The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 23, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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    TIIlJ " OREGON" DAILY soumti!!
Weather,; Is, Too Cold to
;' Continue Clip; ;
Demand lor Woo! Is Small but' Fair
Quotations Are -Expected for
" the Season's Clip. '
Yery Uttli " ibMp shearing Ut
being don la tke Willamette Yal
lay . at present on aoconnf of tna
coolness of tns weather, l
Th weather Is too cold a( present
to admit of -active operations In sheep
hearing In the Willamette Valley and
(rowers In that section are holding- off
until a more opportune time. Through
out ,th valley the cold and moist
atmosphere during the past few weeks
has made the work of shearing the
soft fleeces a dangerous task.
Walt for Trices. " "
In Eastern Oregon there Is a small
amount of shearing being done, but
majority of the wool men are content
to wait a Jweek or two In the hot)?
of more favorable weather conditions
The dismal weather is not alone the
cause of the delay In shearing, the dull
noes of the market locaUyand In the
East being one of the principal causes
Wool Demand Small.
mand for wool of this year's crop
riulte small,- and dealers every-
here show no Inclination to make pur
chases even at the lowest prevailing
quotations. The prospects are that this
year's shear will surpass that of last
year, and with the promise or a stead
ier market quotations look more like
an advance than a decline. Today's
ruling prices are: Valley. 15 and 16
cents; Eastern Oregon, 10 and 13 cents
Reports from Pendleton say that wool
hauling Into the warehouses Is fairly
under way and the warehouses are
being filled with this season's shear.
It is now estimated that there are
about 2,000,000 pounds of fleece in the
warehouses of that city.
Strawberries Getting Cheaper.
With the larger receipts of berries
fro . lorln. Cal., quotations In the local
markets show a material decline. The
fruit is of fair quality and Is being
sold at $1' per 15-box crate. The re
ceipts today consisted of two cars for
the local trade, one of them being the
regular consignment and the other r
riving by freight, and was diverted
from the Puget Sound market on ac
cmint of a quotation slump there. The
car by freight was thoroughly Iced,
and the fruit is of even better quality
than that which came per express.
If ore Oregon Berries.
Oregon berries are in larger receipt,
and although local quotation are al
ways above those from California,
prices today are showing a slight de
cline on account or tne larger acco
mulation of all grades. Oregon's " are
quoted today at Z and $2.2 per 24-
a . ppund crate.
Today's Ball Baoelpts.
Today's receipts by rail from Cali
fornia consisted of two oera of straw
berries. 1 car of first-class lemons and
a car of oranges.
Larger arrivals of California cherries
hss caused the quotations to drop to
day to $1 a box, and the market Is
slightly weaker. The stock is now ar
arrivlng In more numerous grades.
Bananas are in fair supply with quo
tations the same as previously report
ed, rirst-class oranges are scarcer,
and the choicer brands are bringing
slightly higher quotations.
Tbs Bnttsr Situation. -
Butter receipts seem to show a large
Increase, but the srrlvals are not too
large to keep the market from being
steady. Dairy is still In large demand
at top quotations and no stock la al
lowed to accumulate on the street. Store
Is in larger receipt and is as eagerly
picked up by the local representatives
of the' California creameries as Is the
dairy grade. Quotations today on but
ter are: Creamery, best. 22Vic; dairy,
20c; store. 17Vic. A slight advance is
'expected on store.
Poultry Continues Lively,
The past seven daya, has been a. week
unusual activity in the poultry mar-
kTbt when takon altogether. Receipts
during" that, period show a vast increase
over that of last year, but the higher
quotations on fresh meats and the
larger demand for poultry has kept the
markets on Front street cleaned up
of arrivals at the highest prevailing
Dullness In Heats'.
Dullness is easily apparent In the
fresh meat market, the receipts in all
Jlnes today being comparatively smalt.
Demand is, however, the Same and very
little business Is being done. Pork prices
are weaker even with the lighter re
ceipts, as most of the local butchers ace
too heavily-overstocked. There Is om
demand for the better grade of veal and
mutton, but the arrival of so., much
poorStock fs keeping the quotations
down to the lowest possible' notch.
Beet is still scarce, and all arrival
bring the highest quotations. Prices
are unchanged today.
Large Demand for Zggs.
nr a Saturday, the call for eggs
tjf&y was extra large and as recelDts
re not heavy for this period of the
year, quotations are being held stiff at
17Hc for the single cases to 17c for
those who purchase in larger lots.
Hop Business Dull.
