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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1903)
w OIB OBEG OX IAILY JO tTRNAIi, ? PORTLAND, S ATmtDAY ' MAY 23; V 1 903 m 44 -1;: llftttrmiurr ani Clark Coim jjpl -? - Toiimol Srw -till Rprvlfd VAIVcdlTVER, r'MSyvlfwVM1ilW--m-nrorrt)w:' gamer Tost, G. A. R.. will bold Ha memorial service at St Luke's Kpisiopal Chui-h tomorrow morning. The Women'! Re lief Corps shd the Army and Navy .Vnion will also be present The edifice will be handrme'ly decorated under the direction' of W. C. Spilngc-r and music and 'sermon will be appropriate to the occasion, the rector's subject being " The Glory of the Republic." At the even tng service, which will bo of the 'usual rhsiaeter, the rector will speak on "ft. Paul at Kphesux." this being tin- fourth In the series of studies iti the life and labor of the Apostle. Hatoau Banqueted. !! county Commissioners yesterday Kumtux Tribe. No. 3. 1 . R M. sa e ordered all renters occupying offices in banquet last night at Kichonlatib's j the courthouse to vacate sumo by July 1. hall In honor of VV. H. Jletcalf. who Is About fid members of Vuncouver the Great Representative of. the (ireat J Camp. No. Kri. W. O. AV.. took the 7 :2 Council of the United States to be held ferry evening for Portland, where at Atlantic City. Jf. J. ' ' they paid a fraternal visit to Multno- BchlUers vs. Maroons. nmh Camp. A good time was enjoyed The second game of the Interstate , ny Baseball Iesgue will be plnycd tomor- BARBACK NOTES, row, when the Maroons will cross bats Pursuant to Paragraph 8. General wKh the Schlllera at Vancouver Park, j Orders. No. 102. series of 1S02. Hettd Tha local team has been pnu t Icing , quarters of the Army, a board of oftl faithfully for the game, and the team cers. to crtnsIM of Major H H. Moon, work has been well perfected. The fol- j loth JnlVntry; Captain H. G. Lyon, 17th (&w$un GIttg mtfi' (Elarhatnas (Eamthj f Journal Special Service.) OREGON CITY, May 23. A mass meeting of patriotic cittiens has been called for Monday evening by Mayor Dimlck. Those present will decide as to what kind of a celebration will be held on the Fourth of July. The Mayor said this morning4" that there was : every reason why a great celebration should be held, this year and that he was going to lend what aid he could toward making' it the-best ever seen ' In this town. Other citizens are of the same mind and Intention, all being in favor of celebrating the day at home rather than letting It pass by un noticed and the people going elsewhere. The -meeting will be held in the council chamber at 8 o'clock, Memorial Sunday. Memorial Sunday will be observed to morrow, as follows: Meade Post, No. S and Meade Relief Corps, No. IS, will assemble at WHIamette Hall at 10 a. m., on Sunday. May 24, and escorted by Company A. Third Regiment, O. N. a., will march to the Baptist church, where Memorial services wJll bo con ducted by the pastor, Rev. J. II. Beaven. TJie post Invites all old sol diers and sailors to unite with them In all'; the exercises of Memorial season. The Baptist church Is one of the larg est: In town and should accommodate the large crowd that will be-present. On Memorial-Day, May "30.' the order of exercises will be as. follows: The pupils of-the public schools will ' . ' ,1.1 ' M II IH I , I JOURNALS SPECIAL ' NEW YORK LETTERS .( What Is Going on in Gotham 250th Anniversary of the incorporation of the Municipality Odcll May Manage Campaign ih 1904. NBW-ORK May 23. Nxt week Will be a gala week In New York City In honor t the 250th anniversary of the 'incorporation of the municipality. Beginning tomorrow, the celebration will lat until the 80th. -The popular features of . the celebration ure to be the Indoor- and outdoor exerclHes in different jprte- -of -the city under the gilBplces of the lecture bureau of the Department of Education. The city's growth wiU be shown by lantern allde pictures ilhistratlve of he early begin ning of the present great metropolis, the various stages of