- - .... u:: IBTXLINO TO OBLIGE. : mi . i XT SEEMS HARD. rr ! ' -f0 ' The Customer "Are they er large dogs or lar dogs?" .The Denier "Well er which kind was you thinking of buying, elr?" WARNED. riappy Hank "Well, I Jus' b'llevo I'll help that lady git her hat off. . "Don't move, madam; I noticed your hat sorter stuck, but I'll haul It clear. "There, what did 1 Ull you, hey!" "It's a mean shame, but say, I'll know pettar text time.' SEASONABLE SCENES THE EXPLORERS. FA Mrs. Goodun "Beware of the bottle, tny good man." - Tired Bill "You Jn bet I do; I once cut me mouth drlnkln' out of it an' I'm mighty careful to stick to de can." ' PBOOT. AppUcai.t "I am ojulte sure have ..a gJ -raioe." ... Manager "What makes you think o?" Applicant "Why,, all my neighbors advise me to go abroad and study." HIS ATTRACTIVENESS. Oumly "Now tor a good washt "Bpl-sh-rr-brrrl ThTa la luxury! 0e! I must be a good-looker! Everybody stares at me." NOT QUITE. v:. tlH ' . - MWfc liw w( I '':; ' woe. . (ICC) gn mm earth parties are mow la order. ANXIOUS MOMENT. J A-PlAYlN' lift J Paw "Rastual Don' let dat mewl eolt kick so' on de haid! He ain't got so shoes on yet! Does yo' want to ruin dem feet?" BETBOQEADINQ. WHEN THE LAUGH SHIFTED. Baboon "Hullo, Chatters. I hope youH get your goods moved by May 1, 1904. Sorry I Mn't wait; goodly." Chatters Til be baoftf In an hour and more your ewtflt (or fifteen cocoanuts; ta ta, old. man!" IN GENTLE LITE. Mrs. Tryingto Get there "That Is the armor of one of my ancestors." Mrs. Beontherea Longtime "Ah, he was a dealer In old Iron, I presume?" THE BLUIT THAT DIDN'T COMB OUT. Mr. Ardbuppe "Now, James, will you see what brands of wine we hare In the house!" " James "W'y, we on'y got dent three dinky little bottles wot you done bought at vde grooery dls after noon, eah, diss all!" - READY J03 THE COOL CHANGE. Greyhound "My! He looks comfortable In the raw easterly breezes! "Qimme one o' those French suits. This Is better than shivering. Say, boys, note my tyle." EVEN HEBE. Mr. Chatters "Here, Pelly, old chap, hold my wealth till the tax asieneor has gone by. "No, Mr. Assessor, I lont possess a single eoooenut My wealth Is all In real estate," Farmer Ragweed "Has Bill learned anything tew col lege?" Mrs. Ragweed "No; an' wnw'n that, he's forgot what he useter know! Says he can't eat pie without a fork!" JUST HJt THING. Mr. Hippo "A two-room flat. Just on roots apiece, and all for fifteen cocoanutg a month!" UP WITH THE TIMES. i ll l-u faoa. Mr. Base "That's right! Make 'em geod and sharp. I'm going to get some of that rubber bait this season or know the reason why!" GENTLER SEX. Mr Flapper ''Miss Whlcser has had a fender put on her auto." Miss Flipper "Bound to catch a man somehow, I sup- poae" ' ANOTHER DISAPPOINTMENT. mm w wm 'Stout "There's that stiff-necked, conceited old Bobeter; I'll bet a dinner . nothing on earth could make fclm bow his head,." , Peak "I'll take you!" Stout (next morning) "Wejl, put up your old lad der; 'taln't fair, but I'll stick to. my bet. Hush, here comes old Booster!" "And I win the banquet!" PHOTOGRAPHING MILLIONAIRES IN THE EAST. FREE RIDE M