The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 19, 1903, Page 11, Image 11

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proposals roa iiwm work.
Healed rrr-nporift la wlH he received at th
fhi-e Of thn Auditor of Mm City of Portland,
lull! Friday, May ICS, IWw, at Tl'Tic p. ui..
U tbe eoiiBtrmMtnn -uf a newer In Kaat Third
Mil afreet to the ' ewer In Kaat (Jllsaii
It reet, In ' the manner provided, hy Ordl
proposals fob street work.
Healed m-nnoaela will ha . received at ' th
I office of th Auditor of th I'll of Portland
mum rrtnay, Mar Itx lo:t. at 4 o curt p. in.
Kir too improvement of Third
norttl Una of Main street to
of Ullanu street. In th msniier provided by
Notice' la hereby given that at th meeting
. li- h Council of tha City of I'nrtlsnd, Or. I bel.1
.Jo? 11..I "' tb day of May, , 1003. tb following
","J,.1,k,I rraolullou wss adopted:' '
Id-solved. By tha Council of Mi City of Port.
sn No. mXU subject to tha provisions of I "raniam-o l.isno ui.jeet to prutwiora 15(1 yr..-that it deem It Mpedlent and pro.
e chart. and ordinances of the City of Port-1 th charter and of th t Ity of I , ,h. i u.,n tr.t.
kind, and the-eatlmat of tha City Engineer, I lytland, and tb estlmat of tha City Ea
la, I ainw, on ni.
ainat atrictry in acooTosno wiia
no tu chaute tha trade of sladlaon tret,
In tb City of i I'lartlahd, st It lotersecllui
with turd street, to-wlt:
At a renter Una ot Ford atreat ana tenter
hlil. mmi ha tea' rtv In acrorrfanc with I Utd
Tinted blsnks. whl h . Will Ih furnished" ou Printed blsnks, which will ba .furnished on I Uadlu.n street at 1147. A f.-et.
Ippllratlnn at the oiHce of IhoTraaJltor of t'i 1 Pl'llratloo at tht of tha Ann I tor of tn At ernlrr ,nB o( ?vni airci-t and aonta Una
Ml of I'lirtlanil. And aald wnat ba r ''"X f Pnrlland. And aald tmprowm-nt moat I . u-rti.,,., alPHt mt tuttr.,, Hi r-
toniplatad t or brfura ) daya from tha datti eoDiptad oa or bi-foro u daya front lha I At h p,,,,,. . f atrwt and north
f tha alfnlnf of tha aootrai t by Iba rimM of tbo algnlnf vl Iba ooulract by tba I unv of Madlaoii atrial at t4.6 text.
Iharam. . partlao thirato. . . At ovnttr Una of Marilann atraol aad'aalt
K.. nmnnla w htrta artll Im AHalnraA an. fto oronnaala or titda will ba fonilderad nn I fi.. -. 01 , (
a arvompantpd hr a -tlnd -h payahlo I la acrooipanlad by a rwtlnad .chfh X'r,l'1t At rnt Una of Madlarm atreet tad cantor
jo tha oror of t May or tba t icy o( w tna orn.f or tna Mayor or mo t ny una lord atlwt at 251.0 frt,
Portland, rwtlnVd by a raaiionalblo bank f. I I'ortland, ortlrlfd by a raaponalbla lianh fori t cwntir linn af Madlaon atreat and Waat
in antonnt amial to ten pet cent. o uie aggra- I amount aquai to tea per cent. too asKrv I line of Kord atrwet at KI.V feet.
jata pronnaal. - I gate pronoaal. v At Bur,h lino of uadlaoa atraet and center
ina rini w reject any ana an bkw la aere I ' nnui w rrject any an viua vi i une 01 rora atreet at zni.U loot.
py i tiaai-Teg. ,
- B omit or tne
, KXKn'TivB imad.
Auditor uC tha City a( I'urtlanX
May 10. lima.
ftv retrTL
' By wiVr of tha ' -,
KXKri T1VK ItOAltn.
" l 1 Py THOU. C. l)KVt.l!f.
Andltof of Ua City of fortUad.
JWay ja.
piopoiAU rot axwza wo ex.
! flealed Itroonaala will bo rrMlvMt at tha
vtut-m m mo Aiiuiior or rna t ity or rortiand,
mil Friday. May 112. Ipki, at a o'clock p. in.,
for the oonatructlun of - a oewir In Kaat
. iu t
paopoiALi rom itxeit woxk.
. - , M iv i ncnvwiirincv arainat - ina aoovv rum
r Healed propnaala will ba reeelwd at ., prada Biay be flfd In wrttln with tha
em of tha Amlltir of tbo Cltjr or Portland J aluned within So daya from tha data of t
T. Vr r l puniifatioa or tnia notice.
?1 AW"lnto I Br order af tha Council.
until lday. May 113. 190H, at 4 a'rtork p. tu
for tha ImnroTcaiant of Waahlnaton atree
urtn-iith atreet from TO feet aonlh of Tbo in p- I from the "! Una of r'trat atreet to tb eaat
aireet to ina aewtr In Tillamook alrr-t, I una or Third atreet. In tna manner proviaeu
taaner provided by Ordinance No. l;MO by Ordinance No. anblect to toe prt
to the proTlnloua Of the charier and I vlalona of the rbarter and onllnaneea of tha
oril i ir of the City ot Portland, and tba Cltr of Portland, and the eatlioatu of tba of the city Kurtneer. on file. I Cltr Knilneor. on Die.
HldH' innat ba orrlctly. In accordance ' wllh I lilda nmat ba alrlctly la aecordance wltil
At aonlh Una of Mmllaoa atreat and ranter
line or Kord atreet at Xil.O feet, i
kiMvH That tha liulir..i"hj and ba la bera
by directed to flra notice af tha propoeed
rhane of trade of aald atreat aa -provided by
the clly charter. -
Kemonetrance arainat rna above enanre oi
a under.
tba ant
May 9. 1008
Andltcr of tba City of Portland.
rtoroiEO ixrxoTZMEVT or suroira
prlii ted. blanka, which will ba fiirnlabed na I printed blanka. which will ba fiimlabed on I Notice la hereby given that at tha meet In;
' ippuraiion -at tba oOloa of tha Auditor of tha I application at tht offica of tb Auditor of tna I of tba Connc'l of tb City of Portland, Or., beli
Aud Mid newer uiuat b I Cltr of Portland. And aald Improvenivnt muat I en Ibe 0th day of May, 1D03, the folluwlug
data I be completed on or before SU daya front tha I reaolntlon waa adopted:
City of Portland.
aompieTen en oc'neroro en imtb rrom tn oatai h nnn
af tb alfnlng of tba tootract by tun parties I date of tba algnlng of tha contract by the I Keaolvad. That the Connrll of the City of
inn-no. . i partiea tnereto. 1 rortiana, or., orema it exiMHiient ana propoae
. Na propnaala nr blda will h coualdeeed an. Na propnaala or btda will be conaldered on-1 to lanprora Dopont atreet from tha caat Una of
leaa acconipanled br a Certified check ratable I Im aconnuianled hv a err titled check payable I Larrabc . itrmt to tha west line of Benton
to the ordr of the Mayor of7 the City of I to the order of the Mayor of the City of I atreet. In tha follnwlna manner, to-wlt:
Portland. eTtHVd by a reaponalble bank for I Portland, e-rtlned by a' yeeponalbla b
a amonnt enual to tea per cent, at tba aggro I an amount equal to ten per cent, of the
gate propnaai,
The rlrht to reject any and all Uiil U barf
wj reaerveo.
, - By order of tb
r KXf'l Tl VB BOAItn.
Auditor of Ua Cltr of Portland.
r afay H, )wn3. I
TxopoiALg rom ixweb woax.
Healed protioaala will lia received at tha I
The rlabt 4o reject any and all blda ta here-1 to proir trad with travel.
by reeerved. v
By orner or ine .
- . By THOU. C. DKVUK.
Auditor of tha City of Portland.
i May in, w
rmoroiAXi roa teeet wobk.
Bealod propnaala will ha received at the
bank for flint By tradtnt aald atreet to proper eub
fftr I mrmAm
m necond--By nnntiag me enrlmca oi tna atreer
Third Br eonatructliir artificial tone aide
Held Improvement to be Hade In accordance
wun me cnarter ana oramaacea oi toe iny
of Portland and the plana, a peel flea Hone and
tatlmatea of tha City Kotrlneer Bled In the
office of the Auditor of the City of Portland on
the 18th day of April. 1B03. indoreed. "City
Englnevr'a plana ana epeclflcatlona for tba loi-
vement or uapnnt arraet rrom ine eaat
ot Larrabe atreet to the weat line ot
Benton atreet and tbo eetlmatea of tha work
to ba done and tha nrobabl total coat there
in. nianufT i nr
1S303 aubject to I The coat of aald Improvement to be iiaeaaed
and ordinance i lt provided by tba city charter upon the prop-
I tha Mtitnata J ... t 11 1 a mutA . Ih l
, , , , . - IV. IU 1 1 , ' I u. vxu - I n II puninii. Drum I VM L.." '.. . WH.VM
Und. aad tba eatltnata of tha tlty luglneer. of thB 0ty Bnglneer. on file. , hereby declared to be all the lota, part of lota
an nie. i I ui . , - .l ... I v i. irA nrm with I - - I. . 1 I iM.M b.. m llMA lm
Bld i "'it ba etrlcOy In accordance with pri,d blanka. which will b fitrnlabed on fact northerly fron and parallel with the north
prlnu-f. blanka. which will be fnrulebed oa apiiilcatlna at tba o.-a of tha Auditor of the line of IMipont etreet and a Una 100 feet
V!vA9t llo?L". r T'. of,,,b A"dltor of the vtJ of ,tland. And aald Improvement muat aoutherly from and parallel with tha south line
I JT-W Portland. And aald aewer muat lie be aomuleted an or before 80 daya from the, of lupont atreet and between the eaaterly line
r , vr uriw. w ... irvra " "- date of the algnlng ot tba coatract oy ine or lairrabeo atreet and tha Waaler ly una or
i the algnlng of tho contract br tba parties I I .,, .,,
hereto. Kn nmniul.' or blda will be conaldered an-I Tha Cnelneer'a eat I mat a f Mie nrnbabla total
Otnr of tha- Andltnr of tb Cltv of Port la t I L. a r k. i-i r tnrt1nml
jnlll Friday. May 21 JOOa, at 4 n'clock p. m.. ,,U -rday. May 22, JSflS, at 4 o'clock p. m., fin. ,
for the eouatrui-tlon ot a aewer Jn Kaat Sec-1 for t improvement of Waablngton atreet Beuto
end atreet from 12 feet airuth of tha . norm I ... . - . A ft-hirrf .ii-.i tA tha I -
B II... - .. j ' . - .' . i. : I ""a mm.. .... I .