growth, with pos sibly a Tew glimpses into the present and Immediate future. A persistent rumor is current throughout the State to the effect that President Roosevelt would be pleased to have Governor CWell act as manager Of the Republican Presidential' cam paign in 1904. It is -true that Senator Hanna has given freely of his advice to the President, but it Is known that Mr. Roosevelt personally liken Govern or Odell, and besides the question of sentiment, Mr. Odell. like the President. Is a New Yorker. Mr Roosevelt Is said to consider Mr. Odell one of the ablest political munH&ers In Jhe- country. It cajinot he said, however, that the rela tions between the Presidont unci the Governor sre Hiy'tliitiR like those ! tween the kite President McKlnley am! Senator Hanna. for Mr. Oilell Is pajd to have an eye on the Presidency himself In 1908. New Vprk has a iie house" and a number of spite fences hirl u itinains for the spite skyscrapers to liv rredwl. This, however, will j'iul,;tl,l ... done soon, for having been refused the price asked for a plot of ground ;ii i In northeast corner or Kx--Mhi.ri- I'lio e and New street. William K. I l.i e:n,-yer and F. W. Savin InU-r.d to i i e. t upon il the smallest skyscraper m toVn, whu Ii will be called the "I vl ikIi I HailrlinK.'' on account of the except lunal lijjlil fa cilities That will be affonled. The 'plot it which the building wijl be creeled has an area of 10.:; simare feet, wl tut .structure itslf will b- , cnt stories high. The Invasion of New Vo: k l. . erners and Southerner..; co:, ,;ly Slimes new phases The ht c; ..,j,i:t t- to the ranks of tie tleai:; il slon is Miss Grace NI,L--. of'Ci who has been appoint-.! on- .r-if liuiati. -f the managers of the "I. lit!.- I'riin e' . nm pany. under the dir't i,! of '.'hnilcs R Dillingham. Lady iimnum"! are yet a novelty, although 41 isx .-m-lla Bingham. Miss May Irwn, ami others have made a success at the liisiiess. and Miss Js'Obfe has an sdfTiTitaKc over the others, in that she has done $.i:ne verj- clever newspaper work for le ut Ing dailies in several large ci'ies. be sides possessing .wonderful business .Witty. Miss Noble is the daughter of THE PURE GRAIN COFFEE 1 n comparing Grsiin-0 and coffee remember Uxatwhile the taste is the same Graia-O gives health anJ strength whllefitoli'ee shatters the nervous system and breeds disease of tho digestive organ.. Thinking people Jrefef CfaiiQ Atid its ben efits. ".-' .- .. -r - TRT IT TO-DAY. AtgToc rerjrwbr t ;U sad c. ptr pkaee N-n I is they Will ap- Srhjllers Maroons. Suess . . .Howard . . . . . Hardy . . .("blaster . . . Redfcrn . . .lientley Spray ... . Graves . . . .Malloy 1 liUIlS . . . K lie r. , Molt . . . . catcher . . . . . . .pile he r, . . ,. . . first base. . .second base . .tliird base . . . . !mrtstop. . . . left held. . Miller. t . . C.iOhlS . i ecu) or iii'ld Van Nortwirk. right Held.. PERSONAL MEICTIOW. ! Frank Taylor o'f Kuguiic, who has rbeen attending tin- Grand Lodge Odd 1'iilntvf- at Portland. Whs 111 tlio city I wsterday, vit-ltlns bis brother. Dr. N. J. i Taylor. assemble at Barclay school at l.iio o'clock a. m., and escorted by the band, will march with the pupils of St. John's school to Willamette Hall, where appro priate exorcises will be held, after' which the children will bo dismissed. The column will form on Main street and will move at 9:45 o'clock to the bridge, where the ceremony of strew ing flower upon the waters In honor of the deceased sailors of the War. for the I'nlon will be performed by the post and W. -R. C, after whlcft tho column will march to Hhlvely's Opera House, whero the following program will be rendered: Musical selection Address Prayer Vocal music Recitation Band , Tost Commander , ...Rev. W. H. Grim Quartette ..Miss Nettle Bradley Mrs. Emma Galloway Oration Vocal music Chorus "America" Audience After which the column will move to Mountain View Cemetery, where tho ritualistic ceremonies of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. will be performed, as fol