rl.Av THE : OBEGON DALIY JOUItX AL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING,' MAY. ' 0. 1 903 rffp rni?riTY ULL1 - JlAllUI I i ! Portland r Prices : Go Up .on Monday Hogs Are Duller and Packed Keats Are .Likely to Drop During Week. t J.r.-ft ,, . . . . . . . . . 4 ' '''' 1 ii ii oth o y t i.i .:.-: f ' v. " 'v Had their tklo mad soft at relvet and sweet u roses this morning by V.' BBXP TO ABTJJTOa. -: Prah beef prtoe will advaae V eni pound oa Monday. Lighter tMtipti f mm la th K3 Witch-Hazel Soap Pattoi Purchases Large Wheat Supplies. I Crop Prospects in the South Are Not Rosy-Grain Yellow and Weak Looking. AnT 20,000 mothers wen made happy thereby. Remember, Munyon's Witch Hazel Soap quickly eases baby of hives, chafing, and all forms of baby rash It cures skin disorders In old as well as young ; It h so excellent for the complexion that many, women prefer it even to the French toilet soap that costs as high as i. The Union Meat "Company announcaa that, beginning Monday, quotation on 'government Inspected beef will ba ad- vancad enl a pound, on account of reduced etoek receipts In ; tha local markets. Tha new quotations on prima stock range from 7 V to 8 tt cants pound. Mutton la to abundant supply KfrSrl ntedluni wool. SOe; tost wool. SOeO ,1.44 Mch. Tallow Prime, par & SUfiae; Ko. 1 aaa !IVM.iat4e tier lb: dry klo. No. 1. to IS lb. Itr; 4r calf. No. 1. asoar Ba, rf Mltad. VsUa aad attf. 1-S las th try fllt: Mllg Biora, lint, onoaa. au m or oror, 7 WM He; 60 to au R. tH8c: nroor 80 tta. ond oow. if: ion ana oaua. ooano. at: lla. , w j. -., I ooaao, IS o S9 Iba, 'e; ooaodV N to 14 Do, V mtr i Tc: eon, aoana. ananr iv n, c; itoob iddooii. 'Ja Ah owrsupply and today prices ara Bono bldoo. Mi. - i oolto mar, mcs, raaoor; aoai oaioa, culiJlmi, on account of, tha lownaaa of tha Don 'market, which has baen brought about by larrer receipts throushoul tha country.- Local packed meats are slow sellrs and lower prices are anticipated within the next few days. Lard Is weak In sympathy with the reduction In pork. Prices are unchanged. , Batter la Cold torafa. The atock of creamery butter belns ' rushed Into cold storage la Immena and i has somewhat of a tendency to make the market stronger. There la still plenty of stock arriving; on tha street and It . Is hard' to obtain the top-quotations except ' on rare occasions. Store and country are arriving In a mora plentiful supply and are bringing ruling quota tions. Eggs to Drop. Within tha next week, the price of eg ft a Is aore to show a decline If the present rate of production contlnuea. Receipts of eggs on the atreet today ware tha largest during" the season, and as tha stock la moving very slowly, the market shows a weaker tone. One of the - larger commission men on tha treat received ' over 100 'Cases today and a majority of tha conaignment had to be rushed into tha cold ' storage. Prices continue at 17 and 17H cents. with a majority of tha sales being made at the latter figure. Many Bop Contracts. ed), la lb Iroo; eullo, le lb Woo; hut ultoo, each, gl.16ttl.TS: dry. oack. 1 alto' bide, oaca, SSfjSOr; coat okloa. oack. 10 Keg 11.00. Batter, Xfft, aag Poultry, Butter Orocoa maowry. nmiaoc: dalrr. ITOlTHe; etore. 19c. Ksaa rroaa uroaoa. i.ithc- , Cbtwoo Pull eroam. twin. lflUT): Tonne America, leCHHo; Kaatara, laiTe; CaHfornU. lae. r-onltrr Cblekcaa. allied. Der lb: bona. IIHeUSe; rooatera, 1041 11 Wo lb: broil- era, ItOlTc tb; fryer. 14016c lb; dncka, ia e To; stnae, ifiioc mi raraoja, ura, iatj 17c, draaaed lSQlUc. erooariaa, VuU, Its. Sugar Sack baala," cub.. SSTTH; powd trad. IS.60M; dry franolatod, t&.41; xtra C. 8.02H; 0Ua C U M: barrato, 10c; barrela. He: boxee. BOc adrane oa aack baali. lea 25a par ewt tot caab, IS daya; Biapla, 14J 16c ttv. Howy logioe par trame. rnfM Gmh Mocha. 2102Sei Java. fane. JfleSic; Jara. rood, ZOQSttk: Jut, ordlnarr ii al20c: Coata Klca. fancy, lSaSOc; Coata Rica. food, loOlUe: Coata Rica, ordinary. 10M12e per id: Luinawia reaai, aiu.oo; ArDuratea 111.124 Mat; Dial iwaati fiv.Wi sU ViM-a-sj . Uoa. SU.12K flat; Cordora. TeaaOoloni'. dlffareat trade. SSQQSr; Gno- nowder, 2MQ32UUc; Kugll.6 Hreakfant. dlf ferant gradoa, 12UjC60e; Spider Lag, ancolorad Japan, aoUOc; green Japan, very acarce, tor. Salt Baloa. S. Ha, 4. 6. 10a. SI 10: loo table, dalrr. IW. !(: lCa. T4e: toinortel Me erpool, 80. 46c; 100a, 88c; 224a, S1.8B; Im perial. 8u0-rh bbla, 5 2ft. Salt Worceate aalt. balk. bbl. 320. 