The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 28, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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1 H WW Bil SB a
: n r a m
.. jrvrtiitiiiiiiivivvv
RttHcCaUam Adjusted
Labor Difficulty.
Sajs That Portland Leather Fac
tories Are Superior to Those
of San Francisco '
0t' l-tHT.
OH HUNT 2M 1Kb t., aunny resides, all
, modern Improvements; , beautiful lawn., Af-
tHH I-iuUlJ T0R1 BUILDINO No, S4 and
, o rropt at,;, now eecup.ea by vvsaaarne
f Co., will ' be tor rent Jul frws. Apply
.lit' clothing. ! uk) made, euldtr Bros.,
wrer., rnrtlanil. lir
..U J. UJU LL.J.
v, , vt rut rvui 0 u if a, xtrv'a. .Lfr'r i j ,, .
K. ...Cog, room Wo, !'). Nw Msritet big, yHB STAB LOAN CO., 81l M'KAY BLD0
WR BINT B tor sptor, ft fonr years. - Moe-f Jjt Third el., Ie lb recognised bank uf
rieoo t., aba J. 0. Address P, O, Bos POO.
- eltV. . ' ' 'V'
rvimiHiD rooms.
U0NNA8TEHS. HOIKS. Booth west far.', Flret
and Jeffersoe sts. furnished rooms and suite.
II Lii ;
TBI 0), HKITKBMPEB CO., manufacturing Jew-
-a- -ess
Ui Wsg-eruer. advance money t
teamster, - trelamen. eboptuea, aaotoroMa,
conductor, ate, without inortgag. endorser
, .or eon terse - .,.-
1HI..UI.I Mnnihle U. Umittilr Vxr.kt.
SioO repay or 118.80 or fa M
LOO repay , llg.go or I 6 So ' or SS.)
2ft repay S.65 or $ 8.86 or Slot
isltteee confidential. No unpieaaent Inquiry.
MONEY TO lXlAN aa'real. uersousi and col
lateral security; special attautloo to ciiattl
mortgagee; Bute bought. C. W. Paltett, aU
- uouoiorciai Di. rkoua Uranl ma,
Q. O. RIDER, maktr of Ttollua and all klada
t atrton4 InatruaMOU: all kind ( row Ir
is (. Ho., id .t Huaarll MJ.. 4tt and MnrrUon.
MONKV TO IXJA.N at raaaonabla ratea. la
auuHiuta to aim. Uraban LUtun, ituo Mar-
HO SKY TO LOAN, amall amounts, abort or
tang um. 4. H. nawitr. 1 cna m. ot taa.
MO SET TO LOAN oa city lota and lmprora
farana. W. A. A IV.. lH Hlark at.
FOR BALE Two National Caah B !!. on
at 160, onov uw; prrift oruvr. Btara at.
IOK SAL! T. socood-baMl af: tsrox or jUtaj Portlaad, Amanoaa plan M, 1ft oar da,
or aab. Addma. ttafo. riro Journal. I . - -- . Z
awaVmoi, fc wwwt irTAora noma.
KMMOKS A BMMOMB, attonwy at lair, 04
Worvaatar bMA.' .
S. B. lUQfiUS, Attaraar and CamaMlaMt-Uwi ;
notary. vo-ai a.yiinwa ya.w M
Din VBanaoar ot t-otninrrco.
i tr w i i . 1 1 1 1.' i. .
Room la, iloawartb Bulldln.
B. B. DICKINSON. AttoTMr-at-Law and Notary
Public. ftM l ooimorrlal bld.
ALL Kll3 Oa" S1QKS and adrartlaliaj wnk
u ry a. art,, p. u. twi wi. fbaa fiua ian.
R, R McCaJlum, ava offlcor of tb
latonuaUonai Lamthar Workora Union,
raturned yatUrdAf from Ska FtadoIsco,
whero b went to adjuat aoiao difltaroncM
lsUns- betwean ttia local organiutlon
and too leatber men. Ha reports that
tils trip was entirely sucveaafal, And A
settlement was brought about upon prao-
tlcally tha same terms as were given
tba Portland union several weelts ago.
The Important points wars nine hours,
and a minimum rats of wages of $11.76
per day.' Mr. MoCailum says: '
"Theae concessions wars brought about
with very HUle difficulty,' and Uiey mean
a great deal to the employes. Many of
thera wars working fur much less pay
' than tola amount. It Is of particular
( benefit to the retail employes who did
f not enjoy a uniform wags scale.. Now
' all of them get good wages, and some
sf them engaged on piece work are en
abled to make as high as IS per day.
Portland Xteavds.
"You will probably be surprised to
learn that Portland has larger leatber
factories than San JfruucUco, aud more
neu at work lu them. It U true that
the union mumberahlp In the liny City is
2U, while here It is but ISO, but this Is THC MCVKMVH, the nly aHantlfle rblropodlata
BalTodtra i Earoaaaa plan ; th and Aldartta
St. Oharlat, rlrat and Morrlasn at a., Portland.
W. UIKrOUU KAMlf. lus link ac; tim uuwa
applttl04i. Birlnnrro tvkn.
YOUR I'ltUtomi'TIONa ar mora aeenratel
and rvaaonably Allrd it Kyaull'a I'barnaey,
m7 Murrlaou at, bLr Irat and Socoud iu,
"TUB UkluV vV Tiiii TUOL'UHT."
by K1U WbMlrr WiUvi. 1.00. Jooaa' Book
btora, l Alder au, 1'urlloltd, Or.
CAI'B KKATZ, i!U BUta at.
rM at ail boura.
if floe luocb
J.' N. AkCMIBOM), 'auditing, iorilng and I fOR S ALB V A UblS
bookk'ilu. Sis
Fbauo Brown 4A1.
Cbaaibcl' uX Cvuuaarc.,
lho l UUCllON dub for adTancad cool la: la-
atrumonu Cor aala. HaL Webber, atudio ITS
W far, for. amhill. fbona rloutb mi.
Improved Urua for tale la all oarta of
Oregon and Waelilhgtvo; payaieuta auada to
ault parcbaaara. for full pax UcuUra aa I
rarioua prvuarue apply w wot.. alacMaatar
kll Worceaiar bldf.
' ' ' T - :. . I ( : . STRUT.. !
NntlM la barwbr rlrea tbat at th I vklb i ... a A. '.
f tb Opunfof lb City 'Portland, Or., h.lo et (b CMllotl U)i CUy o PortlanI OraguZ
on tb Wtk day ot AprU, . Java, lb, loUowlng of Uo OuiueU of tba aty of Portbw3rOr.5a
raaolutloawaa adopted: .. .. . . I la tb J40 day of AorlL 1INML tba
itoaolToa, mm turn- wmn of tb City of I resolution ; vaa auouted: .
Portland,' Oretfua, l ifpedlnt aud pro- I ' Keeolred. That tha Onnndl of tha (Mr
to ftfltllaraAfFSB bkttlUmtm 1 aWraaaaa fnun Ika 1 Wu . I i . Ai . m .
W -t-vt r . vaa iuw v nam ms, vinup, mwvimm II- UptrauUfa DTClN-
of PortUad and SUtfoiitb aireet from tb bu o East T.alb atreet la tb fouewlns
aortbeaaterl Una of Uolsbt Xerrara a laid I siaaoar. tM trlt: aouowing
out tbryob block U. CaxUr'i Addllloa to tbo I K lrat By cradlas tba atroat fall wldtb arUA
City of Portlaad, to tbo aurtb earb 11 o of
collage Street, is u aouowug siannar. to
Flint Br a radio tb aald Htlibu Tstran
na eiitaaiaui tr to tn wiaia aa leriaarly
impreTea to too pro war auo-rraa.
Serond By brlngins tb aurface of Mid
Bright Ti-rrar and 8Utwntb atreat lo
proper araue wiin marauaui.
Ml'blrdBy ooatraeung woodaa aldawalkat
"'oorth By eooatrucuuf wooden oroaawal
all fet wide, .
rifUt By oastroctlof atone ruttera.
Said lmDrovenHnt to b made In imeaM
antb tba ebartrr and ordinance of tba City
of Portland aud tb plaa. epedScatlona and
eatJmatee of tb City binglneer Sled la tba
Room 1. Cbanjber of Conimerr bldf.
at. ttona Urant 1111.
1SI Bunuud
t-OUTLAMi COUUAUai CO.. cor.
and Mortbap to.. PortlauA Or.
t ourtMulb
ettally exploiued. The most of the union
men In the California metropolis are
employed In the retail shops, but in
Portland the opposite Is true they are
nearly all In the tactorie. Why, one
of the largest Portland factories turns
out almost as muny goods aa all the fac
tories in Ban Francisco combined. An
other thing surprising la that the factor
ies hure are thoroughly equipped with
up-to-date machinery. In, 'Prisco they
use the same old machinery as was used
years sgo. Vow a there the firms are
wealthy, and they evidently do not be
lieve Ui expending money to keep up
with the t'lmeu. It in un actual fuel
that the big leather Arms of Portland
are building up a good market for their
gooda in every part of California. Their
b tbe luii-liairad gentle man ruu waul to aaa.
Unit IS.
lXNNtKBIiitO A UAUKilAl 1IKK. plumbera.
removed co o oorui si. aoia pnouea.
L. MiiCUsXU CblruiNMUal. Kulgnt a anu
atora; HH Wasklnstt at. Pbooe Uoud 7XL
kl t lui'K MArbS of I. E. I ); your repalra
and luckouti safely don. BS Third at.
8TRKJB1U. drugs, toilet artlclaa,
42 Waablngton at.
rj , 1 1 , ,'-
t. 0. PICK, offlce US J-lrst at., between Stark
and Oak eta.; pboa SSS; pianos and furni
ture loured nod packed for shipping; cuio
modloua fireproof brick warehouse. Front and
Clay its.
JOUN A- aLtL'lON. earoaater and lUder. SUT
blurk at.; ouico and Store Allures juilt and
reuMMlekd; altering and repair boiues. Pbuua
luia li).
AfTUOItS A MAUTIN.' carpenters and builders;
repairing aud )obuiiif ; store aud otboe Hit urea
built, bbop itdW Columbia, l'bona Clay lsol.
suachliie. s. H. 1'ark and Oak. Both Pnanea
Mala 138.
competitors in San Pranclaco cannot pre- ll.r.Cuirk. 3W Wash., phones West 78ft. Kortb
lug to st. l'bouca. Or. Main 982,
Ko. SooVi Waah-
. Col. iWl.
vent It
"I know what I am talking about, for
1 have lived in both places. In the.'
leather line Portland lias San Francisco
badly beaten. If all the buuinesa men
would take concerted notion they could ;
make this the leading manufacturing
city. In all lines, on the Piicltic Coast.
It has every advantage iu its favor."
1411. Near and repair work, prompt attention.
YATKS' PLACE, ZtU Wasblugtoa at- 1'ben S.
Main Til. Meli VaU's. prup. Portland. Or.
'1MK SMITli-PllklMllliU i Kr-fcWHiXBlt. 1Z
Third at.; all makea of typewrltere (or rant;
supplies for all inacblaes. L. A At. Alexander
A Co.. agenta.
REDDl.NU, April JH. Ti,e application
of chloroluim to Churlua iiamnionu, a
great muscular miner of Trinity County,
bad a remarkable and decidedly unusual
effect today, and aa a rtfcult the furniture
In ir. Uryant's offl't was conaidtsrabl y
smaslied. The uoctor and lour able
bodied assistants were knocked about the
office and handled as though they were
babies by Hammond The patient, waa
suffering from the effects or a piece of
steel In bis eye and applied to the doctor
for treatment. Hammond consented to
have chloroform administered. . Am soon
as tbs drug took effect there was a
atormy time in the offlce. Hammond was
transformed into a veritable demon and
made a wreck of the office, lie knocked
the doctor down and choked one of the
assistants. The physician ie at a loss
to account for the peculiar effects of the
drug. Finally cocaine was administered
and tne steel removed.
KKl) STAii COMl'UKSSKl) YEAJsT; it makes
llghtent. Fur ! by stt grucers. 16 per
rent stronger tea a any other.
irUoLevlfcttEl COICHK. -l.;o, parlor eeta.
(1, ouuitel beds, fo.&u and up; Led springs
ratretched. Or. phone Hood bsii. S4U Mb at.
lull Intersections to pro oar auk-crade.
Sacood By brlnalna the aarfai-e of tha
atreet full wldtb wub full inter tiooa to
yropar gesoa WIU graeSi.
Third By ooaatrocung woodaa sidewalk.
v wuria-.0r eonsiracuna mriituimt
Flftk Ry constructing god relaying woodea
roaswslks all feat wUta aaatirdlua t
and speeiScatloae.
slim sy eouatraetlng Sol and toa gas.
trra according to plana and aoer I Oration.
Said ImproTeoMul to ba made la accord.
aoc wun ins cnarier ana ardiuaorea rr
City of Portland aud tb plana, speelScaUou
aim saumsies ot u 1.1 Ly auigiueaf Bled lo tba
mc. of tb Auditor of the Ulr of Portland I tb lktb day of AnrtL ISO, indorsed' "Cite
tb Ttb day of April. 1X03. Indorsed. "City EnglnW 'i .plana and apls'aUouefor tie
Engineer's plans and epecldca Uoua fur tba lu- Improvement et Ellawurtk street from tba cea-
uruveuirut ui iruoi ine weai i ear un or teat Rlitb atreet to tbe east Una
Hue of Lownsdala street to the rut Una of I mt k..t (r.ih ir ...a .(....... ... ., -
block 40. Carter's Addltbm. and Sliteentb work to (a done and tba Brobable total auat
street from tbs Burtaaaaterly l f HetgbU tbereof." '
WA ",'' 0. Carter's Tba ooet af aald ImpmvemeBt to b aaaoaaed
Adldtlos to tba north curb line or allege aa provided by tba city charter apoa tiie
,,r!"lL Bd ?".'" ' "f "' ora to be dona property benedted tberaby sad which la hereby
u2.ttn l"',oille total ewet ibcteol. leulared to be all tba lota, parts of lots and
The coal of aalde ImproveDicst to be as- pan-els of land lyleg between a Una luu feet
eased aa prorMrd bf the ci(y charter opon aurtb cf and parallel wllb tb aortb lino of
the- property beneBted therrtiy and wblcb Is kiawertb atreet aud a Una 1U0 feet aentb
hereby de-larel to b all the I,-. ru of of aad parallel with tb sou lb Una ot Ellsworth
lots snd parcels of laad lying within the dla- a I reel, aad betweea tbe east line of Bast
trlct boanded Sud altveajb. d as follows: g,ttb ttxart aoa . Ha. jou ,t ntX 4
Beginning a a Ivtu la bl k Z lu the t Ity uarft.Wl with the au iiu. k ...
of Portland which la 100 feH uorth of tbe I jueet.
point whera tbe aortb. line of lull atreet Tb Engineer' estimate of tba arobabla total
would so Intereoctra oy itu- w,t Una of I suet for said Improvement Is S3 6.U0.
Ldwnsdsl street ssteaded northerly la Ita I The above lmuruveueut la L.
asutberit skwg tbe west j a gravel Improvement aud eball be mala-
taiueo uy uie cur lor tne period of Bva yean,
provided, tbat the owocra of a autorlte of
the property benefited by said Improvement ea
sily purlieu tbereof, shall uut petition for a
new or different Improvement before tb s
plrstloa of aucU tier 1ml.
. The plana. speclScsilons snd estlmstss of tbo
CHy Engineer f.rr the Improveoiant of aald Ells-
ertb strset r hereby sdupted.
Keeolred. Tbat lb Auditor of ins City of
Portland ba aud bs Is hereby instructed tu
glv notice of tbe propused lmtirovt-ment ot
laid atreet aa provided by Iba rtty rlmrter.
Ueuoustrancs agaluat tbe above Imuran
meut luey be tiled lu writing wllb tbe uuder
slgned within m days from tbs dsis of tba
Brat publication of tula notice.