lows: Dirge Band Address Commander Address Chaplain Prayer Chaplain Salutes Company A, O. N. G. Lincoln's address at Gettysburg.... Rev. G. H. Mlxsell Roll of Honor,,., Adjutant Crowning monument Officer of Day S. Noble, the noted Cincinnati artist. With five separate laws bearing upon it. child labor in New York State should be well -safeguarded. Two of the new laws regulate hours In factories and mercantile establishments, Includ ing the work of messenger boys; a third requires the licensing of news boys; the fourth Increases the penalties for false statements in children's em ployment certificates. The tlrst compels the period of school to be 150 days. One of -ThP' attractive places on the Long Island shore, just this side of the Narrows, which is shown 4o visitors and is often pointed out ,from ships in the harbor, is tho estate of E." W, Bliss, known as Owl's Head. The property Includes many acres of green lawns, fine drives and walks. It has IoiiK been planned to purchase the es tate for a public park, but it is now reported that, the Pennsylvania rail road may compete with the city ior the property, as It may bo needed "for terminals of the Long Island road. Apropos of line properties, It is In teresting to note that Secretary of War Elihu Hoot is to Join the fashionable upper Park avenue colony. He has purchased two lote M Nos. 100 and 10'.' East Keventy-flrst street as a site for a tir.n.000 residence. The build inns now occupying the site will be de molished. What is said to be an entirely now jie'KnitiK scheme has come to grief in one of the fashionable hotels through the shrewdness of the hostelry's pri vate detectives. The man. who gath ered many coins, frequented the hotel district ill the evening and at the close of each selection rendered by the hotel orchestra would pass around his hat. The inference by many seemed to be that he was taking up a collection for the mush ians. mid 'he generally re ceived considerable small change. The Fireman's' parade will not take place Ma L'Mli. as first planned. In stead il will be helf! no thA fli-u i (1W fit IS t lP IlnC-UD B 'J' Julie. The ii'ue will march u Fifth ''",aenue from Washington Square to the : Sherman Monument at- Sixtieth- street.-- where the- piirade will be reviewed by Mayor how and many other distinguish ed personages. ' ! 8rtety, as well as religious circles. has been .stirred to Its depths by the crusade 'upon euc hre- playing, instituted ; by IJishop fairness, of Long Island , and recently referred to in this cor , respondence. Thi Bishop thinks that harm Is done t Re morals of the people and the valuable prizes offered in many instances and small wagers made foster Hie ttaniblins instinct in young parish ! loners. The clergy of the diocese is ; heartily supporting the. Bishop in this matter. As to the Tammany mayoralty nom . inatlon. the movement for George B. i Moc'b-llai'ris1 gathering forte. Timothy i 1) Sullivan is accredited iimong the ; rtipporters of Mr. McOIcHhu. and U is stated that in a letter from Wantage Richard Oroker has intimated that the nomination of the congressman, would j be acceptable. t ) l im absence of any public Intoi'est Is Wall street's principal grievance .taxi'- now. All of the commission houses, except those that execute com missi. his for cliques, pools and insiders, say that they are losing money. The in live ecH.iperation.iif the big people to needed and when' the larger financial Interests, get 'ready to hull the market tiiere will be no doubt of their inten tions Meantime they anneal- to have i d -ifteil upon ;i policy of inactivity land so long as. they maintain that attl jtude the stock market will back and flit as It has been doing. - 4' Infantry; Captain W. A. Bethet. Artil lery .Corps, will meet-atr Fort Lawton, Wash., on Monday. May 21. 