U ..JL. li "T?" 71 ,ar,. u-,rT eaet linn of Wrteentb. atreet. tn
I 5rtJ-Jr h meaner provldcHl by Ordlnanca provided by Ordinance No. l&WX
k,No. .1.1810 -subject to the nrovlalona of the b. provlaions of the charter an
i. charter and ordlnancea of th City f Port- f tba City of Portland, and
ro propnaala .or blda will tie conaldered on. I i ' i.. . ..a.M ehaek mrihu . i u,.Kt i. ai nnA on
J leaa acmniiMiiled hv a eertllied check parable ,n h. A t .the Mayor of tha City of The above Improvement la to beVlasaed as a
"E.i a .li'j'I tr"r of.,,,De.C1! Portland, certified by a reaponalble batik for I travel Improvement and ahall be maintained by
. .......,. . .,, . " -i '-" I an amount equal to ten per cent, oi mm air-i me cny ror ine penoa or mur yrara, pnj.
an ajixruiit enual to tea par ceuU of tha aggrc
tate prolMiaal.
The right to reject any aad all blda (a her.
7 reaerveo.
By order of tho
Andltor of the City of Portland.
Msy 1. Ithfl. .
, FBorosALi r'os SEWlS wobk.
ftesled propnaala - will he received, at tb
tata propoaai. . I vlded, that the owners of a majority or tba
ri a ngm to rejecr any ana u uiu bti- i property nrnvntoa ot eaia irnpTOTvuir-ai, w j
portion tnereor, snail not petiiton iw a ww vr
different Imorovement before tha eiplratlnn of
such period. k-
The plana, apeclflcatlons and eetlmatea of tha
City Engineer for the Improvement of aald Du
pont street are berehy adopted
hv reeervad.
ny orner oi in
Aadltor of tha City of Portland.
May 10. lima. ' .
Reaolrnl. That the Andltor of the City of
Portland be and ho is hereby loatructed to v
alH nrnivaaala will be received at tb I notice of the nrnnoeed Imnrowment of said
oBlce of tiu? Andltor of tba City of Portland, atreet as provided by tht city charter,
nntll Friday. Mar 22, 1B-M, at 4 o'clock p. in , I Remona trance agalmt the above Improvement
for the construction of a aewer In Kaat Aldt-r I may be Hied In writing with the onderalpned
oflice of tho Andltor of the City of Portland,
mil Friday. May 2X J8XKI. at o'clock o. m..
for the eoliHtrnct Inn nf ' a awi.r In Vmmt I tor ine conairiicuon oi a in r.i i mi.r w uim in wrinua " iri...jri
Twentlelh atreet fmni " feermth of thi 'rrt from loo feet weat of the went line of within 20 daya from tha date ef tha Brat publl
iZTS ii... .TJ1 "L'?! Fat Thlrty-wventh afreet to the . aewer at tht I cation of this notice.
north line of Ore ton atreet to tho aewer In
nanar Kima 110 teet neat or weat line of Eaat
Twentieth etreet. la the manner provided by
Ordinance No. 1X.111 anblect to the Drovlsloiia
of the charter and ordlnancea of the City of
roriianu, ana ine eetimaie ot tna iiiy tun
glneer, on flic.
Blda mnat be strictly In accordance with
printed blanks, which will be fiimlabed on
Rv ordrr of tha Council.
Andltor of tba City of Portland.
May 0, 1003.
mrmmt lit., of Eaat Thlrtv-alith atreet. .In the
. MlAA k rkr-Hlnane Ko 1:9r4 Bll ti'
Ject to the provlaions of the charter and 'ordl
nancea of the City of Portland, and the esti
mate of tho Ctly Engineer, on flic.
um. wih. h a , ! rtr i v n eenrnane wun
printed blanka. which will be fiimlabed on PX0F0BED OtrKOTEMEJlT or AffJLrnx
anniieatlnn at the office of tha Auditor ot tha axarTT.
nra nil '. ' . . . . . . w.. i
application!, the otbc of the Auditor of tl''l.f" Vh.rdat "eby given that at tha meeting
City of Portland. And aald aewer uiont be completed on or before 30 day '"'' of th. comicil of tha City of Portland. Or., held
completed on or before 0 days from the date ,n ,1nln 01 u ''"'""Jon tha oth day of May, J903, Aba following
Oty ot
and pro-
the west
or me signing or me contract Of me parties ...., Km. arin K. ennaldered un. 1 retoiatlon waa adopted:
thereto. i . h pronoaal or bid will be wndrMM r,,, That th Council of the
No propoaala or bids will be considered un- f-, g "P"1, ,1. "iT... .( tb. f,V, l Prtliiiil; Orea-on. deems It eipedlent
lea accompanied bv a certified check nevabl L .oraw..0, . M,7or L J.5 Ly . I ooaea to Imnrove Ankenr atreet from
the order of the Mayor of tho City of I rr""' .vT . v.. J.Ts .7 I line of Third atreet to the esst line at
nd. certified by a rosponalble-bank tot . amount equal to ten prr ... the f0iiowlM manner, to-wlt:
a nmmul.
in Titnt to reject any anu mm .
an amount equal to ten per emit, of the aggr
n- . .' . i, lij- . I hv reserved
X - ri-i w tvjwi. muj arm ail inui la ovro- I ' order of the
oy ra-ervttu.. 7-. bit nnt'TI VK tlOA RD
" orner r''Tiiaj i tuiui iikvi.IM.
Bv THfU n? VI l Auditor of the City of Portland.
Andltor of tha City of Portland. May m, lww
First By iradlut said street to proper sub-
rVconfl By paring said street with stent
blocks with a sand cushion on a concrete foun
dation six Inches In thickness.
Third By ronatructlng artificial stone curbs.
Tha said Improvement to be made in accord
ance with the charter and ordlnancea of the
City of Portland, and the pinna, aiieclflcalllons
raoroBED impbovimebt or nsra
..... e .v- , - SIK;,
' Nolle 1 beroby given that at tbo meeting
of tha Council of tb t ug at rortisnu. Or., hei
oik, tho otb day of May, llKU, tho fullowUig on the utli day of Muj. 11MXI, too fa
ri-Tolutlou w adopted: ... t I resolution wot snooted: '
Moaoived, 1 kst tha Council of the City of 1 Keaolrttl, That tha Conncll ol
. j . ITBEET.
Notice' I hereby tlven that at the meetlna
of the CmiiK.-U of tba City of Portland, Or., lii-ld
I lowing
Portlaml, llregon, - d'-ema It espedleut and pro City of 'Portland. Or..
poec to improve nil sti-ect iroin Uio weat conatruct a Sewer lu Eaat TUIrteenU
Una of Third-atrwet to too. oaat line or Blita I street from tho north Hue of Broadway to a
atreet. In tiia followlns manner, to-wlt: I connection with the u la H.uswk arrer nf
First By trading aJd street full width wlti vitrlDcd aewer pli of Uht liichos t-lnsr In-
iuii lnrerwciion tu vi"inw uu-araticr. i aiue oinmcier - wun ail uecraeary ustcn-oaaina.
HoconrtHv naving the Sirld atreet full Width I msn-holoa. lamn.hnlea anil bcan.-hea In aenird-
wlth full lutersectiiins with stone blu.ks with a lire with tha plana, speollicatlont' and eatl-
auud cuahlou on a evuereu, fvoudstlnu alx mate therefor pi-eai-ed by the City Kuglneer
In thlcknraa. ' and Bled In the oHlc ot the Aadltor of tha
Third By eooatructlnr artificial stone curbs. City of Portland on tha 4th day of Muv, HKia.
