a, w THE OREGON" YDAXKX JOURNAL, POKTLAKD SATURDAY evening! 1003 CEBIAt 'JJILM. LEOAL HOTICEeV 'ACMB MILL& i' CQ.V. -Wanafaettireni Ralston Acm Ceres Is. ' 80 and g riortav Front st. U. tP. JOHNSON ? 1 Health Oreals. CO., manufacturers Peerless nan, "' ",i - . P. IllllMUTCS'MUltt wall li'u. .l. .li,K I .' 1 '11 ,,,,,, ,, ii.jJ-.N .JU , 1....- -, T VI IN THE CIRCUIT COUBT rfJki tte of Or imi, .' luuilllifujqil VUUIliy. ' viviur t I1M , company a corporation), plaintiff. T. Mult ; iioniah Comity, , Slate of Off gnu ; J. L. Hart' DEtrOOIgTi. : FRANK J. 8TRBIBIO. drngs, ' perfumes. 04H Wsshlngston toilet article, at - . ELECTRICAL WORKS. KKNKST MILLP.lt & CO., wall pper"antt doc- witffi. mai rirsc at. WHOLESALE CRo6kERT AND GLASSWARE WHOLKSALR (HOCKKKY INI) tiLASSW AUK. ; Prael Herein Y Co-.-, loo't 108 nth, cor; Stark WHOLESALE WALL PAPER. PORTLAND KLKCTBICAL WORKS Offlca 853 Stark at - .jr ' ' - ' ' MORQAN St., lMt. WALL PAPKR CO.. 14-1X0 Second Isinhill and' Taylor. Portland Or, r; Western Mlectrlo Works, ' . t ,. , - - L. JkKi'4 Wsshlngton'st. WHOLESALE OROCtHB. HOUSE rURNIBHERS." BOMB KUBNINHEKS Furniture, earpeta, par . lo gonda, stoves, - ate. See I. Oevurts A . ons, 17X-1T0 t int at, SHMBS TsmhilL Both phone 804. ,' PRATERNAL-INBURAMCI.' ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost frater. nal society of Northwest : protects ther llr- v ln. J. h. Mitchell, supreme secretary, V 1 2 -.. and 81 Marquam bldg., Portland, Or. Tel ephone Main 04K. ; WAllHAMH ft CO.. wholesale grocers, mamn ' faeturers and commlaalou merchants. 04 and tin I. . ' ' 1 . . v rnnn st. i , ALLHN ft LliWIS, wboleaala grocers. Port- land. Or. MASON, KHKMAN ft CO., wholesale grocers. a. W. cor. Second and Plna sts. LaS'O ft CO.', Klrat arid Ankeny ata. BANKS. FREE SHINES, CiXJTMKB' ii.KAMSU and . preaaed fl per inonin. unique Tailoring CO., Bl wasalug ton at. 1 JEWELERS, Tl) Q. HEITKEMPKR CO., JAwelera, 2h Morrlaon at. Banufacturlng JOB PRINTINO. pINB OPKICH STATIONERY; bualneat torniia a aperlalty. . Moreantil lTliitlug Company, 82to k'ront eor..Aab. I'liona, Black 3CKII. "insurance. LADI ft TILTON, BANKEKH. KHtubltahed In Intereat allonrml on time di'iwalta. . Collections made at all point vu farora Itle teruia. Ittora of credit iaaned arallable In Europe and all poluta In the United Htatea. Sight exchange and teleirrapblc tranafera aold In Near York, Waahlngton. Clitcago, Kt. Loula, IcnTer. Omaba, Ssu Kraneiaco' and varloua points In Oregon, Waablngtou, Idabu, Aioiitam and British Columbia. Kxcbance aold on London. Paiia. Berlin. Prankfort. Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. UNITED 6TATKS NATIONAL BANK Of Portland, Oregon. Northwent corner Third and Oak eta. . Trannai'ta a Keticral banking bualneaa. UiiAKTH 1SHI El) available lu all cities of and Europe, Iiong Kong man. aa receiver of the Northwest Iun Tnwt Company, and Esther Lyons, defend' anla. To Esther ; Lyoua, tb aboTe-natued defendant: In the name of tba State of uregon yon are nereny reqnlred to 'appear and the above-entitled court and cauae ou or before-, tue am aay or June, iuo, vnd yon are hereby not I Med that In rase you fall to ao appear or answer the plaintiff will apply to the court tor mr roller prayed lor la the couiulalu which la aa follows: -That c-lalntlff be de creed to be the owner In foe simple of the following aeecrlhed real nroi.ertv. to-wlt The couth balf of the went half of tbe west unit or me southwest quarter of tbe north esat quarter of section tweoty, in township one south, of range ono east of the Willamette Meridian In Multnomah County, State of Ore gon, ana cnai piuinun-s title thereto tte for ever quieted, and that It be decreed that yon nuva uo right, title. Intereat, or estate la said real property whatever, and that you oe lorever uurreu and precluded from aaaert lng anv - claim to Bald rAal whatiuMvr. and for such other and further relief aa to the court may aocm equitable. Tbla aunimone Is served upon yon by publication by order of inn iion. jiuiii p. i ieiana, juuge oi the uoorr untitled court, dated the 2ftth day of April i ii.j. ins aaie til tne nrsi iiuuucatlon o this umuona la the SStb day of April, 100.1, and tba last publication. the 30th day of May, Attorney for Plaintiff. CITY . NOTICES. I. PHILIP KENNEDY, luauranee; resident agent Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. rnone Moutn lotil. 44 Hamilton mag. JAN. Mel. WWP. eiuiilo.tris' liability aint 1rr . dividual accident; surety bonds of all klnda. Phone 47. Concord bldg. H. P. B ARTELS COMPANY, Fire Inaurance, 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon pbona, Clay 628. ISAAC L. WHITE, Are Insurance, 22B Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone, Main 068. the United States and Manila. Collections made I'realdent Vice-President , Assistant CsHhler.. Asalstaut. Cashier. . on favorable terms. .....J. C. AINS WORTH W B. AYEIt It. W. SCHMEER A. M. WRIGHT LAUNDRIES. CABINET, clean towel dally, soap, comb and brusb, SI per month. Oregon Laundry ft Toi let Supply Co., .ttt-oos Lust Oak. Phone, ,. East 13, . L ' CLEAN TOWELS IAILY, Comb, bnish, soap, fl per month. Lawrence Broa., Towel Sup-Hy-CoJ. Fourth and Conch ata. Phoae 410. A IMA f MOMET ADVANCED. NEY ADVANCED , SALARIED PEOPLE Teameicra,- etc., witnont aceurity, easy pay ments; largest business In 4u principal cUles. Tnlman, '& Ahlngtnii bldg. THH"4jA.NAtHAN BANK O Head Ornce Toronto, Canada. Capital paid up S. 000, 000 Reserve V.BOO.OUO Transacts a general banking business. HAVIMiN BANK DEPARTMENT. 1 Accounts opened for sums of (10 and up ward, and Intereat allowed on mlulmuin monthly bulancea. lutes on application. 244 Washington st. K. A. WYLD, Ma nager PorUand Branch. LONDON ft SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce Building, Third and Htark Streets. Head Office lis Old Broad street. London. Tilts bank trauaucta a general hanking busi ness, makes loans, discounts bills and Issues letters of credit available for travelers and for the purchase of merchandise In anv citv of the world. Deals in foreign and domestic exchange. Interest paid on time deposits. W. A. MA( HAK, Manager. - MACHINERY. TItENKMAN ft CO.. mining, sawmill, logging machinery, hydraulic plnee, earnings of all . kinds repaired. IU4 N. Fourth at MODEL MAKER, FOR FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING m to Andy Frits, machinist and model maker. 110 Hth. MASSAGE. . MDME. 11. E. ELY, dermatologist, massage, electric treatments. IH.Hi First at. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Portlund, Oregon. J. Frank Watson President It. L. Durham Vice-President R. W. Hoyt Caahier Geo. W. Hoyt Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING .BUSINESS. Drafts and letters of credit Issued available to all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. MORRIS BROS, ft CUiMSTENSEN (Successors to Morris ft Whitehead, Bankers.) FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. PORTLAND. OH. ELECTION NOTICE. M0RT0A0E LOANS. N IMPROVED city and farm property, at low est current rates; building loans, Installment loan. Win. MacMaater. 311 Worceater bldg. MINING AND MINE PR0M0TER8. " SESSIONS ft SIMPSON, mining and mine pro moters. Room 2, Chamber of Commerce. PLUMBE1B. DONNERBERG ft KADEMACHRR, plumbers, removed to 84 Fonrtb St. Both phones. XONET TO LOAN. FRED H. STRONG, FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. No commission. I am in a position to make immediate loans on improved real estate or fair building pur poses; any amounts moderate Interest; We approve loana from plaoa and advance money aa bnlldlng progresses when desired. Option in repsylng after one year. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent. 103 Second at, near Stark. ffHH STAR LOAN CO.. 210 M'KAY BLDG., loai Third at.. Is tba recognised bank of the wage-earner. We advance money to teamsters, trainmen, sbopmiA, motormen, conductors. ' etc., without mortgage, endorser or collateral. Amount Monthly l Monthly, Weekly !li repay aio.on or flf.'X or 50 repay 13..'tf or I 6.65 or 8.1 repay I 6.6S or 3.35 or Baslness confidential. No nnpleaaant Inquiry, MONEY TO LOAN on real, personal and col lateral security, special attention to chattle mortgagee; notes bought, C. W. Pullet, 213 Commercial blk. Jhone Grant 850 SfONKY TO LOAN at reasonable rates, In amounts to an It. Graham ft Cluton, 203 Mar quam building. MONEY TO long time. LOAN, small amounta, short or J. H. Hawley, 2 Cham, of Com. MONEY TO LOAN on city lots and Improved farms. W. A. Shaw ft Co.. 848 Stark st. I . -J! . ... ' - . , ' NORTHWEST HOTELS. Hotel Portland, Amerioan plani t3, 8 per day Bommers Hotel, La Grande; travelers' home. Belvedere j Euro sea n plan; 4th and Alder sts. St. Charles, First and Mcrrisoa sts., Portland OVERALLS. BOSS OP THE ROAD OVERALLS and median lea' clothing. Union made. Neuatadter Bros., Mfgra.. Portland. Or PERSONAL, UR PRESCRIPTIONS are more accnrateU and reasonably fllled at Bvaaell's Pharmacy. tZI Morrison St.. bet. Klrat and Second ata. MOOD STORIES 10 cents. and novela for summer Jones' Book Store, .201 resd-Aldcr CAFE KRATZ. served at all H! 122 Sixth bonrs. t. A flue lunch SAFES. BUY YOUR SAFES of J. E. Davis; your re pairs and lockouts ssfely done. 60 Third st. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C. O. PICK, office 88 First St., between Stark an Oak sts.; phone COO; planns and furni ture moved and lucked for shipping; com modious fireproof brick wareliajise. Front and tiay sts. Notice is hereby glveu that on Monday, the 1st day of June, 1003, hi the City of Port land, lit the County of .Multnomah, Htnte of Oregon, a special election will be held for the accentsnce or rejection by tbe legal electors of said City of Portland of tbo follow ing entitled acts of the Legislative Aaseiahly of the State of Oregon and of the peoplo of the State of Oregon: Klrat "An act to authorise the City of Portland to build a bridge across the" Wil lamette River at Portland. Oregon, connecting Morrison street on the wet side of said rlrer with Kast Morrison street on the cant side thereof; and to authorise said City of Port land to purcuaso or acquire, by condemnation, any property that may tie necessarr therefor, and to issue and sell bouda to obtain funds to construct mid bridge and pay for such prop erty; and to authorise aald City of Portland to remove the bridge now across said river con necting aald' streets; and to authorize said city to surrender said bridge to- the Countv Court of Multnomah Cormtr. snd requiring said County Court to assume the control, manage ment and supervision thereof; and to authorise the Executive Board of the City of I'ortland to carry out this act, and to submit this act to tbe legal voters of the City of portlund for approval or rejection at a special elccllyu, to o new in the city of I'ortland jn the first Monday of June, 190.1." Filed In the office of the Secretary of State February 24. 10O3. Second "An act to authorize tbe City of Portlaud, Multnomah County, Oregon, to pro vide .and eatabllsh a ferry across the Wil lamette Hirer, st seme suitable point, lu tthal waa formerly known as Sellwood, but now a part of 1 the City of Portland, on the east bank of said river to a point opposite thereto nu the west bank of said river, and to au thorise said City of Portland to purchase or ac quire by condeninatlon. any property that maybe necessary therefor, and to Issue bonds In pay ment thereof, and to authorize said city to surrender ssid ferry to the County Court of Multnomah County, and requiring aald County Court to assume the control, manngewipnt and wawnswa tneTeor. ..Approved February 24. 1903. Third "An act to authorise the City of Port land. Multnomah (Vuuty. Oregon, to con struct an additional ferry to operste across the Willamette River, snd to provide for the issuing of bonds for the construction of said ferry." Approved February 24. 1903. Nald election will be held at 1 o'clock In the afternoon and will continue until 7 o'clock In tbe i afternoon of said day. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tba Citv of Portland. May 18. 1B03. CALL FOR SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Midway till iiompany, a corporation: lou are nereliy notified to attend a meeting of the stock holders of the Midway OH Company, to bo held at the company's office, No. 416 Cham, her of Commerce Building, In tbo City of 'Portland, Oregon, on . Monday, the ISth day of June, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of amending the by-laws of the company, of electing directors of said corporation, also the ratification of acts of the directors from the time of . the stockholders' meeting of the 2fith duy of September, lbOO. to date, and to ratify tbe adoption by sld board of the by-laws ns amended; for the ratification of the execution of leases and the lxsuance of stock and the ratification of tbe purchas er lands Dy said corporation troni a. 1. Strstton. and for the purpose of transacting such other general business as may be brought beforo said meeting. By order of the stockholders holding mors than one-tbtrd of the stock of suld company. H. C. STRATTON. Secretary. Dated May 12, 1003. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. EXTENSION OF TWENTY-SIXTH STREET .vtbereaa, Tba Council ol tne city oi rort laud, deeming it exiiedlcut to open, luy out and esubluiu an extension of xweiity-alxtli street, in .ins city or I'ortlaud, iroui tuu north Hue of 'iburtnaii street to tbe north line of MalcU s Addition, did ou tbe Std day .of April, ltxw, direct the City Ungi ueer to survey the same aud to mark tuu boundaries thereof, and to make a plat of inn survey, and a written report containing lull aud perfect description ot sucb proposed street and boundaries tuereof, aud of.ine por tion ot each lot, tract or part of either, to led lur aucb a 1 1 yor. fili'd" "rno"'T7lTV fcnglueer 'having wade such survey, plut aud ieiurt, and bled such plat and report lu the ottke of the Auditor on the 11th day of April, lW)a, and said report having beeu adopted by ordinance No. 13,330, entitled, "Au ordinance adopting tbe report of the City Engineer in the matter of the nrooosed opening, laymg out and establishing of Twenty sixth street troni the north line of lhuruiuu street to the north llue of Balch'a Addition. flu, therefore, all persons Interested arc hereby notified that thu t'ouucil of the City of Portland baa appointed W. K. White, G. U. Gauiuiana and II. K. Borden, viewers, to view said proposed exteuslon of aald street sud make an estimate or the benefits and damage oc casioned by tbe opening, laying out and estab lishing the same. In accordance with section 34t of tbe charter of the City of Portland, said viewers to meet at the otbee of the Audi tor Of the City of Portlaud ou Wednesday, tbe 10th day of June, 1903, at tbe hour of 10 o clock In the forenoon of said day. The proposed opening, laying out and estab Hulling of Twenty-sixth street 1 00 feet In width aud la more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a (mint In the north line of Tburmsn street where the same would be Inter sected by a northerly extension In Its present course ot the west line ot Twenty -stxta street extended; running thence northerly ou tbe west line of Twenty-sixth street extended to the north line of Balch'a Addition; thence easterly along the north line of Balch'a Addition to the City of Portland to a point ifbere tho same would be intersected by an extension of the east Hue of Twenty-sixth street in ita present course; thence southerly slong the extension of tbe east line of Twenty-sixth street to the north lino of Tburman street; thence westerly along the north line of Tburman street 60 feet to the place of beginning. Tho proposed opening. laying out and estab lishing of Tweuty-alxth street as almve de scribed will Include and necessitate the ap proprlatlon to public use of the following de scribed parcels or tracts of land, to-wlt: All that part of lot 7. block 323: Balch'a Ad rlltlon. lying east of the westerly side line of tbe proposed Twenty-sixth street, containing 2.B11 siiuare feet. Also all that part of lot 6. block 32.1. Balch'a Addition, which Ilea west of tbe easterly aide line of the proposed Twenty-sixth street, con talning 1.63A square feet. All persons claiming damagea by reason of the appropriation of the property above described, or any part thereof, in the pro. posed ' opening, laying nut and establishing of ssid street, use hereby specially, notified to file their claims for such damages with the Auditor of the City of - Portland before the loth day of June, 1903, the time appointed for the meeting of the viewers therein. By order of tho Council. i THOS. ft DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. May 23, 1903. CITY SOTICEfc nark whsre the samo' would bo intersected by the south line of Harrison street extended easterly, in its present course; tueuce west erly along tba south lino of Harrison struct snd said extension to a point at Its Inter section 'with tbe vast line of Seventh street aud thence southerly along tbe. east line of Seventh street to a point at its intersection with the division Una between Flulce Carutbers aud Stepbeu Coffin .Donation Laud I'liilms; theuce west along such division lino between Philce Carutbera and Btepnen ifcltln Donation Laud Claims to a point at its intersection wltb the Westerly Hue at block No. 3, Curutbers Addition .to Camttmfxv Addition to- tbe city of i'ortlaud;- thence southerly along the west line of said block (III, .38, to a point at its Intersection' wltb the north line of block No. 30,' Carutbers Addition to Carutlicrs Addition to the- City ot 1-ortlsuu at the westerly line-; ot said block M. ou; tuence southeasterly In a straight Hue to. a point in the south Una of Flulce Carutbers Donation . Laud Claim where the same, is intersected by division Hue between, sections 0 and 10, township l north, range I cast, Willamette Merlillaii; thence southerly! along - the division Hue between sections and 10, 18 and 15. l and 22. township 1 south, range 1 east. Wllluiuette. Meridian, to tb southern boundary Hue of fh City of Portland I thence easterly along the southern boundary lino of the city of Portland to a- point at ita Intersection with tho western bank of tba Willamette Itlver at low water - mark ; tuencit northerly along tho western bank of tba Willamette River at low water mark to a" point at lis Intersection with the south Hue of Harrison street extended easterly in Its present course, the same being the place of beginning. The Engineer estimate or the nrohnble total cost of ssid Improvement is f4U.kiHj.no. 'lite above Improvement is to lie classed ss a steel bridge improvement and ahull 1 main tained by tba city ror tno period of r0 years, provided that n majority of the owners of property benefited by said Improvement or any portion thereof shall not petition for a new or different Improvement before tho ex piration of aucb .period. Tbe plans, specifications and vstlmates of the City Engineer for tho Improvement of said First street are hereby adopted. Resolved. .That tbe 'Auditor of the Citv of Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give notice oi tne pronosea improvement of slieet ss proTmeB Dy TB6 Wiy'TIisrtcr. Reinonsfrnncis against the atsive Improve ment may he Sled in writing with the un dersigned within 20 days from the date of CITT NOTICES. 10S.no 07. U4 49.44 38.85 W). 108, Tllford. Tllfo the first publication of tills notice. By order of tho Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tho City of Portland, May 23, 1903. PIANO LESSONS. W. GIFFORD NASH, 103 ldtb St. application. Beginners taken. SEAL ESTATE. ; terms upon "it 19 FOR SALE FARMS Improved farms for sale In all parts Oregon and Washington; payments made iswt purchasers. For full particulars prions properties apply to Wm. U Worcester bldg. of to to MacMuster, MAX.WELL ft KNAPP KKAL r.BIAIM. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce bldg. ROPE. FORTLAND CORDAGE CO.. cor. Fourteenth and Northrop sts.. portlund. Or. SPECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL pELJVERY. No. 200 W W"h lngton at. .Phonos. Or-. Main IMI2. Coin 2H1. 8L0T KACHINE8. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO. Slot machines. S. K. nrk. and 0fc. Both -none, aisin - TYPEWRITERS. THE SMITH-PREMIER TYPEWRITER, 122 Third at; all makes of typewriters for rent; supplies for all machines. L. ft M. Alexan der ft Co.. agents, WHOLESALE HARDWARE. J. B. HA8ELTIN8 ft CO. nlacksmlth's' supplies. i Iron, 43-51 steel, coal Second st. ind WALL PAPER .AND PAINTING. ITSIi'lt Au anl rial ... . ... nil an oracrs wituout delay. First -els work. A. A. Church ft Co.fc No; 274 Taylor st. - Phone Clsy 17L WHE1E TO .DINE. STJtOt'SE'S RESTAURANT; flrst-elasa meals, baft service. 828 Washington aa- . Notice Is hereby given that the pndersigiicil has been appointed executor of the estate of ('. A. Brown, deceased. All persons liuvlug claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, and with proper voucher, to the undersigned at the olllce of tbe United States Mnrsh.nl, In the postoaieu building, city, within the next six months. Dated at Portlund, Oregon. Mar 15, 1003. . P. A. -WORTllINGTOX. ICxecutor. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR-WITH-WILL-ANNEXED. IN THK MATTER of the estate of Rosa F. Bur roll. deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the nmlerslgced has been, by order of the Honorable, the. County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Mu)tnotnah County, duly ap pointed admlnlstrctor-n lth-wlll-unnexcd of the estate of Itosa V. Bnrrell. deceased, and has amy qualified as sucb administrator. All per sons having claims against the estate of the ssid ltosa F. Bufrell, deceased, are thereby notified und required to present the Same, with proper vouchers, to the undersigned at his office In the New Market Block, No. 7 First street, Portland. Oregon, within; six (UJ months from this date. Portland, Oregon. May 2. 1003. GORDON VOORIUES, Admlnlstrator-Wlth-WIII-Anncxcd of Estate of Ross K. Bnrrell, Deceased. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF WATER STREET AND HOOD STREET, Notice, Is hereby given that at tho meet lng of the Council of the City ot Port laud, Oregon, held ou the 20th day of May l'.Hi:,. the- tollnuiug resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the Council of tho City of Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient and proposes to Improve Water street aud Hood street from the south Hue of Clay street to loo feet south of the south line of Carutbera street In tbo following manner, to-wlt: First By grading said street full width with full Intersections, Second By paving the streets full width with full Intersections with stone blocks on a sand cushion on a concrete foundation six Inches In thlcknesK. Third Hy constructing artificial stone curbs. Said Improvement to be made In accord ance wltb the charter and ordinances of tbe City of Portland and the plans, specifica tions and estimates of the City Engineer nieu in tne office or tne Auditor ot tne city ef Portland on the 4th day of May, 1903. In dorsed: "City Engineer's pi a us and sneclflca lions for the Improvement of Water and Hood streets from the south line of Clay street to a line 100 feet south of tbe south line of Carutbers street, and the estimates of tbe work to be done and the probable total cost thereof." Tbe cost of said Improvement to be assessed ss provided hy the. city charter upon the property aiec!ally benefited thereby, and which Is hereby declared to Ih all the lota snd parts of lots' and parcels of land lying within the dlstiit bounded ami described as follows: On . the west side of said Water street and Hood street, all of the lots aud parts of lots, to-Wlt: Lots 1. 2. 3 aud 4, block 113: lots 1. 2, 8 and 4. block 1)2; lots 1. 2. 3 aud 4;-.bJock til; lots 1, 2, 3 and 4. block 110; lots l, 3 and 4. block 109; lots 1, 2, 3 and 4. block 108, lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. block 107; lots 1, 2, 3 and 4. Mock 106; lots 1. 2. 3 and 4, block A: lots 6, 8, 0, TU 11 and 12. block B: lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. 5 and 6. block II; east 25 feet of lots 1, 2. 3 and 4. block C, lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 15, 1, 7 und 8. block G. Cafuthers Addition to Curhthers Addition to the City of Portland; lots 14, 15. 10, 17, 18. 10, 20 aud 21 and tbe north 45 feet of lots 8. 0. 10, 11, 12 and the north 17.2 feet of lot 13. Itohr's sub-DivlMons block F In Cnrtith crs Addltlou to Portland, Oregon. On the east side of aald Water aud Hood streets, all the lots . and parts ot lots and parcels of land lying between the south Hue of Jnfferaoh street and a line 100 feet south of und parallel with tbo south line of Carutbera street und an easterly extension In Its present course of said south line of said Carutbers street and between the eist line of said Water street and Hood street and the wharf line of the west bunk of tbe Willamette River. The Engineer's estimate of tbe probable total cost of said improvement is &41,-f)43.oo. The nlsive Improvement Is to be classed LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF FILING SUPPLEMENTARY Alt tides of Iucoriwratlou. Due notice, is hereby glveu that supplementary articles of In corporation of. Acme Mills jl'oinpany were filed In " the office of the Secretary of State iff the State of Oregon and in the. Office of tbe ttintity Clerk of Multn.nnab County, Oregon, on May 20, 1W. The object In executing ' and filing said supplementary articles of tin-ornoratlon Is to Increase the capital stoek of said corporation from aeventy- . five hundred dollars to twenty-five thousand dollars, and to enlarge and aud to the original objects, purposes and Kiwersf"r which said corporation waa formed, andto provide for Its engaging In certain" how- "eft tcrprlsc and pursuits as In said npple-J nieutary articles or incorporation set rorth. The foregoing notice la given and published by order of the board of directors of aald corporation. Dated this 22nd dav .of Mar, 1003. ' . ACME MILLS COMPANY. By J. N. Teal, Secretary. a stone block pavement and shall be maintained by the city for the lerlod of 25 years, provided that the owners of a majority of the property benefited by said Improvement or any por tion thereof shall not petltlou for a new or different Improvement before the expiration of said period. " ' The plans., specification and estimates of tbe City Engineer for the Improvement of said water street and Hood street are hereby adopted. Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portland be and he Is hereby Instructed to give notice of the proposed improvement of said streets as provided by the city charter. Remonstrances against the above Improvement may be tiled in writing with the undersigned within 20 days from the date of the fivst pub lication of this notice. By order of tbo Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. May 23. 1903. ; . -, , , PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OFFISST STREET. Notice Is hereby given that at the meet ln of the Council of the City of Portland. Ore gon, held on the 20th day of May, 1003, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the Council' of the City of Portlund, Oregon, deems It expedient and proposes to Improve First street from 30 feet south of the south Hue of Arthur street to 330 feet north of the north Hue of Arthur street. iy constructing a steel bridge with approaehes. . Kald Improvement to he made In accordance with the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland and the plans: sis-clfl.-atlons and esti mstes of the City Kngtneer filed in the otttce of the Auditor of the City of Portland on tbe 2lth day of May. 1903. Indorsed: "Cltv En gineer's plana .and specifies tlous' for the Im provement of First street from 30 feet south of the sotith Hint of Arthur street to 350 feet north of the north line-of Arthur street and the estimates of tbe work to tin done and the probable total cost thereof." Tbe cost of said Improvement to be as scssed'n provided bv the CMv Charter upon the prooerty specially benefited ' thcrehy and Which la hereby declared to lie all the lots. rta 'f lots nnd navels of. land Ivlng wlthjn ,h. utmrici nomiwa ana oescriuea as roi- PROPOSALS FOR MUNICIPAL LIGHTING. CITY OP PORTLAND, OREGON. Sesled proposals will be received at thu nffin of tbe Auditor of tba City of I'ortlaud until o'clock u .m.. Jnua 18, 1003. for linhtin. the streets, avenues, parks, public grounds snd public plsces of tba City of Portlaud Ly slec trie era lights of 2,000 candle power each nd for lighting tba public buildings of said city by lucsadesceut electric or gas lights for term oi nve years irotn January 1st, 1D04. Separata proposals will be received for llrht. lug tbe streets, avenues, parks publlcgrounds nd public places ot tne cltv, as above set forth. Each proposal must so based upon the pcclfieatlons for said Ughtlug on file in the office of tba Auditor of tbe City of I'ortland. proposal In excess of (5.41 for each light per mouth will b considered. Each pro posal must be accompanied by a certified check on some responsible Portland bank In the sum oi .twenty -uve jnousaua Dollars (:, U00.oo payable to the order of Geo. 11. WiUania, Mayor the City oi fortiana. as nxed aud Uuuldatod oamages, that us aoccessiui wilder will enter Into contrsct In accordance with the terms of tne specincsuons wunin ten auys alter tbe con tract is awarded blm. Tbe successful bidder 111 also be required to furnish a ood and utBclent bond in the sum of Ona Ilundn.il Thousand Dollars (S100.00O.U0) to be iiore,l by tba Mayor of tba City of Portland, con ditioned that tbe successful bidder will fulfil the terms of his contrsct Separate proposals will be received for lla-ht. lng tbe public bulldlnys of aald city as abovs set form, uacn proposal must tm based upon the speclflca tlona for said lighting on file In tbe office of the Auditor of the City ot Port land and uist bo accompanied by a cei ti led check on soma responsible Portland Banit In tbe sum of Twenty-five Hundred Dollars, (12, 000.001, payable to tba order of Geo. 11. Williams, Mayor of tbe City of Portlaud, aa filed and liquidated damages, that tbe successful bid der will enter luto contrscr In accordance with the terms of the speclflca tlona wltb In tea (10) days sfter tho contrsct Is awarded film. The successful bidder, will slso be required to furnish a good and sufficient bond In tbe sum of Ten Thousand Dollars if lo.ooO.oo), to be approved by tbe Mayor of tbe City of I'ortland. conditioned that the successful bidder will ful fill tbe terms of, bis contract. All proposals should bo Indorsed "Proposal for Lighting," snd sddressed to Tboa C. Devlin, Auditor, I'ortland, Oregon. The right is reserved t? reject sny or all bids. lly order of the Executive Board. THOS. 0. DEVLIN, Auditor of tba City of Portland. Or. April 8. 1903. tROPOSED A8SEI18MENT FOR IMPROVE KENT OP THIRD STREET, ' , Notice is hereby glveu that tho Council of the t'ltff of Portland priqioses to asses the following described property and owner or own ers ss being specially snd peculiarly benefited In the amounts set - opposite tbe name and descriptions thereof for the Improvement of Third street, from 12 feet north of the south Hue of Gllsun street to 12 feet south of the north line of Jefferson street, as provided by Ordinance. n. 1X143. Auy objections to the apportionment of cost for said Improvement must be made lu writ ing to the Council and filed with tho ATidltor within fifteen days from the date of tho first publication of tblS notice, aud said objections will be heard and determined by tho Council before tho passage of the ordluauce assessing the coat of said Improvement. Couch's Addition to the City oi Port- . land Illk 25, lot 8, Wlnslow Bayer....- $ jk , tot o. wiusiow flayer sis j, norm s ett lot. 4, August Pike . Blk 25, south 22 feet lot 4. Geo. W. Marshall Blk 25, lot 1, Geo. W. Marshall Blk 2(1. lot 8. Ilenrv W. M.nisstos ilia- 2U, lot 5. Gustsvus Murhsrd Estate. Heirs of Blk 27,, lot 8. John C. l.'a:non Blk 27, lot 5, Joseph Simon w Blk 28, lot 8, Breyman ft Souimer- ville Blk 28, lot 5. Breyman ft Sommcr- vl le Blk 20. und lot 8, Sarah M Illk 20. und V. lot 5. Sarah M Blk 29. und W north 22 feet lot 4. .Suruh M. Tllford Blk 20, und lot 8. Tyler Woodward.. Blk 20. und lot 5, Tyler Woodwurd.. Ulk 20, und north 22 l'-et lot 4, Tyler Woodward Blk 20. und y, lot 8, Klixa Corbett Estate, Heirs of Blk 20, mid lot 5, Kllzu Corbett Estate, Helra of .......'. Blk 20, mid north 22 feet lot Eliza Corbett Estate, Heirs of... Blk 20, south 28 feet let 4, James Burtchell, Trustee mi, no !. o .n... t..... ...... isik 30, -lot 4, John r . aud James O'Hhea Blk 80, lot 1, John F. and James O'Hhca City of Portland Blk 51, lot 1, Ellen E. Ray Eetitte, Helra of , Blk 51, lot 2, Phllo HoIbriK.k Illk 51, north u, lot 3. Leon II. Lewis.. Blk 51. south Mi lot 3, Alex. Mayer Estate, Heirs of Blk 52. lot , Theresa Donovan Blk 52, lot 2. George T. Mvers Blk 52. und . of north lot 3, Arthur It. Hclnts Blk 52, und V, of north 4 lot 3, Eliza beth sud Oscar R. Helntz Blk 52, south V lot 3, Elizabeth and Oscar R. Helnts BHc 62. lot 4, George T. Mrers Blk 55, lot 2, ltobert 1'atton Estate, Heirs of Blk 55. lot 3, Security Savings ft Trust Company Blk 55. lot 4, Security Savings ft Trust Company Couch's Addition to the City of Port land , Northwest yt blk 20, Bridget Slnnott. Southwest yy blk 20, Catherine Burke. City of Portland Blk 32, lot 7, Henry Welnhard. ...... . lot 8, Henry Welnhard lot 5, Henrv Welnhard lot fl, I. ml wig Wllhelm IntJI, Annie Herrall, Rose Wte Kate Strode lot 7, J. W. and V. Cook X!JUIl!i..JJIJULJBBa CITY NOTICES. 15 4, "t. 10 107. 10.07 111.03 100.20 5M.2M 53. Ul 2H.80 20. 20.81 10.40 20.1 20.82 10.40 H. 53.00 91 1 THkOJT CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOB DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS. Notice Is hereby given that tbe Auditor ot the City of I'ortland has transmitted to me i list of the delinquent assessments for the open ilig, laying-out und establishing ot Vancouver avenue from Beech street to the north line of Central Aiblna; aud that pursuant to section 412 of the charter of the City of Portland, I will, on Mouduy. tbe 25tb day of lny, 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at the west door of the City Hall, lu the City of Portland, Oregon, offer fur sale, st public auction to tne- uik-nost ninuer ior casn, suDject to redemp tion, the following described parcels of real prnrty, to-wlt. Aiblna Addition Blk 5, lot 1, Peter Lynch Central Aiblna Addition Blk 18. lot 4. J. C. Westergard Blk 11. lot 6, Peter J. and S. Wolfs Williams Avenue Addition Mo. Z to City of Portland Blk 2, lot 11, A. Miller Muegly Highland Addition Blk 15, lot 5, G. T. Donner Estate, Illk 32. Blk 32. Blk 19, Blk 19. gand, Hlk 24, 80.83 20.33 101.43 !..'12 47.4 17.40 112.0: ln.7 27.37 27.30 54 73 106. 81 112.35 125.22 128.20 03.84 100. 3tl 1.31 77.98 11 7. Hi 101.90 Illk 24, lot 6, J. W. sud V. Cook , Blk 24. lot 5. J. W. and V. Cook Blk 2ft. lot 8, Ella M. Smith Estate, Heirs of Blk 25. lot 7, Ella M. Smith Estste. Heirs of 100.08 HM.7S 70.H 73.02 03.20 90.07 Total J3470.00 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland Msy 10. 1903. I 2.05 . 0.40 8.00 7.60 G. 'I'. Donner Estate, G.""T. Douner Estate, G. T. Douner Estate, A. and Andrew J. 2.70 8.50 8.00 8.00 in. 9. William William (for-Gor- Helrs of Blk 15, lot 0. Heirs of Blk 16, lot 7. Heirs of Blk 15, lot 8. G. Heirs of Aiblna Homestead Blk 28. lot 12, J. Precniu n Blk 20, west 'i lot man Blk 20, west lot man Blk .TO. lot 10. Angus McKcnxlf Blk 30, lot 15. Angus McKenztc Blk ;ui. lot 14. Mary !'.. Carroll Williams Avenue Addition to Portland Blk 4, lot 11. M. I". Thompson Blk 4, lot 10, M. U. Thompson Blk 3, lot 12, M. U. Thompson Blk 1. lot 10. M. K. Thompson Each piece or tract of land wll be separately and for u sum not less than unpaid assessment thereon, and Interest and cost of tbe advertising and sale; If more than one bid Is offered, the hind will be sold to the bid- aer ottering to take me same tor inn least amount of penalty and Interest; competition will be: First Upon tbe penalty for too first period; Second Upon tho penalty for the succeeding periods; mini tpon tne rate ot interest. .1. K. WERLEIN, City Treasurer of tbe City of I'ortland. Dated April 2"., IOii.'I. . 11.34 6.0U tl.lS 8.00 7.45 7.00 B.70 1.25 l.Otl . .40 sold the PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT AVENUE. OF GRAND Mows: Cntr-mchelng at ,a mint In tbe went bank of -the WUlamett Biver at 'low water Notice I hereby given that at -the meeting of the Council of the City of Portland, Ore. gon, held (H the U'lth day of May, 1903, tho following resolution was adopted: ncsonea. tuai tne i ouncii- oi ine uj ot Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient snd proposes to lmpivvc i.rann avenue from 10 i t soutn of Hie norm line oi rjast Mark street to the south line of Kast Oak street, by constructing in: . levnled roadway. Kind improvement to lie luuuu lu accordance with the charier und ordinances of the City of I'ortland und the plans., sHclflcatlbns and estimates of the t'lty lOnglm-cr tiled In the otili-e of the Auditor of. the City of Portland n the 19th day or Slav, 190.T. Indorsed: City Engineers plans and specifications fir the Improvement of i;nml n venue from 10 feet south of the north line of Kast Stsrk street to tho, south line of Last Oak street and the estimates of the work to be done and the probable total cost thereof." Tbe cost of said iiuprovement to be assessed i provided by the city charter aHm the proiwrty specially benefited thereby and which herein- declared lo He all tne lots, psrts of Vds and parcels, of bond lying between tbe south line of Kn-et . Oak street and tbe north line of East Stark street snd between a line 100 feet west of and parallel with the west line of Grand avenue and u' line ihi tpet east of and parallel with the east Hue of Grand avenue. Jf The Engineer's estimate of the rphable total cost of said Improvement is t.030.lQu. The above Improv.aneut is to be classed as au elevated roadway ami shall be maintained by the city for period of five years, provided that the owners of a majority of the property benefited bv said Imnrovement or any portion thereof shall not elll1in for a new or dif ferent Improvement before the expiration of such period. - The plans, spcclfit-ttlons snd estimates of the City Engineer fr the Improvement of said Grand avenue are hereby adopted. Resolved That the Auditor of the- City of Portland be and be is hereby directed: .to give wit Ice of the proposed Improvement of aald svlonno as provided by the dty 'charter, Remonstrance against the above Improve ment fnav lie filed In writing wltb tha under. signed within 20 rtavs from tho date of Hie. nrst ptinucation ot mis nuc.c. . JJy order of the. Council. ; ... - - - - THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot the City of Portland. May 23, 1003. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MENT OF FAILING STREET. Notice Is hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland proposes to sssess the following described properly sud owner or owners as wing specially and peculiarly liene. fifed tu 'the amounts set opposite the names and descriptions thereof for the Improvement ot railing street, from the west line-of Mis slsslppl avenue to the east Hue of Maryland avenue, ss provided by ordinance Nik 13.012. Ajiy objections to the apportionment of cost for said improvement must be made In writing to tne i ouncu ami nuo wnn tne Auditor within fifteen days from tbe date of the first publication of this notion, and - suld obiuctlons win oe nesra ano aeterniinea ny tne coun cil before the passage of the ordinance assess ing the cost or sain improvement. Multnomah Blk 23, lot 15, Km 1 1 chrlntctmen, $ Blk 23, lot 13, Nors H. Casey Blk 23, lot 14. Caroline R. Ames Blk 23, lot 10. ITrlch Aplsualp Blk 22, lot 15. Richard Trainer Blk 22. lot 13. Amos B. Conrad Blk 22. lot 14, Glacomo Curlettn Blk 22, lot 10. Charles Haborlanrt Blk 21. lot 16. Wtllium Hathaway. H. Marshall Carloek Blk 21. lot 13. U'MIIsm Hathaway. II. Marshall Carloek ' Blk 21. lot 14. William Hathawsy, H. Marshall Carloek Blk 21. lot 10. William Hathaway, 11. Marshall Carloek Blk 20, lot 16, James M. Stiei!y Blk 20, -lot 13. James M. Shellv Blk 20. lot 14. John snd Bell Hoffman.. Blk 20, lot 18, Thomas Matthews Blk 10. lot 15. William K. Smith Blk 10, lot 1.1, William K. Smith Klk 10. lot 14. William K. Smith Blk 10. lot 10. William K. Smith Blk 20, lot 1. The Title Guarantee ft Trust Company Blk 20, lot 3. Anna Schleye Blk 20, lot 4, J. Driesner Blk 20. lot 2. George E. MoRae Blk 27, lot 1. Wenxel Uleschman Weiizel rlelKchman Kmll Rosen Hans Anderson James F. McCartney James F. McCartney The Alliance Triwt Com- Blk 27, lot 3, Blk 27. lot 4. Blk 27. lot 2. Blk 28. lot 1. Blk 28. lot 3 Blk 28. panv. Blk 28. panv. Blk 29. Blk 20 Chambers lot 4, Lffl lot 2. Ltd . lotM 53.43 4 40 10.33 05.77 77.81 15.00 10.04 01.15 221.21 42.00 27.72 132.6.1 02 . 'Ill 13.44 13.41 02.11 77.11 J II III 4 70 57.78 51.37 3.01 14.12 63.82 63.54 13.00 12 97 57.04 258.00 50.80 The Alliance Trust Com Gibson J. Burns lot 3. Elizabeth and William Blk 20, Blk 20, Blk :io. Blk -TO. Illk an. Blk 30. lot 4, lot 2. lot 1. lot 3. lot 4 lot 2 Peter II. Jeppesen. . D. B. Newman Andrew Peterson..., Augusta Jensen Mat Horn Edward Greene 56.39 203.01 60.53 11.82 in 17 13.63 215.4.'i 30.43 0.01 83.20 Total 82402.03 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of I'ortland. May 19, 1003. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN FACTORY STREET. hereby given that the Council of f Portland proisises o assess ttie described property and owner or being specially and MMiillarly bcue- Notiee Is the CHy follow lug owners ai fifed In the amounts set opposite the names and descriptions thereof by the construction of.n.rewer in Factory sfreet. from list feet north of the north line of Thuruiau street to a connection with the sewer In aiighn street. provided by ordinance .No. 1.1. .'4. Anv objections to the apportionment of cef-t for ald sewer must be made In writing to tbo Council und Hied wltti the Auditor within flfteip-days from the date of the first pub lication of this notice, and -said objections will be beard and determined by the Council be fore the passage of the ordinance assessing the cost for said sewer. Wllsou's Addltlou lo the City of Portland-- Blk 2, all that portion of lot 5, blk 2. Wilson's Addition to the city of Portland Ivlng north of a line Hal feet north of an PROPOSED ASSESSMENT TOR "sfiEWER JN HOOKER STREET. Notice Is hereby given thut the Council' of the fit of 1'ortjuud proiwscs In uss, s Uio following described property sud owner or owners us being specially uud peculiarly beuu filed In tbe amounts set opposite thu imuies noil descriptions thereof Jj Hie construction of s sewer In Hooker street, from, 220 leet nest of the west line of block: JJi and "UN, I a rut hers' Addition to Curutbers' Addition to the t lly of Portland to a connecllou lib the scr lu Hooker street, at Fourth street, as provided by oruiuaiicu .o. i.i.-ii. Any objections to the nppnrllouuicnt of cost for sold sewer uiuSf be mudo lu willing tu tbe Council und hied ulth tho Auditor uittilu fifteen days from the dale of Hie first, puli llcatloa. ot this notice, nud Mild objections will be heard and detennlueil by the Council before the . passage of the ordinance assessing the cost lor said sewer. A tract of land lying between two Hues respectively 20 feet und 2i"i feet w. st- erly from und pinallel with tin wot line of block mnuhcrcd H. Cui-uth. rs' Addition to Carutbers' Addition to the City of Portland, end between iwo lin -s respectively f0 feet and loo feet tiorili and parallel with Hie nuiTh Hue of Hooker street. Francisco Rh-dl i 30.20 A tract of laud lying between two lines rrsiectlvely 20 feet and 2uo feet west erly from and parallel with the west line of block numbered 0s. I'arutbers' Addition tu Curutbers' Addition to the City of Portland and between tlx- north llue of llisiker street ami u line 5n feet nor III ot aud purullcl therewith. Joseph Eder , A tract of land lying between two line respectively 200fcet and 313. l;"i feet westerly lroiu and pariilb-l with the west line of block uuinbercd OH. Ca rutlicrs' Addltlou to t arnthers' Addi tion to the City of Portland and be tween tile north llm of Hooker ativet and a westerly extension of said north line In It present course, and a line J0O foet north of and parallel there with. Elisabeth Webber A tract uf land lying between the mirth and south lines of Hooker street ex tended westerly In their respective resent courses and tvo Jjnes njitc.ul. RAkRoib TIMETABLES. ??zrprz3z;- ?, r-",' 3-1.80 5iioHTJiir.E AHiilIWIONPACIFllfr 3 TRAINS to the EAST DAILY Through Pullman Standard aud Tourist Sliisp lng curs dally 4o Omaha. Chicago, Spuksoel tourist sleeping cars dally to Kansas City; through Pulinuu. tourist sleeping cars tpereua ii lly conducted) weekly tu Chicago, Kauu Uty, St. Louis and Mcnii'hls, reclining cfcakr curi isciita freel lo the East dully. P t-ivoTy from 220 L-cT and .120 fi et westerly and parallel with the southerly extension In Its present course of the west line" of block OS, Caruthers' Ad dition to Caruthers' Addition to the City of Portlaud. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company A tract of laud lying between two Hues resM'ctlvey 811 feet and t.'MJ feet west erly from nnd jiarallel with the west line of Kourth stret and between the south line of Ibsiker street and a line list feet south of nnd parallel there with, Lucrotla Nust A tract of laud ljlng between two- lines respectively 1.10 fci-l and IHII feet west erly from aud parallel with the west line of l-'ourth street and between the south line of Ibsiker street and a line ion feet south of and parallel there with. Theresa Fish A tract of land lying between twji linos respectively IHO feet anil :USI feet wesl- etly frorr- and parallel wlfh the west line of Fourth street and between the south Hue of Ibsiker street and n westerly extension In its present cotir.ie of said south line ami a Hue loo feet south of and parallel therewith, Ore gon Railroad A .Navigation Comtatnv.. A tract of. laud lying 'between two lines respectively 313.16 feet and ,T2n feet westerly- fr.im and parallel with the west line of block 08, Caruthers' Ad dition to Caruthers' Addition to the f T ty of Portland and between the north line or llisiker street extended west erly In It present course aud a line Ki feet north of and parallel there- 39.0O 20.00 20.00 UNION DEPOTi chicago-poktla'nd SPECIAL. For the Lust via liuut Ingto'a. SPOKANE FLYER. For Eusteru Washing ton. Wulhi Wulla. Leu Ibtou, Cucur d'Aleae uud Greut Northern points. ATLANTIC- KXPRE8S. lur thu Ejst via Huntington. I Lesvea." j Arrivsa, U 20 a. ui. 4:30 p. as. J Dully. Dally. 1 00 p. m. 7:36 a. SS. Dally. Uully. ':15 p, m.' 10:30. SB. Dally. Daily. o I OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. From S. Si?.. Wt. . filfU-r Alnsworth. ay 2, 12. 22 loluiuhia May 7, IT, -April 27. lDo.k. 4.00 p. 5:00 p. Columbia River Division. I OR ASTORIA aud way 8 00 p. m. points, couuectlug with Dally. M i r. for llw ucu and px Sunday North Beach, atr. H'is- Ssturdsy sulo. Ash-st dock. 10:00 p. m. 5 '00 p. ax. ex. Buaoa About WUlamstts Rlvsr Division. FOR SALEM. Corvallls 8:45 a. i ml way points, steamer 'Monday. Ruth. Ash-St. dock.- I Water permitting.) Wednesday, Friday. Dally d uo p. aa. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Yamhill Rivsr Routs. 39.40 with, Oregon tlou Company Total Railroad Navlga- t (Mi TIIOS. C. Auditor, of the city May 10, 1903. $217. H0 DEVLIN, of Portlund. PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT BONDS, CITY OF . PORTLAND, OREGON. Sealed propmals will be received bv the undersigned at the oBlce of tbo Auditor of thu Cltv of- Portlund. Oreeou. until Muuilav June 1. 11X13. at 2 o'clock p., ui., for the sale' t not less thun par value and accrued Interest. ot .mpruvement bonds of the City of Portland. Oregon, as the same sh::ll be authorized to be Issued for the whole or uny part of seventv-flve thousand dollars. .Said Isolds will be Issued lu nominations of five hundred dollars each, to dated when authorized, buyable lo vesrs from date, bearing linen st at the rate of 0 per cent per annum, payable semi annually. In terest and principal payable in I nll.-d Mutes obi coin, at Ibe olllce of the t 1 1 Treasurer, 'ortland, Oregon. Provided thut the Cltv of Portland reserves the right to take uu uud Unci such bonds, upon the payment of the sco vslue thereof, with sccrneil interest to the dale of payment, at any scml-suuual cou- perlod at or after oue year from the date of such bonds. nuld iiiiiki oie issued under authority of un ct of the Legislature of the 8tnte of lln ir ,n passed February 10. 1S03, entitled, "An act provide tor the issuance of IhiihIs for the luptoveinent of streets and the laying of sewers lucoriHiratcd cities. aisJ for the navmont of cost of such lmproveiueutsind laying of sowers y lustu mucin, us mnided by an uct of he Legislature of the Slute .of (ireL.oo no. iroved February 28, !H, entitled: "Ail act to meno sections 1, g. .1, 4. a, 0 and 7. of au act entitled: 'An act to provide for the issu- ncc of Isolds for the Improvement of streets nd Ikying ot sewers lu lucoriorsted cities, nd for the payment of the cost of such im provements ami laying of sewers by Install ments,' filed In the olllce of the Secretary of to February 22. 1893." and the nroceedu thereof are to be used for the paymeut In part ir the Improvement of streets or construction sewers as SSV said Imorovements snail Im duly uuthorlsfd olid completed. The validity of the act of the Legislature foresaid, has been a Hlrmed by the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon. Said bonds will be Issued and delivered at the Common Council shall direct. Bidders will he reuuired to submit s flat bid. Itboiit i-ondltlous. except as V the regularity each Issue of lunula, and to f jlunlf with their bids s certified, check n a bunk in the City of irtlund. Oregon, eiiiuil to 5 per cent of the ggregate amount of the Idd. navuble to tin- Mayor of tho .City of Portland, as lioulilated uinages lu case such bidder withdraws his bid or falls or neglects to enter into contract to take sud pay tor said Ismds according to the terms of bis bid and Ihls notice. The right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved. Bids should be addressed to tho committee warn and means of the Common Council, cure of Thomas C. Devlin. Auditor. Portland, Oregon. By order of tho Common Council. B. P. CARDWF.LL, 11. R. AI.BHE. D. T. SIIERRF.TT. Committee om Ways and .leans. Portland, Oregon. May 12. 1003. FOR DAYTON, Orfon City aud Yamhill River isiluts, str. Elmore, Ash-St. dock, i Wster permitting ! 7:00 a. m. Tcesday, Thursday, Saturday. 3:00 p. aa, Monday, , Wednesday, Friday" Snaka Rivsr Routs. FOR LEWISTON, Ida., ind way poluta, from Ulparla, Wash., steam ers Spokane und .Lsw-Islnn. 4:09 a. m. I Dally. A boot 5:00 p. SX. una ex. Friday TICKET OFFICE, Third and Washington. Tcav pbone Main 712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Tokohama and Hong Kong, eallltsj at Kobe, Nagasaki snd Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers fur Manila, Port Artof aud Vladiroatock. INDRAVELLI IAJXJ ABOUT HAY M, For rates' and full Information call ca or ad dress ofllclala or agents ot tha 0, M. ft N. Ca EAST via. SOUTH tUSHTlU I lOOPIN. SHASTAl I 1 iflX BOUTXS lf.1 Leaves. t:80 . m 8:80 a. sa. N:00 p. m. 7:80 a. m. 114:50 p. m. UNION, DEPOT. Arrives. OVERLAND EXPRESS trains, for Salem. Bose-I burg. Ashland. Sacra. mento, Ogden, San Fran- T:48 a. xb Cisco, Mujave, Los AaW geies, fcl Paso, yew OrH leans ana the East, At Woodburn dailvl (except Sunday), morn-l lng train for Mt An- , rule, Springfield, Wend-f ling and Natron. many passenger, eonH nects st Wooburn wltb ML Angel and SUvaH ton local. CorvalUs Sheridan passenger, passenger. .A. 7. 00 p. 10:19 i 6:60 p. . 8:S a. a Dally. HDally except Sunday. Portlamd-Oiwego SuburVaa Isrvios ud YamkUl Division. ' . Depot Foot of, Jefferson Itraa. ' Leave Portland daTer for Oswego 7:80 a. nx.t 1:60. 2.05. 8:23, 6.'). 6:26, 8:30, 10:10 p. m. texcepc nnnaay) 0:30, 0:30, 8:36, J0: :uu, ii:so p. m. Sunday ouly, : RAILROAD TIMETABLES. THE BEST OF EVERYTHINQ ONLY HOURS PORTLAND TO parallel With the north line of Tburman street. Peter Mataon Blk 2. lot 8. Ludd & T'llton Blk 2. lot o. Ludd Si Tllton North Portland Illk 1, cost lii feet lot 1, Jacob Mayer.. Blk 1, outt too feet lot 2. Jucob Mayer.. Blk 1. lot 3, Jacob Mnver Wilson s Addition to the City of Port la oil Blk 1. all that portion of lot . blk 1. Wilson's Addition to the City of Port land lying north of a line UK) feet north of snd parallel with "the north Hue Of Tburman street, Mary K, Wll- aou .Blk 1, lot 7. Mary K. Wilson.-. Blk 1. lot lo:-William Hcldt North Portland Blk 2, lot 1. William Reldt Blk 2. lot 2. II. P. Ellaaotn, Blk 2, south 40 feet lot 3, M'k Jacob son - Blk 3. north 10 feet lot 3. William Reldt A tract of land lying between a line 1ml feet south of and parallel with the south Hue Of Vsu.hu street and the north line of t'pshur street -and be tween tbs-east line of block 2, North Portland and a line 100 feet eaat of aod parallel with the ntt line of Factory street,vmanda W. Reed.. A tract of land lying between s line 100 - fee north of and parallel with the north" line of Thnrmsn street and the south line of I pshUr street- wesh of TwiMity-seeond street and between tho east Hoe of block '2.- North Portland, and the east line f bbx-k 1. Wilson's Addition to the City ef Portland. Sil vester Farrell . .... ,-- ' -v-.. ToUl ... . THOS. C. An Moy 1. 1 t 2 0,1 4ll 13.45 43.30 35. 05 7 )i-i 1H..-SI 8.i"l 2n.r.r. 20.M 10.85 4.20 1.55 t'JOI.fl HBVLIN. tor ef the City of Portland. via tho 0. R. R. & N. Co., Oregon. Short Line, Union Facific and 13:1 Dally a. in.; a. m. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally :M s. m.; 1:66. 3:0ft, 4:30, :16, 7:85, 64, 11:10 p. m. Dally (except Sunday) S:2S, f :28, 0:30. 10:20, 11:45 a. m. Except Monday. ti;2 a. m. Sundsy ouly, 10:00 a. m. Leave from aame depot tor Dallaa tad tntss mediate points dally (except Sunday) 43)0 p. aa. Arrive Portlsnd 10 20 s. m. The Independence-Monmouth Motor CJaa perates dally to Monmouth and AlrUs, aoa necting with Southern Pacific Company's track at Dallas snd Independence. First-class rebate tickets oo wis from Port land to Sacramento and San Francisco. Net rste ?17.60, berth $3; second-class far tl. without rebate or berth; second-class Mrtk a-0- , " Tickets to Eastern point and Kwrop. 41 Japan, China, Honolulu and Australia. City Ticket Offce corner Third and Wsshlaf too streets. Phone, Main 712. C W. STINGER. " W. B. C0MAN. Oty Ticket Agent Gon. Pas. Afi TIME CARD TRAINS PORTLAND r VCfaj ) I'ugct ' Sound Limited, i fur Tttcoiiia. Si-attle, Ohn:piu. South Bcudj pullliS. North Coui-t Limited, for 'ruioum. Seattle, lint to. Ht. Paul. Min neapolis. I hlcitgo. Now 'oiU. H'tun mid H)lnts l;::-.l und .Southeast. Departs. 8:30 s. Ul. 3:00 p. m. Express, for Seattle. S po st. PAjil. : Twin-City lilCOIilll. ! sane, tii'leuu. . .oiuiieuoii i ,-ucujo. . U:45 p. t u iiiik. iiosioDt'anut all point Lust and1 j ;'Uthe:lt. j J Puget Sound - Kansas , I'll- St. Louis Special ! for 'i'acoma. Seattle. SiwkMHe, Mwtte, BHltugs-. , llciiv.-r. touuha, Kunsur ( lty. St. l.ouls ond all Two trains a day, with through Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars and dining cars (a la carte). -.anp SPECIAL connects at-Granger with the famous Overland Limited, the most luxurious train in th$ World, to Chicago frdm- the Coast. Be sure your tickets res J over tht Chicago & North- Westenji : f- - A. Q. BARKER. OsH't Aot. 0. & N-VT. BY, . f ,111 THIRD ST., POS.TLAHD, OSC f J - , pniiits eaM. liuat uud South- 8:30 a. m. Arrlvat 630 p. So. 7:00 0. m. 7:00 p. m. 7:00 . B. All truius dully except on South BcDd brauih. A. D. CllAkt.OS, Asis,hint Cencral Passenger Ageat. ?ii Mof-flson ?lt., corner" Third. Portlaud. Or. Astoria & Columbia'. River Railroad Co. Arrlvw. j-ieve. J ILMO.V DEPOT. I f V- - --r e T s'oo ; T: p. 8). for Margers. .Rainier; Clstskaiile. Westport.l I'll f l, in. Aarnrtii U nr-i reuton -FlaBs4tsnsira'tsa HWtuf -iisrt Stevvna.t :,. ftewrhaft Park. -Scsside.P: - .. ,' i 4 Astoria and-1 Kessbi ! " ' Ksprvsa, Dally. - 1 " ' ... ' Astoria Daily. . Expreaa, r j a.40, , aa. ' . 3. C MWO. v- ? ' ' (i. V. snd P, A., .Aii, Of. . E. 7 LEWIS. ComuicrcisI Agent, tm Aldsr U ,1'boue Mala v . -.- . . 4