13.00; Woreeeter. 140 t. SIV80; Wnrceater. 10O . D.SO; Worcaater, 80 6a, S5.23; 80 10. 13.00; linen aacka. 60. Mc. Salt Ooareo, half rraand. 100. fler ton. S14.00: Sua, par ton, $14.60; Lleeroool. lump, rock. 23 par ton; 60-lb rock, $14.00; loo. $13 50. v ineaar mre ciaer, jnwwr kbipud. rrota spaolal wlra nd cables to Bolton, da Xuyter S Co. CHIAOO, May . The Kecord-Herald says: Tit general opinion la that tha Armour intereats is practically out of its July wheat. That was the theory yesterday, and because of that vuw there was an increase in tha- general buying. The outside buyer Who has been keeping out because fearful 'of a break on Armour liquidation was dlspoMeil to take hold becauae he felt this peril wan out of the way. The Armour people at 111 have their May trade In -the July. Hut there Is no longer a belief in any Important July campaign. Patten was a conatderable Hnvl af whMt Veatarrlav nnH that innirmA Maxine Elliott and Goodwin to lf h8 felt there haJ ben an the ui CAav vu as iuvu iiuiuai ivu iiiri m wuuiu be. St. Lou la has shipped 728.000 bushels of wheat in Ave days and haa received 244,000 buahels. It looks as lf the St. (Journal Special Service.) ' AX,U1" wnea J00" T'U1" ue.cl" m two CLEVELAND. Ohio. Mv With to- on Monaoy. ine reuueunn ooing irom NAT AND HIS STAR-WIFE PART DAN GR0SVEN0R8AVS: Pe-ru-na is tin Excellent Spring Catarrh am as Welles Ever." Separate. Many contracts for the 1903 cron of kitna a r. Kftln .. rx IT-11 . I iUflllt dellVrr. ZZr--:"T-mrr"' RleaImoerlal Japan. No. 1 prices Bvercging i ceni pouno. JUO- I aat-. New Orleana. bead. TWc. Klnley Mltohell, a well known broker of I Breakfast Food Premlnm. 88-SHe. Grata Baas Calcutta, Sa.00e.2o par 100 for 5c; No. X $2 80; this city, has contracted to sell 40.000 I rotet. $4.50: H-0 oats. $3.iB. c,"";rf w crop tha !ssr&Ariun.i Mr. Mitchell's yard la near Oearvls. Of fers for l02'a are coming in thick and fast and the market is showing greater activity than at any period of the pros ent season. Some sales are reported at SO cents, and It is rumored that even J0H oents haa been paid for . a very onoice lot in tna vicinity or Aurora. Strawberries Coming Taster. Strawberries are coming in larger uppiy, tna receipts today f,rom Florin, CaL, being 700 crates. The stock con tinues to Improve aa the season pro gresses ana prices are on the downward move. Strawberries are quoted today at 1 1.76 per IS -box crate, a decline of 26 cents since yesterday. Cherries are arriving in more liberal supply and quotations are down to $1.40 fancy Bara, $1.20; Alanka tails, pink, 80c; red, $1.25: 2-lft talla. IZ.OO. Coal Oil Caae. 22e per ral; tank. Water White, Iron barrels 16c, -wooden 1He: Head- llgnt, caae Z44jC, iron Dirroia, ibc; gaaunna. Iron barrels 22c. essea. 2H4c. Maw.il Oil Pure raw. In barrels. Be; genu ine kettle, boiled. 4e: pore raw. In cases, 6Tc; nitln. karri In eaaea. fiAc. Turpentine In cane. 71c; wood barrel, 81 Ue; Iron barrels one: tO-lb ease lnt 70c. Boana anuU whits. 4c; large won. c; pink. Sc; hayon. Sc; Llnias, 6c. Tooaceo riuit-ent amoainir. i, a pt awa: m nf Nnrth Carolina. TIC ro: Ma- tlr, (We lb: niirt Queen. 41c tb; Red Bell. S9c lb;4Pedro, 80i952r; Golden Scepter. $1.15 lb; 8ae rnt ramen. 41 rh- pauatan. l KT, lb: Dtike'a Mixture. 40e lb; Bull Durham. (We t; 01.1 Eng lish Cnrre Cat. 74e lb; Maryland ciud. tic ro; Wall Poach. 88c lb: Tale Mltttire. 81.40 n. Pln tnhacce? Dnnnmond'a Natural Leaf. 5Hc n; Piper Hetdileck. 88e lb: Bomethlns Good. 4.Vr Ib: SUndard Nar.n 8Se lb; T. B.. 53o lb: Rnear Bead. 43c Tb; Stai1. 41c lb. Fine cut Chewing: Golden Thread. 88c tb; Fast Mail. 70c night's performance in this city, the firm of Goodwin and Elliott wUl dis solve, and husband and wife will follow the example of so many other married stars and each head a separate com pany. For more than six years the popular comedian and his talented wife have starred jointly, and while their aucoeaa, both artistically and financial ly, has been satisfactory It la felt, by both that the public demanda their pro feaalonal separation. Their experience In the matter Is merely a repetition of that suffered by James X- Hackett and hla wife, Mlaa Mary Mannering, and other married couplea who have at tained popular favor behind the foot lights. Maxine Elliott will take a long rest preparatory to starring next season In "Her Own Way," a new play by Clyde Fitch. The latter part of the month Bhe will aall for