Bald Improvement to be nwdn lu accordance Inrtoraed, "City Knglnei-r'a plans sua Ipecl-
wim mo cwtrier sna onnnam-ea ui tnc city ncations ror a aewer In Kaat Thtrteeuih street
of Portland and the plans, Nrnclllcatlon and from tha north Un of Broadway to sewer In
eatlmstrs of the City Engineer filed In tb Hancock street and the eetlmatea of the work
office of the Auditor of the Clly of l-ortland ea to bo dona and tbe probable total coat thereof."
tha 2.ld day ot April, lOO.'I, Indorsed. "City Tbe coot of aald aewer to be naaeaaed as
Enaineor'a nlana and apectfieatlona for the liu- provided bv the cltr rhn-ter mini tha nmoerty
pruvement of line street from the weat Hue lienetlted thpa-w and which Is hereby declared
of Third street to tha east Hue of Hlxth atreet. to ba all tha lots, part of lota and parcela
and tbe eatluintca of the work to be dona and of land lying bet wee u a linn 100 feet wuet of
tbe probable total ouet thereof.". and parallel with tha weat line of Eaat
The coat of aald Improvement Is to ba aa- Thirteenth street and a line 100 feet east of
aeaaed as -provided by , me city cnarter upon and parallel with- tb east line or Esat
the property specially benefited thereby end Thirteenth street and between tba north line
which la hereby declared tu be all the lota, of Broadway and a line 100 feet south of and
farts of-lota and, parcels ot land lying lie- parnllul with tba Sooth line of Hancock street,
ween a line loiWfect north of and parallel The Engineer s estimate of the nrolmblo total
with tha north lino of Pine atreet and a Una coat for constructing an Id aewer In $410.00. ,
1I0 feet aouth of and parallel with the aoutb The plana, apectticatlone nnd estimates of the
line or Flu atreet. ana Between tn west una Miiy r.nrlneer tor eonaariietlnir a aewer lu aald
of Third atreat I and , tba east Una ot Sixth Kt Thirteenth atreet are hereby adopted,
atreet. Resolved. That the Andltnr of the City of
Tbe Engineer's estimates ef the probable Portland ba and he'ls hereby directed to give
toini coal ror tna iinpruvvuieiji ol aam airevt i noiic ot inn pronoaen coiiairiiciioa ok aaiu aewer
la 111.0,-)2.0). . .las provided by the cltv ehsrti-r.
Ilia above Imnrovement ia to be classed at I Itemoiistranco aealnat the sImivs aewer muv he
stoo block iiavrment. sna tnau ne main- ntca in wriiint with the underaignea witnin
tallied by the city for tha period of 23 years, n dnya from tha data of the flrat publics tluu
provided, that tha owners of s majority of tha of thte notice,
property benefited by said Improvement or any By order of tha Conncll. -
1 not petiiinn ior a now or i - 1 nun. tir.vLi.A,
nt before tit expiration of I Aadltor of tho City of for Hand.
Burn penoa. . may v, JWM,
me plans, apacincstiona anu nunum
tha CJty .Kuglneer for the Improvement of aald MOPOSED IXPB0TEKEBT 0E BB0ADWAT.
"MvTd .TOXSIV.f the Cty ol I "J'WL i!5f
era l1 - - m t J - t. ...tA aa Ui 11IB LUUHL-ll IH I DO 1 IIT OI I 111 LUII1U. W,, BPIU
nroTlc?o?tb.PropdWl. Sfl"lJ5-'' 11KU' U ,,"'0Wl0
aa provided by the city charter. re" 'Pd . . ... r .
center Una of the County Jtoad running north
llcatlon of thla autlco,
By order ot tba council.
Aadltor of tbe City of I'ortlana.
May B, 1803.
and aouth throuth Hectlon 23. Twp. 1 N.. K,
1 E., W. M., in tha following manner, to
wlt: First By grading the roadway full width
Notlca la hereby riven that at the meeting I Second Bv hrtuelne the anrfaee nf the road-
of tba Council of tbo City of Portland, Or., held I way full width with full Intersections to tha
on the etb any o may, iwu, toe ioiiowuib proper grade wltb travel.
resolution was soopieu; jnira ny constrncting wooaen siaewsixs ana
Revolted. Tbst tha -Conncll ot tba City of I curh. according to th City Engineer's plans.
Portland. Oreton. deems It eipedlent and pro-I aneclflcatlona and eatlmatea.
nox-a to tttmrorv Oak atreet from tbe eaat Una I Fourth Hv ennatruetiiir atnna vntlera.
of Front street to tho wee line of Park atreet. Fifth By conatructiug wooden croaawalts six
by constructing artlOctal stone sidewalks ana fret In width.
relaying granite curb. I Raid Improvement. to be made In accordance
Bald improvement to De mauc in acevruanco wun tue cnni ter anM ordinances ot ino ny oi
with thA ehaeter and Ordlnancea of tb City I Portland and the nlMna aiieein..atlnna mini atl
of Portland and tbe plans, specifications and mates of tbe City Engineer filed In tbe office
eetlmatea uf tbe City Engineer filed In the I of the Auditor of the litr nf l-ortland on the
office of the Auditor of the City of Portland oa JKith day of AprJL , IISKI. liuloraed. City Kn-
ma mta nay oi prm iw. iiiutrvu, vii i f tneer a plana and aiecinrationa ror ine im-
Kuglneer a plana ana epeciucaimiui iur me i provement of Broadway from tbe eaat line ot
i niitrrtvemetir nr tfaa trvri iroiu ine eani..iiii vi i i-arrer a Anoirmn rn tne center una .it iinioiv
Front atreet to tba Weat line of Park Street I Road rnnnlnir north and aonlh throneh ftectlon
and the eatimatee of tb work to be don and I 25. Twp. 1 N.. B. 1 K.. W. M . and the
tbe probable total coat thereof. I eetlmatea of the work to be dona and tha
Tbe coat of said Improvement to ba aa-1 orohable total coat thereof."
aeaaed aa nrovlded by the city charter Opoa The coat of aald Imorovement to he asaeaaed
the property specially benefited thereby and aa provided bv the cltv charter uimn the
which 1 hereby declared to b all the lota, proper! t apeclnlly benefited thereby, and which
psrts of lots and parcels of land, aa follows: U hereby declared to be all the lota, parts
the south 100 reel ot oiocas zu. on. wi. norm- or Iota and par cell of latin lying between a
bait ofi. In tho City ot Portland, and the line ino feet north of and parallel with tbe
north too feet of blocka 41. oA, hi, and tha north Una nf Dmadwav. and a line 100 fect
northeast quarter of aoutb-halt 86, In tha smith of and parallel with the south line of
City ol rorusiKi. . i Broadway, anu between me eaai nue oi nr-
Tba Englneer'a estimate of the probable total ter's Addition to East Portland and the went
cost of tha Improvement of said street la I Hue of the County Road running north and
1.402.00. . I amitn tbrougb Section X. Twp. 1 rs., u. I ..,
T-,- MMilllMtlMU and Mt I IT1M tf of th 1 1" XI '
Cltv Ensineer for the Improvement of ssld I The Rnrlneer s estlmaT of the nrobable total
Oak atreet are hereby adopted. I coat of aald Improvement Is W.ia4.00.
Itesolved, That the uaitor oi me Liiy oi The above Improvement la to be claaaed aa
Portland ba and h ta hereby instructed to give I a eravel Imnrnvement and ahall be maintained
notice of the1 propoeed Improvement of ald street ,r the city for th period of five yesra. pro-
aa provided ny ma city t-narirr. video, that the ownera or a ma.iority oi in
Kcmonstranca agsinat toe w iniproiruieni property benefited by said improvement, or any
may be filed in writing with the undersigned portion thereof, shall not petition for a new
within 20 daya from tha date ef the first I or different Improvement before tha expiration
publication or tnia notice. i or turn period.
Bj order oi ua ioudcii. i ine plans, apecinca tiona ana eettmsies oi tne
THOS. C. DEVLIN. I city Engineer for tbe Improvement of said
Andltor OI me lit)- oi rorinna,
1 Notice is hereby given that 'at tha mrellug
af th Council of the City of I'ortlnnu, Or., held
on the UlU day o( Muy, IDuJ, tho fjlluKiMg
rvanlutlnu waa sdopted.t
Kesolveil. Ihat the Council nf the City ef
Portland, Wr., dc-tin It exix-dlrut aud proiioaea
to Improve Klx Irn-til tl street from 12 lot sotilh
of the north line of (Jlnun allot to 12 fivt
north of the eraitlt .hu t.f lloyt street, hf
contrtlclliif srtltlclul atnu ildewnlkl siul curt.,
rliild Imprnrciiietit In lie uuiilc in uccnidniH
with the charter and ordinance of the City
of Portlaud and tin. plana, aiieclcatlon und
estimates of tbe city Engineer filed lu the
olbrv of tbe Andltor of tho City ot l'urtlund
on lh Slat day of April. imi3. Indorsed, "t lty
Englnicr'a plans and aparlOcatloua for the Im
proveiueut of Hlsttceulb sti-eet from 12 fct
amith'of th -north line of Cllanii utrei-t In 12
foet north of lln south line of llot street,
and the eatiuntes of tbe work to be dour anil
the probalilo total coat thereof."
Th coat of anld liiiirovcnieut to lie aaseaaed
as provided by the cltr chnrn-r uikhi the prop
erty aierlally iH-liellted thetehi. nnd which In
hereby declared ,to be all thn Inla. purls of
lots and parcels of land lying- lieiwi-eu a llnu
100 t.-t weat of and pamlKl with the net
line of Blitcenth atreet Snd n line Ino t m I
eaat of and parallel wllb Hie east linn of Hlx
teenth street and hctwreu the north Urn- of
Ulian atreet and the snutli line i,f Hin t street.
The Engineer's entlmiile of the nr.ibi.hle tutu I
Cit for auiil tmproveuient Is.
