJO, i WANTED. - Tunnel men.' laborers, muckers, $2 to $.1 day; also cbance for teamsters, .machine drillers and helpers, outsldo laborer. ' (JokI eamns work sod water. In Nevada FREE FAKE. RRlDtlK CARPENTERS. With tools end bedding, for work oa (be Oreat Halt Lake Trestle, Vtah., Conipanr work, 't(Vt day; board. M.M wk, Long Job. FKKn IAHK UUTH WAYS. CORKKHPOXDRNCK ftl.irITED. AGENTS WANTED, AGENTS WANTED to sell the Little Wonder; wotne snd see it sew. Room 816 New Grand Central Hotel. LOST. LOHT Knlghta Templar watch charm, tears mt)ist. Keward. REMOVAL. DK. FRANK E. FERRIS. DR. GEKTRIDK B. Lamberson. Dcntlata, . remoTod to Macleay bld . Hfth floor. TOE RENT, thb larob stoke Bl'iLMNO Nn. 4 and I ' flu I."-.. . , . n . . . . 06 Front St., now occupied by Wadnama ft io., win no ror rent- juiy l, iwia. Apply to R. T. Co, mom No. 10. New Market blk. POR BALE. L t. J In Ml a bargain.. Wbaliey, Benaon blilf., Fifth and Morrlaon. ' '. FURNISHED ROOMS. COMTOHTABLB. furnlabed rooms. modern Ijouae. Iniiulre 201 Tenth, cor. Taylor. LOO AN BC1LDIKO. 508A Union Se. Elegant rooms for houarkeeplng or transient, furnished or unfurnished; rates-reasonsblc. M0NNA8TERS HOt'HH. southwest cor. First nd Jefferson ts., furnished rooms and suites POB 8 ALE MISCELLANEOUS. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, ticket, detail strip ana total added; cost, 300; rcry cheap. 2H4 Stark st. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, total adder, registers any ssle 1 rent to flO; cost $150 very cheap. 204 Htark st. BT1MPBON COMpTtino scale, weighs up STORES FOR BENT. STORE TO RENT, corner Fourth and Colum- nia. nigh hrlck Imsement, $;t0; slao. one First, near Hslmon, $4N; also corner store. $100: corner store, central location, Washington St., 22xfiO. with basement. SIIUI; Isrn i,h- wiin jo rooms snore, in lxwer Alblnn, Rus sell st., f.'tft. Can make years' lesse on any of these. o. C. R. Ellis, room 21, 204 Morrison st. HOTELS. WKIX VENTILATED single rooms. l.V. 20c aim w a nigni ocas. inc. ins Everett House, cor Second and Davis. HOUSEKEEPING B00M8. TWO NICELY FURNISHED honsekeenltur rooms: everything new and all complete; gss range or cook stove. JttOLfe Fourth st. HOI'SEKEEPINO ROOMS nicely fnrnlsbed. US V t'J.U BH . ........ j . ... 14IU pu i root, rronc jmu. LODGING H0UBE8. THE COSMOS Fourth and Morrison, furnished nouseaeeping suites, eulte and smglo rooms; $.1 per week and up. , THE CASTLE 873 Waahlngton at.; rooms for gentlemen: transient. Tel. South Tl. BATHB. GENUINE FINNISH, RUSSIAN HOT AIR pains, ac; alcohol running, lute extra; open every day except Mondaya 10 . in. to 11 P. m. m East asth at., cor. Everett, Phone. Scott 2241. BARGING AND LIGHTERING. OREGON BOUND LUMBER CO.. 181 Burn. side st Pbone Grsnt 1171. ATTORNEYS, EMMONS ft EMMONS, attorneys st law, 044 S. B. -RIOUEN, Attorney and Coonsellor-at- Law; Notary. ftiS-! Ablngton bldg. PAXTON, BEACH ft SIMON ' RIO Chamber of Commerce. J. T. TAUGHER Room 18, Alnsworth Building. H. B. DICKINSON, Attorney! Law and No tsry Fublle. BUS Commercial bldg. ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES. ALL KINDS OF SIGNS aud advertising novel ties. Nye Kern. P.O. box 01. Phone Pink 18N.V BANJO, MANDOLIN AND GUITAR. INSTRUCTION clubs for advanced pupils; In strument tor sale, jiai wenner. stunio 173 West Psrk. cor. Tamhlll. Phone South 28X1. CASH REGISTERS. BALLWOOD CASH REGISTERS. 204 Stark' at. CHIROPODY AND MANICURING. L. MITCHELL, Chiropodist. Knight's Shoo store, 204 Washington at. Phone Hood 728. CALLING CARDS. 50 LADIES' CALLING CARDS ta latest atrle script type for 25 cents; pay when delivered ir saiisrsctory; Business cards, letter besds. etc, equally reasonable. Mill ordera to Box "X4. Statlou A. CHIROPODISTS, mi lifCVEN YS, the only scientific chiropodists In the city: parlors .101-2 Allskv bids-.: thla Is tbe long-haired gentleman you want, to urani in. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter and builder, 307 Main si.; omce ana store nun res built snd remodeled; altering and repair houses. Phone Main H(. AUTHORS ft-MARTIN, curpenters and bond ers; repaying and Jobbing; store and olHuo fixtures .built. Shop 209 Columbia. Phono Clay 1861. ' H. F. CLARK,' 45.1 Wash., phones West 782. North 1411. Mew and repair Work, prompt sttentlon. ..- i ' " , CAFES. YATES' PLACE, 285 Washlngtos st. Pbone S. Main 771. Men is tes, 'prop. Portland, wr. . ,,. C.OMPE3E33EP..TEAST. - BED STAB COMPRESSED YBASTs It makis. lightest. For sale- by . all groetfs. U -per cent wtrnngee than any bther. . t CIGARS AND T0BACC ESBERU-iiUSST ClOAB CO. Distributers 'of ' - i. FISB CIGARS. Port Is Ad. Oregon. COAL AND WOOD! WESTERN FEED ft FUEL CO. Healers In all kinds of eoa - coke and Vl'W'AN COAL CO.,, whotesttle ilealer best coals; foundry tflU smelter coke DYEIMO AMD CLIAHIKO. CITY STEAM PYKI.Nd CLEANINO WORKS Herstan Knki, lroprl!tor. 'Telepbnno ; IHl. No. IW Din at. war I'lniv rortlwrtd. or., 1 - CORNICE SKYLIGHTS. FETAL. ttKYLKmTS, salvaulked - troo cor - Stow. J. 0. BoyrT,2ft5 HwMid st. CEREAL ' MILtt. ACM H MILLS CO Uanurscturrrs Kalatoa Aoms Cereals. 80 and 22 Nwtli front at. I'.' OHNHOS; ft C . . manufacturers Peerleis T floalth (Wala.! 122-4 Front at - DRUGOIBTB. PRANK i. ' perfumea. 