By order of tbe Council.
luoiiur ei we v-i 1 oi roritsnt.
April 17, I wo J.
preeeut auoraa: thenes
of Lownsdal street and lu northerly
e i tension In Ita preeeut counts to a polut luO
real aouin or me aouia iiir- u( tlall itreei:
Ihence west akiua- a line MU feet south of
aud parall.-l wllb lb south line of Hall street
to a point 100 feet oast of the watt Una
of PUtcentb atreet; thence acutb along a
Un loo fast oust oT aud parallel with tba
sat Una of sUateeatb street tu a oolnt
In tba north line of CuUeg stret: thence west
along tba aortb Una of College atreet to
a point 100 4Wt west of the weat line f
suterota atrset:- theatre suais a meaadet
lug llue to a point la block I la tne city
of Portland, tie place of beginning, which
la lou feet aorta of a point where tbe
west Un of Lowosuals street If ei leaded
northerly in Ita present eourer. would Intersect
tbe north Un of ltul street lu tbe follow
ing msuner: wherever tbe distance between
tbe west Iiu of Slztaeutb aireet sud the
outer Hue of Hi-labta 'ienw-e ami tbe outer
uounoary ot nil 'lets, parts ot kits aud par
eels of land ioluluc be not Hue of His
teentb street and the (niter line of aald
lletghta Terrace SOw feet or more then sstd
meaudorlug Jlne la to-be loo fsut tils test
lu revtsugular ae Iron, tbs west
crrr bottcys.
TRXXX... .... . . i -y , i. .' gTTXXXT. ,. , ':
?2tr?.-mp?lh1PX2. ,h."M"t, I Notlcw 'to tirby given tbat at tb w.-e11a
of tb, CoonciJ of iha'Clty of, KtUnTo7.reia tb.ul ot tb.'ciTy i PoAIs.T Orbe.J
r;oruonaw.:.d;stted?1, r M &&ynJp.$
.rJIf..' 9 tba Clly f iW,TblrC Cwowl tb Clt, W
reeiiaiiu, vreauu, ueems k ipotuani auA-prp. I porti.. Oregon, deem It
pose to Imuiova Water street from tbe sou lb I basse m ImTroso IrthaV ai
lrat Br grading tb street full width
With fun Inter sections to tba nruoer sub-erade.
Second by bringing 'the aurfsca of tba
strset full width with- full lutarasctloaa to
tb proper grade with macadam.
Third By constructing artldcUl (tone alds-
wsiss aoo anuiciai aiou curoa.
Said improeement to b made la accordsnc
With tbs Vhmrltir. Snd. OrdlnaneM nf the t'lte
of Portlsed gnd tba plane, epeclfiaatlune and
eaUaiate of tb City Kugtneer Bled la tba
osjce or u Aaaiior or the city or rortiand aa
Bufflueer a nlaua snd atierffleatlune fnr Hie
iBiprevemai o water street from tba south
Use af Arthur atreet to tba north line uf
Hooker street, aad estimate of tba work to pa tba loth daof April. r Iniaadir XTta
"" aad tt. srobabla tUI coat tbaraof." EW. tt. I
Tba coat af said Improvement la to be aa- pruvvment of Artbur atreet from tbe east Una
sesard ss provided by tb city charter upoa of rroot atreet to tba east lias sf Wsta
I'Z.t"'?". Jw,."atr1 Utr"" r"4 WB,- 'J atreet and satlmsua of th. wor"to ba iso
leeraby daclarsd to b ail tb lota, parts of ,B(i the probable total cost thereof."
Keeolved, That Iba Cwoactl af tb City (
esveukea SB4 Sne
rsst fruai Ike se
esst bne of
street la tb fouuwina; manner, to-witi
First By grsdlng - tbe street full wldtb
with full intersect lose to lbs kruoee ee
grad. ' ,
- Seco(i By bringing tb larfsc of tb -street
fall width with fU lalnitl.m la)
proper grsd with macadam.
inira uy eonairaaung erawnai ataas SMS
walks aad artiAelal alone curbs. - , .
Fourth By coaetrBctlng stuse gutter.
Fifth By eosstructlng woodea aroeswslaS "
alt fast wide. ' . "
Bald tmpnivaasaat ta be saad la aeeeedeea J
.U .na viwewe vft tee niy
of rortiand and tbe puns, speelllcatloa aad ,
eatlaute of tb City Kurlneer Bled la thai '.
offic of tb Auditor of the City sf Portland a
lota and parcel of bind lyln between tbe
Berth Una sf Hooker atreet and the south llae
Of Artbur strset and between a line 1UO feet
east of aad parallel with tbe east Una of
nsier street aoo a una uu reel west ot ana
parallel with tba wast una or Water strset.
Tb cost of ssld ImuroTamant
seeaed aa provided by tba city charter apoa
... vyrrM , veiieuwu tuwvu mm VUCfl SI
hereby declared to b all U.a bits, part of i -lota
aad oar eels af land lilss- hetweeu tw li
asst II u uf F'roat strset and a Una liu taet
The Bnglnaer'a astlmata uf tb probsbl total I ,.t of and parallel with tbo east Un of
coat for tb Improvement of said sweet
in abor Improvement Is to b classed ss
msesoem uaurt
talned by tbs cits for tba uerlod of Ave reare.
provided, tbat tha owners of a majority of tha
property bene II ted by said tuiurovvmeat or aay
portion tbeeeof. shall not tietltloa for s new
or different Improvement before tbe expira
tion at suca period.
o plana, apactocstioaa ami estimates ot
Wstet atreet are herebr aduuted.
keeoleed. That the Auditor of tha dt of
rortiaua d ana Ba la nereur airecteo to give
notice of tha prouoaed Imuroremeat of said
street aa provided by tba city charter.
temonsiraucs sgsinst tb abov impraee-
Water atreet and between a Una KM) feet ener. .
et and parallel wltba tba aortb Una of An hue
street and a Una loo, faat aoutb of and p--g lerl '-
mu, UN WIM uu, v rftuuft BftXWft.
Tb Bnalnaar's aatlmata sf the arahahhs '
total coat of aald improvement ta 11.074.00.
Tb above Improve sum t Is to b classed u,
macadam Impruvsmsut aad shall be maintained)
by the city for tba period of It years, pro
vided, that tbo owners of a majority of tb
nrnn., I v li.n I A h mlA I m . . . b... . . . .
tbe City BugUMMT for tb Improvement of aald I any portion thereof, eball not pstltloa for a .
new or oiaervot iraprovemsoi oaior the SS
plrstloa of auch period. ' '
in piaaa, spaciacstioas aaa set lms tea c -
f V
Notice Is hereby aires tbat at tAe m,-etliie
of tbe Council of Iba Clly of Fortlauu. Or., held
line of U teentb atrert ami the outer llae of ou tha'lblb day of April. ItfoJ, thu lullulu
ssld Heights Terrace, and wherever iba dl
tauca between tbe ssld outer line of aeJd
iielgbta Terrace aud tba outer bouudary Use ot
all lots, psrrs uf -wis sua parcels of land
Joining said outer Una of Heights Terrace Is
less tbsn SOU foot then the pusltiou of said
mesnderiug line hi to be euul betweam
toe outer poaoaary un oi said Heignia Jer
rsos snd tb outer boundary line of all lota.
parts of lota and Darcels of laud lolniuc tba
Tha KniTuaer's eatlniete of .the nrohabU Pr"l"" a""" " ume.uaui.
total cost fur said Improvement la lJ.lWI.ot.. Tniro uy cousiracuug artiocui a tons aldo-
The elwve I mitrovetitertt la to he cImmmmI aa 1 WSUtS.
s macadam improve meat and ahull be mala- rouria y constructing artiocui
talned by tbe city for tbe period of Bve I nTv'.
tesolutiou wsa adopted:
Keeolved, That III Connctl of the City of
Portland. Orcroii. deema It espedlent aud Dru-
puses to Improve Mesiie street from tbe west
Une of Dm belt street tu tbe eet Una f
Sicond street In tbe following maimer, to
wit :
First By rradlnr tha atreeit full width with
full Intersectlona to proper sub-grade.