The pluns. sneclficatloiis nnd elliniites of the
City Enln"i-r for the )mprovem-ut of said Six
teenth Htrei t are hereby adopted.
iiraoircu. XDst the Andltor of the Cltr of
Pni-tland le and he ti h.-rebr Imtmcteil tn
give notice of the proposn-l Improv.-nieut of
aald atreet na provided br the city rhurtcr. '
iivnioiiarrniii'o arainat the nhovo Improvement
mar bo filed In writing with the uuileralurl'd
within 20 data from the dute of tha ili-r mil,.
llcatlon of thla notice.
uy order of the Council.
Auditor of tbo City of I'ortlnud.
May 0, 1003.
Notice la herebr elven that at the m.-etliiif
of the Council of the City of Portland, Or., lirli
1IKM, tbo follow lliu
May 9. 1903.
Bmadwav are hereby adopted
I ' , tr . . 11. . M -V rl . J
urwirrn, i im i ipe auuiiot oi me i ij ui
Portlanrf be and he la hereby directed to rive
I notice of the proposed Improvement of said street
sa provided by tne cltv cunrter.
Kemonerrance sgsinat tne anov l.prnvemeni
Notice la hereby tlren" that tt tb meeting ".".Y '. "J"'"1 ,n 'rlt',.l r'1" ""ir?,?n'a
ef the Council ot tn cuy ot Kortiana, ur.. neid
w-lthlu. 20 .days from tbe data of the flrnt ub-
on the otb day of May, 1903. tb following " ,0 ?' '""ih.0 cirnnell
elotlnn waa adonted: Br order f " taanell
I' PR0P0BALB . FOB BEWEB WOBK. Healed propoaala will be received at the iiw ol , tlty engineer, nied i. me
K-Nealed propoaai. will be received at th. office of the Auditor of the City of Portland, ""A it April 1908 VlJdwaed "City
imce of the Auditor of tha tlty of Portland" nntil Friday. May 22. 1903. st a o'clock n m. fluVr- pi., ,Bd!ltiiht Im-
I I until Friday. May 22, 1903. st 4 o'clock p. m.! for the nstnictMn of I, ha.t a.h- "keny a reVt from the west C.
ti I f..r the conatructlon of a aewer In Kaat Ington street from 100 feet weat of west line .rreet tn the eaat line nf Fourth
1 Twelfth street from 25 feet south of ih. of East Thirty-ninth street to ibe nswrr it ,".7!eL.J" w ? Kli' .?
V rm"J .Jllssn street to the 4irJ wtat Mb. of to
" r;"J"nl. i,c ZThCZ"?? .PkT"4 IZZrZX -"V.rona of e . barter and ordl- I T f mn""m','t
vtalona of tba charter and iH-dlnancca of the nances of tbe tlty of Portland, sna mo con- h.nieJt,d .hirehv and which Is hereby
JtE'.v?.5r,..neiSl.m, with declared .11 the iota. part, of lota and
s.f DAatlam.l mw.t tra Ok. I an.
FnilneVr wk'-nTc. ' " "w Bid. t be strictly in .dsnc. with "Vl.nd iwigbrt"
Rid. must ba strictly In accordance with printed blsnk. which Jll .Jo K of .nd T para lie wll
printea nianaa. wnicn w
ween a line ino feet
Ith the north line of
..." in pin . ,- xu.iif..e nt - I norm oi sna psmiiei wun mo norm line or
w ll be fiirnlahed un annl cation at the office of the Auditor of .he .,. i.i . tin. inn t ...oth r
appllcstton at the olfice of the Auditor of the City -of Portland. , And said aewer parallel wltb the aouth line of Ankeny atreet.
compieteo on or wrare i tiaya rrom me- oata ot me aignma w im and tbe eaat line of Fourth street. I
of the algnlng ot tho contract by the parties I thereto. ,. The Englneer a estimates ot the tprob.ble
toereio. . , o propoeaia or o.... -'V""V wil total coat for said Improvement I. gl.TQflO
No nronosals or bids will be considered un- leaa sccompanied . nr a ceriineucne,- iir Th. .hove imnrnvement i tn he 7i.rt
- . . - . . . ... . - . .. i . - il. . r iii- nr I - ' 1 - . -
lens atvomnaiuea py a ceriineu cnccK payable to me oraiT m ton '" "t.wi. k-.i' : a stone block pavement und shall he maintained
to the order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a respoiislble bank , ror br rft fof tb. of jpj
Portland, certified by a responsible . bank for an amount equal to ten per cenCr ot tuo eggra- tk,t the swnera of a- tnalneltv if iki
an Hnimint rquat to ten per cent, ot me, aggre- I gate projroeai.
gate -pmpoval. The right to reject tny and all bids la here.
ine ngni 10 reject any ana an Dins is nere-1 oy reaervea.
oj. mawwai r in tcatair i
25 feet amith of the aoulU ''J0-".w'".i: I. ih. m.nnnr nrnvlibsl hv P "iJ 7..A?. ul A-...iil
.nnvr,'" A Ordinsnc No. 13341 .uhject to the provision ......
to tie rovlilon. nr "Th; h and ordiusi.i-es oi me . i.y o Auditor Of
I rortiauu. anu mw t-. v i. w , - i ! v. jirva.
Si. rrmJ
'. By ordei of the
kxkT ctivb board. t
Auditor,, of tha City ot Portland. ,
May 16. 10. j
Seeled proposals will he received at th
onice ot mo Auditor or the city of rortl.nd,
tintll Friday.' M.y 22. 190.1, at 4 o'clock p. u.,
ror toe coneirocrion ot
Eleventh street from
lino of Thompson
treat, lit tbe manner
1.1813 suhlec
er and ordinances ot the City ot Portland,
the estimate of the City Engineer, on
must be arrictiy
printed blanks, which w
nnlieatlon st the ottlc' of
City of Portlaud. And 'said sewer inuvt te
completed on or before W) days from tbe dati?
nf the signing of tho oy tract by tbe parties
No proposiila or bids will be , considered un
less aecompauled by a certified check payable
to the order of the Mayor of the city -of
Portland, coTtlfieo"by -, a reapotwlblo bank for
an amount equn to .ten pvr cepi. ot me aggre-a-ate
Tne rignr to reject any anu iu dios u nero-
reserwo- ....
Auditor of the City of Portland
May 1. 1903. : . j, ', ,
ttv order of tbe
Auditor cf tha City of Portlaud.
My 10. 1903.
property benefited by ssld Improvement or any
portion thereof, shall not petition for a new or
different Improvement before tbe expiation of
aucn per i mi.
The plana, specification, and estimates of the
City Knglneer ror tne improvement or ssld
Ankeny atreet are hereby adopted.
Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of
immiii .ui tittTT WORK I fort una oe sna ne in nereny inairnctea to give
PB0F0BALB rOB BTKET WO. m.tlce f Ih. nrorwmed Imnrnvem.nt nf ..1,1
Itealen nronnaaia will ne receiveu at ion i .treet aa nrnvinert riv thn eltv enavt.c
office of the Auditor of the City of Portland, I ... Remonstrance against the above Improve.
..i.rll Xld. 'Xlav VI in03. at 4 O'clock O. m.. I mant m.v h. Hied In weltlnr with th. .,A
for the lniprovemeni oi xaroniii aireet w slimed witnin vt days rrom me date or tbo first
the city of Portland.
Sesled propoasls will be received at the
oBlce of, 'tho Auditor of the City of Portland,
until Friday, May 22, 11)0:), at 4 o'clock p. m.,
for tbe coiiHtruction of a chain of sewers In
Esst Xa.mb.ili atreet. East Thirty-seventh
atree Wi 1. streets, In the manner provided
bv Ordinance No. i."!14 aubji-ct to the pro
rialons of the chnrrer and nrdinsnces-. of the
City of Portland, and tbe estimate ot the City
Engineer, on flic.
Blda most be etrlctly lu accordance with
prlnttd blanka, whlch.i will be furnished ou
HppllcBtrm at the office ot the Auditor of ;r.e
Cltv jh Portland. And said sewer utnat be
ged on or before no daya from the date
f signing of the contract by tbe parties
J l'eto.
i Hfrfc nennoaula or lilda will he .ennaldm-erf tin.
ess accompanied by a certified check payable
to ino uruer-'Oi vim iMii.vor to me tlt,v ot
Portisnd, certified by a responsible bank for
an amount equal to ten per cent, ef the aggre
gate proposal.,
The right to reject any and all bids Is here
by reserved.
i By order of the
Andltor ot tbe City of Portland. '
lav it), tT. Zt
' Sealed ' proponsls will be received at the
office of the Auditor of be City-of Portland,
fntll Friday, May,22, 1(U, af 4 o'clock p, ti!
or the construction of : t ' aewer in East
Twenty-seventh street from the south line of
East Taylor atreet -th the sower In Belmont
atreet. 1n tbe manner ' provided by Ordinance
No.-" 1.1315 subject to the provisions of the
charter, and ordinances of the City of Portland,
and the estimate ot the City Ktiiclneer. on file.
Bids, must tna "strictly In ' accordant with
prlnte-d btankat 'which. ' will be turnlKhed oil
application at hw office: of' tha Andltor -of tne
City of Portland.. And aald aewer must be
completed on or before o daya from-th dato
of the signing of th contract 'by; tbo parties
thereto.' -!.' v- , ",X -- ''-'
Ko. proposals or lld will be, considered nn
tcss accomounlcd by a to tilled check paytbla
to th'! order of the ' Msvor of the ' City of
Portlands certified by - a i resnoimlb'l bank ' for'
ea amount equal to ten pcr ceut. of the agfae
gate propoanly.-? . - -? f. - it
The right to reject Shy and-all obida I here
by reserved. . f .;'.':. i... ,,,.!. ...
' ' - - , , By order of the' J ' i
- 1 fFXECfTIVri pOHtt .
v ; v Auditor-at tta City-ef Portland.
Her 16, 1903. . . ... .
Bias mnsi oe arrictiy iir totubiht mm
wbleb will ne ruruianeu ou
of the Auditor of ine
lid Improvement must
be completed on or before 45 dys from the date
- nioa Dltmi oe mruru
In wHih printed blanks, wbleb w
rin Anlrmed Ni Sa
if the Auditor of tb. "HLLSS- wl."
Vntle. t herehv- a-lven that at tha m..tln
of the signing of the contract by the parties 0 tBe conncll of the City of Portland, Or., held
thereto. ' , . ... on the th day of May, 1903. tha following
No proposals or bids will be considered nn- resolution waa adopted:
less accompanied by a certified cheek ptrablo Resolved. That the Conncll of the City of
to the order of th Mayor of the City of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro-
Portlsnd. certitieu n.v a reeuiieioie .mu iw
an amounf-wiual to ten per cent, of thajjaggre-
ics to Improve Front street from the north
line or Arthur atreet to me norm line or 8ey
mnttr avenue In tbe followint manner: to-wlt:
First By, removing all loose earth, mud and
dobrls ot every kind from tha surface ot tbe
street now macanii mixed.
Second By gradlnc all that portion of aald
street full width with full Intersections not
now macadamised to proper sub-grade. '
Third By bringing the surface of tbe street
- c-r-nm iirnac I lull Wldin wun tun interseciiont 10 Droner arrade
raurusaiiB i un. bcvo. v.. t with niucsdam
Sealed pr oio.sls will be r' ,''," Fourtli-By comtructlng ajtiflclal ttope side
Ico of the Auditor of tho tlty or rortiand, I ,,,,,i r.,.
Fifth B$ laying wooden crosswalks six feet
In width.
The foregoing Improvement is to be made
on au portiou or aaia iront street, as fol
llie right to reject any and all blJa is here
by reserved. .
By order of the
Auditor of the City of Portlaud,
May 10, 1903. '
nnieo of the Auditor of the City
until FrldBv. M 22. lOOX at 4 o'clock P. m.
for the conatructlon of a aewer In Front street
from 230 feet north of north line of Bancroft
avenue to the aewer l"n Bancroft avenue, in the.
niunnar nrovlded bv flrdlUHnCC No. 1HI ttb- I .... ' I - I
-Ject to the provisions of the charter and ord I i-imt -From the nrlrla line of Arthur tr,.et
nancea or me t uy or iwnnn, ""-ito a-line 184 fect aouth ot the aouth line of
mare oi tne my- runinerr, ...... . i Sorter street.
nida mnat bo Htrlcilr In accordance wltb I un.oi rmm tin. 4on e.t ..
hprinteo oianaat. sun .... o i rtortn line or t. loos scrcer to a line 00 feet south
apMiir.-ai.ioii ri imvwiiio- .- , I ot tue norm lino ot tr-uines atreet.
ihv .nf IKnetlaud. And esld aewer intlst be I tr.iiiiriM,wi . linw tuo w.t u.m.ii. . ...
couipleted on or before 60 days from the dale Vlw of Abnttiethy street to tha north line of
of the signing Of tbe contract by tbo partlo fjcrmnur avenue.
thereto. Bald Improvement to he made In accordance
O'proposaia or uiua win o;ii-.ur. -tD mo rnanor anu oruinances or tue t lty of
less sccompanied by ncertiflcd chechj payable Portland and the pln, specifications and entl-
to the order of th Mayor of -tluj" tlly of mates of the City Kuglneer filed In the ofilce
Portland, certified by a rciipotwlblc bank (m ti,e Auditor of the City of Portland on the
an amount iual to ten per rent, of the aggro- aM dsy of AprtL !003. indorsed. "City Kn-
0ut. nrnnnanl
Th right to reject any and U bids U here,
by reserved. '
By order of tbe
Andltor- of tha Cltr ot Portland.
May10. 133.
FB0F0BAI.8 ids BEWU WOBlx.
glneer's plans and BPet-iacstions for the Im
orovement of Front street from the north line
ot Arthur street to tbe north line of Sct
mour avenue and the estlmatta of the work to
oe none ana me protmnic total . coat tncreof.
The cost of said Improvement 1 to be as
sessed SS nrovlded by the rtt ' charter imon
the property specially benefited thereby nnd
wnien ia nereor oeciareo to o an rn n.t.
parte of lots .nd parcels of land lying between
- . . i ..t . i . il. ... I-- ' '. t ' I a "rn
Bcaien fropwii i -TT." ,.' , ' l"" lw " of and parallel with the
Office of the Aadltor of the- City of Portlsnd. M.t nn, f Frnnt afreet and a line loo feet
until rrinay. May tu, ik, at a o i p- m- 1 west of and parallel with the west line Of
tor inn iihiih . . . t. ... -- front street ana oenvpen a line ititi met north
son street from 100 feet west of the west of vud psrnllel with tbo north line -of Arthur
line of East Thirty-seventh ntreet to the aewej .ti' -efrwbd the north line ot Seymour avenue.
.t east line of Esst Thtrty-aixtJi atreet. In the . "The Engineer's rsflmste of the' probable total
manner prvolded by Ordinance No. lAtOJ sub- t ef said Improvement Is
Ject to the provisions of the. charter and ordl The above Improvement ta te be classed as a
nances of the City of Portland, and the rati, macadam Improvement and ahall be maintained
mate of the- City Knglneer. on Hie. k the cltv tor the period of four years, pro-
Bids must be strictly In -aMordsnt-e wlrh virted. that the- owners of a majority of the
printed blanks, which will -be furnlahea. un property benefited hy said Improvement or nv
application st the ofilce of the Auditor of th portion thereof shall hot petition for a new or
City of Portland.-.And ' aald -aewar muat be different Iraprevement before the expiration of
completed on or before 80 day from tbe date sjich period. "
ot the signing of tbe contract by tbo parties The plans, speclflcstlonj and estimate of the
thereto. . . v 5 . ' City Engineer tor- the tinpreveinejit Of said
No propoaala or bids will be ' considered fin. Kront strict ere .herebv adopted:
leaa accompanied by certified check payable Revolved. That tba Auditor of the Cltv of
to the order of the Mayor, of Oie City ft Portland pc.tul be ta hereby Instructed to 'give
Portlsnd, certified by a responsible ."bank 'for notice of the proposed Improve meat of said street
an amount aquei-lo tea pur cent of the aggrc- as'vprort.ded by the city charter.
Kcmonstrsnre agatnst tbe above improvement
ma- be filed in writlnr with the underslened
wlthlji SO dsrs from the date ef tha first pub-
iicuon ot mis nonce.
Cy order of "the Council. " '
Taos. c. tin vi.TTt.
. y t. ftrmtnaal. .
The rleht to reject any and all bids ia here
by reserved. : , . ' ,:
- . By order pf the
f - ' Auditor tt( its Ulf . BX'stUfjii .
JUy ia JJaJi- ' : - , , .
' . V.A,iaWor iX Uie Oii eX. PccUotioV
Ma 9. jaOu. , i s.
'v C ' s " -
roaoluttnn waa adonted:
Reaolved. Thnt the Council of the City of
n . I .1 t ,lu.m. I. .vti.Hl.n mnA .-..-..-
UI 1 1. II U, VI -1 , . v 1 .. . h.iu .. ....... .
to Improve Hooker street from 12 feet esst of
the west line or. H srer aireei to me went line
of Second street, in the following manner,
First By grading aald atreet to tbe proper
May 9. 1003.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Notice Is hereby tlven thst st the meetlnt
Strcond -By brlntlng tbt street to nroper I of the Council of the City of Portland, Or., twlii
grade wltb macadnin. I on the Utli day of May, llKa, tbe following
Tblro By constructing artificial .tone lde resolution wbh saoptea:
wslks. Resolved. Thst the Coun.-ll of the City of
FourthBy constructing crosswalks six feet Portland, dreeon. deems it expedleut and pro
wide, poses to improve Wygant street from the esat
Said Improvement to be made In accordance line of I'nlon avenue to the weat Hue of Eaat
wltb the charter and ordinance, of tbe City Seventh street, lu the following msnner, to
ot PortkAil and tbe plana, speclficstlons slid I wit
iTP. tMb-the City tudneer Died in the V
office of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portland ou I full Intersection to ths proper sub-grsde.
First By grading the atreet full width with
11 intersection to ths proper sub-trsde.
Second By graveling the atreet full width
the 24th dav of April. 1003. indorsed. "Cltr
Knrlneor's nlans and siwlflcatlon. for the Im- with full luteraectlons with upland bank travel.
provement of Hooker atreet from 12 feet eaat Tlird By constructing artificial stone side-
of the west line of Water street to the went walks snd curb.
line of Second street, and the estimstea nf the Fourth By constructing wooden crosswalk
work to be done and the probable total cost six feet In width.
thereof." Ssld improvement to be made In accordance
The cost of ssld Imorovement to be sssesaed with the rb.rter and ordinances nf the Cltv
.. provided by tbe cltr charter upon the prop- I of Portland and the plans, apaclfieattou snd
eriy specisiiy oenemeu tnereoy. ana wnicn jb enrimaies ot me iiiy r.nainccr nieu ui me
hereby declsred to be all tbe lots, parts of office of the Auditor of the City of Portland
lots and parcels of lmsd lying between a Hue on th 17th day of March. KtO.'l. Indorsed. 'Tlty
KM) feet north of nnd parallel with tbe north Engineer's plans and wpci'lflcatlona for tbe im-
line of Hooker street and a Hue loo feet tirovement of Wygant street, from the east
south of snd parallel with the south line offline of Union avenue to the weat Hne.of Esat
Hooker atreet and between the weat line of I Seventh strei-t. and eatltnatea of, the work to
Water street, and a line HiO' feet west of and I he done aud the probable total cost thereof."
parallel with the weat line of Second street. I Tbe cost of ssld Improvement to be ssamsed
Tha Engineer's estimate of the probable total I aa nrovlded by the city charter, upon the
cost for suid Improvement Is 1 1.0b7. flu. I property specially benefited thereby aud which
The above Improvement is to be dunned as a I is hereby declared to be all the property ly
macadam Improvement, und ahull bo uisltitalucd I lng between the north line of Wygant street
by tbe city ror me pernio, oi xour years, pro-I and a line 100 reet nnrtneri.r rrom ami parallel
vlded. that tbe owners of a majority of the I therewith, snd between the south line of
property benefited by anld Imirrovement. or any Wytant atreet and n line 100 feet southerly
portion thereof, shsll not petlthm for a new or from snd parallel therewith, and between tho
different Improvenivnt before tbe expiration of east line of Ciiioti avenue and the west line
such period. of Esst Seventh street.
Tbe plsns, speclflestlnns snd estlmntes of the The Engineer's estlinstc of the probsble total
Cltr Engineer for the Improvement of aald coat for said Improvement ta f3.84t) 00.
Hooker street .re hereby adopted. The above Improvement la claased as an up-
Reaolved. That the Auditor of the City of lend bunk grsvel Improvement, snd shall be
Portland be and he Is hereby Instructed to glv maintained by the city for the period of five
notice of the proposed Improvement ' of said years, provided, thst the owners of a majority
on the rlth day of Ay
resoiutiou wss adopted.
Reaolved, Thst the -Council nf the City of
Portland, Or., derma It expedient and nto-
Cea to Improve Anh atreet livui the weat
i of Third atreet tn the eaat line of Fourth
street. In the followint manner, to-wlt:
Flrat By grading said atreet to the proper
Second By paviut anld atreet with atone
blocka. with Band rtiHhlnu on a cniii-rcte foun
dation, six I or hen lu thickneaa.
mird By conatructiug artificial stone ctirlia.
Snld Imorovement to be made In accordance
wltb the charter and ordlnancea of the I'nv
of Portland and tbe plana, epcrlftcartons and
cellmates of the (its . Eualneor. ttled In the
nfilce of the Auditor of the City of Portland en
ine mm nay ot Aniil. lWM, Indorsed, "l Ity
Enitlneer'a piana Bin sperlflcatloua for the Im
provement of Asb street from the weat lino i.f
Tblrd street to tbe eaat Hue of Fourth atreet
snd the eatlmatea of the work to be done and
me probable total coal thereof."
Joe coat of anld Improvement to be aaseaaed
a provided by the cltv charter unon the prop
erty apt-rlall)- benefited thereby, and which l
hereby declared to be all tha lota. Purta ot
lota and panel of land lying between a Hue
i"j reel norm or ami tmra n-i wttn tne norm
line of Aah atreet and a line 100 feet aoutb of
snd psrsllel with the aouth line of Aah atreet
snd between the west line of Tblrd street
snd tbe eaat line of Fourth atreet.
The Engineer' eatlmate nf the robab!e total
coat ror aula Improvement la s.l.Miiu .tai.
Tbe above improvement is to lie clnaaed ss a
stone block pavement and shall be maintained
by the cltv for the nerlod of 2T tear. urn.
vlded. that the' owner of a majority, of the
property benefited hy aald Improvement, or
any portion tbercor. shsll not petition ror a new
or different Improvement before the expiration
of aucb period.
The puma, specification snd estimates of th
i uy Knglneer for the Improvement of ssld Asb
street sre hereby sdontril.
Resolved. That the Auditor of the City of
i-ortisna ur and he la berly Inetrnctrd to tlve
notice of the prnpnaed Improvement of aald
aire aa provided Dy tde city Charter.
Hemnnatranro sgsinat the above Improvement
mar be filed In. writing with the undersigned
within 20 dsrs from the date of the Jtrst pub
lication of this notice. I
By order of the Council.
Auditor of ths City of Cortland.
Msy 0. 1003.
street at provided by the city charter.
Remonstrance against the above improvement
msy be filed In writing with the undersigned
within 20 daya from the dale or toe first pub
lication of this notice.
By order of the council
Auditor of the City of Portland.
May 0. 1908.
Vntlcn 1a hereby tlven that at the meeflnv
of tbo Council of the City of Portland, Or., held
on tbe oth day oi mux. juuo, me lollowlng
resolution was adopted:
Resolved. That the Council of the City of
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poaea to Improve River street from the south
line nf A lblna avenue to 100 feet south of tlie
south line of Albinu stcuuu, .in the following
lununer, to-wit:
First By grading sow street ,ro in proper
sub-grsde. . ' .
Secotid By paving sul!! xtreet full width with
wooden blocks treated with carbnliueum aven'
srlns. on a rock or grsvel foundation.
Third By construi-tiiii; arrinciai stone enrbs.
Snld imnroreinent to 1"' mude in accnrduncA
w-lth tha charter' nitd ordinances of the Cltv
Of Portland and plans, si-eciflcntlous and esti
mates of tne city l-.iiirm-i r niea in me office
f the Auditor or the i-it.r -or cortiand on tho
2Mb day of April. YMU. lntlnFstnlc.''Clty En
gineer's plans snd spr.ylfirstlnna foe the lui
nrnvement of Blver street from the South linn
of Albina avenue to !' feet south of the
south Hue ef Alblnn avenue, and th t.
mutes of tbe work to in- aune ana ino prob-
bl- total cost tticriHir.
The cost or said nnprnvement to ne assessed
ks provided ny tuo ni) -minor upon me prop
erty tpeclally benefited thereby and which Is
hereby declared to be nit the lots, parts of
lota and - rtnvcela nf lnn-1 lylnt between the
south line of Alblnn avenue and Its westerly
extension, In Its present conrve. and a line
100 feet South of and pursllel with the afore
said aouth line nf said Albina avenue aud
between line 100 feet westerly from and
parallel with the wont line of River street and
a line 1U0 feet easterly from and. pnraUol
with the east line or nivcr atreei
of the property penefltod by ssld Improvement
or any portion thereof shsll not voluntarily
petition for a new or aim-rent improvement be
fore the expiration of audi period.
The nlans. specifications snd eatlmstes of the
Cltv Engineer for the Improvement of said
Wvgiuit street ure hereby- sdopted.
Reaolved. Thst the Auditor he and hp la
hereby directed to tlve notice of the proposed
Improvement of ssld street as provided hy ths
city charter.
Remonstrance agulmtt the above Improvement
msy be, filed in writing with the undersigned
within 20 from the date of the first pub
lication of this notice.
By order of tbe Council.
Auditor of thu City of Portland.
May 9, 1903.
Notice is hereby tlven thnt stthe meetln;
of the Council of tbe City of Portland. Or., heli
un the tlth dy of May. :ll0.' the following
resolution irsa lilonted: . .
Resolved, Thst tbe Council of the City of
lortisn'i, nr.. urema it expruieut and pro
poaee to Improve Maaon sti-ci-t from the east
line of East Tenth atreet to the east Uue of
Kaat rourteeutli atreet, In the following man
nor. to-wlt:
First Hy trsding said street full width with
inn interaectiona to tne proper aun-graae.
Sieond By constructing wooden aldewalks ac
cording to the City Engineer's plans, specifica
tions snd estimate.
Third By constructing wooden crosswalks six
reet in wiutn.
Fourth Iir ennxtructtng box Hitters.
Snld Improvement to lie msde in accordance
with the charter and ordinances of the City uf
i-oriiann ami me plans, apecincationa and eetl
matea of the Clly Knglneer filed In the onicv
of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland on the
2lth day of April. 190:1, Indorsed, "City En
gineer plans and sped ms turns ror tbe im
provement of Macon atreet from the eaat Hue
of East Tenth tttreet to the caat Una of Eaat
Fourteenth street and tun eatlmstes of tbe
work to bo done and tho probable total cot
The cost of ssld Improvement to be assessed
as iirovlded by the cltv charter unon the m-oo.
erty specially benefited thereby, snd which Is
hereby declared to Oe all the lots, parts of
lota and par ii-In ot land lying between a line
list feet north of and parallel with the north
line of Maaon street snd a line loo feet south
of snd parallel with tbe aonlh line of Mason
street and between the cast Hue of Kaat Tenth
street nnd s Hpe HHi feet east of snd parallel
with the esst line of East Fourteenth street.
The Engineer's estimate of the probable total
coat of aald improvement is tl.T20.tsi.
The plsns. apeclflcatlons and estimate of tbe
City Engineer for the improvement of said
Ma ion street sre hereby adopt'd.
Resolved. Thnt the Auditor of the City of
Portlaud be and he Is hereby instructed to give
notice ot the prnpoed Improvement of said
street na provided br the city charter.
Kenionstruiicr agalnat the snov improvement
msy be filed ta writing with the undersigned
witblu 20 days from the date ot tbe first pub
lication of thla notice.
By order of the Council.
Auditor of thu Ctty of Portlsnd.
May 9, 1903.
The Engineer's estlmstn of the probable total
coat for-said improvement is hai.w.
ine aoove imiirovenjeni oe nmm BB .
treated wood block pavement and shsll be
m. hv the cltv 'for the nerlod nf fnne
rauVa nrovlded that ihfi owtiwrs of t msioritr
Of ft property - pencilled by ssld Improvement,
or any portion thereof, shall not petition for a
new or different Improvement before tba ex
piration of such period.
- ine plane, apecincaiioni biw nownirt ot tne
City Engineer for the Imorovement of aald
Klver street, are hereby adopted. , ,
Resolved. Thst tbe Auditor ' of ' th City of
Portland be and he la hereby Instructed to
give notice of the nropoaed Improvement of .aid
street as provided 1y tbe city charter.
ttemonsiranee agamsi me nwrr mijirrjTement
msy be Bled In writing with tht undersigned
Within 20 days from the dato of tbe first pub
lication of sthls notice.
By order et the Council . .'..
1 lltfO. j. I'liTiiin,
Notice M hereby .(,v''" that ut the meeting
of the .Council of the 'City of 1'ortlund, Or., held
on the tith day of May, lo:;, the following
rrsolntlru ws adopted: '.
Resolved. That the Council of tbe City of
Portland, .Oregon, de;ra It expedient and pro
pone to Improve KhsI Thlrty-flrst atreet from
the south lino of Hancock street to fhc north
line of llnlsey street, lu the followinic,; man
ner, to-wit:
First By grading s;iid atreet full width with
full intersection to the established grade.
Second By constructing 12-foot sidewalks
with six-foot covering plant.
ThirdBy constructing wooden crosswulks six
feet In width.
Ssid Improvement to he made in accordance
with the charter and ordinances of the (ity of
Portland snd tho plans and specification and
iirtcr upon the prop-1 f tlinatrs of tho tit) Englnwr Olvd iu thu
Orion "l ' ....... iv. .... uir liu
day of May, 190.1. Indorsed, "Citv
Engineer's plana and tieclflcatloiis for the Im
provement of Kaxt Thirtv-flrst street flora the
south line of Hancock street to the north lino
ef Halsey strict, and tho estimates of the
work to be done and the probable tutu I ceat
i hereof. "
The cost of said Improvement to be assessed
as provided by the city charter upon the prop
erty specially benefited thereby and which la
borcby declared to b all the lots, purta of lota
and parcels of lutul lying between a line loo
feet west of. biI psnillcl with the west Hue
ot East Thirty-first street and n Mm- loo
feet esst of and parallel with tbo cast line
of East Tblrty-firtit street and between' the
south line of Hancock street and tbo north
line of llnlsey street.
The Engln-r'a estimate of the probable total
coat for said improvement is. t2,0S4.On. . ' .
The plans, apcciticatlons and ostlrantca of the
City Engineer for the luiprovnnient- of said
Bast Toirtr-Bmt street arc hiib.v artnptcd.
Itesolvetf. That the Auditor of- th Cltv' of
Portlaud bo snd h is hereby Instructed to give
notice of the prooosed imiiroveim-nt of aald
atreet as provided by the city charter.'
Remonstrance against tho above Improvement
msy be nie-d ip writing with the undersigned
within 20 (lava from tl-.e date ot the first pub
lication nt this notice. ,.. ,
By order of the Council
j nun. v. nrti.if,
J!RS4lr-J8Cav ' , . WS iiie l.vV-.1---.
Notice ! herehy (ftven that at the meeting
f the Council of the (ity ot Portland. Or., held
on the ttth da)' of May. ItM'i.i tbe following
reeolofk-u was adopted:
Reaolved. That the Council of the City of
'Portland. Or., liceins lt expedleut and proposes
to improve Alder street from the east Hue
of Front street t-j the west line of Sixth
street by coustriR-tliiiC artificial st-ue sidewalks
ui'ctiiiiiug to the (ity Euglnevr's plums, specj-Ut-atlons
and c-.tlumt'--'.
, Kiild Improvement to be made in nccoritimc
with the charter and ordinances of the Citv
of l'urtlnnd snd the pluns. api-iiticutloiM unit
estlniatc. of the (ity Engineer lii-d In the
office of the Audl'oi- cf the City of Portland
nn the 2Mb rtuy of April. MO" Indorsed. "City
Engiueer's plans sud speel lien Hons tor tbo Im
provement of Aider at reet from (he rat linn
of Front street to tho iwst Hue of cixili street
and til" estimates of the v of I; to he dona utid
the pntbiible total est tlicrool."
The cost of k.-ild linpi-ov'-iii.-nt to be ns3e.isied
sa provided hr the city chsrl -r uiion the prop
erty apeclnlly benefited thereby, and which i
hereby declared to be nil fid lots, parts of
lots and parcels of land l.vins between a line
100 feet north of arid parallel Ith the north.
Hue of Alder street and a Hue isi feet south
of and parallel with the south Hue cf Alder
street snd between the east linn nf Front
street and the cast Hue of SlxtU street, ex
cept the south H'o feet of hlocUj 1 om! -15.
In thc-Xity of Portland
The Knirlneer'a estimate of the probable total
-cst of snld Improvement is $a.i'fiO.HO.
The nlnns,. speclticutlons end estimates of the
City Enirlnoor for the Improvement of snld
Alder street are hereby adopted.
Hesolre.t. That the Auditor of the City of
Portland be and he Is hereby iustrurled ta ir've
notice of the proposed tmiirovrme:it of stiij.
street a "provided hr th" city charier.
RepiimNtr.-iuce ajr-.iiteit tre auove anprov-etneut
muv be filed lu writing ivlth 1he undersigned
within 0 days from the date of the first pub
lication of, this natU-e,
Bv order of tho Coua-:l.
t : mp. c. nnvMv.
Auditor ff thu city of Portland.
May 9. 1903.
Notice Is 1iireby given that at the meeting
of the Council of thn Cltr of Portland. Or., held
on th 6th day of Ma) , 100 1, the follow ljS
resolution ws adopted:
Resolved, Thst the Council of the Cltv of
Portlaud. Or,, deems It expedient and proposes
to Improve East Twelfth street from the norttl
line of Fsltlng street to the sooth line of
Prwscott su-ect. In tbo following manner, to-wits-
- , ' :- -
First-'-'Mv grsdiiiff ssltrlttreet full width with
full Intcrsertloiis to proter aub-crado. i .
Second Br eotwtiuctins wooc.n siuowsp; ac
eordiua: to lh Cit.t Cu-iiKes-' plaus. i?oei!iea'
tion and ratio-ate.
Tblrtl---Br coiistnicilng wooden crosswalks ali
fect In width.
-- Fourth Mr constructing box cutter. ' - '
Maid improvement to lie ii"nV lu si'-T-driiiee
Tdth ,tlm charter end f-rditiMfe-'-s of ttje C'tv
of lortlnnd and the vl--"1. -''ijes ued . - - 1 in V.
nice of tb Auditor of thn fur ef Portlsnd '
Cll Iho tli duf (it Apr I L ImU. Ind--r-id. "tlty
l:,iKlie-r s plans sud aiieiitlealkins fur th Im
proveiircnt or Caat Tiilth street from tn
uorth lino of Fslllhg street to tb SnMlb line
of t . street, and tb eatlmstrs ef to
work to be dne aud th prvUubl total rut -t
In-reof," . .
Th cost of ssld Improvement tii he ossesd
ss rovlih-d by Iba clly rhurter Upon the prop
erty specially Ircnefiieil thereby, swl whb-h 1
hereby ibi is red t hu all fli lor, part ot
lols and parcels of 'laud frlkt ht-ttfeen a II n
Ksi fwt wea, et and parallel wltb the Went
Hue of - Eaat Twelfth atreet ml r II uo Ion!,
f.-et cast of snd u.rllel with lb east Ho of
Kaat Twelfth atreet, and b"tweeu (be north
Hue, of Failing atreet and' the south lino sf.
Prescott trel, , - -. ' . .,
The Engliie.-e'a estimate of thenrobblo total '
cost of said Imr rnverhent la $.1.!M no. '
ibe plan, iierlllratinns and eallcmtea Of tna
City Engineer for the lniiroteuient of aald Bast
Twelfth atreet are hereby adopted. it
lc.- lived. That tbe Auditor of th CM of '
Cortland lie and be la hereby Instructed Ji i
irlve notice nf tlie proposed Imiriovemeut ot sal ;
street as provided by the-city charter. - .'.
Itemonntisnce against th above Iniprevenient
may lie filed th Writing with tbe underslpiM
witi. In 20 fl.'ifv from the dale of th first pub.; '
II. ntlon of this notb-c.
By order of thu Conncll.
Andltnr of the City of For I Und. V-
May t, 1003. :
Sen led prorswilt will bo received hy th '
undeislKiicU at the oIUco of the Auditor ot
tin1 t lly of I'oitUud. Orttuu, until Monday, .
June J, IIK'.I. at I o clock p. u., for the aaie, '
ut not less than pur value std accrued iuten-at, ' ,
ot iinproreiiP-nt blinds of Vofi tity of Portland,
Unpin, uu tin- saiuw ahall be authorised to ba
Issued tot- the whole or any part of H'venty-Bv dollin-s. bald bonds v-lll ba Issued la
l.-ie ilnl uu I H .1, n of tire hundred dirllart each, to,"
be dui'd when, payable lu ycara "
from dili-, bearing Interest at tbe rate of ',
per cent ar uur.uui, stable aeml-snnuallv. ta-tep-st
nnd prlie-lpal payable iu I nlted lale
pdd coin, at the offlo of the Clly Treaaurer, '. ,
I'ortlHiid. Oretuii. Provided that lb City at-'
Portland reaervt-s tbe right to take p and '
cancel aucb Iwnds. upon the pavwent of th value thereof, with sccrueil lntereat to I,
the date of pa T until, at any avail-annual eon
H.ii perlo.1 at or after one year from tha dale
uf aucb bonds.
Hn III bonds are iaaurd under authority ef a ,.'
art of the Lextauiture nf the Htat of Orefon, -passed
February 16. 1803, entitled, "An act V
to provide for th Issuance of bond for tba.',
Iiupiorvment of atreet aud tb lylug of wra ,
lu Incorporuted title, and for the payment ot .
cost of aucb Improvement and laying of eewort
by Inatallnictits." aa amended by aa act of
the legislature of the Htate of Oregon, tp-V
proved February 2. Iwol, entitled: "An act to
ainand aeel lotw 1, 2. 3. 4. B, and T. et aa"
act entitled: 'Au act to provide for tne lasu
sure of bonds for th improvement at ttrectg .
and layint of aewers lu lucorporsted cltle, '
snd for the psyment of the coat of such im-' f
provementt and layint of sewera by InatalW
nients,' filed in the ortlr-e of the Becretary ot
State February XL 1HX" and the- proceed f
1 hereof are to be used tor tb payment In part
tor tlie Improvement of afreets or construction.
of sewers ss the said Improvement shall bo ;
duly authorised and completed. i
ibe validity of the act of tb Legislature ,
sfiH-rsaid, has been affirmed by th Buprtaia .
Court of tha Rtste of Oregon. '
Maid bonds -ill be Issued snd delivered
the Common Couiwll -shsll direct. - -
Bidder will be retpilred to submit a flat Mil. 1
without conditions, except as Y th regularity t
of each Issue of bonds, and to f jbmlt with their
bids s certified check on a bank in tb City ef
Portland. Oregon, suilul to 6 per cent of th v
anrreaate amount of the bid. payable to tbo t '
Uyur nf tbe City of Portlsad, as liquidated t
damages In raae aucb bidder withdraws hi i
bid or fulls or neglects tn enter Into contract to i
take and pay for aald bnnda aconrdlnt to th ,'
terms of his bid snd this notice. Th rltht ,
to reject any and all bid t hereby reserved.
Illds ah void be addressed to th committee ''.
on wsys and means of tbe Common Conncll. car .J
of Thomas C. Iievlln. Auditor. Portland, Oregon. J
By order of the Common Conncll.
B. P. CA HOWELL, ; Y.t '
H. B. ALBEK. - ;
Commit fte on Waya and Meaaa, , j
Portland, Oregon May 1803. .1 .
BTf '".".' . Tt-
Notlce Is-hereby given that at the meeting
of the Council of the City ol Portland, Or., belj :.
on the tlth dsy of May, Itfoa, tbe following ''
rraolutlon was adopted:
Hi solved, ihat tho Council of tbo tlty of -.
Portland. Oreton, di-ems It eipedlent and pro- r
iioaos to Improve Albina aveuue from the math '
line of Page street to the center Una of Klver f .
street. In the following manner, tii-wlt: -
Flrat Hy trading ssld avenue full width with) .
full Intersection to tlie proper aub-grade. -
Kecond Br paving the avruue full width with
frill Intersections with wood blocks treated with
carbnliueum svenarlus: ou a rock or gravel foun
dation. h i ' ' .
Third Br. construetinjf artiDcjul gtone corn.
Hiild lujprr.Vcment (o be ma'ti tn accordance
with the charter and ordlmihcV- nf the City
of Portland and tbe plans, sieclflratlSB and
estimates of tbe Cltr Euglnew . ld in the
office of the Audltce of the tlty of Portlsnd e
the 20lh day of April, looa. Indorsed. "( Ity
Engineer's plan snd sprcltirstion for tb Im
provement of Alblua aveuuo from th north .
tie. nr I sr. atreet to the renter line of Hlvrr -
street snd tbe estiinutea of the work to h
done Aiid tbe probable total coat thereof.".. '..
The cost of ssld Improvement to be aaaessed , ,
ss provided by tbe city chsrter upon the prop
erty speclsllv lonefited thereby and which I
hereby declared to be all the lot, parte ef
bita and parcela of land tying wlrhln tb dls .
trict bounded and dem-ribed. as follows! on th
west side of aald avenue all the property
a Hue 100 feet north ot and parallrL.. .
with the north line of Page street; and th north -
Hne of Klver atreet aud between the east line
of Albina avenue and Ur.e 1K feet eaeterlytji
therefrom and parallel inerewiio; un ine wmii
side of ssld avenue, all of lot ntimnerea it"1
In block f2. Albina, lying aouth of the north
Hue of Page street, extended westerly in It ;
.resent course, sna tne essteriy nan oi mt ,
It) In said hlcck and the eaaterly halt cf blocka
numbered oil. wt ana e.. Aioma. ,
Tu. Knirlneov'a estimate ot the probable total
cost for said improaement 1 JH.T27.0O.
The above Improvement Is to be classed at ...
a treated wood block pavement and shsll be
tauititalned by the city tor me penoa oi lour
....un. m-nvlded. that the owner ef a malorltv .
of the property benefited by th improvement .
of ssld street or any. portion thereof, shall
not petition for a new or different Improvement ,
before the expiration), of such period, - '- v
ii... an.elHeatloiis and Mtimatea of tha-
ity Kuglneer for the Improvement of tald AW -v;
bin's avenue are hereby adopted. .
Kesclved. Tbst tne Anuiior oi tne ttiy as .
Po.-tt.nri h.. and he Is hereby Instructed tn tiv
notice of the proosed improvement pt tald ave
nue ss provided by the city chsrter. r
Itemonstrance against the above Improvement
mav be filed in writing with tbe undersigned
it htii 20 dsvs from th data of. tb first
publication of thi notice. r . , f
tiy oroer oi me louur-u. . ii
Auditor of tp Cltj of Portlsnd. f
May 0, 1003. . ?j , f ,
'.il ,i.i ,1 ' t in ,1 j. i. I I -T M I' 11 tj'i
Notice la hereby given that at the mcettng i
of thu Council ot the City of Portland, Or., held
ou tho nth. akty of Muy, lihM, tb.- fOUowiiu ..---.
resolution traa adopted; - :
Ketwivcd, That thn Council of th tity et , '
Portland, Oregon, deems 1c expedient, and pr
posej to Improve Stark atreut from tbo east
fiui1) of Front street to the west line of bevenlli
str&uKby constructing artlllclal stone sidewalk! .
fluid Improvement ta be luudit In acifordain.-
with the charter aad oriihiam-es ot the . CUa-s ,
of Portland ami?" the pljiw. siieellicatlons.. and
eatlmatea of the ' City Euglr-.ecr Htllew-W th ''..(.
otlice of thu Auditor of the tityiof Purtlaud .
on the 27tu d;iy of April, VMiA, Indorsed. .' Cil
Enginrvr'a plain and apecitteatlviw for ths lm .,- ..
provement of Stark 'street from the. esat Un . :
of Front "street U the west line of beventb ' "v.
street mid the (MtlmafK of tbo work to be dunti
aud tho probable total cost thereof." - .
The cost of said improvement to be assrsseC
as provided by the city charter upon the prop m
et-ty apeclnlly, benetlwd-trK-rby -and wtjlah U .
hereby declsred to ba the follpwlugi lota il and
4. block 4u; lots S stid U. link 3.i: lot4 and 1
4, block W; Ma S aud , bhi k M; lots 1 and
2, block; sotuh-bnlf Stii iota T and a. block;
lota 1 and JJ, biock bit rt. 7 aud bluckvlTd, -City
of l-iirthHul. -- , ;. t '.''," '.'
City Kuglueor'. estimate of the probable .total j
Cwiii of uld twprovtuiiisiit la flJ'.0lT.ii0.
The plans. niwclISi-atitiiS Slid entiuistw (if lh
City Digiucer for. the improvement ef esld btiik -street. hcivby Btlopted. '
iU-solvcd. That tlie - Auditor of the City el
Ponlntid be aud he i;i bcrebv dirm-ivd tn give v
notice of the pw-pftsed Improvement - of anld " ,
strctt a pjtawlrUM by the city chsfti-e. c- . '
Reiuouuirniiev agulnst tha eNv Improvement :
..... 1... Mlj.l .!. ,,. Irlorf ' W-iMl the rllltlislsntCO : - -
snVltlilu SO tiiiv from the ijiits) ot tho lust pu .
I ITciition ef this police. " :u ' ' . '- - ,H
t By order of the Council- :'i' '' . A
'J - - TltW:'V, lift v 1.1 !.--V.
' AntHtur ot tbo City f. i'u-iUsad.-. . '
May 0. 100:t -. a .'..:.'. . . .
at IK
s. SI I
JSZKT. . . . " '
I'nMwsab '-till be r-e-lw by tlie purcti.tsinT
committee, nf lb" -j-ermise inunit
Citv Bn- SlJltceutll uiirl Mndlaoii "
O'fHie p. Id.. taiiH' . sirs
furiltsliil R to tt Street ( te il
th-pnttin.-ut of the City f Porii
wclirhluit l)ctnceu l.i'Si srnJ 1 i
between Cvc eml' ei-veit w-tr-;
llorsin biust slfie b show-n n '
Tbe mieeiiKslur' cwmn-tl-'Rii- v
ti try all horees scleci- n
fore piirrhaatiiif. w
. Bjr ' otdcr the I'- - " '
,',' - '