8TREIBIO. drugs, toilet articles, 8(2 WHShlntn at. ELECTRICAL WOSXB, Portland electrical" woHK 8 -Office vhi ' Htark t. - . ' - -- - - - Weatern Kl-trle Works. .VOH Waahlnati.n it. HOUSE FURNISHERS. IlOMK FL'KMMHEKS Furniture. Cflrpeta. par lor goods, a tore, etc. Heo I. ty'Tiirta ft I Hons, 173-175 First St, 210-223 YamntlL Both phones X04. FRATERNAL' INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASH I NOTON Foremost frater. nal society of Northwest: protects the liv ing. J, L. Mitchell,.. Bupremo secretsry, H12 ri 010 Msriimu uuig., rortuua, ur. toi- eysJa Main 042. PREE BHINES. CLOTH RS CLEANED snd presaed SI per month. I'lUqua Tailoring Co., S47 Waahlug tun at. . JEWELERS. THE O.-UEITKEMPKlt CO. manufacturloff lewe era. ZSli Mnrrlann St. JOE PRINTING. Fine" -of wationery: birsiness rorms a specially. Morvsntlls Printing Compsnj, 32 Fjoul. ecr. Ash, .hone. Black Bwil. INSURANCE. T. PHILIP KENNEDY. Insurance: resident . agent Norwich l ulou Fire Insurance Society, l'boue South 1IMII. 44 Hamilton bldg. JAM. Met. WOOD, employers' llnblllty and Ui dlrldual accident; surety bonds of all kinds. Pbono 4T. Concord bldg. - H. y. BARTEIJS COMPANY, Fire Insurance. j4SBherlok bldg. Oregon phone. Clay oit.. ISAAC L. WHITE, Bre Insurance, 22S Sherlock blag. Oregon phone,' Mala uo. LAUNDRIEB. CABINET, clean towel dnlly. soap, comb and brush, $1 per mouth. Oregon Laundry ft Toi let Supply Co.. ':64-3tH East Osk. Pbone, East ia . CLEAN TOWELS DAILY. Comb, brnsh. soap. fl per month. Law-ence Bros., Towel Sup ply Co.. Fourth snd Cmich sts. Phone 410. MONEY ADVANCED. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, tes muter, etc., without security, easy pay ments: lsrgrst business In 40 principal cities. Tolmsn, 22.1 Ahlngton bldg. MACHINERY. TRENKMAN ft CO.. mining.-sawmill, logging machinery, hydraulic pipes, csntlngs of all kinds repaired.' 104 N. Fourth st. MODEL MAKER. FOR FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING go to Andy Frits, msehlnlst snd model -maker. 110 nth. MASSAGE. MDME. H. K. ELY, dermatologist, massage. electric .treatments. IHrtMi First St. MORTGAGE LOANS. ON IMPROVED. city and farm .property, at low est current rstes; building loans, Installment loans. Win. MscMnster. 811 Worcester bldg. MINING AND MINE PROMOTERS. SESSIONS ft SIMPSON, mining and mine pro moters. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce. PLUMBERS. DONXERBERO A KADEMACHER, plumbers, removed to 84 Fourth st. Both phones. MONEY TO LOAN. FRED H. STRONG, FINANCIAL AGENT. 4 Money to losn. No commission. I am m a position to make Immediate loans on Improved real estate or for building pur nnaes: snv smnnnt: mfiderstA lntereat. We approve loans from plana and advance money as punning progresses wnen desired. Option 1 in repaying after one yesr. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent, 103 'Second St., near Stark. THE STAR LOAN CO., 210 M'RAY BLDG.. KiliVj Third St., Is tbe recognised bsnk of the wage-earner. We advance money to teamsters, trainmen, shopmen, motormen. conductors, etc., wlthont mortgage, endorser or collateral. Asionnt. Monthly H Monthly. Weekly f 100 ' repay $2(1.(10 or 113.00 or fa.1 s 60 repay ii:i.;5 or s .6S or SI. Sr. $25 repay M.II3 or $3.33 or 11. flo Business coufldeutlsl. No nhplpassfit Inquiry. MONEY TO M)AN on real, personal and col lateral security; special attention to cbattlo mortgages; notes bought- C. W. Pallet, 213 ' Commercial Ik. Phone Grant K0 MONEY TO LOAN at res sons ble rate, tn amounta to suit. Graham ft t'laton, 200 Mar quam building. MONEY TO LOAN, small s mounts, short or long time. J. H. Hawley.. 2 Cham, of Com. MONEY TO LOAN on city lots and Improved rarms. w. a. snaw co. ;t4S stark at. NORTHWEST HOTELS. Hotel Portland, American plan; tl,$8 per day Sommsrs Hotel. La Grands; travslsra' home. Belvedere ; European plan; 4th sad Alder sts. fit. Charles, First and Morrison sts., Portland OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS and mechan ics' clothing. Union mads. Neuatadter Bros., MfSTs.. Portlsnd. Or PERSONAL. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS sre more accurately and reasonably filled at Erssell's Pharmacy, art Morrison St.. bet. First and Second ats. ,D STORIES and novels for summer read ing. 10 renbr Jones Book Store, 201 Alder CAKE KKATZ. 122 Sixth st. served at all hours. A One lunch SAFES. BUY YOUR SAFES of J. E. Davis; your re pairs and lockouts ssfely done. 'H Third "t. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C. O. PICK, office 88 First St.. between Stnrk and Oak. sts,; j)bon 6ft; pianos and fnrtrt ture moved and iiackcd for shipping'; com modious fireproof brick warehouse. Front aud Clav sts. PIANO LESSONS. W. G1FF0RD NASH. 103 10th St.; terms upon sppllcstion. Recinnere taken. , REAL E8TATE. FOR SALE FARMS Improved farms for ssle In all parts of Oregon and Washington: payments made tu suit purchasers. For full particulars as to vsrloim properties apply to Wm. MacMastcr, 311 Woreester bldg. MAXWELL ft KNAPP -.- j' REAL ESTATE. Room 3. -Chamber of Commerce bldg. ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.. cor. Fourteenth and Northrup ats., Portland, Or. SPECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200"-, Wah intrton at. Phones, Or.. Main WW. Col., 201. BLOT MACHINkS, TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO. Slot mschlues, S. E. Park . sad Osk. ' Both Pbone slain 13. - . TYPEWRITERS, THE SMITH-PBEMliaB TYPEWRITER, 122 tlliro at,: ail makes or typewriters for rent; supplies tor on mncwues, jpr at BL Alexan der ft Co.. arerita. WALL PAPEB AND PAINTINS. - STRIKE does nott delsy bs, ss we sre able to , till, all ordera without delay. First-class , jrerk. A. A- Church ft Ce,. Nov 274 Tsybtr .a. . rik... J1.a U v IWMPI VMf IIS J.,'jy :'-. 