1903. or as soon thereafter as practicable, for Hhe purpose of conducting the examination of officers at the close of the present school term. ' In compliance with General Order. No, 122, series of 1902. Headauartcrs of th'e Army, Adjutant-General's office, the following named enlisted men. Company C. 17th Infantry, are transferred to the Coast Artillery at Fort Stevens, Oregon: Privates W. F. Hughes and J. IS. Rodee, to the 34th Company; Privates Charles Sergeant and G. A. Spatcher, to the 93d Company.' The above named men will be sent by the commanding officer. Van couver Barracks, to their proper station. Private B. E. Hart, 126th Company. Coast Artillery, having been tried by a general court martial convened at Fort Flagler, Wash., and found guilty of lar ceny of a pair of gauntlets, the property of a fellow soldier, and selling the same. In violation of the 2d Article of War, was sentenced (two previous convictions having been considered) to be dishonor ably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due. htm, and to be confined at hard labor for ono year at Alcatrai Island, Cal. The prisoner will be held at Fort Flag ler. Wash., until further orders. Taps ' Response "Our Unknown Dead"..... Rev. P. K. Hammond Decorating grave By the Comrades Ceremonies. .Meade Relief Corps, No, 18 Woman's Club Meets. At a meeting of the Lewis and Clark Woman's Club, held yesterday after noon, it was decided to hold a recep tion on next Friday evening in honor of Major Clark and his wife. The dis tinguished visitors are now In Portland but will come to this city early next week to visit with Mrs. Eva Emory Dye. Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Hammond, Mrs, Moores, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Humphreys, Mrs. Froaelle and Miss Lelbker were appointed as permanent state officers. Mrs. Nelldrum, Mrs. La Forest and Mrs. O'Neit were elected honorary mem bers of the local ciub. They, were among- the first white women to come to Oregon. Church Improvements. The Methodist church will be re dedicated on Sunday. June 21, when all of the Improvements will have been completed. For many months the church has been In the process of re construction, but is now almost finish ed. A large storeroom has been built under the church, the church building having been raised to make way. Bishop Cranston, of Portland, will preach the dedicatory, sermon and he will be as sisted by the pastor, Rev. -Grim. Spe cial musical services will be prepared for the day. NOT SECEDE FROM THE UNION Laborers Still in Building Trades Council. Central Organization to Be Preserved -Painters and Carpenters Are Confident of i Winning. The Laborers' Protective Union did not withdraw from the Building Trades Council last night as lied been forecasted by many. An executive session was held this 'Ynorning, but no nwocyelop ments have been made kntwn. Business Agent Smith sas that It was the intention to 'secede, nit certain de velopments at the meeting caused the decision not to sevec connections with the central body, at least for the present. Just what those developments are he re fused to divulge. It Is supposed the board was called to gether "this mornrng for the purpose of laying plans for future action, but noth ing definite was given out. F. Ritzsinger, a prominent member of the Painters' Union, says that It is alto gether probable that the Plasterers will reconsider their action of withdrawal at their next meeting and make application for admission, into the Council again. He says he is led to. beUe,vc they rc now convinced they acted hastily in severing conniption , with - the, main organisation. . . Several prominent plasterers were seen today and asked, for a statement as to their intentions . In this respect, but they declined to talk for- publica tion. " . . Leaders Busy. A determined effort As being made by its leaders to preserve the Building Trades Council Intact. The unions that have already withdrawn and the re ported secessions to follow have put the officers of the central organization on their mettle and they are doing all within their power to bring about a bet ter understanding and complete har mony. In tho meantime they announce that the strike is to be pushed with