Hecuud By brtnjflng tbe surfnee uf tha
street full width with full intersections to
tba City Knsiaeor fiar tba imnrateeueftva
aald Arthur atreet an harsh sdnntad.
UmaIu.) "TV... ,k. A .. I . u .V - -. .
meet avsy be Bled lu writing wllb tbe under- I rortUnd be and ba Is hereby directed to give '
signed within Vu dsys from tha data of the notice of tha proposed lutrevtSMBt f mH
- e"'--"" ... un. RVIM.V, i a ir ee i mm prvuio oy in city csartar.
oy oriier ot tna council. I KaoSonatrsnca agaluat tha above lerorov. .
THt)8. C. DBvLlif, 1 meut Buy ba Sled la wrttlag with the aadef '
Aadlter of th City of Portland. I signed witbln SO dsy from tb date f tha
Brat publloatloa of tbla aotica.
y orasr ot u Cuuncti. .
Aadltnr of Us City 4 Portland. .
April n. Uos. .
April 17. leva.
K'vtlca is herebr glveu that at tba meerlaf
of tbe Council ot tb City of PorUand, Or., bold
ou tus ibin nay of April, ietw, the followtas
eesoliiUua was aduptsd: '
Itl.Mol.Vtli: Tbst tba Council of tba City ot
Port laud, Oregon, deema tt expedient aad sro
oeee to improve Madison street from tbs ssat
Notice Is bsreby given tbst st the mee.i-
ii,... ... . ... . . , .1,. ii ... a-i.,k I oi ins uouncu oi wo uiy ei rorusmi. or. h.iA
aireet, by constructing arUBcUl stubs sidewalks 00 V. Utt Ujr.' 1"u b" following ,
snd srtidclsl a tons curbs. reaoluUoa wsa adopted:
S.ld Improrewent to be mad in accordance D BlLVItO: Tbst th Coaarll of tb Oty tt
with tb Charter aad Ordinances of tba City Portland, Oregon, deems It expdiBt and pro- ,
of Portland aud Ui plsus. epedScatlona and po ,,u 'm" ""'J. tU J"- tba Weat :
ratlusles of tbe City Engineer bled lo tha f ,,Jo?t,w " Fmu-iA of Ibe Auditor of tbe clly ot Portlsnd on
the vtn day of April, tpoa, - indorsed: "City
tuirlneer's plana and apeclnostlons fur tbs Im
provement of Madison street from tbe esst line
of trout street te the wet llue ef elfth street,
snd cat! Slates ot tbs work to bs dona and tba
probable total coat thereof."
'I h. of ..14 .niluwn,nu.l .a K. ...Mflu
as provided by Uie Clly Charter upon tba prop- I treated with carbollneum aveosiios sxcspt ad
erty beat-bted thereby and which is hereby de- lutersectloa of Xblrd Stmt,
cured to be all tba luu, psru of lots and I Said improvement to be made la accordaaos
par.-ela of land lying between a Una IU) feet "'"i, " u"1? .na "roinancea ot the City
east of aad parallel with tbe saat Una f Front ot . Portiaad aad tbe plans, apeclllcatloo and
.,.. .,u. . .n. nut r, u u, ... ...a .....11..1 I estlmatea of tb City kauri near assd in tie
ston with tbe west Hue of Fifth street, and between m A""tf ,f. UJ Uty ot Portiaad ea
a line loo teet not ta oi ana parallel with tba I " "y 'ouorweu; "uityi
street In tba tuilowuuT auaaaer. te-ari:
i Irst By ramorlug from tb atreet gl old
blocks, rotten wood and debris ef ovary kind.
Hecond By bringing the atreet, full width,
with full interascUous, to proper sub-grade)
witb concrete.
Third By re pa ring tba street, full vrtdth
with full Intersections, with woodea blocks
veers, nroehua th. the i.,ei ., Mfth By constructing wooden crosswslks north una of Aladisuo strset and a Una 100 feat I """"-" "..v"''u" r u im-
of lb pmperty beueflud by aald ImproVemeut ' ', " wW,u- uutD "f ,ud Pf"i Uh tbs south Una I r'Tl'iJ! ..IS . ,h ' .
. . ., , ... . . . ,. I ... , , j .,, ...... I a nH the nmha liut total eaait
new or diHerent luprarouieni before tb ex
plrstien of said period:
Tbs plans, speclnestloaa and eatlmatea of tne
City Euglnoer for ta Improvement of aald
Heights Terrace . aud iUjitceutu street are
liftnru euuftiftcu.
I of Portiaad and tbe plana, eueelllcatiuua inJ 1 cost uf said liuiiruveiueut is Iii.-to4.00.
estimates of tbe Cltr kneltreer UimA i., th I 111 plsns. sueciBcstlons snd estimates of
lollies of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portlsnd ou I the Lit) Huglueer lor the luprovemeut of aald
inn lutn oay or April, iinu, inuursed, "City I msojeou street sre nereuy eaopteu.
Kngineera plane ana sjiecincstioiis fur tb itsjsui, to: Just uie Auuitor of tb city
KeaoPrd, Tbit the AttiJItor of tbe City of Jniproreiuent of Meade street from tbe west of Portlsnd be and be is hereby inatruoted lo I ZTf. lJ?,T JtU jL.'i'nt?,?'
Pnrllanri ka mnA K. I . h.k. ... ..... ... Hue Of I Of DCt t atfeet to the Weat line i.f
give notice of Uie orowVd Improvement of Second street sud estimates of tbe Work to
aald Heights Terrace and Sutecutb street
provided ty tbe city cbsr(er.
Kemunstrsnce against the above Improve
ment may be Sled iu vrrltiug with tbe under
algued witbln 20 day from tbo date of tbe
brat publication of tins notice.
tty order uf tbe Council.
Auditor pf the City of Portland.
April 17, 1U0S.
MKTAL Ski USUI'S, garnuilsed iron cornices.
i. C. Bayer, SUS Becond St.
C leaning Company cleans carpets without re-
tuovlug tbem. office 4bl Olieaa st. i'boue
till U7.
of tbe Council
Is hereby given tbat st tbe meeting
juuncti uf the City, of Portlsnd. Or., held
be -done snd tb probable totsl cost tbereof."
Tbe cost of ssld Improvement to be e-aceaed
as provided by the city charter auun the
property benefited thereby and wblcb Is hereby
declared to be all tbe kits, parts uf lola and
parcels of land lying between a line loo feet
weat uf and paraliul with tbe wsst Une of
Second street sud tbs west llae uf Curheit
atreet and between a llue 100 feel north of
and parallel wltb tbs north Hue of Mesde
street snd s llue 100 feet south of and parallel
wun me soutn lino ei sicsus street.
Tbe Ehgluevr estimate uf the nrohahle
total cost for said Improvement Is 3,b4b.oo.
Ttv suovc improvement la to lie classed aa
mscsdem luipruvenienl slid alia 11 1 mulutj,inH
Dy me city tor me period oi nve years, pro-
give nutios uf tbe proposed improvement of
saiu street ss proviueu u tne city cnarter.
Hemunstrsnc sgsinst tba abort improve
ment may be bled lu writing wltb tbe under
algned witbln 20 days from tb date of tba
urat publication of tbla notice.
By order of tbe CvunclL
Andltor of tbs City of Portland.
April 17. 1903.
Notltc la hereby given Uiulst tbe meeting
of tbe Council of tbe Clly of Portland, Or., held
ou tue uitu usy ui April, 11AM, tiie luiiowiug
resolution wss sdupted:
IthhllLVKli. Thai the Council nf tbe City ot
l-oriiauu, .ireguu, eeeuis it. e.ueaieni Sttu pro-
tiJIB M11.1.K to.. XatiufuctareiD lislston
Acme Cereals. HO sud 23 North Front st. -
P. Joli.NSuN A- to., uuuiui ctun-ra Peerless
Health Ceresls. 1 XV p'rant et-
.i m . . a m . . . i . . - I tuv. - s-s" r-sa vi. im jrsis. IFTU- 1 IPS vai
rL,h .i 1. 'a,i5. xollowiug rided, that tbe owneis of a majority of tbe poaea to Improve 1 weiity-ufin street from in
reso.utiuu was aoopteo: I nruuertr benefited by ssld Imnrovemeut or I north llue of lt.hli.-h tr.H-i to the north n.o. ..r
KkMlLI Ul: 'lliat the fVuiocll of .... tHm ... I " ! . , . , ,, . .. .... . ' I . . .7 . - .. 1'.. : "
n ' . - " I piMruuii uiereui, auaii uuft ueiiuou tor S new
SATISFY roar pslste by a piste of Eastern I puses to improve at Xlslu street from tbe
Irtstrlbulors of
I'nrtlsnd. Oremn.
oysters fur Sue si tbe West Coast Oyster east llue ot East '1 airtj -fourth atreet to the
n I west line ot s.aai jhirty-puith street in tb
loliowiug manner, to Hit:
FTrst By sradlui- tbe atreet full width wltb
rail intursectiuns lo proper grsde.
Bccoua By cuusuucuug woodeu sldewslks.
l'srlors. 143 beveuth at., near Alder,
own our oyster beds.
STttOLSE'8 BEST A CHANT; flrst-claaa
beat service. XtU Wsabinigton at.
J. K. UAShlLTl.NE A Co., iron, steel, coal and
Dlsckamitn a supplies. 45-51 Hccoml st.
-The Retail Liquor Dealers' I'nion hereby of
fers a reward of fed fur tb arrest aud con
victou f tbe bandit wbo held up. lu bis aaloou.
Ml Washington street, corner Kl.teeutb, tb
proprietor, H. I. Istrsea. Ibe eritue was, com-
suiiveu aft e.ou p. ill. , jtpni 1.
A similar reward v. ill be paid, aa th asms
condltloue, for tbe srrebt uf any perauu or per
sons guilty of the crime of boiuTtig up, st any
Uiue, any member uf tbla association.
Vic PrealdeBt.
' Secretary.
joqn hngelhaudt,
Executlv Board.
Dealera In all kinds uf coal, coke and char- j
saL Call aa op for quotations. Phones:
main ami Columbia 2tU.
iMoiupi ucuvery. rnone sislu 34g.
VCLCAN COAL CO., wholesale tealara bast
costs; .ooatiry aaa amelter coke.
"electrical woukb;
U. I'. I 'UUISTE.NSE.V wail paperer and pain Par.
14l beventn s;. ; cor. Aioer.
EKfftErlT MILLEK A CO., wall paper snd deco
rs fee. 1.-, r irst mx.
sfttsra .
Western Electric Works, H0fH Wasfclngtoa at.
tbe bth dsy of April. IPOS. Indorsed: "Clly
Engineer's plans sud speciScatluas fur the im
provement of East Alsio Street from tha eaat
line of East Thirty -fourth atreet to tbe weat
line of Kust Thirty -ninth atreet. aad estlmatea
of the work to ue nun ana th probable total
cost thereof." '
Tbe coat of ssld lmnroVemsvit to be A
STlhE doe not delay as. as we are able to I as provided by the City Charter upon tbs
oil su oruert without delay, r lrat clasa work. I pi-ouerty penetited thereoy and which la hereby
A. A. Churt-b A Co.. No.' tfT Tailor al. l'bune I declared to bo all the lota, usrts of Aula aud
Clay 1T1. I parcebi of land lyliuj between tbe oust Un
i ee gBBeBesassse I ii,,. Thirty-fourth street and tba weat line
WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. a'st Tblrty-nlnth street, snd between a
. - I Une loo feet north of sud Dsrsllel with the
WHOLESALE CilOChEUk: AND OLAS.SvV AUM. aorth Une of Est Main street snd s tins 100
100 to log 6th. cor. (stark.
or different Improvement before tbe expire
nun ot eaiu ueriuu.
The plsns. specification and estimates of
the City Engineer for tbe lmurovement nt
said street are hereby adopted.
Resolved. Tbat tbs Auditor of tbs rite of
Portlsnd be and be is hereby instructed to I six feet In width.
.1 awi.lnai ... thu M.,ru.. Ir........ ... . . . I U..I.I 1 ............. . ... I I - ,
Tbtrd-By constructing wooden cros.7.1k. Km .7.11. .. r,.,V.Ta5 iVfiT. X,. i. " Zr. IZ'.,? ,T" " .""au
.1, .... a,lH. I .. r- " -.-. .IMMH. I -JMI V .... V . .Mai VI UlaUftftlft-ftaj Ot Uie JllJ
BIX leet wiue. Uemocaltrsnce sralnst the hIhivm I ...a.. nf Pnrtl.nit .ml th. nhna .tuMS...!.....
i".1?-" contrulUu box gutters. ment may be Sled In writing with tbe under- estltustes of the City Engineer bled In the
Bald Improvement lo b made in accordance I .,.a irithln uu n... rr.,o. thi, da,. ... .... I ...n... ... ,k. ,.hi,. ... .t
of Portland and tbe plana, epclScationa and By order ef the Coubcll. Engineer plana and spevibrstious for tba lm-
estlmstes of the t ily -Engineer bled In the TH08. C. DEVLIN, prominent of Twenty-fifth street from the north
- o.o v. vii 01 rurftiauu ou i ABaicor ox to city of foruand
April 17. IPOS.
niM-tb 1'urtlsnu, lu tbe following maimer, to
First By gridlhg 'the street full width with
fill. Inl... unction, to th. nrniu.. a-ru it.
Second By oouetrucuiig artlncuil atoa side- nd wlthlo ) day from the date ef tb
walk with artint-iai atone curbs. I uroi uuuir-iiwb ui cum svucv,
Third By couatructlug wuucWa croaawalk a oro,,r OI tM council.
and the probable total cost tbaraof."
The eaat of said Improvainent to be
apoa tbe property speeislly benedted thereby
aa provided by the City Charter, and which ta
nereuy oeciarea to oe su in property lyin
betwean a Una loo feet north ot and paralU
with tb north Hue of .ambit! atroat and a Una
100 feet aoutb of and parallel with tb south
Iiu of Yamhill atreet, aud between th west
Un of First street aad th eaat Una ad
Fourth atreet.
Tba Engineer s estimate of tne probable total
eost for tba unpruTeawnt of aald atreet at
ga.iu9.ou. ,
Tbe above improvement la classed aa a treat.
ed wood block psveiueut and shall bs mslB
utned by tbe City for a period of s years, '
provided, that tba owaers of a majority of th
property benedled by aald improvetuent ar any
puriioa tnereoi soau not peuuua vuiuntarliy
for a new or different improvement before tha
expiration of auch period.
Tb plana, specifications and eatlmatea, et
tbe City Engineer fur aald Improvement ar
herebr adopted.
RESOLVED: Tbat the Auditor b and b
ie hereby directed to give notice ot th pro
posed improvement of said atreet aa provided
by tbe City Cnarter.
Remonstrance against tha abor improve,
meat" may be Sled in writing with tb under.
Prael Uegeie A Co..
CLOTHES CLEANED snd pressed $1 per month.
. uiftreaj .aftfturwBE vo.. 01 r SSBtngto SU
ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foreiaoat fraternal
aociety of Northwest; protects the living. J.
L. MltebaU. uurtue secretary. 012 and fib.
Msrqusm bldg., Portlsnd, Or. Telephone
niftiu eee.- - . ? .
"i1"? "'. " ""'T .swewr. .xaaaa- clt. Kiiirlneer for Uie Imnrovemeut of old e.
ifrVi? at wmmuuuuu mert-u"' Main street sre hereby sdupted.
KKSOLiVhli: i bat tne Auditor or tbs City
of Portlsnd be aud be as hereby Instructed to
give notice of tbe proposed Improvement of
aio aireet as provided uy ina city Charter.
Iiemonstrance againm tne- above Improve
ment may be filed In writing with tbe under
signed witbln 20 days from tb data of tba
arst pdtillcatlon or this nolle,
By order of tb Council.
feet south of snd parallel with the south une
of East ' Main street.
The Engineer's estlmste of the orobsbls total
cost of ssld Improvement is IU, 180 00.
The plans, specifications and estimates of the
oil Front St.
reeponsioie lor sny Dills contracted by my I phones
wife, Mary Pesnock, she having deserted my I
r,. vi . rr;.MjiK.
UUME F U KM lOlli. kit k urai lure, carpets, amt.
lor goods, stores, etc. be I. Oevurta A
oooa. iio-iio r irat, fiv-aa xamblU. Both
llue of Rulelgb street to the aurtb line of Nsrth
Portlsnd. snd estimate of tba work to be
aad tbe Brobable total eost tbereof.
'ibe cost uf said Improvement tu ba asseaaed
upon the property a pec is Uy benefited thereby aa
provided by tba City Charter and wblcb la
hereby declared to ba all th property lying
Notice la hereby given tbat at tbe meeting between a Une 190 feet westerly from snd
of tbe Council of tbo City of Portland, Or., held psrallel with tbs west Una of Twenty-flub
ou tb lblb day of April, lpug, the following street snd s Hue 100 feet easterly from snd
resolution wss sdupted. psrallel with the esst line of Tweuty-Stth
RESOLVED;. Tbat the Council of tba Cltr of street, snd between tbe north line of Raleigh
Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient snd pro- street sud a line 100 fuet northerly from sud
poses to improve Taylor street from lbs east parallel with tba north Une of North Port-
AJ.LEN A Li. WIS. wholesals ' grocers. Fort-'
iana, or. i
MASON, feHKMAN A CO., wholesale grocers.
w. n. cor, necono anq tine a ca.
LAM. ir Co.. First snd Anfceny sts.
Morgan wall pai-er co., ltH-is second
at., bet. l amain aud lay lor. for Hand, or.
Auditor of tb City of Portland.
AprU 17, 1UU3.
The Oregon Daily Journal
1. PHILIP KXHSED. Insure no. i
"wun ft.iuuu -ire lueurauce DOCleiy. rhoue I as aftft.v.ft, nai.ftftftcivo.
ouuui loo., as jaamnion niug.
NEVADA STATE.,... near.... ...UTAH 8TATE.
Tunuelmen, doabl-bnd ttriUera, muckers snd
laborers, gg to QtM a day, iiood chance fur
machine men, chuck lenuers, teatusiers and
outsiue isuurers.
OOOD CAMPS, good board, bunk bouses and
apnng water. iMug job, my climate, and
It ia .F'RbaK F ARE.
v. at. txartoiaift tt CO., Agents, an pi. aa it.
JA8. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability and In- I
uiviuuai aeciuent; su-viy soaoa ox ail kino.
auac a,, . . a VHftg.
H. V. BARTKLS COMPANY, Fir Insuranc.
4SerloclblilgJe 62S.
ISAAC L. WHITE, tlra Insurance, lUtt oherlock i
oiqg. vregon pnons Msin ass.
CABINET, clean towel dally, aoap, comb and
uruau, r per wuotn, uregon iiundry a Tol-
-. duwui ftft. eve-woe i.aat una. t noua.
Mist AO.
CLEAN T0WBL8 DAILY. Comb, brush, soap,
Mi per montb. Lawrence Bros., Towel Supply
Co.. F'otu-tb sod Couch sts. fhone 410.
Notice Is hereby glreu tbat at the meeting
of tbe Council of the City f Portland. Or., held
ea me 1013 aay or April,' mua, the following
resolution wsa aaoptca:
rksolvem: Tbst tbe uouncll of the City bf
tutablmhod iu ItOl).
Interest allowed on time denoalts.
Collections made st aU poluu on fsvorabui I Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient and pro
terms. Letters of credit issued available In I poses to Improve Main street from tba aaat II n
Europe and aU points lu the United States. I of Front atreet to the weat Une of Fifth
blgut exchange uud telegraphic transfers I street by constructing artificial atone side
sold in New York. Woshluirtun. Chlraeo. St. I walks and srtlBclal stone curbs.
Louts, beaver, omutu, Suu rVaiieisuu aud I tiald Improvement to be made la accordance
various points lo Oregon, IV analog ton. Idaho, I with the Charter and ormnsnces of tbs City
Montana aud British Columbia. I of Portland aad the plane, a pacifications and
Eicbsuge sold on Loudon, Paria, Berlin, I estimates of tbe city tuglneer Bled la tb
Frank tort, liotur along, lokuhams.
and Honolulu.
of Portntnd, Oregon.
WAGES fa.SO a day. Board 14.50 week.
Must bare tools for bridge work, and bedding.
Lung Jub. Will sund men dally till our
ardor for SS men la fiUcib Apply to
a R. HANSEN A CO., Agents.
2d North 2d at.
.Male Employment Agency Both I'boue.
tstsbUabed 187d
Offices In San Francisco aud Los Augelea,
CaLj Spokane, Wash.: ogden. Cub.
Free Registration Correspondence Solicited.
Competent skilled sud unskilled male htuor
en reasonably short uotlce supplied free of
charge to employers.
rl H "i We M" Business.
ROty to Seekers of Employment We charge
only for what we secure for you and guaran
tee what w do.
teamsters, etc., without security; essy psy
tneuts; largest buwu.ei-s In 4b principal cities,
'iojoixn. 2.1 Ablugion bide.
TRBNKMAN A CO., mining, sawmill, logging
Biachlnttry, hydraulic pipes, cae Hug uf nil
k1nd repHtred hi4 N. l ourtb t.
Northwest corner Third and Oak sts. ,
Transacts u geueral banking busluess.
DRArTS ISSUED svailable In all cities nf
tba United hiatus sud Europe, tioug Koug 1 erty spec-lslly benefited tberaby and which la
and Manila. I hereby declared to be all tba lota, parte ot
Collection made on favorable terms. lots and parcels of land lying between a Una
rmiurm ................. v. a a a . ftrt i ta
office of tbe Auditor of tbe CUy of Portland on
tbe 8th day of April. 190g. indorsed: "Cite
Knrlneer'a plana and specldcatlona for the Im
provement of Mala street from tha eaat line of
Front atreet to tbe west Una of Fifth atreet.
and eatlmatea of tbe work te be dona and tba
probable total cost tbereof."
Tbe cost of aald Improvement to be assessed
as provided by tbe City Charter upon tbe prop-
LOANS ON FURNITURE, pianos and other se
curities; lowest rates, s. W. king, room 41
Washington bldg. fhons Hood 41b.
FOR Pi ItbiT -CLASS REfAJRlNU go to Andy
F'rlta. macMnlt anrt'inodd milker. Iiu fltb t.
perls on auaiyais coals, -minerals, ruck, min
eral waters. J. T. Oove, Mgr.
A ii?UrL?'f GE,P "i"0- t" general bouae-
work for family of three adulter must be a
pod cook; best wages fur a reliable person.
- in-iulre at T-W Irving afreet; nnrnlngs
MDME. tl. K.. HLt. dertnatsloglat. maassas.
electric treatments. 1031 klrst st.
. VluH-l'.-esldeul W. B. AYER
Asslstuul casnicr tt. w. trUtiMEEtt
Assistant Cashier A. M. Witiuur
iiesu Ofbce 'iorouto, c'soiads.
Capital paid up S8.000.000
Reserre 2.500,000
Tfsiuiscis s gi-ueisl banking busluess.
. bltr.UD liAvr. llt.fAKlilh.M.
Accouuts opcued for auuis uf fiu and up
ward, aud Interest .allowed ou mtulmuu
inouthly balances. Ratea ou application. 244
VVasbiugtuh st.
E. A. WY1.D. Manager Portland Branch.
Chamber ot Commerce Building, Third and
Stars Streets,
Head OHice to Old Krosd street, London.
This bsuk transacts a general banking busi
ness, in sea lon:ia. discuuuis bills and nutues
letters of credit srailsble for traveiere and
lor lite purcbaiie of mercbandlse in any city
of the wurld. Deaht lu foreign And demestte
luterest paid on time deposits.
W. A. MACRAK Manager.
100 feet east of the east Une Of Front atreet
and parallel therewith, and a line 100 feet
west of tb west Hue of Fifth strset snd
psrallel therewith, sud ' between a Una 100
feet north ef aud parallel with tha north Una
ef Main atreet and a Hoc 100 feet anuih
of aud parallel wltb tbe south Mae of .Mats
Tbe Entrlneer's estimate of tha nrnhahl. total
cost fur said Improvement I t2.4b9.0u.
Tne plans. apcdfiVaUon gnd estlmatea of
tbe City Knclnaer for said . lmm-aeenient ar.
hereby adopted,
RESOLVED: Tbat the Aadltnr or th. rite
nf Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give
notioe of tbe proposed Irnnroeeeaent nt said
street as provided by the City Charter.
uetnonsu-ance against in above Improve
ment may be Sled in wrltirur vslth th. n....
igned witbln 20 duys from -the date of th
Brat publication ef this notice.
uy order of tb Council.
Auditor Of tb CltS Of Portia .wl
April 17, 1908. " ,
line of Front atreet to tha west llue of Sixth
street In lbs following manner, lo-wlt: By
constructing artificial atone sidewalks aud
artificial stone curbs.
Maid Improvement to be made lo accordance
with tb Charter aud Ordinances ot tbe City
of Portland and tbe plana, specifications sud
estimates of tbe City Engineer hied In the
othce of the Auditor uf tb Clly of Portlsnd on
tbe uth dsy of April, 1002, indorsed, "City En
gineer's puns sud speclacstlous for tbe im
provement ef Taylor street from tbe east
Une of Front street to tbe west line of Sixth
street aud estimates of the work to be done
aud tba probable total coat tbereof."
Tbe cost of ssld improvement to be asseaaed
as provided by tbe city charter opon tba
property apecla Uy benefited thereby and wblcb
is hereby declared to be all . tb lota, parte
of lota and parcel ef laad lying between a
Una 100 foot cast of tbs east line of eront
street snd a Une 100 faat west uf tbe west
line of Stxtb atreet and between a line 100
Tbe Engineer' estlmste of tbe probable total
eost for ssld Improvement Is I3,72u.0b,
1 be plans, epecincatlous snd estlsmtes of
tne t uy engineer fur the improvement ef aald
lweuty-flrtn atreet are hereby atouled.
ft.usuL,vi,iJ: mat tne Auoitur lie and ha
la hereby directed tu glv notice ot tha nro-
posed improvement of asld atreet aa provided
by tbe City Charter.
Reiouualrauu againat lb above ixonrove
meut may ue 11 leu in writing with tbe uader-
algned witbln 20 day from tb data ot the
hint publication r tbia no the.
By order of the Council.
Auditor of tbe City ef Portland.
April 17, 11X18.
Notice la hereby given that st tbe meeting
of the louucll of the Cltr of Fortl.nd fir k.LI
seajL uo. m oft .wu vmimuv mui me nurui llue I on uie turn aav uf A ur 1 1. imib. int. ml mwi 111
01 ..sjaur .uwi iiai iftue iw leet aouin ux i resolution wss soopwu
and parallel with tba South Une of Taylor
Tbe Engineer' estlmste ot tb probable
total cost of said Improvement la J2.47ti.oo.
Tba plana, epeclUcatioa aud estimates ef
the City Engineer for the Improvement of said
Taylor atreet are nereny aooptea.
Resulted. That tbe Council of tba Cltr of
I'oriiauu, tirugon, aetata it expeuietit aud pro
poses to tmprovs iveuy street xrom tne soutn
line of Hamniun sveuue tu the northwterly
no of uscaaaio roan is tu ioiiuwiug man
ner, lo-wlt:
r Irst 11 y redressing wltb macadam aU that
Resolved, tbat tba Auditor ot tbe City of portion of aald street between the south Una
Portland be and he la hereby directed to give
notice of tbe proposed liajprovemeut o said
streets as provided by tbe city charter.
Remonstrance against the above Improve
ment mar ba filed in writing with the under
signed wlthla 20 daya from tbe date of the
Srst publication uf this notice.
By order of the council.
Aadltor of the City of Portland. -AprU
17, loo.
mortoaoe loans:
THE COSMOS-roUTth snd Morrison, furnished
hokeepiug suites, suites sad alngl roomi;
-jyOgfggg bd l ap. . rooms,
H CASTLE OTS Washington ar rooms for
-1 aMn.lm.ft . T I - . . . . UHP
lewwiaS UBS. .
OS IMPROVED city and farm property, at low
est current rates; building loans, tustaUment
pfttris. Wr:. McMestera. oil Worcester bldg.
SESSIONS A SIMPSON, mining and mine pre
meter. Bovia 2, Chamber j Commar.
( .
Portland, Oregon.
. Prink - We,v, . . . . . . . . .... ,lldn
R. L. Durbs.m , Vice-i'resiUciit
A. W. Host ; Casbfi-r
treo. W. lloyt AsslEUnt Cashier
Drafts aud letters of credit issued available
' to all parts of tbe world.
Collections a specialty. Paid dust bought.
tBuccoaaur to Morris a Whitehead, Bankers.)
For Unnatural Diacharsraa. ri.
Epecbil!y In old esse where doctors fall, na
mVtLmtmkW fuM MktkW IMvaV JVMHiV ' Aasfhijsf
- . ... . .. :i. vegetable CCllB t-jt nieurstlOB
and iHUnminstloti pf tbe ma cutis taembraae of the
urvlba. aU private urlnsry diseases and weakaeiw
of meu do women. EY-MO ds GUARANTEED
cases In 48 boura wjthoot pals. Eapecially ad
vised for old, obstinate cases. Drug g lets, or sent
postpaid. l. Address Dp.. Day A Co.. No. io
Prsger pldg., Boston. Mass, Free medical ad
vice given. Write for bonk sent sealed FRSS.
IV-MO sold in Portland by The Laae-Oarl
Drug Co., Third aad YsavUll sta.
Notice la bereby given that at tbe meeting-
of tbe Council of tba City of Portland, Or., held
on tbe lath day of April, 1U03, us following
resolution waa adopted:
Resolved, Tbat tbe Council of tha City of
Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
poses to construct a sewer In York street
from tbe west Une of Tweuty-foorth street to
connection wltb tba sewer in Twenty-first
atreet of vitrified sewer pipe with all necessary
cntch basins, msn boles, lamp uoles sud
branch of 12 Inches clear Inside diameter
lu accordance 1 wltb tbe plans, spoclbcsUous
snd estimates teerefbr prepared by tb City
Engineer and Bled lu tba ouTce of tbe Auditor
of tb City of Portland on tbe Mb day of
April, 1P02, Indorsed, "City Engineer' plana
and specifications for a sewer lu Xork street
from tba west Une of Twenty-fourth street
to the aewer In Twenty-first street and esti
mates of the work te be dun aud tbe prob
able total coat thereof."
The cost of said sewer to be assessed as
provided by th city charter upoa tbe prop
erty brnehted and wblcb la bereby declared
to be sU tbe lota, parts of lots and parcel
of land lying between a Una loo feet west of
and parallel with the weal line of l.n.y-flret tot,i cost for said improvameM to l,14.O0,
of Hamilton avenue and the aoutb Una of
Seymour avenue
Second By griding aU that portion of said
atreet between , the aoutb line of Seyinuar
avenue ana the northwesterly Una of Macadam
road full width wltb fuU tutors sc lions to the
proper sub-grade.
Third by bringing the surface ot all that
poruuB 01 toe atreet Between the aoutb line
uf Seymour avenue an tba northwesterly
Une of Macadam road to the proper grade full
width with full Inlereectloua wits macadam.
Foortb By constructing wooden sldewalka
on aU tbat portiuu of sold street batwaea tba
south une of Seymour avenue and the north
westerly Hue of Macadam road.
Fifth By constructing woodeu crosswslks
six feet In wldtb.
Said Improvement to be made In accordance
with the cnarter and ortTlaaucee of the City
of Portland and tbe plsus, specific lion and
estimates uf tbe City Engineer Bled in the
office of tbo Auditor of tbo City of Portland
oa th lOtb day of April, 1M13, Indorsed, "Cltr
Engineer's plana and specidestioos for the
improvement of belly street from tbe south
Uno 01 Hamilton sveuue to tbe northwesterly
Une of Macadam road, aad estlmatea of tba
work to be dona aud tb probable lutai coal
Tbe cost of said Improvement to be aa
aessed as provided by tbe city charter apoa
tne property specisuy oeneniea t nereuy ana
which is hereby declared lo be ail tba kite,
parts ot lota and parcel of land lying be
tween the sooth Mne of Hamilton avenue and
tbe northwesterly line of Macadam road, aud
between a Une 100 feet weat of and parallel
wltb tba weat llae of Kelly atreet and a
Un loo feet eaat of and parallel with the
east Une of Kelly atreet. .
to engineer a estimate or the probable
atreet and a -Uu 100 teet west of and parallel
with tbe weal line 01 jwenty-louria street,
and between a Uu 100 feet north of and par
allel with the north Une of York street and
a Una loo iu. south of and parallel with tb
acuta tin of York street.
Tbe Engineer a estimate uf tbe probable total
Cost sat eous true ting said sewer la Sl.btP.OO.
. Tba plans, specltWatlous and estlmstes af
tfae City Engineer tor said aewer sr hereby
Resolved. That tbe Aadltor , of tbe City of
Portland b ana be la bereby instructed to
give notice of tbe proposed cuustructlua of said
sewer aa provided by tbe city charter.
Remonstrance against tbe above sewer may
be Bkrd ra writing with the undersigned within
20 days from the daw of tba brat pubUcattoa
of this notice.
By order et tbeCouncIl.
THOS. a DXVLtrt,
- Auditor ot the City et Portland,
4411 If, IsHW. , .
' .. '
Tbe shore lai prove sunt la to be classed ss a
macadam Improvement and abaU be maintained
by tbe city for tbe period of fir year, pro
vided, that tbe .owners of a majority of tbe
property benodeed by tbe luiprovemeut of
aald atreet or any portion tbereof ahull nut
petition for a new or different Improvement
betiir tb expiration of sucb period.
The plana, specittcatlona and eatlmatea of
tb City Engineer for ' the improvement of
asld street aro hereby adopted. .
Resolved, Tbst th Auditor of th City of
Portland be a ad a Is hereby ins tree ted ta
give notioe of tha proposed imiirareeient of
said street aa provided by the city charter. -
Ues-unatranes against the above - Improve
ment may be filed in writing With .th uudvr
algnad wlthla So daya froia the- ddte sf lbs
Brat publication of this Betice. - - .
By order of the Council. . .
And! toe of tb tft t Portiaad.
April J.T. jsoa.
Aadltor of th City of Portiaad.
April 17, IPO.
Sealed proposals U1 be received st tb sdOea
of tha Auditor of th City of Portland aniil
S o'clock P .m.. Jnue IS, MwS, fur lighting :
the streets, SVewues, perks, public gruasus aud
public places of toe City ot Forliaiui by elec
tric aro lights of 2.OU0 candle power each,
and for liguting the public buildings of said
city by luca ailss cent etectiie or gas' rights fug
a term of fire years from January 1st, lwo4.
Separate proposes) will be received for light.'
lng tbe a tree is, aveuues, parka. pabUcgrutiuda
aud pubUe places uf tb city, as abuse set
furth. Each proposal must be based upoa the '
sped ika lions lor said lighting en ttle la th
onlce uf tb Aadiiur ot the city of PortisuftL
No propoeai In excess of far each bghg :
per atonth wUl Be Cuoaidared. Each pro- -pusal
must bs accompanied by a certlaed cheek
oa ami responsible For Hand bank la tb suss
of Twenty-ave Tbuasand Ooslaxs (f25.wo0.0U. -payable
to the order of Oeo. ii. Williams, Mayor,
of the City of Pur Uoud, as hard sud lluuklated
damages, that the successful bidder Bill enter
Into contract In accurdsttce Wis. tb term of
tne aiiociScatlaa wlthla text daya after the con- '
tract la awarded blm. Th successrul Blade1
will also be reuUlred to furnish a good aad
udicient bond hi th sum of One Ueodred
Thousand Dollars (luu,Ouo,oO) to he approved
by tha Mayor uf tba City of Portland, Cub
dlttoned that tbe successful bidder WIU fuillU
the tertoa ef hi oootraru t ' '
Separate proposal will ba received for Ugbt
Ing tbe public buildings of asld city aa abov ,
set tor Lb. baca proposal must tt mm
the suH:lAcslioiis fur sold UghUug w (It at
tb onTc of th Auditor ef tbe City of Port,
land and must be aecOaupaaied by a certl.
bed chwck on sosm raspaasibl Portiaad Bank
In the iiuii uf Tweuty-hve Hundred Ouliwrs. !A2.
600.00). payable to the order of Geo. U. WUUsms,
Mayur ot lii city 01 i-uruauo, as asea aal
Uftiuulated damages, that tha aavceaarai bid
der will enter into contract lu accordance with
the terms of the soaetttcstluiai wlthla tea
4 jo) daya after tb contract is awarded blm.
The auccoaaful bidder will also b rvuulred la
furnish a good and sufficient bond iu tb sun
of Tea Thousand Dollars lSlo,UbU.ou), l ba
approved by th Mayor of tbe City ef Partatad,
cuuuiuonea mat ui succesaiui ihuusj: wiu xue
BU tbe terms of his contract.
AU propoaat, abonld be luutsraed "rropossl
for UshliiiM." and addressed to lhu C ,
Devlin, Auditor, Purtland, Oregon.
Tb right la reserved to reject aay -or- all
By order of tha Executive Board.
Auditor of tb Cdty ot Partis ud. Or. ,
Notice Is heneby aivta that at tbs ataetbir
of tbe Council of th City of Portland, dr., held
ou tbb loth day of April, 1IIU3, Um JUkiwlug
resolutiou waa adopted:
RESOLVED: Tbat tb Cttaacl) or the city eg
Portland. Oregon, deema it expedient aud urw-
posee to improve Salmon street from tbo seat
line uf tcrant street to tbo esaat line st filxth
atreet by ootsUrUA-tiiig artihcLol etoao sidewalks
and artinclal' sluna curb.
Bald lmpruveiuebt tu bs made id accordance
with the Charter sud unlliuuices ef the City
of Portiaad and' the plabs, speuibcetlvift tu4 ,
estlmatea of Ibe -City Kio.-iro.-mT bled la tb
uthc of th Aadltor of the City ef Portiaad on
the IKh day ot April, iwu, inaoraaa, "uiiy
Engineer's plans sud specibcsliuua for ' tb :
lmurovement uf Salmon street fnun tbe east
Una of trust street t the ereat Roe uf Bllth ..
street and estimates of the wort; f be deo
sud lbs probable total euat thereof,"
Tbe coat of aald Improvement I to b
aaaessed aa prorided by tb clly charter apoa
the property epevially beueAlee tiiareny aad
which is bereby declared to he all the lots,
ports ot tuts and tuureels of Isnd lying be- -nam
lliuft 100 feet east at .tbo east Rn
ef Front atreet sud a Un luO feet west of Ibe
west line of Sixth atreet and betweea a Una H"
feet north et and patraUVet with tha Berth
line af Ralmon street and a Una 1U9 lest South
of aad parallel with the south Uu ef bat
Bioe street. - - .--" -.-: ' '.f " .
The Engineer a eeuinaie ox tne prouauj aeta
cost for mite improvement ft.,
Th. nl.nai . auaudbcwtiuis - and - eatl mates ef
th Ctty Ettgtueer for the iaproveofteul ef
said Salmon street are hereby auoplod.
aulla! Th.t Auditor Of III CUf
of Portiaad he and fc heneby testnoitsd ut .
ive no tic el me Bnpuew ampv.eaiiis as
aaid atreet as provided By tne City charter,
Mmaatrsae agsisat the aiwv Improve. -aunt
snay be Sled ia vrlo-r b vb,asd-e .
slgued wlthlo 20 daya from tba dale pf in
Bret publication of this notice. '
, or su. .-.ofc
Amrltnr t tha City f tsro4
AprU tt. Mr--
. f