'V WHOLESALE HAKOWAXE, t.- B. HAHBLt'lNB CO.. Iron, atwl. coal and rtii. Murkamlth -supplies, vt-ni nrind st mm WHERE TO DINE, I BTHOUSK'S UEMTAI'BANT;- nrat-c'iaa meals, . lHirt arvi. !TJ1 waninnm at. WALL PAPER. tl, P. CHlUS'lr:N.SE.Vi:wall pamrr-r and paint- er. IH WTfBtB m., tw. n T. i EHNKST WILLEII ft. Cj., wall paper and dee- orator. 1KT f irst r- WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND 0LA88WARE. r i t i h i ml0' ,he Altor of tbo City of Portland on tba Prael Hogelo Co.? "0 to I'M Mb. cor, mark m)th day of May. 1003. Indorsed: "City En- WHOLESALE WALL PAPER. MOIiOAN WALL PAPEU l Ixi-Txfl .icond stV'bet. -Yanihlll and Tayhir. Portland. Or. - WHOLESALE GROCERS. WAuHAiIb ft AO., wooieaaie croccra. nianu. facturers and commission raercliau(., 64 snd 66 Front St. . i ALLEN ft LEWIS, wholcaulc grocers. laBd, Or. -' Port- MASON. Ell KM AN ft CO.. holcauli. grocers. w. w. cur, necona ann i-ine t: LA NO ft CO. , Flret and .Ankrnr ta. BANKS. LADD ft TILTON. 'BANKERS. Kjitabllabod In 1S.MV Interest allowed on tiun- ilrnoalts. Collections mado at all lltil on favors bit terms. Letters of credit liued urallatile In Europe and aU points Hi uw l ulled Stales. mgnt etrnange sna 'teicitrnpntc tranafera . sold is new lors, nasuinsMii. i ntcago, Ht Louis, Denrer, Omaba, Mn I-'ram-lsco snd nsrloiis points in Oregon. ii-iiiugton, Idaho, JUUIIVfllia lull nilliaM v"i 'a. Exchange sold on 'Loudon. Paris, Rerlln. Frankfort. Hung Koiig, Yuknhsma, Muulla and Honolulu. - - . UNITED STATES NATIONAL HANK Of Portland. Or.-i.-nn. Northwest corner Third and oak sts. Trnusacls general banking Imxluesa. DHA "IS IrtSI'KD asallahle in rnim of tbe Cdlted Statu sad Europe, Hong Kong aim Munus. Collections made oa fasarnhle terma. President .....J- t AINSWORTH Vice-President W. II. AVER Asalxlsnt Csshler. ........ It. V. HCHMEKR Asslslant Csshler.... A. M WKIUHT TI1K CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. Hesd omcc Toronto, cansds. Capital paid up..... 18.000.000 KeserTO . 2,500,000 'iranaurts a general Dsns inn nuaineas, SAVINOS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts ownrd for suum of $10 and op- ward, and Interest allowed on minimum monthly balunces. Bates on application. 244 Washington st. E A. WYLD. MSnsger Portland Branch. LONDON ft SAN FRANCISCO HANK, LIM IT- Chamber of Commerce Bnllillng, Third and mark street". Head OfDce 66 Old Broad street, London. Tbla bank transacts a general banking busi ness, makes loans, discounts hills and Issues letters of credit available for travelers aud for tbe purchase of merrhamllw In any city of the world. Deals in foreign and domestic eichange. Interest paid oo time deposits. , W. ft. MACRAE, Msnsger. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Portland, -Oregon. J. Frank Watson President It. L. IMirhsia.... Vice-President R. W. Hoyt .Csshler Geo. W. Hoyt .' Aaslstnnt Cssblor TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Drsfts and letters of credit Issued available to nil parts of tbe world.' Collections a specialty Gold dust bought. MORRIS BROS, ft CHHI8TENSKN. (Successors to Morris ft Whitehead, Bankers.) FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. PORTLAND. OK. ELECTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby gives flint oo Mondsy. the 1st dar ot June. 11KKI. in tbe City of Port In ml, in tbe County of Multnomah, State of Oregon, a special election will he held for the acceptance or retcctmn bv tho leval electors of said Cltv of Portland of the follow. Ins entitled sets of tbe Lea-islatlve of tbe State of Oregon snd of the people of the state ox urcgon: - - s trat "An net to aurnoriae the ritv nr Portland to build a bridge serosa the Wll- iHiuvirc uiver at i'ortiaott, urogon. ..ronnectuig Morrison street on tbe west tide of lssld liver with Enst Morrison street on the esst side thereof: and to authorise siiid City of Port land to purchase or acquire, by condemnation, any property that may be, necessary therefor. and to Issue and sell bonds to clitaln funds to construct t-sld brldgo and pay for such prop erty; and to on thorite anid City of Portland to remove the bridge now across ssld river con necting said streets; snd to authorize said city tn, surrender said bridge to tbe County Court of Mulluomab County, and requiring ssld County Court to sssuine the control, ninnsge ment and supervision thereof; and to authorise me. executive jioaru oi me uiy ot i-orinino to csrty out tbl-i ait. iind to submit tbla set to the legal voters if the. City of Portland for approval (r rejection lit s special election, to he neid In the city ot rortiana jn tnu nrst Monday of June. 1003 Filed In the office of the Secretary of State Fe'brusrv 24. 