more vigor than before. E. A. Austin of the executive board of the IJalnters" Union says tiiat plans ere on- fott whleh. If carried out. mii not help resulting beneficially to the labor cause. He declined to go Into details, explaining that the time Is not yet ripe to make a full statement. Confident as Ivn. The painters appear to be just as firmly convinced as ever of being able to eve,rrtUaHy win their demands. Dur ing the six weeks they have been on a strike they report that there have been only eight desertions from their ranks. In view of the alluring Inducements made by the association and the untiring energy of the opposition they say they eonViScJer this a most remarkable show ing7. Their total membership Is almost 2(Kf But few desertions have been reported r St. Louis "BEERS The Highest Priced but the Best Quality. Lvfaer i run , Flrckenateln Mayer- Cvmpalir aB9BHBBSBBVBBlBWSSSBBBVSBl DID Every drop of blood in the body passes thrbtfgti and is filtered by healthy kidneys every three minutes.: Sound kidneys strain out the impurities from the blood, diseased kidneys do not, hence you are sick. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE makes the kidneys well so they will eliminate the poisons from the blood. It removes the causae of the many diseases resulting from disordered kidneys which have allowed your whole system to become . poisoned. Rheumatism, Bad Blood, Gout, Gravel, Dropsy, Inflammation of the BladderJPiabetes and Bright'a Disease, and many others, are all due to disordered Kidneys. A simple te,st for Kidney disease is to set aside your urine in a bottle or glass for twenty-four hours. If there is a sediment or a cloudy appearance, it indicates that your kidneys are diseased, and unless something is done they become more and more affected until Bright's Disease or Diabetes develops. ' j FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE is the only preparation which will positively cure all forms of Kidney and Bladder troubles, and cure you permanently. It is a safe remedy and certain in results. t, p ' ' i" A If You are a sufferer, take FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once. It will make you well.;: Some Pronounced Incurable , Mr. G. A. Stillson1, merchant of Tampico, II!., writes: "FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE is meeting with, wonderful success. It has cured some cases here that physicians pronounced incurable. I myself am able to testify to its merits. My face today is a living picture of health and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has made it such." nllWIIfl ililii,iini,..i.;lttii.artlBi r,i,.,,j.,iii.lliI,!jltl!lll,J,. 'AVfegefable Preparationfor As similating the Food andRcgufa ting ttieStDioachs aMBowels of Promotes Digc3tion,Cheerfur nessartriRest.Contains neither Opium,Moiphine norliiieraL Kot Narcotic. jKx.Smn XoM,SJk I fuffff-Jffff - CttwtudSttfiir ebWi A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. 1 $ra!!HOTiewr H J! I EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. WANTED TO 3EE THE FIRE ENGINES WORK HELENA. Mont.. May 23. The hand some Montana Club, whlcjh was destroyed by fire two weeks ago, entailing a loss of more than 100,000, came as the re- ult of a desire of a yourtg colored boy to see the; lire department operate. The police early this morning arrested TtBTry-eFriiiier.-wiii, who was employed as an clevatoV bey, and he has made a full WHEN HERMANNITES STRUCK HARRISBURG CIT HALL. HARRISBURC!, Ore., May 21. One Night OnlyPercy Kelly and Til Ford, America's Greatest Contortionists, In their Stupen dous Double Act Farce Comedy, Entitled "Why Blnger Was Bounced" Ushers Will Distribute Free Photographs of Secretary Hitchcock during the performance. This aggregation of World-Renowned. Celebrities c,omes io us highly recommended by the tugeno Register and Salem Jour nal. Harriaburg Bulletin. k from the Carpenters' Union. Its mem ber are carrying on an energetic light. Pickets are ail over the city keeping a vigilant eye on building