Europe. England and France will be visited,-and In the Sum mer, It la said, she will go as the guast of Emperor William and the Empress on a long crulae In the Baltic. .Mean while Nat Goodwin and the company will keep on playing acroas the con tinent. Mlsa Elllott'a part In the cam is to be taken by Florence Rockwell, formerly leading lady with Henry Miller. par 10-pound crate, Lemons are over stocked and prices on tha cheaper grades I A- are slumping. Good stock la helnar helit Fruit aad, Varaublaa. at top quotations. . I Potatoes 45lOe tof fancy; ordinary 30040c; . , I asw. 8 He; sweet. Stte lb. Onions Again Up. Onlnns Oregon. $1.00. buyers' prices; local. A larger demand for the choicer grades li.ooeti.6fl; gsrlic. i7c rt. nf Oreiron onion, ho. 2,..a .tZll Fresh FnJts-Apple., fancy Oregon.,. IVQ ri- . " . . " .r--- -"'". , at 50. mnklng. 50 ft 76c box. orange: wni, -aavance in onion quotations,, The beat 2.6OJ$J,O0: Mediterranean swseta. $2.252.50 m in excellent aemand, the sup- I California tangerines. i.txto ai.za ox ply of California's being nearly ex hausted. The best stock of local's is likewise small and higher prices are ex pected to prevail before the close of the present season. Ordinary stock Is in larger receipt and la a drug on the market Prices today range from $1 to 11.60. x Potatoes Doing Sown. Potatoes are weaker with b. slacken ing of demand for shipping stock from theeSouth. The last steamer took riom-i a ia inrge supply oi rancy grades Whlnh Wr MM a. ......11 - " .. rt 1 1.: n uuuuiliuiiii A large stock awalta the arrival of the next steamer. Prices in the local mar set are unchanged. One car of bananas la due thla v.n tag. The market Is bare of fruit and higher prices are expected to prevail during the coming week. The regular learner is due rrom Ban Francisco Mon oay. Asparagus In Market. uregon asparagus from Mlramonte Vara, Clackamas County, arrived today w mc mcai marxets. This is the first good Oregon stock to arrive during the present season. California is in larger supply and all grades are quoted today i a per io-pouna dox. v Good Prone Outlook. The outlook for a large crop of prunes uunng xne coming season is very en oouragmg up the Willamette Valiev Moat of the trees are bearing well and unleaa a l.itA front la wuv.wm,vi OU, prospects are that this year's croi of prunes win oe a recora-Dreaker. Business along Front street grows duller aa the labor troubles continue and all merchants agree that the dif- ouitles should be arbitrated. The noui- iry mantei is especially dull today, re Mlpta being rather small and the d nand even less. The grocery market la perhaps the one to suffer the moat on account or the numerous strikes and lockouts, business in this tag dropped at least a third since tho beginning of the labor trouble. No wMuges in quotations appear .in tha grocery market during the week. Today's quotations, as revised, are as follows: PSUXAXT XV KSBTTTOKT. (Journal Special Service.) LOUISVILLE, Ky., May . The Dem ocrats of Kentucky ar holding a pri mary election today for the choice ol candidates for the nine atate offices to be filled at the election next Novemlxr. The primary la an Innovation with tlia party lp this state, conventions having alwaya been held heretofore. A number of party leaders have expressed views In opposition to the new plan and the out come is awaited with Interest Gov ernor Beckham, having been declared by the courts to be eligible to re-election, will In all probability head the ticket, although he is not without opposition. (72.000 bushels to about 100,000. Du lutb promises a decrease In Its stock of 800,000 bushels. Minneapolis haa a de crease of 480,000 and Chicago will de crease about 260,000 busliels. Gardner of St. Louis wired: "I have the following from my father at Union City, Tenn: ' " 'I have never in my life seen such a great change in growing whent aa haa been made In the past two weeka. In our beat lands tha plant Is yellow, weak looking, not growing any and unpromis ing generally. Prospects are gloomy throughout the West Tennesaue belt. Of course rain and warm weather muy bring it outv ' In lard It looks as though Swift was "changing" his July holdings over to September, but the crowd has anticipated the "change" and the hear futures are subjected to severe discounts. There Is a group of locxl IjjIIs in the May oats, Including a popular local pro fessional and the mnnnf;er of an outside elevator company. There lire one or two other holders of May oats, moat of them Identified more or less closely with ctevator concerns. The plan seems to keep the May price within bounds, so as not to attract too many oats Mere. There are so many Interested in the May future there may be In this operation, as there haa been in come others of late, an embarrasament from too much bull company. i'; t I ? ' - J ' T. -Ok ' ' '' toes WETLAND WHOLESALE PEICES. Or In, Flour and Feed. ?jnytrVella Walla, 73c; blueatem, ed, $21.00: rolled, $23.00. ?n?i ?' 