1903. Soi-ond "An act tn anthorlre the City of Portland. Multnomah County, Oregon, to pro vide and establish a ferry across the Wil lamette River, at some snltuhle point. In what was formerly known us Sell wood, but now a part of the' City of Portlsnd, on tbe east bank of said river to a point opposite thereto on the west bank of nl. river, snd to su tbdrize Bald City of Portland to purchsse or ac quire condemns (Ion. any property that maybe necessary therefor, and to Issue bonda in pay ment tbereof.. and to uuthorise aald city to surrender sa Iff' ferry to the County Court of Mnltnomab County. an requiring said t ounty Court to assume tftsSWirllrol, jpsusgemcnt aud supervision thereof." Annroved Fehruarv 24. 1!0.1. Third "An act to anthorlre tbe Oty of Port! land. Multnnmnh (viuntv. Oregon, to con- struct sn additional ferrr tn operate across the Willamette River, snd to provide for tbe Issuing I Approved February 21. 11SJ3. j Said election will be held at 1 o'clock In tbe afternoon and will ...iitluue otatll 7 o'clock Is tbe afternoon of said 'lay, THUS. C DEVLIN. Auditor of the Cltv ef Portland. May 18. 1!)03, CITY NOTICES. , OFFICE OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, City Hall. Portland. Oregou.. May 30, .1BOS. An examination of oppllcants for appoint ment In tbe Street-Cleaning Service, Division H. Classes 2. 3 and -1. snd In the Labor Service. ITtUIob I, ( lasses 2, 3, 4 and 6. will be held on Wednesday, June 17. 1903. and Thursday. June is. 11)03. from 8 o'clock a. m. till H o'clock p ro.. at tbe City Mam. near Sixteenth and .TeftVrson streets. Portland. Oregon. Tho general scope of suth exsmlna tnui will Include the phvslcal condition of the applicant and his ability and disposition to Wrform the ilmies pertaining to the employment be seeks, to be determined , by practical tests. I A. A. COCRTENEY, C W. HODSON, P. L. WILLIS. Civil "Servlee Commissioners. CEO. II. WILLIAMS. Mayor. CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OP STOCK HOLDERS. TO THE STOCK of the Midway Oil Company, a corpurntl'in: lou are hereby notified t attend a meeting of the stock holders of the Mldwajr Oil Company, to bu held at tbo company's offlce, No. 416 Cham ber of Commerce Building, In tho City of Portlu-nd. Oregon, on Monday, the 15th day of June, at 3 o'clock r m., for the pnrpose of amending the by, laws of tbo company, of electing directors of said corpora tlon, also the ratlncstlon of acts of the directors from the time of the stockholders' meeting of the 2Sth dav of September. l!MS, to date, and to ratlfv the sdontlon hv sntd board of th hr-laws as amended: ft the ratification of the execution of and the Issusnce of stock apd the ..ratification or tne purchase fit lands by said corporation from H. C. Strsttoii. and for the puriiose of transacting 1- ' . .. ... 1 1..,., l....u, -a , ., , k PL II . mwef ,t-lli i i ii,i--ii,r.o - u.u vrj brought ht-fore euld meeting. By order of the stock holders holding- more than one-third of Jhe stock of Bsld company. H. C. STRATTON. Secretary. Dated May 12. 1903. The Tonic Par Excellence. (A Wtfra Oordiat.t The best specific remedy for Malarial and Typhoid Cold. Influenisi. Ae. ,tr w r or niiaA ar to, xs-au W ll,,WIW O . . J . CITt 1IOTICEB.. I PR0P08ID IMPROVEMENT OE PUST ''- BTREET. ,, ;, Notice la he'rebf glrwu that t the meettnj of tun Cuauull of the t'll of Purtland, lira gun. hld on the 2utta day of Ma, luoj, toe following resolution naa adopted: , HeolTd, Xuat th8 Couucll of the City of Portland, Orecon, divuia It expedient; and prepoaea to luiroa Ftrat street from SO foot aoutb of the aoutb Uite of Arthur atreet . to afto feat north of tba uvrtb Hue of Arthur street by conatructliK a steel brldxa with apiimacbes. ,. Ham iiuproremeut to no ind in accordHoee with tbo charter and ordluames of the City of Portland and the pinna. apcclnVattons and intl matoa of tba City Engineer filed In the office glneer'a plsns and specltlca lions for the tin provement of Flrat street from .'Ml feet south of the south line of Arthur street to HfiO feet north of the north Hue of Arthur street and the estimates of tbo work to be douu aud tbe probshle total coat thereof." - Tbe coat of aald Improvement to be sa seaaed as provided ,hy tho City Charter upon the property specially benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lota. parts of lota and narcla of laud lying wltblu tbe district bounded snd described as fol lows: Commenrlns at a point In tbe west bnnk of tha Willamette River st Inw wnter mark where the same would lie Intersected by the south line of llarrlaou atreet en tended easterly In Its present course; Ibi-ncn west erly along tbo south line of Hsrrlsnn street aud said extension to a point at Its Inter section with the esst line of Scrcnth street snd thence southerly along tbe esst line of Seventh street to a point at Its intersection with the division line lielween I'lnlce Cnruthers and Stephen Coflln Donntloti Land Claims thence wct along aucb division line between rintce carntners anil Bteunen cotnn iHiuntiou L.aua nanus to a point st its intersection witn me westerly line st ukms .no. taruthera Addition to Caruthera Addition to tlm City of Cortland: thence southerly a Ions the wes line or said block No. .IN. to a point nt Its Intersection with the north line of block No. ;10, Csruthej-S Add!t!on.-1o Caruthera Addition to the City of Portland at the westerly line of said block No. ilO: thence southeaster! In a straight linn to a point In the sours line of I'lnlce Caruthera Donation Land Claim wbers tba ssmo Is Intersected, by illvUlon line between sections 0 snd 10. tnwnnlilp l north rsnge 1 east. Willamette Meridian: thence southed along tbe division line bet wi sed Ions 0 snd 10, 16 and l.V 21 nnd 22 townahln 1 south, range I east. lumett Mertdlnn, to the southern boundary line the City of Portland: i thence eosterly nlon the southern boundary ' line of the City Portlsnd to a point st Its Intersection wit the western honk of the II In met to Itlver low water murk: thence northerly nlone th western bank of the Wlllsmette River at low water mark to a point at Its Intersection with tne sontn line or Harrison street etend ossterty In Its present course, the tame being tne piaee, or beginning. The Engineer a eatlmato of lbs probable total cost ef ssld Improvement- Is 846 SOS.iej. Tno snnve Improvement Is to he classed as a steel nriflge Imnrovement snd shall he siitiln talncd by the city for -the period of Mo years provioeri mat s majority ot tne owners property lieneflted by ssld Improvement any portion thereof ahsl! not petition for or different imnrovement netore tne o pirsrion or such period. me PTsrts, anectncstinns and estimates the City Euglnner for the Improvement of said First-street -err- hereby adopted. Kesoived. Thst the Auditor or the rHy of Portland be and be la hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of ssld street as provmca or tne city ensrter Kemonstranrrs seslnsl the above improve ment may he flled In writing with the nn dersirned within 20 dsrs from the date of the flrsf ntibliestlnn of this notice. By order of tho Council. THOS C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbs City of Portland May 23, 1003. PROPOSALS POS MUNICIPAL UOHTIVO CITY OP PORTLAND, OREGON. Seuled proposals will be rccolred at tbo me. of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portland until il o'clock p .m., June IS, 1HUS, for lighting tbe atreeta. avenues, narks, public rrounu. and public places ot tns city ot Cortland Ly elee trio arc llabta of 8,UisJ candle upwer each and for llghung the public bulldlnka of said city by lucandesceut electric or gss lights fur a term ot ore yeara irom January jst, jimm. beparate proposals will be received for llsht- ihg tbe street, avenues, parks publlcgrouuds snd pjblic places of tbe cltv, as shove att forth. Each propoaal must mi bssed upnu the specifications for said lighting on 11 In in tbs 01Mu of the Auditor of tbo City of Portland No propoaal In excess of (fi.41 for each light per monia win w cumiueicu. chcu pro-. i Dossi musi do accomiiauieu or a conineu cnecs os some responsible Portland bsnk In tbe sum i, '"" , ,,uue.wj, paable to tbs order of Geo. Jl. Wil.latus, Mayor v' Ue City of Portlsnd, as tixed snd Uuuldsted . i asmagea, mat ue aurcessrui niouer will suter Intu contract In accordance with lbs terms ot tba SDeclncstlons within ten days after tho if in tract la awarded him. The successful bidder will also be required to furnish a good and sufllcleut Lund In lbs sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars (f lilO.OUO.OO) to be spprovvd nv tne slur or or tne tur ot i-ortisuu. eon. dltloued that the successful bidder will fullill the terms uf bis contrsct Sepsrats prouosala will be received for llcht- lna tbe public bulldlnrs'of said city as above st-t forth. Escb propossl most be based upa tbo speclflcstlona for ssld lighting on Ulu lu the otfJut Jt tbo Auditor of the City of Port land and must be accompanied by a cert I fled check on some responsible Portland Ban In the sum of 'lwenty-cve Hundred Dollars, ($1, UoO - (X. payable to the order of Geo. H. Williams Mayor of -tbe City of Portland, as Bled and liuuldated damugu. that the successful bid dor will enter Into contrsct In accordajv-s with the terma of tbs apectneatloos within tea 1 1 The successful bidder will also be required to furnish a rood and snfiVlcnt bond In tbe inm of Ten Thousand Dollars $IO.OUO.OO). to be approved by tbe Mayor of the City of Portland, conuitionea mat tne auccessiut uiuuer win iui 111 the terms of bis contract. All proposals should be Indorsed "Proposal for lighting. ' ana anuressea to idos u Devlin. Auditor. Portland. Oregon. Tbe right Is reserved r reject any or an bias. llr order of tho Executive Board Auditor of the City' of Portland. Or. April 8. 1803. Bnnas-n isnnnvnT Of GRAND AVENUE. Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting of tbe Council of the CAty of Portland. Ore- ?:on, bold u Iks 2oth day of May, 1U03. .the olios Ing resolutlou was adopted: Kesoived, that tne uouucii or tne lty ot Portlsnd. Oregon, deems It expedient and proposes to improve (irano avenue rrom id feet south ef the north line of Esst Stark street to the south Hue of East Oak street, by i constructing sn elevated rnsdwsy. said improvement to oe maae in accornanoe with the charter and ordtuanrea of he City of Portland and the plana, specifications and estimates of tbo City Engineer, filed In lh office of the Auditor of the City of Portlsnd on the lth day of May, IftoS. indorsed: Cltv Engineer s plans- and specifications tor the Improvement of (irsnd avenue from 10 feel south of tbe porlh line of East Stark atreet to the south line of East Oak street and tho estimates of the work to he done and tbe probable total cost thereof." Tbe cost of said improvement to be assessed ss orovlded bv the city charter upon the firoperty specially benefited thereby snd which s berelby declared to be all the lots, psrts of lots snd parcels of land lying between the south line of East Osk street and the north line of East Stark street and between s line loo loot "west of and parsllel with the west line of Orsnd avenue and a line PK) feet east of snd psrallel with the. eatft line of Ornnd avenue. The Engineers estlronto or the nrohsble total cost of said Improvement I 82.030. fsl. The above Improvement Is to be rlumd as niy elevated roadway and shall be mslntalned hr' .the city for a period of five years, provided that be owners of a majority or tbe property benefited by ssld improvement .or sny portion thereof shall not petition for a new nr dif ferent improvement Defore tne expiration or such Derlod.- Tbe plans, specmcntions anq cstimatea nr the City Engineer .for the Improvement of said Orand avenue are hereby adopted Resolved That the 'AWItor of the City of Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement . of said avenue as provided by the city charter Remonstrances agralnat the. shove improve ment nisy be filed In writing with the under signed wlthlrj 20 days from tho-date of the' first publication of this notice. By order of the Conned TIIOS. C. DEVf.fN. Auditor of the City of Portland. ' Mar 23, 1003 POTjryDMABTER'B NOTICE, NOTICE Fsherebygiveh thst oa the 21st day of May, 19t.l. I took up snd euipounded at the City Pound, at No. 2B1 Sixteenth street. In the City of Portlsnd, Oregon, the follow, tng described sntnials: Yellow Jersey heifer, crop out both csrs; Brtndle heifer, crop out ojP'.,nrti ears; Yellow and white Jersey, crop out of both ears; - Brtndle and white heifer, crop out of both earn; And unless tho owner, or other person or, persons having an interest therein shall lalm potiacmton of the same, and pay all (costs aud charges of tbe keeping and ad vertising them, together with the onnd fees .on ssld sal ma is, as provided by ordinsnce No. - 5,92SV as amended, of swid City of Portland, t will on the 2Hth dn.e- nt Mtfr IMVut the ' ' Sow of 10 a. ab the City Ponnd. at N. 31 Sixteenth, in- said elty, sell the abnvp fdeftcetlied ssSmals st pnblte sucthwr-tis th Highest nidder, to pay tne fonts ann marges for tkBS up, keeping and advertising suck -animals. v? ... -. v Dated this 23d day ef Mar, ISna. -,.W. . RD, PosBdmaster. -;X.lKTi ;'-','";'i ;1'':"' -?4?-.':'v-s'r i'-r:.'v''-- 'V,-".1n-:- ':-:.r'f ,:v V'.- .ii - vt.v- -'.!' i) --f. .- .'3 -.-.''.'! ' .-.S'.-;i. '1.. :- .'';. ivi:-'-;, V- J-'v4 , .f. .'-,--- ',--!- V ..." -';: -' ': .' j: ' CITT NOTICES. . EXTENSION OF TWENTY-SIXTH BTREET WUereas, J'bu Council ul tlie llty ot fort lauu, jUiwuiliig It-vxpedlvut w opeu, lajf "out and eslsbuini ail cxienaiou of iwenty-slxiu street, lu Uie t'il.v ui lurtlaud. Hum tns north Hue ot lburmnu sUeei to tne nonu lllH) of Bskh's Addition, ' did un the M day u( Aii'll, liK'.l, direct the City Uligi mer tu survey tho same and to murk tne bouudsi les tOcrcot, . ami to make a plat of such survey, and a wriilcu report coiitainlug -u lull and perfect descriiitbui of sticb tuouusud Street sud boundaries tuereuf, aud of tne por tiou of each lot, truct or pun of ehliei', m bo appropriated for such street, mid tne Cllj Engiucer having uiudv auh nurve, pint uu-l report, aud Uied such plat aud report lu the odlco of inn Auditor uu the J 1th day ol April, 11813, and .aid report IuivIiik adopted by orillniince No. I3,3:m. entitled, "Au unlliuiiHo adViptlng the tepoiti, of the City Engineer In i In matter of the' tnopowd oHuiag, lajiug out slid establishing of lu,nt slxlh strei't from tile uortb lino of 'I humian street to tbe north line ol lluleb s Ail'liiloii.'' .. Now, Iherefure, all pornon- intereMi, d are .hereby uotllled that the Council ot the til: of Portland has uipoliili-d W. 1 . White, G. U. Gauinnius sud it. r. lionleu, viewers. In view aald iroiiosed extension of said Htreet and umke all estluinCc of Hut bcuetlts und dutnaucs oc casioned by the open I OK. I)li.l! out ui.n estab llalilug the ssme. lu uccim Un w e tvitn section 84U of the charter ot the City of Portland said viewers to meet at the oltii-e of the Audi tor of the City of Portland on Weiiiiemlar. Ul loth day of June, l".i. at the hour uf 10 O'clock In lh( forenoon of aald tiny. The proponed opening, laying out and estab llhlng of Tneiity-alxili street la On feet in Width and Is nunc partliuuirly Inmndetl ami described us follows: Ileglnulng st a iK.Int In the north Hue of Tbiirman street where the name would tie lute socted by a northerly e.tcplnq In lln present course of the west line uf Twenty-sixth street extended; running thence northerly on the west linn of Tnenty-xlxth street extended to the north line nt Hslch's Addition; thence esstcrly along the uorth Hue ot llaleh'a Addition to the City of Portlsnd to s point where the ssine would be Intersected by nn extension of the east line of Twenty-sixth street in lis present course; thence southerly slong tho extension of the east Hue of Ttventy-sftth trot to the north line of Thurnisn slrcet; Ihenee westerly along the north linn of Thurnian street 00 (eel to lbs plnre of beginning. Tbe propoacd cpenlng. laying out and estab lishing of Tweply-slxth street as above de scribed will Include ami ncceasitate the ap propriation to public use of tbe followlifg de scribed parcels or trsets i4 land, to-wlt: All thst nsrt of lot 7. block 823. Mulch's Ad dlthiu, lying east of the westerly side line of the proposed I weuty-slslli street, containing 2.M1 square feet. Also all thst part of lot (I. block 323. Itsleh's Addition, which lies west of the easterly side line of the prirposcd Twenty-sixth street, con taining 1.035 square feet. All persons claiming damages by reason ot the appropriation of the property above described, or any part thereof, In the pro poacd opening, laying out and estsbllslilug of said street, are hereby speclslly notified to file their claims for such damages with the Auditor of the H'Uy of Portland before the loth day of June, 1PU3. the time appointed for the meeting of the vlcwera therein. By order ot the Council. TIIOS. C. DEVLIN. - Auditor of the City of Portland. May 23. 11)03. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF WATER BTREET AND HOOD BTREET. Notice la hereby given Ibat at the mei-t-lug of the Council of. tho, City of Port land, Oregon; held on the 2ltb day of May, 111.1, the following reaolullou wga adopted: Remdved, That the CounrH of the I lty of Portland, Oregop. deems It expedient and unlooses to Improve Wster street and Hood street from ihe south lino of Clay street to 1UO feet south of Ihe Mtith lino of taruthera street In tbo following manner, to-wit: First By grading said atreet full width with full Intersections. Second U.v Having the streets full width with full Intersections with stoue blocks on sand cushion on a concrete foundation six inches In thickness. Third My constructing artificial stone curbs. Said Improvement to he made In accord ance with the charter and ordinances of Ihe City of Portland and the plans, atieclflca- llons and estimates of the Illy Engineer llled ill Hie office of Ihe Auditor of the City of Portlund on the 4th day of May, 1003. In dorsed: "City Engineer's plans ami specltlca- llona for the Improvement of woter snd Hood streets from the south line of Clay street to a line 100 feet south of tho south line of Carutliers street, snd the estimates of the work to be done and the probable total cost thereof. , Tho cost of said Improvement to be assessed . (imvlilttrf bp the cfaR- charter nnnii the properly specially benefited thereby, and which Ik hereby declared to Is- all the lots am) part of Iota and parcels of laud lying within the district nounueii ami oewrinen as roiiows: On the west side of said Water street and Hood street, all of tho lots and parts of lots, to-wit: I-ots I. 2. 3 and 4. block 113: hits 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 112. lots 1. 2. 3 snd block ill; lots 1, .', 3 snd 4. block no. lots I. 2. 3 and 4. block I'lO; lots 1, 2. .1 and 4. block IPS. lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. block 107; lots I. 2 3 and A. block 100; lots 1. 2. 8 and 4. block A; lots 0, 8, 9, 10. 11 and 12. block B: lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. A nnd ft. block II; east 23 feet of lots 1, 2. 3 and 4. block C. lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 6. 0. 7 and 8. block O. Csrnlliers Addition In Caruther Addition o tbe City of Portland; kits 14. 15, Id. 17. IS. 10, 20 and 21 and the north 43 feet of, lou H. fi. 10. 11, 12 and the north 17.2 feet nf lot 13. Itobr s snh Divisions block I In (unit!) ers Additlou to Portland, Oregon. On the east Ide of ssld Water and llood streets, all the kds and parte of lota and parrels of laud lying between the south line of Jefferson street and a line lnO feet wintb of and parallel with the south line f Carulhers atreet end nn easterly extension In Its present course ol said south line of said Caruthera street und between the east line of ssld Water slrcel nd llood street nnd the wharf line of tbe west bank of the Willamette River. The Engineer a esllniato of the probable total cost of said Improvement is $ll,f43.isi. The alKive Improvement is to be clasaeo ss stone Mock pavement snd maintained by the city for Ihe period of 2." years, provided hat the owners or a majority or the properly benefited by. said Improvement or any - por tion fhcreof shall not petition for a new or different Improvement before the expiration of aald period. 'Ihe plans,- apecinrations nnu eatimates f the City Engineer for the Improvement of said water straet and Hood street aro hereby dopted. Kesoived, qnat tne Auditor or tne nty or Portland tie nnd he - Is hereby Instructed to Ire notice of the proposed Improvement of id streets as provided by the city charter Remonstrances against the'sbov-e Improvement may be fib d In wrlthig with, the undersigned; within 20 days from the date of the first pub- allon .of this notice. By order of the Council. TIIOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the Cltr of Portland. ' Mnr 23. 1!W. - THE BEST OF CVEWYTHIWO ONLY HOURS PORTLAND TO via the 0. R. R. & N. Co., Oregon ,Short Line, Union Pacific and Two trains a day, with through Pullman drawing; room sljeepirg cars; free reclining char cars' and dining cars (a la cactajf. v 'v.m aa m- connects at Granger with the famous Overland Limited,, the most lnxirriou& train in the fiffld? to Chicago from the Coat?g y v ,; Be tare JeftMtckelg resd ever tas ; '- " 'Chicago & Notth-Westerfla J,. f. f'fy aZq ftARKER, biirC Aor. 0. A nty i" - MS TM1R0 ST.,OflTVrlO, Ofte. . 70 RAILROAD TIMETABLES. ' ' j . OOFfiON ShotIine 3 HUlNSto the EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard snd Tourist tleoe. Ing curs dally tu Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; tourist alcoiilug cars iMtly to KsuSas CUI thruugh Pullman tourist sleeping cars (persosj. r ally conducted; weekly to Chicago, Kansat City, St. Louis and Memphis; reclining chad cars Ocata freel to tbe East dally-. ., .. UNION DEPOT. j Leaves. Arrives. ' ','- t lltCAUO-POIlTLANU ,0:20 a. as. 4:30 n. as, i , SPECIAL. Dully. (Daily. ( For tbo East via Hunt- - - ' Ingtou. ' ".-'': N .'i - SPOKANE FLIER. 0:00 p. m. 7:83 a, BS, For EasU-ru Wasblug- Dally. Oaily. . ton, Wuila Walla. Lw- latoii, Cocur d'Aleue ... and Oreat Nurihsru , polilttf. J ' ATLANTIC EXPRESS. '1:15 p. sa. 10.80a. bb. ! ivr tho Esst via Hunt- Us lty. Dally. lug too. - - OCEAN And river schedule. FOR SAN FRANCISCO, From ' 3:00 p. at, V S. S. t.eo. W. Elder Alnsworth May 2. 12. 22. Hot. S- 11. Columbia Apsll-8-" P- ln-- v-,- 27; May 7, 17. 27. ' ' Columbia River Division. FOR ASTORIA and way S ort p. si. n:0o p. m. points, cohnectlug with Oaily. ex. Sunday, stmr. for llwaco and ix Sunday About - . North Beach, sty. Has- Saturday aulu. Asb-st dock. 10:00 p. m. i Willamette Rivar Division. FOR SALEM. Corvallls 0:45 a. ra. Da llr It :0V p. IB, Tuesday, Thuisday, Saturday. and way poluts, steamer Monday. Hull;. Asb-Ht. dock. (Wster permitting.) Wednesday Friday. Yamhill River Route. FOR DAYTON, Oregon City aud Yamhill River poluts, atr. Elmore. Ash-St. dock. tW'ster permitting.) 7:00 a. ss, Tuesdsy, Ihuraday, Saturday.' 8.00 p. IB, Monday. . WediMMdsf, Friday. Bnaks River Routs. FOR LEWISTON, Ida., md Way poluta, from Klparia, Waah., steam ers spokase aud Lew- laton. 4:05 a. Dally, eg. Sat About 8:00 p. as. ualiy ex. Friday. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Waah lug toe. Tele phone Main 712. a PORTLAND & ASIATIC " -STEAMSHIP CO. For Tokobams and Hong Kong, ealllnf at Kobe, Nsgasskl and Shungkai. taking frelakt via connecting steamers fur Maalla, Port AttauW and Vlsdlvustock. INDRAVELU SAILJ ABOUT MAY ft. For rstes and fall Information call on or ad dress officials or agents of tbs O. B, ft N. Cs. EAST via. SOUTH tea Tea. TINIOH DEPOT. I Arrives. OVERLAND EXPRESS tralssr for Salem, ttoaw-l burg, Ash Und, BaeraH ' men to, Ogden, San Fran-1M S. as, 1M p. m Cisco, Motave, Los Aa-I geiea. El Paso, New Or-j cbijs ana ine Kast, At Woodburn dally (except Sunday), mora Ing train tor Mt." An, , gel, Slivertoix, Browns. "8:80 a. m. no p. u vine, Hprlngfleld, Wead-i uug ana natron. H M p. m. Albany passenger, eon-', sects' st Wooburn W10I 10;10 a- a) - Mt. Angel sad SllveH ton local. 7:80 s. m. Corvallls passenger.... Sberldaa pssacngcr.... I 60 p. ss, H:aB a, Sa 114:30 p. m. Dslly. IIDsIty except Sunday. Pertiafld-Oawego Buburbaa Ssrvtot sad TaatkOl Divlaiea. Depot Past of Jefferson Street. Iave Portland dally for Oswego 7:30 s. m. 1 12:60, 3.06. 3:39. HM, S:2S. 8:80. 10:10 p. ta. Dally (except Snnday) 6:30, 0:80. 8:36. JO 2S a. m.; 4:00. 11:30 p. m. Sunday only, :! a. m. Heturalng from Oswego, arrive Portland dally 8:30 a. m. ; 1:M, 3:06, 4:88, 6:16, 7:86, 9 55. 11:10 p. IB. Dally (except Sunday) 0:25, 7 23. 9:30. 10:20, 11:43 a. m Except Moaday, IB .20 . m. Sunday Only. 10:00 . bs. Leave from same depot for Dallas snd later atedlate points dally (except Sunday) 4:00 p. BS. Arrive Portland 10:20 a. m. Tbe Independenee-Monmoatll Motor Ltss) eoerates dally to Monnontk and Air He, eon nee ting with Southern Pacific Company a traibs -St Pallas and Independence. first-class rebate tickets eat sale frost PrV land to Sacramento and Baa Francisco. Net rate $17.oO. berth ' S3; eeeood-elaas fare 316, wlthont rebate wr bertfci aseosl-elasa sswtA 12.50. - .--. Tickets to Eastern points sad Eorops, ae Japan, China, Ilonololu and Aoetralla. City Ticket Offce corner Third sad Washlas. ton streets. Pbone, Mala T13. C W. STINGER. W. B. COMAN, ' City Ticket Agent Gob. Pas. Aat THjISS. TIMP, CAPD SSSJi J TOAfiV!? SaasrvV ,OaiCV fSjUILeO PfiDTI AVfi? Pitget ' Sound Limited. Departs, for Tacoina. Seattle, Ol.vmpla. South Bend 8:30 a. as. ami Gray's Harbor Arrives. 3:30 p. as. laiints. North Coast Limited, l'm- Tacoina. Seattle. Butte, SC. Paul, Mlo-i 3:00 p. 7:00 a. ncnoii--.. t nicjigo, .sew Vork. Kston mnl poluts East anil Southeast. j Twln-l'lty Esiwea. for! Tseoin.i. Seattle, Sprej , t :me, Helena, St. Paul,; Minneapolis chkaga.j n 43 p. m New York. Boston and all points Eiuft aud S.n!thcitit. Pufict Sound - Kassa1 .' Clf-St. Lours Spct-uii.. for , T'ama. Seattle. 7:00 p. ss. , .-.piHiane. iHinc, uiiiinga.j S;30 a. m, 7:00 a. SI. wriirvi. uiiiioin, cauMnr City. St. IjhIs and all points East aud auuth ea.t. All trains dally except en South Bead branch. A. D. CHARLTON. ' Asslstont General Passenger Agt. 225 Morrison St.. corner. Third. Port U awl. Of. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. CXiON DEPOT. ' Arrives. Foe Maygers, Ratnler. Chitskaiile. Wssttsirt, Clittosv Astnrls, ' Wsr-i 8.00 a. m. eentiiw -FlafsL - Hstn-t tm a, moMd- Fort Steveisx.: Ihrtirt Park, ews.tue. Asturie aud Sohoi ' Exprew, Dslly. j 00 p. s t Astoria Express. -Dally. , 1 S SO a M 1 1 ' ,iv-.--' - ' " J. C, MlVli - -': V. slid P. A.; Ast...u. or. Yl 7.. T.rWfR. t'onujef -il Agrnt. '- !- l,, l'boue Mai 0 8-W ' I e5l oivi