operations, and at both noon and night they mako full report to tho executive 'board of the developments and the situation. Their latest infjit n-Kition is to the effect that everything in progressing favorably. Work for Themselves. Many of them have gone Into the con tracting business, and are employing large forces of men. For this reason not so large a number of carpenters arc ido as is generally suppdsed. No diffi culty is now experienced In getting lum ber from" outside points, and in time they are hopeful they will control all the leading Jobs In the city. The painters are also pursuing this plan, and they assert they are meeting witli very flattering results. . One of the large wholesale houses has promised to sell them all the material they need and they figure that it irwnly a quetion of a short time until nearly all of them Will be again employed. The firms whlelj have signed up with them are reported to be doing a very thriving business. GB4.DUATB AT JXPPEB80N. (JournalSpecial Service.) i SALEM, May 23. Professor J: II. Ackerman goes to Jefferson tonight to attend the graduating exercises of the' public school. Two classes are to be graduated, that pf the eighth grade-with 11 pupiW. .and th tenth grade, with sev en. Professor Ackerman will deliver an address 9 fidueaUoer' M" fel that 1 1 trie, - I - Unless they arc, good Two Sizes. 50 Cents and $1.00. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY Z rn For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the attire of In . Use For Over Thirty Years THS eSMTMin OWMKTV. NCSt TORS UTT. confession. Anderson Is 16 years old and an employe of the club. When the club secured new quarters he remained in Its employ, and was pre paring to burn that building also. An dern acknowledged that he had start ed several other tires within the- past few months, "to see the Are engines run," as he expressed It LEFT ODD WILL . , Half - of His Fortune to . Baptist Home. He Wanted His Friends, to All Have a Good Time at Funeral ' Service. (Journal Special Service.) LOUISVILLE. May 23. The will of Capt. William Norton, wh ; recently died at Coronttdo,. Cal., was probated today, and is considered a remarkable Instrument, Over half of - his -estate goes t the Baptist Orphans Home here. It is preceded with cynical quo tations from Shakespeare and Byron. Friends and relatives, servants and employes receive sums frm . $3,000 toJ llS.oiii). An electrician In the Audi torium gets . J10.000 on condition, that ins will never pent Ion.- Norton. -A" special train -stocked with food mid drink w to take friends and the remuins to Cincinnati, where ha was- to be cremated v, Rag tlma. jnualc was to A n. U Ritrnfthirfl X A W M II w maifian 'fit's1 MM CAPTAIN NORTON health i$ impossible. Had Lumbago and Kidney Trouble ' - - Edward Huss, a well known business man of Salisbury ,Mo., writes: "I wish to say for the benefit of others, that I was a. sufferer from lumbago and kidney trouble, and all the remedies I took gave me no relief. I began to take FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE, and after the use of three bottles I am cured." While President Roosevelt Was in Portland He had an oppdrtunlty to taste meat from Oregon Wheat- Fed Hogs and he pronounced It the best he had ever eaten. I Shield Brand Goods Were selected because INSPECTED and in which there is no danger. Everyone should be as careful of his health as is the President. fllSBBSaMBSVsaMSBSSSMBfarSSBSfaSSJfBSMaaBirBBBBBBBMB Buy SHIELD BRAND HAMS, BACON. LARD, Etc. j AND YOU ARE SURE OF THE BEST AND AT NO GREATER COST THAN ANY OTJ1ER KIND UNION MEAT CO. HUMANITY it is true. narcotic medication CLARKE & CO., Wholesale and Retail A renutable uhvslelan of this treatment for Piles Is only palliative gist, St. Joseph, Mo. , I must say in all candor that narcotic medication or -"poison mongery" of the DARK AGES for Piles is not only a failure, but quackery, pure and simple. Yours truly. D. C. JIOORE. M. D., San Francisco. Dr. L. Orlflin: In 20 years' experience I have ne knowledge of any medi cine curing Piles except your non-narcotic Pile Cure. I KNOW IT CURES J. IL TROUT. Druggist and M. D., Is Angeles. ' Anyone with ordinary knowledge of medicine knows that mercurial and opiate or other narcotic preparation used in the treatment of Piles give but temporary relief and positively do NOT CURE. ECONOMICAL DRUG CO.. Per C. U. McCennell, President, Chicago, 111. 