1;"f1-:,fay. Si.u e Floor Eastern Oregon: Patents. $103184 30 amond W, $4.20; straighta SS S5-. Vaiu "W Mil6; lS; $3.55. Kiil-Z'Si. 2" 00 P ton middlings, 188.50; short. $21.00; chop, $18.00. aUy-Ximothy, $20.00; clorer! $17.00. 1 . Hops, Wool sad Hid, "ops wsjaoc jo choice; 103 . Woof-Notnlaal. Valley, Oregon. 104il4c: Mohair. W neaiiaUu-Saaariiics, 14),jia,t rtwt wwi, contracts, 15c; Eastern ba nanas,' $2.2533.50 buncb. 5c. tb: strawberries $1.75 per 15-lb box crate; cherries. $1.40 per 10-lb box. Vere table Tnrnlps. 11.00 aex: carrot, ai.nn 1 in sack: beets. 81.60 aack: rxllabxa. 12iAIb15o doa: cabbage. California. 2V lb; let tuce, bead, 25c per dot: botbonae. $1.25 box; green peppers, 40e lb: boraeradiah 8e Tb; cel ery, $1.00 doa: beans, atrlng. 12HW15.- R: aanarsgus. $1.00 per 25-tb box: rbuharb. $1.00 box: tomatoes. $1.25 per 25-th box; paranlM, $1.75: pineapple, 85.00 dos; peat, 6c; cucumb er. $1.50 dos. Dried Fralta Apple. STapnratmi. o-(Tc tb; apiieota, 7H12c tbr peaches. TUfc lb; near. 8V.c lb: prunes. Italien. 44f5Hc lb: French. 804Ue lb: flg. California blacka. 66) (114 e: dn white. 7 Mi 8c lb; plnma. pitted. 5t 8c; ralilna, seeded, fsncy 1-lb cartons, 50 pack ages to esse. 0c Tkg; eeded. 12-os esrtnu. ftc; loose Mnscatellea. 50-lb boxes. 6 H S7 Me B: London layers. S1.T8gjtS.00. Nuts Peanuts, 8fiTe per lb for raw. Sffiinc for eon. tori' eocnannt 85M)0e tier rtw rnl. not, 14Q15e per lb: pins nuta, l0(12Hc nr lb: hlcr not". Ine ner lb; ehetnnt. Eaitera. 15lflc per lb; Braxll nuta, lSQ14c per lb; Alberts, 14fl(15e per ": fancy paean. 149 15c per lb; almond. 1416e per lb. Veata and Fiovlsiona. Fresh Mt Beef; prime. TfiS?R4e: bolls. B14&6o; cow. 6ilr7c: pork. 8gHc: real. 8c; nratton. 6r6e gross; dressed. 768c for good stocks; lamb, dressed. 8 10c. Bam. Bacon, etc: Portland pack lineal) bams. 10 te 14 lbs. 15e; 14 to 16 lbs, 14c; breakfaat tacon. l.VtflSo: picnics. HHe; cottage. llc; suited iiaes. iztic id; amogea siae. IRVJc; dry sslted backs. 12Vie: baenn hacks. 12c: butts, sslted. w. moken. wwe m. Gastern-oacked Hama Under 14 tb.. 46V e: over 14 ma. loiae; tancy. iwc; picnic, izc; hmildera. 12c: dry salted aides, nnamoked, , ... -. ..... 1. h.M. lAAit., in.. bUtta. I2tic. Iocal I-ard Kettle leaf. 10s. 13c: 5a. IRUc: 50-lb tons. I2c; steam rendered. 10a. 12c; M l?'c: 60s. 12c: compound tierces. 8Ue: tabs. Be. Eastern Lra Ketue letr, 10-ro tin, 13c: 0. lime; no-m inr. ie; aieam renaerea. io. lavic: o. iic: 00s: nc. . A dots packing noose prices sreK.net cssn. is dss. Fish Roe eod. 7e: nonnders. 5c; ballhnt. 5e: Ung eod. 6c: crsbs. $1.50 per doa: raaor cuma, wc oca; scripm imfh. ixc; aa ironn, 0. .,..11... . Am. ...In. . 1 Pnget Sonnd. 15e: eatflsb. 6c: Pneet Bound her- rma. 40 m: commnia Hirer anna. c: oritera Olympla, $2 a gallon;, black rod, Tc. POUCB CHIEFS TO MEET. (Journal Special Service.) NEW ORLEANS, May 9. The annual convention of the International Aaaocia t Ion. of Chiefs of Police. tQ be held in New Orleana next week will attract the heads of the police departments of the loading, cities of the United States and Canada. The gathering will begin Tues day and continue In session through the greater, part of the week. The papers and discussions will deal with the latest developments In the methods of appre hending and identifying criminals. MACHEV OTJT AT LAST. (Journal Special Service.) WASHINGTON. May 9. A. W. Macli en, general superintendent of ' the free delivery system of the Postal Depart ment, has been practically removed from his office pending the result ef the In vestigation now going on. ' Since the postotflce scandal Machen, scarcely less I of Its fiscal year on Juno SO. Beports large Crops. CHICAGO. May 8. John J. Mitchell, president of the Illinois Trust & Savings Rank, who Just returned from Callfornln and the Wrest. talks In most enthusiastic manjicr about the geieral business situa tion. "In the country 1 . paused through on my way home." he said. "It was Impos sible not to notion, the excellent condi tion of crops. Kansas, for Instance, had Juet had a plentiful of rain and the whole stale looked like a garden. Cali fornia has had a great deal of rain more than for several years, I think and the crops are growing beautifully. Everyone out there seems to be happy in the prorpect of an abundant crop. All merchants are doing a .splendid business and the outlook for the future is very encouraging." ' Concerning stocks and money markets, he says: "Storks have had a big de cline and I should think the weak-kneed holders had been pretty' well t-hnken out nnd for that' reason it? would seem tiiat securities ar In the strongest hands." BurMnrton Will Not Bafund. NEW YOKK, May 9. The Chronicle says: The rise in the stock of the Inter national Paper Company was turned on a rumor of the retirement of J7 noo.OOO of 6 per cent bocis and rt'placlni; thorn with honda bearing a lower Tate "f interest This report was declared ax absurd h;: VlcesPresklent Park of the company The company is now etrning increased profits and Is In ! fair way to show tin exceedingly large surplus at the end No effort BO. D1X a GROSYEXOB, OF THE F1X0CS OHIO FAMILY. Hon. Don. A. Grosrenor, Deputy Auditor for tho War Department, In a letter Written from Washington, D. C, ssya: .V Allow mo to express my gratitude to yetifor the benefit derived from one bottle of Peruna. One week has brought wonderful changes and I am now as well as ever. Besides being one of the very best spring tonics It Is an excellent catarrh remedy." DAN. A. OROSVEMR. In a recant letter b ya : consider Peruna teallymore meritorious than I did when I wrote you last i receive numerous letters from acquaintances all over the country asking me If my certificate Is genuine. I Invariably answer, yes."Dan. A. Orosvenor. . VT. E. Griffith, Conesn, Texts, wrttr " J iuffered with chronta fauna I many years. X took Peruna ai it com lately cured me. X think farua tg th best medlclnw la ths world tor eaUrrb My general health is ssisob Improved t its aav as X am snuch sttvager tbaa 1 bar bfa fot years." W. X. GriOth, A Consi ' LaHar. ; i Con grew man H. Xtowtn, XUuxJa. Tiz Well county, Va, writes t ' ' J 1 ca cheerfully recoofoMad year, valuable remedy, Peruna, to aay ons who la saltertag with catarrh, aad wbo lata need of a oermaaeat and ttectlv cure.,,tt. Bowea, c , Mr. Fred. X. Scott, Lnrss. Oblo. IUcht Giuurd of Hiram Tool Ball Team, writett - ai a speciflo for Inns troablsX tlaos rernns st ths bead. X baT tued it my aelt for colds and catarrh of the bowels and it is a splendid remedy. It restores vitality, increase bodily strength end makes a sick person well la a short time I give Peruna my hearty ladorselnat.", Pred. D. Scott. v c , -s ... , Gen. Ira C. Abbott. 004 U street If. W- Washington, D.C, writes i u I am fully eonTlncex) that your rem ' eay is an excellent tonic. Many of my . frionds hare used it with the' moat ben cflcial resulta for oongha, colds and On Urrhal trouble.'' Ira a Abbott,' - - , " Mrs. Elmer Fleming, orator f Xteeer roir Council No. 168, Northwestern J. gion of Honor, of, Minaeapolis. ifr,n' writes from 2585 Polk street, KE. .1 . MI have been troubled all my life with catarrh in my head. I took Peruna for about three months, and now think I am permanently cored. I believe that for catarrh ' In all its forms , Parana is the ' medicine of the Mrs. Elmer Fleming, auusspoua, auaa. A County Commissioner' Letter. Hon. John Williams, County Commis sioner, of 817 West Second atreet, Duluth, Minn., says tfce following in regaxcTto Peruna J " Aa a remedy for catarrh I can cheer fully recommend Peruna. I know what It la to suffer from that terrible diseaso and I feel that it is my duty to speak a good word for the tonic that brought me Immediate relief. Peruna cured me of a bad case of catarrh and 1 know it will cure any other sufferer from that dls Sjaae." John Williams, A Congressman's Letter. lion. H. W. Ogden,Congre8man'from Louisiana, In a letter written at Wash ington, D. C, eays the following of Pe runa, the national catarrh remedy t ' I can conscientiously recommend your Peruna as a floe tonic aad all around good medicine to those wbo are In need of a catarrh remedy. It has been commended to me by people who have used It, as a remedy par tlcularty effective In the cure or ca tarrh. For thote who need a good catarrh medicine I know of nothing better.". age. It cures when all other remedies t fail. I can heartily recommend Peruna aa a catarrh remedy." Mrs. Xlmar ' Fleming ; : Trent Cat&i-rn. la Sprlnav The spring la the time to treat catarrh. -Cold, wet winter weather often retards a care of catarrh. If a course of Peruna la taken during the early spring months the cure will be prompt and permanent. There can be no failures lf Peruna la taken Intelligently during the favorable) weather of spring. r ; , Aa a eystemio catarrh remedy Peruna ' eradicates catarrh from the system whererer It may be located. It cores catarrh of the atomach or bowels with ' the aame certainty aa catarrh of ths head. If yon do not dartre prompt and satis factory results from ths nee of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Eartman giving a full statement of your case and he will ' be pleased to give yon his valuable ad , vice gratis. . Address Dr. Hartman, President of Th Hartman Sanitarinm Columbus, O, vanced fc; Ohio Western declined ; Norfolk advanced '4; Pennsylvania un changed; Reading declined ; Southern Pacific declined preferred unchanged; Union Pacific advanced H. preferred un changed; U. 9. declined H, preferred ad vanced '4; Wabash unchanged, preferred advanced 4 ; D. X. advanced ; consols, 92. declined OVER 50 MILLION MAY DIVIDENDS Immense Earnings, of Some I g Corporations, &arge Coal Profits. CHICAGO, May 9. The Tennessee Coal & Iron surplus for the current quarter is expected to be a record breaker. It is placed at $1,000,000. against $600,000 In the previous quarter. ! NEW YORK. May . Disbursements The ciucstion of common stock dividend ,.i.. -.t i- , , 1 v i lur-iiun 11U llllfl .l iu iiiTrsiui. pihy be taken up soon by the directors of fining May will amount to approxi- the company. mntely $3.OO.O00, as compared with Bank Statement ' ! i0u0,' W The year "" vu. V n a Kuan nna nf lo rcra Knngl IsisiiisaSi a rtii NEW YORK. May IK-The bank state- ,' "L'T 'TT i umi iiisj t,iii7 acscrsi a w miiivtirr mv r ti i at iui r than Tyner. has been the center of the fire directed against the department. He has heretofore refused to,, feslgn. Now, owing evidently to some discoveries made by the Investigators, he has been given a "leave of absence" until the probing is over. Preferred Stock Canned floods. Allen & Lewis' Best Brand. In Valparaiso all the conductor on irouey cars are women. LOCAL STOCK RECEIPTS. PORTLAND TTNION STOCKYARDS. May 9. Receipts of livestock in the local yards today were nominal and found but scant- demand. Hogs espec ially are weaker and- prices are down. today's ruling quotations are: cattle BW-st. ss.ssr medium, $5. Hogs--Weak 7e. '. . i Sheep Poor wool, 4 He; sheared, 4c t iim i I i -i . "PESUPBCT" ' rtmVACBS Am "PXX- - rwrr avajraxB. , , Are universally ."known as first-class sfoods. Their popularity la .deserved. Only the best dealers sell them. (Copied from a trade paper.) '- Did this. ever occur to you? w. o. Mcpherson. Heating and Ventilating Engineer, Port- j land, wegon. u. u. a. tXh Journal prints today4 news today. WORTH ( A THOUGHT This Statement ;wlll In terest Scores of Port land Readers. The facts given below are worth a pe rusal by all who are anxious about their physical condition or are similarly situ ated to the resident of Portland. It is a local occurrence and can be thoroughly investigated. Mrs. J. Jenkins, residing at SIS East Sixth street, wife of J. Jthklns. retired. says: "An itching and irritated spot on one of my ears annoyed me for some time. It spread, grew tender and I be came uneasy about It, for it resisted all my effort to check it, although I used more than one salve and ointment. My husband brought home ' a box of Doan's" Ointment, which he got at the Laue-DavU Drug Co.' store; and urged me to try it. One application soothed and after a few more the itching and in flammation disappeared entirely. Doan's' Ointment is the best remedy for the purposes for which its use is advert i. that I ever knew of." For sale by all dealers; price SO cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. sole agent for th United States.' Remember the nam. - Doan's -and take no substitute. ' ; ' will be matte immediately to refund th 1 21. f 00. 000 Riiiiliu-t' iv 7 per cut bonds maturing July 1. It H the deslr w.ien these bonds flnnlly are refunded to make the rate 3 per cent. The refunding deal can be put through easily and with this end In view a syndicate has been formed In New York. Boston and Chicago to extend the date of maturing of the per cent bonds frum July 1, 1903. to July 1. 1906. the boldholders receiving per cent per annum fpr the two years and the right to subscribe for a new is aue of bonds at that time. China Situation Scares. NEW YORK. May 9. A serious situa tion develops in China. The Mexican Ambassador say that the placing of Mexico ori a gold basis Is practically completed. The Mayor's veto on the East River gas bill will probably prevent any consolidated gas melon cutting. The announcement of a FTIseo-Rock Island merger Is expected today or Monday Dun's review says th unrest In the labor situation has Increased sjnee May 1. Bradstreet says tnat business con tinues large and industrials are active. 8eventy-nlne roads for the month of March show an average net Increase of 18.05; 45 roads for the fourth week In April show a gross Increase of 17.58 per cent. American allotment In the Trans vaal loan will probably be more than $5,- 000,000. The week s currency move ment shows that hanks gained 13.081.000. The best informed exchange houses talk of a large gold shipment as improbable, aa Europe does not seem to need. any gold. Twelve Industrials advanced .15 per cent; 20 active railroads declined J8 per cent. Weather Betard Pam Work. CHICAGO, May 9. R. Q. Dun ft Co. says: "The grain nas not been main tained at last week's position, no defi nite report of injury being received, al though farm work has been retarded by the unfavorable weatner. The unsatis factory conditions at the flour mills con tribute to the easier tone of wheat. fcondon Stock. LONDON, May 9. Anaconda advanced H : Atchison advanced preferred de clined H : B. O. declined Canadian Pacific advanced G O. declined . at- St Paul declined ; D. X advanced ; Eria unchanged, nrst advanced , ; Il linois advanced ; I A N.. declined ; Mexican Central unchanged; Mexican Northern unchanged; Mlsour Kansas A Tax as unchanged; New Tork Central ad- ner.t Is as -ftdlows: Reserve on all de posits, decrease. $1.1 52.025 ; reserve on ill tiepoHltH other ih.-m I'nitcu States, leerease, f Libit, 926; loans. Increase. i.001.UO; specie. lnon-:iKo. Jl.'il 3.400; k-gr.ls, d'Ciiiise. SLMti.US'S; depnrfts, In rensp. $10,074,500; clrculut inn, increase, 1312.900. Eastern Livestock Market. CHICAGO. May . Keeits of Ilvc Ktpck in tiic principal packing centers wf Hie country are us follows: Cuttle. Hogf!. Sheep. Chicago S.OOO 200 1,000 Caiisas City .5.000 1.000 .... Jmnha 4,ooo 200 T60 -Hogs opened sKudy with 2.S00 left iv er trom v.-mrdnv. Pi Icea rulinir are: Mixed. $.iiiiisK..i6; co-id hcivv. 5fi0 i?i7. 00; rough heavy. JS.fiS'ti 6.75; ii.40r 6. . Cattle Steady. Sheep Strung. light. nortant railroad companies have made large additions to their capital stock. Hut few of the additional bond issues 1 . pay their interest In May and much of the new stock has not been Issued long enough to-1 share in the distribution of i I video -it. The, Pennsylvania and the Northern Securities Company will make ' th largest dividend payment among the railroads and that of the former 12 mucn tnc greater, i nese are me only railroad companies paying out over II. 000,000 in dividends. In interest on bonds, only the Chicago & Northweatern will pny out over 'tl, 000,000. The in crease In Industrial dividends is partly offset In the total by the disappearance , of a few large companies, such as form , the list of dividend payers since last : May. Close of Liverpool drain. LIVERPOOL. May 9 Wheat July, S-4 'A, s higher; May, B-3 H, higher. Corn July, 4-4 . hk higher; May. 4-6 : 14 higher. Cigarette and Tobacco Habits CUBED rBEB IS OKB DAT. Each of the undersigned for himself freely and voluntarily certifies aa fol lows: I hereby certify that I was completely and permanently cured of the tobacco habit by a free sample package of To baccO-Specinc, more than a year ago. I have positively disliked tobacco .ever since I took the sample, have not used any In any form, and my health has been better than It was before. I state these facta freely and voluntarily, hoping other victims or tne tooacco habit will profit by my experience. Chaa. Ducote, Richmond, M6. O. W. Edam, Box 200, Qlenwood, Wis. Susan I. Moore, Santa Rosa, Mo. ' R. Coffey, 826 Frank at, Chattanooga, Tenn. W. H. Emerson, Belmont, Mo.- lamea Robertson, Berwyn, 111. James M. Ward, Southern Hotel, Chi cago, ill. Wenry O. riooson. ureenB09ro, Aja. John W. Kenady. Mlngua, Tex. Gilbert Broom, Dallas, N. C. Carrie Tiles. Genoa. Pla. M. O. De Witt Tucker. Ind. Ter. Hundreds of other people have had the same experience with sample pack ages of Tobacco-Specific. . It Is a harm less Dractically tasteless remedy, which can be given In drink or food and will osltiveiy cure any patient witnout his nowledae. Taken by the patient him self, the remedy is just as certain to cure., Tne KOgers Drug as inemicai co., 618 Fifth and Race streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, will send you a freo sample pack- e of Tftbacco-specino in piain wrapper, vou send your name and , address. Send at once. Oetns to St. Itoniaf - Y;' If so. learn about the new tourist serv ice inaugurated by the O. R. 4 N.. via Denver and Kansas City. City ticket of fice. Third and Washington . MARRIAGE LICENSES, The following marriage licenses have been Issued at the County Clerk' office: Frank A. Conant aged 12 years, and n.l 111 1. r. . 1 1 aa . I cinuiug ju. 1. ig.iiujmru, tsu aa years. both of Portland; Robert H. Beeby. aged 21 years, and Bessie Plnkney, aged 22 years, both of Portland; Herman F. Kempe. aged 24 years years, and Nellie R, Brapke, aged 21 years, both of Port land; William H. Gaffney, aged 26 years, and Mary L. Enz, aged 20 years, both of Portland; Charles Mykoloshek, aged 48 years, and Mary B. Faltus, aged 20 years, both of Portland. V. X. TALOOTT, St. B. WE CURE MEN COSfTSVAOTBB) inBOSSaual. . Bvery contraetaS ! I attaa tiS w grave dangers that BoUlag Um tn taeroogb sad aoo)at awe nmon. To take even taa licbtaa aaae 1 aeh is te brrlte Ufa long misery. Man So not raalla Bat . a thy ahoald. A partial care Is tut- ' lawad by a enraaie a tag,, rnitu aS H norron. tb sant as tkaogh tb 4Hs aaa bad n4 be treataal at. all. We poatlTly will not duals , was before the ailment was atraena. BSL TSXCOTT Si 0X,SSOH AMswSft. FIRST PONTOON LAUNCHED. ' BIRTHS. May 5 To the wife of J. R. Kee, a girl. - CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. May 8 Mrs. Emma Asmissen and son Adolph, at 804 North Fourteenth atreet; measles. May 8 Five children at th Child ren's Home; measles. May 8 Mabel McCartney, at 140 Ida ho street; diphtheria. May 8 Infant child of J. H, Burton, at 231 Mead street, diphtheria. Th Edward Xolmaa Undertaking; Co funeral directors and embalm ernT aaa TanUOUU. Phone 607. r , : 3. P.' Plnley St Son, funeral' Atreeton aad Mnbalmer, have removed to their new establishment, ornx Third 1 Madisoa b treat. . Both phon xo. S. Crematorium, en Oregon . City ear Iln, near 8e 11 wood; modern, oiantlfle, eomplat. Charge" ASnlfy $35 1 call' drn $aa. Vlnltors s So S p. xn. Portland Crematioa Aasooiatlon. Pettlaad, Oa. ' 'i 1 1.' .i 11" -i. :ie CUHt tees, tot towsra S8S Kocxiaoa street y., .... The first pontoon of th Port of Far land' new drydock was launched at ' Vancouver yesterday afternoon. A large . crowd of Portland folk attended the launching, among them being Col. John McCracken, E..T. C. Steven and Capb B. W. Spencer. Pontoon No. t lx pected to slip into th blu water of tha Columbia some time next week , ; Th pontoons measure 80x100 feet and WBlgH approximately 1,000 ton ' each. They are to be towed to the St. John doesT site as soon a completed. , . , - . DANIEL IN AFRICA. The French ship Daniel, l.tlt tonsV has arrived at Cap Tows. 8he Balled from thl pert January L crossing tha bar six day later. The ship la In cos, mand of Cap t Bachelier. 1CTSTEB20US ZXPXSZ0BJ (Journal Special Servioa.) STOCKTON. CaL, Hay S-An npUr" ion of mysterious origin occurred la A -ahoe atore in thla city last night, com pletely wrecking th store and eausiaa . a fir which destroyed three other build 1VOW BATB OCBAJg TSXTIi-' O. X. Si St. nfaka Bir Xnducement te A tend the PrMbytarUu Awihly. Those who expect to attend th Prs byterlan General Assembly at Lo An- ' geles. May 23 to June S, wlit be Inter ested in the announcement by th O. H. at-N. of the low round trip rat front Portland by steamship of US. eubia passage,' Tickets will be otl for th steamship Elder, sailing May 12, and for the steamship Columbia, Bailing May 17, limited for BteamshlpB sail in from it Francisco not later than Julv IS. Kor particulars ask at O. R. A N. city ticket office. Third and Washington, .Portland. ? Th lateat aspirant for the honor ef being running mat with Mr, Roosev-it on the Republican Presidential tJvk.-t li Major O. W- Steel eX Xndlanu, 1