"The hop business IS dull." savs
Julius Wolf, a leading buyer from Sil
verton, "Last week we had plenty of
ordejrs for supplies at 20 cents, but
growers would not then sell at any fig
ure under 25 cents. Now the demand
Is lulling and I can get all the hops
of last year's crop that I want at the
figures which were refused last week.
That's the way it goes: when we have
orders, we . cannot do business on ac
count Of the refusal of the growers to
sen, and, when there are no orders in
sight, everybody wants to make an early
disposal of their holdings.
- "Business in hops during the entire
weeK has bnvetra dull anff I cannot
remember of one salt btlrig .fliadft bjr a
(rawer to a dealer. There) was. bow
ever, quite a large sate" made tor one
of the local deaiers to an Eastern house
at 29 cents, but that one Jneldent Is all
that has transprred in the local markets
during the week." ,
Bed On leas Coming Past.
Receipts of the California rod onions
tatUin are very likely to show a slight
declinf; during th.'-edlnf; wee. " Re
pofts. from the South state that the
efdp of Reda this - year-'wltt. M 'about
normal, but It Is not expected that quo-
tatioBSvWlllsnreacJw a
account of, the largo supplies ror tne
plder stock. which, are keeping In fair
condition.- ' '
Both local and Eastern packed meats
and lard are dull and the market shows
every tendency for-an arly decline.
Today's quotations, as revised, are at
follows ,
0EitAin wHotmii pwces.
Orals, flour sal fee. " '
Wbest Walla Walla, 73c; bltwttom, 77o;
alley, . '
Oats No. 1 white, fl.lTftQl.80; fT, 1-M
ll-l I
Flour Eiuteni Orfgos; Patents,' l1.0Sin4.B0;
Diamond W Hi straight. 3.8ft: Valley,
W.60M8.T; graham, V. (3.10; 10a, 3.oS.
MllbtaffoBrah. $13.00 per ton:, middlings.
127.00; ahorU. fiM.OO; chop. S1B.OU. -Hay
Timothy, 120.00; clewr, 117.00.
Hop. Wool aad Bldaar
Hops SOftiCl tot cbulco; Ittoa cod tracts,
Wool Nominal. Valley. lBQlto! EaatB
orofoii. iomii': Moaair nominal, uim,uc.
HhMtiakliia Xnaariiic. 14'(U'ltf: abort wool,
22fc2.Sc; medium wool, Wc; lonj ool, HOeit
(l. each. '
jauow rrinie. srr id. idk i. . an"
grraa. 3fl2Hi'. .
Hldca Dry htdta. No. 1, 18 wunda and op,
loWlftHe per lb; dry kip. No. I. 6 to 15 Rm,
12c: drr Kit. 1 undoc (i tba. 15Uc! dry
aalted. bulla and atar. 1-8 ,m than dry flint;
ullMl hlflM a(Mr. uiund. 80 DOIluda or OTor.
7V4fa.8e: SO to 60 R. VAtlHu' nnder 10
Rm and ton a. 7 aUga and bulla, aound. 6dt
Ao; kip. aound, 15 In SO IT. 7c; aotuid. 10 to
14 Dm If. rail, aound. andr 10 the. He: croos
(nnaaltedl. le tt lw: nil In. l: lb la; noma
hldca. aaltod. fcb-. I.f31.TIV; dry, Sarb, ft()0
(16fli rolta1 hldca. earb. UoOt: Soat Kina,
common, earh, luyl&c; Angora, with wool on,
eacb, 8ac(t1.00;
. Bnttsr, Zgfs sad ?ultry.
Kuttrr Orcaon creamerr. Uc; dairy.
20e : atorc. U .
Pftga tTMS Oregon, J7B1TV4C
Full rrram. twin.. ISUc; Young
Anicrlcan, 18Q18MC; Kaatfrn, 10al7ci .Cali
fornia, 15c. .
1'oultrv i,blckna. mliad. liiaiac per ro;
bna. i:(44tl4c; rooatcra, 10Utolc lb; nroll.
rra, intjlfv Pj; fr.rern. WOJlfte lb; dacka, 19U
17c; dreaaed 18il)c.
Oraoarlaa, JTuta, Xto.
Rugar "Hack baala." cub, r.77t4; powd
ered. tS.OOU; dry granulated, ft.474; extra
(' 1.1II2U. : (inldcu (T 4.02: barsla. 10c. V.
Inrrrln, 25c; butm. SOe edraure on aack baala,
... . . v. . r j . 1 ij
Ias mh' per cwi tor caan, uhb, hmw, ..4
Mc lb.
Honey lBWiac per iram.
Coffee Orcon Mwha. iliitar; Jaa. fancy.
2Hft32c: Java, good. &Q2&c; Jura, ordinary. 18
)c; Coat Rica, fancy. ll)(ur; t'U Klca.
good, 10IN". Coat a Hlca. ordinary, 104112c
er ID; uilumma roax, aiu.oa; vrui" i ,
11.12S4 llt; Uon.. $11.25 llat; Cordoa. 111.28.
, Teaa Oolong, different grades. 26Oftc; Uun-
powder, ZHfaf JQc; Kngunn Breaiai. oii
fcrcnt grade. l2Ht85; Hplder Ig. uncolond
Japan, i SOttttUc; graeu Jaway, very acarca, SOU
R.U 2. :a. 4a. Ba. 10a. 12.10: flne
table, dairy. 50a. 3Nc; ll0a, 74c; Imported LIT-
erpool. W)a, 46c; Vm. Sc: avt, si.w.
Halt woreenier aait. miia. onia. ammt ni.wt
Worceater. 140 2a, 15.50; Wnrceater, loo 3a.
15.50; Worceater. AO 5a, $5.25; 30 10a, $5.00:
unn aacaa. nun. f"c.
Salt coarac. half ground, kxw. per ion,
$11.00; 5d. per ton, $14.5,0; Llverpnol. lump,
rock. $25.00 per tun; 60-It) rock. $14.00; 100a.
train Raft" Calcutta, $8.00.25 per 100 for
Auguat dcllrery. '
Klce Imperial Japan. '"No. 1, 6c; No. 2,
54e; New Orleana head. 7c.
Breakfaat Food Premium.' 3d-2Hc; $2.80;
rorce. H .50; H-t) oata. $3.1o.
Halmon Columbia Klrer. 1-m tail". fl.T":
lb talla. $2.40: fancy. 1-Tb flata. $1.8A; V, lb
fancy Data, $1.20; Alaaka talla, pink, 80c; red,
II 25: a m talla. $2.0(1.
LoajLHIl Lsaea, ii'c pr Ki, lanaa, fater
bite, iron hbls. lflc. Vooden WHc; Heail--
llght. caaea 24Hr. iron bbla. 18c; gaaoUne. iron
t,hl 22. caaea 24c.
Llnaeed oil Cure raw, in now. dc; gesmne
kettle, boiled, 45c; pure raw, Md , 67c;
genuine kettle, in caaea. - 50c. .
Turpentine In caaea, 71c; wood bbla. 81c;
Iron bbla. 85c: 10-lb case lota. 70c.
Beana Small white, . 4Vie; large wnite, tc;
pink. 3c; bayou, 4Vc; Llmaa. 5!4c.
Tobacco Plug cut amoking. 1, 2. 3-o pack-
aaea Real of Nortb larollna, tic id: Mat
tiff. 6 He rt; Wxle Queen. 41c In; Red Bell. Wtc
lb; Pedro, ISOc lt; Gulden Scepter, $1.15 lb; flne
cut Cameo. 41c lb; Capatan, $1.85 Tb: Duke a
Mliture. 40c R: Bull uurnam. nnc id; uhi Kng.
lah Curre Cut. 74c lb; Maryland Club. Tic lb;
Mall. Pouch, ssc n: laic Mixtnre. si.fu m.
Plug Tobacco Drummond'a Natural Leaf. 5Sc
ro: nper Mcioaieca. ooc in; rtnmeining tooa,
45c Tb: Standard Sttv. Mr lb; T. t B.. 53c lb;
flnear Hoar. 43c lb; Star, 41r. Klne Cut
Chewing WoldfT) Thread, 08c lb; Faat Mail. 70c
Fruits and Vegataklaa.
Potatoca t5(g50c; ordinary, 36t40c; sew.
Onlona Oreon. 75cffll.OO, bnrera' orieea:
local, $1.00il.r0; garlic, (Sf&Tc lb; California,
new reaa. ai.rxj.
Freab rrnlta Apple, rancy Oregon, 76c(
1.50; cooking. 5f7c box; Orangea, naTala,
2.5n'i3.0O; aiedlterranran aweeta. $2.75;
California tangerine. $1.001.25 box; ba
nanaa, $2.25t3.&0 bunch. Be lb: atTawberrle.
81.0)1 ner 16 lb crate. Oregon. $2.00192.25 ur
24 lb crate: dterrlex. $1.00 per 10-lb box.
Veoetanleii Turnip. . i.uu aaca; carrot.
$1.50; beet. $1.50 per- aack; radlahea,
lziplac per oo; caoDaga, i;aurornia,
tr Tb; lettuce, bead. 25c per dox; hotbouae,
$1.25 hox; green pepper. 40c lb; horseradlah. 8c
lb: erl-Tff $1.00 dot; bean, atrlng, t2HC15c
lb; aaparagua, 80ci$1.00 per 25-lb box; rhu
barb, 3c lb; tomatoe. $6.00 per 0 tb bo;
parantn. $1.75: pineapples, $5.00 doi; peaa, 5c;
cucnmlora. $1.50 doi.
Dried Frulta Apple, eraporated. 7THc
lb; apricot. 773 lb; peacbe. 7Hc lb;
peara. RV,e lb; prune! Italian. 4i!5c lb:
French. HU' : flg. CaUfornir black. 6
iL4c: do. white, 74t8c lb; plum, pitted. 5ft
nr; ralalna. aceoca. rancy i-m carrona. no pacx
age to aae, SHc. nkg; ecdcd, 12-o carton.
7Vj infflic Mnwatellni. . Rfl-lb boxes, 637Hc
lb; IMidon layer.-fit. 7ltSf.0O..
Nuta Pranntt. 8(ii7c per lb for raw. 8fl0c
for roaafed: cocoa nnt. 85WBOc per do: wa.
nuts. I4H(IISc per lb; pin nut. UtUXUc
per lb; lilckorr nut. Idc per tb: rheatnuta,
Raatern. 15i lfle er lb: Braxtl nut. 18c per
lb; Alberta. 15i 16c -per lb: fncy peeana, 14i9
15c per lb; almond. l315c per In.
Meat and PoTiaiona.
Fmh Meat Beef, prime. 74W8V4c: bulla.
5(&5'6c: criwa. 07c: pork. 7"8c; Teal. 5v
liltHjc; mntton. 4i4Sr- groa; drenaed, 7Q8c;
lamlw. dreed, 7Vjii8lc.
Ham. Bacon, Etc Portland pack (local)
hm. 10 to 14 lb. 14'4c: 14 to 16 m. 144e;
breakfaat bacon. UQ-lfic; plewlca. 14 lie: cottage.
ll4c; aalted !. I2'ac Id; amoked aldea,
l.'l'4,c: drr aalted back. 124c: bacon oacka,
12Mc: bntta. aalted. 9V4; aronked. 101e lb.
Eaatcrn-packed llama- t'ndcr 14 h, 15"4c;
oift 14 lb 14c; fancy, 15e; picnic. IH,c:
boulder. 11 14c: dry alted lrte. nnamokrd,
12kic; hrenkfaat bacon. 15M(l481c; fancy,
18'4c: butt. 11 Vff!l2c.
Ixical Lsnl Kettle leaf. 10. 5. 12c;
50-n tlna, 12Ht: tero rendered. In, llc;
5. 12c; 60s. 11 '4e; compound tiercea, , 8';
tuh. 8M1C.
Eaatern Lard KctUf- leaf. 10 !b tlna. 124c:
5a. 12r: 5n-Ib ttfla. 12c; ateam rendered.
10. 13c; Mm 11,e.
Above packing -bouse prlcea are net canhf 15
.. Flsli Bock. ,eo(l. ,7e;:floiinder5c; halibut,
4. ling cod. 7c; crab. $1.50 do; roaor clama.
Ac do: atrlped baa, 12tc; aalmon. 8c: ole.
8cf lobatem.- 1.1c: hrmn. Puxet Sound. 15c:
catflab. 8c R; Paget .Sonnd herring. 4c lb.
(Tficae quotation are fiirnlahed by Bolton
de Ruyter to.. 102 Third atrnpt, near Ntark.
Membera Chicago .Board of Trade.)
Opes. High. Low. Cloae.
May ,...0O.774 200. 7 I00.7flV, ()0.77
July ... .T.i ,74H .73Va 734A
May V.. .44 .4fl .44H .44
July ... .44 .44H -44'4
May ... ..16V, .XT ..16 , ..16
July ... .n .34'i .33
July ... 17.47 17 60 17.17 1780
Lard 'V.
May ... , S.97A
inly ... 9.00 9.07 9.00 9.06B '
.Rib . -
May S.50
July ... 9.W 9.60 9.S0 8. 40 A
; NEW .I0RK, May 23. The London
market Is firm with the better under
standing of the monetary situation. The
promised world-wide "harmony of the
freight rates nniverttblly benefits the
transportation xrim." Manhattan
quarter for June aOTwill show over rate
of eight per cent. ' The- Cassett-Gould
Interests are likely to be- -brought Into
more ffiendly relations; The iinderwrlt
n Pennsylvania syndicate is convinced
that tne--ti -in. tBa-.afian's; af specula
tlon is changing for the better. Balti
more 4 Onto on increased dividend talk
Will fo higher. '
-r, -J. ' ". '
Speculators Are Leary as
June Approaches.
Hard to Tell Just What Damage Grain
v Has Encountered Until After
the Harvest.
By special permission of Bolton, Do
Ruyter & Co.
CHICAGO, - May 2J. The Becord
Herald says:
"There Is a general disinclination to
buy wheat at this time of the year,"
says aWUllam T. Baker, "and I have
the popular hesitancy about owning
train us Juno approaches. I have be
1 loved from the outset, though, that
the estimates on this crop is exagger
ated. I, have thought that the crop was
Unpaired In the fall, by the Hessian fly
and I nm convlnoed now that the pros
pect was reduced by the freeae in early
Mo Ttlllmg UstU Harvest. -
"Cold weather never discloses Its
effect on a wheat crop until the har
vest. It does not Injure the- blado but
It does occasionally kill the germ. I
am convinced that we are to have a
cood foreign demand this year pos
sibly the best we have ever had. 1 am
disposed to agree too with some very
good men in the trade that the con
sumption Of wheat in the world has
overtaken and has possibly passed the
supplies. We have had a period of al
most 90 years since -Xttm - breaking of
wheat land In the Northwest In the
Sixties, during which wheat supplies
have been Increasing and the short
sellers have been almost uninterrupted
money makers.
' Tire signs are now that there Is now
to be a change. If this is true, it Is
really the most Important feature of
prlce-mnklng and ought to be borne In
mind In the forming or tne .price
Oats Sight, Says rattea.
"I don't believe," says Jsmes A. Pat
ten, "tnat the new crop of oats has up
to the oresent been Impaired. But no
one knows an yet Just what sort of
weather the oat harvester is to nave
nd I do not know very certain as to
the supplies of old oats back In the
"Theiie uncertainties as to supplies
and the weather conditions throughout
the harvest keep the July a dOubtful
proposition. There Is . sn energetlcJ
Buying 01 juiy vy uuuo.
gales of Cash Corn.
The country sales of cash corn ye
tenlay were estimated at about $00,
000 bushels in Illinois and there was
selling from Nebraska points as well
as this state. The corn speculator,
however, pays very little attention to
the country selling, which was the
heaviest so far. Futures closed higher
yesterday than they penea on Thur
At present the Eastern demand is
fullv up to. the local supply and appar
ntly until the country movement in
this direction exceeds the Eastern buy
ing demand, tlft speculator will be
rather Indifferent as to what the ele
vator man is doing in the West.
Wkeat Seduction la Germany.
"There has been some reduction In
tho whest crop prospects at home.
ssye H. P. Newman, a grain merchant
of Hamburg, who was on the floor yes
terday. "I am uncertain as to the
exact position because I have been
away from home for several weeks.
We look for a liberal business with
this country this season and especially
large if America has a fine quality of
hard winter wheat.
Stocks and Bonds.
AnacMida Mining Co.... 1103
Am. Copper l'ompany...l 4
AtcMaon, com 78
do Dreferreo wi
An. Car. A Pound., com. I 3
an preferred I s Vt
American Kngar. com...125
American Smelt. . com. . 4a
do oreferred m
Baltimore It OMo, com .J
do preferred I 01 4
Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt.I S-V
Canadian pacific. com..!l
Chicago A Alton, com.. 2
Oo preferred w
rnl. lit. we
it. com. I 211 1 i-i iai H
1' !lM4!IMmiM I5I H
CM., Mil. A Kt
t'hl. A North., com.
Chicago Terminal Ky . .
Cheaapeake A Ohio
Canada Southern
Colo, fuel A Iron, com.
Colorado Southern, com.
do 2d preferred
do lt arcfemxt ......
41 Hi
' MY4
Delaware A 'fludnon...
D. A K. U.A"f
do preferred
Erie, com '. "..
do 2d preferred
do lat preferred
Illlnola Contral
Loularllle A Naahrllle
Metropolitan Trae. Co
Manhattan Klerated .
Mex lean Central Ry..
Mexican National
Minn.. 8. P. A 8te. M
At wpfrre
Misaourl Pacifle
4. . p.. A 1 ., com
do preferred .......
New York Central...,
Norfolk A Wrtt., com,
do preferred
tf. Y . Ont. A Weat V.
Penmylrania Railway.
P.,0.. L. A C. ,fo...
l'reed Steel Car, coin.
d pref erred
Pac. Matt steal. Co..
Heading, com
do 2d Deferred
114114' 1i:i'i
11 IW
120Mill2O -
64i MM,I
1 fWH
2ft H
66 i
m vi
1 2!12
57 H
60 1
do lat preferred
75 H
Rep. Iron A Stel. com .4
do preferred
Rock Inland, com
do preferred
Southern Railway, com.
Southern Pacific ..... .
8t. L. A Ran Fran., com.
do 2d.prefrred
do lt preferred. ,
gt. L. A 8. W., com...
, do preferred
Txaa A Pacific
Tenn. Coal A Iron.
T.. St. L. h W., com.
I 76
75 V.
14l 39
73 Ht 73 H
27! 974
49141 60
74 14
48 m
32141 32'K
sivii si u;
57 I A
22V 224
8S I M
56m 56
22 1 22
85' 86
I'nloa Pacldc. com....
do preferred
V. 8. Leather,
. . . . 1
1SKI- lrf
12 1 12
do oreferred
96 I OS -I 04 V 94
IT. 8. Riibher. com
do preferred . .-. .
V. Bteel, com...
do preferred
mi i4
12HI .viS
811 814
48M 60
H1HI 81t
36 I 36
Wheel. A Lake Erie, com'
do 2d preferred .
I 36 Wl 36ii
piriwirw.,.,,, "ITJ
WIconln Central, com. I 22
do preferred 44 H
et. 1'nlon Tlgraph. .1 SRA
Whaeh. com ...,!..! 27
, do preferred . 47
a m uaaha r a, t.
61 Kl 60
22H! 21
Total sale. 396.0A0.
See Paeifio Coast Abstract Guaranty A
Trust Co., 204---T Jfailing Building.
. -r - r in 1 11 11 ---
Get your title Insurance and abstracts
to real estate f rwm the 1 tie Guarantee
4k Trust Co. Chamber of Commerce.
a P S3
5 .'I
: ; ):
102 101 MH
04 W 81 T 61 T
T 74 74
05 I t5 S
3i 37
Mt m SH
1125 Zi 124
4t'4 4U 4SH
W.2 2
11!12n -2X
Cutting of Western Union Wires by
Railway Causes Row.
NEW YORK. Jlay it Although Bent
Iment tonight is somewhat dampened by
the strained relatlong between the Penn
sylvania people and George J. Cinuld, a
condition to which attention litis been un
pleasantly directed by the action of the
Pennsylvania Company In cutting down
hundreds of iriilea of Western Union
Telegraph poles und wires, the best
oplnlomucontlnue to favor the purchusf
of sotlVe stocks on recessions, it Is nd
mltted that th Oould-Cassett, ontro
versy Is an ugly factor and the impres
sion Is quite general that the rennsyl.
vanla is retaliating upon the Gould
for extending the Wabash into Pttts
burg. Behind Gould. It Is snld. quietly
pushing him on in the policy of u agres
sion Is John D. Rockefeller. All this, of
course; gives rise to fears of . factionul
fight that might and disastrously to the
stock market But It is arguod thut the
Interests at stake are so vast thut a set
tlement of the difficulty l more prob
able than a protracted wnrfMic. At all
events the matter is overshadowed at
the moment by Influences wmking in fa
vor of price improvements, it is con
sidered highly Important that crop con
ditions in both tho winter wheut and
corn belt have been greatly Improved
by the general rains. The settlement of
the strike troubles on the 1'nlon Pacific
snd Great Northern are also a help to
confidence. t. .
Deposits Fall $6,224,400 Short of Nor
mal Conditions.
NEW .YORKt ,Msy 23. The bank
statement Issued today in n follows:
Reserve on all deposits, Increase I2S0,-
100; reserve onr all, other than United
States, increase, 1229,860; loans, de
crease, 16, 478,100; specie, decrease, $2,-
764,400; legals. Increase, 11.423.400; de
posits, decrease, 11,224,400; circulation,
decrease, $16,800.
LIVERPOOL. May 22. CloneWheat,
July, - 14, lower; September, 6-1
, up.
Corn July. 4-8 , up; September.
4-8 Vi, up.
May 22 Florence Johnson, at 2(8
front street; smallpox.
May 22 It. Jacobs, arrival from La
Center; smallpox..
Msy 21 Rudolf Blatter, at 800 Ham
ilton avenue: measles.
May 21 J. McKay, at 344 East An
keny street; measles.
May 21 Margaret Roberts, at 1034
Macadam; measles.
May 21 Mrs, Prag, at . 692 Sixth;
May 22 Mary May, at Marquam Hill;
May 22 Joseph Burch, at 873 Cor
bett; measles.
.Clear Havana Cig:ar-.o.
Market Ranges From Quar
ter to Eighth Higher.
T r . Ml
Chicago Was Irregular and Operations
Were of a Scalping Order
-Provisions Firm.
Logan & Bryan's dally grain letter to
Bolton, de Ruyter Jt Co.:
. CHICAGO, May 23. Tho Liverpool
wheat market is lower to higher;
Paris unchanged to higher; Antwerp
unchanged. Broonihall make (h
worlds' shipments 12,000.000 and little
change on pnssage. Tho market here
was irregular and operations ure n
tirely of a scalping character. The
southwest continues to send unfavor
able crop reports, but not to a sufficient
degree to materially enlarge Investment
buying. The cables show no tendency,
but are Indifferent to the advances here.
The weather - is generally favorable
throughout tho West, but advices today
tell of some damage by heavy rlns In
the Red River Vulley. The visible sup
ply on Monday will show a fiilr decieaw.
Stocks arc light und there is not much
prrssuro from that cuiirc. KHtlmated
cars Monday, 35.
Liverpool Corn Higher. ,
Liverpool corn g higher. The
market here Is quiet and steHdy. There
is enough cash demand to makn the lo
cal spot situation a fairly firm one.
Speculative operations are not large, but
the tendency of local feeling Is bearish
on the prospects of a large movement In
the next 10 days. The weather rondt
tlons generally are favorable for the
crop. Estimated cars Monday. 4!0.
The oata market here is very quiet and
steady. The spot situation contlnuew
slow and the weather on the whole Is
favorable for the growing crop. What
ever the conditions at the moment are.
With favorablo weather, they are likely
to Improve. Estimated cars Monday,
Provisions Firm.
The provlfiion market is a little firm
er. The receipts of hogs today were
36,000, against 37,000 last year. There
Is no Jmprovemenl In the cash demand
and speculative operations are small,
with enough talk of Armour and Swift
support to prevent much selling pres
sure at the moment. It looks as If we
are going into season of a great many
hogs, with the consumption restricted
by the comparatively high price of pro
ducts. If so, i. will be difficult for the
packers to maintain existing prices.
flpsonlation Hot Popular.
NEW YORK, May 23 Large specu
lative ventures in a commodity such as
cotton, are not popular with financiers
having a thorough economic ability In
values, or a continuance of undisturbed
trade conditions snd on the other hand,
the limited supplies of rotton were a
bsr to a selling movement, which would
bring all of the avsllable cotton In
America to this port. The effect has sl
ready been to produce abnormal .condi
tion in this respect and It is hoped that
much of this cotton will be, shipped out
and relieve the strain on the world's
spot markets, though It is not expected
an Important decline can take place. We
look for continued strength abroad
though with possibly less activity.
Labor Troubles Hart.
NEW YORK. May 2 The labor
for "Banker"
question is (he most Important at this
time and fear of further trouble pre
venting, much" money from going into
Investments, -Tho market closed weak
at the lowest price of the day.
Big right Causes Concern.
NEW YORK, May 23. The market
has been very weak today and Is Buffer
ing from the heavy solllns for both iu'--cOTints.
The growing feais of net lous,
consequences nn to th! outcome of ilj.
Pennsyl vanla-Western Union flRht has
much to, do with tho heai Ishneos. Thu
rallies were fcehlc und at the cloae
stocks showed it weak Jouc. 8 2t0. foo
Kildltlonul gold wbm taken "'for shipment
to South America, otherwise there w;is
no news.
Market Favorable to Bears.
NEW YORK. May 23.Th.- couri-e of j
the market during the week Iihr been j
altogether favorable to the bears. A :
PHggltifc movement ended In n break, j
forced liquidation hy pmiill holders. The
rally cnuncd by the format ion of the
Pennsylvania ttock underwriting was
short lived. Tho brcnk today started !
with heavy offerings of steel, which
raged throughout the board room.
Heavy Selling of St. Paul.
NEW YORK, May 23. There wets
various reports to explain the heavy
selling today particularly In St. Paul,
but nothing wan done In It, and the Idee,
prevulls that It comerf froni ?onie bl'i
operators and' irt!ect I ho beaiiMi ntti
tude of anmn of the Hlandard OH Ititer
ests. At the ennle time there linn un
doubtedly been considerable lhjuld.itlon
of the aforesaid character among nofie
of the pools ami the laruer operators.
Prices nre now down to the lowest point
reached for a Ion; time, hut under exist
ing conditions, there deems to be little
prospect for anything more than occas
ional sllRht and temporary rallies.
T.OC1I. ITOflV KEflltlVTS. I
May 23 Today's receipts of livestock
at the local yards consisted of 100 cattle
snd 400 sheep. No hogs arrived, hut
the demand Is poor. Shecp-arn still In a
weak condition with demand smaller.
Cattlo of the better grades harve eager
calls. HulltiK quotations are:
Cattlo Best, 15.30 & 5. 50; media
$4,601! 5.
Hogs Market weaker, 6 Vic
Sheep Very smajl demand. 3fi'3 4c
May 2n To the wife of David drier,
a son.
May 3 To the wife of Carlo Lavorato,
a son.
May To the wife of Leonard Dlcrls-
lofon. a daughter.
May 17 To the wife of Roy McAye-
al. a daughter.
May 20 Mary L. Simmons, at
Vincent's, age 10
May 20Ellzabeth I. Vollhrecht. at
261 Washington street, age S; measles
May 22 Ellen Fleming, at S3!) East
Thirty-third street, age 50; inanition.
May 21 Etlah E. Parker, at 576 Six
teenth street, age 4 months; pneumonia.
The Edward Holman Undertaking Co.,
fnneral directors and embalmers, 380
Yamhill. Phone 607. -
3. V. Plnlejr and Son, fnneral directors
and embalmers, have removed to their
new establishment, eorner Third and
Madison streets. Both phones No. 9,
Crematorium, on Oregon City oar
line, near Bellwood; modern, scientific
complete. Charges Adults, $35; chil
dren, gas. Tlsitors to 6 p. m. Portland
Cremation Association, Portland, Or.
Olark Bros, for flowers, 389 Morrison
Size, 2 for
...... Distributers
Failure of Attack on Pennsylvania
Has GooAJifeclv -
NEW YORK. May 23. Tho defeat of
the hear attack on Pennsylvania Is hav
ing a good effect on sentiment, Unless
Urn railroads should reduce the orders
for rails by 12,000,0'in,, rail makers will
i,ot be able to meet demands. luns and
Hrailst rect a report trade conditions arc
lot iuite satisfactory and are being In
fluenced by the labor situation. The
leiail trade, 1st stimulated by. summer
wedtber, but the whalers In business Is
halt lup and collections a r only mod
cratelv Rood. The recent decline In
prices nut ii new complexion on the spec
ulative outlook and conservative invest
ors are now gtvliiK more attention to the
Tii-i K it. The Canadian Pacific crop out
look Is excellent. Th? anthracite sltua
ti'ni continues very active, but bitumin
ous easlne off. The decline in e
change makes eoid exports very prob
ROSTON. May 27. The copper mark-
t broke todjy on the report of at cut In
price of steel billets and tumors that
the consumptive, demand for Iron ro-duct-t
was decreasing. On the decline,
copper closed with good buying. Trsd
inK sentiment Is bearish and tho short
Interest in ptorks Is Increasing.
"fit 'ength and vigor Come of goOd
food, duly digested. 'Force,' a ready-to
serve wheat and barley food, adds no
burden, but sustains, nourishes. Invigor
ate. References Laid 4 Tllton. Portland; n
B." National Bank, Portland; Bank
California. San Francisco; Crocker
Wool worth National Bank, Saa Fro
Dolfon. DeRuyfer ?Co.
Msmbers Chicago Board of Trail, 8s
Franclsoo Produce Exchange, Sat
Francisco Stock and Bend Sxehang
Grains, Provisions, Stocks, Bondi
and Cottoa
Ban Francisco Office: 109 nirt fJtoee
California St PORTLArtatS
Lloyd's Veterinary Hospital.
e Nortb tfuili (.. bet rti. 11113. r imJ
(illui), rortlnnd, or.
Doctor T. J. Lloyd. Veterinary " Surgeon-nrt
Sped lint, treat ill (lltcaie and sllinentt ttaaf
borecn. dogs and other do mettle animal r
heir to.
I burn a full and complete let of veterinary
urrlrnl and dental Instrument and an' able to
perforin any operation I now to the veterinary
I operate under the latest itoprored method.
Special attention to Horse DrntHirry, Btdflng
Home rtrstton and Hpaytnf.
All oall phomptty attended, day or sight.' '
Oregon phono -NO.. Mln Sfc.
st. i t: l