'And 4,000 others similar to the above declarations which are not at variance with an unquestioned authority, viz.: The U. S. Dispensatory says: "Opium lessens the peristaltic tnotion of; the bowels. Its local effect (when applied to the lower bowel) is the same as Its general operation. Conlum PARALYZES the motor nerves; aconite reduces muscular strength: belladonna produces PARALYTIC symptoms: hyoscyamus and stramonium are same as belladonna. THEY DO NOT EXERCISE ANY CURATIVE INFLUENCE," Every Pile medicine prescribed or on the market contains some. of the above poisons. EXCEPT E-BV-BA PILE CUBE. ... "E-BtT-BA doubtless la the only Pile .medicine on thti marktt which does not contain narcotic poisons or mercury." ECONOMICAL DRUG CO.. Chicago 111. Per C. H. McConnoll, president. "We guarantee no mercury or opiates in E-BU-SA Pile Cure." WOOD ARD CLARKE & CO.. Portland. Or. Dr. L. Griffin: AVere it possible to give E-BU-SA more than the unqualified Indorsement I gave it over one year ago, Justice demands that I do so. "I KNOW It cures the worst esses. The 150 boxes heretofore ordered surely represent 150 cures. Yours truly, J. A. CLEMEN'SON, Druggist. Portland, Or.. May 9, 1903." And 1,200 others similar. E-BU-SA CUBES PILES OB S0. PAIS. ONLY RELIABLE. UP-TO-BATB AUTOMOBILES One Haynes-Apperson, 10 One Oldsmobile, 4-horse power. C-" Cnp AI.F? tre about ons year and , ln nrsVolass condition. WILLAMETTE TENT AND AWNING COMPANY PORTLAND. OR. v be played by a band and everyone have a Jolly time. This- part cannot be car ried out, as the remuins were cremated In California. The estate is valued at over $2,000,000. DID NOT KNOW SHE HAD BEEN DIVORCED Baptist Minister Learns" a Fact When on Trial for Kidnapping. . CHICAGO, May 23. Rev. Robert Rabb,-a Baptist Minister, this morning faced the charge of attempting last night to kidnap his three children from his former wife, who lives with her uncle, Millionaire Sanford. tho Ink m,amt facturerin this' city. According to the woman, the minister failed to support his family for three years. A sensation was created when nhe unnounced that she -had been In South Dakota, where she had lived for six months in order to se cure a divorce and the custody of tho children. Rabb was unaware of this until tt was brjfftiglft out lp the trial by his former wife's testimony. The child ren sare Siged 10. 8 and 7 years. The Justfce bound Rabb over In $200 bonds t keep Ihe peca-antj. tctA from; fur ther attempts. . The Catstnl Jewels. At one or two receptions recently Washington's diplomatic set Underwent severe shock on witnessing the gorgeous display of jewels to whloh. other guests were treated by Countess Casslnk -ji(ece Of the, Rus&ian Ambassador, yiie Cotnt 4ia ilQVely:sirloX .45.uyerjejLikJPiuL4l emeralds and diamond), on her neck such -as never ;had been seentnrWash tngton before. Another foreigner whose Sartorial splendor approached the garish ARE THEY , ... .. : J .. ' , are GOVERMliNT OUTRAGED. for piles Is a failure." WOODABD, Drugs. city does not hesitate to say the prevailing and not curative. -w. u. touts. Drug- W.OBST CASES CUBES WITH 1 BOX. DRUGGISTS SELL E-BU-SA. - horse power. O SPICES, o cofFee.tea. BAKING POWDER, (V FLOORING EXTRACTS A AkotorefHn-fly, F)rer Flavor. 0rtatesrSrrenh.fta5onil Prices CL0SSET St DEftlS . DODTL AM. Mr A.U aUsssss: The largest and most complete un dertaking cstabl ' mcnt o"t theCoast. F. S. Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder, corner East 5.XL.V. Both phones. Calli promptly answered to any part of the city, f was Bnrohess Von Uehgelmuller. wif l(he Austrian Ambassador. - A u 11 A.: